Operating Models PDF
Operating Models PDF
Operating Models PDF
Delivering on strategy
and optimizing processes
Great leaders have an inspiring vision. Staff are experts
at what they do. Yet many companies struggle to bridge
their strategy (the ”why”) and their processes (the “how”)
with the “what” — and that’s where an operating model
comes in. Why is this?
Often we find that company leaders have strong aspirational visions that rally
employees to the why, and employees have systematic processes that get the
job done because they are experts in the field and know the how. But in many
situations we see that the true vision is never realized, because employees can’t
connect to the strategy in a practical way. We see processes never truly gain
efficiency because they seem disconnected to a broader context. Because of this,
companies may fail to realize their full potential.
In our experience, a well-defined and articulated operating model is the what—
the bridge between strategy and day-to-day operations that guides the team,
provides the context, and enables the behaviours that will realize the strategy
and vision.
While an operating model is not the strategy itself, it does help refine and reinforce
it. Similarly, while it is not the operational instructions, it does help guide them.
There are many misconceptions about what an operating model is and what it
looks like. Many executives think it is just a bunch of boxes and lines connected
to each other, while others see it as a detailed prescriptive guide. Ultimately, the
answer is — it depends. It depends on the size of the organization, the maturity and
complexity of the organization, and the outcomes you want to achieve. Operating
models are scalable and can be defined and documented to suit both the company’s
maturity and needs.
Although the above holds true in most cases, there are times when where a simple
operating model may work for a complex organization, and a detailed operating model
may work for a smaller organization. This would be driven mainly by the objectives and
goals that company executives want to achieve from the operating model, as well as
the organization’s context — industry, product, services, life expectancy, etc.
Information Service
technology delivery
Design principles Culture & values
Defining an operating model will provide the blueprint of how 4. Increased or sustained operating risks due to the
to execute on a strategy. Without a defined operating model, absence of clear principles, roles, responsibilities and
organizations could experience the following challenges. processes. Without clear guidelines, employees can
unknowingly conduct their work in a manner inconsistent
1. Operational inefficiencies as people expend effort in with standards, and in ways that do not align to safety
areas not aligned with the strategic plan. An environment or regulatory standards, thus potentially exposing the
of busy people can further mask the reality that energy is company to more risk.
lost to work that is not important.
Operating models need to evolve along with the business
2. Ambiguity around accountabilities, roles and model and strategy to guide how people produce the right
responsibilities can slow down decision-making. When results. The operating model serves as a blueprint for how
these aren’t clear, there is duplication of work or, worse, resources are organized to get critical work done.
slippage of critical tasks leading to schedule delays and
financial consequences. This is especially important
when companies are in high-growth mode: if many new
employees are being onboarded without a clear and
consistent message on how the company operates, then
“After the consolidation of
they can embark on their roles without any “north star” three organizations into one, we
to guide their actions and decisions.
needed ‘glue’ to redefine what the
3. Low interaction and integration between divisional organization should look like.”
units and functional areas, as it is unclear to people how Executive Vice President,
they should cross these implicit boundaries. These non- Strategy, Provincial regulator
standardized approaches to processes and procedures
can lead to the loss of valuable organizational learning
and reduced usefulness of systems and data.
Once a well-defined operating model is in place, organizations 5. Better ability to grow and scale quickly. When the
may experience several competitive advantages. basics are written down, they’re easier to communicate
1. Improved business performance as a result of increased to existing and new staff, and easier to review at critical
operational efficiency. When it’s clear who does what, junctures as companies mature and become more
duplication of work is diminished. This elimination complex.
of wasted effort allows time for innovation and 6. Improved risk management. When there is a common
improvements to the customer or stakeholder experience understanding of roles, responsibilities, goals and
or improved working capital. Part and parcel with this is processes, risks can be identified and mitigated earlier
improved cost management as a result of better ability to and more easily. In addition, with the right governance in
understand processes, plan, and control the budget — all place, risks can be escalated.
due to an entire company aligned around a single way to
operate. A well-articulated operating model also creates
a baseline to improve upon whereby leaders understand
clearly what is done today and therefore have a starting “We’re seeing the results of
point to improve upon tomorrow. implementing an operating model.
2. Better connection with stakeholders by adapting to It’s guided us on what is important
their changing needs — as market environments change,
organizations that adapt are able to meet or exceed to focus on and it’s stopped a lot of
their stakeholders’ and customers’ changing needs. A ‘churn’ around decisions.”
clear operating model provides a framework by which to
Executive Vice President,
continually map and manage stakeholders.
Strategy, Provincial regulator
3. Increased process integration across divisional units
and functional areas reducing duplication of effort.
Through standardization, organizational learning can
be leveraged across the organization. Systems and data
become transparent and more useful, and employees can
better link their piece to the rest of the puzzle. Key consideration: It’s important to remember
not to overdo it. Some companies get caught in
4. Improved coordination and decision-making. Operating the trap of defining the what and the how to large
models provide improved ability to plan and sequence levels of detail and become highly prescriptive.
initiatives, as dependencies across the organization are They lose flexibility, create a compliance culture
better understood. Leaders are able to transparently and employees can lose a sense of creativity and
see where weaknesses in capabilities (people, process or entrepreneurial spirit. Success is about finding the
technology) exist, and work together to find a remedy right balance for the organization.
that better aligns with the strategy.
“We’re doing a much better job of focusing our decisions at the right level,
thinking enterprise-wide, rather than making decisions in silos, based on
what’s best for a particular department.”
Vice President, Program Investment
Not-for-profit foundation
Leaders want to enable and enact their strategies. Staff 3. Get the right people at the table – ask
want to be part of something bigger. So why doesn’t every yourself: whose viewpoints are required to
company have a clearly documented what, to bridge the why
and the how? Because it’s hard work to get it done. But these
build the future state?
critical steps are ones worth taking. Regardless of whether an operating model will document the
current state or bring about change, getting the right people
1. Assess your current state – ask yourself: at the table will expedite decisions with representation from
what’s working? What isn’t? across business units and functions.
Understanding your current state is a critical first step to In addition, creating the right working teams and steering
developing and documenting an operating model. Identify committee can bring additional diversity of thought and aid
and interview key stakeholders from across your operations with buy-in, which can result in a suitable approach for your
with a standard set of questions to capture opportunities, organization.
pain points and overall themes about the current state.
In addition, do a solid review of current documentation to
determine if it hangs together and tells the story you want it
“It’s critical to uncover passive
to about your why, what and how. resistance and make sure everyone
understands the case for change.”
2. Determine if there is a need to change –
Executive Vice President,
ask yourself: what’s the burning platform Strategy, Provincial regulator
for change?
Current state assessments may determine that all that is
needed is a stronger and more compelling documentation 4. Define your design principles – ask yourself:
of the current state. They may also unearth pain points how will the organization need to work
that, if not solved, will get in the way of achieving strategic together to achieve our strategic goals?
goals, hinder growth, or put your organization at risk. If
Design principles articulate the parameters for the future
the latter is true, a strong case for change that includes the
state, set the context and are born of an organization’s
consequences of not changing needs to be developed and
strategic priorities and current state assessment. Usually
communicated across the enterprise. Getting employees
plotted along a spectrum, design principles result in key
excited and mobilized around a common need to change is
statements to guide the development of the operating model
critical to success.
Jay Bailey
Senior Manager
+1 604 891 8206
Annie Murphy Jamie Kirwin Khalid Abdul Razak
Manager Manager Senior Consultant
+1 403 206 5097 +1 306 649 5859 +1 403 206 5639
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