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The Second Report on Plant Genetic Resources for Food

and Agriculture of Bangladesh – The State of Activities

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

Ministry of Agriculture

Written by:
Md. Abdur Razzaque1
M. Gul Hossain2

February 2007

Member Director (Crops), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council and National Focal Point for NISM-GPA Project
Former Director (Technology Transfer), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
Note by FAO

This Country Report has been prepared by the national authorities in the context of the preparatory process for
the Second Report on the State of World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

The Report is being made available by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as
requested by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. However, the report is solely the
responsibility of the national authorities. The information in this report has not been verified by FAO, and the
opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views or policy of FAO.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or development status of any
country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The
mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not
imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are
not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of FAO.
The designation and presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion
whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Council: the Coordinating Body of National Agricultural Research Systems, Ministry of
Agriculture, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, concerning the legal status of any country,
territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries.



1. The State of Plant Diversity 12
2. The State of Use of Plant Genetic Resources 14
3. The State of National Programmes and Training Needs 15
4. Priority Activity Areas for Bangladesh 15





3.1 Farming systems 21

3.2 Crops/plant products 22
3.3 The state of food security 22
3.4 Agriculture – a changing scenario 22
3.5 The seed supply system 22


4.1 Major crops and their state of diversity 24

4.2 Minor crops and their state of diversity 24
4.3 Wild plants related to cultivated crops 24
4.4 Changing relative importance of crops 24
4.5 Threats of genetic vulnerability and causes of genetic erosion in Bangladesh 30
4.6 Improving the understanding of the state of diversity 30


5.1 GPA Activity Area 1: Surveying and Inventorying of Plant Genetic Resources
for Food and Agriculture 31
5.2 GPA Activity Area 2: Supporting On-Farm Management and Improvement
of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 38
5.3 GPA Activity Area 3: Assisting Farmers in Disaster Situation
to Restore Agricultural Systems 39
5.4 GPA Activity Area 4: Promoting In Situ Conservation of Wild Crop Relatives
and Wild Plants for Food Production 39

6.1 GPA Activity Area 5: Sustaining Ex Situ Collections 40

6.2 GPA Activity Area 6: Regenerating Threatened Ex Situ Accessions 42
6.3 GPA Activity Area 7: Supporting Planned and Targeted Collecting of Plant
Genetic Resources 43
6.4 GPA Activity Area 8: expanding Ex situ Conservation Activities 43


7.1 GPA Activity Area 9: expanding the Characterization, evaluation and Number of Core 44
7.2 GPA Activity Area 10: Increasing Genetic enhancement and Base-broadening efforts 47
7.3 GPA Activity Area 11: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture through Diversification
of Crop Production and Broader Diversity in Crops 47
7.4 GPA Activity Area 12: Promoting Development and Commercialization
of Under-utilized Crops and Species 48
7.5 GPA Activity Area 13: Supporting Seed Production and Distribution 50
7.6 GPA Activity Area 14: Developing New Markets for Local Varieties
and “Diversity-Rich” Products 52


8.1 GPA Activity Area 15: Building Strong National Programmes 54

8.2 GPA Activity Area 16: Promoting Networks for PGRFA 56
8.3 GPA Activity Area 17: Constructing Comprehensive Information Systems for PGRFA 57
8.4 GPA Activity Area 18: Developing Monitoring and early Warning System for PGRFA 57
8.5 GPA Activity Area 19: expanding and Improving education and Training on PGR 58
8.6 GPA Activity Area 20: Promoting Public Awareness of the Value of PGRFA
Conservation and Use 59


9.1 National Centre for PGRFA 60

9.2 Assessment of PGR 60
9.3 Development of national framework for PGRFA 60
9.4 Coordination 60
9.5 Capacity building 60
9.6 PGR plan of activities 60
9.7 Awareness building 60
9.8 Regulatory issues 60
9.9 Training and Monitoring 60
9.10 Cross-cutting issues 60



The paper is an outcome of the FAO project “establishment of a National Information Sharing Mechanism on the
Implementation of Monitoring of Global Plan of Action for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture.” The project involved participants from some 20 stakeholder organizations including
the Chief Technical Adviser of the Project, Dr. N. Quat Ng of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok and
Dr. Paul Quek, Scientist (Documentation / Information) of the Bioversity International, Malaysia.
The organizations from within Bangladesh included the Ministry of agriculture, the Ministry of Forest and
environment, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, the Bangladesh
Rice Research Institute, the Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, the
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Bangladesh Tea Research Institute,
the Cotton Development, Bangladesh National Herbarium, the Bangladesh Livestock research Institute, Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, the Department of
Agricultural extension, the Forest Department, the Seed Certification Agency, Coastal Development Partnership, east
West Seed (Bd.) Ltd. and Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC). The activities of the project was coordinated
by Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Member Director (Crops), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council and the National Focal
Point for the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture.
We express our thanks to the participants of the organizations from within Bangladesh for providing information on
plant genetic resources on behalf of their organizations which were the bases of this report. We specially express our
thanks to Dr. N. Quat Ng and Dr. Paul Quek for their caring assistance in imparting training on NISM-GPA, the software
used in preparing the PGR database and the report. Mr. Abeed Hossain Chowdhury, Director of the Computer Centre
of BARC, deserves our special thanks for taking constant interest in project activities, acting as the repository of the
database, providing training and backstop assistance to stakeholder organizations, and in developing NISM-GPA
database for Bangladesh. Finally we would like to express our thanks to FAO and the Government of Japan for financial
and technical assistance in preparing this valuable report.

Md. Abdur Razzaque M. Gul Hossain



ACUC Asian Centre for Underutilized Crops

AEZ Agro ecological Zone
ARIs Agricultural Research Institutes
AvRDC Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre
BAAG Bangladesh Academy of Agricultural
BADC Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation
BARC Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
BARI Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
BAU Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
BFRI Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
BGASA Bangladesh Golden Agri Seed Associates Ltd.
BINA Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
BJRI Bangladesh Jute Research Institute
BNH Bangladesh National Herbarium
BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee – an NGO
BRRI Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
BSF Bangladesh Seed Federation
BSGDMA Bangladesh Seed Growers, Dealers and Merchants Association
BSMRAU Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
BSRI Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
BTRI Bangladesh Tea Research Institute
CARD Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development
CARE Cooperation for Assistance and Relief everywhere
CBD Convention of Biological Diversity
CDB Cotton Development Board
CDP Coastal Development Partnership
CFC Common Fund for Commodity
CG Contract Grower
CGIAR Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
CIMMyT International Centre for Maize and Wheat Improvement
CIP International Potato Centre
COGENT Coconut Genetic Coconut Genetic Resources Network
CS Certified Seed
CTA Chief Technical Adviser
CWR Crop Wild Relative
DAE Department of Agricultural extension
DNA Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid
DoF Department of Forest
DUS Distinction Uniform Stability
E&C exploration and Collection of germplasm
EIA environment Impact Assessment
8 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FBSE Farmer Based Seed enterprise

FCD Flood Control and Drainage
FCDI Flood Control, Drainage and Irrigation
GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
GIS Geographical Information System
GkF Grameen krishi Foundation
GoB Government of Bangladesh
GPA Global Plan of Action
GTZ German Technical Assistance
HRC Horticulture Research Centre
Hyv High yielding Varieties
IAEA International Atomic energy Authority
IARC International Agricultural Research Centre
ICARDA International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas
ICPPGR International Conference and Programme for Plant Genetic Resources
ICRISAT International Crop Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics
ICUC International Centre for Underutilized Crops
IJO International Jute Organization
IJSG International Jute Study Group
INGER International Network for Genetic evaluation of Rice
INIBAP International Network for Banana and Plantation
IPGRI International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
IPSA Institute of Post-Graduate Studies in Agriculture
IRRI International Rice Research Institute
ISO International Sugar Organization
ISTA International Seed Testing Association
IT Information Technology
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Natural Resources
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
MAS Molecular Aided Selection
MHAT Moist Hot Air Treatment
MoEF Ministry of environment and Forest
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NARS National Agricultural Research System
NBPGR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
NCPGR National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources
NGO Non Government Organization
NISM-GPA National Information Sharing Mechanism – Global Plan of Action for Conservation
and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
NSB National Seed Board
NSP National Seed Policy
NZ New Zealand
OECD Organization for economic Cooperation and Development
OP Open Pollinated
ORC Oilseed Research Centre
PBD Plant Breeding Division
PGR Plant Genetic Resources
PGRFA Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 9

PPB Participatory Plant Breeding

PRC Pulses Research Centre
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PvS Participatory Variety Selection
RAPD Random Amplification of Polymeric DNA
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SANPGR South Asia Network of Plant Genetic Resources
SAvERNET South Asia Vegetable Research Network
SCA Seed Certification Agency
SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
SSR Simple Sequence Repeat
TAMNET Tropical Asia Maize network TLS Truthfully Labelled Seed
TLS Truthfully Labelled Seed
TRIPS Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
TTMU Technical Training and Monitoring Unit
UBINIG Policy Research for Development Alternative
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population Activities
USA United States of America
USDA United State Department of Agriculture
vCU Value for Cultivation and Use
WARDA West Africa Rice Development Authority
WCR Wild Crop Relatives
WPF Wild Plants for Food Production
WRC Wheat Research Centre
WTO World Treaty Organization





Bangladesh is an abode of 5 000 species vascular plants and is the secondary centre of origin of a good number of crop
plants. evidence is mounting about the rapid wane of its genetic resources. The National Agricultural Research System
(NARS) started cropping systems research as far back as in 1974 with a special focus on crop diversification.
A number of potential cropping patterns have been identified. As a result cropping system is gradually transforming
from traditional practices to improved management practices with improved varieties.
There are more than 160 crops grown in Bangladesh. Among them there is a good number of major crops in Bangladesh
that are beyond the list of major crops of Multilateral System of International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture (FAO). There are also about 100 minor crops, including fruits and vegetables that are grown in
Bangladesh. With the change of subsistence crop production system to commercial agriculture, an accompanying
change in the seed supply system is now noticeable in the country. Agricultural research institutes, universities and
others involved in crop variety development, supply Breeder Seed to Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation
(BADC) for production of Foundation Seed and Certified Seed. The time is ripe for the development of organized seed
industry in Bangladesh.

1. The State of Plant Diversity

While the diversity of traditional varieties is decreasing fast, there is an increasing trend in the diversity of modern
varieties. More than 300 wild indigenous species of plants have been identified that are relatives to the cultivated crops
grown in Bangladesh. The major reasons for the loss of diversity include, among others, the use of high yielding crop
varieties at the expense of traditional varieties/landraces, lack of knowledge of multiple use of species, lack of value
addition as well as overexploitation of plant genetic resources. National and institutional priorities for undertaking PGR
surveys should be established.

GPA Activity Area 1

Some sporadic surveys on wild PGR have been undertaken in Bangladesh and the priority areas for survey and inventory
of plant genetic resources in Bangladesh have been identified. Constraints in undertaking survey and monitoring
activities include, among others: insufficient financial support for PGRFA; insufficient trained staff in PGRFA and lack
of awareness in conservation of plant genetic resources. Through a collaborative National Workshop on Plant Genetic
Resources in 1997, involving the National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources (NCPGR), the Bangladesh Agricultural
Research Council and the IPGRI, the national priorities in PGR have already been identified. The National Committee on
Plant Genetic Resources is in place but it needs to be reactivated.

GPA Activity Area 2

Programmes/projects/activities on in situ conservation of Wild Crop Relatives and Wild Plants for Food and Agriculture
have so far been poor in Bangladesh. The major limitations to on-farm conservation include, among other things, lack of
incentives to farmers for on-farm conservation and improvement of PGRFA; insufficient number of staff for conservation
work; inadequate staff training; insufficient supply of seed/planting material. The priority needs for supporting on-farm
conservation and improvement of PGRFA are: developing markets for products originating from traditional and under-
utilized varieties and crops; providing incentives, including awards, to farmers for on-farm conservations; management
and improvement of PGRFA; seed enhancement and creating facilities for genetic finger printing. The National Committee
for Plant Genetic Resources (NCPGR) should be revived to undertake initiatives, among other things, towards post-
disaster restoration of agriculture and to identify its (NCPGR) institutional base with the proposed National Institute of
Plant Genetic Resources.


GPA Activity Area 3

Bangladesh is vulnerable to natural calamities like flood, cyclones, tornadoes, tidal surges.
River bank erosion is a silent disaster. The National Committee for Plant Genetic Resources (NCPGR) should be revived or
an institutional base should be identified to undertake initiatives, among other things, towards post-disaster restoration
of agriculture. In the interim period, the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council is taking care of the activities related
to PGR.

GPA Activity Area 4

The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute has identified two in situ locations (for pigeon pea and jackfruit), the
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute has identified five in situ locations for wild rice and the Bangladesh Tea Research
Institute has identified 100 Tea estates as in situ locations of tea germplasm. For promoting in situ conservation of Wild
Relatives of Crops and Wild Plants for Food production, the major needs identified include: livelihood supporting species
should be identified and their conservation promoted and regional approach in in situ conservation of PGR should be

GPA Activity Area 5

Ex situ programmes/projects/activities have been undertaken by stakeholder organizations.
After 1996, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute undertook 3 exploration missions; Bangladesh Rice Research
Institute undertook 6, east West Seed (Bd.) Ltd. undertook 8, Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute 4 missions, while
Bangladesh Institute, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Cotton Development Board and
Bangladesh Tea Research Institute undertook one exploration mission each. Total germplasm collections (genebank
plus field genebank) in different stakeholder organizations up to 1996 were 18 000 and collections between 1996 and
2006 were about 13 000. Publications related to ex situ collection are mainly in hard copies of Annual Reports. Different
stakeholder organizations use different information systems on collections that need to be harmonized.
The proposal for establishing the National Plant Genetic Resources Institute should be revived and implemented
for coordinated and coherent activities on PGR, especially for ex situ collection, evaluation, characterization, and
management. Regional / international collaboration should be strengthened. A regional SAARC programme on PGR
vis-à-vis genebank may be developed in order to strengthen regional PGR activities. Other priorities include: Improving
regeneration facilities; Regional and international collaboration; Developing facilities for molecular characterization /
Developing genetic finger printing facilities; Developing documentation facilities; Improving facilities for long term
conservation; Germplasm collection from remote areas; Human resources development in PGR with emphasis on
germplasm conservation; Genetic finger printing facilities; and International collaboration.

GPA Activity Area 6

For regeneration of threatened species identification of threatened species should be strengthened, farmers’
participation in regeneration should be promoted, exchange of germplasm among countries should be promoted and
storage facilities improved.

GPA Activity Area 7

The stakeholder organizations having provision for rare and endangered species are Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute and Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute. Their activities in endangered/
rare species should be specifically strengthened. In the absence of any clear mandate for any organization in the country
for collection and conservation of rare and endangered species, the establishment of the National Gene bank proposed
by NCPGR should be revived to cater for activities, among others, of rare and endangered species.

GPA Activity Area 8

expanding ex situ conservation activities, covering vegetatively propagated materials and recalcitrant seeds, needs special
attention in Bangladesh. Promotion of community genebanks and linking them up with the proposed National Plant
Genetic Resources Institute has a high potential for expanding both in situ and ex situ conservation of germplasm.


2. The State of Use of Plant Genetic Resources

GPA Activity Area 9

Characterization and evaluation work is still in preliminary phases in Bangladesh. Studies on core collections are yet
to take off. However, the number of germplasm used for breeding, seed enhancement and supply by the Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Institute was 590 accessions, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute about 20 000 accessions,
Bangladesh Tea Research Institute about 30, Cotton Development Board 130, Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
229, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute 2 915, east West Seed (Bd.) Limited Bangladesh 5 263 and Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujiubur Rahman Agricultural University used 547. Research on establishment of methodologies for core collection
should be initiated. Also networking projects to share knowledge, experience, and facilitation in the exchange of
expertise should be promoted.

GPA Activity Area 10

The major needs for increasing genetic enhancement and base broadening are: Strong staff training programme, and
Germplasm exchange with regional / international organizations.

GPA Activity Area 11

Since the introduction of green revolution technologies, monoculture of modern crop varieties with narrow genetic
bases has intensified. Constraints in diversifying crop production and broadening diversity are: marketing/commercial
obstacles for diversity-rich products; no incentive programme for diversified crop production processing or marketing.
Breeding programmes with the objectives of crop diversification should be promoted; market niches for diversified crops
should be created and promotional activities undertaken; marketing incentives should be introduced for diversified
crops. Regional / international programmes for food security should be undertaken through crop diversification.
Molecular lab facilities for research and development of diversified crops should be created.

GPA Activity Area 12

Regional/international programmes should be undertaken for development and commercialization of under-utilized
crops and species. Such regional/international programmes would help promote national activities on under-utilized

GPA Activity Area 13

The Agricultural Research Institutes (ARIs) supply the breeder seed while the Bangladesh Agricultural Development
Corporation (BADC) is responsible for production and distribution of Foundation and Certified Seeds in the public
sector. One private company, east West Seed (Bangladesh), has nonetheless established itself as quality seed supplier for
vegetable crops. The agency responsible for variety registration is the Seed Wing of the Ministry of Agriculture
There is no regulatory framework in place for developing and expanding local seed systems for crops or crop varieties
important to small-scale farmers and no realistic programme for quality seed production in the country. There is no
incentive for seed production of local varieties / under-utilized crops. No formal mechanism exists for developing seed
growers’ association. However, with donor support two seed growers’ association, the Bangladesh Golden Agri seed
Associates Ltd, (BGASA) and Bangladesh Seed Federation (BSF) have come into existence, the latter is yet to get formal
recognition by the Ministry of Commerce. The umbrella organization, Bangladesh Seed Growers, Dealers and Merchants’
Association (BSGDMA) appears to be more oriented towards seed trading rather than seed growing. Major constraints
in making seeds of new varieties include: decreasing availability of seeds of local varieties and lack of incentive for seed
production of local varieties. The needs are: awareness creation of the loss of traditional/ local varieties; development
of national programmes for seed purification; seed production and supply of traditional/local varieties; creation of
incentives for production of traditional/local varieties; market promotion of traditional/local varieties; promotion of Seed
Growers’ Association, identification of crops/varieties that have large-scale consumption and industrial use potential.

GPA Activity Area 14

Numerous locally adapted traditional crop varieties have been replaced by modern varieties.
The major constraints to increasing markets for local varieties and diversity rich products are: lack of awareness
about the intrinsic value of local varieties and diversity rich products; low yield of local / traditional varieties; and lack of
14 incentives for local varieties and “diversity-rich” products in the country. Priorities for developing new markets for local

varieties and diversity rich products are: a national programme for value addition and processing of traditional varieties;
exploring overseas markets for local varieties and ‘diversity-rich’ products; decentralization of the seed production and
distribution system; studies on developing new markets for local varieties/diversity-rich’ products; market promotion for
local varieties and introduction of an incentive system for production of local varieties and ‘diversity- rich’ products.

