Global Problems That Need Global Solutions
Global Problems That Need Global Solutions
Global Problems That Need Global Solutions
Nuclear Weapons
Since Auschwitz we know what man is capable of.
And since Hiroshima we know what is at stake.
—Victor Frankl
states that once comprised the Soviet Union have chosen not
to be nuclear powers and have transferred their nuclear
weapons to Russia or destroyed them. South Africa had
nuclear weapons before apartheid ended but fortunately chose
to give them up under the leadership of Nelson Mandela.
But this progress may be too little too late. Neither the
US nor any other country can stop continued nuclear prolif-
eration if a state or a terrorist group is determined to join the
nuclear club. Nuclear weapons the size of a suitcase can be
delivered anywhere in the world, and many are thought to
have disappeared from Russia. How can one defend against
this sort of proliferation? The folly of building a supposed
nuclear shield in space—the ongoing legacy of the so-called
“Star Wars” space defense—represents a dangerous and tragic
way of avoiding America’s true responsibilities to the planet.
The war on terrorism may fatten the budgets of the military-
industrial-intelligence complex in Washington, but it cannot
guarantee that a nuke will never be smuggled into the US.
The only hope for a “defense” against nuclear terror is the
technique that has worked throughout history: social justice
and equity obtained through law and democratic government.