PPSAS Report For Powerpoint
PPSAS Report For Powerpoint
PPSAS Report For Powerpoint
Bases of PPSAS
Pronouncements issued by IPSASB (IPSASs), IASB, PICPA, International Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions and others.
Relevant factors, including best accounting practices, and
Capacity of Agencies to comply with PPSAS.
To set out the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure requirements for
financial reporting in the Philippine Government
PPSASs set out requirements dealing with transactions and other events in general purpose
financial reports.
PPSASs are designed to apply to the general purpose financial reports of all public sector
entities other than Government Business Enterprises (GBEs)
Applies to all NGAs, LGUs and GOCCs not classified as GBEs
I. Evaluation of IPSAS
studied and evaluated each IPSAS to determine applicability
II. Development of PPSAS
Provided the PAG for IPSAS provisions which were not adopted
Exposed drafts to stakeholders
Addressed fundamental issues
Conducted Focus Group Discussions
III. Preparation/Update of Government Accounting Manual
Studied, enhanced and modified the provision of Government Accounting Manual, as
PPSASs are being developed.
IV. Revision of the Chart of Accounts
Revised the Chart of accounts to conform with the PPSAS and
COA Circular 2013-002 dated Jan. 30, 2013.
PPSAS consists of
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) (Accrual Based IPSASs per 2012
Handbook) developed by IPSASB and published by the International Federation of Accountants
(IFAC), and
Philippine Application Guidance (PAG)
Provide supplementary guidance of IPSASs to suit the Philippine public sector
States the reason for not adopting some paragraphs of the IPSASs.
PPSAS 1- Presentation of FS
Objective – To set overall considerations for the:
Complete set of Financial Statements:
1. Statement of financial position
2. Statement of financial performance
3. Statement of changes in net assets/ equity
4. Cash Flow Statement
5. Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes
6. Separate additional statements for comparison of budget and actual amounts shall be prepared and
Salient Features
Cash flows for operating activities are reported using the direct method.
Cash flows exclude movements between items that constitute cash or cash equivalents.
Investing and financing transactions that do not require the use of cash shall be excluded from
the cash flow statement, but they shall be separately disclosed.
PPSAS 12 – Inventories
Salient Features
Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value.
If acquired through a non exchange transaction, their cost shall be measured as their fair value
as at the date of acquisition.
Cost is determined on weighted average basis
Write- downs to net realizable value are recognized as an expense. Reversals arising from an
increase in net realizable value are recognized as reduction of the inventory
PPSAS 27 – Agriculture
Salient Features
Prescribes the accounting treatment and disclosures related to agricultural activity.
Agricultural activity- management by an entity of the biological assets for sale, or for distribution
at no charge or for a nominal charge or for conversion into agricultural produce or into
additional biological assets.
PPSAS 28 – Financial Instruments Presentation
Prescribes principles for classifying and presenting financial instruments as liabilities or net
assets/equity, and for offsetting financial assets and liabilities.