3. The State of National Programmes and Training Needs

GPA Activity Area 15

Bangladesh was the first in South Asia to establish the National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources (NCPGR). With
the initiatives of the Committee priority needs in PGRFA were identified and draft Acts, Biodiversity and Community
knowledge Protection Act of Bangladesh; and Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights Act of Bangladesh were prepared. The
two Acts provided the legal framework for the national strategy of PGRFA. The Acts are under consideration of the
government. The Bangladesh national Herbarium published the first volume of the Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of
The priority needs for building the national programme in PGRFA are: establishment of a national coordination body
(such as the dormant NCPGR) to follow up international agreements vis-à-vis all other activities related to PGR; clear
identification of focal points with defined responsibilities and accountability; and adequate fund allocation to PGR

GPA Activity Area 16

Bangladesh is a signatory of a number of PGRFA networks and has benefited from these networks through increased
stakeholder participation in PGR activities, participation in several training programmes for national programme
scientists and increased awareness of PGRFA.

GPA Activity Area 17

Needs for constructing a comprehensive information system for PGRFA are: Awareness creation on PGR; staff training;
and appropriate software for data management and information system for PGR

GPA Activity Area 18

There is no formal mechanism in the country for assessing genetic erosion. The need for assessing genetic erosion and
staff training is strongly felt in the country.

GPA Activity Area 19

In view of the weak curricula in universities and other educational institutions on PGR related subjects, the national
strategy for education and training on PGRFA should be developed with a sense of urgency.

GPA Activity Area 20

The needs for promoting public awareness of the value of PGRFA conservation include:
Training, publications and telecasting on PGRFA; institutional capacity building for conservation and use of PGRFA;
development of relevant course curricula in educational institutions; and external support.

4. Priority Activity Areas for Bangladesh

• establishment of a national genebank for conservation, use and enhancement of biodiversity - National Centre for
• An assessment of genetic diversity and the extent of PGR erosion
• Development of national framework for PGRFA
• Strengthening of coordination among different stakeholders
• Human resources development and capacity building in PGR activities
• Biochemical and molecular characterization of germplasm
• Introduction of course curricula on PGR in universities and other relevant educational institutions 15

• Revision of the plant quarantine regulations

• Formalization of Biodiversity Act and Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights Protection Act
• Training on: in situ methodologies, regeneration of conservation, marker aided characterization, information
technology for database management and information sharing on conservation and sustainable utilization of
PGR, genebank management.
• Development of an early warning system on genetic erosion
• entrepreneurship development and marketing skills with regard to PGR resources.



The Fourth International Technical Conference of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
held in Leipzig, Germany in 1996 adopted twenty priority areas in the Global Plan of Action (GPA) for the Conservation
and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA). The Conference also adopted
the Leipzig Declaration, which focuses attention on the importance of plant genetic resources for the world food security,
and commits countries to implementing the plan. This paper, along with a perspective of plant genetic resources of
Bangladesh and its agriculture, provides the state of activities with regard to the GPA.




Bangladesh constitutes a large part of the South Asian Mega Centre of genetic diversity, sharing with India. The landscape
of Bangladesh is the abode of some 5 000 species of vascular plants1. There are more than 500 species of medicinal
plants, 130 species of fibre resources (both wild and cultivated), 18 species of bamboo. It is the secondary centre of
origin of major crops like rice, a number of vegetables like eggplant, the cucurbits, beans, fruits like jackfruit, banana,
mango and citrus, spices like chilli, ginger and turmeric, root crops like taros and yams, etc2,3. In this delta once grew the
legendary fibre crop, “the muslin cotton”, believed to be a cultivar of Gossypium arboreum, which is now extinct. Isolated
studies revealed that some 45 species of angiosperms and at least two species of pteridophytes are on the verge of
extinction and of these 9 species were identified as endemic to Bangladesh4. The first volume of the Red Data Book
(2001)5 identified 106 species of vascular plants that are threatened and some of which are no longer traceable.
There are some 10 000 to 80 000 edible plants on earth, but only 29 species account for 90% of our food products6.
Considering its rich reserve of plant genetic resources, Bangladesh is no better off in the use plant genetic resources, if
not worse off. The country needs to give an urgent attention towards conserving its reserve of genetic resources, which
are on a rapid wane, not only for posterity but also for their immediate use in crop improvement, for use as fuel and fibre,
for nutrition and medicare. What is a wild plant today can turn out to be an important plant tomorrow with our new
knowledge about its intrinsic value in food and nutrition, in medicare, its new use through new processing technology;
the contributions that plant genetic resources make in keeping a sound environment and in sustaining the ecosystem

1 Khan, M. S. 1991. Towards Sustainable Development: Genetic Resources of Bangladesh. Conservation Strataegy of Bangladesh. International Union for
Conservation of Natural Resources, IUCN / Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)
2 Ibid.
3 Huq, M. F. and Banik, R. L. 1992. Country Report – Bangladesh. Proc. Regional Workshop on Tree Breeding and Propagation, held in Bangkok, Thailand,
July 10-14, 1990. Field Document No. 2 (RAS/88/025). Pp. 19-48.
4 BARC. 1995. Bangladesh Country Paper for International Conference and Propgramme for Plant Genetic Resources (ICPPGR) (the First Report on
5 Khan, M. S. et al. (Eds.). 2001. Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council/Bangladesh National
Herbariumm Dhaka.
6 Sasson, A. 1990. Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources.In: Feeding Tomorrow’ World. UNESCO, Paris.




Some 2 500 years ago the landscape of what now constitutes Bangladesh was in the Indian Ocean and was known as
the Bay of Assam. A number of major rivers: the Ganges, the Jamuna, the Brahmaputra, the Surma and their tributaries
flowed from upstream Himalayan regions towards the Bay Assam. The rivers brought huge quantities of silts and
sediments downstream. As the rivers approached the sea, their flow slowed down and the silts and sediments started
depositing near the mouths of the rivers, forming new land7. Once above the water level, the newly formed land had
hardly any chance of sediment deposit. The vast plain of the Bengal delta was thus formed with alluvial deposits. And no
wonder, the delta is low lying and so uniquely a flat landscape.
The new land formed was initially colonized by plants from the surrounding regions: the Tarai region of Nepal in the
north, Assam and Tripura (India) on the northeast and east, Myanmar on the southeast, Orissa on the southwest, Bihar
(India) on the west and regions beyond8. The sea on the south of the flat landscape came to be known as the Bay of
Bengal. The mild, sub-tropical climate with fertile silt soils favoured the growth of numerous flora. The delta became thick
jungles of tropical and sub-tropical plant species9. The fertile soil with mild climate was suitable for growing crops with
minimal efforts. This attracted human settlements from neighbouring regions as well as other parts of the world. There
were many invaders to Bengal and many of them settled down in the delta following invasions. The settlers cleared the
jungles to build houses and to grow crops. Many settlers brought with them species of plants from other parts of the
world, some of which became established along with the local flora. The present plant biodiversity is a composite of
more than 5 000 angiosperm species10, about twice as much in number as in the Western europe.

7 Hossain, M. G. 2001. Biodiversity of Bangladesh – Extant, Endangered and Extinct. In:Mian M. A. W. et al. 2001. Agricultural Research in Bangladesh in
the 20th Century. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council & Bangladesh Academy of Agriculture. Pp.19-35.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
20 10 Khan, M. S. 1977. Flora of Bangladesh No.4. Commelinaceae. Bangladesh National Herbarium, Bangldesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka. Pp.2.



Since the time the British colonial rulers (1757-1947) started promoting the expansion of capital oriented cash crops (e.g.
indigo, cotton, jute, tea, etc.) that were exported to the metropolis of the colonizers, instead of growing food crops, the
bounty of Bengal agriculture started eroding, food deficits started appearing and it soon turned into a land of famines.
Bengal faced successive famines in 1892-93, 1898-99, the great depression 1928-35 and the great famine of 1943 and
However, contributions from agricultural research coupled with the toils of some 14 million farm households, mostly
small and marginal, brought in sight the country’s long cherished dream of “food self sufficiency”. The dream virtually
turned into a reality in late 1990s. “Bangladesh today is definitively out of the shadow of famine.”11 The challenges the
country faces now are sustaining and further increasing land and labour productivity to feed its growing population
of 140 million (growing presently at 1.6%), from a cultivated land area of only 8.20 million hectares, reduced from 9.09
million hectares a decade ago. Conservation of the rapidly declining natural resource bases: the agricultural land and its
fertility, the forest resources and the biodiversity, the water and the energy resources, has become an urgent task.
Bangladesh agriculture has traditionally been subsistence in nature. Farmers, in order to supplement cash requirement,
have often pursued off-farm activities. Marginal and small farm households, together with landless households, constitute
more than 70% of the farm families12. Most farmers pursue raising field crops, homestead vegetables, trees (for fuel, fruits
and timber), rear cattle and poultry, and undertake aquaculture in many cases.
However, two noticeable changes have been discernible these days: one is the lesser use of animals as draft power
that are being replaced by mechanical power (power tillers), and the other is the gradual transformation of subsistence
farming into commercial agriculture. Nonetheless, intensive use of land for production of a large array crops all through
the year, multiple farm components (livestock, poultry, fish) and various on-farm and off-farm activities pursued by
farmers make farming systems in Bangladesh highly diverse.

3.1 Farming systems

The National Agricultural Research System (NARS) started cropping systems research, a component of farming systems
research, as far back as in 1974. It was soon recognized that since other components like livestock, aquaculture,
homestead forestry are, in practice, inseparable from farming practices followed by the farmers, the farming systems
research should address the “holistic farming systems”, rather than cropping systems only.
While farming system research and development aimed at total farm production, special focus was given to crop
diversification against the predominant rice monoculture. A number of potential cropping patterns have been identified.
As a result cropping system is gradually transforming from traditional practices to improved management practices
with improved varieties. In an era of globalisation and free trade that we are in, there is the need for intensified farming
systems research and development efforts in the country to help the small producers survive, do better and to become

Planning Commission. 2004. Unlocking the Potential, General Economic Division, Planning Commission, GoB (PRSP, December 2004).

Hossain, M.G. 2005. Bangladesh Agriculture: A Critique on Performances and the Challenges of Tomorrow. Jatiya Shahitya Prakashoni, Purana Paltan, Dhaka.

3.2 Crops/plant products

There are more than 160 crops grown in Bangladesh13. Rice, wheat, sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds, potato and vegetables
are the main food crops. The other major crops are sugarcane, jute and tea. With a rapid increase in vegetable production
in recent years, some vegetables are now exported to a number of countries in the Middle east and the european Union.
The country is grossly deficient in timber production.
Recent studies demonstrated that Bangladesh has comparative advantage in the production of a number of crops,
e.g. some vegetable crops (eggplant, radish, cucumber, yard long bean, taro, tomato and cabbage), and rice in so far
as import substitution is concerned14. However, high risks of marketing and the difficulties in producing rice as well as
non-rice crops in the same service unit stand as obstacles to the exploitation of this potential. The main problem lies in
the high cost of crop production as compared to other Asian countries (mainly because of high input costs) and the wide
“yield gaps” between the farmers’ yields and the yields obtained in experiment stations.

3.3 The state of food security

Despite a significant progress in domestic food grain production in recent decades (from 11.0 million tons in 1971
to about 27.0 million tons at present), widespread poverty and food insecurity prevails in the country. The long-term
strategy calls for redressing the poverty problem from at least two fronts: (a) a steady supply of food at a price affordable
to the general mass of the people, and (b) increasing and diversifying income opportunities for the poor that would
ensure their purchasing power15. In meeting these pre-conditions, the government aims to ensure increased food
production through (i) improved efficiency in production, (ii) an increased efficiency in the food distribution system and
(iii) increased trade and commerce.

3.4 Agriculture – a changing scenario

Bangladesh agriculture, as we indicated above, is gradually transforming from the subsistence production system to
commercial agriculture. Under the traditional subsistence farming practices, the farmers produced crops mainly for
household consumption and the surplus, if any, was sold in the market. The importance of traditional cash crops
(jute, sugarcane, tobacco, etc.) of Bangladeshi farmers has diminished with time. Of necessity, farmers are now turning
towards food crops like rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables for commercial production and for cash earning. This trend of
commercialization of agriculture is clearly visible nowadays in the production systems being followed by the farmers of
the country.

3.5 The seed supply system

With the change of subsistence crop production system to commercial agriculture, an accompanying change in the seed
supply system is now noticeable. Farmers now look for quality seeds in the market, instead of the traditional practice
of saving seeds for growing in the next season. The private seed entrepreneurship in Bangladesh started in early 1970s
accelerated during 1990s and exhibited a sustained growth well into 2000s16.
Up until 1990s, the officially recognised seed production and distribution agency was the Bangladesh Agricultural
Development Corporation (BADC), a public sector organisation. Agricultural research institutes, universities and others
involved in crop variety development, supply Breeder Seed to BADC for production of Foundation Seed and Certified
Seed. The National Seed Policy (NSP) declared in 1993 made provisions for private sector to play a role in seed production
and distribution.

Mondal, M. H. 1990. Plant Genetic Resources Activities in Bangladesh. Proc.South Asia National Coordinators Meeting. March 21-24, 1990. held at IBPGR
Regional Office for South Asia, NBPGR Campus, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012, India.
Shahabuddin, Q. and Paul Dorosh. 2002. Comparative Advantage in Bangladesh Crop Production. International Food Policy Researchy Institute (IFRI),
Washington, DC. October 2002.
GoB. 2004. Unlocking the Potential (PRSP), General Economic Division, the Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh.

Hossain, M. G. and Shaikh, M. A. Q. 2007. Vegetable Seed Market Research (Draft), KATALYST-Swisscontact,Dhaka.

Since then private sector participation has come into focus and the supply of quality seeds has been increasing
However, in the absence of organised seed producing enterprises within the country, many seed traders appeared in
the market. These traders supply quality seed in small quantities and mostly through import. Multinational companies
are also making easy inroads to the seed market of the country mostly through importation. The time is ripe for the
development of organized seed industry in Bangladesh.

Hussain. M. M. 2005. Seed Production Storage and Marketing Technology. Publisher Hussain , M. Imteaz. & Hussain M. Iftekhar, Pirerbag, Mirpur, Dhaka. Pp.




4.1 Major crops and their state of diversity

The Major Crops of Bangladesh within and beyond the List of Multilateral System: The major crops of Bangladesh,
as enlisted in the list of crops included in the Multilateral System of the International Treaty (FAO), on Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA), are shown in Table 1
In addition, there is also a large number major crops of Bangladesh that are beyond the list. These include, among
others, jute, tea, sugarcane and a number of vegetable crops (see Table 2).
The diversity of most of the major crops is enormous. For examples, there were 12 000 rice germplasm18. Some 1 090
landraces of Dehsi jute (Corchorus capsularis) and 519 of Tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius) were reported to be scattered
throughout Bangladesh19, and there are 700 tea germplasm20, 300 varieties of sugarcane21, and so on. While the diversity
of traditional varieties is decreasing fast, there is an increasing trend in the diversity of modern varieties. Data on the
diversity of most other crops are not available but there is a decreasing trend for all traditional varieties.

4.2 Minor crops and their state of diversity

A good number of minor and under-utilized crops are grown in the country (Table 3). The state of diversity of minor
and underutilized crops has hardly been monitored. Many of these are important for food security, especially for the
rural people and the poorer sections of the population. Due to intensive agriculture with modern varieties, conversion
of previously fallow land for crop cultivation and clearance of forestland, the diversity of minor crops and under-utilized
species, many of which grew in the wild, is decreasing fast.

4.3 Wild plants related to cultivated crops

More than 300 wild indigenous species of plants have been identified that are relatives to the cultivated crops grown in
Bangladesh22 (Appendix Table 1). But in recent times these have been seriously threatened due to intensive agriculture,
clearing of fallow land and conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural uses and abuses.

4.4 Changing relative importance of crops

The relative importance of a number of crops has changed over the years. There was very little Boro (winter) rice
cultivation in the past but currently Boro contributes about 50% of the rice produced. This led to a significant reduction
in the cultivation of Aus rice, pulses and oilseed crops. Similarly the area under jute, a major cash crop, has also reduced
drastically. Of late, vegetable production has been increasing due mainly to the commercialisation trend in agriculture
and the better access to markets through improvement of rural roads and transport facilities. In recent years maize
cultivation has also been increasing fast.

18 Source: BRII, : Answers to Question 7.1 of ‘Indicators and Reporting Format for Monitoring the Implementation of Global Plan for Conservation and Utilization
of PGRFA. Bangladesh Agricultural research Institute (2005)
19 Husain, et al. 1988. Cited in Bangladesh Country Report (1995). International Conference and Programme for Plant Genetic Resources. Bangladesh Agricultural
Research Council/FAO.
20 Source: Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI). 2005
21 Source: Banfladesh Sugarcane Research Institute (BSRI). 2005
22 BARC. 1995. Bangladesh Country Report, International Conference AND Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ICPPGR).

The major crops of Bangladesh within the list of Multilateral System of the International Treaty on
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and their state of diversity23,24 ,25,26,27

Crop Scientific name State of diversity

Present state of diversity Diversity trend
Rice Oryza sativa About 12 000 local germplasm25 were While the diversity of traditional varieties is
identified through surveys thatare decreasing, there is, however, an increasing
all threatened. The causes of threats trend in the diversity of modern varieties
identified were: replacementof through release of new varieties from
these varieties by modern varieties; research institutes. (For example, BRRI has
disturbances of natural habitatsby released 45 new modern varieties since its
construction of coastal and flood establishment in 1970).
control embankments; drainageand
water logging problems resulting
from development projects; lackof
development of value chain and
business development fortraditional
varieties (e.g. fine grain and aromatic
rice); declining soilquality especially
due to lack of organic matter and micro-
Wheat Triticum aestivum Some 556 accessions of wheat are being Increasing with new introductions
maintained in BARI gene bank (ex situ
collection)26. Of these 140 cultivars were
Pulses (Grain legumes) A total of 854 species under 98 Decreasing
genera represent the Legume flora of
Bangladesh. Out of these, 21 species are
used food (vegetables or pulses) and
722 species were recorded as medicinal
plants28. A total number of 9342
accessions are recorded to be in BARI
gene bank but their species/variety wise
data were not available.
Chickpea Cicero retinue 752 accessions available Decreasing
Grass pea Lathers datives Some 1 845 accessions available. Closely Decreasing
related species available include Lathers
apace and L. odoratum
Lentil Lens culinaris 422 accessions available Decreasing
Mungbean Vigna radiata 41 accessions available. Closely Decreasing
related species available include Vigna
aconitifolia. V. adenantha, V. luteola, V.
mungo, V. pilosa, V. umbellate, V. mungo,
V. unguiculata, V. diphylla.
Coconut Cocos nucifera Data on diversity not available. Decreasing
However, two cultivars were mentioned.

