Manual Flight Techniques

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TAKEOFF PROCEDURES.............................................................................................................. 3
CLIMBOUT PROCEDURES............................................................................................................ 6
CRUISE PROCEDURES................................................................................................................. 7
DESCENT PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................. 7
APPROACH PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................... 8
LANDING PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................ 11
MISCELLANEOUS FLIGHT TECHNIQUES ................................................................................. 14

PMDG 737NG - AOM DO NOT DUPLICATE Revision – 1.4 23APR04



Revision – 1.4 23APR04 DO NOT DUPLICATE PMDG 737NG - AOM


Takeoff Speeds: The speeds appropriate After reaching 80 knots in the takeoff roll,
for the takeoff weight of the aircraft should the throttles should only be adjusted to keep
have been selected and confirmed in the the engines within operating parameters.
TAKEOFF PERF page of the FMC during
the initial cockpit setup. If the FMC has not If the autothrottle is being used to set takeoff
registered confirmed takeoff speeds, an thrust, the PF should bring the throttles
amber NO V-SPD warning will be displayed smoothly forward until approximately 70%
on the PFD, near the top of the airspeed N1 is displayed on the EICAS. Once engine
scale. indications have stabilized, the TO/GA
switch should be pressed. (To make the
Takeoff speeds are computed using crew TOGA switch accessible, we have placed a
input, and the appropriate V speed click spot on the top left screw of the
indicators and flaps setting markers will be autopilot Mode Control Panel….click there to
displayed in their appropriate place on the simulate pressing the TO/GA button.)
airspeed scale. Not all settings will be
visible at any given time. As the throttles advance to their FMC
determined position, it is important that the
Takeoff Position: Weight and engine thrust PF back the throttles up with a hand, and
not-withstanding, the 737 is capable of the hand should only be removed upon
conducting a rolling takeoff on most reaching V1.
runways. Before advancing the thrust
levers, be certain that the aircraft is properly In all cases, the crew should be mindful that
aligned with the runway. The takeoff roll the engine power settings do not exceed the
should begin deliberately after the aircraft green maximum power settings displayed
has been properly aligned with the runway above the engine power strips on the EICAS
centerline. display.

If a short delay is anticipated once in the Takeoff Roll: At the beginning of the
takeoff position, the parking brake should be takeoff role, the PF should maintain slight
set in order to protect against inadvertent forward pressure on the controls in order to
movement of the aircraft due to thrust, wind ensure proper directional control through
or runway slope conditions. Slight firm contact between the nose wheels and
movement of the aircraft may not be the runway surface. This is not to imply than
immediately noticeable to the crew when use of the tiller above more than 20 knots is
concentrating on other takeoff related tasks. acceptable, but firm tire adhesion to the
runway surface will greatly improve
Upon receipt of the takeoff clearance, the directional control in the event of an engine
aircraft lights should be configured failure at high thrust and low speeds.
according to the appropriate checklist, and
the parking brake released. Directional control should be maintained
through the use of coordinated rudder and
Throttle Advance: Advance the throttles aileron input to ensure a straight takeoff with
smoothly for takeoff. If the autothrottle is not minimum roll tendency on rotation.
used to set takeoff thrust, the Pilot Flying
(PF) should advance the throttles until The PNF will call out “80 knots” at the
reaching approximately 60% N1. Once appropriate time, as an indication to the PF
engine readings have stabilized, the throttles that the aircraft has entered into the high
should be advanced to takeoff power, with speed regime of the takeoff.
final throttle adjustments being made before
the aircraft has accelerated to 80 knots. At 80 knots, the PF should begin to release
the forward pressure held on the flight

PMDG 737NG - AOM DO NOT DUPLICATE Revision – 1.4 23APR04


The proper technique for takeoff involves

The automatic aural warning system will call careful rotation until the target takeoff pitch
out “V1” when the indicated aircraft speed is attitude is reached.
still 5 knots lower than the actual V1 speed
setting. This buffer is included in recognition The target pitch attitude should be
of the fact that a no-go decision immediately maintained until the aircraft flies itself off the
before V1 can be more effectively made if runway. Resist the temptation to continue
the PF is aware of the rate of acceleration to raising the nose above the target pitch
V1. attitude or a tail strike may result.

