B.L. Ms.
B.L. Ms.
B.L. Ms.
Add 32085
I. Text
1. Oranges (Poume d'ora [n] ges)
2. White pancakes (Blaunche escrepes)
3. Sage Sauce (Saugee)
4. Fritters (Mincebek)
5. Cressee
6. Cooking meat without fire (A quire char saunz fu)
7. How to bake a goat in its skin (Coment cheveril serra rosti od tute la pel)
8. Ravioli
9. Jelly (Geleye)
10. Spray without herbs (A fere bruet sanz herbes)
11. Tarts with dried fruits (Tardpolane)
12. Pike in the soup (Luce en supes)
13. Bowl of amidone (De amydoun)
14. Cakes (Crosterole)
15. Hawthorn Soup (Espinee)
16. Pink Soup (Rosee)
17. Strawberry Soup (Fresee)
18. Blackberry soup (Ici enseygne coment l'em ferra saunz fraseus)
19. Pepper Sauce (Pevre gresse)
20. How to save a salted dish (Kaunt un viaunde est trop salé)
21. Amidon (Amydon)
22. Horse tail (Couue de Rouncin)
23. Head of a Turk in the Post (Teste de Turke)
24. White Elderberry (Suet blanc)
25. Fruit Pies (Kuskenole)
26. Turk's head (Teste de Turk)
27. Almond Cookies (Emeles)
28. Clary (Ici comence cornent l'en deit fere claree)
29. Chickens or fish in almond sauce (La manere cornent l'en deit fere gravee)
I. Text
1. Oranges 1. Poume d'ora [n] ges
This dish is called orangami. Take pork, not too fat and Ceo est une viaunde ke est apelé pomme de ora [n] ges.
not too lean, chop its raw, crushed in a mortar and add Pernez char de porc e pernez le bro, si festes boiller; e
raw egg yolk; then take the broth and bring to a boil; puys pernez le luncoz de l'oef e oyngnez vos meinz; e
Take egg white and rub in hands; take out the meat and puys pernez horn la char e festes roundes soelez cue
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make as many onion sized balls as required, boil them oingnun, taunt come vos volez, e festes boiller en cel
in the broth; then take them out, put them on skewers bro; e puys pernez les hors e metez chescun parmy une
so that they do not touch each other; put bake on the broche nul ne tuche autre; e puys metez au feu pur
fire; take two dishes and put the egg white in one, the rostir; e pernez deus esqueles, e metez le blaunc en une
1 2 esquele le moel, e festes oyndre les poumes kaunt il
yolk [in the other] and cut the orange until they turn sunt charnis parmy; e pernez sucre e jetez desus kaunt
; take sugar and sprinkle them after removing them il sunt tret hors de la broche; e puys dressez.
from the skewer; then serve.
The yolk is set aside for use as a glaze.
Similar recipes from other sources recommend removing oranges from the fire, covering them with yolk, then
returning to the fire in order for the frosting to "grab". The operation was repeated two or three times.
2. White pancakes 2. Blaunche escrepes
E une autre viaunde, ke ad a noun blaunche escrepes.
Here is another dish, called white pancakes. Take the
Pernez fleur de meyne e blaunc de l'oef, festes bature,
best wheat flour and egg white, make not very thick
ne mye trop espesse, e metez du [vin]; pus pernez une
dough and pour in some wine; then take the cup and
esquele e festes un pertuz parmy; e puys pernez bure,
make a hole in it; take cow's oil or [olive] oil, or fat;
ou oile, ou gresse; e puys metez vos quatres deis
put four fingers into the dough to mix (?) it; take the
dedenz la bature pur hastir; e puys pernez cel bature e
dough, fill it with a bowl and pour through the hole in
metez dedenz une esquele, e festes culer parmy cel
the [hot] fat; prepare one pancake, then another,
pertuz dedenz la gresse; e puys festes une escrespe, e
plugging a hole in the bowl with your finger; After
puys une autre, e metez vostre dei denz le pertuz de
that, sprinkle pancakes with sugar and serve with
l'esquele; e puys jettez sucre des les les crespes, e
dressez celes escrespes od les poumes de ora [n] ges.
