Signs & Portents 89
Signs & Portents 89
Signs & Portents 89
Also This Month: Scenarios for Traveller and RuneQuest • Plus Victory at Sea, Paranoia and more•
Xiombarg’s Children 58
Bestiary 76
The Initiation 78
As for this issue, well once again it is jam-packed full of gaming goodness.
This month sees an in depth look at spirit magic in the RuneQuest II
roleplaying game. An absolute must for shamans everywhere.
An old favourite also returns to these pages this month, with some shiny
new warships for the Victory at Sea game.
For Paranoia fans there are a number of brilliant and totally non-
dangerous/deathtrap R&D items for Troubleshooters to have fun/die
screaming with. Dredd-heads have a nice little trip to a construction site
to look forward to, as those horrid Democrats are up to no good again.
There are adventures for both Traveller and RuneQuest, some new foes
for Elric, minor states for Wraith Recon operatives to operate within, alien
creatures, the city of Lof receives some love for Lone Wolf players and
gamesmasters, I could go on and on.
Nick Robinson
Managing Director
Matthew Sprange
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Convention Diary
RolePlaying Conventions 2011 Wargaming Conventions 2011
Concrete Cow Vapnartak *
19th March 6th February
The Old Bath House, Milton Keynes York Racecourse, York
Conpulsion Cavalier
25 -27 March
th th
27th February
Teviot Row Student Union, Edinburgh The Angel Centre, Tonbridge
Con-Quest Salute *
30th April 16th April
Derby Assembly Rooms, Derby Excel Exhibition Centre, London
4th-5th June
Thecentre:mk, Milton Keynes
Nick Robinson’s
Wakboth. Bwahahahaha.
The Timeline
March: The Zhodani make their entrance
A guide to get your tails wagging for future Mongoose releases
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Quote of the Month
Which phrases have been flying around the office more than the dog’s ball?
Noble Armada
and. With extra Monsters! June: Paranoia - Fun and games... OUTSIDE! July: Carmania Conquers!
This hardback rulebook includes full fleet lists for the five main Royal
Houses, new rules for boarding actions, fighters, scenarios, and a
complete campaign that can be played with any fleet. Everything
you need to start waging war among the stars!
Noble Armada
Price: $29.99
Format: Hardback (140 pages)
Pre Order Now
You are the warrior Lone Wolf - Kai Grand Master of Sommerlund. In the
distant realm of Nyras a bitter war is waging between the brave knights
of Lencia and the evil Drakkarim. The Lencians have won many battles,
but now the Drakkarim leader - Warlord Magnaarn - is near to finding
the Doomstone of Darke. If he should succeed he will be capable of
destroying the Lencians once and for all.
In The Darke Crusade, you must journey through the infernal Hellswamp,
trek deep into the forests of northern Nyras and brave the heat of battle.
Will you succeed and save your allies? Or will you fall victom to Warlord
Using high quality paper and hardbound for durability, this Collector’s
Edition of the latest Lone Wolf gamebook marks the return of the last Kai
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
The secrets of the Magnakai will open before you once you read this
book. Providing all the rules you will need for high level ‘epic’ play for the
Lone Wolf Multiplayer Gamebook, the Book of the Magnakai details all
new disciplines not just for accomplished Kai Lords, but for every new
class introduced in Heroes of Magnamund as well.
Using the rules provided in this book, your characters will be able to face
the greatest of the Darklords with a chance of survival, halt the progress
of entire wars and have a powerful effect upon Magnamund.
February 11 Releases
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
February 11 Releases
Introducing firearms into a fantasy setting requires more than just
gunpowder used by Orcs and Elves. Draksmoke adds that fantasy
element to the simple discovery that charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter go
BOOM when you mix and ignite them.
The Mind is the key to unlock your shackles. Greed has left half a world
bleeding and broken beneath the weight of poverty, conflict, and slavery. The Mind Unbound
Only we can lead the oppressed beyond the horrors of the Corporate age. Price: $29.99
Trust in us, and we will set you free. Format: Softback (158 pages)
The Mind is the weapon to rout your enemies. Fear has left our rivals
struggling to comprehend the power we command, scrambling to blunt
it. Only we can shepherd the defenceless in a world full of predators. Trust
in us, and we will protect you.
The Mind is the tool to change your world. War has left society on the
brink of the abyss, held in a fragile balance of bitter rivals and capricious
powers. Only we can guide the innocent through a second darkness and
back into light. Trust in us, and we will bring you to a new age of peace...
no matter the cost.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
In its earliest days, House Hawkwood was the leading house but a
consortium of other houses, led by Decados, brought it crashing down,
almost to the point of extinction. One member managed to revive
its fortunes and within generations it once again became one of the
greatest houses, until the first barbarian invasion brioke through at
Delphi and devastated Hawkwood’s holdings. Other catastrophes have
come and gone, but House Hawkwood endures…
This box set contains everything a House Hawkwood player needs for A
Call to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
House Decados is one of the most influential, if least trusted, of the House Decados Fleet Set
Royal Houses, and it remains an insurmountable barrier to anyone Price: $29.99
with democratic ideals. Its spies and assassins roam the Known Worlds,
and Decados leaders have an uncanny ability to discover the darkest
secrets of their enemies. The Decados have mastered the arts of body
manipulation and alteration, and their Jakovian spies are said to be able
to pass as anyone they desire, even changing their appearance while on
This box set contains everything a House Decados player needs for A
Call to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
February 11 Releases
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
February 11 Releases
House al-Malik maintains strong ties with the Merchant League, and
there are rumours that it bought its position as a Royal House from
its banking and trade interests. Nonetheless, House al-Malik can
usually count on League support in its ventures, and their mansions
are filled with technological wonders. Some even carry personal
think machines, which they cryptically call ‘computers’.
This box set contains everything a House al-Malik player needs for
A Call to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size
from explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
This box set contains everything a House Hazat player needs for A Call to
Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from explorers
and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
1 Trafalgar-class Carrier
1 Manticore-class Destroyer
2 Xerses-class Galliots
4 Scorpion-class Frigates
2 Stalker-class Explorer
4 Dagger-class Light Fighters
4 Harpy-class Torpedo Bombers
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
This box set contains everything a House Li Halan player needs for A
Call to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
February 11 Releases
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Shamanism for Fun and Prophets
By Bruce Mason, Gary Goldman and Pete Nash
“My songs are paths” said a shaman, “Some more likely to be loose affiliations or may anyone wishing to bind a spirit needs
take me a short way — some take me a long simply consist of members of single family to know about it are its Intensity and its
way. I make them straight and I walk down or clan or tradition of veneration of spirits. attitude towards the spirit mage.
them. I look about me as I go — not a thing Such traditions share one simple insight:
escapes my notice. I call but I stay on the
the world is alive. Each rock, plant, animal Intensity
and each cloud, pool and storm has its own Intensity is an attribute of spirits. When
— (Townsley, Graham. Song Paths, The spirit. Such spirits themselves, especially the it comes to Spirit Magic, the Intensity of a
Ways and Means of Yaminahua Shamanic spirits of ancestors, may also be members spirit measures the benefit it can give to
Knowledge, L’Homme, 1993: 33:p454) of a tradition or be friendly towards a the spirit’s controller as well as how difficult
particular tradition. Other spirits may it is to command. The greater a spirit’s POW,
I’ll tell you what shamanism’s all about. It’s simply have no interest in the mundane the greater its Intensity. A spirit’s Intensity
the quickest way to get your brains scrambled world. Some may be actively hostile to can be calculated from the following table.
short of falling off a cliff. members of a particular tradition.
Spirit Intensity Table
— Praghos the Cursed. Because there are so many ways to
POW Typical
approach spirit worship, cults tend to be
RuneQuest II introduces a new, free-form Intensity POW Range POW
diverse but as a rule of thumb each spirit
system of Spirit Magic mixing a blend of 1 1D6+6 7-12 10
cult tends to have access to five or six types
academic realism and fantasy. The rules of spirit with whom it is friendly and when 2 1D6+12 13-18 16
provide a toolkit of ideas that can be used added up, these spirits will usually offer 3 1D6+18 19-24 22
to create many different kind of animistic 7-12 different benefits. Smaller spirit cults +1 +6 +6 +6
traditions but the openness of the system have access to fewer friendly spirits.
can make it hard to know where to start You do not always need to know a spirit’s
or how to fit spirit magic into your own Nearly all cults will have access to Intensity to know the scale of its effects
campaign. This article provides answers to ancestors and guardian spirits plus a but the attribute is always there and is
questions that have been asked and tools number of nature spirits depending on also used to measure how much it ‘costs’ to
to help bring spirit worship to life in any the cult’s background. Cults with particular bind a spirit.
campaign. This is the first of two articles: elemental affiliations will have access to
the second will expand upon the range of elemental spirits. Curse and bane spirits
spirits and spirit encounters available to are not usually part of a tradition and any Occasionally spirits can be found which
spirit worshippers. spirit magician attempting to bind them for mythical or historical reasons break
into service is taking a serious risk. the rules. The system here is simply a
Animism is the broadest term for a default covering most normal cases.
worldview in which the world is infused Exceptions will always occur.
by spirits, and shamanism is just one Defining Spirits
type of animism. RuneQuest II focuses on The denizens of the spirit plane are
shamanism but the rules can accommodate varied and diverse. Spirit magic allows
most forms of animism. For example, Shinto practitioners to approach spirits in two Attitude
or ‘folk Hinduism’ can be seen as animistic ways: as beings with which they can Each spirit has an attitude towards
practices as can ancestor worship among communicate and as entities which can be magicians who approach it. Some will
the Romans and ancient Greeks. And, as bound to service. A spirit magician’s most be friendly, others neutral and some
can be seen in any bookshop, many new frequent interaction with spirits will be hostile. Spirits belonging to the magician’s
age beliefs are fundamentally animistic. through the use of the Spirit Walking skill tradition will most likely be friendly. Neutral
RuneQuest II spirit magic is as applicable to to communicate with them. In this respect spirits consist of both those belonging to
the modern world as it is to the ancient. spirits are non player characters who can traditions which are not hostile to the
be interacted with during game sessions. shaman as well as those not considered
Spirit Binding is the skill of persuading or part of any tradition. Hostile spirits are
Spirit Cults & Traditions forcing a spirit into service or protecting those belonging to enemy traditions
Although most spirit worshippers will be oneself from harmful spirits. RuneQuest II or are inherently antagonistic due to
a member of a cult, the organisation is provides a basic breakdown of spirit types mythic, runic or elemental oppositions. For
unlikely to be anywhere near as formal as a and how to quantify what benefits a bound example, Bane spirits are hostile to almost
divine cult or sorcery school. Spirit cults are spirit might provide. The two key elements all non-Chaotic traditions while a tradition
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
with wolf spirits will find that most prey spectral combat skill of 150% or more
animal spirits are distinctly hostile to it. meaning that only the greatest of the
The attitude of a spirit towards a spirit High Shamans can defeat them in spirit
magician affects how it will react to being combat unless several shamans join
approached, to being bound and what it together in a Concert (See Spellcom).
might do if it ever escapes a binding. Such actions should be played out rather
than relegated to Down Time.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Spirit Hunting Table of Down Time to find and bind a friendly Improvement Roll cost involved and they
Spirit Binding Skill spirit, 2D6 days to find a neutral spirit and can tackle more dangerous spirits with
Intensity minimum requirement IRs 2D6+6 days of careful planning to safely help from allies. Such sessions are full of
1 61% 1 find a hostile spirit that can be bound. roleplaying opportunities.
