United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,509,349 B2: Celik (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 24, 2009
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,509,349 B2: Celik (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 24, 2009
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,509,349 B2: Celik (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 24, 2009
ROWERA calendar
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US 7,509,349 B2
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Fig. 1
U.S. Patent Mar. 24, 2009 Sheet 2 of 16 US 7,509,349 B2
TO USER 2 40
Fig. 2A
U.S. Patent Mar. 24, 2009 Sheet 4 of 16 US 7,509,349 B2
George Smith
General Monager
international Trading.co
One Rockefeller Plozo
New York, NY1OO2
Phone: (22) 555-5555
Fox: (22) 555-5557 34
Mobile (97) 555-5557
E-mail; johnGramerica.com
12345678 90123456
Fig. 3
U.S. Patent Mar. 24, 2009 Sheet 5 of 16 US 7,509,349 B2
(2) CONTACT 204
Fig. 4A
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Fig. 4B
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Fig. 4C
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Fig. 5
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Fig. 6
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Fig. 7
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Fig. 8
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U.S. Patent Mar. 24, 2009 Sheet 13 of 16 US 7,509,349 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 24, 2009 Sheet 14 of 16 US 7,509,349 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 24, 2009 Sheet 16 of 16 US 7,509,349 B2
AEG. MANAGE : company
US 7,509,349 B2
1. 2
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR STORING or a plurality of phone numbers for each user, and data in a
AND RETREVING BUSINESS CONTACT PDA or phone is static, requiring the user to manually update
INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM the contact data in the device.
Embodiments of the present invention provide systems and
This application is a continuation-in-part of patent appli methods for organizing and updating contact information that
cation U.S. Ser. No. 10/657,757, filed Sep. 8, 2003, which is overcome the problems associated with business cards
a continuation of patent application U.S. Ser. No. 09/223,129, 10 described above.
filed Dec. 30, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,374,259, which In one general aspect, the invention features an information
claims priority from U.S. Ser. No. 60/102,614, filed Oct. 1, management method. The information management method
1998 (Abandoned), each of which is incorporated herein by includes stages of assigning a first user a unique user identi
reference. 15
fier, storing information related to the first user in a remote
database operatively coupled to a remote device, and enabling
a second user to access the remote database over a wireless
network using a second device to retrieve the information
related to the first user by retrieving the unique user identifier.
Embodiments of the present invention are directed gener The stage of enabling access to the remote database can
ally to a method and an apparatus for storing information in a 20 include retrieving the unique user identifier electronically by
computer system, and for retrieving the information from the receiving a communication from the first user. The method
computer system. More specifically, embodiments of the can further include automatically transferring the unique
present invention are directed to a method and apparatus for identifier to the second device during the communication
storing and retrieving business contact information over a user from the first user. Receiving a communication from the first
wireless network. 25 can include informing the second user of the first user's
unique user identifier and the first user's phone number.
Enabling access to the remote database to retrieve informa
tion related to the first user can include manually entering the
unique user identifier into the second device. The method can
The use of business cards is widespread in virtually all 30 further include subscribing to a wireless service provider and
industries and professions, and the problem of efficiently wherein the wireless service provider can assign the unique
organizing business cards can be appreciated by most people. user identifier. The method can also include a step of printing
Various solutions have been presented for solving this prob characters representative of the unique user identifier on a
lem. These solutions include manual schemes in which busi document. The document can be a business card.
ness cards are organized in a binder, a notebook or some 35 The method can further include establishing a second data
similar apparatus. Prior art solutions also include computer base of user information in the second device, and updating
based systems wherein information on a business card is information in the second database of the second device by
scanned into a computer and stored in a database in the accessing information in the remote database. The second
computer. While these solutions offer some help in relieving 40 device can access the remote device over the internet. The
the organization problem associated with business cards, it is method can further include enabling the first user to access the
desirable to provide a more efficient, easy to use system of remote device over a network using a first wireless device to
edit the information related to the first user stored in the
organizing business cards, and more particularly, for organiz remote database. The second device can include a second
ing information contained in business cards. database, and the method can include synchronizing informa
A second problem associated with the use of business cards as tion in the second database with information contained in the
is that the information contained on business cards cannot remote database. Storing can include a step of storing an
typically be updated once a card has been distributed. In authorized access list with the information for the first user,
today's fast-paced business world, it is not uncommon for the the authorized access list containing a list of users having
information on a person’s business card to change frequently. authorized access to the information for the first user, and
It is desirable to provide a system for organizing business 50 wherein the step of enabling access includes a step of check
cards that allows information contained on the business cards ing whether the second user is on the authorized access list for
to be periodically updated. the first user.
The use of wireless devices and PDA’s to store informa In another general aspect, the invention features an infor
tion, such as information contained on a business card, is mation management system. The information management
widespread for both business and personal use. Wireless 55 system includes a remote computer, a remote database opera
devices, for example phones, require manual entry of contact tively coupled to the remote computer, the remote database
numbers and upon the change of a contacts phone number, containing contact information for each of a plurality of users
the user of the phone is required to change the number in the of the information management system, wherein each of the
phone's memory by manually entering the new number. Fur 60 users is assigned a unique user identification number, and the
information for each user is stored along with the unique user
ther, if a cell phone user changes phone services or simply identification number of the user in the remote database. The
replaces his or her phone, the entries of the address book of remote computer includes a network interface module that
the old phone must be entered into the new phone. Known interfaces with a network to allow users of the information
caller ID systems may allow a caller's number to be stored in management system to access the remote computer, a data
the phone, and the name of the caller can be linked to the 65 base interface module that coordinates transfer of data
number for storage in memory. Generally, however, data between the remote database and the remote computer, and an
entered in phones for storage is restricted to a phone number application module to enable a wireless network user to
US 7,509,349 B2
3 4
access the remote database over the wireless network using a FIG. 13 is a flow chart of a portion of the contact informa
second network device to retrieve information in the remote tion management system of the invention.
database related to a first user having an assigned unique user
The system can further include a second database, and the
application module includes instructions to provide updating Illustrative embodiments of the present invention,
of information in the second database with information in the described below are directed to methods and systems for
remote database. The second database can include a synchro managing contact information, and in particular, business
nizer for synchronizing information between the second data contact information Such as that typically contained on a
base of the second network device and the remote database. 10 business card. However, embodiments of the present inven
The application module can include instructions to enable the tion are not limited to methods and systems that manage
first user to access the remote database over the wireless business contact information, but rather, include methods and
network using a first network device to edit the information systems that manage other information as well.