3. Sage Sauce 3. Saugee
Here's another dish, called sage sauce. Take good E un autre viaunde, ke ad noun saugee. Pernez bons
spices, that is, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and galangal, especes, ceo est a saver bon gingybre e clou de gilofre
put them in a mortar; then take a handful of sage and e kanele e galyngale, e festes braer en un morter; si
rub it well with spices in the same stupa; then take the pernez une poiné de sauge, si festes braer en cel morter
eggs and boil hard boiled; take out the yolks, od celes especes bien; e pernez des oefs e festes quére
interpretations with sage, mix with wine, apple or malt durs, e pernez hors le moel e festes braer oveskes le
vinegar, take the egg whites, chop finely and add to the sauge il est destempré; e pernez pié de porc ou char
sage mixture; put pork leg or cold meat, and then serve. freide e metez dedenz; e puys dressez.
4. Pancakes 4. Mincebek
Here is another dish called pancakes. Take amidon and E une autre viaunde, ke ad a minounbek. Pernez
rub it in a mortar; if there is no amidone, take the best amydon and mycez le en un morter, e si vos n'avez ceo;
wheat flour; mix with almond milk or warm water and e pernez let de almaundes ou ewe teve, e metez dedenz
a small amount of yeast or sourdough; take the bowl un poi de gest ou un poi de past egre; e puys festes
and make a hole in it, pour the dough through the hole temprer; e pernez une esquele e festes per peruz parmy
in the [hot] butter or fat; then take the sugar and boil e puys pernez sucre e festes sirop boiller; e festes
the syrup; dip pancakes in it and sprinkle with salt, and bainer le myncebek dedenz, e metez du cel desus; e
then serve. puys les dressez.
5. Cressi 5. Cressee
Here is another dish, called cress. Take the best wheat E une autre viaunde, ke ad a noun cressee. Pernez flur
flour and eggs, make the dough; Put the dough in a demeyne e des oefs e festes past, e metez dedenz le
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1 past bon gingivre trié e sucre e saffran; e la ménée la
good choice of ginger, sugar and saffron ; take half moyté de cel past de la fétes mo ee moété blaunc, a la
the dough tinted with saffron and the white half and graundur de vostre dei; e puys festes goboner a la
roll on the table to the thickness of your finger; then cut graundur de une piere de late; e puys festes trere sur
into strips the size of a piece of shingles; stretch on the une table en meimes la manere cum est ceste forme: m;
e puys festes boiller en ewe; e puys pernez une quiller
table as shown ; then boil it in water; after that, take a
percé parmy, si pernez hors cel cressez de l'ewe; e puys
spoon with cuts and choose a cress from the water;
pernez formage myé desus e desuz, e metez bure ou
Spread, cover with grated cheese, butter or olive oil;
oile; e puys dressez.
In the half that should be yellow.
Shows a grid in four rows and eight columns. From strips of different colors should be woven something like
a mat.
6. Cooking meat without fire 6. A quire char saunz fu
Instructions for cooking meat without fire. Take a small
earthen pot with a clay lid, which should be as wide as
E issi enseigne cornent l'en quira char saunz fu. I love
the pot; then take another pot made of the same clay,
you cum le pot est; I love you, I love you, I love you, I
with a lid like that of the first pot; this one should be
love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! en viron de
deeper than the first one by five fingers, with a
treis; e puys pernez char de porc e de gelynes; e puys
circumference greater by three fingers; then take pork
festes couper en beu mosseus, e pernez bons e pepe e
and chickens; cut into large pieces, take good spices,
metez dedenz, e du sel; e pernez le petit pot, e ka la
add, salted; take the smaller pot of meat and put it in
char est, e le metez en le grant pot; e si metez debeu
the larger pot; cover and cover with damp, clayey
cel, si le coverrez od la coverure e estopez le de moille
ground so that nothing is gone; then take the quicklime
terre tenaunte, ke nule chose ne pusse isser; puti peri ez
and fill a large pot with water, making sure that the
de chauz nien esteynt si lessez estre en pees cinc lyuee
water does not fall into the smaller pot; let it stand for
de veie ou set; e puys overez vos potz, e si troverez
as long as it takes a walk from five to seven leagues;
vostre viaunde bien e bel quyt.
