Forgotten Adventures DM Screen v1.18 Landscape

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The document outlines various actions a character can take on their turn in combat, rules for concentration on spells, and rules for mounted combat.

A character can move, take one action and one bonus action on their turn. Common actions include attacking, casting a spell, dashing, disengaging etc.

Some spells require concentration, which can be ended at any time. Taking damage or becoming incapacitated causes a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration. The DC is 10 or half the damage taken.

DM Screen for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition by the Forgotten Adventures

Cover Mob Attacks (DMG 250) Things You Can Do on Your Turn
Cover Effect d20 Roll Needed Attackers Needed for  Move up to your speed.
1/2 Cover +2 Bonus to AC and
to hit AC One to Hit  Take one Action and Bonus Action
Dexterity saving throws 1-5 1  Communicate with speech, gestures, or both.
 Interact with one object or feature of the enviroment as you move or take your
3/4 Cover +5 Bonus to AC and 6-12 2 action. To interact with a second object, take the „Use an Object“ action.
Dexterity saving throws
13-14 3
Full Cover Can’t be targeted by an
attack or spell. 15-16 4 Actions in Combat
17-18 5
Optional Rule: Attack Search
19 10
If a creature is providing cover for the Make one melee or ranged attack, a grapple Make a Perception (WIS) or Investigation
missed creature and the attack roll 20 20 or a shove. (INT) Check to locate something.
exceeds the AC of the covering creature,
the covering creature is hit.
Cast a spell Use an Object / Item
Concentration Cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action. Interact with a seond object on your turn
( first interaction is free), or magical item.
Some spells must be maintained with concentration, spell description specifies how long Dash
you can concentrate on it. You can end concentration at any time (no action required.) Disarm
The following factors can break your concentration: Gain extra movement equal to your speed.
Use an attack to make attack roll opposed
 You cast another spell that requires concentration. Disengage by target’s Athletics (STR) or Acrobatics
 You take damage. Succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw to maintain your (DEX) check. Target has advantage if
concentration, with a DC equal to 10 or half the damage you take, whichever Your movement doesn’t provoke holding the item with 2 or more hands.
number is higher. opportunity attacks.
Overrun / Tumble
 You’re incapacitated or killed. Dodge
Athletics (STR) or Acrobatics (DEX)
 You’re overwhelmed by an enormous distraction, such as a wave crashing into you. Until the start of your next turn, any attack contest. If you win, you can move through
Succeed on a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw to maintain your concentration. against you has Disadvantage if you can see the hostile’s space once this turn.
the attacker. You also gain Advantage on
Damage and Dying DEX Saves. Grapple / Shove
Benefit is lost incapacitated or if your speed Athletics (STR) contested by Athletics
Unconscious At 0 hit points, you fall unconscious. You become conscious if you regain drops to 0.
any hit points. (STR) or Acrobatics (DEX). If you win, you
can Grapple the target, knock it prone or
Death Saves Whenever you start your turn with 0 hit points, you must make a DEATH Help shove it 5 ft. away from you.
save (DC10). Third success, you become stable; third failure, you die. Counts as Attack Action.
Successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive, and both are reset Give another creature Advantage on next
when you regain any hit points or become stable. attack roll (you must be within 5 ft. of the
target) or ability check. Shove Aside
Natural 1: Counts as two failures.
Natural 20: You regain 1 hit point. Athletics (STR) with Disadvantage
Hide contested by Athletics (STR) or Acrobatics
Damage at Each time a creature with 0 HP takes damage, it suffers a death fail, two (DEX). If you win, you can move the target
0hp from a critical hit. If the damage equals the creatures HP max, it dies. Stealth (DEX) check to attempt to become
hidden. 5 ft. to a different space within its reach.
Stabilizing You can use your action to administer first aid to an unconscious creature
Creature and attempt to stabilize it. (DC 10 Medicine Check).Stable unconscious See Stealth rules for more details. Special Ability
but it doesn’t make death saving throws, it regains 1 hit point after 1d4
