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0301e - Guidebook For Inspectors - 2018-3

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CWB Form 450E/2018-4

IMPORTANT: Applications MUST be completed in full. Incomplete applications can cause delays in processing and may be returned to the applicant.
Upon completion, please submit one copy of this form to the nearest office of the CWB Group (see region office addresses on the last page) and retain a
copy for your file.
1. Applicant's Name:
First Name Middle Name Last Name Residence
Address: Tel.:
Street Business

City: Province Postal Code Country Cell

Email: Fax:
Certified inspectors are responsible for informing the CWB of any change in their contact information.
2. If you are currently or were previously certified to CSA Standard W178.2 , provide your Registration Number:
3. Level of Certification Desired: (See experience requirements for each level below)
3.1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
The minimum years of welding or inspection experience is as follows:
(a) For Level 1 certification, the candidate shall have obtained at least one year of experience in one or more of the areas specified in
Clause 8.1.2 of CSA Standard W178.2; or successfully completed a recognized educational program in Welding Engineering Technology,
Welding Engineering or equivalent. The program must be a minimum of two years in length covering the fundamental principles and
practices of welding, quality control, and welding inspection (with a large portion of the training based on practical applications); or a
combination of six months of experience along with a recognized training course(s) in the fundamental principles and practices of welding,
quality control, and welding inspection.
(b) For Level 2 certification, the candidate shall have at least two years of experience as a certified Level 1 welding inspector.
(c) For Level 3 certification, the candidate shall have at least four years of experience as a certified Level 2 welding inspector.
(d) In exceptional cases, practicing welding inspectors may be eligible to qualify directly as Level 2 or Level 3. In such cases, candidates
shall demonstrate that their combination of education, training, and experience is equivalent to either Level 2 or Level 3.
3.2 All candidates applying for certification must begin the examination process within one (1) year of their application date. Otherwise, their
application for certification will be terminated.
3.3 Once the initial examinations have been challenged in a single sitting, all candidates must successfully complete all required
examinations for the desired level within one (1) year from the date of the initial sitting. Otherwise, their application for certification will
be terminated. Note that this includes the successful completion of any examination rewrites that may be required.
4. If applicable, identify recognized training courses in the Fundamental Principles and Practices of Welding and Quality Control and
Inspection of Welding that you have successfully completed.



5. Certification Fee
The certification fee of $460.00 plus applicable tax is payable upon submission of the application form. Applications received without the
fee will not be processed. The fee, less a service charge, is refundable only within 30 days from receipt of payment. Candidates who are
not eligible will be refunded the full fee less a service charge. Payment by Visa, Mastercard, or American Express is accepted by CWB;
download CWB Form 1049 from www.cwbgroup.org to use this option.

Applicant's Signature MM / DD / YYYY
Upon completion of the certification requirements, do you wish to have your name, certification level, city of residence and telephone
number published on the CWB Group's website?

Upon completion of certification requirements, please have results sent to: myself my company Attn:_______________
Company Name & Address:
Level: Long Exam Short Exam Approved By: Date:
CWB Form 450E/2018-4

6. (a) Are you applying for certification based on successful completion of an acceptable training course YES NO
in the Fundamental Principles and Practices of Welding and Quality Control and Inspection
Welding as stated in CSA W178.2?
(b) If the answer to (a) above is Yes, have you enclosed with this application a copy of your transcript YES NO
from the approved training program?
7. (a) Are you applying for certification based on a prior or existing certification to AWS QC-1, TWI YES NO
CSWIP-WI-6-92 or API 510 or API 570?
(b) If the answer to (a) above is Yes, refer to CWB Form 301 - Guide to Assist Candidates Applying for
Certification as Welding Inspectors for the specific requirements regarding these programs.
8. Are you applying for certification under the provisions of Clause 8.1.1 (d) of CSA Standard W178.2, YES NO
which allows practicing welding inspectors, in exceptional cases, to qualify directly as Level 2 or Level
3? If the answer is Yes, refer to CWB Form 301 - Guide to Assist Candidates Applying for Certification
as Welding Inspectors for the specific requirements regarding this program.
9. Evidence of satisfactory vision as per the requirements of CSA W178.2 is enclosed with this Application YES NO
on CWB Form 455E, Welding Inspector Visual Acuity Record.

