MacLeod - 2012-Cognitive Bias Modif

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CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

REVIEWS Further Cognitive Bias Modification
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Colin MacLeod1 and Andrew Mathews2
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

• Our comprehensive search 1

School of Psychology, The University of Western Australia, Crawley WA 6009 Australia;
email: [email protected]
Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis, California 95616, and MRC
Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Kings College, London CB2 2EF United Kingdom;
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012. 8:189–217 Keywords

First published online as a Review in Advance on CBM, CBM-A, CBM-I, attentional bias, interpretive bias
October 25, 2011

The Annual Review of Clinical Psychology is online Abstract

Clinical anxiety disorders and elevated levels of anxiety vulnerability
This article’s doi: are characterized by cognitive biases, and this processing selectivity has
been implicated in theoretical accounts of these conditions. We re-
Copyright  c 2012 by Annual Reviews. view research that has sought to evaluate the causal contributions such
All rights reserved
biases make to anxiety dysfunction and to therapeutically alleviate anx-
1548-5943/12/0427-0189$20.00 iety using cognitive-bias modification (CBM) procedures. After con-
sidering the purpose and nature of CBM methodologies, we show that
variants designed to modify selective attention (CBM-A) or interpre-
tation (CBM-I) have proven capable of reducing anxiety vulnerability
and ameliorating dysfunctional anxiety. In addition to supporting the
causal role of cognitive bias in anxiety vulnerability and dysfunction and
illuminating the mechanisms that underpin such bias, the findings sug-
gest that CBM procedures may have therapeutic promise within clinical
settings. We discuss key issues within this burgeoning field of research
and suggest future directions CBM research should take to maximize
its theoretical and applied value.

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

Contents Extended Applications

INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 of Interpretive Bias
BACKGROUND TO Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
RESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 TARGETING OTHER
Cognitive Bias and Anxiety. . . . . 191 TYPES OF PROCESSING
The Purpose of Cognitive Bias SELECTIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Modification Research . . . . . . 193 Modification of Memory . . . . . . . 202
The Nature of Cognitive Bias Modification of Imagery . . . . . . . 202
Modification Modification of Appraisal . . . . . . 203
Methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 COGNITIVE BIAS
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TARGETING MECHANISMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

SELECTIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Attributed to Demand

Development of Attentional Effects? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Bias Modification Do CBM Effects Reflect
Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Change in the Intended
Single-Session Applications Cognitive Process? . . . . . . . . . 205
of Attentional Bias Is CBM Change Restricted to
Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 the Targeted Cognitive
Extended Applications Bias? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 COGNITIVE BIAS
MODIFICATION RESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
TARGETING Extending the Reach
INTERPRETIVE of CBM Research . . . . . . . . . . 207
SELECTIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Enhancing the Efficacy of
Development of Interpretive Cognitive Bias Modification
Bias Modification Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Refining the Therapeutic
Single-Session Applications Application of CBM in
of Interpretive Bias Clinical Contexts . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Modification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 CLOSING COMMENTS . . . . . . . 209

INTRODUCTION change. Deeper understanding of any complex

system results in a heightened ability to iden-
Scientific progress is characterized by a close
tify the changes to key variables needed to pro-
association between advancement of under-
duce desired outcomes. Of equal importance,
standing and increased ability to bring about
it is by changing such variables and observing

190 MacLeod · Mathews

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the consequences that understanding is deep- developing new field of clinical research,
ened. Hence, the ability to directly manipulate focusing particularly on its contribution to the Anxiety vulnerability:
component elements of a complex system is of understanding and attenuation of dysfunctional a continuously
distributed individual
crucial importance if we are to gain insight into anxiety. Although the great majority of CBM
difference variable
its nature and effectively exploit the resulting work published to date has focused on atten- reflecting tendency to
applied benefits. tional bias and interpretive bias, the principles readily experience
Cognitive models of anxiety vulnerability underlying the CBM approach can readily be anxiety
and dysfunction have proven highly influential extended to other types of cognitive biases also. Cognitive bias:
across recent decades (cf. Brown & Barlow systematic selectivity
1994, Clark & Beck 2010). These models in information
share the premise that biased patterns of basic
operates to favor one
information processing, operating early within BIAS MODIFICATION RESEARCH type of information
the cognitive system and at a low level that over another
Cognitive Bias and Anxiety
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

may be inaccessible to awareness, play a central Cognitive bias

causal role in vulnerability to experience Cognitive accounts of anxiety dysfunction modification (CBM):
unduly intense anxiety symptoms, though the attribute both heightened anxiety vulnerability direct manipulation of
specific nature of the proposed cognitive biases and clinical anxiety to maladaptive patterns a target cognitive bias,
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

by extended exposure
varies from theory to theory (cf. Mathews & of selective information processing. They
to task contingencies
MacLeod 2005). Despite the indirect support have been motivated by the observation that that favor
such accounts have received from confirmation patients with anxiety disorders commonly predetermined
that such processing biases are indeed charac- report experiencing distinctly threatening patterns of processing
teristic of heightened anxiety vulnerability and thoughts of a type that plausibly could elicit, selectivity
anxiety pathology (cf. Ouimet et al. 2009), the sustain, or intensify their anxiety symptoms Attentional bias:
ability of researchers to adequately test the cru- (e.g., Ghahramanlou-Holloway et al. 2007). a commonly studied
form of cognitive bias
cial idea that cognitive biases causally influence However, theoretical models developed to
involving preferential
clinically relevant symptoms has been handi- explain these idiosyncrasies in thought content attention to one
capped by the lack of established procedures causally attributed them to systematic biases particular type of
to directly manipulate these cognitive biases. in low-level cognitive mechanisms not readily information
This also has limited the ability of clinicians to available to introspective assessment. In par- Interpretive bias:
deliver the potential therapeutic benefits such ticular, biases in attention and interpretation a commonly studied
theoretical accounts predict should be gained that operate to selectively favor the processing form of cognitive bias
involving the tendency
from the direct modification of these biases for of emotionally negative information have
to preferentially
individuals experiencing problematic anxiety. commonly been implicated in these models of resolve ambiguity in
Hence, there has been considerable interest anxiety, and sometimes biases in memory func- one particular way
in recently developed techniques that have tion also have been thought to play a role (cf. Anxiety dysfunction:
proven capable of directly modifying low-level Ouimet et al. 2009). Cognitive-experimental problematic anxiety
cognitive biases implicated in such models methodologies that directly assess selective symptoms that are
of anxiety pathology (cf. Bar-Haim 2010, information processing have confirmed the unwarranted by the
situation and interfere
Hakamata et al. 2010, Hallion & Ruskio 2011, presence of such biases both in people suffering
with adaptive
Hertel & Mathews 2011, Mathews 2011). The from anxiety disorders and in nonclinical functioning
exponential growth of research employing individuals with an elevated dispositional
Anxiety disorder: a
these cognitive bias modification (CBM) vulnerability to experience anxiety symptoms. particular syndrome of
procedures has been remarkable. Although Clinically anxious patients reliably display dysfunctional anxiety
the seminal studies were conducted around a an attentional bias toward negative informa- symptoms matching
decade ago, over 70% of the contemporary tion, which is also sometimes shown by healthy diagnostic criteria for
one of several clinically
CBM literature is composed of publications individuals who reported elevated levels of
recognized categories
that have appeared only within the past three trait anxiety (cf. Bar-Haim et al. 2007). This of anxiety pathology
years. We provide an overview of this rapidly attentional bias has been assessed in a variety of • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 191

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

ways. Some techniques, such as the emotional of the initial ambiguity is revealed by a process-
Stroop task, require participants to ignore ing advantage for targets consistent with this
emotionally toned distracting information particular meaning (Hirsch & Mathews 1997).
while performing a central task, and selective Another technique used to assess anxiety-linked
attention to emotionally negative distractors interpretive bias involves having participants
is inferred by measuring the degree to which read descriptions of ambiguous scenarios and
their presence disproportionately disrupts then giving them a recognition memory test
central task performance (cf. Williams et al. that presents disambiguated versions of these
1996). Other approaches involve search tasks, scenarios so that their interpretations of the
where participants scan arrays of stimuli, and initial ambiguity can be inferred from the sub-
attentional bias is inferred from the relative jective familiarity of the alternative disambigua-
speed with which they can locate targets of tions encountered in the memory test (Eysenck
differing emotional tone (e.g., Olatunji et al. et al. 1991). Using such assessment procedures,
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

2010). Perhaps the most widely used method it has been clearly demonstrated that partic-
of assessing anxiety-linked attentional bias has ipants with elevated anxiety vulnerability or
been the visual probe task, in which stimuli that suffering from clinical anxiety are dispro-
differ in emotional tone are briefly exposed on a portionately inclined to interpret ambiguity
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

computer screen before a small visual probe ap- in a negative manner (cf. Richards 2004).
pears in the locus where one or other emotional Interpretive bias operating to selectively
stimuli were exposed (e.g., Koster et al. 2006, resolve ambiguity in a negative manner also
MacLeod et al. 2007). Participants must quickly is associated with depressive disposition (e.g.,
discriminate probe identity, and relative speed- Ree et al. 2006).
ing to do so when probes appear in the locus of Evidence of an anxiety-linked memory bias
negative stimuli provides an index of selective has been more mixed (cf. MacLeod & Mathews
attention to such information. Such assessment 2004). Such a bias has sometimes been ob-
techniques have repeatedly demonstrated served both in clinical anxiety patients and
attentional bias to negative stimuli in both in nonclinical participants with elevated trait
clinical and nonclinical manifestations of dys- anxiety (e.g., Ghassemzadeh & Baraheni et al.
functional anxiety (cf. Cisler & Koster 2010). 2003), though it is a more robust characteristic
Attentional bias to disorder-relevant informa- of clinical and subclinical depression (cf.
tion has sometimes been observed in other Mathews & MacLeod 2005). Anxiety vulner-
conditions, such as depression (e.g., Baert et al. ability and dysfunction also is associated with
2010). certain patterns of appraisal bias that plausibly
Interpretive bias, reflecting selective im- may contribute to anxious symptomatology.
position of negative meanings on ambiguity, For example, the biased appraisal of anxiety
also has proven characteristic of clinical and symptoms themselves, resulting in their at-
subclinical anxiety dysfunction (cf. Mathews tribution to sinister causes and imbuing them
2011). A common assessment approach has with the capacity to cause harm, is the key
been to examine the impact of initial ambiguous characteristic of elevated anxiety sensitivity
information on the processing of subsequent (Reiss et al. 1986), a disposition predictive
target information differentially related to al- of anxiety pathology (Taylor et al. 1992).
ternative meanings of the preceding ambiguity. Similarly, biased appraisal of intrusive negative
For example, participants have been exposed to thoughts, resulting in the assumption of
narrative descriptions of ambiguous scenarios personal responsibility for these mental events,
and required after each to make a simple judg- is a characteristic of obsessive-compulsive dis-
ment about a final target word, such as whether order, which may contribute to the heightened
it is grammatically or lexically legitimate. An capacity to elicit anxiety in individuals with
interpretive bias favoring negative resolutions this condition (Salkovskis & Forrester 2002).