Hours. If the creature takes any damage in this state, its no longer stable Use a class feature or other special ability
Ready that requires your action for its use.
and must start rolling death saving throws again.
Take a reaction in response to a defined
Instant Death You die if the remaining damage after 0 equals or exceeds your hit point trigger event, or ready a spell and hold its Improvise
maximum. energy. ( req. concentration) Take an Action not described here,
Near Death You can drop to 0 hit points once per Short/Long Rest without conse- providing your DM allows it.
Experience quences. After that, every time you are brought back from 0 hit points E.g.: Break down a door, intimidate foes
/Homebrew/ you also suffer 1 level of exhaustion. etc.
Conditions Stealth
Blinded Petrified  If someone can see you, you can’t attempt to hide
from them.
 Automatically fails any ability checks that requires  A Petrified creature is transformed, along with any
sight. nonmagical objects it is wearing/carrying, into a solid  Someone doesn’t see you when they’re not look-
ing at you.
 Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage inanimate substance.
 The creature has Disadvantage on attack rolls.  The creature is Incapacitated, cant‘t move or speak and is  Once hidden, you can be detected via sight, hear-
unaware of its surroundings. ing or both. If their Passive Perception is higher
Charmed  Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage. than your stealth roll, they detect you. They can
 The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity roll Perception Check if they are actively looking
 Charmed creature can’t target the charmer. for you.
 The charmer has advantage on any ability checks to
interact socially with the creature  The creature has resistance to all damage. If you are hidden, you have advantage on attack rolls
 The creature is immune to poison and disease, poison or against the creatures that can’t see you. Attacking out of
disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized. stealth reveals you.
 Weight of the creature increases by a factor of 10, and it
 Deafened creature automatically fails any ability ceases aging. Surprise
checks that requires hearing.
Compare the Dexterity (Stealth) check of anyone hiding
Poisoned with the Passive Wisdom (Perception) score of those on
Frightened the opposing side.
 A Poisioned creature has Disadvantage on attack rolls and
 Creature has Disadvantage on ability checks and ability checks. Any character or monster that doesn‘t notice a threat is
attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line surprised at the start of the encounter.
of sight Prone If you’re surprised, you can’t move or take an action on
 Creature can‘t willingly move closer to the source of your first turn of the combat, and you can’t take a
reaction until that turn ends. A member of a group can
it‘s fear.  A Prone creature‘s only movement option is to crawl (half be surprised even if the other members aren’t.
speed), unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition.
Grappled  The creature has Disadvantage on attack rolls. If neither side tries to be stealthy, they automatically
notice each other.
 An attack roll against the creature has Advantage if the
 A grappled creature‘s speed becomes 0.
 The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated,
attacked is within 5 feet of the creature. Otherwise, the Obscured Areas
attack roll has Disadvantage.
or if some effect removes the grappled creature Obscureness Effect Examples
from the reach of the grappler or grappling effect. Restrained
Lightly Creatures have Disad- Dim light, patchy
Incapacitated  A restrained creature‘s speed becomes 0. obscured vantage on Wisdom fog, moderate
 Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage, and the (Perception) checks foliage
 Incapacitated reature can‘t take actions /reactions. creature‘s attack rolls have Disadvantage.
Invisible  The creature has Disadvantage on Dexterity saves. Heavily Vision is blocked; Darkness, opaque
obscured creatures are effec- fog, dense foliage
 An Invisible creature is impossible to see without Stunned tively blinded.
the aid of magic or a special sense. (Heavily  A Stunned creature is Incapacitated, can‘t move, and can
Obscured) speak only falteringly. Squeezing
 The creature‘s location can be detected by any  The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
noise it make or any tracks it leaves. saves. You can squeeze through a space one size smaller than
 Attack rolls against the creature have Disadvantage,  Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage. you. You must spend 1 extra foot for every foot you