10. Section 10 to be completed by Level 1 certified welding inspectors applying for Level 2 certification. Provide the names of certified Level
2 or 3 welding inspectors or other qualified individuals who supervised you or who can attest to your work as a welding inspector in the
last 2 year period. (Reference CSA Standard W178.2. Qualified Supervision as defined in CSA W178.2 reads as follows: The supervision of Level 1 inspectors by
Level 2 or Level 3 personnel certified to this Standard, or by non-certified personnel who, in the opinion of the CWB possess the knowledge, skills training, and
experience required to perform such supervision. The supervisor shall be able to be in contact in person or electronically with his attending with a reasonable delay in
order to protect the integrity of the work of his attendee. )

Name of Certified Welding Inspector or

Other Qualified Individual Level Reg. # Telephone # E-Mail Address



11. Indicate the Product Category to which your certification will apply. The applicable Standard or Code for each Product Category is also
shown. The open book examination, if required, will be based on the Product Category chosen. Candidates are to select one Product
Category for their initial certification in the Level chosen. Other Product Categories may be added after certification has been obtained. A
fee of $80 plus applicable taxes is charged for each additional Product Category. Examination requirements are specified in CSA Standard
W178 2
Do not complete this section if you are upgrading from Level 1 to Level 2, or from Level 2 to Level 3.
Candidates must bring their own copy of the Code/Standard on which they will write their open book examination.

Product Category Standard/Code

Buildings, Bridges, Industrial Structures, Machinery, Cranes, Rail CSA W47.1 - Certification of Companies for
and Road Vehicles (Steel) Fusion Welding of Steel and
CSA W59 - Welded Steel Construction (Metal
Arc Welding)
Buildings, Bridges, Industrial Structures, Machinery, CSA W47.2 - Certification of Companies for
Cranes, Rail and Road Vehicles (Aluminum) Fusion Welding of Aluminum, and
CSA W59.2 - Welded Aluminum Construction

Ships and Floating Marine Structures ABS Rules for Materials & Welding Part 2
And ABS Guide for Nondestructive Inspection
of Hull Welds
Fixed Steel Offshore Structures CSA W59 Annex U - Welding of Fixed Steel
Offshore Structures

Power Piping ASME B31.1 - Power Piping

Industrial Pipe ASME B31.3 - Process Piping

Pipelines CSA Z662 - Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Pressure Vessels Boilers and Heat Exchangers
Sections VIII-1 & IX
Storage Tanks API 650
Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction API 653
CWB Form 450E/2018-4

12. Code of Ethics

Certified welding inspectors recognize that precepts of personal integrity and professional
competence are fundamental, and as such shall:

a. have proper regard for the safety, health, and well-being of the public;

b. undertake only those assignments for which they are competent by virtue of
certification, training, and experience and, where warranted, seek the assistance
of specialists as required to complete of assignments;
c. protect to the fullest extent possible any information given in confidence by an
employer or colleague, while being consistent with the well-being of the public;

d. indicate to the employer or supervisor any decisions that have been overruled by
any authority that could result in adverse consequences;
e. be objective, thorough, and factual in any written report, statement, or testimony
about the work and include all relevant or pertinent information in such
f. sign only for work that they have inspected or for work about which they have
personal knowledge through direct technical control;
g. maintain personal competency by updating their technical knowledge and skills
as required to perform welding inspection properly;