192 MacLeod · Mathews

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The compelling evidence that dysfunctional to manipulate a process brings with

anxiety is characterized by these patterns of it the opportunity to learn about the
selective information processing lends plausi- mechanisms underpinning that process.
CBT: cognitive
bility to theoretical accounts that implicate such Just as the development and refinement behavior therapy
cognitive bias in the etiology of anxiety disor- of conditioning techniques to modify
ders and in the origin of anxiety vulnerability. behavior shed much light on the fun-
Nevertheless, these findings cannot serve to de- damental learning mechanisms that
termine the causal status of cognitive bias in this govern behavioral variability, so too
observed association. has the development and evaluation of
CBM techniques enabled researchers to
illuminate the fundamental information-
The Purpose of Cognitive Bias processing mechanisms that govern
Modification Research anxiety-linked patterns of cognitive bias.
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

CBM research has not been motivated by a sin- The pursuit of these three objectives has
gle purpose. Rather, the following three re- been closely intertwined. CBM work designed
lated objectives have been pursued through to advance understanding of causality has
the development and application of CBM shaped therapeutic applications of CBM deliv-
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

methodologies: ered to clinically anxious participants, while the

1. To determine the causal status of cog- outcomes of this latter work in turn have shed
nitive bias: Demonstrating an association light on the causal contributions of selective in-
between a particular cognitive bias and a formation processing to anxiety disorders. Both
heightened disposition to experience anx- lines of research have served to increase un-
iety does not permit the conclusion that derstanding of the mechanisms that underpin
the bias causally contributes to this dispo- anxiety-linked cognitive bias.
sition. A powerful way of determining if
one variable causally influences another is
The Nature of Cognitive Bias
to test whether the direct manipulation of
Modification Methodologies
the first serves to alter the second. Hence,
an early impetus for the development of The idea that dysfunctional patterns of think-
CBM methodologies was to enable the ing may contribute to anxiety pathology has
direct manipulation of such biases to test driven the development of cognitive behavior
the veracity of those theoretical models therapy (CBT) for clinical anxiety disorders
of anxiety that attribute causal status to (cf. Clark & Beck 2010). Conventional CBT
them. interventions typically aim to (a) provide pa-
2. To evaluate the therapeutic potential of tients with insight into the roles their thoughts
direct bias modification: Early CBM re- play in the generation and maintenance of
search demonstrating that CBM could their anxiety symptoms, (b) assist them in iden-
temporarily alter anxiety vulnerability tifying unhelpful thoughts that trigger such
generated interest in the possibility that symptoms, and (c) encourage and enable them
these methodologies may have practical to challenge these thoughts in ways that reduce
application in the therapeutic attenuation their credibility and attenuate their emotional
of anxiety dysfunction. This has led to re- influence. In contrast, CBM is not designed to
search designed to evaluate the capacity of alter the manner in which individuals respond
CBM procedures to alleviate problematic to anxiogenic thoughts but rather to directly
anxiety symptoms and to ameliorate anx- change the cognitive processes that give
iety responses to stressful environments. rise to such thinking. Koster and colleagues
3. To illuminate the nature of cognitive bias (2009) identify two key features of such CBM
mechanisms: Developing the capacity methodologies. First, each CBM procedure • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 193

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is designed to directly alter one specific low- (e.g., MacLeod 1995), and Mathews &
level bias in selective information processing, MacLeod (2002) provide an early review of
theoretically implicated in the generation of this work. The CBM-A approach that has been
CBM-A: cognitive
bias modification dysfunctional anxiety and usually assumed to most frequently employed across recent years
targeting selective operate prior to conscious thought. Second, represents a training version of the attentional
attention CBM does not rely on insight, as the targeted probe task previously used to assess anxiety-
biases need not be introspectively accessible. linked attentional bias (MacLeod et al. 1986).
Rather, it seeks to modify the target bias In the assessment version of this task, probes are
through extended practice on a task configured presented equally often in the screen locations
to induce such change. In the majority of cases, where either the negative or neutral member of
this is a reconfigured variant of a cognitive- a stimulus pair just appeared. However, in the
experimental task that previously has been bias modification version of the task, the probes
employed to assess this specific cognitive bias always appear only in the locus of the negative
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

and that has proven capable of distinguishing stimuli (attend-negative training) or the neutral
participants who differ in terms of anxiety vul- stimuli (avoid-negative training). Whether
nerability or dysfunction. The reconfiguration the emotional stimuli are words or images,
involves introducing a training contingency Mathews & MacLeod (2002) report that
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

into the task, such that ease of task performance extended exposure to these alternative train-
will be enhanced by acquisition of the intended ing conditions serves to induce differential
bias change. Generally, participants are not attentional responding to negative infor-
informed of this training contingency, and mation. For example, in two studies using
they usually are unable to subsequently report word stimuli, MacLeod and colleagues (2002)
it. Hence, as Beard (2011) observes, though exposed participants to 576 trials of this
completion of a CBM task may be volitional, CBM-A task in either of the training con-
neither the cognitive bias targeted by this ditions. When attentional selectivity was
procedure nor the process through which bias subsequently measured using new word stimuli
change is induced is assumed to be under and the conventional assessment version of the
volitional control. probe task, participants given the alternative
The precise nature of the CBM depends training conditions were found to differ in
upon the particular type of bias that it is in- attentional bias. Those who had completed
tended to change. In the following sections, we attend-negative training showed a relative
separately review the development and appli- speeding to probes in the locus of negative
cation of CBM procedures designed to modify words, indicating attentional vigilance for
attentional and interpretive bias. We also con- negative stimuli. In contrast, participants who
sider how the CBM approach is being extended had completed avoid-negative training showed
to target some other types of clinically relevant disproportionate slowing to probes in the
processing selectivity. locus of negative words, indicating attentional
avoidance of such stimuli.
The majority of attentional bias modifica-
COGNITIVE BIAS tion studies to date have employed variants
MODIFICATION TARGETING of this probe CBM-A approach, and its capacity
ATTENTIONAL SELECTIVITY to modify attentional selectivity is now well es-
tablished (cf. Hakamata et al. 2010). However,
Development of Attentional Bias
other approaches also have been developed.
Modification Techniques
For example, Dandeneau & Baldwin (2004)
Researchers began developing cognitive bias developed a visual search CBM-A procedure,
modification procedures to change attentional designed to suppress attention to negative
selectivity (CBM-A) around the mid-1990s stimuli while developing attentional vigilance

194 MacLeod · Mathews

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for positive stimuli, that required participants children reported no significant elevation of
to search for a single positive stimulus in a ma- anxiety. Independent raters confirmed that the
trix otherwise comprising negative distractor children who received avoid-negative CBM-A
stimuli. Compared to a control condition, this also displayed fewer behavioral signs of anxiety
has been found to reduce attentional vigilance during the problem task.
for negative stimuli as assessed using either Modification of attentional bias using the
the emotional Stroop task (Dandeneau & visual search variant of CBM-A also has been
Baldwin 2004, Dandeneau et al. 2007) or the found to influence emotional vulnerability.
attentional probe task (Dandeneau & Baldwin Dandeneau & Baldwin (2009) gave unselected
2009, Dandeneau et al. 2007). participants from an adult education center
either a single session of this CBM-A task,
configured to induce attentional avoidance
Single-Session Applications of of frowning faces, or a control task with no
Attentional Bias Modification
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

attentional training contingency. The former

As we have discussed, attentional bias to nega- condition served to reduce attentional bias to
tive information is associated with heightened social rejection information, as revealed by a
anxiety vulnerability. CBM-A techniques have subsequent probe assessment procedure. It also
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

been used within single-session laboratory served to attenuate the feelings of rejection later
studies to evaluate the hypothesis that such at- elicited by a simulated social interaction. This
tentional selectivity causally contributes to this beneficial effect of the CBM-A training was
disposition by testing whether its modification especially evident for participants who initially
affects readiness to experience anxiety symp- scored low on measures of self-esteem. Findings
toms. For example, after having successfully of this type lend clear support to the hypothesis
induced differential attentional response to that biased attentional response to negative
negative information in two groups of mid-trait information can make a causal contribution
anxious participants using the probe CBM-A to emotional vulnerability. They also suggest
approach, MacLeod et al. (2002) exposed them the clinically important possibility that people
to a stressful anagram task. The degree to which with an elevated disposition to experience dys-
this stressor elicited anxiety depended on CBM- functional symptoms may potentially benefit in
A condition. Relative to participants exposed practical ways from CBM procedures. Research
to the attend-negative condition, those who re- examining the impact of CBM-A in partici-
ceived the avoid-negative condition displayed pants chosen because they exhibit problematic
attenuated anxiety responses to the anagram anxiety symptoms has further supported the po-
stressor. Moreover, participants who developed tential therapeutic value of CBM-A approaches
the most pronounced attention avoidance of while lending weight to the hypothesis that
negative information in response to the CBM-A attentional bias causally contributes to anxiety
manipulation came to display greatest atten- dysfunction.
uation of emotional reactivity to the stressor. Amir et al. (2008) exposed participants who
Eldar and colleagues (2008) obtained similar reported difficulty with public speaking to a
findings using a pictorial version of this probe single session of pictorial probe CBM-A, either
CBM-A procedure in unselected 7- to 12-year- in the avoid-negative condition or in a control
olds. Children exposed to the avoid-negative condition containing no attentional training
CBM-A condition subsequently showed less contingency. As intended, those in the former
attention to negative information than did chil- condition came to display greater attentional
dren exposed to the attend-negative condition. avoidance of negative information compared to
Most importantly, in response to a subsequent participants in the control condition. Of most
puzzle task stressor, the latter children reported importance, they also reported lower levels
a robust elevation of anxiety while the former of state anxiety and were judged by raters to • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 195

