Knowledge and Practice of Postnatal Mothers Regarding Personal Hygiene and Newborn Care
Knowledge and Practice of Postnatal Mothers Regarding Personal Hygiene and Newborn Care
Knowledge and Practice of Postnatal Mothers Regarding Personal Hygiene and Newborn Care
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1 author:
Sahbanathul Missiriya
Saveetha University
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Research Article
Sahbanathul Missiriya*
Professor, Saveetha College of Nursing, Saveetha University, Thandalam, India.
*Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected]
Accepted on: 27-06-2016; Finalized on: 31-08-2016.
Postnatal period is a crucial period in woman’s life. They are in need of special care during pregnancy, at the time of labour as well
as after delivery of child in order to prove safe motherhood and healthy living. Mostly, incorrect perception of postnatal health
practices leads the individual to move towards the unsafe motherhood. So the researcher was interfered to assess the knowledge
and practice of postnatal mothers regarding personal hygiene and newborn care. A study was conducted with the objective to
determine the knowledge and existing practice of the postnatal mothers regarding personal hygiene and newborn care and to find
out the association between the knowledge and practice of postnatal mothers with the selected demographic variable. A descriptive
research design was adopted. A total number of 60 postnatal mothers were selected by random sampling method in order to assess
their knowledge and practice. Out of them, 38(63.3%) were between the age of 21-25 years, 17(28.3%) were between the age of 26-
30 years. Regarding education 38(63.3%) were studied primary school, 10(16.7%) were studied middle and high school, 8(13.3%)
were had higher secondary and 4(6.7%) were graduates and others. Most of them 39(65%) were house wife. Regarding knowledge
on personal hygiene, 42(70%) were having inadequate knowledge and 18(30) were having moderately adequate knowledge and
none had adequate. About their practice, 38(63.3%) were having poor practice and remaining 22(36.7%) were having satisfactory
practice and none had good practice. There was statistically significant association between the mother’s knowledge with the age,
education and family type at P=<0.05, P=<0.001 and P=<0.01 respectively. The study concluded that there is a need to create
awareness among the postnatal mothers regarding personal hygiene and new born care aspects in rural areas in order to reduce
maternal and neonatal complications.
Keywords: Knowledge, Practice, Personal Hygiene, Newborn Care.
and is not well ventilated. Since there are many orifices the importance of personal hygiene includes perineal
(urinary meatus, vaginal orifice and the anus) situated in hygiene and breast hygiene and the general newborn
this area, so the pathogenic organisms can enter into the care. Some of the postnatal mothers such as who went
body.7 for caesarean section, maternal complications were
confined to bed for a longer period of time, could not
A study conducted on mother’s knowledge during the
able to take care properly.
first post partum weeks throughout their hospital stay.
Mothers are inundated with information relating to Considering all the above factors the researcher had a
physical and psychosocial aspects of self-care, infant genuine interest and felt the need to assess the
physical care feeding and behavior. Results indicated that knowledge and practice of personal hygiene and newborn
mother’s were using much of the information presented care among postnatal mothers.
during their hospital stay. Some of the mothers
Objectives of the Study
designated areas of additional teaching.8
The study is mainly aimed
Not only maternal mortality, but neonatal mortality also
continued to increase as a percentage of more than 60% 1. To determine the knowledge and existing practice of
of overall infant mortality. The reason is lack of the postnatal mothers regarding personal hygiene
awareness of the mothers causes improper newborn and newborn care.
care.9 2. To find out the association between knowledge and
practice of postnatal mothers regarding personal
Postnatal care is the important portion of maternal health
hygiene and newborn care with the selected
care as it helps to assess the health status of mother and
demographic variables.
newborn. It promotes to rectify the defect and to identify
the progress of the baby that is essential to solve the MATERIALS AND METHODS
health issues. By the way it makes to formulate any
The research approach used for this study was
preventive measure to be taken on it. It also helps to
Quantitative approach. A descriptive research design was
provide necessary information and education to the
10 adopted. A total number of 60 postnatal mothers were
mother regarding maternal and newborn care.
selected by random sampling method in order to assess
Every society and country has its own traditional belief their knowledge and practice at the rural areas of Nemum
and practice related to postnatal care. Most of the village in Thiruvellore district. The target population of
practices were like rituals and belief. Some of the the study was postnatal mothers from the period of
practices are beneficial to the mother and children. But immediately after delivery to 40 days which includes both
some of them are more dangerous to the health aspects. normal and caesarean deliveries. All postnatal mothers
This is an important role for health care providers to who had been fulfilled the inclusion criteria were
identify the harmful belief. The nursing personal has an participated for the main study. The tool includes were
important role in improving women’s health status and part-A consisting of demographic variables, part-B
also creating the awareness about the consequence of consisting of structured interview questionnaire related
poor maternal health. The health care providers have the to knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding personal
concern about the individuals and family cultural values hygiene and newborn care and part-C consisting of
and belief, so that they can provide a beneficial care to checklist related to practice of postnatal mothers
the postnatal mothers. Inadequate and improper and regarding personal hygiene and newborn care.
inappropriate care at postnatal period may result in death
The score interpretation were >75% -adequate
as well as missed opportunity to promote healthy
knowledge, 50-75% -moderately adequate knowledge
behavior that will be affecting the health of mother and
11 and <50% -inadequate knowledge for the tool of
structured interview questionnaire.
