Here Are Common Work Occurrences. Determine Which Type of Power Applies Best in Each Situation. Explain Your Answer. See Number One For Example

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NAME: _________________________________DATE: ______________ SECTION: __________________

Here are common work occurrences.

Determine which type of power applies best in each situation. Explain your answer. See number one
for example.
1. In a recent staff meeting, Sean asks each team member to identify one night in each pay period when
they can work extra hours to cover staffing.
a) Coercive b) Referent c) Information d) Legitimate
a) Coercive
While Sean is giving each team member the opportunity to choose when they want to work extra hours,
it’s clear that’s the only choice the team is getting. This isn’t to say Sean is doing anything wrong.
Sometimes business necessity requires everyone to work extra. But Sean is using his coercive power to
make sure everyone participates.

2. Maria gave a day off with pay to each staff member who worked so hard on developing the
department policies and procedures manual before the board member visited.
a) Expert b) Coercive c) Reward d) Information

3. Stephen meets with each of his new employees and answers any questions they have about the
a) Legitimate b) Coercive c) Connection d) Referent

4. Following each advisory committee meeting, Joyce emails a copy of the minutes to each participant.
a) Reward b) Information c) Legitimate d) Expert

5. Albert documents all absences and late arrivals in his employee files.
a) Legitimate b) Connection c) Referent d) Information

6. Besides being the chief nurse executive, Janelle is president of the state nurses association.
a) Legitimate b) Connection c) Expert d) Reward

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