Klaus2016 Article OnCombinatorialGauss-BonnetThe
Klaus2016 Article OnCombinatorialGauss-BonnetThe
Klaus2016 Article OnCombinatorialGauss-BonnetThe
c Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
1 Introduction
We recall some basic definitions and results from combinatorial topology (see
[17], for example).
Let K be a simplicial complex (always assumed to be finite), where we de-
note the set of r-simplices by Kr and its number by cr . The Euler characteristic
Combinatorial Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for general Euclidean simplicial complexes 1347
St(σ) = σ ∗ Lk(σ).
for m > k, where k denotes the dimension of σ. Note that ck (σ) = 1 and
cm (σ) = 0 for m < k.
Definition The characteristic polynomial of a simplicial complex K and its
relative version with respect to a simplex σ are defined as
c(t) := ck tk , c(σ; t) := ck (σ)tk .
k0 k0
In some sense, this result can be considered as the most elementary and
purely combinatorial version of a generalized Gauss-Bonnet Theorem.
As an example, let K be a pure 1-dimensional simplicial complex. Then
λ(x) = 1 − c1 (x),
where c1 (x) just gives the number of adjacent vertices. In particular, for a
combinatorial 1-manifold M 1 , it holds that 1 c1 (x) 2 with inner points x
corresponding to c1 (x) = 2 and boundary points corresponding to c1 (x) = 1.
Hence, we get the well-known result that χ(M 1 ) is equal to half the number
of boundary points (which, as a corollary, has to be even) and vanishes for a
closed 1-manifold.
As a more interesting example, let M 2 be a simplicial complex which is a
triangulated closed 2-manifold. Then the link of x is an n(x)-gon with n(x) ∈ N,
and hence,
c1 (x) = n(x) = c2 (x),
which yields
λ(x) = 1 − .
Hence, vertices with a hexagon as their link do not contribute to the Euler
characteristic whereas the contribution is positive for n-gons with n < 6 (i.e.,
for pentagons, quadrangles, and triangles) and negative for n-gons with n > 6.
See also [11, Chapter 1], where a similar result is stated. Note that the result
is a special case of the combinatorial Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for triangulated
surfaces, where all triangles have the same edge length.
As a well-known application of Poincaré duality, the Euler characteristic of
a closed odd-dimensional manifold vanishes, χ(M 2n+1 ) = 0. It is well known,
[12,19], that this is also true for Euler manifolds, which are defined as follows.
Definition [12] A (closed) Euler-n-manifold M is a pure n-dimensional
simplicial complex such that the link Lk(σ) of each simplex σ has the same
Euler characteristic as the sphere S n−k−1 , where k denotes the dimension of σ,
χ(Lk(σ)) = 1 + (−1)n−k−1 .
The condition of a Euler-manifold is equivalent to
Lk(σ) ≈ S n−k−1 .
simplicial complex, which has only to satisfy the condition that each (n − 1)-
simplex bounds exactly two n-simplices. This is equivalent to χ(Lk(σ)) = 2
for all (n − 1)-simplices σ. There is also an additional condition for pseudo
manifolds concerning connectivity, which we do not consider here. Hence, our
definition is stronger than the usual definition in the literature. We remark that
odd-dimensional pseudo-manifolds can have non-vanishing Euler characteristic.
As an example, take a combinatorial 3-manifold and identify two points which
are sufficiently distant such that the quotient space still is a simplicial complex.
Then the quotient space is a pseudo-3-manifold with χ = −1.
The definition of a Euler-manifold is still much weaker than the definition
of a combinatorial manifold as the links of simplices are allowed to be homology
spheres, for examples. As a more singular example of a Euler-2-manifold,
consider a triangulated surface and identify some vertices (with the
restriction that the quotient space still has to be a simplicial complex). Then
the link of such a point is a disjoint union of circles and has vanishing Euler
characteristic. Also the suspension of the Poincaré homology 3-sphere (which
exists as combinatorial 3-manifold) is a Euler-4-sphere.
Definition A Euler-n-sphere S is a Euler-n-manifold which satisfies
χ(S) = 1 + (−1)n .
Note that in a Euler-n-manifold M, the link Lk(σ) of any k-simplex σ is a
Euler-(n − k − 1)-sphere. This follows from
Lk (τ ) = Lk(τ ∗ σ),
where τ is a simplex in Lk(σ) and Lk (τ ) denotes the link of τ within Lk(σ).
Moreover, it is straightforward to see that the suspension of a Euler-n-sphere
is a Euler-(n + 1)-sphere.
For a Euler-manifold, there are fundamental relations for the coefficients of
its characteristic polynomial, see [12–14,19].