and the creature‘s attack rolls have Advantage. move there, while squeezing you have Disadvantage on
Unconscious attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws.
Paralyzed Attack rolls against you have Advantage.
 An Unconscious creature is Incapacitated, can‘t move or
 A Paralyzed creature is Incapacitated and can‘t speak, and is unaware of its surrounding.
move or speak.  The creature drops whatever its holding and falls prone. Falling
 The creature automatically fails Strenght and  The creature atumatically fails Strength and Dexterity You take 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet you
Dexterity Saves. saves. fell (max 20d6).
 Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage.  Attack rolls againts the creature have Advantage.
 Any Attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if  Any attack that hits the creature is critical hit if the attacker You land prone, unless you avoid taking damage from
the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. is within 5 feet of the creature. the fall.
Strength Checks Dexterity Checks Intelligence Checks
Athlethics • Climb Acrobatics • Balance Arcana, History, Nature, Religion • Recall Lore
Climb DC 0-5 With sufficient handholds ½ your Easy DC 10 Walk across an icy surface Easy DC 10 Recall widely known facts; identify a
movement speed Moderate DC 15 Walk on a narrow ledge common symbol
Hard DC 20 Cross a widly swaying rope bridge Moderate DC 15 Recall specific details about widely
Easy DC 10 Scale a cliff with plenty of known facts; recall vague information
handholds Very Hard DC 25 Walk across a tightrope; surf down a about slightly obscure facts; identify an
staircase on a shield uncomon monster;
Moderate DC 15 Climb a rough stone wall
Acrobatics • Tumble Hard DC 20 Recall specific details about obscure
Hard DC 20 Climb a sheer surface with scant
handholds Moderate DC 15 Swing from a chandelier facts; recall vague information about
Very Hard DC 25 Somersault over a creature of the same truly esotric facts; identify a spell as it
Formidabl DC 30 Climb an oiled rope size is being cast; understand a dialect of a
e Sleigh of Hand • Conceal an object known language
Athlethics • Jump Very Hard DC 25 Recall specific details about truly eso-
Easy DC 10 Perform a simple feats of sleight of teric facts known only to a few; identify
LongJump DC 0-5 1 foot per STR with 10ft run-up, ½ hand an especially rare monster; decipher a
from standing Contest (vs. Percep) Palm an object while under observation simple message in an unfamiliar lan-
High Jump DC 0-5 3+STR Mod. In feet with 10ft run- Sleigh of Hand • Planting & Stealing objects guage; identify the persistent effects of
up, ½ from standing Moderate DC 15 If creature doesnt know about you a spell
Formidable DC 30 Identify a unique monster
Easy DC 10 Jump a few feet farther than you Contest (vs. Percep) If you are interacting with a creature
normally could (Hugging someone ) Investigation • Searching for clues
Stealth • Hiding from sight Easy DC 10 Find a simple tripwire or a pit covered
Hard DC 20 Throw a grappling hook in the
middle of a long jump Contest (vs. Percep) Hide in a obscured area from creatures with branches and leaves
that can’t see you Moderate DC 15 Find the signs of a creature passing
Athlethics • Swim Improvised Tasks • Open a Lock* across dry ground and deduce its na-
Swim DC 0-5 ½ your movement speed, each hour Moderate ture and the direction of its travels;
DC 15 Pick a simple lock find a hidden compartment in a chest
you must succeed on DC 10 Consti-
tution saving throw or gain one Hard DC 20 Pick a typical lock Hard DC 20 Find a typical secret door or a pressure
level of exhaustion Very Hard DC 25 Pick an elaborate lock plate in the floor;
Formidable DC 30 Pick a masterwork lock Very Hard DC 25 Find a particularly well-hidden secret
Easy DC 10 Tread water in rough conditions Formidable DC 30 Pick a magical lock (requires feat) door or pressure plate
Hard DC 20 Swim in stormy waters Improvised Tasks • Disarm a Trap* Improvised Tasks • Clever Solutions
Formidabl DC 30 Swim free of a vortex Easy DC 10 Keep a pit trap from opening when its Easy DC 10 Communicate a simple idea to a crea-
e triggered ture that doesn’t share your language
Improvised Tasks • Break an Object Moderate DC 15 Keep a scything blade trap from trigger- Moderate DC 15 Deduce what kind of weapon caused
Easy DC 10 Force open a stuck wooden door ing an injury; estimate the value of a piece
Hard DC 20 Prevent a poison needle or gas trap of jewelry; pull together a disguise to
