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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 1, Issue 1, October-2010 1


Debabrata Sarddar, Shovan Maity, Arnab Raha, Ramesh Jana, Utpal Biswas, M.K. Naskar

Abstract— Mobility management, integration and interworking of existing wireless systems are important factors to obtain
seamless roaming and services continuity in Next Generation Wireless Systems (NGWS).So it is important to have a handoff
scheme that takes into account the heterogeneity of the network. In this work we propose a handoff scheme which takes
handoff decision adaptively based on the type of network it presently resides and the one it is attempting handoff with through
some predefined rules. It also relies on the speed of the mobile terminal to make a decision of the handoff initiation received
signal strength (RSS) threshold value. Finally simulations have been done to show the importance of taking these factors into
account for handoff decisions rather than having a fixed threshold value of handoff for different scenarios.

Index Terms— Received Signal Strength(RSS). Next Generation Wireless Networks (NGWS) , Heterogeneous Wireless
Networks, Quality of service(QoS), Wireless LAN(WLAN), HIPERLAN.


W ith the rapid development of wireless technologies,

the wireless networks have become more and
more popular. Rapid research and development
cient threshold value of proper parameters for the sup-
port of delay-sensitive and real-time services. The delay
in handoff is due to the several processes that have to take
has led to the creation of different types of networks like place for the handover of a MT from one BS to another.
Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11 based WLAN, Universal mobile The handoff process involves two steps : Discovery and
telecommunications system (UMTS) and satellite net- Reauthentication.
works. These networks can be integrated to form Next The two steps mentioned above for a successful han-
Generation Wireless Systems that always provides the doff introduce latency issues. These issues are as follows:
best possible features of different networks to provide
ubiquitous connectivity. By connecting to any wireless • Probe Delay – This is the amount of time it takes the
access network, users can get many kinds of internet ser- client to complete a scan of available networks and to
vices out of doors. In wireless networks, mobility man- build its priority list.
agement provides mobile users to continuously get the • Authentication Delay – This is the amount of time it
internet service when they move between different sub- takes for the client to reauthenticate to the AP it chose
nets based on their service needs. With this heterogeneity, from its priority list following any one of the different
users will be able to choose radio access technology that algorithms available.
offers higher quality, data speed and mobility which is • Reassociation Delay – This is the amount of time it
best suited to the required multimedia applications. takes for the client to signal the AP that the handoff is
It is quite obvious from the discussion that it is an impor-
tant and challenging issue to support seamless mobility There are five main handoff initiation techniques men-
and also QoS in order to support global roaming of mo- tioned in [3], [4]:
bile nodes (MN) in the NGWS. Handoff management is Received signal strength, relative signal strength with
one of the most important features of mobility manage- threshold, relative signal strength with hysteresis, and
ment. It is the process by which users keep their connec- relative signal strength with hysteresis and threshold,
tions active when they move from one base station (BS) to signal to interference ratio based handoff. In our paper
another. we will mainly focus on the received signal strength
In NGWS, two types of handoff scenarios may arise, based handoff techniques for handoff initialisation.
horizontal handoff and vertical handoff [1], [2]. In received signal strength, the RSSs of different BSs
Horizontal handoff is defined as handoff between two are measured and the BS with strongest signal is chosen
BSs of the same network i.e. handoff between homogen- for handoff.
ous networks where one type of network is considered. In this paper a heterogeneous wireless access environ-
Vertical handoff takes place between two BSs that be- ment consisting of AP(WLAN,HIPERLAN), BS(Cellular
long to two different networks i.e. between heterogene- Network) is considered as shown in Figure 1. A mobile
ous networks and, hence, to two different Gateway For- node with multiple transceivers can get connected to
eign Agents. these networks simultaneously.
The large value of signalling delay associated with the
intra and intersystem handoff calls for the need of effi-

IJSER © 2010 Oct 2010

2 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 1, Issue 1, October-2010

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