related to the first user stored in the remote database. Embodiments of the present invention will now be
In yet another general aspect, the invention includes an 15 described with reference to FIGS. 1-3. FIG. 1 shows a com
information management system. The system includes means puter system 10 functioning as a contact information man
for assigning a first user a unique user identifier, means for agement system in accordance with one embodiment of the
storing information related to the first user in a remote data present invention. The computer system 10 includes a first
base operatively coupled to a remote computer, and means for personal computer 12, a second personal computer 14, and a
enabling a second user to access the first database over a remote computer 16 coupled to a database 18. The first com
wireless network using a second network device to retrieve puter and the second computer are coupled to the remote
the information related to the first user by utilizing the unique computer 16 over a network 20. In one embodiment of the
user identifier assigned to the first user. present invention, the network 20 includes the internet, and
The system can further include means for providing the the remote computer includes a web server and is accessible
first user with a bar code representation of the unique user 25 over the internet. The remote computer has an assigned uni
identification number. The means for enabling can include form resource locator (URL) to allow the personal computers
means for updating information in a second database of the to access the remote computer over the internet. In other
second network computer by accessing information in the embodiments, the first and second personal computers may
remote database. The system can further include means for be coupled to the remote computer over a private dedicated
enabling the first user to access the remote computer over a 30 computer network or the first and second personal computers
network using a first network computer to edit the informa may access the remote computer over a standard telephone
tion related to the first user stored in the remote database. line using a modem.
In one embodiment, the first computer 12 and the second
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS computer 14 contain a web browser that enables the comput
35 ers to access the remote computer over the internet using the
For a better understanding of the present invention, refer URL of the web site, as is known in the art. In embodiments
ence is made to the drawings which are incorporated herein of the present invention, the web browsers may be imple
by reference and in which: mented using one of several known internet browsers such as
FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing one embodiment of a Navigator(R) available from Netscape Communications, Inc.,
computer system used in embodiments of the present inven 40 preferably version 4.0 or higher, or Internet Explorer R avail
able from Microsoft, Inc, preferably version 4.0 or higher.
FIG. 2A is a flow chart of a method in accordance with one
As shown in FIG.1, the second personal computer includes
a synchronizer 24 and a personal information manager (PIM)
embodiment of the present invention; 26. The PIM may be implemented using, for example, one of
FIG. 2B is a block diagram demonstrating operation of the 45 a number of personal information programs, such as
method of FIG. 2A in the computer system of FIG. 1. Microsoft Outlook, Symantec's ACT and 3COM’s Pilot,
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing a business card used with that allow a user to maintain a database of contact informa
embodiments of the present invention: tion. The synchronizer may be implemented in embodiments
FIGS. 4A-4C show a flow chart of a registration process of the present invention using software installed in the second
used in embodiments of the present invention; 50 computer. In embodiments of the present invention, the Syn
FIG. 5 is a flow chart of a process for establishing user chronizer may be implemented as a software utility down
preferences used in embodiments of the present invention; loadable over the internet from the remote computer 16. The
FIG. 6 is a flow chart of a login process used in embodi synchronizer provides synchronization of contact informa
ments of the present invention; tion in the PIM with contact information contained in the
FIG. 7 is a flow chart of a synchronization process used in 55 database 18. In embodiments of the present invention, the first
embodiments of the present invention: computer, as well as other computers coupled to the network
FIG. 8 is a flow chart of an account preferences subroutine 20, may also include a synchronizer and a PIM. In addition, in
used in the synchronization process of FIG. 7: one embodiment, the synchronizer may be located in the
FIG. 9 is a diagram showing a wireless system used in remote computer in addition to or in place of the synchronizer
60 in the second computer. Also, the synchronizer may be inte
embodiments of the invention; grated into available PIM software.
FIG. 10 is a diagram of an alternative wireless system used A general method 100 in accordance with one embodiment
in embodiments of the invention; of the present invention for operating the computer system 10
FIG. 11 is a block diagram of a device for use in a system to implement a contact management system will now be
of the invention; 65 described with reference to FIGS. 2A and 2B. In a first step
FIG. 12 is an information flow chart of a function of the 110 of the method, a user (hereinafter User 1) of the first
device in FIG. 11; and personal computer 12 accesses the remote computer over the
US 7,509,349 B2
5 6
internet to input business contact information of User 1 or In the embodiment of the present invention described
other information that User 1 wishes to store in the database above, the computer system 100 has only two users, as under
18. In response, in step 120, the remote computer 16 estab stood by those skilled in the art, other embodiments of the
lishes an account for User 1, Stores the contact information for present invention may include computer systems having
User 1 in the database 18, and provides a unique identification many more users than two, and the web database may contain
number for User 1. In embodiments of the present invention, contact information for a large numbers of users.
the database 18 may contain contact information for a number The architecture of the computer system 10 in accordance
of users each of whom is assigned a unique identification with one embodiment of the present invention will now be
10 described in further detail. The remote computer 16 includes
In the next step 130, User 1 (or a commercial printer a web server 21 to provide access to the internet and includes
selected by User 1) prints business cards for User 1 containing a database server 23 to provide access to the database 18. The
the unique identification number, and in step 140, passes one remote computer also includes application specific Software
of the business cards to a second user (hereinafter User 2). In modules 25 that implement functions of the computer system
one embodiment, in place of, or in addition to the unique 15 10 in conjunction with the web server and the database server.
identification number, a bar code, or some other code repre The web server 21, the database server 23, and the software
sentative of the unique identification number, may be printed modules 25 may be contained within one computer or may be
on the business card. FIG. 3 shows a business card 30 used installed in separate networked computers that together com
with embodiments of the present invention having a bar code prise the remote computer 16. In a preferred embodiment, the
32, representative of the identification number, printed on the operating system used for the computer or computers com
back, and having the unique identification number 34, iden prising the remote computer is Microsoft's Windows NTR
tified as a OnePINTM number, printed on the front and on the operating system. In this preferred embodiment, the web
back. In embodiments of the present invention, the bar code server is implemented using Microsoft's Internet Information
32 and/or the unique identification number 34 can be printed Server (IIS), version 4.0 or higher, and the database server is
at other locations on the business card 30. implemented using Microsoft's SQL Server, version 6.5 or
In one embodiment of the present invention, a 16-digit higher. The web server includes application specific Active
number and/or letter combination or any other symbol com Server Pages to implement functionality of systems and
bination, such as an email address, can be used for the unique methods of the present invention. In addition, in this preferred
identification number. The use of 16 digits for the identifica embodiment, the software modules 25 contain software code
tion numbers provides sufficient unique numbers to allow 30 written in object oriented programming paradigm. In one
random assignment of numbers to users with low probability embodiment, this includes an n-tiered architecture with a
of an unauthorized user guessing the unique identification database layer including interfaces and stored procedures; a
number of an authorized user. In other embodiments, identi middle ware layer including MS Commodels, JAVABEANS,
fication numbers may have more or less digits than 16. In and third party languages; and a client interface layer using
addition, in embodiments of the present invention one of a 35 Javascript, DHTML, PEAR and ASP.
