The Status and Challenges of E-Learning at Secondary School Education

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Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,

Online ISSN 2278-8808, SJIF 2018 = 6.371,




M. V. K. Mehar1, Ph. D. & M. Gopal Krishna2, Ph. D.

Associate Professor of Physics, GDC, Alamuru, E. G. Dt., A.P., India
Assistant Professor, University College of Education, Adikavi Nannya University.


The spreading e-learning arises challenges in many ways viz. Technical challenges, skill of teachers,
learner efficiency etc. Secondary school establishes with virtual class rooms, digital class rooms
upgrading phase by phase in our AP depending on strength of the school. Kerala was the first to
successfully implement the ICT with Providing infrastructure which are internet, computer etc.
Training to teachers is also important to operating skills, performance teaching through e-learning
and lead to curriculum education. All schools must have Introducing computer knowledge since
primary stage making awareness on e-learning and as understanding tools. High quality, core-
curriculum products correlated to the various syllabi in Maths, English, and sciences linked Various
methods of classroom delivery to interactive white boards, projector, computer lab, LCD .TV
Blended teaching approach with software designed to be used in conjunction with teachers’
textbooks or directly with the syllabi. A management system for teachers and school administration
(optional) Interactive whiteboard tools and activities that supplement and extend classroom learning
and which are designed also as standalone activities (classroom/maths lab/science lab). Rarely
available lectures can be repeated and as and when under supervision of principals.
Keywords: Secondary education, Virtual class rooms, Dgital class rooms, ICT

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Secondary Education is an important stage and linkage between primary and higher
education and strong pillar of higher education based building. The universalization of
secondary education is emerging one of important policy to nationbuilding. e-learning is
defined as acquisition of knowledge and skill using electronic technology such as computer,
internet, local and wide area networks. It is also referred as the use of information and
communication technology to deliver learning and training programs to enhance and support
the tertiary education
The impact of of emerging e-learning in secondary education put a minimum on higher
level knowledge and skills that go to promote to higher education. As per national education
policy in secondary school within 5Km radius and higher secondary schools within 7-10Km

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(Pg. 11453-11458) 11454

radius. The secondary is accelerating since year 2000. The secondary education in India
consists of 53,619 higher and 1,060,84 high schools. The present study on e-learning is
electronic learning promotes innovative strategy in teaching methods with information of
diversified learning environment. It has more variety of information resources in learning
experience with the use of multimedia and non-verbal presentation by teaching material
E-Learning encourages more and more self learning to continue life long learning
without limitation of space, time and profession Techinically operated to enrich the teaching
methods are different ways viz. e-learning, m-learning, virtual learning environment (VLE),
Computer assisted instruction (CAI), on-line learning, blogs, podacasting, video conference
etc. The rapid change of e-learning may highly need with electronic devices to access all
their work and and all other work including home work. Further no more legging as you
have an internet connection. Such conveniences will provide students the freedom to work
on their projects or home work at any time anywhere.
E-learning helping the students to learn easier, faster with way of techniques at the same
time low cost for more students. Presently Virtual class rooms is very immersive opportunity
to interact with teacher or concerned exports from any place and close to students in class
room and also record later. Initially all the schools primerely provide computer and internet
making necessity. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) which include radio
and television, as well as newer digital technologies such as computers and the internet have
been touted as potentially powerful enabling tools for educational change and reform. When
used appropriately, different ICTs are said to help expand access to education, strengthen the
relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality by,
among others, helping make teaching and learning into an engaging, active process connected
to real life. However, the experience of introducing different ICTs in the classroom and other
educational settings all over the world over the past several decades suggests that the full
realization of the potential educational benefits of ICTs is not automatic.
The effective integration of ICTs into the educational system is a complex,
multifaceted process that involves not only technology indeed, given enough initial capital,
getting the technology is the easiest part, but also curriculum and pedagogy, institutional
readiness, teacher competencies, and long-term financing among others. This primer is
intended to help policymakers in developing countries define a framework for the appropriate
and effective use of ICTs in their educational systems by first providing a brief overview of