Mustard Brassica spp. 154 accessions available. However, 344 Decreasing

oil-producing Brassica species were
Radish Raphanus sativus Data on diversity not available. Increasing with the release of new varieties,
However, 19 cultivars were mentioned.30 but traditional varieties decreasing.
Arum Colocasia esculenta Data on crop diversity not available. Not known
However, a total of 53 species under 20
genera represent the family Araceae in
Bangladesh. Of
these, 10 species are used as vegetables
and 15 species are of
medicinal value. Some 16 species were
found endemic which were
not found during the survey.31

23 BRRI. 2005. Answers to Question 7.1 of ‘Indicators and Reporting Format for Monitoring the Implementation of Global Plan for Conservation and
Utilization of PGRFA
24 BARI: Answers to Question 7.1 of ‘Indicators and Reporting Format for Monitoring the Implementation of Global Plan for Conservation and Utilization of
PGRFA. Bangladesh Agricultural research Institute (2005)
25 Khan, M. S. & F. Ahmed. A tentative List of Plant Genetic Resources (Wild and Cultivated). Mimeo. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
/Bangladesh Academy of Agriculture(2001)
26 BARI: Answers to Question 7.1 of ‘Indicators and Reporting Format for Monitoring the Implementation of Global Plan for Conservation and Utilization of
PGRFA. Bangladesh Agricultural research Institute (2005)
27 Ibid. 25

Crop Scientific name State of diversity

Present state of diversity Diversity trend
Brinjal (eggplant) Solanum melongena Some 248 cultivars were mentioned.32 Increasing with the release of new varieties,
Closely related species available but traditional varieties decreasing.
include S. torvum, S. erianthum, S.
nigrum, S. barbisetum, S. trilobatum,
S. sysmbrifolium. S. capsicoides, S.
virginianum S.
Potato Solanum tuberosum A total of 23 cultivars were mentioned.33 Increasing with new introduction
Sweet potato Ipomoea batatas Some 14 wild species available i.e. I. Not known
imolucrata, I. learii, I. nil, I. purpurea, I.
rubens, I. aspera, I. longiflora, I. illustris,
I. peniculata, I. pescaprae, I. reptans, I.
salicifolia, I. obscura, I. sepinria, etc.
Banana Musa sapientum, M. Some 10 varieties were mentioned.34 Decreasing
paradisica. One wild species, M. ornate, occurs in
Sugar crops
Sugarcane Saccharum officinarum About 900 cultivars were mentioned. Increasing with the release of new varieties,
At least three wild species occurs in but traditional varieties decreasing.
Bangladesh i.e. S. arundinaceum, S.
fuscum and S. sponteneum.
Beverage crop
Tea Camellia sinensis About 500 germplasm have been Increasing with the release of new varieties
collected. and collection.
Fibre crops
Jute Corchorus sp. Data on diversity not available. Not known
However, 14 species under the genus
Corchorus were mentioned.
Cotton Gossypium hirsutum Some 430 accessions are being Increasing g with new introduction
maintained in Cotton Research Farms,
Mahiganj in Rangpur District, and Sripur
in Gazipur District and Saidrpur in
Dinajour District.
Gossypium arboreum Some 30 accession at Balaghata Farm in Decreasing
Bandarban District


28 Ibid.
29 Source: Bangladesh National Herbarium (Taxonomic Study of the Family Araceae).
30 Source: Khan, M. S. and F. Ahmed. A Tentative List of Plant Genetic Resources (Wild and Cultivated). Mimeo. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
/Bangladesh Academy of Agriculture(2001)
31 Ibid.
26 32 Ibid.

Some major crops33 of Bangladesh beyond the list of crops under the Multilateral System of the International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources, their uses, relative importance and regional difference

Crop Scientific name Uses/products Relative importance Regional difference in importance

Fibre crops
Jute Corchorus spp. The major fibre crop of economic (a major Important all over the country
Bangladesh export crop)
Ash gourd Benincasa hispida extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Bitter gourd Momordica charantia extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Bottle gourd Lagenaria siceraia extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Hyacinth bean Lablab purpureus extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Cucumber Cucumis sativus extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Okra Abelmoschus esculentus extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Papaya Carica papaya extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Pumpkin Cucurbita moschata extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Ribbed gourd Luffa acutungula extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Snake gourd Trichosanthes anguina extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum extensively used Food security Important all over the country
vegetable crop
Groundnut Arachis hypogea Widely grown oilseed Food security Important all over the country
Chilli Capsicum annum extensively used spice Food security Important all over the country
frutescens crop
Garlic Allium sativum extensively used spice Food security Important all over the country
Ginger Zingiber officinale extensively used spice Food security Important all over the country but grown
crop especially in hilly / forest areas
Onion Allium cepa extensively used spice Food security Important all over the country
Turmeric Curcuma domestica/ extensively used spice Food security Important all over the country, but
longa crop especially in hilly / forest areas
Guava Psidium guajava Widely grown fruit tree Food security Important all over the country
Jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus Widely grown fruit tree Food security Important all over the country, but grown
especially in central districts
Litchi Litchi chinensis Widely grown fruit tree Food security Important all over the country, but grown
especially in northern districts (Rajshahi,
Dinajpur, Natore, Naogaon, etc.)
Mango Mangifera indica Widely grown fruit tree Food security and Important all over the country but grown
economic (cash crop) especially in northern districts.
Papaya Carica papaya Widely grown fruit tree Food security Important all over the country
Watermelon Citrullus lanatus Widely grown fruit crop Food security Important all over the country
Sugar crops
Sugarcane Saccharum officinarum Widely grown sugar crop Food security and Important all over the country, but grown
economic (cash crop) especially in northern districts
Tea Camellia sinensis A major export crop economic (a major A major export crop grown especially in
export crop) hilly areas of Sylhet and Chittagong

33 Ibid.

Minor and underutilized crops of Bangladesh and their state of diversity 34,35,36,37,38

Crop Scientific Name Diversity

Present state of diversity Diversity trend
Barley Hordeum vulgare Some 30 geermplasm in BARI Decreasing
Foxtail Millet Setaria italica More than 500 germplasm in BARI Decreasing
Maize Zea mays More than 100 germplasm are Increasing with introduction of
reported to be maintained at BAU new varieties
and 69 in gene bank at BARI
Pearl Millet Panicum milliaceum Only two germplasm in BARI Not known
Triticale Triticosecale Five germplasm in BARI gene bank Remaining the same
Black gram Vigna mungo 89 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Pigeon pea Cajanus cajan 84 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Linseed Linum usitatissimum Not known Not known
Niger Guizotica abyssinica 2 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Safflower Carthamus tinctorius Not known Not known
Sesame Sesamum indicum 83 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Amaranth Amaranthus spp. Data on diversity not available. Not known
However, 620 accessions in BARI
Bathua Chenopodium album One accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Carrot Daucas carota Data on diversity not available. Not known
However, two varieties were
Cheena shak Brassica spp. 10 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Drumstick Moringa oleifera 10 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
French bean Phaseolus vulgaris 10 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Indian spinach Basella alba 34 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
kalmia shak Ipomoea aquatica/ reptans) Data on diversity not available. Not known
However, five varieties were
Lima bean Phaseolus lunatus Not known Not known
Marfa, Phuti Cucumis melo Not known Not known
Spinach Spinacea oleracea Data on diversity not available. Not known
However, three varieties were
Sponge gourd Luffa cylindrica Not known Not known
Squash Cucurbita moschata /pepo Not known Not known
Teasle gourd Momordica dioica/cochinchinesis Data on diversity not available. Not known
However, two varieties were
Winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus One accession in BARI genebank Not known
yam Dioscorea spp. 62 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
yam bean (Shak alu) Pachyrrrhizus tuberosus 3 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
yard Long Bean Vigna unguiculata 147 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Spices Not known
Black cumin Nigella sativa 6 accessions in BARI genebank Not known

34 Source: Khan, M. S. & F. Ahmed. (Undated). A Tentative List of Plant Genetic Resources (Wild and Cultivated). Mimeo. Bangladesh Agricultural
Research Council.
35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid.
28 38 Ibid.

Crop Scientific Name Diversity

Present state of diversity Diversity trend
Black pepper Piper nigrum Not known Not known
Coriander Coriandrum sativum 18 accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Cumin seed (Jeera) Cuminum cyminum Not known Not known
Fenugreek (Methi) Trigonella foenum-graceum Four accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Join Carom capsicum One accessions in BARI genebank Not known
Fruits Not known
Amloki Phyllanthus emblica 10 accessions mentioned Not known
Amra Spondias dulcis 10 accessions mentioned Not known
Arboroi Cicca acida 10 accessions mentioned Not known
Bel Aegle marmelos Data on diversity not available. Not known
However, 15 varieties were
Carambola (kamranga) Averrhoa carambola Not known Not known
Cashew nut Anacardium occidentale Not known Not known
Chalta Dillenia indica Not known Not known
Custard Apple (Sharifa) Annona squamosa Not known Not known
Dewa Artocarpus lacucha Not known Not known
Jalpai Elaecarpus floribundus Not known Not known
Jamrul Syzygium samarangense Not known Not known
kalajam Syzygium cumini Not known Not known
kath badam Terminalia catappa Not known Not known
kothbel Feronia limonia Not known Not known
kul Zizyphus jujube/maurutiana Data on diversity not available, Not known
However, five varieties were
Latkan Bixa orellana Not known Not known
Lemon Citrus limon Not known Not known
Lime Citrus aurantifolia Not known Not known
Mandarin Citrus reticulata Not known Not known
Nona Annona reticulata Not known Not known
Pomegranate Punica granatum Not known Not known
Pummelo Citrus grandis 25 varieties were mentioned.42 Not known
Rose apple (Golapjam) Syzygium jambos Not known Not known
Safeda Achras sapota Not known Not known
Sweet orange (Malta) Citrus sinensis Not known Not known
Tamarind Tamarindus indica Not known Not known
Fibre crops
Cotton Gossipier spp. Not known Not known
Mesta and kenaf Hibiscus spp. Data not available Not known
Sun hemp Crotalaria juncea Not known Not known
Sugar crops
Date palm Phoenix sylvestris Not known Not known
Palm Borassus flabellifer Not known
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum,/ rustica Not known Not known
Betel nut Areca catechu Not known Not known
Green-maturing crops Not known
Sun hemp (Shon pat) Crotalaria jounce Not known Not known
Sesbania (Dhaincha) Sesbania canabina Not known Not known

Modified after1 Mondal, M. H. 1990. Plant Genetic Resources Activities in Bangladesh. Proc.South Asia National Coordinators Meeting. March 21-24, 1990. held at
IBPGR Regional Office for South Asia, NBPGR Campus, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012, India.39,40

39 Ibid.
40 Ibid.

4.5 Threats of genetic vulnerability and causes of genetic erosion in Bangladesh

Recognizable threats of genetic vulnerability include, among other things, replacement of traditional varieties/land races
by modern varieties, forest clearance and forest encroachment and disappearance of homestead backyard forests. The
first volume of Red Data Book (2001)41, as mentioned earlier, identified 106 species of vascular plants that are threatened
and some of which are no longer traceable. The diversity of land races/farmers’ varieties has decreased significantly
over the years. The factors responsible for genetic erosion in Bangladesh are many and each of these plays a part in the
erosion of genetic resources. These are listed below:
• Unplanned conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural uses.
• Urbanisation and human population growth.
• Use of high yielding crop varieties at the expense of traditional varieties/landraces.
• Riverbank erosion, leading not only to the direct loss of land and homesteads along with biodiversities but also to
driving the affected peoples out to areas previously used for agriculture or left for wild /forest flora.
• Disappearance of backyard forests due to scarcity of land.
• Construction of flood control embankments leading to habitat destruction.
• Water logging and drainage problems arising from Flood Control and Drainage (FCD) Projects and/or Flood Control
Drainage and Irrigation (FCDI) Projects.
• Shrimp monoculture in coastal areas leading to salinity increase that practically drove out crop culture and/or the
growth of wild flora in these fragile ecosystems.
• Unscrupulous forest clearance and overexploitation of forest species.
• Settling plain land farmers in forest areas who attempt plain land cultivation practices there. Forest dwelling
people previously used to manage these forests with their traditional knowledge.
• Felling of trees in village groves to meet the demands for timber and fuel.
• Hill cutting.
• Flood.
• Construction of barrage (e.g. Farakka Barrage upstream in India) leading to water stress downstream affecting
• environmental effects – cyclones, tidal surges, environmental pollution, and sea level rise, and salinity increase in
coastal areas as mentioned above.
• Introduction of invasive alien species (especially Acacia and eucalyptus)
• Plant diseases (especially red rot disease in sugarcane has been identified as a major cause of loss of sugarcane
• Lack of knowledge of multiple use of species, lack of value addition as well as overexploitation of plant genetic
• Loss of soil fertility and the desertification process ensued in northern parts of Bangladesh.

4.6 Improving the understanding of the state of diversity

The following issues need to be given attention for improving the understanding of the state of diversity:
• National and institutional priorities for undertaking PGR surveys should be established.
• For capacity building, especially for assessing genetic erosion and improving responses to genetic erosion, staffs
have to be trained and adequate trained staffs have to be deployed.
• Strategic direction for biodiversity conservation with appropriate policy should be in place along with research
and management facilities.
• Logistic supports to be made available for awareness creation on biodiversity and their conservation.
• Regional and international cooperation and support should be sought.
• evaluation and characterization of genetic material have to be strengthened.
• Genetic finger printing facilities should be made available for assessing diversity.
• Preservation facilities (in situ, on-farm, ex situ, field genebank, in vitro, cryo-preservation) for genetic material need
to be developed and strengthened.
• Necessary financial supports need to be provided.

41 Khan, M. S. et al. (Eds.). 2001. Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council / Bangladesh National
30 Herbarium, Dhaka,



5.1 GPA Activity Area 1: Surveying and Inventorying of Plant Genetic Resources
for Food and Agriculture

Some sporadic surveys on wild PGR have been undertaken in Bangladesh and the priority areas for survey and inventory
of plant genetic resources in Bangladesh have been identified (Table 4).

Surveys and inventories undertaken and priority areas identified in Bangladesh

Stakeholder Title of Area Area Survey Surveying methods Threatened species Causes of threat Major findings

survey/ surveyed/ priority ranking for details

inventory inventoried in situ
Bangladesh ethno botanical Different districts of Medium Indigenous - - Lack of knowledge -
Agricultural survey on Taro and Bangladesh knowledge used; on multiple use and
Research Institute yam identification value addition
of threatened /
endangered species
Bangladesh National Biosystematic Bangladesh Not set/ known Indigenous Field survey, Trichosanthes Habitat destruction A total of 45 species were identified under the
Herbarium studies of knowledge used literature survey himalensis family Cucurbitaceae of which 15 species are
Cucurbitaceae and examination of vegetables.
herbarium specimens
Bangladesh National exploration of the kaptai National Park, High Indigenous Field survey, literature Of 423 species Over A total 423 species under 292 genera in 93
Herbarium wild plant genetic Rangamati knowledge used; survey and herbarium recorded threatened exploitation and families recorded.
resources of kaptai identification specimens. species recorded deforestation .
National Park of threatened / ethnobotanical data were 25.
endangered species, collected.
threat to genetic
Bangladesh National Taxonomic studies Bangladesh Not set /known Indigenous Field survey, literature At least 7 species Habitat destruction, A total of 53 species under 20 genera in
Herbarium of Araceae from knowledge used; survey and herbarium have been identified over exploitation Bangladesh. Some 10 species used as vegetables
Bangladesh identification specimens. Data as threatened and 16 species were endemic and endangered.
of threatened / collected from 30 Five species were recorded only once but not
endangered species, AeZs found during the study.
threat to genetic

Bangladesh National Inventory of Bangladesh High Indigenous Field survey, literature The names of 106 Habitat destruction, A total 0f 106 species were listed in the first
Herbarium threatened plants knowledge used; survey and herbarium threatened vascular over-exploitation, volume of the “Red Data Book of Vascular Plants
to publish Red Data identification specimens. plants identified. climatic changes of Bangladesh”. Species categorised according to
Book of threatened / IUCN Red List Categories.
endangered species,
threat to genetic

Bangladesh National Legume Flora of Bangladesh Not set / known Indigenous Mainly based on About 50 species are Habitat destruction A total of 332 species under 98 genera identified.
Herbarium Bangladesh knowledge used; literature survey threatened. and over- A total of 21 species recorded that were used as
identification and herbarium exploitation vegetables/pulses and 23 species recorded to be
of threatened / collections. Field used as medicinal plants.
endangered species, studied done in a few
threat to genetic cases.
Stakeholder Title of Area Area Survey Surveying methods Threatened species Causes of threat Major findings
survey/ surveyed/ priority ranking for details
inventory inventoried in situ
Bangladesh National Survey of Plant Bangladesh Not set / known Indigenous Field survey, Some 23 species Habitat destruction, A total of 42 species under15 genera of the Family
Herbarium Diversity of knowledge used; literature survey Annonaceae, climatic changes, Annonaceae identified. Of these 3 species were
Bangladesh identification and examination 5 species of over-exploitation fruit yielding and widely cultivated.
to publish the of threatened/ of herbarium Solanaceae,
series of “Flora endangered species, specimens. 4 species of A total of 35 species under 13 genera of the
of Bangladesh” threat to genetic Cuscutaceae, Family Solanaceae identified, 5 species were
(Annonaceae, diversity 6 species of vegetable syielding, two Nicotiana species, 4
Solanaceae, Menispermaceae species used as medicinal plants, and two species
Combretaceae, and 2 species of cultivated a sornamental plants.
Cuscutaceae, Malvaceae have
Malvaceae and s) been identified as A total of 21 species under 6 genera of the family
threatened. Combretaceae identified. Of these, 5 species are
used as medicinal plants.

A total of 6 species under the family Cuscutaceae

have been identified, of which one species is used
a medicinal plant.