number of known check sum schemes is used as part of a The steps of method 100 described above, as well as addi
verification procedure of identification numbers. tional functions that may be implemented in contact informa
In step 150 of the method 100. User 2 enters the unique tion management methods and systems of the present inven
identification number of User 1 into the second computer 14. tion, will now be described in further detail. FIGS. 4A-4C
User 2 can enter the unique identification number by typing 40 provide a flow chart of a registration procedure 200 of the
the OnePINTM number or by scanning the number into the remote computer 16 that allows a user, Such as User 1, to
synchronizer of the second personal computer using a wand, register with a contact information management system of the
or some other bar code reader, coupled to the second personal present invention. In a first step 202 of the procedure 200, the
computer 14. User 2 also can type in or scan the OnePINTM system asks the user to provide a registration type. In embodi
number into the PIM. As discussed below, the identification 45 ments of the invention, a variety of registration types may be
number is stored in the synchronizer and in the PIM of the used to distinguish a number of different services and/or
second personal computer. The synchronizer and the PIM payment plans that are available to users. For example, in one
may already contain identification numbers for users of the embodiment, there are different registration types for profes
contact management system other than User 1. sionals, corporations, individuals, and children.
In step 160, the second personal computer 14 makes a 50 After the user selects a registration type, in step 204, the
request to the remote computer 16 for contact information system asks the user to input contact data. The contact data
corresponding to unique identification numbers contained in includes, for example, the user's name, telephone numbers,
either the synchronizer or the personal information manager, facsimile numbers, pager number, home address, business
and in step 170, the remote computer 16 accesses the database address, employer, title, E-mail address, and any other infor
18 to retrieve data corresponding to the identification num 55 mation the user wishes to make available to other users of the
bers contained in the request from User 2. In step 180, the contact information management system. Once the contact
information retrieved from the database 18 is sent from the information is entered, then in. step 206 the system attempts
remote computer 16 to the second personal computer 14, to determine whether the user has previously registered with
wherein contact information for users corresponding to the the system. In one embodiment, the system makes this deter
unique identification numbers contained in the request in step 60 mination by Scanning the database for names matching that
150 is updated in the PIM. The request provided in step 150 input by the user, and if any matching names are found, the
can be for contact information of User 1 or for contact infor system compares the e-mail address of the user with the
mation of several users, each of whom is identified by a matching name with that input by the user to determine if a
unique identification number. Users that have been assigned duplicate entry has been made. If the system determines that
identification numbers may access the database through the 65 a duplicate entry has been made, then the registration process
remote computer to edit the contact information contained for 200 terminates and the system performs a user verification
them in the web database at any time. process.
US 7,509,349 B2
7 8
The user verification process allows a prior-registered user be set for a user using a process other than process 300.
who has forgotten his/her password to verify his/her identity Further, in other embodiments, users may be requested to
and change his/her password. In one embodiment, the user is select other preferences, either in addition to or in place of the
requested to enter either their mother's maiden name or the preferences selected in process 300.
last four digits of their social security number to verify their 5 After the user's account preferences are set in step 214 of
identity. Once their identity has been verified, the user is process 200, a unique identification number is assigned for
allowed to change their password. The user verification pro the user in step 216. In one embodiment, the unique identifi
cess allows users who have forgotten their passwords to cation number is assigned by randomly selecting an identifi
access the system without creating unwanted and memory cation number from a pool of available identification num
consuming duplicate entries. 10 bers. After an identification number is assigned to a user, it is
If in step 206 a duplicate entry is not found, then in step removed from the pool of available identification numbers.
208, the user is asked to establish a password, selected by the As discussed above, in one embodiment, the pool of available
user, by entering the password twice. In step 210, the system identification numbers includes 16 digit numbers that satisfy
determines whether the user entered the same password a check Sum criteria.
twice. If the outcome of step 210 is “NO, then in step 212, a 15 Process 200 continues with step 218, wherein the system
warning message is provided to the user and the process then displays an account profile of the user. In one embodiment,
returns to step 208. If the outcome of step 210 is “YES, then the account profile includes a listing of the account prefer
the password entered by the user is assigned to the user. ences selected by the user and the users unique identification
The process continues with step 214, wherein account number. Next, in step 220, the user is asked if the profile is
preferences are established for the user. In one embodiment, acceptable. If the response to step 220 is “YES', then the
account preferences are established using a process 300 process continues with step 222. If the response to step 220 is
which will now be described with reference to FIG.S. In a first “NO”, then the process 200 returns to step 214 to allow the
step 302 of the process 300, the system queries the user as to user to input new account preferences.
whether the user wishes to allow public access to the user's In step 222 of process 200, the system displays billing
contact information. If the response to the query in step 302 is 25 information for the user, and in step 224, the user is asked if
“NO”, then a private access flag is set on for the user in step the billing information is acceptable. In one embodiment, the
304, and the process continues with step 306. If the response billing information displayed in step 222 includes customized
to the query in step 302 is “YES” then process 300 proceeds billing information for the user based on the type of registra
directly to step 306. tion selected in step 202 and based on the account preferences
In step 306, the system queries whether the user wishes to 30 selected by the user. In step 224, the user is asked to accept
allow access to the user's contact information by all regis charges for use of the contact information management sys
tered users of the contact management system. If the response tem based on the billing information displayed in step 222. If
to the query in step 306 is “NO”, then a limited access flag is the outcome of step 224 is “YES, then in step 226, the user
set on for the user in step 308, and in step 310, the user is asked is requested to provide information for a credit card to be used
to enteralist of identification numbers of privileged users that 35 by the user to pay the charges. If the outcome of step 224 is
will be allowed access to the user's contact information. “NO”, then in step 223, the user is asked if they would like to
Process 300 then continues with step 312. If the response to exit the system. If the outcome of step 223 is “NO”, then the
the query in step 306 is “YES” then process 300 proceeds process returns to step 222. If the outcome of step 223 is
directly to step 312. “YES, then in step 225, the entry for the user is deleted, and
In step 312, the system queries whether the user wishes to 40 in step 225, the process ends.
block access to the user's contact information by any specific In step 228, the system determines whether the credit card
registered users. If the response to the query in step 312 is is valid using one of a number of known procedures. If the
“YES, then a blocked access flag is set on for the user in step outcome of step 228 is “NO, indicating that the credit card is
314, and in step 316, the user is asked to enter a list of not valid, then in step 230 a warning indicating invalid card
identification numbers of blocked users that will be denied 45 entry is displayed, and process 200 returns to step 226. In one
access to the user's contact information by the system. Pro embodiment, after a predetermined number of unsuccessful
cess 300 then continues with step 318. If the response to the attempts by a user to enter a valid credit card number, process
query in step 306 is "NO" then process 300 proceeds directly 200 ends. If the outcome of step 228 is “YES. indicating that
to step 318. the credit card entered is valid, then the process 200 continues
In step 318 of process 300, the system queries whether the 50 with step 232, wherein the charges are applied to the user's
user wishes to allow other users to search for his account to credit card. The system then displays a message “receipt
receive contact information using the user's unique identifi E-mailed' and sends an E-mail to the user to provide a receipt
cation number. If the response to the query in step 318 is of the credit card transaction.