after opening the pots and find your food undoubtedly
7. How to bake a goat in his skin 7. Coment cheveril serra rosti od tute la pel
Instructions for roasting goat in his skin. Take the goat Ci enseigne cornent cheveril serra rosti od tutte la pel.
and hammer, the louse as a young hog, peel and Pernez le cheveril e le tuez, e eschaudez cum un porcel,
disintegrate; then put on a skewer, put in good spices e festes oster les boeus, si festes turner; e puys metez
and a good stuffing prepared with the same spices with sus une broche, e metez dedenz bons especes, e bone
the addition of saffron and salt; put baked; when it is farsure festes des especes, od seffran e sel dedenz; e
hot, slice in long pieces of bacon; when ready, take off puys metez a fu; e puys kaunt il serra achaufé lardez le
the skewer and serve with filling and good ginger. od long larduns; e de broche coliz e kaunt il serra quit
8. Ravioli 8. Ravieles
Here's another dish called ravioli. Take good flour and E une autre manere de viaunde, ke ad a noun ravieles.
sugar, make cool dough; take good cheese and butter, Pernez bel flur e sucre, e festes un past; e pernez bon
mix well; then take parsley, sage and shallots, cut them formage e bure, e braez ensemble; e puys pernez persil
1 2
well, put them in filling ; Put the cooked ravioli on e sauge e eschalouns, e mincez les menu, e jettez les
a bed of grated cheese and cut with grated cheese, then dedenz la fassure; e puys pernez formage myé e metez
heat again (?). desus e desuz; e puys metez au furn.
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In cheese with butter.
Missed rolling dough, cutting, forming ravioli and cooking.
9. Jelly 9. Geleye
Here is another dish called jelly. Take the young pig E une autre viaunde, ke ad a noun geleie. Pernez un
and the scald, and the chickens or any other fresher porcel e festes eschauder, e gelynes ou aukune autre
meat; take spices, cloves, galangal, and ginger, mix up char fresche; e pernez des especes, gilofre, galingale, e
together; Take white wine, cut pigs and chickens into gingivre, e festes braer ensemble; e pernez blaunc vin,
large chunks and boil them in white wine: on fish day, e pernez vostre purcel e vos gelines e festes couper en
beu mosseus, e festes boiller en blaunc vin: en meymes
prepare the dish in the same way, but without meat; and
then serve [when gelling]. la manere festes en jur de pesson; e puis dressez.
Not corned and not smoked.
10. Spray without herbs 10. A fere bruet sanz herbes
To make a stew without herbs, bread, saffron, or eggs, A fere bruet saunz herbes e saunz peyn e saunz seffran
take pork, chickens, giblets, and cook them together; e saunz oef, pernez char de porc e de gelynes e le
then take the goose fat, or the goat, or the male roe deer gibelet de soe e festes boiller ensemble; e puys pernez
1 saimes de owe ou de cheveril ou de cheveroil ou de
or wild boar and cook [meat] in a good fat broth; porc, e festes quire en bon bro grasse; e puys festes le
interpret meat, take good fat, fields to them from braer; e puys pernez bele gresse e jetez desus; e puys
above; then serve. dressez.
Enriched with fat.
11. Patties with dried fruits 11. Tardpolane
Here is another dish, called pies with dried fruits.
Combine the flour and sugar, mix in the dough together E une autre viaunde, ke ad a noun tardpolane. Pernez
with almond milk; make two-finger-high baskets out of flur e sucre e metez ensemble, e ke le past seit tempré
this dough; take pears, dates, almonds, figs, raisins, put oue let de alemaundes; a festes de cest past coffyns de
hautesce de deus deis; e puys pernez peres eres, e
in liquid and spices, prick together, add egg yolk and
metez liqur, des especes, e braez les ensemble, e jetez
a piece of good, soft cheese, not too old, and many
2 de moles de l'oef dedenz oefs asez; e pus metez au fuil
eggs; then put them to prepare ; Lubricate the top oignez les desus moelles de l'oef, e pus dressez.
with egg yolk, then serve.
Liquid not specified, wine or almond milk most likely.
Putting the stuffing in the basket.
