Verb 31
Verb 31
Verb 31
1 of 3 11/21/2018, 3:52 PM
Dutch Grammar • The passive voice
active passive
I wash your hair your hair is washed (by me)
he has cleaned the house the house has been cleaned (by him)
the music excites me I am excited (by the music)
Note that in English, we use 'is' and 'was' for the simple tense, whereas in Dutch, we use the exact
same words for the perfect tense!
In English, we use the same verb for both the simple and the perfect tenses (to be). In the examples
above, we used 'to be'. In Dutch, on the other hand, we use two different verbs: worden and zijn.
Worden is used if the event is still going on at this particular moment. In English we would use the
simple tense of to be, to become or, sometimes, to get.
Zijn is used when we want to express that an event has already occurred or been done (perfect
tense). In English, we would use the perfect tense of 'to be'.
2 of 3 11/21/2018, 3:52 PM
Dutch Grammar • The passive voice
3 of 3 11/21/2018, 3:52 PM