“NO”, then in step 320, a “no-search by ID' flag is set indi Next, in step 236 of process 200, the system generates a
cating that the user's account is not retrievable using an iden 55 display to ask if the user would like a file containing a bar code
tification number search, and the process continues with step corresponding to the users assigned unique identification
322. If the response to the query in step 318 is “YES” then number to be downloaded to the user's computer. If the
process 300 proceeds directly to step 322. response to the query in step 236 is “YES, then in step 238,
In step 322 of process 300, the system queries whether the the system creates and downloads to the user's computer a file
user wishes to allow other users to search for the user's 60 containing the bar code. In one embodiment, the file contain
account to retrieve contact information using the user's name. ing the bar code is an encapsulated postscript file, however,
If the response to the query in step 322 is “NO”, then in step other file formats could be used as well. After downloading
324, a "no-search by name’ flag is set indicating that the the file, process 200 proceeds to step 240. If the response to
user's account is not retrievable using a name search, and the query in step 236 is “NO.” then the process continues with
process 300 ends. If the response to the query in step 318 is 65 step 240, wherein a message “REGISTRATION COM
“YES then process 300 ends. As understood by one skilled in PLETED is displayed. Process 200 terminates after step
the art, in step 214 of process 200, account preferences may 240.
US 7,509,349 B2
9 10
After a user has registered with contact information man step 532, the synchronizer selects one identification number
agement systems of the present invention, the user can Sub from the synchronizer list, and in step 534, an account pref
sequently access the remote computer 16 to edit the contact erences subroutine is conducted for the identification number
data stored for the user or to check on account activity for the selected in step 532. The account preferences routine reviews
user's account established with the contact information man preferences established by the user corresponding to the iden
agement system. A process 400 for accessing the remote tification number selected in step 532 to determine whether
computer 16 in accordance with one embodiment of the User 2 should be allowed access to the contact information.
present invention will now be described with reference to One embodiment of an account preferences subroutine 600
FIG. 6. In a first step 402 of the process 400, the user is asked used with process 500 will now be described with reference to
to input the user's name and password. Next in step 404, the 10 FIG 8.
system verifies the name and password of the user. If the In a first step 602 of the process 600, a determination is
output of step 404 is “NO, indicating that the system was not made as to whether the private access flag has been set on for
able to Verify the entered name and password, then in step the identification number. If the outcome of step 602 is
406, the system generates a display “WRONG ENTRY.” The “YES, then in step 604, a determination is made as to
process 400 then returns to step 402. If the output of step 404 15 whether User 2 is a registered member of the contact infor
is “YES indicating that the system was able to verify the mation management system. If the outcome of step 604 is
entered name and password, then the process continues with “NO.” then the process 600 proceeds to step 606, wherein a
step 408. message “Requested Data is not Available' is sent to User 2.
In step 408, the system displays a profile for the user. In one Process 600 then returns to step 538 of process 500. If the
embodiment, the information displayed in step 408 is the outcome of step 604 is “YES,” or if the outcome of step 602
same as that displayed in step 218 of process 200. The system is “NO.” then the process 600 continues with step 608.
then queries whether the user would like to check account In step 608, a determination is made as to whether the
activity in step 410. If the response to the query in step 410 is limited access flag has been set on for the identification num
“YES, then in step 416, the system displays a list showing ber. If the outcome of step 608 is “YES, then in step 610, a
dates of access to the user's contact data by other users of the 25 determination is made as to whether User 2 is on an access list
contact information management system. The process 400 established by User 1. If the outcome of step 610 is “NO.”
then continues with step 412. then the process 600 proceeds to step 612, wherein a message
If the response to the query in step 410 is “NO.” then the “Requested Data is not Available' is sent to User 2. Process
process 400 proceeds with step 412. In step 412, the system 600 then returns to step 538 of process 500. If the outcome of
queries whether the user would like to change the user's 30 step 610 is “YES." or if the outcome of step 608 is “NO.” then
profile. If the response to the query in step 412 is “YES, then the process 600 continues with step 614.
in step 414, the user repeats portions of the registration pro In step 614, a determination is made as to whether the
cess 200 to change profile data of the user. If the response to blocked access flag has been set on for the identification
the query in step 412 is “NO.” then process 400 ends. number. If the outcome of step 614 is “YES, then in step 616,
The operation of the synchronizer in the second personal 35 a determination is made as to whether User 2 is on a blocked
computer 14 of the computer system 10 will now be further access list established by User 1. If the outcome of step 616 is
described with reference to FIG. 7 which shows a flow chart “YES, then the process 600 proceeds to step 618, wherein a
of a synchronization process 500. The synchronization pro message “Requested Data is not Available' is sent to User 2.
cess 500 allows a user (User 2) to obtain and update data for Process 600 then returns to step 538 of process 500. If the
registered users of the contact management system using the 40 outcome of either step 614 or step 616 is “NO.” then the
unique identification numbers of the registered users. process 600 ends and process 500 continues with step 536.