A total of 19 species under the family

Menispermaceaehave been identified ofwhich one
is a fibre yielding plant and one is a poisonous

A total of 49 species under19 genera of the family

Malvaceae have been identified of which 3 species
are used as vegetables, 21are fibre yielding and 6
species are medicinal plants.
Bangladesh National Survey of Bangladesh Not set / known Indigenous Field survey, literature About 25 species Habitat destruction A total of 165 species under 56 genera of 28
Herbarium Pteridophytic Flora knowledge used; survey and herbarium identified as and over- families identified. Of these 12 species were used
of Bangladesh identification specimens. threatened. exploitation as vegetables and 40 as medicinal plants.
of threatened/
endangered species
Coastal Rice Diversity and Southwest Costal High Indigenous Samples of About 30 Coastal Some 116 varieties werec ollected through
Development Production in Region knowledge used; indigenous rice indigenous rice embankment resource poor farmers in 20 villages in 4 districts
Partner-ship(CDP) the Southwest of identification varieties and varieties were Project, increased of the south west region of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh of threatened/ anthropological threatened. salinity and water
endangered species, information collected logging and
threat to genetic through FGD. aggression of
diversity. modern varieties.
Cotton Baseline Survey 63 Upazilas of the Low Indigenous To know farmers’ Gossypium Monoculture of Middlemen purchase immature cotton, mixed
Development Board on Potentiality of 19 cotton growing knowledge used; capability through arboreum, modern varieties varieties led to genetical deterioration.
Cotton Production district (10 cotton identification questionnaire, GIS indigenous species
in Bangladesh growing zones) of threatened/ system of cotton was
endangered species, threatened.
data entered in GIS

Stakeholder Title of Area Area Survey Surveying methods Threatened species Causes of threat Major findings
survey/ surveyed/ priority ranking for details
inventory inventoried in situ

Bangladesh Rice Collection and Bangladesh Medium - High Indigenous Questionnaire, Wild rice (Oryza Monoculture About 12 000 local rice germplasm identified as
Research institute Registration of knowledge used; Passport Data, etc. rufipogon, O. of modern rice, new germplasm. Many local varieties have already
RiceVarieties identification officinalis, O. nivara) disturbances of been lost from farmers’ fields
of threatened/ are threatened. natural habitats
endangered species,
threat to genetic
Bangladesh Rice Characterization of BRRI HQ, Gazipur Low - Medium Indigenous Data recording Local rice cultivars Monoculture About 12 000 local rice germplasm identified as
Research institute Rice Germplasm knowledge used; of modernrice, new germplasm. Many localvarieties have already
identification disturbances of been lost from farmers’ fields.
of threatened/ natural habitats
endangered species,
threat to genetic
diversity. Data
entered into GIS
Bangabandhu Survey and Netrokona and Medium - High Indigenous - - Competition from -
Sheikh Mujibur Collection of Local kishoreganj District knowledge used; modern high
Rahman Agricultural Rice Germplasm threat to genetic yielding varieties
University diversity.
Bangladesh ethnobotanic- Different districts of Medium Indigenous - - Lack of knowledge -
Agricultural alsurvey on Taro Bangladesh knowledge used; on multiple use and
Research Institute andyam identification value addition
of threatened/
endangered species
Bangladesh National Biosystematic Bangladesh Not set/known Indigenous Field survey, literature Trochosanthes Habitat destruction -
Herbarium Studies of knowledge used survey and studies on himalensis
Cucurbitaceae herbarium specimens
Bangladesh National exploration of the kaptai National High Indigenous Field survey, literature A total 423 species Over exploitation -
Herbarium Wild Plant Genetic Park, Rangamati, Hill knowledge used; survey and studies on under 292 genera and deforestation.
Resources of kaptai Tracts of Bangladesh identification herbarium specimens. in 93 families
National Park of threatened/ ethno-botanical data recorded. Number of
endangered species, collected. threatened species
threat to genetic recorded was 25.
Bangladesh National Taxonomic Studies Bangladesh Not set /known Indigenous Field survey, literature A total of 53 species Habitat destruction -
Herbarium knowledge used; survey and studies under 20 genera in
identification on herbarium Bangladesh. Some
of threatened/ specimens.Data 10 species used as
endangered species, collected from 30 vegetables and 16
threat to genetic Agro ecological Zones spp. were endemic
diversity of Bangladesh and endangered.
Five spp. were
recorded only once
but not found
during the study.
Stakeholder Title of Area Area Survey Surveying methods Threatened species Causes of threat Major findings
survey/ surveyed/ priority ranking for details
inventory inventoried in situ
Bangladesh National Inventory Bangladesh High Indigenous Field survey, literature The names of 106 - A total 0f 106 species were listed in the first
Herbarium ofThreatened knowledge used; survey and herbarium threatened vascular volume of the “Red Data Book ofVascular Plants of
Plantsto Publish identification specimens. plants identified. Bangladesh’ (2001). Species categorised according
RedData Book of threatened/ to IUCN Red List Categories.
endangered species,
threat to genetic
Bangladesh National Legume Flora of Bangladesh Not set / known Indigenous Mainly based on About 50 spp. were Habitat destruction A total of 332 spp. under 98 genera identified.
Herbarium Bangladesh knowledge used; literature survey threatened. and over- A total of 21 spp. recorded that were used as
identification and herbarium exploitation vegetables/pulses and 23 spp. recorded to be
of threatened / collections. Field used as medicinal plants.
endangered species, studies done in a few
threat to genetic cases.
Bangladesh National Survey of Plant Bangladesh Not set / known Indigenous Field survey, literature Some 16 species Habitat destruction A total of 42 species under 15 genera of the Family
Herbarium Diversity of knowledge used; survey and herbarium Annonaceae, Annonaceae identified. Of these 3 species were
Bangladesh identification specimens. 4 species of fruit yielding and widely cultivated.
(to publish the of threatened/ Solanaceae, 3 species
series of “Flora endangered species, of Combretaceae A total of 35 species under 13 genera of the Family
of Bangladesh”-- threat to genetic identified as Solanaceae identified, 5 species were vegetable
Annonaceae, diversity threatened. yielding, two Nicotiana species, 4 species used as
Solanaceae, Combret- medicinal plants, and two species cultivated as
aceae ornamental plants. A

total of 21 species under 6 genera of the family

Combretaceae identified. Of, 5 species used as
medicinal plants.
Bangladesh National Survey of Bangladesh Not set / known Indigenous Field survey, literature About 25 species Habitat destruction A total of 165 species under 56 genera of 28
Herbarium Pteridophytic Flora knowledge used; survey and herbarium identified as and over- families identified. Of these 12 species were used
of Bangladesh identification specimens. threatened. exploitation as vegetables and 40 as medicinal plants.
of threatened /
endangered species
Coastal Rice Diversity and Southwest Costal High Indigenous Samples of About 30 indigenous Coastal embankment Some 116 varieties were collected through
Development Production in Region knowledge used; indigenous rice rice varieties were Project, increased resource poor farmers in 20 villages in 4 districts of
Partner-ship the Southwest of identification varieties and threatened. salinity and water the southwest region of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh of threatened / anthropological logging and
endangered species, information collected aggression of
threat to genetic through FGD. modern varieties.
Cotton Development Baseline Survey 63 Upazilas of the Low Indigenous To know farmers’ Gossypium arboreum, Monoculture of Middlemen purchase immature cotton, mixed
Board on Potentiality of 19 cotton growing knowledge used; capability through indigenous species modern varieties varieties led to genetical deterioration.
Cotton Production in district (10 cotton identification questionnaire, GIS of cotton was
Bangladesh growing zones) of threatened / system threatened.
endangered species,
data entered in GIS

Stakeholder Title of Area Area Survey Surveying methods Threatened species Causes of threat Major findings
survey/ surveyed/ priority ranking for details
inventory inventoried in situ

Bangladesh Rice Collection and Bangladesh Medium - High Indigenous Questionnaire, Wild rice (Oryza Monoculture About 12 000 local rice germ plasm identified as
Research Institute Registration of Rice knowledge used; Passport Data, etc. rufipogon, O. of modern rice, new germ plasm. Many local varieties have already
Varieties identification officinalis, O. nivara) disturbances of been lost from
of threatened / are threatened. natural habitat
endangered species, disturbances
threat to genetic
Bangladesh Rice Characterization of BRRI HQ, Gazipur Low - Medium Indigenous Data recording Local rice cultivars Monoculture About 12 000 local rice germ plasm identified as
Research Institute Rice Germplasm knowledge used; of modern rice, new germ plasm. Many local varieties have already
identification disturbances of been lost from farmers’ fields.
of threatened/ natural habitat
endangered species, disturbances
threat to genetic
diversity. Data
entered into GIS
Bangabandhu Survey and Netrokona and Medium - High Indigenous - - Competition from -
Sheikh Mujibur Collection of Local kishoreganj District knowledge used; modern high
Rahman Agricultural Rice Germplasm threat to genetic yielding varieties
University diversity.

Sources: PRSP, December 2004. Unlocking the Potential (PRSP). Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh. Pp. 7.

Mondal, M. H. 1990. Plant Genetic Resources Activities in Bangladesh. Proc. South Asia National Coordinators’ Meeting, 21-24 March, 1990 held at IBPGR Regional Office for South Asia, NBPGR Campus, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012,

India. BARC. 1995. Country Report – Bangladesh for the International Conference and Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (The First Bangladesh Report
on PGR)

Constraints in surveying and monitoring

• The Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights Protection Act of Bangladesh and the Biodiversity and the Community
knowledge Protection Act of Bangladesh have been drafted and these are under process at the government
• The government needs to be persuaded to implement the proposal submitted for establishing the National
Institute for Plant Genetic Resources. The proposed institute was expected to organize PGRFA activities including
surveying and monitoring. The proposal was submitted in 1999.

In addition, the following constraints are to be addressed with urgency:

• National priorities on biodiversity vis-à-vis PGRFA identified in the National Workshop in 199742 need to be revisited
and new set of priorities, as deemed necessary with the passage of time, be established and action initiated.
• Insufficient financial support for PGRFA.
• Insufficient staff in PGRFA.
• existing staffs do not have sufficient skills.

Needs and priorities for surveying and monitoring

• Awareness campaigns on conservation of plant genetic resources should be strengthened and widened. (Bioversity
and FAO can be of assistance).
• Organisational responsibilities for carrying out PGR activities should be clarified and coordinated. At the moment
the responsibility is diffused with a number of institutes but none with a comprehensive responsibility.
• Surveying and monitoring of PGRFA should be taken up with urgency. (Bioversity and FAO can be of assistance).
• Adequate staff for carrying out PGRFA should be deployed.
• Training needs in PGRFA, especially in surveying and monitoring, should be properly assessed and training
provided. Where necessary, training of existing staff to upgrade skills should be organised. (Bioversity and FAO can
be of assistance).
• Adequate funds for carrying out activities related to PGRFA, including surveying and monitoring, should be made
• Collaboration and sharing of information on PGR with countries of the region and international organisations/
institutions should be strengthened. (Bioversity and FAO can be of assistance).
• Priority areas for survey and monitoring have been identified. Such surveys and monitoring activities need to be
organised and implemented. (Bioversity and FAO can be of assistance in taking initiatives).

• Bangladesh is a signatory to the CBD (1992) and the government is committed to the implementation of the
Global Plan of Action (GPA) for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
• Through a collaborative National Workshop on Plant Genetic Resources in 1997, involving the National Committee
on Plant Genetic Resources (NCPGR), the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council and the IPGRI, the national
priorities in PGR have already been identified. These need be revisited and if necessary, a new set of priorities
should be established.
• The National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources is in place but it needs to be reactivated.
• The Acts related to PGR have been drafted. These need to be formalised and operationalised.
• Priority ranks for surveys have already been identified.
• Some survey and inventory work have already been undertaken by stakeholder institutions/ organisations. Support
is needed for strengthening and for widening survey and inventory work.

42 Ibid.

5.2 GPA Activity Area 2: Supporting On-Farm Management and Improvement

of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Programmes/projects/activities on in situ conservation of Wild Crop Relatives and Wild Plants for Food and Agriculture
(WCR/WPF) have so far been poor in Bangladesh. The major limitations to on-farm conservation and improvement of
PGRFA are as follows:
• On-farm management and improvement of PGRFA are yet to be regarded as a national priority.
• Lack of incentives to farmers for on-farm conservation and improvement of PGRFA.
• Insufficient number of staff for conservation work.
• Insufficient skills of staff.
• Inadequate staff training.
• Lack of financial support.
• Insufficient seed / planting material.
• A small minority of landowners, who are usually absentee landlords, owns a major portion of the cropland,
especially in southern coastal region. They could care less for on-farm conservation of PGR.
• Increasing population and scarcity of land warrant more crop production from the same limited land area.
• Traditional varieties with lower yield have a low premium to the mass of farmers.

Priority needs
For promoting on-farm management and improvement of PGRFA, the following should be given attention to:
• Awareness building on indigenous PGRFA, their extent and significance, their erosion, and their potentials for
improvement, through seminars, publication of booklets and biodiversity fairs.
• Awareness building on the causes of changes / erosion of PGRFA.
• Promoting the uses of traditional varieties in identified pocket areas (rain-fed areas and marginal lands) where
farmers still depend on them. These farmers should be given incentives for conservation and for promotion of
traditional varieties.
• Developing markets for products originating from traditional and under-utilized varieties and crops.
• There have been initiatives from the private sector43 for developing, at the local level, small-scale seed production
enterprises. Such initiatives should be supported.
• Providing incentives, including awards, to farmers for on-farm conservations, management and improvement of
• Providing training on on-farm management and improvement of PGRFA with special emphasis on:
- Seed enhancement.
- Preservation.
- Processing and packaging.
- Consumption.
• Organising visits to successful models of on-farm management.
• Creating facilities for genetic finger printing.

43 For example, Bangladesh Golden Agri Seed Associates (BGASA), with about 40 small-scale farmer based seed enterprises (FBSEs)as members and spread
throughout the country, have been producing quality seeds with assistance from GTZ and BADC. The number of companies has been steadily increasing
with time and these FBSEs are contributing to the seed requirement at the local level. The enterprises have benefited from credit support from a National
Commercial Bank against security money provided by GTZ but for a limited time. Such credit facilitation needs to be continued and widened to encourage
local level quality seed production, skill development, enterprise and income generation in rural areas.

5.3 GPA Activity Area 3: Assisting Farmers in Disaster Situation to Restore

Agricultural Systems

Bangladesh is vulnerable to natural disasters like floods, cyclones, tornadoes, tidal surges and occasional droughts. River
bank erosion is a silent disaster. Unfortunately, till today this disaster has hardly featured in government documents as an
important threat to people, their livelihood, for that matter to plant genetic resources. A national plan to assist farmers,
to recover and preserve PGRFA following disasters, is yet to be developed so that the genetic resources lost as a result of
natural disasters could be restored. Awareness campaigns on the loss of genetic resources should be undertaken with
a sense of urgency.
Community genebanks are yet to be promoted and identification of appropriate germplasm for re-introduction,
following a disaster, has not been given attention to in the past. Pre-disaster information on PGRFA has not usually been
maintained. The National Committee for Plant Genetic Resources (NCPGR) should be revived to undertake initiatives,
among other things, towards post-disaster restoration of agriculture and to identify its (NCPGR) institutional base with
the proposed National Institute of Plant Genetic Resources.

5.4 GPA Activity Area 4: Promoting In Situ Conservation of Wild Crop Relatives
and Wild Plants for Food Production

Bangladesh has not yet been able to develop a plan for in situ conservation though some sporadic attempts have been
made by some stakeholder organizations. For examples, The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute has identified
two in situ locations for each of pigeon pea and year round jackfruit. The Bangladesh Rice Research Institute has identified
five in situ locations for wild rice and the Bangladesh Tea Research Institute has identified 100 Tea estates as in situ
locations of tea germplasm.
Up till now, no organised programme/project/activity to raise public awareness of the value of crop wild relatives
and wild plants for food (CWR/WPF) in food security and plant breeding has been undertaken. The draft Biodiversity
and Community knowledge Protection Act proposes policy/regulatory changes that could have a positive impact on
conservation of wild crop relatives and wild food plants.
For promoting in situ conservation of Wild Relatives of Crops and Wild Plants for Food (CWR/WPF) production, the
following needs were iden tified:
• The draft Biodiversity and Community knowledge Protection Act should be formalized and implemented without
any further delay.
• R&D activities on in situ conservation of CWR/WFP should be promoted and strengthened.
• Model testing of in situ methodology, especially in marginal land, should be initiated.
• Homestead forestry, agroforestry and fodder raising programmes should be strengthened.
• Livelihood supporting species should be identified and their conservation promoted.
• Concerted efforts should be made to preserve traditional knowledge related to PGR, with special reference to
• Regional approach in in situ conservation of PGR should be undertaken.
• Regional and international collaboration and support should be sought for promoting in situ conservation of CWR/




6.1 GPA Activity Area 5: Sustaining Ex Situ Collections

Ex situ Programmes/Projects/ Activities have been undertaken by stakeholder organizations (Table 5). Some the
important species covered include Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, Sorghum bicolour, Lathyrus sativus, Lens culinaris,
Brassica campestris, Brassica oleracea, Lablab purpureus, Luffa cylindrical, Musa sp., Aegle marmelos, Mangifera indica, Zea
mays, Oryza sativa, Gossypium arboreum, Gossypium hirsutum, Corchorus capsularis, Corchorus olitorius, Camelia spp. etc.
But the capacity and storage conditions of stakeholders vary.

TABLe 544
Ex situ programmes/projects/activities undertaken and species covered by different stakeholders

Stakeholder Ex situ Type of activity Species covered 46

Bangladesh Agricultural Conservation of Collection, long and medium Cereals: Triticum aestivum, Setaria italica, Panic
Research Institute (BARI) germplasm term conservation ingene bank miliaceum, Sorghum bicolor, Zea mays,Hordeun vulgare,
storage, and also conservation Fagopyrum esculentum, Triticale cereale, Pennisatum
infield genebank americanum, Eragrostisabyssinica, Avena sp.

Pulses: Lathyrus sativus, Lens culinaris, Cicer arietinum m,

Vigna mungo, Cajanus cajan, Vignaradiata, Macrotyloma
uniflorum, Vigna unguiculata, Pisum sativum,
Phaseolus vulgaris, Canavaliagladiata, Psophocarpus
tetragonolobus, including some wild legumes like ‘Bazari’,
‘Hinta’ etc.