Note: In order to obtain airspeed callouts In gusty conditions, the rotation may be
during the takeoff role, you must have delayed slightly in order to prevent
initialized the FMC before commencing the inadvertent over-rotation induced by wind
takeoff. This is a simulator specific gusts.
Once the aircraft becomes airborne, confirm
via the radar altimeter that at least 20 feet
Upon reaching V1, the PF should remove has been attained, the continue rotating at
the hand used to back up the throttles. This 2.5º - 3º per second until airspeed stops
is done to enforce the ‘go’ decision, and to increasing.
prevent a reactive decision to reject a
takeoff after reaching V1. A proper rate of rotation will lead to the
aircraft attaining V2 at 35 feet above the
At Vr, the PNF will call “Rotate,” as a signal runway surface. Early, rapid or excessive
for the PF to begin applying back pressure rotation can extend the takeoff run, cause a
on the controls to raise the nose of the tail strike condition, and/or activate the stick
aircraft from the runway. shaker and stall warning.

A proper rate of rotation for the 737 is 2.5º to Crosswind Takeoff: As with other aircraft
3º per second until a target takeoff pitch types, the most effective method to maintain
attitude of approximately 8º nose up is directional control during the takeoff is to
attained. Target pitch attitudes for each use rudder for directional control as
airframe are listed as follows: necessary, and aileron input to control roll
Type T/O Pitch Tail Strike Pitch
-600 9.0º 16.2º As the aircraft accelerates, the control inputs
-700 9.0º 14.8º should be gradually reduced so as to
-800 8.0º 11.0º achieve a smooth liftoff without banking the
-900 8.0º 9.2º wings. An uneven bank angle on rotation
produces a risk of engine nacelle damage
from striking the runway surface.
Due to fuselage length, the pitch attitude for
takeoff becomes increasingly critical in the – Rejected Takeoff: It is extremely important
800 and –900 airframes. that crews understand that a decision to
reject a takeoff is not made because the
In Microsoft Flight Simulator, striking the tail airplane can stop. A decision to reject a
of the aircraft on the ground is treated as an takeoff is made because the airplane will
aircraft crash, and Microsoft Flight Simulator not fly.
may fail engines, wings or otherwise disable
the aircraft. Once entering the high-speed regime of the
takeoff role, a decision to reject the takeoff
This is not precisely realistic behavior, but should only be made if, from the captain’s
this warning serves to remind crews that perspective, a failure occurring prior to V1
conducting the aircraft in an unsafe manner sufficiently calls into question the ability of
carries dire consequences in the real world. the aircraft to fly safely. Crews should keep
in mind that rejecting the takeoff at high

Revision – 1.4 23APR04 DO NOT DUPLICATE PMDG 737NG - AOM


speed may place the aircraft at greater risk accelerating to V2. The pitch attitude during
than the initial failure. the early climb will be slightly lower than that
normally required for a two engine takeoff.
A decision to reject the takeoff should be (Usually 2º lower than the normal climb out
made with authority, and in time that braking angle.)
can be applied before V1 is reached. The
pilot flying should quickly reduce the Maintain V2 until reaching the Engine Out
throttles to idle, disengage the autothrottle Acceleration Height. (E/O Accel Ht.) as set
and apply reverse thrust. in the FMC takeoff page. On passing the
E/O Acceleration Height, lower the nose by
If set to RTO, the autobrakes will activate one half of the pitch attitude required for the
when the throttles are returned to idle. climb. . (e.g. from 20° to 10° pitch.)
Reducing the pitch in this fashion will allow
the aircraft to begin accelerating so that the
Note: Most users of Microsoft Flight flaps may be retracted.
Simulator know that pressing the F2 key will
apply reverse thrust, but it is important to Do not descend during the acceleration
know that you will not get proper breaking sequence. After completion of the flap
unless you also bring your joystick throttle to retraction sequence, ensure the operating
idle in order to activate the spoilers during engine is not exceeding the selected thrust
the Rejected Takeoff! parameter and continue the climb profile.