2 81% 2
The Spirit Binding Skill requirement The Shaman’s Fetch
3 121% 3 to find a spirit on the spirit plane and
4 141% 4 Not every Shamanic tradition features
defeat it in spirit combat is not the same fetches and those that do vary in the
as the requirement needed to control a nature of the fetch. In some traditions the
For friendly spirits, the minimum skill spirit already bound into a fetish. A spirit
requirement is reduced by 20%. In fetch is the awakened “other half” of the
magician with a Spirit Binding skill of shaman. In this case the fetch and shaman
addition, a shaman may pay 1 additional 40% is able to control a bound spirit of
Improvement Roll for friendly or neutral are two sides of the same soul with the
up to POW 12. However that same spirit fetch perceiving the Spirit Plane while the
spirits in order to reduce the minimum spirit will probably have a spectral combat skill
binding skill requirement by another 20%. shaman exists on the mundane plane. In
of 60% (POW*5%) and would is likely to other traditions the fetch is a spirit (often
So, a shaman spending 4 Improvement defeat the magician if he attacked it in
Rolls and approaching a friendly spirit an animal guide) who is drawn to the
spirit combat. It takes a higher skill to find shaman to become their spiritual partner.
of Intensity 3 needs a minimum spirit and bind a spirit than it does to merely
binding skill of 81% rather than the usual In both cases the prospective shaman
control one already bound in a fetish. must undertake a successful Vision Quest
121%. These figures are based on shamans
acquiring spirits during Down Time and in order to gain the fetch. As the RuneQuest
Of course players can have their shaman II Rulebook notes (page 139) this is a
represent a minimum of risk and maximum characters undertake quests to find spirits
guarantee of success. It takes 1D6 days dangerous ritual, and it may cripple or
during play sessions. In this case there is no kill the shaman if he fails to complete it
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Walking to talk with them or request aid against an enemy. They are hostile to all A Spirit Magician can bind an elemental
other than possession. Over the period of traditions save those perverse enough spirit into a fetish in the normal manner
a campaign, some ancestors may become to revere them. The Intensity of Curse & but the fetish must be chosen carefully for
recurring non player characters, with their Sickness spirits measures the number and even while bound some of the elemental
own agendas. severity of the conditions they can inflict spirit’s power is manifested. A Salamander
on a target once they have possessed the spirit must be bound into a fetish capable of
victim. Each condition requires one or withstanding heat while an Undine spirit’s
Thorgeld’s saga more points of Intensity, so an Intensity 2 fetish will become damp and clammy.
Realising that his quest to find the seven Curse spirit can inflict two Intensity one
fingered man will founder unless he can conditions or one Intensity two condition. When the spirit magician releases an
find some way to break into a heavily Diseases tend to be a package of conditions elemental spirit from a fetish it does
guarded tower he decides to journey to his so you can assess the Intensity of the not need any source material but while
clan’s holiest ground to quest for inspiration. Disease spirit carrying a particular disease uncontrolled it will gravitate to the nearest
The sacred pool provides +40% to his by looking at the conditions it causes. source of its element within range of the
Spirit Walking skill and Thorgeld’s player binding object. By itself it is just a spirit and
asks if the Games Master if he can find an • Intensity 1: Blindness, Confusion, has no significant effect on the mundane
ancestor who can help. The Games Master Contagious, Deafness, Dumbness, plane. The spirit’s power does not truly
says that if he makes his Spirit Walking test Exhaustion, Fever, Hallucination, manifest until the spirit magic controls
he can find Uncle Spider, an ancestor who Maiming, Mania, Nausea, and embodies it through use of the Spirit
can find his way into any building (and Unconsciousness. Binding Skill. As with any control attempt,
does not mention that he just invented • Intensity 2: Agony, Bleeding, Paralysis, the spirit magician must succeed at the
Uncle Spider on the spot). Uncle Spider is an Sapping. skill and spend 1 Magic Point as a Free
Intensity 2 POW 14 spirit knowing Athletics • Intensity 3: Asphyxiation, Death. Action. If the spirit magician succeeds, their
104%, Perception 104%, Stealth 104%, the body itself becomes the elemental. A spirit
spells Bandit’s Cloak and Coordination at See RuneQuest II (page 56) for a description magician embodying a sylph transforms
Magnitude 5 and the heroic ability Wall of the effects of each condition. Unlike into a vortex of buffeting winds while a
Leaping. Thorgeld’s Spirit Binding is still ‘normal’ diseases, conditions caused by one embodying a gnome will sink into
only 51% so he would struggle to prove his spirits do not recover naturally even with the ground as if they were some type of
worthiness so the GM Games Master asks application of healing skills. Some Higher earthen whirlpool.
Thorgeld’s player to make a Culture roll for Magic spells may work for a while if their
his clan. When he succeeds, he tells him that Magnitude is greater than the spirit’s While embodying an elemental spirit,
Uncle Spider loves gem stones and witchity Intensity. Thus a Divine Spell to cure the spirit magician cannot turn off
bugs. Bringing some of both will provide blindness of higher Magnitude than the or dampen the effects. Furthermore,
+20% to his Spirit Binding. It still will not be possessing spirit’s Intensity will work but returning the elemental spirit to the fetish
easy but Thorgeld’s player decides to give it unless the spirit is driven out, the effects is far more difficult than for other spirits
a go. will gradually return. as the magician must make a successful
Command Roll in order to successfully force
Elemental Spirits the spirit back into the fetish. Finally, while
The differences between the elementals in his elemental form, the spirit magician
Pavis Rises uses ancestral intensity to summoned by priests and wizards and is vulnerable to opposing elements just
measure the power of ancestor spirits the elemental spirits bound by Shamans as an elemental is. For all these reasons,
which reflects the fact the longer an are subtle but significant. An elemental embodying a powerful elemental spirit is
ancestor has been venerated, the more is summoned to the mundane plane and never lightly undertaken.
powerful it becomes. The two systems embodied within the appropriate source.
are broadly similar as the four bands of A shaman is capable of embodying an A spirit magician embodying an elemental
ancestral intensity are roughly equivalent elemental spirit,which means that shaman’s spirit essentially becomes an elemental
to spirits of Intensity one through four. body itself becomes the elemental. While of size based on the spirit’s Intensity as
elementals are dumb fragments of the outlined on the table on the next page.
Curse, Sickness and Bane spirits elemental rune from which they derive,
Although these spirits can be bound for elemental spirits of high POW are often
later use they are never used to augment intelligent and self-willed. As with any spirit,
the spirit magician, rather they are sent the potency of the embodied elemental
spirit depends on its Intensity.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
metres on the spirit plane. Naturally they powerful than the spirit. If, however, the being attacked by a sickness spirit might
can keep trying for as long as they have owner is weaker than the spirit the spirit is break out in boils and cold sweats or
Magic Points but if the target successfully completely free to attack its owner instead. might vomit endlessly depending on
resists with a critical then it is reasonable This is yet another reason shamans are the conditions they are fighting against.
to assume the target is immune to being reluctant to provide these types of spirits Someone who has training in Spirit
discorporated by that particular shaman or to worshippers in their tradition. Walking may be able to mostly control their
spirit for at least a week. As discorporation body showing just small signs of stress.
is an extremely powerful ability then one In game terms, assume that a spirit with a A shaman with a Fetch will be able to sit
option is to increase the cost for multiple lower POW than the magician will attack serenely, their body undisturbed while on
attempts against the same person by one the intended target. Optionally, call for a the spirit plane the struggle ensues.
Magic Point each time. So the first attempt Spirit Binding roll opposed by the spirit’s
at discorporation costs 1 Magic Point, the Spectral Combat Skill. If the magician fails In campaigns with a lot of spirit combat
second costs two, the third costs three and to win, the spirit simply departs. If the various questions come up about how
so on. This will prevent spirits from simply magician fumbles, or if he fails while the exactly fights occur and whether it is
trying over and over again until they spirit succeeds and the spirit is of greater possible for one side to flee. Generally
succeed. POW than the magician, it will turn on him speaking, if a spirit magician is looking
instead. for a spirit to bind he must hunt the spirit,
Once both participants are on the spirit sneaking close enough to it to be able to
plane Spirit Combat may continue until one Generally a spirit magician does not bind attack it. Spirit walking corporeal beings
side has been reduced to zero Magic Points. an aggressive spirit like a curse spirit to a as well as natural spirits can attack anyone
At that point the winner may perform fetish as the risks are high and the fetish within their POW in metres. While adjacent
various actions as listed in the RuneQuest II is unpleasant to handle. Instead, if the the combat looks like two enemies
Rulebook (page 142). The winner does not magician wishes to send such a spirit exchanging blows while enemies distant
have to take advantage of the loser and it is against an enemy the usual procedure is from each other appear to aim missiles
important to remember that spirit combat to journey to the spirit plane and defeat or simply leap at each other. Like normal
can represent any kind of contest from a the appropriate spirit; once defeated combat, spirit combat can generate
battle of wits to an artistic performance; it the shaman can compel the spirit to one Combat Manoeuvres although many will
does not always have to be a grim battle service. A possession or part of the target be effectively meaningless. The Change
to the end. The same mechanic is used but is burnt or otherwise consumed in order Range manoeuvre (or action) can be used
how it plays out depends on the beings to identify the target. Once the spirit has to disengage and flee. If the fleeing spirit
involved. regained its Magic Points it will journey has a higher POW than the other spirit
to the target and attack it. Alternately the then once it has successfully performed a
Spirit Combat and bound spirits shaman may command the defeated spirit Range Change it can flee automatically. If
Spirit combat happens on the spirit plane to perform one service in the future. Such a the other spirit has a higher POW then it
and a fetish (or other binding object) spirit will act like a spirit contact and come will be able to hunt down the fleeing spirit,
binds a spirit to the mundane plane so it within 1d6 minutes of a successful Spirit though that might take some time. As a rule
follows logically that a spirit bound in a Walking skill test to attack an opponent. of thumb spirits and spirit walking mortals
fetish cannot be commanded to attack travel at a speed equal to their POW on
an opponent in the spirit plane. A spirit The most fearsome shamans are those from the spirit plane. Unfortunates on the spirit
magician wishing to use a curse, sickness traditions with friendly curse and sickness plane without any kind of spirit walking
or even bane spirit this way must therefore spirits. Such spirits may become allies and skill are virtually trapped as they can move
free the spirit by breaking the fetish. Of willingly attack victims nominated by the but can not follow a direction so they tend
course, breaking the fetish frees the spirit shaman. Once the victim is dead, the ally to drift aimlessly. Such characters trying
from the magician’s control so there is will return to the shaman to beg for more to defend themselves in spirit combat
no obligation for the spirit to do what victims. through using half their Persistence skill
the magician wants. Indeed there is now (RuneQuest II page 142) are also unable to
nothing stopping the spirit from turning If spirit combat happens on the spirit plane, gain Combat Manoeuvres.
on the person who freed it. Generally the what does it look like back on the mundane
procedure is that the magician points the plane? The answer to that depends on Characters who have Dedicated a large
fetish at the victim and promises the spirit the victim’s Spirit Walking skill. Someone amount of their POW can be very vulnerable
freedom if it attacks the target. Usually it with no ability in the skill has no way of to spirit combat. One option is to rule
will agree because its nature is to attack and controlling their physical body while they the cost to discorporate a character with
possess corporeal beings and also because are on the spirit plane so when they are Dedicated POW is one Magic Point plus one
usually the magician who bound it is more attacked they might writhe around and Magic Point for each point of Dedicated
show symptoms of the attack. Someone POW of the target. A spirit wishing to
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
armour such as Protection still works
• Glamour: the spirit can engender
illusions, which are experienced by
all within a range of the spirit’s POW
in metres of the item the spirit. This
glamour is a mental illusion that
works in a similar way to the sorcery
spell Phantom (Sense). See the
RuneQuest II Rulebook page 134.
• Cast magic. Becoming a Haunt
usually severs the spirit from any
form of higher magic but some may
retain the ability to cast Common
Magic. An awful lot of Haunts consist
of spirits casting magic such as
Befuddle, Disruption, Demoralise,
Fanaticism and so on.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
The Remains of the The ‘Red Blades’
‘The Red Blades’ are a small group of
Day hobbyists in their late teens and early
Spasmodically, through the other noises of twenties who are members of the Latex
the tunnels, the judges will here snatches Equipped Player’s Association (known
of screaming and gunfire. By the time they as ‘LEPAs’ for short). Recently, whilst
arrive at the pillar, Malicioso has gone. ‘adventuring’ in a ruined city site, they
The mangled remains of a body in bright found a rusty door behind which was a set
clothing tossed onto the walkway like a of stairs leading into the ground. Tonight
broken doll is easy to locate. Given time a they have decided to explore what lies
positive ID can be made from his DNA. A beyond this tantalising portal.