Moderate DC 15 Force open a stuck heavy door from springing help an ally pass as a city guard
Hard DC 20 Break open a solid locked door; Very Hard DC 25 Disarm an intricate trap Hard DC 20 Determine how to cause part of a tun-
break rope bonds/manacles Formidable DC 30 Disarm a magic trap nel to collapse; estimate the value of a
Very Hard DC 25 Break open a solid barred door or gemstone
elaborate lock * Requires proficiency with Thieves’ Tools Very Hard DC 25 Estimate the value of a rare, antique or
exotic item
Formidabl DC 30 Break open a heavy barred door Contest (vs. Insight) Pass off a forged document as real
e with masterwork lock Suffocating
Improvised Tasks • Mighty Strength You can hold your breath for minutes equal to 1+Con. Light Sources
Modifier (min 30sec).
Moderate DC 15 Push through an earthen tunnel
that is too small Source Bright Light Dim Light Duration
When you run out of breath or if you are choking, you can
Hard DC 20 Hang on to a wagon while being survive for a Candle 5 ft. + 5 ft. 1 hour
dragged behind it number of rounds equal to your Lamp 15 ft. + 30 ft. 6 hours
Con. Modifier (min 1 round).
Very Hard DC 25 Tip over a large stone statue; keep Lanter, bullseye 60 ft. cone + 60 ft. 6 hours
a boulder from rolling At the start of your next turn, you are dying, drop to 0HP and Lanter, hooded 30 ft. + 30 ft. 6 hours
Contest (vs. STR) Push a door open when someone you can’t
regain any hit points or be stabilized until you can breath Lowered hood — + 5 ft. —
else is holding it again. Torch 20 ft. + 20 ft. 1 Hour
Wisdom Checks Charisma Checks Food and Water
Animal Handling • Calm or befriend an animal Deception • Decieve someone Food
Moderate DC 15 Get animal to keep moving while tired Contest (vs. Insight) Fast-talk or con someone; adopt a dis-  1 lb. Per character per day.*
Hard DC 20 Train animal for a task; calm aggressive guise; impersonate someone’s voice;  Half ration: ½ day of starvation per full day.
wild animal tell a lie etc.
Very Hard DC 25 Calm panicked animal; rear wild animal  After 3+CON Mod. Days of starvation, one level
Intimidation of exhaustion per full day without food, or CON
Formidable DC 30 Tame wild animal Easy DC 10 Pry information out of a commoner a Save (DC 10) vs. exhaustion per full day on half
Insight • Sense Motive child rations.
Moderate DC 15 Discern who among a cagey group is Moderate DC 15 Pry information out of a scared prison- Water
the leader; read a person’s motives or er  1 Gal. (2 Waterskins) Per character per day.* **
Hard DC 20 Get an unruly crowd to move out of
Hard DC 20 Interpret enemies’ hand signs the way; convincing street thugs to  Half ration: CON Save (DC 15)
Very Hard DC 25 Sense an outside influence on a person, back down  No water for 1 day, one level of exhaustion at
such as an enchantment spell the end of the day, if character already has one
Contest (vs. Deception) Recognize a lie; see through a disguise Contest (vs. Insight) Intimidate to get your way against a or more levels of exhaustion, it takes two levels
strong willed individual
Medicine • Administer a First Aid in either case.
Easy DC 10 Identify a common ailment or poison Performance • Task or Public entertainment *Large x4, Huge x16, Gargantuan x32 **x2 in hot
from its symptoms; stabilize a dying Easy DC 10 Entertain a crowd with a tale, music, conditions
creature acting dancing
Hard DC 20 Identify a rare ailment or poison Moderate DC 15 Give a calming or inspiring speech Resting
Perception • Listen Persuasion Short rest ( At least 1 hour )
Moderate DC 15 Eavesdrop on a conversation through a Moderate DC 15 Calm and comfort a distraught person; You can spend any/all Hit Dice during a short rest.
door make cordial a request
Very Hard DC 25 Eavesdrop on a whispered conversation Hard DC 20 Convincing a chamberlain to let your Long rest ( At least 8 hours) Only once per 24-hour
through a door party see the King
Contest (vs. Stealth) Hear someone who’s trying to be silent Improvised Tasks • Gather Information period.
Perception • Spot Sleep or perform light activity; reading, talking, eating,
Easy DC 10 Gather the common gossip in a town or standing watch for no more than 2 hours of the rest
Hard DC 20 Find a tiny item such as gem in a pile of or neighborhood;
other items period. If the rest was interrupted, you must start over
Moderate DC 15 Find what you need in a unfamiliar unless the interruption lasted less than 1 hour. You
Contest (vs. Stealth) Spot a creature that is hiding city; find out who’s really in power must have at least 1 hit point to take a long rest.
Survival • Track Hard DC 20 Discover local information only a few