In the event the engine failure occurs after

If the autobrakes do not activate, the crew reaching V2, but before reaching V2 + 10,
should apply maximum manual braking maintain the speed at which the aircraft was
commensurate with safety. travelling at the time of the engine failure.
Use pitch to maintain airspeed, and accept
Reverse thrust should be applied normally, whatever rate of climb results unless
with careful consideration given to obstacle clearance is an issue. Climb to the
asymmetric thrust in the event the takeoff is E/O Acceleration Height and commence the
being rejected due to an engine failure. acceleration and flap retraction as described
Engine Failure During Takeoff: In the
event that an engine fails on takeoff but a If the engine failure occurs at V2 + 10, then
decision to continue the takeoff is made, use pitch to maintain this speed until
directional control must be maintained by reaching the E/O Acceleration Height and
applying rudder to the side opposite that of commencing the acceleration and flap
the failed engine. The amount of rudder retraction sequence as described above.
required to maintain directional control will
depend on aircraft weight, crosswind If the engine failure occurs at a speed
influence, airspeed at the time of the failure greater than V2 + 10, use pitch to reduce
and which engine failed. It is important that speed to V2 + 10 and climb to the flap
only enough rudder be applied to maintain retraction/acceleration altitude. This
directional stability as additional rudder will technique will give the best rate of climb for
produce excess drag or cause the aircraft to the given available thrust. The above
yaw away from the failed engine. This described procedure for acceleration and
condition is undesirable because it may flap retraction applies.
result in yaw oscillations during the takeoff
that will reduce the overall controllability of Failure of an engine on one side of the
the aircraft. aircraft will cause a yaw tendency toward
the failed engine. Opposite rudder input
After an engine failure, avoid rotating the should be applied using trim with enough
aircraft early or excessively. Rotate rudder deflection to eliminate the aircraft’s
smoothly at Vr and hold the target takeoff tendency to change heading. The aircraft
pitch until the aircraft flies itself off the should be considered properly trimmed if
runway. Continue the takeoff normally, yaw tendency is eliminated and the yoke

PMDG 737NG - AOM DO NOT DUPLICATE Revision – 1.4 23APR04


can be held without aileron input. Although less efficient wingform, reduced lift
a slight banking may be noticed, using effectiveness and reduced climb
ailerons to level the wings will cause an performance.
increase in aerodynamic drag, resulting in a

Initial Climb: In a normal takeoff condition, will allow the aircraft to begin accelerating in
the pitch attitude required to maintain V2+10 the climb.
knots in the climb is 15-17º nose up. In light
airplane configurations, this pitch attitude Flaps should be retracted according the flap
may be exceeded in order to maximize the retraction schedule on the airspeed
rate of climb. (Provided the airspeed is not indicator. During the flap retraction
allowed to drop below V2+10.) sequence, do not select the next flap setting
until the aircraft has accelerated beyond the
Some consideration to passenger comfort amber warning band (on the airspeed
should be given to if the climb angle indicator) for the next flap setting.
required to maintain V2+10 exceeds 25º
nose up pitch. If this is a concern, a slight Acceleration should be continued until the
reduction in N1 is the best way to reduce flaps are fully retracted
climb angle.
If necessary, modify the pitch, power and
If a turn is required during the initial climbout flap settings as required in order to comply
phase of the flight, do not begin banking with ATC clearances or SID requirements.
until the aircraft has climbed at least 200
feet AGL. Between 200 AGL and 400AGL When reaching Flaps Up, the crew should
do not exceed bank angles of 15º. select the Climb Thrust setting by pressing
the LVL CHG switch, the N1 switch, or via
If the flight director is being used to provide the FMC Climb page. Verify the appropriate
guidance during takeoff, bank attitude CLB setting is displayed on the EICAS
according to the flight director is satisfactory, engine display. Once in this mode, engine
as the flight director takes aircraft speed, thrust settings will be automatically adjusted
weight and stall factors into account. for maximum cost/climb performance given
current environmental conditions and climb
Acceleration in the Climb: If the flight requirements.
directors are not being used in the climb, the
pitch angle should be reduced when Engine failure in/during climb: Once
climbing through the Flap Acceleration above the E/O Acceleration Height, select
Height as set on the FMC Takeoff page. the ENG OUT mode on the FMC Climb
Pitch angle should be reduced by not more Page. Selecting the engine out page will not
than ½ of the pitch required to maintain change the behavior of the autopilot, but It
V2+10. For example, if 20º nose up was will provide reference information to assist
required, then the pitch angle can be the crew with the single engine climb.
reduced to 10º nose up, but not lower. This

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Optimum Altitude: The FMC VNAV monitoring and managing the useful fuel
Cruise page will display both the Optimum load.
cruise altitude and Maximum Cruise Altitude
for the current flight configuration. The Factors which can cause a change in the
Optimum altitude will give the best ratio of required fuel load include, but are not limited
ground mileage for fuel consumed. to:

Normally, a cruise altitude close to the • Improper Trim Settings

Optimum altitude should be selected. Flight • Unbalanced Fuel Load
above the optimum altitude will reduce the • Excessive Throttle Adjustments
margin between cruise speed and stall • Flight Higher Than Optimum Altitude
speed. Flight above optimum altitude • Lower Than Planned Cruise Altitude
should be avoided if autothrottles are • Temperatures Higher Than Forecast
inoperative. • Faster Airspeed Than Planned
• Slower Airspeed Than Planned
Fuel Economy: The FMC will
• Higher than forecast wind conditions.
continually monitor and report on fuel usage
during the course of a flight. If a change in • Infarcts enroute holding.
flight conditions reduces the range of the • Unforecast altitude changes.
aircraft and causes a fuel reserves
reduction, the FMC message Known Fuel Consumption Increases:
INSUFFICIENT FUEL will be displayed.
M.01 over planned speed: 2% Increase
FMC monitoring of the required fuel level 2,000 above Optimum Alt: 2% Increase
does not remove crew responsibility for 4,000 above Optimum Alt: 3.4% Increase
4,000 below Optimum Alt: 4% Increase
8,000 below Optimum Alt: 9% Increase

Leaving Cruise: The descent process can The use of flaps to increase aerodynamic
be conducted manually by taking control of drag in order to facilitate a higher descent
the flight, or by selecting a lower assigned rate is not recommended as this places
altitude in the MCP and pressing LVL CHG significant wear and tear on the flaps, flap
or VNAV. A descent may also be initiated track and flap actuator mechanisms. If
by entering a lower FL___ in the FMC VNAV additional drag is required, speedbrakes or a
Cruise Page. reduced descent angle are recommended.

Higher profile descents may require the use Speedbrake Usage: In all cases where
of speed brakes in order to reach altitude or speed brakes are used, the speed brakes
speed targets during the descent. In should be closed before thrust is added.
descents requiring the use of speed brakes, Speed brakes should not be used below
it is important that level off at the lower 1500’ AGL. Crews should keep in mind that
assigned altitude be anticipated so that speedbrake usage with greater than Flaps
speed brakes can be retracted and thrust 10 selected causes additional stress loading
increased to obtain a smooth level out to be placed on the trailing edge flaps.
procedure. Late reduction of speed brakes Although this will not adversely affect
and cause uncomfortable G loading and controllability of the aircraft, it does place
passenger discomfort. additional wear and tear on the flap track

PMDG 737NG - AOM DO NOT DUPLICATE Revision – 1.4 23APR04



Initial Approach: Crew workload maneuvering speed bug will provide a

during the approach portion of the flight stable, efficient flight envelope with a
increases steadily right up to the point of comfortable margin for banking turns which
touchdown. As such, the earlier a crew is may be required by ATC.
prepared with all weather, runway and
approach information the more distributed Flaps Usage: To ensure a normal,
the workload will become. stabilized approach, it is good technique to
have Flaps 5 selected by the time the initial
A strong approach briefing allows the crew approach is commenced.
to plan ahead for various contingencies such
as vectoring through congested airspace, Proper deployment technique is to set the
unusual approach procedures, emergency next flap setting as the airspeed passes
procedures, weather related contingencies, through the next highest flap setting
etc. maneuver speed. For example, selecting
flaps 10 will be done as airspeed slows
The crew should have all information through the flaps 5 maneuver speed.
regarding ATIS, NOTAMS and aircraft
performance data collected prior to Stabilized Approach: A stabilized
descending below 10,000 feet. approach is important to a consistent and
safe landing technique. This is particularly
Approach Speeds: The speed bugs true in transport category aircraft.
displayed on the ND airspeed indicator are
selected based upon the crew’s selection in A stabilized approach is defined by
the Approach page of the FMC. Speeds are accomplishment of the following before
based on the aircraft weight and fuel reaching 1000 feet AGL on an instrument
remaining. When speed is maintained at approach or 500 feet AGL on a visual
these airspeed/flap limits, a full safety approach:
margin for aerodynamic stall is maintained.
• Landing configuration (gear and flaps)
The maneuvering speed for a specific flap • On descent profile (ILS Localizer and
setting is displayed using a green index glide slope, published non precision
marker with the associated flap number profile, or when conditions have been
beside it. met to allow a visual approach below
DH or MDA on a non precision
Prior to entering the approach, the landing approach.)
flap setting should be selected in the FMC • Speed within 5 knots of target REF
APPROACH REF page. This page will speed.
show the 25 REF, 30 REF and 40 REF • Rate of descent not in excess of 1000
speeds given the current aircraft weight. fpm on precision approach or 1200 fpm
The selected flap setting and REF speed on non precision approach.
should be selected and entered using the • Engines spooled up normally to
appropriate LSK. Once selected, the FMC maintain speed and rate of descent.
will not continue to adjust the REF speed to
reflect continued fuel burn. If significant In order to facilitate a stabilized approach,
weight change is experienced due to crews should plan to have the landing gear
prolonged holding, reselecting a REF speed down and the final approach checklist
is necessary to update approach and flap completed prior to crossing the outer
maneuvering speeds. marker.
When selecting speeds independently of If the approach is unstable, or becomes
ATC instructions, selecting an MCP speed unstable below 1000 feet on an instrument
which is 10 knots higher than the flap