In a first step 510 of the process 500 a user identification In step 536 of process 500, contact information for the user
number of User 1 is input into the synchronizer of the second corresponding to the identification number selected in step
computer. As described above, the identification number can 532 is downloaded to the second computer wherein it is stored
be input into the synchronizer using a bar code reader, by 45 in the PIM of the second computer. Next, in step 538, the
typing the number in using a keyboard, or using other data process returns to step 532 wherein a next identification num
entry techniques. In step 520, the synchronizer determines ber in the synchronizer list is selected. Process 500 continues
whether a valid identification number has been entered into with steps 532 to 538 until contact information for all identi
the synchronizer. As discussed above, in Some embodiments fication numbers in the synchronizer list has been down
of the present invention, a check Sum scheme is used for the 50 loaded to the second computer. In one embodiment of the
identification numbers, and this scheme can be used in step present invention, a copy of all unique numbers in the Syn
520 to verify numbers entered. If the outcome of step 520 is chronizer may also be stored in the remote database and be
“NO” indicating that the number entered is not a valid iden accessible by User 2 through an “Account Login screen of
tification number, then in step 522 an error message is dis the remote computer. This allows User 2 to access the remote
played, and the process returns to step 510. 55 computer and remote database from a computer other than the
If the outcome of step 520 is “YES', then the process 500 second computer to obtain contact information.
continues with step 524, wherein the system checks whether In an alternative and preferred embodiment of the inven
the identification number entered into the system is already tion, the contact management information system operates
stored in a synchronizer list in the synchronizer. If the out over a wireless network. For simplification, cellular phones
come of step 524 is “YES, then in step 526 a warning mes 60 are used as an example of wireless devices in the following
sage is displayed, and the process returns to step 520. If the description of the invention. Referring to FIG. 9, a wireless
outcome of step 524 is “NO.” then in step 528, the identifi contact management information system 700 includes a first
cation number is added to the synchronization list. user phone 702, a second user phone 704, and a remote
The synchronizer then connects to the database through the computer 706 coupled to a database 708. The first user phone
remote computer to obtain contact information of User 1 and 65 702 and the second user phone 704 are connected to the
to update contact information of other users whose identifi remote computer 706 over a wireless network. The wireless
cation number is contained in the synchronizer list. Next, in network includes the internet, and the remote computer
US 7,509,349 B2
11 12
includes a web server and is accessible over the internet. The In one embodiment of the present invention, a copy of all
remote computer has an assigned uniform resource locator unique numbers in the synchronizer may also be stored in the
(URL) to allow the wireless phones to access the remote remote database and be accessible by User 2 through an
computer over the internet. In the embodiment shown in FIG. Account Login screen of the remote computer. This allows
9, the first user phone contains a web browser 707 that enables User 2 to access the remote computer and remote database
access to the remote computer over the internet. The second from a computer or other wireless device other than the sec
user phone 704 may also include a web browser 707. ond phone to obtain contact information.
Each wireless device, such as the first user phone 702 and Referring to FIG. 10, the contact information management
the second user phone 704, is linked to the database 708. The 10
system is implemented over a wireless network of a phone
first and second user phones 702, 704 interact with the data company or other wireless service provider. The contact
base 708 via a web connection through remote computer 706. information management system 800 includes a first user
The second user phone 704 includes a phone module 709. The phone 802, a second user phone 804, a wireless service pro
phone module 709 is integrated into the phone software and vider 806, and a remote computer 808 having a database 809.
operate as a part of the phone's systems for interaction with 15
The second user phone 804 includes a phone address book or
the remote database 708. The phone module 709 may b imple PIM 810 and a wireless synchronizer 812. The first user
mented in the first user phone 702 or the second user phone phone 802, as well as other user phones on the wireless
704 using software installed in the phone. The second user network, can include a phone address book or PIM and a
phone 704 also includes a synchronizer 710 to allow mainte wireless synchronizer.
nance of contact information received from the remote com Whena wireless device user, such as User 1 of the first user
puter 706 and database 708. Further, the second user phone phone 802 and User 2 of the second user phone 804, buys or
704 includes a phone address book 712, or PIM. The first user Subscribes to a service plan or purchases a new phone from
phone 702, as well as other user phones coupled to the wire the wireless service provider 806, User 1 and User 2 are
less network, may also include a synchronizer 710. The assigned a unique user identification number by the wireless
remote computer 706 may include a synchronizer 710 in 25 service provider 806 using remote computer 808 coupled
place of or in addition to synchronizers in the user phones. with remote database 809. The contact information manage
The phone module 709 and the synchronizer 710 can be a ment system 800 software is downloaded to each of the first
single Software program. user phone 802 and the second user phone 804. At stage 816,
A method of using the contact information management registration of a new user to the contact information manage
system 700 over a wireless network is now described. With 30 ment system 800 is accomplished through the wireless ser
reference to FIG. 9, the user of the first user phone 702 vice provider 806. The remote computer 808 receives infor
(hereinafter "User 1) connects to the remote computer 706 mation from the wireless service provider and provides the
and inputs contact information or updates contact informa unique identifier for each user, shown at stage 814. If the user
tion pertinent to User 1 at stage 714. If an account and userID already has a unique identifier, the wireless service provider
is not already assigned to User 1, at stage 715, a unique 35 806 registers the user's existing identifier to the phone or
identifier is assigned. other wireless device. Thereafter, User 1 and User 2, as sub
At stage 716, the user of the second user phone 704 (here scribers to the network of the wireless service provider 806,
inafter “User 2) types or scans the User 1 unique identifier can input contact information or update account information
into the browser 707 of the second user phone 704. User 1 contained in the remote computer 808, as shown by stage 818.
may also send the User 1's unique identifier by beaming to the 40 A method of using the wireless contact information man
second user phone 704, using each phones integrated wireless agement system 800 between users is now described. User 1
infrared component. Preferably, a communication from User places a call to User 2 via the wireless service provider 806, as
1 is sent to User 2 with a display of User 1's phone number shown in stage 820. The wireless service provider 806 allows
and unique identifier. The synchronizer and the PIM may the contact information of User 1 to be downloaded to the
already contain identification numbers for users of the contact 45 synchronizer 812 of the second user phone 804, as shown in
management system other than User 1. The synchronizer 710 stage 822. User 1 identification is presented to User 2 as a
of the second user phone 704 requests data corresponding to display on the second user phone 804. Preferably. User 1's
User 1 from the database of the remote computer at stage 717. phone number and unique identifier are presented to User 2.
At stage 718, contact information corresponding to the per At stages 824 and 826, the synchronizer 812 requests data
sonal identification of User 1 is downloaded to the wireless 50 from the remote computer 808 corresponding to the unique
synchronizer 710 of the second user phone 704. In step 719, identifier, and the remote computer 808 sends contact infor
the information retrieved from the database 708 is sent from mation corresponding to the unique identifier to the wireless
the remote computer 706 to the User 2's phone 704, wherein synchronizer 812. User 2's phone automatically stores
contact information for users corresponding to the unique unique user identifiers when another user having an unique
identification numbers contained in the request in step 717 is 55 identifier calls the second user phone 804. User 1's contact
updated in the Address Book or PIM. User 2 accesses his/her information becomes accessible in the phone address book of
phone address book or PIM 712 to acquire updated contact User 2. User 2 did not manually enter the contact information
information related to User 1. The request provided in step of User 1, but the second user phone 802 contains the contact
717 and 718 can be for contact information of User 1 or for information via the transfer of the data from the remote com
contact information of several users, each of whom is identi 60 puter 808. The second user phone 804 contains contact data
fied by a unique identification number. Users that have been related to User 1 that was entered remotely into the remote
assigned identification numbers may access the database computer 808 by User 1. Alternatively. User 2 enters User 1's
through the remote computer to edit the contact information unique identifier into his/her wireless phone using the manual
contained for them in the web database at any time. The entry method described in FIG. 9.