Easy DC 10 Track a creature through snow or mud other people know At the end of the rest, regain all your hit points and half
Moderate DC 15 Track a creature through a forest your maximum Hit Dice.
Very Hard DC 25 Dig up obscure community news or
Hard DC 20 Track a creature across dirt or grass lore —————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Very Hard DC 25 Track a creature across bare stone You can remove 1 Level of Exhaustion if you had
Formidable DC 30 Track a creature across dirt or grass enough Food and Water for last 24 Hours.
after rainfall Damage Types
Survival • Wilderness Survival Acid Corrosive substance, magical or alchemical Exhaustion
Easy DC 10 Hunt/forage for food while traveling in Bludgeoning Blunt force attacks (Hammers, Falling, etc.) Level 1 Disadvantage on Ability Checks
the wilderness Cold Extreme low temperature and cold magic Level 2 Speed Halved
Moderate DC 15 Avoid natural hazards, such as Fire Natural fire/flames and fire magic
quicksand Level 3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving
Force Pure magical destructive energy throws
Hard DC 20 Keep from getting lost while traveling in
the wilderness Lightning Natural Lightning / Electricity and electric Level 4 Hit point maximum halved
magic Level 5 Speed reduced to 0
Improvising Damage Necrotic Unholy and corrupted magic Level 6 Death
Piercing Puncturing and impaling attacks
Burned by Coals, Hit by falling bookcase 1d10 Poison Venomous stings, spores, substances and Damage Resistance/Vulnerability
Struck by lightning, Stumbling into a fire 2d10
Psychic Mental attacks and psionic magic Resistance to a damage Damage of that type is
Hit by falling rubble, Step in vat of acid 4d10 Radiant Holy and Divine magic
Wading through lava, Crushed by rocks 10d10 Slashing Slicing / Cutting attacks (Swords, Axes, Claws Vulnerability to a damage Damage of that type is
Submerged in lava, Hit by crashing fort 18d10 Thunder Concussive burst of sound or shock wave
Character Armor Objects and Damage Types
Advancement Armor Type Cost AC STR req. Stealth Weight Objects are immune to poison and psychic damage. Some Damage
Types are more effective against a particular object or substance than
Exp. Prof. Light Armor others.
Lvl Bonus For example bludgeoning damage wont cut through rope or leather.
points Padded 5 gp 11 + Dex - Disadv. 8 lb
Paper or cloth might be vulnerable to fire etc.
0 1 +2 Leather 10 gp 11 + Dex - - 10 lb
300 2 +2 Studded Leather 45 gp 12 + Dex - - 13 lb Objects Damage Threshold
900 3 +2 Medium Armor An object with a damage threshold has immunity to all damage un-