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

exhibit less behavioral evidence of anxiety when demonstrated heightened ability to perform
subsequently delivering a short speech. The a behavioral approach task (BAT) involving
impact of the CBM-A manipulation on both exposure to feared contaminants. Their im-
measures of anxiety was statistically mediated proved BAT performance was mediated by the
by its effect on attentional bias. Reduction CBM-A-induced change in attentional bias. In
of attentional bias to negative information a recent extension of Eldar et al.’s (2008) study,
also reduces negative thought intrusions in Bar-Haim et al. (2011) investigated whether the
people who show an excessive tendency to benefits of CBM-A would extend to a sample
worry. Hayes and colleagues (2010) assigned of children selected on the basis of exhibiting
participants scoring above 56 on the Penn State chronically high anxiety levels on the Screen
Worry Questionnaire (Meyer et al. 1990) to for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders
either a control condition or to CBM-A config- (Birmaher et al. 1999). These dispositionally
ured to elicit attentional avoidance of negative anxious children did indeed show attenuated
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

verbal stimuli. In addition to inducing such anxiety reactivity to a puzzle stressor follow-
change in attentional bias, this CBM-A also ing exposure to an avoid-negative CBM-A
attenuated negative thought intrusions during procedure.
a subsequent worry-induction procedure. Such findings indicate that the causal influ-
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

Hirsch and colleagues (2011) contrasted the ence of attentional bias extends to dysfunctional
impact of two variants of CBM-A on negative manifestations of anxiety. Of course, it would
thought intrusions during a subsequent worry- be imprudent to conclude from this that atten-
induction task. One variant was designed to tional bias causally contributes to all forms of
inhibit attentional engagement with negative anxiety dysfunction. The consistent failure to
information by reducing the degree to which influence particular types of anxiety symptoms
participants selectively moved attention toward through the use of CBM-A procedures also
negative information presented outside initial may be theoretically informative by serving
attentional focus. The other variant was de- to delineate those facets of anxiety that may
signed to facilitate attentional disengagement owe little to the influence of attentional bias.
from negative information by increasing the Specific fear symptoms have proven particu-
degree to which participants moved attention larly resistant to the influence of attentional
away from negative information presented bias modification. Single-session CBM-A
within initial attentional focus. Hirsch et al. procedures, successful in inducing attentional
(2011) found that the former CBM-A pro- avoidance of spider-related information, do
cedure was more effective than the latter not attenuate self-report, behavioral, or phys-
in attenuating subsequent negative thought iological indices of spider fear in spider-fearful
intrusions. This led them to conclude that participants (Harris & Menzies 1998, Reese
biased attentional engagement with negative et al. 2010, Van Bockstaele et al. 2011). There is
information may make the greater causal no doubt that selective attentional bias toward
contribution to this type of anxiety symptom. spider-related stimuli is a reliable feature of spi-
Najmi & Amir (2010) have reported ben- der fear (e.g., Kindt & Brosschot 1997, Mogg
eficial effects of CBM-A in people displaying & Bradley 2006). Nevertheless, the finding that
subclinical obsessive-compulsive symptoms. its modification does not influence spider fear
When given a single session of verbal probe symptoms suggests that attentional bias does
CBM-A in the avoid-negative training condi- not causally contribute to this condition. It may
tion, these participants came to show reduced be that other forms of selective information
attention to contamination-related informa- do play a functional role in specific fear, but
tion compared to participants exposed to Reese et al. (2010) suggest that attentional
a control procedure with no training con- bias to negative information may contribute
tingency. Furthermore, they subsequently only to the pattern of distressing and repetitive

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negative thinking that characterizes anxious Half received the avoid-negative CBM-A
rumination and worry, which is less evident in condition while half were exposed to a control
anxiety conditions involving specific fear. condition with no training contingency. The
GAD: generalized
As illustrated by studies of this type, the former participants alone developed a robust anxiety disorder
single-session application of CBM-A can pow- attentional bias away from negative stimuli
erfully contribute to the testing of hypotheses across the training period. State anxiety scores
concerning the causal contributions made by recorded immediately following the transition
attentional bias to differing facets of anxiety. event were significantly attenuated in these
The encouraging results obtained from single- participants relative to those in the control con-
session CBM-A studies have motivated investi- dition, and trait anxiety scores declined across
gators to examine the impact of more extended the period of the study only for participants
CBM delivery, and below we consider the con- given the avoid-negative CBM-A training. The
tribution made by work that has delivered CBM impact of the CBM-A manipulation on anxiety
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

across multiple sessions and has assessed its im- was mediated by its effect on attentional bias.
pact on anxiety experienced outside the labora- Extended delivery of the visual search CBM-A
tory setting. also has been found to influence responses
to a stressful work environment. Dandeneau
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

et al. (2007) had telemarketers complete either

Extended Applications of Attentional the avoid-negative or control version of this
Bias Modification CBM-A procedure every day for one week. Par-
The finding that transient modification of at- ticipants in the former condition alone reported
tentional bias impacts upon clinically relevant increased self-esteem and reduced perceived
anxiety symptoms in a laboratory setting con- stress. They also displayed lower cortisol re-
firms that this bias can causally contribute lease and cortisol reactivity than participants in
to such symptomatology. It also suggests that the control group, confirming the attenuation
CBM-A may be of potential therapeutic benefit of their stress response. Such findings indicate
in the alleviation of problematic anxiety. It does that attentional bias does have a causal role in
not, however, permit the conclusion that atten- shaping the emotional reactions to situational
tional bias makes a meaningful contribution to stress experienced in real-world settings.
anxiety in the naturalistic setting. Nor does it Extended CBM-A can also influence
mean that CBM-A can be delivered in a man- symptoms associated with anxiety dysfunction.
ner that produces meaningful change in nat- Hazen et al. (2009) delivered five daily sessions
urally occurring anxiety symptoms within the of probe CBM-A to a sample of extreme wor-
real world. To address these important issues, riers, in either the avoid-negative or control
researchers have sought to evaluate whether ex- condition. The former condition alone served
tended exposure to CBM-A can induce endur- to induce attentional avoidance of negative
ing attentional change that affects real-world information and to significantly attenuate neg-
experience. The findings generally support the ative emotional symptoms. Pathological worry
hypotheses that attentional bias does causally is the hallmark of generalized anxiety disorder
contribute to anxiety symptomatology beyond (GAD), and Amir and colleagues (2009a)
the laboratory context and testify to the likely have demonstrated that the symptoms of this
value of CBM-A in the treatment of anxiety anxiety disorder also can be improved through
dysfunction. the use of CBM-A. Patients with GAD were
See and colleagues (2009) delivered an given eight sessions of probe CBM-A across
online version of the probe CBM-A procedure a four-week period, again delivered either
to Singaporean high school graduates on a daily in the avoid-negative or control condition.
basis for two weeks prior to their emigration Those in the former condition alone evidenced
to commence tertiary education overseas. significant reduction of worry and anxiety, and • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 197

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

such symptom improvement was mediated by disorders. Of equal importance, these same
the reduction of attention to negative informa- findings provide compelling evidence that
tion. Only 50% of the participants receiving biased patterns of attentional selectivity do
GSD: generalized
social anxiety disorder avoid-negative CBM-A still met diagnostic causally contribute to the clinical symptoms of
criteria for GAD at the end of the four-week anxiety pathology.
CBM-I: cognitive
bias modification intervention, compared to 87% of the control
targeting selective group. Attentional bias modification also has
interpretation been found to influence the symptoms of COGNITIVE BIAS
generalized social anxiety disorder (GSD). MODIFICATION TARGETING
Using the same schedule employed by Amir INTERPRETIVE SELECTIVITY
et al. (2009a), Schmidt and colleagues (2009)
exposed GSD patients to a variant of this probe
Development of Interpretive Bias
Modification Techniques
CBM-A procedure that modified attentional
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

response to faces displaying critical expres- In cognitive bias modification procedures that
sions. Unlike those in the control condition, target interpretive bias (CBM-I), each trial first
participants in the avoid-negative condition presents ambiguous information, after which
showed significant reductions in anxiety and the participant must make a decision that should
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

depression symptoms, maintained at four be facilitated by one or other interpretation of

