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The Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS)


 Article IX-D, 1987 Philippine Constitution

“To promulgate auditing and accounting rules and regulations so as to facilitate the keeping, and
enhance the information value of the accounts of government.”

 COA Resolution No. 2014-003 dated January 24, 2014

“Adoption of the Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS)”

 COA Circular No. 2014-003 dated April 15, 2014

“Conversion from the Philippine Government Chart of Accounts under the New Government Accounting
System per COA Circular No. 2004-008 dated September 20, 2004 as amended, to the Revised Chart of
Accounts for National Government Agencies under COA Circular No. 2013-002 dated January 30, 2013,
additional accounts/revised description/title of accounts and relevant Accounting Policies and
Guidelines in the Implementation thereof”

Creation of the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (PSAcSB)

COA Resolution No. 2008-012 dated Oct. 10, 2008
COA Office Order No. 2010-118 dated Feb. 19, 2010
COA Office Order No. 2013-622 dated Oct. 01, 2013

Functions of the PSAcSB

Assist the COA Commission Proper in formulating and implementing accounting standards for
the public sector.
Establish and maintain linkages with international bodies, professional organizations and
academe on accounting related fields on financial management.

Bases of PPSAS
Pronouncements issued by IPSASB (IPSASs), IASB, PICPA, International Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions and others.
Relevant factors, including best accounting practices, and
Capacity of Agencies to comply with PPSAS.

To set out the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure requirements for
financial reporting in the Philippine Government

PPSASs set out requirements dealing with transactions and other events in general purpose
financial reports.
PPSASs are designed to apply to the general purpose financial reports of all public sector
entities other than Government Business Enterprises (GBEs)
Applies to all NGAs, LGUs and GOCCs not classified as GBEs

I. Evaluation of IPSAS
studied and evaluated each IPSAS to determine applicability
II. Development of PPSAS
Provided the PAG for IPSAS provisions which were not adopted
Exposed drafts to stakeholders
Addressed fundamental issues
Conducted Focus Group Discussions
III. Preparation/Update of Government Accounting Manual
Studied, enhanced and modified the provision of Government Accounting Manual, as
PPSASs are being developed.
IV. Revision of the Chart of Accounts
Revised the Chart of accounts to conform with the PPSAS and
COA Circular 2013-002 dated Jan. 30, 2013.

PPSAS consists of
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) (Accrual Based IPSASs per 2012
Handbook) developed by IPSASB and published by the International Federation of Accountants
(IFAC), and
Philippine Application Guidance (PAG)
 Provide supplementary guidance of IPSASs to suit the Philippine public sector
 States the reason for not adopting some paragraphs of the IPSASs.

PPSAS 1- Presentation of FS
Objective – To set overall considerations for the:
Complete set of Financial Statements:
1. Statement of financial position
2. Statement of financial performance
3. Statement of changes in net assets/ equity
4. Cash Flow Statement
5. Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes
6. Separate additional statements for comparison of budget and actual amounts shall be prepared and

PPSAS 2- Cash Flow Statement

Objective – To set overall considerations for the:
 Provisions of information about changes in cash and cash equivalents by means of a cash flow
 Classifies cash flows during the period from operating, investing and financing activities.

Salient Features
 Cash flows for operating activities are reported using the direct method.
 Cash flows exclude movements between items that constitute cash or cash equivalents.
 Investing and financing transactions that do not require the use of cash shall be excluded from
the cash flow statement, but they shall be separately disclosed.

PPSAS 3 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors

Salient Features
Changes in Accounting Estimates
 Follow transition requirements
 If the change is voluntary, apply the new accounting policy retrospectively by restating prior
Effect of a change in estimate is accounted for by including it in net income or comprehensive income as
appropriate in:
a. The period of change if the change affects that period only.
b. The period of change and future periods if the change affects both.

PPSAS 4 – The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates

Salient Features
 Covers Foreign currency transactions and Foreign operations.
 Translation should be done for foreign currency items into functional currency.
 Initial recognition and measurement record the spot exchange rate.

PPSAS 5 – Borrowing Costs

Salient Features
 Borrowing costs shall be charged to expenses in the period when they are incurred. (Benchmark
 Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction, or production of a
qualifying asset shall be capitalized as part of the cost of that asset. (Allowed Alternative
 For borrowing costs pertaining to loans borrowed by the National Government (NG) which are
recorded by the Bureau of the Treasury, the benchmark treatment shall be used. However for
loans borrowed directly by the NGAs and LGUs, the allowed alternative treatment shall be used.

PPSAS 6 – Consolidated and Separate Financial Statement

Salient Features
 Prescribes requirements for preparing and presenting consolidated FS for an economic entity
under the accrual basis of accounting.
 A controlled entity is an entity controlled by another entity, known as the controlling entity.
 Balances, transactions, revenue and expenses

PPSAS 8 – Interests in Joint Ventures Salient Features

 The key characteristic of a joint venture is a binding arrangement whereby two or more parties
are committed to undertake an activity that is subject to joint control.
 Joint ventures may be classified as jointly controlled operations, jointly controlled assets and
jointly controlled entities. Different accounting treatments apply for each type of joint venture.

PPSAS – 9 Revenue from Exchange Transactions

Salient Features
Applies to revenue arising from the following exchange transactions and events:
 The rendering of services.
 The sale of goods, and
 The use of others of entity assets yielding interest, royalties and dividends.
Revenue shall be measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable.