2700 4 +2 Hide 10 gp 12 + Dex (Max +2) - - 12 lb less it takes an amount of damage from a single Attack or effect equal
to or greater than its damage threshold, in which case it takes dam-
6500 5 +3 Chain Shirt 50 gp 13 + Dex (Max +2) - - 20 lb age as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or exceed the object’s
14000 6 +3 Scale Mail 50 gp 14 + Dex (Max +2) - Disadv. 45 lb damage threshold is considered superficial and doesn’t reduce the
23000 7 +3 object’s hit points.
Breastplate 400 gp 14 + Dex (Max +2) - - 20 lb
34000 8 +3 Half Plate 750 gp 15 + Dex (Max +2) - Disadv. 40 lb Huge and Gargantuan Objects
48000 9 +4 Heavy Armor If you track hit points for the object, divide it into Large or smaller
64000 10 +4 Ring Mail 30 gp 14 - Disadv. 40 lb sections, and track each section’s hit points separately. Destroying
85000 11 +4 one of those sections could ruin the entire object.
Chain Mail 45 gp 16 Str 13 Disadv. 55 lb
100000 12 +4 Object Hit-Points Object AC
Splint 200 gp 17 Str 15 Disadv. 60 lb
120000 13 +5
Plate 1,500 gp 18 Str 15 Disadv. 65 lb Substance AC
140000 14 +5
Shield Size Fragile Resilient Cloth, Paper, Rope 11
165000 15 +5
Shield 10 gp +2 - - 6 lb Tiny (Lock) 1d4 2d4 Crystal, Glass, Ice 13
195000 16 +5 Wood, Bone 15
225000 17 +6 Small (Chest) 1d6 3d6 Stone 17
265000 18 +6
Donning/Doffing Armor Tavern / Inn Prices Iron, Steel 19
Medium (Barrel) 1d8 4d8
305000 19 +6 Category Don Doff Item Cost Large (Cart) 1d10 5d10
Mithril 21
Light Armor 1 min 1min Adamantine 23
355000 20 +6 Ale -
Medium Armor 5 min 1 min Gallon 2 sp
Heavy Armor 10 min 5 min Lifestyle Expenses Spell Services
Ability Modifiers Shield 1 Action 1 Action
Mug 4 cp
Inn stay ( per day) - Lifestyle Price/Day Spell Level Pay
Score Modifier
Squalid 7 cp Wretched - 1st 10 gp
1 -5 Potions Squalid 1 sp
Poor 1 sp 2nd 40 gp
2-3 -4 Poor 2 sp
Potion of.. Rarity Effect Modest 5 sp 3rd 90 gp
4-5 -3 Modest 1 gp
Healing Common Heal 2d4+2 Comfortable 8 sp 4th 160 gp
6-7 -2 Greater Healing Uncommon Heal 4d4+4 Comfortable 2 gp
Wealthy 2 gp 5th 250gp
8-9 -1 Superior Healing Rare Heal 8d4+8 Wealthy 4 gp
Aristocratic 4gp 6th 360gp
10-11 0 Climbing Common Gain Climb Aristocratic 10 gp minimum
speed Meals (per day) - The formula for calculating
12-13 +1 Services
Poison (looks Uncommon 3d6 poison Squalid 3 cp spellcasting services:
14-15 +2 like healing) damage
16-17 +3
Poor 6 cp Service Pay (Spell level)2 * 10 +
18-19 +4
Currency Exchange Rates Modest 3 sp Coach cab - (Consumed Materials * 2) +
Comfortable 6 sp Between towns 3 cp/mile (NonConsumed Materials * 0.1)