months. Only 38% of these participants this ambiguity. Required decisions are struc-
continued to meet diagnostic criteria for GSD tured such that these consistently benefit from
at the end of the CBM-A program compared to one particular pattern of selective interpreta-
89% of the control group. Similarly impressive tion, in the expectation that participants will
findings have been reported by Amir et al. come to favor this interpretive style. In the first
(2009b), who delivered this same CBM-A pro- reported CBM-I procedure, Grey & Mathews
cedure to individuals with generalized social (2000) presented participants first with a ho-
phobia. Unlike control participants, those who mograph that permitted a negative and a more
received avoid-negative training evidenced a positive interpretation, such as “growth,” which
significant reduction of clinical symptoms, fully can be interpreted negatively to mean a bodily
maintained at four-month follow-up, and this lump caused by disease or more innocuously to
symptom improvement was mediated by the mean a general increase in size or importance.
CBM-A-induced change in attentional bias. The homograph was followed on every trial
Emotional dysfunction in children and youths by a word fragment that participants had to
also may be responsive to this four-week CBM- quickly complete. Fragment completion always
A program delivered in the avoid-negative yielded a word related to a meaning of the ini-
condition. Rozenman et al. (2011) reported tial homograph, which consequently could be
that 10- to 17-year-old participants suffering a useful aid to such completion. In the CBM-I
from separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, condition designed to induce negative inter-
or GAD responded to this with clinically sig- pretive bias (interpret-negative), the solution to
nificant reductions of anxiety symptoms, and the fragment was always a word related to the
only 25% of these participants met diagnostic negative meaning of the homograph. Thus, in
criteria after the CBM-A intervention. this condition the homograph “growth” could
Findings from the studies reviewed in this be followed by the fragment C-NC-R, which
section highlight the capacity of CBM-A to yields the completion CANCER. In the other
produce clinically relevant symptom change in CBM-I condition, designed to induce more
participants suffering from dysfunctional anxi- positive interpretive bias (interpret-positive),
ety and give grounds for optimism concerning the solution to the fragment was always a
the future therapeutic potential of extended word related to the homograph’s more positive
CBM-A procedures in the treatment of anxiety meaning. For example, in this condition the

198 MacLeod · Mathews

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

homograph “growth” could be followed by the anxiety levels than those who completed the
fragment GR-AT-R, which yields the comple- task in the interpret-negative condition. Sub-
tion GREATER. Following up to 240 CBM-I sequent research confirmed and extended this
trials, the induced pattern of interpretive finding, showing that a session of such CBM-
selectivity was assessed by measuring relative I delivered in the interpret-positive condition,
latency to process target words related to either rather than the interpret-negative condition,
meaning of a preceding homograph. Across led to significant decline not only in state anxi-
two studies, performance on these assessment ety but in trait anxiety questionnaire scores also
trials confirmed that participants exposed (Salemink et al. 2007a, 2009). Salemink et al.
to the interpret-positive CBM-I condition (2009) demonstrated that the effect exerted by
came to show more benign interpretations the CBM-I procedure on trait anxiety was me-
of ambiguity than did those exposed to the diated by the induced change in interpretive
interpret-negative CBM-I condition. Subse- bias. As these investigators conclude, this sug-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

quent studies have confirmed that this CBM-I gests that interpretative bias makes a causal con-
procedure modifies the selective interpretation tribution to anxiety vulnerability.
of ambiguity (e.g., Grey & Mathews 2009). To exclude the possibility that CBM-I-
Mathews & Mackintosh (2000) created a induced change in questionnaire measures of
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

CBM-I variant in which each trial begins with trait anxiety might reflect only the biased inter-
the textual description of an ambiguous situ- pretation of past emotional experience rather
ation, and participants must complete a final than genuine change in anxiety vulnerability,
word fragment to provide a meaningful ending. researchers have examined whether CBM-I can
In the interpret-negative CBM-I conditions, influence subsequently observed emotional re-
final fragments can yield only completions activity. Salemink et al. (2007b) found no dif-
consistent with the negative interpretation ference in the degree to which a later anagram
of the preceding ambiguity, whereas in the stressor served to elevate anxiety in participants
interpret-positive condition, they can yield previously exposed to the alternative CBM-I
only completions consistent with the positive conditions. However, it should be noted that
interpretation of this ambiguity. Following 100 this was the single study in which these inves-
or so trials of this CBM-I procedure, Mathews tigators also failed to find an impact of CBM-
& Mackintosh assessed interpretations of new I condition on their questionnaire measure of
ambiguous scenarios, using Eysenck et al.’s trait anxiety, rendering conclusions difficult.
(1991) recognition memory procedure. Across Salemink et al. (2007b) also raise the possibil-
a series of five studies, participants’ familiarity ity that their anagram stressor may have in-
ratings for disambiguated versions of these test volved insufficient ambiguity for differences in
scenarios confirmed that they had acquired a interpretive bias to influence anxiety responses.
pattern of interpretive bias consistent with the Consistent with this possibility, better evidence
direction of CBM-I training. The capacity of for the causal involvement of interpretive bias
this CBM-I approach to reliably modify inter- in anxiety vulnerability has been obtained using
pretive bias has been confirmed in subsequent a stressor that more clearly invites alternative
work (e.g., Salemink et al. 2009). emotional interpretation. After delivering a sin-
gle session of Grey & Mathews’ (2000) CBM-I
task to mid-trait anxious students, Wilson and
Single-Session Applications of colleagues (2006) exposed them to brief video
Interpretive Bias Modification clips of real-life emergency situations in which
Mathews & Mackintosh (2000) found that par- the victim of a near disaster was injured but
ticipants who completed a single session of ultimately rescued. Participants who had just
their CBM-I task in the interpret-positive train- completed a CBM-I session in the interpret-
ing condition subsequently reported lower state negative condition demonstrated a pronounced • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 199

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

elevation of both state anxiety and depression condition. The former participants, unlike the
in response to these video clips, whereas the latter, came to display more benign interpre-
clips did not elevate either anxiety or depres- tations of ambiguity, reduced scores on the
sion for participants who had completed CBM- Anxiety Sensitivity Index, and a trend toward
I in the interpret-positive condition. CBM-I attenuated anxiety responses to a subsequently
procedures also have proven effective in mod- delivered interoceptive exposure challenge.
ifying interpretive bias in children and youths It is interesting to note that, in keeping with
(Lothmann et al. 2011). When Muris and col- attentional bias modification, CBM-I has not
leagues exposed schoolchildren aged 8–13 to yet been shown to influence spider fear, despite
a single session of CBM-I in the interpret- the fact that spider-fearful individuals do tend
positive condition, these children judged sub- to interpret spider-related scenarios in a dispro-
sequently presented ambiguous scenarios to be portionately negative manner (de Jong & Muris
less threatening than did children who instead 2002). Teachman & Addison (2008) exposed
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

had been exposed to the interpret-negative spider-fearful participants to a single session of

CBM-I condition (Muris et al. 2008, 2009). Mathews & Mackintosh’s (2000) CBM-I proce-
The results of these studies, carried out dure in alternative conditions respectively de-
using unselected participant samples, clearly signed to increase either negative or positive in-
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

support the idea that interpretive bias causally terpretations of spider scenarios. Although this
contributes to variation in anxiety vulnera- successfully induced a group difference in in-
bility, underpinning differential tendencies to terpretive bias, CBM-I condition did not influ-
experience elevated anxiety in response to situ- ence the behavioral avoidance or subjective dis-
ations that can be interpreted in different ways. tress elicited by subsequent exposure to a large
However, this need not mean that interpretive spider. Although Teachman & Addison (2008)
bias also is causally implicated in the types of emphasize the need for further research, their
anomalous experience associated with anxiety results suggest that interpretive bias may not
dysfunction. Support for such a conclusion causally contribute to spider fear. Perhaps, as
would be strengthened by the demonstra- Reese et al. (2010) propose may be the case for
tion that CBM-I can attenuate pre-existing attentional bias, selective interpretation instead
symptoms of this type. Several investigators drives patterns of distressing negative thinking
have reported such evidence. Murphy et al. more characteristic of worry than specific fear.
(2007) selected participants with pre-existing Certainly, the modification of interpretive
high levels of social anxiety and exposed them bias does appear to influence the frequency of
to a single session of an auditory CBM-I negative thought intrusions in worry-prone
procedure based on Mathews & Mackintosh’s individuals. A sample of such worriers, selected
(2000) task. Compared to participants given on the basis of their high scores on the Penn
a control condition with no training contin- State Worry Questionnaire, was given a single
gency, those given interpret-positive CBM-I CBM-I session by Hirsch et al. (2009). Partici-
training subsequently imposed less-negative pants who received an interpret-positive CBM-
interpretations on ambiguous test scenarios I procedure reported fewer negative thought
and expressed lower expectations of feeling intrusions during a subsequent breathing focus
anxious in future social situations. Steinman task than did participants who received a
& Teachman (2010) selected participants who control procedure. Given that the hallmark of
scored high on the Anxiety Sensitivity Index GAD is an inflated tendency to worry, Hirsch
(Reiss et al. 1986), a well-established vulner- et al.’s findings suggest that interpretive bias
ability marker for anxiety pathology (Taylor may contribute to the symptomatology of this
et al. 1992), and gave them a single session of anxiety disorder. Consistent with this possi-
Mathews & Mackintosh’s CBM-I task in either bility, Hayes et al. (2010) have confirmed that
the interpret-positive condition or a control CBM-I can indeed reduce negative thought

