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Dell Openmanage Essentials v2.2 Users Guide en Us

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Dell OpenManage Essentials

Version 2.2 User's Guide

Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.

CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

Copyright © 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its
subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.

2017 - 01

Rev. A03
1 About OpenManage Essentials....................................................................................... 19
What is New in This Release............................................................................................................................................. 19
Other Information You May Need.................................................................................................................................... 20
Contacting Dell.................................................................................................................................................................20

2 Installing OpenManage Essentials.................................................................................. 21

Installation Prerequisites and Minimum Requirements.......................................................................................................21
Minimum Recommended Hardware............................................................................................................................ 21
Minimum Requirements..............................................................................................................................................22
Terms and Conditions for Using Relational Database Management Systems................................................................... 22
Minimum Login Roles for Microsoft SQL Server.............................................................................................................. 23
Database Size and Scalability........................................................................................................................................... 23
Downloading OpenManage Essentials.............................................................................................................................. 24
Installing OpenManage Essentials.....................................................................................................................................24
Custom Setup Installation.......................................................................................................................................... 25
Setting Up OpenManage Essentials Database on a Remote SQL Server......................................................................... 26
Retargeting the OpenManage Essentials Database..........................................................................................................26
Backing Up the OpenManage Essentials Database.....................................................................................................27
Restoring the OpenManage Essentials Database....................................................................................................... 27
Creating a New User in SQL Server........................................................................................................................... 27
Connecting to the OpenManage Essentials Database................................................................................................ 28
Installing OpenManage Essentials on a Domain Controller................................................................................................28
Installing OpenManage Essentials on a Domain Controller With a Remote Database................................................. 29
Installing OpenManage Essentials on a Domain Controller With a Local Database .....................................................30
Adding Users to the OpenManage Essentials User Groups......................................................................................... 31
Enabling SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode in SQL Server ................................................................... 31
Verifying SQL Server TCP/IP Status ......................................................................................................................... 31
Installing Dell SupportAssist..............................................................................................................................................32
Installing Repository Manager.......................................................................................................................................... 33
Installing Dell License Manager.........................................................................................................................................33
Setting Up and Configuring VMware ESXi 5.................................................................................................................... 33
Upgrading OpenManage Essentials.................................................................................................................................. 34
Uninstalling OpenManage Essentials................................................................................................................................ 35
Migrating IT Assistant to OpenManage Essentials............................................................................................................35

3 Getting Started With OpenManage Essentials.............................................................. 36

Launching OpenManage Essentials.................................................................................................................................. 36
Configuring OpenManage Essentials................................................................................................................................ 36
Discovery Wizard Configuration....................................................................................................................................... 37
Configuring Discovery Settings........................................................................................................................................ 37
Using the OpenManage Essentials Home Portal...............................................................................................................37
OpenManage Essentials Heading Banner......................................................................................................................... 38

Customizing Portals......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Displaying Additional Available Reports and Graphs..........................................................................................................39
Drilling Down Charts and Reports for More Information.............................................................................................40
Saving and Loading the Portal Layout..............................................................................................................................40
Updating the Portal Data.................................................................................................................................................. 41
Hiding Graphs and Reports Components.......................................................................................................................... 41
Rearranging or Resizing Graphs and Reports (Components)............................................................................................41
Filtering Data....................................................................................................................................................................42
Search Bar....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Search Items.............................................................................................................................................................. 42
Search Drop-Down List..............................................................................................................................................43
Selection Actions........................................................................................................................................................43
Map View (Home) Portal................................................................................................................................................. 44
Viewing the User Information........................................................................................................................................... 44
Logging On As a Different User........................................................................................................................................44
Using the Update Available Notification Icon....................................................................................................................45
Using the Warranty Scoreboard Notification Icon............................................................................................................ 45

4 OpenManage Essentials Home Portal — Reference..................................................... 46

Home Portal Reports..................................................................................................................................................46
Device by Status........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Alerts by Severity....................................................................................................................................................... 47
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices......................................................................................................................47
Task Status................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Schedule View..................................................................................................................................................................48
Schedule View Settings..............................................................................................................................................49
Device Warranty Report...................................................................................................................................................49
Map View (Home) Portal Interface.................................................................................................................................. 50

5 Discovering and Inventorying Devices........................................................................... 51

Supported Devices, Protocols, and Features Matrix......................................................................................................... 51
Supported Operating Systems (Servers), Protocols, and Features Matrix.......................................................................55
Supported Storage Devices, Protocols, and Features Matrix........................................................................................... 56
Legend and Definitions.....................................................................................................................................................58
Using the Discovery and Inventory Portal........................................................................................................................ 59
Protocol Support Matrix for Discovery.............................................................................................................................59
Protocol Support Matrix for System Update....................................................................................................................60
Devices Not Reporting Service Tag.................................................................................................................................. 61
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task.......................................................................................................................... 61
Changing the Default SNMP Port.............................................................................................................................. 62
Discovering and Inventorying Dell Devices Using WS-Man Protocol With a Root Certificate.....................................63
Discovering a Chassis and its Components Using the Guided Wizard.............................................................................. 64
Excluding Ranges............................................................................................................................................................. 65
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges...................................................................................................... 65
Scheduling Discovery....................................................................................................................................................... 65

Discovery Speed Slider...............................................................................................................................................66
Scheduling Inventory........................................................................................................................................................66
Configuring Status Polling Frequency...............................................................................................................................67
Task Pop-Up Notifications............................................................................................................................................... 67
Configuring Task Pop-Up Notifications...................................................................................................................... 68
Enabling or Disabling Task Pop-Up Notifications........................................................................................................ 68

6 Discovery And Inventory — Reference......................................................................... 69

Discovery and Inventory Portal Page Options.................................................................................................................. 69
Discovery and Inventory Portal........................................................................................................................................ 69
Last Discovery and Inventory..................................................................................................................................... 70
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices......................................................................................................................70
Task Status................................................................................................................................................................. 71
Viewing Device Summary..................................................................................................................................................71
Viewing Device Summary Filter Options......................................................................................................................71
Add Discovery Range....................................................................................................................................................... 72
Discovery Configuration................................................................................................................................................... 72
Discovery Configuration Options................................................................................................................................ 72
Device Type Filtering........................................................................................................................................................ 74
ICMP Configuration..........................................................................................................................................................74
ICMP Configuration Options.......................................................................................................................................74
SNMP Configuration........................................................................................................................................................ 74
SNMP Configuration Options.....................................................................................................................................75
WMI Configuration........................................................................................................................................................... 75
WMI Configuration Options........................................................................................................................................76
Storage Configuration...................................................................................................................................................... 76
Storage Configuration Options...................................................................................................................................76
WS-Man Configuration.................................................................................................................................................... 76
WS-Man Configuration Options................................................................................................................................. 76
SSH Configuration............................................................................................................................................................77
SSH Configuration Options.........................................................................................................................................77
IPMI Configuration........................................................................................................................................................... 78
IPMI Configuration Options........................................................................................................................................ 78
Discovery Range Action................................................................................................................................................... 79
Summary.......................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Add Exclude Range.......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Add Exclude Range Options....................................................................................................................................... 79
Discovery Schedule..........................................................................................................................................................80
Viewing Discovery Configuration................................................................................................................................80
Discovery Schedule Settings......................................................................................................................................80
Inventory Schedule........................................................................................................................................................... 81
Inventory Schedule Settings....................................................................................................................................... 81
Status Schedule............................................................................................................................................................... 82
Status Polling Schedule Settings................................................................................................................................82
Discovery Ranges.............................................................................................................................................................82

Exclude Ranges................................................................................................................................................................83

7 Managing Devices......................................................................................................... 84
Viewing Devices............................................................................................................................................................... 84
Device Summary Page............................................................................................................................................... 84
Nodes and Symbols Description................................................................................................................................. 86
Device Details.............................................................................................................................................................86
Viewing Device Inventory................................................................................................................................................. 87
Viewing Alerts Summary...................................................................................................................................................87
Viewing System Event Logs............................................................................................................................................. 87
Searching for Devices...................................................................................................................................................... 88
Creating a New Group..................................................................................................................................................... 88
Adding Devices to a New Group...................................................................................................................................... 88
Adding Devices to an Existing Group................................................................................................................................89
Hiding a Group................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Deleting a Group.............................................................................................................................................................. 89
Single Sign-On................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Creating a Custom URL................................................................................................................................................... 90
Launching the Custom URL....................................................................................................................................... 90
Configuring Warranty Email Notifications.........................................................................................................................90
Configuring Warranty Scoreboard Notifications................................................................................................................91
Configuring Warranty Pop-Up Notifications......................................................................................................................91
Using Map View................................................................................................................................................................91
Map Providers............................................................................................................................................................93
Configuring Map Settings.......................................................................................................................................... 94
General Navigation and Zooming................................................................................................................................94
Home View................................................................................................................................................................ 95
Tool Tip...................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Selecting a Device on Map View................................................................................................................................ 95
Health and Connection Status................................................................................................................................... 95
Multiple Devices at the Same Location...................................................................................................................... 96
Setting a Home View................................................................................................................................................. 96
Viewing All Map Locations..........................................................................................................................................97
Adding a Device to the Map....................................................................................................................................... 97
Moving a Device Location Using the Edit Location Details Option..............................................................................97
Importing Licensed Devices........................................................................................................................................98
Using the Map View Search Bar.................................................................................................................................99
Removing All Map Locations.....................................................................................................................................100
Editing a Map Location..............................................................................................................................................101
Removing a Map Location......................................................................................................................................... 101
Exporting All Device Locations.................................................................................................................................. 101
Dell PowerEdge FX Chassis View................................................................................................................................... 102
Tool Tip and Device Selection...................................................................................................................................102
Right-Click Actions................................................................................................................................................... 103
Navigation Trail.........................................................................................................................................................103

Support For PowerEdge FX Chassis Sleds..................................................................................................................... 104
VLAN Configuration Management..................................................................................................................................104
Requirements for VLAN Configuration Management................................................................................................104
Viewing the VLAN Configuration Inventory.............................................................................................................. 105
Assigning VLAN IDs.................................................................................................................................................. 105
Resetting all VLAN IDs..............................................................................................................................................106
Setting the Default VLAN ID Values......................................................................................................................... 106
Dell NAS Appliance Support............................................................................................................................................107
OEM Device Support...................................................................................................................................................... 107

8 Devices — Reference..................................................................................................108
Viewing Inventory........................................................................................................................................................... 108
Viewing Alerts...........................................................................................................................................................108
Viewing Hardware Logs..................................................................................................................................................109
Hardware Log Details............................................................................................................................................... 109
VLAN Configuration........................................................................................................................................................109
VLAN Configuration Task................................................................................................................................................ 110
Task Results.................................................................................................................................................................... 112
Alert Filters...................................................................................................................................................................... 112
Viewing Non-Compliant Systems ................................................................................................................................... 113
Non-Compliant Systems............................................................................................................................................113
Device Search................................................................................................................................................................. 114
Query Results............................................................................................................................................................ 115
Creating Device Group.................................................................................................................................................... 115
Device Group Configuration...................................................................................................................................... 115
Device Selection........................................................................................................................................................115
Summary — Group Configuration............................................................................................................................. 116
Map View (Devices) Tab Interface.................................................................................................................................. 116
Devices at this location.............................................................................................................................................. 117
Map Settings............................................................................................................................................................. 118

9 Deployment and Re-provisioning..................................................................................119

OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License....................................................................... 120
Licensable Servers....................................................................................................................................................120
Purchasing the License.............................................................................................................................................120
Deploying the License...............................................................................................................................................120
Verifying License Information....................................................................................................................................120
Viewing Unlicensed Server Targets.......................................................................................................................... 120
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks......................................................................................... 121
Getting Started for Device Configuration Deployment................................................................................................... 122
Overview of Bare Metal Deployment.............................................................................................................................. 122
Viewing the Deployment Portal.......................................................................................................................................122
Configuring the Deployment File Share...........................................................................................................................122
Creating a Device Configuration Template......................................................................................................................123
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Device Configuration File........................................................... 123
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Reference Device.......................................................................124

Adding Devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group..................................................................................125
Managing Device Configuration Templates.....................................................................................................................125
Viewing the Device Configuration Template Attributes............................................................................................ 125
Cloning a Device Configuration Template................................................................................................................. 126
Editing a Device Configuration Template.................................................................................................................. 126
Exporting a Device Configuration Template.............................................................................................................. 127
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Bare Metal Deployment)........................................................................... 127
Deploying IOA Configuration Template........................................................................................................................... 129
IOA Operational Modes and the Deployment Task Status........................................................................................ 130
Deploying a Network ISO Image...................................................................................................................................... 131
Removing Devices From the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group........................................................................ 132
Auto Deploying Device Configurations............................................................................................................................ 132
Configuring Auto Deployment Settings.....................................................................................................................132
Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Bare Metal Deployment)......................................................... 133
Managing Auto Deployment Credentials...................................................................................................................135
Adding a Discovery Range for Auto Deployment...................................................................................................... 136
Removing Devices From an Auto Deployment Task..................................................................................................136
Importing Device Specific Attributes...............................................................................................................................136
Import File Requirements................................................................................................................................................ 137
Exporting Device Specific Attributes...............................................................................................................................137
Viewing the Deployment Tasks....................................................................................................................................... 138
Managing the Virtual I/O Identities of a Server (Stateless Deployment).........................................................................138
Overview of Stateless Deployment.................................................................................................................................138
Virtual I/O Pools............................................................................................................................................................. 139
Creating a Virtual I/O Pool........................................................................................................................................139
Editing a Virtual I/O Pool.......................................................................................................................................... 142
Viewing the Definitions of a Virtual I/O Pool ............................................................................................................ 142
Renaming a Virtual I/O Pool......................................................................................................................................143
Deleting a Virtual I/O Pool........................................................................................................................................ 143
Viewing the Virtual I/O Identities Assigned or Deployed on a Device........................................................................ 143
Compute Pools............................................................................................................................................................... 144
Creating a Compute Pool..........................................................................................................................................144
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Stateless Deployment)....................................................................... 145
Automatic Locking of a Compute Pool......................................................................................................................147
Unlocking a Compute Pool........................................................................................................................................148
Editing the Definitions of a Compute Pool................................................................................................................ 148
Viewing the Definitions of a Compute Pool ..............................................................................................................148
Removing a Server From a Compute Pool................................................................................................................ 149
Renaming a Compute Pool....................................................................................................................................... 149
Deleting a Compute Pool.......................................................................................................................................... 149
Replacing a Server....................................................................................................................................................149
Reclaiming Deployed Virtual I/O Identities of a Server..............................................................................................150
Reclaiming Assigned Virtual I/O Identities................................................................................................................. 151
Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Stateless Deployment)............................................................ 152
Viewing the Profile (Last Deployed Attributes).........................................................................................................154

Known Limitations for Stateless Deployment..................................................................................................................154
Additional Information.....................................................................................................................................................154

10 Deployment – Reference........................................................................................... 156

Icons and Descriptions.................................................................................................................................................... 157
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices................................................................................................................................ 158
Auto Deployment............................................................................................................................................................159
Tasks.............................................................................................................................................................................. 159
Task Execution History................................................................................................................................................... 160
Device Configuration Template Details........................................................................................................................... 160
IOA VLAN Attributes....................................................................................................................................................... 161
Device Configuration Setup Wizard................................................................................................................................ 162
File Share Settings....................................................................................................................................................162
Add Devices to Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group........................................................................................ 162
Create Template Wizard................................................................................................................................................. 162
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard....................................................................................................................................... 163
Name and Description...............................................................................................................................................163
Ethernet Identities.................................................................................................................................................... 164
FCoE Node Name Identities......................................................................................................................................164
FCoE Port Name Identities....................................................................................................................................... 165
iSCSI IQN Identities.................................................................................................................................................. 165
Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 166
Virtual I/O Pools............................................................................................................................................................. 166
Virtual I/O Pool Summary............................................................................................................................................... 167
Devices with Identities.............................................................................................................................................. 167
Create Compute Pool Wizard......................................................................................................................................... 168
Name and Description...............................................................................................................................................168
Select Template........................................................................................................................................................168
Select ISO Location.................................................................................................................................................. 169
Select Virtual I/O Pool.............................................................................................................................................. 169
Select Devices.......................................................................................................................................................... 169
Edit Attributes.......................................................................................................................................................... 170
Compute Pool Summary................................................................................................................................................. 174
Compute Pool Details......................................................................................................................................................175
Server Details..................................................................................................................................................................175
Deploy Template Wizard................................................................................................................................................. 176
Name and Deploy Options........................................................................................................................................ 176
Select Template........................................................................................................................................................ 177
Select Devices...........................................................................................................................................................177
Select ISO Location...................................................................................................................................................177
Select Virtual I/O Pool.............................................................................................................................................. 178
Edit Attributes...........................................................................................................................................................178
Options..................................................................................................................................................................... 183
Set Schedule............................................................................................................................................................ 183

Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 184
Setup Auto Deployment Wizard......................................................................................................................................185
Select Deploy Options.............................................................................................................................................. 185
Select Template........................................................................................................................................................186
Select ISO Location.................................................................................................................................................. 186
Select Virtual I/O Pool.............................................................................................................................................. 186
Import Service Tags/Node IDs..................................................................................................................................187
Edit Attributes...........................................................................................................................................................187
Execution Credentials............................................................................................................................................... 192
Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 193
Manage Auto Deployment Credentials............................................................................................................................194
Devices..................................................................................................................................................................... 194
Replace Server Wizard................................................................................................................................................... 195
Source and Target....................................................................................................................................................195
Review Source Attributes.........................................................................................................................................195
Options..................................................................................................................................................................... 198
Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 199
Reclaim Identities Wizard................................................................................................................................................199
Select Devices.......................................................................................................................................................... 199
Identity Assignments................................................................................................................................................200
Options.................................................................................................................................................................... 200
Summary.................................................................................................................................................................. 201

11 Managing Server Configuration Baseline.................................................................... 203

Viewing the Device Compliance Portal...........................................................................................................................203
Getting Started for Device Configuration Compliance................................................................................................... 204
Device Configuration Compliance Overview.................................................................................................................. 204
Configuring the Credentials and Device Configuration Inventory Schedule....................................................................204
Associating Target Devices to a Configuration Template...............................................................................................205
Viewing the Device Configuration Inventory.................................................................................................................. 206
Viewing the Device Compliance Status..........................................................................................................................206
Viewing the Compliance Tasks.......................................................................................................................................206

12 Configuration – Reference.........................................................................................207
Device Compliance.........................................................................................................................................................208
Device Compliance Graph........................................................................................................................................208
Device Compliance Table......................................................................................................................................... 208
Tasks............................................................................................................................................................................. 209
Task Execution History.................................................................................................................................................. 209
Associate Devices To Template Wizard.......................................................................................................................... 210

Select Template........................................................................................................................................................210
Select Devices.......................................................................................................................................................... 210
Configuration Inventory Schedule Wizard.......................................................................................................................210
Inventory Credentials.................................................................................................................................................211

13 Viewing Inventory Reports......................................................................................... 213

Choosing Predefined Reports......................................................................................................................................... 213
Predefined Reports...................................................................................................................................................213
Filtering Report Data.......................................................................................................................................................216
Exporting Reports...........................................................................................................................................................216

14 Reports — Reference................................................................................................ 217

Server Inventory Reports................................................................................................................................................217
Agent and Alert Summary.........................................................................................................................................218
Agent Health Status................................................................................................................................................. 219
Server Overview.......................................................................................................................................................219
Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Information................................................................................................................ 220
Hard Drive Information.............................................................................................................................................220
iDRAC Performance Minimum/Maximum................................................................................................................. 221
iDRAC Performance Average/Peak......................................................................................................................... 222
Memory Information.................................................................................................................................................222
Modular Enclosure Information................................................................................................................................ 223
NIC Information........................................................................................................................................................223
PCI Device Information............................................................................................................................................ 224
Processor Information..............................................................................................................................................224
Storage Controller Information.................................................................................................................................225
Virtual Disk Information............................................................................................................................................ 225
Server Configuration Reports........................................................................................................................................ 225
Server Components and Versions............................................................................................................................226
BIOS Configuration.................................................................................................................................................. 226
iDRAC Network Configuration................................................................................................................................. 227
Device Configuration Compliance............................................................................................................................ 228
Template Association............................................................................................................................................... 228
Assigned Identity Attributes..................................................................................................................................... 228
All Identity Attributes............................................................................................................................................... 229
Warranty & License Reports..........................................................................................................................................229
Warranty Information...............................................................................................................................................230
License Information..................................................................................................................................................230
Virtualization Reports......................................................................................................................................................231
ESX Information........................................................................................................................................................231
HyperV Information.................................................................................................................................................. 231
Asset Reports................................................................................................................................................................ 232
Asset Acquisition Information...................................................................................................................................232
Asset Maintenance Information............................................................................................................................... 233
Asset Support Information....................................................................................................................................... 234

Device Location Information.................................................................................................................................... 234

15 Viewing Warranty Reports.........................................................................................236

Extending Warranty....................................................................................................................................................... 236

16 Managing Alerts.........................................................................................................237
Viewing Alerts and Alert Categories............................................................................................................................... 237
Viewing Alert Logs................................................................................................................................................... 237
Understanding the Alert Types.................................................................................................................................237
Viewing Internal Alerts............................................................................................................................................. 238
Viewing Alert Categories..........................................................................................................................................238
Viewing Alert Source Details.................................................................................................................................... 238
Viewing Previously Configured Alert Actions..................................................................................................................238
Viewing Application Launch Alert Action.................................................................................................................. 239
Viewing E-Mail Alert Action......................................................................................................................................239
Viewing Alert Ignore Action......................................................................................................................................239
Viewing Alert Trap Forward Action.......................................................................................................................... 239
Handling Alerts...............................................................................................................................................................239
Flagging an Alert...................................................................................................................................................... 239
Creating and Editing a New View.............................................................................................................................239
Configuring Alert Actions............................................................................................................................................... 240
Setting Up E-mail Notification..................................................................................................................................240
Ignoring Alerts...........................................................................................................................................................241
Running a Custom Script.......................................................................................................................................... 241
Forwarding Alerts.....................................................................................................................................................242
Forwarding Alerts Use Case Scenarios.....................................................................................................................242
Working With Sample Alert Action Use Cases................................................................................................................243
Use Cases in Alert Actions....................................................................................................................................... 243
Configuring Alert Log Settings....................................................................................................................................... 243
Renaming Alert Categories and Alert Sources................................................................................................................243
Alert Pop-Up Notifications............................................................................................................................................. 244
Configuring Alert Pop-Up Notifications....................................................................................................................244
Enabling or Disabling Alert Pop-Up Notifications......................................................................................................244
Managing MIB Files........................................................................................................................................................245
Importing MIBs........................................................................................................................................................ 245
Importing the MIB File..............................................................................................................................................246
Removing the MIB File from OpenManage Essentials..............................................................................................246
Managing Traps............................................................................................................................................................. 246
Customizing Trap Definitions................................................................................................................................... 246
Resetting Built-in Trap Definitions............................................................................................................................ 247

17 Alerts — Reference................................................................................................... 249

Alert Logs.......................................................................................................................................................................249
Predefined Alert View Filters....................................................................................................................................250
Alert Logs Fields...................................................................................................................................................... 250
Alert Details.............................................................................................................................................................. 251

Alert Log Settings...........................................................................................................................................................251
Alert View Filters............................................................................................................................................................252
Alert Filter Name......................................................................................................................................................252
Acknowledgement................................................................................................................................................... 253
Summary — Alert View Filter.................................................................................................................................. 253
Alert Actions.................................................................................................................................................................. 254
Name and Description..............................................................................................................................................254
Severity Association.................................................................................................................................................254
Application Launch Configuration............................................................................................................................ 255
E-Mail Configuration................................................................................................................................................ 256
Trap Forwarding.......................................................................................................................................................257
Category and Sources Association...........................................................................................................................257
Device Association................................................................................................................................................... 257
Date and Time Range...............................................................................................................................................259
Alert Action — Duplicate Alert Correlation.............................................................................................................. 259
Summary — Alert Action Details............................................................................................................................. 259
Alert Categories............................................................................................................................................................. 260
Alert Categories Options...........................................................................................................................................261
Edit Trap Definitions.................................................................................................................................................262
Alert Source................................................................................................................................................................... 263
Manage MIBs.................................................................................................................................................................264
Manage MIBs Pane..................................................................................................................................................264
Manage Traps Pane................................................................................................................................................. 264
Import MIB...............................................................................................................................................................264
Remove MIB............................................................................................................................................................ 266
Troubleshooting MIB Import.................................................................................................................................... 266
Manage Traps................................................................................................................................................................266
Custom Trap Definitions.......................................................................................................................................... 266
Reset Built-in Trap Definitions..................................................................................................................................267

18 Updating Server BIOS, Firmware, Drivers, and Applications...................................... 269

Viewing the System Update Page..................................................................................................................................269
Understanding Server BIOS Firmware and Drivers Sources........................................................................................... 270
Choosing the Right Source for Updates.........................................................................................................................270
Selecting an Update Catalog Source..............................................................................................................................270
Viewing Comparison Results........................................................................................................................................... 271
Viewing Compliant Servers....................................................................................................................................... 271
Viewing Non-Compliant Systems..............................................................................................................................271
Viewing Non-Inventoried Systems............................................................................................................................ 271
Viewing Systems With Issues and Resolutions.......................................................................................................... 271
System Update Use Case Scenarios............................................................................................................................... 271
Applying System Updates Using the Non-Compliant Systems Tab................................................................................ 273
Viewing Updated Status...........................................................................................................................................275
Applying System Updates Using the System Update Task Wizard.................................................................................275
Updating Firmware, BIOS, and Drivers Without OMSA.................................................................................................. 277

View Active Catalog....................................................................................................................................................... 278
Issues and Resolutions Use Case Scenarios................................................................................................................... 278
Configuring the Settings for Automatic Purging of Downloaded Files............................................................................ 278

19 System Update — Reference....................................................................................280

Filter Options................................................................................................................................................................. 280
System Update............................................................................................................................................................... 281
Compliance Report................................................................................................................................................... 281
Compliant Systems.................................................................................................................................................. 283
Non-Compliant Systems.......................................................................................................................................... 283
System Update Task................................................................................................................................................284
Non-Inventoried Systems........................................................................................................................................ 286
Inventory Systems................................................................................................................................................... 286
All System Update Tasks......................................................................................................................................... 286
Issues and Resolutions............................................................................................................................................. 287
Task Execution History.............................................................................................................................................287
Select a Catalog Source.................................................................................................................................................288
Dell Update Package................................................................................................................................................288
Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility...................................................................................................................288
Repository Manager.................................................................................................................................................288
View Active Catalog.......................................................................................................................................................289

20 Managing Remote Tasks...........................................................................................290

About Remote Tasks..................................................................................................................................................... 290
Managing Command Line Task...................................................................................................................................... 290
Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks............................................................................................................... 291
Managing Generic Command Line Task....................................................................................................................291
Managing Server Power Options................................................................................................................................... 293
Deploying Server Administrator......................................................................................................................................293
Supported Windows and Linux Packages.................................................................................................................294
Arguments............................................................................................................................................................... 295
Deploying iDRAC Service Module.................................................................................................................................. 295
Supported Windows and Linux Packages................................................................................................................ 296
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory...................................................................................................................... 297
Updating the inventory collector component................................................................................................................. 298
Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases............................................................................................................299
Use Cases in Remote Tasks.....................................................................................................................................299
Device Capability Matrix................................................................................................................................................ 300

21 Remote Tasks — Reference......................................................................................303

Remote Tasks Home......................................................................................................................................................303
Remote Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................... 304
All Tasks...................................................................................................................................................................304
Task Execution History............................................................................................................................................ 305
Server Power Options............................................................................................................................................. 306
Deployment Task..................................................................................................................................................... 307

Command Line Task...................................................................................................................................................... 309
Remote Server Administrator Command.................................................................................................................. 310
Generic Command.................................................................................................................................................... 312
IPMI Command......................................................................................................................................................... 313
RACADM Command Line......................................................................................................................................... 315
Firmware and Driver Inventory Collection Task...............................................................................................................316

22 Managing Security Settings.......................................................................................318

Using Security Roles and Permissions.............................................................................................................................318
Microsoft Windows Authentication.................................................................................................................................319
Assigning User Rights..................................................................................................................................................... 319
Using Custom SSL Certificates (Optional)......................................................................................................................319
Configuring IIS Services............................................................................................................................................319
Supported Protocols and Ports in OpenManage Essentials............................................................................................ 319
Supported Protocols and Ports on Management Stations....................................................................................... 320
Supported Protocols and Ports on Managed Nodes................................................................................................ 320
Firewall Rules.................................................................................................................................................................. 321
Dell OpenManage Essentials..................................................................................................................................... 321
Administrator Management Station......................................................................................................................... 322
Dell Chassis Management Controller........................................................................................................................323
Dell Remote Access Controller.................................................................................................................................323
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator................................................................................................................... 323
Dell OpenManage Framework........................................................................................................................................ 324

23 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................ 325
OpenManage Essentials Troubleshooting Tool...............................................................................................................325
Troubleshooting Procedures.......................................................................................................................................... 325
Troubleshooting Inventory....................................................................................................................................... 325
Troubleshooting Device Discovery........................................................................................................................... 326
Troubleshooting Receiving SNMP Traps .................................................................................................................326
Troubleshooting Discovery of Windows Server 2008–Based Servers......................................................................327
Troubleshooting SNMP Traps for ESX or ESXi Versions 3.5, 4.x, or 5.0.................................................................. 327
Troubleshooting Problems With Microsoft Internet Explorer....................................................................................327
Troubleshooting Map View...................................................................................................................................... 328

24 Frequently Asked Questions......................................................................................329

Installation .....................................................................................................................................................................329
Upgrade......................................................................................................................................................................... 329
Tasks............................................................................................................................................................................. 330
Optional Command Line Settings.............................................................................................................................330
Customization Parameters.......................................................................................................................................332
MSI Return Code..................................................................................................................................................... 333
E-mail Alert Action......................................................................................................................................................... 333
Discovery....................................................................................................................................................................... 333
System Update.............................................................................................................................................................. 338

Managing Device Configurations....................................................................................................................................339
Device Group Permissions............................................................................................................................................. 340
Device Group Permissions Portal............................................................................................................................. 340
Remote and System Update Tasks.......................................................................................................................... 340
Custom Device Groups............................................................................................................................................. 341
Deployment and Configuration Compliance.............................................................................................................. 341
Deployment and Configuration Compliance.................................................................................................................... 341
Logs............................................................................................................................................................................... 342
Log Levels................................................................................................................................................................342
Backup and Restore.......................................................................................................................................................343
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................. 343

25 Managing Device Group Permissions........................................................................ 345

Adding Users to the OmeSiteAdministrators Role..........................................................................................................345
Assigning Device Groups to a User................................................................................................................................ 346
Removing Users From the OmeSiteAdministrators Role................................................................................................ 346

26 OpenManage Mobile Settings................................................................................... 348

Enabling or Disabling Alert Notifications For OpenManage Mobile................................................................................. 348
Enabling or Disabling OpenManage Mobile Subscribers................................................................................................. 348
Deleting an OpenManage Mobile Subscriber..................................................................................................................349
Viewing the Alert Notification Service Status................................................................................................................ 349
Notification Service Status...................................................................................................................................... 349
Viewing the OpenManage Mobile Subscriber Information..............................................................................................350
Mobile Subscriber Information................................................................................................................................. 350
Troubleshooting OpenManage Mobile............................................................................................................................ 351

27 Settings — Reference.............................................................................................. 353

Alert Settings................................................................................................................................................................. 353
Custom URL Settings.................................................................................................................................................... 354
Deployment Settings......................................................................................................................................................354
Device Tree Settings......................................................................................................................................................354
Discovery Settings.........................................................................................................................................................355
Email Settings................................................................................................................................................................ 355
General Settings............................................................................................................................................................ 356
Task Settings................................................................................................................................................................. 357
Warranty Notification Settings.......................................................................................................................................357
Common Tasks........................................................................................................................................................ 358
Manage Device Group Permissions..........................................................................................................................359
Device Groups for Tasks and Patch Targeting.........................................................................................................359
Purge Download Settings.............................................................................................................................................. 359

28 Logs — Reference....................................................................................................360
User Interface Logs....................................................................................................................................................... 360
Application Logs..............................................................................................................................................................361

29 Dell Solutions............................................................................................................ 362

30 Right-Click Actions................................................................................................... 363

Schedule View............................................................................................................................................................... 363
Device Status.................................................................................................................................................................364
Discovery Range Summary............................................................................................................................................ 364
Managing Include Ranges........................................................................................................................................ 364
View Filters.................................................................................................................................................................... 365
Alerts............................................................................................................................................................................. 365
Remote Tasks................................................................................................................................................................ 366
Custom URL ................................................................................................................................................................. 366
System Update Tasks.................................................................................................................................................... 366
Attributes Tab................................................................................................................................................................366
Templates...................................................................................................................................................................... 367
Compute Pools...............................................................................................................................................................367
Repurpose and Bare Metal ......................................................................................................................................367
Compute Pool.......................................................................................................................................................... 367
Devices.................................................................................................................................................................... 367
Virtual I/O Pools............................................................................................................................................................ 368
Virtual I/O Pool........................................................................................................................................................ 368
Devices with Identities............................................................................................................................................. 368
Compliance by Template................................................................................................................................................368
Device Compliance.........................................................................................................................................................369

31 Tutorials.....................................................................................................................370

32 Using OpenManage Essentials Command Line Interface............................................371

Launching the OpenManage Essentials Command Line Interface................................................................................... 371
Creating a Discovery Profile Input File.............................................................................................................................371
Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files....................................................................................372
Specifying Input Files in PowerShell............................................................................................................................... 373
Command Line Interface Commands............................................................................................................................. 373
Creating a Discovery Range..................................................................................................................................... 373
Removing a Discovery Range...................................................................................................................................374
Creating a Discovery Range Group.......................................................................................................................... 374
Removing a Discovery Range Group........................................................................................................................ 374
Editing a Discovery Range........................................................................................................................................374
Editing a Discovery Range Group............................................................................................................................. 375
Enabling a Discovery Range or Discovery Range Group........................................................................................... 375
Disabling a Discovery Range or Discovery Range Group.......................................................................................... 376
Creating a Discovery Exclude Range........................................................................................................................376
Removing a Discovery Exclude Range......................................................................................................................376
Running Discovery, Inventory, and Status Polling Tasks...........................................................................................376
Removing a Device...................................................................................................................................................377
Retrieving the Status Execution Progress of a Discovery Range..............................................................................377

Stopping a Running Discovery Range or Group........................................................................................................378
Creating a Custom Device Group.............................................................................................................................378
Adding Devices to a Custom Group......................................................................................................................... 378
Deleting a Group...................................................................................................................................................... 379

About OpenManage Essentials
OpenManage Essentials is a hardware management application that provides a comprehensive view of Dell systems, devices, and
components in the enterprise’s network. With OpenManage Essentials, a web-based and one‑to‑many systems management
application for Dell systems and other devices, you can:

• Discover and inventory the system.

• Monitor the health of the system.
• View and manage system alerts.
• Perform system updates and remote tasks.
• View hardware inventory and compliance reports.
• Deploy or re-provision a server, chassis, or an I/O Aggregator (IOA).
• Manage the configuration baseline of a server or chassis.
• Manage the virtual I/O identity of a server.

What is New in This Release

• Ability to create a device configuration template from an IOA.
• Ability to deploy a device configuration template on an IOA.
• Display of VLAN configuration inventory information of the IOAs within a chassis.
• Ability to assign VLAN IDs to the IOAs within a chassis.
• Ability to deploy the VLAN configuration of IOAs during the deployment of a blade server.
• Support for installing OpenManage Essentials with a customized database name.
• Support for retargeting OpenManage Essentials to a database with a customized name.
• Requirement to enter the MapQuest key for rendering the Map View feature.
• Map View support for the PowerEdge FX2 and FX2s chassis.
• Addition of the All Identity Attributes and Agent Health Status reports.
• Support for additional models of Dell Storage and Dell Networking devices.
• Integration of the MIB Import functionality within OpenManage Essentials.
• Enhancements:

– Support for launching the IOA console.

– Display of an appropriate health status icon when a device is unreachable.
– Display of iDRAC name for devices in the RAC device group.
– System update task enhancements:

* Display of timestamp and download status in the task details pane.

* Support for the base location attribute of a Dell Repository Manager (DRM) catalog.
* Option to reset the iDRAC before performing an out-of-band system update.
* Option to select the method of restarting the server, after applying an out-of-band system update.

NOTE: For a complete list of supported device models, see the Dell OpenManage Essentials Version 2.2 Support Matrix
at dell.com/openmanagemanuals.

Other Information You May Need

In addition to this guide, you may require the following documents:
Table 1. Other Information You May Need

Document Description Availability

Dell OpenManage Essentials Lists the devices supported by OpenManage dell.com/OpenManageManuals
Support Matrix Essentials.

Dell OpenManage Essentials Provides information about known issues and

Readme workarounds in OpenManage Essentials.

Dell OpenManage Mobile Provides information about installing and using

User’s Guide the OpenManage Mobile application.

Dell License Manager User's Provides information about managing licenses

Guide and troubleshooting the License Manager.

Dell Repository Manager Provides information about using the

User's Guide Repository Manager to manage system

Dell OpenManage Essentials Provides information about integrating dell.com/OpenManageManuals or

REST API Guide OpenManage Essentials using DellTechCenter.com/OME
Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs
and also includes examples of using REST APIs
to perform common tasks.

Dell SupportAssist User's Provides information about installing, dell.com/ServiceabilityTools

Guide configuring, using, and troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Tool online Provides information about using the tool, Integrated with the Troubleshooting Tool. To
help related protocols, devices, and so on. launch the online help from the Troubleshooting
Tool, click the ? icon.

Dell OpenManage Essentials Provides information about the tool, importing Integrated with the MIB Import Utility. To launch
MIB Import Utility online help and removing MIBs, troubleshooting the online help from the MIB Import Utility, click
procedures, and so on. the ? icon.

Contacting Dell
NOTE: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice,
packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.
Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some
services may not be available in your area. To contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues:

1. Go to Dell.com/support.
2. Select your support category.
3. Verify your country or region in the Choose a Country/Region drop-down list at the bottom of the page.
4. Select the appropriate service or support link based on your need.

Installing OpenManage Essentials
Related links
Downloading OpenManage Essentials
Installation Prerequisites and Minimum Requirements
Installing OpenManage Essentials
Migrating IT Assistant to OpenManage Essentials

Installation Prerequisites and Minimum Requirements

For a list of supported platforms, operating systems, and browsers, see the Dell OpenManage Essentials Support Matrix at

To install OpenManage Essentials, you require local system administrator rights and the system you are using must meet the criteria
mentioned in the Minimum Requirements for OpenManage Essentials section of the Dell OpenManage Essentials Version 2.2
Support Matrix available at dell.com/OpenManageManuals.

Related links
Installing OpenManage Essentials

Minimum Recommended Hardware

Table 2. Minimum Recommended Hardware

Minimum Large Deployments Large Deployments Medium Deployments Small Deployments [a]
Recommended [a]
Number of Devices Up to 5500 Up to 2000 Up to 500 Up to 100

Type of System Physical machines / Physical machines / Physical machines / Physical machines /
Virtual machines Virtual machines Virtual machines Virtual machines

RAM 8 GB 8 GB 6 GB 6 GB

Processors 8 cores total 8 cores total 4 cores total 2 cores total

Database SQL Enterprise or SQL Standard SQL Express SQL Express


Database Location Remote [b] Remote [b] Local Local

Hard Drive 20 GB 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB

[a] If you are not using SQL Express, limit the maximum memory to 2 GB less than the total system memory and disable SQL
analysis and report services.

[b] Install the remote database on a system that supports an 8 core processor and an 8 GB RAM.

NOTE: The recommended minimum hardware requirements for OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller are 8 GB
RAM, 8 cores processor, and a remote database.

NOTE: If Dell SupportAssist is installed along with OpenManage Essentials, you require 2 GB RAM and 2 cores in
addition to the minimum requirements described in the previous table. If you are using SQL Server Standard or
Enterprise Editions, the maximum SQL Server memory must be configured within SQL Server to prevent it from using
the entire system memory. It is recommended that you use a maximum of 4 GB for a 6 GB RAM.

Minimum Requirements
Table 3. Minimum Requirements

Particulars Minimum Requirement

Operating systems • Windows Server 2016 Standard and Datacenter Edition
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x64) Standard and
Enterprise Edition
• Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard and Enterprise
• Windows Server 2012 Standard and Datacenter Edition
• Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and Datacenter Edition

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials version 2.2 is supported

only on x64 operating systems.

Network 1 Gbps or higher

Web browser • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11

• Mozilla Firefox 22 or 23
• Google Chrome 30 or 31

Database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or later

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials installation is supported

only on a case-insensitive instance of SQL Server.

User interface Microsoft Silverlight version 5.1.41212.0

.NET 4.5

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Runtime 11.0

NOTE: For the latest update on the minimum requirements for OpenManage Essentials version 2.2, see the
OpenManage Essentials Version 2.2 Support Matrix at dell.com/OpenManageManuals.

Terms and Conditions for Using Relational Database Management

The relational database management system (RDBMS) used for installing OpenManage Essentials is Microsoft SQL Server. SQL
Server has configuration settings separate from the OpenManage Essentials database. The server has logins (SQL or Windows)
that may or may not have access to the OpenManage Essentials database.

When OpenManage Essentials is installed, Internet security is modified by adding registry entries to the ZoneMaps for HKLM and
HKCU. This ensures that Internet Explorer identifies the fully qualified domain name as an intranet site.

A self-signed certificate is created and this certificate is installed in the root Certificate Authorities (CA) and My certificates.

To prevent certificate errors, remote clients must either install OpenManage Essentials certificate in both CA and Root Certificate
Stores or have a custom certificate published to client systems by the domain administrator.

For a typical installation of OpenManage Essentials:

• Use the local instance of SQL Server that has all supported components.
• The RDBMS is altered to support both SQL and Windows authentication.
• An SQL Server login user is generated for OpenManage Essentials’ services. This login is added as a RDBMS SQL login with the
dbcreator role and given the db_owner role over the ITAssist and OMEssentials databases.

NOTE: The password for the typical install, auto generated SQL Server login account, is controlled by the application
and different on every system.

For the highest level of security, it is recommended that you use a domain service account that is specified during custom
installation for SQL Server.

At runtime, when the OpenManage Essentials website determines that it has an invalid certificate or certificate binding; the self-
signed certificate is regenerated.

Related links
Minimum Login Roles for Microsoft SQL Server

Minimum Login Roles for Microsoft SQL Server

The following table provides information about the minimum permissions for SQL Server based on different installation and upgrade
use cases.
Table 4. Minimum Login Roles for Microsoft SQL Server

Number Use Case Minimum Login Roles for SQL Server

1 Installing OpenManage Essentials for the first time and you sysadmin access on the installed instance.
select the Typical option during the installation process.

2 Installing OpenManage Essentials for the first time, you db_owner access on the OpenManage Essentials
select the Custom option during the installation process database.
and an empty OpenManage Essentials database is present
(locally or remotely).

NOTE: If you select the Custom install option and

do not enter any credentials then the installation is
considered as a Typical installation and sysadmin
rights are required.

3 You are installing OpenManage Essentials for the first time, dbcreator access on the server.
you select the Custom option during the installation
process, and an empty OpenManage Essentials database is
not present.

4 Upgrading OpenManage Essentials from an earlier version db_owner access on the OpenManage Essentials
to the latest version and an OpenManage Essentials database.
database is present (locally or remotely).

Database Size and Scalability

The following table provides information about the changes to the database size in an environment with 4000 devices based on
alerts, tasks, and alert actions.

Table 5. Database Size and Scalability

Events Database Size

Initial database size 60 MB

After discovery and inventory of 4000 devices 65 MB

After 2000 alerts are generated 73 MB

After tasks (status polling, OpenManage Server Administrator 77 MB

deployment tasks, remote tasks, and system update tasks)
against these alerts are executed

After deleting all the alerts and sending 20,000 alerts with all 127 MB
the alert actions configured

After sending 40,000 alerts with all alert actions configured 230 MB

During the daily maintenance, OpenManage Essentials compresses and optimizes the database. OpenManage Essentials also
downloads updates for managed servers. These updates are saved in the local file system (not in the database) where OpenManage
Essentials is installed.

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials can maintain up to 175,000 task execution history details without any issues. If the task
execution history details exceed 175,000, you may experience problems starting OpenManage Essentials. It is
recommended that you periodically delete task execution history details that you may no longer require.

NOTE: For more information, see the OpenManage Essentials Scalability and Performance technical white paper at

Downloading OpenManage Essentials

To download OpenManage Essentials, go to dell.com/support or the Dell TechCenter website at DellTechCenter.com/OME.

Installing OpenManage Essentials

Before you install OpenManage Essentials, make sure that you have local administrator rights on the system.
To install OpenManage Essentials:

1. Extract the OpenManage Essentials installation package.

2. Double-click the Autorun.exe file available in the folder where you extracted the installation package.
The Dell OpenManage Install screen is displayed. The following options are available:
• Dell OpenManage Essentials — Select this option to install Dell OpenManage Essentials, Troubleshooting Tool, and Dell
OpenManage Essentials MIB Import Utility.
• Dell Repository Manager — Select to install Dell Repository Manager. Using Repository Manager, you can create
customized bundles and repositories of Dell Update Packages, software utilities such as update drivers, firmware, BIOS, and
other applications.
• Dell License Manager — Select to install the Dell license manager. Dell License Manager is a one-to-many license
deployment and reporting tool for the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC), Dell chassis management
controller (CMC), OpenManage Essentials, and PowerEdge storage sled licenses.
• Dell SupportAssist — Select to install Dell SupportAssist. SupportAssist provides proactive support capabilities for
supported Dell server, storage, and networking solutions.
• Documentation — Click to view the online help.
• View Readme — Click to view the readme file. To view the latest readme, go to DellTechCenter.com/OME.
3. In Dell OpenManage Install, select Dell OpenManage Essentials and click Install.
The Dell OpenManage Essentials Prerequisites window, displays the following requirement types:
• Critical — This error condition prevents the installation of a feature.

• Warning — This warning condition may disable the Typical installation but not an Upgrade of the feature later during
installation. Also, later during installation, use the Custom installation setup type to select the feature.
• Information — This informational condition does not affect the Typical selection of a feature.

There are two options for resolving critical dependencies:

• Click Install All Critical Prerequisites to immediately begin installing all critical prerequisites without further interaction.
Install All Critical Prerequisites may require a restart depending on the configuration and the prerequisites installation will
resume automatically after restart.
• Install each prerequisite individually by clicking the associated link with the required software.

NOTE: To configure a remote database, you do not require an SQL Express installation on the local system. See
Setting Up OpenManage Essentials Database on a Remote SQL Server. If you are not configuring a remote
database, then install SQL Express by clicking the warning prerequisite link. Selecting Install All Critical
Prerequisites does not install SQL Express.
4. Click Install Essentials.
NOTE: If you are installing OpenManage Essentials for the first time, a dialog box is displayed prompting you to
select if you want to install OpenManage Essentials on a local or remote database. If you choose to install
OpenManage Essentials on a local database, SQL Server 2012 Express is installed on the system. If you choose to
install OpenManage Essentials on a remote database, the installation follows the Custom Setup Installation steps.
5. In the install wizard for OpenManage Essentials, click Next.
6. In the License Agreement page, read the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then
click Next.
7. In Setup type select either Typical or Custom installation.
• If you selected Typical, click Next. Verify the installation settings in the Ready to Install the Program page and the click
NOTE: If the default ports assigned to OpenManage Essentials services are either blocked or used by another
application, a message is displayed prompting you to either unblock the ports or select Custom installation
where you can specify another port.
NOTE: The parameters of all tasks that you create are encrypted and saved. During a reinstallation, if you
choose to use a database that was retained from a previous OpenManage Essentials installation, the existing
tasks will not run successfully. To resolve this issue, you must recreate all tasks after the installation.
• If you selected Custom, in Custom Setup, click Next and follow the instructions in Custom Setup Installation.
8. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

If you have installed OpenManage Essentials on a virtual machine (VM), the following are the suggested settings for the
OpenManage Essentials VM:

• Increase CPU settings based on resource availability

• Disable Dynamic Memory
• Increase Memory Weight to high

Custom Setup Installation

To install OpenManage Essentials using custom setup:

1. In Custom Setup, click Change to change the installation location, and then click Next.
2. In custom settings for port numbers, if required, change default values for Network Monitoring Service port number, Task
Manager Service port number, Package Server Port, and Console Launch port and then click Next.
3. In Database Server, do any of the following and then click Next:
• Local database—If you have multiple SQL Server versions available on the management system and you want to select an
SQL Server on which you want to set up the OpenManage Essentials database, then select the SQL server from the
Database Server list, the type of authentication, and provide the authentication details. If you do not select a database
server, by default, a supported version of SQL Server Standard, Enterprise, or Express that is available is selected for the
installation. For more information, see the Installing Dell OpenManage Essentials technical white paper at

• Remote database— Complete the prerequisites. For more information, see Setting Up OpenManage Essentials Database
on a Remote SQL Server. After the prerequisites are complete, click Browse and select the remote system and then
provide the authentication details. You can also set up the OpenManage Essentials database on a remote system by
providing the IP address or host name and the database instance name of the remote system in Database Server.

NOTE: If you select the Custom install option and do not enter any credentials, the installation is considered as a
typical installation and sysadmin rights are required.
NOTE: If you have multiple database instances running on a selected database server, you can specify the required
database instance name to configure the Essentials database with it. For example, using (local)\MyInstance, you
are configuring Essentials database on a local server and MyInstance named database instance.

NOTE: The parameters of all tasks that you create are encrypted and saved. During a reinstallation, if you choose to
use a database that was retained from a previous OpenManage Essentials installation, the existing tasks will not run
successfully. To resolve this issue, you must recreate all tasks after the installation.

NOTE: If you select the Custom install option, you can customize the database name. You can enter any name of
your choice in the Database Name field. If you do not enter a database name, by default, OMEssentials is selected.
Typically, you can use the database name field in a scenario where you have a dedicated remote SQL server that
you want to use for installing multiple OpenManage Essentials instances. For example, you can assign the database
name as DB_OME_Site1, DB_OME_Site2, and DB_OME_Site3 while installing the respective OpenManage
Essentials instances.

NOTE: The database name must start with an alphabet and it should not exceed 80 characters in length. You may
also include special characters in the database name, except square brackets ([]), apostrophe ('), and curly
brackets ({}).
4. Verify the installation settings in the Ready to Install the Program page and the click Install.

Setting Up OpenManage Essentials Database on a Remote SQL Server

You can configure OpenManage Essentials to use an SQL Server present on a remote system. Before setting up the OpenManage
Essentials database on the remote system, check for the following prerequisites:

• Network communication between the OpenManage Essentials system and the remote system is functioning.
• SQL connection works between the OpenManage Essentials system and the remote system for the specific database instance.
You can use the Microsoft SQL Server Express 2012 Management Studio tool to verify the connection. On the remote
database server, enable TCP/IP protocol and if you are using SQL Authentication, enable mixed mode on the remote SQL

You can retarget the database for the following:

• SQL credentials to the SQL Server fails.

• Windows credentials to the SQL Server fails.
• Login credentials have expired.
• Database is moved.

Retargeting the OpenManage Essentials Database

You can setup the OpenManage Essentials console to connect to an OpenManage Essentials database available on a remote
system. For example, after installing OpenManage Essentials with a local database, you can back up and restore the OpenManage
Essentials database on a remote system. After the database is restored on the remote system, you can setup OpenManage
Essentials to connect to the restored database available on the remote system.

The steps to retarget the OpenManage Essentials database are as follows:

1. Backup the OpenManage Essentials database

2. Restore the OpenManage Essentials database

3. Create a new user in SQL Server
4. Connect to the OpenManage Essentials database

The following sections provide the instructions to retarget the OpenManage Essentials database.

Backing Up the OpenManage Essentials Database

Before you begin to backup the OpenManage Essentials database:
• Ensure that OpenManage Essentials is installed on the system using the Typical installation method.
• Ensure that Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is installed on the system where OpenManage Essentials is installed.
• Ensure that you stop Internet Information Services (IIS) and all OpenManage Essentials services.

