WX M2 U 6 Bne RQUo UX6 Q8 HN

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1. The strong physical interaction among bodies

involving exchange of momentum is called a
2. The time of duration of collision is very short
3. In the collision process, bodies need not get into
physical contact.
4. If the colliding bodies move along a straight line
joining their centers of mass before and after the 14. A shell of mass ‘M’ exploded of rest and breaks
collision; it is called head on collision or collision into ‘3’ pieces; Two pieces of masses m1 and m2
in one dimension. move at right angles to each other with velocities
5. When the bodies move in a plane either before or v1 and v2 then the velocity of the third piece
after the collision is called collision in two m 3 v 3  ( m 1v1 ) 2  ( m 2 v 2 ) 2 ;
6. When no external force acts, the momentum of
the system remains constant, this is called
conservation of momentum ;
7. A bullet of mass ‘m’ is fired from a gun of mass
‘m’ with a velocity ‘v’, the recoil velocity of the
gun is (V) V 
15. A body of mass m1 moving with a velocity v1
8. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are moving in
collided another body of mass m2 at rest; After
the same direction with velocities u1 & u2 ; After
collision, the bodies move at right angles, 1and
collision they move in the same direction with
2 to the original line of motion with velocities v1
velocities v1 & v2 m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
and v2 Applying conservation of momentum in the
9. If the two bodies stick together after impact, they
vertical direction m1v1 sin1 = m2v2 sin2 Applying
m1u 1  m 2 u 2 conservation of momentum in the horizontal
move with common velocity v  m1  m 2 direction m1v1 = m1v1 cos1 + m2v2 cos2
10. A truck of mass ‘M’ moves with a velocity ‘v’; A
packet of mass ‘m’ is gently dropped into it, the
velocity of the truck becomes
Mv = (M+m)v1  v 
11. A shell of mass ‘M’ at rest explodes and breaks
into two pieces ; one piece of mass ‘m’ moves 16. A shell of mass ‘m’ is projected with a velocity
with a velocity ‘v’. The other piece moves in the ‘v’ making an angle ‘’ with the horizontal ; At
the highest point it explose and break into two
Mv pieces of equal mass ; one piece retrace it path
opposite direction, with a velocity v 
m M with same velocity ; the range of the other piece
12. A shell of mass ‘m’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ from the point of projections
explodes and breaks into ‘2’ pieces ; one piece
of mass m1 moves with a velocity v1 and other
piece of mass m2 moves with a velocity v2
m. v = m1v1 + m2v2
13. Two bodies each of mass ‘m’ moving at right angles
with a velocity ‘v’ collide ; After collision, if they
move together, their common velocity is
2mv1 = 2 mv  v 

m m  A body is dropped from a certain height, it stricked
 v cos   v the ground with a velocity ‘v’ and rebound with a
mv cos = 2 2 velocity v1, the coefficient of restitution
v = 3v cos ;
Range from the point of projection 2 gh 1 v1
e= 
R 3R 2 gh v
R1   = 2R v1 = ve ;
2 2
The ratio of relative velocity of separation after v2 = ve2
collision to the relative velocities of approach After nth Rebound
before collision is called coefficient of restitution. vn = ven
 A body is dropped from certain height, if strikes
v v the ground after time ‘t1’ and reached the highest
e 2 1
u1  u 2 point after
‘e’ depends on the nature of the materials of the t1
two colliding bodies. Then coefficient of restitution e =
 No units or dimensions  A body is dropped from a heights ‘h’; if coefficient
 Its value lies between 0 & 1 of restitution is ‘e’, its average speed is
A body is dropped from a height ‘h’ it rebounds to
a height ‘h1’; The coefficient of restitution Total Dis tan ce
v 2  v2 2 gh1 Total Time
e 
u1  u 2 2 gh h (1  e 2 )(1  e)
 1  e 2 gh
h1 2h 
e  (1  e )
(1  e) (1  e) 2 2
h g
h1  The time elapse from the moment it is dropped to
e2  [Squaring on both sides] the second impact with the floor is
First rebouncing height 2h
h1 = he2 t= (1  2e)
Second rebouncing height g
h2 = he4  Total change in momentum, before ball comes to
Third rebouncing height
1 e 
h3 = he6 rest is P  m 2 gh  
nth rebouncing height 1 e 
The collision in which, both momentum and K.E.
reaming constant is called Elastic Collision ;
Eg : Collision in gas molecules
Collision of particle with nucleus.
Collision bet two smooth billiard balls.
In a perfect elastic collision coefficient of restitutory
is “1” ;
v2 – v1 = u1 – u2 (Newtons expel law)
In Elastic Collision :
Total distance before 3rd rebound The collision in which momentum remaing constant
S1 = h + 2h1 + 2h2 and K.E. changes is called in elastic collision.
Total distance travelled by the body before coming Eg : All collisions generally seen :
to rest In a perfectly inelastic collision, the two bodies stick
 1  e2  together after impact and move with common
S = h  
2  velocity, so the coefficient of restitutions e = 0;
1 e  Elastic Collision in one Dimension :
Total time taken by a body to come to rest Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 moving in the
2h  1  e  same direction with velocities u1 & u2 collide
t=   ; elastically ; The final velocities of the two bodies
g 1 e 
after collusion


 m1  m 2   2m 2 
v1 =   u1    u 2
 m1  m 2   m1  m 2 
 2m 1   m  m1 
v2 =   u1   2  u 2
 m 1  m 2   m 1  m 2 
Case 1 : mu = (M + m) v
If m1 = m2 [ law of conservation of momentum]
vl = u2 ; v2 = u1 ;
i.e., A body moving with some velocity collide with v = 2gh [conservation of energy]
another body moving with same mass and another Mm 
direction ; They interchange their velocities; mu = (M+m) 2gh u=   2 gh
Case 2 :  m 
If m1 = m2 ; u2 = 0 Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 moving in the
u2 = v1 ; u2 = 0 same directions with velocities u1 & u2 collide then
the loss of K.E. is
i.e., A body moving with some velocity collides If the collision is perfectly in elastic e = 0
with another body of same mass of rest; Then the
m m (u  u 2 )2
first body comes to rest and second body moves K . E.  1 2 1 ;
with the velocity of the first body ; 2( m 1  m 2 )
Case 3 :  If the collision is perfectly inelastic and the second
body is at rest then the loss of K.E.
m 1m 2 u 12
K . E .  ;
2(m 1  m 2 )
 If the collision is perfectly inelastic and the second
body is at rest then fractional loss of K.E.
K.E. m 1m 2 u 12

v1 = u1 ; v2 = 2u1 ; K . E. 2 ( m  m )  1 m u 2
1 2 1 1
i.e., A large body moving with same velocity collides 2
with a lighter body of rest ; Then there is almost K .E. m2

no change in the velocity of heavy body ; But lighter K.E. m 1  m 2 ;
body moves with double velocity of large body.  In the case of Elastic collision, the ratio of initial to
Case 4 : final K.E. of the colliding body
(m  m 2 ) 2
 1
(m 1  m 2 )2
 If the collision is perfectly elastic and second body
is at rest. The fractional part of K.E. transferred
to the second body
K.E. 4 m 1m 2
v1 = 0 ; v2 = –u1 ; 
K .E. ( m 1  m 2 ) 2
i.e., A lighter body moving with same velocity collided a
 Fraction of K.E. retained with the first body
large body at rest ; Then the large body remaing 2
at rest, but lighter body retrace its path with same 4m 1m 2  m  m2 
1   1 
velocity. (m 1  m 2 ) 2
 m1  m 2 
Ballistic Pendulum:  A body of mass ‘m’ collides elastically with a body
A particle of mass ‘m’ moving with some velocity of mass nm of rest ; the fraction of K.E. transferred
collides elastically another body of same mass at to the second body
rest, them they more at right angle with each other; K.E. 4m 2 n
 2
A Block of mass ‘M’ is suspended by means of a K.E. m (1  n ) 2
rope ‘l’; A bullet of mass ‘m’moving with a velocity  Fraction of energy retained with the first body
‘u’ collides with the block and get embedded on it 4n  n 1 

; If the block raised to a height ‘h’ = 1  

( n  1) 2
 n 1
 When shell explodes momentum remains constant
but K.E increases


CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS 10. If a stationary bomb explodes into pieces, then
1) momentum remains constant
2) momentum decrease
1. Newton's first law of motion leads to the concept of
1) force 2) inertia 3) kinetic energy remains constant
3) both 4) temperature 4) both (1) and (3)
11. If a stationary bomb explodes into two pieces of
2. When an athelete takes part in a long jump he
unequal masses, then
runs for a while and then jumps. This is because
1) both will have the same kinetic energy
1) inertia of motion helps him to take a longer jump
2) running for a time makes him alert 2) bigger piece will have greater kinetic energy
3) it is a rule that one should run before he jumps 3) smaller piece will have greater kinetic energy
4) bigger piece will have greater momentum
4) he wants to show his physical power
12. Conservation of linear momentum is equivalent to
3. A man is trying to swim across the river. Then he
should spend maximum energy in 1) Newton's first law of motion
1) first one third of the journey 2) Newton's second law of motion
3) Newton's third law of motion
2) second one third of the journey
4) Newton's law of gravitation
3) last one third of the journey
13. The horizontal component of weight
4)Equal in all cases.
4. Newton's second law of motion give 1) is always zero
1) magnitude of force 2) definition of force 2) is always equal to the weight
3) is less than the weight, but is not zero
3) concept of inertia 4) all the above
4) depends upon the angle of longitude
5. A boat with a sail has an electric fan inside. When
14. Jet plane works on the principal of conservation of
the fan works, due to it the boat
1) cannot move 2) can move 1) mass 2) energy 3) linear momentum
3) it depends on wind directions 4) angular momentum
15. A shell initially at rest explodes into two pieces of
4) it depends on the speed of the fan
unequal masses. Then the two pieces will
6. A cricketer draws his hands backwards to catch
1) fly in opposite direction with same velocity
the ball, because
1) by increasing the time in which he stops the 2) fly in opposite direction with same kinetic energy
ball, he reduces the force on his hands 3) fly in opposite direction with same momentum
4) fly in the same direction with same momentum
2) by increasing the distance, he allows the ball to
16. A bullet is fired into a wooden block. If the bullet
travel a greater distance for more runs
3) it is an art to catch the ball gets embedded in wooden block, then
4) it is a rule in circket 1) momentum alone is conserved
2) kinetic energy alone is conserved
7. Impulse is equal to
3) both momentum and kinetic energy are con-
1) momentum 2) change in momentum
3) rate of change of momentum
4) rate of change of force 4) neither momentum nor kinetic energy are con-
8. A body is projected vertically upwards. Its mo- served
17. The collision in which the relative velocity is zero
mentum is gradually decreasing. In this
after collision is
1) it is a violation of law of conservation of linear
1) perfectly elastic 2) perfectly inelastic
2) momentum of the body alone gets conserved 3) partially elastic
3) momentum of the body, earth and air molecules 4) sometimes elastic and sometimes inelastic
18. In one - dimensional elastic collision, the relative
together remains constant
velocity of approach before collision is equal to
4) violates law of conservation of energy.
1) relative velocity of separation after collision
9. If a stationary bomb explodes into pieces, then
1) momentum increases 2) e times relative velocity of separation after collision
2) momentum decreases 3) 1/e times relative velocity of separation after
3) kinetic energy increases
4) sum of the velocities after collision
4) kinetic energy decreases