200 MacLeod · Mathews

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

intrusions in participants who meet diagnostic 24 hours after a single session of CBM-I was
criteria for GAD. When performing a breath- accompanied by a corresponding group dif-
ing focus task immediately after a single session ference in emotional vulnerability at this later
of the same CBM-I used by Hirsch et al. (2009), point in time, as revealed by participants’ anxi-
GAD patients exposed to the interpret-positive ety reactions to the video stressor developed by
condition reported significantly lower rates of Wilson et al. (2006). Therefore, a single session
negative thought intrusion than did those who of CBM-I can exert a fairly enduring impact on
received the control condition. both interpretive bias and anxiety vulnerability.
Thus, studies delivering single sessions of Nevertheless, researchers using CBM-I to
CBM-I within the laboratory have proven ca- investigate whether selective interpretation
pable of illuminating the causal status of inter- causally contributes to anxiety experience in
pretive bias. The results generally support the real-world settings generally have employed
hypothesis that the selective interpretation of multiple sessions of CBM-I delivered across
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

ambiguity can contribute to heightened anxi- more extended periods of time. For example,
ety vulnerability and to clinically relevant pat- to determine whether CBM-I could alter high
terns of anxiety symptoms. We now consider trait anxious individuals’ emotional symptoms
findings from studies that have employed more in their natural environment, Mathews et al.
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

extensive CBM-I delivery and examined its im- (2007) had them complete four CBM-I sessions
pact outside the laboratory setting. across a two-week period. When assessed one
week later, participants who received interpret-
positive training evidenced reduced negative
Extended Applications of Interpretive interpretation of ambiguity and reported low-
Bias Modification ered trait anxiety scores compared to control
Researchers have only recently begun to in- participants. The finding that extended CBM-
vestigate whether CBM-I can induce enduring I can reduce trait anxiety in participants with
change in interpretive bias in ways that influ- a pre-existing high level of anxiety vulnerabil-
ence real-world emotional experience. This ity has proven to be reliable. Salemink et al.
work has revealed that the interpretive change (2009) selected high trait anxious participants
induced by even a single session of CBM-I is who showed a negative interpretive bias and
surprisingly robust. Salemink & van den Hout gave them eight consecutive daily sessions of
(2010) observed that differential interpretive Mathews & Mackintosh’s (2000) CBM-I pro-
bias, induced by Mathews & Mackintosh’s cedure. Those who received interpret-positive
(2000) CBM-I procedure, was not attenuated CBM-I subsequently evidenced more positive
by a mood induction subsequently adminis- interpretive bias than did control participants.
tered in the same experimental session. When They also demonstrated a significant decrease
Yiend et al. (2005) investigated the temporal in trait anxiety scores and a reduction of scores
persistence of differential interpretive bias on the SCL-90 (Derogatis & Lazarus 1994),
induced by such CBM-I, they found it to which assesses general psychopathology.
remain evident even after a 24-hour interval, Salemink et al. (2009) found no CBM-I
which was the longest delay considered in their induced change on a measure of social anxiety,
series of experiments. Mackintosh et al. (2006) though social anxiety may not have been a
further demonstrated that persistence of CBM- prominent symptom in their participants, who
I-induced interpretive bias across a 24-hour were selected on the basis of elevated trait
period was unaffected by changing the contexts anxiety alone. When socially anxious partic-
of the CBM-I training session and the inter- ipants have been given extended exposure to
pretive bias assessment session. Mackintosh interpret-positive CBM-I training, this has
et al. also were able to show that the induced been shown to attenuate their social anxiety
group difference in interpretative bias observed symptoms. Beard & Amir (2008) exposed such • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 201

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

participants to eight sessions of CBM-I across a with the dual objectives of testing models
four-week period and assessed the impact of this that causally implicate these specific types of
intervention two or more days later. Partici- cognitive bias and potentially alleviating clinical
pants who had completed the interpret-positive symptomatology through their modification.
CBM-I came to display reduced negative in- Although much of this work is still in its infancy,
terpretations of ambiguity, and reduced social we briefly consider several of these other CBM
anxiety symptoms on the SPS, compared to approaches to illustrate their diversity and com-
control participants. This reduction of so- municate the likely flavor of things to come.
cial anxiety symptoms was mediated by the
observed change in their interpretive bias. Modification of Memory
Vassilopoulos et al. (2009) delivered three
As we noted above, the relationship between
sessions of the same CBM-I procedure to 10-
anxiety and memory bias is presently unclear.
to 11-year-old socially anxious children across
Selective memory retrieval, favoring negative
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

a seven-day period. When assessed 3 to 4 days

information, has sometimes been observed in
later, negative interpretations of ambiguity had
anxious participants (e.g., Ghassemzadeh et al.
significantly declined in the children exposed
2003). However, this is an inconsistent finding
to the interpret-positive CBM-I relative to
(MacLeod & Mathews 2004), and it is unknown
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

control participants. The former children alone

whether this bias in memory makes a contri-
also evidenced a significant decline in their
bution to anxiety vulnerability or dysfunction.
scores on the Social Anxiety Scale for Children
Hence, it would be of value to develop CBM
(La Greca & Stone 1993) and expressed a
procedures capable of directly manipulating
reduced expectancy of experiencing anxiety
selective memory for negative material in order
in an anticipated social situation. Again, the
to test whether the modification of such mem-
magnitude of the CBM-I-induced reduction
ory bias exerts an impact on anxiety. Anderson
in negative interpretive bias significantly
& Green (2001) demonstrated that when
predicted the size of the observed reduction in
participants were repeatedly exposed to cues
social anxiety symptoms.
previously associated with target memories,
In summary, therefore, the use of extended
while endeavoring not to think of these target
CBM-I has served to indicate that interpretive
memories, then this effort to not think of them
bias can make a causal contribution to dysfunc-
can drive active forgetting of such targets.
tional anxiety symptoms, with the possible ex-
Joormann and colleagues have adapted and
ception of specific fear. The findings lend sup-
extended this approach to successfully induce
port to cognitive models that implicate biased
forgetting of negative target information
interpretation in the etiology of anxiety pathol-
( Joormann et al. 2005, 2009). As yet, it is
ogy, and they bode well for the possibility that
not known whether successful application of
extended CBM-I may be of future therapeutic
this memory modification procedure serves to
value in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
attenuate dispositional anxiety or dysfunctional
anxiety symptoms. However, this would be
COGNITIVE BIAS expected if such selective memory bias causally
MODIFICATION TARGETING contributes to these facets of emotion, and
OTHER TYPES OF PROCESSING so future CBM work on this topic will be
SELECTIVITY theoretically illuminating while also yielding
potential applied benefits.
To date, CBM research has mostly focused
on selective attention and interpretation. How-
ever, the scope of CBM techniques is beginning Modification of Imagery
to expand as clinical investigators seek ways of Negative mental imagery is a common feature
directly manipulating other forms of selectivity, of psychological dysfunction (Hackman &

202 MacLeod · Mathews

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Holmes 2004), which some theorists propose dysfunctional emotional experience reflects
may make an especially strong contribution to maladaptive appraisal processes has motivated
emotional symptoms such as anxiety (Holmes clinical researchers to seek ways of directly
& Mathews 2005). This has led investigators modifying appraisal styles. In some cases,
to compare the efficacy of CBM-I procedures participants have been exposed to scenarios
designed to target either imagery-based pro- and explicitly directed to practice appraising
cessing or verbally based processing in order them in a prespecified manner, and benefits
to test the resulting prediction that the former of such directed appraisal practice have been
will be more potent in influencing such emo- reported (e.g., Schartau et al. 2009, Watkins
tional experience. For example, Holmes et al. et al. 2009). These procedures involve the
(2006) used a single-session auditory CBM-I intentional practice of an instructed style of
procedure to increase positive resolutions of thinking, as in traditional cognitive behavior
ambiguous scenarios but varied whether partic- therapy, although the use of preconstructed
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

ipants were instructed to form mental images or scenarios enables such practice to be delivered
verbal representations of these scenarios. The in an intensive and controlled manner. They
imagery condition was more effective in induc- differ from CBM methodologies in that the
ing a benign interpretive bias, and only in this tasks themselves contain no intrinsic training
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

condition did the CBM-I procedure serve to contingencies designed to shape acquisition of
attenuate state anxiety. Holmes and colleagues the desired cognitive change.
(2009) have replicated this finding while also However, Lang and colleagues (2009) have
showing that the imagery variant of CBM-I led adapted the CBM approach to modify selective
to greater attenuation of negative emotional appraisal. Their study tested the hypothesis
response to a subsequent mood induction than that appraising negative intrusive memories
was evident using the verbal variant. These as signs of weakness and instability serves to
findings are consistent with the premise that increase their frequency. Lang et al. amended
imagery makes a particularly powerful func- Mathews & Mackintosh’s CBM procedure by
tional contribution to emotional experience presenting on each trial a sentence communi-
and suggest that the clinical benefits of CBM cating a possible appraisal of a negative memory
designed to attenuate dysfunctional anxiety intrusion, the nature of which depended upon
may be optimized by the use of procedures the identity of a word fragment, which partic-
that directly target negative mental imagery. ipants were required to quickly complete. By
manipulating these word fragments such that
their completion was made easier by the con-
Modification of Appraisal sistent adoption of a particular appraisal style,
Interpretive bias influences how people re- Lang et al. (2009) created appraise-negative
solve the meaning of intrinsically ambiguous and appraise-positive versions of this CBM
information. However, even when information procedure. Thus, for example, participants
is not itself ambiguous, people still vary could encounter a sentence that began “Having
in terms of how they appraise it, drawing intrusive memories means that I am coping”
differing inferences about its importance and and ended with the fragment “b-dly” (yielding
implications. Some dimensions of anxiety the completion “badly”) or “we-l” (yielding the
vulnerability, such as anxiety sensitivity and completion “well”), in the appraise-negative
obsessionality, are characterized by distinctive and appraise-positive versions, respectively.
biases in such appraisal processes, and theorists Participants received a single session of this
have implicated these idiosyncratic patterns CBM procedure, in either condition, before
of implicational thinking in the generation of being exposed to a distressing film. Across the
associated anxiety symptoms (Reiss et al. 1986, subsequent seven days, those who had received
Salkovskis & Forrester 2002). The premise that appraise-positive CBM reported lower levels • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 203