During the postnatal period a variety of intervention aid
For the practice the score interpretation were >75% -
in healing process includes cleanliness, prevention of
good practice, 50-75% -satisfactory practice and <50% -
infection, exercise and nutritional diet. The nurse should
poor practice.
educate the mother about intervention which will help
the mother to gain adequate knowledge and maintaining The practice was observed directly by researcher by using
positive health for herself and the baby. Health education checklist.
is an integral part of maternal and child health care.12
Informed consent was obtained and confidentiality was
The personal experience of the researcher evidenced that ensured to the mothers while collecting the data. The
most of the postnatal mothers had inadequate collected data were analyzed by using descriptive and
knowledge about the postnatal hygienic care as well as inferential statistics.
newborn care especially primi mothers. It also has been
observed that some of the practices were harmful, that
may affect the health of the mother and newborn. In The demographic variables of the postnatal mothers were
rural areas the postnatal mothers were ignorant about showing that out of 60 post natal mothers, 38(63.3%)
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Available online at 90
© Copyright protected. Unauthorised republication, reproduction, distribution, dissemination and copying of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 40(1), September – October 2016; Article No. 18, Pages: 89-93 ISSN 0976 – 044X
were between the age of 21-25 years, 17(28.3%) were graduates and others.
between the age of 26-30 years.
Most of them 39(65%) were house wife. 52(86.7%) were
Regarding education 38(63.3%) were studied primary living in nuclear family. Majority of them 48(80%) were
school, 10(16.7%) were studied middle and high school, primi gravid mothers. 39(68%) were given birth by normal
8(13.3%) were had higher secondary and 4(6.7%) were mode of delivery.
Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of Demographic Variables among postnatal mothers (n=60)
Table 2: Knowledge aspects of postnatal mothers on personal hygiene and newborn care (n=60)
Table 3: Practice of postnatal mothers on personal tying the cord, respectively. Regarding postnatal cord
hygiene and newborn care (n=60) care, 40% had good knowledge and 66% good practice.
Fifty-one percent of mothers knew and 54% practiced
Practice Frequency Percentage postnatal cord care for the appropriate duration of time.
Poor 38 63.3 Seventy-nine percent of mothers were afraid of handling
an unhealed cord. Mothers had good knowledge on the
Satisfactory 22 36.7
need for hygiene when cutting the cord, had poor
Good 0 0 knowledge and practice in other aspects of cord care, and
were afraid of handling the cord.15
In this present study Table.2 revealing that the knowledge
aspect on personal hygiene and newborn care among There was statistically significant association between the
postnatal mothers, 42(70%) were having inadequate mother’s knowledge with the age, education and family
knowledge and 18(30) were having moderately adequate type at P=<0.05, P=<0.001 and P=<0.01 respectively.
knowledge and none had adequate knowledge. There was no significant association between the
mother’s knowledge with the religion, monthly income,
A study on post partum knowledge and its need in
type of hospital visit, gravid, mode of delivery and source
postnatal mother was conducted by Yang Yo, using a
of health information. There was no statistically
questionnaire for the 70 women during the first and
significant association between the mother’s practices
fourth week of postpartum period. The result indicated
with the any of the demographic variables in the current
that a significantly higher need in knowledge of infant
care in first week of postpartum than the women in the
fourth week of postpartum. A study on utilization of postnatal care among rural
women in Nepal was conducted by Sulochana Dhakal
Fikirte Tesfahun, Walelegn Worku, Fekadu Mazengiya,
(December 2007). A descriptive cross sectional study was
and Manay Kifle had done a study to assess mother’s
carried out in two neighboring village in Nepal. A total of
knowledge, perception and utilization of ost natal carein
150 women who had delivered in previous 24 month
the Gondar Zuria District, Ethiopia. It was a community-
were asked to participate in the study using a semi-
based, cross-sectional study supported by a qualitative
structured questionnaire.
study conducted among 15–49 years mothers who gave
birth during the last year. A multistage sampling The population of women who had received postnatal
technique was used to selected participants; structured care after delivery care is low (34%), less than one in five
questionnaires and focus group discussions were used to women, (19%) received care within 48 hours of giving
collect data. The majority of the women (84.39 %) was birth. The postnatal care has a low uptake and in after
aware and considered post natal care necessary (74.27 regarded as inadequate in Nepal.
%); however, only 66.83 % of women obtained post natal
The conclusion of the study is that there is an urgent
need to assess the actual quality of postnatal care
The most frequent reasons for not obtaining PNC were provided.
lack of time (30.47 %), long distance to a provider (19.25
Also there appears to be a need for awareness raising
%), lack of guardians for children care (16.07 %), and lack
programme high lighting the availability of current
of service (8.60 %). Mothers in the study area had a high
postnatal care when there is off sufficient quality.16
level of awareness and perception about the necessity of
PNC. Urban women and those who displayed higher CONCLUSION
levels of autonomy were more likely to use postnatal
The study concluded that 42(70%) postnatal mothers
health services.14
were having inadequate knowledge and 18(30) were
About their practice, Table 3 depicting that 38(63.3%) having moderately adequate knowledge and none had
were having poor practice and remaining 22(36.7%) were adequate knowledge and 38(63.3%) were having poor
having satisfactory practice and none had good practice. practice and remaining 22(36.7%) were having
satisfactory practice and none had good practice
Obimbo E, Musoke RN and Were F had conducted a study
regarding personal hygiene and newborn care.
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Sahbanathul Missiriya done a Ph.D at Saveetha University and working as a professor and had
teaching experience in Nursing profession for more than 12 years and enthusiastically involved
in many Research areas in nursing education and practice.