Theorem 2.2 For a Euler-manifold of even dimension 2m, the following 2m
equations hold:
2m + 1
2c1 − 3c2 + 4c3 − 5c4 ± · · · − c2m = 0,
2m + 1
3c2 − 6c3 + 10c4 ± · · · + c2m = 2c1 ,
2m + 1
4c3 − 10c4 ± · · · − c2m = 0,
2m + 1
5c4 ± · · · + c2m = 2c3 ,
······ ,
2m 2m + 1
c2m−1 − c2m = 0,
2m − 1 2m − 1
1350 Stephan KLAUS
2m + 1
c2m = 2c2m−1 .
For a Euler-manifold of odd dimension 2m + 1, the following 2m + 1 equations
2m + 2
2c1 − 3c2 + 4c3 − 5c4 ± · · · + c2m+1 = 2c0 ,
2m + 2
3c2 − 6c3 + 10c4 ± · · · − c2m+1 = 0,
2m + 2
4c3 − 10c4 ± · · · + c2m+1 = 2c2 ,
2m + 2
5c4 ± · · · − c2m+1 = 0,
······ ,
2m + 1 2m + 2
c2m − c2m+1 = 0,
2m 2m
2m + 2
c2m+1 = 2c2m .
2m + 1
Proof For the convenience of the reader, we recall the easy proof which can be
found in different forms (sometimes implicitely) in [12], [13], [14], or [19]. We
ci (σ) = ci ,
where the sum is over allk-dimensional simplices σ. The reason is that each i-
simplex contains exactly k+1 subsimplices of dimension k. Then the equations
follow from
Now, we show that there is a (unique) solution for the coefficients ak which
involves Bernoulli numbers and has all necessary properties (i.e., a1 = 1/2 and
higher odd-order coefficients vanish). Recall [10] that the Bernoulli numbers
are given by the exponential generating power series
x Bn
= xn .
ex −1 n!
In particular,
1 1 1 1
B0 = 1, B1 = − , B2 = , B4 = , B6 = , ...,
2 6 30 42
and odd-order Bernoulli numbers vanish from B3 on. See also [15, Appendix
B] but note that there are different conventions for enumeration and signs of
the Bi . Multiplication of the generating power series with ex − 1 yields the
well-known recursion
Bi = δ(k)
with δ(0) := 1 and δ(k) = 0 for k > 0. If we separate the first summand to the
left-hand side (i = 0, k > 0) and divide by k + 1, then we obtain with
k+1 k+1 k
i i i−1
Bi k
1 k
− = .
k+1 i i−1
With the index shifts i → i + 1 and k → k + 1, this proves that
ak = (−1)k
solves the decomposition (2.2) and hence proves (2.1).
The rational number λ(x) can be considered as a kind of local Euler class or
combinatorial curvature measure of K in x. We will give a refinement of λ(x)
with a more geometric interpretation in Section 5.
Theorem 3.1 (Cayley-Menger, see [5]) Assume that edge lengths dij on an
abstract m-simplex σ are given. Then they are realizable by a unique Euclidean
structure on σ if and only if
(−1)dim(τ ) Γτ > 0
1 2
vi · vj = (d + d20j − d2ij ).
2 0i
In order to make G symmetric also with respect to the first vertex v0 , one
applies elementary matrix transformations and this yields the Cayley-Menger
det(G) = Γ.
The reverse statement is similarly proved by an induction on dimension.
Hence, the function d : K1 → R+ has to satisfy the Cayley-Menger
determinant condition for every simplex τ ∈ K. We call the pair (K, d) of an
abstract simplicial complex with such an edge length function realizable. Thus,
a pair (K, d) defines a Euclidean simplicial complexes, which is then uniquely
defined as a metric space up to isometry, if and only if it is realizable.
Remark Note that this does not imply that such a Euclidean simplicial
complex can be simplex-wise linearly and isometrically embedded into a
1354 Stephan KLAUS
vol(Dεm ∩ σ)
θ(τ ⊂ σ) := ∈ [0, 1],
vol(Dεm )
where Dεm denotes a small disk (i.e., with radius ε ≈ 0) around an inner point of
τ and vol denotes the volume. Clearly, this ratio does not depend on the chosen
inner point of τ and on the radius of Dεm if ε is small enough. By definition, it
holds that θ(σ ⊂ σ) = 1 and
θ(τ ⊂ σ) =
for all codimension-1 subsimplices τ, i.e., (m − 1)-faces of σ. Note that the usual
(non-normed) dihedral angle α is given by multiplication of θ with the volume
vol(S m−k−1 ) of the unit (m − k − 1)-sphere.
Now, there holds the following fundamental theorem of Poincaré which can
be considered as the generalization of the angle sum in a triangle, see [11,
Chapter 1].