Oilseeds: Brassica campestris sub-sp. campestris, Arachis

hypogea, Sesamum indicum, Glycinemax, Ricinus
communis, Linum usitatisimum, Guizotica abyssinica

Vegetables: Lablab purpureans, Brassica oleracea, B.

oleracea var. botrytis, Raphanus sativus, Amaranrhus
spp., Cucurbita moschata, Solanum melongena,
Lagenaria vulgaris, Hibiscusabelmoschus, Benincosa
hispida, Luffa cylindrica, Vigna sinensis subsp
sesquipedalis, Luffaacutangula, Trichosanthes anguina,
Momordica charantia, Lycopersicum esculentum,
Basellaalba, Spinacea oleracea, Faba vulgaris, Phaseolus
vulgaris, Hibiscus subdariffa, Canavaliagladiata,
Ipomoea aquatica, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus,
Cucumis melo, Trochosanthes dioica,Dioscorea spp.
Emblica officinalis, Moringa oliefera, , Ficus carica, Citrus
sinensis,Amorphophalus campanulatus, Ficus carica,
Momordica coccichinensis (wild)

Fruits: Persia americana, Musa spp. Aegle marmalos,

Averrhoa bilimbi, Syzygium cumini,Annona reticulata,
Madhuca indica, Baccaurea sapida, Averrhoa carambula,
Carrissa carandus,Prunus avium, Cowa mangostrin,
Annona squamosa, Phoenix sylvestris, Dillenia
indica,Flacourtia jangomas, Crescentia cujete, Spondalis
mangifera, S. heterophyllus , Ziziphusmauritania, Citrus
sinensis, Nephelium longana, Flacourtia indica, Mangifera
indica, Artocarpuslakoocha, Citrus sinensis, Passiflora
edulis, Punica granatum, Nephelium lappacheum,
Diospyrosperegrina, Tamarindus indica, Antidesma
ghaesembilla, Diospyros discolor, Syzigiumsamarangens,
Artocarpus champeden, Mangifera sylvetica, Feronia
elephantum, Vitis vinifera,Psidium guajava, Loea spp.
Citrus grandis.

Root and Tuber Crops: Aroids, Potato, yams and Sweet


Others: Some ornamental and medicinal plants as well

as some under-utilized PGRFA.


46Species names given under stakeholders are not essentially exhaustive.


Stakeholder Ex situ Type of activity Species covered 46

Bangladesh Agricultural Seed Processing and Seed processing and Seeds of cereals, jute, vegetables, pulses, oilseeds
Development Corporation Storage short-termstoring (including and potato
(BADC) fieldgene bank)
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Storing Maize Short-term storing (including Zea mays
Committee (BRAC) Germplasm field gene bank)
Coastal Development Rice Diversity Short-term storing (including Oryza sativa
Partnership (CDP) and Production field genebank)and on-farm
in Southwest conservation

After 1996, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute undertook 3 exploration missions; Bangladesh Rice Research
Institute undertook 6, east West Seed (Bd.) Ltd. Undertook 8, Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute 4 missions, while
Bangladesh Institute, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Cotton Development Board and
Bangladesh Tea Research Institute undertook one exploration mission each.
Data on germplasm collection prior to 1996 and between 1996 and 2006 are given in Table 6. Total germplasm
collections (genebank plus field genebank) in different stakeholder organizations up to 1996 were 18 000 and collections
between 1996 and 2006 were about 13 000 (Table 6). Publications related to ex situ collection are mainly in hard copies
of Annual Reports. Different stakeholder organizations use different information systems on collections.

Germplasm collections of some important crops up to 1996 and between 1996 and 2006

Stakeholder Crop group No. of accessions collected up to

1996 1996-2006 Total
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Cereals other than rice 1 191 386 1 577
Pulses 3 174 159 3 333
Oilseeds 182 699 781
Vegetables 768 2 748 3 516
Spices 50 106 156
Fruits 5 84 89
Field Genebank
Fruits and Vegetables 61 136 197
Sub-Total 5 431 4 218 9 649
Bangladesh Rice Research institute Rice (Cultivated and Wild) 4 926 1 333 6 259
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute Sugarcane (Wild and 999 363 1 362
Cotton Development Board Cotton 386 104 490
Bangladesh Jute Research institute Jute (Cultivated and Wild) 5 539 54 5 593
Bangladesh Tea Research institute Tea (Cultivated and Wild) 320 155 475
Banglabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Various Crops 152 612 764
Agricultural university
east West Seed (Bd) Ltd. Vegetables 204 6 239 6 443
Total 17 957 13 018 31 035

Needs Priorities in sustaining ex situ collections

The needs and priorities identified were as follows:
• Support to existing genebanks should be strengthened, with particular reference to their modernization.
• The proposal for establishing the National Plant Genetic Resources Institute should be revived and implemented
for coordinated and coherent activities on PGR, especially for ex situ collection, evaluation, characterization, and
• Regeneration activities should be improved for maintaining the germplasm collected and safeguarding against
their losses and degeneration.
• Arrangements should be strengthened for staff training in stakeholder organizations and retaining them so that 41

the PGR system becomes stronger in the future. It is rather weak at present.
• Continuous support should be ensured in terms of trained staff and finance, particularly for active collections, to
prevent their losses.
• Participatory ex situ conservation system should be developed with the involvement of local farmers/peoples so
that collection of indigenous germplasm can be strengthened, information on local knowledge and practices,
as well as information on the uses of indigenous PGR can be gathered, documented and preserved. For this,
establishment Community Genebanks and their networks would be an opportune approach.
• Contingency plans for and buffer stock of indigenous PGR should be developed to support farming systems
following disasters.
• Regional / international collaboration should be strengthened. Bangladesh has fallen behind in attracting regional/
international collaboration in comparison to neighbouring countries. A regional SAARC programme on PGR vis-à-
vis genebank may be developed in order to strengthen regional PGR activities.
• Arrangements should be made for maintenance of duplicate germplasm samples with other national genebanks
as well as with regional/international genebanks (i.e. IRRI, CIMMyT, AVRDC, etc.)
• Botanical gardens / National Parks should be brought under the purview of PGR conservation.
• Fairs of biodiversity may be arranged to stimulate public interest in PGR.

There are instances of attempts for collections and conservation of gemplasm by community organizations.
These indicate community interests in conservation which, if properly nurtured, can lead to the establishment of
community genebanks.

6.2 GPA Activity Area 6: Regenerating Threatened Ex Situ Accessions

Regeneration of ex situ accessions is weak, even though some stakeholder organizations have had regeneration
projects. The needs for ex situ regeneration are:
• Availability of adequate fund
• Improving regeneration facilities
• Regional and international collaboration
• Continuous dialogue and free flow of information between concerned organizations
• Technical assistance
• Developing facilities for molecular characterization / Developing genetic finger printing facilities
• Developing documentation facilities
• Improving facilities for long term conservation
• Germplasm collection from remote areas
• Developing in vitro and cryo-preservation facilities
• Human resources development in PGR with emphasis on germplasm conservation

The priorities are, however, the following:

• Human resource development
• Technical assistance
• Free flow of information
• Documentation
• Genetic finger printing facilities
• International collaboration
• Financial and logistic support

In particular, work on identification of threatened species needs to be strengthened; site specific facilities for
regeneration of threatened species/accessions should be developed with farmers’ participation; exchange of germplasm
between countries of the region should be promoted; and storage facilities (short-, medium- and longterm) should be


6.3 GPA Activity Area 7: Supporting Planned and Targeted Collecting of Plant
Genetic Resources

Collecting missions have been undertaken by different stakeholder organizations but these were, in the main, ad hoc
attempts and there are many gaps in collection. Gaps detected were: incomplete coverage of targeted taxa, incomplete
geographical coverage, missing historical/known cultivars/landraces.
The stakeholder organizations having provision for rare and endangered species are Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute and Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute.
Collection and exploration needs to be strengthened in all stakeholder organizations; periodic surveys of germplasm
should be undertaken to assess changes with time; and virtually all stakeholder organizations need support in skill
development, in characterization and evaluation as well as in identification of gaps in collections. The establishment of
the proposed National Plant Genetic Resources Institute with specific mandate to look into the needs in PGR collection,
conservation and their management, and promotion of community genebanks, would help overcoming most of these
technical constraints.

6.4 GPA Activity Area 8: Expanding Ex situ Conservation Activities

expanding ex situ conservation activities, covering vegetatively propagated materials and recalcitrant seeds, needs
special attention in Bangladesh. Research on management of PGR, for that matter on conservation methodology is
extremely weak, if not non-existent and, therefore, needs strengthening. Promotion of community genebanks and
linking them up with the proposed National Plant Genetic Resources Institute has a high potential for expanding both in
situ and ex situ conservation of germplasm. This would also warrant not only training of staff but also training of farmers
involved in community genebank and entrepreneurship development. In general, there is the need for capacity building
for ex situ conservation virtually in each of the stakeholder organizations and for a focused national attention on ex situ
conservation of PGR.





7.1 GPA Activity Area 9: Expanding the Characterization, Evaluation and Number
of Core Collections to Facilitate Use

Characterization and evaluation work is still in preliminary phases in Bangladesh. Studies on core collections are yet to
take off. Studies on core collections are yet to take off.
However, the number of germplasm used for breeding, seed enhancement and supply by the Bangladesh Agricultural
Research Institute was 590 accessions, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute about 20 000 accessions, Bangladesh Tea
Research Institute about 30, Cotton Development Board 130, Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute 229, Bangladesh
Jute Research Institute 2 915, east West Seed (Bd) Limited Bangladesh 5 263 and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujubur Rahman
Agricultural University used 547 (Table 7).
Obstacles to establishing core collections include:
• Widespread lacking in the understanding of the concept of core collection
• Limited number of trained personnel
• The need for core collection is yet to be recognized
• Methodology not known/available.

Research on establishment of methodologies for core collection should be initiated with backstopping support from
regional and international organizations. Also networking projects to share knowledge, experience, and facilitation in
the exchange of expertise should be developed and implemented.


Status of the use of plant genetic resources by different stakeholder organizations

Stakeholder Name of crop Total no. of Type of use No. of

accessions accessions
Breeding Seed Supply to
enhancement others
Bangladesh Foxtail Millet 200 √ - - 200
Agricultural Research
Institute Proso Millet 185 √ - - 185
Chickpea 100 √ - √ 100
Okra 31 √ - - 31
Sweet Gourd 7 √ - √ 7
Ash Gourd 5 - - √ 5
Bitter Gourd 5 - - √ 5
Bottle Gourd 5 √ - 5
Snake Gourd 5 - - √ 5
Sweet Gourd 5 - - √ 5
Hyacinth Bean 5 - - √ 5
Wheat 2 √ - - 2
Stem Amaranth 11 √ - - 11
Leaf Amaranth 10 √ - - 10
Brinjal 9 √ - - 9
Chilli 5 √ - - 5
Total 590 590
Bangladesh Rice Rice 6 259 √ √ √ Around 20 000
Research Institute samples
Bangladesh Tea Tea 475 √ - - 30
Research Institute
Cotton Development Cotton 490 √ √ √ 130
Bangladesh Sugarcane Sugarcane 902 √ √ √ 229
Research Institute
Bangladesh Jute Jute (Corchorus 2 368 √ √ √ 2 915 accessions
Researc hInstitute capsularis) are reported to
have been used
Jute (C.olitorius) 1 465 √ √ √
Wild Corchorus 278 - √ √
kenaf 698 - √ √
Mesta 453 - √ √
Wild Hibiscus 369 - √ √
Allied genera 346 - √ √
Total 5 977
Bangladesh Institute of Rice 300 √ - - -
Nuclear Agriculture
Mung bean 100 √ √ √ -
Mustard 35 √ √ √ -
Groundut 42 √ √ √ -
Lentil 150 √ √ √ -
Total 627


Stakeholder Name of crop Total no. of Type of use No. of

accessions accessions
Breeding Seed Supply to
enhancement others
east West Seed (Bd) Ltd Bitter Gourd 800 √ √ - 720
Bottle Gourd 730 √ √ - 450
Ridge Gourd 150 √ √ - 120
Watermelon 34 √ √ - 34
Pumpkin 842 √ √ - 612
Snake Gourd 112 √ √ - 110
Cucumber 200 √ √ - 200
Ash Gourd 631 √ √ - 600
Tomato 1 200 √ √ - 1 200
Chilli 200 √ √ - 120
Brinjal 800 √ √ - 600
Onion 112 √ √ - 80
Radish 120 √ √ - 120
Cauliflower 60 √ √ - 53
yard Long Bean 26 √ √ - 25
Okra 123 √ √ - 120
Hyacinth Bean 16 √ √ - 16
Stem Amaranth 6 √ √ - 6
Papaya 29 √ √ - 29
Leaf Amaranth 8 √ √ - 8
Spinach 14 √ √ - 14
Indian Spinach 8 √ √ - 8
kangkong 6 √ √ - 6
Coriander 12 √ √ - 12
Total 6 239 - - 5 263
Bangabandhu Sheikh Rice 95 √ √ - 95
Mujibur Rahman
Agricultural University Pea 88 √ √ - 88
Radish 20 √ √ - 20
Mung bean 100 √ √ - 100
Black gram 50 √ √ - 50
Chick pea 25 √ √ - 25
Snake Gourd 27 √ √ - 27
Rapeseed 22 √ √ - 22
Pumpkin 28 √ √ - 28
Ginger 19 √ √ - 19
Onion 38 √ √ - 38
Brinjal 84 √ √ - 84
Ash Gourd 46 √ √ - 46
Total 642 642


7.2 GPA Activity Area 10: Increasing Genetic Enhancement and Base-broadening

Of the two broad approaches for genetic enhancement / pre –breeding, ‘Introgression’ and ‘Base-broadening’, some
introgression programmes have been undertaken by some stakeholder organizations but for base-broadening, there is
hardly any attempt as yet.
Constraints in increasing Genetic enhancement and Base Broadening are: Insufficient trained and skilled staff and lack
of knowledge of appropriate germplasm
• Inadequacy of fund
• Lack of incentives for good work

The needs for increasing genetic enhancement and base broadening are:
• Strong staff training programme
• Strengthening breeding programmes, with special reference to enhancing genetic base including molecular
• Strengthening germplasm collection, characterization, evaluation and documentation for easy flow of
• Germplasm exchange with regional / international organizations
• Fund for improving research and facilities for genetic enhancement and base-broadening.
• Inter-institutional linkages should be strengthened.

7.3 GPA Activity Area 11: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture through

Diversification of Crop Production and Broader Diversity in Crops

Since the introduction of green revolution technologies, monoculture of modern crop varieties with narrow genetic
bases has intensified. This has posed threats of genetic vulnerability vis-à-vis reduced diversity. Therefore, an assessment
and improvement of genetic diversity has become an impending need. But the programmes undertaken are scanty in
relation to the diversity of crop species, especially in fruit trees and forest species.
Constraints in diversifying crop production and broadening diversity are as follows:
• Marketing/commercial obstacles for diversity-rich products.
• There is no incentive programme for diversified crop production, processing or marketing.
• Breeding programmes are, in general, weak especially for diversification of crop production.
• Broadening diversification in crops for improvement is limited.
• Reporting references are poor.

The needs are:

• Breeding programmes with the objectives of crop diversification should be promoted.
• Incentives for researchers, producers and processors of diversified crops should be introduced.
• Market niches for diversified crops should be created and promotional activities undertaken.
• Marketing incentives should be introduced for diversified crops.
• Regional / international programmes for food security should be undertaken through crop diversification. Under
• such programmes, innovative breeding programmes should be encouraged and trials of breeding lines, fixed lines
and finished varieties through exchange programmes may be undertaken.
• IARCs (ICRISAT, IRRI, CIMMyT, IPGRI, and ACU/ICUC) should be encouraged to support national programmes on
crop diversification.
• Molecular lab facilities for research and development of diversified crops should be created.

The priorities in diversifying crop production and broader diversity of crops are:
• Breeding programmes with the objectives of crop diversification.
• Regional/international programmes for food security through crop diversification.
• Incentives for researchers, producers, processors of diversified crops.
• Development of market niches and promotional activities for diversified crops.
• MoUs with IARCs on programmes of crop diversification. 47
• Development of molecular lab facilities.

7.4 GPA Activity Area 12: Promoting Development and Commercialization

of Under-utilized Crops and Species

There are nearly 100 under-utilized crops grown in Bangladesh (Table 8) and most of these are important for food
security, economic activities and/or medicinal uses, especially of rural poor people. Development efforts for these crops
are scanty, and programme/ project/activity related to commercialization of under-utilized crops is practically non-
existent. Policy/legal framework needs to be developed to promote development of under-utilized crops and their
commercialisation in view of their large number, their market potentials and their value in nutrition and food security.