h. comply with the applicable provisions of this Standard relevant to their level of
certification and responsibilities;
i. discontinue all claims to certification upon expiry, suspension, or withdrawal of
certification, and upon request return any certificates and/or wallet cards issued
by the CWB;
j. not perform unethical or dishonest acts or making statements that would
discredit or bring the certification scheme of this Standard into disrepute;
k. not falsify documents, falsely claim, misrepresent or permit misrepresentation or
misuse of their own or other's academic or professional qualifications,
knowledge, training, experience, work responsibilities, or certifications;
l. maintain knowledge of codes or standards applicable to the product or structure
being inspected; and
m. inspect products or structures in accordance with the applicable governing codes
or standards.
Note: The welding inspector should not interfere with the line relationship between welders,
operators, or tackers and their supervisors. When any form of discrepancy arises, the welding
inspector should advise the supervisor or some other responsible person of the discrepancy.

Applicant's Signature Date (mm / dd / yyyy)

CWB Form 450E/2018-4

Level 1 Candidates Only

13. This section is for Level 1 candidates who have NOT completed a minimum two year course in the fundamental
principles and practices of welding, quality control, and welding inspection. Candidates must document at least six
months or one year of welding or inspection related work experience depending on which option the candidate is
applying under (add pages as required).

Qualifying Work
Experience From: To:
A) Company Name Job Title


B) Reference Name Job Title


C) Describe your duties as related to welding fabrication or welding inspection and/or testing in the following areas of the trade. Attach
additional pages as required. Resumés will not be accepted.

1) Layout, Fitting

2) Manual ,Semi-
Automatic or Automatic

3) Welding Inspection

4) Welding Supervision

5) Weld Testing

6) Welding Instruction

D) Give the approximate percentage of your time spent on the following welded product categories during your employment with the
above named company and state the codes/standards/specifications to which you worked.
% Codes/Standards/Specifications
1) Buildings, Industrial Structures, Bridges
2) Ships and Floating Marine Structures
3) Pipelines and/or Industrial Pipe
4) Pressure Vessels, Boilers and Heat Exchangers
5) Rail Vehicles, Road Vehicles
6) Storage Tanks
7) Machinery, Cranes
8) Other - (Indicate)

Total Percentage of Time (Should not exceed 100%)

CWB Form 450E/2018-4

Level 2 or 3 Candidates
14. Candidates for Level 2 or 3 Certification Complete Section 14 (add pages as required).
Qualifying Work
Experience From: To:

A) Company Name Job Title


B) Reference Name Job Title


C) Describe your duties related to welding inspection. Attach additional pages as required. Resumés will not be accepted.You must
document a continuing involvment in welding inspection for at least the minimum qualifying period for the level sought.

D) Give the approximate percentage of your time spent on the following welded product categories during your employment with the
above named company and state the codes/standards/specifications to which you worked.
% Codes/Standards/Specifications
1) Buildings, Industrial Structures, Bridges
2) Ships and Floating Marine Structures
3) Pipelines and/or Industrial Pipe
4) Pressure Vessels, Boilers and Heat Exchangers
5) Rail Vehicles, Road Vehicles
6) Storage Tanks
7) Machinery, Cranes
8) Other - (Indicate)

Total Percentage of Time (Should not exceed 100%)

CWB Form 450E/2018-4

Upon completion, return this form to the CWB Group office in your area.

CWB Group
8260 Parkhill Drive
Milton, Ontario L9T 5V7
Tel: (905) 542-1312
Toll Free:1-800-844-6790 (In Canada only)
Fax: (905) 542-1318
E-Mail: [email protected]

CWB Group
206 – 19 Avenue, Nisku Industrial Park
Nisku, Alberta T9E 0W8
Toll Free: 1-800-844-6790 (In Canada only)
Fax: 905-542-1318
E-Mail: [email protected]

Groupe CWB
4321 Autoroute des Laurentides
Laval, Quebec H7L 5W5
Toll Free: 1-800-844-6790 (In Canada only)
Fax: (905) 542-1318
E-Mail: [email protected]

CWB Group
50 Eileen Stubbs Avenue, Unit 130
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 0M7
Toll Free: 1-800-844-6790 (In Canada only)
Fax: (905) 542-1318
E-Mail: [email protected]

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