To back up the OpenManage Essentials database:

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

2. In Object Explorer, expand the Databases node.
3. Right-click the OMEssentials database and then click Tasks → Back Up.
The Back Up Database - OMEssentials window is displayed.
4. Click OK to start the database back up.

A confirmation message is displayed after the database back up is completed. The OpenManage Essentials database back up file,
OMEssentials.bak, is saved at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESSOME\MSSQL\Backup.

Restoring the OpenManage Essentials Database

Before you begin to restore the OpenManage Essentials database:
• Ensure that OpenManage Essentials database back up file, OMEssentials.bak, is available on the system. If required, you must
copy and paste the OpenManage Essentials database back up file from the system where you created the back up file.
• Ensure that Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is installed on the system.
• Ensure that you have sysadmin access for SQL Server.

To restore the OpenManage Essentials database:

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio on the system where you want to restore the OpenManage Essentials database.
2. In Object Explorer, right-click Databases → Restore Database.
The Restore Database window is displayed
3. Under Source, select Device and click the browse button.
The Select backup devices window is displayed.
4. Click Add and then browse to select the OpenManage Essentials database back up file.
5. Click OK to close the Select backup devices window.
6. Click OK in the Restore Database window to start restoring the database.

A confirmation message is displayed after the database is restored. The restored OMEssentials database is displayed under
Databases in Object Explorer.

NOTE: The database restoration may not be successful if multiple instances of the backup file, OMEssentials.bak, are
available on the system. To resolve the issue, rename both the files (OMEssentials and OMEssentials_log) in the Restore
database file as section of the Restore Database window, and then try restoring the database.

Creating a New User in SQL Server

To create a new user in SQL Server:

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio on the system where you restored the OpenManage Essentials database.
2. In Object Explorer expand the Security node.
3. Click Login → New Login.

The Login - New window is displayed.
4. In the General page:
a. Type a name in the Login name field.
b. Select Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication based on your preference.
c. Type the password and reconfirm the password in the appropriate fields.
d. Optional: If you want to enforce password policy options for complexity, select Enforce Policy Password.
e. From the Default database list, select OMEssentials.
f. From the Default language list, select a default language for the login.
5. In the Server Roles page, select public.
6. In the User Mappings page:
a. Under Users mapped to this login, select OMEssentials.
b. Under Database role membership for: OMEssentials, select db_owner and public.
7. Click OK.

The new user that you created is displayed under Security → Logins in Object Explorer.

Connecting to the OpenManage Essentials Database

To connect to the OpenManage Essentials database:

1. On the system where OpenManage Essentials is installed, open the command prompt, and run the following command:

NOTE: Verify that the OpenManage Essentials database instance that was created during the typical installation is

NOTE: Copying and pasting the command may result in incorrect characters. Therefore, it is recommended that you
type the complete command.
2. Open OpenManage Essentials.
The database login error window is displayed.
3. Click OK on the database login error window.
The Database Connection Error window is displayed.
4. In the Database Connection Error window:
a. In the Server Name field, type the name of the system where you restored the OpenManage Essentials database.
b. From the Authentication list, select the authentication method for the database.
c. Type the user name and password of the new user you created in the appropriate fields.
d. Type the name of the database that you have already created in SQL Server.
e. Click Connect.
5. Close and reopen OpenManage Essentials.
6. Restart the Internet Information Services (IIS).
7. Restart the OpenManage Essentials services or restart the server.

After the database retargeting is completed successfully, if required, you can delete the OpenManage Essentials database from the
system on which OpenManage Essentials is installed.

Installing OpenManage Essentials on a Domain Controller

When installing OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller, it is recommended that you install OpenManage Essentials with a
remote database. There are specific restrictions when running SQL Server on a domain controller, and considering the resources
demands of a domain controller, SQL Server performance may be degraded which will affect the performance of OpenManage
Essentials. For more information on the restrictions when running SQL Server on a domain controller, see the Microsoft Knowledge
Base article ID 2032911 at support.microsoft.com.

NOTE: For security reasons, it is recommended that you do not install SQL Server 2012 on a domain controller. SQL
Server Setup will not prevent you from installing SQL Server on a domain controller, however, the following limitations

• You cannot run SQL Server services on a domain controller under a local service account.
• After SQL Server is installed on a system, you cannot change the system from a domain member to a domain controller.
You must uninstall SQL Server before you change the host system to a domain controller
• SQL Server failover cluster instances are not supported where cluster nodes are domain controllers.
• SQL Server Setup cannot create security groups or provision SQL Server service accounts on a read-only domain
controller. In this scenario, Setup will fail.
When setting up OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

• Ensure that network communication between the system on which OpenManage Essentials is installed and the remote database
system is functional.
• Ensure that the SQL Server user has permission to backup, create, and configure databases.
• When using SQL Server authentication, ensure that SQL Server and Windows authentication mode is enabled within SQL
Server. See Enabling SQL Server Authentication and Windows Authentication in SQL Server
• Ensure that TCP/IP is enabled in SQL Server. See Verifying the SQL Server TCP/IP status.

After OpenManage Essentials is installed on a domain controller:

• By default, the Domain Admins group is added as a member of the OmeAdministrators and OmePowerUsers roles.
• Local Windows user groups are not included in the OpenManage Essentials roles. OmeAdministrators, OmePowerUsers, or
OmeUsers rights can be granted to users or user groups by adding them to the OpenManage Essentials Windows groups.
OmeSiteAdministrators rights can be granted by OmeAdministrators through the Device Group Permissions portal.

The following sections provide instructions to install and setup OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller with a remote or local

Installing OpenManage Essentials on a Domain Controller With a Remote Database

Before you begin installing OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller, ensure that you are logged in to the domain controller
with administrator rights.
To install OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller with a remote database:

1. Extract the OpenManage Essentials installation package.

2. Double-click the Autorun.exe file available within the folder where you extracted the installation package.
The Dell OpenManage Install window is displayed.
3. Select Dell OpenManage Essentials and click Install.
The OpenManage Essentials Prerequisites window is displayed.
4. Click Install All Critical Prerequisites.
NOTE: If SQL Server is not already installed on the domain controller, the Prerequisites window displays a warning
message with a link that allows you to install SQL Express on the domain controller (local) with an OpenManage
Essentials-specific SQLEXPRESSOME database instance. If you ignore the warning message, when the
OpenManage Essentials installation begins, a message is displayed requesting you to confirm whether you want to
install OpenManage Essentials with a local or remote database
5. When the confirm database location message is displayed, click No to install OpenManage Essentials on a remote database.
The Custom Setup window is displayed.
6. Click Next.
The Dell OpenManage Essentials Custom Settings window is displayed.
7. If required, change the default port numbers based on your requirement, and click Next.
The Database Server window is displayed.
8. Perform one of the following:
• Click Browse and select the remote database.

• Type the host name and database instance name in the Database Server field.
9. Click Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication.
NOTE: For Windows authentication, if you are using a non-domain Windows account, the credentials must exist on
both the domain controller and the remote system, and should also be identical. The Windows user account must
have the privileges required to create databases in SQL Server.
10. Type the user name and password in the appropriate fields and click Next.
The Ready to Install the Program window is displayed.
11. Click Install.

After the installation of OpenManage Essentials is completed, add the logged in administrator to the OMEAdministrators user group.
See Adding Users to the OpenManage Essentials Groups.

NOTE: After the OpenManage Essentials database is set up on the remote system, if the database is either moved or
altered, open OpenManage Essentials to re-target using the new database connection settings.

Installing OpenManage Essentials on a Domain Controller With a Local Database

Before you begin installing OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller, ensure that you are logged in to the domain controller
with administrator rights.
To install OpenManage Essentials on a domain controller with a local database:

1. Extract the OpenManage Essentials installation package.

2. Double-click the Autorun.exe file available within the folder where you extracted the installation package.
The Dell OpenManage Install window is displayed.
3. Select Dell OpenManage Essentials and click Install.
The OpenManage Essentials Prerequisites window is displayed.

NOTE: If SQL Server is not already installed on the domain controller, the Prerequisites window displays a warning
message with a link that allows you to install SQL Express on the domain controller (local) with an OpenManage
Essentials-specific SQLEXPRESSOME database instance.
4. In the Prerequisites window, click the link to install SQL Express on the domain controller.
5. Create a domain service account required to run SQL Server on the domain controller. See Creating a Domain Service Account.
6. Configure the SQLEXPRESSOME instance to run using the domain service account. See Configuring the Database Instance.
7. Click Install Essentials on the Prerequisites window, and follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation of
OpenManage Essentials.

After the installation of OpenManage Essentials is completed, add the logged in administrator to the OMEAdministrators user group.
See Adding Users to the OpenManage Essentials User Groups.

Creating a Domain Service Account

A domain service account is required to run SQL Server on the domain controller.
To create a domain service account:

1. Click Start → Administrative Tools.

2. Select Active Directory Users and Computers.
3. On the left pane, right-click Managed Service Account → New → User.
The New Object – User window is displayed.
4. Type the first name and user logon name in the appropriate fields, and click Next.
5. Type a password and reconfirm the password in the appropriate fields, and click Finish.

Configuring the Database Instance
The SQL Server service will not start if you are using the default NETWORK SERVICE or LOCAL SYSTEM accounts. Therefore, you
must configure the SQLEXPRESSOME database instance to run using a domain service account.
To configure the SQLEXPRESSOME database instance:

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.

2. On the left pane, click SQL Server Services.
3. On the right-pane, right-click SQL Server (SQLEXPRESSOME) and click Properties.
The SQL Server (SQLEXPRESSOME) Properties window is displayed.
4. In the Log on tab, select This account.
5. Type the domain service account name, password, and confirm the password in the appropriate fields.
6. Click Restart.
7. Click Apply

Adding Users to the OpenManage Essentials User Groups

To add users to the OpenManage Essentials user groups:
NOTE: The users you add to the OpenManage Essentials user group must also belong to the built-in local Administrator
group. For information on adding a Windows user account to a group, see “Adding a user account to a group” at

1. Open Server Manager.

2. Click Tools → Computer Management.
3. In the left pane, click Local Users and Groups → Groups.
4. In the right-pane, right-click OmeAdministrators and select Add to Group.
5. In the OmeAdministrator Properties window, click Add.
The Select Users window is displayed.
6. In the Enter the object names to select field, type the user name.
7. Click Check Names and then click OK.
The user name is displayed in the Members list within the OmeAdministrator Properties window.
8. Click OK.

Enabling SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode in SQL Server

To enable SQL Server and Windows authentication mode:

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

2. In Obejct Explorer, right-click the top-level SQL Server object and click Properties.
The Server Properties window is displayed.
3. In the left pane, click Security.
4. In the right pane, under Server authentication, click SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
5. Click OK.
6. In Obejct Explorer, right-click the top-level SQL Server object and click Restart.

Verifying SQL Server TCP/IP Status

To verify the TCP/IP status of SQL Server:

1. Click Start → All Programs → SQL Server Configuration Manager

NOTE: If multiple versions of SQL Server Configuration Manager are installed, ensure that you select the latest
2. On the left pane, click to expand SQL SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration.

3. Click Client Protocols.
4. On the right pane, ensure that the status of TCP/IP is Enabled.
5. If TCP/IP is not enabled, right-click TCP/IP and select Enable.

Installing Dell SupportAssist

Dell SupportAssist integrates with OpenManage Essentials to provide proactive support capabilities for Dell enterprise server,
storage, and networking solutions using the existing environment data. SupportAssist collects information from supported devices,
and automatically creates support cases when issues arise. This helps Dell to provide you an enhanced, personalized, and efficient
support experience.
To install SupportAssist:

NOTE: Before you begin, make sure that:

• The system is able to connect to the Internet.

• You have Administrator rights on the system.
• On the firewall, port 443 is open to access https://ftp.dell.com.
NOTE: If the installation of SupportAssist fails, you can retry the installation later. To retry the installation, right-click
the DellSupportAssistSetup.exe file available at C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\Essentials\SupportAssistSetup and
select Run as administrator.

1. Extract the OpenManage Essentials installation package.

2. In the folder where you extracted the installation package, double-click the Autorun.exe file.
The Dell OpenManage Install window is displayed.
3. If OpenManage Essentials version 2.2 is not installed on the system, make sure that Dell OpenManage Essentials is selected.
4. Select Dell SupportAssist, and then click Install.
If you selected Dell OpenManage Essentials and Dell SupportAssist, installation of OpenManage Essentials is completed and
then SupportAssist is installed. The system prerequisites for installing SupportAssist are verified. If the system prerequisites are
met, the Welcome to Dell SupportAssist Installer window is displayed.
5. Click Next.
The License Agreement window is displayed.
6. Read the terms in the communication requirements and click I Agree.
NOTE: SupportAssist installation requires that you allow Dell to save certain Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
such as your contact information, administrator credentials of the devices to be monitored, and so on.
SupportAssist installation cannot proceed unless you allow Dell to save your PII.
7. Read the software license agreement, click I Agree, and then click Next.
If the system connects to the Internet through a proxy server, the Proxy Settings window is displayed. Else, the Installing
SupportAssist window is displayed briefly, and then the Installation Completed window is displayed.
8. If the Proxy Settings window is displayed, provide the following:
a. In the Server Address field, type the proxy server address or name.
b. In the Port field, type the proxy port number.
NOTE: If the proxy server credentials are not provided, SupportAssist connects to the proxy server as an
anonymous user.
c. If the proxy server requires authentication, select Proxy requires authentication, and then provide the following
information in the corresponding fields:
• Username — The user name must contain one or more printable characters, and must not exceed 104 characters.
• Password — The password must contain one or more printable characters, and must not exceed 127 characters.
• Confirm Password — Re-enter the password. The password must match with the one provided in the Password field.
d. Click Install.
The proxy settings are validated. If the validation is unsuccessful, verify the proxy settings and try again or contact your
network administrator for assistance.

e. In the Validation Successful dialog box, click OK.
The Installing SupportAssist window is displayed briefly, and then the Installation Completed window is displayed.
9. Click Finish.

When you start SupportAssist, the SupportAssist Setup Wizard is displayed. You must complete all steps in the SupportAssist
Setup Wizard before you can use SupportAssist. For more information, see the Dell SupportAssist User’s Guide at Dell.com/

Installing Repository Manager

Dell Repository Manager is an application that helps manage system updates easily and effectively. Using Repository Manager, you
can build a custom repository based on the managed system configurations that are obtained from OpenManage Essentials.
To install Repository Manager:

1. Double-click the OpenManage Essentials executable file.

2. In Dell OpenManageInstall, select Dell Repository Manager, and then click Install.
3. In Dell Repository Manager - InstallShield Wizard, click Next.
4. In License Agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and click Next.
5. In Customer Information, do the following and click Next.
a. Provide user name and organization information.
b. Select either Anyone who uses this computer (all users) to make this application available to everyone or Only for me
(Windows User) to retain access.
6. In Destination Folder, use the default location or click Change to specify another location, and then click Next.
7. In Ready to Install the Program, click Install.
8. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

Installing Dell License Manager

Dell License Manager is a one-to-many license deployment and reporting tool for the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller
(iDRAC), Dell chassis management controller (CMC), OpenManage Essentials, and PowerEdge storage sled licenses.
To install Dell License Manger:

1. Double-click the OpenManage Essentials executable file.

2. In Dell OpenManage Install, select Dell License Manager.
3. Select a language for the installation, and click OK.
4. In the Welcome screen, click Next.
5. In License Agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
6. In Setup Type, select any of the following:
• To accept the default installation path, choose Typical installation and click Next.
• To enable specific program features and change the installation path, select Custom installation and click Next. In Custom
Setup, select the License Manager features that you require; check for disk space, assign a new location for installing Dell
License Manager.
7. In the Ready to Install screen, click Install.
8. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

Setting Up and Configuring VMware ESXi 5

NOTE: Before setting up and configuring VMware ESXi 5, ensure that you have ESXi 5 build 474610 or later. If you do
not have the required build, download the latest build from vmware.com.

To set up and configure VMware ESXi 5:

1. Download the latest version (7.4) of Dell OpenManage offline bundle for ESXi from dell.com/support.
2. If you have enabled SSH, copy the file using WinSCP or a similar application to the /tmp folder on the ESXi 5 host.
3. Using Putty, change permissions on the Dell OpenManage offline bundle for ESXi file using the command chmod u+x <Dell
OpenManage version 7.4 offline bundle for ESXi file name>.zip.

NOTE: You can also change permissions using WinSCP.

4. Run the following commands using:
• Putty — esxcli software vib install –d /tmp/<Dell OpenManage version 7.4 VIB for ESXi
file name>.zip
• VMware CLI — esxcli –server <IP Address of ESXi 5 Host> software vib install –d /tmp/
<Dell OpenManage version 7.4 VIB for ESXi file name>.zip

The message VIBs Installed: Dell_bootbank_OpenManage_7.4-0000 is displayed.

5. Restart the host system.
6. After restarting, verify if OpenManage is installed by running the following commands using:
• Putty — esxcli software vib list
• VMware CLI — esxcli –server <IP Address of ESXi 5 Host> software vib list
7. Configure SNMP, for hardware alerts on the ESXi 5 host, to send SNMP traps to OpenManage Essentials. SNMP is not used
for discovery. WS-Man is required for discovery and inventory of an ESXi 5 host. To group the VMs with the ESXi host in the
OpenManage Essentials device tree after you discover the VM, SNMP must be enabled on the ESXi host and the VM.
8. Create a discovery range and configure WS-Man.
For more information on setting up and configuring ESXi 5, see the How to setup and configure ESXi 5 for use in OME
whitepaper at delltechcenter.com/ome.

Upgrading OpenManage Essentials

You can upgrade OpenManage Essentials versions 2.0, 2.0.1, and 2.1 to version 2.2.
Before you upgrade, ensure that the minimum available free space on the hard drive is about 10 GB.
To upgrade:

1. Double-click the OpenManage Essentials executable file.

The Dell OpenManage Install screen is displayed. The following options are available:
• Dell OpenManage Essentials — Select this option to install Dell OpenManage Essentials, Troubleshooting Tool, and Dell
OpenManage Essentials MIB Import Utility.
• Dell Repository Manager — Select to install Dell Repository Manager. Using Repository Manager, you can create
customized bundles and repositories of Dell Update Packages, software utilities such as update drivers, firmware, BIOS, and
other applications.
• Dell License Manager — Select to install the Dell license manager. Dell License Manager is a one-to-many license
deployment and reporting tool for the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC), Dell chassis management
controller (CMC), OpenManage Essentials, and PowerEdge storage sled licenses.
• Dell SupportAssist — Select to install Dell SupportAssist. SupportAssist provides proactive support capabilities for
supported Dell server, storage, and networking solutions.
NOTE: If SupportAssist is already installed on the system, by default, the Dell SupportAssist option is selected
and grayed out. After the upgrade of OpenManage Essentials, SupportAssist is also upgraded. If applicable, you
may be required to provide the proxy settings during the upgrade of SupportAssist. For more information, see
the Dell SupportAssist User’s Guide at dell.com/ServiceabilityTools.
• Documentation — Click to view the online help.
• View Readme — Click to view the readme file. To view the latest readme, go to dell.com/OpenManageManuals.
2. In Dell OpenManage Install, select Dell OpenManage Essentials and click Install.
The Dell OpenManage Essentials Prerequisites window, displays the following requirement types:
• Critical — This error condition prevents the installation of a feature.

• Warning — This warning condition may disable the Typical installation but not an Upgrade of the feature later during
• Information — This informational condition does not affect the Typical installation of a feature.

NOTE: If OpenManage Essentials version 1.1 is installed on the system on a local database using SQL Server 2008
Express edition, and an OpenManage Essentials-specific named instance SQLEXPRESSOME is not available, the
SQL Server prerequisites displays a Critical icon. To proceed with the installation, you must install SQL Server
Express 2012 SP1 with the SQLEXPRESSOME instance. Data from the earlier version of SQL Server is migrated
3. Click Install Essentials.
4. In the install wizard for OpenManage Essentials, click Next.
5. In the License Agreement page, read the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then
click Next.
6. If applicable, provide the Package Server Port and the Task Manager Service Port. If either the package server port or task
manager service port is blocked during an upgrade, provide a new port. Click Next.
NOTE: For information about the supported ports and protocols, see Supported Protocols and Ports on Managed
Nodes and Supported Protocols and Ports on Management Stations.

The message Please backup OMEssentials database before upgrading to the latest version of
OpenManage Essentials is displayed.
7. Click Ok.
8. Click Install.
9. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

After the upgrade is complete, you must perform the following steps:

1. Run discovery and inventory for all existing discovery ranges.

2. In the Device Search portal, verify if you get the expected results for all existing device queries.
3. In the System Update portal, if the existing catalog is not the latest, make sure that you get the latest catalog.

Uninstalling OpenManage Essentials

NOTE: Before uninstalling OpenManage Essentials, you must uninstall Dell OpenManage Essentials MIB Import Utility
and Dell SupportAssist (if installed).
To uninstall OpenManage Essentials:

1. Click Start → Control Panel → Programs and Features.

2. In Uninstall or change a program, select Dell OpenManage Essentials and click Uninstall.
3. In the message Are you sure you want to uninstall OpenManage Essentials?, click Yes.
4. In the message Uninstalling OpenManage Essentials removes the OpenManage Essentials
database. Do you want to retain the database?, click Yes to retain the database or click No to remove it.
5. Click Finish.

Migrating IT Assistant to OpenManage Essentials

Direct migration from IT Assistant to OpenManage Essentials version 2.2 is not supported. However, you can migrate IT Assistant to
an earlier version of OpenManage Essentials, and then upgrade to OpenManage Essentials version 2.2. For information about
migrating IT Assistant to an earlier version of OpenManage Essentials, see the appropriate Dell OpenManage Essentials User's Guide
at dell.com/OpenManageManuals.
Related links
Installing OpenManage Essentials

Getting Started With OpenManage Essentials
Launching OpenManage Essentials
To launch OpenManage Essentials, do one of the following:
NOTE: Before you launch OpenManage Essentials, ensure that Javascript is enabled on your web browser.

• From the management station desktop, click the Essentials icon.

• From the management station desktop, click Start → All Programs → Dell OpenManage Applications → Essentials →
• From a local or remote system, launch a supported browser. In the address field, type any of the following:

– https://< Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) >:

– https://<IP address, host name, or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) >:<Port Number>/web/default.aspx
– https://<IP address>:<Port Number>/

NOTE: FQDN is required to show a valid certificate. The certificate shows an error if an IP address or local host is used.

The console launch port number (default port number 2607) is required to launch OpenManage Essentials from a browser on a
remote system. While installing OpenManage Essentials, if you changed the port using the Custom Install option, use the selected
console launch port in the preceding URL.

The First Time Setup page is displayed.

NOTE: You can log on to OpenManage Essentials as a different user at any time by using the Sign in as Different User
option. For more information, see Logging On As a Different User.
Related links
Using the OpenManage Essentials Home Portal

Configuring OpenManage Essentials

If you are logging on to OpenManage Essentials for the first time, the First Time Setup tutorial is displayed. The tutorial provides
step-by-step instructions for setting up an environment of servers and devices to communicate with OpenManage Essentials. The
steps include:

• Configuring the SNMP protocol on each target server.

• Installing SNMP tools (for Windows Server 2012 or later).
• Installing Dell OpenManage Server Administrator on each target server.
• Enabling network discovery (for Windows Server 2008-based servers) on each target server.
• Discovering devices on your network.

After you have completed the First Time Setup wizard, the Discovery Wizard Configuration window is displayed. See Discovery
Wizard Configuration.

The date and time displayed in the console is in a format that is selected in the browser settings and used in the region. When a time
zone change or daylight savings change occurs, the time is updated accordingly in the console. Changing time zones or daylight
savings, changes the time in the console, but does not change the time in the database.

Related links
Using the OpenManage Essentials Home Portal

Discovery Wizard Configuration

The Discovery Wizard Configuration window enables you to configure the type of wizard you want to use for discovering devices.
The options displayed in the Discovery Wizard Configuration window are described in the following table.
Table 6. Discovery Wizard Configuration

Option Description
Standard Wizard If selected, the Discover Devices wizard displays a list of
protocols for discovering devices.

Guided Wizard (default) If selected, the Discover Devices wizard displays a list of device
types and the required protocols for discovering and managing
the selected devices. After the required protocol configurations
are completed, by default, this wizard runs both discovery and

NOTE: Discovery of Dell EMC storage arrays is not

supported by the Guided Wizard.

After you select the type of wizard and click Finish, the setting is saved in Settings → Discovery Settings.
By default, the Discovery Wizard Configuration window is displayed when you:

• Launch OpenManage Essentials for the first time

• Click Add Discovery Range in the Discovery and Inventory portal for the first time.

If you want to configure the type of wizard you want to use for discovering devices at a later time, you can do so through the
Discovery Settings page. For more information, see Configuring Discovery Settings.

Configuring Discovery Settings

The Discovery Settings page enables you to configure the type of wizard you want to use for discovering devices.
To configure discovery settings:

1. Click Settings → Discovery Settings.

The Discovery Settings page is displayed.
2. Select one of the following:
• Standard Wizard — If selected, the Device Discovery wizard displays a list of protocols for discovering devices.
• Guided Wizard — If selected, the Device Discovery wizard displays a list of device types and the required protocols for
discovering and managing the selected devices. After the required protocol configurations are completed, by default, this
wizard runs both discovery and inventory.
NOTE: Discovery of Dell EMC storage arrays is not supported by the Guided Wizard.
3. Click Apply.

Using the OpenManage Essentials Home Portal

OpenManage Essentials user interface contains the following components:

Figure 1. OpenManage Essentials Home Portal

1. Heading banner
2. Menu items and search bar
3. Console area
4. Alert pop-up notification
5. Add a report to the home portal
6. Save the current home portal layout
7. Load the last saved home portal layout
8. Load the default home portal layout
9. Refresh the home portal page
10. Launch the online help

Related links
Map View (Home) Portal
Search Bar

OpenManage Essentials Heading Banner

The banner may display the following icons:

• Critical icon and Warning icon including the number of devices. You can click the icon or the number to view the devices
in either state.

• OpenManage Essentials service not running icon (blinking down arrow) . You can click the icon to view the details and to
restart the service.

• Update available notification icon indicates if a newer version of OpenManage Essentials is available. Click the icon to open
a New Version Available window that displays the currently installed and newly available version of OpenManage Essentials.

• Warranty scoreboard notification icon including the number of devices with x days or less of warranty. You can click the
icon or number to view the Device Warranty Report that lists the device with certain days or less of warranty. The warranty
scoreboard notification icon is displayed only if you have selected Enable Warranty Scoreboard Notifications in Settings →
Warranty Notification Settings.

In addition to the icons, the banner also contains links to the following:

• Dell TechCenter — Click to view the information on various technologies, best practices, knowledge sharing, and information
on Dell products.
• Support — Click to open dell.com/support.
• Help — Click to open the online help.
• About — Click to view general OpenManage Essentials product information.
• User name — Displays the user name of the currently logged in user. Move the mouse pointer over the user name to display
the following options:

– User Info — Click to view the OpenManage Essentials roles associated with the current user.
– Sign in as Different User — Click to log in to OpenManage Essentials as a different user.

NOTE: The Sign in as Different User option is not supported on Google Chrome.

NOTE: The banner is available in all the pages.

Related links
Viewing the User Information
Logging On As a Different User
Using the Update Available Notification Icon
Using the Warranty Scoreboard Notification Icon

Customizing Portals
You can change the layout of the portal page to do the following:

• Display additional available reports.

NOTE: This option is only available in the Home portal.

• Hide graphs and reports.

• Rearrange or resize graphs and reports by dragging and dropping.

If a pop-up window on any screen is bigger than the screen and if scrolling is not possible, set the zoom value of the browser to
75% or less.

From the various reports that are available, you can select specific reports and set them to display on the Dashboard. You can click
these reports to get more details. For the list of available reports, see Home Portal Reports.

For more information on the:

• Home portal, see OpenManage Essentials Home Portal Reference.

• Device portal, see Devices Reference.
• Discovery and inventory portal, see Discovery And Inventory Reference.
• Reports portal, see Reports Reference.

Displaying Additional Available Reports and Graphs

Charts have drill-down feature. To view additional reports and graphs, click the

Figure 2. Adding additional reports and graphs icon

icon on the top right corner. The following list of available reports and graphs is displayed:

• Alerts by Severity
• Devices by Status
• Discovered vs. Inventoried Devices
• Alerts
• Asset Acquisition Information
• Asset Maintenance Information
• Asset Support Information
• ESX Information
• FRU Information
• Hard Drive Information
• HyperV Information
• License Information
• Memory Information
• Modular Enclosure Information
• NIC Information
• PCI Device Information
• Server Components and Versions
• Server Overview
• Storage Controller Information
• Task Status

After selecting the desired report or graph, dock the report or graph using the following control to the desired location.

Figure 3. Docking icon

Drilling Down Charts and Reports for More Information

To drill-down for further details, perform one of the following:

• In report charts, click the charts.

• In report tables, use the drag and drop option or funnel options to filter the required data and right-click the table rows to
perform various tasks.

Saving and Loading the Portal Layout

To save and load the portal layout, click the

Figure 4. Save icon


All the current layout settings and visible reports on the portal are saved on the portal page.

To load the previous portal layout, click the

Figure 5. Loading the previous portal layout icon.


Updating the Portal Data

To refresh the portal page manually, click the

Figure 6. Refresh icon

To load the default portal layout, click the

Figure 7. Default layout icon


Hiding Graphs and Reports Components

To hide graphs and reports (components), click the

Figure 8. Hide icon

icon on the report or graph and select the Hide option to remove the component from the portal page or select the Auto Hide
option to move the component to the side bar.
To remove a component from the portal page, click the X icon in the report or graph.

To move the report to the side bar, click the

Figure 9. Move icon


Rearranging or Resizing Graphs and Reports (Components)

Click the icon and select from the following options:

• Floating — To move the component freely in the portal page.

• Dockable — To dock the component in the portal page. If the component is floating, right-click the title to dock or tab the
• Tabbed Document — To move the component into a tab in the portal page.

Select the

Figure 10. Docking icon.

control to dock a floating component. You can create a tabbed view by docking a pane within other panes or dock a pane at the top,
bottom, left, or right side of the main window.

You can resize panes and all panes fill the selected area when docked.

To move the component to the side bar, click the

Figure 11. Move icon

icon and to restore it, select the component and click the

Figure 12. Restore icon


To create filters in a report grid, click the

Figure 13. Filter icon

icon. This is not specific to the portal page layout and the settings related to these associations are not saved.

Filtering Data
You can filter the results by dragging and dropping column headers to the top of reports. You can choose one or more attributes
when revising the view to meet your specific needs.

For example, in Devices by Status pie chart, click a status such as Critical. In the Device Summary page, drag the Device Type
and Service Tag to the top of the report. The view immediately changes to a nested information based on your preference. In this
example, the information is grouped first by Device Type, and second by Service Tag. Drill-down through these filtered groups to
view the remaining information for the devices.

For more information, see Viewing Device Summary.

Search Bar
The search bar is displayed at the top-right of the dashboard below the heading banner. The search bar is accessible from all portal
pages, except when a pop-up or wizard is displayed. As you type text in the search bar, matching or similar item are displayed in the
drop-down list.

Related links
Search Items
Search Drop-Down List
Selection Actions

Search Items
You can search for the following using the search bar:

• Devices
• Device groups
• Discovery ranges
• Discovery range groups
• Exclude ranges
• Portals
• Wizards
• Remote tasks
• Preferences and settings

When a range, task, device, and so on is changed or created in the console, it is added to the searchable items within 20 seconds.

Related links
Search Bar

Search Drop-Down List

The search bar displays a list as you type text in the search box. The items that contain the characters that you type are populated
in the search drop-down list. Each item in the drop-down list includes two icons and the name of the item. The first icon indicates
the item category (such as Device, Launch Wizard, and so on). The second icon indicates the state of the item (such as Normal,
Critical, or Warning). Immediately after the two icons, the name of the item is displayed. Moving the mouse pointer over an item in
the drop-down list, displays a tool tip. The information displayed in the tool tip varies based on the item. For example, moving the
mouse pointer over a device displays the following: Name, Type, Health Status, Power Status, IP Address, Service Tag, and MAC
Address. Selecting an item displayed in the tool tip performs the default action.

Related links
Search Bar

Selection Actions
Selecting or clicking an item displayed in the search bar results in the following default actions:

Table 7. Selection Actions

Item Selected Action

Devices Displays the device details.
Device Groups Displays the device group summary.
Discovery Ranges Displays the discovery range.
Discovery Range Group Displays the discovery range group summary.
Portals Navigates to the appropriate portal.
Wizards Launches the appropriate wizard.
Exclude Range Displays the range summary.
Remote Tasks Selects a task in the task tree.

Related links
Search Bar

Map View (Home) Portal
NOTE: The Map View feature is available only if you have discovered any Dell PowerEdge VRTX or PowerEdge FX2/
FX2s devices that have an Enterprise license using the WS-Man protocol. If the licensed device is discovered using the
SNMP protocol, the Map View feature is not available. In this case, you must rediscover the device using the WS-Man
The Map View (home) portal can be accessed by clicking the Map View link in the Home portal.

NOTE: You can also access another implementation of the map (Map View tab) that is accessible through the Devices
The following are the features of the Map View (home) portal:

• The Map View (home) portal is not integrated with the device tree.
• You can select a device group to display on the map by using the Filter by drop-down box at the top of the map.
• Clicking a pin (device) on the Map View (home) portal opens the Devices portal that displays details about the device.
• Any change to the devices or settings on the Map View (home) portal is synchronized with the Map View tab accessible
through the Devices portal.
• Zoom level and the visible portion of the Map View (home) portal are not synchronized with the Map View tab accessible
through the Devices portal.

NOTE: For information about using the features available in Map View, see Using Map View.

Related links
Using the OpenManage Essentials Home Portal
Map View (Home) Portal Interface

Viewing the User Information

To view the user information such as the OpenManage Essentials roles associated with the current user:

1. Move the mouse pointer over the user name in the heading banner.
2. In the menu that is displayed, click User Info.
The User Information for <user name> dialog box with the user information is displayed.

Related links
OpenManage Essentials Heading Banner

Logging On As a Different User

NOTE: The Sign in as Different User option is not displayed on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. To log on
as a different user when using Chrome or Firefox, close and reopen the browser, provide the new user credentials when
prompted, and click OK.
NOTE: When using the Sign in as Different User option in Internet Explorer, you may be prompted to provide the
credentials multiple times
To log on to OpenManage Essentials as a different user:

1. Move the mouse pointer over the user name in the heading banner.
2. In the menu that is displayed, click Sign in as Different User.
The Windows Security dialog box is displayed, prompting for the user name and password.
3. Type the User name and Password and click OK.

Related links
Using the OpenManage Essentials Home Portal
OpenManage Essentials Heading Banner

Using the Update Available Notification Icon

NOTE: The update available notification icon may be displayed in the OpenManage Essentials heading banner only after
you refresh the web browser.

The update available notification icon is displayed in the OpenManage Essentials heading banner when a new version of

OpenManage Essentials is available. Click the icon to open the New Version Available window that displays the currently
installed and newly available version of OpenManage Essentials. You can click Learn More to view the download details on the
OpenManage Essentials website. Click Remind Me Laterto set or cancel the update available notification.
Related links
OpenManage Essentials Heading Banner

Using the Warranty Scoreboard Notification Icon

The warranty scoreboard notification icon is displayed in the OpenManage Essentials heading banner based on the criteria you
have configured in Settings → Warranty Notification Settings. The warranty scoreboard notification also displays the number of

devices that meet the criteria you have configured. Click the icon to display the Device Warranty Report that provides the
warranty information of devices based on your Warranty Scoreboard Notifications settings.
Related links
OpenManage Essentials Heading Banner
Configuring Warranty Scoreboard Notifications
Device Warranty Report

OpenManage Essentials Home Portal — Reference
Related links
OpenManage Essentials Heading Banner
Schedule View
Search Bar
Map View (Home) Portal Interface

The dashboard page provides a snapshot of the managed devices that include servers, storage, switches, and so on. You can filter
the view based on the devices by clicking the Filter by: drop-down list. You can also add a new group of devices from the
dashboard by clicking Add New Group from the Filter by: drop-down list.

Related links
Search Bar
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status
Home Portal Reports
Device by Status
Alerts by Severity

Home Portal Reports

From the Home Portal Dashboard page, you can monitor the following:

• Alerts by Severity
• Devices by Status
• Discovered vs. Inventoried Devices
• Alerts
• Asset Acquisition Information
• Asset Maintenance Information
• Asset Support Information
• ESX Information
• FRU Information
• Hard Drive Information
• HyperV Information
• License Information
• Memory Information
• Modular Enclosure Information
• NIC Information
• PCI Device Information
• Server Components and Versions

• Server Overview
• Storage Controller Information
• Task Status

Device by Status
Device by Status provides device status information in a pie chart format. Click a segment of the pie chart to view the device

Table 8. Device by Status

Field Description
Unknown Health status of these devices are not known.

Normal Devices are working as expected.

Warning These devices display behaviors that are not normal and further
investigation is required.

Critical These devices display behaviors that suggest an occurrence of

a failure of a very important aspect.

Connection Lost These devices are not reachable.

Alerts by Severity
Alerts by severity provide alert information of devices in a pie chart format. Click a segment of the pie chart to view the devices.

Table 9. Alerts by Severity

Field Description
Unknown Health status of these devices are not known.

Normal Alerts from these devices conform to the expected behavior for
the devices.

Warning These devices display behaviors that are not normal and further
investigation is required.

Critical Alerts from these devices suggest that a failure of a very

important aspect has occurred.

Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices

The graph displays the number of devices and Dell servers discovered or inventoried. You can use this report to ascertain the
discovered devices and Dell servers that are unclassified. For more information on the filter options for the summary information,
see Viewing Device Summary.

Click any section of the graph to view the Device Summary for the selected region. In the device summary, double-click a row to
view the details (inventory view for that device). Alternatively, right-click and select details for the inventory view or right-click and
select alerts for the alerts specific to that device.

Table 10. Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices

Field Description
Filter by Select to filter the search results using the following options:

• All
• Ranges — Select to filter based on the selected range.

Related links
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges
Excluding Ranges
Scheduling Discovery
Scheduling Inventory
Configuring Status Polling Frequency
Discovery and Inventory Portal

Task Status
The grid provides a list of currently executing and previously run tasks and their status. The Task Status grid on this page shows
the status of just discovery, inventory, and tasks. However, the main portal shows all types of task statuses.

Related links
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges
Excluding Ranges
Scheduling Discovery
Scheduling Inventory
Configuring Status Polling Frequency
Discovery and Inventory Portal

Schedule View
From Schedule View you can:

• View tasks that are scheduled to occur and tasks that are completed.
• Filter the view based on the type of task (such as database maintenance tasks, server power options, and so on), active tasks,
and task execution history.
NOTE: The options displayed in the Filter by drop-down list vary depending on the tasks that are created. For
example, if a Server Options Task is not created, then the option is not displayed in the Filter by drop-down list.
• View tasks for a particular day, week, or month. You can also view the tasks for a particular day by clicking the calendar icon.
• Drag and drop tasks to a time slot in the calendar.
• Set the zoom value by changing the zoom slider.
NOTE: The zoom slider is disabled for the Month view.

• Export the schedules to a .ics file and import the file into Microsoft Outlook.

• Change the schedule view settings by clicking the settings icon .

For more information, see Schedule View Settings.

Related links
Schedule View Settings

Schedule View Settings
Table 11. Schedule View Settings

Field Description
Orientation Allows you to change the orientation of the Schedule View page and the displayed
tasks. You can select either the Vertical or Horizontal orientation.

NOTE: Changing the Orientation setting does not affect the Month view.

Schedule Item Size Allows you to modify the size of the tasks displayed.

Color Categorize by Task Type Selecting this option categorizes each task type using a different color.

Show Task Execution History Select this option to display the tasks that are already complete.

Show Database Maintenance Select this option to view the time at which database maintenance occurs.

Device Warranty Report

The Device Warranty Report is displayed when you click the warranty scoreboard notification icon on the OpenManage
Essentials heading banner. The following are the fields displayed in the Device Warranty Report.
Table 12. Device Warranty Report

Field Description
All Devices with x days or less of warranty Determines which devices to include in the Device Warranty
Report. Devices with warranty less than or equal to the
specified days are included in the warranty report.

Include Devices with Expired Warranties Specifies if devices with expired warranty (0 days) or no
warranty information should be included in the warranty email

Preview Displays the warranty report based on the criteria set in All
Devices with x days or less of warranty.

OK Closes and saves any changes made to the Device Warranty


View and Renew Warranty Displays a link you can click to open the Dell website from where
you can view and renew the device warranty.

Device Name Displays the system name that is unique and identifies the
system on the network.

Model Displays the model information of the system.

Device Type Displays the type of device. For example, server or Remote
Access Controller.

Service Tag Displays the Dell specific unique bar code label identifier for the

Service Level Code Displays the service level code such as parts only warranty
(POW), next business day onsite (NBD), and so on for a
particular system.

Field Description
Warranty Type Displays the warranty type. For example, initial, extended, and
so on.

Warranty Description Displays the warranty details applicable for the device.

Service Provider Displays the name of the organization that will provide the
warranty service support for the device.

Shipped Date Displays the date on which the device was shipped from the

Start Date Displays the date from which the warranty is available.

End Date Displays the date on which the warranty will expire.

Days Remaining Displays the number of days the warranty is available for the

Related links
Using the Warranty Scoreboard Notification Icon
Configuring Warranty Scoreboard Notifications

Map View (Home) Portal Interface

The Map View (home) portal accessible through the Home portal has a Filter by drop-down list which you can use to filter the
device group displayed on the map. The menus and options available in the Map View (home) portal are the same as those found in
the Map View tab in the Devices portal. For information about the menus and options in the Map View, see Map View (Devices)
Tab Interface.
Related links
Map View (Home) Portal

Discovering and Inventorying Devices
Perform Discovery and Inventory to manage your network devices.

Related links
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges
Scheduling Discovery
Scheduling Inventory
Excluding Ranges
Supported Devices, Protocols, and Features Matrix

Supported Devices, Protocols, and Features Matrix

NOTE: For a description of the features listed in the following table, see Legend and Definitions.

Table 13. Supported Devices, Protocols, and Features Matrix

Protocol / Mechanism Simple Network Windows Management Web Services-

Management Protocol Instrumentation (WMI) Management (WS-Man)
Dell servers with Windows / Discovery Discovery Not supported
OpenManage Server Hyper‑V
Administrator Correlation Correlation
Classification Classification

Hardware inventory Hardware inventory

Software inventory Software inventory

Monitoring Monitoring

Traps/alerts Application launch

• OpenManage Server
Application launch Administrator console
• OpenManage Server • Remote desktop
Administrator console
• System update
• Remote desktop
• System update

Linux/ VMware Discovery Not supported Not supported



Hardware inventory

Software inventory

Protocol / Mechanism Simple Network Windows Management Web Services-
Management Protocol Instrumentation (WMI) Management (WS-Man)


Application launch
• OpenManage Server
Administrator console

VMware ESXi Traps/alerts Not supported Discovery



Hardware inventory

Software inventory

Virtual machine

Virtual host product


Monitoring (OpenManage
Server Administrator
health only)

Application launch — RAC

Dell servers without Windows/Hyper‑V Not supported Discovery Not supported

OpenManage Server
Administrator Correlation

Hardware inventory

Application launch
• Remote desktop

Linux/VMware Not supported Not supported Not supported


VMware ESXi Not supported Not supported Discovery



Hardware inventory (no

storage inventory)

Application launch

iDRAC / DRAC / BMC Discovery Not supported Discovery


Protocol / Mechanism Simple Network Windows Management Web Services-
Management Protocol Instrumentation (WMI) Management (WS-Man)
Correlation Classification

Classification Monitoring Traps/Platform

Event Traps (PET)
Monitoring Traps/Platform
Event Traps (PET) Hardware inventory

Application launch System update

NOTE: Applicable
• Console
only to iDRAC6
version 1.3 and later.
Discovery and
hardware inventory
are not supported
for iDRAC6 version
1.25 and earlier.
Application launch
• Console

Modular enclosure (PowerEdge M1000e) Discovery Not supported Discovery

Correlation Correlation

Classification Classification

Enclosure health Enclosure health

Traps Traps

System update System update

Application launch — CMC Application launch — CMC

NOTE: Applicable
only to PowerEdge
M1000e with CMC
firmware version

Dell PowerEdge VRTX Discovery Not supported Discovery

Correlation Correlation

Classification Classification

Enclosure health Hardware inventory

Traps System Update

Application launch — CMC Enclosure health


Application launch — CMC

Protocol / Mechanism Simple Network Windows Management Web Services-
Management Protocol Instrumentation (WMI) Management (WS-Man)
Map View (PowerEdge
VRTX only)

Dell Networking W-Series Mobility Discovery Not supported Not supported

Controllers and Access Points


Application launch


Health – active and


Switch Role

Dell SonicWALL firewall appliances Discovery Not supported Not supported


Application launch


Dell Networking Ethernet switches Discovery Not supported Not supported



Application launch



Switch Role

Brocade Fibre Channel switches Discovery Not supported Not supported


Application launch



Switch role

NOTE: For full functionality of chassis support in OpenManage Essentials, the chassis and the associated devices must
be discovered using the appropriate protocols.

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials supports in-band (OMSA) and out-of-band (iDRAC) discovery of the following
PowerEdge C-Series servers only: PowerEdge C4130, PowerEdge C6320 and PowerEdge C6320p.

NOTE: You can also perform discovery and inventory of a server out-of-band (iDRAC) using the credentials of the
iDRAC user account that has Read Only privileges. However, you will not be able to perform operations that require
elevated privileges such as system update, device configuration deployment, and so on.

Supported Operating Systems (Servers), Protocols, and Features

NOTE: For a description of the features listed in the following table, see Legend and Definitions.

Table 14. Supported Operating Systems (Servers), Protocols, and Features Matrix

Protocol / Mechanism Intelligent Platform Command Line Secure Shell (SSH)

Management Interface Interface (CLI)a
Dell servers with Windows /Hyper-V Not supported OpenManage Server Not supported
OpenManage Server Administrator CLI
installed Deploy OpenManage
Server Administrator

Server Updates
• Firmware
• Driver

Linux/ VMware ESX Not supported OpenManage Server Discovery

Administrator CLI
Deploy OpenManage
Server Administrator Classification

Server Updates Hardware and Software

• BIOS Inventory (minimal)
• Firmware
• Driver

VMware ESXi Not supported Not supported Discovery



Hardware and Software

Inventory (minimal)

XenServer Not supported RACADM CLI Not supported


OpenManage Server
Administrator CLI

Power Task

Dell servers without Windows/Hyper-V Not supported Deploy OpenManage Not supported
OpenManage Server Server Administrator

Protocol / Mechanism Intelligent Platform Command Line Secure Shell (SSH)
Management Interface Interface (CLI)a
Linux/VMware ESX Not supported Deploy OpenManage Discovery
Server Administrator


Hardware and Software

Inventory (minimal)

VMware ESXi Not supported Not supported Not supported

PowerEdge C Discovery RACADM CLI Not supported

Classification IPMI CLI

iDRAC / DRAC / BMC Discovery RACADM CLI Not supported

Classification IPMI CLI


iDRAC health

Modular Enclosure (M1000e) / PowerEdge Not supported RACADM CLI Not supported
VRTX / PowerEdge FX

Dell Networking W-Series Mobility Controllers Not supported Not supported Not supported
and Access Points

Dell SonicWALL firewall appliances Not supported Not supported Not supported

Dell Networking Ethernet switches Not supported Not supported Not supported

Brocade Fibre Channel switches Not supported Not supported Not supported

a)You cannot perform this task if the device is not discovered, inventoried, or both.

NOTE: Correlation of PowerEdge FC430, FC630, or FC830 sleds under the host chassis is not supported in the following

• The sleds are discovered using WMI protocol (in-band) and do not have OMSA installed.
• The sleds are discovered using IPMI protocol (out-of-band).
• The sleds are running ESXi and either have or do not have OMSA installed.

Supported Storage Devices, Protocols, and Features Matrix

NOTE: For a description of the features listed in the following table, see Legend and Definitions.

Table 15. Supported Storage Devices, Protocols, and Features Matrix

Protocol / Mechanism Simple Network Symbol EMC NaviSphere CLI

Management Protocol
Storage Dell EqualLogic Discovery Not supported Not supported

Hardware inventory



Application launch —
EqualLogic console

NOTE: It is
recommended that
you discover
EqualLogic storage
arrays using the
Group Management
IP or Storage Group
IP only, and not
include any of the
member IPs in the
discovery range

Dell|EMC Discovery Not supported Hardware inventory

NOTE: Both Classification Monitoring

SNMP and
Traps/Alerts Application launch — EMC
Navisphere are
Navisphere Manager
required for
management of

PowerVault Traps/Alerts Discovery Not supported


Hardware inventory


Application launch —
Modular Disk Storage
Manager (a)

Compellent Discovery Not supported Not supported


Hardware inventory

Protocol / Mechanism Simple Network Symbol EMC NaviSphere CLI
Management Protocol


Application launch —
Compellent console

Tape Discovery Not supported Not supported


Hardware inventory



Application launch — Tape


a) Requires Modular Disk Storage Manager Controller software installed on the OpenManage Essentials system.

NOTE: Storage devices hosted by the PowerEdge M1000e chassis are not classified under the Storage node of the
chassis until the PowerEdge M1000e chassis is inventoried.

NOTE: When an EqualLogic group that is associated with a NAS appliance is discovered, the EqualLogic group is
displayed in the device tree under NAS Clusters and Storage Devices → Dell EqualLogic Groups. However, the members
of the EqualLogic group are displayed only under Dell EqualLogic Groups.

Legend and Definitions

• Discovery: Capability to discover the devices on the network.
• Correlation: Capability to correlate:

– CMC with servers, switches, RAC, and storage.

– Discovered server and DRAC, iDRAC, or BMC devices.
– Discovered modular systems or switches.
– ESX, ESXi, or Hyper-V host and guest virtual machines.
• Classification: Capability to classify the devices by type. For example, servers, network switches, storage, and so on.
• Hardware Inventory: Capability to obtain detailed hardware inventory of the device.
• Monitoring or Health: Capability to obtain health status and connection status of the device.
• Traps, alerts, or PETs: Capability to receive SNMP traps from the device.
• Application Launch: Provides a right-click action menu item on the discovered device to launch 1x1 console or application.
• OpenManage Server Administrator CLI: Capability to run OpenManage Server Administrator supported commands on the
remote (discovered) servers.
• Deploy OpenManage Server Administrator: Capability to deploy OpenManage Server Administrator to the remote (discovered)
• Server Updates: Capability to deploy BIOS, firmware, and driver updates to the remote (discovered) servers.
• RACADM CLI: Capability to run RACADM tool supported commands on the remote (discovered) devices.
• IPMI CLI: Capability to run IPMITool supported commands on the remote (discovered) devices.
• Switch Role: Indicates the type of the unit, such as management or stack.

Using the Discovery and Inventory Portal
To access the discovery and inventory portal, click Manage → Discovery and Inventory.

Figure 14. Discovery and Inventory Portal

1. Details from the last discovery and inventory task run.

2. Details of previously discovered and inventoried devices.
3. Details of tasks and their status.

Protocol Support Matrix for Discovery

The following table provides information about the supported protocols for discovering devices. The recommended protocol is
indicated by the text in italics.
Table 16. Protocol Support Matrix for Discovery

Device/Operating Simple Network Web Services- Windows Intelligent Secure Shell
System Management Management (WS- Management Platform (SSH)
Protocol (SNMP) Man) Instrumentation Management
(WMI) Interface (IPMI)
iDRAC6, iDRAC7, or Supported Supported N/A Supported Not supported

Linux Supported with N/A N/A N/A Supported

(OMSA) installed

Windows Supported with N/A Supported with N/A N/A

OMSA installed OMSA installed; no
health information
without OMSA

Device/Operating Simple Network Web Services- Windows Intelligent Secure Shell
System Management Management (WS- Management Platform (SSH)
Protocol (SNMP) Man) Instrumentation Management
(WMI) Interface (IPMI)
ESXi Supported with Supported with or N/A N/A Not supported
OMSA installed without OMSA

Citrix XenServer Supported with N/A N/A N/A Supported with

OMSA installed OMSA installed; no
health information
without OMSA

PowerEdge Supported Supported with N/A N/A Not supported

M1000e (CMC) CMC firmware
version 5.0 or later

PowerEdge VRTX Supported Supported N/A N/A Not supported


PowerEdge C* N/A N/A N/A Supported Not supported

Client systems Supported with Dell N/A Supported with N/A N/A
Command | Monitor Dell Command |
installed; no health Monitor installed;
information without no health
Dell Command | information
Monitor without Dell
Command |

Storage devices Supported N/A N/A N/A N/A

Ethernet switches Supported N/A N/A N/A N/A

* Discovery of PowerEdge C4130, PowerEdge C6320 and PowerEdge C6320p can be performed using the same protocols that are
used to discover any other non C-Series PowerEdge servers.