Under-utilized crops of Bangladesh with their relative importance, regional differences, and progress
achieved in their development and commercialization

Crop Scientific Name Uses/Products Relative Regional difference Progress

importance in importance achieved
Barley Hordeum vulgare Widely used food Food security All over the country, -
grain especially in marginal
Fox Tail Millet Setaria italica Widely used food Food security All over the country, One variety
grain especially in marginal released (BARI)*
Maize Zea mays Widely used fish feed Food security All over the country Four varieties
and food grain released (BARI*
Pearl Millet Panicum milliaceum Widely used food Food security All over the country, One variety
grain especially in marginal released (BARI)*
Pulses (Grain legumes)
Black gram Vigna mungo Widely used protein Food security, All over the country Two variety
crop Nutrition released, one each
by BARI and BINA
Pigeon pea Cajanus cajan Widely used protein Food security All over the country -
Linseed Linum usitatissimum Widely used oilseed Food security All over the country Two variety
released, one each
by BARI and BINA
Niger Guizotia abyssinica Widely used oilseed Food security All over the country -
Safflower Carthamus tinctorius Widely used oil seed Food security All over the country -
Sesame Sesamum indicum Widely used oil seed Food security All over the country One variety
released (BARI)*
Soybean Glycin max Widely used oil seed, Food security All over Bangladesh One variety
as a pulse crop and as released (BARI)*
a poultry feed.
Amaranth Amaranthus spp/ Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country One variety
gangeticus released (BARI)**
Bathua Chenopodium album Widely used vegetable Food security, All over the country -
Carrot Daucas carota Widely used vegetable Food security, All over the country -
Cheena sak Brassica spp Widely used vegetable Food security, All over the country One variety
Nutrition released (BARI)**
Drumstick Moringa oleifera Widely used vegetable Food security, All over the country -
French bean Phaseolus vulgaris Widely used vegetable Food security, All over the country -
Nutrition ity
Indian spinach Basella alba Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -
kalmi sak Ipomea aquatica/ Widely used vegetable Food security, All over the country One variety
reptans) Nutrition released (BARI)**
Lima bean Phaseolus lunatus Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -
Marfa, Phuti Cucumis melo Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -

48 Spinach Spinacea oleracea Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -

Crop Scientific Name Uses/Products Relative Regional difference Progress

importance in importance achieved
Sponge gourd Luffa cylindrica Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -
Squash Cucurbita moschata / Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -
Teasle gourd Momordica dioica Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -
Winged bean Psophocarpus Widely used vegetable Food security, All over the country -
tetragonolobus Nutrition
yam Dioscorea spp. Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country, -
especially in hillyareas
yam bean (Shakalu) Pachyrrhizustuberosus Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country -
yard Long Bean Vigna unguiculata Widely used vegetable Food security All over the country One
Black cumin Nigella sativa Widely used spice Food All over the country -
Black pepper Piper nigrum Widely used spice Food All over the country One
security,medicinal varietyreleased
value (BARI)**
Coriander Coriandrumsativum Widely used spice Food All over the country -
Cumin seed (Jeera) Cuminum cyminum Widely used spice Food security All over the country -
Fenugreek (Methi) Trigonella foenum- Widely used spice Food All over the country -
graceum security,medicinal
Join Carum copticum Widely used spice Food All over the country -
Amloki Phyllanthusembelica Widely used fruit Food All over the country -
Amra Spondias dulcis Widely used fruit Food security Grown in southern -
districts, especially
inBarisal Division
Arboroi Cicca acida Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Bel Aegle marmelos Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Carambola(kamranga) Averrhoacarambola Widely used fruit Food All over the country -
Cashew nut Anacardiumoccidentale Widely used fruit Food All over the country -
Chalta Dillenia indica Widely used fruit Food All over the country -
Custard Apple(Sharifa) Annona squamosa Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Dewa Artocarpus lacucha Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Jalpai Elaecarpusfloribundus Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Jamrul Syzygiumsamarangense Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
kalajam Syzygium cumini Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
kath badam Terminalia catappa Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
kothbel Feronia limonia Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
kul Zizyphus jujube Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Latkan Bixa orellana Widely used fruit Food security All over the country
Lemon Citrus limon Widely used fruit Foodsecurity/ All over the country, -
medicinal especially in
Lime Citrus aurantifolia Widely used fruit Food security/ All over the country, -
medicinal especially in
Mandarin Citrus reticulata Widely used fruit Food security All over the country, -
especially in

Crop Scientific Name Uses/Products Relative Regional difference Progress

importance in importance achieved
Nona Annona reticulata Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Pomegranate Punica granatum Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Pommelo Citrus grandis Widely used fruit Food security All over the country
Rose apple(Golapjam) Syzygium jambos Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Safeda Achras sapota Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Sweet orange(Malta) Citrus sinensis Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Tamarind Tamarindus indica Widely used fruit Food security All over the country -
Fibre crops
Cotton Gossypium spp. Fibre economic All over the country, Two
especially in Hillyareas varietiesreleased
and northern districts (BARI)*and 12
Mesta Hibiscus sabdariffa Leaf, calyx and bark Vegetables,sauces High land and hilly -
jelly andfibre areas of Bangladesh
Sun hemp Crotalaria juncea Fibre economic All over the country -
Sugar crops All over the country -
Date palm Phoenix sylvestris Widely used for Food security All over the -
‘gur’making country, especially
southwestern districts
Palmyra palm Borassus flabellifer Widely used for Food security All over the country -
gurmaking and fruits
Tobacco Nicotianatabacum,/ Narcotic economic All over the country, One
rustica especially innorthern varietyreleased
districts (BARI)*
Betel nut Areca catechu Narcotic economic All over the country, -
especially insouthern
Green-manuring crops
Sun hemp (Shunpat) Crotalaria juuncea Soil amelioration economic All over the country, -
especially inmarginal
Sesbania(Dhaincha) Sesbania canabina Soil amelioration economic All over the country, -
especially inmarginal

Modified after Mondal, M. H. 1990. Plant Genetic Resources Activities in Bangladesh. Proc. South Asia National Coordinators Meeting, March 21 - 24, 1990.
*Source: Characteristics of Crop Varieties Released by the National Seed Board (No.2), 1992.
**Source: AVRDC-USAID-BARI-BARC Project Consultancy Report ‘Technology Transfer of Vegetable Crops in Bangladesh’, 1999.
*** Source: Cotton Development Board.

In order to promote the development of commercialization of under-utilized crops and species, development of
national programmes for under-utilized crops should be promoted, with especial emphasis on their identification for
large-scale consumption/industrial use, through market development. Improving the seed supply system and processing/
storage of under-utilized crops and species need to be given attention to. Regional / international programmes should
be undertaken for development and commercialization of under-utilized crops and species. Such regional/international
programmes would help promote national activities on under-utilized crops. IARCs like ACU, ICU, AVRDC, and ICRISAT
may take initiatives in developing regional/ international programmes. Incentives to researchers, producers, processors
should be created. Marketing of under-utilized crops/species needs to be promoted at the same time.

7.5 GPA Activity Area 13: Supporting Seed Production and Distribution

The Agricultural Research Institutes (ARIs) supply the breeder seed while the Bangladesh Agricultural Development
Corporation (BADC) is responsible for production and distribution of foundation and certified seeds (in the public sector).
However, currently the private sector is playing a significant role in seed production and distribution. But quality of such
seeds is not always up to the mark. One private company, east West Seed (Bangladesh), has nonetheless established
itself as quality seed supplier for vegetable crops. Similar initiatives should be supported.

The agency responsible for variety registration is the Seed Wing of the Ministry of Agriculture with assistance from
the National Seed Board (NSB). The ARIs, Department of Agricultural extension and the Seed Certification Agency, and
NGO, private entrepreneurs and farmers’ representatives are the members of NSB. For seed-quality standards, the ISTA
rules are generally followed along with nationally defined rules (e.g. rules for notified crops – rice, wheat, jute, sugarcane
and potato).
The Constraints in making seed of new varieties available in the market are as follows:
• Delay in the availability of basic/foundation seed through the public sector seed distribution system.
• Insufficient availability of commercial seeds.
• Inadequate / poor seed production, processing and storage facilities.
• Adulteration, inadequate availability and high cost of inputs for seed production.
• Low physical purity of seed.
• Poor germination.
• Long distances to seed supplier.
• Seed price is often too high compared to commodity price. This, however, does not seem to deter farmers in
procuring quality seed with high cost, provided farmers are convinced of a good harvest.

Cultivated varieties
Cultivated varieties are numerous. However, a list of recommended varieties is available. The proportions of areas sown
to modern crop varieties range from 20% for oilseed crops to 100% for maize, with the proportions of Boro and Aman
rice about 80% and 65% respectively. In recent times, the use of modern varieties of vegetables appears to be increasing
fast mainly through the private sector.
There is no regulatory framework in place for developing and expanding local seed systems for crops and crop varieties
important to small-scale farmers and no realistic programme has so far been developed for quality seed production in
the country (except the seeds of modern varieties produced by BADC ), let alone local varieties and/or under-utilized
crops. As such there is no incentive for seed production of local varieties / under-utilized crops.

Seed growers’ organization

There is no legal barrier for organization of local seed growers’ association, but no formal mechanism exists for developing
seed growers’ organization. However, with donor project support, two seed growers’ associations of small-scale seed
producers, the Bangladesh Golden Agri Seed Associates (BGASA) and the Bangladesh Seed Federation (BSF) have come
into existence. The latter is yet to get a formal recognition of the Ministry of Commerce. BGASA is, however, thriving
on its own. Apart from this, the Bangladesh Seed Growers, Dealers and Merchants Association (BSGDMA) exists but its
activities are more oriented towards seed trading rather than seed growing.
Constraints in making seeds of new varieties include:
• Lack of awareness of the intrinsic value and importance of local varieties.
• Decreasing availability of seeds of local varieties.
• Lack of incentive for seed production of local varieties.
• Absence of market promotion efforts of local varieties.
• Absence of policy/regulatory framework and programmes for traditional/local varieties.
• Very low production and availability of quality seeds.
• Availability of quality seeds and planting materials to farmers is constrained by the poor seed distribution system.
• Local varieties are still grown in many parts of the country but there is no organized system for their seed supply.

The needs are:

• Awareness creation of the loss of traditional/ local varieties.
• Development of national programmes for purification, seed production and supply of traditional/local varieties.
• Creation of incentives for production of traditional/local varieties.
• Market promotion of traditional/local varieties.
• Promotion of Seed Growers’ Association.
• Identification of crops/varieties that have large-scale consumption and industrial use potential.
• Regional/international programmes for seed production of traditional varieties should be undertaken
• Contingency stock of seeds of traditional varieties by the public sector to meet demands in emergencies (e.g. crop
failures following floods or droughts, disease epidemics, etc) should be developed.

Opportunities that exist for promoting local traditional varieties are:

• A significant percentage of crops grown belong to traditional/local varieties.
• Some seed growers that produce local popular varieties are coming up in the private sector.
• Some seed growers’ association(s), with small-scale seed enterprises at the local level, has of late come into
existence (e.g. BGASA and Seed Federation) that deserve support.
• The private sector is now thriving with seed production of improved as well as traditional varieties.
• Tissue cultured materials for potato and banana are gaining popularity.
• Nursery owners are now investing in the production and supply of seeds and saplings.

7.6 GPA Activity Area 14: Developing New Markets for Local varieties
and “Diversity-Rich” Products

Numerous locally adapted traditional varieties of crop plants have been replaced by modern varieties. Consequently,
informal exchange and formal commodity markets are dominated by fewer improved varieties and farmers are losing
interest in maintaining genetically diverse traditional varieties and landraces. This trend can be slowed and even reversed
by promoting the demand for genetically diverse traditional varieties and diversity-rich materials in the market place.
This would need special efforts that would encourage farmers to maintain locally adapted diversity on-farm as ‘living
collections’ of PGRFA. Regional / international programmes for traditional varieties/diversity rich materials involving
IARCs would encourage stakeholders to undertake such programmes.
The market for modern varieties is well established and expanded. A limited number of new export markets have
developed for traditional varieties (e.g. aromatic rice and vegetables) in recent times.
There does not appear to be any effort for developing value added processing of “diversity-rich” products for
commercial purposes. No incentive is known to be given by any agency for value-added processing of “diversity-rich”
The constraints to increasing markets for local varieties and diversity rich products are:
• Lack of awareness about the intrinsic value of local varieties and diversity rich products
• Lack of value addition and processing facilities
• Problems in seed production and distribution of local varieties and ‘diversity-rich’ products
• Lack of communications and transport facilities in marketing
• Low yield of local / traditional varieties
• Lack of incentives for local varieties and “diversity-rich” products in the country
• Insufficient seed or planting material
• emphasis on modern cultivars of staple crops
• Development / establishment of markets for local variety is not yet a national priority
• Industrial processing limitations for diversity rich products.

The needs are:

• A national programme should be undertaken for value addition, processing and creating awareness about
nutritional value of ‘diversity-rich’ products and for export in overseas markets.
• The distribution points of seeds should be within the reach of seed dealers for quick availability of seeds.
• Farmwomen need training in modern methods of post harvest processing, preservation and storage of seeds.
• enhancement of productivity of indigenous varieties that are disease resistant, flood-drought-salinity tolerant and
capable of being grown ‘organically’.
• Training of farmers and farmwomen in modern methods of cultivation.
• extension approach should include small and marginal farmers.
• Studies to be undertaken for developing new markets for local varieties / ‘diversity-rich’ products.
• Policy and legal framework towards promoting cultivation of local varieties, ‘diversity-rich’ products should be
developed and implemented.
• Research on gossypol free cotton seed products should be encouraged.
• Rural based small industries of diversity-rich products should be promoted.
• The trend of replacing traditional varieties by modern varieties needs to be reversed (through enhancement of
productivity of indigenous varieties that are disease and pest resistant, flood-drought-salinity tolerant and capable
52 of growing organically).

• Developing new markets for local varieties and diversity-rich products should be given importance.
• Manpower in value added processing of diversity rich products should strengthened through training.
• Strengthening laboratory facilities for research on traditional and ‘diversity- rich’ products
• Characterization and evaluation of local varieties.

Priorities for developing new markets for local varieties and diversity rich products are:
• A national programme for value addition and processing of traditional varieties.
• Creating awareness on nutritional value of diversity rich products.
• exploring overseas markets for local varieties and ‘diversity-rich’ products.
• Decentralization of the seed production and distribution system.
• extension approach should include small and marginal farmers also.
• Training of farmers and farmwomen in modern methods of cultivation.
• Training of farmwomen in modern methods of post harvest processing, preservation and storage of seeds.
• enhancement of productivity of indigenous varieties that are disease resistant, flood-drought-salinity tolerant,
capable of being growing ‘organically’.
• Policy and legal framework towards promoting cultivation of local varieties vis-à-vis ‘diversity-rich’ products should
be developed and implemented.
• Studies to be undertaken for developing new markets for local varieties / ‘diversity-rich’ products
• Market for local varieties should be promoted and incentive system for production of local varieties and
• ‘diversity- rich’ products should be introduced.
• The seed supply system for traditional varieties should be improved.
• Work on identification of economic potentials of local varieties and diversity ‘rich-products should be geared up.

In addition, R&D activities on post harvest processing, preservation and storage technologies suitable for rural areas/
households should be emphasized. Nutritional awareness on diversified products should be created. Organic farming
should be promoted. Packaging of products and marketing channels should be developed for local varieties and
‘diversity-rich’ products.





8.1 GPA Activity Area 15: Building Strong National Programmes

Bangladesh was the first in South Asia to establish the National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources (NCPGR) soon
after the FAO’s Fourth Technical Conference on PGR held in Leipzig, Germany in 1996. The Committee, among other
things, mobilized the national network on PGR and prepared draft Acts related to PGR in 1998. The Committee has
since become dormant and so have the activities related to policy planning and development of strategies for PGR. It is
important to revitalise the NCPGR in order to bring in a new momentum of PGR activities in the country.

National programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA

• With the assistance of IPGRI, the NCPGR in collaboration with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
organized a National Workshop on PGR in 1997. The workshop recommendations included, inter alia, the
development of national policy framework/legislation in pursuance of the principles of CBD.
• Based on this recommendation, the NCPGR drafted two complementary Acts related to PGR:
- Biodiversity and Community knowledge Protection ACT of Bangladesh; and
- Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights Act of Bangladesh
These are under active consideration of thegovernment.

Meanwhile, two documents:

• a report on Plant Genetic Resources of Bangladesh (by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council/ Bangladesh
Academy of Agriculture, 2001);
• a Red Data Book of Vascular Plants of Bangladesh (by Bangladesh National Herbarium, 2001) has been published,
based on survey of literature, studies on herbarium specimens, other local herbaria as well as field work.

Legal framework regulating establishment of the national strategy of PGRFA

The proposed Biodiversity and Community Knowledge Protection Act aims:

• To ensure the conservation and sustainable use biological resources and related knowledge, culture and practice
and to maintain and improve their diversity.
• To protect biological resources and related knowledge, culture and practice from destruction, erosion and
• To protect and support the rights, knowledge, innovations and practices of local and indigenous communities
and national scientific and research institutions with respect to conservation, use and management of biological
• To provide an appropriate system of access to biological resources and related knowledge based on prior informed
consent of the state and of the concerned local or indigenous communities.
• To promote appropriate mechanism of a fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use biological
resources and related knowledge and technologies.
• To ensure participation and agreement of concerned communities in making decisions regarding the distribution
of benefits which may be derived from the use of biological resources.
• To promote and encourage the building of national scientific and technological capacity relevant to conservation
and sustainable utilization of biological resources.
54 • To promote new innovations and discoveries to reproduce, manage and enhance biodiversity.

• To ensure that the transfer and movement of biological resources and the knowledge of the community takes
place in a transparent manner.
• To protect biological and ecological environment of the country from all pollution, particularly from potential
hazards of biological pollution caused by genetic engineering technology and the release of genetically modified
organism in the environment.

The salient features of the proposed Plant Variety and Farmer’s Rights Act
• The Plant Variety and Farmer’s Rights Protection Act will be governed by Plant Variety Protection Authority.
The Authority shall grant Plant Variety Protection Certificates, providing the plant breeder’s rights, and de-
register such varieties as and when needed.
• There shall be a permanent Register of Protected Plant Varieties which will be available for consultation and check
by anyone interested, except for certain materials for which breeders have given some limits as justifiably approved
by the Authority.
• The following Bangladeshi nationals, and/or a legal person, whose headquarters is situated in Bangladesh;
National(s) or legal person(s) of a country allowing Bangladeshi nationals or legal persons having head offices in
Bangladesh to apply for protection in that country;
• The Plant Variety Certificate shall be granted only where the variety is (a) New, (b) Distinct, (c) Uniform, (d) Stable,
and (e) the subject of a denomination pursuant to the provision of this Act.
• The Authority shall receive applications for variety protection. For each application, the Authority will designate an
examiner to test the application against the criteria of Section 8.
• The holder of the New Plant Variety Certificate shall have an exclusive right to exploit the protected variety
commercially for the following purposes:
(i) production or reproduction (multiplication);
(ii) conditioning of the purpose of propagation;
(iii) offering for sale;
(iv) selling or otherwise marketing;
(v) exporting, importing, and
(vi) stocking for any of the purposes mentioned in (a) to (e), above.
• The Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights Protection Authority of Bangladesh shall restrict the use of the Breeder’s
Rights for reasons of public interest in the following cases:
(i) when the necessity arises for the prevention of human diseases, the preservation and conservation of
the environment and biological diversity and for the maintenance of public welfare.
(ii) the prevention of misuse of trade monopoly.
• The Authority shall declare a Breeder’s Rights null and void when it is established
(i) that the variety was not new or distinct at the issuing of the New Plant Variety Certificate, or
(ii) that the certificate has been granted to a person who is not entitled to it, unless it is transferred to the
person who is so entitled.
• The Authority shall cancel a Breeder’s Rights when it is established that the variety is no longer uniform and
• The period of protection shall be:
(i) 25 years for fruit trees, other tree species and vines of perennial habit;
(ii) 20 years for all other plant species.
• The Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights Protection Authority shall protect and promote Farmers’ Rights, which will
constitute the following:
(i) The rights of farmers and their communities to protect their traditional knowledge relevant to plant
genetic resources for food and agriculture.
(ii) The right to equitably participate in the sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation of plant genetic
(iii) The right to participate in making decisions on matters related to the conservation and sustainable use
of plant genetic resources.
(iv) The right of farmers to seek cancellation and/or retribution, as the case may be, for appropriation by
formal sector breeders of denominations traditionally in use for their varieties.
(v) The right that farmers have to grow, save, use, exchange, and sell farm-saved seed of any variety
except selling of seed of a protected variety for the purpose of reproduction under commercial marketing 55

(vi) The right to have access to all information relevant to the exercise of their rights with respect to plant
• A Citation of Recognition can be awarded by the Authority in the form of a certificate to encourage and recognise
the contribution of individuals, communities, or agencies in the development of a New Plant Variety.
• The Authority shall constitute a “Gene Fund”

International agreements
Bangladesh has signed / ratified the following international agreement:
• The Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD)
• TRIPS Agreement
• Cartagena Protocol
• International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Constraints in national programme building

Constraints in building a strong national programme include the following:
• Inadequate follow up activities of international agreements.
• Lack of clear organizational responsibilities to follow up international agreements.
• Weak national coordination on matters related to PGR.
• Focal points are not always clearly identified with clear responsibilities and accountability.
• Inadequacy of fund for PGRFA.