19. Two identical bodies moving in opposite direc- 26. The area of force and time graph represents
tion with same speed, collided with each other. If 1) impulse 2) change in momentum
the collision is perfectly elastic then
1) after the collision both comes to rest 3) both (1) and (2) 4) work
2) after the collision first comes to rest and second 27. A metal ball and a rubber ball both having the same
moves in the same direction with a speed 2v mass strikes a wall normally with the same velocity.
3) after collision they recoil with same speed The rubber ball rebounds and the metal ball does
4) all the above are possible
not rebound. It can be concluded that
20. A body of mass 'm' moving with certain velocity
collides with another identical body at rest. If the 1) the rubber ball suffers greater change in
collision is perfectly elastic and after the collision, momentum
if both the bodies moves, they can move 2) the iron ball suffers greater change in momentum
1) in the same direction 2) in opposite direction 3) both suffers the same change in momentum
3) in perpendicular direction
4) making 45° to each other 4) none of the above
21. As shown in the figure six steel balls of identical 28. Choose the false statement
size are lined up along a straight frictionless groove. 1) In a perfect elastic collision the relative velocity
Two similar balls moving with speed v along the of approach is equal to the relative velocity of
groove collide with this row on the extreme left
end. Then separation
2) In an inelastic collision the relative velocity of
 approach is less than the relative velocity of
1) one ball from the right end will move on with
3) In an inelastic collision the relative velocity of
speed 2v and all the remaining balls will be are rest
2) two balls from the extreme right end will move on separation is less than the relative velocity of
with speed v and the remaining balls will be at rest approach
3) all the balls will start moving to the right will 4) In perfect inellastic collision relative velocity of
speed v/8 separation is zero.
4) all the six balls originally at rest will move on with
speed v/6 and the incident balls will come to rest 29. A perfectly elastic ball p1 of mass 'm' moving with
22. A lighter body moving a velocity v collides with a velocity v collides elastically with three exactly
heavier body at rest. Then
1) the lighter body rebounces with twice the similar balls p 2 p 3 p 4 lying on a smooth table.
velocity of bigger body Velocities of the four balls after collision are
2) the lighter body retraces its path will the same
velocity in magnitude
3) the heavier body does not move practically
4) both (2) and (3)
23. A heavier body moving with certain velocity collides 1) 0,0,0,0 2) v.v.v.v 3) v,v,v,0 4) 0,0,0,v
head on elastically with a lighter body at rest. then
30. Two bodies P and Q of masses m1 and m 2
1) smaller body continues to be in the same state
of rest m 2  m1  are moving with velocity
2) smaller body starts to move in the same direc-
tion with same velocity as that of bigger body v1 and v 2 respectively, collide with each other..
3) the smaller body starts to move with twice the
Then the force exerted by P on Q during the col-
velocity of the bigger body in the same direction
4) the bigger body comes to rest lision is
24. The co - efficient of restitution for perfect elastic 1) greater that the force exerted by Q on P
collision is 2) less than the force exerted by Q on P
1) 1 2) 0 3) same as the force exerted by Pon Q
3) lies in between 0 to 1 4) infinity
25. The co-efficient of restitution for perfect elastic 4) same as the force exerted by P on Q but op-
collision is posite in direction
1) 1 2) 0
3) lies in between 0 and 1 4) infinity


31. Two particles of different masses collide head on. 2) they travel with a velocity of 10 ms1 in the
Then for the system
1) loss of KE is zero, if it were perfect elastic same direction
collision 3) they travel with a velocity of 10 ms1 in oppo-
2) if it were perfect inelastic collision, the loss of site direction
KE of the bodies moving in opposite directions
is more than that of the bodies moving in the 4) they travel with a velocity of 5 ms1 in oppo-
same direction site direction
3) loss of momentum is zero for both elastic and 37. The coefficient of restitution (e) for a perfectly elas-
inelastic collisions tic collision is
4) all the above 1)  1 2) 0 3)  4) 1
32. Coefficient of restitution depends upon, 38. A ball of mass M moving with a velocity V
1) The relative velocities of approach and sepa- collides head on elastically with another of same
ration mass but moving with a velocity v in the opposite
2) The masses of the colliding bodies direction. After collision,
3) the materials of the colliding bodies 1) the velocities are exchanged between the two balls
4) all the above 2) both the balls come to rest
33. A car and a lorry are moving with same momen- 3) both of them move at right angles to the origi-
tum. If same brake force is applied then, nal line of motion
1) car comes to rest in shorter distance 4) one ball comes to rest and another ball travels
2) lorry comes to rest in shorter distance back with velocity 2V
3) both travels the same distance before coming to rest 39. A ball is dropped from a height h on the ground. If
4) In sufficient data the coefficient of restitution is e, the height to which
34. A car and a lorry are moving with same momen- the ball goes up after it rebounds for the nth time is
tum. If equal amount of brake force is applied, then 1) he 2 n 2) he n 3) e 2 n / h 4) h / e 2 n
1) car comes to rest in shorter time 40. A sphere of mass m moving with a constant ve-
2) lorry comes to rest in shorter time locity u hits another stationary sphere of the same
3) both takes same time to come to rest mass. If e is the coefficient of restitution, then the
4) In sufficient data ratio of velocities of the two spheres after colli-
35. A charged bead is capable of sliding freely on a sion will be
string held vertically in tension. An electric field is
1 e 1 e e 1 e 1
applied parallel to the string so that the bead stays 1) 2) 3) 4)
at rest at mid - point of the string. If the electric 1 e 1 e e 1 e 1
field is switched off momentarily and switched on 41. A neutron travelling with a velocity v and kinetic
1) the bead moves downwards and stops as soon energy E collides perfectly elastically head on with
as the field is switched on the nucleus of an atom of mass number A at rest.
2) the bead moves downwards when the field is The fraction of the total kinetic energy retained by
switched off and moves upwards when the field is the neutron is
switched on 2 2 2 2
 A 1   A  1  A 1   A  1
3) the bead moves downward with constant 1)   2)   3)   4)  
acceleration till it reaches the bottom of the string  A  1  A 1   A   A 
4) the bead moves downwards with constant 42. A particle of mass m moving with a velocity v
velocity till it reaches the bottom of the string makes a head on elastic collision with another
36. A 2 kg mass moving on a smooth frictionless sur- particle of the same mass initially at rest. The ve-
locity of the first particle after collision is
face with a velocity of 10 ms1 hits another 2 kg 1) v 2) v/2 3) 2v 4) 0
mass kept at rest, in an inelastic collision. After 43. A ball of mass m moving with a speed u under-
collision, if they move together, goes a head - on elastic collision with a ball of
mass nm initially at rest. The fraction of the initial
1) they travel with a velocity of 5 ms1 in the same
kinetic energy transferred to the heavier ball is
n n 2n 4n
1) 2) 3) 4)
n 1 1  n 
1  n 2
1  n 2
44. A parachutist of weight w strikes the ground with ately after explosion is
his legs fixed and comes to rest with an upward 1) 3V cos  2) 1.5V cos 
acceleration of magnitude 3g. The force exerted
on him by the ground during landing is 3) 2V cos  
4) 3 / 2 V cos 
1) w 2) 2w 3) 3w 4) 4w 52. In an inelastic collision, the kinetic energy after
45. The small bob A of a simple pendulum released collision
from 30° to the vertical hits another bob of the same 1) is same as before collision
mass and size lying at rest on the table vertically 2) is always less than that before collision
below the point of suspension. After elastic colli- 3) is always greater than that before collision
sion, the angular amplitude of the bob A will be 4) may be less or greater than that before collision
1) 30° 2) 60° 3) 15° 4) zero 53. A ball hits the floor and rebounds after an inelastic
46. A body of mass m moving with a constant veloc- collision. In this case
ity V hits another body of the same mass moving 1) the momentum of the ball just after the collision
with the same velocity V but in opposite direction is same as that just before the collision
and sticks to it. The velocity of the compound 2) The mechanical energy of the ball remains the
body after the collision is same in the collision
1) 2V 2) V 3) V/2 4) zero 3) the total momentum of the ball and the earth is
47. Which of the following is a non - conservative conserved
force? 4) the total kinetic energy of the ball and the earth
1) force on a particle executing S.H.M is conserved
2) gravitational force between two masses 54. Two particles of same mass have an elastic colli-
3) centripetal force on a particle executing uni- sion, the target particle being initially at rest. If it
form circular motion were not head on collision, the two particles move
4) electrostatic force between two charges after collision
48. An object is kept on a smooth inclined plane of 1 1) parallel to each other
in L can be kept stationary relative to the incline 2) anti - parallel to each other
by giving a horizontal acceleration of 3) perpendicular to each other
4) making an angle 120°
1) 2 to the inclined plane 55. An object initially at rest explodes into three frag-
L 1 ments A,B and C. The momentum of A is pi and
g that of B is 3pj where p is a positive number..
2) 2 to the inclined plane
L 1 The momentum of C will be