Judge rolling Education 10+ might manage
to recognise the disfigured features of the After sharing a couple of mega-skunk
sewer channel. The pair then wade out notorious democratic terrorist, Alan Lloyd cigarettes and building up their courage
to the island, the foul water coming up to Moore. A Life Sciences (Biology) roll of 6+ the dope happy LEPAs continue along
their chests. They clamber onto the narrow will deduce the wounds as coming from their quest, forgetting to spray tag their
walk way formed by the concrete support a sewer-gator’s attacks. An Investigate roll route as they proceed. After travelling
block standing a metre above the water of 4+ will identify the tattered remains of along a few passages, Marvax ‘the Mighty’
level. Moore tapes up a spare torch to a folded map in a torn, blood drenched happens to notice a gap in a wall panel.
shine over the intended location where he pocket. Examining the map and making a Examining the panel the group find that it
will place his bomb and puts his magnon Geography (Mega City One) roll of 8+ will is loose and a City-Def ammo crate is on a
pulsar carbine on the ledge beside him. determine the storage depot on the city ledge inside an alcove. Excitedly they open
However, unknown to Moore, he is in the surface was the target. it to discover that it apparently contains
hunting territory of ‘Malicioso’, a solitary nothing but sweets, though presumably
sewer-gator. A torch is taped to shine at the base of ones with sugar content. They greedily eat
a huge metal pillar. A magnon pulsar their fill of what is a stash of an Uncle Ump’s
Moore is priming the bomb when he shoulder- arm, its indicator showing it has Umpty derivative and bottles of pills that
suddenly senses something. As he turns two charges remaining, is on the ledge. The are powerful hallucinogenic drugs. This
he is attacked by Malicioso, whose head judges only get to spend a few minutes at cocktail produces a communal delusion
materializes out of the stygian water and the scene before excited cries echo across that the Red Blades truly are adventures
tears off Moore’s hand and forearm along through the tunnels. in a fantasy world and they interpret their
with the bomb he was holding. The reptile surroundings accordingly. Generally the
gulps down the morsel as it circles away Alec Lloyd Moore Age 42 first person to describe what he thinks a
and approaches from another angle. At Residence – Whereabouts unknown person or object is will be believed by the
this point the bomb is lodged firmly in the Political activist, with sympathies for others.
‘gator’s digestive tract and the audio setting proscribed pro-democracy groups. Moore
is knocked to the maximum. A loud ticking is suspected of undertaking terrorist Proceeding onwards they enter into a
sound reverberates through Malicioso, bombing against Justice Department sewer complex where they wander for 20
though rather than frighten him, it sends locations. 2 Justice Personnel killed and 15 minutes getting bored until Grindfang
him temporarily berserk. Screaming futilely injured. Damage to property put at 13.4 fleetingly spots a sewer-gator. He imagines
Moore is caught in the beast’s jaws and is million Credits. His bombs are improvised it is a dragon and tells his comrades.
soon crushed and drowned. affairs always incorporating Brit-Cit clocks Enthused by the prospect of heroic battle
and a tartan patterned thermos flask. and a fabulous horde they blunder through
Red Kev lets lose a salvo of shots to no the ducts and tunnels trying to find their
effect in the darkness and it is not long quarry. They hear the sound of conflict
before the gator’s has dragged him below which excites them further and spurs them
the surface of the water where he meets a onwards.
similar fate to Moore.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
after another 1D3 hours for each individual
after which they will be tired and complain
of migraines. (Mavis Toddle will be suffering
from hypothermia in a fraction of this time).
As the last of the Red Blades are led off into
captivity one of them, even if rousing from
unconsciousness, turns to look for his or
her comrades and asks “How much XP do
we get for all of that ?”
Energy Weapon
Weapon Range Damage Auto Recoil Mass (kg) Magazine
Magnon Pulser Ranged (Shotgun) Special No — 7 3
5d6 against robots and stuns humans (End 10+ to avoid unconsciousness). No effect against vehicles.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
d6 Result Complication
1 In this case, life would be simple, professional and profitable. There are no hidden directive and no private agenda. The
players may spend the entire time wondering what the catch is but in this case, the catch is that suspicion and panic
might be the most dangerous elements of the entire mission. Making one’s patron nervous is one thing. Making him
nervous while he is working out how to contain a dozen ravenous blood-lizards for transport is quite another..
2 Ashton Ramsey may be honest and forthcoming but his backers are not. While they do have a reputation for honesty
and integrity, that public image is one they have bought with years of black operations, wet work and the best image
firms credits can buy. During this mission, they do not have a hidden agenda but their liaison, Ramsey’s assistant Marya,
is a covert agent with orders to judge the players for future ‘possibilities’.
3 On Ashton’s first trip to New Eden, the most dangerous life form he discovered was a reptilian killing machine, called
a Riptalon by the mission’s survivors. While he considers the discovery files closed on Riptalons, his backers and their
military contacts feel otherwise. After reaching New Eden, the nominal leader of the players is approached via private
communication with an offer. Bring back a breeding pair of Riptalons and earn 10,000 additional credits. The only
condition is that Doctor Ramsey cannot know anything of this side operation.
4 Ashton’s an honest man but the players are not the first group he has approached with this offer. The last crew,
dishonest and mercenary to the core, has been watching the good Doctor since they turned him down. They do not
want anything to do with his pointless mission but they do want his extremely expensive scientific equipment. When
he goes to transport it onto the players’ ship, they will be there, weapons in hand.
5 Doctor Ramsey is just a little more unstable than anyone suspected. Once the players arrive in New Eden, he will begin
his work as normal. Hyper-sensitive to any sign that the players might be considering abandoning the mission, he is not
above taking a more direct hand in ensuring that their ship does not leave the system. Just how ‘direct’ is entirely based
on how the players have behaved and how they have treated him up until his little psychotic break.
6 Unbeknownst to anyone, even the scientists of Doctor Ramsey’s home organization, one of the worlds of New Eden
is inhabited by a sentient species. That race managed to remain hidden during his first visit but his presence was
extremely distressing to them. Mistaking his scientific investigation as scouting for an alien hostile force, they have
spent the entire time since he left preparing for a possible invasion. This should make for a rude surprise when the
players arrive…
The Riptalon
(as excepted from Traveller: Animal Encounters)
As brilliant as they are deadly, Riptalons are a fully reptilian, larger analogue of the velociraptor. As far as behaviour is concerned,
their intelligence makes them hard to classify. They are technically intimidators only because it is their preferred method of ‘hunting’
to let others do the hard work of downing prey and then driving them away from their meals. This is only a generalization, however.
They are fiercely intelligent, have been known to kill for pleasure and enjoy chasing prey before a kill.
Length: 289 ft. Displacement: 1,360 tons Speed: 20 kts. Crew: 107
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
“APD”-Class Attack Transport
Several classes of ships were adapted to become small,
fast attack transports, or APDs. The first, USS Manley (APD
1), was a converted 4-stacker and other ships of this type
were used. Another common APD conversion, and the
subject of this stat entry, were the DE Type destroyer
escorts. Ships converted to the APD role landed most
of their ASW armament, although they retained a basic
fit and could act as ASW escorts to their amphibious
groups if necessary. Instead they carried two LCVP
landing craft and accommodation for a company of
troops or specialists. They were often used to deploy
raiding teams and specialist beach clearance teams.
Length: 289 ft. Displacement: 1,360 tons Speed: 20 kts. Crew: 107
Somers-Class Destroyer
Ships of this class: Somers, Warrington, Sampson, Davis,
Length: 381 ft. Displacement: 2,767 tons Speed: 37 kts. Crew: 294
Length: 348 ft. Displacement: 2,395 tons Speed: 35 kts. Crew: 208
Sims-Class Destroyer
Ships of this class: Sims, Hughes, Anderson, Hammann, Mustin, Russell, O’Brein, Walke,
Morris, Roe, Wainwright, Buck
The forerunners of the Benson / Gleaves class, the Sims were generally regarded as
unsuccessful and overweight. They were initially built with twelve torpedo tubes, but
excessive topweight led to the removal of four tubes before the outbreak of war (the
removed tubes were used on the first of the Atlanta class cruisers). Despite their obvious
design problems the modified ships served with distinction in all theatres of the war.
Length: 348 ft. Displacement: 2,313 tons Speed: 35 kts. Crew: 192
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Wickes-Class Destroyer
The predecessors of the Clemson class destroyer, the Wickes class suffered from a less-than-
desired cruising range, an issue leading to the design of the Clemsons. They also suffered from
excessive wetness in heavy seas and machinery problems. Many were scrapped between
the wars but some were transferred to the RN under lend-lease, whilst others were sold for
commercial duties and disarmed.
Length: 314 ft. Displacement: 1,650 tons Speed: 35 kts. Crew: 130
Mahan-Class Destroyer
Ships of this class: Mahan, Cummings, Drayton, Lamson, Flusser, Reid, Case, Conyngham,
Shaw, Cassin, Tucker, Downes, Cushing, Perkins, Smith, Preston, Dunlap, Fanning
The Mahan class introduced advanced boiler design into the US Navy’s destroyer fleet and were
initially designed with a heavy torpedo armament. In common with many US destroyers they
were extensively refitted with heavy AA armament later in the war. Cassin and Downes were
severely damaged during the attack on Pearl Harbor; they also featured a modified torpedo
arrangement using only centreline tubes.
Length: 341 ft. Displacement: 2,103 tons Speed: 36.5 kts. Crew: 158
The eight destroyers of the Farragut class set the “design style” for post First
World War US destroyers. They were handsome ships but, in common with
several classes built after them, they suffered from poor stability. Two ships of
the class capsized and sank during the appalling weather of “Halsey’s Typhoon”
; a third only survived when her funnel collapsed whilst close to turning over.
Length: 341 ft. Displacement: 2,064 tons Speed: 37 kts. Crew: 160
Despite these deficiencies, 70 Sumner’s were completed while the Navy’s Bureau of Ships’ designers sought a fix. The fix came in the
form of the “addition” of a fourteen-foot section to the mid-ship to accommodate increased bunker oil storage. The result was the
Gearing-class destroyer, of which the no less than 98 were constructed.
Length: 383 ft. Displacement: 3,460 tons Speed: 36.5 kts. Crew: 336
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Charger\Avenger-Class Escort Carrier
Ships of this class: Charger, HMS Avenger, HMS Biter, HMS Dasher
The Charger\Avenger class of escort carriers were slightly improved version of the Long Island/
Archer class. Like the earlier escort carriers they were conversions of standard “Liberty” type
merchant freighters. However, unlike the earlier conversions, these conversions were made before
the base ships had been completed as merchantmen. All four were delivered into service with
the Royal Navy, but one, Charger, was returned not long after delivery and taken into USN service.
Avenger was lost to a U-Boat torpedo, while Dasher was lost to an internal explosion. Biter was used
primarily used as a transport while the American Charger was largely used for training.
The values in parenthesis are for the British Avenger-class unless otherwise noted.
Length: 492 ft. Displacement: 16,000 (15,120) tons Speed: 16.5 kts. Crew: 856 (555)
Because Colorado was not present at the attack at Pearl Harbour and Maryland
was only slightly damaged, these two ships saw minimal refits early in the
war in order to maintain fleet strength. West Virginia, on the other hand, was
heavily damaged at Pearl Harbour and saw an extensive rebuild keeping her
from service until 1944. Interestingly, following Kamikaze damage in 1945,
Maryland was rebuilt on the lines of West Virginia. The statistics provided in
the original rules are for the Colorado and Maryland in 1942. Use the following
statistics for the West Virginia and also for Maryland in 1944+.
Length: 624 ft. Displacement: 39,400 tons Speed: 21 kts. Crew: 2,100
The Gridley class pioneered the next advance in machinery while retaining the
basic hull of the Mahan class but featuring a single stack. The Bagleys and the
following Gridleys and Benhams mounted 16 torpedo tubes, the heaviest battery
ever among American destroyers, reflecting an increased emphasis on torpedo
tactics in vogue at the time they were designed. They carried these in four quadruple mounts—two on each side of the weather deck,
fitted abaft the stack—but to do so, they sacrificed the mid-ships 5-inch gun of the Mahan and Farragut classes, leaving a total of
only four. What set the Gridley and the following classes apart from preceding classes was their advanced power-plant, with enlarged
turbines operating at greater pressure. This gave them some of the highest speeds ever recorded for an American destroyer.
Their stability and hull strength were concerns throughout their careers, however. Modifications could not be made without trade-
offs, and even as danger grew from suicide air attack, many had their torpedoes systematically stripped out for added anti-aircraft
Length: 334 ft. Displacement: 2,245 tons Speed: 38.5 kts. Crew: 158
Although ordered as Brooklyn class light cruisers, the final two cruisers of that
series were built to a modified design. The secondary armament of eight, single
5-inch/25’s was replaced with the improved eight, 5-inch/38’s in twin turreted
which provided better range and a faster rate of fire. Anti-aircraft weapons were
also improved with 40 mm and 20 mm weapons. Still considered by most as
Brooklyn-class light cruisers, they are presented here as their own class. Make
the following changes to Brooklyn class light cruiser statistics provided in
Victory at Sea for these ships.
