MRWC - Karon Syllabus 2018-19

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MRWC: Syllabus

Desert Hot Springs High School, Dept. of Mathematics

65850 Pierson Blvd, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 Teacher: Ms. Pamela Karon Email: [email protected]
(760) 288-7000, Room 110 Class Site:

Course Description
Mathematical Reasoning With Connections (MRWC) is A-G compliant. Students use skills learned in
algebra and geometry (or integrated math classes) to solve puzzles, create theories and explore
themes in mathematics. Any student passing this class with a C grade or better will be able to enter
college level math classes at any Cal-State or UC campus they are admitted to.
Mastery Based Assessment
1. Grades should be a direct reflection of what a student has learned and retained academically.
100% of a student’s grade will be determined from summative assessments. Students will be
able to demonstrate their learning throughout the year to determine their proficiency levels.

2. Grading is based on a scale of 0 to 4. These levels are: Advanced Mastery (4), Mastery (3), Initial
Mastery (2), Not Yet Mastered (1), Not Attempted (0). Please see attached Rubric to better
understand the levels of mastery. Students are expected to get mastery or advanced mastery on
all skills. A student who has a Not Yet Mastered or Not Attempted score on an assessment will
not be able to earn Advanced Mastery within that domain until at least initial mastery is

3. Grades for a given skill may change upon further demonstration of learning. Expect re-
assessments per skill throughout the semester. True learning includes retention, and it is
possible for an overall assessment grade to decrease as well as improve. Students will be able to
retake assessments at the teacher’s discretion.

4. Standards for Mathematical Practice will also be assessed. Focusing primarily on communication
(constructing viable arguments) and constructive criticism, both verbally and written. Some
examples include, team discussions, justifying steps and procedures, proper use of academic
language, and reflections of learning.

5. Although not included as part of the mastery grades, class assignments, homework and online
work will be assigned and tracked. This allows all parties to make a correlation between a
student’s work habits and their assessed learning and grade.

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Citizenship reflects a student’s behavior. Aside from grades, students are given a citizenship mark on
report cards: Outstanding (O), Satisfactory (S) and Not Satisfactory (N). To better understand these
marks please refer the citizenship rubric attached.

Practice Work / Homework

Homework will be assigned frequently. As the teacher, I will do my best to provide quality
assignments. Homework is intended to give the student a deeper understanding of the material,
along with an opportunity to practice the required skills to be successful. Often, the answers will be
provided so that students will know if their work is correct. Think of math as a sport. As with any
sport, it is critical to practice. Coaches don’t grade or give scores in practice games, yet everyone
understands that practice is essential for the overall success of the sport. Homework can be thought
of in much the same way. It will not be directly applied to a student’s grade; but without the
practice, it is unlikely a student will be successful.

Students are required to attend class on a daily basis according to school policy and procedure. If a
student is absent, it is their responsibility to locate and complete any missed work.

Classroom Passes
Students will not be granted passes the first or last 10 minutes of the period. Students who need to
use the restroom should go between classes so as not to miss important information. Frequent
restroom use may result in phone calls home and mandatory tutoring after school. If student has a
medical need to see the nurse or use the restroom, a parent / guardian note will be required. Please
file this directly with the school nurse.

Classroom Rules forSuccess

1. When entering the classroom, students are expected to be quiet, seated and prepared to work!
2. Students must respect themselves, their classroom, and others at all times.
3. If the teacher is talking the student is not.
4. Students must follow directions for their safety and learning.
5. No electronics will be permitted without teacher approval
6. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and is the act of stealing work and
claiming it as your own (whether from another student, the Internet, books, or other
sources). An offense will result in a parent-teacher-student conference, and may remain
permanently on your academic record.
7. Profanity or disrespectful behavior is NEVER TOLERATED! Such action will result in immediate
disciplinary action.

Consequences for Breaking Classroom Rules

1. 1st minor offense: Student will receive a verbal warning, & may be asked to step outside for a
moment (depending on the circumstances).
2. 2nd offense: Student’s name will be placed on the board resulting in time after class with the
teacher, potentially followed by a phone call home & note to administration (in Synergy).
3. 3rd offense or major offense: Student will be given a referral, followed by a phone call home.
This may result in a parent-student-teacher conference. Some class privileges may be removed
for a time period.

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Syllabus Contract (Parent / Guardian & Student Signatures Required)
Student Parent / Guardian
• I have read the class Syllabus. • I have read the class information in the
• I have had the opportunity to ask questions
and fully understand the class rules & • I understand I will have the opportunity and
expectations. responsibility to check my son’s / daughter’s
progress in this class through Synergy and
• I understand that coming prepared and also by contacting the teacher via phone or
having proper supplies is critical to my email.
success in this class.
• I understand and will encourage my student
• I understanding that, for my success and the to seek help when they need it.
success of my classmates, I am required to be
in my seat before the bell rings and be ready • I am aware that free tutoring is available to
to focus, work hard, and learn. my student, and is offered Monday through
Thursday after school (for one hour) in the
• I understand that the likelihood of passing math computer lab. Dates & times are
this class is directly related to my effort, subject to change.
practice, and dedication to completing work
and learning the material covered in my • If getting the supplies causes undue hardship,
classwork, homework, and online work. I will notify my student’s teacher immediately
so as to find a solution.
• I understand that my grade directly reflects
my understanding of the skills taught in this • I understand that my student’s grade will
class. Practice work / homework is vital to directly reflect their understanding of the
help me learn the material and reach standards & skills taught in this class. Practice
mastery. work / homework is vital to help them learn
the material and reach proficiency. I will
provide them ample time to work on
practicing math outside of school.

Parent /
Student:____________________________________ Guardian:____________________________________
Student Signature Signature

Parent /
Student:____________________________________ Guardian:____________________________________
Print Name (Clearly) Print Name (Clearly)

Date: ________/ __________/ __________ Date: ________/ __________/ __________

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