to the inclined plane 4)
g  
1) 1 3 p in a direction making an angle 120°
L 1 2
L 1 with that of A
to the inclined plane  
2) 1 3 p in a direction making 150° with that of B
49. The coefficient of restitution is 3) 2p in a direction making 150° with that of A
1) a number of which varies from - 1 to 1 4) 2p in a direction making 150° with that of B
2) a number which varies from 0 to 1
3) a number which varies from 0 to -1 KEY
4) a positive number 01) 3 02) 1 03) 1 04) 1 05) 1
50. Two spheres x and Y collide. After collision, of 06) 1 07) 2 08) 3 09) 3 10) 1
the momentum of X is doubled, 11) 3 12) 3 13) 1 14) 3 15) 3
1) the initial momentum of X and Y are equal 2) 16) 1 17) 2 18) 1 19) 3 20) 3
the initial momentum of X is greater than that of Y 21) 2 22) 4 23) 3 24) 1 25) 2
3) the initial momentum of Y is double that of X 26) 3 27) 1 28) 2 29) 4 30) 3
4) the loss in momentum of Y is equal to the initial 31) 4 32) 3 33)2 34) 3 35)4
momentum of X 36) 1 37) 4 38) 1 39) 1 40) 1
51. A shell is fired from a cannon with a velocity V at 41) 1 42) 4 43) 4 44) 4 45)4
an angle  with the horizontal. At the highest point 46) 4 47) 3 48) 3 49) 2 50) 4
in its path it explodes into two pieces of equal 51)1 52) 4 53)3 54) 3 55) 4
mass. One of the pieces retraced the path to the
cannon. The speed of the other piece immedi-


LEVEL - I 9. A bullet weighing 200 gm and moving at 200 ms 1
Conservation of momentum strikes a 4kg block of ice at rest on a frictionless
& Ballistic pendulum surface and drops dead. The speed of the block is
1. A wagon of mass 10 tons moving at a speed of 1) 200 m/s 2) 100 m/s 3) 50 m/s 4) 10 m/s
12 KMPH collides with another wagon of mass 10. A body of mass m moving at a constant velocity v
8 tons moving on the same track in the same di- hits another body of the same mass moving at the
rection at a speed of 10 KMPH. If the speed of same velocity but in the opposite direction and
the first wagon decreases to 8 KMPH. Find the sticks to it. The common velocity after collision is
speed of the other after collision 1) v 2) 0 3) 2v 4) v/2
1) 18 kmph2) 25 kmph3) 5 kmph 4) 15 kmph 11. A 500 gm gun fires a 2 gm projectile with a muzzle
2. A 5kg mass moving at a speed of 3 ms 1 collides velocity of 1600 ms 1 . The velocity of the gun is
head on with a body of mass 1 kg at rest, if they
move with a common velocity after collision in the 1)  0.64 ms 1 2)  6.4 ms 1
same direction, find the velocity. 3) 6.4 ms 1 4) 0.64 ms 1
1) 25 ms 1 2) 250 ms 1
12. The U 238 nucleus is unstable and decays into a
1 1
3) 2.5 ms 4) 20 ms
Th 234 and an aplha particle. The alpha particle is
3. The mass of a loaded truck 10 tones is going at a
emitted with a speed of 1.4  10 6 m / sec . The
speed of 20 KMPH. A box of mass 2 tones slips
from it and falls on the road. Find the final veloc- recoil speed of Th 234 is
ity of truck (assume that the power of the engine
4  1.4  106 4  1.4  106
is constant) 1) m / s 2)  m/s
1) 2.5 kmph 2) 25 kmph 234 234
3) 5.5 kmph 4) 3.5 kmph 234
4. A bomb at rest explodes into two pieces of masses 3) ms 1 4) 0 ms 1
4  1.4  10 6
20 kg and 30 kg if the first one move with a ve-
13. An 8 gm bullet is fired horizontally into a 9 kg
locity of 30 ms 1 . Find the velocity of the other block of wood and sticks in it. The block which
1)  20 ms 1 2) 0.5 ms 1 is free to move, has a velocity of 40 cm/s after
impact. The initial velocity of the bullet is
3)  20 ms 1 4) 0.3 ms 1 1) 450 m/s 2) 450 cm/s
5. A bullet of mass 20 gm is fired from a riffle of 3) 220 m/s 4) 220 cm/s
mass 20 kg. with a muzzle velocity of 200 ms 1 . 14. A 16 gm mass is moving in the +x direction at 30
Find the velocity of recoil of the rifle. cm/s while a 4 gm is moving in the -x direction at
50 cm/s. They collides head - on and stick to-
1) 0.4 ms 1 2) 0.5 ms 1
gether. Their common velocity after impact is
3) 0.2 ms 1 4) 0.3 ms 1 1) 0.14 cm/s 2) 0.14 m/s
6. A bullet of mass 125 gm. leaves a rifle with a ve- 3) 0 ms 1 4) 0.3 m/s
locity of 500 ms 1 . The riffle recoils with a ve- 15. A bullet of mass 50 grams going at a speed of
locity 5 ms . Find the mass of the rifle. 200 ms 1 strikes a wood block of mass 950 gm
1) 100 kg 2) 12.5 kg 3) 1.25 kg 4) 125 kg and gets embedded in it. Find the velocity o the
7. A boy of mass 40 kg jumps off a boat with a ve- block after the impact
locity of 3 ms 1 . With what momentum does the 1) 5 ms 1 2) 10 ms 1 3) 20 ms 1 4) 50 ms 1
boat move ? 16. A block of wood of mass 9.8 kg is suspended by
1)  210 kg.ms 1 2)  120 kg.ms 1 a string. A bullet of mass 200 gm strikes horizon-
3)  125 kg.ms 1 4)  215 kg.ms 1 tally with a velocity of 100 ms 1 and gets imbed-
8. A bullet is fired from a gun with a velocity 600 m/ ded in it. To what height will the block rise ?
s. The recoil velocity of the gun is 3m/s. What is
the ratio of the mass of the gun and bullet ?
g  10 ms 2

1) 100 2) 400 3) 200 4) 300 1) 0.1 m 2) 0.2 m 3) 0.3 m 4) 0


17. A 15 gm bullet is fired horizontally into a 3 kg 27. In the above problem, the height it attains on the
block of wood suspended by a string. The bullet third bounce is
sticks in the block, and the impact causes the block 1) 45.6 cm 2) 81 cm 3) 144 cm 4) 0 cm
to swing 10 cm above the initial level. The veloc- 28. A ball is dropped from a height h above a tile floor
ity of the bullet nearly is and rebounds to a height of 0.64h. The coefficient
1) 281 ms 1 2) 326 ms 1 3) 184 ms 1 4) 58 ms 1 of restitution between the ball and the floor is
1) 0.64 2) 0.8 3) 1/0.64 4) 1/0.8
18. A truck of mass 10 metric ton runs at 3 ms 1 along
29. A ball is dropped from height 'H' on to a horizon-
a level track and collides with a loaded truck of tal surface. If the coefficient of restitution is 'e'
mass 20 metric ton, standing at rest. If the trucks then the total time after which it comes to rest is
couple together, the common speed after colli-
sion is 2H  1  e  2H  1  e 
1)   2)  
1) 1 ms 1 2) 1 ms 1 3) 0.5 ms 1 4) 0.3 ms 1 g 1 e  g 1 e 
19. A nucleus of mass number 'A' originally at rest
emits an  particle with a speed 'v' the recoil 2H  1  e 2  2H  1  e 2 
   