Damage: 13/4
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
South Dakota-Class Battleship (Modified)
Ships of this class: South Dakota
The South Dakota class battleships carried twenty 5-inch guns in 10 dual
turrets backed by a heavy anti-aircraft armament of 40 mm and 20 mm guns.
However, the USS South Dakota carried only sixteen 5-inch guns because she
was fitted as a Force Flagship with a larger conning tower, the weight of which
necessitated the deletion of two twin 5in mountings. As the first of the class her
heavy AA defence lagged that of her younger siblings. The statistics provided in
the original rules are for Indiana, Massachusetts and Alabama. Use the following
statistics for South Dakota.
Speed: 5” Armour: 6+ Special Traits: Aircraft 3, Armoured Deck, Radar, Torpedo Belt
Turning: 1 Damage: 42/14 In Service: 1942
Target: 5+ Crew: 90/30
The single Wichita was the bridge between the pre-war cruisers and those built during the
war. It was also the connection between the Light and Heavy pre-war cruisers. Originally
intended as another Brooklyn class ship, she was altered to receive a new model 5-inch
dual-purpose guns in single enclosed mounts as well as new model 8-inch guns.
Wichita spent most of her time in the Atlantic Ocean, participating in the Neutrality Patrol and several “Showing-the-Flag” missions
to South America. Early in war she patrolled the Denmark Strait against German raiders and escorted convoys. Later she supported
the North Africa landings, where she was damaged by a French coastal gun. Reassigned to the Pacific, the Wichita bombarded island
positions and escorted the carrier fleet. At Leyte, she was one of the two cruisers involved in the sinking of carrier Chiyoda and the
destroyer Hatsuzuki.
The Wichita statistics are essentially identical to the Portland-class provided in Victory at Sea. The only statistical changes are as
Length: 600 ft. Displacement: 13,015 tons Speed: 33 kts. Crew: 929
The Midway class aircraft carrier was one of the longest lived carrier designs in history. First commissioned in late 1945, the lead ship of
the class, USS Midway was not decommissioned until 1992, shortly after service in Operation Desert Storm in 1991
Length: 968 ft. Displacement: 45,000 tons Speed: 33 kts. Crew: 4,000
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
The Thing in the Pit
By Alex Greene
Introduction Rocketry Association (SARA), whom the
characters have befriended. Professor Katzl
The characters are staying Professor Katzl’s
mansion outside the capital as his guests.
The characters confront an unthinkably
proposed 20 years ago that a network Behind an unlocked door in, the characters
ancient menace, and one character may be
of orbiting satellites in synchronous discover his pride and joy: a prototech TL9
forced to choose between his life, and that
orbit could provide an effective global Model 2 ship’s computer, connected to
of his shipmates and of an entire world.
communications network. For this insight, computers in academic faculties all over
he was hailed as a visionary. Shalimar through trunk landlines.
Source of Inspiration Not long afterwards, contact was made with Called Away
This scenario is loosely based on starfarers. Professor Katzl was appointed One night, a telephone call interrupts
a famous BBC television show, the spokesman to lead all diplomatic a cordial dinner. Professor Katzl reveals
Quatermass and The Pit, by the late contacts with offworlders. Professor Katzl he has been urgently summoned to the
Nigel Kneale. Also, many thanks to the has befriended the characters at the time capital. As he speaks, a military helicopter
online Interactive Traveller Atlas. of this scenario. lands on the lawn. The characters may
request to board the helicopter, but two
Shalimar – A World In The Nightmare Begins stern Shalimaran soldiers block them.
Professor Bars Katzl Career Path Strength Dexterity Endurance Intelligence Education Social Standing
Age 45 Scholar (scientist) 6 terms 5 7 7 D D 9
Admin-0, Computers-2, Diplomat-0, Engineer (rocketry)-2, Engineer (electronics)-3, Science (physics)-2, Physics (electronics)-1
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Unearthed ‘Construction workers unearthed the object The characters may run a series of tests
The characters arrive at Vehill, just as a at dawn,’ Professor Katzl says. ’They thought on the object’s surface, attempting to
squad of bomb squad officers emerge it was a bomb dating back to a civil war determine its material composition.
from the entrance to an excavation several decades ago, so they brought in the Education, Engineer or Physical Science
wearing hazmat suits, gesturing all is clear. bomb squad. The problem is, we have no idea (chemistry), 1 – 6 hours, Formidable (-6).
A television crew stands nearby, recording what it is, save to say that it’s likely old. Very
the extraordinary scene unfolding. old.’ The Inexplicable Artefact
The object’s shell defies analysis with
Professor Katzl emerges from the entrance You reach the site of the dig. Hurricane the equipment available at TL 7. It resists
following the bomb squad officers. Gently, lanterns and flashlights illuminate the diamond drills and oxyacetylene torches
he rebuffs a television reporter with ‘Not now, darkness as soldiers struggle to hook up without so much as a scratch or a heat scar.
Lonia. Save it for the press conference.’ He electric lights in the site to with power cables The metal appears to be not only beyond
looks irritated - and also frightened. from a large generator you passed just Shalimar’s Tech Level: it may be beyond
outside. the characters’. However, one simple test
‘I’m so glad you’re here,’ he tells you. ‘Come – striking it with a hammer – reveals a
with me. This is extraordinary.’ Behind the A makeshift wooden platform rings the curious fact. The object is hollow.
wire link fence cordon, the entrance to the interior perimeter of the pit, which is about
underground construction site seems like a thirty metres across. In the centre of the At one point, an exhausted Professor Katzl
darkened maw. chamber, half buried in the soft mud, a gives up and heads back home to consult
smooth, rounded conical shape juts out at a with fellow academics across Shalimar
He leads you through the dark tunnels to the slight angle. The shape appears to be of some on what to do next. The characters are
site. sort of dark metallic blue material. It is cold to escorted from the site, and an armed
the touch. Very, very cold. guard assigned to protect the dig. Another
armed guard escorts the cavalcade back
to the estate: a food riot is in progress. The
characters smell the smoke from nearby
fires, and hear the angry screaming.
Unusual Events
Strange Forces Stir
The excavation proceeds over 3D6 days,
but progress is slow. Roll 3D6 each day,
adding a cumulative +1 DM. Then roll
the dice indicated to determine whether
or not the incident happens with the
characters as direct witnesses. Otherwise,
it is reported on TV.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Belief in Vektism dates back, in fact, to the writing has appeared before, in some of the At this point, the TV camera is switched back
beginning of written Shalimaran history. oldest documents the Shalimarans own. on, and pointed at Lonia. The soundman
Characters who read up on Vektism This is their earliest writing system, and it tests the microphone for sound levels and
discover that it is, in fact, the planet’s resembles no written alphabet on record Lonia is ready to begin.
dominant religion – virtually every – not even in the characters’ computerised
Shalimaran household has a small shrine ship’s library. As she launches into the latest live report,
to Vekt somewhere. Even Professor Katzl, everybody suddenly hears a strange,
the great rationalist, is not immune from Again, Vexhill comes up in research: more rising whine coming from the site. It rises
the fear of Vekt, and proudly shows the sightings of this strange writing and the into a wailing screech, more animal than
characters his shrine if asked. demonic creatures have occurred in Vexhill machine. All activities are at a –4 DM due
than anywhere else. In fact, the name to the distraction.
On an Exceptional Success, the characters ‘Vexhill’ is itself a corruption of an even
learn that Veltism has always had its older name. Vekt’s Hill. As the sound reaches a crescendo, Lonia
strongest presence in the capital. Historical suddenly clutches her stomach. She
research turns up a number of small shrines Vexhill screams. Before a live TV audience, she
based in and around the district of Vexhill At night, nobody comes to Vexhill. Not vanishes in a nimbus of swirling blue light.
over the centuries. even vandals, morbid Vektists or animals.
Characters may observe locals shuddering Global Panic
Disappearances and blessing themselves as they pass by Word of the incident spreads everywhere
Historical records reveal a curious fact. the dark, rotting terraced houses, their there is a telephone connection. Some
One night during the war, a large chunk windows still mostly intact, rows of black people had recorded the incident on their
of the population of Vexhill is said to squares staring at them like empty eyes. home video recorders and within hours
have mysteriously disappeared overnight. panic flares up across the globe.
Police and the military feared a bomb had
destroyed the site, but when they arrived Escalation Back At The Dig
they saw abandoned houses and deserted In the aftermath, everyone gets up. Almost
streets. Hot food sat cooling on kitchen Public Disappearance everyone is now fleeing the site. Only
tables; televisions and old-style radios Plucky television news reporter Lonia Professor Katzl and the soundman remain.
were on, unattended; beds lay unmade; Vascu has been following the characters Professor Katzl looks distraught at losing
even loose piles of clothing lay about here for the duration of their visit. Her face has Lonia. The soundman, however, looks
and there, as though people had divested become a familiar one to the characters. puzzled.
themselves of their clothes and were
running around naked somewhere. Tonight, she is presenting a live TV report If the characters do not ask, Professor Katzl
from the dig, interviewing Professor Katzl listens to the playback and then plays it to
By the time Vexhill was earmarked for the and the characters. the characters.
extension, fifteen years later, the plans went
unopposed because nobody had returned ‘What do you think of these inexplicable The tape did not pick up the rising scream
to the district to repopulate it. Nobody had events?’ Lonia asks the characters, as they that disabled everyone and preceded
wanted to. gather outside the site. This is an off the cuff Lonia’s disappearance. Other sounds were
comment, with the microphones and TV off. recorded but not that one.
Research reveals that visions of strange, With the discovery of the aperture, nobody is The characters may now attempt two
demonic entities have been part of allowed in, except for Professor Katzl and his separate rolls, based on what skills they
Shalimaran lore since the dawn of their team who wanted to go inside the Artefact possess. The skills are: Life Science, with a
recorded history, fifteen thousand years first. Non-essential personnel are not allowed speciality in Psionicology; and Engineer,
ago. People have experienced strange in, and that includes the characters. with a speciality in Screens.
hallucinations of short, demonic creatures
with leathery skin, bulbous heads, huge ‘I’ve been all around the world,’ Lonia says. To determine the nature of that scream:
black almond eyes and leathery wings ‘And I’ve never seen anything like this before. Intelligence, Life Science (psionicology),
since at least then. I was told by the government to try and keep Difficult (–2). To determine the cause of
people calm, but basically if your ship was the disappearances: Education, Engineer
If the characters took photographs of the working I’d be out of here on the next flight.’ (screens), Difficult (–2).
strange writings earlier, they realise this
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Revelations And A Hard The players may deduce that the
Shalimarans are, in fact, descendants of
to evacuate when the ship, the dig site and
an area 200 metres in diameter vanishes
Choice the original colony. Somehow, the ship
managed to teleport surviving human
in a ball of blue light that rises, screaming,
into the sky and then dissipates.
If the players have not worked out yet
what The Artefact is, have the smartest stock onto the surface before it crashed
characters make an Education check on and killed whoever remained on board. Silence falls on a stunned Shalimar. The
8+. If they succeed, they realise what the The ship has remained alive and in pain fear is over. The rioting, the religious mania,
Artefact is. all this time. The strange sightings of Vekt fade as the ship’s mental influence ceases
over the generations were the computer’s to affect the Shalimarans.
It is a ship. Specifically, an Ancient ship, and unconscious telepathic projections of the
ship’s Droyne crew, distorted and clouded
a big one.
by dementia, and the writings are Ancient Aftermath
script saying, basically, Please help me to The characters receive an award for
The Ship Speaks die. their troubles. A rushed ceremony at
The characters have no time to react to the starport sees the survivors given the
their discovery before they find themselves All this time the ship has sought to contact Shalimaran Medal of Honour. If Professor
elsewhere. They have been teleported someone who can do that. Katzl sacrificed himself, a shrine to his
into a featureless spherical chamber not name is set up on the grounds of his home
reachable from the shaft. They are now and the characters still get the medal, as
all piled together at the bottom of this The Hard Choice well as promises they will want for nothing
chamber. The self-destruct can only be activated next time they visit.
from within the chamber. It can only be
This is the vessel’s Bridge. activated manually, and whoever remains With the ship ready to pick them up and go
to trigger the self-destruct must therefore about its mission to lay those satellites, and
A light plays over the characters for a die along with the ship. its cargo hold full, the characters barely
moment. Then a voice speaks to each of have time to say their goodbyes before
them in Anglic, saying the following words: The ship’s computer presents this choice heading off to their next adventure.
