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Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,

Online ISSN 2278-8808, SJIF 2018 = 6.371,




Florence Nduku Nguli1, Gideon M. Kasivu2, Ph. D. & Leonard M. Kamau3, Ph. D.
Department of Educational Administration & Planning, South Eastern Kenya University,
Email: mukoflo2014@gmail .com
Lecturer, Department of Educational Administration & Planning, South Eastern Kenya
Lecturer, Department of Educational Communication & Technology, South Eastern Kenya


Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is an important agenda

of all countries due to the rapid changes occurring in the world. However, the teachers as the main
driver of this integration should be intrinsically and extrinsically equipped. The preparedness of the
teacher has incorporated in ICT success in the education system. This study investigated the influence
of teacher demographic factors on ICT integration in teaching in ICT Champion schools in Machakos
Sub-county, in Kenya. The independent variable was the teacher demography while the dependent
variable was ICT integration. The study used quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A sample of
163 teachers and 9 principals was selected. The study used primary data which was collected using
self administered structured questionnaires and interview guide to teachers and principals
respectively. Data was coded and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with aid of the
SPSS software. The influence of teacher demographic factors on integration of ICT in teaching in
public secondary schools was tested using Pearson’s chi-square test at 5% level of significance. The
study found out there was significant relationship between age, gender and level of education with
integration of ICT in teaching.The study recommends that a compulsory computer training
programme be introduced for teachers to equip and harmonize them with ICT competencies and
skills. This shall be crucial in inculcating a positive ICT attitude amongst teachers.
Keywords: Teacher Demographic factors, Integration, Information Communication, Technology,

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According to The World Summit on the Information Society (2006), the main objective of
introducing ICT under the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology was to
fight poverty and contribute towards realization of Sustainable Development Goals. ICT has
impacted on the quality and quantity of teaching and learning in that it provides opportunities
for distance education where students, academic and non-academic staff can communicate
with one another more effectively whether during formal or informal working. Integrating

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11378

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is an important agenda of all

countries due to the rapid changes occurring in the world. In fact, ICT is the tool for rapid
advancement in the 21st century through which the world is connected (Alazzam, Bakar,
Hamzah & Asimiran, 2012).
In the 1980s, developed countries made it compulsory for ICT to be integrated into their
education system to strengthen teaching and to redress past inequalities in schools (Bransford
& Brown, 2000). Global investment in ICT to improve teaching in schools has been initiated
by many governments. For instance United Kingdom, the government spending on
educational ICT in 2008–09 in the UK was £2.5bn (Nut, 2010), in United States, the
expenditure on K-12 schools and higher education institutions was $6 billion and $4.7 billion
respectively in 2009 and in New Zealand, the government spends over $ 410 million every
year on schools ICT infrastructure (Nut, 2010). Despite all these investments on ICT
infrastructure, equipments and professional development to improve education in many
countries, Gulbahar (2007) claims that huge educational investment has produced little
evidence of ICT integration in teaching. The mismatch between the level of investment on
ICT infrastructure and level of implementation has been attributed to two factors, namely the
external and internal factors (Tedla 2012; Tay 2012; Sang,Valcle, Van braak and Tondeur
External factors are deemed as the key obstacles and include issues related to access to the
technologies (hardware, software and integration connectivity) without which it is almost
impossible to talk about ICT integration. When the external factors are in place teachers may
not automatically implement ICT integration since the decision regarding whether and how to
use technology rests on their shoulders (Ertmer, 2005). Chigona (2014) reiterated that the role
of the teacher is of great importance in ensuring that ICT is used in an educational situation.
The inability to integrate in this context has been attributed to internal factors; teacher
demographic. Several surveys have been carried out to investigate the external factors as
compared to the internal factors (Baek, Jung & Kim, 2008; Norton, McRobbie, & Cooper,
2000). Ertmer (2005) asserts that teachers have a great responsibility of deciding when and
how to use technologies for instruction.Baylor and Ritchie (2002) observed that few teachers
integrate ICT into their teaching activities despite the increased availability of ICT
hardware,school related support for ICT integration and a larger consciousness of teachers
about the importance of educational ICT use. There is a clear indication that teacher related