g  1  e 2  g  1  e 2 
speed of the daughter nucleus is 3) 4)
2 4  4 30. A ball falls from a height of 10m on to a horizontal
1) 2) 3) 4)
4A A4 A4 A4 plane. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.4 the
velocity with which it rebounds from the plane af-
COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION & ter second collision is
ELASTIC, INELASTIC COLLISIONS 1) 2.24 ms 1 2) 5.6 ms 1
20. A rubber ball drops from a height h and after re-
bounding twice from the ground, it rises to 3) 2.8 ms 1 4) 0.9 ms 1
h/2. The co - efficient of restitution is 31. A ball is dropped from a height of 3 m. If coeffi-
1/ 2
1/ 4
1/ 6 cient of restitution between the surface and ball is
1) 1 / 2 2)   3)   4)   0.5 the total distance covered by the ball before it
2 2 2 comes to rest is
21. In the above problem if the ball rises to h / 2 after 1) 3m 2) 4 m 3) 5 m 4) 6 m
rebounding three times e, is 32. A glass sphere of mass 5 gm, falls from a height of
1/ 2
1/ 4
1/ 6
3 meters on to a horizontal surface. If the coeffi-
1) 1 / 2 2)   3)   4)   cient of restitution is 0.5, after the impact the sphere
2 2 2
will rise to a height of
22. A body dropped freely from a height h on to a
1) 0.075 m 2) 0.75 m 3) 7.5 m 4) 75 m
horizontal plane, bounces up and down and fi-
33. A body of mass 20 gms is moving with a certain
nally comes to rest. The coefficient of restitution
is e. The ratio of velocities at the beginningand velocity. It collides with another body of mass 80
after two rebounds is gm at rest. The collision is perfectly inelastic. Find
1) 1 : e 2) e : 1 3) 1 : e² 4) e² : 1 the ratio of the kinetic energies before and after
23. In the above problem, the ratio of times of two collision of the system is
consequtive rebounds 1) 2 : 1 2) 4 : 1 3) 5 : 1 4) 3 : 2
1) 1 : e 2) e : 1 3) 1 : e² 4) e² : 1 34. A truck of mass 15 tons moving with 1 ms 1 col-
24. In the above problem the ratio of distance trav- lides with a stationary truck of mass 10 tons and
elled in two consequitive rebounds automatically connected to move together. The
1) 1 : e 2) e : 1 3) 1 : e² 4) e² : 1
common velocity is
25. A metal ball falls from a height of 1m on to a steel
plate and jumps upto a height of 81 cm. Find the 1) 1 ms 1 2) 0 ms 1 3) 0.4 ms 1 4) 0.6 ms 1
coefficient of restitution of the ball material. 35. In the above problem the total K.E before colli-
1) 0.2 2) 9 3) 0.9 4) 90 sion is
26. A ball is dropped on to a horizontal floor. It 1) 4500 J 2) 7500 J 3) 3000 J 4) 0 J
reaches a height of 144 cm on the first bounce 36. In the above problem the total K.E after collision
and 81 cm on the second bounce. The coeffi- 1) 4500 J 2) 7500 J 3) 3000 J 4) 0 J
cient of restitution is 37. In the above problem loss of K.E during collision is
1) 0 2) 0.75 3) 81/144 4) 1 1) 4500 J 2) 7500 J 3) 3000 J 4) 0 J
38. A block of mass 1 kg moving with a speed of
48. A ball of 4 kg mass and a speed of 3 ms 1 has a
4 ms 1 , collides with another block of mass 2 kg head on elastic collision with a 6 kg mass initially
which is at rest. The lighter block comes to rest at rest. The speeds of both the bodies after colli-
after collision. The loss in the K.E of the system. sion are respectively
1) 8 J 2) 4  10 7 J 3) 4 J 5) 0 J 1) 0.6 ms 1 2.4 ms 1
39. A car of mass 10 metric ton rolls at 2 ms 1 along a 2)  0.6 ms 1  2.4 ms 1
level track and collides with a loaded car of mass
3)  0.6 ms 1 2.4 ms 1
20 metric ton, standing at rest. If the cars couple
together, the common speed after collision is 4)  0.6 ms 1  2.4 ms 1
1) 1 ms 1 2) 0.67 ms 1 3) 0.5 ms 1 4) 0.3 ms 1 49. A proton collides with a helium atom at rest. The
40. In the above problem loss in K.E during collision is helium atom has mass 4 time of proton and moves
1) 1 KJ 2) 1.33 J forward at speed of 5  105 ms 1 . If the collision
3) 1.33 KJ 4) 1.33  10 4 J is elastic, the initial speed of proton before colli-
41. In the above problem the speed of the heavy car sion is
in the opposite direction so that, after collision they 1) 12.5  10 6 ms 1 2) 1.25106 ms1
come to rest
3) 2.5  10 6 ms 1 4) 0 ms 1
1 1
1) 1 ms 2) 0.67 ms 50. In the above problem the velocity of proton after
3) 0.5 ms 1
4) 0.3 ms 1 collision is
42. A moving body makes a perfectly inelastic collision 1) 0.75  105 ms 1 2) 7.5  105 ms 1
with a second body of equal mass at rest K.E lost
3)  7.5  105 ms 1 4) 0 ms 1
during collision is ___________ of initial K.E
1) 1/4 2) 1/2 3) 1 4) 0 51. In the above problem the fraction of K.E trans-
ferred from proton to helium is
43. A 6 kg mass travelling at 2.5 ms collides head 1) 0.64 2) 0.36 3) 0.48 4) 1
on with a stationary 4 kg mass. After the collision 52. A body of mass 2kg makes an elastic collision with
the 6 kg mass travels in its original direction with a another body at rest and continues to move in the
speed of 1 ms 1 . The final velocity of 4 kg mass is original direction at a speed equal to 1/3 of its original
speed. The mass of the second body is
1) 1 m/s 2) 2.25ms 1 3) 2 ms 1 4) 0 ms 1 1) 2 kg 2) 3 kg 3) 1 kg 4) 4 kg
44. In the above problem, coefficient of restitution is 53. A body of mass 10 gm. moving with a velocity of
1) 1/4 2) 1/2 3) 3/4 4) 5/8
20 cm 1 collides a stationary mass of 90 gm. The
45. A marble going at a speed of 2 ms 1 hits another collusion is perfectly elastic. Find the percentage
marble of equal mass at rest. If the collision is loss of kinetic energy of the first body
perfectly elastic. Find the velocity of the first after 1) 36 2) 48 3) 64 4) 0
collision. 54. A 90 gm ball moving with 100 cm/s collides with
1) 4 2) 0 3) 2 4) 3 10 gm. ball at rest. If collision is perfectly elastic,
46. A body of mass 10 kg moving with a velocity of their respective velocities are
5 ms 1 hits a body of 1 gm at rest. Find the ve- 1) 80 cm/s ; 180 cm/s 2) 180 cm/s ; 80 cm/s
locity of the second body after collision assuming 3) 50 cm/s ; 120 cm/s 4) 120 cm/s ; 50 cm/s
it to be perfectly elastic 55. Two identical balls collide head on. The initial
1) 10 ms 1 2) 5 ms 1 velocity of one is 0.75 cm 1 . While that of the

3) 15 ms 1 4) 0.10 ms 1 other is  0.43 ms 1 . If the collision is perfectly

47. A ping - pong ball strikes a wall with a velocity of elastic. Their respective final velocities are
10 ms 1 . If the collision is perfectly elastic Find 1) 0.75 ms 1 ;0.43 ms 1
the velocity of ball after impact 2)  0.43 ms 1 ; 0.75 ms 1
1)  20 ms 1 2)  5 ms 1 3)  0.75 ms 1 ; 0.43 ms 1
3) 1.0 ms 1 4)  10 ms 1 4) 0.43 ms 1 ; 0.75 ms 1


56. A particle of mass m1 moving with certain veloc- 4. Ashell is fired from gun with a velocity of 300 ms-1
making an angle 600 with the horizontal it bursts
ity collides with elastically head on with a particle
into two pieces whose masses are in the ratio 1 :
of mass m 2 at rest. After collision their velocities 3. The smaller piece retraces its path after the
will be in the ratio of explosion and enters the gun. Find the velocity of
m1  m 2 m1  m 2 the larger piece, immediately after the explosion.
1) m  m 2) 2m  m  1) 0ms-1 2) 200ms-1 3) 250ms-1 4) 300ms-1
1 2 1 2
5. A bomb of mass 4m at rest explodes into three pieces
2m1 m1  m 2 of masses in the ratio 1:1:2 Two identical pieces fly in
3) m  m 4) 2m1 mutually perpendicular directions each with a velocity
1 2
v. The magnitude of velocity of third piece is

KEY v v
1) v 2) v/2 3) 4)
01) 4 02) 3 03) 2 04) 1 05) 3 2 3
06) 2 07) 2 08) 3 09) 4 10) 2 6. In the above problem third piece is making----
11) 2 12) 1 13) 1 14) 2 15) 2 angle with the motion of each piece.
16) 2 17) 1 18) 1 19) 4 20) 3 1) 450 2) 900 3) 1350 4) 1800
21) 4 22) 3 23) 1 24) 3 25) 3 7. In the above problem the total K.E. produced in
26) 2 27) 1 28) 2 29) 2 30) 1 the explosion is
31) 3 32) 2 33) 3 34) 4 35) 2 1) 1/2 mv2 2) 3/2mv2 3) mv2 4) 2/3mv2
36) 1 37) 3 38) 3 39) 2 40) 4 8. A projectile of mass 50 kg is shot vertically
41) 1 42) 2 43) 2 44) 2 45) 2 upwards with an initial velocity of 100ms-1. After
46) 2 47) 4 48) 3 49) 2 50) 3 5 seconds it explodes into two fragments, one of
51) 1 52) 3 53) 3 54) 1 55) 2 which having mass 20 kg, travels vertically up with
56) 4 a velocity of 150ms-1. The velocity of the other
fragment at that instant is
1) 100ms-1 2) 150ms-1 3) -150ms-1 4) -15ms-1
9. From the top of a tower of height 100m a 10 gm
1. A body of mass 5kg moving with a speed of
block is dropped freely and a 6gm bullet is fired
3ms-1 collides head on with a body of mass 3kg
vertically upwards from the foot of the tower with
moving in the opposite direction at a speed of 2ms-
velocity 100ms-1 simultaneously. They collide and
. The first body stops after the collision. Find the
stick together. The common velocity after
final velocity of the second body.
collision is (g=10ms-2)
1) 3ms-1 2) 5ms-1 3) -9ms-1 4) 30ms-1
1) 27.5ms-1 2) 150ms-1 3) 40ms-1 4) 100ms-1
2. A boy weighing 50kg throws a stone of mass 10kg
10. A block of mass 19M is suspended by a string of
horizontally with a velocity of 8ms-1. With what
length 1m. A bullet of mass M hits it and gets
velocity does he move?
embedded in it. The block just complete the circle
1) -1.6ms-1 2) -16ms-1
in the vertical plane. Find the velocity of the bullet.
3) -160ms-1 4) -1.9ms-1
3. A shell is fired from gun with a velocity of 1) 140ms-1 2) 20 19.6 ms 1
300ms-1 making an angle 600 with the horizontal.
3) 20 9.8 ms 1 4) 20ms-1
It explodes into two fragments when it reaches the
highest position. The ratio of the masses of the two 11. A bullet of mass 50gm moving with velocity of
pieces is 1 : 3. If the smaller piece stops immediately 10m/s strikes a ballistic pendulum of mass 950gm
after the collision. Find velocity of the other. at rest and gets embeded in it. The loss in K.E. of
1) 0ms-1 2) 200ms-1 system is
3) 250ms-1 4) 300ms-1 1) 100% 2) 95% 3) 5% 4) 50%