One must choose. with profound apologies. To show good
faith, it returns all the characters to the
The ship now gives them time to decide: surface. Whoever makes the choice, all they The Ancients
have to do is touch the surface – it will read Referee: 300,000 years ago, the
but first, it explains what it wants, and why.
their intent and return them instantly to Ancients evolved from the aliens
the chamber. now known as Droyne. Possessing
The Ship’s Story unimaginable technology, they
I travelled far with my cargo in the service If the characters do not choose, Professor uprooted entire species and genetically
of Yaskoydray. My cargo was precious Katzl will. Lonia’s death had robbed him of uplifted them for slave labour or,
– a colony of humans of the Yaskoydri and someone precious to him. With nothing sometimes, amusement. One debate
their caretakers. I was assigned to the Long left for him to do, all his challenges met and rages among academics that humans
Journey to the galactic core, when a mishap nobody to share his victories, he decides are among those species transplanted,
destroyed my drives. Helpless, I drifted here. I he can do this one last thing for his world. which is why so many humans can be
deployed my cargo onto the surface, before found across the Galaxy.
falling here. Over time, I sank into the mud,
forgotten, in pain. I have waited for so long Act of Compassion Among the marvels developed by the
for salvation. Please. One of you must help Whoever makes the choice, the moment
Ancients, it is rumoured, are sentient
me. they touch the side of the ship, they vanish
computers and weapons capable of
into the interior. A deep rumble warns
disintegrating matter with a thought.
everyone to get clear.They barely have time
Our staff are keen for you to try one of many excellent new inventions!
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
are red and it will viciously savage anybody Speaking of hand grenades, Rover Mark 2
Rover Mark 2 that gets too close to its owner using razor- tends to explode when it gets over excited,
Companion Bot sharp teeth that retract into the jaw when not
in use to prevent any nasty accidents. Rover
what constitutes a state of over excitement
is, of course, entirely at the discretion of the
This cheery little dog-shaped robot is about
the size and general shape of a small dog in has Agility and Unarmed Combat skills at Gamesmaster. Treat it like a grenade with
shiny chrome. It’s intended to replace the 10 each, but cannot use weapons since it W3K Impact damage.
current Sparky model dogbot, which has a lacks hands. Its bite has a damage of S3K.
nasty habit of exploding when getting over *Where did the R&D scientists get the dog
excited. Unfortunately it tende to get over Whenever somebody pets Rover it’s an brain to clone in the first place? What’s your
excited in the presence of High Clearance excuse for the Gamesmaster to have the security clearance, citizen?
citizens, precisely the kind of client you mechanical dog switch modes and do
don’t want being blown to bits by your something unpredictable, like biting the
product. Unlike its predecessor, which was unfortunate clone who patted it. There’s Ambidextrous
also a small chance it will switch modes
merely programmed to act like a dog, Rover
uses a cloned canine brain* skilfully linked on its own due to a malfunction. The Laser Pistol
Gamesmaster may roll for malfunctions The techs are very excited about this
to the robot brain that controls its mechanical cleverly designed laser pistol model. It’s
body, meaning it can act almost exactly like when Rover is given a direct command, or
at dramatically inappropriate times, or if he fully symmetrical, with the handle exactly
its flesh-and-blood forebears. vertical in the centre. This means it can easily
gets bored. Rover malfunctions on a roll of
1 or 2 on a D20. Naturally the troubleshooter be fired in the left or right hand. There’s even
Rover is a combination of companion and a trigger on the front and back of the handle
guard dog, the two modes being switched via in charge of the bot will be held responsible
for any injuries or damage caused regardless in case you want to fire backwards over
stroking the hackles on the back of the neck. your shoulder. What’s more, it uses a unique
There’s no need to tell the Troubleshooters of whose fault it was. The bot isn’t exactly
safe in Companion mode either. Its canine cooling mechanism that makes replacing the
this, let them work it out for themselves. In barrel completely unnecessary. Air flows in
companion mode its eye-lights are yellow brain may direct it to perform such pranks as
fawning over enemies it should be attacking, through a hole at the back of the barrel and
and it will yap playfully, fawn over his owner a motor spins the barrel rapidly on its axis
and play games like fetch with all the gusto trying to ‘interface’ with older series dogbots,
or bringing back that live hand grenade you after each shot to vent extra heat. This laser
of a genuine canine. In attack mode the eyes will fire and fire until the batteries run out.
so kindly threw for it.
What, you can’t tell which end the laser
comes out of because the cooling hole
looks just like the muzzle? Well, that’s a
bit of a poser and no mistake. I’ll pass your
comments and feedback on to the boffins
and we’ll make sure that bug gets fixed in
the next release. In the meantime, just test
the other features as best you can. You
should take at least two shots with each hand
if possible. Friend Computer has authorised
a 10 credit bonus for each shot fired with the
pistol (100 cred maximum award).
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
to eclipse the wheellock pistol in use Matchlock Musket: The standard weapon Wheellock Carbine: The wheellock carbine
within a few years. of the musketeer throughout Europe, is the standard musket of harquebusier
Rules: Flintlock Pistol, Clockwork & Chivalry, the matchlock musket dominates the cavalry throughout Europe, and has an
page 96 battlefield despite its relative shortcomings. average barrel length of 76cm.
Although many models are cumbersome Rules: Flintlock Carbine, Clockwork &
and have overlong barrels requiring Chivalry, page 96
Grenado: Very rare weapons, grenados rests to fire accurately, recent matchlock
are hollow iron spheres big enough to Note: Cost 150 SP
muskets are lighter and shorter, removing
sit comfortably in the hand, filled with any necessity for a rest to be carried.
gunpowder and fitted with a short piece of Wheellock Musket: Although more
Rules: Matchlock Musket, Clockwork &
matchcord. In decades to come they will be common than the flintlock musket, the
Chivalry, page 96
renamed Grenades. wheellock musket is still a distant second
Rules: Grenade, Clockwork & Chivalry, page to the matchlock musket in terms of
96 Matchlock Pistol: The matchlock pistol is widespread use. It is most commonly
exceptionally rare simply due to the fact issued to dragoons, especially on the
that it was never very popular anyway, and Parliamentary side, mounted infantry who
Long Bow: Despite its antiquity, the yew has all but completely been replaced by would otherwise find a matchlock musket
long bow still sees some use in battle, wheellock and flintlock pistols. impossible to deal with in the saddle.
primarily among some Royalist troops and
Rules: Matchlock Pistol, Clockwork & Unfortunately, Royalist dragoons have had
Highlander mercenaries.
Chivalry, page 96 incredible difficulty procuring wheellock
Rules: Long Bow, Runequest II, page 73 muskets, and most have to make do with
matchlock carbines instead.
Recurve Bow: The recurve bow is
Matchlock Arquebus: A weapon now almost only ever found in the hands of Rules: Flintlock Musket, Clockwork &
almost completely abandoned by Eastern European irregular troops such Chivalry, page 96
European armies in favour of the Musket, as mounted Tatars and Croats, making it Note: Cost 150 SP
the arquebus is still used by some irregular almost unknown within the British Isles.
forces in mainland Europe, such as the
Rules: Recurve Bow, Runequest II, pages Wheellock Pistol: Carried in pairs by
Hungarian Hajduks. Lightweight, simple,
73-74 most cuirassiers and harquebusiers,
and short compared to a matchlock
musket, it doesn’t require a rest but is the wheellock pistol is by far the most
comparatively low-powered and lacking Wheellock Duelling Pistol: The wheellock common pistol on the battlefield and in
in range. duelling pistol is identical to the flintlock use throughout Europe.
Rules: See below. duelling pistol in every regard save Rules: Flintlock Pistol, Clockwork & Chivalry,
mechanism and being more frequently page 96
encountered. Note: Cost 110 SP
Matchlock Carbine: Far less common
Rules: Duelling Pistol, Clockwork & Chivalry,
than the wheellock carbine, the matchlock
page 96
carbine is now only commonly found in
use with Royalist dragoons. Note: Cost 130 SP
Rules: See below.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Breastplate & Backplate: Also called ENC: 2 (Sleeveless), 4 (Sleeved) and only covers the top of the head, but is
a Cuirass or Corslet, this armour is worn Cost: 100 SP (Sleeveless), 200 SP (Sleeved) favoured by those soldiers and officers who
by harquebusiers, cuirassiers, husaria, want to remain unencumbered, or simply
pikemen, halberdiers, bucklermen and prefer the appeal of wearing a fashionable
siege engineers. Often sold as being bullet Helmet: Helmets of many types can be hat rather than a helmet.
proof, though this is seldom the case, found among the soldiery of Europe.
Hit Locations Covered: Head
and many supposed test bullet dents are Harquebusiers, Polish husaria, siege
engineers, and some cuirassiers make AP: 2
actually made with the end of a ball-tipped
hammer. Husaria have their breastplates use of Capeline helmets, frequently called ENC: 1
polished and decorated with brass fittings. Lobster Pots, but called Zischägge in Cost: 150 SP
Many cavalrymen, especially cuirassiers, German and Szyszak in Polish. This is a pot
and nearly all infantrymen of the types helmet with a fixed peak, cheek guards,
articulated aventail, and nasal bar or tri- Tassets: Two types of tassets are currently
mentioned above, have breastplates with
bar visor (the latter especially common worn: Short Tassets and Long Tassets. Short
tassets attached (see below), though the
in England). Cuirassiers also make use tassets are essentially plate skirts attached
tassets are discarded in the case of most
of Close Helms, knightly helms that fully to the front of many breastplates with
infantrymen except siege engineers.
enclose the head and featured hinged hinges to protect the abdomen and groin.
Hit Locations Covered: Chest Long tassets are worn by cuirassiers and
visors. Pikemen, halberdiers, bucklermen
AP: 6 and the musketeers of the Trained London attach the same way, but are articulated
ENC: 3 Bands are most commonly equipped with pieces that extend from the waist down the
Morion helmets, a style of helmet widely front of each leg to the knee where they
Cost: 1,200/200 SP
used by the Spanish conquistadors and are secured, giving protection to both the
distinguished by its front and rear pointed abdomen and both legs. Neither type can
Bridle Gauntlet: An articulated cavalry peaks and reinforcing top comb. Other be worn without a supporting breastplate.
gauntlet that covers the hand and entire helmets frequently used by Pikemen Hit Locations Covered: Abdomen
forearm up to the elbow, the bridle include the Cabasett, a tall-crowned helmet (Short Tassets), Abdomen and Legs (Long
gauntlet is worn on the left arm of a few with a narrow brim, Birnhelm, almost Tassets)
harquebusiers, leaving the right hand identical to the morion but with a smaller AP: 6
unimpeded for easier pistol use. Polish comb and narrower brim, and Burgonet,
husaria wear a pair of similar gauntlets on ENC: 3 (Short Tassets), 9 (Long Tassets)
a domed helmet with fitted peak, tail,
both arms called Karvash. reinforcing crest, and cheek guards. Some Cost: 1,200/200 SP (Short Tassets),
Hit Locations Covered: Arm (Bridle cuirassiers also make use of the burgonet, 3,600/600 SP (Long Tassets)
Gauntlet), Arms (Karvash) usually with a falling buffe visor. The rarest,
AP: 6 and certainly most distinctive, helmet is the Thigh-Length Cavalry Boots: The thick
Metal Hat, literally a wide-brimmed civilian thigh-length boots worn by many cavalry,
ENC: 3 (Bridle Gauntlet), 6 (Karvash)
hat, but crafted from metal plate and fitted especially harquebusiers, and some
Cost: 1,200/200 SP (Bridle Gauntlet), with a sliding nasal guard. This strange dragoons, provide some protection to
2,400/400 SP (Karvash) helmet is exclusively the domain of the the legs but are commonly turned down
noble and wealthy, as can be testified by outside of combat.
Buff Coat: A shortened version of Buffalo the fact that the late King Charles had one.
Hit Locations Covered: Legs
despite being made from cowhide, the buff Hit Locations Covered: Head
AP: 1
coat is a treated leather coat, skirted and AP: 6
often sleeved too. It is durable and provides ENC: 2 (Pair of Boots)
ENC: 3
some protection, but most importantly Cost: 100 SP (Pair of Boots)
provides freedom of movement. All Cost: 1,200/200 SP (Cabasett, Morion),
harquebusiers are equipped with sleeved 1,300/220 SP (Burgonet), 1,400/240 SP
(Close Helm), 1,500/250 SP (Metal Hat) Vambrace: Now only worn by cuirassiers,
buff coats, while a rare few infantry officers
a vambrace is an articulated plate sleeve
and musketeer units have sleeveless buff
formed of a combination of pauldron,
coats, principally the Trained Bands of Secrete: The only dedicated type of armour rerebrace, couter, and vambrace.