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11379

variables are key internal predictors of technology integration (Becker,2000). The researcher
consequently observed that few teachers integrate ICT into their teaching activities despite
the increased availability of ICT hardware, school-related support for ICT integration, and a
larger consciousness of teachers about the importance of educational ICT use. This is a clear
indication that there are other factors, other than availability of technological infrastructure
that seem to contribute to teachers’ successful technology integration. Teacher demographics
refer to data related to the population of teachers.
Teacher demographic factors in this context entails to: age, gender and level of education,
The related literature reviewed depicted that age affects teachers’ effective adoption and use
of the new technology in teaching and learning (UNESCO, 2014). Chemwei and Koech
(2014) found that young teachers in the age bracket of 25-30 years seem to have higher
interest in integration of ICT in teaching. The young teachers show great enthusiasm in the
adoption and use of computers in their private and in public life and this enthusiasm dwindle
with age (Kamau 2014). The older generation of teachers experience challenges when using
ICT in teaching (Guoyuan, 2010).
1.1 Statement of the Problem
Information from Machakos county education office (2015) state that the level of ICT
integration is low. ICT integration in teaching in the schools in Machakos Sub-County has
remained very low and so is the academic performance (Mwunda 2014). Despite
government initiative on provision of computers through CFSK. Studies closelly related to
this , were done by Atandi (2015) in Nakuru county and Sang et al (2010) who did his study
on primary teachers in China which is a different context.Little has been done on the
influence of the teacher demographic on integration of ICT in teaching in ICT champion
schools in Machakos Sub –County. It is against this backdrop that the researcher sought to
carry out this research to establish the influence of teacher demographic on ICT integration in
teaching in ICT champion schools in Machakos Sub –County.
1.2 Objectives of the Research
The study was to establish the influence of teachers’ age on ICT integration in teaching in
ICT champion schools in Machakos sub-county. To determine the influence of teacher’s
gender on ICT integration in teaching in ICT champion schools in Machakos Sub County and
to investigate the influence of teacher’s level of education in ICT integration in teaching in
ICT champion Schools in Machakos Sub- County.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11380

2.0 Literature Reviewed

2.1 Influence of Teacher’s Age on integration of ICT in teaching
Most research outcomes from developed world have reported that there is more use of ICTs
by young people compared to the older people, the older feel intimidated by the new
technologies than the younger generation. Makgato (2012) alludes that old teachers who are
comfortable with the traditional way of teaching do not want new and innovative methods of
teaching. They are stuck with the face to-face teaching and teacher centered methods which
gives them the sense of power and control in front of their learners. Salhberg (2010) argues
that senior Finnish teachers trained in ICT integration develop their confidence to higher
levels than colleagues coming to it more recently, without training in ICT integration.
UNESCO (2014) depicted that age affects teachers’ adoption and use of the new technology
in teaching. Young teachers in the age bracket of 25-30 years seem to have higher interest in
integration of ICT in teaching (Chemwei & Koech 2014). Lentilalu (2015) in his study on
teacher factors influencing integration of ICT in teaching in Samburu North Sub- County
revealed that age of teachers had considerable influence on ICT integration in teaching and
learning. The age bracket of teachers mostly accessing and using computers in teaching was
found to be below 30 years, rated as 61.4% of the 62 total respondents.
2.2 Influence of Teacher’s Gender on Integration of ICT in Teaching
World Bank (2009) defined gender as the socially constructed roles and socially learned
behaviors and expectations of women and men in a particular society. In many parts of the
world, there is continuing discrimination in schools in relation to access to ICT and
opportunities to use ICT effectively. High school student-to-computer ratios and first come
first serve policies in mixed schools do not favuor girls (Farrell & Wacholz, 2003). The
gender digital divide was viewed as a globally emerging issue that could influence effective
adoption and use of ICT in teaching (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
[UNCTAD], 2014). According World Summit on the Information Society ( 2006) serious
gender divide exist which has not been given special attention .Unless it’s addressed there is
risk that ICT may exacerbate existing inequalities between women and men due to historical
Markauskaite (2006) examined gender differences in self-reported ICT experience and ICT
literacy among first year graduate trainee teachers and revealed significant differences
between males and females in technical ICT capabilities, and situational and longitudinal

