Parts of Speech: NOUN - (Naming Word) PRONOUN - (Replaces A Noun)
Parts of Speech: NOUN - (Naming Word) PRONOUN - (Replaces A Noun)
Parts of Speech: NOUN - (Naming Word) PRONOUN - (Replaces A Noun)
Examples of nouns: Daniel, London, table, Examples of pronouns: I, you, we, they, he,
dog, teacher, pen, city, happiness, hope she, it, me, us, them, him, her, this, those
Example sentences: Steve lives Example sentences: Mary is tired. She wants
in Sydney. Mary uses pen and paper to to sleep. I want her to dance with me.
write letters.
Examples: and, or, but, because, so, yet, unless, Examples: Ouch! Wow! Great! Help! Oh! Hey! Hi!
since, if.
Example sentences: Wow! I passed my English
Example sentences: I was hot and exhausted but I test. Great! – Ouch! That hurt
still finished the marathon.