12. A particle is projected with a velocity of 20ms-1 at an 22. A body of mass 10gm moving with a velocity of
angle 600 with the horizontal. At the maximum height 20 cms-1 collides with a stationary mass of 90gm.
it splits into two parts of equal masses. If one part The collision is perfectly inelastic. Find the
just drops down, the velocity of the other part is percentage loss of kinetic energy of the system.
1) 0 2) 50 3) 90 4) 100
1) 10ms-1 2) 20ms-1
23. A 90gm ball moving at 100 cm/s collide head on
3) 10 3 ms 1 4) 20 3 ms 1 with a stationary 10gm ball. The coefficient of
13. A simple pendulum of length 0.2m has bob of mass restitution is 0.5 . Their respective velocities after
5gm, it is pulled aside through an angle 600 from collision are
the vertical. A spherical body of mass 2.5 gm is 1) 135 cm/s, 85 cm/s 2) 85 cm/s, 135 cm/s
3) -85 cm/s, 135 cm/s 4) 85 cm/s,-135 cm/s
placed at the lowest position of the bob. When
24. In the above problem collision is
the bob is released it strikes the spherical body
1) elastic 2) inelastic
and comes to rest. What is the velocity of the 3) perfect inelastic 4) none
spherical body? (g=9.8ms-2) (in m/s) 25. In the above problem loss of K.E. is
1) 1.4 2) 2.8 3) 3.5 4) 4.9 1) 45,000 erg 2) 22,500 erg
14. A tennis ball bounces down a flight of stairs, striking 3) 33,750 erg 4) 0 erg
each step in turn and rebounding to the half of 26. A sphere of mass m moving with constant velocity
height of the step. The coefficient of restitution is hits another sphere of same mass at rest. If e is
1/ 2 1/ 4
the coefficient of restitution. The ratio of their
1  1   1  velocities after collision is
1) 1/2 2) 3)   4)  
2  2  2 1 e 1  2e 1 e
15. A ball hits the ground and loses 20% of its 1) 1 2) 3) 4)
2 1  2e 1 e
momentum. Coefficient of restitution is
27. When two perfectly elastic spheres collide the
1) 0.2 2) 0.4 3) 0.6 4) 0.8
16. A plastic ball falling from a height 4.9m rebounds impulse of the blow on the sphere is, if their initial
number of times. If total time for second collision velocities are u1 and u2 in same direction and
is2.4 sec then co-efficient of restitution is masses m and m1
1) 0.3 2) 0.4 3) 0.7 4) 0.6 2mm1 2mm1
17. Asteel ball of radius 2cm is initially at rest. It is 1) ( u 1  u 2 ) 2) (u1  u 2 )
struck head on by another steel ball of radius 4cm (m  m1 ) (m  m1 )
travelling with a velocity of 81 cm/s. If the collision
2mm1 2mm1
is elastic their respective final velocities are 3) ( u1  u 2 ) 4) (u1  u 2 )
1) 63 cm/s, 144 cm/s 2) 144 cm/s, 63 cm/s (m  m1 ) (m  m1 )
2) 19 cm/s, 100 cm/s 4) 100 cm/s, 19 cm/s 28. A body of mass 50gm collides elastically with
18 In the above problem, the common velocity if it is another body of mass 30 gm at rest. Then the
perfectly inelastic collision percentage loss of the velocity of the colliding body
1) 144cm/s 2) 61 cm/s 3) 81 cm/s 4) 72 cm/s during collision is
19. A hail stone falling freely from a height h strikes 1) 25% 2) 75% 3) 50% 4) 67%
the roof of a parked car with aspeed of 10ms-1
and rebounds to a height of 0.2m the fraction of
K.E. lost in the impact is (g=10ms-1) KEY
1) 0.04 2) 0.96 3) 0.5 4) 0 1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
20. If two perfectly elastic balls of masses 2gm and 5) 3 6) 3 7) 2 8) 4
3gm moving in opposite directions with speeds of 9) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 2
8 m/s and 6 m/s respectively collide elastically, 13) 2 14) 2 15) 4 16) 3
their final velocities are respectively. 17) 2 18) 4 19) 2 20) 4
1) 5.2 ms-1, 8.8 ms-1 2) 8.8 ms-1, 5.2 ms-1 21) 2 22) 3 23) 2 24) 2
3) -8.8 ms-1, -5.2 ms-1 4) -8.8 ms-1, 5.2 ms-1 25) 3 26) 4 27) 1 28) 2
21. A ball of mass 0.1kg makes an elastic collision
with a ball of unknown mass initially at rest and
rebounds with 1/3 of its original speed. The mass
of the other ball is
1) 0.1 kg 2) 0.2 kg 3) 0.3 kg 4) 0.4 kg
HINTS FOR LEVEL II m1u  m 2 (0)  m1 (0)  m 2V

1. m1u1  m2u2  m1v1  m2 v2 5  2 gl (1  cos    2.5V  V  2.8 ms  1

15  6  0  3V2  V2  3ms 1 h2 h 1
14. e   2

2. m2V2  m1v1 h1 h 2
50 v2  10(8)  V2  1.6ms
80 v
15. 80% mu  mv   e  0.8
100 u
3. 4 m (u cos  )  3 mV
1 16. T  t  2t1
4  300   3  V  200 ms 1
2 2h
4. 4m(u cos  )  m(u cos )  3mV   1  2e 
3V  5u cos  2.4  1  2e  e  0.7

V 4
5. 2mV  2mV1  V1  17. As mass, m  d (volume)  d  r 3
2 3
1 1 1 2 3  r r 
3 3 3
2r u
7. KE  mV2  mV2  (2mV
) 1  mV2 m  r3 so, V1   13 23  u1 and V2  3 1 13
2 2 2 2  r1  r2  r1  r2

3 3 3 3
8. V  u  g /  18. r1 u1  r2 u2  (r1  r2 ) V
 100  (9.8)5 1 2
mv  mgh
 100  49 KE  PE v 2  2 gh
19.  2 
KE 1 2 v2
 51 and mv
MV  m1v1  m2 v2
50  51  20  150  30V2  m  m2  2m2u2
20. V1   1  u1  and
2550  3000  30V2  m1  m2  m1  m2
 45 0  3 0 V2  V2  15ms 1  m  m1  2m1u1
V2   2  u2 
 m1  m2  m1  m2
h 100
9. time, t    1sec u  m1  m2 
u 100 21.    u  m2  2m1
freely falling : u1  gt  10ms 1 3  m1  m2 

upward projected , u2  u  gt  90ms 1 m2

22. % loss of KE = (100)
 m1u1  m2u2  (m1  m2 )V m1  m2
 10(10)  6(90)  16 V  16V  440 90
 (100)  90
V  27.5 ms 1 100

10. m1u1  m2u2  (m1  m2 ) 5 gr 1 1 mu

23. mu 2 2  mv
1 1 mv
2 2

90100 90v1 10v2

11. % loss of KE  (100) 9v1 v2 900 1
m1  m2
v2 v1
12. 2m (u cos  )  mV  V  2u cos  and 0.5  v2 v1 50 2
13. Velocity of bob at mean u  2 gl (1  cos ) v1 and v2 values are calculated by solving equations 1&2


24. As e  0.5 so it is an inelastic. 3. Three identical particles with velocities
25. loss of KE= KE1  KE2 v 0 i ,3v 0 j and 5v 0 k collide successively with each
other in such a way that they form a single particle.
26. mu  m v1  m v2  v2  v1  u 1 The velocity of resultant particle in i, j, k form is
v v
e  2 1  v2  v1  eu  2
u0 1) v 0 i  3 j  5k  2)
i  3 j  5k 
(1  e)
by solving 1 and 2, v1  u
(1  e)
3) i  3 j  5k 4)
i  3 j  5k 
v2  u
4. A particle of mass m has a velocity  v 0i . while a
second particle of same mass has a velocity v 0 j .
27. Im pulse, I  m (u1  v1)
After the particles collide, first particle is found to
  m  m1  2m1u2  
 m u1   u
1 1
  1
have a velocity v 0 i then the velocity of other
  m  m  m  m1   2
2mm1 particle is
 (u1  u2 )
m  m1 1   1  
1) v0 i  v0 j 2) v0 i  v0 j
28. Colliding body is first body so, % loss of velocity of 2 2
   
u1  v1 3) v 0 i  v 0 j 4)  v 0 i  v 0 j
1st body = (100)
u1 5. Fivespheres of masses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 kg are moving
along a straight line in the same direction with
  m  m2   velocities 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 m/s respectively. The first
 u1   1  u1 100 sphere collides with the second and both stick
  m1  m2  
together. The compound mass collides with the
  m  m2   third sphere and so on. The velocity of the
 1   1   100
  m1  m2  compound mass when all stick together is
2m2 1) 3/7 m/s 2) 7/3 m/s 3) 1 m/s 4) none
 (100)
m1  m2 6. A 50 gm ball collides with another ball of mass 150gm,
2  30 moving in its direction of motion, After collision the
 100  75% tow balls move at a an angle 300 with their initial
direction. Ratio of their velocities after collision is
LEVEL III 1) 3 : 1 2) 1 : 3 3) 2 : 3 4) 1 : 1
1. A block of wood of mass 3M is suspended by a 7. Particles A and B of masses 20 gm and 40 gm are
string of length 10/3m. A bullet of mass M hits is simultaneously projected at angles 450 and 1350
with acertain velocity and gets embeded it. The from two points P and Q with a velocity 49 m/s
block and the bullet swing to one side till the string each. They collide in their path, after collision if A
makes 1200 with the initial position. Find the
retraces its path, velocity of B is
velocity of the bullet (g=10ms-2)
1) 49 m/s 2) 24. 5 m/s 3) zero 4) 98 m/s
40 8. At high altitude a body at rest explodes into two
1) ms 1 2) 20ms-1 3) 30ms-1 4) 40ms-1
3 fragments of equal masses with one fragment
2. The pendulum ball of mass m1 let swing from height receiving horizontal velocity of 10 ms-1. Time taken
h, strikes and sticks to the pendulum ball m2 at by the two radius vectors connecting point of
rest. The combination then swings to a height h/ explosion to fragment to make 900 is (g=10 ms-2)
3. m2 in terms of m1 is 1) 10 s 2) 4 s 3) 2 s 4) 1 s
1) 1.732 m1 2) 0.732m13) 0.732m14)m1


