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THIS 5 x 5 RISK MATRIX is based on the

AS 4360 risk evaluation requirements

It can be used in conjunction with any C1 - Minor C2 - Moderate C3 - Serious C4 - Major C5 - Catastrophic
existing hazard and risk management
process such as: L5-Almost
Certain Medium 11 High 16 Extreme 20 Extreme 23 Extreme 25
 Hazard / Risk Assessment Register
 Project Hazard & Risk Assessment L4-Likely
7 Medium 12 17 21 24
 Safe Work Method Statements Low High Extreme Extreme

 Job Safety Analysis L3-Possible
Low 4 Medium 9 Medium 13 High 18 Extreme 22
 Crisis and Emergency Response
 Incident Investigation L2-Unlikely
Low 2 Low 5 Medium 10 Medium 14 High 19
Low 1 Low 3 Low 6 Low 8 Medium 15
CONSEQUENCE Type of Potential Event (Incidents) Note: Damage and other forms of loss will include theft, fire, and
damage to vehicles or equipment.
of an event occurring
Injury Harm Environmental Damage Property Damage or other forms of loss
Life Threatening Event: Significant financial impact
Major impact (immediate and/or serious long term harm), high potential for Greater than $1,000, 000
C5-Catastrophic Fatality or significant permanent disability. Prohibition Notice and
adverse publicity, potential EPA prosecution
OHS prosecution likely.
Potential Life Threatening Event: Off-site impact and EPA reportable incident; Significant financial impact
C4-Major Serious LTI (lost days duration 4 days or more, potential for (off-site = effecting neighbouring property/water), measurable environmental Between $100,000 to $1, 000, 000
permanent disability; Potential for OHS prosecution harm penalised by EPA
Serious Injury Event: Localised impact = contained within the site boundary: Between $10,000 to $100,000 loss
Lost Time Injury (LTI) potential Injury for 1-3 days; Reportable to EPA with infringement potential; Reported as Significant
C3-Serious Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) with work restricted duties; Incident (Company)
Improvement Notice likely for OHS regulator
Minor Injury Event: Minor impact - immediate containment/control, potential harm to Between $1000 to $10,000 loss
Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) with no restricted duties, Technical environment, clean up required, reportable to EPA with infringement potential.
C2-Moderate breach/infringement of OHS Regulation potential for Improvement Reported as Significant Incident (Company)
Nil or potential minor injury event: Negligible impact or temporary inconvenience, Less than $1000 loss
C1-Minor No injury likely or potential for minor First Aid Case (FAC). No OHS not requiring EPA notification
regulatory breach, Minor illness
Likelihood = Probability

LIKELIHOOD Frequency of an Event MANANGEMENT RESPONSE (Where relating to a risk for a work task)
Common or repeating Level of Risk Actions to be taken
L5-Almost Certain occurrence, most likely Prior to control(s) applied Assess/verify proposed hazard controls to be applied in order to reduce residual risk to as low as is practicable
20-25 STOP – analyse work method & ensure substantial safe work controls are determined (i.e. personal locks and
Known to occur, or, “it has Extreme
L4-Likely happened”
permit system) and documented. Final methodology to be authorised by Senior/Responsible Manager. Closely
monitor progress & compliance.
16-19 Formal and approved Work method developed and detailed Job Hazard Analysis (JHA or similar)
L3-Possible Could occur documented by Supervisor and confirms person or work crew understand requirements & are competent to
implement controls and safely complete the work. Monitor progress & compliance.
9-15 Documented Safe Work Procedure used (ie Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) or similar is prepared prior to starting
L2-Unlikely Not likely to occur/remote Medium work. Supervisor confirms person or work crew understand requirements and implement the hazard control(s).
Practically impossible/rare 1-8 Take 5 or similar used. Supervisor to review work/tasks and discuss at prior to starting task with the person or
L1-Rare occurrence
Low crew.

P3RSS Pty Ltd (ABN: 52 606 436 480)

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Free 5x5 Risk Matrix worksheet Rev: 0 Date: 22/07/2015 Page: 1 of 1

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