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

of negative memory intrusion concerning Can CBM Findings Be Attributed

the film than did those who had received the to Demand Effects?
appraise-negative CBM. These findings sup-
An elementary issue concerns whether CBM
port the hypothesis that the manner in which
operates by producing genuine change in
negative memory intrusions are appraised
cognitive bias and symptomatology or whether
causally influences their frequency.
observed findings might instead represent
It seems likely that this CBM approach
demand effects. We consider demand effect
could be extended to modify patterns of ap-
explanations implausible for at least six related
praisal theoretically implicated in anxiety dys-
reasons. First, the predictions that most CBM
function, such as the negative appraisal of anx-
studies are designed to test are not self-evident.
iety symptoms that characterizes heightened
Differences between CBM conditions are
anxiety sensitivity or the biased appraisal of in-
usually subtle, involving contingencies that
trusive negative thoughts that leads individuals
are neither communicated to participants nor
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

with obsessive-compulsive disorder to assume

relevant to the decisions they are instructed
undue responsibility for them. Extensions of
to make. Demand effect accounts require not
appraisal bias modification could serve to test
only that these contingencies be apprehended
hypotheses concerning the causal contributions
but also that participants accurately infer
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

made by such styles of appraisal to these types of

their expected impacts on both cognition and
problematic anxiety while also potentially pro-
pertinent symptomatology and feel motivated
viding a means of therapeutically attenuating
to simulate these anticipated consequences.
their severity.
Second, even if this were the case, simulating
the observed cognitive changes often would
COGNITIVE BIAS be extraordinarily difficult, such as requiring
MODIFICATION AND participants to display speeding of around
COGNITIVE MECHANISMS 30 ms in one assessment condition compared
CBM research not only provides insight into to another (e.g., Eldar et al. 2008, Grey &
the causal role played by different forms of Mathews 2000). Third, evidence that CBM
processing selectivity in shaping anxiety vul- can influence the targeted cognitive processes
nerability and dysfunction but also can extend is not restricted to performance on assessment
knowledge of the mechanisms underpinning tasks but is supported by neurocognitive
these cognitive biases. Developing the capac- measures. For example, exposure to differing
ity to modify a cognitive process deepens un- CBM-A training conditions modulates activity
derstanding of mechanisms in two interrelated in neurocognitive systems implicated in at-
ways. First, it requires researchers to identify tentional control (Browning et al. 2009, Eldar
the mechanisms that underpin the observed & Bar-Haim 2010). Fourth, symptom change
change in the target process. Second, by ob- is often highly specific. For example, demand
serving the degree to which the modification of effects cannot readily accommodate the ob-
one particular cognitive process does, or does servation that participants commonly report
not, exert an impact on other cognitive pro- no difference in mood state directly following
cesses, it permits researchers to fractionate the CBM-A or CBM-I but instead show differences
cognitive system into its component elements, in emotional reactivity only to a subsequent
distinguishing which types of bias plausibly re- stressor (MacLeod et al. 2002, Wilson et al.
sult from selectivity in shared mechanisms and 2006). Fifth, CBM-induced symptom change
which instead appear to reflect selectivity in is observed on psychophysiological indices that
the operation of independent mechanisms. We lie beyond intentional control (Dandeneau
here consider several topical questions perti- et al. 2007). Sixth, when participants have been
nent to each of these issues. required to report their expectancies, such

204 MacLeod · Mathews

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reports have consistently led researchers to et al. 2009, Mackintosh et al. 2006). Hence it is
reject the plausibility of demand effect expla- unlikely that the bias change elicited by CBM
nations of their findings (Hayes et al. 2010, See is mediated by the impact of CBM procedures
et al. 2009). Of course, although these consider- on mood (Mathews 2011).
ations mitigate against demand effect accounts An alternative possibility is that CBM may
of CBM-A and CBM-I findings, researchers semantically prime those categories of infor-
must continue to guard against their potential mation that participants are exposed to in ways
influence by employing designs that obscure that influence performance on bias assessment
experimenter expectations, objectively assess tasks. Particularly with respect to CBM-I pro-
induced cognitive change, and supplement cedures, such priming effects could in principle
self-report symptom indices wherever possible emulate the intended cognitive change without
with behavioral and physiological measures. this change actually occurring. Specifically,
participants completing CBM-I procedures
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

that repeatedly expose them to either positive

Do CBM Effects Reflect Change in or negative target information related to
the Intended Cognitive Process? alternative meanings of prior ambiguity might
The fact that CBM procedures induce genuine become better at processing this class of target
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

cognitive change need not mean that they di- information as a consequence of semantic
rectly modify the intended cognitive processes. priming without this reflecting changed in-
Typically, alternative CBM conditions involve terpretation of ambiguity. However, CBM-I
differential exposure to key categories of in- induced change in the relative processing speed
formation. In most of the described examples, of discrepantly valenced target information is
for instance, these conditions plausibly result observed only when this information is differ-
in differing exposure to negative information. entially related to preceding ambiguity (Grey
Might differential exposure be responsible for & Mathews 2009, Hoppitt et al. 2010, Wilson
the observed effects, without the need to im- et al. 2010) and shows far greater temporal
plicate CBM-induced changes in interpretive endurance than semantic priming effects.
and attentional bias? We consider two possible The cognitive change resulting from CBM
variants of this account. most likely reflects transfer of practiced pro-
The first possibility is that exposure to cessing selectivity from the training task to
discrepant emotional information may in- new situations that invoke this same cognitive
duce differential mood states, with change in process (Hertel & Mathews 2011). Transfer
processing selectivity reflecting the indirect of training depends upon there being a close
consequence of such mood change. However, match between the cognitive processes impli-
even when alternative CBM training condi- cated in both the training and transfer task
tions do not directly influence mood state, they (Blaxton 1989). Therefore, as we discuss be-
still elicit differential selective interpretation low in more detail, examining transfer of train-
and attention (Hoppit et al. 2010, Wilson ing effects following CBM may shed light on
et al. 2006). Also, mood change has been the degree to which overlapping processes con-
statistically excluded as the source of observed tribute to differing manifestations of cognitive
cognitive change (Amir et al. 2008, Hirsch bias.
et al. 2007), and the experimental induction
of differential mood state does not mimic the
impact of CBM (Standage et al. 2010). Cog- Is CBM Change Restricted to the
nitive change elicited by CBM is unaffected by Targeted Cognitive Bias?
mood-induction procedures (Salemink et al. There is abundant evidence that CBM training
2010) and can remain evident long beyond the commonly transfers to new stimulus materials
likely duration of transient mood states (Hazen presented in assessment versions of the bias • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 205

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

modification task. Such transfer is reassuring, between attentional, interpretive, and memory
but unsurprising, as the same cognitive process bias may need to be reconsidered. For example,
clearly operates in both the training and it recently has been shown that the effect of
transfer task. This is an example of what Hertel probe CBM-A training designed to directly
& Mathews (2011) refer to as “near transfer.” modify attentional bias can transfer to influ-
They use the term “far transfer” when CBM ence interpretive bias also (White et al. 2011).
training influences emotional reactions to un- Conversely, the effect of CBM-I training
related stress tasks or clinical symptomatology. designed to directly influence interpretive
Far transfer effects reveal that the same cogni- bias can transfer to modify attentional bias
tive process modified within the CBM training also (Amir et al. 2010). The modification of
session operates within the assessment setting interpretive bias using CBM-I also has been
to influence the dependent measures of interest. shown to transfer to measures of memory bias
One way in which CBM transfer effects can (Salemink et al. 2010, Tran et al. 2011).
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

be informative about component cognitive pro- So CBM transfer of training effects suggests
cesses is when supposedly near transfer fails to that at least some facets of attentional, inter-
occur. The implication is that, despite super- pretive, and memory bias stem from shared
ficial similarities, the cognitive process mod- selective processing mechanisms and that some
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

ified in the training task must be indepen- tasks intended to assess a single bias instead
dent of those operating in the test task. There appear to measure independent cognitive
are many examples of successful near trans- mechanisms. The more systematic study of
fer across different tasks intended to measure such transfer effects should assist future re-
the same cognitive process (e.g., Dandeneau & searchers to categorize and fractionate the array
Baldwin 2004, Grey & Mathews 2000, Wilson of cognitive mechanisms that contribute to the
et al. 2006). However, there have also been in- diversity of processing biases associated with
teresting and potentially important failures of clinically relevant dimensions of individual dif-
seemingly near transfer. For example, Salemink ferences. Hence, in addition to their capacity to
et al. (2010) found that the effects of CBM- test causal hypotheses concerning the cognitive
I training transferred to a quite different task, basis of anxiety and to attenuate dysfunctional
implicitly revealing the interpretations imposed anxiety, CBM methodologies also equip
on ambiguity. However, it did not influence investigators with powerful new tools capable
performance on assessment tasks that required of illuminating the nature of anxiety-linked
participants to explicitly report their preferred patterns of processing selectivity.
interpretations of ambiguous scenarios. This
suggests that the cognitive processes govern-
ing self-reported beliefs about interpretive style
may be unrelated to the cognitive processes FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR
that govern the resolution of ambiguity. Future COGNITIVE BIAS
mapping of near transfer failures may permit MODIFICATION RESEARCH
delineation of the boundaries between appar- Despite its relatively short history, CBM
ently similar patterns of selectivity that reflect research already has shed light on the con-
fundamentally different cognitive mechanisms. tributions made by selective information
Another way in which CBM transfer effects processing mechanisms to anxiety vulnerability
can illuminate the cognitive mechanisms is and dysfunction and has given rise to promis-
when unexpected far transfer occurs between ing new methods of ameliorating problematic
tasks previously thought to reflect different manifestations of anxiety. Nevertheless, as we
cognitive processes. Recently observed far discuss below, there is great scope for further
transfer effects of this nature suggest that progress to extend the reach of this work,
boundaries traditionally imposed by theorists to enhance the efficacy of CBM procedures,