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Dr. M. V. K. Mehar & Dr. M. Gopal Krishna
(Pg. 11453-11458) 11455

the potential benefits of ICT use in education and the ways by which different ICTs have
been used in education thus far. Second, it addresses the four broad issues in the use of ICTs
in education effectiveness, cost, equity, and sustainability. The primer concludes with a
discussion of five key challenges that policymakers in developing countries must reckon with
when making decisions about the integration of ICTs in education, namely, educational
policy and planning, infrastructure, capacity building, language and content, and financing.
II. Objectives of the Study
1. To study the Status of E-learning on Secondary Education and its implementation
II. To study the facing challenges and concerned issues of e-learning in Secondary education
III. To observe the consequence results on implementation of e-learning in Secondary
III. Research Methodology
The present study reports by collecting information from different sources like books,
journals, magazines and news papers. The problem mainly focused on implementation of e-
learning look into available data and analyzed with respect to issues.
IV. Status of E-learning
E-Learning in India The rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies
during the past two decades has head many points of contact with education and training. The
development of technology is placing new demands on expertise and also leading to the
increasing use of information technology in teaching and learning. Wireless connectivity,
notebooks their design and use, a transition from e-learning to media learning is one of the
challenges being faced by educational institutions. The world is going through a phase of
globalization and the success of an organization depends on how quickly its workers are able
to learn and transmit various skills required today. India is currently the fourth largest
economy in the world that is attracting global demand for its information technology and
software services.
Secondary Education in India is one of the largest systems in the world.E- learning in India
implemented effectively strenghting since 2000 but occupies lower position in the world due
to it is suffers from telecommunication infrastructure bottlenecks like lack of bandwidth, low
lease based lines, high cost of software and slow servicing, which create hurdles in the
growth of information technology in India. Although e-learning is being used in the corporate
sector in India for providing in-service training yet we have a long way to go. Gurukul online

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Dr. M. V. K. Mehar & Dr. M. Gopal Krishna
(Pg. 11453-11458) 11456

is the first educational portal for information technology industry in India.U.K is the first
place using e-learning in secondary education. France occupies 85% of super connectors for
using technology which is highest using technology in the world where as India has only 5%
education technology using.This is because of Indian education system comprises of
government, government aided and private institutions of which nearly 40% are government
only with population growth rate of approximately 1.5%. There is tremendous pressure on the
education system to provide quality education at affordable price and improve the literacy
rate. Kerala intiatively adopted e-learing then Gujarath.
E-learning in secondary education in Andhrapradesh introduced since 2009.RAMSA
(Rastreeya Madhyamika Siksha Abiyan) is one of the Governing body its Important quality
interventions provided under the scheme such as ICT enabled education, curriculum reforms,
In-service training of teachers and teaching learning reforms. For well establishment of e-
learning, Learning achievement test of IX class students and Multi stage sampling method
was adopted. E learning,Biometric attendance system is being piloted in Kuppam. Next step
should be to check and measure the impact of the initiative so that it can be scaled-up to other
areas. Also, a strong push towards digital is evident from digital and virtual classroom
initiatives. 580 schools had digital classrooms and 1459 were under different stages of
implementation as on September 2016. The target is to have digital classrooms in 5000
schools by 2017-18 and virtual classrooms in 3500 schools2 to improve quality of learning.
We should check the status and assess the impact. If there is evidence of improvement, we
can scale the program up to include more schools.
V. Facing challenges to implementation of E-Learning
The quality and relevance of secondary education curriculum has to address the needs of both
those who choose to go to higher education and those who enter the labour market. The
curriculum is expected to equip the students with adequate cognitive skills to deal with
complex situations in daily routine and also in the world of work. Diversification and
updating of curriculum assumes critical importance. The major concerns for improving
science and mathematics curriculum have remained a challenge as large number of students
at secondary level does not perform well in the examination. The National Curriculum
Framework (2005) while reflecting on these issues suggests a mechanism to overcome
marginalization of scientific experimentation and experiential learning by introducing
improved laboratories and computer-interfaced experiments. Teaching methods and the