9. A wooden block of mass 10gm is dropped from 15. A 1 kg ball moving at 12ms-1 collides head-on
the top of a cliff 100m high simultaneously a bullet with a 2kg, ball moving in the opposite direction
of same mass is fired from thefoot of the clif at 24ms-1. If e=2/3 the velocities after impact are
vertically upwards with a velocity of 100ms-1. If respectively.
thebullet after collision gets embedded in the block, 1) -28ms-1, -4ms-1 2) 28ms-1, -4ms-1
the common velocity of the bullet and the block 3) -28ms-1, 4ms-1 4) 28ms-1, 4ms-1
16. A moving sphere P collides another sphere Q at
immediately after collision is (g=10 ms-2)
rest. If the collision takes place along the line joining
1) 40 ms-1 downward 2) 40ms-1 upward
their centres of mass such that their total kinetic
3) 80ms-1 upward 4) zero
energy is conserved and the fraction of K.E.
10. A ball of mass 100 gm is projected vertically
upward from theground with a velocity of transferred by the colliding particle is , the mass
50ms-1 . At the same time another identical ball is
of P and the mass of Q bear a ratio
dropped from a height of 100m to fall freely along
1) 8 : 3 2) 9 : 8 3) 2 : 3 4) 1 : 2
the same path as that followed by the first ball.
After some time the two balls collide, stick together 17. A 3kg ball moving to the right at 4 m/sec collides
with a 4kg ball moving to the right at 2 m/sec.
and finally fall to the ground. The time taken by
Find the final velocities of the balls in m/sec if the
the combined mass to fall to the ground is
coefficient of restitution is 0.6
approximately (g=10ms-2)
1) 2.2, 3.4 2) 1, 2 3) 4, 5 4) 6,8
1) 4.5 s 2) 6.5 s 3) 9 s 4) 13 s
18. A ball strikes a horizontal floor at an angle 450.
11. A test tube of mass 20 gm is filled with a gas and The value of 'e' between the ball and the floor is
fitted with a stopper of 2gm. It is suspended 1/2. Find the fraction of K.E. loss during the
horizontally by means of a thread of 1m length collision
and heated. When the stopper kicks out, the tube
5 3 7 3
just completes a circle in verticle plane. The 1) 2) 3) 4)
8 8 8 4
velocity with which the stopper is kicked out is 19. Asmooth steel ball strikes a fixed smooth steel
1) 7ms-1 2) 10ms-1 3) 70ms-1 4) 0.1ms-1 plate at an angle '  ' with the vertical. If 'e' is the
12. A block of mass m moving at a speed v collides coefficient of restitution, the angle at which the
with another block of mass 3 m at rest. If the light rebounce will take place with the vertical is
block comes to rest after collision, the coefficient 1  Tan  1  Cot 
of restitution is 1)   Tan   2)   Tan  
 e   e 
1 1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4) 1  sin   1  e 
3 6 2 4 3)   Tan   4)   Tan  
 e   Tan 
13. Two bodies move towards each other and collide
20. A particle strikes a horizontal friction less floor
in elastically. The velocity of the first body before
impact is 2m/s and of the second is 4m/sec. The with a speed 'u' at an angle '  ' with the verticle
common velocity after collision is 1m/s in the and rebounds with a speed 'v' at an angle '  '
direction of the first body. How many times did with theverticle. Find the value of 'v' if 'e' is the
the K.E. of the first body exceed that of the second coefficient of restitution.
body before collision. 1) v  u e 2 sin 2   cos2 
1) 4.25 2) 3.25 3) 2.25 4) 1.25
14. A moving particle of mass 'm' makes head-on 2) v  u e 2 cos 2   sin 2 
elastic collision with a particle of mass '2m' which 3) v  u e 2 cos2   tan 2 
is initially at rest. The fraction of K.E. lost by
colliding particle is 4) v  u cot 2   e 2 cos2 
1) 1/3 2) 1/9 3) 8/9 4) 2/3
21. Hail stones are observed to strike the surface of 27. A ball is thrown at an angle of incidence '  ' on a
frozenlake at 300 to the verticle and rebound at horizontal plane such that the incident direction
600 to the vertical. The coefficient of restitution is and the reflected direction are at right angles to
each other if the coefficient of restitution is 'e' then
2 1 1 3
1) 2) 3) 4) '  ' is equal to
3 3 3 2
1) Tan-1 (e) 2) Tan-1 (2e)
22. A bullet of mass 0.01 kg moves at a speed of 500
m/sec, strikes a block of 2 kg suspended by a
3) Tan-1 ( 2 e) 4) Tan-1  e
rope of length 5m. The block raises to a height of KEY
0.1m, with what velocity the bullet emerges from 1) 4 2) 2 3) 2 4) 1 5) 2
the block. 6) 1 7) 3 8) 3 9) 2 10) 1
1) 220 m/sec 2) 340 m/sec 11) 3 12) 1 13) 4 14) 3 15) 1
16) 4 17) 1 18) 2 19) 1 20) 2
3) 120 m/sec 4) 250 m/sec 21) 3 22) 1 23) 3 24) 1 25) 3
23. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 moving on the 26) 2 27) 4
same direction with velocities u1 and u2 collide. The
velocities after collision are v1 and v2. If each sphere HINTS FOR LEVEL -III
loses the same amount of kinetic energy, then 1. M  u  (3M  M ) 2 gl (1  cos  )
1) u1  u 2  v1  v 2  0 2. m1  2 gh  ( m1  m2 ) 2 gh / 3
2) u1  u 2  v1  v 2  0 3. mV0 i  3mV0 j  5mV0 K  (m  m  m)V
3) u1  u 2  v1  v 2  0 mVo (i  3 j  5K )
V 
4) u1  u 2  v1  v 2  0
24. Two spheres A and B of equal mass lie on the  Total momentum   Total momentum 
smooth horizantal circular groove at opposit ends
4.   
 before collision   after collision 
of diameter and at the end of time 't' impinges on
 Total momentum   Total momentum 
B. If 'e' is the coefficient of restitution, the second 5.   
 before collision   after collision 
impinge will occur after a time
2t t t 2t 6. Applying law of conservation of
1) 2) 3) 4) momentum in the vertical direction
e e e e
25. A ball moving with a speed of 2.2 m/sec strikes 0=m1v1Sin300 -m 2 v 2 sin300
an identical stationary ball. After collision the V1 m2 150 3
   
first ball moves at 1.1 m/sec at 600 with the V2 m1 50 1
original line of motion. The magnitude and 9. Time after which collision takes place
direction of the after ball is h 100
1) 5 m/sec, 900 2) 2 m/sec, 600 t=   1sec
u 100
3) 3 (1.1) m/sec, 300 4) 10 m/sec, 600 Intial velocity of the wooden block ( u1 )
26. A body of mass 0.2 kg dropped from a height = gt  10  1  10m / s
1 Intial velocity of the bullet ( u2 )
'6m'. If e = then K.E. last during its first = u-gt
 100  10 1  90m / s
bounce from the ground is
 m1u1  m2u2  (m1  m2 )V
1) 1.96 J 2) 9.8 J 3) 19.6 J 4) zero
V  40m / s


26. e find mg (h1  h2 )
2 7 . T a n   e T a n
g iv e n     9 0 0

( M  m)0  m  v  M 5 gl New Type of Questions

01. Two spheres of different masses moving in the
M 5 gl same direction undergo perfect head on elastic
v 
m collision. Then,
( M  20  103 Kg , m  2  10 3 Kg a) Their velocities are interchanged if they are of
same mass
1 1  m2u2  mv
15. mu 1 1  m2v2
b) If the heavier sphere were at rest before colli-
v2 v1 sion. it continues to be at rest after collision and
e the lighter sphere retraces its path will the same
u1 u2
on solving v1 and v2 can be calculated. c) If the lighter sphere were at rest before colli-
sion, it moves with the velocity of the heavier
V cos sphere and the heavier sphere continues to move
19. e 
u cos with its original velocity after collision.
u sin   V sin  d) If the lighter sphere were at rest before colli-
sion, it moves with double the velocity of the
heavier sphere and the heavier sphere continues
20. V  (V sin  ) 2  (V cos  ) 2 to move with its original velocity, after collision.
V  (u sin  ) 2  (eu cos  ) 2 1. a,b,c are correct 2. a,b are correct
3. b,c are correct 4. a,b,d are correct
u e2 cos 2   sin 2  02. A small metal sphere falls from a height h onto a
plane surface strikes it with velocity v and re-
Tan bounds. If e is the coefficient of restitution
21. Tan 
e a) the height to which it rebounds after n collisions
is e n h
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
23. m1u1  m1V1  m2u2  m2V2 b) the height to which it rebound after 3 collision
2 2 2 2
m1u1  m2u2  m1V1  m2V2 is e 6 h
c) the velocity with which it rebounds after 4 th
 u1  V1  (V2  u2 )
collision is e 4 v
u1  V1  V2  u2  0
d) the velocity with which it strikes the surface
for the second collision is ev
V2  V1 1) only a and b are correct
24. e 
u 2) only b and c are correct
Vnet  V2  V1  eu 3) b , c and d are correct 4) a, b and c are correct
2 r 2 r 03. In the case of explosion of a bomb
at sec ond impact t1   a) KE changes
Vnet eu
b) the mechanical energy conserves
25. In obligue collision c) linear momentum changes
along  - direction from law of consevation d) chemical energy changes
of linear momentum 1) a & b are true 2) c & d are true
3) a & c are true 4) a & d are true
u1  V1 cos 60  V2 cos 
04. When a bullet is fired from a gun
along Y  direction a) KE of bullet is more than that of gun
0  V1 sin 60  V2 sin  b) acceleration of bullet is more than that of gun
c) momentum of bullet is more that of gun
d) velocity of bullet is more than that of gun shape keeping the total energy constant
1) only a & b are true 2) only b & c are true 1) only "a" is true 2) a, b, d are true
3) a, b & d are true 4) a, b, c & d are true 3) b, c, d are true 4) a, b, c are true
05. About a collision which are not correct 11. Identify the correct statements from the following
a) physical contact is must a) The collisions between the nuclei and funda-
b) colliding particles cannot change mental particles are considered as elastic collisions
c) the effect of external force is not considered b) Emission of an alpha particle by U 235 is an
d) linear momentum does not conserve "elastic collision"
1) only a & d 2) only a & b
c) The collision between two ivory balls is con-
3) a, b, c 4) a, b, d
sidered as " elastic collision"
06. During collision
d) A running man jumps into a train. It is an "elas-
a) The colliding bodies experience large force
during small interval of time tic collision"
b) The colliding bodies need not touch each other 1) only a & b are true 2) only b & c are true
c) The kinetic energy conserves d) The linear 3) a, b & c are true 4) b, c & d are true
momentum conserves 12. Identify the correct statements from the following.
1) only a & b happen a) A bullet is fired into a wooden block is an "in-
2) only b and c happen 3) a , b & c happen elastic collision"
4) a, b & d happen b) A running man jumps into a train is an "inelastic
07. During collision collision"
a) There is a change in momenta of individual bodies c) If the coefficient of restitution is zero the colli-
b) The change in total momentum of the system of sion is perfectly "inelastic"
colliding particle is zero d) There is no loss of kinetic energy during inelastic
c) The change in total energy is zero collision.
d) The law of conservation of momentum is not 1) a & b are true 2) a, b & c are true
valid 3) a, b & c are true 4) a, b, c & d are true
1) only a & b are true
13. A body of mass m1 moving with a velocity "u"
2) only b & c are true 3) a, b & c are true
4) b, c & d are true collides elastically with another body of mass
08. During one dimensional collision or head on collision m 2 at rest.
a) The bodies move along the line joining their a) The fraction of kinetic energy transferred to
centre of mass before and after collision
b) The bodies should move in opposite direction 4m1m 2
second body is m  m 2
c) The bodies change their direction after collision 1 2
d) The bodies move along the line joining their b) The fraction of energy retained by the first body
centre of mass before and after collision either in
same direction or in opposite direction  m1  m 2 
1) only a is correct 2) only a & b are correct is  
3) a, b & c are correct  m1  m 2 
4) only a and d are correct c) If m1  m 2 the energy transferred is 100 %
09. During "inelastic collision " d) The energy lost during the collision is found as heat
a) There is a loss of kinetic energy 1) only a & b are true 2) only b & c are true
b) some of the kinetic energy is used to deform
3) b, c & d are true 4) a, b, c & d are true
the body
14. Statement A : A bomb of mass M at rest explodes
c) some of the kinetic energy is liberated as heat
d) There is a loss of mass energy into two parts of mass " m1 " and " m 2 " . The
1) only a is true 2) only b and c are true total energy released is E. The energy carried by
3) a,b & c are true 4) b, c & d are true
Em 2
10. During "elastic collision " mass m1 is
a) there is no loss of kinetic energy 2) the bod- M
ies are perfectly elastic Statement B : The kinetic energy is not conserved
c) temporarily some of the kinetic energy is used during inelastic collision
to deform the bodies 1) A and B are true 2) A is true but B is false
d) after collision the bodies regain the original 3) A is false but B is true 4) A and B are false