Protocol Support Matrix for System Update

The following table provides information about the supported protocols for system update tasks. The recommended protocol is
indicated by the text in italics.
Table 17. Protocol Support Matrix for System Update

Device/Operating Simple Network Web Services- Windows Intelligent Secure Shell
System Management Management (WS- Management Platform (SSH)
Protocol (SNMP) Man) Instrumentation Management
(WMI) Interface (IPMI)
iDRAC6, iDRAC7, or Not supported Supported N/A N/A N/A

Linux Supported with N/A N/A N/A Not supported


Device/Operating Simple Network Web Services- Windows Intelligent Secure Shell
System Management Management (WS- Management Platform (SSH)
Protocol (SNMP) Man) Instrumentation Management
(WMI) Interface (IPMI)
(OMSA) installed

Windows Supported with N/A Supported with N/A N/A

OMSA installed OMSA installed

ESXi Not supported Supported with N/A N/A N/A

or iDRAC8

Citrix XenServer Not supported N/A N/A N/A N/A

PowerEdge Supported; Supported with N/A N/A N/A

M1000e (CMC) requires the CMC firmware
RACADM tool version 5.0 or later

PowerEdge VRTX Not supported Supported; N/A N/A N/A

(CMC) or requires the
PowerEdge FX2/ RACADM tool
FX2s (CMC)

Devices Not Reporting Service Tag

The Service Tag is not displayed in the OpenManage Essentials console for the following devices:

• Dell PowerVault 132T
• PowerVault 136T
• PowerVault ML6000
• Dell Networking W-Series Mobility Controllers
• Dell SonicWALL Firewall appliances (global health status is also not available)
• Printers

NOTE: Due to the lack of Service Tag information, the warranty information of these devices is not available.

Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task

1. From OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Common Tasks → Add Discovery Range.
The Discover Devices wizard is displayed. The type of wizard displayed is based on the configuration in Settings → Discovery
Settings. See Configuring Discovery Settings.
2. In Discovery Range Configuration:
a. If you want to create a range group, select Save as Group, and provide the Group Name.
b. Provide the IP address/range or the host name and subnet mask. Click Add.
NOTE: You can add multiple IP addresses, ranges, or host names. You can add multiple host names separated by
a comma delimiter. For example, hostname1, hostname2, hostname3, and so on.

c. To import host names and IP addresses, click Import. You can also import host names and IP addresses included as line
items in .CSV file. Using Microsoft Excel, you can create a .CSV file containing host names or IP addresses.
d. Click Next.
3. If you have selected the Standard Wizard in Discovery Settings — After you have provided at least one IP address, IP range,
host name, or a combination thereof, continue to customize the discovery and inventory options or complete the configuration
using the default options. Clicking Finish without setting any further configurations immediately runs the discovery and
inventory tasks using the default SNMP and ICMP protocols. It is recommended that you review and revise your protocol
configurations prior to clicking Finish.

For more information about each listed protocol, click the help icon in the appropriate protocol configuration screen.

NOTE: When discovering ESXi-based servers, to view the guest virtual machines grouped with the host, enable and
configure the WS-Man protocol.
NOTE: By default, SNMP is enabled and values are assigned ICMP parameters.

NOTE: After completing any of the following steps, click either Next to continue or click Finish to complete the
Discovery Range Configuration.
• In ICMP Configuration, to detect devices on the network, edit the ICMP parameters.
• In SNMP Configuration, to discover servers, provide the SNMP parameters. Ensure that the SNMP community string
specified in Get Community matches the SNMP community string of the device or devices you want to discover.
NOTE: iDRAC only supports only the default SNMP port 161. If the default SNMP port is changed, iDRAC may
not get discovered.
• In WMI Configuration, to authenticate and connect to remote devices, provide the WMI parameters. The format for
entering credentials for WMI must be domain\user name for domain-based networks or localhost\user name for non-
domain based networks.
• In Storage Configuration, to discover PowerVault modular disk array or EMC devices, edit parameters.
• In WS-Man Configuration, to enable discovery of Dell PowerEdge VRTX, iDRAC 6, iDRAC 7, and ESXi installed servers,
provide WS-Man parameters.
• In SSH Configuration, to enable discovery of Linux-based servers, provide the SSH parameters.
• In IPMI Configuration, to enable server discovery, provide the IPMI parameters. IPMI is typically used to discover BMC or
iDRACs on Dell servers. You can include the optional KG key when discovering RAC devices.
• In Discovery Range Action, choose to discover, inventory, or perform both tasks. The default option is to perform both
discovery and inventory.
• Select Perform only discovery or Perform both discovery and inventory to run the task immediately.
• To schedule the task to run at a later time, select Do not perform discovery or inventory, and follow the instructions in
Scheduling Discovery and Scheduling Inventory.
4. If you have selected the Guided Wizard option in Discovery Settings — After you have provided at least one IP address, IP
range, host name, or a combination thereof, click Next. The Device Type Filtering window is displayed. See Device Type
a. Select the device types that you want to discover and manage.
The required protocols for discovering the selected devices are added to the Discover Devices wizard.
b. Provide the configuration details for all the protocols listed in the wizard and click Next.
5. Review your selections in the Summary screen and click Finish. To change any of the parameters in previous configuration
screens, click Back. When complete, click Finish.

Related links
Discovery and Inventory Portal
Last Discovery and Inventory
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status

Changing the Default SNMP Port

SNMP uses the default UDP port 161 for general SNMP messages and UDP port 162 for SNMP trap messages. If these ports are
being used by another protocol or service, you can change the settings by modifying the local services file on the system.

To configure the managed node and OpenManage Essentials to use a non-default SNMP port:

1. In both the management station and managed node, go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

2. Open the Windows SNMP services file using Notepad and edit the following:
• Incoming SNMP trap port (receiving alerts in OpenManage Essentials) — Modify the port number in the line, snmptrap
162/udp snmp-trap #SNMP trap. Restart the SNMP trap service and SNMP service after making the change. On
the management station, restart the DSM Essentials Network Monitor service.
• Outgoing SNMP requests (Discovery/inventory in OpenManage Essentials) — Modify the port number in the line snmp
161/udp #SNMP. Restart the SNMP service after making the change. On the management station, restart the DSM
Essentials Network Monitor service.
3. Outgoing trap port — In OpenManage Essentials trap forwarding alert action, specify the <<trap destination address: port
number>> in the Destination field.

NOTE: If you have previously configured IP security to encrypt SNMP messages on the default ports, update the IP
security policy with the new port settings.

Discovering and Inventorying Dell Devices Using WS-Man Protocol With a Root Certificate
Before you begin, ensure that the root CA server, OpenManage Essentials management server, and WS-Man target(s) are able to
ping each other by hostname.
To discover and inventory Dell devices using the WS-Man protocol with a root certificate:

1. Open the web console of the target device (iDRAC or CMC).

2. Generate a new certificate signing request file:
a. Click Network and then click SSL.
The SSL Main Menu page is displayed.
b. Select Generate a New Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and click Next.
The Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) page is displayed.
c. If applicable, type the appropriate information in the required fields. Ensure that the Common Name is the same as the host
name used to access the web console of the device, and then click Generate.
d. When prompted, save the request.csr file.
3. Open the Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services – root CA web server: http://signingserver/certsrv.
4. Under Select a task, click Request a certificate.
The Request a Certificate page is displayed.
5. Click advanced certificate request.
The Advanced Certificate Request page is displayed.
6. Click Submit a certificate request by using a base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS #10 file, or submit a renewal request by
using a base-64-encoded PKCS #7 file.
7. Using a text editor, open the certificate signing request (.csr or .txt) file you saved in step 2 d.
8. Copy the contents from the certificate signing request file and paste it in the Saved Request field.
9. In the Certificate Template list, select Web Server, and click Submit >.
The Certificate Issued page is displayed.
10. Click Base 64 encoded, and then click Download certificate.
11. When prompted, save the certnew.cer file.
12. Open the web console of the target device (iDRAC or CMC).
13. Click Network and then click SSL.
The SSL Main Menu page is displayed.
14. Select Upload Server Certificate Based on Generated CSR and click Next.
The Certificate Upload page is displayed.
15. Click Browse, select the certnew.cer file you saved in step 11, and then click Apply.
16. Install the RootCA signed certificate (newcert.cer) as Trusted Root Certificate Authorities in the OpenManage Essentials
management server:

NOTE: Ensure that the certificate file you want to install is a Base64 encoded certificate file issued by root CA.

a. Right-click the certnew.cer file, and click Install Certificate.

The Certificate Import Wizard is displayed.
b. Click Next.
c. Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse.
The Select Certificate Store dialog box is displayed.
d. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and click OK.
e. Click Next.
f. Click Finish.
The Security Warning dialog box is displayed.
g. Click Yes.
17. Close the web browser and open the web console of the target device (iDRAC or CMC) in a new browser window.
18. Discover and inventory the WS-Man target(s), in OpenManage Essentials using the newcert.cer RootCA signed certificate file.

Discovering a Chassis and its Components Using the Guided Wizard

When you discover a chassis using the Chassis (CMC) Discovery — All Components device type filter within the Guided Wizard,
OpenManage Essentials automatically discovers the components in the chassis (blade servers and IOA switches). To discover the
chassis and its components, you must provide the hostname/IP address and WS-Man credentials of the CMC.

By default, the blade servers (iDRACs) in the chassis are discovered using the WS-Man credentials you provide for the CMC. If the
credentials of the CMC and the iDRACs are not the same, you can provide an alternate WS-Man credentials for discovering the

NOTE: If required, you can use the Guided Wizard to only discover the chassis.

NOTE: Automatic discovery of the blade servers in a chassis is supported only for Dell's 11th or later generation of
PowerEdge servers (iDRAC 6 or later).
NOTE: For discovering a PowerEdge M1000e chassis and its components, ensure that CMC firmware version 5.0 or
later is installed. If the firmware installed is prior to version 5.0, you must discover the chassis and its components
individually using the Standard Wizard.
NOTE: Automatic discovery of IOA switches is supported only if CMC firmware version 5.1 or later is installed on
PowerEdge M1000e and CMC firmware version 1.3 or later is installed on PowerEdge FX2/FX2s.
To discover a chassis and its components using the Guided Wizard:

1. Click Manage → Discovery and Inventory.

The Discovery and Inventory Portal is displayed.
2. Under Common Tasks, click Add Discovery Range.
The Discovery Range Configuration page of the Discovery Devices wizard is displayed.
3. Select the Save as Group option and type a name for the group in the appropriate field.
NOTE: It is mandatory to save the discovery range as a group for discovering the chassis using the Guided Wizard.
4. Type hostname/IP address of the CMC in the appropriate field and click Add.
5. Click Next.
The Device Type Filtering page is displayed.
6. Select Chassis (CMC) Discovery - All Components and click Next.
The ICMP Configuration page is displayed.
7. If required, change the Timeout and Retries values based on your preference.
8. Click Next.
The WS-Man Configuration page is displayed.
9. Type the CMC username and password in the appropriate fields.

10. If you want to disable auto discovery of the chassis components or if you want to provide alternate credentials for discovering
the iDRACs, click Alternate WS-Man Configuration for iDRACs.
• To disable the auto discovery of iDRACs and switches, clear the Auto discover iDRACs and switches in the CMC option.
• To provide alternate credentials for discovering the iDRACs, clear the Use same credentials of CMC for discovering
iDRACs option, and type the iDRAC username and password in the appropriate fields.
11. Click Next.
The Summary page is displayed.
12. Click Finish.
Discovery of the chassis and its components (iDRACs and IOA switches) is initiated.

Excluding Ranges
Configure exclude ranges to prevent servers from being discovered/rediscovered or limit the number of devices displayed in the
device tree.
To exclude a range from discovery task:

1. From OpenManage Essentials, select Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Common Tasks → Add Exclude Range.
2. In Exclude Range Configuration, provide IP address/range, discovery range name or host name and click Add.
3. Click Finish.

Related links
Discovery and Inventory Portal
Last Discovery and Inventory
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status

Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges

From OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Discovery Ranges → All Ranges.
Related links
Discovery and Inventory Portal
Last Discovery and Inventory
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status

Scheduling Discovery
NOTE: It is recommended not to schedule the discovery task at the same time as the Database Maintenance Execution
Schedule, as the console is less responsive during database maintenance.
To schedule discovery:

1. Click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Common Tasks → Discovery Schedule.

2. In Discovery Schedule Settings:
• Select the desired schedule parameters.
• (Optional) You may adjust the task speed slider for faster task execution; however, more system resources are consumed if
the speed is increased.
• Discover all instrumented devices.

Related links
Discovery and Inventory Portal
Last Discovery and Inventory
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status

Discovery Speed Slider

This control, also known as the discovery throttle, controls how fast discovery occurs and how much network and system resources
are consumed for discovery by controlling the:

• Number of discovery threads that are allowed to run at any point of time.
• Delay in between the communicating devices during a network ping sweep, in milliseconds.

NOTE: Each tick on the throttle control equals 10% and the range is from 10% to 100%. By default, in OpenManage
Essentials, the discovery throttle is set at 60%. After an upgrade from IT Assistant, the throttle control remains at its
previously set value.

Dell OpenManage Essentials improves upon the optimized parallel threading implementation in the Network Monitoring Service
introduced in IT Assistant.

As the discovery process is I/O intensive, you can optimize the process by making it a parallel operation, where threads running in
parallel (known as multi-threading) send requests and handle responses to several devices simultaneously.

The more threads that run in parallel, each communicating to a different device, the faster is the discovery; barring overall high
network congestion or latency. The discovery process, by default, allows a maximum of 32 threads to run in parallel (or
concurrently) at any one time for discovery.

To control the number of parallel threads executing, move the discovery throttle control either left or right. When set at the
maximum, 32 parallel threads are allowed to run. If the throttle is at 50%, only 16 threads are allowed to run at any one time.

As the discovery service is optimized for parallel threading operations, the system can utilize more system resources even at the
same throttle setting. It is recommended that you monitor the system resources so that a satisfactory trade-off is made between
discovery speed versus system resources available for OpenManage Essentials. Lowering or increasing the throttle depends on the
system it is running on and the available resources. Note that the discovery service may take up to several minutes to adjust to a
new throttle setting.

NOTE: For minimal discovery times on medium to large size networks (several hundred to several thousand devices), it
is recommended that you install OpenManage Essentials services on a multi-processor system.

Scheduling Inventory
NOTE: It is recommended not to schedule the inventory task at the same time as the Database Maintenance Execution
Schedule, as the console is less responsive during database maintenance.
To schedule inventory:

1. Click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Common Tasks → Inventory Schedule.

2. In Inventory Polling Configuration Settings, perform the following:
• Select Enable Inventory.
• Select the desired schedule parameters.
• (Optional) You may adjust the Inventory Polling Speed slider for faster task execution; however, more system resources
are consumed.

Related links
Discovery and Inventory Portal
Last Discovery and Inventory
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status

Configuring Status Polling Frequency

NOTE: It is recommended not to schedule status polling at the same time as the Database Maintenance Execution
Schedule, as the console is less responsive during database maintenance.
You can configure OpenManage Essentials to check the health status of all discovered devices that have a means of health
instrumentation such as OpenManage Server Administrator. The status can be scheduled at a given interval using Status Polling so
that health status is always current.
To configure status polling:

1. Click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Common Tasks → Status Schedule.

2. In Status Polling Schedule Settings, select Enable Status Polling and provide the polling parameters including time and
3. Click OK.

Related links
Discovery and Inventory Portal
Last Discovery and Inventory
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status

Task Pop-Up Notifications

The task pop-up notification is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the OpenManage Essentials console when a task is
completed. The information displayed in the task pop-up notification varies based on the number of completed tasks.

NOTE: The task pop-up notification is displayed only for tasks that create a Task Execution History.

If only one task is completed, the following information is displayed:

• Status of the task — Indicates if the task was successful or unsuccessful.

• Task name as a link that you can click to view the Task Execution Details (if available).
• A link to open the portal related to the task.
• A link to access the task pop-up notification settings where you can disable task pop-up notifications.

If more than one alert is received, the following information is displayed:

• Number of tasks that are completed.

• Task names as links that you can click to view the Task Execution Details (if available).
NOTE: The task name link is displayed only for the first three tasks.

• Go to Alert Console — To access the Alerts portal.

• Disable — To access the task pop-up notification settings.

By default, the alert pop-up notification is enabled. You can configure OpenManage Essentials to disable alert pop-up notifications or
set the time interval between each alert pop-up notification.

NOTE: The Alert Pop-up Notification Settings is user-specific. The settings you have configured is not applicable to
other users.

Configuring Task Pop-Up Notifications
To configure task pop-up notifications:

1. Click Settings → Task Notification Settings.

The Task Notification Settings page is displayed.
2. Under Task Popup Notification Settings, select or clear Enable Task Popup Notifications to enable or disable task pop-up
3. In the seconds between popup notifications box, select the time interval between each pop-up notification.
4. Click Apply.

Enabling or Disabling Task Pop-Up Notifications

To enable or disable task pop-up notifications:
NOTE: To quickly disable alert pop-up notifications, click the Disable link displayed in the task pop-up notification. When
the Disable Task Popup Notifications prompt is displayed, click Yes.

1. Click Settings → Task Notification Settings.

The Task Notification Settings page is displayed.
2. In Task Popup Notification Settings:
• Select the Enable Alert Popup Notifications option to enable task pop-up notifications.
• Clear the Enable Alert Popup Notifications option to disable task pop-up notifications.
3. Click Apply.

Discovery And Inventory — Reference
From the Discovery and Inventory portal page, you can:

• View graphical reports on devices and Dell servers discovered and inventoried.
• Manage discovery ranges for devices and Dell servers.
• Configure discovery, inventory, and status polling for devices and Dell servers.

Discovery and Inventory Portal Page Options

• Discovery Portal
• Common Tasks

– Add Discovery Range

– Add Exclude Range
– Discovery Schedule
– Inventory Schedule
– Status Schedule
• Discovery Ranges
• Exclude Ranges

Discovery and Inventory Portal

The Discovery and Inventory Portal provides information about the:

• Last discovery and inventory details

• Discovered versus inventoried devices
• Task status

Related links
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges
Excluding Ranges
Scheduling Discovery
Scheduling Inventory
Configuring Status Polling Frequency
Last Discovery and Inventory
Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices
Task Status

Last Discovery and Inventory
Table 18. Last Discovery and Inventory

Field Description
Last Discovery Details

Discovery Last Run at Displays the time and date information for the last run

Discovery Range Displays the IP Address range or host name.

Devices Discovered Displays information on number of devices discovered.

Last Inventory Details

Inventory Last Run at Displays the time and date information for the last run

Inventory Range Displays the IP Address range or host name.

Devices Inventoried Displays information on number of devices inventoried.

Related links
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges
Excluding Ranges
Scheduling Discovery
Scheduling Inventory
Configuring Status Polling Frequency
Discovery and Inventory Portal

Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices

The graph displays the number of devices and Dell servers discovered or inventoried. You can use this report to ascertain the
discovered devices and Dell servers that are unclassified. For more information on the filter options for the summary information,
see Viewing Device Summary.

Click any section of the graph to view the Device Summary for the selected region. In the device summary, double-click a row to
view the details (inventory view for that device). Alternatively, right-click and select details for the inventory view or right-click and
select alerts for the alerts specific to that device.

Table 19. Discovered Versus Inventoried Devices

Field Description
Filter by Select to filter the search results using the following options:

• All
• Ranges — Select to filter based on the selected range.

Related links
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges
Excluding Ranges
Scheduling Discovery
Scheduling Inventory
Configuring Status Polling Frequency
Discovery and Inventory Portal

Task Status
The grid provides a list of currently executing and previously run tasks and their status. The Task Status grid on this page shows
the status of just discovery, inventory, and tasks. However, the main portal shows all types of task statuses.

Related links
Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task
Viewing Configured Discovery and Inventory Ranges
Excluding Ranges
Scheduling Discovery
Scheduling Inventory
Configuring Status Polling Frequency
Discovery and Inventory Portal

Viewing Device Summary

1. In OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Discovery Portal → Discovery Portal.
2. In Discovered vs. Inventoried Devices graphical report, click the bar representing the discovered or inventoried device to open
the Device Summary page that displays the selected graph details.
3. (Optional) Click the funnel icon to filter the summary information.
The filter options are displayed. See Viewing Device Summary Filter Options.
4. (Optional) Click Filter to view the filtered summary information.
5. (Optional) Click Clear Filter to remove the filtered summary information.
6. Right-click a device summary and select from the available options. See Device Status.

Viewing Device Summary Filter Options

Table 20. Viewing Device Summary Filter Options

Field Description
Select All Select to filter per line item.

Select options, devices, or Dell servers. Select to filter based on options, devices, or Dell servers.

Filter options Create filter with these options:

• Is equal to— Select to create the same as logic.
• Is not equal to — Select to create the different from logic.
• Is Less than— Select to find a value that is less than the
value you provide.
• Is less than or equal to— Select to find a value that is less
than or equal to the value you provide.
• Is greater than or equal to— Select to find a value that is
greater than or equal to the value you provide.

Field Description
• Is greater than— Select to find a value that is greater than
the value you provide.

Health Status options:

• Unknown
• Normal
• Warning
• Critical

Connection Status options:

• On
• Off

Add Discovery Range

1. Click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Common Tasks.
2. Click Add Discovery Range. For more information, see Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task.
3. Provide information for the appropriate protocols for discovery, inventory, or for both:
• Discovery Configuration
• ICMP Configuration
• SNMP Configuration
• WMI Configuration
• Storage Configuration
• WS-Man Configuration
• SSH Configuration
• IPMI Configuration
• Discovery Range Action
• Summary

Discovery Configuration
A discovery range is a network segment registered in OpenManage Essentials for the purpose of discovering devices. OpenManage
Essentials attempts to discover devices on all registered discovery ranges that are enabled. A discovery range includes subnet, a
range of IP addresses on a subnet, an individual IP address, or an individual host name. Specify the IP address, IP address range, or
host name for the discovery process. For more information, see Discovery Configuration Options.

Discovery Configuration Options

Table 21. Discovery Configuration Options

Field Description
Save as Group Select this option to save the discovery range as a group.

Group Name Specifies the group name for the discovery range.

IP address / range Specifies the IP address or IP address range.

The following are examples of valid discovery range type

address specifications (* is the wildcard character, meaning all
possible addresses in the specified range):

Field Description
• 193.109.112.*
• 193.104.20-40.*
• 192.168.*.*
• 192.168.2-51.3-91
• System IP address—

NOTE: Click Add to add multiple ranges of IP addresses.

IPV6 addresses are not supported.

Discovery Range Name Specifies the discovery range name for the IP address/range.

Host name Specifies the host name, for example,


Click Add to add multiple host names.

NOTE: You can add multiple host names by separating

them using commas.

NOTE: Invalid characters in the host name are not

checked. If the host name you provide contains invalid
characters, the name is accepted. However, the device
is not found during the discovery cycle.

Subnet mask Specifies the subnet mask for the IP address range. The subnet
mask is used to determine the broadcast addresses for the
subnet(s) part of the range. The OpenManage Essentials
Network Monitoring Service does not use the broadcast
address when discovering devices in an IP address range. The
following are examples of valid subnet mask specifications:
• (The default subnet mask for a Class C
• (The default subnet mask for a Class B
• (A custom subnet mask specification.)

By default, the subnet mask is set to

Import Select this option to import host names and IP addresses from a
file that is in CSV format. However, you can import only 500 line
items per task. You can import different discovery ranges with
different subnet masks. For example,,,,, and,

You can use an Active Directory export file in a.CSV format as

input. You can also create a .CSV file in a spreadsheet editor
using the header Name and filling in system IP addresses or
host names in the rows below the header (one per cell). Save
the file in a .CSV format and use it as the input with the import
feature. If there are any invalid entries in the file, a message is
displayed when the data is imported by OpenManage Essentials.
For an example of a CSV file, see Specifying IPs, Ranges, or
Host Names.

Device Type Filtering
The Device Type Filtering options are displayed in the Discover Devices wizard, if Guided Wizard is selected in Discovery Settings.
This window enables you to select device types for discovery. After the device types are selected, the required protocols for
discovering and managing the selected device types are added to the Discover Devices wizard. For example, if you select ESXi
Host, SNMP Configuration and WS-Man Configuration options are added to the wizard. The following table describes the fields
displayed in the Device Type Filtering window.
Table 22. Device Type Filtering

Field Description
Device Type Displays the device types that you can select to discover and

Required Protocol Displays the protocols that are required to discover and manage
the selected device types.

ICMP Configuration
ICMP is used to by discovery engine to determine whether or not any device has a specified IP address. The discovery engine sends
out a request and waits until the 'timeout' period to receive a reply. If a device is busy doing other things, it may not reply to an
ICMP request as quickly as it would under low-load conditions. If no device has been assigned to the IP address being tested by the
discovery engine, there will be no response at all. If no reply is received within the 'timeout' period, the discovery engine will repeat
the request up to 'Retries' times (waiting, each time, for the 'timeout' period to expire). See ICMP Configuration Options to
configure the ICMP parameters.

For more information, click the help icon .

ICMP Configuration Options

Table 23. ICMP Configuration Options

Field Description
Timeout (milliseconds) Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds the discovery
engine waits for a reply after issuing an ICMP request. The
default timeout period is 1000 milliseconds. A higher value allows
more time to receive responses from busy devices, but also
means more wait time if there is no device with a specified IP

Retries (attempts) Specifies the maximum number of additional times that the
discovery engine will send an ICMP request if the first request
times out. A device may have been too busy to respond to an
earlier ICMP request, but may be able to respond to a
subsequent request. If there is no device with the IP address
being used, retries will also timeout, so the retry count should be
a small number. The default value is 1.

SNMP Configuration
SNMP provides an interface to manage devices on the network such as servers, storage, switches, and so on. The SNMP agent on
the device allows OpenManage Essentials to query the health and inventory data of the device. See SNMP Configuration Options to
discover and inventory servers, storage devices, and other network devices.

For more information, click the help icon .

SNMP Configuration Options

Table 24. SNMP Configuration Options

Field Description
Enable SNMP discovery Enables or disables the SNMP protocol for discovery range

Get community Specifies the community name for SNMP get calls from the
OpenManage Essentials user interface. The Get Community is
a read-only password that SNMP agents installed on managed
devices use for authentication. The Get Community allows
OpenManage Essentials to browse and retrieve SNMP data.
This field is case-sensitive. OpenManage Essentials uses the
first successful community name to communicate with the
device. You can enter multiple SNMP community strings
separated with commas.

Set community Specifies the community name for SNMP set calls from the
OpenManage Essentials UI. The Set community is a read-write
password that SNMP agents installed on managed devices use
for authentication. The Set community allows OpenManage
Essentials to perform tasks that require the SNMP protocol,
such as shutting down a system.

This field is case-sensitive. You can enter multiple SNMP

community strings separated with commas. OpenManage
Essentials uses the first successful community name to
communicate with the device.

NOTE: In addition to the Set community name, an

instrumentation password is required to perform an
SNMP task on a device.

Timeout (seconds) Specifies the maximum number of seconds the discovery engine
waits after issuing a get or set call before it considers the call
failed. A valid range is from 1 to 15 seconds. The default is 4

Retries (attempts) Specifies the maximum number of additional times the

discovery engine reissues a get or set call after the first call
times out. The discovery engine reissues the call until it is
successful, or all retry attempts have timed out. A valid range is
from 1 to 10 retries. The default is 2.

WMI Configuration
Use the WMI protocol for gathering discovery, inventory, and health information about servers running Windows. This protocol
provides less information about devices than SNMP but is useful if SNMP is disabled on the network. See WMI Configuration
Options to configure WMI parameters for Windows servers only.

WMI Configuration Options
Table 25. WMI Configuration Options

Field Description
Enable WMI discovery Select to enable WMI discovery.

Domain \ User name Provide the domain and user name.

Password Provide the password.

Storage Configuration
Enabling discovery of Dell PowerVault MD or Dell|EMC arrays allows OpenManage Essentials to gather inventory and health
information about the arrays. See Storage Configuration Options to discover PowerVault MD arrays or Dell|EMC devices.

Storage Configuration Options

Table 26. Storage Configuration Options

Field Description
Enable PowerVault MD array discovery Select to discover PowerVault MD array. This discovery
configuration does not require credentials.

Enable Dell/EMC array discovery Select to discover Dell/EMC array.

Dell/EMC user name Provide the user name.

Dell/EMC password Provide the password.

Dell/EMC port Increment or decrement the port number. Enter a TCP/IP port
number ranging 1 to 65535. Default value is 443.

WS-Man Configuration
Use the WS-Man protocol to discover and gather inventory and health status for the iDRAC, ESXi based servers, Dell PowerEdge
VRTX, and Dell PowerEdge FX devices. For more information, see WS-Man Configuration Options.

NOTE: You can only discover and inventory servers with iDRAC6 version 1.3 and later. Discovery and inventory of
servers is not supported for iDRAC6 version 1.25 and earlier.

WS-Man Configuration Options

Table 27. WS-Man Configuration Options

Field Description
Enable WS-Man Discovery Select to discover Dell PowerEdge FX, Dell PowerEdge VRTX,
iDRAC6, iDRAC7, iDRAC8, and ESXi installed devices.

User ID Provide authenticated user ID.

Password Provide password.

Field Description
Timeout (seconds) Specifies the maximum number of seconds the discovery engine
waits after issuing a WS-Man connection request. A valid range
is from 1 to 360 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.

Retries (attempts) Specifies the maximum number of additional times that the
discovery engine will send a WS-Man connection request to a
device if the first request times out. The discovery engine
reissues the request until it is successful, or all retry attempts
have timed out. A valid range is from 1 to 10 retries. The default
is 4.

Port Provide the port information. The default port number is 623.

Secure Mode Select to securely discover devices and components.

Skip Common name check Select to skip common name check.

Trusted Site Select if the devices you are discovering is a trusted device.

Certificate file Click Browse to navigate to the file location.

Alternate WS-Man Configuration for iDRACs (Guided Wizard only)

Table 28. Alternate WS-Man Configuration for iDRACs (Guided Wizard only)

Field Description
Auto discover iDRACs and switches in the CMC • Select to automatically discover the iDRACs and switches in
the CMC while discovering the chassis.
• Clear to disable the automatic discovery of the iDRACs and
switches in the CMC. Only the chassis is discovered.

Use same credentials of CMC for discovering iDRACs • Select to discover the iDRACs in the CMC using the
credentials you provided for the CMC.
• Clear to provide different credentials for discovering the
iDRACs in the chassis.

SSH Configuration
Use the SSH protocol to discover and inventory servers running Linux. See SSH Configuration Options to configure the SSH
configuration parameters.

SSH Configuration Options

Table 29. SSH Configuration Options

Field Description
Enable SSH discovery Enables or disables the SSH protocol by discovery range.

User name Provide the user name.

Password Provide the password.

Port Specifies the port information. The default port number is 22.

Field Description
Retries (attempts) Specifies the maximum number of additional times that the
discovery engine will send an SSH connection request to a
device if the first request times out. The discovery engine
reissues the request until it is successful, or all retry attempts
have timed out. A valid range is from 1 to 10 retries. The default
value is 3.

Timeout (seconds) Specifies the maximum number of seconds that the discovery
engine will wait after sending an SSH connection request to a
device. A valid range is from 1 to 360 seconds. The default value
is 3 seconds.

IPMI Configuration
Use the IPMI protocol for out of band discovery of RACs, DRACs, and iDRACs. This option is for Lifecycle controller enabled
discovery and inventory. Ensure that the IP address of the DRAC and iDRAC is selected. See IPMI Configuration Options to
configure the IPMI version 2.0 parameters. This configuration is required for discovery.

IPMI Configuration Options

Table 30. IPMI Configuration Options

Field Description
Enable IPMI Discovery Enables or disables the IPMI protocol by discovery range.

User name Enter the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) or DRAC

user name.

NOTE: The default user name is root. It is recommended

that you change it for security.

Password Enter the BMC or DRAC password.

NOTE: The default password is calvin. It is

recommended that you change it for security.

KG Key Enter the KG key value. DRAC also supports IPMI KG key value.
Each BMC or DRAC is configured to require an access key in
addition to user credentials.

NOTE: The KG key is a public key that is used to

generate an encryption key for use between the
firmware and the application. The KG key value is an
even number of hexadecimal characters.

Timeout (seconds) Specifies the maximum amount of time the discovery engine
waits after issuing an IPMI request. A valid range is from 1 to 60
seconds. The default is 5 seconds.

Retries (attempts) Specifies the maximum number of times the discovery engine
reissues an IPMI request after the first call times out. The
discovery engine reissues the request until it is successful, or all
retry attempts have timed out. A valid range is from 0 to 10
retries. The default is 1.

NOTE: The retries and time-out parameters are used for both the Remote Management Control Protocol (RMCP) ping
and the IPMI connection.

Discovery Range Action

Select these options to discover or inventory devices, components, and servers.

Table 31. Discovery Range Action

Field Description
Do not perform discovery or inventory Select this option to set up a schedule to perform discovery and
inventory (at a later time).

Perform only discovery Select this option to perform discovery.

Perform both discovery and inventory Select this option to perform both discovery and inventory.

View the configuration selections. To change configurations, click Back.

Add Exclude Range

From OpenManage Essentials, select Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Common Tasks → Add Exclude Range. Register
new ranges to exclude from discovery or to remove a previously set exclude range.
You can also right-click Exclude Ranges and select Add Exclude Range.

Add Exclude Range Options

Table 32. Add Exclude Range Options

Field Description
IP address / range Register a device to exclude from the discovery process by
specifying the IP address or IP address range of the device.

The following are examples of valid discovery range type

address specifications (* is the wildcard character, which
includes all possible addresses in the specified range):
• Exclude range — 193.109.112.*
• 193.104.20-40.*
• 192.168.*.*
• 192.168.2-51.3-91
• Exclude range —
• System IP address —

Name Add the exclude range name for the IP address / range.

Host name Register to exclude from the discovery process by specifying

the host name of the device, for example,

Field Description

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials does not check for

invalid characters in the host name. If the host name
you specify contains invalid characters, the name is
accepted. However, the device with that name is not
found during the discovery cycle.

Discovery Schedule
You can configure OpenManage Essentials to discover devices and display them in the Device tree.

• Enable device discovery.

• Initiate device discovery.
• Set the discovery speed.
• Specify how devices are discovered.
• For failed discovery attempts, use the Troubleshooting Tool.

Related links
Discovery Schedule Settings

Viewing Discovery Configuration

To view discovery configuration, click Manage → Discovery and Inventory → Discovery Schedule.

Discovery Schedule Settings

Configure OpenManage Essentials to discover new devices on a network. The settings apply to all discovery ranges. OpenManage
Essentials records all agents, IP addresses, and the health of the devices.

Table 33. Discovery Schedule Settings

Field Description
Enable Discovery Select to schedule device discovery.

Configure Global Device Discovery interval Set the frequency of discovery in weekly or daily intervals.

• Every Week On — Specify the day or days to schedule

discovery and the time for the discovery to begin.
• Every <n> Days <n> Hours interval — Specify the
intervals between discovery cycles. The maximum discovery
interval is 365 days and 23 hours.

Discovery Speed Specify the amount of resources (system and network)

available for accelerating the discovery speed. The faster the
speed, more resources are required to perform discovery, but
less time is required.

Discover Specify how the devices are discovered.

• All Devices — Select to discover all devices that respond to

an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping.
• Instrumented Devices — Select to discover only devices
that have instrumentation (such as Dell OpenManage
Server Administrator, Dell OpenManage Array Manager, and
Dell Networking Ethernet switches) for Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP), Windows management
Instrumentation WMI), Intelligent Platform Management

Field Description
Interface (IPMI) management, or WS-Management (WS-
Man). See agents supported for more information about
systems management instrumentation agents.

Name Resolution Specify how the device names are resolved. If you are managing
a cluster, use the NetBIOS name resolution to discern each
independent system. If you are not managing a cluster, a DNS
name resolution is recommended.

• DNS — Select to resolve names using the Domain Naming

• NetBIOS — Select to resolve names using system names.

Related links
Discovery Schedule

Inventory Schedule
Use Inventory Polling to specify the default inventory settings for OpenManage Essentials. OpenManage Essentials collects
inventory information such as software and firmware versions, as well as device-related information about memory, processor,
power supply, Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) cards, and embedded devices, and storage.

Related links
Inventory Schedule Settings

Inventory Schedule Settings

Table 34. Inventory Schedule Settings

Field Description
Enable Inventory Select to schedule inventory.

Configure Global Inventory Polling Interval Set the frequency of the inventory in weekly or daily intervals.

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials performs inventory only

on devices that have already been discovered.
• Every Week On — Specify the day or days of the week
that you want to schedule the inventory and the time that
you want it to begin.
• Every <n> Days <n> Hours interval — Specify the
intervals between inventory cycles. The maximum discovery
interval is 365 days and 23 hours.

Inventory Polling Speed Set the amount of resources available for accelerating the
inventory poll speed. The faster you set the inventory poll
speed, the more resources are required, but less time is required
to perform the inventory.

After changing the speed, OpenManage Essentials may take

several minutes to adjust to the new speed.

Related links
Inventory Schedule

Status Schedule
Use this window to specify the default status polling settings for OpenManage Essentials. Status polling performs a health and
power check for all discovered devices. For example, this poll determines if discovered devices are healthy or powered down.

Related links
Status Polling Schedule Settings

Status Polling Schedule Settings

Table 35. Status Polling Schedule Settings

Field Description
Enable OnDemand Poll Select to query the global status of the device when an alert is
received from the device.

NOTE: If a large number of alerts are received, multiple

OnDemand polls are queued up and it may affect the
system performance. In this scenario, it is recommended
to turn off OnDemand poll and enable the regular status
poll interval to retrieve the health status of managed
If OnDemand poll is disabled, the device status only updates on
the normal status poll.

Enable Status Polling Select to schedule device status polling.

Device Status Interval Set frequency of the device status poll in intervals of days,
hours, and minutes. The status polling does not begin until the
previous polling has completed.

Days — Specify the number of days between device status


Hours — Specify the number of hours between device status

polling cycles.

Minutes — Specify the number of minutes between device

status polling cycles.

The maximum discovery interval is 365 days, 23 hours, and 59


Status Polling Speed Set the amount of resources available for accelerating the
device status polling speed. The faster you set the status speed,
the more resources are required, but less time is required to
perform the status polling.

Related links
Status Schedule

Discovery Ranges
The Discovery Ranges section displays all the IP address or IP address ranges that you have configured for discovery. The icon
displayed beside the discovery range varies based on the type of wizard used for discovery.

• If you configure a discovery range using the Standard Wizard the icon is displayed.

• If you configure a discovery range using the Guided Wizard, the icon is displayed.

– If you discover a chassis using the Guided Wizard, the chassis range group displays the icon is displayed. The members
of the chassis range group that are dynamically discovered display the icon. If the chassis range group is disabled, the
icon is displayed. If the members of the range group are disabled, the icon is displayed.

You can also right-click a discovery range to see the options available on the discovery range. For information on the right-click
options, see Managing Include Ranges.

Exclude Ranges
The Exclude Ranges section displays the IP address or IP address ranges that you have configured to exclude from the discovery

Managing Devices
OpenManage Essentials lists devices based on their types. For example, Dell PowerEdge servers are listed under the device type
Servers. OpenManage Essentials contains a defined list of device types. The devices you discover and inventory are included under
these device types. Unclassified devices are listed under the device type Unknown. You can create device groups with
combinations of the defined device types. However, you cannot create a new device types.

In the Devices page, you can:

• View devices types that are discovered on the network.

• View the inventory information for the devices.
• View all the alerts that were generated for a device.
• View the hardware logs for a device.
• Create device groups and include devices to that group based on your grouping preference. For example, you can create a
group and include all devices present at a geographical location.
• Display and manage Dell PowerEdge VRTX and FX2/FX2s devices using Map View.

Related links
Viewing Devices
Viewing Device Inventory
Viewing Alerts Summary
Viewing System Event Logs
Searching for Devices
Creating a New Group
Adding Devices to a New Group
Adding Devices to an Existing Group
Hiding a Group
Deleting a Group
Creating a Custom URL
Using Map View

Viewing Devices
You can view a device that is discovered. For more information on discovering and inventorying a device, see Discovering and
Inventorying Devices.
To view devices, click Manage → Devices.

Related links
Managing Devices

Device Summary Page

In the device summary page, expand the device types to view the devices. The following device types are displayed:

• Citrix XenServers
• Clients
• Clusters

– HA Clusters
– NAS Clusters
• Microsoft Virtualization Servers

– Virtual machines
• Modular systems

– PowerEdge Chassis
– PowerEdge FX2
– PowerEdge M1000e
– PowerEdge VRTX
• Network Devices

– Dell Networking Switches

– Fibre Channel Switches
– Network Appliances
• OEM Devices
• OOB Unclassified Devices

– IPMI Unclassified Devices

• Power Devices

• PowerEdge C Servers
• Printers
NOTE: If a DRAC or iDRAC is discovered, it is displayed under the RAC group and not under the Servers group. If
both DRAC/iDRAC and corresponding server are discovered, they are correlated into a single device. The device is
displayed in both the RAC and Servers group.
NOTE: If the RAC on a Dell PowerEdge C server is discovered using IPMI, it is displayed under OOB Unclassified
• Repurpose and Bare Metal
NOTE: Devices in the Repurpose and Bare Metal group are displayed as targets for device configuration deployment.
You must explicitly add devices to this group for deploying a device configuration. On bare metal deployments, you
can remove the devices from the Repurpose and Bare Metal group after the deployment is complete. For more
information, see Server Deployment and Re-provisioning.
• Servers
• Storage Devices

– Dell Compellent Arrays

– Dell EqualLogic Groups
– Dell NAS Appliances
– Dell|EMC Arrays
– PowerVault MD Arrays
– Tape Devices
• Unknown
• VMware ESX servers

– Virtual machines

Use the refresh button to update the device tree with the current data. To update the device tree, right-click All Devices and select

NOTE: The device tree auto-updates when changes are made. Some changes to the tree may appear after a brief delay
depending on the performance of the managed servers because the information propagates from the SQL database to
the user interface.

Nodes and Symbols Description

Table 36. Nodes and Symbols Description

Node Symbol Description

Denotes that a device is critical and requires attention. This
information is rolled up to the parent device type. For example if
Figure 15. Critical device icon a server is in critical state and requires attention the same
symbol is assigned to the parent device type. Among server
states, critical state is given the highest priority. That is, in a
group, if different devices are in different states, and if one
device is in critical state, then the state of the parent device
type is set to critical.

Denotes that a device of this type is not discovered on the

network or classified in the device tree.
Figure 16. Device not discovered icon

Denotes that there is a deviation from the expected behavior,

but the device is still manageable.
Figure 17. Deviation from expected behavior icon

Denotes that the device is working as expected.

Figure 18. Device working as expected icon

Denotes either the device type is unknown and it is classified as

an unknown device or that the health status cannot be
Figure 19. Unknown device icon determined, because the device does not have proper
instrumentation or the proper protocol was not used to discover
the device.

Denotes that the device is not reachable.

Figure 20. Connection Lost

Device Details
The device details, depending on the device type, may contain the following information:

Table 37. Device Details

• Device Summary • Tape Drive Information and Tape Library Information

• OS Information • Physical Battery Information
• Data Sources • Fluid Cache Information
• NIC Information • Fluid Cache Pool Information
• Virtual Machine Host Product Information • Fluid Cache Disk
• RAC Device Information • Software Inventory Information
• Processor Information • Trusted Platform Module Information
• Memory Device Information • Slot Information
• Firmware Information • Virtual Flash Information
• Power Supply Information • FRU Information
• Embedded Device Information • Printer Cover Table

• Device Card Information • Printer Marker Supplies Information
• Controller Information • Printer Input Tray Information
• Controller Battery Information • Printer Output Tray Information
• Enclosure Information • Acquisition Information
• Physical Disk Information • Depreciation Information
• Virtual Disk Information • Lease Information
• Contact Information • Maintenance Information
• Appliance Node Information • Service Contract Information
• Switch Device Information • Extended Warranty Information
• EqualLogic Volume Information • Ownership Information
• Device Properties • Outsource Information
• Storage Group Information • Maser Information
• iDRAC Information

NOTE: The warranty information (including expired and renewed) displayed in OpenManage Essentials for a particular
Service Tag, may not match with the warranty record displayed at support.dell.com. The service level code and model
name of a warranty record displayed at support.dell.com may not exactly match with the OpenManage Essentials
warranty report.

NOTE: The Data Sources table in the device inventory displays the Dell Command | Monitor (previously OMCI) agent
name as System Administrator.

NOTE: Hardware inventory can be retrieved from iDRAC6/7 and ESXi if OpenManage Server Administrator VIB is
installed using WS-Man protocol.

NOTE: The Data Sources table in the device inventory displays information about the iDRAC Service Module only if:

• iDRAC is discovered.
• iDRAC is discovered and the server is discovered using WMI or SSH protocol.

Viewing Device Inventory

To view inventory, click Manage → Devices, expand the device type and click the device.

Related links
Managing Devices

Viewing Alerts Summary

You can view all the alerts generated for a device. To view the alert summary:

1. Click Manage → Devices.

2. Expand the device type and click the device.
3. In the details page, select Alerts.

Related links
Managing Devices

Viewing System Event Logs

1. Click Manage → Devices.
2. Expand the device type and select Hardware Logs.

Related links
Managing Devices

Searching for Devices

Right-click All Devices at the top of the device tree and click Search Devices. You can also search for devices using logical
arguments and save the queries for later.
For example, to create a query to search for a server in critical state with an IP address containing values 10.35, and the power
status as Power Up:

1. Click Manage → Device Search, then select Create New Query, in the adjacent text field enter a query name.
2. From the first line after Where, select Device Type, Is, and then Server.
3. In the next line select the check box, then select AND, Device Health, Is, and then select Critical.
4. In the next line select the check box, then select AND, IP Address, Contains, and then in the adjacent field enter 10.35.
5. In the next line select the check box, then select AND, Power Status, Is, and then select Power Up.
6. Click Save Query.
NOTE: You can click Run Query to run the query immediately.

To run an existing query, select the query from the drop-down list and click Run Query. You can filter the results and export it to an
HTML, TXT, or CSV file.

Related links
Managing Devices

Creating a New Group

1. Click Manage → Devices.
2. Right-click All Devices and select New Group.
3. Enter the name and description for the group and click Next.
4. In Device Selection, select any of the following:
• Select a query to create a dynamic group. Click New to create a new query or select an existing query from the drop-down
• Select the device(s) /group(s) from the tree below to create a static group.
5. Click Next.
6. Review the summary and click Finish.

You can right-click devices in the Details tab and add them either to a new group or an existing group. You can also create a new
group from either the Home or Reports portal. Click Filter by and click Add New Group to launch the New Group wizard. To know
whether a group is static or dynamic, place the cursor on the group. For example, if you place the cursor on Servers, the group type
is displayed as Servers (Dynamic | System).
Related links
Managing Devices

Adding Devices to a New Group

1. Click Manage → Devices.
2. Right-click the device(s) and select Add to New Group.
3. In Group Configuration, enter the name and description. Click Next.
4. In Device Selection, the selected devices are displayed. If required, add or remove additional devices. Click Next.
5. Review the summary and click Finish.

Related links
Managing Devices

Adding Devices to an Existing Group

1. Click Manage → Devices.
2. Right-click the device(s) and select Add to Existing Group.
NOTE: If you are manually adding a device to a dynamic group, a message is displayed on the screen. Manually
adding a device to a dynamic group changes the group from dynamic to static, thereby removing the original
dynamic query. If you want the group to remain dynamic, modify the query defining the group. Click Ok to continue
or Cancel to stop the procedure.
3. Click Ok.

Related links
Managing Devices

Hiding a Group
To hide a group, right-click the group and select Hide.
After a group is hidden, it is not displayed in any of the device group controls in the console. The devices in the hidden groups are
not displayed in the reports and charts on the Home and Reports portals. Alerts for devices in hidden groups are also not displayed
in the alerts portal.

If a parent group (along with child groups) is hidden, the child groups are also hidden in the device tree. However, the child groups
are still present in the database and are displayed in other instances in the console.

Related links
Managing Devices

Deleting a Group
1. Right-click the group and select Delete.
2. In the Delete screen, click Yes.
NOTE: Deleting a parent group, removes the group from the device tree. The child groups and devices listed under
the parent group are also removed from the device tree. However, the child groups and devices still remain in the
database and appear in other instances in the console.

Related links
Managing Devices

Single Sign-On
If iDRAC or CMC devices are configured for Single Sign-On and you are logged on to OpenManage Essentials as a domain user, you
can use open the iDRAC or CMC console through the Application Launch option or the agent link. For information on configuring
iDRAC or CMC for Single Sign-On, see the following:

• Configuring CMC For Single Sign-On Or Smart Card Login section in the Dell Chassis Management Controller User’s Guide at
• Configuring iDRAC7 for Single Sign-On or Smart Card Login section in the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 User's
Guide at dell.com/support/manuals.
• Integrating iDRAC7 With Microsoft Active Directory white paper at DellTechCenter.com.
• IDRAC6 Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 6 Security white paper at DellTechCenter.com.

Creating a Custom URL
NOTE: Custom URL cannot be assigned to parent device groups that create a child sub group in the device tree at the
time of discovery. Examples of parent device groups are: HA Clusters, Microsoft Virtualization Servers, PowerEdge
M1000e, PowerEdge VRTX, or VMware ESX Servers. To assign a custom URL to a device in these parent device groups,
add the device to a custom device group, and then assign a custom URL.

1. Click Settings → Custom URL Settings.

2. Click the icon.

The Custom URL Launch screen is displayed.
3. Type the name, URL, description, and select the device group from the drop-down list.
NOTE: You can click Test URL to verify if the URL specified is active.
4. Click Ok.
The custom URL is created.

Related links
Managing Devices
Custom URL Settings

Launching the Custom URL

1. Click Manage → Devices and select the device from the tree.
2. Right-click the device and select Application Launch.
3. Click the URL name to access the site.

Related links
Custom URL Settings

Configuring Warranty Email Notifications

You can configure OpenManage Essentials to send a warranty notification of your devices at periodic intervals through email. For
information about the options you can configure, see Warranty Notification Settings.
To configure Warranty Email Notifications:

1. Click Settings → Warranty Notification Settings.

The Warranty Notification Settings page is displayed.
2. Under Warranty Email Notifications, select Enable Warranty Email Notifications.
3. In the To field, type the email addresses of the recipients.
NOTE: Multiple email addresses must be separated by using a semicolon.
4. In the From field, type the email address from which the warranty notification email is to be sent.
NOTE: Only one email address must be provided in the From field.
5. To set the criteria for the devices to be included in the warranty notification email, in the All Devices with x Days or less of
warranty field, select the number of days.
6. To set the frequency at which you want to receive the warranty notification email, in the Send email every x Days field, select
the number of days.
7. To include devices with expired warranty or no warranty information in the warranty notification email, select Include Devices
with Expired Warranties.
8. In the Next Email will Send On field, select the date and time at which you want to receive the next warranty notification e-

9. If you want to configure the SMTP email server, click Email Settings.
The Email Settings page is displayed. For more information about Email Settings, see Email Settings.
10. Click Apply.

OpenManage Essentials sends warranty notification emails based on your configuration. The warranty notification email provides a
list of devices and appropriate links that you can click to renew the warranty of the devices.
Related links
Warranty Notification Settings

Configuring Warranty Scoreboard Notifications

You can configure OpenManage Essentials to display a warranty scoreboard notification icon in the heading banner. For information
about the options you can configure, see Warranty Notification Settings.
To configure Warranty Scoreboard Notifications:

1. Click Settings → Warranty Notification Settings.

The Warranty Notification Settings page is displayed.
2. Under Warranty Scoreboard Notifications, select Enable Warranty Scoreboard Notifications.
3. To set the criteria for the devices to be included in the warranty notification scoreboard, in the All Devices with x Days or less
of warranty field, select the number of days.
4. To include devices with expired warranty or no warranty information in the warranty notifications scoreboard, select Include
Devices with Expired Warranties.
5. Click Apply.