Theorem 3.2 (Poincaré, see [11]) Let σ be a Euclidean m-simplex. Then it
holds that
(−1)dim(τ ) θ(τ ⊂ σ) = 0,
θ0 + θ1 + θ2 − 3 ∗ + 1 = 0,
which is, after multiplication with vol(S 1 ) = 2π, just the classical angle sum in
a triangle
α0 + α1 + α2 = π.
Moreover, in a Euclidean tetrahedron with vertices x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , it holds that
θ0 + θ1 + θ2 + θ3 − (θ01 + θ02 + · · · + θ23 ) + 4 ∗ − 1 = 0,
which is, after multiplication with vol(S 2 ) = 4π, a formula of the French
mathematician De Gua from the 18th century ([11, Section 13]),
Theorem 4.1 For any Euclidean simplicial complex (K, d), it holds that
(−1)dim(τ ) δ(τ ) = χ(K),
where the second summation is over all maximal σ and we can interchange the
summations on τ and σ by defining θ(τ ⊂ σ) := 0 if τ is not a subsimplex
of σ. The right summand vanishes because of Poincaré’s Theorem and the left
summand just gives χ(K).
This generalized Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for a Euclidean simplicial complex
expresses the topological invariant χ(K) as a sum of local invariants defined by
geometry. Note that it also makes sense if K has odd dimension, whereas the
classical Gauss-Bonnet-Chern Theorem
Pf n (Ω) = (2π)n χ(M 2n )
only makes sense in even dimensions because otherwise the Pfaffian cannot be
5 Curvature at a vertex
Theorem 5.1 For any Euclidean simplicial complex (K, d), it holds that
κ(x) = χ(K),
i.e., the sum over all vertex curvatures gives the Euler characteristic.
Proof This is an immediate consequence of our main result as every k-simplex
τ has (k + 1) vertices which explains that the contribution of (−1)k δ(τ ) to κ(x)
comes with a factor of 1/(k + 1).
6 Morse-type inequalities
We recall that Morse-type inequalities hold for any chain complex C∗ of finite
type with coefficients over a fixed field. Denote the boundaries by B∗ , the cycles
by Z∗ , and the homology groups by H∗ . Then the short exact sequences
Zm → Cm → Bm−1 , Bm → Zm → Hm ,
cm = hm + bm + bm−1
for the ranks of the corresponding groups. In case of the chain complex of
a simplicial complex, note that the hm are the Betti numbers with respect
to the fixed field of coefficients. Taking alternating sums leads to the Morse
inequalities (m 0) :
δi := δ(m) (σ)
σ : dim(σ)=i
is the sum of all normed dihedral angle defects in dimension i and the angle
defects δ(m) (σ) are taken with respect to the m-skeleton Skm (K).
Proof This follows from the Morse inequalities, from the fact that
other side also has to be positive. It would be very interesting if this global
result can also be refined to a local result, i.e., if it is possible to find a metric
d such that all dihedral angle defects in dimension 0 and 1 are positive.
In dimension 3, there is the following refinement of the vanishing of χ similar
to the vanishing of the local Euler density λ(x).
Theorem 7.3 Let M 3 be a Euclidean simplicial complex which is a
combinatorial 3-manifold. Then the curvature κ(x) at all vertices vanishes
Proof We have
κ(x) = 1 − θ(x ∈ σ) − 1− θ(τ ⊂ σ)
σ : x∈σ∈M3 τ : x∈τ ∈M1 σ : τ ⊂σ∈M3
c1 (x) 1
= 1− − θ(x ∈ σ) + θ(τ ⊂ σ).
2 2
σ : x∈σ∈M3 τ,σ : x∈τ ⊂σ∈M3
B = ∂(M × I) = M
:= W ∪B W,
which gives
) = 2χ(W ) − χ(B).
Now, if n is odd, χ(B) = 0, and if n is even, χ(B) = 2χ(W ).
Definition For a Euclidean simplicial complex which is a combinatorial
(pseudo-)manifold W n+1 with boundary B n , we define the normal curvature
at a boundary simplex τ of B as
n+1 1 n
ρ(τ ) := 1 − θ(τ ⊂ σ ) − 1− θ(τ ⊂ σ )
2 n
σ ∈Wn+1 σ ∈Bn
1 1
= − + θ(τ ⊂ σ n ) − θ(τ ⊂ σ n+1 ),
2 2 n
σ ∈Bn σn+1 ∈Wn+1
Theorem 8.2
χ(W ) − χ(B) = (−1)dim(τ ) δ(τ ) + (−1)dim(τ ) ρ(τ ).
τ ∈W −B τ ∈B
Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Anand Dessai, Fernando Galaz-
Garcia, Ruth Kellerhals, Enrico Leuzinger, and Wilderich Tuschmann for helpful discussion
and comments on this subject.
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