12. Pike in the soup 12. Luce en supes
Here's another dish, called pike in the soup. Boil the E un autre viaunde, ke ad a noun luce en supes.
pike until half cooked, then take the onions, grind and Perboillez vostre luce, e pus pernez oingnouns e festes
fire in fat, add wine and saffron; for better results, myncer [e festes frier] en gresse, e metez vyn oue
[pike] and other fish should be fried without fat in the seffran; e tut manere de pessons, ke bon seit en ceste
manner described here: take an egg yolk or two, and manere, cum ci orrez coment, serrunt fris saunz gresse:
rub the [hot] pan until it "sweats"; the pan should be pernez le moel de l'oef ou deus, e oingnez la paele de
black enough and thoroughly wiped with a cloth, and cies autant; e ke la paele seit bien neire e bien sue de un
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should ensure that it does not become too hot or too drap, e ke la paele seit bien ne garree ke ele ne seit trop
1 chaude ne trop freide, e metez un poi de sel, ou de
cold ; sprinkle some salt or sugar into the pan; [fire sucre; si cum vos metez chescun aprés autre desus un
fish] as they are served on a dish, putting one after plater, ke nul ne apruce autre; e pus dressez.
another, so as not to touch each other; then serve .
1 The
advice is detailed, but not clear.
Apparently watering the onion-wine sauce (soup).
13. Bowl of amidone 13. De amydoun
E une autre viaunde, ke ad a noun amydoun. Pernez
Here is another dish, called amidona soup. Take amydoun, si le festes braer, e festes bon let des
amidon and pans, mix with good almond milk, add alemaundes, e metez dedenz sucre, e festes boiller od
sugar, boil with almond oil; take blanched almonds and oile des alemaundes; e pernez les alemaundes
saffron, boil together in water, then fire in olive oil or
blaunches e seffran, e festes boiller ensemble en ewe, e
fat; the white part put pink sugared almonds , and on pus friez en oile ou en gresse; e sus la viaunde
the tinted portion of blanched almonds, rice and small blaunche serra plaunté alemaundes colurés rose de
candies; then serve. sucre, eur la viaunde colore serrunt plaunte alemaundes
blaunches, e rys e penides; e pus dressez.
Painted in pink and flavored with rose water.
14. Cakes 14. Crosterole
Here is another dish, called lozenges. Take the best
E une autre viande ad crosse crosterole. Pernez flur
white flour, eggs and saffron, make the dough, tint half
demeyne e des oefs e seffran, e festes past colorées de
and leaving the other half white; then roll it on the table
la meyté del past, e l'autre meyté serra blanche; ausi
until it is as thin as parchment and round as a flat cake;
tenve come perchemyn, e round entur cum kake; e
prepare for Great Lent the same way as at other times
festes le ausi bien en karemme cum en autre en oile fry
of the year, using almond milk [instead of eggs]; fry in
[e] z.
[olive] oil.
15. Hawthorn soup 15. Espinee
Here is another dish called hawthorn soup. Take E un autre viaunde, ke ad a noun espinee. Pernez le
carefully collected hawthorn flowers and rub into a flurs de aube espine nettement quilé, e festes brae en un
mortar into powder, then mix with almond or cow's morter tut a pudre, e pus destemprez oue let des
milk; Thicken well with bread or amidon, and eggs; alemaundes ou let de vache; e pus metez de payn ou de
decorate with hawthorn petals and elderberry flowers; amydoun de lier, e des oefs, e liez le bien espés, e de
then serve. foilles de l'espine e de flurs de suces; e pus en dressez.
16. Pink soup 16. Rosee
E un autre viaunde, k'ad a noun rosee. Pernez une
Here is another dish, called pink soup. Take a handful
poyné de foilles des roses ou deus, e festes bien braer, e
or two rose petals, rub well and mix with almond or
destemprez oue let des alemaundes ou de vache; e pus
cow's milk; then take white bread, eggs and thicken the
pernez e liez bien espés de payn de wastel e des oefs, e
mixture well, tint with saffron, throw one or two petals
colurez le de seffran, e jettez une foille desus ou deus, e
on top, sprinkle with sugar; then serve.
de sucre; e pus en dressez.