London. The biggest drawback of the buff encountered in use among the otherwise
coat is the fact that it quickly soaks up water Hit Locations Covered: Arms
unarmoured musketeers and dragoons, the
and rain and can take days to dry out. secrete is still uncommon, a metal skullcap AP: 6
Hit Locations Covered: Chest, Abdomen that can be easily worn unnoticed beneath ENC: 6 (Pair of Vambrace)
(and Arms if sleeved) a hat or cap. It provides little serious Cost: 2,400 SP/400 (Pair of Vambrace)
AP: 1 (Soft Leather) protection as it is so form-fitting, light,
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Aries Graduate Modifications Scientific more than one case of an attempted
Graduates of the Aries Institute gain the Scientific-stream students find social hit resulting in the would-be assassin’s
following modifications. Aries graduates interaction dull, unintuitive and annoying. death at the hands of their young target.
are not legally considered metahumans They may not spend Conviction points Students who successfully defend
or subject to the laws regarding on Attitude, Looking Good, Lying & themselves in a real combat situation
metahumans due to the relatively minor Acting or Psychology rolls. receive high accolades and are added
nature of their genetic augmentations. to the Academy’s honour roll.
Choose between the Political and
Scientific stream modifications; The Taurus Academy Taurus graduates almost invariably
Motto: Victoria Fortis Vocat share some personality traits in common
Translation: Victory calls the bold thanks to a combination of shared
Augmented Attributes formative experience and extensive
Two decades of chemically accelerated Formed after the success of Aries, the neural patterning. Taurus graduates
neural growth, psychological conditioning Taurus Academy in Osaka, Japan, often seem coldly detached, always
and highly demanding tuition expands was formed for the express purpose of basing their decisions on a clinical cost
an Aries alumni’s potential along desired training a new generation of soldiers / benefit analysis rather than emotion.
paths. and generals without equal. While it may If they must kill a hundred to save a
seem strange for a parent to choose this thousand they will not even hesitate to
Political life for their child, many career soldiers make a decision. They can kill without
+1 Presence, minimum base Presence of and retired Agents wish to see their remorse or grief, and have often done
7 (to a minimum base starting Presence legacy continued and Taurus provides so many times already by the time they
of 8). Maximum base unaugmented ample guarantee that it will. Graduates graduate. Despite this they are not
Presence raised to 11. of the Taurus Academy have gone on psychopaths and are often far more
to become world-class security experts, mentally balanced than most ordinary
Scientific UIG peacekeeping commissioners and people; they are simply better able to
+1 Intelligence, minimum base even master assassins of peerless ignore unproductive emotions than
Intelligence of 7 (to a minimum base skill. From an early age its students are others. Anxiety, guilt and depression
starting Intelligence of 8). Maximum instructed in the myriad forms of war, serve no useful purpose to a soldier
base unaugmented Intelligence raised ranging from squad-level command and can impede their operational
to 11. tactics and personal combat to strategic effectiveness and so have no place in
level operations and military logistics. their psychology.
Accelerated Learning Eventually the students are divided
The alumni’s education never truly between those to be trained in the You ever meet Aleksei Grachev?
ends, their genetic and psychological Officer program and those to be trained Meanest son of a bitch I ever did see.
propensity for learning allows them in the Operative program. Officer-stream Hitman for Eurasian Inc., got promoted
to pick up new aspects of their field of students are taught the finer points of into the Foxhunt, black ops, blacker than
expertise much faster than normal. command and leadership designed to usual, anyway. Decided he wanted an
make them expert leaders in combat heir, ‘cept Aleksei didn’t believe in luck
Political situations while those in the Operative- and wasn’t going to take a chance on a
Any Trainings with either Attitude or stream program learn more in depth ticket at the genetic lottery in the hope
Psychology skills as a prerequisite cost personal combat techniques, honing he’d end up with a kid as mean as he
6XP instead of the usual 10. them into flawless killers. was. So he spent a sizeable amount of
dough, much of it appropriated from the
Scientific Tuition at Taurus is, if anything, even Foxhunt resource budget, to tailor and
Any Trainings with Science, Mechtronics more demanding than it is at Aries, and enrol his kid in Taurus.
or Computers & A.I. as a prerequisite it is certainly more brutal. By the time
cost 6 XP instead of the usual 10. they graduate a Taurus student will at ‘Course, Aleksei being who he was, just
a bare minimum know the tactics and a regular Taurus kid wasn’t enough for
Conditioning Flaws training methods of all major world him, so he sent some of his Foxhunt
While effective at achieving their intended factions, how to use multiple classes assassins to take the kid out, hoping
result of amplifying the subject’s abilities of weapon, guerrilla combat tactics and that his progeny would waste them and
in a particular area, the conditioning does how to resist torture and interrogation. get on the honour roll. Well, long story
have some unavoidable side-effects. Many also study the Academy’s highly short is the kid did kill the assassins, but
demanding signature martial art of then died of his wounds afterwards, so
Political Sagittar (see Incorporated Volume that didn’t exactly work out as planned.
Political-stream Aries alumni are quickly 1). Out of the initial selection group of But good ‘ol Aleksei, he just shrugged,
bored by technical problems. They 20, up to 8 are expected to die, either decided to get the most out of his money
may not spend Conviction points on in training accidents or assassination. and had the tyke reanimated as a Dead
Assess Tech, Mechtronics, Science or However, unlike their fellows in Aries, Soldier! Shit, figure dying ought to at
Computers & A.I. rolls. Taurus students are more than able to least get you a sick-day off school...
defend themselves and there has been
Conditioning Flaws
While effective at achieving their intended
result of amplifying the subject’s abilities
in a particular area, the conditioning does
have some unavoidable side-effects.
In combat an Officer’s calm and
calculating manner is reassuring,
outside combat it is off-putting and
slightly disturbing. Officers may not
spend Conviction points on any
Presence related roll that is not focused
on command or intimidation.
Operatives are trained to blend in, be
invisible and draw as little attention to
themselves as possible. Their maximum
base Presence score is reduced to 8.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Advanced Command speak one which is merely uncommon Socioanalyse
Taurus Officer but have been isolated long enough to Aries Political-stream, Psychology 10,
The Officer may spend a Conviction develop a completely alien dialect may Corp. Knowledge 8
point and make a ‘Presence + Attitude’ still require a successful ‘Intelligence You can correctly determine he general
roll as a full action. If successful their XS + Arts & Culture’ roll to communicate sociopolitical ramifications of any event.
on the roll is converted into temporary with. This can be on a local level, affecting a
Conviction points that may be divided small community such as a village or city
among any allied troops (including Perfect Killer block, or on a geopolitical level. You can
Agents) within earshot. You may not Taurus Operative, Assassinate Training even work backwards from a desired
personally benefit from any Conviction You may use the Assassinate Training sociopolitical outcome to determine
generated in this way. Unspent against an opponent on the first round of exactly what would be necessary to
temporary Conviction is lost at the end combat, even if they are aware of your achieve it. Of course this also means
of the scene. presence, providing you win initiative you know exactly how far you can go
against them. You must select the target before causing a political incident...
Zodiac Child of the Assassination attempt before Very few Aries alumni are this skilled
Aries or Taurus Alumni, Character rolling initiative. and they are alternatively looked to for
Creation Only guidance and watched carefully as they
You are an unparalleled success of Psychoanalyse have the potential to manipulate world
Project Zodiac. Your conditioning Aries Political-stream, Psychology 8 events like puppet masters. Using this
took exceptionally well, allowing you Your highly developed empathic sense Training requires 8 hours of rumination
to accept more varied training and makes other people an open book to you, and a successful ‘Intelligence + Corp.
making you even closer to perfection with enough information on a person’s Knowledge’ roll with a penalty depending
than your fellow graduates. You gain character you can accurately predict on the size of the social group in
both Accelerated Learning traits of your how they will react under any imaginable question;
school. However, any Rank Point losses circumstance. Providing you can either
you suffer are increased by -5, great engage the subject in a fairly lengthy Very Small -0
things are expected of you but that draws relaxed conversation, about an hour is e.g. Single corporate office, small
more attention to your failures, and sufficient, or have access to detailed company, hamlet.
people are much less willing to forgive dossiers of their movements and psyche
them given their higher expectations of profile, you can determine exactly what Small -2
your abilities. circumstances would be necessary e.g. Whole corporate department, UIG
to make them take a certain course area HQ, village.
Genius of action. This requires a successful
Aries or Taurus Alumni ‘Perception + Psychology’ roll, modified Large -4
Select one skill apart from your by the level of detail in the information e.g. Minor corporation, old-city or Spire.
Professional skill, you are now you have. A failure on the roll means that
considered to be Professional in that you cannot yet determine the course of Very Large -8
skill as well. This Training may only be action necessary to cause the desired e.g. Major corporation, the Order of the
taken once. outcome. A Critical Failure results in an True Faith, UIG.
outcome which is actively misleading.
Omniglot Obviously this training requires some A failure on the roll means that you
Aries or Taurus Alumni, Knowledge of at adjudication by the GM. cannot yet determine the course of
least 5 Languages action necessary to cause the desired
You have studied languages and the Pure Science outcome. A Critical Failure results in an
similarities between linguistic groups to Aries Scientific-stream, Science 8, outcome which is actively misleading.
the point where you can quickly decipher Assess Tech 6
the underlying syntactical structure, No physical principle is beyond your Undivided Focus
allowing you to make, albeit disjointed, understanding, you even understand Aries and Taurus students are one
conversation with almost anyone. You quantum strangeness at an instinctual of the few groups who can select the
may communicate with people who you level. When dealing with Xeno, Archon Undivided Focus Training. (The Mind
do not share a language with, but take a or other rare and unusual technology Unbound, page 42).
-2 on all Presence rolls while doing so. or science, any penalties you take
At the GM’s discretion, people speaking associated with understanding or
particularly rare languages or who modifying it are reduced by -4.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
whatever their origin, are generally well conducted in a ritualized manner. Usually Kain-Ghanh
treated, though they are not allowed to combats between steadings are a series of This weapon is a hybrid weapon which
show acknowledgment of any deity but duels to first blood, though warriors can combines a wooden club with a primitive
Xiombarg and only a small number are agree to fight each other with the loser’s sword. The two bladed sides of the weapon
allowed to take training with arms. Any freedom becoming forfeit. Given the small, are formed by securing precisely knapped
slaves who try to escape, or otherwise fall aggressive populations and low birth rates pieces of obsidian in a spaced row, using
foul of their owners, are usually sent to of Alofian society these traditions avoid a grove cut into the weapon and an
fight in the arena. Most slaves aspire to constant blood baths that would threaten adhesive substance. Although the ‘teeth’
undergo metamorphosis into true Alofians the existence of the entire race. of the weapon are easily blunted or broken
through reaching full initiation into the it can create horrific injuries by being
cult of Xiombarg. Weapons and Armour dragged backwards through a wound it
When hunting or raiding, purpose made has inflicted. Alofian warriors usually carry
The Alofians trade occasionally with armour is rarely worn, though winter- spare pieces of obsidian for undertaking
outsiders; these are usually whalers who proof garments provide the equivalent repairs. These weapons are of important
visit the coastline. Goods of steel are of soft leather armour. Some seasoned sacred significance to an Alofian warrior
iron are especially prized by Alofians warriors wear enough trinkets in their and are the token of their compact with
and are bartered for furs, jet and amber. braids to provide protection comparative Xiombarg. The name given this weapon
The customs of the Alofians are always to a soft leather hood. In the settlements means ‘Teeth of the Ghanh’. The Ghanh is
explained to any traders along with a themselves, an assortment of mismatched a shark-like monstrosity from a plane of
warning that their freedom and all their captured armour can be worn if needed Xiombarg’s and is one of her most favoured
goods are forfeit if they break any of and a few shields are also available. creatures.
these strictures. The neighbouring Kardik
nomads generally shun and stay away from
the Alofians, hunting down and slaying any
Knives of steel or flint are worn by most Kain-Ghanh-mor
warriors. Obsidian bladed spears and A larger version of the kain-ghahn, some
who presume to hunt game or men in areas javelins are usually carried when hunting
the nomads are using. Any Kardik falling can reach up to two metres in length. The
and slings are used to cast stones at game ‘Great-Teeth of the Ghahn’ is used with two
into Alofian hands are slaughtered on the or when ritual combat is impractical
spot or else sent straight to the sacred hands.
against human foes. Each warrior however
arenas. Most Alofians seem wary of the uses a kain-ghahn or a kain-ghahn-mor
Pale Sea and, although slaves are allowed when engaged in battle, ceremonies or Fighting Style
to scavenge and fish for the bounty of the ritual contest. The Teeth of the Ghanh ( Kain-Ghanh
shoreline, no boats are ever allowed to
and Kain-Ghanh-Mor )
be built. Horses are rare in Alofian society,
Offensive Combat Manoeuvre This style is practised by the Alofian warriors
though a few of the greatest warriors own
Rip (Alofian Serrated Weapons) - The of the Northern Continent when using the
prized Bastaan steeds captured from the
attacker seeks to deepen a wound from different sized sacred blades of their cult.