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11381

sustainability male teachers. Inspite of the fact that technology is growing very fast, access
and gender differences have been linked to low levels of computer acceptance. In an
evaluation of its programme in four African countries, World link international found that
despite efforts to make ICT programme gender neutral, gender inequalities in access persist
in Uganda and Ghana.
In Kenya, the ratio of men to women using ICT according to 2001 estimates stood at 70%
and 30% respectively. It is also argued that the disparity was partly attributed to the
perception in the country that ICT was a technical subject suitable for men, with many
females shying away from it.
2.3 Influence of teacher’s level of Education on Integration of ICT in teaching
The study conducted by Lau and Sim (2008) explored the extent of ICT adoption among
secondary school teachers in Malaysia and revealed that level of teachers’ academic
qualif1.ication influences ICT integration in teaching.) From the study of Luhombo (2015)
on Teacher factors influencing integration of ICT in teaching of English in public secondary
schools in Mumias Sub-County, it can be revealed that age, gender, academic qualification
determine the adoption of ICT for English lessons in Mumias sub-county. Clark (2000) found
a strong relationship between teachers’ level of education and their attitude towards adoption
of information technology. It is not clear whether teachers’ demographics such as age,
gender and level of education influence integration of ICT in teaching in Machakos Sub-
county. This study will identify the gap and fill it.
3.0 Materials and Methods:
This study used mixed methods research design which involves collecting, analyzing and
integrating quantitative and qualitative research. This kind of approach to research is used
when integration is perceived to provide a better understanding of the research problem than
either of each alone. According to Creswell and Plano Clark (2006), explanatory sequential
mixed method is best suited this design whereby collection and analysis of quantitative data
was followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data. Priority was given to
quantitative data, because quantitative data collection was done first and represented the
major aspect of the study, while qualitative component followed in the second phase of the
study (Ivankova et al., 2006) and the findings were integrated during the interpretation phase
of study.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11382

Quantitative data in this study were closed ended questionnaires which were analyzed
statistically to test hypotheses. This research was deemed to be appropriate because by
mixing both quantitative and qualitative research , the researcher gained in breadth and
depth of understanding while minimizing inherent weaknesses emanating from using one of
them( John & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). There is also the advantage of triangulation which allows
one to identify aspects of phenomena more accurately by approaching it from a different
vantage point using different techniques. It also provides an approach for developing better,
context specific instrument. Helps to explain the findings prudently and validate them.
4.0 Influencesof Demographic Factors on ICT Integration as Reported by Teachers
2.1 Influence of Age
Out of 124 respondents, in the 51-60 years age category, 1(7.1%) was unfamiliar with ICT
integration 4(28.6%) in each category were beginners and newcomers in integrating ICT in
teaching while newcomers there was no teacher in the age bracket who was at an advanced
and expert level. A cross tabulation of age and integration of ICT by the teacher was carried
out and analyses are presented in Figure 1 below.

Number of Teachers


Level of ICT Competence

51-60 41-50 31-40 20-30

Figure. The level of ICT competence among different ages of teachers in Machakos Sub
In the 41-50 years age category, majority 7(58.5%) were at beginners’ level in integrating
ICT in teaching while 3(25.0%) and 2(16.7%) were average and at an advanced level in
integrating ICT in teaching. However, there was no teacher who was at an expert level in
integrating ICT in teaching.In the age category of 31-40 years, the distribution across the
level of integration showed that many teachers were average 12(31.6%) compared to those at
Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies
Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11383

beginners and advanced levels who were 8(21.1%) in each level of ICT integration. Only 2
(5.3%) teachers in this category were at an expert level. Further, the study reveals that
teachers of the ages 20-30years had formed large proportion of those who were at least at an
average level 19(31.7%), advanced level 18(30.0%) expert level 11(18.3%) in integrating
ICT in teaching. None of the teachers in this age category was unfamiliar with integrating
ICT. The study sought to test the statistical significance of these observations using a chi
square test and findings are presented in Table 4.5.2
Table 1: Chi-Square Tests between Ages

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 34.901 15 .003
Likelihood Ratio 38.904 15 .001
Linear-by-Linear Association 21.305 1 .000
No of Valid Cases 124
a. 5 cells (16.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .19.