Revision – 1.4 23APR04 DO NOT DUPLICATE PMDG 737NG - AOM


approach or 500 feet on a visual approach, localizer. In some cases, the aircraft will
initiate a go around. continue to fly the LNAV approach heading
without actually capturing the localizer,
Precision Approach and Landing (ILS): which can lead to dangerous descent
The initial approach can be flown using a conditions if a glideslope capture occurs.
number of different modes in the autoflight
mode, regardless of whether a manual or After localizer capture, the heading bug
automatic landing is anticipated. The HDG should be set to reflect to inbound approach
SEL and LNAV modes can be used for course. If a large intercept angle was being
lateral tracking of the flight path and VNAV, flown, the autopilot will perform one intercept
LVL CHG or V/S can be used for altitude maneuver before stabilizing on the localizer.
changes. Generally VNAV is considered to At intercept angles less than 30 degrees, the
be the preferred method, as the VNAV autopilot will not require an intercept
program provides speed management not maneuver.
found in the V/S mode, and as such can
make for a smoother approach with less The aircraft should be configured for final
significant throttle movement and thrust approach prior to reaching the final
changes. When VNAV mode is not usable, approach fix. This will ensure an accurate
or at the crews discretion, LVL CHG will glide slope intercept at the appropriate
provide for speed management during a speed for the approach. Landing flaps
descent, but will result in increased throttle setting should be selected immediately after
movement and cabin noise during small capturing the glideslope, with the MCP
altitude changes. For small altitude speed set to final approach speed for the
changes, use of the V/S mode will minimize landing flaps setting. Normally, landings will
autothrottle thrust changes until the new, be performed at flaps 25, or flaps 30 unless
lower altitude is reached. runway or weather conditions dictate the use
of flaps 40.
Passenger comfort is maximized and engine
wear and tear are minimized when changes Single Engine ILS Approach: A normal
in required thrust settings are anticipated approach should be flown in accordance
and accounted for by the crew. For with the Abnormal Procedure for single
example, when the landing gear are engine landing.
lowered, timely selection of the next slower
speed required for the approach will When flying the approach with an engine
eliminate the need for the autothrottle to out, it is important the crew stabilize the
increase thrust in order to compensate for aircraft on the final approach speed prior to
increased drag from the landing gear reaching the outer marker. This will provide
immediately prior to a thrust change for a an opportunity to re-trim the aircraft as
decrease in approach speed. required to eliminate yaw tendencies at the
slower approach speeds. Once the aircraft
Whenever possible, it is helpful to enter the is trimmed, a normal approach and landing
landing runway into the FMC DEP/ARR can be flown.
page, as this will display an extended
runway centerline in the ND MAP mode, It is generally not considered good practice
which can help with spatial awareness. to land with flaps 30 or flaps 40 unless
runway length limitations require it.
When turning onto the localizer intercept Selecting a higher flap setting is preferable
heading and commencing the approach, in the event that a single engine go-around
select APP mode on the ND. The expanded is necessary.
compass rose or full compass rose (HSI)
provide for the best approach information In some cases, the crew may desire to zero
display. out any trim influence prior to flying the
approach. This will require that the crew
If LNAV is being used to manage lateral manually input the control deflections
track navigation, use caution to ensure that necessary to eliminate the yaw tendencies
the aircraft actually captures the ILS of the aircraft. While this is a higher work-