Kardik nomads.
a blow they have just landed by drawing The weapons are quite versatile, and foes
back their serrated weapon in an action marked for capture are often rendered
Prowess of arms is a skill all true Alofians
which deepens the wound and tears helpless by blows from the heavy blunt
cherish. Most disputes are typically
at sinews and organs. If an attack has tip of the weapon. The weapons edges,
resolved through combat. Disagreements
overcome the Armour Points of a target which are tipped with pieces of razor sharp
between steadings frequently degenerate
and caused an injury, the attacker may roll obsidian, can be used to inflict cuts on a
into armed conflict, though this is
all weapon damage dice twice and then foe, which are made more grievous when
take the highest result.
Weapon Damage Dice STR/DEX Size Reach Manoeuvres ENC AP/HP
Kain-Ghanh (club) 1D6 7/– M M Stun 2 4/4
(sword)* 1D8 9/7 Bleed, Rip
Kain-Ghanh-Mor (club) 2D4 9/9 H L Stun 3 4/10
(sword)* 2D6 Bleed, Rip
*When used as a sword, rather than a club, this weapon suffers a –5% to hit and –1 damage penalty for each hit point lost from
the weapon.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
The Ghahn
It flew upon billowing crimson wings and its
grinning face was like a shark. It looked like
something which should have inhabited
the sea rather than the air, and this was
confirmed by the way it flew - with slow,
undulating wings as if through liquid. Row
upon row of sharp fangs filled its red mouth
and its body was the size of a large bull, its
wing-span nearly thirty feet.
The Ghahn
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
STR 50 1–2 Tail 6/18
CON 36 3–6 Hindbody 6/19
SIZ 50 7–11 Forebody 6/20
INT 8 12–13 Right Wing 5/17
POW 16 14–15 Left Wing 5/17
DEX 19 16 Right Fin 6/13
CHA — 17 Left Fin 6/13
18–19 Head 6/18
20 Head 1/1
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Bite L T 1D10+2D12 As for Head
The Ghahn can choose to grapple an opponent or object of Size 21 to Size 100 using its Crush skill which involves it using both its wings.
The Ghahn cannot bite a foe or object it is grappling in this manner.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Coming to RuneQuest this year!
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
The City of Lof: Uncovered
By Jason Gaerke
This may be our only chance to unshackle the Hammerdal Range. Their travelling
Magnamund, Ulnar. My fellow Durenese – we companions – Clans Trelsk and Durwood – Unbeknownst to Trelsk and Durwood, Lof
shall hold the line; take the Sun-Sword and settled along the way on the Durenese east simultaneously had envoys discussing
plunge it into Vashna ...deliver the vengeance coast and staked land claims overlapping a similar treaty with the clans Bax and
of our alliance into his black heart! each other. During this expansionary Blave to ensure his southern borders were
— Last recorded words of Clan Chief period of Durenese history, there was no secure. Immediately after the southern
Rainer Lof, Annals of the Battle common law but rather ‘Kin Rule’ – each border agreement was inked, couriers were
of Moytura Pass, MS 3799. clan had its own rules and laws, and often dispatched and the Trelsk and Durwood
a mindset where ‘the actions of one clan envoys were murdered as Lof forces rapidly
member speak for the actions of all our swept into the lands of their rivals. Such a
HISTORY OF LOF clan’. The resulting small land claims of devious plan caught Trelsk and Durwood
The city and associated lands known as Lof individuals quickly became matters of off guard; within a year Margaux Lof had
in the Kingdom of Durenor are a territorial internecine conflict between the clans. taken huge swaths of land east of the
holding codified by the Old Council Treaty Hammerdal Range and was laying siege
of Rymerift in MS 2837. With the Trelsk The years MS 2830 to MS 2837 were bloodied to the Trelsk and Durwood cities. Success
Annexation of MS 4000, the area of Lof by constant internal warfare between the would have all but given Lof control of the
reached its present size. Consisting of the clans. The entire coastline of Durenor was entire northern half of Durenor.
largest governed province in the kingdom, awash in blood with small scale maritime
Lof is great in both land and sea holdings. raids complementing greater battles Spies from Trelsk infiltrated the court of
Being a waypoint for merchants headed inland over the boundaries between the Lof and found evidence that, upon the
to other ports, the City of Lof serves as coast and Hammerdal Range. Clan Trelsk conclusion of the Northland Marches
the focal point for virtually all trade in the was sandwiched tightly between Lof and campaign, Margaux Lof intended to swing
Kingdom north-west of Hammerdal. Durwood and aggressively fought both, around south of the Hammerdal range
trying to expand towards the Hammerdal and attack both Verlik and Bolde. The
Local historians assert the area of Lof Range. evidence was astounding – in the early
and the Northland Marches was once expansionary years of Durenor, maps of
a portion of the ancient Realm of Cynx, In light of such turmoil, High Chief Margaux the continent were sparse and inaccurate.
and a few sharp-eyed locals are able Lof in MS 2831 ordered the construction of Yet the spies discovered a surveyed map
to point out certain stones bearing the a fortified coastal city bearing his clan name clearly showing the critical details of the
unmistakable marks of dragon blast- on top of the ruins of an ancient Shianti Durenese peninsula and, more importantly,
fire. Other specialised historians point to outpost. Apart from having an excellent Lof’s battle plans for the coming year.
sparse ruins about the Northland Marches defensive location, the city served as a
bearing marks of the Elder Magi and these staging area for Lof’s war effort. Margaux Late in MS 2833 clan chiefs Aldaine Trelsk,
were likely outposts during their golden Lof was intent upon claiming the overland Bruyere Durwood, and Gildas Bolde quietly
era. Other archaeological remnants from land route to the north, as ownership of formed an alliance and sent forces to the
ancient Herbalish posts near Lof are such a large tract of territory would confirm southern Hammerdal range forests to set
evident when being recycled for use in Lof as the pre-eminent Durenese clan. up an ambush and the Lof invasion force
modern construction. The City of Lof itself was wiped out. Once word of success
is believed to be built on the ruins of an The MS 2832 Treaty of Oeheme between arrived back at the alliance clan chiefs,
ancient Shianti settlement. Such places, if Lof, Trelsk, and Durwood made progress the war lords suddenly and unexpectedly
local historians and common-talk are to in establishing recognised boundaries for mounted an all out attack on Lof, moving
be believed, were likely influenced by the each of the three clans and was ratified. The past Oeheme and sacking the City of Lof.
warmer climate earlier in history, when treaty placed obelisks at the extent of each Unable to rally his troops quickly enough
the Moonstone was on Magnamund. clan’s land, and proclaimed ‘a righteous, away from the siege of Durwood and
Nowadays, the land to the north of Lof generous, peaceable, and most reasonable Trelsk, Margaux Lof was trapped between
is less populous because of the harsh marking of ground belonging to each clan, the unyielding northern coast and the
weather, but this has assisted in preserving from now to the end of Magnamund.’ The united forces of his enemies to his south.
evidence of the prior inhabitants. warrior-lords of Durwood and Trelsk were
satisfied with the apparent concessions of Margaux Lof was desperate and ordered his
In MS 2830 The Clan Lof, fresh from their land made to them in exchange for peace cousin, who bore a close resemblance, to
landfall at Bolde, migrated north and and set about building their own cities in hoist the parlay flag. Upon questioning the
settled in the area north and west of MS 2832. They were deceived.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
city for military purposes. Despite voices of
opposition decrying this wasteful venture,
the decree stood, and was followed in
earnest. With word of the rise of Darklord
Vashna in MS 3192, a later ruler ordered the
construction of the Great Kaltersee Wall
of Lof. Using the ruins of an abandoned
Herbalish temple near the village of Romvar,
Romvar Quarry was created and had the
added benefit of providing a source of iron
ore, copper and superb quality limestone.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
After the Great War had passed, Lof blessed by Ishir and are unnaturally calm. The city is bustling with activity during
returned to normalcy, and stagnation Surrounding the city are walls of limestone daylight, especially when sunlight
was unfortunately the result. The city construction, with two massive gates of penetrates the near perpetual cloud cover
received a jolt of new life by MS 3952 blessed Durenese Oak. Eleven blockhouses over the city. During the evening the city
when the Kalte outpost of Ljuk was dispersed through the perimeter wall becomes for the most part a ghost town
constructed with significant investment monitor the Central Durenese Plain and with little activity in the main streets;
by several merchants from Lof. The influx surrounding territory. life diverts to the smaller alleyways and
of rare furs and precious gems from the icy thoroughfares.
wasteland of Kalte briefly made the City City of Lof sports a functional design
of Lof an eminent port city once again; if supporting the overland traffic along the During the night, the docks are lit up by
one wanted the best furs and gems, Lof is Durenese coast but is primarily a port of rows of permanent lanterns on quay; the
where one went. Unfortunately, a fracture call for Durenese Military and merchant night watchmen are assigned the task
in the trade agreement splintered the Ljuk ships. The enormous docks are elaborate, of lighting them. The city sits in quiet
Trading Company founding merchants consisting of many commercial and military serenity as it gears up for another busy
among Sommerlund, Ragadorn and other quays of colossal size and a commensurate day. Many military ship launches occur at
Durenese ports. support system. The docks are the primary night, guided by the secret code lights of
source of income for the city, with local Sentry Island; likewise many commercial
In later years, any Durenese wartime event fishing and farming produce exported ships arrive at night guided by Signal Point
of significance involved the City of Lof from here. Island.
through either naval or transport functions
on behalf of all Durenor. Such events A large Durenese flag flies from the Surrounding the City of Lof are wide
included: traditional Lof Clan house in the centre of plains giving the city wall blockhouses
the city. It flies the Royal Arms of Durenor, commanding view of the terrain. The
MS 4111- Durenese Peninsula War the Clan Lof and, beneath it, several other area north of Lof, known as the Northland
4118 flags of ally nations. Marches, consists of cold and windy
MS 4201- The First Ice War (against flatlands interspersed with isolated farm
4202 Kalte) The city layout is rather simple. For those smallholdings. The region of Lof has several
MS 4221- The Second Ice War (against wanting to pass strait through Lof using smaller hamlets, the majority existing along
4222 Kalte) the overland roads, it does not take long the Great Northern Coast Road
to traverse the city and reach the opposing
MS 4219 The Kirlundin War
gates. Some merchants complain travelling
MS 4432- First Vassa-Sommlending War through the city is too easy; visitors do not Population
4434 look at their wares long enough. The main Nearly 10,000 people make up the
MS 4040 Defense of Ragadorn from overland road through the city has a wide population of the city of Lof; the majority
Jenghi invasion thoroughfare with several major roads being Durenese of the clan Lof bloodline.
MS 4514 King commissions Naval leading to the docks and there are many Since it is a port city the exact numbers
Academy of Lof merchant houses along its length. vary from season to season with the
MS 4866- The Lastlands War warmer summer months bringing an
4867 Travelling through the city is a display of influx of merchants and foreign sailors.
MS 4975- Second Vassa-Sommlending unsettling contrasts; one side of the street The city expands to 13,000 people during
4979 War (Sommerlund and displays the exacting military neatness peak summer times and shrinks to 8,000 in
Durenor) of the West Residential District and the the cold winter months. During the winter
MS 5040 Kalte Incursion other side the opulence of the West Noble nights, some have described the city streets
MS 5050 Sommerlund-Darkland War District. Further along the main road, richly as a virtual ghost town as the populace
adorned merchant houses compete for huddle in the warmth of their homes.