method is substantially similar to the method of FIGS. 2A and 65 User unique identifiers downloaded to the synchronizer
2B, discussed above and wherein contact with the remote 812 of the second user phone 804 are updated as the synchro
database is made via separate user computers. nizer 812 requests information from the remote computer
US 7,509,349 B2
13 14
808. Requests from the synchronizer 812 are answered with user changes to a new device or Subscribes to a different
data from the remote computer, which updates the synchro wireless provider having OnePINTM capabilities. As a portion
nizer 812 of the device. of the Synchronize Function 912, an address book 914 and a
Referring to FIG. 11, an operating system 850 employing calendar 916 are updated and/or altered to reflect the new
the contact information management system is shown. information. The address book 914 and the calendar 916 are
Although the operating system 850 is presented as a phone connected to and interact with the Synchronize Function 912.
operating system, the operating system can be effective for An Actions Function 918 allows the user to delete a con
PDA's or other wireless devices, or for IP based landline tact, delete all contacts, list all contacts, and sort contacts. A
phones. The operating system 850 includes a wireless syn My Contact Information Function 920 allows a user to review
chronizer 852, an address book 854, an infrared component 10 his/her own information to determine whether it is accurate.
856, a calendar 858, a phone display 860, a keyboard control For example, a user's contact information can include name,
861, and other software modules 862. The wireless synchro business data, personal data, and permission settings. Busi
nizer 852 allows contact with a remote database storing con ness data can include title, place of business, directions to
tact information. The address book 854, the infrared compo place of business, and business numbers. Personal data can
nent 856, the calendar 858, and the phone display 860 interact 15 include home phone numbers, home address, license plate
with the wireless synchronizer 852 to receive, store, and number, insurance registration information, health insurance
display updated and new information. The wireless synchro information, and emergency contacts. Permission settings
nizer 852 is able to beam (send and receive) a user's unique stores the access preferences that a user designates for access
identifier to other users’ wireless devices via the infrared to particular contact information. For example, a user may
component 856. The wireless synchronizer 852 also adds new choose to allow everyone to access all of his contact informa
unique identifiers through manual entry of the unique identi tion, only public contact information, or none of his contact
fier. Phone numbers and other contact information of a user's information. A user may instead choose to allow only One
address book 854 are available through the wireless synchro PINTM members to access his information. Further, the user
nizer 852, and, through a wireless service provider, the syn can set one or a number of persons that are specifically given
chronizer 852 sends a signal to other subscribers of the con 25 access, while blocking others.
tact information management system giving other users a A user chooses settings in the synchronizer 852, and
unique identifier in conjunction with the wireless service change the settings when applicable. The Settings Function
provider 806 shown in FIG. 10. The synchronizer 852 can 922 includes a user field, a call settings field, a security field,
also collect other system users’ identifiers and store the infor and a location field. The user field 924 allows the user to enter
mation. 30 his or her OnePINTM number and password such that the user
In one embodiment of the present invention, a copy of all is authenticated and the User is allowed to use the OnePIN
unique numbers in the synchronizer may be stored in the system. The user accesses his or her account at OnePIN which
remote database and be accessible by User 2 through an is password protected. The password has to match the user's
Account Login screen of the remote computer. This allows current password and unique identifier combination at the
User 2 to access the remote computer and remote database 35 remote server. The call settings field 926 includes an auto add
from a computer or other wireless device other than the sec option and a manual option. If the user chooses the auto add
ond phone to obtain contact information. option, callers having a OnePINTM number are automatically
With continued reference to FIG. 11 and referring to FIG. added to the user's synchronizer and address book. If the user
12, an operating system menu 860 includes options. Such as chooses manual option, for each caller, the user chooses to
those profiled in the operating system 850. In the operating 40 add the new caller, ignore the new caller, or block the new
system of 860, additional options are shown. Options include, caller's information from Storage in the user's address book.
but are not limited to, “messages”, “call log”, “profiles', When the user receives an incoming phone call, the phone
“settings”, “systems”, “games”, “calculator”, “calendar, and display shows the incoming user number and unique identi
“OnePINTM. The options appear as a display on the phone fier, and informs the user whether the caller is in the address
LCD Screen. A user can choose the OnePINTM function to 45 book, or is a new caller. The screen allows the user to add a
update or utilize information contained in the database of the new caller to the address book, ignore the new caller's infor
contact information management system. When OnePINTM is mation, or block the caller from access to the user's contact
chosen by the user, the synchronizer 852 options are dis data.
played. The synchronizer 852 includes a menu 900 of various The Location Field 928 allows the user to choose the coun
functions that can be chosen by the user. The user can enter a 50 try location of use of the phone or other device. For example,
new unique identifier of another user by function 910. Enter if the user travels, the numbers in his/her address book will
ing a new user unique identifier into the synchronizer can be automatically be updated to include the country code and
accomplished by manually entering an identifier, or by using country specific access codes such that calls out of the country
infrared technology between devices. or within the country will be dialed without additional manual
A Synchronize Function 912 allows a user to synchronize 55 entries.
contact information of all the users with the unique identifier Referring again to FIGS. 9 and 10, a user assigned a unique
who were entered into the wireless device's synchronizer identifier via the contact information management system
through the Synchronize Now function. The Synchronize All through a wireless service provider or via the contact infor
function allows the users to download information for all mation management system is assigned the wireless account
users with the unique identifiers within the synchronizer plus 60 and a web account affiliated therewith. The wireless service
any additional unique identifiers the user may have at his or provider can configure the web account during the phone
her web account at remote computer coupled with remote activation. The web account is linked to the same unique
database. The Recover All function allows the users to identifier as is assigned for the wireless service. Referring to
recover and download information for all users with the FIG. 13, a OnePINTM system user can use both his/her web
unique identifiers the user may have at his or her web account 65 account and a wireless device to store and manage contact
at remote computer coupled with remote database. For information. The OnePIN web account system 950 includes
example, the Recover All function 912 can be used when a fields for entry of Contact data 952, an Address Book 954, an
US 7,509,349 B2
15 16
Access Control 956, a View My Groups field 958, a Manage cials, house, health, memberships, and business. For
My Groups field 960, a Calendar 962, an Organizer 964, and example, if the user chooses “Car option, he may enter his or
a Wireless field 966. A OnePINTM user logs onto the internet her car's plate number, insurance provider, provider phone
to set up, access, and maintain the user's OnePIN account number, contact number, policy number, policy expiration
when the user chooses not to update via the wireless device. date, contact phone number, address and email address. The
The Contact Data field 952 includes options for entry of user may customize the Organizer field 964 to add additional
name 968, business data 970, and personal data 972. Entry of fields of information that the user would like stored for access.
a name 968 can include entry of a title. Business Data 970 can Organizer fields are accessible only by the user, it is not
include company, address, numbers, internet data, email data, shared, and protected by an encryption technology Such that
and directions to the business address. Personal Data 972 can 10 only the user can access to his or her data. All organizer data
include a personal address, numbers, internet data, and direc is encrypted by the user's password. The user can access his
tions to a home address. Each field in the Contact Data field organizer by signing in to his or her account through a per
952 can be marked as public, restricted, or blocked. Other sonal computer or a wireless device anywhere in the world
demarcations are possible. where an internet or wireless network is Supported.