If any device meets the set criteria, the OpenManage Essentials heading banner displays the warranty scoreboard notification icon
including the number of devices.
Related links
Using the Warranty Scoreboard Notification Icon
Device Warranty Report
Warranty Notification Settings

Configuring Warranty Pop-Up Notifications

You can configure OpenManage Essentials to display warranty pop-up notifications based on the warranty status of the devices.
For information about the options you can configure, see Warranty Notification Settings.
To configure warranty pop-up notifications:

1. Click Settings → Warranty Notification Settings.

The Warranty Notification Settings page is displayed.
2. In Warranty Popup Notification Settings:
• Select the Enable Warranty Popup Notifications option to enable warranty pop-up notifications.
• Clear the Enable Warranty Popup Notifications option to disable warranty pop-up notifications.
3. Click Apply.

Using Map View

NOTE: For information about using the features available in Map View, see Map View (Home) Portal.

NOTE: The map displayed in Map View should be considered as is from the map service provider. OpenManage
Essentials does not have any control over the accuracy of the map or address information.
NOTE: An Internet connection is required to perform some of the map functions such as zoom, address search, and so
on. If you are not connected to the Internet, the following message is displayed on the map: Warning — Unable to
connect to the Internet!.

NOTE: A valid map provider (MapQuest or Bing) key is required for the Map View functionality. To enter the map
provider key, see Configuring Map Settings.
The Map View feature allows the display and management of PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an
Enterprise license on an interactive geographic map. PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise
license are represented as pins on the map. The health and connectivity status can be viewed for all PowerEdge VRTX and
PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise license at a glance.

You can access Map View from the Home Portal or Manage → Devices portal page.

The Overlays menu at the top-right of the map allows you to overlay the health and connectivity status of the device on the pin.
The Actions menu at the top-right of the map allows you to perform various functions on the map. The following is the list of
available actions:

Table 38. Using Map View

Action Description
Show All Map Locations Displays all map locations.
Go to Home View Displays the home view, if saved earlier.
Save Current View as Home View Saves the current view as the home view.
Add Licensed Device Allows adding PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s
devices with an Enterprise license.
Import Licensed Devices Allows importing PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s
devices with an Enterprise license.
Remove All Map Locations Allows removing all map locations.
Export Allows exporting all map locations to a .csv file.
Settings Opens the Map Settings dialog box.
Edit Location Details Opens the Edit Location Details dialog box, that displays the
device name, address, and contact information.
Remove Location Allows removal of the selected device from the map.
Zoom to Street Level Allows zooming to the street level on the currently selected
device location.
NOTE: This option is displayed only when a device is
selected on the map.

NOTE: The Edit Location Details, Remove Location, and Zoom to Street Level options in the Actions menu are device-
specific. These options must be used after selecting a device on the map.
The Search for address box at the top-left of the map allows you to search for addresses.

The navigation toolbar displayed at the bottom of the map enables you to:

• Zoom in and out of the map

• Move the map up, down, right, or left
• Select the map provider type

Figure 21. Navigation Toolbar

The zoom level of the map can be identified by the scale that is displayed at the bottom-right of the map.

Related links
Devices — Reference
Map View (Home) Portal
Map View (Home) Portal Interface
General Navigation and Zooming
Home View
Tool Tip
Search Pin
Map Providers
Map View (Devices) Tab Interface
Configuring Map Settings
Selecting a Device on Map View
Health and Connection Status
Multiple Devices at the Same Location
Setting a Home View
Viewing All Map Locations
Adding a Device to the Map
Moving a Device Location Using the Edit Location Details Option
Importing Licensed Devices
Using the Map View Search Bar
Adding a Device Using the Search Pin
Moving a Device Location Using the Search Pin
Removing All Map Locations
Editing a Map Location
Removing a Map Location
Exporting All Device Locations
Managing Devices

Map Providers

You can select between MapQuest and Bing map providers using the icon in the navigation toolbar. By default, the map is
displayed using the MapQuest provider. The following table provides information about the supported map providers.

Table 39. Map Providers

MapQuest Bing
Requires a valid MapQuest key (license) that must be Requires a valid Bing maps key that must be purchased. To get
purchased based on the number of transactions per month. To a valid Bing maps key, go to microsoft.com/maps/.
view the available transaction plans, go to
NOTE: For instructions on getting a Bing maps key, see
“Getting a Bing Maps Key” at microsoft.com.
After getting a valid MapQuest key, you must provide the key in
the Map Settings dialog box. After getting a valid Bing maps key, you must provide the key in
the Map Settings dialog box.
Internet connection is mandatory to render the online portion of Internet connection is mandatory to access any zoom level and
the map and for the address lookup. to use the search functionality.
If your system connects to the internet through a proxy server, If your system connects to the internet through a proxy server,
the Proxy Settings configured in the OpenManage Essentials the proxy settings configured in your web browser is used.
Settings → General Settings page is used.
Two types of maps are available:

MapQuest Bing
• Roads map — A simple, fast loading map with minimal
• Satellite map — Provides detailed satellite views of the

NOTE: The MapQuest and the Bing map providers require an internet connection at all times to render the map. If the
system connects to the internet through a proxy server, the proxy settings configured in your web browser is used by
the MapQuest and Bing providers.
Related links
Using Map View

Configuring Map Settings

NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to configure Map Settings.

The Map Settings dialog box allows you to enable or disable the Internet connection status notification and to provide a valid Bing
key required by the Bing map provider or MapQuest key required by the MapQuest map provider.
To configure the map settings:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. On the Map View:
• Right-click anywhere on the map, and then click Settings.
• Move the mouse pointer over the Actions menu, and click Settings.

The Map Settings dialog box is displayed.

3. Select Update map view on any device or device group selection if you want the map to display only the pin or pins that
correspond to the device or device group selected in the device tree.
4. Select Show internet connection warning when unable to connect to the internet if you want to display a warning on the
map if an Internet connection is not available.
5. Select one of the following map providers:
• MapQuest
• Bing
6. In the Key field, type the appropriate map provider key.
7. Click Apply.

Related links
Using Map View

General Navigation and Zooming

To move the map, click and drag the map in the desired direction or use the navigation arrows in the Navigation toolbar.
You can zoom in or zoom out of the map using any of the following methods:

• Double-click a pin to zoom in to street level around that pin. You can also zoom in to street level by:

– Right-clicking a pin, and then clicking Zoom to Street Level

– Moving the mouse pointer over the Actions menu, and then clicking Zoom to Street Level
• If a pin is displayed at street level, double-click the pin to zoom out to the world-level view
• Double-click a location on the map to zoom-in one level at that location
• Move the mouse wheel up or down to quickly zoom out or in on the map

• Click the magnifying glass icon in the navigation toolbar to display a slider that you can use to zoom in or zoom out of the

NOTE: Zoom level and the visible portion of the Map View (home) portal are not synchronized with the Map View tab
accessible through the Devices portal.
Related links
Using Map View

Home View
If you have saved a particular region of the map as your home view, by default, the map displays the home view when you open the
Map View. For instructions to set a region on the map as your home view, see Setting a Home View.

Related links
Using Map View

Tool Tip
Moving the mouse pointer over the pin displays a tool tip that contains the following information:

• Device name
• Description
• Address
• Contact
• Model
• Service Tag
• Asset Tag
• Global status
• Connection status

Related links
Using Map View

Selecting a Device on Map View

To select a device on the map, click the appropriate pin. The corresponding device is highlighted in the device tree and all the other
pins are hidden. When a device is selected in the device tree, it is also reflected on the map. If the Modular Systems or PowerEdge
VRTX group is selected in the device tree, then all the pins placed for those groups are displayed on the map.
NOTE: Hiding a device group in the device tree does not hide the corresponding pins on the map. For example, hiding
the Modular Systems group in the device tree does not hide pins on the map that represent devices in the Modular
Systems group.
NOTE: Clicking a pin on the Map View (home) portal opens the Devices portal that displays details about the device.

Related links
Using Map View

Health and Connection Status

The health and connection status of a device can also be displayed on the map. To overlay the pin with the health or connection
status of the device, move the mouse pointer over the Overlays menu at the top-right of the map, and click Health or
Connectivity. The health or connection status is indicated by the color and the icon displayed within the pin. The following table
provides information about the health status and pin overlay:

Table 40. Health Status

Pin Color Icon Health Status

Red Critical

Yellow Warning

Green Normal

Gray Unknown

The following table provides information about the connection status and pin overlay:

Table 41. Connection Status

Pin Color Icon Connection Status

Blue On

Grey Off

Related links
Using Map View

Multiple Devices at the Same Location

It is possible for two or more licensed devices to be placed at an identical location. These devices are displayed as a multi-pin group
on the map. If the devices are in a very close proximity on the map and the map is zoomed out, the pins are displayed together as a
multi-pin group. To view the count and the name of the devices in a multi-pin group, move the mouse pointer over the multi-pin
group. Double-click or right-click a multi-pin group and then select Details, to open the Devices at this location window that lists
the devices available at the location. On the Devices at this location window, you can:

• Double-click a device to display only that device on the map.

• Right-click a device to view standard options for the devices, such as Referesh Inventory, Application Launch, and so on, and
other map-specific options such as Edit Location Details, and so on.

NOTE: Only licensed devices can be placed on the map. Device groups cannot be placed on the map.

Related links
Using Map View

Setting a Home View

If you typically manage devices in a certain geographic region, you can set that region as your home view. Each OpenManage
Essentials user can save a different view of the map as their home view. By default, the home view is displayed when you open Map
View or when you select the Go to Home View option.

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. On the Map View, navigate and zoom until the current view is as desired.
3. Perform one of the following:
• Right-click on the map, and then click Save Current View as Home View.
• Move the mouse pointer over the Actions menu, and then click Save Current View as Home View.

Related links
Using Map View

Viewing All Map Locations

If a single device is selected, only that device is displayed on the map. To view all map locations that have been placed on the Map

• Right-click the map, and click Show All Map Locations.

• Move the mouser pointer over the Actions menu, and click Show All Map Locations.

Related links
Using Map View

Adding a Device to the Map

NOTE: Only Dell PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise license that are not already
placed on the map can be added to the map.
NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to add a device to the map.

To add a device on the map:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. On the Map View:
• Right-click the map, and click Add Licensed Device.
• Move the mouser pointer over the Actions menu, and click Add Licensed Device.

The Device Location Details dialog box is displayed.

3. From the Devices list, select the device you want to add.
4. If required, in the Description field, type an appropriate description for the device.
5. If you want to add the device at a location different from where you right-clicked on the map, in the Address field, type the
address of the location. For example, Chicago.
NOTE: Using the Address field to add a device on the map requires an Internet lookup through the map provider to
resolve the provided address. The device is added to the most appropriate location available from the Internet
lookup. If the map provider is not able to resolve the address, a message is displayed.
6. If required, in the Contact field, type the contact information.
7. Click Save.

Related links
Using Map View
Adding a Device Using the Search Pin

Moving a Device Location Using the Edit Location Details Option

NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to edit a map location.

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. Right-click a pin on the map, and select Edit Location Details.
The Device Location Details dialog box is displayed.
3. In the Address field, type the location name or airport code. For example, New York.

NOTE: Using the Address field to move a device location requires an Internet lookup through the map provider to
resolve the provided address. The device is moved to the most appropriate location available from the Internet
lookup. If the map provider is not able to resolve the address, a message is displayed, and the device remains at the
current location.
4. Click Save.
If the map provider is able to resolve the address or airport code, the pin is moved to the specified location on the map.

Related links
Using Map View
Moving a Device Location Using the Search Pin

Importing Licensed Devices

NOTE: Only Dell PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise license that are not already
placed on the map can be imported to the map.
NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to import licensed devices.

NOTE: You can only import a maximum of up to 500 devices at a time.

You can bulk import licensed devices on the map through a .csv file. An Export Template function is available, which creates a .csv
file that is already populated with the names of the licensed PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices that are currently
To import licensed devices:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. On the Map View, do one of the following:
• Right-click the map, and click Import Licensed Devices.
• Move the mouse pointer over the Actions menu, and click Import Licensed Devices.

The Import Licensed Devices dialog box is displayed.

3. Click Export Template to download a .csv template that you can use for importing licensed PowerEdge VRTX devices.
NOTE: For more information about the template, see Template for Importing Devices.

The Save As dialog box is displayed.

4. Browse to the location where you want to save the .csv file, type an appropriate file name, and click Save.
5. Open the .csv file, and perform one of the following:
• In the Latitude and Longitude columns, type the latitude and longitude coordinates for each device.
• In the Address column, type the address for each device. For example, 1 dell way, round rock, TX.
NOTE: Before you import devices using the address, ensure that the system is connected to the Internet. If the
system connects to the Internet through a proxy server, verify if the proxy settings are configured in the
Settings → General Settings page. Also, the Internet search provider may reject the address search request if
you are attempting to import too many devices at a time. If this occurs, wait for some time and try importing
6. Click Import.
The Open dialog box is displayed.
7. Select the location where the updated .csv file is located, and click Open.
The Import Summary dialog box is displayed.
8. Click Ok.
NOTE: Any errors that may occur during the import process are displayed in Logs → UI Logs.

Related links
Using Map View
Template for Importing Devices

Template for Importing Devices

The template for importing PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise license is a .csv file that you
can use to provide details about devices that you want to import to the map. The following are the fields available in the template:
Table 42. Template for Importing Devices

Field Description
Name The name of the PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s
devices with an Enterprise license. This field is already populated
with the currently discovered PowerEdge VRTX devices with an
Enterprise license that are not already placed on the map.

Latitude The latitude coordinate of the device location.

Longitude The longitude coordinate of the device location.

Address The address of the device location. If both latitude and

longitude coordinates are specified, the address need not be

Description (Optional) Any information that you want to include about the device.

Contact (Optional) Any contact information that you want to include for the

To import the PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise license to the map, you must update
the .csv file with one of the following:

• Latitude and Longitude

• Address

Related links
Importing Licensed Devices

Using the Map View Search Bar

NOTE: The map providers may not be able to resolve all addresses or airport codes correctly.

The search bar on Map View enables you to search for locations on the map using an address or airport code. To search for a
location, type the location name or airport code (for example, New York or JFK) in the search bar, and either press <Enter> or click
the arrow icon. If the map provider is able to resolve the address or airport code, a search pin is displayed at the specified location
on the map.
Related links
Using Map View

Search Pin
The search pin is a larger pin that represents the search result on the map. The following are the characteristics of the search pin:

• At any instance, only one search pin can be located on the map. The search pin is displayed on the map at a location until you
remove it or perform a new search. To remove the search pin, right-click the search pin and click Remove.
• Unlike the device pin, the search pin does not overlay any status.
• Double-clicking the search pin allows you to zoom in and zoom out of the location.
• Move the mouse pointer over the search pin to display a tool tip that includes the address of the location.
• You can add or move a licensed PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices at the search pin location.


Related links
Using Map View

Adding a Device Using the Search Pin

NOTE: Only Dell PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise license that are not already
placed on the map can be added to the map.
NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to add a device to the map.

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. Type the address or airport code (for example, New York or JFK) in the search bar, and either press <Enter> or click the arrow
If the map provider is able to resolve the address or airport code, a search pin is displayed at the location on the map.
3. Right-click the search pin and click Add Licensed Device Here.
The Device Location Details dialog box is displayed.
4. From the Devices list, select the device you want to add.
5. Click Save.

Related links
Using Map View
Adding a Device to the Map

Moving a Device Location Using the Search Pin

NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to add a device to the map.

To move a device location:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. Select the pin for a licensed PowerEdge VRTX or PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices on the map.
3. Type the address or airport code (for example, New York or JFK) in the search bar, and either press <Enter> or click the arrow
If the map provider is able to resolve the address or airport code, a search pin is displayed at the location on the map.
4. Right-click the search pin and click Move Selected Device Here.
5. On the Move Device confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
The selected device is moved to the location of the search pin.

Related links
Using Map View
Moving a Device Location Using the Edit Location Details Option

Removing All Map Locations

NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to remove all map locations.

To remove all map locations:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.

• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. On the Map View:
• Right-click the map, and click Remove All Map Locations.
• Move the mouser pointer over the Actions menu, and click Remove All Map Locations.

The Remove All Map Items dialog box is displayed prompting for your confirmation.
3. Click Yes.

Related links
Using Map View

Editing a Map Location

NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to edit a map location.

To edit a map location:

1. Right-click a pin on the map, and select Edit Location Details.

The Device Location Details dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Description field, edit the description as required.
3. If you want to move the device to a new location, in the Address field, type the location name.
4. In the Contact field, edit the contact information as required.
5. Click Save.

Related links
Using Map View

Removing a Map Location

NOTE: Only OpenManage Essentials Administrators and Power Users are permitted to remove a map location.

To remove a location on the map:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Home → Map View.
• Click Manage → Devices → Map View.
2. On the Map View, right-click the location you want to remove and select Remove Location.
The Delete Location dialog box is displayed prompting for your confirmation.
3. Click Yes.

Related links
Using Map View

Exporting All Device Locations

Exporting all device locations allows you to save the information about the devices and their latitude and longitude coordinates as
a .csv file. If the address is known for a pin, it is included in the Description field of the .csv file. Using this file, you can import the
device locations at any time.
NOTE: By default, the latitude and longitude coordinates of each device is saved to the .csv file, even if the latitude
and longitude coordinates were not provided previously.
To export all device locations currently placed on the map:

1. On the Map View, move the mouse pointer over the Actions menu, and then click Export.
The Save As dialog box is displayed.
2. Browse to the location where you want to save the .csv file, type an appropriate file name, and click Save.

Related links
Using Map View

Dell PowerEdge FX Chassis View

By default, the PowerEdge FX2 and FX2s chassis are classified in the device tree under All Devices → Modular Systems →
PowerEdge FX. The compute sleds installed in the PowerEdge FX chassis, when discovered, are displayed under the appropriate
PowerEdge FX device group in the device tree.
When a PowerEdge FX chassis is selected in the device tree, a graphical representation (Chassis View) of the front of the chassis
is displayed in the device details page. The inventory information of the chassis is displayed under the Chassis View.

NOTE: The Chassis View is only displayed if the PowerEdge FX chassis is discovered using the WS-Man protocol, and at
least one of the slots is occupied by a sled.

Figure 22. Chassis View

Tool Tip and Device Selection

Moving the mouser pointer over a slot on the chassis displays a yellow rectangular box around the slot and a tool tip.

NOTE: The tool tip is only displayed if the slot has a sled installed.

The information displayed in the tool tip varies based on the discovery and inventory status of the sleds. If a sled that contains
multiple compute nodes (For example, PowerEdge FM120x4) is discovered and inventoried, the tool tip displays the:

• Slot name
• Health status
• Connection status

If any other compute sled is discovered and inventoried and for storage sleds, the tool tip displays the:

• Slot name
• Sled model
• Service Tag
• Asset tag

• Health status
• Connection status

To select a slot, click the visual representation of the sled in the Chassis View. When a slot is selected, a yellow rectangular box is
displayed around the sled.

• If a slot with a compute sled is selected, the sled inventory, if available, is displayed under the Chassis View.
• If slot with a sled that contains multiple compute nodes is selected, a summary of discovered devices (nodes) is displayed under
the Chassis View. To view the inventory information of a node, double-click the node in the summary.
• If a slot with a storage sled is selected, the chassis inventory information is displayed under the Chassis View. The storage sled
inventory information is displayed in the chassis inventory.

NOTE: Complete inventory information of a sled is displayed only if the chassis and sled are discovered using the
appropriate protocol.

NOTE: If a sled is selected in the device tree, the Chassis View is not displayed. To display the Chassis View, click the
PowerEdge FX chassis in the device tree.

If a slot is occupied and the compute sled is discovered, by default, the health status of the compute sled is overlaid in the Chassis
View. The following are the available overlay options and their descriptions.
Table 43. Overlays

Overlay Option Overlay Color Device Status

Health Status Red Warning

Yellow Critical

Light gray Unknown

Connection Status Dark gray Off (disconnected)

No overlay On (connected)

None No overlay Not applicable

NOTE: The health and connection status of a compute sled requires that the sled is discovered. If a sled is not
discovered or the status of the sled is unknown, the health and connection status are displayed as normal.

The health status of the sled that contains multiple compute nodes reflects the health status of the compute node with most critical
severity. For example, if one compute node is in a Warning state and the remaining compute nodes are in a Critical state, the sled
displays Critical status.

NOTE: The Chassis Management at Server Mode option of the PowerEdge FX chassis can be used to configure rack
style management. If rack style management is disabled on a PowerEdge FX chassis, the health status roll-up of the
chassis is not updated in OpenManage Essentials. Also, alerts generated from the PSU and fan are not received in
OpenManage Essentials.

Right-Click Actions
The right-click action on any compute sled that is discovered and available in the device tree is the same as when you right-click the
sled in the device tree.

NOTE: Right-click actions are not available for sleds that contain multiple compute nodes and storage sleds.

Navigation Trail
The navigation trail is displayed as a link under the Chassis View and indicates the currently selected device. You can click a device
name in the navigation trail to go back to the chassis inventory.

Support For PowerEdge FX Chassis Sleds
The sleds that can be installed in the PowerEdge FX2 and PowerEdge FX2s chassis may vary. The following are the types of sleds
and their support in OpenManage Essentials:

• Compute sleds — Require discovery and inventory for getting the inventory information and other functionality. Discovery and
classification of these sleds can be performed using OMSA (in-band) or iDRAC (out-of-band).
• Storage sleds — These sleds are not discoverable and are not displayed in the device tree, device summary, or any typical
locations for a device. The storage sled is displayed in the Chassis View and the storage sled inventory is displayed in the chassis
inventory page.
• Sleds with multiple compute nodes — An example of this type of sled is the PowerEdge FM120x4 sled which contains four
compute nodes. If the compute nodes of the sled are discovered, they are displayed in the device tree under: All Devices →
Modular Systems → PowerEdge FX → Chassis Group → Sled Group → Server Node. Each compute node is displayed under
the corresponding sled. The Sled Group name in the device tree can be edited if necessary.
NOTE: For in-band (without OMSA) discovery and monitoring of the PowerEdge FM120x4 sled, ensure that either
the WMI or SSH protocol is enabled and setup.

NOTE: The sleds installed in a PowerEdge FX chassis are sorted based on the device name and not on the slot number in
the device tree.

VLAN Configuration Management

The VLAN Configuration tab enables you to:

• View details of the blade server and IOA fabric interconnect such as the blade server NIC port, the associated IOA fabric port,
and the VLAN IDs.
NOTE: Even if there is no information available for the IOAs, the fabric status is shown as data in grid and values
such as Slot is empty and Firmware or Mode is not supported.
• Assign VLAN IDs to the IOAs within the chassis.

NOTE: If an already discovered IOA or server is moved from one chassis to another, removed from a chassis, or swapped
within the chassis, you must delete and rediscover the chassis, servers, and the corresponding IOAs. Otherwise, the
VLAN configuration inventory may display duplicate or incorrect data.

Requirements for VLAN Configuration Management

• VLAN configuration management is supported only for Dell PowerEdge M1000e and Dell PowerEdge FX2/FX2s
• The chassis and its components (blade servers and IOAs) must be discovered in OpenManage Essentials using the Guided
• The IOAs must be configured in either the Standalone or Virtual Link Trunk (VLT) operational mode
• The minimum required firmware version is as follows:

– PowerEdge M1000e — CMC firmware version 5.1 or later.

– PowerEdge FX/FX2s — CMC firmware version 1.2 or later.
– PowerEdge M and FN IOA

* supports Dell OpenManage Essentials version 2.2

*,, supports Dell OpenManage Essentials version

NOTE: VLAN configuration management is not supported for the Dell PowerEdge FM120x4 sleds. Only the server-
chassis slot mapping is displayed in the VLAN Configuration tab for the PowerEdge FM120x4 sleds. The server name and
NIC port details are not displayed in the VLAN Configuration tab for the PowerEdge FM120x4 sleds.

Viewing the VLAN Configuration Inventory
To view the VLAN configuration inventory of a chassis:

1. Click Manage → Devices.

2. In the device tree, click Modular Systems.
3. Click PowerEdge M1000e or PowerEdge FX2 and then click the chassis CMC node.
4. On the right pane, click the VLAN Configuration tab.
The VLAN configuration inventory is displayed.

NOTE: If you are accessing the VLAN Configuration tab for the first time, click the refresh icon that is
displayed at the middle of the VLAN Configuration tab to display the configuration inventory.

NOTE: The VLAN configuration inventory that is displayed may not be up-to-date. To view the latest VLAN

configuration inventory, click the refresh icon that is displayed at the top-right of the VLAN Configuration
NOTE: VLAN configuration inventory is not displayed in the following scenarios:
• The IOAs are not discovered or configured
• The IOA is not configured in either Standalone or Virtual Link Trunk (VLT) operational mode

Even though the VLAN configuration inventory is not displayed, OpenManage Essentials displays the IOA Name and
Model information if it is available. Otherwise a status message is displayed, indicating the reason for the non-availability
of the inventory information.

The following table describes the status messages that may be displayed.

Table 44. Viewing the VLAN Configuration Inventory

Status Description
Device not discovered The IOA is not discovered in OpenManage Essentials.

Slot is empty The chassis fabric slot is empty.

Firmware or Mode not supported The operational mode or firmware version of the IOA is not

Unable to retrieve data OpenManage Essentials is unable to retrieve the VLAN

configuration inventory from the IOA.

Unknown/Error An error occurred or the status is unknown.

Model not supported The IOA model is not supported.

Assigning VLAN IDs

Before you begin, ensure that you have IOA administrator rights.
To apply VLAN assignments:

1. On the VLAN Configuration tab, under Chassis IOA, type the VLAN IDs in the Tagged VLANs and Untagged VLAN columns
for the appropriate ports.
NOTE: The valid range for VLAN IDs are 1 to 4094. Use a comma (,) to separate VLAN IDs and use a hyphen (-) to
specify the ID range.
2. Click Apply.

The VLAN Configuration window displays the IOA ports that you modified.

NOTE: You can also modify the VLAN IDs in the VLAN Configuration window.
3. Type a unique name of the task.
NOTE: It is recommended that you enter a unique name for the task.
4. If required, select a schedule for the task.
5. Type the credentials of the IOA that have fabric administrator rights.
6. Click Finish.

The VLAN Configuration task is displayed in the Task Results tab. After the task is completed, OpenManage Essentials
automatically inventories the VLAN configuration of the IOAs on the chassis.

NOTE: While applying VLAN assignments to multiple ports, the VLAN configuration task may fail. The Task Results tab
displays the ports to which the VLAN assignments failed with a message stating that the task failed after multiple retries
or the server closed the network connection unexpectedly. In such a scenario, you can retry the VLAN configuration
after some time to the ports were not configured successfully.

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials uses the IOA CLI commands to configure the VLAN on the IOA. Configuring the VLAN on
the IOA is a time consuming and resource-intensive operation that may affect the performance of the IOA. To balance
the operations on the IOA, OpenManage Essentials runs the IOA CLI commands in a timely manner, ensuring that there
is sufficient time to configure the VLAN on the IOA. If the IOA is already running several operations, the VLAN
configuration task may either be prolonged or fail. If the VLAN configuration fails on some IOA ports, you can rerun the
VLAN configuration task on the corresponding IOAs.

Resetting all VLAN IDs

Before you begin, ensure that you have fabric administrator rights.
After you make changes to VLAN IDs, if you want to revert all the changes:

1. Click Reset All.

2. When you are requested to confirm, click Yes.
NOTE: The changes you made to the VLAN IDs are affected only in the OpenManage Essentials user interface.

Setting the Default VLAN ID Values

Before you begin, ensure that you have fabric administrator rights.
If you want to set the default VLAN IDs:

1. Select the IOA fabric port that you want to set to the default VLAN ID.
2. Click Set to default value.
The tagged VLAN column displays All VLANs and the untagged VLAN column displays 1.

NOTE: For tagged VLANs, the default value of All VLANs ranges from 2 to 4094. For untagged VLAN, the default
value is 1.
3. Click Apply.
4. Type a unique name of the task.
5. If required, select a schedule for the task.
6. Type the credentials of the IOA that have fabric administrator rights.
7. Click Finish.

The VLAN Configuration task is created in the Task Results tab. After the task is completed, OpenManage Essentials automatically
inventories the VLAN configuration of all IOAs in the chassis.

Dell NAS Appliance Support
The following table provides information about discovery and classification, availability of appliance node information, and alert
correlation for supported Dell NAS appliances.
Table 45. Dell NAS Appliance Support

Dell EqualLogic FS7500 with Dell EqualLogic FS7500 with Dell PowerVault MD NX3500 with
FluidFS Version 1 FluidFS Version 3 FuildFS Version 1
Discovery and Support for discovery using both Support for discovery using the Support for discovery using both
Classification the EqualLogic Group Manager IP controller/node IPs. the controller IPs.
and management IP.
If discovered using the EqualLogic If discovered using the PowerVault
If discovered using the controller Group Manager IP, the device will MD Series array IP, the device is
IPs, it results in multiple entries. get classified under Dell EqualLogic classified as a PowerVault MD
Group. Array device.

Appliance Node Displayed in the device inventory. Displayed in the device inventory. Displayed in the device inventory.

Alerts Alerts received from the controller Alerts received from the Some alerts received from the
are not correlated to the device. controller/node are correlated to device may be displayed as
the device. Unknown.

NOTE: It is highly
recommended to include all
controller/node IP addresses
in the discovery range
configuration while
discovering a NAS cluster
with FluidFS version 3.0.
This enables OpenManage
Essentials to properly
associate the SNMP alerts
received from various
participating controllers/
nodes with the discovered

OEM Device Support

Dell OEM devices (re-branded or de-branded Dell servers and Compellent S8000 iDRAC), when discovered, are classified under
OEM Devices in the device tree. Most of the functionality available to Dell servers, such as tasks, reports, and filters are also
applicable to Dell OEM servers. However, system update may not be possible if it is not supported by the OEM device module. For
more information on the supported protocols and features, see information on Dell servers/devices in Supported Devices Protocols
and Features Matrix.

OEM servers are always classified under the OEM Devices group in the device tree. They are not displayed under the Servers or
RAC group. If both the server and RAC of the OEM device are discovered, they are correlated and displayed as one device under
the OEM Devices group. Other OEM devices except servers and RAC are classified under the different server groups such as
Microsoft Virtualization Servers, VMware ESX servers, and so on, based on the classification criteria they satisfy.

NOTE: Dell OEM servers discovered using WMI protocol are classified under the Servers device group only when OMSA
is installed. OEM servers without OMSA are classified under the Unknown device group.

Devices — Reference
This page provides the following information:

• List of devices based on the device type, for example, HA clusters, servers, and so on.
• Summary of devices and alerts.
• Alerts generated for a particular device.
• Health of devices based on the Normal, Critical, Unknown, and Warning types.
NOTE: For Dell 12 Generation PowerEdge servers [denoted as yx2 x, where y denotes alphabets, for example M
(modular), R (rack), or T (tower) and x denotes numbers] discovered using WMI and SNMP protocols, the DRAC
health status is displayed (under Servers) even if OpenManage Server Administrator is not installed on the server.
NOTE: Based on the severity of the agents of a discovered device, the overall health is the most critical of the
severity. For example, in the device tree, for server types, if there are two servers with status Warning and Critical,
then the parent Server’s status is set to Critical.
• Connection status of devices — When both server (in-band) and DRAC/iDRAC (out-of-band) are discovered and correlated,
the Connection Status under Device Summary displays the connection status of the server. The RAC Connection Status
under RAC Device Information displays the DRAC/iDRAC connection status. When only DRAC/iDRAC (out-of-band) is
discovered (server is not discovered), the Connection Status and the RAC Connection Status display the same information.
When only server (in-band) is discovered (DRAC/iDRAC is not discovered), the Connection Status displays the connection
status of the server. The RAC Connection Status is set to Off.
• Inventory information for devices.
• View hardware logs for servers.
• Filtering capabilities of the grid:

– The grouping bar

– Filter icon options
– Sorting by clicking on the column
– Re-ordering the columns

NOTE: None of these are saved if the console is closed and restarted.

Related links
Viewing Devices
Viewing Device Inventory
Creating a New Group
Adding Devices to an Existing Group
Hiding a Group
Using Map View

Viewing Inventory
To view inventory, from All Devices, traverse to the device and click the device.

The device details and the alerts link are displayed.

Viewing Alerts
To view alerts, from the inventory details page, click Alerts.

Alert Details
Table 46. Alert Details

Field Description
Severity Alert severity based on Normal, Critical, Warning, and Unknown.

Acknowledged Flagged status for an alert.

Time Time at which the alert was generated in date and time format.

Device IP address of the device.

Details Lists the alert information. For example, System is down:<IP

Address of the device>

Category Lists the alert category type, for example System Events.

Source Lists the alert source name.

Viewing Hardware Logs

You can view hardware logs for servers. To view hardware logs, from the inventory details page, click Hardware Logs.

Hardware Log Details

Table 47. Hardware Log Details

Field Description
Severity Alert severity based on Normal, Critical, Warning, and Unknown.

Time The system time at which this alert was generated in date and
time format on the managed node.

Details Lists the details of the hardware log.

For example, power supply redundancy is lost.

VLAN Configuration
The VLAN Configuration tab allows you to view and manage the VLAN settings of the IOAs within the PowerEdge M1000e and
PowerEdge FX2/FX2s chassis.
The following are the fields displayed in the VLAN Configuration tab:

Table 48. VLAN Configuration

Field Description
Last Inventory Time Displays the last VLAN inventory time.

Grouped by: Fabric Displays the attribute by which the currently displayed data is
grouped. By default, the VLAN configuration inventory is
grouped by Fabric.

Field Description
Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Chassis Blade Displays details of the blade servers that are installed in the

Modified Displays if you have modified the VLAN ID.

Server Name Displays the host name of the blade server.

Service Tag Displays the Service Tag of the blade server.

Model Displays the model name of the blade server. If this field is
blank, the server is not present.

Slot Displays the slot where the blade server is installed.

Subslot Displays the subslot of the blade server node.

NIC Displays the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the


NIC Port Displays the NIC port to which the blade server is connected.

Chassis IOA Displays details of the IOAs that are installed in the chassis.

IOA Name Displays the name of the IOA.

IOA Model Displays the model name of the IOA.

Fabric Displays the fabric associated with a specific slot of the chassis.
The fabric is identified by a combination of the group name (A,
B, or C) and slot number (1 or 2).

Port Displays the port assigned to the IOA.

Tagged VLAN(s) Displays the tagged VLAN IDs of the IOAs.

Untagged VLAN Displays the untagged VLAN IDs of the IOAs.

Set to default value Click to set the VLAN IDs to the default values.

Reset All Click to revert all changes that you had made.

Apply Click to apply the changes to the VLAN settings.

VLAN Configuration Task

The VLAN Configuration Task window is displayed when you click Apply to assign VLAN IDs. The following are the fields that are
displayed in the VLAN Configuration Task window:

Table 49. VLAN Configuration Task

Field Description
Task Name Displays the name of the VLAN configuration task.

Selected IO Module Ports Displays the IOA ports that you have selected to apply changes.

Grouped by: Fabric Displays the attribute by which the currently displayed data is
grouped. By default, the VLAN configuration inventory is
grouped by Fabric.

Chassis Blade Displays details of the blade servers that are installed in the

Server Name Displays host name of the blade server.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the blade server.

Model Displays the model name of the blade server.

Slot Displays the slot where the server is installed.

Subslot Displays the subslot of the server node.

NIC Displays the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the


NIC Port Displays the NIC port to which the server is connected.

Chassis IOA Displays details of the IOAs that are installed in the chassis.

IOA Name Displays the name of the selected IOA.

IOA Model Displays the model name of the selected IOA.

Fabric Displays the fabric associated with a specific slot of the chassis.
The fabric is identified by a combination of the group name (A,
B, or C) and slot number (1 or 2).

Port Displays the port assigned to the IOA.

Tagged VLAN(s) Displays the list of tagged VLANs for the selected IOA.

Untagged VLAN Displays the untagged VLAN for the selected IOA.

Set the Task Schedule

Run now Select to run the configuration task immediately.

Set Schedule Select to schedule a task at a required date and time.

Enter IOA Credentials for the task execution

User Name Provide the fabric administrator user name required to run the

Field Description
Password Provide the fabric administrator password required to run the

Help Click to open the online help.

Cancel Click to cancel the task.

Finish Click to run the task at the defined schedule.

Task Results
The Task Results tab displays the status of tasks.
The following table describes the fields that are displayed in the Task Results tab.

Table 50. Task Results

Field Description
Status Displays an icon representing the task status:

— Running or pending

— Complete

— Stopped

— Failed

— Warning

Task Name Displays the name of the task.

Start Time Displays the start time of the task.

% Completed Displays the progress information of the task.

Task State Displays the state of the task:

• Running
• Complete
• Stopped
• Failed
• Warning

End Time Displays the end time of the task.

Executed by User Displays the name of the user who executed the task.

Alert Filters
You can apply these filters to Alerts. Select Continuous Updates to enable the user interface to update automatically when new
alerts are received.

Table 51. Alert Filters

Field Description
Severity Select from these alerts: All, Normal, Critical, Warning, and

Acknowledged Flagged status for an alert.

Time Time at which this alert was generated in date and time format.

Device The IP address or host name of this device.

Details The alert information. For example, System is down: <IP address
of the device>.

Category The alert category type, for example System Events.

Source The Alert Source.

Viewing Non-Compliant Systems

To view non-compliant systems, click the Non-Compliant Systems tab.
NOTE: Non-compliant systems are only available for device groups such as servers, RAC, and custom groups. It is not
available for individual devices.

Non-Compliant Systems
The Non-Compliant Systems tab provides this information:

Table 52. Non-Compliant Systems

Field Description
System Name Domain name of the system.

Model Type The systems model name. For example, Dell PowerEdge.

Operating System The operating system that is installed on the system.

Service Tag A unique identifier, that provides the service

lifecycle information.

Update Method Displays the update methods such as OpenManage Server

Administrator and iDRAC.

Discovered Time Time and date of discovery.

Inventory Time Time and date of inventory.

Select non-compliant systems to select updates to apply and click Apply Selected Updates.

Table 53. Apply Selected Updates

Field Description
System Name System’s domain name.

Importance The requirement of this software update for the system.

Update Method Displays the update methods such as OpenManage Server

Administrator and iDRAC.

Component The software information.

Type The type of software update.

Installed Version The installed version number.

Upgrade/Downgrade A green arrow indicates an upgrade.

Available Version The available version number.

Package Name The name of the software update.

Related links
System Update

Device Search
The search options available are:

• Run an existing query

• Create a new query
• Delete a query

Table 54. Device Search

Field Description
Run Existing Query Select this option and then select a query from the drop-down

Delete Query Select to delete a query after you complete the following action.

Select the Run Existing Query option, then from the drop
down list select the query that you want to delete.

Create New Query Select this option to create a query and then enter a name for
the query in the adjoining field.

Query logic Select from the query logic options to create multiple query
options. Select the check box to enable and include an

Run Query Runs the selected query.

Save Query Saves the selected query.

Related links
Query Results

Query Results
The device search lists these options:

Table 55. Query Results

Field Description
Health Status Displays the health status of the device. The status options are
Normal, Warning, Critical, and Unknown.

Connection Status Displays the connection status of the device. The connection
status are On or Off.

Name Displays the name of the device.

OS Name Displays the operating system installed on the device.

OS Revision Displays the version of the operating system installed on the


Service Tag Displays a unique identifier, that provides the service lifecycle

Asset Tag Displays the defined asset tag for the device.

Device Model Displays the system’s model name. For example, PowerEdge

Device type Displays the type of device. For example, for the Device Model
PowerEdge R710, the Device Type value is Server.

System Revision Number Displays the revision history of the device.

Creating Device Group

Device Group Configuration

Table 56. Device Group Configuration

Field Description
Name Provide name of the new group.

Parent The device under which this group is created.

Description Provide description for the device group.

Device Selection
You can select predefined groups (device types), custom groups, specific devices, or a device query.
To use device query, select a query from the list.

Click New to create a new device query to search and assign the devices to the alert action.

Click Edit to change the query logic.

Select groups or devices from the tree, you can use the query option to create very specific criteria for the selection.

Device Selection Options

Table 57. Device Selection Options

Field Description
All Devices Select to include all the devices that are managed in
OpenManage Essentials.

Citrix XenServers Select to include Citrix XenServers.

Clients Select to include client devices, such as desktops, portables,

and workstations.

HA Clusters Select to include High Availability server clusters.

KVM Select to include keyboard video mouse devices.

Microsoft Virtualization Servers Select to include Microsoft virtualization servers.

Modular Systems Select to include modular systems.

Network Devices Select to include network devices.

OOB Unclassified Devices Select to include out of band Unclassified Devices like Lifecycle
Controller enabled devices.

Power Devices Select to include PDUs and UPS.

PowerEdge C Servers Select to include PowerEdge C servers.

Printers Select to include printers.

RAC Select to include devices with remote access controllers.

Servers Select to include Dell servers.

Storage Devices Select to include storage devices.

Unknown Select to include unknown devices.

VMware ESX Servers Select to include VMware ESX servers.

Summary — Group Configuration

View and edit selections.

Map View (Devices) Tab Interface

The following are the items displayed in the Map View and their descriptions.

Table 58. Map View (Devices) Tab Interface

Item Description
Search bar Enables you to search for locations on the map.

Internet connection warning Indicates if the system is not connected to the Internet.

NOTE: The Internet connection warning is displayed

only if the Show internet connection warning when
unable to connect to the internet option is selected in
Map Settings.

Overlays menu Enables you to overlay the health or connection status of the
device on the pin. The options available are:
• Health
• Connectivity

A tick mark is displayed beside the option that is selected.

Actions menu Enables you to select a list of actions that can be performed.
The available actions are:
• Show All Map Locations
• Go to Home View
• Save Current View as Home View
• Add Licensed Device
• Import Licensed Devices
• Remove All Map Locations
• Export
• Settings
• Edit Location Details
• Remove Location
• Zoom to Street Level

NOTE: The Zoom to Street Level option is displayed

only when a device is selected on the map.

NOTE: The Edit Location Details, Remove Location, and

Zoom to Street Level options in the Actions menu are
device-specific. These options must be used after
selecting a device on the map.

Navigation toolbar Enables you to move the map, zoom in or zoom out, and select
a map service provider. The options available map providers are:
• MapQuest Provider (Licensed)
• Bing Road Provider (Licensed)
• Bing Satellite Provider (Licensed)

Scale Displays the current zoom level of the map in meters or


Devices at this location

The Device at this location window is displayed when you double-click or right-click a multi-pin group and then select Details. The
following are the fields displayed in the Devices at this location window:

Table 59. Devices at this location

Field Description
Health Status Displays the health status of the device. The status options are
Normal, Warning, Critical, and Unknown.

Connection Status Displays the connection status of the device. The connection
statuses are On or Off.

Device Name Displays the name of the device.

Service Tag Displays a unique identifier, that provides the service lifecycle

Asset Tag Displays the defined asset tag for the device.

Model Displays the model name of the system. For example,

PowerEdge R710.

Description Displays the description of the device.

Address Displays the location information of the device.

Contact Displays the contact information of the device.

Map Settings
The following table provides information about the fields displayed in the Map Settings dialog box.
Table 60. Map Settings

Field Description
Update map view on any device or device group selection Select to configure the map to display only the pin or pins that
correspond to the device or device group selected in the device
Show internet connection warning when unable to connect Select to display a message on the map when an Internet
to the internet connection is not available.
Bing Key Select to provide a valid Bing key required by the Bing map
MapQuest Key Select to provide a valid MapQuest key required by the
MapQuest map provider.
Key Allows you to enter a valid Bing key or MapQuest key for
rendering the Map View.
Cancel Click to close the Map Settings dialog box.
Apply Click to save the updates in the Map Settings dialog box.

Related links
Using Map View

Deployment and Re-provisioning
Every server and chassis has a large list of attribute values that describe the settings and functionality of the device. These settings
must be set properly before deploying an operating system to make the server functional. The Deployment Portal enables you to
perform initial server or chassis configuration and operating system deployment. The portal allows you to create a server or chassis
configuration templates that include settings for Lifecycle Controller, System, iDRAC, BIOS, RAID, and NIC for servers, and CMC for
chassis. These configuration templates can then be deployed to multiple servers or chassis for initial configuration before an
operating system deployment process is kicked off from a predefined bootable ISO image.

Using the Deployment Portal, you can:

• Create a device configuration template

• Edit a device configuration template
• Add devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal group
• Modify or remove devices from the Repurpose and Bare Metal group
• Deploy a bare metal server
• Create a virtual I/O identity pool
• Create a compute pool
• Deploy a server with virtual I/O identities (stateless deployment)
• Replace a server
• View the tasks that have been created and their status
• Configure the deployment file share

NOTE: Devices in the Repurpose and Bare Metal group are displayed as targets for device configuration deployment.
You must explicitly add devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal group for deploying a device configuration. On bare
metal deployments, you can remove the devices from the Repurpose and Bare Metal group after the deployment is
NOTE: The device configuration deployment and configuration compliance features are licensed (fee-based) for
supported servers (Dell’s 12th generation or later PowerEdge servers with iDRAC). However, using these features on
supported Dell chassis is free and does not require a license. Creating a device configuration template from either a
server or chassis does not require a license as well. For more information on licensing, see OpenManage Essentials —
Server Configuration Management License.

Related links
Configuring the Deployment File Share
Creating a Device Configuration Template
Adding Devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group
Managing Device Configuration Templates
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Bare Metal Deployment)
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Stateless Deployment)
Deploying a Network ISO Image
Auto Deploying Device Configurations
Viewing the Deployment Tasks
Additional Information

OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management
NOTE: Installing and using OpenManage Essentials does not require the OpenManage Essentials — Server
Configuration Management license. Only the server configuration management feature requires that the OpenManage
Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on target servers.
The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license, enables you to deploy a device configuration and verify
device configuration compliance on licensed servers. The license is a perpetual license that is valid for the life of a server, and can be
bound to the Service Tag of only one server at a time.
NOTE: Enabling the server configuration management feature in OpenManage Essentials does not require any separate
code. If the OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on a target server, you
can use the server configuration management feature on that server.

NOTE: The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is required only for deploying a device
configurations and verifying configuration compliance on servers. The license is not required for:

• Creating a device configuration template from a server, chassis, or IOA.

• Deploying device configurations or verifying configuration compliance on chassis.

Licensable Servers
You can apply OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license to the following servers:

• Dell’s 12th generation of PowerEdge servers having iDRAC7 with firmware version 1.57.57 or later
• Dell 13th generation of PowerEdge servers having iDRAC8 with firmware version or later

Purchasing the License

You can purchase the OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license when you purchase a server or by
contacting your Dell Sales representative. You can download the purchased license from the Dell Software License Management
Portal at dell.com/support/retail/lkm.

Deploying the License

If you purchase a license after you purchased a server, you can deploy the license on the server using Dell License Manager. You can
install License Manager using the OpenManage Essentials installation package. For information on deploying the license, see the Dell
License Manager User’s Guide at dell.com/OpenManageManuals.

Verifying License Information

You can verify if the OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on a server through one of
the following methods:

• In Reports portal, and click License Information. The License Description column indicates the license that has been installed
on the licensed devices.
• Select a device in the device tree. The License Information table in the device inventory indicates the licenses installed on the

Viewing Unlicensed Server Targets

To view the server targets for configuration management that do not have the OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration
Management license installed:

1. Navigate to the Device Compliance Portal.

2. In the Device Compliance pie-chart, click the Non licensed segment. The All Non licensed Devices window displays the
possible targets for server configuration management that do not have a license.

Related links
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Bare Metal Deployment)
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Stateless Deployment)
Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Bare Metal Deployment)
Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Stateless Deployment)
Configuring the Credentials and Device Configuration Inventory Schedule

Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks

The following are the device requirements for device configuration deployment and configuration compliance tasks:

• For servers:

– Dell’s 12th or 13th generation of PowerEdge servers with the latest version of iDRAC7/8 and Lifecycle Controller firmware
– OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license installed on the iDRAC. This license is not the same
as the iDRAC license.
– iDRAC Enterprise or iDRAC Express license. This license is not the same as the OpenManage Essentials — Server
Configuration Management license.
• For chassis:

– PowerEdge M1000e with the latest version of CMC firmware installed.

– PowerEdge VRTX with the latest version of CMC firmware installed.
– PowerEdge FX2 or FX2s with the latest version of CMC firmware installed.
• For IOAs:

– Dell PowerEdge I/O Aggregator must be configured in one of the following operational modes:

* Standalone
* Virtual Link Trunk (VLT)
* Programmable MUX (PMUX)

NOTE: Compliance tasks are not supported for IOAs.

– For Dell OpenManage Essentials version 2.2, the I/O Aggregator must have firmware version installed.
– For Dell OpenManage Essentials version, the I/O Aggregator must have either of the firmware versions,, installed.

NOTE: For information on the supported iDRAC/Lifecycle Controller and CMC firmware versions, see the OpenManage
Essentials documentation at dell.com/OpenManageManuals.
Related links
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Device Configuration File
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Reference Device
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Bare Metal Deployment)
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Stateless Deployment)
Deploying a Network ISO Image
Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Bare Metal Deployment)
Configuring the Credentials and Device Configuration Inventory Schedule
Viewing the Device Configuration Inventory

Getting Started for Device Configuration Deployment
Before you can deploy a device configuration to target devices, you must:

1. Configure the deployment file share on the server running OpenManage Essentials.
2. Add target devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group.

Related links
Overview of Bare Metal Deployment
Overview of Stateless Deployment
Configuring the Deployment File Share
Adding Devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group

Overview of Bare Metal Deployment

The steps that you must perform to deploy a device configuration template on target devices are as follows:

1. Create a device configuration template — Use the Create Template task in the Common Tasks pane to create a device
configuration template. You can choose to create the template from either a configuration file or a reference device.
2. Edit the device configuration template — Select the template from the Templates pane, and edit the desired configuration
attributes displayed in the right pane.
3. Deploy the device configuration template on target devices — Use the Deploy Template task in the Common Tasks pane
to select the template, target devices, edit device-specific attributes, and then deploy the configuration attributes. You can
also use the Setup Auto Deployment task to deploy a device configuration template on devices that you will be discovering

NOTE: If the hardware of the device from which the device configuration template was created and the hardware of the
deployment targets are identical, it enhances the possibility of the attributes being deployed successfully. If the
hardware is not entirely identical, the deployment task may not complete successfully. However, the attributes for the
matching components are deployed successfully.
Related links
Getting Started for Device Configuration Deployment
Creating a Device Configuration Template
Editing a Device Configuration Template
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Bare Metal Deployment)

Viewing the Deployment Portal

To view the deployment portal, click Deployment → Deployment Portal.

Configuring the Deployment File Share

Before creating or deploying a configuration template from a device, you must configure the deployment file share on the server
running OpenManage Essentials. The deployment file share temporarily stores the configuration file that is used to retrieve and
apply the configuration settings on a target server or chassis.
To configure the deployment file share:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Settings → Deployment Settings.

• Click Deployment. In the Common Tasks pane, click File Share Settings.
• Click Deployment → Getting Started for Deployment → Configure Deployment File Share.

• Click Manage → Configuration. In the Common Tasks pane, click File Share Settings.

The File Share Settings window is displayed.

2. Type the domain\user name and password of the server running OpenManage Essentials in the appropriate fields.
3. Click Apply.
If the file share is configured correctly, the File Share Status displays Ok.

Related links
Getting Started for Device Configuration Deployment

Creating a Device Configuration Template

The Create Template task creates a device configuration template that includes the attributes of a server, chassis, or an IOA. Using
the device configuration template, you can:

• Deploy the configuration on another server, chassis, or an IOA.

• Verify the compliance of either a server or chassis to the configuration template.

NOTE: Compliance tasks are not supported for IOA templates.

You can create a device configuration template from:

• A device configuration file.

• A server or chassis that you have discovered.