The priority needs for building the national programme in PGRFA are:
• establishment of a national coordination body (such as the dormant NCPGR) to follow up international agreements
vis-à-vis all other activities related to PGR.
• Clear identification of focal points with defined responsibilities and accountability.
• Adequate fund allocation to PGR activities.

8.2 GPA Activity Area 16: Promoting Networks for PGRFA

establishing network(s) of organizations within the country as well as setting national, regional and global priorities
in germplasm conservation, genetic enhancement and enrichment are all critical for the progress in PGR activities.
Unfortunately, the awareness within Bangladesh on matters related to PGRFA is still very low.
This also has had an impact on the active participation of the country in regional and international networks.
The country has benefited through different PGRFA networks. These can be summarized as follows:
• Increased stakeholder participation in PGR activities
• Sharing of responsibilities of network activities
• Training for national programme scientists
• Increased awareness of PGRFA

Major constraints to effective participation of the country in regional and/or international PGRFA networks were:
• Material flow is not uniform.
• Dearth of trained manpower.
• Limited visits of scientists within participating countries.

Programmes/projects/activities carried out by different stakeholder organizations in collaboration

with PGRFA network
• BARI-AVRDC collection of germplasm, conservation and utilization of indigenous vegetables.
• Collection of breeding lines from CIMMyT
• Collaboration with ICRISAT
• Collaboration through Rice-Wheat Consortium
56 • Characterization and evaluation of Jute, kenaf and Mesta in collaboration with IJSG
• exchange of sugarcane varieties, human resource development and development of sugarcane database software

(Cane Point) through Common Fund for Commodity / International Sugar Organization (ISO)
• Coconut Germplasm Collection and Training through Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGeNT)
• Banana Germplasm Collection, Conservation and Training through International Network for Banana and Plantain
• International Germplasm Trials through Collaboration with International Network for Genetic evaluation for Rice
• Collection, Conservation and Training through Safeguarding of Biodiversity of Rice Genepool – SDC/IRRI/BRRI
• Germplasm evaluation of Hybrid Maize through Tropical Asia Maize Network (TAMNeT)
• Development of Conservation Facilities of Germplasm through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
• Germplasm exchange and evaluation of Vegetables through South Asia Vegetable Research Network (SAVeRNeT)
• Collection, Characterization, Documentation and evaluation of Jute, kenaf and Mesta in collaboration with
International Jute Study Group (IJSG) – Bioversity
• Collection of Germplasm and Training for Potato and Sweet Potato (CIP)
• Collaboration in Rice Research through International Rice Research Institute (IRRI-BRRI Collaboration)
• Triticale Based Fodder/Feed Development through Collaboration between Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
(BLRI) and International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMyT)
• Germplasm Collection, exchange and Training on Molecular Characterization of Lentil and Barley through
Collaboration between Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute and International Centre for Agricultural
Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA).

Stakeholder organizations feel that the linkage between research organizations working in the field of PGRFA, within
and outside the country, should be further strengthened. The South Asian Network for PGRFA under South Asian
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) may be created and Bioversity and FAO may play an important role in such a network.

8.3 GPA Activity Area 17: Constructing Comprehensive Information Systems


Stakeholder organizations are reasonably equipped with computer facilities which may be strengthened to facilitate
the information systems for PGRFA. Data management and information systems in different stakeholder organizations
need to be standardized and harmonized. Up till now, the stakeholder organizations have not consulted International
PGR Information Systems.
Needs for constructing a comprehensive information system for PGRFA are:
• Awareness creation
• Staff training
• Appropriate software
• Financial support
• Development of facilities including high speed internet connectivity

8.4 GPA Activity Area 18: Developing Monitoring and Early Warning System

There are a number of recognizable threats of genetic erosion and genetic vulnerability mentioned below:
• The number of crop varieties in farmers’ fields has reduced drastically since the introduction of green revolution
• An estimated 73 000 hectares of forest has been lost through encroachment for aquaculture and agriculture
• during 1970s and 1980s. About 8 000 hectares of forest are lost annually to homestead establishment, urbanisation
and deforestation. With these disappeared and/or are threatened numerous plant genetic resources for food and
agriculture, both in use currently and with potential use in the future.
• The first volume of the Red Data Book published in 2001 identified 106 species of vascular plants that are threatened
at various degrees and many of these are no longer traceable in the country.


Apparently, the losses of genetic materials have not been reported to the FAO Global System on PGRFA authorities in
any formal way. This probably owes to the fact that there is no clear institutional responsibility for Monitoring and early
Warning System on PGR.
There is no formal mechanism in the country for assessing genetic erosion. The only exception, however, is the
publication of the first volume of the Red Data Book in 2001 by the Bangladesh National Herbarium. The need for
assessing genetic erosion is strongly felt in the country.

Constraints to monitoring genetic erosion

The major constraints the country faces in monitoring genetic erosion are:
• Lack of a coherent national programme
• Dearth of skilled personnel
• Inadequacy of financial resources
• Lack of clear institutional responsibilities

The status of participation of stakeholder organizations in projects relating to assessment of magnitude and rate of
genetic erosion is indeed poor.

• Development of an early warning system
• Manpower development
• Supporting planned and targeted collection
• Surveying, inventorying and collection of local and wild germplasm
• Monitoring of PGR erosion
• Infrastructure development

8.5 GPA Activity Area 19: Expanding and Improving Education and Training on PGR

Course curricula to address PGR issues, in general, are weak in the education system of the country. There are no courses/
programmes worth the name on population biology, ecology, ethno botany, in situ management, etc. in the universities.
experts on Taxonomy have become increasingly scarce. However, training courses covering the 20 GPA priority areas
have been imparted to the staff of stakeholder organizations.
The satkeholder organizations consider further training on the following issues as important:
• Molecular characterization of germplasm
• Cryo-preservation of germplasm
• Germplasm documentation
• Geographical information system
• Statistical analysis
• Regeneration of species conserved ex situ
• Developing monitoring and early warning system for loss of PGRFA
• In situ and ex situ conservation including core collection and methodologies for in situ conservation
• Marker aided characterization
• Management of Genebank
• Information technology (IT) systems for PGR with special reference to information sharing mechanism on
implementation of GPA for conservation and sustainable utilization of PGRFA.

The national strategy for education and training on PGRFA should be developed with a sense of urgency. The Greatest
obstacles to training in PGRFA in the country include: (a) lack of awareness of the training needs within the country and
(b) paucity of resource materials to improve existing training programmes.


8.6 Activity Area 20: Promoting Public Awareness of the value of PGRFA
Conservation and Use

Bangladesh is a country with rapid and large-scale genetic erosion. yet, hardly any public awareness programme on
PGRFA has been undertaken except some sporadic television clips and that is confined mainly to tree species. There is
no regional or international organization yet that provide the country with support for public awareness activities on
Constraints in promoting public awareness of the value of PGRFA conservation and use include:
• Lack of effort for public awareness of the importance of PGRFA
• Staffs do not have sufficient skill and knowledge
• It is not clear which organizations is responsible for promoting public awareness of PGRFA
• No National strategy for education and training on PGRFA
• Inadequate support for PGRFA conservation and use
• Increasing density of population warrants producing more crops from less area and makes in situ conservation difficult

Therefore, the needs are:

• Training, publication and telecasting on PGRFA
• Audio-visual presentation, communications and consultations to promote public awareness on PGRFA
• Setting national priorities in relation to PGRFA
• Clear identification of an organization responsible for PGRFA conservation, use and awareness building
• Financial and technical support
• Institution and capacity building for conservation and use of PGRFA
• Public awareness building
• education and training on PGRFA conservation and use and development of concerned course curricula
• Technical assistance from regional and international, organizations
• Financial support from regional and international organization for conservation, use and awareness building
• Support, especially for in situ conservation
• Awareness building on conservation and use of PGRFA for scientists, plant breeders and farmers should be
• Training facilities and infrastructure development
• external support needed for capacity building in increasing public awareness.





9.1 National Centre for PGRFA

establishment of a National Genebank for conservation, use and enhancement of biodiversity with appropriate
infrastructure for conservation of orthodox and recalcitrant seeds, vegetatively propagated materials, including facilities
for a Cryo bank and a DNA bank.

9.2 Assessment of PGR

An assessment of genetic diversity, the rate and extent of PGR erosion and prioritization of PGRFA activities.

9.3 Development of national framework for PGRFA

The national framework or PGRFA needs to be formulated. The framework, among other things, should include the
• a sui generis system of plant variety protection
• access to and exchange of plant genetic resources
• recognition of farming communities, their conservation and use of PGR, and their indigenous knowledge (Farmers’
Rights) and benefit sharing
• adopting means to curb biopiracy
• arrest genetic erosion and threat to conservation of biodiversity
• protection of habitats rich in native diversity
• biosafety regulation, and
• seed policies and other such concerns.
• In situ and ex situ conservation including long term seed bank, in vitro bank, field repositories for tree species, root
and rhizome crops, National Herbarium for cultivated plants.
• Cryo preservation of germplasm.
• Documentation of germplasm.
• Geographical information system.

9.4 Coordination

• A strong coordination among different stakeholders involving research, the public and the private sector, NGOs,
farmers organizations, etc. should be strengthened. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council should lead the
activities related to PGRFA for strengthening national programmes and international collaboration.


9.5 Capacity building

• Human resources development and capacity building in PGR in various fields that needs to be prioritized both for
professional staff and technicians. (FAO and Bioversity can be of assistance)

9.6 PGR plan of activities

• Development perspective plan: vision 2025

• A national plan: a) to priorities PGR activities in germplasm collection, characterization, evaluation, documentation
and conservation, (b) to prepare inventories of such resources for their better utilization; and (c) to develop a
national database (including a sharing mechanism with NISM-GPA database).
• Strengthening and integration of national PGR network including field genebanks.
• Strengthening of national varietal improvement programmes and an integration of such programmes with PGR
• Biochemical and molecular characterization of germplasm and its facility development. (FAO may provide technical
l/ financial assistance in the above activities).

9.7 Awareness building

• To promote dissemination of information and national concern on biodiversity conservation through increased
public awareness (including introduction of course curricula in PGR/biodiversity in educational institutions at
different levels), with participation of farming communities, NGOs and other partners.

9.8 Regulatory issues

• Development of a well structured national plant quarantine system/policy for import and export of materials
(seeds, plant propagules, in vitro cultures, genetic finger-printing, strengthening of short-and medium-term
storage facilities at existing genebanks at other institutes will be required.
• Drafting of policy and legal document (e.g. MTA, policy on PGR, Biodiversity Act, Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights
Protection Act, Development of conceptual paper etc.).

9.9 Training and Monitoring

• Methodologies of in situ conservation and on-farm management.

• Regeneration of species conserved ex situ.
• Developing monitoring and early warning system for PGRFA.
• Marker aided characterization.
• Information Technology system (data base management) with special reference to information sharing on
conservation and sustainable utilization of PGR.
• Management of gene bank.
• Negotiating skill development.
• Back-up research on conservation regime and protocols.
• eco-tourism activities to be promoted.

9.10 Cross-cutting issues

• A strategic plan should be developed to expand scientific and technical education programmes, while promoting
collaboration between government research institutes, academia and domestic and foreign entities.
• PGR activities should address entrepreurship development, project management, and marketing skills as well as 61
scientific and technical training.




Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Agavaceae Sisal Agave anguistifolia Agave
- A.cantula (Roxb.) (Agave americana Cantala, Belatipat, konga,
L) Belatianaras,Bakaspata, Ghaial
Bow-string Hemp Sensiviera hyacinthoides (L.) Druce Murba, Sutahara, Sutimukhi
(S. zeylinica (L) Willd.)
Amaranthaceae Amaranth Amaranthus gangeticus L. Lalshak, Denga, Data
- Amaranthus lividus Roxb. kanta notey, Gobura notey
- A. polygamus L Champa notey, Lamchamia
- A. spinosus L kanta notey, kantamiris
- A. tenuifolius L. Genti notey, Delechukali
- A. viridus L. var fasciata Bon notey, Tuntuni noteyAam
Anacardiaceae Mango Mangifera indica L.
- Mangifera longipes Griff. Jangli aam, Uri aam
- M. sylvatica Roxb. Jangli aam, Lakhi aam, Uri aam
Cashewnut Anacardium occidentale L. kaju, kaju badam, Hujli badam
Annonaceae - Anona reticulata L. Nona, Nona ata, Ram phal
- A. squamosa L. Ata, Sharifa, Sita ata, Luna
Aquifoliaceae Paraguay tea Ilex godejam L. Jangli gewa
Araceae Taro Alocasia indica (Roxb.) Schott. Man kachu,
- Colocasia esculanta (L) Schott. Mukaddam kachu
- Colocasia antiquorum Schott. Mukhi kachu, Shilkeli kachu,
- Colocasia nymphaefolia kunth Jangli kachu, Sar kachu, kali kachu
Asteraceae Safflower Carthamus tonctorius L. kusum phul, kajira
Chrysen-themum Chrysenthemum coronarium L. Chandra mallika, Gulchini, Guldani
Niger seed Guizotia abysinica Cass. kali til, Ram til, Guji, Surgoza
Chicory Cichorium intybus L. kashni, Hinduba
Lettuce Lettuca sativa L. Lettuce
Sunfower Helianthus annuus L. Surjamukhi
Averrhoaceae Starfruit Averrhoa carambola L. kamranga
Basellaceae Indian spinach Basella alba L. (B. rubra L.) Puishak
Bombacaceae kapok Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Shimul, Swet shimul, kapok
Bromelliaceae Pineapple Ananus sativus Schult. f. (A. cosmos Anaras
(L.) Merr.)


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Camelliaceae Tea Camellia sinensis (L.) kuntz. var. Assam tea
- C. sinensis (L.) kuntz. var. sinensis China tea
- C. sinensis (L.) kuntz. var. Combodian tea
- C. caudata
- C. japonica
- C. kissi
- C. irrawardiensis
- C. sesanquc
- Thea wallichi
Cannaceae Indian shoti Canna indica L. Sarbajaya
Caricaceae Papaya Carica papaya L. Pepe
Chenopodiaceae Beet Beta vulgaris L. Beet
Spinach Spinacea oleracea L. Beet palong
- Chenopodium album L. Betoshak, Betuashak
- C. ambroides L. Chandan beto
Convolvulaceae Sweet potato Ipomea batatus Lamk. Misti alu
- Ipmea alba L.(I. bonanox L.) Halkalmi, Didh kalmi
- I. aquatica Forsk. (I. reptans Poir.) kalmishak, kalmi
- I. pescaprae (L.) R.Br. (I. biloba Forsk.) Chhagalkhuri, Dupatilata
- I. cairica (L.) Sweet Rail lata
Convolvulaceae (contd.) - I. fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy (I. Dholkalmi, Darukalmi
crassicaulis (Benth) Roxb.
- I. hederaceae Jacq. (I. nil) Nilkalmi
- I. indica (Burm. f.) Merr (I. learil Lam) Pravatrani
- I. mauritania Jacq. (I. paniculata Bhuikumra, Muralia lata
(L.) Br.)
- I. maxima (L. f.) Don (I. sepiaria Bonkalmi
koen. ex. Roxb.)
- I. pestigridis L. Languli lata
- I. quamclit L.(Quamclit pinnata Boj.) Taru lata, kunja lata
- I. turpethum (L.) R. Br. Noa pata, Tori, Cheuri
- I. vitifolia Bl. karma lata, kam lata
Crucifereae Mustard Brassica campestris L.var. sarsoon Sharisha
- Brassica campestris L. var. toria Tori sharisha
Duthie & Fuller
White mustard B. alba Hook Sada sharisha, Dhup rai
- B. integrifolia (West.) Schultz. (B. keel rai
juncea var. agrostis Prain)
Brown mustard B. juncea L. Rai sharisha, Bara rai, Jhuni,
Rape-seed B. napus L. Maghi Tori, Sharisha
Black mustard B. nigra L. kalo sharisha
Cauliflower B. oleracea L. var. botrydis Phulkopi
Brocoli B. oleracea L. var. italica Brocoli
Cabbage B. oleracea L. var. capitata Bandhakopi
knolkhol B. oleracea L. var. gangyloides Olkopi
- B. rapa L. Shalgam
- Brassica rugusa Prain. var. cunefolia Lahisag
Garden cress Lepidium sativum L. Halimshak
Radish Raphanus sativus L. Mula


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Cucurbitaceae Wax Gourd Benincosa hispida (Thumb.) Cogn. Chalkumra
(B. cerifera Savi.)
- Citrullus colicynthis (L.) Schrad. Makal, Indrayan
- Coccinia indica L. Telakucha
Melon Cucumis melo L. Bangi, kakri, kharbuj, khermia
Cucumber Cucumis sativus L. Shasha, khira, Mome
Sweet Gourd Cucurbita maxima Duch. Misti kumra, kumra
Squash Cucurbita pepo D.C. Dhada kadu
Watermelon Citrallus lanatus (Thumb.) Mans (C. Tarmuj
vulgaris Schrad.)
- Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Bl.) Cogn. Makal
(H. heteroclita Gk. f.)
Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Stan. (L. Lau, kadu, Pani lau
vulgaris Ser.)
- Luffa achinata Roxb. Bidal, Ghosa lata
- Luffa amara Roxb. Tita Dhundul
Ribbed Gourd Luffa acutangula Roxb. Jhinga, Ghosa lata
Sponge Gourd Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem (L. Dhundul, Purul
aegytiaca Mill.)
Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia L. korola, kerala, Uchhe
Teasle Gourd Momordica cochichinensis Spreng. kakrol
Cucurbitaceae Teasle Gourd Momordica dioica Roxb. kakrol
Snake Gourd Trichsanthes anguina L. Chichinga
- Trichosynthes bracteata (Lam.) Vogt. Makal
- T. cordata Roxb. Bhui kakra
- T. cucumerina L. Bon patol
Pointed Gourd T. dioca Roxb. Patol
- T. lobata Roxb. Bon chchinga
- T. palmata Roxb. Makal
Dioscoreaceae yam D. alata L. Mete alu, kham alu, Chupri alu
yam D. belophyla (Prain.) Haines Shora alu
Aerial yam D. bulbifera L. (D. sativa Thunb.) Roth alu
Lesser yam D. esculanta (Lour.) Burk. (D. Sushni alu, Mou alu
aculeata L.)
- D. pentaphylla L. Jhum alu, Jhunihana Alu
- D. wallichi Hook. (D. aculeata (Lour.) Goantia alu
Euphorbiaceae Tung Aleurites molluccana Willd. Akhrot, Japhal akhrot
Cassava Manihot esculanta Crantz. (M. Shimulalu, kassava, Tapoica
ultissima Pohl.)
Castor Ricinus communis L. Bherenda, Reri, Venna


