Flyer ISO-29993 ISO-21001 2018 en

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ISO 29993

ISO 21001

Standards for Education Providers

JJ Education services outside formal education
JJ Management systems for educational organizations

Institutions providing formal education (e.g. schools or uni-

versities) do not belong to the immediate target group. Ho-
wever, utilisation of the Standards can be very useful for the
further development of the respective organisation and the
services offered by this organisation.

Objectives and targets

„„ internationally recognised certifiable ISO Standards
„„ sector specific strategic alignment based on clear requi-
rements placed on the management system and pro-
cesses of an education provider
„„ comparability and transparency of services offered on a
national and international scale
„„ increase in effectiveness and efficiency thanks to conti-
nual processes and tools for evaluation
„„ enhanced credibility of the educational organisation

ISO 29993

The focus of ISO 29993 is on the service processes and the

range of services. The Standard defines a generic reference
framework for education services by specifying the different
elements and their implementation. This covers any types of
Motivation and benefits education services, including the forms of lifelong learning
The two Standards ISO 29993:2017 and ISO 21001:2018 (e.g. vocational training and in-company training, which may
are Standards specially created for educational orga- be external or internal). The Standard encompasses all lear-
nisations and thus supplement the range of different ning methods and techniques: face-to-face, e-learning or a
approaches to the topic of Standards in the educational combination thereof (blended learning).
Target group
This enables organisations providing training and further trai-
Any educational institutions, which range from the personal
ning to choose among different Standards. Depending on the
tutor via private seminar and course providers and in-com-
objectives and requirements, the system fitting best can be
pany training and further training to academies and hig-
her-education institutions that want to focus on the education
The Standards address any types of educational institutions service.
imparting knowledge to learners, e.g. by giving lessons, pro-
viding practice oriented training, holding playful teaching units
in the kindergarten or being involved in research projects. No
matter what the education service is like, endeavours to sup-
port the learners in acquiring competencies are in the centre
of interest.
ISO 29993
ISO 21001

ISO 21001 Having more than 1.200 auditors, trainers, assessors and
technical experts, Quality Austria secures successful imple-
ISO 21001 has been adapted to the structure of ISO 9001 mentation of standards and regulations within the organiza-
and thus follows the present trend for harmonisation in the tions and provides sector and product specific know-how
sense of the High Level Structure. As far as the contents are with a very high focus on practical work. Based on the
concerned, ISO 21001 clearly focuses on the needs of the competence network in the field of comprehensive sector
learners and other interested parties as well as beneficiaries specific, technical and methodological knowledge as well as
of the service. As far as the topics and terms and concepts comprehensive experience, trends will be influenced while
are concerned, ISO 21001 focuses on the topics relevant to innovations will be interpreted and tomorrow’s requirements
educational institutions, no matter what the education service will be co-designed actively and consistently in correspond-
is like. The Standard also includes hints facilitating practical ing bodies even on an international scale.
ISO 21001 is a Standard covering a very wide range of target The close connection of Quality Austria as a national rep-
groups, namely the kindergarten, post-doctoral education resentative with international partner organizations as well
and lifelong learning, including vocational training, as well as as cooperations enable global know-how to be imparted
any types of learning methods, such as distance learning. and turn the organization into a competent partner. Quality
Austria cooperates with some 50 partner and member orga-
Target group nizations. Quality Austria is a stable factor when it comes to
Any educational institutions, which range from the one-to- creating valuable synergies at the economic site of Austria.
one trainer via private seminar and course providers and
in-company training and further training to academies and Contact
higher-education institutions striving for a comprehensive Georg Smolek
Netzwork partner,
management system.
Produkt Expert Education
[email protected]
Other relevant norms
ISO 29990, ISO 9001

Quality Austria introduces itself

Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs
GmbH is your competence partner for the Integrated Man-
agement System in the fields of Quality, Environment, Safety
and Industry Standards as well as Business Excellence. The
services provided by Quality Austria range from trainings in
the field of international management trends and techniques
Quality Austria
via certification of management systems according to inter- Trainings, Zertifizierungs und
Begutachtungs GmbH
national standards, regulations, national guidelines, direc-
tives and assessments acc. to the EFQM Excellence Model Headquarters
Zelinkagasse 10/3
to awarding the Austria Quality Seal. The Austrian Excellence 1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe
Award will be presented to Austrian organizations in coopera- Phone: +43 1 274 87 47
Fax: +43 1 274 87 47-100
tion with the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs.
Customer Service Center
Doc. Nr. RE 24_00_95_e, Edition June 2018

Quality Austria is accredited by the Federal Ministry for Digital

Am Winterhafen 1
and Economic Affairs and has numerous international regis- 4020 Linz, Austria, Europe
trations and accreditations. Phone: +43 732 34 23 22
Fax: +43 732 34 23 23
E-Mail: [email protected]

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