PMDG 737NG - AOM DO NOT DUPLICATE Revision – 1.4 23APR04


load solution, it is available to the crew and selected, it is possible to use VNAV to fly the
should be completed prior to reaching the non precision approach profile.
final approach fix.
For example: The crew should enter the
Crews should resist the temptation to adjust required crossing altitudes and speeds in
rudder trim after crossing the final approach the FMC flightplan for stepdown fixes along
fix as this may distract crew members from the approach. Then, when within 15nm of
flying the approach effectively. the airport and operating at flaps 15 or
greater, the MCP altitude will not serve to
Non-Precision Approaches: When flying inhibit the VNAV/FMC descent according to
non precision approaches, the aircraft must the descent profile.
be in the landing configuration prior to
reaching the final approach fix. Final Generally the MCP altitude should be set to
Descent checklist should be completed prior the cleared altitude prior to crossing the final
to crossing the final approach fix as well. approach fix. The MCP altitude can then be
Landing flaps should be set and landing set to the Missed Approach Altitude when
speed selected on the MCP speed selector crossing the final approach fix, and a VNAV
prior to commencing the descent to the managed descent according to the
MDA. altitude/speed restrictions in the FMC will be
A rate of descent should be used which will
allow visual acquisition of the runway Note: We have included this level of
environment (commensurate with MDA) in accuracy in the FMC capability because it
time to align the aircraft with the landing represents operational procedures used by
runway. aircrews around the world on a regular
During NDB approaches, the MAP CTR
mode provides a good picture of needle This level of accuracy brings forward some
tracking throughout the approach. unfortunate factors regarding the MSFS
navigation and landmass database
During VOR approaches, the VOR or MAP employed by FS9.
modes provides a good situational
awareness picture of the approach. During our pre-release testing we found that
it was not uncommon for the VNAV
Circling to Land: When circle to land approach mechanism was able to fly the
minimums are met and wind conditions airplane down to 50’ above the threshold
require such a maneuver, the pilot flying altitude with precision accuracy. However,
must maintain visual contact with the field in a number of test cases, the runway
once descent below the clouds in location within the MSFS scenery based
completed. When circling, bank angles in upon outmoded position data and the
excess of 30 degrees should be avoided. runway was not always exactly under the
Flaps 20 and the associated flaps 20 airplane even though the FMC navigation
maneuvering speed is recommended for the position was reported to be identical to the
approach portion of the procedure as well as runway touchdown zone position on current
the circling maneuver. Once the turn to final Jeppesen Approach Plates.
is commenced, extend landing flaps and
commence a normal visual approach profile. So, as in the real world, we strongly
encourage crewmembers to remember that
VNAV Approaches: It is possible to use a the pilot flies the airplane, not the
combination of VNAV and LNAV to fly non automation, and it may occasionally be
precision approaches down to 50’ above the necessary to demonstrate sound judgment
runway environment. and pilotage when working within the MSFS
If the aircraft is within 15nm of the arrival
runway and flaps15 or greater has been

Revision – 1.4 23APR04 DO NOT DUPLICATE PMDG 737NG - AOM


Landing Geometry: To make significantly increase landing distance.
consistently accurate and safe landings, it is Crews are likewise cautioned not to continue
important that the pilot have a firm to increase nose up pitch during the flare in
understanding of the geometry in the landing an effort to “grease it on” as this may cause
configuration. a rapid decay in airspeed, reducing aircraft
controllability and reducing the effectiveness
The standard ICAO glideslope installation of immediate go around thrust should it be
requires the glideslope to intersect the needed. In addition, a pitch attitude of only
runway surface 1,000 feet from the 9.2º nose up will cause fuselage contact
threshold. In this configuration, a 2.5º with the runway surface upon main gear
glideslope will have a runway threshold touchdown in the –900..
crossing height (TCH) of 66 feet.
The recommended approach and landing
If the aircraft is flown to the runway in this technique is to fly a visual aim point 1,500
configuration without a normal flare, the feet down the runway. Reduce thrust to idle
main gear will touch down approximately beginning at 50 feet, with the flare
900 feet from the runway threshold. commencing at 30 feet. Fly the aircraft onto
the runway surface and commence the
If a moderate flare is accomplished, rather rollout procedure.
than simply flying the aircraft onto the
runway, the flight path of the main landing Effective use of this procedure will
gear can be expected to lengthen by consistently result in a runway touchdown
between 300 and 700 feet. between 1,000 and 1,500 feet from the
It is recommended that the aircraft be flared
to touch down on the runway surface
between 1,000 and 1,500 feet from the VASI/ PAPI: If landing on a runway
threshold. As such, the pilot should use the equipped with a standard two bar VASI
1,000 foot markings on the runway as the system or a PAPI, use caution to manage
visual aim point for the approach. the threshold crossing effectively.