From Table 1, the chi square test of dependence between age and integration of ICT had a
significance of .003 compared to the p = 0.05. Considering that the significance was a value
less than 0.05, it means that at 5% level of significance integration of ICT was dependent on
age of the teachers with young teachers being more likely to adopt ICT.
Table 2. The correlation matrix showing the R pearson of the ICT competences of teachers in
Machakos sub county. The results show the young teachers have a higher correction to ICT
Unfamiliar Newcomer Beginner Average Advanced Expert
Unfamiliar 1
Newcomer 0.960769 1
Beginner -0.18898 0.090784 1
Average 0.071982 0.345788 0.96583 1
Advanced -0.14286 0.137253 0.998906 0.976893 1
Expert -0.34487 -0.071 0.986912 0.911393 0.978291 1
Further, the influence of Gender of teachers on ICT integration was analyzed with the
summary of findings shown in Table 4.5.3.
Table 3: Influence of Gender on ICT
Level of ICT Integration
Unfamiliar Newcomer Beginner Average Advanced Expert Total
Males 1 6 9 20 17 10 63
1.6% 9.5% 14.3% 31.7% 27.0% 15.9% 100%
Females 2 7 20 19 11 2 61
3.3% 11.5% 32.8% 31.1% 18.0% 3.3% 100%
0.8% 10.7% 23.8% 32.0% 23.0% 9.8% 100%
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Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11384

From the findings, the proportion of male teachers who were average 31.7%, advanced 27%
and expert level at 15.9% was larger than for female teachers within the similar levels.
Further Chi-square analyses were conducted to test whether there was a significant difference
in ICT integration based on gender. Table 4.5.4 summarizes the findings.
Table 3: Chi-Square Tests showing the influence of Gender on ICT integration
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 20.148a 10 .028
Likelihood Ratio 17.250 10 .069
Linear-by-Linear Association 7.942 1 .005
N of Valid Cases 124

a. 3 cells (12.4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.
The chi square statistic, the computed value .028 is less than the p value .05. This implies that
at 5% level of significance integration of ICT was dependent on gender of the teachers hence
the null hypothesis is rejected. Qualitative data from principals was also analyzed and it was
realized that the outcome was consistent to those of quantitative data.
It was imperative to analyze the relationship between the levels of education and integration
of ICT in teaching. From Table 4.5.5, majority of teachers who participated in this study were
at status ranging from the level of beginners, average to advanced level of ICT integration
across all the three (Diploma, B. Ed. and M. Ed.) most observed academic qualifications.
Table 4: Influence of Level of Education on ICT Integration in teaching
Level of ICT Integration
Unfamiliar Newcomer Beginner Average Advanced Expert Total

Diplo 0 3 4 3 1 5 16
ma 0.0% 18.8% 25.0% 18.8% 6.3% 31.3% 100%
B. Ed 1 9 21 32 20 8 91
1.1% 9.9% 23.1% 35.2% 22.0% 8.8% 100%
M .Ed 1 1 4 3 5 0 14
7.1% 7.1% 28.6% 21.4% 35.7% 0.0% 100%
BA/B 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
SC 0% 0% 0% 0%
PGDE 0% 100% 100%
Other 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
s 0% 0% 0%
fy 0% 100% 0% 100%
Totals 1.6% 10.5% 23.4% 31.5% 22.6% 10.5% 100%

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Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11385