MS 5070 Gnaag Darkland War
attention from the historic and pristine
Grounds of the Clan Lord, while further The province of Lof has an additional
Physical Description down the Residential District gradually 4,000 people scattered through various
Standing on the Kaltersee shoreline with degrades as one heads further north into hamlets, small settlements and isolated
white limestone harbour walls, the City of the Slums. Some have suggested a bypass homesteads. The total population of the
Lof is a welcome sight for ship captains, with be installed detouring visitors through Lof Lands constitutes 15% of people of
Signal Point Lighthouse guiding them to other parts of the city instead of forcing Durenor. Despite reasonably fertile soil,
the nearest available dock. Some captains travellers to pass through the Warehouse the cold and blustery Kaltersee winds
claim the waters near the port of Lof were and Slum Districts. of the area north of Lof make it sparsely
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
apply, and even if they did intervene on
a small matter, they would probably be
overruled later anyway. One basic rule
applies that should be understood: if you
do not mess with them they are likely to
return the favour.
Slum Leaders
The names of the sectional leaders of the
slums are not publicly known. If one spends
enough time in the slums, the names Basile
Acton, Gildas Codray and Aulden Verdier
would be whispered, but it would take a
considerable amount of effort to infiltrate
the upper echelons of these gang-like
organizations. The ‘Reliance District’
leaders wield considerable power in their
respective areas and a peaceable balance
of power exists. In contrast to the red tape
of city government, slum politics are quick
and easy to understand.The slum lords keep
the peace and forcibly eject troublemakers
of significance in the ‘Reliance District’ they
have taken ‘ownership’ of.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
News Extra
Out of Print Items
Here at Mongoose we are planning oodles of new miniatures games for a
2011 release - and that means it is time to clear the warehouse of lots of
boxes of older, now out of print goodies.
Our loss being your gain, we are proud to present a range of older
Mongoose products, all at very keen prices that are going to keep you in
gaming goodness for months to come!
Babylon 5 RPG
Nef, the Hidden Kingdom or later the Nef Riders will sally forth in
raiding season and with strong garrisons Wraith Recon’s Interest
High up in the Claws there is rumoured to
be a small kingdom, protected from scrying in most of their traditional raiding areas it There are rumours one of the local rulers is
through ancient magics dating from before is almost inevitable they will be coming in getting too close to his Lornish neighbours.
the rise of Lorn and Dardarrick. Indeed the Wraiths’ direction. This time it is up to This evidence comes from a ruler more
when the mists form in the mountains the Wraiths to follow them back to their sympathetic to Dardarrick. The League’s
locals fear the coming of the Nef Riders, a stronghold and then act with extreme Covenant forbids this and if this can be
fierce group of raiders who have plagued prejudice, ending their threat once and proven the ruler in question will find his
the region since time immemorial. The for all! power removed, there is even the chance
Riders always seem to know when and the Dardarrick-friendly noble will get some
where to strike, avoiding the garrisons of his lands if the League of Seven becomes
and sorcerers occasionally sent into the Five. Wraith Recon will need to get proof of
mountain holdings of Dardarrick to prevent this perfidy by infiltrating one of the lord’s
their depredations and hunt them down. fortresses and stealing any relevant papers.
The League of Seven If they do so then the lord will be disgraced
and the Lornish influence ended.
Nef itself is no more than a few small Several centuries ago a group of petty
bandit clans hidden in high valleys. These kingdoms realised they would become
tough mountain men have sure footed victims in the wars between their Of course all might not be what it seems.
ponies able to traverse the steepest of expansionist neighbours. Although each The papers might be faked or even planted
slopes while carrying a man (or perhaps was relatively strong despite their size by a third party who wishes to make the
two, as the Riders often take their dead none could hope to hold off either Lorn lord in question a patsy for their own
and injured with them on those occasions or Dardarrick alone and so the League of misbehaviour. The friendly nobleman may
when they encounter resistance). Even Seven was born. These petty lands now even be using the Wraiths to remove a rival
with their mounts able to climb almost number just six after one of their number in order to push forward his own selfish
sheer cliffs to reach their homes they was suspected of coming too closely allied interests.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
The land itself is bountiful and there are
plenty of minerals within its hills. As such
the people here have prosperous lives, and
look on with pity at the conflicts beyond
their borders.
The Hightower
If Torrelton is small there can be little doubt
it dwarfs the ‘state’ of The Hightower. This
single building is a unique landmark in
the Wildlands, just across the border. The
sorcerer living there has made it clear he
does not wish to join with Dardarrick and
wishes to be left alone. Occasional foolish
tribe of humanoids sometimes will try
their luck and attempt to loot the place if
nothing is heard from the mage for some
time (years, or even decades). This is always
a mistake as their screams can be heard
clearly from the Dardarrick side of the
border, several miles away.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Multiplayer Game Book
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
hear a woman sobbing, and from within the
clan house come angry shouts.
The HeroQuest
The important thing for the Adventurers
when performing a HeroQuest is to stay
on the plot of the myth – at least until it
starts to go wrong. If they do the wrong
thing for more than a few rounds, they will
find themselves ejected from the myth
and standing back in the stone circle in the
Trollwood. Forgo will be very disappointed
with them, and there will be no feast when
they get back to Sky End Stead.
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Adventurers may also want to rest to reduce At this point the God Learners will retreat, forehead, and they can feel his power
their Fatigue before entering the cave. This leaving the fight to the Adventurers, course through them..
would require a long rest, but Adventurers though Baylis will continue to try to snatch
may use First Aid skill to recover by one Odayla’s weapons if given the chance. Every character will become runetouched
level of Fatigue. Allow the Adventurers 10 This should be a difficult fight, and if this at this point, some will receive the benefit
minutes to get ready to go into the cave, is the players’ first game you may need to of an Earth Rune, others the benefit of a
then spring the Surprise Attack on them. If remind them about their Hero Points! If Beast Rune, as best suits the Adventurers,
they look like going into the cave without the manticore manages to get to the body at Games Master’s discretion. Once these
a rest spring the Surprise Attack on them of Odayla, it will begin trying to devour it, have been given, the HeroQuest fades, and
earlier just before they enter. while holding off the Adventurers with its the Adventurers are back in the Trollwood.
stinging tail.
Surprise Attack Aftermath
As you are about to enter the cave, there is Eventually, the Adventurers should be
triumphant, though probably somewhat Once the Adventurers return to the real
sudden flurry of arrows from behind some world, they will find the storm is over. Any
rocks to the left of the cave. One of them bloody. Odayla will need healing and
the arrow removing before he regains wounds taken in the HeroQuest are healed,
strikes Odayla solidly in the chest and he their magical weapons are no longer
goes down. Four warriors in furs spring consciousness. He will praise the
Adventurers for their heroism in killing magical and they each are runetouched
from behind the rocks, swords drawn, and in recognition of their driving off the
rush at you. There is something wrong about the manticore, and will insist on removing
its head to take back to the stead. If Godlearners in addition to facing down
them. They should not be here! the manticore.
questioned about the God Learners, he will
The four warriors are God Learner be dismissive, claiming they were probably
mountain bandits. They were not part Forgo appears not to be around at first,
adventurers; their leader, the sorcerer but he will come out from hiding up a
Baylis who brought them into the Hero of the myth and so not really within his
understanding. He will lift the manticore’s tree. It seems the remaining God Learners
Plane, is hiding behind the rocks. The party (those not killed by the Adventurers) came
are now, of course, in combat. Odayla is not head and say “Come. We must return home.
There will be feasting in Orlanth’s hall through the stone circle some time ago and
dead, but has a Serious chest wound. headed off southward. The Adventurers
may wish to follow – this would be a whole
Keep track of where the combat is in new adventure, possibly the beginning
relation to the body, as Baylis will attempt The scene will fade, and the Adventurers
will go onto the Fourth Station. of a campaign, as the Adventurers track
to run out and loot Odayla’s body for the the God Learners and try to get back any
god’s weapons if he gets the chance. If items they stole from Odayla, which would
he succeeds in getting the god’s famous The Fourth Station: The Feast become holy relics of the tribe. But Forgo
hunting bow his own HeroQuest is over, You are back in Orlanth's clan hall, and the will discourage them, saying they have
and he and his warriors will fade away. mood is very different from what it was the been heroic enough for one day, and urge
last time you were here. There is food and them to return to Sky End Stead.
Allow the Adventurers a couple of rounds drink, laughter and singing. The head of the
of combat with the warriors, then read or manticore is hung on the wall at the end of The return home will be uneventful, and
paraphrase the following: the hall and everyone is joyful. Orlanth bangs the Adventurers, assuming they performed
on the table, and raises his goblet to you. “To properly in the HeroQuest, will be asked to
Suddenly, above the clashing of swords, you the Manticore Band!” he shouts. “The heroes tell their stories. Then they will be hailed as
hear a terrible roar! With a mighty leap, the of the day! They went out children and came new adults of the clan, and known forever
manticore bounds out of the cave, and is back adults. The Manticore Band!” Everyone after as the Manticore Band, after their
upon you. Its body is that of a maned and raises the goblets to you and cheers. exploits in defeating both the manticore
tawny lion: its face is that of a cruel and and the God Learners. There will be much
ferocious man, with sharp pointed teeth in Then Odayla stands up and says “I have feasting at Sky End Stead that night.
an oversized mouth. The sinister stinging tail gifts for the heroes.” He reaches out and
of a scorpion arches above its back. touches each of the characters on the
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Short Sword M S 1D6 6/8
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
The Trollkin
A ragged band of wild trollkin looking to avenge themselves on the humans who attacked their homes earlier. They are like most of their kin,
weak in combat and cowardly.
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Club M S 1D6–1D2 4/4 —
Shortspear M L 1D8+1–1D2 4/5 —
Buckler M S 1D3–1D2 6/8 —
Sling L — 1D8–1D2 1/2 200m
The Manticore
A beast of legend it is highly aggressive, giving no quarter in battle.
Quote: Roar!
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP Range
Claw M M 1D6+1D12 As for Leg —
Gore (tusks) M T 1D8+1D12 As for Head —
Sting M VL 1D6+1D12+Posion As for Tail —
Quote: Odayla is just a semi-sentient manifestation of a primal hunting rune currently unknown to God Learner science.
Combat Actions 3 Typical Armour Malkioni Armour of Faith (3 AP Abdomen, Chest, Arms)
Damage Modifier –1D2 Traits —
Magic Points 14 Skills Athletics 34%, Evade 46%, Evaluate 44%, Influence 36%, Lore
(Malkioni Theology) 68%, Lore (World) 55%, Perception 40%,
Persistence 58%, Resilience 46%, Survival 32%
Movement 8m Combat Styles Rapier 38%
Strike Rank +11 (+14) Equipment Jrustelan Rapier, Malkioni Armour of Faith, 4D6 silver, 2D6x10
Sorcery Manipulation 35%, Lost Truths Grimoire 58%: Cast Back, Palsy
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP
Jrustelan Rapier M L 1D8–1D2 5/8
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
God Learner “Mountain Bandits”
These ruffians like to think of themselves as Knowledge Questers for the Middle Sea Empire, but they are merely hired toughs, providing
the muscle for Baylis's plundering of other people's myths.
Combat Actions 2 Typical Armour Soft Leather (AP 1, all locations except Head)
Damage Modifier +0 Traits —
Magic Points 10 Skills Athletics 38%, Disguise 30%, Evade 39%, Evaluate 33%, Lore
(World) 50%, Perception 35%, Persistence 38%, Resilience
32%, Riding 36%, Stealth 35%, Survival 45%, Unarmed 53%
Movement 8m Combat Styles Sword 48%, Bow 45%
Strike Rank +9 (+11) Equipment War Sword, Leather Shirt & Trews, 3D6 silver
Type Size Reach Damage AP/HP Range
War sword M M 1D8 6/10 —
Short Bow L — 1D6 4/4 80m
James Murphy (Order #14603486)
Decados Subiaco-class Fighter Li Halan Ijiri-class Light Carrier
The Subiaco lacks the raw speed and agility Designed to function as the centre of a
of some other fighters it encounters in fleet, the Ijiri carries command and control
space, but it makes up for this with superior systems of a grade normally seen on the
onboard systems that allow it to retain an dreadnoughts of other fleets. Agile and
edge in dogfights and, more importantly, it bearing a healthy amount of medium lasers,
carries heavier firepower than most. the Ijiri can take part in a front line assault
but its place is to co-ordinate attacks, lend
A screen of Subiaco fighters is sufficient to fighter support and only engage enemies
safeguard any Decados fleet but they are with its gun decks if directly threatened.
also capable of turning their attention to Its speed and superior sensors make this a
smaller ships when the skies have cleared, relatively easy task for an admiral.
preying on any vessel that has had its
shields stripped by the fleet to launch a
multitude of attacks. As any Subiaco pilot
knows, enough stings will bring down
even the largest beast. Al Malik Matachin-class Stealthship
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