20-21 +5 Coin Cp Sp Ep Gp Pp Within a city 1 cp
Wealthy 8 sp Example:
22-23 +6 Copper 1 1/10 1/50 1/100 1/1,000 Hireling -
Aristocratic 2 gp Skilled 2 gp / day Greater restoration, 5th level
24-25 +7 Silver 10 1 1/5 1/10 1/100 consumes 100gp diamond dust
Wine - Unskilled 2 sp / day
26-27 +8 Electrum 50 5 1 1/2 1/20
Common 2sp Messenger 2 cp / mile (52) * 10 + (100*2) = 450 gp
28-29 +9 Gold 100 10 2 1 1/10 (pitcher) Road/gate toll 1 cp 250 + 200 = 450 gp
30 +10 Platinum 1,000 100 20 10 1 Fine (bottle) 10gp Ship’s passage 1 sp / mile Spellcost + Material = Total
Weapons Weapon Properties
Finesse You can choose Str or Dex for attack and damage rolls.
Weapon Type Cost [gp] Damage Weight Properties Heavy Small creatures have Disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy
Simple Melee Weapons weapons.
Club 0.1 1d4 B 2 Light Light Can be used for two-weapon fighting
Loading You can only fire once per round with this weapon.
Dagger 2 1d4 P 1 Finesse, Light, Thrown (Range 20/60) Range (Normal range/Maximum range)
Greatclub 0.2 1d8 B 10 2-handed You have disadvantage on attack roll
Handaxe 5 1d6 S 2 Light, thrown (Range 20/60) beyond normal range.
Reach This weapon adds 5 ft. to your reach.
Javelin 0.5 1d6 P 2 Thrown (Range 30/120) Special Unusual Rules specific for certain weapon
Light Hammer 2 1d4 B 2 Light, Thrown (Range 20/60) Thrown You can make a ranged attack by throwing this weapon for
Mace 5 1d6 B 4 - normal damage.
Weapon without Thrown property deals 1d4 damage and has
Quarterstaff 0.2 1d6 B 4 Versatile (1d8) Range (20/60).
Sickle 1 1d4 S 2 Light 2-Handed Requires two hands to use
Spear 1 1d6 S 3 Thrown (Range 20/60), Versatile (1d8) Versatile Can be used with one or with two hands for increased damage.
Simple Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, Light 25 1d8 P 5 Ammo (Range 80/320), Loading, 2-Handed Two-Weapon Fighting
Dart 0.05 1d4 P 1/4 Finesse, Thrown (Range 20/60) When you take the Attack action with a Light Melee Weapon, you can use a
Shortbow 25 1d6 P 2 Ammo (Range 80/320), 2-Handed Bonus Action to attack with a different Light Melee Weapon.
You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus attack, unless
Sling 0.1 1d4 B - Ammo (Range 30/120) that modifier is negative. If weapon has Thrown property, you can throw it.
Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe 10 1d8 S 4 Versatile (1d10) Mounted Combat
Flail 10 1d8 B 2 - (Dis)Mounting costs half your movement speed.
Glaive 20 1d10 S 6 Heavy, Reach, 2-Handed ———————————————————————————————————————————————–—————————————