15. Statement A : A neutron travelling with a velocity the momentum of the bullet is conserved.
collides head on an atom of atomic mass number Reason (R) : Law of conservation of momentum
A at rest. The fraction of the total energy retained holds good only for any collision.
2 19. Assertion (A) : When a particle of certain mass
 A 1  collides with identical particle at rest, the two par-
by neutron is  
 A 1 ticles move after perfectly elastic collision in mu-
Statement B : The kinetic energy conserves dur- tually perpendicular direction, if it were not head
ing an elastic collision on collision
1) A and B are true 2) A is true but B is false Reason (R) : Both momentum and KE are con-
3) A is false but B is true 4) A and B served in the case of perfectly elastic collision
are false 20. Assertion (A) : The value of coefficient of restitu-
16. Match the following tion is independent of the masses and velocities of
List - I List - II the colliding bodies but depends on their materials
a) Perfectly inelastic e) KE of the system Reason (R) : Coefficient of restitution is the ratio
collision conserved of the relative velocity of separation or the rela-
b) perfectly elastic collision f) 0  e  1 tive velocity of approach
c) Law of conservation of g) Change of 21. Assertion (A) : When a body moving with certain
linear momentum momentum velocity collides with another body of same mass at
d) Impulse h) Coefficient of rest, the collision being perfectly elastic head on col-
restitution = zero lision, 100% of its K.E is transferred to the latter
i) Coefficient of Reason (R) : Both momentum and K.E are con-
restitution > 1 served in the case of perfectly elastic collision
1) a - f ; b - e ; c - h ; d -g 22. Assertion (A) : If the momentum of a body increases
2) a - h ; b - e ; c - f ; d -g by 20 %, then its K.E also increases by 20 %
3) a - e ; b - h ; c - g ; d -i Reason (R) : The K.E of a body is directly
4) a - g ; b - f ; c - e ; d -h proportional to the square of its momentum
17. Match the following 23. Assertion (A) : When a ball hits a floor obliquely
List - I List - II and gets reflected after inelastic collision, only the
a) Relative velocity e) Newton's II law of vertical component of its velocity gets changed.
before collision = Relative motion Reason (R) : During collision the floor exerts a
velocity after collision force on the ball only along the normal but not
b) Bodies stick together f) Newton's III law parallel to the surface
after collision motion 24. Assertion (A) : Newton's laws can be applied to
c) Force g) Coefficient of bigger bodies
restitution = 1 Reason (R) : During any kind of collision the cen-
d) Recoil of the gun h) Coefficient of tre of mass of the system is not accelerated
restitution = 0 25. Assertion (A) : A freely falling body experiences a
i) Binding energy constant horizontal force due to wind velocity, its
1) a - g ; b - h ; c - e ; d - f path is a straight line
2) a - h ; b - g ; c - f ; d -e Reason (R) : The motion is decided by the unbal-
3) a - g ; b - e ; c - f ; d -h anced force acting on it
4) a - e ; b - f ; c - g ; d -i 26. Assertion (A) : A body of mass " m1 " collides elas-
tically with another body of mass " m 2 " at rest the
Assertion & Reason Type
While answering the Assertion and Reason ques- ratio of the the final energy of the first body to the
tions you are required to choose any one of the type
 m1  m2 

following responses. final energy of the second body is

1) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct 4 m1 m 2
and R is the correct explanation Reason (R) : The collision is perfectly elastic and
2) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct but the the coefficient of restitution si 1
reason does not give the correct explanation
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
18. Assertion (A) : When a bullet is fired from a gun,
27. Assertion (A) : A body of " m1 " collides another 04. A stationary body of mass 3 kg explodes into three
equal pieces. Two of the pieces fly off at right
body of mass " m 2 " at rest elastically. The fraction
angles to each other, one with a velocity 2i m/s
m1 and the other with velocity 3 j m/s. If the explo-
of energy transferred to the seond body is m  m
1 2
sion takes place in 10 5 s, the average force act-
Reason (R) : In an "inelastic collision" only linear
momentum is conserved ing on the third piece in newtons is [2003 - M]
28. Assertion (A) : A body of mass 'm' collides an- 1) 2i  3 j 10 5 2)  2i  3 j 10 5
other body of mass "nm' at rest. The energy trans-
3) 3 j  2i  10 5 4) 2i  3 j 10 5
4n 05. Two identical blocks A and B, each of mass m, rest-
ferred to the second body is
n  12 ing on smooth floor are connected by a light spring
Reason (R) : The above collision is a perfectly of natural length L and the spring constant k, with the
inelastic collision spring at its natural length. A third identical block C
(mass m) moving with a speed v along the line join-
KEY ing A and B collides inelastically with A. The maxi-
01) 4 02) 3 03) 4 04) 3 05) 4 mum compression in the spring is [2003 -E]
06) 4 07) 3 08) 4 09) 3 10) 4
11) 3 12) 2 13) 3 14) 1 15) 1 m v mv mv
16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 1 20) 2 1) v 2) m 3) 4)
2k 2k k 2k
21) 1 22) 4 23) 1 24) 4 25) 1 06. Two particles having position vectors
26) 1 27) 4 28) 3
r1  3i  5 j mand r2   5i  3 j m are mov-
ing with velocities v1   4i  3 j m/s and 
PREVIOUS EAMCET EXAM v2    ai  7 j  m/s. If they collide after 2 sec-
onds, the value of 'a' is [2003 E]
01. A body x with a momentum p collides with another
1) 2 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8
identical stationary body y one dimensionally. Dur-
07. A body of mass 2 kg moving with a velocity of
ing the collision y gives an impulse J to the body x.
Then the coefficient of restitution is [2004 - M] 6 ms 1 strikes inelastically with another body of
2J J J J same mass at rest. The amount of heat evolved
1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4) 1 during collision is [2002 - M ]
P P P 2P 1) 36 J 2) 18 J 3) 9 J 4) 3 J
02. A 2 kg ball moving at 24 ms 1 undergoes head 08. A body 'A' experience perfectly elastic collision with
on elastic collision with a 4 kg ball moving in the a stationary body 'B'. If after collision the bodies
fly apart in the opposite directions with equal ve-
opposite direction at 48 ms 1 . If the coefficient
locities, the mass ratio of 'A' and 'B' is [2001 - M ]
of restitution is 2/3, their velocities, in ms 1 after
1 1 1 1
impact are [2004 - E ] 1) 2) 3) 4)
2 3 4 5
1) - 56, - 8 2) - 28, - 4 3) - 14, - 2 4) -7 , -1
03. Consider the following statements A and B. Identify 09. A particle falls from a height 'h' upon a fixed hori-
the correct choice in the given answer :[2003 - M] zontal plane and rebounds. If 'e' is the coefficient
A : In a one - dimensional perfectly elastic collision of restitution, the total distance travelled before it
between two moving bodies of equal masses, the comes to rest is [2001 - E]
bodies merely exchange their velocities after collision  1  e2   1  e2 
B : If a lighter body at rest suffers perfectly elastic 1) 
h 
2  2) 
h 
2 
collision with a very heavy body moving with a certain 1 e   1 e 
velocity, after collision both travel with same velocity
h  1  e2  h  1  e2 
1) A and B are correct 3)   4)  
2) Both A and B are wrong 2  1  e 2  2  1  e 2 
3) A is correct B is wrong
4) A is wrong B is correct