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. M. V. K. Mehar & Dr. M. Gopal Krishna
(Pg. 11453-11458) 11457

transaction of curriculum in classroom ought to focus on learning to learn than on

familiarizing with and memorizing facts. Attuning the professional preparation ,motivational
and attitudinal makeup of teachers to the needs of increasingly diversifying student
community, particularly the first generation learners, presents the greatest challenge.
Mobilizing adequate financial resources for equitable expansion and qualitative improvement
of secondary education is confronted with several difficult dilemmas.
ICT It is essential to integrate ICT in curriculum of teacher education so as to prepare
teachers for the future. Knowledge and skills needed to use ICT effectively The teacher
educators must and should have sufficient knowledge and skills to use ICT in delivering a
lesson. They need to develop their transactional strategies so as to meet the need and demand
of the learner. It demands professional development of the teacher educator. ICT professional
development are required for transactional strategies, access to technology, time and
support, ongoing development, training through small groups for improving skills, variety of
options for implementation , Level of Readiness to Integrate Technology into Curriculum.
Teacher educator should be in a position to couple the technology with new teaching learning
approaches so as to improve the learning of students. ICT can improve the standard of
education and learning of students. The challenge confronting our system of education is how
to transform the curriculum and teaching process so that students can perform effectively in a
dynamic, information rich and continuously changing environment. Successful integration of
ICT into teacher education is the extent to which teacher educators have the knowledge and
skills for modeling the use of ICT in their own practices. Communication technology will be
able to develop the capacity of the teacher and teacher educator and at the same time, can
strengthen the capacity of teacher educator, which is the fundamental requirement of
effective transactional strategy. Present day Status of a Teacher The teacher in the emerging
Indian society has a very crucial role in the social reconstruction and in the transmission of
wisdom, knowledge and experiences of one generation to another. Children are the potential
wealth of a nation.
Majority of population staying in rural areas and making them aware about the concept of
elearning is a major challenge. Lack of infrastructure in terms of connectivity, availability of
Internet, etc. is another issue. The government is taking various measures to improve the
communication systems and new technologies like 3G in the telecom space have already
started to be implemented to make things better. Social Implications of E-Learning are

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. M. V. K. Mehar & Dr. M. Gopal Krishna
(Pg. 11453-11458) 11458

another segment of study that is very important to be understood for the success of e-earning
in India.
VI Conclusion
Secondary education in is one of the largest systems in the world and it is linkage between
primary and higher education so as strong pillars of largest higher education based building
produced various skilled persons over the world. U.K first successfully implementing e-
learning as having well super connectors (85%) where as Indio has only 5% super
connectors thereby the status of implementation in e-learning is very low when comparing to
other countries. In India Kerala is the first state introducing e-learning tools as one of
teaching methods then followed Gujarat. E-learning in secondary education in
Andhrapradesh introduced since 2009.RAMSA (Rastreeya Madhyamika Siksha Abiyan) is
one of the Governing body its Important quality interventions provided under the scheme
such as ICT enabled education, curriculum reforms, In-service training of teachers and
teaching learning reforms. For well establishment of e-learning, Learning achievement test
for secondary students and Multi stage sampling method was adopted. E learning, Biometric
attendance system is being piloted in Kuppam school in Chittor district in AndhraPradesh. E-
learning implementations has many challenges before the schools i.e. professional
development are required for transactional strategies, access to technology, time and
support, ongoing development, training through small groups for improving skills, variety of
options for implementation , Level of Readiness to Integrate Technology into Curriculum, net
facility, computers availabilities and other infrastructure.
Anugula N. Reddy, ‘Secondary Education In India’National of Educational Planning
(NUEPA), India, Vol.1, PP.1-9, 2007
Dr. Priti Chaudhari,’ Secondary Education in India: Issues and Concerns’ Vol.4(1),PP.300-
305, 2016
Ghanshyam Tiwari, ‘Universalisation of Secondary Education’ Report of CABE Committee,Vol.1,
PP.1- 56,2005.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

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