Coincidentally, this aim point will provide a During testing, it has been discovered that
good visual reference for flying both a 2.5º Microsoft Developers misplaced the location
and 3º glide slope, and result in an of many ILS glideslopes, making them not
appropriately placed touchdown using congruent with the VASI/PAPI and in some
normal flare technique. cases making the touchdown point of the
runway incorrect.
Touchdown should occur in the first 3,000
feet of the runway, or 1/3 of the runway It is not uncommon to find airports in the real
length, whichever is shorter. world where the visual approach aids do not
align with the instrument approach aids, so
Flare: At 50 feet radio altitude above the again the practical use of sound piloting will
runway surface, the throttles should be reward with good, safe landings.
moved to idle. At 30 feet radio altitude, nose
up pitch should be increased from the Crosswinds: When the flying a coupled
approach angle to approximately 5º nose approach, the autopilot will fly most of the
up. If accomplished correctly, the aircraft approach with the airplane’s nose crabbed
should settle onto the runway without into the wind.
extended floating.
As the airplane touches down on the runway
Keeping power added during the flare may surface, the upwind wing may be lower than
cause extended floating in ground effect just the downwind wing, and enough rudder
above the runway surface, which will

PMDG 737NG - AOM DO NOT DUPLICATE Revision – 1.4 23APR04


input will be applied to keep the aircraft application of braking pressure, this process
aligned with the runway centerline. of runway sampling starts again from the
beginning. Repeated pumping of the brake
This is the best technique for landing the pedals by the flight crew can increase the
aircraft in a crosswind condition, as it landing roll by as much as 75% in some
provides the best directional control of the cases. Crews are advised to apply a steady
aircraft upon touchdown and minimizes wear rate of pressure on the brake pedals when
and tear on the airframe and landing gear. autobrakes are not used.

After the nose has been lowered to the The autobrake system allows for settings 1 –
runway, rudder and steering tiller input may 4 and MAX. Autobrakes are recommended
be required to keep the aircraft aligned with for any landing being accomplished on a
the runway during deceleration due to the runway shorter than 8,000 feet, or at high
reduced effectiveness of spoilers and gross landing weights on longer runways.
ailerons after touchdown. During the approach segment of the flight,
select the autobrakes power setting required
If conducting an Autoland, do not anticipate for the landing.
having the airplane track the centerline while
rolling out. The 737, unlike some larger After touchdown, brake application is
Boeing airplanes, does not have a indicated by a positive rate of deceleration
ROLLOUT mode in the Autoland capability beginning one or two seconds after
so the crew is continually responsible for touchdown. The braking is applied
tracking the runway centerline after gradually, with the full selected braking
touchdown. power being applied as the nose wheel
touches the runway surface.
Due to the tandem wheel arrangement on
the 737 main landing gear, the airplane has A combination of Autobrakes and Spoiler
a strong tendency to travel in the direction deployment is normally sufficient to
the nose of the airplane is pointed at the decelerate the airplane within it’s landing
moment of touchdown. Thus, a slight nose distance requirements. Remember that the
into the wind deflection can result in the aircraft runway length certification involves
aircraft travelling toward the upwind side of only normal braking, spoilers and no reverse
the runway during the rollout. This should thrust, so the application of reverse thrust
be immediately and precisely corrected with will shorten the expected landing distance.
rudder input while lowering the nose wheel
to the runway surface. In order to ensure proper Autobrake and
Spoiler deploy on landing, it is EXTREMELY
Autobrakes provide the best braking important that the throttle be pulled to idle
response during crosswind landings immediately upon main wheel touchdown if
because of the difficulty in applying even some power was used during the landing.
brake pressure to rudder pedals that are (The throttles should have been at idle 30’
displaced in order to provide rudder AGL, but sometimes it is necessary to carry
deflection for the final phase of the some power until touchdown.)
approach. As such, crews are advised to
use autobrakes whenever possible on If you do not get autobrake/spoiler
crosswind landings. activation, be sure to pull the throttles to idle!