17. Strawberry Soup 17. Fresee
Here's another dish, called strawberry soup. Gently E un autre viaunde, ke ad a noun fresee. Quillez
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gather the strawberries and rub them; then take almond nettement freseus, e pus braez les; e pus pernez let des
or cow's milk and mix it thoroughly [with alemaundes ou de vache e destemprez le bien; e pus
strawberries]; then add some white bread, thicken the metez un po poti was paytel de wastel, e liez le bien
1 espés e colurez le de seffran, e des oefs liez e etez de
mixture well and tint with saffron, [add] a few eggs , freseus entirs.
put whole berries on top.
Also as a thickener.
18. Blackberry soup 18. Ici enseygne coment l'em ferra saunz fraseus
Instructions for cooking [berry soup] without
1 Ici enseygne coment l'em ferra saunz fraseus. Quillez-
strawberries. Carefully collect them and finely rub in les-nettement-et-us-re ate b b b,,,,,, e m m m m m m m
a mortar, then mix with almond or cow's milk, put a m m m m m m m let let let let let let let let let vac vac
little white bread and thicken well with eggs; put a vac; e pus de bramaus friz metez desur.
fresh blackberry on top.
19. Pepper Grape Sauce 19. Pevre gresse
Un sause k'ad a non pevre gresse. Pernez la raysine e
Here is the grape and pepper sauce. Take a bunch of
quillez hors la grape e metez en un morter o un poi de
grapes and put in a mortar, lightly salted, well knead
sel, e quassez bien les grapes; e pus colez hors le jus; e
the berries; press juice; Put ginger, pepper and some
metez gingivre e peivre e un poi de pein en un morter e
bread in a mortar, well grind, then mix with juice.
braez bien, e pus destemprez oue le jus & cetera.
20. How to save a salted dish 20. Kaunt un viaunde est trop salé
How to save a dish, for example, a stew when it is too
Kaunt un viaunde est trop salé, ceo est a dire potage, a
salty. Take the grüel, fill the rag, then take the rag with
fere le en bon estat. Pernez gruel e metez en une
the grüel and put it in the stew, at the bottom of the pot,
tuaylle, e pus pernez la tuaylle oue le gruel e metez en
let it be a little out of the fire; [heat again], remove
cel potage au fré du un dui pré du fu; e pus ostez du fu
from heat, and this is how a good and pleasant taste
e serra assez bon e deugé pur manger, & cetera.
[dish] will turn out, etc.
21. Amidon 21. Amydon
How to make a year's supply of amidone that will be Pur fere amidon pur tut l'an, a tenyr taunt de tens come
stored as long as required. Take pure wheat about the vos volez. Pernez forment net, entur la seint johan, essi
metez en un vessel, metez de bel ewe assez ou e lement
day of St. John and put in a vessel for nine days; pour
neur jes; e chescun jur serra le furment bien bien lavé,
plenty of water with wheat; Every day, the wheat
e le ewe changé; e pus braez le bien, e pus metez le
should be washed well and changed water; then
ariere en bel ewe, e lessez le ester une nuyt; e pus colez
carefully pitch, put it back into clean water and let it
hors le ewe; e pus metez le sus une lincele ver le solail,
stand overnight; then wipe and place on the cloth in the
dekes a taunt ke il seit sec; e pus kaunt il est sec, per
sun until it dries; when it is dry, take it and put it in a
lez le le metez en un net vessele; si le tenez taunt come
clean vessel; keep as much as you wish, well covered
vos volez, e coverez le bien, e trenchez le en peces &
and sliced, etc. cetera.
June 24.
Publishers have noted that here "etc." (& cetera) should not be interpreted as the usual "then serve", but as
"and pitches for use as needed."
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возьми мускатный цвет, перец кубеба и сахар, en un morter, e festes les destemprer oue cel bru; e
добавь в молоко1, возьми молодых цыплят или pernez masces e kybibes e du sucre, e metez en cel let,
кроликов, и хорошо свари, убери кожу и положи их e pernez pucyns jefnes, ke seient bien buylli, e hostez
в молоко, нагрей; затем подавай. С рыбой поступай la pel, ou conyns, e metez en cel let e festes enchaufer;
так же, взяв щуку и леща. e pus drescez. En meymes la manere od bru de
pessons, a mestre luz e breme.
1Смесь бульона и миндаля.
~ Перевод: Крыжановский С.В. ~ Дата: 2007-2010гг. ~ Версия: 1.2 ~ email: [email protected] ~
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