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Gramineae - Coix gigantica Roxb. Denga gurgur
- C. lachryma-jobi L. Tasbi, kalo kunch, Gurgur
- Echinocola colonum (L.) Link Shyama ghas
- E. crussgalli (L.) P. Beauv. Bara shyama ghas
- E. stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. Dul, Parua
- Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. Marna, Marua
- E. indica (L). Gaertn. Malanga kuri, Mala kuri
Teff Eragrostis tenella (L.) P. Beauv koni
Barley Hordeum vulgare L. Pennisetum Jab
typhoides (Burm.) Stapf.(P.
typhoidum Rich.)
Rice Oryza sativa L Dhan
- O. minuta Buno dhan
- O. nivara Buno dhan
- O. officinalis Buno dhan
- O. rufipogon (Griff.) (O. fatua koen. Buno dhan
ex Trin.)
- Portersia coarctata (Oryza coarctata Buno dhan
Rice Oryza hybrid swarms (rufipogon- -
Pearl Millet Panicum milliaceum L. Cheena
Bulrush Millet Pennisatun tyohoides (Burm.) Stapf. Bajra
(P. typhoidum)
Sugarcane S. officinarum L. Akh, kushair, kushail, Gandari
Sugarcane allies Saccharum bengalense Retz. (S. Munja ghash
munja Roxb.)
- S. spontaneum L. kash, khagra, kaisha, khag
- Sclerostachya fusca (Roxb.) Camus khuri
- Setaria glauca (L.) P. Bauv. (Panicum kauni, Banaspati ghash
flavescens Sw.)
Foxtail Millet Setaria italica (L.) P. Bauv. kaon, kangu, kangui,
- S. pallide-fisca (Schum.) Stapf Pinginachi
- S. verticillata (L.) ) P. Bauv. Dorabiari
Sorghum Sorghum bicolor (S. vulgare Pers. Joar
- S. halepense (L.) Pers. kanta much
Triticale Triticosecale Triticale
Wheat Triticum aestivum L. (T. vulgare L.) Gom
Maize Zea mays L. Bhutta
Other grasses Cynodon dactylon Pers. Durba, Dubla, Durba ghas
- Panicum paludosum Roxb. Barti, Barati, kalam
- P. punctatum Burm. karing ghas
- P. satigerum Retz. Bara jalgenti
- Paspalidium flavidum (Retz.) A. Petinar
camus (P. punctatum Burm.)
kodo Millet Paspalum scrobiculatum Boj. Goicha, khoda dhan
Guttifereae - Garcinia cowa Roxb. kau, kaglichu
Mangosteen Garcinia mangostana L. Mangostin
- G. morella Desr. Swarna khiri
- G. xanthochymus Hook. f Tamal, Dumbel


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Lguminosae Acacia Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex. Akashmoni
kutch Tree A. catechu (Lam.) Willd. (A. arabica khair
- A. catechuoides Wall. khair
- A. concinna D.C. Bonritha, Lal babul
- A. farnesiana (L.) Willd. Gokul, Belatibabul
- A. intsia Willd. kuchai
Black Babul A. nilotica (L.) Del. (A. arabica (Lam.) Babla, Babul, kikor
- A. pennata (L.) Willd. Aila, Bisoal, Sembi
- A. suma Ham. Swet khoir, Sami, Sankanta,
Laingach,Chaikanta, Saukanta
- A. tomentosa Willd. Sisal babla
Groundnut Arachis hypogeae L. Cheena badam
Pigeon pea Cjanus cajan (L.) Huth. (C. indicus Arhar
Chickpea Cocer arietineum L. Chhola. Chana, Boot
Sunnhemp Crotalaria juncea L. Shonpat, Shon, Ghore shon
- C. incana L. Chhota jhunjhuna
- C. postrata Roxb. Chhota jhunjhuna
- C. retusa L. Atasi, Bil jhunjhuna
- C. saltiana Andr. Chhota jhunjhuna, Jhanjani
- C. spectabilis Roth. (C.sericea Retz.) Pipli jhanjhani
- C. verrucosa L. Jhanjhania
Derries Deris elliptica Benth. Tubamul
- D. indica (Lamk.) Benth Makrigilla
- D. robusta Benth. korol,Jangaria, Jumurja, Miringa,
- D. scandens Benth. Noalata, kamirialata, Maora gota,
- D. trifolia Lour. (D. uliginosa Benth.) kalilata, Felialata,Panlata, Pan gota,
Gilalata,Goali lata


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Lguminosae Soybean Glycine max. (L.) Merr. (G. soja (L.) Soyabean,Gari kalai
Sweib. & Zuce).
- Indigofera linifolia Retz. Bhangara
Indigo I. tinctoria L. Nil
Lentil Lens culinaris Medik. (L. esculenta Musur, Musuri dal
- Medicago denticularia Willd. Moyna
yam Bean Pachyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban Shak alu
Bean Phaseolus aconitifolius Jacq. Bon moog, Gaheri, Birimoog
- P. adenanthus Mey Bon barbati
- P. lunatus L. Bon barbati
- P. mungo L. Mashkalai
- P. sublobatus Roxb. (Vigna Ghoramoog
- P. radiatus L. Sonamoog
- P. trilobatus Rakhal kalai, Magani, Mugani
French bean P. vulgaris ( L.) Schr. Farasshbean, Bakla, kalobasak
- Pisum arvense L. Chhoto motor
Pea Pisum sativum L. Motor, Motorshuti, kabuli motor
Winged bean Psophocarous tetragonolobus D.C. Rakhal sim, kumari sim, karat sim
Tamarind Tamarindus indica L. Tetul, Amli
Field bean Vicia faba L. Bara sim, Bakla sim
- V. hirsuta Coch. Masur chana
- V. sativa L. Ankari
Blackgram Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper Mashkalai, Tikha kalai
(Phaseolus mungo L.)
- V. pilosa bak Jhikrai, Malkenia
Mung V. radiata (L.) Wilezck (Phaseolus Sona moog, Moog
radiatus L.)
yard Long Bean V. sinensis endl. ex hassk. (V. catjang Barbati, Lalsha
Walp. var. sinensis Prain)
Cowpea V. unguiculata endl. ex Hassk. Barbati
Liliaceae - Alium ampelopraseum L. Gandini
Onion Allium cepa L. Piaz
Garlic A. sativum L. Rasun
- A. tuberssum Roxb. Banga gandini
Asparagus Asparagus racemosus L. Shatamulu, Hilum
- urginia indica kunth Jangli piaz
Linaceae Fax/Linseed Linum usitatissimum L. Tishi, Chikna, Masina
Malvaceae Okra/Lady’s Finger Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moen. Dherosh, Bhindi
(Hibiscus esculentus L.)
Malvaceae Tree Cotton Gossypuim arboreum var. conansis kapas, karpas tula
Comilla Cotton G. arboreum/herbaceum L. Tula
khaki cotton G. arboreum/herbaceum L. khaki tula
- Hibiscus abelmoschus L. Mushakdana, kalo kasturi
kenaf H. cannabinus L. kenaf, mesta pat, Bimli
- H. ficulenus L. Jangli Bhindi, Jangli dherosh, Bon
- H. hirtus L. Lal surjamukhi
- H. macrophyllus Roxb. kashipata, kashia udal, Chania
- H. manihot L. Gajasudhi, Dumbula, Paresh, Palas
pipul, Paresh pipul


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Malvaceae - H. mutabilis L. Sthalpadma
China Rose H. rosa-sinensis L. Jaba, Jabaphul, Rakta jaba, Daru
China rose H. schizapetalus L. Jhumko jaba, Latkan jaba
Roselle H. sabdariffa L. var. altissima Mestapat, kenaf, Mesta
Roselle H. sabdariffa L. var. sabdariffa Chukair, Chukur
- H. syriacus L Sada jaba, Nil jaba
- H. tiliaceus L. Bolai, Bhola, Belapata, Chewla
- H. vitifolius L. Bon kapas
Marantaceae Arrowroot Maranta arundinacea L. Araroot, Takhur
Moraceae Breadfruit Artoarpus altilis (Park.) Fos. Breadfruit
Chaplash A. chaplasha Roxb. Chaplash, Chambal, Cham
Jackfruit A. heterophyllus Lamk. (A. kanthal
integrifolia L. f.)
A. lacucha Buch.-Ham. (A. lakoocha Deua, Deophal, Dephal
Ficus and allies Ficus altissima Bl. Bot, Prab
Banyan Tree F. benghlensis L. var. krishnae (C. DC) krishna bot
Corner (F. krishnae C. DC)
- F. comosa (F. benjamina L. var. Pakur, Jir, kamrup
comosa (Roxb.) kurz.
- F. carica L. Dumur
- Ficus cunea Buch.-Ham Jagadumur, Sadimadi, Joyadumur
- F. elastica Roxb. Bor, Atabor, Bharotio rubber
- F. glaberrima Bl. kakri
- F. heterophylla L. f. var. heterophylla Ghati shaora, Baladumur, Bolalat
- F. heterophylla L. f. var. repens Bhuidumur
- F. hispida L. f. kakdumur, Dumur, Thoska
- F. hirta Vahl. Dangra, khandadumur
- F. lacor Buch.-Ham. (F. infectoria Pakur
- F. lanceolata Ham. Butidumur, erogachh
- F. lepidosa Wall. katgularia, Jir, kamrup
- F. microcarpa L.f. (F. retusa Hook. f.) Baltrella
- F. recemosa L. (F. glomerata Roxb.; F. Jagadumur, Gulangdumur
scandens Roxb.)
Peepul Tree F. regiosa L. Asswath, Panbot, Pipal
- F. rostrata Lamk. Paraboha
- F. rumphii Bl. Hijuli, Gaya asswath
- F. semicordata Buch.-Ham ex Smith Jagadumur, sadimadi
Malberry Morus indica L. (M. alba L.) Tut, Tunt
Muaceae Bananas Musa cordata Roxb. Ram kola,
- M. paradisiaca L. var. paradisiaca kachkola
- M. paradisiaca L. var. sapientum kola, kathalikola
- M. sapientum L.var. sylvestris Aittakola, Aitekola
Myristicaceae Nutmeg Myristica fragrans Houtt Jaiphal, Jayatri
- M. longifolia Wall. Amboala
- M. malabarica Lamk. Jayatri
Myrtaceae Clove and allies Syzygium aqueum (Burm. f) Alston Jambo
(Eugenia aquea Burm. f.)
- Eugenia balsamea Wt.var. ekdarya
- E. bracteata Roxb. Hijli menadi


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Myrtaceae Clove E. caryophyllaceus (Spreng.) Bull. Labanga, Lang
- Syzygium clavifoliun (Roxb.) Wall Nalijam, Lambanalijam
(Eugenia claviflora Roxb.)
- Syzygium syzygiodes (Miq.) Merr. (E. khoirjam
cymosa Ram.)
- Syzygium formosanum Hayata Mor. Panijam, Hanihak, Phulijam
(Eugenia. formosa Wall.)
- Syzygium fruticosum (Roxb.) DC Bonjam, khudijam
(Eugenia fruticosa Roxb.)
Indian Black Berry Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Jam, Jamon, kalojam
(Eugenia jambolana Lam.)
- Syzygium grande (Wt.) Wall. Dhakijam
(Eugenia grandis Wt.)
Rose Apple Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Golapjam
(Eugenia jambos L.)
- Syzygium malaccensis (L.) Mer. & Amritaphal
Perry (Eugenia malaccensis L.)
Wax Jambu Syzygium samarangense (Bl.) Merr. Jamrul
& Perry (Eugenia javanoca Lamk.)
- Eugenia lancaefolia Roxb. Parajam
- E. macrocarpa Roxb. Chaltajam
- Syzygium operculatum (Roxb.) Botijam, Thengajam, Patiajam,
Niedz. (E. operculata Roxb.) Dhepajam
- Syzygium wallichi Wall. (eugenia kharkharajam
wallichi Wt.)
Guava Psidium guajava (L.) Bat. (P.guayava Payara, Sabri
Nymphaeaceae Water Lily Nymphaeae nouchalli Burm. f. (N. Shapla, Raktabhanga, kamol,
lotus Hook kumud. kumudini, Shaluk,

- Nymphaeae stellata Willd. Nilshapla, Nilpadma, Nilshaluk,

- Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. Padma, Raktapadma, Jalapadma
(Nelumbium speciosum Willd.)
Oxalidaceae Oxalis Oxalis corniculata L. Amrul, Amboli, Chukatriphal
Palmeae Betelnut Arecha catechu L. Supari, Gua
- A. trindra Roxb. Bon gua, Bon supari
Palmyra Palm Borassus flabellifer L. Tal
Coconut Cocos nucifera L. Narikel, Dab
Datepalm Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. khajur, khejur, khagi khejur
- Ph. Paludosa Roxb. Hintal, Hital, Hantal
Pedaliaceae Sesame Sesamum indicum L. (S. orientale L.) Til, Jangli til, Shanki til, kalo til
Piperaceae Piper Piper betel L. Pan, Tambuli
Piperaceae - P. chaba Hunter Choi, Chab
- P. cubeba Vahl. kababchini
- P. longum L. Peepul, Pipla
Black Pepper P. nigrum L. Gol marich
- P. peepuloides Roxb. Peepul
- Peperomia pellucida kunth Luchi pata
Polygonaceae Buckwheat Faghopyrum esculentum Moen. Dhanchi
Puniaceae Pomegranate Punica granatum L. Dalim, Anar
Rhamnaceae Jujuba Zizyphus mauritania Lamk. kul, Boroi
- Z. oenoplea (L.) Mill. Bon boroi, Gram boroi, Got boroi
- Z. rugusa Lamk. Anai, Jangli boroi


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
Rosaceae - Rosa centifolia L. Golap, Swetgolap,
- Rosa damacena Mill. Golap, knatagolap,
- Rosa indica L. knatagolap
- Rosa involucrata Roxb. Bannyagolap, Bunogolap
- Rubus hexagynus Roxb. Hira-charra, Hirachura
- Pyrus cumunis L. Nashpati
- Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. Loket, Loketphal
- Prunus domestica L. (P. communis Alu-Bokahra
Rubiaceae Coffee Coffea arabica L. kafi
- Coffea benghalensis Roxb. Baynya kafi
- Rubus tinctorium L. Manjistha
Rutaceae Lime, Lemon Citrus aurantifolia (Christ. & Panz.) kagzilebu, Nebum Nimbu, Lebu
Shaddock C. grandis (L.) Osbeck Jambura, Batabilebu,
Lime C. limettoides Mithanebu

Lemon C. limon (L.) Burm. f. (C. medica var. Goralebu, karnalebu

Orange C. reticulata Blanco (C. chrysocarpa kamla, kamlalebu
Orange Citrus sinessis (Linn.) Osbeck Malta, Moushandhi
Sapindaceae Litchi Litchi chinensis Sonn. (Nephelium Lichu
litchi Camb.)
- Nephelium longana Camb. Ashphal
Sapotaceae Sapodila Manilkara zapota (L.) P. van Royen Safeda, Chabeda
(Achras sapota L.)
Solanaceae Pepper Capsicum annuum L. Morich, Lanka
Pepper C. frutescens L. Morich, Lanka morich, Dhani anka,
Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (L. Tomato, Bilati begun, Gur begun
lycopersicum (L.) karst
Tabocco Nicotiana rustica L. Deshi Tamak
Tobaccio Nicotiana tabacum L. Tamak
- N. plumbaginifoloa Viv. Bon tamak
egg plant allies Solanum melongena Wall. Begun, bagun
S. melongena Wall var. esculenta kulibegun
- S. filicifolium Ort.(S. tovrum Sw.) Tit begun, Goth begun, Hat begun
- S. ferox L. Gota begun, Ram begun, Bagh
- S. indicum L. Phutki begun, Baikur begun, Tit
begun,Brithati begun
- S. nigrum L. Gurkamal, kakmachhi, Phuti begun
- S. spirale L. Bagua
- S. surrattense Burm. f. (S. kanti kari, kanta kini
xanthocarpum Schrad. Wendl.)
Potato Solanum tuberosum L. Alu, Gol alu, Bilati alu
- S. verbascifolium L. Urusa
Sterculiaceae Coco Theobroma cacao L. koko, Chocolet
Tiliaceae - Corchorus aestuans L. (C. Titapat, Jangli pat
acutangulus Lamk.)
Jute C. capsularis L. Desi pat,Tita pat, Bogi pat, Sada
pat, Nalitapat,
- C. fascicularis Lam. Jangli pat, Bil nailta
- C. olitorius L. Tosha pat, Mitha pat, Bogi tosha


Family Crops and allied species

Common name Scientific name Local name
umbeliferae Celery Apium graveolens L. Chiruli
Coriander Coriandrum sativum L. Dhania, Dhoney
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Gaertn. Pan mouri
Ajowan Carum copticum Benth. Jowan
(Trachyspermum ammi)
Cuminseed . Cuminum cyminum L. (Carum Jira
carvi L)
Carrot Daucus carrota L. Gajor
Dropwort Oenanthe benghalensis Benth. & Panturasi
Hk. f
- Seseli diffusum Roxb. ex Sm. Sent. & Bon jawan
Wagh ( S. indicum Wt. &Arn.)
urticaceae Ramie Boehmaria nivea (L.) Gaud. kankhura, kankura
- B. platiphylla D. Don. Ulichara
Vitaceae Grapes & allies Vitis adnata (Roxb.) Wall. Alinga lata
- V. assamica Laws Asham lata
- V. glabrata Heyne Goda gauria
- V. lanceolaria Laws Horinia lata
- V. latifolia Roxb. Govila, Panibel
- V. pedata Vahl Goali lata
- V. quadrangulais Wall. Har bhanga lata
- V. setosa Wall. Goali lata
- V. trifolia (L.) Don Anal lata, Amal lata, Sonekeshar
Grape Vitis vinifera L. Angur, kismis
Zingiberaceae Turmeric Curcuma longa L. (C. domestica Haldi, Halud
Shoti C. zodoria Roscoe Shathi, ekangi, Phulga, kachuri
Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum Maton elachi
Zinger allies Zingiber purpureum Roscoe (Z. Bon ada, Baumugra gachh
casumnar Roxb.)

Zinger Zingiber officinale Roscoe Ada

Ginger allies Zingiber rubens Roxb. Murga gachh
- Zingiber zerumbet Sm. Mohabari gachh, Narkasur


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