Runway Braking: To understand the If the autobrakes system fails (accompanied

importance of steady brake pressure by a AUTOBRAKE DISARM warning), apply
application, it is important to understand that manual brake pressure.
the antiskid system which is used to prevent
wheel locking and skidding monitors friction Use of reverse thrust will augment the
between the tires and the runway surface braking system and reduce wear on the
through a deliberate modulation and testing brake systems. Regardless of whether or
of braking power to the main gear. If the not reverse thrust is applied, the autobrake
autobrakes are overridden by flight crew system seeks a target rate of deceleration

Revision – 1.4 23APR04 DO NOT DUPLICATE PMDG 737NG - AOM


(see Landing chapter), rather than a certain When passing through 80 knots begin
brake power. This will result in a consistent moving the throttles so as to reach reverse
and smooth rate of deceleration after idle by 60 knots. Use of reverse thrust
touchdown. levels higher than idle when forward speed
is below 60 knots increases the potential for
The autobrake system is designed to bring FOD ingestion and engine surging due to
the aircraft to a complete stop upon ingestion of engine exhaust.
touchdown, so crew intervention is required
if a full stop is not desired. Simply disarm The engines should be brought to forward
the autobrakes system by selecting OFF idle by the time taxi speed is reached.
after passing through 60 knots and reducing
reverse thrust to idle. If directional control problems are
encountered during the landing rollout, it is
Autobrakes may also be disarmed by important that they be identified and solved
advancing the throttles or manually applying quickly in order to keep the aircraft on the
brake pressure momentarily. runway centerline and under control.

Reverse Thrust: Application and If a skid is detected during the landing roll:
amount of reverse thrust is subject to the
discretion of the flight crew. When touching • Reduce reverse thrust to idle if at high
down on wet or slippery runways, every levels of reverse thrust.
effort should be made to ensure that only
symmetrical reverse thrust is applied. On • Verify correct control inputs for current
dry runways, asymmetrical thrust should crosswind conditions. (aileron into the
only be applied with extreme caution, as this wind and opposite rudder)
may pose a significant directional control
problem to the flight crew. • Use forward differential thrust, if
necessary to restore directional control.

PMDG 737NG - AOM DO NOT DUPLICATE Revision – 1.4 23APR04



Emergency Descent: At the first the flight crews be able to manage steeper
indication of a cabin altitude /cabin pressure bank angles should they be necessary or
problem, the crew should immediately don desired.
oxygen masks. A quick trouble shooting
process is to verify that all packs are normal Entry into a 45º bank should be
and to close all isolation valves. If this does accomplished with the MCP speed set to
not remedy the problem, or if it is obvious 240 KIAS. Level flight can be maintained
that cabin altitude is uncontrollable, an with only a slight nose pitch up in the turn.
emergency descent should be commenced Use of stabilizer trim is recommended to
at once. eliminate approximately half of the required
flight column control input required to
An emergency descent is best performed maintain level flight in the turn.
under control of the autopilot, as this
reduced the crew workload and allows them Force-Feedback Issues: For users who
to focus on issues related to localizing and have force-feedback joysticks enabled, we
identifying the aircraft problem. STRONGLY recommend that you disable
“Control Surface Forces” within Microsoft
Immediately select 14,000 feet or Minimum Flight Simulator before attempting to fly this
Enroute Altitude, whichever is higher in the airplane.
MCP Altitude window. Press LVL CHG,
extend the speedbrakes and verify the MCP Force feedback provides tactile cues to you
commanded airspeed is in the usable range. via the joystick. The control forces are not
generated based upon algorithms that
Passing through 16,000 feet begin preparing realistically simulate control feedback, and
for a controlled level out by selecting 290 can actually cause significant Pilot Induced
knots in the MCP speed window. Retract Oscillations as you attempt to correct for
speedbrakes and apply thrust as necessary unrealistic forces exerted against your
during the level out and consult the required control inputs during flight.

Stalls: An aerodynamic stall in any aircraft

configuration, flight mode, or at any altitude
is an unacceptable flight condition for the
737. At the first warning of an impending
stall, (stick shaker or stall buffet):

• Throttles: Full Forward

• Pitch: Adjust to minimize loss of
altitude. Intermittent stick shaker is
acceptable in order to prevent ground or
obstacle contact.
• Wings: Level
• Configuration: Do not change flap
or gear settings until recovery from the
stall is complete.

Steep Turns: Turns in excess of 30º are

not normally accomplished during normal
operations. For pilot familiarity with the
aircraft in all regimes of flight, is important

Revision – 1.4 23APR04 DO NOT DUPLICATE PMDG 737NG - AOM

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