Related links
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Device Configuration File
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Reference Device

Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Device Configuration File

You can create a device configuration template from an existing server configuration (.xml) file, chassis configuration (.ini) file, or
IOA configuration (.txt) file.
Before you create a configuration template from a device configuration file, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• The configuration file is from a device that meets the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and
Compliance Tasks.
• For IOA templates only –– Ensure that the IOA template that you want to import has not been edited after it was created.
Editing an IOA template, compromises the integrity of the template. Therefore, deploying the edited IOA template will result in a

To create a device configuration template from a device configuration file:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.
• Click Manage → Configuration.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Create Template.
• In the Templates pane, right-click Server Template, Chassis Template, or IOA Template, and then click Create Template.
• In the Common Tasks pane, click either Getting Started for Deployment or Getting Started for Compliance → Create

The Create Template Wizard is displayed.

NOTE: If the deployment file share settings are not configured, a message stating that One or more settings
require configuring for this action is displayed. If you click OK, the File Share Settings window is
displayed. After you configure the file share settings, the Create Template Wizard is displayed.
3. In the Name field, type a name for the template.
4. Click Create from File.
5. Click Browse.
6. Navigate and select the configuration file, and click Open.
7. Click Finish.

The configuration template that is created is displayed in the Templates pane.

NOTE: IOA templates can only be created and deployed. The IOA templates that you create are displayed only in the
Deployment Portal.
Related links
Create Template Wizard
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks

Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Reference Device

You can create a device configuration template from a server, chassis, or an IOA that you have discovered.
Before you create a configuration template from a reference device, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• You are creating a device configuration template from a device that meets the requirements specified in Device Requirements
for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.

To create a device configuration template from a reference device:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.
• Click Manage → Configuration.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Create Template.
• In the Templates pane, right-click Server Template, Chassis Template, or IOA Template, and then click Create Template.
• In the Common Tasks pane, click either Getting Started for Deployment or Getting Started for Compliance → Create

The Create Template window is displayed.

NOTE: If the deployment file share settings are not configured, a message stating that One or more settings
require configuring for this action is displayed. If you click OK, the File Share Settings window is
displayed. After you configure the file share settings, the Create Template Wizard is displayed.
3. Type a Name for the template.
4. Select the device type (Server, Chassis, or IOA) and perform one of the following:
• Select a device from the All Applicable Devices tree.
• Search for a device by using the Search Devices box.
5. Under Execution Credentials, provide the device credentials that have Administrator rights, and click Finish.
6. In the task submission message, click Ok.

A Create Template task is created in the Tasks tab in the right pane. You can view the status of the configuration template in Task
Execution History in the right pane. You can double-click the task in Task Execution History to view the task execution details.
The configuration template that is created is displayed in the Templates pane.

NOTE: IOA templates can only be created and deployed. The IOA templates that you create are displayed only in the
Deployment Portal.
Related links
Create Template Wizard
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks

Adding Devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group

Adding devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group is a prerequisite for deploying either a configuration template or a
network ISO image on those devices.
CAUTION: Ensure that only the appropriate devices are added to the repurpose and bare metal devices group. After
deploying a configuration template on a repurpose and bare metal device, it may not be possible to revert the device to
its original configuration.
NOTE: Servers that you want to add to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group must have the OpenManage
Essentials — Server Configuration Management License installed. For more information, see OpenManage Essentials
— Server Configuration Management License.
To add devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group:

1. Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.

2. In the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab, click Modify Devices.
The Modify Devices of the Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group window is displayed.
3. From the All Applicable Devices tree, select the devices that you want to add to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices
4. Click Finish.
The devices that you added are listed in the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab in the right pane, and in the Repurpose
and Bare Metal Devices group in the device tree.

Related links
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Bare Metal Deployment)
Getting Started for Device Configuration Deployment
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices

Managing Device Configuration Templates

The device configuration templates contain various attributes of a server, chassis, or IOA. Before you use the device configuration
template for either deployment or verification of the compliance status, you can:

• View the attributes of a device configuration template

• Clone a device configuration template
• Edit a device configuration template
• Export a device configuration template
• View the properties of a device configuration template

Related links
Viewing the Device Configuration Template Attributes
Cloning a Device Configuration Template
Editing a Device Configuration Template
Exporting a Device Configuration Template

Viewing the Device Configuration Template Attributes

To view the device configuration template attributes:

NOTE: The device-specific attributes and virtual I/O identity attributes of a device configuration template can only be
viewed in the Edit Attributes tab of the Deploy Template Wizard.

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.
• Click Manage → Configuration → Device Compliance Portal.
2. In the Templates pane, click either a sample template or a template that you created.
The attributes of the template are displayed in the Attributes tab in the right pane. The total number of attributes in the
template is displayed at the top right of the Attributes tab.

NOTE: IOA templates can only be created and deployed. The IOA templates that you create are displayed only in the
Deployment Portal.

NOTE: If the device configuration template was created from a blade server, the right pane also displays the IOA VLAN
Attributes tab. This tab contains the VLAN attributes that you can deploy on the IOA while deploying a blade server.
Related links
Managing Device Configuration Templates
Device Configuration Template Details

Cloning a Device Configuration Template

You can clone a device configuration template to create a template that you can edit and deploy.
To clone a device configuration template:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.
• Click Manage → Configuration → Device Compliance Portal.
2. In the Templates pane, right-click a template, and then click Clone.
The Clone Configuration Template window is displayed.
3. Type a name for the template, and click Ok.

The cloned template is displayed in the Templates pane under the sample templates.

Related links
Managing Device Configuration Templates

Editing a Device Configuration Template

You can edit a device configuration template to make the changes you want on the template before you deploy or use the template
for verifying compliance.
NOTE: Editing of an IOA template is not supported.

To edit a device configuration template:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.
• Click Manage → Configuration → Device Compliance Portal.
2. In the Templates pane, right-click a template, and then click Edit.
The attributes of the template are displayed in the Attributes tab in the right pane.
3. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the target
device, clear the check box for that attribute in the Deploy column.
4. To select or clear all the attributes in the template, select or clear the check box that is displayed next to the Deploy column

NOTE: If the value of an attribute depends on another attribute, the dependency is indicated in the Dependencies
column of the configuration template. To deploy the dependent attributes, you must first edit the primary
attributes, and then edit the dependent attribute.
5. To select multiple rows of attributes, select the row that has the first attribute, press and hold the <Shift> key, and click the
row that has the last attribute. To select or clear the attributes of the selected rows, right-click and select Check or Uncheck.
6. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
The total number of attributes in the template and the number of attributes that you edit are displayed in the top right of the
Attributes tab.
7. Click Save.

Related links
Managing Device Configuration Templates

Exporting a Device Configuration Template

You can export a device configuration template to a .xml (server configuration template) or .ini (chassis configuration template) file.
Exporting the attributes enables you to use an alternative method to edit he attributes. After editing the template, you can import
the template and use it for deployment or verifying compliance.
To export a device configuration template:

NOTE: Exporting a device configuration template exports all the attributes of the configuration template, including
attributes that are not selected.

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.
• Click Manage → Configuration → Device Compliance Portal.
2. In the Templates pane, right-click either a sample template or a template that you created, and then click Export Template.
3. Navigate to the location where you want to export the template, provide a file name, and then click Save.

Related links
Managing Device Configuration Templates

Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Bare Metal Deployment)

The Deploy Template task allows you to deploy a configuration template that includes a set of configuration attributes to specific
devices. Deploying a device configuration template on the devices ensures that the devices are uniformly configured. Bare metal
servers and chassis are devices that only have basic iDRAC communication configured are not yet provisioned for operations.
Before you begin deploying a device configuration template, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• The target devices are added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group or a compute pool. For more information, see
Adding Devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group.
• You have either created a device configuration template or cloned a sample template.
• The target devices meet the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.
• The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on all target servers. For more
information, see OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License.
• For IOA VLAN configuration deployment, the template must be created from a blade server.

CAUTION: Deploying a configuration template on a device may result in potentially destructive changes to the device
configuration including performance, connectivity, and ability to boot the device.
To deploy the configuration template on bare metal devices:

1. Click Deployment.

The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Deploy Template.
• In the Compute Pools pane, right-click the compute pool that has the target devices, and then click Deploy.

The Deploy Template Wizard wizard is displayed.

3. On the Name and Deploy Options page:
a. Type an appropriate name for the task.
b. Under Deploy Target, select Bare Metal.
c. Under Select Deploy Options, select Deploy Template.
NOTE: If you want to deploy a configuration template and then boot the device to a network ISO image, you can
select both Deploy Template and Boot to Network ISO. Separate tasks are created for each operation.
d. Click Next.
4. On the Select Template page:
a. Based on the target device type, click Server Template or Chassis Template.
b. Select the configuration template you want to deploy.
NOTE: Only configuration templates that you have either created or cloned are available for selection.
c. Click Next.
5. On the Select Virtual I/O Pool page, click Next.
6. On the Select Devices page, select the target devices from the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tree, and click Next.
NOTE: Only devices added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group that are not assigned to a compute pool
are available for selection.
7. On the Edit Attributes page:
NOTE: OpenManage Essentials does not include any passwords from the source when the configuration template is
created. If you want to set the passwords for the target devices, all password attributes must be edited in the
configuration template before deployment. If you want to change the password, ensure to run the deployment task
as a different user. If you are changing the password of the device through the deployment, ensure that you run the
deployment task with a different user account.

a. Click the Template Attributes tab.

b. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
c. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
d. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
The total number of attributes in the template and the number of attributes that you edit are displayed in the Grouped by
e. Click Save.
f. Click the Device Specific Attributes tab to edit the attributes that are unique for the target device.
NOTE: The Device Specific Attributes tab may or may not display attributes based on the template selected for
g. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
h. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
i. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
j. Click Save.
k. (For IOA VLAN configuration deployment only) Click the IOA VLAN Attributes tab to edit the IOA VLAN attributes for the
selected template.
l. Select the Deploy check box for the attributes that you want to deploy.
m. Type the values for the tagged VLANs and untagged VLAN.
n. Click Save.
o. Click Next.

8. On the Set Schedule page:
a. Select either Run now, or click the calendar icon and select the date and time you want to run the task.
b. Under Execution Credentials:
• For server configuration deployment — type the credentials that have Administrator privileges on the iDRAC of the
target servers.
•For chassis configuration deployment — type the credentials that have Administrator privileges on the CMC of the
target chassis.
c. (Only for IOA VLAN configuration deployment) Under IOA Credentials, type the credentials that have Administrator
privileges on the IOA.
d. Click Next.
9. On the Preview page:
a. Optional: Click Preview to verify if the attributes of the device configuration template will be deployed successfully on the
target devices.
b. Click Next.
10. On the Summary page, review the information that you have provided, and then click Finish.
The Deploy Template warning is displayed.
11. If you want to continue the deployment, click Yes.

The Deploy Template task is created and run based on the schedule you have selected. You can double-click the task in Task
Execution History to view the task execution details.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard
Device Configuration Setup Wizard
OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks

Deploying IOA Configuration Template

The Deploy Template task allows you to deploy an IOA configuration template on a target device.
Before you begin deploying an IOA device configuration template, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• The target devices are added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group or a compute pool. For more information, see
Adding Devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group.
• You have created a device configuration template from an IOA.
• The target devices meet the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.

NOTE: Ensure that the IOA template that you want to import has not been edited after it was created. Editing an IOA
template, compromises the integrity of the template. Therefore, deploying the edited IOA template will result in a failure.
CAUTION: Deploying a configuration template on a device may result in potentially destructive changes to the device
configuration including performance, connectivity, and ability to boot the device.
To deploy the IOA configuration template:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Deploy Template.
• In the Templates pane, right-click the IOA template that you want to deploy, and click Deploy.
• In the Compute Pools pane, right-click a compute pool that has the target device, and then click Deploy.

The Deploy Template Wizard wizard is displayed.

3. On the Name and Deploy Options page:
a. Type an appropriate name for the task.
b. Under Deploy Target, select Bare Metal.
c. Under Select Deploy Options, select Deploy Template.
d. Click Next.
4. On the Select Template page:
a. Select the IOA template that you want to deploy.
NOTE: Only configuration templates that you have either created or cloned are available for selection.
b. Click Next.
5. If applicable, on the Select Virtual I/O Pool page, click Next.
6. On the Select Devices page, select the target devices from the All Applicable Devices tree, and click Next.
NOTE: Only devices added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group are available for selection.
7. On the Edit Attributes page:
a. Select a device from the Select Devices list.
b. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
c. Select the attributes that you want to deploy.
d. Enter the values in the Value column based on your preference.
e. Click Save.
f. Click Next.
8. On the Options page:
• If you only want to verify if the device configuration template will be deployed successfully, select Perform pre-check only.
NOTE: If the Perform pre-check only option is selected, by default the Continue on warnings option is disabled.

• If you do not want to stop the deployment when the template is incompatible with the target devices, select Continue on
NOTE: When this option is selected, the warnings will be ignored (if any) and the deployment task continues to
run even if the device configuration template is incompatible.
9. On the Set Schedule page:
a. Select either Run now, or click the calendar icon and select the date and time you want to run the task.
b. Under Execution Credentials, type the credentials that have Administrator privileges on the IOA.
c. Click Next.
10. On the Summary page, review the information that you have provided, and then click Finish.
The Deploy Template warning is displayed.
11. If you want to continue the deployment, click Yes.

The Deploy Template task is created and run based on the schedule you have selected. You can double-click the task in Task
Execution History to view the task execution details.

IOA Operational Modes and the Deployment Task Status

The following table lists the IOA operational modes and result of the IOA deployment task:
Table 61. IOA Operational Modes and the Deployment Task Status

Operational mode of the IOA from Operational mode of the IOA on which Deployment Task Status
which the template is created or the template is deployed
Stack Any mode Failed

Any mode Stack Failed

Standalone Programmable MUX (PMUX) Warning

Standalone Standalone Complete

Operational mode of the IOA from Operational mode of the IOA on which Deployment Task Status
which the template is created or the template is deployed

PMUX Standalone Warning

Virtual Link Trunk (VLT) VLT Complete

VLT Non-VLT Failed

Non-VLT VLT Failed

Deploying a Network ISO Image

The deploy template task allows you to boot a server to a network ISO image, after which you can deploy the ISO image on the
Before you begin deploying a network ISO image, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• The target devices are added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group. For more information, see Adding Devices to
the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group.
• You have Full Control permission on the network share where the ISO image is available.
• The target devices meet the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.
• The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management is installed on all target servers. For more information, see
OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License.

To deploy a network ISO image:

1. Click Deployment.
2. In the Common Tasks pane, click Deploy Template.
The Deploy Template wizard is displayed.
3. On the Name and Deploy Options page:
a. Type an appropriate name for the task.
b. Under Select Deploy Options, clear Deploy Template and select Boot to Network ISO.
NOTE: If you want to deploy an operating system and a configuration template, you can select both the Deploy
Template and Boot to Network ISO options. Separate tasks are created for each operation.
c. Click Next.
4. On the Select ISO Location page:
a. Under ISO File Name, type the name of the ISO image file.
b. Under Share Location, type the IP address and name of the network share.
c. Under Share Credentials, type the user name and password.
d. Click Next.
5. On the Select Devices page, select the target devices from the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tree, and click Next.
6. On the Set Schedule page:
a. Select either Run now or click the calendar icon and select the date and time you want to run the task.
b. Under Execution Credentials, type the credentials that have Administrator privileges on the iDRAC of the target servers.
c. Click Next.
7. On the Summary page, review the information that you have provided, and then click Finish.
8. If you want to continue the deployment, click Yes.

The Boot to Network ISO task is created and the task runs based on the schedule you have selected. You can double-click the task
in Task Execution History to view the task execution details. After the target server boots to the network ISO image, you must
launch the iDRAC virtual console and select the options for deploying the ISO image.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard
Device Configuration Setup Wizard
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks

Removing Devices From the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group
You can remove devices from the Repurpose and Bare Metal Device group after the device configuration deployment, network
ISO image deployment, or auto deployment task is complete.
To remove devices from the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group:

1. Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.

2. In the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab, select the devices you want to remove.
3. Perform one of the following:
• Click Remove Selected Devices.
• Right-click and select Remove.
4. On the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
The devices are removed from the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab in the right pane, and in the Repurpose and Bare
Metal Devices group in the device tree.

Related links
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices

Auto Deploying Device Configurations

The Setup Auto Deployment task enables you to deploy either a device configuration or network ISO image on target devices that
you will discover at a later time. For example, if your company has ordered 500 systems that are expected to be delivered through
the next two weeks, you can create the Setup Auto Deployment task that runs periodically and deploys the configuration after the
devices are discovered.

When creating the task, you must import a .csv file that includes the Service Tags or node IDs of target devices on which you want
to deploy the configuration. By default, the Setup Auto Deployment task is run every 60 minutes to identify if the target devices
have been discovered. If a target device is discovered, the device configuration is automatically deployed to the target device. You
can also modify the recurrence of the Setup Auto Deployment task based on your preference.

NOTE: If you create auto deployment tasks in OpenManage Essentials version 2.0 or 2.0.1 and then upgrade to version
2.1 or version 2.2, the auto deployment tasks do not run successfully. In this scenario, it is recommended that you
recreate the auto deployment tasks after the upgrade to version 2.1 or version 2.2.
NOTE: Auto Deployment feature is not applicable for IOA templates.

Related links
Configuring Auto Deployment Settings
Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Bare Metal Deployment)
Managing Auto Deployment Credentials
Adding a Discovery Range for Auto Deployment

Configuring Auto Deployment Settings

The Auto Deployment Settings allows you to perform the following:

• Enable or disable the device configuration auto deployment.
• Set the recurrence of the device configuration auto deployment task.

To configure the auto deployment settings:

1. Click Settings → Deployment Settings.

The Deployment Settings page is displayed.
2. Select or clear Enable auto deployment for recently discovered devices to enable or disable auto deployment of device
3. Edit the Run auto deployment every xx Minutes field based on your preference.
4. Click Apply.

Related links
Auto Deploying Device Configurations

Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Bare Metal Deployment)

The Setup Auto Deployment task enables you to deploy a configuration template, which includes a set of configuration attributes,
to devices that you will discover at a later time. Deploying a device configuration template on the devices ensures that the devices
are uniformly configured.
Before you create a device configuration auto deployment task, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• The auto deployment setting is enabled and configured. For more information, see Configuring Auto Deployment Settings.
• The Service Tag or node ID of each target device is available in a .csv file. The Service Tags or node IDs should be listed under
the title ‘ServiceTag’, ‘Service Tag’, or ‘Node ID’ in the .csv file.

NOTE: On devices which have multiple compute nodes (such as the PowerEdge FM120x4), all of the compute nodes
have the same Service Tag. Therefore, the node ID must be used to identify the specific compute node to use. In
the .csv file, you must include the node IDs of the specific compute nodes that you want to auto deploy.
• You have either created a device configuration template or cloned a sample template.
• The target devices meet the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.
• The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on all target servers. For more
information, see OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License.

CAUTION: Deploying a configuration template on a device may result in potentially destructive changes to the device
configuration including performance, connectivity, and ability to boot the device.
To auto deploy the configuration template on devices that will be discovered at a later time:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Setup Auto Deployment.
• Click Auto Deployment, and then click Add Devices.

The Setup Auto Deployment wizard is displayed.

3. On the Select Deploy Options page:
a. Under Deploy Target, click Bare Metal.
b. If you want to auto deploy a configuration template and then boot the device to an operating system ISO image, you can
select both the Deploy Template and Boot to Network ISO options. Separate tasks are created for each operation.
c. Click Next.
4. On the Select Template page:
a. Based on the target device type, click Server Template or Chassis Template.

b. Select the configuration template you want to deploy.
NOTE: Only configuration templates that you have either created or cloned are available for selection.
c. Click Next.
5. On the Import Service Tags/Node IDs page:
a. Click Import.
b. Browse and select the .csv file that includes the Service Tags or node IDs.
NOTE: You can only import valid Service Tags or node IDs that have not already been discovered.
c. Click Open.
The Import Summary is displayed.
d. Click Ok.
e. Click Next.
6. On the Edit Attributes page:
NOTE: OpenManage Essentials does not include any passwords from source when the configuration template is
created. If you want to set the passwords for the target devices, all password attributes must be edited in the
configuration template before deployment.

a. Click the Template Attributes tab.

b. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
c. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
d. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
The total number of attributes in the template and the number of attributes that you edit are displayed in the Grouped by
e. Click the Device Specific Attributes tab to edit the attributes that are unique for the target device.
NOTE: The Device Specific Attributes tab may or may not display attributes based on the template selected for
f. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
g. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
h. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
NOTE: You can also export the Device Specific Attributes for a specific device or for all devices as .csv file, edit
the attributes, and import the attributes. To export or import the Device Specific Attributes, click Import/
i. (For IOA VLAN configuration deployment only) Click the IOA VLAN Attributes tab to edit the IOA VLAN attributes for the
selected template.
j. Select the Deploy check box for the attributes that you want to deploy.
k. Type the values for the tagged VLANs and untagged VLAN.
l. Click Save.
m. Click Next.
7. On the Execution Credentials page:
a. On the Credentials section, click Add New Credentials.
NOTE: For server configuration deployment — provide the iDRAC Administrator credentials; For chassis
configuration deployment — provide the CMC Administrator credentials.

The Add Credentials window is displayed.

b. Type the description, Administrator user name, and password required to run the task on the target devices.
c. If you want to set the credentials as the default credentials for all target devices, select Default, and then click Finish.
d. Repeat step a to step c until you have configured the credentials required for running the task on all target devices.
e. On the Devices section, set the Execution Credentials for each target device.
f. (Only for IOA VLAN configuration deployment) Under IOA Credentials, type the credentials that have Administrator
privileges on the IOA.

g. Click Next.
8. On the Summary page, review the information that you have provided, and then click Finish.
The Deploy Template warning is displayed.
9. If you want to continue creating the Setup Auto Deployment task, click Yes.

The Service Tags or Node IDs are displayed in the Auto Deployment tab until the devices are discovered and inventoried in
OpenManage Essentials. The Deploy Configuration to Undiscovered Devices task runs periodically and verifies if the devices are
discovered and inventoried in OpenManage Essentials.

NOTE: The Deploy Configuration to Undiscovered Devices runs based on the frequency configured in Settings →
Deployment Settings.

After the discovery and inventory of the devices is completed and a deploy task is created, the devices are moved to the
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group. You can double-click the tasks in Task Execution History to view the task execution
details. If you do not want to deploy any other device configuration on the devices, you can remove the devices from the
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group.

NOTE: Devices in the Auto Deployment tab are moved to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group, even if the auto
deployment task fails. If you want to deploy the configuration template on those devices, you must create a new
deployment task.
Related links
Auto Deploying Device Configurations
Setup Auto Deployment Wizard
Importing Device Specific Attributes
Exporting Device Specific Attributes
OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks
Auto Deployment

Managing Auto Deployment Credentials

The Manage Auto Deployment Credentials task enables you to configure and assign execution credentials for target devices that
have been set up for auto deployment.
To manage auto deployment credentials:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. In the Common Tasks pane, click Manage Auto Deployment Credentials.
The Manage Auto Deployment Credentials window is displayed.
3. If you want to add new credentials that you want to assign to a target device, click Add New Credentials.
NOTE: For server configuration deployment — provide the iDRAC Administrator credentials; For chassis
configuration deployment — provide the CMC Administrator credentials.

a. In the Add Credentials window, type the description, user name, and password.
b. If you want to set the credentials as the default credentials for all target devices, select Default, and then click Finish.
The credentials that you added are displayed in the Credentials section.
4. If you want to update an existing credential, click the update icon.
a. In the Add Credentials window, edit the description, user name, and password as required.
b. If you want to set the credentials as the default credentials for all new target devices, select Default, and then click Finish.
5. If you want to delete an existing credential, click the delete icon, and then click Ok in the Confirmation Required dialog box.
The credentials that you deleted are removed from the Credentials section.
6. If you want to assign credentials to a target device, in the Devices section, select the appropriate credentials under Execution

7. Click Finish.

Related links
Auto Deploying Device Configurations
Manage Auto Deployment Credentials

Adding a Discovery Range for Auto Deployment

You can create a discovery range for the auto deployment task through either the Auto Deployment tab or the Discovery and
Inventory portal.
Before you can add a discovery range through the Auto Deployment tab, you must setup an auto deployment task.
To add a discovery range through the Auto Deployment tab:

1. Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.

The Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab is displayed in the right pane.
2. In the right pane, click the Auto Deployment tab, and then click Add Discovery Range.
The Discover Devices wizard is displayed.
3. Follow the instructions from step 2 to step 5 in Creating a Discovery and Inventory Task to create the discovery range.
The discovery range is created in the Discovery and Inventory portal.

Related links
Auto Deploying Device Configurations
Auto Deployment

Removing Devices From an Auto Deployment Task

If you do not want to perform auto deployment on a particular devices, you can remove those devices from the auto deployment
To remove devices from an auto deployment task:

1. Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.

The Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab is displayed in the right pane.
2. On the right pane, click the Auto Deployment tab, and select the devices you want to remove.
3. Perform one of the following:
• Click Remove Selected Devices.
• Right-click and select Delete.
4. On the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
The devices are removed from the Auto Deployment tab.

Related links
Auto Deployment

Importing Device Specific Attributes

You can also import the device specific attributes for deployment, if you already have a .csv file that includes the attributes.
Before you begin, make sure that the .csv file that you want to import meets the requirements specified in Import File
To import the attributes:

1. On the Edit Attributes page of the Deployment Template Wizard or Setup Auto Deployment wizard, click Import/Export.
The Import/Export Device Specific Attributes window is displayed.
2. Click Import.
The import confirmation dialog box is displayed.
3. Click Yes.

4. Navigate and select the .csv file, and click Open.
The Import Summary dialog box displays the number of imported attributes.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes window, click Close.

Related links
Import File Requirements

Import File Requirements

The following table describes the column titles and data to be included in the .csv file that is used for importing device specific
Table 62. Import File Requirements

Field Description
Device Name The name of the device. During import, the device name is used
to match with the name of the device selected for deployment.

Service Tag The Service Tag of the device. The Service Tag must be
provided for auto deployment tasks. For the deployment task,
the Service Tag is optional if the device name is provided.

Parent The attribute's direct parent fully qualified descriptor (FQDD).

The parent value is used to match during import.

Attribute The raw name of the configuration attribute. The name is used
to match during import.

Value The value of the attribute.

NOTE: Empty values are also valid and will be imported.

Secure values are exported in a masked format. All
imported values are selected for deployment.

Possible Values The list of allowable values.

NOTE: If you include a value that is not permitted or

present in the list, the value is not imported.

Exporting Device Specific Attributes

You can also export the device specific attributes to a .csv file, edit the attributes, and then import the attributes. Exporting the
attributes enables you to use an alternative method to edit he attributes.
To export the attributes:
NOTE: If you want to export the device specific attributes for only a specific device, select the device in the Edit
Attributes page.

1. On the Edit Attributes page of the Deployment Template Wizard or Setup Auto Deployment wizard, click Import/Export.
The Import/Export Device Specific Attributes window is displayed.
2. Click either Export Selected Device or Export All Devices based on your preference.
If you selected Export All Devices, a confirmation dialog box is displayed.
3. Click Yes.
4. Navigate to the location where you want to save the .csv file, and click Save.

Viewing the Deployment Tasks
To view the deployment tasks that have been created:

1. Click Deployment → Deployment Portal.

2. In the Tasks pane on the left, select a task type.
The Task tab on the right pane displays the tasks that have been created.

Related links

Managing the Virtual I/O Identities of a Server (Stateless Deployment)

The I/O interfaces of a server, such as NICs or HBAs, have unique identity attributes that are assigned by the manufacturer of the
interfaces. These unique identity attributes are collectively known as the I/O identity of a server. The I/O identities uniquely identify
a server on a network and also determine how the server communicates with a network resource using a specific protocol. Using
OpenManage Essentials, you can automatically generate and assign virtual identity attributes to the I/O interfaces of a server.

Servers deployed using a device configuration template that contains virtual I/O identities are known to be stateless. Stateless
deployments allow you to create a server environment that is dynamic and flexible. For example, deploying a server with virtual I/O
identities in a boot-from-SAN environment allows you to quickly perform the following:

• Replace a failing or failed server by moving the I/O identity of the server to another spare server.
• Deploy additional servers to increase the computing capability during high workload.

The Deployment portal allows you to perform the following tasks that are required to manage the virtual I/O identity of a server:

• Create virtual I/O pools

• Create compute pools
• Deploy a server
• Reclaim the virtual I/O identity of a server
• Replace a server

Overview of Stateless Deployment

The steps that you must perform to deploy a device configuration template with virtual I/O attributes on target devices are as

1. Create a device configuration template — Use the Create Template task in the Common Tasks pane to create a device
configuration template. You can choose to create the template from either a configuration file or a reference device.
2. Edit the device configuration template — Select the template from the Templates pane, and edit the desired configuration
attributes displayed in the right pane.
3. Create Virtual I/O Pool — Use the Create Virtual I/O Pool task in the Common Tasks pane to create a pool of one or more
virtual I/O identity types. The virtual I/O identity pool is used to assign virtual I/O identities to the target devices.
4. Create Compute Pool — Use the Create Compute Pool task in the Common Tasks pane to create a group of servers that
you want to use for a specific purpose. You can associate a device configuration template and virtual I/O pool to the compute
5. Deploy the device configuration template on target devices — Use the Deploy Template task in the Common Tasks pane
to deploy the device configuration template and virtual I/O identities on the target devices.

Related links
Getting Started for Device Configuration Deployment
Creating a Device Configuration Template
Editing a Device Configuration Template
Creating a Virtual I/O Pool
Creating a Compute Pool
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Stateless Deployment)

Virtual I/O Pools

A virtual I/O pool is a collection of one or more virtual I/O identity types that are required for network communication. A virtual I/O
pool can contain a combination of any of the following virtual I/O identity types:

• Ethernet identity which is defined by the Media Access Control (MAC) address. MAC addresses are required for Ethernet
(LAN) communications.
• Fibre Channel (FC) identity which is defined by the World Wide Node Name (WWNN) and World Wide Port Name (WWPN). A
WWNN identity is assigned to a node (device) in an FC fabric and may be shared by some or all ports of a device. A WWPN
identity is assigned to each port in an FC fabric and is unique to each port. WWNN and WWPN identities are required to support
boot-from-SAN and for data access using FC and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) protocols.
• iSCSI identity which is defined by the iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN). IQN identities are required to support boot-from-SAN using
the iSCSI protocol.

OpenManage Essentials utilizes the virtual I/O pools to automatically assign virtual I/O identities to the device configuration
template that is used for deploying a server.

NOTE: A virtual I/O pool can be associated with one or more compute pools.

Related links
Creating a Virtual I/O Pool
Editing a Virtual I/O Pool
Viewing the Definitions of a Virtual I/O Pool
Renaming a Virtual I/O Pool
Deleting a Virtual I/O Pool

Creating a Virtual I/O Pool

You can create a virtual I/O pool that contains one or more virtual I/O identity types.
To create a pool of virtual I/O identity types:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• On the left pane, under Common Tasks, click Create Virtual I/O Pool.
• On the left pane, under Virtual I/O Pools, right-click Virtual I/O Pools → Create Virtual I/O Pool.

The Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard is displayed.

3. On the Name and Description page, type a unique name for the virtual I/O pool and an appropriate description, and then click
4. On the Ethernet Identities page, perform one of the following:
NOTE: If you do not want to include MAC addresses in the virtual I/O pool, clear the Include MAC addresses in this
pool option, and then click Next.

a. If you want to provide a prefix for the MAC addresses that will be generated, click Specify a prefix to allocate from and
perform the following:

1. In the Number of predefined octets box, type or select the number of octets that you want to predefine in the MAC
addresses that will be generated.

NOTE: The octet values you define must not match with a multicast or broadcast address. If you provide
00 as the value for all the octets, the first value of the last octet that is generated is 01.
2. Type the octet values that you want to define in the appropriate fields, and then click Next.
b. If you want to import the MAC addresses from a .csv file, click Import from file and perform the following:
NOTE: You can import up to 1000 identities using a .csv file. The .csv file must have a column titled Name or

1. Click Import.
2. On the Import Wizard, click Import.
3. Browse and select the .csv file and click Open. The Import Results window is displayed.
4. Close the Import Results window and the Import Wizard, and then click Next.

Figure 23. Sample .csv file with MAC addresses

5. On the FCoE Node Name Identities page, perform one of the following:
NOTE: It is not necessary to have a virtual I/O pool with FC attributes for deploying on a Converged Network
Adapter (CNA) card because the FC attributes are automatically generated by OpenManage Essentials based on
the virtual FIP MAC address.

NOTE: If you do not want to include fibre channel WWNN identities in the virtual I/O pool, clear the Include Fibre
Channel WWNN Identities in the pool option, and then click Next.

a. If you want to provide a prefix for the WWNN identities that will be generated, click Specify a prefix to allocate from and
perform the following:

1. In the Number of predefined octets box, type or select the number of octets that you want to predefine in the
WWNN identities that will be generated.

NOTE: The first octet of the WWNN identity must start with 2, 5, or 6.

2. Type the octet values that you want to define in the appropriate fields, and then click Next.
b. If you want to import the WWNN identities from a .csv file, click Import from file and perform the following:
NOTE: You can import up to 1000 identities using a .csv file. The .csv file must have a column titled Name or

1. Click Import.
2. On the Import Wizard, click Import.
3. Browse and select the .csv file and click Open. The Import Results window is displayed.
4. Close the Import Results window and the Import Wizard, and then click Next.

Figure 24. Sample .csv file with WWNN identities

6. On the FCoE Port Name Identities page, perform one of the following:
NOTE: If you do not want to include fibre channel WWPN identities in the virtual I/O pool, clear the Include Fibre
Channel WWPN Identities in the pool option, and then click Next.

a. If you want to provide a prefix for the WWPN identities that will be generated, click Specify a prefix to allocate from and
perform the following:

1. In the Number of predefined octets box, type or select the number of octets that you want to predefine in the
WWPN identities that will be generated.

NOTE: The first octet of the WWPN identity must start with 2, 5, or 6.

2. Type the octet values that you want to define in the appropriate fields, and then click Next.
b. If you want to import the WWPN identities from a .csv file, click Import from file and perform the following:
NOTE: You can import up to 1000 identities using a .csv file. The .csv file must have a column titled Name or

1. Click Import.
2. On the Import Wizard, click Import.
3. Browse and select the .csv file and click Open. The Import Results window is displayed.
4. Close the Import Results window and the Import Wizard, and then click Next.

Figure 25. Sample .csv file with WWPN identities

7. On the iSCSI IQN Identities page, perform one of the following:

NOTE: If you do not want to include iSCSI IQN identities in the virtual I/O pool, clear the Include IQN Identities in
the pool option, and then click Next.

a. If you want to provide a prefix for the iSCSI IQN identities that will be generated, click Specify a prefix to allocate from,
and type the IQN in the appropriate field.
NOTE: The typical iSCSI IQN format is: iqn.date.domainname-in-reverse:storage-identifier. For example, iqn.

NOTE: The iSCSI IQN identifier string can include the following special characters: hyphen, comma, colon, and
b. If you want to import the iSCSI IQN identities from a .csv file, click Import from file and perform the following:

NOTE: You can import up to 1000 identities using a .csv file. The .csv file must have a column titled Name or

1. Click Import.
2. On the Import Wizard, click Import.
3. Browse and select the .csv file and click Open. The Import Results window is displayed.
4. Close the Import Results window and the Import Wizard, and then click Next.

Figure 26. Sample .csv file with iSCSI IQN identities

8. On the Summary page, review the definitions that you provided for the I/O identity types, and then click Finish.

The virtual I/O pool that you created is displayed under Virtual I/O Pools on the left pane.
Related links
Virtual I/O Pools
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

Editing a Virtual I/O Pool

You can edit a virtual I/O pool to add ranges that you had not specified earlier, add a new I/O identity type, or delete identity type
ranges that have not been assigned to any compute pool.
To edit the definitions of a virtual I/O pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Virtual I/O Pools, right-click a virtual I/O pool, and then click Edit.
The Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard is displayed.
3. Make the required changes to the definitions on the appropriate pages of the wizard.
4. On the Summary page, click Finish.

The changes you made to the virtual I/O pool are saved.
Related links
Virtual I/O Pools
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

Viewing the Definitions of a Virtual I/O Pool

To view the definitions of a virtual I/O pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Virtual I/O Pools, right-click a virtual I/O pool, and then click View.
The Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard is displayed.
3. Click Next to view the various I/O identity definitions of the virtual I/O pool.

Related links
Virtual I/O Pools
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

Renaming a Virtual I/O Pool
To rename a virtual I/O pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Virtual I/O Pools, right-click the virtual I/O pool that you want to rename, and then click Rename.
The Rename Virtual I/O Pool window is displayed.
3. Type a new name and then click OK.

The virtual I/O pool is renamed.

Related links
Virtual I/O Pools

Deleting a Virtual I/O Pool

You can delete a virtual I/O pool if the virtual I/O pool is not locked.
To delete a virtual I/O pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Virtual I/O Pools, right-click the virtual I/O pool that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
3. At the Delete Confirmation prompt, click Yes.

The virtual I/O pool is deleted.

Related links
Virtual I/O Pools

Viewing the Virtual I/O Identities Assigned or Deployed on a Device

Deployed I/O identities are identities from a virtual I/O pool that are deployed on target devices. Assigned I/O identities are
identities from a virtual I/O pool that are assigned to target devices prior to deploying the devices. You can assign virtual I/O
identities to target devices using the Edit Attributes → Identity Attributes tab of the Deploy Template Wizard.
To view the virtual I/O identities that are assigned or deployed on a device:

NOTE: If you want to view all devices and their assigned or deployed virtual I/O identities, click Reports → Server
Configuration → Assigned Identity Attributes.

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Under Virtual I/O Pools on the left pane, select a virtual I/O pool.
The Virtual I/O Pool Summary page is displayed on the right pane.
3. On the Virtual I/O Pool Summary page, click the Devices with Identities tab.
Devices with assigned or deployed virtual I/O identities are displayed on a grid.
4. Perform one of the following:
• Right-click a device on the grid, and then click View Identities.
• Double-click a device on the grid.

The Identity Assignments window displays the virtual I/O identities that are either assigned or deployed on the device.

Compute Pools
A compute pool is a group of servers that you want to use for a specific purpose. Typically, the servers in a compute pool share the
same hardware configurations and attributes. Based on your requirement, you can create compute pools for various purposes such

• Managing the workload

• Managing servers of a business unit
• Managing servers in a geographic region

Creating a compute pool allows you to quickly deploy a new server or replace an existing server in a production environment.

NOTE: A compute pool can be associated with only one virtual I/O pool and one device configuration template.

Related links
Creating a Compute Pool
Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Stateless Deployment)
Unlocking a Compute Pool
Editing the Definitions of a Compute Pool
Viewing the Definitions of a Compute Pool
Removing a Server From a Compute Pool
Renaming a Compute Pool
Deleting a Compute Pool

Creating a Compute Pool

You can create a compute pool to group a set of servers for a specific purpose.
To create a compute pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• On the left pane, under Common Tasks, click Create Compute Pool.
• On the left pane, under Compute Pools, right-click Repurpose and Bare Metal → Create Compute Pool.

The Create Compute Pool Wizard is displayed.

3. On the Name and Description page, type a unique name for the compute pool and an appropriate description, and then click
4. On the Select Template page, perform the following:
NOTE: Selecting a template is optional. You can select a template at a later time, either by editing the compute pool
or while deploying a server. If you do not want to select a template, ensure that the Select Template for the
Compute Pool option is not selected, and then click Next.

NOTE: Only templates that you have previously created from a server or cloned are available for selection.

NOTE: Templates that are already associated with a compute pool are not available for selection.

NOTE: The template you select must be imported from a Dell PowerEdge server with the latest iDRAC firmware
installed. The template must include persistence policy attributes that allow the deployed virtual I/O identities to be
persistent across reboots.

a. Select the Select Template for the Compute Pool option.

b. Select a template from the list and click Next.
5. On the Select ISO Location page, perform the following:

NOTE: If you do not want to provide the ISO location details, ensure that the Boot Compute Pool from Network ISO
option is not selected, and then click Next.

a. Select the Boot Compute Pool from Network ISO option.

b. Type the ISO file name, IP address and name of the network share in the appropriate fields, and then click Next.
6. On the Select Virtual I/O Pool page, perform one of the following:
• If you want to provide the virtual I/O identity attributes manually while deploying the template, click User defined I/O
assignment, and then click Next.
• If you want OpenManage Essentials to automatically assign virtual I/O identities to the servers in the compute pool, click
Automatic I/O assignment, select a virtual I/O pool from the list, and then click Next.
7. On the Select Devices page, select the target devices you want to include in the compute pool from the All Applicable
Devices tree, and click Next.
NOTE: Only devices in the Repurpose and Bare Metal group that are not members of any other compute pools are
available for selection.

NOTE: A device that is already included in a compute pool cannot be included in another compute pool.

NOTE: Only devices that you select to include in the compute pool are available for stateless deployment.
8. (Only if you selected a template in step 4) On the Edit Attributes page, select and update the attributes based on your
requirement, and click Next.
9. On the Summary page, review your selections, and then click Finish.

The compute pool that you created is displayed under Compute Pools on the left pane.
Related links
Compute Pools
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Deploying a Device Configuration Template (Stateless Deployment)

The Deploy Template task allows you to deploy a configuration template that includes a set of configuration attributes to specific
devices. Deploying a device configuration template on the devices ensures that the devices are uniformly configured.
Before you begin deploying a device configuration template, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• The target devices are added to the compute pool. For more information, see Creating a Compute Pool and Editing a Compute
• You have either created or cloned a device configuration template.
• The target devices meet the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.
• The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on all target servers. For more
information, see OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License.
• On servers with a Mellanox HBA adapter, make sure that the version of adapter firmware installed is X08 or later.
• For IOA configuration deployment, the template must be created from a blade server.

NOTE: For the list of HBA card types that support stateless deployment, see “Supported cards for I/O Identity
Optimization” in the iDRAC User’s Guide at Dell.com/idracmanuals.
CAUTION: Deploying a configuration template on a device may result in potentially destructive changes to the device
configuration including performance, connectivity, and ability to boot the device.
To deploy a configuration template on devices:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Deploy Template.
• In the Compute Pools pane, right-click the compute pool that includes the devices that you want to deploy, and then click

The Deploy Template Wizard wizard is displayed.
3. On the Name and Deploy Options page:
a. Type an appropriate name for the task.
b. Under Deploy Target, select Compute Pool.
c. Select a compute pool from the Select a Compute Pool list.
d. Under Select Deploy Options, select Deploy Template.
e. Click Next.
4. On the Select Template page, select a device configuration template and click Next.
NOTE: Only device configuration templates that you have either created or cloned are available for selection. A
template that is already assigned to a compute pool is not available for selection.
5. On the Select Virtual I/O Pool page, perform one of the following, and then click Next.
• Select User defined I/O assignment if you want to manually provide virtual I/O identities for the devices.
• Select Automatic I/O assignment and select a virtual I/O pool from the list to allow OpenManage Essentials to
automatically assign virtual I/O identities to the devices.
6. On the Select Devices page, select one or more target devices from the compute pool tree, and then click Next.
7. On the Edit Attributes page:
NOTE: OpenManage Essentials does not include any passwords from the source when the configuration template is
created. If you want to set the passwords for the target devices, all password attributes must be edited in the
configuration template before deployment.

NOTE: If you selected User defined I/O assignment in step 5, you must edit the I/O attributes of the template and
provide the appropriate values in the Edit Attributes → Device Specific Attributes tab.

NOTE: The BIOS attributes list of the device configuration template contains the BIOS.Virtual instance with the
following attributes: EnableBootDevices and DisableBootDevices. Devices that you want to boot from must be
included in the EnableBootDevices list.

a. Click the Template Attributes tab to edit the attributes of the device configuration template.
b. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
c. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target devices, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
d. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
The total number of attributes in the template and the number of attributes that you edit are displayed on the Grouped by
e. Click Save.
f. Click the Device Specific Attributes tab to edit the attributes that are unique for the target devices.
NOTE: The Device Specific Attributes tab may or may not display attributes based on the template selected for
g. Under Select Devices, select a device.
h. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
i. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
j. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
k. Click Save.
l. (For automatic virtual I/O assignment only) Click the Identity Attributes tab to assign the virtual I/O identities.
NOTE: For FCoE WWPN, WWNN, and virtual FIP attributes, if you deselect an attribute, all the other related
attributes are deselected automatically.

NOTE: For Intel network adapters, a single iSCSI initiator name is generated and deployed on all ports. You
cannot deploy the IQN identity to only one port. By default, the IQN identity is deployed to all ports.

NOTE: The Status column displays an Error status if the selected virtual I/O pool either does not contain the
virtual I/O attributes or does not have sufficient virtual I/O identities.

1. Optional: Click Assign Identities to assign virtual I/O identities from the virtual I/O pool.
2. On the Results prompt, click OK. The Identity Assignments tab is displayed.
m. (For IOA VLAN configuration deployment only) Click the IOA VLAN Attributes tab to edit the IOA VLAN attributes for the
selected template.
n. Select the Deploy check box for the attributes that you want to deploy.
o. Type the values for the tagged VLANs and untagged VLAN.
p. Click Save.
q. Click Next.
8. On the Set Schedule page:
a. Select either Run now, or click the calendar icon and select the date and time you want to run the task.
b. Under Execution Credentials, type the credentials of the iDRAC that have Administrator privileges.
c. (Only for IOA VLAN configuration deployment) Under IOA Credentials, type the credentials that have Administrator
privileges on the IOA.
d. Click Next.
9. On the Preview page:
a. Optional: Click Preview to verify if the attributes of the device configuration template will be deployed successfully on the
target devices.
b. Click Next.
10. On the Summary page, review the information that you have provided, and then click Finish.
The Deploy Template warning is displayed.
11. If you want to continue the deployment, click Yes.

The Deploy Template task is created and the task runs based on the schedule you have selected. You can double-click the task in
Task Execution History to view the task execution details. After the deployment is completed successfully, the template deployed

icon and the text, Deployed, are displayed along with the device name in the compute pool.

NOTE: On stateless deployment for FCoE protocol, the first octet for WWNN will be 20:00 and the first octet for the
WWPN will be 20:01. The remaining octets will be the same as the virtual FIP MAC address.
Related links
OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks
Compute Pools
Automatic Locking of a Compute Pool

Automatic Locking of a Compute Pool

After the first successful deployment of any server in a compute pool, the compute pool is automatically locked. When a compute

pool is locked, the associated device configuration template and the virtual I/O pool are also locked. A lock icon is displayed in
the user interface to indicate that the resource is locked. Locking of the compute pool ensures that all servers in the pool utilize the
same device configuration template and virtual I/O pool. You can only perform the following on a locked compute pool:

• View the definitions of the compute pool

• Add or remove servers from the compute pool
• Deploy servers that are members of the compute pool

NOTE: If you want to use a locked device configuration template for other purposes, you can clone and use the device
configuration template.

Unlocking a Compute Pool
You can unlock a compute pool if you want to update the compute pool after the compute pool is deployed and locked. For example,
after unlocking a compute pool, you can edit the device configuration template, and then redeploy the servers in the compute pool.
To unlock a compute pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Compute Pools, right-click the compute pool that you want to unlock, and then click Unlock.
3. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

The compute pool is unlocked. However, the servers in the compute pool that were already deployed remain in the deployed state.
Unlocking the compute pool also unlocks the associated device configuration template and virtual I/O pool.
Related links
Compute Pools
Automatic Locking of a Compute Pool

Editing the Definitions of a Compute Pool

The definitions of a compute pool that you can edit depend on the whether the compute pool is locked or unlocked. After any server
in a compute pool is successfully deployed, the compute pool is automatically locked. In a locked compute pool, you can only add and
deploy servers.
To edit the definitions of a compute pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Compute Pools, right-click a compute pool, and then click Edit.
The Create Compute Pool Wizard is displayed.
3. Make the required changes to the definitions on the appropriate pages of the wizard.
4. On the Summary page, review the information, and then click Finish.

The changes you made to the compute pool are saved.

Related links
Compute Pools
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Viewing the Definitions of a Compute Pool

To view the definitions of a compute pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Compute Pools, right-click a compute pool, and then click View.
The Create Compute Pool Wizard is displayed.
3. Click Next to view the various definitions of the compute pool.

Related links
Compute Pools
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Removing a Server From a Compute Pool
You can remove a server from a compute pool based on your requirement. For example, you can remove a server from a compute
pool for the purpose of moving the server to another compute pool or for deploying the server without virtual I/O identities.
To remove a server from a compute pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Compute Pools, right-click the server that you want to remove from the compute pool, and then click
Remove from Pool.
3. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

The server is removed from the compute pool and is moved to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group.
Related links
Compute Pools

Renaming a Compute Pool

To rename a compute pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Compute Pools, right-click the compute pool that you want to rename, and then click Rename.
The Rename Compute Pool window is displayed.
3. Type a new name and then click OK.

The compute pool is renamed.

Related links
Compute Pools

Deleting a Compute Pool

To delete a compute pool:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. On the left pane, under Compute Pools, right-click the compute pool that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
3. At the Delete Confirmation prompt, click Yes.

The compute pool is deleted and all servers from the pool are returned to the Repurpose and Bare Metal group. The virtual I/O
pool and the device configuration template that was associated with the compute pool are unlocked. However, virtual I/O identities
that were either assigned or deployed are retained by the servers.

NOTE: Even if the compute pool is deleted, the servers that were part of the compute pool remain in the deployed state.

Related links
Compute Pools

Replacing a Server
The replace server task allows you to quickly replace a production server with another server from within the same compute pool.
For example, you can use the replace server task to quickly replace a failing or failed server with another spare server. When the
replace server task runs, the attributes of a device configuration template and the virtual I/O identities of the source server are
migrated to the target server.
Before you begin the replace server task, ensure that:
• The compute pool contains a minimum of two servers, one or both of the servers in a deployed state.

• The source server is deployed within the same compute pool.
• The target server is within the same compute pool as the source server.

To replace a server:
CAUTION: The replace server task may result in potentially destructive changes to the device configuration including
performance, connectivity, ability to boot the device, and/or data loss.

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Replace Server.
• In the Compute Pools pane, right-click the compute pool that includes the server you want to replace, and then click
Replace Server.

The Replace Server Wizard wizard is displayed.

3. On the Name page, type an appropriate name for the task, and then click Next.
4. On the Source and Target page:
NOTE: The target servers are displayed only after you select the source server. The servers displayed in the Select
Target section also include servers that are already in a deployed state.

a. Under Select Source, select the source server.

b. Under Select Target, select the target server.
c. Click Next.
5. On the Review Source Attributes page, review the template attributes, IOA VLAN attributes (if applicable), device specific
attributes, and virtual I/O identity assignments, and then click Next.
6. On the Options page, select any of the following options based on your preference:
• Remove source from compute pool — Select to move the source server from the compute pool to the Repurpose and
Bare Metal Devices group after the server is replaced.
• Deploy to target even if virtual identities cannot be reclaimed from the source — Select to reclaim the virtual I/O
identities of the source server, even if the source server is unreachable.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Credentials page, type the iDRAC user name and password of the source server and target server in the appropriate
fields, and then click Next.
9. On the Summary page, review the selections you have made, and then click Finish.
The Replace Server warning is displayed.
10. If you want to continue the replacement, click Yes.

The replace server task is created and the task runs immediately. You can double-click the task in Task Execution History to view

the task execution details. After the deployment is completed successfully, the template deployed icon and the text, Deployed,
are displayed along with the device name in the compute pool.

NOTE: When a server is replaced, all selected attributes of the device configuration template (including device-specific
identity attributes for workload movement) are deployed on the target server. If you try to redeploy the device
configuration template after replacing the server, the device-specific attributes are not populated automatically in the
Deploy Template wizard. Therefore, if required, you must manually enter the device-specific attributes in the Edit
Template page of the Deploy Template wizard.

NOTE: When the replace server task runs, the pie chart in the Device Compliance portal displays the source server as
two devices — one as Not Compliant or Compliant and another as Not Inventoried. After the server replacement task is
completed, the pie chart displays the correct compliance status for the source server.

Reclaiming Deployed Virtual I/O Identities of a Server

The reclaim identities task allows you to reclaim all deployed virtual I/O identities from a server.
Before you begin the reclaim identities task, ensure that:

• The server has been deployed from a compute pool.
• The server has been assigned virtual I/O identities using OpenManage Essentials.

