Intellectual Property Syllabus SY1819 Atty. Ma. Karla Josee C. Ilagan A. Intellectual Property Rights in General
Intellectual Property Syllabus SY1819 Atty. Ma. Karla Josee C. Ilagan A. Intellectual Property Rights in General
Intellectual Property Syllabus SY1819 Atty. Ma. Karla Josee C. Ilagan A. Intellectual Property Rights in General
1. In tellec tua l Prop er ty Righ ts (A rticle 712, New Civil C ode ; Se ction 1,
Arti cle III, 1987 C onstitution; S ecti ons 2-4, IPC )
B. Paten ts
Pearl Dean (Phil.) I nc. vs Shoemart, Inc., G.R. No. 148222, 15 Augu st 2003
1. Paten tab le Inv en tions (Se ctions 21, 23-27, 54, IPC ; S ecti on 6, RA
Varga s vs. Chua, G. R. No. L-36650, 27 Ja n uary 1933
Manzano vs. CA, G.R. No. 113388, 5 S ept ember 1997
Aguas vs. D e Leon, G.R. No. L-32160, 30 J anuary 1982
2. Non-Pa ten tab le Inven tion s (Se cti on 22, I PC; Se ction 5, RA 9502)
iii. Invention s Crea ted P ursuan t to a C om miss ion (Se cti on 30,
5. Rem edy of the Tru e and Actual Inventor (Se ction 68, IPC)
8. Paten t Infr ing emen t (Sections 76.1, 76. 2 IPC; Se ction 9, RA 9502)
Cre se r Pre cision S ystem s, Inc. vs CA, G.R. No. 118708, 2 Feb ruary 1998
ii. Defen ses in Ac tions f or Infr ingem en t (S ections 76. 3-77, 79-
81, 84, IPC )
9. Lic en sing
Compulsory (Se cti ons 10. 1, 93, 97, 100 IPC; Section 10, RA
Smith Kline & F rench, Ltd. vs. CA, G.R. No . 121267, 23 Octobe r 2001
Parke Da vie s & Co. vs. Do ctors Pha rma ceuticals, Inc., G. R. No. L -22221, 31
August 1965
10. Ass ignm en t and Tran smiss ion of Righ ts (Se cti ons 103-105,
107, IPC)
C. Trademar ks
1. Marks, Co llective Mark s, Trad e Nam es (S ections 121. 1-.3, 165, 167
Maripuri vs. CA, G. R. No. 114508, 19 No ve mber 1999
2. Acqu is ition of Owner ship o f Ma rk (S ect ions 122, 124.2, 131, 138
145, 146 I PC)
Fredco Manu factu ring Co rpora tion vs. Harva rd Unive rsity, G. R. No. 185917, 1
June 2011
4. Righ ts Con ferr ed by Registr ation (Se cti ons 138, 144, 147. 1, 148,
149, 165. 2 IPC )
i. Nic e C las sif ica tion of G oods and S erv ices
ii. Well-Kno wn Marks (Sections 123. 1e, 123.1f, 147.2, IPC ; Rule
100d, 103, Rules a nd Reg ulations on Trade ma rks I PO Mem.
Circ. No. 17010)
Kabushi Kaisha Isetan vs. Th e Inte rmedia te Appellate Court, G. R. No. L -75420,
15 November 1991
Levi St rau ss & Co. vs. Clinton App relle, G.R. No. 138900, 20 Sep tembe r 2005 246
Corpo ration vs. Hon. Da way, et al, G.R. No. 157216, 20 No vemb er 2003
Esso Stand ard Ea stern, Inc. vs. CA, G. R. No. L -29971, 31 Augu st 1982
Dermaline, I nc. vs. Myra Pha rmaceutical s, Inc., G. R. No. 190065, 16 Augu st 2010
Birken sto ck O rthopaedie Gmbh et al vs. P hilippine Shoe Expo Ma rketing Co rpo.,
G.R. No. 194307, 20 No vembe r 2013
i. Dominan cy tes t
Mang Ina sal Phil s., Inc. vs. IFP Manu factu ring Co rp., G. R. No. 221717, 19 Janua ry
Skechers USA, Inc. vs. Inte r Paci fic Indu st rial Trading Co rp., G.R. No. 164321, 23
March 2011
Lim Hoa vs. Di recto r of Pat ent s, G. R. No. L-8072, 31 Octobe r 1956
Philippine Nut Indu stry, Inc. vs. Standa rd Brand s Incorporat ed et al, G. R. No. L -
2305, 31 July 1975
Converse Rubb er Co rpora tion vs. Unive rsal Rubbe r Produc ts, Inc., G. R. No. L -
27906, 8 Janua ry 1987
Amigo Man ufac turing, Inc. vs. Clu ett Pe abody Co. Inc., G.R. No. 139300, 14
March 2001
McDonalds Co rpora tion vs. Macjo y Fa stfood Corporation, G. R. No. 166115, 2
Februa ry 2007
ii. Holistic T es t
Del Monte Corpo ration et al vs. CA et al, G.R. No. L-78325, 25 Janua ry 1990
Emerald Garm ent Manu fact uring Corp. vs. CA et al, G. R. No. 100098, 29
Decembe r 1995
Diaz vs. Peo ple, G. R. No. 180677, 18 Feb ruary 2013
Bri stol Myers Compan y vs. Director o f Pat ents, G.R. No. L-21587, 19 May 1966
10. Fals e Desig nation s of Or ig in; F als e Desc rip tion or Rep res en ta tion
(Se ction 169, IP C)
11. Rem edies (Se ctions 156-162, A rt. 6bis, 8 Paris C onve nti on)