Greataxe 30 1d12 S 7 Heavy, 2-Handed If an effect moves your mount against its will while your are on it or if You
Greatsword 50 2d6 S 6 Heavy, 2-Handed are knocked prone, you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw or
fall off the mount, landing prone on the ground.
Halberd 20 1d10 S 6 Heavy, reach, 2-Handed ——————————————————————————————————————————————–——————————————I

Lance 10 1d12 P 6 Reach, Special f the mount is knocked prone, you can use your reaction to dismount it as it
Longsword 15 1d8 S 3 Versatile (1d10) falls and land on your feet. Otherwise, you are dismounted and fall prone
Maul 10 2d6 B 10 Heavy, 2-Handed next to it.

Morningstar 15 1d8 P 4 - While you’re mounted, you have two options. You can either control the
mount or allow it to act independently. Intelligent creatures, such as
Pike 5 1d10 P 18 Heavy, Reach, 2-Handed dragons, act independently.
Rapier 25 1d8 P 2 Finesse ——————————————————————————————————————————————–——————————————

Controlled Mount: Initiative changes to match yours. It moves as you direct

Scimitar 25 1d6 S 3 Finesse, Light it, and it has only three action options: Dash, Disengage, and Dodge.
Shortsword 10 1d6 S 2 Finesse, Light
Independent Mount: Retains its initiative. Bearing a rider puts no restrictions
Trident 5 1d6 P 4 Thrown (Range 20/60), Versatile (1d8) on the actions the mount can take, and it moves and acts as it wishes.
War Pick 5 1d8 P 2 - ——————————————————————————————————————————————–——————————————

If the Mount provokes an Opportunity Attack, attacker can target you or the
Warhammer 15 1d8 B 2 Versatile (1d10) mount.
Whip 2 1d4 S 3 Finesse, reach
Martial Ranged Weapons Travel Pace
Blowgun 10 1P 1 Ammo (Range 25/100), Loading Distance traveled per ...
Crossbow, Hand 75 1d6 P 3 Ammo (Range 30/120), Loading, Light Pace Minute Hour Day Effect
Crossbow, Heavy 50 1d10 P 18 Ammo (Range 100/400), Loading, Heavy, 2-Handed Fast 400 feet 4 miles 30 miles -5 to passive Perception (Wis)
Longbow 50 1d8 P 2 Ammo (Range 150/600), Heavy, 2-Handed Normal 300 feet 3 miles 24 miles None
Net 1 - 3 Special, Thrown (Range 5/15) Slow 200 feet 2 miles 18 miles Able to use stealth
Reset Initiative
Level Player Name AC Passive Inspiration
HP Perception
1 ______________________
2 ______________________ Blinded Paralyzed

3 ______________________ Charmed Petrified

4 ______________________ Deafened Poisoned

5 ______________________ Frightened Prone

6 ______________________ Grappled Restrained

7 ______________________ Incapacitated Stunned

8 ______________________ Invisible Unconscious

9 ______________________

10 ______________________

11 ______________________
Level Player Name AC Passive Inspiration
HP Perception
12 ______________________
Notes Blinded Paralyzed
13 ______________________
Charmed Petrified
14 ______________________
Deafened Poisoned
15 ______________________
Frightened Prone
16 ______________________
Grappled Restrained
17 ______________________
Incapacitated Stunned
18 ______________________
Invisible Unconscious
19 ______________________

20 ______________________

21 ______________________

22 ______________________ Level Player Name AC Passive Inspiration

HP Perception

23 ______________________ Notes
Blinded Paralyzed
24 ______________________
Charmed Petrified
25 ______________________
Deafened Poisoned
26 ______________________
Frightened Prone
27 ______________________
Grappled Restrained
28 ______________________
Incapacitated Stunned
29 ______________________
Invisible Unconscious
30 ______________________
Time Tracker
Midnight 12

Level Player Name AC Passive Inspiration

HP Perception 1
Blinded Paralyzed
Charmed Petrified
Deafened Poisoned

Frightened Prone 4

Grappled Restrained
Incapacitated Stunned
Daybreak 6
Invisible Unconscious

Level Player Name AC Passive Inspiration

HP Perception 9

Notes Blinded Paralyzed

Charmed Petrified
Deafened Poisoned

Frightened Prone Noon 12

Grappled Restrained
Incapacitated Stunned
Invisible Unconscious

Level Player Name AC Passive Inspiration

HP Perception 5

Notes Blinded Paralyzed

Sunset 6
Charmed Petrified
Deafened Poisoned

Frightened Prone 8

Grappled Restrained
Incapacitated Stunned
Invisible Unconscious


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