To reclaim the deployed virtual I/O identities of a server:

CAUTION: The reclaim identities task may impact one or more network settings of the server and may result in loss of
connectivity to the server.

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Reclaim Identities.
• In the Compute Pools pane, right-click the compute pool that includes the server you want to replace, and then click
Reclaim Identities.
• In the Virtual I/O Pools pane, click a virtual I/O pool. On the right-side pane, click the Devices with Identities tab. Right-
click a device and then click Reclaim Deployed Virtual Identities.

The Reclaim Identities Wizard wizard is displayed.

3. On the Name page, type an appropriate name for the task, and then click Next.
4. On the Select Devices page, click Next.
5. On the Identity Assignments page, review the virtual I/O identity attributes, and then click Next.
6. On the Options page, select any of the following options based on your preference:
• Remove source from compute pool — Select to move the servers from the compute pool to the Repurpose and Bare
Metal Devices group after reclaiming the virtual I/O identities.
• Force reclaim action even if target cannot be contacted — Select to reclaim the virtual I/O identities of the server, even
if source server is unreachable.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Credentials page, type the user name and password of the iDRAC in the appropriate fields, and then click Next.
9. On the Summary page, review the selections you have made, and then click Finish.
The Reclaim Identities warning message is displayed.
10. If you want to continue reclaiming the virtual I/O identities of the server, click Yes.

The reclaim identities task is created and the task runs immediately. You can double-click the task in Task Execution History to
view the task execution details.

Reclaiming Assigned Virtual I/O Identities

You can also reclaim the assigned virtual I/O identities from a device based on your preference.
To reclaim the assigned virtual I/O identities:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Under Virtual I/O Pools on the left pane, select a virtual I/O pool.
The Virtual I/O Pool Summary page is displayed on the right pane.
3. On the Virtual I/O Pool Summary page, click the Devices with Identities tab.
Devices with assigned or deployed virtual I/O identities are displayed on a grid.
4. Right-click a device on the grid and then click Reclaim Assigned Identities.
The reclaim assigned identities warning message is displayed.
5. If you want to continue reclaiming the assigned virtual I/O identities of the device, click Yes.

The reclaimed virtual I/O identities are returned to the virtual I/O pool.

Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Stateless Deployment)
The Setup Auto Deployment task enables you to deploy a configuration template, which includes a set of configuration attributes,
to devices that you will discover at a later time. Deploying a device configuration template on the devices ensures that the devices
are uniformly configured.
Before you create a device configuration auto deployment task, ensure that:

• The deployment file share is configured. For more information, see Configuring the Deployment File Share.
• The auto deployment setting is enabled and configured. For more information, see Configuring Auto Deployment Settings.
• The Service Tag or node ID of each target device is available in a .csv file. The Service Tags or node IDs should be listed under
the title ‘ServiceTag’, ‘Service Tag’, or ‘Node ID’ in the .csv file.
NOTE: On devices which have multiple compute nodes (such as the PowerEdge FM120x4), all of the compute nodes
have the same Service Tag. Therefore, the node ID must be used to identify the specific compute node to use. In
the .csv file, you must include the node IDs of the specific compute nodes that you want to auto deploy.
• You have either created a device configuration template or cloned a sample template.
• You have already created a compute pool. For more information, see Creating a Compute Pool.
• The target devices meet the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.
• The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on all target servers. For more
information, see OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License.
• On servers with a Mellanox HBA adapter, make sure that the version of adapter firmware installed is X08 or later.
• For IOA configuration deployment, the template must be created from a blade server.

CAUTION: Deploying a configuration template on a device may result in potentially destructive changes to the device
configuration including performance, connectivity, and ability to boot the device.
To auto deploy the configuration template on devices that will be discovered at a later time:

1. Click Deployment.
The Deployment Portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Setup Auto Deployment.
• Click Auto Deployment, and then click Add Devices.

The Setup Auto Deployment wizard is displayed.

3. On the Select Deploy Options page:
a. Under Deploy Target, select a compute pool from the Select a Compute Pool list.
b. Under Select Deploy Options, select Deploy Template.
c. Click Next.
4. On the Select Template page, select a configuration template, and then click Next.
NOTE: Only configuration templates that you have either created or cloned are available for selection.
5. On the Select Virtual I/O Pool page, perform one of the following, and then click Next.
• Select User defined I/O assignment if you want to edit the attributes of the template to provide virtual I/O identities for
the devices.
• Select Automatic I/O assignment and select a virtual I/O pool from the list to allow OpenManage Essentials to
automatically assign virtual I/O identities to the devices.
6. On the Select Virtual I/O Pool page,
7. On the Import Service Tags/Node IDs page:
a. Click Import.
b. Browse and select the .csv file that includes the Service Tags or node IDs.
NOTE: You can only import valid Service Tags or node IDs that have not already been discovered.
c. Click Open.
The Import Summary is displayed.

d. Click Ok.
e. Click Next.
8. On the Edit Attributes page:
NOTE: OpenManage Essentials does not include any passwords from source when the configuration template is
created. If you want to set the passwords for the target devices, all password attributes must be edited in the
configuration template before deployment.

a. Click the Template Attributes tab.

b. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
c. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
d. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
The total number of attributes in the template and the number of attributes that you edit are displayed in the Grouped by
e. If you made any changes, click Save.
f. Click the Device Specific Attributes tab to edit the attributes that are unique for the target device.
NOTE: The Device Specific Attributes tab may or may not display attributes based on the template selected for
g. Click the attribute group name to view the list of attributes in a group.
h. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
i. Edit or select the values in the Value column based on your preference.
NOTE: You can also export the Device Specific Attributes for a specific device or for all devices as .csv file, edit
the attributes, and import the attributes. To export or import the Device Specific Attributes, click Import/
j. Click the Identity Attributes tab to review the virtual I/O attributes.
k. If you do not want to deploy a particular attribute in the template and want to retain the current attribute value on the
target device, clear the check box in the Deploy column.
l. If you made any changes, click Save.
m. (For IOA VLAN configuration deployment only) Click the IOA VLAN Attributes tab to edit the IOA VLAN attributes that are
unique for the target device.
n. Select the Deploy check box for the attributes that you want to deploy.
o. Type the values for the tagged VLANs and untagged VLAN.
p. Click Save.
q. Click Next.
9. On the Execution Credentials page:
a. On the Credentials section, click Add New Credentials.

The Add Credentials window is displayed.

b. Type the description, Administrator user name, and password required to run the task on the target devices.
c. If you want to set the credentials as the default credentials for all target devices, select Default, and then click Finish.
d. Repeat step a to step c until you have configured the credentials required for running the task on all target devices.
e. On the Devices section, set the Execution Credentials for each target device.
f. (Only for IOA VLAN configuration deployment) Under IOA Credentials, type the credentials that have Administrator
privileges on the IOA.
g. Click Next.
10. On the Summary page, review the information that you have provided, and then click Finish.
The Deploy Template warning is displayed.
11. If you want to continue creating the Setup Auto Deployment task, click Yes.

The Service Tags or Node IDs are displayed in the Auto Deployment tab until the devices are discovered and inventoried in
OpenManage Essentials. The Deploy Configuration to Undiscovered Devices task runs periodically and verifies if the devices are
discovered and inventoried in OpenManage Essentials.

NOTE: The Deploy Configuration to Undiscovered Devices runs based on the frequency configured in Settings →
Deployment Settings.

After the discovery and inventory of the devices is completed and a deploy task is created, the devices are moved to appropriate
compute pool. You can double-click the tasks in Task Execution History to view the task execution details. After the deployment is

completed successfully, the template deployed icon and the text, Deployed, are displayed along with the device name in the
compute pool.

Related links
OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License

Viewing the Profile (Last Deployed Attributes)

The profile of a device contains a listing of last deployed attributes of the device configuration template, including the device-
specific and virtual I/O identity attributes.
To view the last deployed attributes:

Perform one of the following:

• On the Devices portal, select the deployed device from the device tree. On the right-pane, click Configuration → Profile.
• On the Deployment portal, select the deployed device from the Compute Pool section. On the right-pane, click Profile.

The last deployed attributes are displayed within the Template Attributes, Device-Specific Attributes, and Virtual Identities

NOTE: Only attributes that you selected in the device configuration template for the deployment are displayed in
the Profile tab.

Known Limitations for Stateless Deployment

The following are the known limitations for deploying virtual I/O identities on target servers:

• On Broadcom network adapters, OpenManage Essentials does not support boot from ISO for installing the operating system on
a SAN along with the virtual I/O identity deployment. However, if an operating system is already installed on the SAN, after
deployment of virtual I/O identities, the server can boot from the SAN.
• For PowerEdge FC430, FC630, and FC830 sleds, the PCIe cards (FC and iSCSI) in the shared PCIe slots of the PowerEdge
FX2s chassis are supported for stateless deployment. However, if the PCIe cards are mapped, replacement can be performed
only to an exactly similar sled in the same slot with the same PCIe mapping in another chassis. If the PCIe cards are not mapped,
replacement can be performed on any similar sled.
• For performing stateless deployment on blade servers, the FlexAddress mode must be disabled on the blade server to prevent
the host chassis from assigning I/O identity attributes. Even if the FlexAddress mode is enabled, OpenManage Essentials
overrides the FlexAddress mode.
• While performing a stateless deployment on a server with a QLogic Converged Network Adapter, OpenManage Essentials
generates different attribute values for the virtual MAC (vMAC) and virtual FIP (vFIP) MAC attributes. However, only the value
of the vMAC attribute is deployed for both the vMAC and vFIP MAC attributes. If you create a zone for SAN boot before the
deployment, ensure that the zone is created based on the vMAC address generating virtual WWPN (vWWPN) and virtual
WWNN (vWWNN). For example, 20:00:vMAC for vWWNN and 20:01:vMAC for vWWPN.
• Intel NIC cards do not support unique iSCSI initiator name for each port. OpenManage Essentials deploys the same IQN value for
all ports in the Intel NIC card.

Additional Information
The following Dell technical white papers and files available at delltechcenter.com provide additional information on the device
configuration template, attributes, and work flows:

• Server Cloning with Server Configuration Profiles

• Server Configuration XML File

• Configuration XML Workflows
• Configuration XML Workflow Scripts
• XML Configuration File Examples

You can also find detailed information about bare metal and stateless deployments using OpenManage Essentials in the server
deployment Dell technical white paper available at delltechcenter.com/OME.

Deployment – Reference
You can access the following from the Deployment → Deployment Portal page:

• Deploy Device Configuration Portal

– Getting Started for Deployment — Displays the information required to setup, use, and get started with the device
configuration deployment features.
– Deployment Portal — Displays the default view of the Deployment Portal.
• Common Tasks — Displays the deployment setup tasks and other tasks that you can create.

– Create Template
– Create Virtual I/O Pool
– Create Compute Pool
– Deploy Template
– Setup Auto Deployment
– Manage Auto Deployment Credentials
– File Share Settings
– Replace Server
– Reclaim identities
• Templates — Displays the sample device configuration templates and templates that you have created or cloned.

– Server Templates

* Sample - iDRAC SNMP Management Settings

* Sample - iDRAC Auto Update Settings
* Sample - Enable Broadcom Partitioning
* Sample - BIOS Setup System Password
* Sample - iDRAC static IP address
* Sample - iDRAC System Location
* Sample - iDRAC Thermal Alert Monitor
* Sample - iDRAC Timezone NTP
* Sample - Configure iDRAC Users
* Sample - iDRAC Initialized Virtual Disk
* Sample - Set Virtual Disk As Boot
* Sample - Delete BIOS System Setup Password
* Sample - Enable PXE Boot
* Sample - One Time BIOS Boot Device
* Sample - One Time HD Boot Device
* Sample - One Time UEFI Boot Device
* Sample - Set BIOS Boot Order
* Sample - Set HD Boot Order

* Sample - iDRAC Set Power Cap
* Sample - Set UEFI Boot Order
* Sample - Set SNMP Email Alerts
– Chassis Templates

* Sample - FX2 Chassis

* Sample - VRTX Chassis
* Sample - M1000e Chassis
– IOA Templates
• Compute Pools — Displays the devices you have added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal group and the compute pools that
you have created.
• Virtual I/O Pools — Displays the virtual I/O identity pools that you have created.
• Tasks — Displays the tasks of the selected category in the Tasks tab in the right pane.

– Configuration Tasks

* IOA Configuration Pre-Check — Displays the device configuration pre-check tasks that you have created for IOAs.
* IOA Configuration Deployment — Displays the device configuration deployment tasks that you have created for IOAs.
* IOA Configuration Import — Displays the Create Template tasks that you have created for IOAs.
* Replace Server — Displays the history of the replaced servers.
* Reclaim Identities — Displays the history of the reclaimed virtual I/O identities.
* Device Configuration Preview — Displays the history of the device configuration deployment preview.
* Deploy to Undiscovered Devices — Displays the Auto Deployment Tasks you have created.
* Device Configuration Image Deploy — Displays the Boot to Network ISO tasks that you have created.
* Chassis Configuration Deployment — Displays the device configuration deployment tasks you have created for chassis.
* Chassis Configuration Import — Displays the Create Template tasks you have created for chassis.
* Device Configuration Deployment — Displays the device configuration deployment tasks you have created for servers.
* Device Configuration Import — Displays the Create Template tasks you have created for servers.

NOTE: For information on the sample device configuration templates, see the iDRAC documentation at dell.com/

Icons and Descriptions

Table 63. Icons and Descriptions

Icon Description
Read-only device configuration template. Read-only templates must be cloned before you can use it for
deployment or configuration compliance tasks.

Created, imported, or cloned device configuration template.

Device configuration template is successfully deployed on the target device.

Virtual I/O pool.

Compute pool.

Icon Description
A locked resource.

Read-only but deployable device configuration template.

Related links
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices
Auto Deployment
Task Execution History
Device Configuration Template Details
IOA VLAN Attributes
Device Configuration Setup Wizard
Create Template Wizard
Deploy Template Wizard
Setup Auto Deployment Wizard
Manage Auto Deployment Credentials

Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices

The Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab displays the devices that you have added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices
group and the compute pools that you have created. This tab also displays the last deploy result and last template deployed to the
NOTE: The Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab only displays devices that are not included in any compute pool.

The fields displayed in the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tab are described in the following table.
Table 64. Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices

Field Description
Last Deploy Result Displays the result of the last deployment task.

Device Name Displays the device name.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Model Displays the model name of the system. For example,

PowerEdge R710.

Last Template Deployed Displays the latest template deployed.

End Time Displays the date and time when the latest template was

Modify Devices Displays the All Applicable Devices tree view. Select or clear
devices to add or remove the devices from the Repurpose and
Bare Metal Devices group.

Remove Selected Devices Removes the selected devices from the Repurpose and Bare
Metal Devices group.

Related links
Removing Devices From the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group
Adding Devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Group

Auto Deployment
The Auto Deployment tab displays the target devices that you have selected for the auto deployment tasks.
The fields displayed in the Auto Deployment tab are described in the following table.
Table 65. Auto Deployment

Field Description
Service tag or Node ID Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Template to Deploy Displays the template selected for deployment on the device.

Compute Pool Displays the name of the compute pool to which the device

Virtual IO Pool Displays the name of the virtual IO pool to which the device

Boot to Network ISO Displays if you have selected to boot the server to a network
ISO image.

Configure VLANs on IOAs Displays if you have selected to configure the VLANs on the

Created On Displays the date the auto deployment task was created.

Created By Displays the name of the user who created the task.

Add Discovery Range Displays the Discovery Range Configuration wizard that
enables you to add a discovery range.

Add Devices Displays the Setup Auto Deployment wizard.

Remove Selected Devices Removes the selected devices from the associated Setup Auto
Deployment tasks.

Related links
Adding a Discovery Range for Auto Deployment
Removing Devices From an Auto Deployment Task
Setting Up Device Configuration Auto Deployment (Bare Metal Deployment)

The fields displayed in the Tasks tab of the Deployment portal are described in the following table.
Table 66. Tasks

Field Description
Schedule Displays if the task schedule is active or inactive.

Task Name Displays the name of the task.

Field Description
Type Displays the type of the task.

Description Displays a brief description about the task.

Updated On Displays the date and time the task was updated.

Updated By Displays the name of the user who updated the task.

Created On Displays the date and time the task was created.

Created By Displays the name of the user who created the task.

Related links
Viewing the Deployment Tasks

Task Execution History

The Task Execution History tab displays the status of tasks.
The fields displayed in the Task Execution History tab are described in the following table.
Table 67. Task Execution History

Field Description
Status Displays an icon representing the task status:

— Running or pending

— Complete

— Stopped

— Failed

— Warning

Task Name Displays the name of the task.

Start Time Displays the start time of the task.

% Completed Displays the progress information of the task.

Task State Displays the state of the task:

• Running
• Complete
• Stopped
• Failed
• Warning

End Time Displays the end time of the task.

Executed by User Displays the name of the user who executed the task.

Device Configuration Template Details

The fields displayed in the Attributes pane of the Deployment Portal are described in the following table.

Table 68. Device Configuration Template Details

Field Description
Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Grouped by Displayed if you have chosen to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes in the template.

Modified Displays the number of attributes you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If you do not select an attribute,

the attribute value is not deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of an attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Group Displays the group the attribute belongs to.

Related links
Viewing the Device Configuration Template Attributes

IOA VLAN Attributes

The fields displayed in the IOA VLAN Attributes pane of the Deployment Portal are described in the following table.

Table 69. IOA VLAN Attributes

Field Description
Undo Click to undo the changes made to the IOA template.

Save Click to save the changes to the IOA template.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the

Field Description
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the attributes.

NIC Displays the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the


Fabric Displays the fabric associated with a specific slot of the chassis.
The fabric is identified by a combination of the group name (A,
B, or C) and slot number (1 or 2).

Tagged VLAN(s) Field to enter the tagged VLANs values.

Untagged VLAN Field to enter the untagged VLAN value.

Device Configuration Setup Wizard

The Device Configuration Setup Wizard guides you through the steps to get started with the configuration deployment and
compliance tasks.
NOTE: The Device Configuration Setup Wizard is only displayed if you try to perform a task that is missing required

File Share Settings

The fields displayed in the File Share Settings page are described in the following table.
Table 70. File Share Setting

Field Description
Domain \ Username User name to access the file share on the server running
OpenManage Essentials.

Password Password to access the file share on the server running

OpenManage Essentials..

File Share Status Indicates the status of the deployment file share configuration.

Add Devices to Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group

NOTE: Adding devices to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group is applicable only for the device configuration
deployment task.

NOTE: Servers that you add to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group must have the OpenManage Essentials —
Server Configuration Management license installed.
The Add Devices to Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group page displays the servers and chassis that you can add to the
Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group.

Create Template Wizard

The following table describes the fields displayed in the Create Template Wizard.

Table 71. Create Template Wizard

Field Description
Name Provide the name of the configuration template.

Create from File Select if you want to create the configuration template from an
existing file.

Create from Device Select if you want to create the configuration template from a
reference server or chassis.

Device Type Select a Server, Chassis or an IOA based on the device from
which you want to create the configuration template.

All Applicable Devices Displays the devices from which you can create a configuration

Execution Credentials

User Name Provide the user name required to execute the task on the

Password Provide the password required to execute the task on the


Related links
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Device Configuration File
Creating a Device Configuration Template From a Reference Device

Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

The Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard guides you through the creation of a pool of one or more virtual I/O identity types.
OpenManage Essentials utilizes the virtual I/O identities from the pool to assign an unique identity to the network interfaces of a
server. The fields displayed on the various pages of the wizard are described in the following sections.
NOTE: Creating a virtual I/O pool is a prerequisite for automatically assigning and managing the virtual identities of the
network interfaces of a server.
Related links
Name and Description
Ethernet Identities
FCoE Node Name Identities
FCoE Port Name Identities
iSCSI IQN Identities

Name and Description

The Name and Description page allows you to provide a name and description for the task.
The fields displayed on the Name and Description page of the Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 72. Name and Description

Field Description
Name Provide a name for the virtual I/O pool.
Description (optional) Provide a description for the virtual I/O pool.

Related links
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

Ethernet Identities
The Ethernet Identities page allows you to generate or import Media Access Control (MAC) addresses to the virtual I/O pool. MAC
addresses are required for Ethernet (LAN) communications.
The fields displayed on the Ethernet Identities page of the Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 73. Ethernet Identities

Field Description
Include MAC addresses in this pool Select to include MAC addresses in the virtual I/O pool.

Specify a prefix to allocate from Select to specify a prefix for the MAC addresses that will be
generated. Type the predefined values in the appropriate fields.

Number of predefined octets Set the number of octets that you want to predefine in the
MAC addresses that will be generated.

NOTE: You can only prefix 3 to 5 octets in the MAC


Import from file Select to import MAC addresses from a .csv file.

Import Click to open the wizard used to import MAC addresses from
a .csv file.

NOTE: The .csv must include only one address or

identity per line.

View Click to view the MAC addresses in the virtual I/O pool.

NOTE: You can only view MAC addresses that you have
already imported from a .csv file.

Related links
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

FCoE Node Name Identities

The FCoE Node Name Identities page allows you to generate or import World Wide Node Name (WWNN) identities to the virtual
I/O pool. WWNN identities are required for Fibre Channel (FC) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) communications.
The fields displayed on the FCoE Node Name Identities page of the Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard are described in the following
Table 74. FCoE Node Name Identities

Field Description
Include Fibre Channel WWNN Identities in the pool Select to include WWNN identities in the virtual I/O pool.

Specify a prefix to allocate from Select to specify a prefix for the WWNN identities that will be
generated. Type the predefined values in the appropriate fields.

Number of predefined octets Set the number of octets that you want to predefine in the
WWNN identities that will be generated.

NOTE: You can only prefix 3 to 7 octets in the WWNN


Import from file Select to import WWNN identities from a .csv file.

Field Description
Import Click to open the wizard used to import WWNN identities from
a .csv file.

NOTE: The .csv must include only one address or

identity per line.

View Click to view the WWNN identities in the virtual I/O pool.

NOTE: You can only view WWNN identities that you

have already imported from a .csv file.

Related links
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

FCoE Port Name Identities

The FCoE Port Name Identities page allows you to generate or import World Wide Port Name (WWPN) identities to the virtual I/O
pool. WWPN identities are required for Fibre Channel (FC) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) communications.
The fields displayed on the FCoE Port Name Identities page of the Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard are described in the following
Table 75. FCoE Port Name Identities

Field Description
Include Fibre Channel WWPN Identities in the pool Select to include WWPN identities in the virtual I/O pool.

Specify a prefix to allocate from Select to specify a prefix for the WWPN identities that will be
generated. Type the predefined values in the appropriate fields.

Number of predefined octets Set the number of octets that you want to predefine in the
WWPN identities that will be generated.

NOTE: You can only prefix 3 to 7 octets in the WWPN


Import from file Select to import WWPN identities from a .csv file.

Import Click to open the wizard used to import WWPN identities from
a .csv file.

NOTE: The .csv must include only one address or

identity per line.

View Click to view the WWPN identities in the virtual I/O pool.

NOTE: You can only view WWPN identities that you

have already imported from a .csv file.

Related links
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

iSCSI IQN Identities

The iSCSI IQN Identities page allows you to generate or import iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) identities to the virtual I/O pool. The
IQN identities are required to support boot-from-SAN using the iSCSI protocol.
The fields displayed on the iSCSI IQN Identities page of the Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard are described in the following table.

Table 76. iSCSI IQN Identities

Field Description
Include IQN Identities in the pool Select to include IQN identities in the virtual I/O pool.

Specify a prefix to allocate from Select to specify a prefix for the IQN identities that will be

NOTE: The typical iSCSI IQN format is:

iqn.date.domainname-in-reverse:storage-identifier. For
example, iqn.

Import from file Select to import IQN identities from a .csv file.

Import Click to open the wizard used to import IQN identities from
a .csv file.

NOTE: The .csv must include only one address or

identity per line.

View Click to view the IQN identities in the virtual I/O pool.

NOTE: You can only view IQN identities that you have
already imported from a .csv file.

Related links
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

The Summary page displays the definitions you provided for the create virtual I/O pool task.
The fields displayed on the Summary page are described in the following table.
Table 77. Summary

Field Description
Name Displays the task name.

Ethernet Definition Displays the MAC address definition.

FCoE WWNN Definition Displays the WWNN identity definition.

FCoE WWPN Definition Displays the WWPN identity definition.

IQN Definition Displays the IQN definition of the iSCSI initiator.

Related links
Create Virtual I/O Pool Wizard

Virtual I/O Pools

The Virtual I/O Pools page displays details about all the virtual I/O pools you have created.
The fields displayed on the Virtual I/O Pools page are described in the following table.

Table 78. Virtual I/O Pools

Field Description
Grouped by Displays the grouping you have selected for displaying the
details of the virtual I/O pools.

Locked Displays if the virtual I/O pool is locked.

Name Displays the name of the virtual I/O pool.

Total Identities in use Displays the total number of virtual I/O identities that are either
assigned or deployed to target devices.

Virtual I/O Pool Summary

The Virtual I/O Pool Summary page displays details about the virtual I/O pool that you have selected.
The fields displayed on the Virtual I/O Pool Summary page are described in the following table.

Table 79. Summary

Field Description
Grouped by Displays the grouping you have selected for displaying the
details of the virtual I/O pool.

Identity Type Displays the virtual identity type included in the virtual I/O pool.

Range Information Displays the definition that you provided for the virtual identity

Total Identities in use Displays the total number of virtual I/O identities that are either
assigned or deployed to target devices.

Devices with Identities

Table 80. Devices with Identities

Field Description
Grouped by Displays the grouping that you selected for displaying the details
of the devices.

Device Name Displays the name of the device.

Service Tag or Node ID Displays the unique identifier assigned to the device.

Total Assigned Identities Displays the total number of virtual I/O identities assigned to
the device.

Total Deployed Identities Displays the total number of virtual I/O identities deployed on
the device.

Total Identities in use Displays the total number of virtual I/O identities that are either
assigned or deployed on the device.

Is Device Deleted Displays if the device was deleted from OpenManage Essentials
after it was deployed with virtual I/O identities.

Template Name Displays the name of the template assigned to the device.

Field Description
Compute Pool Displays the name of the compute pool to which the device

Last Deploy Time Displays the time stamp of the last deployment on the device.

Model Displays the model name of the device, if available. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Create Compute Pool Wizard

The Create Compute Pool Wizard guides you through the creation of a pool of servers that you want to use for a specific purpose.
The fields displayed on the various pages of the wizard are described in the following sections.
Related links
Name and Description
Select Template
Select ISO Location
Select Virtual I/O Pool
Select Devices
Edit Attributes

Name and Description

The Name and Description page allows you to provide a name and description for the task.
The fields displayed on the Name and Description page of the Create Compute Pool Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 81. Name and Description

Field Description
Name Provide a name for the compute pool.

Description (optional) Provide a description for the compute pool.

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Select Template
The Select Template page allows you to select the template that you want to assign to the compute pool.
NOTE: Selecting a template is optional. You can select a template at a later time, either by editing the compute pool or
while deploying a server.

The fields displayed on the Select Template page of the Create Compute Pool Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 82. Select Template

Field Description
Select Template for the Compute Pool Select to assign a template to the compute pool.

Server Templates Displays a list of templates that you can assign to the compute
pool. Click the template name to select a template.

NOTE: Only templates that are not assigned to any

compute pool are displayed.

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Select ISO Location
The Select ISO Location page allows you to provide the details of a bootable operating system ISO file.
NOTE: Providing the ISO file details is applicable only for target servers that do not have virtual I/O identities. Typically,
servers with virtual I/O identities are expected to boot from a SAN.

The fields displayed on the Select ISO Location page of the Create Compute Pool Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 83. Select ISO Location

Field Description
Boot Compute Pool from Network ISO Select to boot devices included in the compute pool from an
operating system ISO file.

ISO Filename Provide the name of the ISO file.

Share IP Provide the IP address of the network share where the ISO file
is available.

Share Name Provide the name of the network share where the ISO file is

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Select Virtual I/O Pool

The Select Virtual I/O Pool page allows you to select the method of assigning the virtual I/O identity on the target servers.
The fields displayed on the Select Virtual I/O Pool page are described in the following table.
Table 84. Select Virtual I/O Pool

Field Description
User-defined I/O assignment Select to manually assign the virtual I/O identities.

Automatic I/O assignment Select to allow OpenManage Essentials to automatically assign

virtual I/O identities to the target servers. The virtual I/O
identities are assigned from the virtual I/O pool that you select.

NOTE: The virtual I/O pools are available for selection

only if you have already created the virtual I/O pools.

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Select Devices
The Select Devices page allows you to select the servers you want to include in the compute pool.
NOTE: Only servers that you have added to the Repurpose and Bare Metal group are available for selection.

The Select Devices page displays a tree-view of the servers that you can include in the compute pool. You can select one or more
servers for inclusion in the compute pool.
Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Edit Attributes
The Edit Attributes page enables you to edit the attributes of the selected device configuration template, device-specific attributes,
and the IOA VLAN attributes.
NOTE: The Edit Attributes page is only displayed if you have selected or assigned a template for compute pool.

NOTE: Editing the attributes of the template is optional. You can edit the attributes of the template at a later time,
either by editing the compute pool or while deploying the server.

Template Attributes
The fields displayed on the Template Attributes tab are described in the following table.
Table 85. Template Attributes

Field Description
Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Attributes for Displays the name of the selected device configuration


Device Specific Attributes for Displays the following:

• For a deployment task — The device name, Service Tag,
and device model.
• For an auto deployment task — The Service Tag of the
device to be discovered later.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If you do not select an attribute,

the attribute value is not deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

IOA VLAN Attributes
The fields displayed on the IOA VLAN Attributes tab are described in the following table.

Table 86. IOA VLAN Attributes

Field Description
IOA VLAN Attributes for Template Displays the name of the selected template.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the attributes.

NIC Displays the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the


Fabric Displays the fabric associated with a specific slot of the chassis.
The fabric is identified by a combination of the group name (A,
B, or C) and slot number (1 or 2).

Tagged VLAN(s) Displays the list of tagged VLANs for the selected fabric.

Untagged VLAN Displays the untagged VLAN for the selected fabric.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the IOA VLAN attributes of
the selected template.

Save Click to save the changes to the IOA VLAN attributes of the
selected template.

Device Specific Attributes

The fields displayed on the Device Specific Attributes tab are described in the following table.
Table 87. Template Attributes

Field Description
Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Attributes for Displays the name of the selected device configuration


Device Specific Attributes for Displays the following:

• For a deployment task — The device name, Service Tag,
and device model.
• For an auto deployment task — The Service Tag of the
device to be discovered later.

Field Description
Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If you do not select an attribute,
the attribute value is not deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Import/Export Device Specific Attributes

The fields displayed on the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes window are described in the following table.
Table 88. Import/Export Device Specific Attributes

Field Description
Export Selected Device Click to export the device specific attributes for the selected
device to a .csv file.

Export All Devices Click to export the device specific attributes for all selected
devices to a .csv file.

Import Click to import the device-specific attributes.

File Requirements and Info Displays the requirements of the .csv file you must use to
import device-specific attributes.

View Logs Displays the user interface logs.

Close Click to close the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Identity Attributes
The fields displayed on the Identity Attributes tab are described in the following table.

Table 89. Identity Attributes

Field Description
Attributes for Template Displays the selected device configuration template.

Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups. By

default, the attributes are grouped by Section.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box on the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Identity Impact Displays if the identity attribute will be automatically generated.

Status Displays the status of the generation of the identity attribute.

An Error status is displayed if the selected virtual I/O pool
either does not contain the virtual I/O attribute or does not
have sufficient attributes.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Group Displays the logical group that the attribute belongs to.

Assign Identities Click to automatically assign virtual I/O identities to the target

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Import/Export Displays the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Identity Assignments
The fields displayed on the Identity Assignments tab are described in the following table.

NOTE: The Identity Assignments tab is displayed only when you click Assign Identities on the Identity Attributes tab.

Table 90. Identity Assignments

Field Description
Device Displays the selected device configuration template.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

The Summary page displays the details you have provided for creating the compute pool.
The fields displayed on the Summary page are described in the following table.
Table 91. Summary

Field Description
Name Displays the task name.

Selected Template Displays the name of the template you have selected.

ISO Filename Displays the name of the ISO file.

Share IP Displays the IP address of the network share where the ISO file
is available.

Share Name Displays the name of the network share where the ISO file is

Identity Assignment Displays the type of I/O identity assignment that you have

Associated Devices Displays the devices that you have selected for inclusion in the
compute pool.

Device Specific Attributes Displays if the device-specific attributes are set.

Configure VLANs on IOAs Displays if you have selected to configure the VLANs on the

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Compute Pool Summary

The fields displayed on the Compute Pool Summary page are described in the following table.

Table 92. Compute Pool Summary

Field Description
Grouped by Displays the grouping you have selected for displaying the
details of the compute pools.

Locked Displays if the compute pool is locked.

Pool Name Displays the name of the compute pool.

Server Template Displays the name of the template that is assigned to the
compute pool.

Virtual I/O Pool Displays the name of the virtual I/O pool that is assigned to the
compute pool.

Total servers Displays the total number of servers in the compute pool.

Deployed servers Displays the number of servers in the compute pool that have
been deployed.

Compute Pool Details

The fields displayed on the Compute Pool Details page are described in the following table.
Table 93. Compute Pool Details

Field Description
Template Displays the name of the template assigned to the compute
pool. Click the template name to view the attributes of the

Virtual I/O Pool Displays the name of the virtual I/O pool that is assigned to the
compute pool.

Network ISO Image Displays the name of the network ISO file assigned to the
compute pool.

Device count Displays the total number of servers in the compute pool.

Deployed count Displays the number of servers in the compute pool that have
been deployed.

Grouped by Displays the grouping you have selected for displaying the
compute pool details.

Device Displays the name of the server.

Deployed Displays if the server is deployed.

Last Deploy Time Displays the time stamp of the last deployment on the server.

Server Details
The fields displayed on the server Details page are described in the following table.

Table 94. Server Details

Field Description
Server Template Displays the name of the template that is assigned to the

Virtual I/O Pool Displays the name of the virtual I/O pool that is assigned to the

Inventory Displays an inventory of the configuration attributes of the


Profile Displays the template attributes, device-specific attributes, and

virtual I/O identity attributes that were last deployed on the

Deploy Template Wizard

The Deploy Template Wizard guides you through the steps to deploy a configuration template and/or boot to a network ISO
image. The steps displayed in the wizard may vary based on the deploy option you select. The fields displayed in the various pages
of the wizard are described in the following sections.
Related links
Name and Deploy Options
Select Template
Select Devices
Select ISO Location
Edit Attributes
Set Schedule

Name and Deploy Options

The Name and Deploy Options page enables you to provide a name for the task and also select the deployment options.
The fields displayed in the Name and Deploy Options page of the Deploy Template Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 95. Name and Deploy Options

Field Description
Task Name Provide a name for the task.

Deploy Target

Compute Pool Select to deploy a device configuration template on one or more

devices in a compute pool.

Select a Compute Pool Select a compute pool on which you want to deploy a device
configuration template.

Bare metal Select to deploy the device configuration template on one or

more devices in the Repurpose and Bare Metal group.

Select Deploy Options

Deploy Template Select to deploy a device configuration template to one or more


Field Description
Boot to Network ISO Select to boot each target device from a specified network ISO

NOTE: If the Deploy Template option is also selected,

the boot-to-ISO operation starts after the deployment
is completed.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

Select Template
The Select Template page enables you to select the template you want to deploy on the target devices.
NOTE: The Select Template page is only displayed if you select the Deploy Template option in the Name and Deploy
Options or Select Deploy Options page.

The fields displayed in the Select Template page are described in the following table.
Table 96. Select Template

Field Description
Server Template Displays the server configuration templates that you have either
created or cloned.

Chassis Template Displays the chassis configuration templates that you have
either created or cloned.
NOTE: If you select both Deploy Template and Boot to
Network ISO in the Name and Deploy Options or Select
Deploy Options page, the Chassis Template option is

IOA Template Displays the IOA configuration templates that you have either
created or cloned.
NOTE: If you select Compute Pool in the Name and
Deploy Options page, the IOA Template option is not

NOTE: If you select both Deploy Template and Boot to

Network ISO in the Name and Deploy Options page, the
IOA Template option is disabled.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

Select Devices
The Select Devices page enables you to select target devices for deployment.
The Select Devices page displays the Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices tree-view that includes the target devices. You can
select more than one target device for deployment.
Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

Select ISO Location

The Select ISO Location page enables you to provide the details of the ISO file.
NOTE: The Select ISO Location page is only displayed if you select the Boot to Network ISO option on the Name and
Deploy Options or Select Deploy Options page.

The fields displayed in the Select ISO Location page are described in the following table.
Table 97. Select ISO Location

Field Description
ISO Filename

ISO Filename Provide the name of the ISO file.

Share Location

Share IP Provide the IP address of the network share where the ISO file
is available.

Share Name Provide the name of the network share where the ISO file is

Share Credentials

Share Username Provide the user name required to access the network share.

Share Password Provide the password required to access the network share.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

Select Virtual I/O Pool

The Select Virtual I/O Pool page allows you to select the method of assigning the virtual I/O identity on the target servers.
The fields displayed on the Select Virtual I/O Pool page are described in the following table.
Table 98. Select Virtual I/O Pool

Field Description
User-defined I/O assignment Select to manually assign the virtual I/O identities.

Automatic I/O assignment Select to allow OpenManage Essentials to automatically assign

virtual I/O identities to the target servers. The virtual I/O
identities are assigned from the virtual I/O pool that you select.

NOTE: The virtual I/O pools are available for selection

only if you have already created the virtual I/O pools.

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Edit Attributes
The Edit Attributes page enables you to edit the attributes of the selected configuration template, device-specific attributes, and
the IOA VLAN attributes.
NOTE: The Edit Attributes page is only displayed if you select the Deploy Template option in the Name and Deploy
Options or Deploy Options page.

Template Attributes
NOTE: The Template Attributes tab will not be displayed if you select the IOA Template option for deployment.

The fields displayed in the Template Attributes tab of the Edit Attributes page are described in the following table.

Table 99. Template Attributes

Field Description
Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Attributes for Displays the name of the selected device configuration


Device Specific Attributes for Displays the following:

• For a deployment task — The device name, Service Tag,
and device model.
• For an auto deployment task — The Service Tag of the
device to be discovered later.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If you do not select an attribute,

the attribute value is not deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

IOA VLAN Attributes

The fields displayed on the IOA VLAN Attributes tab are described in the following table.

Table 100. IOA VLAN Attributes

Field Description
IOA VLAN Attributes for Template Displays the name of the selected template.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Field Description
Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the
attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the attributes.

NIC Displays the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the


Fabric Displays the fabric associated with a specific slot of the chassis.
The fabric is identified by a combination of the group name (A,
B, or C) and slot number (1 or 2).

Tagged VLAN(s) Displays the list of tagged VLANs for the selected fabric.

Untagged VLAN Displays the untagged VLAN for the selected fabric.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the IOA VLAN attributes of
the selected template.

Save Click to save the changes to the IOA VLAN attributes of the
selected template.

Device Specific Attributes

The fields displayed on the Device Specific Attributes tab are described in the following table.
Table 101. Device Specific Attributes

Field Description
Select Devices Displays the devices that you have selected for deployment.
You can select a device to view the attributes specific to that

Device Specific Attributes for Displays the model number and Service Tag of the selected

Grouped by Displayed if you have chosen to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Field Description
Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Import/Export Displays the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Import/Export Device Specific Attributes

The fields displayed on the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes window are described in the following table.
Table 102. Import/Export Device Specific Attributes

Field Description
Export Selected Device Click to export the device specific attributes for the selected
device to a .csv file.

Export All Devices Click to export the device specific attributes for all selected
devices to a .csv file.

Import Click to import the device-specific attributes.

File Requirements and Info Displays the requirements of the .csv file you must use to
import device-specific attributes.

View Logs Displays the user interface logs.

Close Click to close the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Identity Attributes
The fields displayed on the Identity Attributes tab are described in the following table.
Table 103. Identity Attributes

Field Description
Attributes for Template Displays the selected device configuration template.

Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups. By

default, the attributes are grouped by Section.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box on the Deploy column header.

Field Description
Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Identity Impact Displays if the identity attribute will be automatically generated.

Status Displays the status of the generation of the identity attribute.

An Error status is displayed if the selected virtual I/O pool
either does not contain the virtual I/O attribute or does not
have sufficient attributes.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Group Displays the logical group that the attribute belongs to.

Assign Identities Click to automatically assign virtual I/O identities to the target

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Import/Export Displays the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Identity Assignments
The fields displayed on the Identity Assignments tab are described in the following table.

NOTE: The Identity Assignments tab is displayed only when you click Assign Identities on the Identity Attributes tab.

Table 104. Identity Assignments

Field Description
Device Displays the selected device configuration template.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard
Importing Device Specific Attributes
Exporting Device Specific Attributes

The Options page enables you to select the options you can use to verify if the IOA template is compatible with the target devices.
NOTE: The Options page is only displayed if you select an IOA template in the Select Template page.

The fields displayed in the Options page of the Deploy Template Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 105. Options

Field Description
Perform pre-check only Select Perform pre-check only to only verify (not deploy) if the
device configuration template will be deployed successfully.
NOTE: If the Perform pre-check only option is selected,
by default the Continue on warnings option is disabled.

Continue on warnings Select Continue on warnings to continue deploying the

template even if the template is incompatible with the target

NOTE: When this option is selected, warnings (if any)

will be ignored and the deployment task runs even if the
device configuration template is incompatible.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

Set Schedule
The Set Schedule page enables you to set the date and time at which you want to deploy the task.
The fields displayed in the Set Schedule page are described in the following table.
Table 106. Set Schedule

Field Description
Run Now Select to run the deployment task immediately.

Run At Select to schedule the deployment task.

Execution Credentials

User Name Provide the user name required to run the task.

Password Provide the password required to run the task.

IOA Credentials NOTE: The IOA Credential fields are displayed only in
the following scenarios:
• The selected device configuration template was
created from a blade server.
• You have selected to deploy VLAN attributes on the

User Name Provide the IOA administrator user name required to deploy the
VLAN attributes.

Field Description
Password Provide the IOA administrator password required to deploy the
VLAN attributes.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

NOTE: The preview activity is optional.

The Preview page allows you to view the attributes of the selected configuration template that will not be applied successfully on a
target device. The preview activity sends the pending configuration to each target device, but for validation only (no configuration
changes are made). Each device verifies the validity of the settings in the configuration and identifies any problems. The verification
can identify problems with attribute values themselves, or problems based on inter-attribute dependencies. For example, creating a
device configuration template from a PowerEdge R720 server and deploying the template on a PowerEdge R620 server would
result in errors. Running the preview allows you to identify the attributes that will not be deployed successfully. After identifying
those attributes, if required, you can clear those attributes from the template and then deploy the template.

NOTE: The preview activity identifies many problems; however, some problems cannot be determined before the actual
Click the Preview button to validate the attributes of the device configuration template with the selected device.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

The Summary page displays the options you have selected for the deployment task.
The fields displayed in the Summary page are described in the following table.
Table 107. Summary

Field Description
Task Name Displays the task name.

Deploy Template Displays if the task will deploy a configuration template.

Boot to Network ISO Displays if the task will boot to a network ISO image.

Deploy Target Displays the target devices that you have selected.

Selected Template Displays the configuration template selected for deployment.

Device Specific Attributes Displays if the device-specific attributes are set.

ISO Filename Displays the name of the ISO file.

Share IP Displays the IP address of the network share where the ISO file
is available.

Share Name Displays the name of the network share where the ISO file is

Share Username Displays the user name provided to access the network share.

Identity Assignment Displays the type of I/O identity assignment that you have

Field Description
Virtual IO Pool Displays the name of the virtual IO pool to which the device

Associated Devices Displays the selected target devices.

Configure VLANs on IOA Displays if you have selected to deploy VLAN attributes on the

Perform pre-check only Displays if you have selected the Perform pre-check only

Continue on warnings Displays if you have selected the Continue on warnings option.

Schedule Displays the schedule selected for the task.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

Setup Auto Deployment Wizard

The Setup Auto Deployment wizard guides you through the steps to deploy a configuration template and/or boot to a network ISO
image on target devices that you will discover later. The steps displayed in the wizard may vary based on the deployment option you
select. The fields displayed in the various pages of the wizard are described in the following sections.
Related links
Select Deploy Options
Select Template
Select ISO Location
Import Service Tags/Node IDs
Edit Attributes
Execution Credentials

Select Deploy Options

The Select Deploy Options page enables you to select the deployment options.
The fields displayed in the Select Deploy Options page of the Setup Auto Deployment wizard are described in the following table.
Table 108. Select Deploy Options

Field Description
Deploy Target

Compute Pool Select to auto deploy the servers within a compute pool.

Select a Compute Pool Select a compute pool on which you want auto deploy a device
configuration template with virtual I/O identities.

Bare Metal Select to auto deploy a device configuration template on bare

metal servers.

Select Deploy Options

Deploy Template Select to auto deploy a device configuration template on the

target servers.

Boot to Network ISO Select to boot the target servers to a network ISO image.

Select Template
The Select Template page enables you to select the template you want to deploy on the target devices.
NOTE: The Select Template page is only displayed if you select the Deploy Template option in the Name and Deploy
Options or Select Deploy Options page.

The fields displayed in the Select Template page are described in the following table.
Table 109. Select Template

Field Description
Server Template Displays the server configuration templates that you have either
created or cloned.

Chassis Template Displays the chassis configuration templates that you have
either created or cloned.
NOTE: If you select both Deploy Template and Boot to
Network ISO in the Name and Deploy Options or Select
Deploy Options page, the Chassis Template option is

Select ISO Location

The Select ISO Location page enables you to provide the details of the ISO file.
NOTE: The Select ISO Location page is only displayed if you select the Boot to Network ISO option on the Name and
Deploy Options or Select Deploy Options page.

The fields displayed in the Select ISO Location page are described in the following table.
Table 110. Select ISO Location

Field Description
ISO Filename

ISO Filename Provide the name of the ISO file.

Share Location

Share IP Provide the IP address of the network share where the ISO file
is available.

Share Name Provide the name of the network share where the ISO file is

Share Credentials

Share Username Provide the user name required to access the network share.

Share Password Provide the password required to access the network share.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard

Select Virtual I/O Pool

The Select Virtual I/O Pool page allows you to select the method of assigning the virtual I/O identity on the target servers.
The fields displayed on the Select Virtual I/O Pool page are described in the following table.

Table 111. Select Virtual I/O Pool

Field Description
User-defined I/O assignment Select to manually assign the virtual I/O identities.

Automatic I/O assignment Select to allow OpenManage Essentials to automatically assign

virtual I/O identities to the target servers. The virtual I/O
identities are assigned from the virtual I/O pool that you select.

NOTE: The virtual I/O pools are available for selection

only if you have already created the virtual I/O pools.

Related links
Create Compute Pool Wizard

Import Service Tags/Node IDs

The Import Service Tags/Node IDs page of the Setup Auto Deployment wizard displays the Import button. Click Import to import
a .csv file that includes Service Tags or node IDs of devices that you will discover later.

NOTE: On devices which have multiple compute nodes (such as the PowerEdge FM120x4), all of the compute nodes
have the same Service Tag. Therefore, the node ID must be used to identify the specific compute node to use. In
the .csv file, you must include the node IDs of the specific compute nodes that you want to auto deploy.

NOTE: The Service Tags or node IDs that you want to import:

• Must be listed in the .csv file in a column titled ‘ServiceTag’, ‘Service Tag’, or ‘Node ID’.
• Must be valid Service Tags or node IDs.
• Must not be Service Tags or node IDs of devices that are already discovered.

The following is an example of the .csv file format that contains Service Tags and node IDs:

Figure 27. Sample CSV file

Edit Attributes
The Edit Attributes page enables you to edit the attributes of the selected configuration template, device-specific attributes, and
the IOA VLAN attributes.
NOTE: The Edit Attributes page is only displayed if you select the Deploy Template option in the Name and Deploy
Options or Deploy Options page.

Template Attributes
NOTE: The Template Attributes tab will not be displayed if you select the IOA Template option for deployment.

The fields displayed in the Template Attributes tab of the Edit Attributes page are described in the following table.

Table 112. Template Attributes

Field Description
Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Attributes for Displays the name of the selected device configuration


Device Specific Attributes for Displays the following:

• For a deployment task — The device name, Service Tag,
and device model.
• For an auto deployment task — The Service Tag of the
device to be discovered later.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If you do not select an attribute,

the attribute value is not deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

IOA VLAN Attributes

The fields displayed on the IOA VLAN Attributes tab are described in the following table.

Table 113. IOA VLAN Attributes

Field Description
IOA VLAN Attributes for Template Displays the name of the selected template.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Field Description
Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the
attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the attributes.

NIC Displays the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the


Fabric Displays the fabric associated with a specific slot of the chassis.
The fabric is identified by a combination of the group name (A,
B, or C) and slot number (1 or 2).

Tagged VLAN(s) Displays the list of tagged VLANs for the selected fabric.

Untagged VLAN Displays the untagged VLAN for the selected fabric.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the IOA VLAN attributes of
the selected template.

Save Click to save the changes to the IOA VLAN attributes of the
selected template.

Device Specific Attributes

The fields displayed on the Device Specific Attributes tab are described in the following table.
Table 114. Device Specific Attributes

Field Description
Select Devices Displays the devices that you have selected for deployment.
You can select a device to view the attributes specific to that

Device Specific Attributes for Displays the model number and Service Tag of the selected

Grouped by Displayed if you have chosen to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Field Description
Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Import/Export Displays the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Import/Export Device Specific Attributes

The fields displayed on the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes window are described in the following table.
Table 115. Import/Export Device Specific Attributes

Field Description
Export Selected Device Click to export the device specific attributes for the selected
device to a .csv file.

Export All Devices Click to export the device specific attributes for all selected
devices to a .csv file.

Import Click to import the device-specific attributes.

File Requirements and Info Displays the requirements of the .csv file you must use to
import device-specific attributes.

View Logs Displays the user interface logs.

Close Click to close the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Identity Attributes
The fields displayed on the Identity Attributes tab are described in the following table.
Table 116. Identity Attributes

Field Description
Attributes for Template Displays the selected device configuration template.

Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups. By

default, the attributes are grouped by Section.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box on the Deploy column header.

Field Description
Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Identity Impact Displays if the identity attribute will be automatically generated.

Status Displays the status of the generation of the identity attribute.

An Error status is displayed if the selected virtual I/O pool
either does not contain the virtual I/O attribute or does not
have sufficient attributes.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Group Displays the logical group that the attribute belongs to.

Assign Identities Click to automatically assign virtual I/O identities to the target

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Import/Export Displays the Import/Export Device Specific Attributes


Identity Assignments
The fields displayed on the Identity Assignments tab are described in the following table.

NOTE: The Identity Assignments tab is displayed only when you click Assign Identities on the Identity Attributes tab.

Table 117. Identity Assignments

Field Description
Device Displays the selected device configuration template.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Related links
Deploy Template Wizard
Importing Device Specific Attributes
Exporting Device Specific Attributes

Execution Credentials
The Execution Credentials page enables you to add and/or assign credentials that are required for running the auto deployment
task on the target device. The fields displayed in the Execution Credentials page of the Setup Auto Deployment wizard are
described in the following sections.

The Credentials section displays a table that includes credentials that you have configured for target devices that you will discover
later. The following are the fields displayed in the credentials table.
Table 118. Credentials

Field Description
Add New Credentials Click to open the Add Credentials window that enables you to
provide credentials for target devices.

Description Displays the description provided for the credentials.

Username Displays the user name.

Password Displays the password in a masked format.

Is Default Displays a check box that you can select to associate the
credentials to all new target devices.

Update Displays an icon that you can click to edit the credentials.

Delete Displays an icon that you can click to delete the credentials.

The Devices section displays a table that includes the target devices that you selected through the Import Service Tags page. The
following are the fields displayed in the devices table.
Table 119. Devices

Field Description
Device Name Displays the Service Tag of the device.

Device Model Displays the model name of the system, if available.

Execution Credentials Displays the credentials that have been assigned to the device
for running the deployment task.

IOA Credentials
NOTE: The IOA Credentials fields are displayed only in the following scenarios:

• The selected device configuration template was created from a modular server.
• You have selected to deploy VLAN attributes on the IOA.

Table 120. IOA Credentials

Field Description
User Name Provide the IOA administrator user name required to deploy the
VLAN attributes.

Password Provide the IOA administrator password required to deploy the

VLAN attributes.