A Chi-square test was conducted to test the null hypothesis that there is no statistically
significant relationship between level of education and ICT integration in teaching in ICT
champion schools in Machakos Sub –County. The results are presented in Table 4.5.6
Table 6: Chi-Square Testsshowing the Influence of Level of Education on ICT
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 26.441a 20 .048
Likelihood Ratio 24.495 20 .221
Linear-by-Linear Association .024 1 .877
N of Valid Cases 124

a. 14 cells (24.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .02.
The Pearson Chi-Square statistic,  (2) = 26.441, and p < 0.048. Since p < 048 is less than
0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected.
1.9 Discussion
1.9.1 Influence of Age on Integration of ICT
In terms of age it was found out that there is a significant relationship between age and
integration of ICT in teaching in ICT champion schools in Machakos Sub –County.
Integration of ICT was found to be dependent on age of the teachers with young teachers
being more likely to adopt ICT than the old teachers. The findings are consistent with the
findings of the principals who alluded that young teachers integrate ICT in teaching with a lot
of enthusiasm and the enthusiasm dwindles with age.The findings are consistent to the
findings of Makgato(2012),UNESCO (2014) and Lentilalu (2015) who alluded that old
teachers who are comfortable with the traditional way of teaching do not want new and
innovative methods of teaching. Old teachers use of technology though they perceive it as
useful is limited by ease of use because their experience with technology is very short,
bearing in mind that most of them as evidenced by this research did not have both pre –
service and in-service training in use of ICT in teaching. This can be boosted through
training and constant sensitization to sustain ICT use.
1.9.2 Influence of Gender on Integration of ICT
On gender, it was established that 51% were males while female respondents were 49%.From
the findings, the proportion of male teachers who were average 31.7%, advanced 27% and
expert level at 15.9% was larger than for female teachers within the similar levels.These

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11386

findings are consistent with those of principals who posited that male teachers frequent in
integration of ICT in teaching than the female teachers.
1.9.3 Influence of Level of Education on Integration of ICT
The level of education results indicate that majority of the teachers (73%) had bachelor of
Education Degree as their highest qualification. This was followed by those with Diploma
(14%) and master of education degree (11%). The study established that,Teachers at higher
levels education were found to be at higher level of integration. This implies that there is a
significant relationship between level of education and integration of ICT in teaching in ICT
champion schools in Machakos Sub –County. There is consistency between the data from
teachers and the one from principals who alluded that the rate of integration increases with
the level of education. The findings are also in line with the study by Clark (2000) who
argues that teachers in higher levels of qualification especially masters level used ICT in
there learning. They perceived it as useful and easy to use, intended to use it and the actual
ICT use was good compared to those in lower levels. Continuous training will help to make
the situation sustainable since technology is dynamic and there is need to keep updating.
2.0 Conclusion
Based on the findings the study made the following conclusions guided by the study
objectives; the first objective was to determine the relationship between teacher’s age, and
ICT integration in teaching in ICT champion schools in Machakos sub-county. In regard to
age, the study found that age of teachers influences the integration of ICT in teaching. The
findings indicated that teachers aged below 30 years were more willing to integrate ICT in
teaching. Results from chi-square test also indicate that,  (2) = 34.901, and p < 0.003; there
is a significant relationship between age and integration of ICT in teaching. Thus, to bridge
the difference between the age brackets, there is need for more training, increased exposure
and the use of incentives. With respect to gender, female teachers lagged behind in
integrating ICT in teaching and results from chi square test also indicate,  (2) = 20.148, and
p < 0.028; there is a significant influence of gender on integration of ICT. The study found a
statistically significant relationship between the level of education and integration of ICT in
teaching with  (2) = 26.441, and p < 0.048. There is need for continued support for the
teacher to pursue higher qualifications since it improves their use of ICT in teaching.

Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

Florence Nduku Nguli & Dr. Gideon M. Kasivu & Dr. Leonard M. Kamau
(Pg. 11377-11389) 11387

Based on the study findings, the researcher makes several recommendations;Firstly, the
government should introduce compulsory computer training preferably on the job training for
teachers to equip them with ICT competencies and skills. This training should be done in a
way to ensure teachers of the same age bracket are trained together to ensure their individual
differences are met. Need for clear policy guidelines and effective commitment to training
and integrating ICT in teaching. Such a policy must have clear and positive incentives for
participating in ICT in-service training.
More sensitization workshops are needed to deflect the negative attitudes as well as increase
the appreciation of integration of ICT in teaching by teachers. This can be organised by the
Ministry of Education (MOE).
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Copyright © 2017, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies

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