Send - Stationery For Kuantan UMP 1st Term 2018

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NO ITEM SIZE KTN UMP Supplier (RM) Total (RM)

1 File 3" - Mega 1 unit 24pcs 12
2 A4 colour paper (Multi bright colours) 80gsm/1 ream
3 A4 colour paper (ivory) - Buffalo Card 230gm/1 ream
4 A3 paper 1 ream 1 ream
5 A4 paper (70 gsm)- IK Yellow BB /excellent BH 70gsm/1 ream 50 ream 10 ream
6 A4 Sheet Protector 1 pack/10pcs
7 Arco Print Labels 1015 635mmX38mm 1pack/100pcs
8 Art Line 500 – White Board Marker (Black) 1 box/12pcs 5box
9 Art Line 500 – White Board Marker (Blue) 1 box/12pcs
10 Art Line 500 – White Board Marker (Red) 1 box/12pcs
11 Art Line 500 – White Board Marker (Green) 1 box/12pcs
12 Art Line 500 – White Board Marker (Orange) 1 box/12pcs
13 Art Line 70 – High performance (Black) 1 box/12pcs 3 box
14 Art Line 70 – High performance (Blue) 1 box/12pcs
15 Art Line 70 – High performance (Red) 1 box/12pcs
16 Art Line 90 – High performance (Black) 1 box/12pcs
17 Art Line 90 – High performance (Blue) 1 box/12pcs
18 Art Line 90 – High performance (red) 1 box/12pcs
19 Attendance Book 8" x 12" A4 size 10
20 Ball Pen Faber Castell Grip X7-0.7mm(Black) 1 box/50pcs 1box
21 Ball Pen Faber Castell Grip X7 - 0.7mm(Blue) 1 box/50pcs 1box
22 Ball Pen Faber Castell Grip X7 - 0.7mm(Red) 1 box/50pcs 1box
23 Batteries AA (Eveready) AA/X 4(1pack) 10pack 5pack
24 Batteries AAA (Eveready) AAA/X 4(1pack) 10pack
26 Binding Tape Black 2" 2 inch/roll 10
27 Binding Tape Green 2" 2 inch/roll 10
28 Binding Tape Red 2" 2 inch/roll 10
29 Binding Tape Yellow 2" 2 inch/roll 10
30 Brush - small (no 6) unit 5
31 Brush - Medium (no 8) unit 5
32 Brush - big (no 12) unit 5
33 Bullet Stapler No. 10-1M (kecil) 1 box/20unit 1box
34 Calculator - citizen 50c-805BN 2
38 Cellophane Tape 24mm (6 rolls) 1"X 6(24mm) 30rolls 6roll
39 Cellophane Tape 47mm (6 rolls) 2" X 6 (47mm) 10rolls 6roll
41 Color Paper - Brown (manila card size) pcs 10pcs
42 Color Paper - Green (manila card size) pcs 10pcs 10
43 Color Paper - Red (manila card size) pcs 10pcs
44 Color Paper - Yellow (manila card size) pcs 10pcs
45 Color Paper - Black (manila card size) pcs 20pcs
46 Color Paper - Blue (manila card size) pcs 10pcs
47 Color Paper - orange (manila card size) pcs 10pcs
48 Color Paper - Purple (manila card size) pcs 10pcs
49 Color Paper - Pink (manila card size) pcs 10pcs 10
50 Colour Pencils (Long - Stabilo Swan) 1 box /12 pcs 80box


Qty Qty
51 Colour Water Big (Buncho) - for teaching aids box
52 Crayon (faber castell) 1 box/12pcs 20box
53 Cutter pcs 2 2
54 Drawing blocks (reams) 1 ream/100 gm 2 ream
55 Double sided tape 50pcs 10
56 Double sided foam tape 10pcs 5
57 Eraser (stabilo) 1box/50pcs 2 box
58 Faber Castell Tack It unit 10unit
59 Flat File 1pack/50pcs
60 Glue (Big Bottle) btl
61 Glue Small (water glue chunbe Ge 106) 50ml x 24 btl 50btl
62 Glue UHU (Big) 35ml pcs 3pcs 5
63 Highlighter - pink pcs
64 Highlighter - green pcs
65 Highlighter - orange pcs
66 Highlighter - blue pcs
67 Key Tags 1 box/50pcs
68 Lamination Film A3 A3 size/ 1 box
69 Lamination Film A4 A4 size/ 1 box
70 Liquid paper (stabilo ) 1 box/7mlx24 1box
71 L Shape Folder (1 box/24pcs) Pack/ 91/2 x 131/2
72 Log book (Hard Cover Long book for Lesson Plan) 300 pages
73 Log book (Hard Cover Short book for Lesson Plan) 300 pages 10
74 Magnetic Button-20mm 1 pack/6 unit 3 unit
75 Mahjong paper 1 role/50pcs
76 Malaysia flag (3'X6') pcs 10 10
77 Small Malaysian Flag 6" X 12" 15feet/pack 2 pack 3pack
80 Pahang Flag pcs 10 10
81 Management File pcs 30
82 Manila card green pcs 10
83 Manila card white pcs 10
84 Manila card orange pcs 10
85 Manila card yellow pcs 10
86 Manila card pink pcs 10
87 Manila card red pcs 10
88 Manila card blue pcs 10
89 Manila card blue (thick and Bright Color) pcs 10
90 Manila card pink (thick and Bright Color) pcs 10
91 Manila card green (thick and Bright Color) pcs 10
92 Manila card red (thick and Bright Color) pcs 10
93 Manila card orange (thick and Bright Color) pcs 10
94 Masking tape 2" roll 30roll
95 Oil Paper/brown paper roll/50 pcs 1 roll
96 Paper Clip (small) box
97 Pencils 2B (stabilo - micro 288/toplineBH) 1box/12pcs 80box
98 Plastercine box 10box
Qty Qty
99 Pocket file pcs 150pcs 50
100 Puncher (Small) unit
101 Ruler (small) 6" pcs 50
102 Ruler (long) 12" pcs 5pcs
103 Scissors 8" pcs
104 Scissors (Children’s) 4" 4"(12 pcs) 20pcs
105 Separator / Index divider pck
106 Self - Adhesive Lable Sticker - Green pck
107 Self - Adhesive Lable Sticker - Yellow pck
108 Self - Adhesive Lable Sticker - Orange pck
109 Self - Adhesive Lable Sticker - Pink pck
110 Sharpener Faber Castel (Small) unit
111 Sharpener Faber Castel (big) unit
112 Stapler (small) unit 3
113 Sugar paper (black) pcs
114 Tempera Paste Black btl 5
115 Tempera Paste Blue (No.137) 300gm 300gm 3
116 Tempera Paste Brown btl 3
117 Tempera Paste Green btl 3
118 Tempera Paste Soft Green btl 3 3
119 Tempera Paste Pink btl 3 3
120 Tempera Paste Orange btl 3
121 Tempera Paste Purple btl 3 3
122 Tempera Paste Red btl 3
123 Tempera Paste white btl 3
124 Tempera Paste Yellow btl 3
126 Toner Catridge (HPQ 2612 A/CART303/FX9) bl unit
129 White board duster unit 5
131 Glue Stick (for teachers) pcs 5

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