Related links
Add Credentials

Add Credentials
The Add Credentials window enables you to provide credentials required for running the auto deployment task on target devices.
The fields displayed in the Add Credentials window are described in the following table.
Table 121. Add Credentials

Field Description
Description Provide a description for the credentials.

Username Provide the user name required to run the task on the target

Password Provide the password required to run the task on the target

Default Select to associate the credentials to all new target devices.

The Summary page displays the options you have selected for the auto deployment task.
The fields displayed in the Summary page are described in the following table.
Table 122. Summary

Field Description
Name Displays the task name.

Deploy Template Displays if the task will deploy a configuration template.

Boot to Network ISO Displays if the task will boot to a network ISO image.

Selected Template Displays the configuration template selected for deployment.

ISO Filename Displays the name of the ISO file.

Share IP Displays the IP address of the network share where the ISO file
is available.

Share Name Displays the name of the network share where the ISO file is

Share Username Displays the user name provided to access the network share.

Associated Service Tags/Node IDs Displays the Service Tags or node IDs of the target devices.

Device Specific Attributes Displays if the device-specific attributes are set.

Configure VLANs on IOA Displays if you have selected to deploy VLAN attributes on the

Manage Auto Deployment Credentials
The Manage Auto Deployment Credentials page enables you to add and/or assign credentials that are required for running the
auto deployment task on the target device. The fields displayed in the Manage Auto Deployment Credentials page are described in
the following sections.

The Credentials section displays a table that includes credentials that you have configured for the auto deployment task. The
following are the fields displayed in the credentials table.
Table 123. Credentials

Field Description
Add New Credentials Click to open the Add Credentials window that enables you to
provide credentials for target devices.

Description Displays the description provided for the credentials.

Username Displays the user name.

Password Displays the password in a masked format.

Is Default Displays a check box that you can select to associate the
credentials to all new target devices.

Update Displays an icon that you can click to edit the credentials.

Delete Displays an icon that you can click to delete the credentials.

The Devices section displays a table that includes the target devices that you selected through the Import Service Tags page of
the Setup Auto Deployment wizard. The following are the fields displayed in the devices table.
Table 124. Devices

Field Description
Device Name Displays the Service Tag of the device.

Device Model Displays the model name of the system, if available.

Execution Credentials Displays the credentials that have been assigned to the device
for running the deployment task. You can use this field to assign
the credentials required for running the auto deployment task
on the device.

Related links
Managing Auto Deployment Credentials

Replace Server Wizard
The Replace Server Wizard guides you through the replacement of a production server with another server from within the same
compute pool. The fields displayed on the various pages of the wizard are described in the following sections.
Related links
Replacing a Server
Source and Target
Review Source Attributes

The Name page allows you to provide a name for the task.
Related links
Replace Server Wizard

Source and Target

The Source and Target page allows you to select the source server and the target server for the replacement.
The fields displayed on the Source and Target page of the Replace Server Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 125. Source and Target

Field Description
Select Source Displays a tree-view of the servers within the compute pool
that are already deployed.

Select Target Displays all other servers within the same compute pool.

NOTE: Target servers are displayed only after you

select the source server.

Related links
Replace Server Wizard

Review Source Attributes

The Review Source Attributes page allows you to view and edit the device configuration template, including the I/O identity

Template Attributes
The fields displayed on the Template Attributes tab are described in the following table.
Table 126. Template Attributes

Field Description
Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Field Description
Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute
belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the device configuration


Save Click to save the changes to the device configuration template.

IOA VLAN Attributes

The fields displayed on the IOA VLAN Attributes tab are described in the following table.

Table 127. IOA VLAN Attributes

Field Description
IOA VLAN Attributes for Template Displays the name of the selected template.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If an attribute is not selected, the

attribute value will not be deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the attributes.

NIC Displays the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the


Fabric Displays the fabric associated with a specific slot of the chassis.
The fabric is identified by a combination of the group name (A,
B, or C) and slot number (1 or 2).

Tagged VLAN(s) Displays the list of tagged VLANs for the selected fabric.

Untagged VLAN Displays the untagged VLAN for the selected fabric.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the IOA VLAN attributes of
the selected template.

Save Click to save the changes to the IOA VLAN attributes of the
selected template.

Device Specific Attributes

The fields displayed on the Device Specific Attributes tab are described in the following table.

Table 128. Template Attributes

Field Description
Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups.

Total Displays the total number of attributes.

Modified Displays the number of attributes that you have modified.

Attributes for Displays the name of the selected device configuration


Device Specific Attributes for Displays the following:

• For a deployment task — The device name, Service Tag,
and device model.
• For an auto deployment task — The Service Tag of the
device to be discovered later.

Deploy Select to deploy an attribute. If you do not select an attribute,

the attribute value is not deployed on the target device and the
current value will be retained on the target device. You can
select all the attributes in the template by selecting the check
box in the Deploy column header.

Modified Displays if you have modified the value of the attribute.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, iDRAC, BIOS, NIC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Dependencies Displays if the attribute is dependent on any other attributes. To

edit a dependent attribute, you must first set the primary

Destructive Displays if deploying the attribute may result in destructive

changes to the device configuration including performance,
connectivity, and ability to boot the device.

Undo Click to undo the changes made to the configuration template.

Save Click to save the changes to the configuration template.

Identity Assignments
The fields displayed on the Identity Assignments tab are described in the following table.
Table 129. Identity Assignments

Field Description
Grouped by Displayed if you choose to display the attributes as groups.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, NIC.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Field Description
Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Related links
Replace Server Wizard

The Options page allows you to select your preferences for the server replacement task.
The fields displayed on the Options page of the Replace Server Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 130. Options

Field Description
Remove source from compute pool Select to move the source server from the compute pool to the
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group after the server is

NOTE: If this option is not selected, the source server is

retained within the compute pool after the server is

Deploy to target even if virtual identities cannot be reclaimed Select to reclaim the virtual I/O identities of the source server,
from the source even if the server is unreachable.

NOTE: If the source server is not reachable and this

option is:
• Not selected — The replace server task is
• Selected — You may notice servers with duplicate I/O
identities on the network, if the source server is added
back to the network.

Related links
Replace Server Wizard

The Credentials page allows you to provide the credentials of the source server and target server.
The fields displayed on the Credentials page of the Replace Server Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 131. Credentials

Section Field Description

Source Credentials User Name Provide the user name of the iDRAC of
the source server.

Password Provide the password of the iDRAC of

the source server.

Target Credentials User Name Provide the user name of the iDRAC of
the target server.

Password Provide the password of the iDRAC of

the target server.

Related links
Replace Server Wizard

The Summary page displays the options you have selected for the server replacement task.
The fields displayed on the Summary page of the Replace Server Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 132. Summary

Field Description
Name Displays the name that you have provided for the task.

Compute Pool Displays the name of the compute pool that you have selected.

Source Displays the name of the source server that you have selected.

Target Displays the name of the target server that you have selected.

Configure VLANs on IOAs Displays if you have selected to configure the VLANs on the

Remove from Pool Displays if you have chosen to remove the source server from
the compute pool.

Force reclaim identities Displays if you have chosen to reclaim the virtual I/O identities
of the source server, even if source server is unreachable.

Schedule Displays the predefined task schedule.

Related links
Replace Server Wizard

Reclaim Identities Wizard

The Reclaim Identities Wizard allows you to reclaim all managed virtual I/O identities from a server. The fields displayed on the
various pages of the wizard are described in the following sections.
Related links
Select Devices
Identity Assignments
Reclaiming Deployed Virtual I/O Identities of a Server

The Name page allows you to provide a name for the task.
Related links
Reclaim Identities Wizard

Select Devices
The Select Devices page allows you to select devices from which you can reclaim the managed virtual I/O identities.
The fields displayed on the Select Devices page of the Reclaim Identities Wizard are described in the following tables.

Table 133. Select Devices

Field Description
Device Name Displays the name of the device.
Service Tag or Node ID Displays the unique identifier assigned to the device.
Total of Identities in use Displays the total number of identities that are deployed on the
Is Device Deleted Displays if the device was deleted from OpenManage Essentials
after it was deployed with virtual I/O identities.
Template Name Displays the name of the device configuration template
assigned to the device.
Compute Pool Displays the name of the compute pool that the device belongs
Last Deploy Time Displays the time stamp of the last deployment of the device.
Model Displays the model name of the device, if available. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Related links
Reclaim Identities Wizard

Identity Assignments
The Identity Assignments page allows you to view the virtual I/O identities that are assigned to the selected server.
The fields displayed on the Identity Assignments page of the Reclaim Identities Wizard are described in the following tables.
Table 134. Identity Assignments

Field Description
Device Displays the name of the device.

Is Device Deleted Displays if the device was deleted from OpenManage Essentials
after it was deployed with virtual I/O identities.

Section Displays the component that the attribute belongs to. For
example, NIC.

Instance Displays the instance of the component that the attribute

belongs to.

Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute

Value Displays the value of the attribute.

Related links
Reclaim Identities Wizard

The Options page allows you to select your preferences for the reclaim identities task.
The fields displayed on the Options page of the Reclaim Identities Wizard are described in the following table.

Table 135. Options

Field Description
Remove source from compute pool Select to move the server from the compute pool to the
Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices group after reclaiming the
identities of the server.

NOTE: If this option is not selected, the server is

retained within the compute pool after reclaiming the
identities of the server.

Force reclaim action even if target cannot be contacted Select to reclaim the virtual I/O identities of the selected server,
even if the server is unreachable.

NOTE: If the source server is not reachable and this

option is:
• Not selected — The reclaim identities task is
• Selected — The virtual I/O identities are reclaimed and
available for use. However, you may notice devices
with duplicate I/O identities on the network if the
server is added back to the network.

Related links
Reclaim Identities Wizard

The Credentials page allows you to provide the credentials of the selected server.
The fields displayed on the Credentials page of the Reclaim Identities Wizard are described in the following tables.
Table 136. Credentials

Field Description
User Name Provide the user name of the iDRAC of the server.

Password Provide the password of the iDRAC of the server.

Related links
Reclaim Identities Wizard

The Summary page displays the options you have selected for the reclaim identities task.
The fields displayed on the Summary page of the Reclaim Identities Wizard are described in the following table.
Table 137. Summary

Field Description
Name Displays the name you have provided for the task.

Associated Devices Displays the name of the device that you have selected for
reclaiming the virtual I/O identities.

Remove from Pool Displays if you have chosen to remove the server from the
compute pool after reclaiming the virtual I/O identities.

Force reclaim identities Displays if you have chosen to reclaim the virtual I/O identities
of the server, even if the source server is unreachable.

Field Description
Schedule Displays the predefined task schedule.

Related links
Reclaim Identities Wizard

Managing Server Configuration Baseline
The configuration of a server or chassis in a production environment must be properly maintained to ensure availability of the
server. These server configuration settings tend to be drifted over time because of various reasons. The Device Compliance Portal
enables you to verify and ensure the compliance of multiple servers and chassis to a device configuration template that serves as a
baseline. The compliance status indicates if there is any difference between the current configuration settings and its corresponding
baseline configuration template. The Device Compliance Portal also allows you to create baseline template, and assign the desired
template to multiple production servers for establishing the baselines.

NOTE: A device is considered to be compliant if it matches with all the settings defined in the associated template. A
device with additional hardware (for example, an additional NIC card), is also considered to be compliant. A device may
become non-compliant if there is a change in either the device inventory or the associated template. If the associated
template is changed, the template must be redeployed to the associated devices.
NOTE: Compliance tasks are not supported for IOA templates.

Using the Device Compliance Portal, you can:

• Create a configuration template from a server or chassis configuration file

• Create a configuration template from a server or chassis
• Edit a configuration template
• Associate a configuration template to a server or chassis
• Configure the credentials and schedule the device configuration inventory for target devices
• View the tasks that have been created and their status
• Configure the deployment file share

NOTE: The device configuration deployment and configuration compliance features are licensed (fee-based) for
supported servers (Dell’s 12th generation or later PowerEdge servers with iDRAC). However, using these features on
supported Dell chassis is free and does not require a license. Creating a device configuration template from either a
server or chassis does not require a license as well. For more information on licensing, see OpenManage Essentials —
Server Configuration Management License.

Related links
Configuring the Deployment File Share
Creating a Device Configuration Template
Configuring the Credentials and Device Configuration Inventory Schedule
Associating Target Devices to a Configuration Template
Viewing the Device Compliance Status
Viewing the Compliance Tasks
Additional Information

Viewing the Device Compliance Portal

To view the device compliance portal, click Manage → Configuration → Device Compliance Portal.

Getting Started for Device Configuration Compliance
Before you can verify the compliance status of devices to a device configuration template, you must:

1. Configure the deployment file share on the server running OpenManage Essentials.
2. Configure the credentials and inventory schedule for target devices.

Related links
Configuring the Deployment File Share
Configuring the Credentials and Device Configuration Inventory Schedule
Device Configuration Compliance Overview

Device Configuration Compliance Overview

The steps that you must perform to verify the compliance status of a device and to make a device compliant to a device
configuration template are as follows:

1. Create a device configuration template — Use the Create Template task in the Common Tasks pane to create a device
configuration template. You can choose to create the template from either a configuration file or a reference device.
2. Associate a device configuration template to target devices — Select a template and associate it to applicable devices to
view the compliance status.
3. View the compliance status — The Device Compliance Portal displays the compliance summary of all devices associated to
templates. To view the compliance status of a device to an associated template, select the template in the Templates pane.
To view the detailed compliance results for each device, double-click the Device Compliance graph or table. Alternatively, you
can also select the device in the device tree (Manage → Devices), and click the Configuration tab in the right-pane to view
the compliance status.
4. Make devices compliant with the associated device configuration template (Optional) — If you want to make a device
compliant to the associated device configuration template, you must deploy the device configuration template through the
Deployment Portal.

Related links
Getting Started for Device Configuration Compliance

Configuring the Credentials and Device Configuration Inventory

The Configuration Inventory Schedule task enables you to collect an inventory of the device configuration attributes from
applicable devices at periodic intervals. The inventory information is used to verify the compliance status of the devices to a specific
device configuration template.
Before you configure the device inventory schedule, ensure that:
• The target devices meet the requirements specified in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.
• The OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license is installed on all target servers. For more
information, see OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License.

NOTE: Scheduled configuration inventory collection or update is not applicable for IOAs.

To configure the device configuration inventory schedule:

1. Click Manage → Configurations.

2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Configuration Inventory Schedule.
• In the Device Configuration Compliance Portal pane, click Getting Started for Compliance → Configure Credentials and
Inventory Schedule for Target Devices.

The Configuration Inventory Schedule wizard is displayed.
3. On the Inventory Credentials page:
a. Click Add New Credentials.
The Add Credentials window is displayed.
b. Type the description, user name, and password.
NOTE: You must provide the iDRAC credentials that have Administrator rights.
c. If you want to set the credentials as the default credentials for all new target devices, select Default, and then click Finish.
d. On the Devices section, set the Execution Credentials for each target device.
e. Click Next.
4. On the Schedule page:
a. Select Enable Configuration Inventory.
b. If you want to run the configuration inventory immediately, select Run Inventory on Finish.
c. Select the desired scheduling parameters.
d. (Optional) You can adjust the Inventory Polling Speed slider for faster task execution; however, this consumes more
system resources.
e. Click Finish.

The status of the task is displayed in Task Execution History. You can double-click the task in Task Execution History to view the
task execution details.

Related links
OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management License
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks
Configuration Inventory Schedule Wizard

Associating Target Devices to a Configuration Template

The Associate Devices to a Template task enables you to designate the template to be used for verifying the compliance status of
target devices.
NOTE: A device can only have one associated device configuration template. If you associate a second template to a
device, the second template will become the only configuration template associated to the device.
To associate target devices to a template:

1. Click Manage → Configurations.

2. Perform one of the following:
• In the Common Tasks pane, click Associate Devices to a Template.
• In the Device Configuration Compliance Portal pane, click Getting Started for Compliance → Associate Template to
Target Devices.

The Associate to Template wizard is displayed.

3. On the Select Template page:
a. Based on the target device type, click either Server Template or Chassis Template.
NOTE: Only configuration templates that you have either created or cloned are available for selection.
b. Select a device configuration template from the list.
c. Click Next.
4. On the Select Devices page, select the target devices from the All Applicable Devices tree, and then click Finish.

Related links
Template Association
Associate Devices To Template Wizard

Viewing the Device Configuration Inventory
You can view the configuration inventory of a device through the Devices portal.
Before you begin, ensure that the device for which you want to view the configuration inventory, meets the requirements specified
in Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks.
To view the configuration inventory:

1. Click Manage → Devices.

The Devices portal is displayed.
2. On the device tree, right-click the device for which you want to view the configuration inventory details, click Device
Configuration → Refresh Device Configuration Inventory.
3. On the right pane, click Configuration → Inventory.
The inventory configuration details are displayed. If the inventory configuration task has not been run for the device, the Run
Configuration Inventory button in is displayed. You can click Run Configuration Inventory to view the configuration details,
provided you have configured the credentials of the device in the Inventory Configuration Schedule.

Related links
Device Requirements for Deployment and Compliance Tasks

Viewing the Device Compliance Status

Before you can view the compliance status of a device to an associated configuration template, you must run the device
configuration inventory task. To run the device configuration inventory task, you can either create an inventory configuration
schedule or select the device in the device tree and click Run Configuration Inventory on the Configuration tab in the right pane.

NOTE: Compliance tasks are not supported for IOA templates.

To view the compliance status of devices to the associated configuration template:

1. Click Manage → Configurations → Device Compliance Portal.

The Device Compliance graph and grid display the compliance status of the devices.
2. To view the devices by compliance status, click the Device Compliance graph.
3. To view the compliance status of a particular device, click the device in the Device Compliance grid.

NOTE: You can also select the device in the device tree (Manage → Devices), and click the Configuration tab in the
right-pane to view the compliance status.

Viewing the Compliance Tasks

To view the compliance tasks that have been created:

1. Click Manage → Configuration.

2. In the Tasks pane on the left, select a task type.
The Task tab on the right pane displays the tasks that have been created.

NOTE: Compliance tasks are not supported for IOA templates.

Related links

Configuration – Reference
You can access the following from the Manage → Configuration page:

• Device Configuration Compliance Portal

– Getting Started for Compliance — Displays the information required to setup, use, and get started with the device
configuration compliance features.
– Device Compliance Portal — Displays the default view of the Device Compliance Portal.
• Common Tasks — Displays the configuration compliance setup tasks and tasks that you can create.

– Create Template
– Associate Devices to a Template
– Configuration Inventory Schedule
– File Share Settings
• Compliance by Template — Displays the sample device configuration templates and templates that you have created or cloned.

– Server Templates

* Sample - iDRAC SNMP Management Settings

* Sample - iDRAC Auto Update Settings
* Sample - Enable Broadcom Partitioning
* Sample - BIOS Setup System Password
* Sample - iDRAC static IP address
* Sample - iDRAC System Location
* Sample - iDRAC Thermal Alert Monitor
* Sample - iDRAC Timezone NTP
* Sample - Configure iDRAC Users
* Sample - iDRAC Initialized Virtual Disk
* Sample - Set Virtual Disk As Boot
* Sample - Delete BIOS System Setup Password
* Sample - Enable PXE Boot
* Sample - One Time BIOS Boot Device
* Sample - One Time HD Boot Device
* Sample - One Time UEFI Boot Device
* Sample - Set BIOS Boot Order
* Sample - Set HD Boot Order
* Sample - iDRAC Set Power Cap
* Sample - Set UEFI Boot Order
* Sample - Set SNMP Email Alerts

– Chassis Templates

* Sample - VRTX Chassis

* Sample - M1000e Chassis
• Tasks — Displays the tasks of the selected category in the Tasks tab in the right pane.

– Configuration Tasks

* Chassis Configuration Import — Displays the Create Template tasks you have created for chassis.
* Device Configuration Import — Displays the Create Template tasks you have created for servers.

NOTE: For information on the sample device configuration templates, see the iDRAC documentation at dell.com/

Related links
Device Compliance
Task Execution History
Associate Devices To Template Wizard
Configuration Inventory Schedule Wizard

Device Compliance
The Device Compliance graph and table enable you to view the compliance status of the devices.

Device Compliance Graph

The device compliance graph provides a pie chart distribution of the compliance status. Click a segment of the pie chart to view
more information on the systems. The pie chart displays the following segments to indicate the device compliance status:

• Compliant — Devices that are compliant to the associated configuration template.

• Non Compliant — Devices that are not compliant to the associated configuration template.
• Non Inventoried — Devices on which configuration inventory is not completed.
• Non Associated — Devices that are not associated to a configuration template.
• Non Licensed — Devices that do not have the OpenManage Essentials — Server Configuration Management license installed.

Device Compliance Table

The fields displayed in the Device Compliance table of the Device Compliance portal are described in the following table.
Table 138. Device Compliance Table

Field Description
Compliance Status Displays an icon that indicates the compliance status of the
device to the associated configuration template.

Device Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Model Displays the model name of the system. For example,

PowerEdge R710.

Field Description
Compliance Template Displays the device configuration template that is associated to
the device.

Inventory Last Ran Displays the date and time the last device configuration
inventory was completed.

The Tasks tab displays all the tasks that have been created.
The fields displayed in the Tasks tab of the Device Compliance portal are described in the following table.
Table 139. Tasks

Field Description
Schedule Displays if the task schedule is active or inactive.

Task Name Displays the name of the task.

Type Displays the type of task.

Description Displays a brief description about the task.

Updated on Displays the date and time the task was updated.

Updated by Displays the name of the user who updated the task.

Created on Displays the date and time the task was created.

Created by Displays the name of the user who created the task.

Related links
Viewing the Compliance Tasks

Task Execution History

The Task Execution History tab displays the status of tasks.
The fields displayed in the Task Execution History tab are described in the following table.
Table 140. Task Execution History

Field Description
Status Displays an icon representing the task status:

— Running or pending

— Complete

— Stopped

— Failed

— Warning

Task Name Displays the name of the task.

Start Time Displays the start time of the task.

Field Description
% Completed Displays the progress information of the task.

Task State Displays the state of the task:

• Running
• Complete
• Stopped
• Failed
• Warning

End Time Displays the end time of the task.

Executed by User Displays the name of the user who executed the task.

Associate Devices To Template Wizard

The Associate Devices To Template Wizard enables you to associate devices to a device configuration template. The fields
displayed in the Associate Devices To Template Wizard are described in the following sections.
Related links
Select Template
Select Devices
Associating Target Devices to a Configuration Template

Select Template
The Select Template page enables you to select the template you want to associate to target devices.
The fields displayed in the Select Template page are described in the following table.
Table 141. Select Template

Field Description
Server Template Displays the server configuration templates that you have either
created or cloned.

Chassis Template Displays the chassis configuration templates that you have
either created or cloned.

Select Devices
The Select Devices page enables you to select target devices to verify configuration compliance.
The Select Devices page displays the All Applicable Devices tree-view that includes the target devices. You can associate one or
more target devices to a device configuration template.

Configuration Inventory Schedule Wizard

The Configuration Inventory Schedule wizard enables you to associate the credentials to discovered devices and set the schedule
for configuration inventory. The fields displayed in the pages of the wizard are described in the following sections.
Related links
Inventory Credentials
Configuring the Credentials and Device Configuration Inventory Schedule

Inventory Credentials
The Inventory Credentials page enables you to add credentials and associate credentials to target devices. The fields displayed in
the Inventory Credentials page are described in the following table.

The Credentials section displays a table that includes credentials that you have configured for the configuration inventory task. The
following are the fields displayed in the credentials table.
Table 142. Credentials

Field Description
Add New Credentials Click to open the Add Credentials window that enables you to
provide credentials for target devices.

Description Displays the description provided for the credentials.

Username Displays the user name.

Password Displays the password in a masked format.

Is Default Displays a check box that you can select to associate the
credentials to all new target devices.

Update Displays an icon that you can click to edit the credentials.

Delete Displays an icon that you can click to delete the credentials.

The Devices section displays a table that includes the target devices for configuration compliance tasks. The following are the fields
displayed in the devices table.
Table 143. Devices

Field Description
Device Name Displays the Service Tag of the device.

Device Model Displays the model name of the system, if available.

Execution Credentials Displays the credentials that have been assigned to the device
for running the configuration inventory task. You can use this
field to assign the credentials required for running the
configuration inventory task on the device.

The Schedule page enables you to configure the schedule for the configuration inventory.
The fields displayed in the Schedule page are described in the following table.
Table 144. Schedule

Field Description
Enable Configuration Inventory Select to schedule configuration inventory.

Run Inventory on Finish Select to run the configuration inventory after the inventory
configuration is completed.

Configure Global Inventory Polling Interval Set the frequency of the inventory in weekly or daily intervals.

Field Description

NOTE: OpenManage Essentials performs configuration

inventory only on devices that have already been
• Every Week On — Specify the day or days of the week
that you want to schedule the inventory and the time that
you want it to begin.
• Every <n> Days <n> Hours interval — Specify the
intervals between inventory cycles. The maximum discovery
interval is 365 days and 23 hours.

Inventory Polling Speed Set the amount of resources available for accelerating the
inventory poll speed. The faster you set the inventory poll
speed, the more resources are required, but less time is required
to perform the inventory.

After changing the speed, OpenManage Essentials may take

several minutes to adjust to the new speed.

Viewing Inventory Reports
OpenManage Essentials provides pre-defined reports for all discovered and inventoried devices. With these reports, you can:

• Consolidate information about devices in your environment.

• Filter report data based on the devices by clicking the Filter by: drop-down list. You can also add a new group of devices from
the dashboard by clicking Add New Group from the Filter by: drop-down list.
• Export data for use in another application in the XML file format.
NOTE: By default, the reports display the latest device information when you access the reports. If a report is open
and you have not navigated from the report, you must click the refresh button to view the latest device information
on the report.
NOTE: You cannot create new reports.

Choosing Predefined Reports

To view predefined reports, click Reports.
The Managed Systems Reports displays the predefined reports. Select from the available reports to view particular information
about the devices in your environment. You can filter the reports based on the devices by clicking the Filter by: drop-down list. You
can also add a new group of devices by clicking Add New Group from the Filter by: drop-down list.

Predefined Reports
Table 145. Predefined Reports

Category Report Description

Server Inventory Agent and Alert Summary Identifies the OpenManage Server
Administrator versions installed on
devices in the environment and allows you
to identify the devices generating the
most alerts. If the Server Administrator is
not installed on a server, it is displayed as
• The upper left web part identifies the
OpenManage Server Administrator
versions in your environment.
• Clicking the OpenManage Server
Administrator version in the
OpenManage Server Administrator pie
chart in the top right web part shows
you the list of servers with that
version installed.
• The lower left web part lists in
descending order the devices
generating the most alerts since initial
discovery and inventory.
• The top five event generating devices
are identified in the lower right web

Category Report Description
part. Click on a specific device to view
the events associated with it.

Agent Health Status Provides information about the agent

such as the system name, agent global
status, agent name, and agent

Server Overview Provides information about the servers

such as the system name, operating
system installed on the server,
processors, and memory.

FRU Information Provides details on replaceable server


Hard Drive Information Identifies serial number, revision,

manufacturer, and bus type for hard

iDRAC Performance Min/Max Provides the minimum and maximum

utilization of the processor, memory, and
I/O bandwidth of a server.

iDRAC Performance Avg/Peak Provides the average and peak utilization

of the processor, memory, and I/O
bandwidth of a server.

Memory Information Provides details on DIMMs and identifies

the slot a particular DIMM occupies within
a server.

Modular Enclosure Information Provides information about the enclosure

type, firmware version, enclosure Service
Tag, and so on.

NIC Information Identifies the NIC model-IP address, MAC

address, manufacturer and part and serial
numbers for NICs.

PCI Device Information Identifies model, manufacturer, and slot

for PCI and PCIe controllers in each

Processor Information Provides details about the processors in a


Storage Controller Information Identifies the storage controllers on the

server and provides the controller name,
vendor, controller type, and controller
• Ready: The storage controller is ready
for use.
• Degraded: There is a potential
problem with the controller.
Investigation is required.

Category Report Description
Virtual Disk Information Provides information about the virtual
disk such as size, layout, stripe size, and
so on.

Server Configuration Server Components and Versions Identifies BIOS, driver, and firmware
versions on all discovered and inventoried

BIOS Configuration Provides the BIOS configuration

information of the system.

iDRAC Network Configuration Provides IPMI over LAN, SSH, and Telnet
status of the iDRAC.

Device Configuration Compliance Provides information about the

compliance of a server or chassis to an
associated device configuration template.

Template Association Provides information about the device

configuration templates and the devices
associated to the templates.

Assigned Identity Attributes Provides information about the virtual I/O

identities that are assigned or deployed on
a device and managed by OpenManage

All Identity Attributes Provides information about all the virtual

I/O identities that are present on a device
and inventoried by OpenManage

Warranty & License Warranty Information See Viewing Warranty Reports for details
on how to run the warranty report and
the information it provides.

License Information Provides the licensing information for the


Virtualization ESX Information Identifies ESX and ESXi virtual machine

hosts and associated virtual machines.

HyperV Information Identifies the HyperV virtual machine

hosts and associated virtual machines.

Asset Asset Acquisition Information Provides acquisition information about the


Asset Maintenance Information Provides the maintenance information

about the devices.

Asset Support Information Provides the support information about

the devices.

Device Location Information Provides information about the location of

a device in a data center.

Filtering Report Data
You can filter the results by dragging and dropping column headers to the top of reports. You can choose one or more attributes
when revising the view to meet your specific needs.

For example, in the NIC Information report, drag the System Type and System Name to the top of the report. The view
immediately changes to a nesting of information based on your preference. In this example, you can view nested data for NICs; NIC
IP Address, MAC Address, and NIC description.

Figure 28. NIC Information Report

Exporting Reports
Exporting a report enables you to manipulate and reformat the data. To export a report:

1. In the Reports list, right-click on any report to display the Export option.
2. Scroll over the Export option to display supported formats.
3. Choose your preferred format (CSV, HTML, or XML) and provide a file name for the exported report.

Reports — Reference
In the Reports portal, you can view various reports that are available under the following sections:

• Server Inventory
• Server Configuration
• Warranty & License
• Virtualization
• Asset

You can also filter the information based on a device or group by clicking Filter by and then selecting the device or group.

Related links
Server Inventory Reports
Server Configuration Reports
Warranty & License Reports
Virtualization Reports
Asset Reports

Server Inventory Reports

The Server Inventory section contains the following reports:

• Agent and Alert Summary

• Server Overview
• FRU Information
• Hard Drive Information
• iDRAC Performance Minimum/Maximum
• iDRAC Performance Average/Peak
• Memory Information
• Modular Enclosure Information
• NIC Information
• PCI Device Information
• Processor Information
• Storage Controller Information
• Virtual Disk Information

Related links
Agent and Alert Summary
Agent Health Status
Server Overview
Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Information
Hard Drive Information
iDRAC Performance Minimum/Maximum
iDRAC Performance Average/Peak
Memory Information
Modular Enclosure Information
NIC Information
PCI Device Information
Processor Information
Storage Controller Information
Virtual Disk Information

Agent and Alert Summary

The Agent and Alert Summary displays the following:

• Agent Summary
• iDRAC Service Module Summary
• Alerts per Device
• Top Alert Generators

Agent Summary
The Agent Summary pane displays the agent summary information in a table and also as a chart.
Table 146. Agent Summary

Field Description
Number of systems using specific Server Administrator agent

Agent Details Displays the name and version of the agent.

Number of systems utilizing this agent Displays the number of systems utilizing a specific version of
the agent.

iDRAC Service Module Summary

The iDRAC Service Module Summary pane displays the iDRAC Service Module summary information in a table and also as a chart.
Table 147. iDRAC Service Module Summary

Field Description
Number of systems using specific iDRAC Service Module

iDRAC Service Module Details Displays the possibility of the iDRAC Service Module
deployment on the discovered servers.

Number of systems Displays the number of servers.

The iDRAC Service Module Summary chart displays the servers as:

• Capable Linux — The server does not meet some of the requirements for deploying iDRAC Service Module. For example, the
server may not be running a 64-bit operating system or the version of the iDRAC firmware installed on the system may be prior
to 1.51.51.
• Deployable Linux — iDRAC Service Module can be deployed on the server.

• Capable Windows — The server does not meet some of the requirements for deploying iDRAC Service Module. For example,
the system may not be running a 64-bit operating system or the version of the iDRAC firmware installed on the system may be
prior to 1.51.51.
• Deployable Windows — iDRAC Service Module can be deployed on the server.
• Incapable — iDRAC Service Module cannot be installed on the server. For example, the system may be a Dell 11th generation or
earlier PowerEdge server.

Alerts per Device

Table 148. Alerts per Device

Field Description
Most active discovered systems based on alert occurrence

Device Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

Number of Associated Events Displays the number of alerts from the device.

Last Discovered On Displays the IP address range or host name.

Inventory Time Displays the time and date information for the last run

Top Alert Generators

The Top Alert Generators pane displays the top five systems with the maximum alerts.

Agent Health Status

Table 149. Agent Health Status

Field Description
System Name Displays the host name of the system.

System Type Displays the model name of the system.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Agent Global Status Displays the global health status of the agent.

Agent Name Displays the name of the agent.

Agent Version Displays the version of the agent.

Agent Description Displays the agent details for the device.

Agent Manufacturer Displays the name of the agent manufacturer.

Server Overview
Table 150. Server Overview

Field Description
System Name Displays the host name of the system.

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Operating System Displays the operating system installed on the system.

Processor Count Displays the number of processors installed on the system.

Field Description
Processor Family Displays the type of processor installed on the system.

Processor Cores Displays the number of processor cores.

Processor Speed Displays the speed of the processor.

Total Cores Displays the total number of cores present in the system.

Total Memory Displays the total memory installed on the system

Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Information

Table 151. Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

FRU Device Name Displays the standard FRU name assigned to the device.

FRU Manufacturer Displays the name of the FRU manufacturer.

FRU Serial Number Displays the manufacturer specified identification number of the

FRU Part Number Displays the industry specific number that differentiates the
type of FRU.

Hard Drive Information

Table 152. Hard Drive Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Enclosure ID Displays the enclosure ID is assigned to the enclosure by

Storage Management. Storage Management numbers the
enclosures attached to the controller starting with zero.

Description Displays the description of the media.

Channel Displays the number of channels.

Target ID Displays the SCSI ID of the backplane (internal to the server) or

the enclosure to which the controller connector is attached.
The value is usually 6.

LUN ID Displays the LUN ID. In computer storage, a logical unit number
or LUN number used to identify a logical unit, which is a device

Field Description
addressed by the SCSI protocol or similar protocols such as
Fibre Channel or iSCSI.

Size (GB) Displays the size of the hard drive in GB.

Bus Type Displays the type of bus connection used. A bus, in computing,
is an information pathway between components of a system.

Serial Number Displays the roll number assigned to the device by the

Revision Displays the revision history of the hard drive.

Media Type Displays the type of media. For example, HDD.

Vendor Displays the name of the organization that supplies the hard

Model Number Displays the model number of the physical device.

Part Number Displays the unique number associated with a drives and drive
capacity of a specific OEM vendor.

Remaining Rated Write Endurance Displays the wear-out level or remaining life of the Solid State
Drive (SSD) connected to a PERC in % units. If the drive does
not support this property, it displays Not Applicable.

iDRAC Performance Minimum/Maximum

NOTE: The iDRAC Performance Minimum/Maximum report provides information for Dell’s 13th generation or later
PowerEdge servers only.
Table 153. iDRAC Performance Minimum/Maximum

Field Description
System Name Displays the host name of the system.

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Attribute Displays the name of the performance attribute that is reported.

Last Hour (%) Displays the usage level of the attribute in the last hour.

Last Hour Time Stamp Displays the time at which the usage level was reported in the
last hour.

Last Day (%) Displays the usage level of the attribute in the last day.

Last Day Time Stamp Displays the time at which the usage level was reported in the
last day.

Last Week (%) Displays the usage level of the attribute in the last week.

Last Week Time Stamp Displays the time at which the usage level was reported in the
last week.

iDRAC Performance Average/Peak
NOTE: The iDRAC Performance Average/Peak report provides information for Dell’s 13th generation or later PowerEdge
servers only.
Table 154. iDRAC Performance Average/Peak

Field Description
System Name Displays the host name of the system.

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Attribute Displays the performance attribute that is reported.

Average Last Hour (%) Displays the average usage level of the attribute in the last hour.

Average Last Day (%) Displays the average usage level of the attribute in the last day.

Average Last Week (%) Displays the average usage level of the attribute in the last

Peak Time Stamp Displays the time at which the peak usage level was reported in
the last week.

Memory Information
Table 155. Memory Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Name Displays the named assigned to the device by the manufacturer.

For example, DIMMI_A.

Size (MB) Displays the size of the memory device in GB.

Memory Device Type Displays the type of the memory device. For example, DDR3.

Memory Device Type Details Displays details about the memory device type.

Memory Device Manufacturer Displays the name of the device manufacturer.

Memory Device Part Number Displays the industry specific number assigned to the device.

Memory Device Serial Number Displays the roll number assigned to the device by the

Modular Enclosure Information
Table 156. Modular Enclosure Information

Field Description
Enclosure Model Type Displays the model name of the enclosure. For example,
PowerEdge M1000e.

Slot Displays the slot number on the enclosure.

Subslot Displays the sub slot name.

Slot Name Displays the slot name of the enclosure.

Slot Content Displays whether the slot is available or occupied in the modular

Firmware Version Displays the firmware version installed on the enclosure.

Enclosure Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the enclosure.

Enclosure Name Displays the unique enclosure name that identifies it on the

Blade Model Type The model name of the blade server. For example, PowerEdge

Blade Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the blade server.

Blade Host Name Displays the host name of the blade server.

Blade OS Displays the operating system installed on the blade server.

NIC Information
Table 157. NIC Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

IPv4 Address Displays the unique IPv4 address assigned to the NIC device.

IPv6 Address Displays the unique IPv6 address assigned to the NIC device.

MAC Address Displays the unique Media Access Control address (MAC
address) identifier assigned to network interfaces for
communications on the physical network segment.

Vendor Displays the name of the NIC supplier.

NIC Description Displays information on the NIC device.

PCI Device Information
Table 158. PCI Device Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Device Card Description Displays the type of Peripheral Component Interconnect card
used. For example, 82546GB Gigabit Ethernet Controller.

Device Card Manufacturer Displays the manufacturer information.

Device Card Slot Type Displays the type of slot on the mother board into which the
card is inserted.

Processor Information
Table 159. Processor Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the host name of the system.

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Family Displays the name of the processor family.

Speed (MHz) Displays the speed of the processor in MHz.

Max Speed (MHz) Displays the maximum speed of the processor in MHz.

Cores Displays the number of cores in the processor.

Brand Displays the name of the processor manufacturer.

Model Displays the model information of the processor.

Stepping Displays the version of the processor model.

Slot Displays the slot occupied by the processor.

Status Displays the status of the processor.

Storage Controller Information
Table 160. Storage Controller Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the
network. The storage controller is present on this system.

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Controller Name Displays the name of the storage controller. For example, SAS
6/iR Integrated.

Vendor Displays the supplier information. For example, SAS 6/iR

Integrated is supplied by Dell.

Controller Type Displays the type of controller. For example, SAS 6/iR
Integrated is of type SAS.

Controller State Displays the state of the controller. For example, ready to use.

Virtual Disk Information

Table 161. Virtual Disk Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Target ID Displays the SCSI ID of the backplane (internal to the server) or

the enclosure to which the controller connector is attached.

Name Displays the name of the virtual disk.

Device Name Displays the name of the device on which the virtual disk is

Size (GB) Displays the size of the virtual disk in GB.

Layout Displays the RAID level.

Cache Policy Displays the cache policy used for storage.

Read Policy Displays the read policy used for storage.

Write Policy Displays the write policy used for storage.

Strip Size (Bytes) Displays the size of the stripe in bytes.

Server Configuration Reports

The Server Configuration section contains the following reports:

• Server Components and Versions

• BIOS Configuration
• iDRAC Network Configuration
• Device Configuration Compliance
• Template Association
• Assigned Identity Attributes
• All Identity Attributes

Related links
Server Components and Versions
BIOS Configuration
iDRAC Network Configuration
Device Configuration Compliance
Template Association
Assigned Identity Attributes
All Identity Attributes

Server Components and Versions

Table 162. Server Components and Versions

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Description Displays the software information.

Software Type Displays the type of software that is available on the system.
For example, firmware.

Software Version Displays the version number of the software that is available on
the system.

BIOS Configuration
Table 163. BIOS Configuration

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Virtualization Technology Displays whether the additional hardware capabilities provided

by Virtualization Technology are enabled or disabled.

System Profile Displays the selected system profile: Performance Per Watt
(DAPC), Performance Per Watt (OS), Performance, Dense
Configuration, or Custom.

User Accessible USB Ports Displays the status of the User Accessible USB Ports option.

Field Description
Cores per Processor Displays the number of cores enabled in each processor.

Node Interleaving Displays whether the Node Interleaving option is enabled or


Logical Processor Displays whether the logical processor option is enabled or


Integrated RAID Controller Displays whether the integrated RAID controller is enabled or

SR-IOV Global Enable Displays whether the configuration of Single Root I/O
Virtualization (SR-IOV) devices is enabled or disabled.

Execute Disable Displays whether the execute disable memory protection

technology is enabled or disabled.

iDRAC Network Configuration

Table 164. iDRAC Network Configuration

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

IPMI over Lan Displays whether the IPMI over LAN interface option is enabled
or disabled.

IPMI Community Displays the SNMP community name for traps.

SSH Displays whether SSH connection is enabled or disabled.

SSH Port Displays the port number used by iDRAC for an SSH

SSH Timeout Displays the duration an SSH connection is allowed to remain


Telnet Displays whether Telnet connection is enabled or disabled.

Telnet Port Displays the port number used by iDRAC for a Telnet

Telnet Timeout Displays the duration a Telnet connection is allowed to remain


Device Configuration Compliance
Table 165. Device Configuration Compliance

Field Description
Compliance Status Displays the compliance status of the device to the associated
configuration template.

Device Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Model Displays the model name of the system. For example,

PowerEdge R710.

Compliance Template Displays the device configuration template that is associated to

the device.

Inventory Last Ran Displays the date and time the last device configuration
inventory was completed.

Template Association
Table 166. Template Association

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Associated Template Displays the device configuration template associated to the


Related links
Associating Target Devices to a Configuration Template

Assigned Identity Attributes

Table 167. Assigned Identity Attributes

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Section Displays the component to which the attribute belongs. For

example, NIC, FC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component to which the attribute


Field Description
Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the virtual I/O identity assigned or deployed on the


Compute Pool Displays the name of the compute pool to which the device

Virtual I/O Pool Displays the name of the virtual I/O pool from which the virtual
I/O identity is assigned to the system.

Status Displays if the system is deployed with virtual I/O identities.

NOTE: The deployed state of the identity attributes may be redundant if there are duplicate identities generated by
OpenManage Essentials in the network.

All Identity Attributes

Table 168. All Identity Attributes

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Section Displays the component to which the attribute belongs. For

example, NIC, FC, and so on.

Instance Displays the instance of the component to which the attribute


Attribute Name Displays the name of the attribute.

Value Displays the virtual I/O identity assigned or deployed on the


Warranty & License Reports

The Warranty & License section contains the following reports:

• Warranty Information
• License Information

Related links
Warranty Information
License Information

Warranty Information
Table 169. Warranty Information

Field Description
View and Renew Warranty Displays a link you can click to open the Dell website from where
you can view and renew the device warranty.

Device Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the
network. If applicable, the proxy settings must be configured to
retrieve warranty data from dell.com/support.

Model Displays the model name of the system. For example,

PowerEdge R710.

Device Type Displays the type of device. For example, Server, Remote
Access Controller, and so on.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Service Level Code Displays the service level code such as parts only warranty
(POW), next business day onsite (NBD), and so on for a
particular system.

Warranty Type Displays the warranty type. For example, initial, extended, and
so on.

Warranty Description Displays the warranty details applicable for the device.

Service Provider Displays the name of the organization that will provide the
warranty service support for the device.

Shipped Date Displays the date on which the device was sent from the

Start Date Displays the date from which the warranty is available.

End Date Displays the date on which the warranty will expire.

Days Remaining Displays the number of days the warranty is available for the

License Information
Table 170. License Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

Model Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

License Description Displays the level of features enabled in the license.

License Duration Displays the duration of the license.

Entitlement ID Displays the unique identifier for the license.

Time Remaining Displays the days remaining until the license expires.

Virtualization Reports
The Virtualization section contains the following reports:

• ESX Information
• HyperV Information

Related links
ESX Information
HyperV Information

ESX Information
Table 171. ESX Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the
network. The embedded bare-metal product is installed on this

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

VM Type Displays the type of embedded bare-metal product installed on

the system. For example, VMware ESX.

Version Displays the version of the embedded bare-metal that is

installed on the system.

Guest Name Displays the name of the guest virtual machine.

Guest OS Type Displays the operating system that is installed on the virtual

Guest Memory Size (MB) Displays the size of the RAM on the virtual machine.

Guest State Displays whether the virtual machine is powered off or powered

HyperV Information
Table 172. HyperV Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the host name of the system on which the HyperV is

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Guest Name Displays the name of the guest virtual machine.

Guest Memory Size (MB) Displays the size of the RAM on the virtual machine.

Guest State Displays whether the virtual machine is powered off or powered

Asset Reports
The Asset section contains the following reports:

• Asset Acquisition Information

• Asset Maintenance Information
• Asset Support Information
• Device Location Information

The reports in the Asset section depend on the following:

• The server must be discovered in-band with SNMP protocol.

• The asset information must be set in OMSA. To set the asset information in OMSA, go to System → Properties → Asset

Related links
Asset Acquisition Information
Asset Maintenance Information
Asset Support Information
Device Location Information

Asset Acquisition Information

Table 173. Asset Acquisition Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Purchase Cost Displays the price the owner paid for the system.

Purchase Date Displays the date the owner purchased the system.

Way Bill Number Displays the receipt from the carrier for the goods received.

Purchase Order Number Displays the number of the document that authorized payment
for the system.

Installation Date Displays the date the system was put to service.

Expensed Displays whether the system is charged to a specific purpose or

department such as research and development or sales.

Cost Center Displays the name or code for the business entity that acquired
the system.

Signing Authority Name Displays the name of the person who approved the purchase or
the service call on the system.

Vendor Displays the business entity that offers service on the system.

Depreciation Duration Displays the number of years or months over which a system is

Field Description
Depreciation Duration Unit Type Displays the unit in months or years.

Depreciation Percentage Displays the portion of 100 that an asset is devalued or


Depreciation Method Displays the steps and assumptions used to compute the
system's depreciation.

Ownership Code Defines the ownership code for this system.

Corporate Owner Name Displays the business entity that owns the system.

Insurance Company Displays the name of the company that insures the system.

Asset Maintenance Information

Table 174. Asset Maintenance Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Multiple Schedules Displays whether there are multiple schedules for the lease.

Buyout Amount Displays the balance purchase price for the system.

Lease Rate Factor Displays the rate factor for the lease on the system.

Lease End Date Displays the end date for the lease on the system.

Fair Market Value Displays the fair market value of the system.

Lessor Displays the name of the lessor of the system.

Maintenance Provider Displays the maintenance provider's name.

Maintenance Restrictions Displays the maintenance agreement restrictions.

Maintenance Start Date Displays the start date for maintenance on this system.

Maintenance End Date Displays the end date for maintenance on this system.

Outsourcing Problem Description Displays the problem encountered with the outsourcing service

Outsourcing Service Fee Displays the amount that the outsourcing vendor charges for

Outsourcing Provider Fee Displays any additional outsourcing charge for service.

Outsourcing Provider Service Level Displays the service level agreement for the system.

Outsourcing Signing Authority Displays the name of the person who can sign the authorization
for service.

Asset Support Information
Table 175. Asset Support Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Warranty Cost Displays the extended warranty cost date for the system.

Warranty Duration Displays the duration of the warranty.

Warranty Duration Type Displays the warranty duration type for the system.

Warranty End Date Displays the warranty end date for the system.

Extended Warranty Cost Displays the cost of the warranty for the system.

Extended Warranty Start Date Displays the extended warranty start date for the system.

Extended Warranty End Date Displays the extended warranty end date for the system.

Extended Warranty Provider Name Displays the name of the extended warranty provider for the

Contract Renewed Displays whether the service contract for the system was

Contract Type Displays the name of the service contract type for the system.

Contract Vendor Displays the name of the service contract provider for the

Outsourced Displays whether the support for the system is outsourced or


Support Type Displays the type of component, system, or network problem

that occurred.

Help Desk Displays the help desk information provided

Automatic Fix Displays the method used to fix the problem.

Device Location Information

Table 176. Device Location Information

Field Description
System Name Displays the unique name of the system that identifies it on the

System Type Displays the model name of the system. For example,
PowerEdge R710.

Service Tag Displays the unique identifier assigned to the system.

Location Displays the location of the system.

Field Description
Data Center Displays the data center where the system is available.

Room Displays the name of the room where the system is available.

Aisle Displays the aisle where the system is available.

Rack Displays the rack where the system is available.

Viewing Warranty Reports
Warranty information is available for devices with valid Service Tags, including clients, servers, switches, storage, and so on.
Warranty information is automatically retrieved at the time devices are discovered.

The Warranty Information report is unique among OpenManage Essentials reports as it requires Internet access to pull warranty
information from the Dell warranty database. If you do not have internet access, no warranty information is populated. It is
downloaded the next time you connect to the internet and open the Warranty Report.

NOTE: The warranty information (including expired and renewed) displayed in OpenManage Essentials for a particular
Service Tag, may not match with the warranty record displayed at support.dell.com. The service level code and model
name of a warranty record displayed at support.dell.com may not exactly match with the OpenManage Essentials
warranty report.

Extending Warranty
To extend support for the devices, click View and Renew Warranty in the Reports → Warranty Information page. This opens the
Dell warranty site. You must log in to the warranty site with your company account to see all the devices and their warranty

Managing Alerts
NOTE: You can receive alert notifications from OpenManage Essentials on your Android or iOS device by installing and
setting up the OpenManage Mobile application. For more information, see OpenManage Mobile Settings and the
OpenManage Mobile User’s Guide at dell.com/OpenManageManuals.
With OpenManage Essentials you can:

• View alerts and alert categories

• Manage alert actions
• Configure alert log settings
• Manage MIB files
• Manage traps

Viewing Alerts and Alert Categories

To view the alerts page, from OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Alerts.
NOTE: Alerts for deleted devices are not displayed in the console. However, these alerts are not deleted from the
database until the purge limits are reached.

Viewing Alert Logs

To view alert logs, click Manage → Alerts → Alert Logs.

Understanding the Alert Types

The following alert log types are displayed.

Table 177. Alert Types

Icon Alert Description

Normal Alerts An event from a server or a device that
describes the successful operation of a
Figure 29. Normal alert icon unit, such as a power supply turning on or a
sensor reading returning to normal.

Warning Alerts An event that is not necessarily significant,

but may indicate a possible future problem,
Figure 30. Warning alert icon such as crossing a warning threshold.

Critical Alerts A significant event that indicates actual or

imminent loss of data or loss of function,
Figure 31. Critical alert icon such as crossing a failure threshold or a
hardware failure.

Unknown Alerts An event has occurred but there is

insufficient information to classify it.
Figure 32. Unknown alert icon

Icon Alert Description
Information Alerts Provides information only.

Figure 33. Information alert icon

Viewing Internal Alerts

Before viewing internal alerts, ensure that you enable internal health alerts in the Alert Settings of the Settings tab. See Alert
To view internal alerts, click Manage → Alerts → Alert Logs → All Internal Alerts.
The All Internal Alerts filter is a reference to the internal alerts that OpenManage Essentials generates when a change occurs in the
global health or connection status of a managed device.

Viewing Alert Categories

To view alert categories, click Manage → Alerts → Alert Categories.
The predefined alert categories are listed in alphabetical order.

Viewing Alert Source Details

To view an alert category, in the alert categories list, expand an alert category, and then select an alert source.
NOTE: You cannot create a new event source.

For example, expand Environmental alert category and then select the alertCoolingDeviceFailure alert source.

Alert Source Values and Descriptions for alertCoolingDeviceFailure

Table 178. Alert Source Values and Descriptions for alertCoolingDeviceFailure

Field Name Value Description

Name alertCoolingDeviceFailure

Type SNMP An SNMP alert based source.