The Address Book 954 allows the addition of contacts and 15 The Wireless field 966 allows the user to set location set
a list or sort function of the contacts in the user's OnePINTM tings for his/her wireless device for direct access to other
account. The Address Book 954 contains the unique identifi users. For example, country codes can automatically be
ers, or OnePINTM numbers, for all persons that the user has dialed for the user when the user wishes to make calls inter
entered into the synchronizer on his/her computer or phone; nationally.
for all persons that the user has received a phone call from and Embodiments of the invention are described for use with
automatically synchronized to the web address book and wireless phones. The contact information system can be used
phone address book; and all persons the user has added to the with other wireless devices and with landline telephones.
OnePINTM Address Book 954. The Address Book 954 is Embodiments allow transfer of contact information to and
available to the user over a network from any location world from a central database, and between cell phones or other
wide. The Address Book 954 is accessible only with a valid 25 wireless devices. Information added by a first user is acces
login to the user's account which is password protected. sible to a second user. Additional functions for the operating
The Access Control field 956 allows entry of access pref system are possible and envisioned.
erences, access tracking, and a set permission level option. In some embodiments of the present invention, both the
Permission levels can be assigned to each OnePINTM member synchronizer and the database maintain an update log indi
or to select members of the system. For example, the user can 30 cating the last time that contact information for a user has
assign a permission level of public only to allow users access been updated. The update log in the database indicates the last
only to information the user identifies as public, public and time that the user edited his contact information in the data
restricted to allow users access to information the user iden base, and the update log in the synchronizer indicates the last
tifies as public and restricted, or blocked access to allow no time that the contact information in the wireless device
access to select users. A user may also have the option of 35 address book or PIM for the user has been updated. In these
designating himself as a OnePINTM OPEN Network member, embodiments, contact information for a first user is not
or as blocked from OPEN Network. updated in the wireless device address book or PIM of a
OnePINTM OPEN operates on the wireless system in con second user unless the date in the update log of the database
junction with the web accounts to allow exchange of data of is more recent than the date in the update log of the synchro
all other OnePINTM users in a user's Address Book. The 40 nizer of the second user.
user's unique identifier is transferred to all other OnePIN In embodiments of the present invention, users can utilize
OPEN Network members who are within the user's existing the synchronizer to periodically update contact information
address book or PIM. The other OnePIN OPEN Network in the wireless device address book or PIM. In one embodi
members are identified by matching email addresses, cell ment, the synchronizer is configured to automatically contact
phone numbers or other uniquely identifiable data with the 45 the remote computer and database on a periodic basis to
other users located at contact information management sys update information in the wireless device address book or
tem 800 database. The contact information management sys PIM. In this embodiment, the synchronizer can access the
tem 800 also allows the user to automatically search if any remote computer over the internet using the web browser in
existing address book or PIM entry matches to other system the personal computer in a manner that is Substantially trans
members within the contact information management system 50 parent to a user of the personal computer.
800 database. The matching users are entered to the user's Embodiments of the present invention discussed above
address book automatically. Then, user can synchronize new provide an electronic personal contact information manage
additions to the synchronizer, then to his personal computer, ment system that allows users of the system to easily maintain
wireless device and to PIM. up-to-date contact information on other users of the system.
The View My Groups field 958 allows the setup and alter 55 In embodiments of the present invention described above, a
ation of groups of users that are affiliated. Groups can be user of the system uses business cards having the user's
added, managed, or invited to join other groups of users, for unique identification number encoded thereon to pass the
example. The user can allow permission levels to particular user's unique identification number to other users. In other
groups rather than individuals. The Manage My Groups field embodiments, the user's unique identification number may
960 can be used in conjunction with the View My Groups field 60 be contained on documents other than business cards such as
958 to move groups or communicate with groups via the on letterhead for the user's business or on a user's resume, and
OnePINTM account. may also be contained within e-mails and other electronic
The My Calendar field 962 allows the user to add events, documents such as a vcard. In other embodiments, identifi
view events, add or delete permissions, and modify calendar cation numbers may be used in management systems of the
settings for the user's calendar. 65 present invention to manage the ordering of replacement parts
The Organizer field 964 comprises a plurality of options for in industries such as the automotive industry. In still other
the user to enter information related to the user's car, finan embodiments, known numbering systems, such as the ISDN
US 7,509,349 B2
17 18
numbering scheme used to identify books, may be used with 2. The information management method of claim 1,
systems of the present invention to allow users to update wherein inserting contact information related to the first user
information related to books or other items. into the second database of the first wireless communication
The methods and systems of embodiments of the present device includes obtaining the user identifier of the first user
invention described above allow users to communicate busi electronically by receiving a communication from the first
ness contact information to other users. Other embodiments USC.
of the present invention may be used in a similar manner to 3. The information management method of claim 2, further
allow users to communicate personal contact information to comprising automatically transferring the user identifier of
friends and acquaintances. In still other embodiments, busi the first user to the first wireless communication device dur
nesses may use contact information systems of the present 10 ing the communication from the first user.
invention to provide customers, vendors, or others with con 4. The information management method of claim 3,
tact information regarding a particular position within the wherein receiving the communication from the first user fur
business. For example, a unique identification number may be ther includes receiving the first user's phone number.
assigned to a business's sales manager, and the unique iden 5. The information management method of claim 2, further
tification number may be included on the sales manager's 15 comprising automatically transferring a unique identifier of
business card. Customers of the business may include the the second user to the remote device in response to the com
identification number of the sales manager in a synchronizer munication from the first user.
and/or PIM as described above and the customers can receive 6. The information management method of claim 1,
and update contact information of the sales manager. If a new wherein providing an interface for the second user to access
sales manager is appointed by the company to replace the the first database includes providing an interface to manually
existing sales manager, then the contact information for the enter the user identifier of the first user into the first wireless
sales manager position in the system database can be updated communication device.
to include the new sales manager's name. The name of the 7. The information management method of claim 1, further
sales manager in the customer's PIM will be updated upon the comprising Subscribing to a wireless service provider and
next synchronization by the customer with the system data 25 wherein the wireless service provider assigns the user iden
base. tifier by accessing the first database of the remote device.