PPSAS 12 – Inventories
Salient Features
 Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value.
 If acquired through a non exchange transaction, their cost shall be measured as their fair value
as at the date of acquisition.
 Cost is determined on weighted average basis
 Write- downs to net realizable value are recognized as an expense. Reversals arising from an
increase in net realizable value are recognized as reduction of the inventory

PPSAS 13 – Leases Salient Features

 Lease is classified as a Finance lease if:
(a) The lease transfers ownership of the asset to the lessee by the end of the lease
(b)The lessee has the option to purchase the asset at a price that is expected to be
sufficiently lower than the fair value.
(c) The lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset.
 Operating lease does not transfer

PPSAS 14 – Events After the Reporting Date

 Adjusting events after the reporting date - events that provide evidence of conditions that
existed at the reporting date.
 Non-Adjusting events after the reporting date - those that are indicative of conditions that
arose after the reporting date.
An entity shall disclose:
 The date its financial statements were authorized for issue

PPSAS 16 – Investment Property

Salient Feature
 Investment property - is property (land or a building or part of a building, or both) held to earn
rentals for capital appreciation, or both, rather than for:
a) Use in the production or supply of goods or services, or for administrative purposes;
b) Sale in the ordinary course of operations.
Investment Property - Shall be measured initially at cost. If acquired through non exchange transaction

PPSAS 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment

Salient Features
 Initial recognition is at cost, its cost is its fair value as at the date of acquisition.
 Infrastructure assets are accounted as PPE
 The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be derecognized:
a) On disposal; or
b)When no future economic benefits or service potential is expected from its use or disposal.

PPSAS 19 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Salient Features Recognize a provision only when:
A past event has created a present legal or constructive obligation.
An outflow of resources to settle the obligation is probable, and
There is a reliable estimate of the obligation
 Contingent asset arises when the inflow of economic benefits or service potential is probable,
but not virtually certain, and occurrence depends on an event outside the control of the entity.
 Contingent assets require disclosure only (no recognition). If the realization of revenue is
virtually certain, the related asset is not a contingent asset and recognition of the asset
PPSAS 20- Related Party Disclosures
Salient Features
 Related Parties are parties that control or have significant influence over the reporting entity
and parties that are controlled or significantly influenced by the reporting entity.
 Requires disclosure of: – Relationship involving control, even when there have been no
transactions in between; – Related party transactions; and – Management compensation

PPSAS 21 – Impairment of Non-Cash- Generating Assets

Definition Cash - generating assets- are assets held with the primary objective of generating a
commercial return.
Non-cash - generating assets- are assets other than cash-generating assets.
Impairment - a loss in the future economic benefits or service potential of an asset, over and above the
systematic recognition of the loss
Salient Features
 A non-cash-generating asset is impaired when the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its
recoverable service amount.
 An impairment loss shall be recognized immediately in surplus or deficit.
 After the recognition of an impairment loss, the depreciation charge for the asset shall be
adjusted in future periods.
PPSAS 23 – Revenue from Non- Exchange Transactions (Taxes and Transfers)
Non- Exchange transactions
 Examples: (a) Taxes; and (b) Transfers (whether cash or non-cash)
 An asset acquired through a non exchange transaction shall initially be measured as its fair value
as at the date of acquisition.
 An entity shall recognize an asset in respect of taxes when the taxable event occurs and the
asset recognition criteria are met.

PPSAS 24 – Presentation of Budget Information in Financial Statements

Salient Features PPSAS 24 requires:
 Presentation of budget information in the financial statements when the reporting entity is
publicly accountable for its budget.
 Disclosure of an explanation of the reasons for material differences between the budget and
actual amounts.
To ensure that the public sector entities discharge their accountability obligations and enhance the
transparency of their financial statement

PPSAS 26 – Impairment of Cash Generating Assets

 Definition Cash-Generating Assets (CGA) - Assets held with the primary objective of generating a
commercial return.
 Impairment - a loss in the future economic benefits or service potential of an asset.
An impairment loss of a cash-generating asset - is the amount by which the carrying amount

PPSAS 27 – Agriculture
Salient Features
 Prescribes the accounting treatment and disclosures related to agricultural activity.
 Agricultural activity- management by an entity of the biological assets for sale, or for distribution
at no charge or for a nominal charge or for conversion into agricultural produce or into
additional biological assets.
PPSAS 28 – Financial Instruments Presentation
 Prescribes principles for classifying and presenting financial instruments as liabilities or net
assets/equity, and for offsetting financial assets and liabilities.

IPSAS 29 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement

 Established principles for recognizing, derecognizing and measuring financial assets and financial

IPSAS 30 – Financial Instruments: Disclosure

 Prescribe disclosures that enable financial statement users to evaluate the significance of
financial instruments to an entity, the nature and extent of their risks, and how the entity
manages those risks.

PPSAS 31 – Intangible Assets

Salient Features
 Intangible Asset is an identifiable nonmonetary asset without physical substance.
 An intangible asset, whether purchased or self created, is recognized if: - It is probable that the
future economic benefits or service potential that are attributable to the asset will flow to the
entity and - The cost or fair value of the asset can be measured reliably

PPSAS 32 – Service Concession Arrangements: Grantor

 Grantor- public sector entity grants service concession arrangements.
 Operator- private sector which manages the service concession asset
 Service concession arrangement- sets performance standards, mechanism for adjusting prices ,
and arrangements for arbitrating disputes.
 Recognize liability when the grantor recognizes a service concession asset
 Initial measurement- same amount as the asset adjusted by any consideration given by the
grantor or the operator or from the operator to the grantor.
 The operator is compensated for its service over the period of the service



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