206 MacLeod · Mathews

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and to refine therapeutic application of CBM alter target biases in participants suffering from
procedures within clinical interventions. particular clinical conditions.
Researchers also should expand the breadth
of outcome measures used in CBM studies to
move beyond the present heavy reliance on
Extending the Reach self-report (MacLeod et al. 2009a). Only a
of CBM Research few investigators have yet included behavioral
In this review we have focused on anxiety, and measures of anxiety when assessing symptom
to date the CBM approach has most commonly change (Amir et al. 2008, Najmi & Amir 2010),
been employed to investigate the contributions and fewer still have considered physiological in-
of selective information processing to anxiety- dices of such change (Dandeneau et al. 2007,
related conditions. However, cognitive biases Van Bockstaele et al. 2011). Their lead should
have been implicated in a great many other be followed in future CBM work. Extending
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

forms of psychological dysfunction, such as de- the range of symptoms measured will reveal
pression (Baert et al. 2010), addiction (Wiers the contributions made by particular types of
et al. 2007), eating disorders (Williamson et al. cognitive bias to alternative categories of symp-
1999), chronic pain (Eccleston & Crombez toms. It also should be possible to illuminate the
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

1999), aggression (Bond et al. 2004), insomnia functional relationship between these differing
(Ree et al. 2006), and even schizophrenia (Beck facets of anxiety symptomatology using CBM
& Rector 2005). Broadening the application of designs that more carefully delineate, and track
CBM research to such conditions would serve over time, the sequential consequences of CBM
to determine which particular biases function- across this broader range of symptom measures.
ally contribute to which aspects of psychologi-
cal dysfunction while also potentially increasing
the therapeutic scope of future CBM interven- Enhancing the Efficacy of Cognitive
tions. Such work already has commenced with Bias Modification Procedures
promising early results. Researchers have re- The more effectively CBM procedures can
ported finding that CBM procedures can influ- change target cognitive biases the more valu-
ence depression (Wells & Beevers 2010), addic- able they will be; thus, future work must seek to
tive consumption (Fadardi & Cox 2009), body optimize their capacity to alter processing selec-
dissatisfaction and eating restriction (Smith & tivity. Researchers are beginning to capitalize
Rieger 2009), and pain perception (McGowan on the Internet to increase the ease with which
et al. 2009). Of course, such extension of CBM participants can be exposed to CBM procedures
is certain to present new challenges. For ex- for extended periods of time (MacLeod et al.
ample, when Steel and colleagues (2010) en- 2007, See et al. 2009), and more widespread
deavored to attenuate anxiety in people with adoption of this approach could enhance train-
schizophrenia using the CBM-I procedure that ing efficacy. Enabling CBM to be delivered out-
Holmes et al. (2006, 2009) employed to mod- side the laboratory also could enhance trans-
ify interpretive bias in nonpsychotic samples, fer of training in ways that increase the impact
the procedure failed to influence interpretive of CBM in real-world settings. Such transfer of
bias in their schizophrenic sample. Steel et al. training might benefit from the future use of
(2010) suggest this may reflect the atypical pat- mobile audio devices to deliver CBM in ex-
terns of imagery evidenced by these partic- ternal settings where computer access is im-
ipants. Hence, existing CBM tasks may not practical. The viability of this approach is sup-
provide an adequate arsenal to modify the bi- ported by the recent success of auditory CBM-I
ases encountered in all disorders. Instead, this variants in reducing anxiety symptoms (Holmes
is likely to require development of new CBM et al. 2006, 2009), and Standage et al. (2009) re-
techniques tailored to ensure their capacity to port that auditory and visual versions of CBM-I • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 207

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

procedures are equally effective in altering cog- stability of induced bias change. In the great
nitive bias. majority of CBM studies, induced change in
We can also expect to see further refine- processing selectivity has generalized to new
ments of CBM tasks themselves, designed to information not employed in the training itself.
enhance their capacity to alter cognitive bias. However, in a few CBM-A studies such gener-
In choosing which refinements to evaluate, alization to new stimuli has not been observed
researchers will be influenced by their assump- (e.g., Field et al. 2007, 2009), possibly because
tions concerning the mechanisms through of the restricted range of training stimuli
which current CBM procedures bring about employed. There is a need to identify how best
observed cognitive change. In turn, determin- to construct and employ training stimulus sets
ing whether their chosen refinements succeed such that generalization to new materials is
or fail will test the validity of such assumptions. optimized. One promising approach that war-
For example, differing views concerning rants formal evaluation has involved gradually
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

whether CBM procedures alter cognitive se- expanding the stimulus training set across the
lectivity through implicit or explicit processes course of the CBM procedure such that the
seem likely to influence the future development need to generalize past learning to new stimuli
of these procedures. In most CBM studies, becomes an integral feature of the training
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

investigators have found participants unable experience (See et al. 2009). Generalization of
to report the training contingency, consistent CBM training to new contexts is likely to be
with the idea that this exerts an implicit influ- facilitated by delivering such training across
ence of processing selectivity. However, there multiple contexts. However, even generalized
have been occasional exceptions, where CBM change in dysfunctional cognitive bias will
has been found to exert a stronger influence on produce lasting benefits only if changes in bias
those participants who report awareness of the endure across time. Hence, identifying reliable
training contingency (Field et al. 2007), sug- methods of maximizing stability of CBM
gesting that CBM-induced change may result training effects represents another important
from explicit insight into the training contin- objective for researchers. The literature on
gency. These competing conceptions generate massed versus spaced learning (Cepeda et al.
differing expectations concerning whether 2006) suggests that the retention of CBM
explicitly informing participants of the training training effects may be enhanced by increasing
contingency will enhance or impair the efficacy the temporal separation of CBM training ses-
of CBM. As noted by Beard (2011), early sions (Hertel & Mathews 2011, See et al. 2009).
findings concerning the impact of such instruc- Infrequent booster sessions, briefly re-exposing
tional manipulation have been inconclusive. participants to the original CBM procedure,
Krebs et al. (2010) found that explicitly commu- also may help to preserve CBM-induced
nicating the training contingency increased the changes in processing selectivity (MacLeod
impact of CBM-A on worry, whereas MacLeod et al. 2009a). Experimentation designed to
et al. (2009b) have reported that it eliminates increase the magnitude, generalization, and
such emotional impact. Further research is stability of induced cognitive change will
needed to resolve this issue, and this future amplify the future value of CBM procedures.
work should strengthen the power of CBM
procedures while also testing the veracity of
competing views concerning the involvement Refining the Therapeutic Application
of implicit or explicit processes in CBM. of CBM in Clinical Contexts
The practical value of CBM also will be Small-scale randomized controlled trials have
increased by methodological developments supported the therapeutic value of both CBM-
that enhance the generalization and temporal A and CBM-I in the treatment of GAD and

208 MacLeod · Mathews

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social anxiety disorders (e.g., Amir et al. There is scope for tailoring CBM interventions
2009a,b; Schmidt et al. 2009; Vassilopoulos to target the specific bias profiles shown by
et al. 2009). However, we concur with Beard individual recipients. As yet it is not known
(2011) that the time is now right for large-scale whether CBM-A most effectively modifies
formal field trials evaluating the clinical efficacy anxiety symptoms in those who already display
of CBM interventions across the spectrum dysfunctional attentional bias while CBM-I
of anxiety disorders. Such trials should not does so most effectively for those who al-
only compare the therapeutic efficacy of CBM ready display dysfunctional interpretive bias.
against that of established interventions, in- However, it has been shown that people differ
cluding CBT and pharmacological approaches, systematically in readiness to change their
but should also evaluate whether CBM can patterns of selective processing in response
be profitably combined with these other to CBM contingencies (Clarke et al. 2008).
approaches in anxiety management treatment Therefore, future development of individu-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

packages. MacLeod et al. (2009a) suggest that alized assessment techniques to appraise the
therapeutic synergy could result from deliv- profile and malleability of target cognitive
ering CBM in conjunction with conventional biases may assist in identifying the individuals
CBT if the former serves to alter low-level whose anxiety dysfunction is most likely to
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

patterns of processing selectivity underpinning benefit from particular CBM interventions.

threatening thinking and the latter to chal- Ultimately, to fully exploit the therapeutic
lenge the veracity of these negative thoughts. potential of CBM techniques in the treatment
Likewise, CBM may augment self-delivered of anxiety dysfunction, the techniques will
exposure treatments by altering selective need to be incorporated into packages that
cognition in ways that increase the frequency are acceptable to the end-user. In a recent
and duration of therapeutic exposure. On the study investigating clinically anxious patients’
basis of the observation that selective serotonin satisfaction with multisession CBM-A and
reuptake inhibitors elicit cognitive change CBM-I interventions delivered in a primary
of a type similar to that produced by CBM, health care setting, Beard et al. (2010) obtained
Browning et al. (2010) predict that concurrent reassurance that the procedures were generally
delivery of both interventions may prove more rated as acceptable. Nevertheless, recipients
efficacious than either alone. A closely related expressed a need to better understand how the
issue concerns whether clinical benefits could procedures were supposed to help tackle their
be optimized by combining different variants of symptoms. Hence, future clinical investigators
CBM. Given the evidence that psychological must successfully confront the challenge of
dysfunction often is characterized by the identifying and communicating a clear ratio-
simultaneous operation of both attentional and nale to patients that lends credibility to CBM
interpretive bias, the simultaneous delivery of interventions procedures without diminishing
CBM-A and CBM-I could produce greater their therapeutic efficacy.
symptom improvement than their individual
administration. Brosan and colleagues (2011)
have confirmed the capacity of combined CLOSING COMMENTS
CBM-A and CBM-I to reduce symptom The existence of a robust association between
severity in clinically anxious outpatients but selective information processing and anxiety
did not compare the therapeutic impact of has been firmly established for three decades.
their combined and individual delivery. Across this same period of time, researchers
Tailored treatments deliver customized have worked diligently to better understand
collections of therapeutic elements chosen to the nature of this association and, in partic-
match the specific needs of individual patients. ular, to determine how biased cognition may • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 209

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

contribute to both anxiety vulnerability and to are unlikely to represent the most effective
the types of clinical dysfunction observed in methods of modifying the cognitive biases
the anxiety disorders. The advent of cognitive- they target. As these existing CBM procedures
experimental techniques that have proven are refined and strengthened, and as new
capable of directly modifying anxiety-linked CBM techniques are developed to extend
cognitive biases represents a highly significant and augment those presently available, so the
juncture in this research journey, and the recent influence of this research approach is likely
adoption of these CBM approaches has brought to steadily increase. CBM research findings
the field to an exciting new threshold, which already justify the conclusion that CBM
future clinical researchers may come to view methodologies represent powerful and valu-
as an important watershed. As we have shown able scientific tools. We would caution against
in this review, CBM methodologies have now the premature conclusion that CBM represents
proven their ability to increase scientific under- an effective stand-alone treatment for clinical
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

standing by revealing the causal contributions anxiety disorders, as clinical field trials of
made by specific types of cognitive bias to appropriate scale have yet to be carried out.
anxiety symptomatology and to elicit desirable Almost certainly, such clinical conditions are
change by attenuating the severity of anxiety multiply determined, making it unlikely that
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

symptoms. Their dual capacity to advance any one therapeutic approach will prove to be
understanding and to increase our ability to the proverbial magic bullet. Nevertheless, on
bring about change seems likely to assure such the basis of the evidence to date, it seems highly
methodologies of a central role in theoretical probable that CBM approaches will prove to
and applied aspects of future clinical research. be therapeutically useful components of future
Of course, it must be borne in mind that treatment packages designed to alleviate psy-
CBM research is still in its infancy. The chological disorders that include, but probably
present techniques are limited in scope and will not be restricted to, clinical anxiety.