Having thus described at least one illustrative embodiment 8. The information management method of claim 1, further
of the invention, various alterations, modifications and comprising printing characters representative of the first
improvements will readily occur to those skilled in the art. users user identifier on a document.
Such alterations, modifications and improvements are 30 9. The information management method of claim 8.
intended to be within the scope and spirit of the invention. wherein the document is a business card.
Accordingly, the foregoing description is by way of example 10. The information management method of claim 1,
only and is not intended as limiting. The invention’s limit is wherein the first wireless communication device accesses the
defined only in the following claims and the equivalents remote device over the Internet.
thereto. 35 11. The information management method of claim 10,
What is claimed is: further comprising enabling the first user to wirelessly access
1. A computer implemented contact information manage the remote device over a wireless network using a second
ment method comprising: wireless device to edit the information related to the first user
storing, in a memory, contact information related to a first stored in the first database.
user in a first database operatively coupled to a remote 40 12. The information management method of claim 1, fur
device; ther comprising:
providing, using a processor, an interface for a second user storing an authorized access list with the information for
to access the first database overa wireless network using the first user in the first database, the authorized access
a first wireless communication device to retrieve the list containing a list of users having authorized access to
contact information related to the first user using a user 45 the information for the first user, and;
identifier of the first user; determining whether the second user is on the authorized
creating a second database of user contact information access list for the first user.
wherein the second database is contained in a memory of 13. A contact information management system for use with
the first wireless communication device; first and second wireless communication devices, the system
inserting contact information related to the first user into 50 comprising:
the second database of the first wireless communication a remote computer including a processor,
device; a first database operatively coupled to the remote com
providing, using a processor, an interface for the first user puter, the first database containing contact information
to edit the contact information related to the first user for each of a plurality of users of the contact information
stored in the first database; 55 management system, wherein each of the users is iden
updating contact information related to the first user in the tified by a user identifier, and the contact information for
first database; each user is stored along with the user identifier of the
providing, using a processor, an interface for the second user in the first database;
user to wirelessly access the updated contact informa wherein the remote computer further includes:
tion related to the first user, the second user accessing the 60 a wireless network interface that interfaces with a wireless
updated contact information related to the first user network to allow users of the contact information man
using the user identifier of the first user; and agement system to access the remote computer;
synchronizing, using a processor, contact information in a database interface that coordinates transfer of data
the second database with contact information contained between the first database and the first and second wire
in the first database such that the first and second data 65 less communication devices via the network; and
bases contain the same contact information relating to a memory including an application containing instructions
the first user. that, when executed by the remote computer, provides an
US 7,509,349 B2
19 20
interface i) for a second wireless network user to access information related to the first user, the second user
the first database over the wireless network using the accesses the changed information related to the first user
second wireless communication device to retrieve con using the user identifier of the first user; and
tact information in the first database related to a first a processor configured for synchronizing contact informa
user, the second user accesses the first database using a 5 tion in the second database with contact information
user identifier associated with the first user, ii) for the contained in the first database such that the first and
first user to edit the contact information related to the second databases contain the same contact information
first user stored in the first database, iii) for access to the relating to the first user.
edited contact information in the first database to change 16. The contact information management system of claim
the contact information related to the first user in a 10 15, wherein the processor configured for inserting contact
second database contained within the second wireless information related to the first user into the second database of
communication device, and iv) to synchronize the con the first wireless communication device is further configured
tact information in the second database with contact for automatically transferring the user identifier of the first
information contained in the first database such that the user to the first wireless communication device during a com
first and second databases contain the same contact 15 munication from the first user.
information relating to the first user. 17. The contact information management system of claim
14. The information management system of claim 13, 15, wherein the processor configured for providing an inter
wherein the second wireless communication device transfers face for a second user to access the first database is further
the user identifier of a second user to the first wireless com configured for providing an interface to manually enter the
munication device, and wherein the first wireless communi user identifier of the first user into the first wireless commu
cation device transfers the user identifier of the first user to the nication device.
second wireless communication device. 18. The contact information management system of claim
15. A computer implemented contact information manage 15, further comprising a processor for assigning the user
ment system comprising: identifier to the first user by subscribing to a wireless service
a processor configured for storing contact information 25 provider where the wireless service provider assigns the user
related to a first user in a first database operatively identifier to the first user by accessing the first database.
coupled to a remote computer, the first user being iden 19. The contact information management system of claim
tified by a user identifier; 15, further comprising a processor for enabling the first user
a processor configured for providing an interface for a to access the remote computer over a wireless network using
second user to access the first database over a wireless 30 a second wireless communication device to edit the informa
network using a first wireless communication device to tion related to the first user stored in the first database.
retrieve the contact information related to the first user 20. The contact information management system of claim
using the user identifier of the first user; 15 further comprising:
a processor configured for creating a second database of a processor configured for storing an authorized access list
user contact information wherein the second database is 35 with the contact information for the first user in the first
contained in the first wireless communication device; database, the authorized access list containing a list of
a processor configured for inserting contact information users having authorized access to the information for the
related to the first user into the second database of the first user, and;
first wireless communication device; a processor configured for determining whether the second
a processor configured for providing an interface for the 40 user is on the authorized access list for the first user.
first user to edit the contact information related to the 21. The contact information management system of claim
first user stored in the first database; 15, further comprising a processor configured for enabling
a processor configured for updating contact information the first user to access the remote computer over a network
related to the first user in the first database; using a first network computer to edit the information related
45 to the first user stored in the first database.
a processor configured for providing an interface for the
second user to wirelessly access the updated contact k k k k k
Col. 19, in Claim 15, line 7, please delete the words “for providing an interface.
4 (O-e-
Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
PATENT NO. : 7,509,349 B2 Page 1 of 1
APPLICATIONNO. : 10/879331
DATED : March 24, 2009
INVENTOR(S) : Feyzi Celik
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
On the Title Pg, Item (63) Related U.S. Application Data section, replace the text of the first
paragraph with:
Continuation-in-part of patent application U.S.S.N. 10/657,757, filed September 8, 2003,
now U.S. Pat. No. 7,296,036, which is a continuation of patent application U.S.S.N.
10/123,788, filed on April 16, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,654,768, which is a continuation of
patent application U.S.S.N. 09/223,129, filed December 30, 1998, now U.S. Patent No.
David J. Kappos
Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office