10. A body of mass m1 moving with a velocity 10 ms 1 17. A mass of 12 kg initially at rest bursts into two frag-
ments of 8 kg and 4 kg. If the velocity of 8 kg mass
collides with another body at rest of mass m 2 . Af-
is 16 ms 1 , the KE of 4 kg mass is [1997 - M ]
ter collision the velocities of the two bodies are
1) 2048 J 2) 128 J 3) 144 J 4) 64 J
2 ms 1 and 5 ms 1 respectively along the direction 18. A solid wooden block resting on a friction less
m1 surface is hit by a bullet. The bullet gets embed-
of motion of m1 . The ratio of ded. During this process [1996 - E ]
m 2 is [2000 - E ]
1) only kinetic energy is conserved 2) only mo-
5 5 8 12 mentum is conserved
1) 2) 3) 4) 3) both kinetic energy and momentum are con-
12 8 5 5
11. An object initially at rest explodes into three frag- served
ments A, B & C. The momentum of A is P and 4) neither momentum nor energy are conserved
that of B is 3 P where P is a positive number.. 19. A body P moving with a velocity of 20 ms 1 col-
Which are moving perpendicular to each other. lides with another body Q of same mass at rest.
The momentum of C will be [1999 - E ] After collision P comes to rest. What is the ve-

 
1) 1 3 Pin a direction making 120° with that ofA
locity of the body Q ? [1996 - M ]
1) 10 ms 1 2) 20 ms1 3) 30 ms 1 4) 5 ms 1
2) 1 3  P in a direction making 150° with that of B
20. A 5 kg body moving with 10 ms 1 strikes a 20 kg
3) 2P in a direction making 150° with that of A
4) 2P in a direction making 150° with that of B body at rest. The collision is elastic and the 5 kg
12. A car of mass 400 kg travelling at 72 kmph crashes body comes to rest. and the 20 kg body is set into
a truck of mass 4000 kg and travelling at 9 kmph motion. The velocity of the second body [1994-M]
in the same direction. The car bounces back with 1) 2.5 ms 1 in the opposite direction of motion
a speed of 18 kmph. The speed of the truck after
2) 2.5 ms 1 in the original direction of motion
the impact is [98 - E ]
1) 9 kmph 2) 18 kmph3) 27 kmph4) 36 kmph 3) 5 ms 1 in the direction of motion
13. A ball 'A' moving with a speed of 90 ms 1 collides 4) 5 ms 1 in the opposite direction of motion
directly with another identical ball B moving with a
speed 'v' in the opposite direction. A comes to rest 21. A 2 Kg ball is moving at 10 ms 1 and collides
after collision. If the coefficients of restitution is with another 2 Kg ball at rest. After collision they
0.8, the speed of B before collision is [1998 - E] move together with [1994 - E ]
1) 10 ms 1 2) 81 ms 1 1) 5 ms 1 in the opposite direction
3) 22.5 ms 1 4) 90 ms 1 2) 5 ms 1 in the same direction
14. In the inelastic collision between two bodies, the 3) 10 ms 1 in the opposite direction
physical quantity that is conserved [1999 - M]
1) KE 2) Momentum 4) 10 ms 1 in the same direction
3) PE 4) KE and Momentum 22. A bullet of mass 'x' moves with a velocity y, hits a
15. The quantities that are conserved in elastic colli- wooden block of mass z at rest and gets embed-
sion are [1998 - M ] ded in it. After collision, the wooden block and
1) momentum, kinetic energy and temperature bullet in it moves, the velocity is [1993 - E ]
2) momentum and kinetic energy z
x xy xy
3) momentum only 4) kinetic energy only 1) y 2) y 3) y 4) y
xz x x  y z
16. A gun mounted on the top of a moving truck is
aimed in the backward direction at an angle of 30° 23. A ball is dropped from a height 'h' to the ground.
to the vertical. If the muzzle velocity of the gun is If the coefficient of restitution is 'e' the height to
which the ball goes up after it rebounded for the
4 ms 1 the value of the speed of the truck that will
nth time is [1993 - M ]
make the bullet come out vertically is [1998 - M ]
1) he 2 2) he 3) he
2 n 4 n 4) h
1) 1 ms 1 2) ms 1 3) 0.5 ms 1 4) 2 ms 1
24. A bomb of mass 9 kg explodes into two pieces of 31. A heavy steel ball of mass greater than 1 kg moving
mass 3 kg and 6 kg. The velocity of 3 kg, mass is with a speed of 2m/ s collides head on with a sta-
16 m/s. The KE of the 6 kg piece is [1993 - E] tionary ping pong ball of mass less than 0.1 g. The
1) 96 J 2) 192 J 3) 384 J 4) 768 J collision is elastic. After the collision the ping pong
ball moves approximately with a speed [1982]

25. A ball of mass 'M' moving with a velocity V col- 1) 2 m / s 2) 4 m/ s
lides head on elastically with another body of the 3) 2  10 4 m / s 4) 2  10 3 m / s
 32. A railway truck of mass 16,000 kg moving with a
same mass 'M' moving with a velocity - V in the
velocity of 5 ms 1 strikes another truck of mass
opposite direction. After the collision [1992-E]
4,000 kg at rest. If they move together after im-
1) The velocities are exchanged by the two balls
pact, their common velocity is
2) Both the balls come to rest
3) Both of them move at right angles to the origi- 1) 2 ms 1 2) 4 ms 1 3) 6 ms 1 4) 8 ms 1
nal line of motion 33. Consider the following statements A and B and
4) One ball comes to rest and the other ball trav- identify the correct answer:
els back with a velocity 2v A: Coefficient of restitution varies between 0 and 1.
B: In inelastic collision, the law of conservation of
26. A railway truck of mass 2  10 4 kg travelling at energy is satisfied. [2005-M]
0.5 m/s collides with another of half of its mass 1. A and B are true 2. A and B are false
moving in opposite direction with a velocity of 0.4 3. A is true but B is false4. A is false but B is true.
m/sec. If they collide with each other then their 34. Consider the following statements A and B and
common velocity is identify the correct answer: [2005-E]
A: In an elastic collision, if a body suffers a head
1) 0.2 ms 1 2) 0.4 ms 1 on collision with another of same mass at rest, the
3) 0.6 ms 1 4) 0.8 ms 1 first body comes to rest while the other starts
moving with the velocity of the first one.
27. A particle of mass 4 m which is at rest explodes
B: Two bodies of equal masses suffering a head-on
into three fragments. Two of the fragments each elastic collision merely exchanges their velocities.
of mass ''m'' are found to move with a speed of 'v' 1. A and B are true 2. A and B are false
each in mutually perpendicular directions. The 3. A is true but B is false 4. A is false but B is true
total energy released in this process is [1991-M]
1 1 1 1 KEY
1) mv 2 2) 2. mv 2 3) 3. mv 2 4) 4. mv 2 01) 1 02) 1 03) 3 04) 2 05) 1
2 2 2 2
06) 4 07) 2 08) 2 09) 1 10) 2
28. A gun fires a bullet of mass 50 g with a velocity 11) 4 12) 3 13) 1 14) 2 15) 1
of mass 30 ms 1 . Because of this, the gun is 16) 4 17) 1 18) 2 19) 2 20) 1
21) 2 22) 1 23) 2 24) 2 25) 1
pushed back with a velocity of 1 ms 1 . The mass 26) 1 27) 3 28) 3 29) 3 30) 2
of the gun is [1989-E] 31) 2 32) 2 33)2 34)1
1) 15 kg 2) 30 kg 3) 1.5 kg 4) 20 kg
29. A shell at rest explodes into two pieces of equal
mass. The two [1988 - E]
1) be at rest
2) move with different velocities in different
3) same speed in opposite direction
4) same velocity in the same direction
30. A body of mass 'M' collides against a wall with a
velocity 'v' and retraces its path with the same
velocity, the change in momentum is ...........[1982]
1) zero 2) 2 Mv 3) Mv 4) - Mv
LEVEL-IV 1. What is the total vertical distance travelled be-
I. When U-238 releases an  - particle, it turns into fore stopping bouncing .
Thorium. If  particle produced from uranium H
1. H 1  e 2  2.
has a velocity of 3  105 m/s is used in Rutherfords 1  e2
 -ray scattering experiment on nucless of mass H
4. H 1  e 
number ‘A’ it deviates by angle of 1800 with origi- 3.
1  e2
nal path. The rebound  -particle collides daugh- 2. What is the total time elapsed before stopping
th bouncing.
ter nucleus and looses of its velocity..
5 1. T 1  e  2. T 1  e 
Answer the following Questions:
3. 4.
1. The above example reveals . 1 e 1 e
1. Collision between  - particle and nucleus. 3. What is the total horizontal distance travelled by it
2. No collision between  - particle and nucleus. before stopping bouncing.
3. A perfectly elastic collision between  - 1. R 1  e  2. R 1  e 
particle and nucleus.
4. A semi elastic collision between  - particle R R
3. 4.
and nucleus. 1 e 1 e
2. Velocity of Throium when  - ray is released.
1. 5  103 ms 1 2. 5  10 4 ms 1 KEY
3. 5  105 ms 1 4. 5  10 2 ms 1 1.2 2.3 3.3
3. Velocity of Thorium after it collides the rebounding
III. A rollerskater of mass 50Kg on a friction less sur-
  particle. face is having two balls of masses 1kg and 2 kg in
1. 602  103 ms 1 2. 6.02  103 ms 1 his two hands. If he throws the lighter mass he
3. 60.2  103 ms 1 4. 0.602 103 ms1 recoils with velocity of 2m/s and when heavier
4. Heat energy will be released in mass is thrown he recoils with 1 m/s . Answer the
a) Uranium disintigration following questions.
b)   ray reflection 1. The ratio of velocity of projection of the two balls
c) collision between rebounding   particle approximately is
& thorium. 1. 1:4 2. 4:1 3. 2:1 4. 1:2
1) a is correct 2) a & b correct 2. Ratio of kinetic energies after he recoils in each
3) a,b,c are correct 4) a&c are correct case approximately is
1. 1:16 2. 16:1 3. 4:1 4. 1:4
1. 3 2.1 3.2 4.1 3. If he throws the two balls at a time with their re-
spective velocities, the velocity of recoil of the
II. An object is projected at certain angle with certain skater is
velocity on the horizontal hard surface. Then it 1. 3.1m/s 2. 6.2 m/s 3. 1.5m/s 4. 12 m/s
under-goes bounces. The coefficient of restitu-
tion is ‘e’. KEY
H,T&R are initial maximum hight, Time of flight 1.2 2.2 3.1
and range respectively.
Then answer the following questions.



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