1. The development of cognitive bias modification procedures in anxiety has been motivated
by the three objectives of (a) determining whether cognitive biases causally contribute
to anxiety vulnerability and dysfunction, (b) evaluating the capacity of bias modification
procedures to contribute in a therapeutically useful way to the attenuation of anxiety,
and (c) illuminating the nature of the mechanisms that underpin anxiety-linked cognitive
2. Existing CBM methodologies have proven capable of directly modifying both selective
attention to emotional information and selective interpretation of emotional ambiguity.
The principles underlying these successful CBM approaches for manipulating selective
attention and interpretation are being extended to develop new CBM variants designed
to tackle other forms of cognitive bias, such as memory bias and appraisal bias.
3. Studies delivering single sessions of CBM within experimental settings have demon-
strated that the modification of attentional and interpretive bias can influence anxiety
responses to laboratory stressors both in unselected participants and in those selected
on the basis of experiencing dysfunctional anxiety symptoms. This supports the hy-
pothesis that these cognitive biases can causally contribute to anxiety vulnerability and

210 MacLeod · Mathews

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4. Studies delivering multiple sessions of CBM across more extended periods have demon-
strated modification of attentional and interpretive bias that persists across time and leads
to attenuation of anxiety responses to naturalistic stressors and to amelioration of clini-
cal symptoms in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder, generalized social anxiety
disorder, and generalized social phobia. This supports the potential therapeutic value of
CBM in real-world settings.
5. By systematically investigating the transfer of CBM-induced change in targeted cogni-
tive bias to assessment tasks that measure supposedly similar or distinct manifestations
of processing selectivity, researchers are using CBM methodologies to categorize and
fractionate the cognitive operations that underpin the spectrum of processing biases
associated with anxiety vulnerability and dysfunction.
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

6. Though the mechanisms through which CBM procedures give rise to changes in cogni-
tive bias are not yet fully understood, this cognitive change and its attendant emotional
consequences do appear genuine, as the findings are resistant to alternative explanation,
such as demand-based accounts.
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

7. Future research should seek to extend the reach of CBM approaches to the investigation
and attenuation of other types of psychological symptoms known to be associated with
biased patterns of information processing and to increase the power of CBM procedures
to elicit robust cognitive change that generalizes to new situations and endures across
8. On the basis of the promise they have shown, the time is right for large-scale field tri-
als designed to formally evaluate the capacity of CBM procedures to contribute to the
treatment of different anxiety disorders within clinical settings. Such trials could prof-
itably investigate how CBT can best be combined with existing therapeutic procedures
to optimize clinical outcomes.

1. Cognitive bias modification research to date has focused mostly on the capacity of CBM
to influence anxiety-related conditions. Future work should continue extending the reach
of the CBM approach to illuminate the causal contributions of information-processing
selectivity to other clinically relevant conditions characterized by cognitive bias, such as
depression, addiction, eating disorders, chronic pain, and aggression. In addition to ad-
vancing understanding of the role played by cognitive bias in these types of dysfunctions,
CBM may also prove capable of contributing to their alleviation.
2. Although there have been important exceptions, most CBM studies have relied heavily
on self-report measures of subjective experience when evaluating the impact of induced
bias change. It will be important to broaden symptom measures to more routinely include
behavioral and physiological indices. Not only will this increase confidence in the veracity
of CBM-elicited symptom change, but it also may enable CBM investigators to test
hypotheses concerning functional relationships between these differing categories of
symptoms. • Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety 211

CP08CH08-MacLeod ARI 1 March 2012 8:11

3. To increase the magnitude of the cognitive change elicited by CBM procedures, fu-
ture researchers should systematically evaluate the relative efficacy of CBM variants that
differ in the degree to which they exploit the change mechanisms theorists propose to
be implicated in CBM. Among other possibilities, it will be important to determine
how variations in the types of verbal instruction given to participants completing CBM
procedures influence their capacity to alter selective information processing.
4. Future researchers should identify the methods of CBM delivery that maximize the
generalization of induced changes in cognitive bias. It seems likely that maximizing gen-
eralization of bias change to new stimuli will require that the use of large stimulus sets in
CBM training procedures, maximizing generalization of bias change to new assessment
tasks, will be assisted by the use of multiple CBM training tasks, and maximizing gener-
alization of bias change to new contexts will benefit from delivering the CBM training
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

in diverse contexts.
5. The practical benefits of CBM will be greatest when the induced bias change endures
across time. Further research is needed to identify the methodological procedures that
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

yield the most stable changes in cognitive bias. The potential benefits of employing spaced
learning procedures to extend retention of training should be systematically evaluated,
and investigators also should examine how the use of infrequent top-up sessions can best
contribute to the maintenance of initial bias change.
6. There is a pressing need for large-scale field trials employing formal protocols to evaluate
the clinical efficacy of CBM in the treatment of the anxiety disorders and other forms of
psychological dysfunction characterized by patterns of processing selectivity amenable
to alteration using available CBM procedures.
7. Treatment trials should not only compare the efficacy of CBM against other established
interventions for anxiety, including CBT and pharmacological approaches, but should
also investigate whether the inclusion of CBM can augment the efficacy of these existing
approaches. It is likely that CBM will make its most valuable contribution through its
inclusion in multimodal treatment packages, and understanding how best to capitalize
on the potential synergies between CBM and other therapeutic elements will ensure the
optimal structuring of these packages.
8. It will be necessary to develop a framework for CBM delivery that end-users, including
patients and therapists, find acceptable within the clinical settings. Although the efficacy
of CBM may not rely on participant insight, the commitment to persevere with CBM
procedures will depend upon recipients’ appraising such techniques as potentially valu-
able. Hence, clinical researchers must identify the rationale that can be communicated
to recipients and that serves most effectively to sustain their motivation to engage with
CBM procedures, without compromising therapeutic efficacy.

The authors are unaware of any affiliation, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived
as affecting the objectivity of this review.

212 MacLeod · Mathews

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The preparation of this paper was supported in part by Australian Research Council grant
DP0879589. We thank Patrick Clarke for his invaluable assistance in collating the relevant

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CP08-FrontMatter ARI 2 March 2012 11:20

Annual Review of
Clinical Psychology

Volume 8, 2012

On the History and Future Study of Personality and Its Disorders

Theodore Millon p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

A “SMART” Design for Building Individualized Treatment Sequences

H. Lei, I. Nahum-Shani, K. Lynch, D. Oslin, and S.A. Murphy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p21
Default Mode Network Activity and Connectivity in Psychopathology
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.

Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli and Judith M. Ford p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p49

Current Issues in the Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder
Paul J. Frick and Joel T. Nigg p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p77
Psychiatric Diagnosis: Lessons from the DSM-IV Past
and Cautions for the DSM-5 Future
Allen J. Frances and Thomas Widiger p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 109
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health:
Diverse Perspectives on Enduring Disparities
Joseph P. Gone and Joseph E. Trimble p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 131
Emotion Regulation and Psychopathology: The Role of Gender
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 161
Cognitive Bias Modification Approaches to Anxiety
Colin MacLeod and Andrew Mathews p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 189
Diagnosis and Assessment of Hoarding Disorder
Randy O. Frost, Gail Steketee, and David F. Tolin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 219
The Behavioral Activation System and Mania
Sheri L. Johnson, Michael D. Edge, M. Kathleen Holmes,
and Charles S. Carver p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 243
Prediction and Prevention of Psychosis in Youth at Clinical High Risk
Jean Addington and Robert Heinssen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 269
From Dysfunction to Adaptation: An Interactionist
Model of Dependency
Robert F. Bornstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 291

CP08-FrontMatter ARI 2 March 2012 11:20

Personality Disorders in DSM-5

Andrew E. Skodol p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 317
Development, Evaluation, and Multinational Dissemination
of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program
Matthew R. Sanders p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 345
Empirical Classification of Eating Disorders
Pamela K. Keel, Tiffany A. Brown, Lauren A. Holland, and Lindsay P. Bodell p p p p p p p p 381
Obesity and Public Policy
Ashley N. Gearhardt, Marie A. Bragg, Rebecca L. Pearl, Natasha A. Schvey,
Christina A. Roberto, and Kelly D. Brownell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 405
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2012.8:189-217. Downloaded from

Cognition in the Vegetative State

Martin M. Monti p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 431
Coping with Chronic Illness in Childhood and Adolescence
Bruce E. Compas, Sarah S. Jaser, Madeleine J. Dunn, and Erin M. Rodriguez p p p p p p p 455
by University of Iowa on 12/04/13. For personal use only.


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 1–8 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 481

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 1–8 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 484


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