Catalog MIB — 10892

Severity Critical If this alert is received, then the system is

in critical state and immediate action is

Format String $3

SNMP Enterprise OID .

SNMP Generic Trap OID 6

SNMP Specific Trap OID 1104

Viewing Previously Configured Alert Actions

This section provides instructions to view previously configured alert actions.

Viewing Application Launch Alert Action
To view the application launch alert action:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Alert Actions.

2. In Alert Actions, select Application Launch.

Viewing E-Mail Alert Action

To view the e-mail alert action:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Alert Actions.

2. In Alert Actions, select Email.

Viewing Alert Ignore Action

To view the alert ignore action:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Alert Actions.

2. In Alert Actions, select Ignore.

Viewing Alert Trap Forward Action

To view the alert trap forward action:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Alert Actions.

2. In Alert Actions, select Trap Forwarding.

Handling Alerts
Flagging an Alert
After you have completed action on an alert, flag the alert as acknowledged. Acknowledging an alert indicates it is resolved or does
not require further action as a reminder to yourself. To acknowledge alerts:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Alert Logs.

2. Click the alert you want to acknowledge.
NOTE: You can acknowledge multiple alerts simultaneously. Use <Ctrl> or <Shift> to select multiple alerts.
3. Right-click and click Acknowledge → Set → Selected Alerts or Filtered Alerts.
If you choose Selected Alerts, the highlighted alerts are acknowledged.

If you choose Filtered Alerts, all alerts in the current filter/view are acknowledged.

Creating and Editing a New View

To personalize the way you view alerts, create a new view or modify an existing view. To create a new view:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Common Tasks → New Alert View Filter.

2. In Name and Severity Association, enter a name for the new filter, and then check one or more severities. Click Next.
3. In Categories and Sources Association, assign the alert category or source to which you want to associate with this view filter
and click Next.
4. In Device Association, create query for searching devices or assign the device or device groups, which you want to associate
to this view filter and then click Next.
5. (Optional) By default the alert view filter is always active. To limit activity, in Date Time Association, enter a date range, time
range, or days, and then click Next.

6. (Optional) In Acknowledged Association, set duration when this alert action is active, and then click Next. The default is
always active.
7. In Summary, review inputs and click Finish.

Configuring Alert Actions

Alert actions occur on all alerts received by the OpenManage Essentials console. The alert is received and processed by the
OpenManage Essentials console whether or not OpenManage Essentials has discovered the device so long as OpenManage
Essentials is listed in the device's SNMP trap forward destinations list. To prevent this, remove OpenManage Essentials from the
SNMP trap forward destinations list on the device.

Setting Up E-mail Notification

You can create e-mail notifications when an alert is received. For example, an e-mail is sent if a critical temperature alert is received
from a server.
To configure an e-mail notification when alerts are received:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Common Tasks → New Alert Email Action.

2. In Name and Description, provide e-mail alert action name and description and then click Next.
3. In E-mail Configuration, do the following and then click Next.
a. Provide e-mail information for the To: and From: recipients and provide the substitution information. Separate each
recipient or distribution list with a semi-colon.
b. Customize the e-mail message format with any of the following substitution parameters:
• $n = Device
• $ip = Device IP
• $m = Message
• $d = Date
• $t = Time
• $sev = Severity
• $st = Service Tag
• $r = Recommended Resolution
• $e = Enterprise OID
• $sp = Specific Trap OID
• $g = Generic Trap OID
• $cn = Alert Category Name
• $sn = Alert Source Name
• $pkn = Package Name
• $at = Asset Tag
• $loc = Device Location
• $mod = Model Name
c. Click Email Settings and provide SMTP server name or IP Address, to test e-mail settings and click OK.
d. Click Test Action to send test e-mail.
4. In Severity Association, assign the alert severity to which you want to associate this e-mail alert and then click Next.
5. In Categories and Sources Association, assign the alert categories or alert sources to which you want to associate this e-mail
alert and then click Next.
6. In Device Association, assign the device or device groups to which you want to associate this e-mail alert and then click Next.
7. By default the Email Notification is always active. To limit activity, in Date Time Association, enter a date range, time range, or
days, and then click Next.
8. In Summary, review the inputs and click Finish.

Related links
Alert Logs
Alert Logs Fields
Alert Log Settings

Ignoring Alerts
Sometimes you will receive alerts you might want to ignore. For example, you may want to ignore multiple alerts generated when
Send authentication trap is selected within the SNMP service on the managed node.
NOTE: You can ignore all alerts from a particular device by using the Ignore All Alerts from Device option available when
you right-click either a device on the device tree or an alert in the Alerts portal.
To ignore an alert:

1. From OpenManage Essentials, select Manage → Alerts → Common Tasks → New Alert Ignore Action.
2. In Name and severity Association, provide a name, assign the alert severity to which you want to associate this ignore alert
action, and then click Next.
3. In Categories and Sources Association, assign the alert categories source to which you want to associate this alert ignore
action and then click Next.
4. In Device Association, assign the device or device groups to which you want to associate this alert ignore action and then click
5. By default the Ignore Alert is always active. To limit activity, in Date Time Association, enter a date range, time range, or days,
and then click Next.
6. In Duplicate Alert Correlation, select yes to exclude duplicate alerts received within the set time limit, and then click Next.
7. In Summary, review inputs and click Finish.

Running a Custom Script

In response to a specific alert received, you can run custom scripts or launch a specific application. This file must be present on the
OpenManage Essentials service tier system (where OpenManage Essentials is installed) and not on the client browser system. For

• If you receive a temperature warning, you can use a custom script to create an incident ticket for your internal Help Desk.
• If you receive an MD Array storage alert, you can launch the Modular Disk Storage Manager (MDSM) application to view the
status of the array.

Creating a Custom Script

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Alert Actions.
2. In Alert Actions, right-click Application Launch and select New Alert Application Launch Action.
3. In Name and Description, provide an application launch name and description and then click Next.
4. In Application Launch Configuration, provide an executable name (provide an absolute file path, for example, C:
\ProgramFiles\Dell\Application.exe) and provide the substitution information, and then click Next.
5. In Severity Association, assign the alert severity to which you want to associate this alert application launch and then click
6. In Categories and Sources Association, assign the alert categories or alert sources to which you want to associate this alert
application launch and then click Next.
7. In Device Association, assign the device or device groups to which you want to associate this alert application launch and then
click Next.
8. By default the Application Launch Action is always active. To limit activity, in Date Time Association, enter a date range, time
range, or days, and then click Next.
9. In Summary, review inputs and click Finish.

Related links
Alert Logs
Alert Logs Fields
Alert Log Settings

Forwarding Alerts
You may want to consolidate alerts from multiple management stations to one management station. For example, you have
management stations in multiple locations and you want to view status and take action from one central location. For information
about the behavior of forwarded alerts, see Forwarding Alerts Use Case. To create alert forwards:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Common Tasks → New Alert Trap Forward Action.
2. In Name and Description, provide Trap Forward name and description and then click Next.
3. In Trap Forwarding Configuration, provide destination host name or IP address, provide community information, to send a test
trap to the destination management station, click Test Action. To forward the trap in the same format to the configured
destination, click Forward Trap in Original Format and click Next.
4. In Severity Association, assign the alert severity to which you want to associate this trap forwarding alert and then click Next.
5. In Categories and Sources Association, assign the alert categories source to which you want to associate this trap forwarding
alert and then click Next.
6. In Device Association, assign the device or device groups to which you want to associate this trap forwarding alert and then
click Next.
7. By default the Trap Forward Action is always active. To limit activity, in Date Time Association, enter a date range, time range,
or days, and then click Next.
8. In Summary, review inputs and click Finish.
The severity status for any trap is set to normal and for a successful alert action, combination of severity, category, and device
has to confer with the selections in the preceding steps.

Forwarding Alerts Use Case Scenarios

This section describes scenarios about forwarding alerts using the SNMP v1 and SNMP v2 protocols. The scenarios consists of the
following components:

• Managed node with an SNMP v1 agent, referred to as MNv1

• Managed node with an SNMP v2/v2c agent, referred to as MNv2
• Managed station 1 with OpenManage Essentials, referred to as MS1
• Managed station 2 with OpenManage Essentials, referred to as MS2
• Managed station 3 with a third-party software, referred to as MS3

Scenario 1 — Forwarding Alerts in the Original Format Using SNMP v1 Protocol

In this scenario, SNMP v1 alerts are sent from MNv1 to MS1 and then forwarded from MS1 to MS2. If you try to retrieve the remote
host of the forwarded alert, it displays the name of MNv1 as the alert originates from MNv1. MNv1 is displayed because the SNMP
v1 alert standards allow you to set the agent name in the SNMP v1 alert.

Scenario 2 — Forwarding Alerts in the Original Format Using SNMP v2/v2c Protocol
In this scenario, SNMP v2 alerts are sent from MNv2 to MS1 and then forwarded from MS1 to MS3. If you try to retrieve the
remote host of the forwarded alert from MS3, it is displayed as MS1
Since there are no fields in an SNMP v2 alert to specify the agent name, the host which sends the alert is assumed as the agent.
When an SNMP v2 alert is forwarded from MS1 to MS3, MS1 is considered as the source of problem. To resolve this issue, while
forwarding SNMP v2 or v2c alerts, a varbind is added with OID as . with the variable value as Agent Address. This
has been set based on the standard OID specified in RFC2576-MIB. When you try to retrieve the Agent Address from MS3, it is
displayed as MNv2

NOTE: If the SNMP v2 alert is forwarded from MS1 to MS2, the remote host is displayed as MNv2 because MS1 parses
the extra OID along with the forwarded trap.

Scenario 3 — Forwarding Alerts in the OMEssentials Format Using Either SNMP v1/v2 Protocol
In this scenario, SNMP v1 alerts are sent from MNv1 to MS1 and then forwarded to MS2. If you try to retrieve the remote host of
the forwarded alert, it is displayed as MS1. The severity and the message of the alert is also defined by MS1 and does not display the
original severity and message defined by MNv1.

NOTE: The same behavior applies for SNMPv2 traps.

Working With Sample Alert Action Use Cases

Sample alert actions are available for the Application Launch, E-mail, Ignore, and Trap Forwarding alert actions. Sample alert
action use cases are disabled by default. Click the sample alert actions to enable the sample alert action.

To enable a sample use case, right-click the use case and select Enable.

Use Cases in Alert Actions

Application Launch

Sample - Run Script on Server Critical Alert—Enable this use case to run a custom script when a critical alert is received.

• Sample - Email Alerts to Service Desk—Enable this use case to send an e-mail to the service desk account from the
OpenManage Essentials server when an alert criteria is matched.
• Sample - Email Critical Server Alerts to Admin—Enable this use case to send an e-mail to an administrator from the
OpenManage Essentials server when an alert criteria is matched.

• Sample - Ignore Alerts During Maintenance Window—Enable this use case to ignore alerts during a specified time interval.
• Sample - Ignore Duplicate Alerts with 15s—Enable this use case to ignore duplicate alerts from the same system.
• Sample - Ignore Non-Critical Alerts from Printers—Enable this use case to ignore non-critical alerts related to printers.

Trap Forwarding

Sample - Forward Critical Server Alerts to Other Monitoring Console—Enable this use case to forward SNMP alerts another
monitoring console.

Configuring Alert Log Settings

You can configure alert log settings to set the maximum size of alert logs; to generate a warning alert when the alert log reaches a
set threshold, and to purge the alert logs. To modify the default settings:

1. Select Manage → Alerts → Common Tasks → Alert Log Settings.

2. Enter a value or use the increment/decrement arrow buttons to increase or decrease the value.
NOTE: The default maximum size of alert logs is 20,000 alerts. Once that value is reached, the older alerts are

Renaming Alert Categories and Alert Sources

1. Click Manage → Alerts → Alert Categories.
2. In Alert Categories, right-click any of the alert categories (under the Alert Category heading in the left pane) and select

3. Provide a name for the alert category and click OK.

Alert Pop-Up Notifications

The alert pop-up notification is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the OpenManage Essentials console when a Critical or
Warning alert is received. The information displayed in the alert pop-up notification varies based on the number of alerts received.

If only one alert is received, the following information is displayed:

• Alert type — Warning or Critical.

• Name of the device that generated the alert.
• Alert description.
• View Alert — To view the Alert Details window.
• Go to Device — To navigate to the device in the device tree.
• Disable — To disable alert pop-up notifications.

If more than one alert is received, the following information is displayed:

• Alert type and frequency.

• Name of each device as a link to navigate to the device in the device tree.
NOTE: The device link is displayed only for the first three alerts.

• View Alerts — To view the All Recent Warning and Critical Alerts window.
• Go to Alert Console — To navigate to the Alerts portal.
• Disable — To disable alert pop-up notifications.

By default, the alert pop-up notification is enabled. You can configure OpenManage Essentials to disable alert pop-up notifications or
set the time interval between each alert pop-up notification.

NOTE: The Alert Pop-up Notification Settings is user-specific. The settings you have configured is not applicable to
other users.
Related links
Configuring Alert Pop-Up Notifications
Enabling or Disabling Alert Pop-Up Notifications

Configuring Alert Pop-Up Notifications

To configure alert pop-up notifications:

1. Click Settings → Alert Settings.

The Alert Settings page is displayed.
2. Under Alert Popup Notification Settings, select or clear Enable Alert Popup Notifications to enable or disable alert pop-up
3. In the seconds between popup notifications box, select the time interval between each pop-up notification.
4. Click Apply.

Related links
Alert Pop-Up Notifications

Enabling or Disabling Alert Pop-Up Notifications

To enable or disable alert pop-up notifications:

NOTE: To quickly disable alert pop-up notifications, click the Disable link displayed in the alert pop-up notification. When
the Disable Alert Popup Notifications prompt is displayed, click Yes.

1. Click Settings → Alert Settings.

The Alert Settings page is displayed.
2. In Alert Popup Notification Settings:
• Select the Enable Alert Popup Notifications option to enable alert pop-up notifications when a Warning or Critical alert is
• Clear the Enable Alert Popup Notifications option to disable alert pop-up notifications.
3. Click Apply.

Related links
Alert Pop-Up Notifications

Managing MIB Files

Dell OpenManage Essentials provides support for formatting hardware alerts (SNMP traps) for most Dell enterprise devices. If you
have non-Dell devices, you can use the Alerts portal to define new alerts for OpenManage Essentials. Defining alerts allows
OpenManage Essentials to monitor a wider range of hardware and set up email and forwarding rules for these devices.

The Alerts portal allows you to extract trap definitions from SMIv1 or SMIv2 management information base (MIB) files. The
extracted traps can be viewed and edited before importing them to OpenManage Essentials. This utility also allows you to manually
define and manage traps. Using the imported and manually-managed trap definitions, OpenManage Essentials properly classifies the
incoming trap from a specific device.

NOTE: Importing traps portal is optional and only needed for formatting alerts from non-Dell devices.

Importing MIBs
Use case scenario: As an administrator you want to monitor (listen and classify incoming traps) a device that is not supported by
OpenManage Essentials.
Solution: Verify whether the device supports SNMP protocol. If the device supports SNMP protocol, ensure that the service is
running and the trap destination points to the OpenManage Essentials-based system. For unsupported device traps, define the
traps in OpenManage Essentials by importing the trap definitions using the Alerts portal. The following table provides information
about traps before and after they are imported to the OpenManage Essentials database.

Table 179. Importing MIBs

Feature Before Importing the MIB to the After Importing the MIB to the
OpenManage Essentials Database OpenManage Essentials Database
Can I see traps coming from the device in Yes Yes
the OpenManage Essentials alerts portal?

Will traps have a severity value? No, the severity is unknown. Yes

Will traps have a valid name? No, the name is unknown. Yes, the trap name is defined in the MIB.

Will traps have a valid event category No, the event category name is unknown. Yes, a new category is created by default.

Will traps have a description? Yes, all the description details are present. Yes, the description is present in the
However, the details are not formatted. format defined while importing the trap.

Will the trap display the trap variable Yes Yes (by default), provided the format
values? string values are not removed prior to

Feature Before Importing the MIB to the After Importing the MIB to the
OpenManage Essentials Database OpenManage Essentials Database
importing the traps to OpenManage

Will the trap display the Enterprise object Yes Yes

identifier (OID), Specific OID, and Generic

Will the trap display additional trap Yes, however, the details are not Yes
variables which can be used for formatted.

Will the trap display the host name or IP Yes Yes

address of the device?

Can I use traps in various alert actions to Yes, but the features are limited. Rules Yes, the traps are defined so all the alert
forward the trap to another management specific to severity, event category, event actions are supported based on the trap
console, execute a task, or filter the name, and so on are not possible. name, category, severity, and so on.
unwanted traps?

Can I perform various UI actions Yes Yes

(acknowledge, delete, and so on) on the

Will purging of alerts work on the traps? Yes No

Importing the MIB File

Before you begin, ensure that you are logged in with OmeAdministrator privileges.

1. Click Manage → Alerts → Manage MIBs.

2. In Manage MIBs, click Import MIB.
3. In Select files for upload, click Browse.

a. Select the MIB files that you want to import.

b. Click Open.
4. From the Select a MIB File list, select a MIB file and then click Parse MIB.
The trap data appears in a grid format.
5. Click Import Traps to import traps into the OpenManage Essentials database.

Removing the MIB File from OpenManage Essentials

Removing MIBs from OpenManage Essentials impacts the associated alert actions and existing alerts in the console.
Before you begin, ensure that you are logged in with OmeAdministrator privileges.

1. Click Manage → Alerts → Manage MIBs.

2. In Manage MIBs, click Remove MIB.
3. Select the MIBs in the Imported MIBs.
4. Click Remove MIB.

Managing Traps
Customizing Trap Definitions
The Custom Trap Definitions view enables you to add trap definitions to the OpenManage Essentials database. You can add a new
trap definition or search unknown traps received in OpenManage Essentials, define the trap details and add the trap.

NOTE: When you use the Unknown Traps button to add unknown traps received in OpenManage Essentials, the
Enterprise OID, Generic ID and Specific ID fields are automatically populated.
Before you begin, ensure that you are logged in with OmeAdministrator privileges.

To add traps:

1. Click Manage → Alerts → Manage Traps.

2. In Manage Traps, click Custom Trap Definitions.
The Custom Trap Definitions view is displayed.
3. If you want to add a new trap definition:
a. In the Category Name list, select an existing category or type a new category name.
b. Provide the Trap Name, Description, Enterprise OID, Specific ID, and Format String.
c. In the Severity list, select a severity level for the trap.
4. If you want to add an unknown trap received in OpenManage Essentials:
a. Click Search Unknown Traps.
The Unknown Traps in OpenManage Essentials window is displayed.
b. Select an unknown trap you want to define and add and click OK.
The Enterprise OID, Generic ID and Specific ID fields are populated automatically based on the selected unknown trap.
c. In the Category Name list, select either an existing category or type a new category name.
d. Provide the Trap Name, Description, and Format String.
e. In the Severity list, select a severity level for the trap.
5. Click Add Trap.
The trap details you provided are displayed in the User-defined Traps grid.

Deleting Traps
The Custom Trap Definitions view also enables you to delete user-defined traps. Traps that are pre-defined in OpenManage
Essentials cannot be deleted.
Before you begin, ensure that you are logged in with OmeAdministrator privileges.

To delete traps:

1. Click Manage → Alerts → Manage Traps.

2. In Manage Traps, click Custom Trap Definitions.
3. In the User Defined Traps grid, select the traps you want to delete.
The selected traps are highlighted
4. Click Delete Trap.
The confirmation dialog box is displayed.
5. Click Yes.

Resetting Built-in Trap Definitions

The Reset Built-in Trap Definitions view enables you to reset a pre-defined OpenManage Essentials trap that you edited earlier.
Before you begin, ensure that you are logged in with OmeAdministrator privileges.

To revert traps:

1. Click Manage → Alerts → Manage Traps.

2. In Manage Traps, click Reset Built-in Trap Definitions.
The Revert Trap view displays all the pre-defined trap definitions that you edited.
3. In the Edited Traps grid, select the traps you want to revert and click Revert Traps.
The confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4. Click Yes.

Alerts — Reference
This page provides the following information:

• Common Tasks

– Alert Log Settings

– New Alert View Filter
– New Alert Application Launch Action
– New Alert Email Action
– New Alert Ignore Action
– New Alert Trap Forward Action
• Alert Logs

– Alert View Filters

* All Alerts
* All Internal Alerts
* Critical Alerts
* Info Alerts
* Normal Alerts
* Unknown Alerts
* Warning Alerts
• Alert Actions

– Application Launch
– E-mail
– Ignore
– Trap Forwarding
• Alert Categories
• Manage MIBs
• Manage Traps

Alert Logs
You can view alerts from Alerts Logs. The Alert Logs allow you to view all alerts filtered by the active view filter.

The criteria for matching the alerts in the view filter include:

• Alert severity. See Severity.

• Alert category or source. See Category and Sources Association.
• Alert device or device group source. See Device Association.
• Alert date, time, or day of week. See Date and Time Range.
• Alert acknowledged flag. See Acknowledgement.

Related links
Configuring Alert Log Settings
Configuring Alert Actions
Setting Up E-mail Notification
Creating a Custom Script
Alert Logs Fields
Alert Log Settings

Predefined Alert View Filters

The following table lists the predefined alert view filters.

Table 180. Predefined Alert View Filters

Field Description
All Alerts Select to view all the alerts.

Critical Alerts Select to view all the systems that are critical.

Info Alerts Select to view informational alerts.

Normal Alerts Select to view normal alerts.

Unknown Alerts Select to view alerts that OpenManage Essentials cannot


Warning Alerts Select to view all the warnings.

Select Continuous Updates to enable the user interface to update automatically when new alerts are received.

Alert Logs Fields

Table 181. Alert Logs Fields

Field Description
Severity The alert severity

Acknowledged Whether the alert has been acknowledged or not by the user.

Time The date and time the alert was generated.

Device The device which generated the alert.

Details The message contained in the alert.

Category The categorization of the alert.

Source The name of the alert source definition.

Group By Column
To group by in All Alerts, drag the All Alert column that you want to group by and drop it in Drag a column header and drop it here
to group by that column.

For example, In All Alerts, if you want to group by severity, select Severity and drag and drop it in the Drag a column header and
drop it here to group by that column bar.

The alerts are displayed by severity.

Alert Details
Table 182. Alert Details

Field Description
Severity The alert severity.

Acknowledged Whether the alert has been acknowledged or not by the user.

Recommended Resolution Click to view the recommended resolution for the issue that
resulted in the alert.

NOTE: The recommended resolution is available only for

alerts received from either OMSA installed on the server
or the iDRAC of the server. Alerts received from OMSA
include the recommended resolution only if the
Enhanced Message Format option is enabled in OMSA.

Device The device which generated the alert.

Time The date and time the alert was generated.

Category The categorization of the alert.

Source The name of the alert source definition.

Description The message contained in the alert.

SNMP Enterprise OID Provides the enterprise OID (SNMP OID prefix) of the
management information base (MIB) file that defines the event
source that you want to monitor.

SNMP Generic Trap OID Provides the generic trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the desired event source. See the Dell
OpenManage Server Administrator SNMP Reference Guide at
dell.com/OpenManageManuals for more information on
SNMP traps.

SNMP Specific Trap OID Provides the specific trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the desired event source. See the Dell
OpenManage Server Administrator SNMP Reference Guide at
dell.com/OpenManageManuals for more information on
SNMP traps.

Alert Log Settings

Configure settings which control the size, messaging, and purge settings of the Alert Logs.

Table 183. Alert Log Settings

Field Description
Maximum size of Alert Logs Determines the maximum number of alerts the alert logs can
have before purging occurs.

Log a warning when the Alert Log size reaches A warning alert is sent to the application log when this size is

When the Alert Logs reach the Maximum size, purge Purges the specified number of alerts when the maximum size
is reached.

Alert View Filters

NOTE: You can receive alert notifications from OpenManage Essentials on your Android or iOS device by installing and
setting up the Dell OpenManage Mobile application. For more information, see OpenManage Mobile Settings and the Dell
OpenManage Mobile User’s Guide at dell.com/OpenManageManuals.

Alert Filter Name

In OpenManage Essentials, you use alert filters that are associated with alert actions to implement alerting capabilities. For example:

• You can create alert action associations to trigger actions, such as sending e-mails, when an alert condition is met.
• You can create ignore, exclude, or both associations to ignore SNMP traps and CIM indications when they are received. You use
these associations to suppress alert floods.
• You can create alert view filters to customize the Alert Logs view.

For more information about creating alert action associations, see Managing Alerts.

Use this window to perform the following tasks:

• Create new alert action associations, ignore/exclude filters, and alert view associations.
• View summary information for alert action associations, ignore/exclude associations, and alert view filters.
• Edit, delete, rename, and copy alert action associations, ignore/exclude associations, and alert view filters.

This page provides a list of alert severity.

Table 184. Severity

Field Description
Name Name of the item (applicable only for ignore action and view

Enabled Select to enable the alert action (applicable only for ignore

Severity The available alert types.

All Select to include all types of alerts.

Unknown Select to include unknown alerts.

Info Select to include informational alerts.

Field Description
Normal Select to include normal alerts.

Warning Select to include warning alerts.

Critical Select to include critical alerts.

Table 185. Acknowledgement

Field Description
Limit alerts based on the acknowledge flag Select to configure the alert view filter to display alerts based
on whether the alerts have been acknowledged or not. This
option is disabled by default.

Match only acknowledged alerts Select to display acknowledged alerts.

Match only unacknowledged alerts Select to display unacknowledged alerts.

Summary — Alert View Filter

The Summary page is shown on the final page of the Alert View Filter wizard or when clicking the View Summary right-click option
in the tree.

Table 186. Alert View Filter

Field Description
Name The name of the alert action.

Type The alert action type — App Launch, Email, Ignore, Trap, and

Description The description of the alert action.

Associated Severity The alert severity criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Alert Categories The alert category criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Alert Sources The alert source criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Device Groups The alert source device group criteria used when matching

Associated Devices The alert source device criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Date Range The alert date range criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Time Range The alert time range criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Days The alert days criteria used when matching alerts.

Field Description
Associate Acknowledge If enabled, uses the alert acknowledged flag when matching

Alert Actions
Alert actions are triggered when an incoming alert matches the specific criteria defined in the alert action. The criteria for matching
the alert include:

• Alert severity. See Severity Association.

• Alert category or source. See Category and Sources Association.
• Alert device or device group source. See Device Association.
• Alert date, time, or day of week. See Date and Time Range.

There are four types of alert actions:

• Alert Application Launch Action — Launch a script or batch file when the alert action criteria is matched.
• Alert Email Action — Send an e-mail when the alert action criteria is matched.
• Alert Ignore Action — Ignore the alert when the alert action criteria is matched.
• Alert Trap Forward Action — Forward the SNMP Trap to another management console when the alert action criteria is

By default, new alert actions are enabled. If you want to turn off the alert action without deleting it, you can disable it either through
the right-click menu or the edit wizard for the alert action.

Several common alert action use cases are pre-installed in the disabled state to illustrate common usage. When using these pre-
installed actions, it is recommended to clone the example to a new action specific to your needs. Make sure to enable and test the
new action during this process.

Name and Description

Table 187. Name and Description

Field Description
Name The name of the alert action.

Description The description of the e-mail action.

Enabled Select to activate the alert action.

Severity Association
Table 188. Severity Association

Field Description
Severity The available alert types.

All Select to include all types of alerts.

Unknown Select to include unknown alerts.

Info Select to include informational alerts.

Field Description
Normal Select to include normal alerts.

Warning Select to include warning alerts.

Critical Select to include critical alerts.

Application Launch Configuration

Use this window to configure the application that you want to launch and to test the launch.

NOTE: Alert actions are run when a matching alert is received so the alert application launch action is a script or batch
file that does not require user interaction.
Table 189. Application Launch Configuration
Field Description
Executable Name Specifies the fully qualified path name and file name of the
executable file that launches the application program.

Arguments Specifies or edits any required or desired command line

parameters to be used in launching the application program. You
can use the following variable substitutions to specify
information in the Arguments field:
• $n = Device
• $ip = Device IP
• $m = Message
• $d = Date
• $t = Time
• $sev = Severity
• $st = Service Tag
• $r = Recommended Resolution
• $e = Enterprise OID
• $sp = Specific trap ID
• $g = Generic trap ID
• $cn = Alert Category Name
• $sn = Alert Source Name
• $pkn = Package Name
• $at = Asset Tag
• $loc = Device Location
• $mod = Model Name

Executable file: If you have an executable file (for example,

createTroubleTicket.exe), to create a trouble ticket with
parameters –arg1, -arg2, and so on; configure the alert
application launch as follows:
• Executable Name (with the full path): C:\temp
• Argument: -arg1 –arg2

When the alert action is triggered, it runs the command C:

\temp\createTroubleTicket.exe –arg1 -arg2 to perform the
associated application launch alert action.

Batch file: If you have a batch file (for example,

createTroubleTicket.bat), to create a trouble ticket with

Field Description
parameters –arg1, -arg2, and so on, configure the alert
application launch as follows:
• Executable Name (with the full path): C:\temp
• Argument: -arg1 –arg2

When the alert action is triggered, it runs the command C:

\temp\createTroubleTicket.bat –arg1 -arg2 to perform the
associated application launch alert action.

VB script: When configuring vb script files as an alert action,

provide the executable and arguments as follows. For example,
if you have a script (createTroubleTicket.vbs), to create a
trouble ticket that contains one parameter arg1, configure the
application launch as follows:
• Executable Name: cscript.exe or C:\Windows
\System32\cscript.exe (full path)
• Argument: C:\temp\createTroubleTicket.vbs arg1

When the alert action is triggered, it runs the command

cscript.exe C:\temp\ createTroubleTicket.vbs arg1 to perform
the associated application launch alert action.

NOTE: If an alert action is not working, ensure that you

have entered complete command from the command
See the sample alert action under Application Launch alert
action for more information.

Test Action Allows you to test the application launch.

NOTE: Alert actions are run when a matching alert is

received; so the alert application launch action is a
script or batch file that does not require user

E-Mail Configuration
You can configure Essentials so that you receive e-mail each time the alert associations for your devices meet specific alert criteria.
For example, you may want to receive an e-mail message for all warning and critical alerts.

Use this window to specify the parameters for configuring the e-mail alert action.

Table 190. E-Mail Configuration

Field Description
To Specifies a valid e-mail address served by the company's SMTP
server of the person who is to receive the e-mail.

From Specifies the originating e-mail address.

Subject Specify the e-mail subject using text or the available alert

Message Specify the e-mail message using text or the available alert

Field Description
Email Settings Select to provide the SMTP server name or IP address.

Test Action Allows you to test the e-mail action.

NOTE: After sending the test e-mail, verify that the e-

mail was received successfully and has the expected

NOTE: Alert tokens are substituted at the time the alert action occurs. They are not substituted for a test action.

NOTE: Certain paging vendors support alphanumeric paging through e-mail. OpenManage Essentials supports paging
through the e-mail option.

Trap Forwarding
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps are generated in response to changes in the status of sensors and other
monitored parameters on a managed device. To correctly forward these traps, you must configure an SNMP trap destination,
defined either by IP address or host name. For information about forwarding SNMPv1 and SNMP v2 traps in both the original
format and OMEssentials format, see Forwarding Alerts Use Case Scenarios.

For example, you may want to use trap forwarding if you are in a multi-tiered enterprise environment using OpenManage Essentials
to create associations and forward traps to the enterprise manager.

If the trap is being processed locally and then forwarded to the destination or it is just forwarded to the destination.

Use this window to specify the parameters for configuring trap forwarding.

Table 191. Trap Forwarding

Field Description
Destination Provide the IP address or host name for the system that is
hosting the enterprise management application.

Community Provide the SNMP community to which the destination IP

address or host name belongs.

Forward Trap in Original Format Select this check box to forward the trap in the same format
received by OpenManage Essentials.

Test Action Forwards a test trap to the specified destination using the
specified community string.

Category and Sources Association

OpenManage Essentials has many alert categories and sources that are predefined and prepopulated for Dell management agents.
Select any of the predefined alert categories or sources to associate it with the alert action or filter. For more information and the
complete list of categories and alert sources, see Alert Categories.

Device Association
You can select predefined groups (device types), custom groups, specific devices, or a device query. Device association currently
only covers predefined groups.

For custom groups, create a custom group using the New Custom Group Wizard. The custom group shows up in the tree.

To use device query, select a query from the list.

Click New to create a new device query to search and assign the devices to the alert action.

Click Edit to change the query logic.

Select groups or devices from the tree, you can use the query option to create a specific criteria for the selection.

Device Query Options

Table 192. Device Query Options

Field Description
Select a query Select a query from the drop-down list.

New Add a new query.

Edit Edit an existing query.

All Devices Select to include all the Devices that is managed in

OpenManage Essentials.

Clients Select to include client devices, such as desktops, portables,

and workstations.

HA Clusters Select to include High Availability server clusters.

KVM Select to include keyboard video mouse devices.

Microsoft Virtualization Servers Select to include Microsoft Virtualization Servers.

Modular Systems Select to include Modular Systems.

Network Devices Select to include Network Devices.

OOB Unclassified Devices Select to include out of band Unclassified Devices like Lifecycle
Controller enabled devices.

Power Devices Select to include PDUs and UPS.

Printers Select to include Printers.

RAC Select to include devices with Remote Access controllers.

Servers Select to include Dell servers.

Storage Devices Select to include storage devices.

Unknown Select to include unknown devices.

VMware ESX Servers Select to include VMware ESX servers.

Date and Time Range
Table 193. Date and Time Range

Field Description
Limit Date Range Specifies a specific date range to match alerts.

Limit Time Range Specifies a specific time range to match alerts.

Limit Days Select to specify the days on which to enable the alert
association. If you do not enable this option, the association is
applied continuously within the time frame that you specify.

Each of these fields are exclusive of the other, so selecting date

8/1/11- 10/1/11, 1am to 4 AM, Friday, will match alerts on only
Fridays from 1-4 AM only within that date range.

NOTE: It is possible to input a date range and days

selection that will never produce a result. For example,
9/1/11 and Monday — since 9/1/11 was a Thursday, it
will never match.
If none of these are checked, it means that the alert selection
will have no date/time filter.

Alert Action — Duplicate Alert Correlation

Table 194. Duplicate Alert Correlation

Field Description
Yes. Only duplicate alerts that match this filter will be Enabling this option deletes duplicate alerts (with the same ID
executed. and from the same device) received within the specified
interval. Use this option to prevent a device from sending an
overabundance of alerts to the console.

Ignore duplicate alerts that are received during the interval Select to set time.
(1-600 seconds)

No Select this option if you do not want duplicate alerts to run at

increased duration.

Summary — Alert Action Details

View and edit selections.

The alert action details screen is shown on the final page of the alert action wizards or when clicking any alert action in the tree.

The alert action will have a subset of the following properties, depending on alert action type and filter criteria chosen (this probably
should be a table):

Table 195. Summary — Alert Action Details

Field Description
Name The name of the alert action.

Action Enabled Specifies if the alert action is enabled or disabled.

Type The alert action type — App Launch, Email, Ignore, and
Trap Forward.

Description The description of the alert action.

To The e-mail addresses to which the e-mail is sent.

From The e-mail address from whom the e-mail originates.

Subject The subject of the e-mail which may include alert tokens.

Message The message of the e-mail which may include alert tokens.

Destination The destination name or IP address used for trap forwarding.

Community The community string used for trap forwarding.

Executable Name The name of the executable, script, or batch file to be used by
the alert action.

Arguments The command line arguments used when invoking the

alert action.

Associated Severity The alert severity criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Alert Categories The alert category criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Alert Sources The alert source criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Device Groups The alert source device group criteria used when
matching alerts.

Associated Devices The alert source device criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Date Range The alert date range criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Time Range The alert time range criteria used when matching alerts.

Associated Days The alert days criteria used when matching alerts.

Minimum Repeat Time If enabled, specifies the minimum time in seconds between two
of the same alerts from the same device.

Alert Categories
OpenManage Essentials has many alert categories and sources that are predefined and pre populated for Dell management agents.

Alert categories are organizational levels of the Alert Categories tree. Alert sources specify the low level details of each alert. To
monitor the alert categories and sources, apply an alert action association to the alert source or to its parent category.

This page provides a list of categories and the alerts sources within that category. Use this page to configure alerts based on

Alert Categories Options

Table 196. Alert Categories Options

Field Description
Brocade-Switch Select this category to include alerts for Brocade-Switch.

Compellent Select this category to include alerts for Compellent storage


Dell Advanced Infrastructure Management Select this category to include alerts for Advanced
Infrastructure Management.

Environmental Select this category to include alerts for temperature, fan

enclosure, fan speed, thermal, and cooling.

EqualLogic Storage Select this category to include alerts for EqualLogic storage.

FC-Switch Select this category to include alerts for Fibre Channel


General Redundancy Select this category to include alerts for General Redundancy.

HyperV Server Select this category to include alerts for HyperV Server.

iDRAC Select this category to include alerts for iDRAC.

Juniper-Switch Select this category to include alerts for Juniper switches.

Keyboard-Video-Mouse (KVM) Select this category to include alerts for KVMs.

Memory Select this category to include alerts for memory.

Network Select this category to include alerts related to Dell Networking


Other Select this category to include alerts for other devices.

PDU Select this category to include alerts for PDUs.

Physical Disk Select this category to include alerts for physical disks.

Power Select this category to include alerts for power.

Power Center Select this category to include alerts for power center.

Printers Select this category to include alerts for printers.

Processor Select this category to include alerts for processor.

Field Description
Removable Flash Media Select this category to include alerts for removable flash media.

Security Select this category to include alerts for security.

Storage Enclosure Select this category to include alerts for storage enclosures.

Storage Peripheral Select this category to include alerts for storage peripherals.

Storage Software Select this category to include alerts for storage software.

System Events Select this category to include alerts for system events.

Tape Select this category to include alerts for tape drives.

Test Events Select this category to include alerts for test events.

Unknown Select this category to include unknown alerts related statuses.

UPS Select this category to include alerts for UPS.

Virtual Disk Select this category to include alerts for virtual disks.

VMware ESX Server Select this category to include alerts for VMware ESX servers.

Edit Trap Definitions

Table 197. Edit Trap Definitions

Field Description
Trap Name or Enterprise OID Field to provide the trap name or enterprise OID of the trap you
want to edit.

Search Click to search the OpenManage Essentials database for the

trap name or enterprise OID that you provided.

Event Category Click to display the event categories defined in the

OpenManage Essentials database. You can select a category to
display all the traps defined for that category in the Edit
Trap(s) grid. You can also navigate and select a particular trap
from the category.

Edit Traps

Name Displays the trap name.

Category Name Displays the category name of the trap.

Severity Displays the severity of the trap.

Format String Displays the message string that is displayed in the

OpenManage Essentials alert logs.

Enterprise OID Displays the enterprise OID (SNMP OID prefix) of the event
source that you want to monitor.

Description Displays the trap description.

Field Description
Generic Trap ID Displays the generic trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Specific Trap ID Displays the specific trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Save Click to save the changes to the OpenManage Essentials


Alert Source
Each Alert Category contains alert sources. Click an alert category to view alert sources. Expand a category to view the list of alert
sources, and select an alert source.

Table 198. Alert Source

Field Description
Name The name of the new alert source, for example, myFanAlert.

Type The protocol information.

Catalog Provides the catalog information.

Severity Specifies the severity assigned to the alert that is triggered if

the alert source generates the specified SNMP trap.

Format string Provides the message string that appears in the Alert Logs if
the alert source generates an alert of sufficient severity to
trigger the alert. You can use formatting commands to specify
parts of the message string. For SNMP, the valid formatting
commands are:

$n = system name

$d = date

$t = time

$s = severity

$e = enterprise object identifier (OID)

$sp = specific trap OID

$g = generic trap OID

$1 - $# = varbind values

SNMP Enterprise OID Provides the enterprise OID (SNMP OID prefix) of the
management information base (MIB) file that defines the event
source that you want to monitor.

SNMP Generic Trap OID Provides the generic trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the desired event source. See the Dell
OpenManage Server Administrator SNMP Reference Guide
at dell.com/OpenManageManuals for more information on
SNMP traps.

Field Description
SNMP Specific Trap OID Provides the specific trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the desired event source. See the Dell
OpenManage Server Administrator SNMP Reference Guide
at dell.com/OpenManageManuals for more information on
SNMP traps.

Manage MIBs
Manage MIBs Pane
The Manage MIBs pane consists of:

• Import MIB view — To import the MIB file. See Importing the MIB File.
• Remove MIB view — To remove the MIB file from the OpenManage Essentials database. See Removing the MIB File from
OpenManage Essentials.

Manage Traps Pane

The Manage Traps pane consists of:

• Custom Trap Definitions view — To add trap definitions to OpenManage Essentials database. See Adding Traps.
• Reset Built-in Trap Definitions view — To reset a pre-defined trap that you edited. See Reverting Traps.

Import MIB
Table 199. Import MIB

Field Description
Select files for upload Displays the MIB files that you have selected for upload.

Select the MIB File Displays the path of the file selected for parsing.

Browse Click to navigate to the file location.

Event Details

Category Name Select to display the event category names defined in

OpenManage Essentials and the category name of the parsed

Severity Select to display the severity defined in OpenManage


Apply the selected event category to all traps Select to change the category name of all the traps.

NOTE: If you do not select the check box, you have to

manually select the traps and select the category name
from the drop-down list.

Apply the selected severity to all traps Select this check box to change the severity of all the traps.

NOTE: If you do not select the check box, you have to

manually select the traps and select the severity from
the drop-down list.

Traps Available for Import

Name Displays the trap name from the MIB file.

Field Description
Category Name Displays the category name of the trap.

Severity Displays the severity of the trap. You can modify the severity of
the trap to:
• Unknown
• Info
• Normal
• Warning
• Critical
• By Value. See Severity Configuration By Value.

Format String Displays the trap description.

Enterprise OID Displays the enterprise OID (SNMP OID prefix) of the MIB file
that defines the event source that you want to monitor.

Description Displays the description of the trap.

Generic Trap ID Displays the generic trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Specific Trap ID Displays the specific trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Reset All Click to revert the severity of all the traps to the default values.

Import Traps Click to import traps to the OpenManage Essentials database.

Severity Configuration by Value

The Severity Configuration By Value window enables you to specify the severity of the alert based on the value of one or more
variable bindings associated with the trap.
Table 200. Severity Configuration by Value

Field Description
Trap Variable Displays the trap variable index.

Severity Displays the severity assigned for each object value or object ID.

Object ID Displays the numerical value based on the trap variable index.

Object Value Displays the string value based on the trap variable index.

Add New Click to add the severity configuration.

Select the Variable Select the trap variable that you want to update.

OK Click to save the changes.

Reset Click to revert the severity of the trap to the default values.

Remove MIB
Table 201. Remove MIB

Field Description
Imported MIB(s) Displays the list of MIBs that are imported in the OpenManage
Essentials database.

Remove MIB Click to remove the imported MIBs from the OpenManage
Essentials database.

Troubleshooting MIB Import

Issue: The Dell MIB Import displays the following error message: Dependent MIB files need to be imported. Please
import: RFC1155-SMI to the Mib Repository before continuing to import this Mib.
Cause: An MIB file may be dependent on another MIB file. While parsing a source MIB file, all the files referred by the source MIB
file must be present in the reference directory or the MIB repository. The error message is displayed because the referred MIB file is
missing from the reference directory.

Resolution: To resolve this issue:

• Ensure that you have administrator privileges in OpenManage Essentials. You must launch OpenManage Essentials at least once
before importing the MIB file.
• Retrieve the missing MIB file and add the file to the reference directory. If there are multiple dependencies of the parent MIB on
more than one file, import all the required MIB files, and then parse the parent MIB file.

NOTE: The above resolution also applies for an invalid MIB file.

Issue: Unable to parse the MIB file.

Resolution: Check the logs to see if there are any MIB compiler issues. If there are no compiler issues, compile the MIB using a
standard MIB compiler and verify whether the MIB is properly defined.

Issue: Unable to import the parsed trap definitions into OpenManage Essentials after parsing the MIB file.

Resolution: See the Readme at C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\MIBImport for the list of MIB files that cannot be imported into
OpenManage Essentials.

Manage Traps
Custom Trap Definitions
Table 202. Custom Trap Definitions

Field Description
Add Trap

Category Name To select the event category names defined in OpenManage

Essentials or to provide a new category name.

Unknown Traps Click to display the unknown traps received in OpenManage


Description To provide the trap description.

Trap Name To provide or edit the trap name.

Field Description
Generic ID To provide or edit the generic trap ID of the SNMP trap that
you want to monitor from the required event source.

Enterprise OID To provide or edit the enterprise OID (SNMP OID prefix) of the
event source that you want to monitor.

Specific ID To provide the specific trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want
to monitor from the required event source.

Format String To provide or edit the message string that is displayed in the
OpenManage Essentials alert logs.

Severity Displays the severity of the trap. You can modify the severity of
the trap to:
• Unknown
• Info
• Normal
• Warning
• Critical
• By Varbind Value. See Severity Configuration By Value.

Add Trap Click to add the trap definition to the User-defined Trap(s)

Delete User-Defined Traps

Name Displays the trap name.

Category Name Displays the category name of the trap.

Severity Displays the severity of the trap.

Enterprise OID Displays the enterprise OID (SNMP OID prefix) of the event
source that you want to monitor.

Description Displays the trap description

Format String Displays the message string that is displayed in the

OpenManage Essentials alert logs.

Generic Trap ID Displays the generic trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Specific Trap ID Displays the specific trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Delete Trap Click to delete the selected traps.

Reset Built-in Trap Definitions

Table 203. Reset Built-in Trap Definitions

Field Description
Edited Traps

Name Displays the trap name.

Category Name Displays the category name of the trap.

Field Description
Severity Displays the severity of the trap.

Enterprise OID Displays the enterprise OID (SNMP OID prefix) of the event
source that you want to monitor.

Format String Displays the message string that is displayed in the

OpenManage Essentials alert logs.

Description Displays the trap description

Generic Trap ID Displays the generic trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Specific Trap ID Displays the specific trap ID of the SNMP trap that you want to
monitor from the required event source.

Revert Traps Click to revert the state of the selected traps to the original
state in the OpenManage Essentials database.

Updating Server BIOS, Firmware, Drivers, and
With the System Update feature in OpenManage Essentials, you can:

• Upgrade and downgrade firmware, drivers, BIOS, application, and OpenManage Server Administrator.
• Compare the drivers and firmware on the inventoried servers and modular blade enclosures with a source catalog and update
them if needed.
NOTE: System updates are only supported on a LAN and not over a WAN. To apply system updates to devices
outside the datacenter, install another instance of OpenManage Essentials that is local to that area. Inventory
automatically starts after the updates are applied to a target server.
NOTE: OpenManage Essentials supports system updates on Dell PowerEdge 11th, 12th, and 13th generation servers
using iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller.
• Filter devices by clicking the Filtered by option. You can either select a query or select the devices/groups from the device tree.

Check for these prerequisites before you update systems:

• Internet is accessible and you can access dell.com (port 80) and ftp.dell.com (port 21) if you are using online catalog source.
• DNS is resolved.

NOTE: When providing system credentials, if the username has spaces or periods, the username must be provided within
quotation marks. For example, "localhost\johnny marr" or "us-domain\tim verlaine". Spaces and periods can be used in
usernames for OpenManage System Administrator Tasks, Generic Command Line Tasks (local system), OpenManage
Systems Administrator Deployment Tasks. System Updates (In Band, through OpenManage System Administrator) also
support spaces and periods. Out of Band updates (through RAC device) or commands such as RACADM do not support
space or period in the username.
NOTE: If a deployment task is run on a target server that is configured with a BIOS System Password, when the task is
running, make sure that you launch the iDRAC virtual console, and if prompted, enter the system password. Else, the
task may display running state for some time and eventually time out.

Viewing the System Update Page

To view the System Update page, click Manage → System Update.
By default, the system update page displays all the discovered servers. You can filter the devices by clicking the Filter by: link to
display select devices or device groups.

Figure 34. System Update Page

1. Compliance report. See Compliance Report

2. Tabbed systems information. See Compliant Systems, Non Compliant Systems, Non Inventoried Systems, and Issues and
3. System update tasks. See All System Update Tasks

Understanding Server BIOS Firmware and Drivers Sources

There are multiple sources for obtaining firmware and drivers for the servers.

• Online source—Default option which obtains latest driver and firmware versions from ftp.dell.com.
NOTE: OpenManage Essentials automatically checks for updates and displays a message if a newer version is
• File system source—Drivers and firmware from the Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility (SUU) media.
• Repository Manager file—Customized selection of specific drivers and firmware generated from the Dell Repository Manager

Choosing the Right Source for Updates

• Recommended Option—Use the online source to ensure that you consistently have the latest drivers and firmware available
from Dell or use the Dell Server Update Utility (SUU) option for a qualified set of drivers and firmware.
• Create Custom Catalog—Using this option gives you maximum control over driver and firmware revisions in your environment
because you select them individually from either the SUU media or online source using the Dell Repository Manager. You can
install Repository Manager, a separate tool, from the OpenManage Essentials installation package.

Selecting an Update Catalog Source

1. From OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → System Update → Select a Catalog Source.
2. In Select a Catalog Source, select an option, and click Import now.

Viewing Comparison Results
This section provides information required to view the results of the comparison of devices to a source catalog.

Viewing Compliant Servers

To view compliant servers:

1. Click Manage → System Update.

2. In System Update, select the Compliant Systems tab.

Viewing Non-Compliant Systems

To view non-compliant systems:

1. Click Manage → System Update.

2. In System Update, select the Non-Compliant Systems tab.
Systems with drivers and firmware versions that are different from the catalog are displayed.

Viewing Non-Inventoried Systems

To view non-inventoried systems:

1. Click Manage → System Update.

2. In System Update, select the Non-Inventoried Systems tab.
Systems that are not inventoried are displayed.

NOTE: CMC firmware updates (CMC active controller only) are also displayed in these results.

NOTE: To inventory the non-inventoried servers, you can select the non-inventoried servers and click Inventory.
The method of inventory collection may vary based on the following criteria:
• If the server is discovered through SNMP and has OMSA installed, the default discovery and inventory is initiated.
• If the server is discovered through WMI/SSH and does not have OMSA installed, the Create F/W & Driver
Inventory Task window is displayed.

Viewing Systems With Issues and Resolutions

To view systems with issues and resolutions:

1. Click Manage → System Update.

2. In System Update, select the Issues and Resolutions For Updates tab.
Systems with issues and the resolutions are displayed. For more information, see Issues and Resolutions Use Case Scenarios.

System Update Use Case Scenarios

The following table provides use case scenarios about how system updates occur based on different protocols and the update

NOTE: If the preferred system update method selected in Advanced Settings is In-Band (Operating System) and
OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) is installed on the target server, the components are updated using OMSA.
If OMSA is not installed on the target server, the components are updated through the operating system.

Table 204. System Update Use Case Scenarios

Protocol Used for Protocol Used for Preferred System Update Credentials for Actual Update Mode
Server IP iDRAC IP Mode Selected in System Update
Discovery and Discovery and Advanced Settings
Inventory Inventory
SNMP SNMP In-Band (Operating Server All components are updated using
System) OpenManage Server
SNMP SNMP Out-of-Band (iDRAC) Server
NOTE: When an iDRAC IP is
discovered using SNMP,
iDRAC software inventory is
not retrieved and all
components are updated are
using Server Administrator
irrespective of the preferred
system update mode

WMI SNMP In-Band (Operating Server All components are updated using
System) OpenManage Server

WMI SNMP Out-of-Band (iDRAC) Server All components are updated using
Server Administrator because the
protocol used for iDRAC discovery
and inventory was SNMP.

WMI SNMP In-Band (Operating Server All components are updated using
System) the operating system.

SSH WS-Man/SNMP In-Band (Operating Server All components are updated using
System) the operating system.

SNMP WS-Man In-Band (Operating Server All components are updated using
System) OpenManage Server

SNMP WS-Man Out-of-Band (iDRAC) iDRAC BIOS, firmware, and applications

are updated using iDRAC.

NOTE: When an iDRAC IP is

discovered using WS-Man,
the iDRAC software
inventory is retrieved and
the components are
updated using iDRAC.

However, if drivers are present in

addition to BIOS, firmware, and
applications, then all the
components are updated using
Server Administrator and not

WMI WS-Man In-Band (Operating Server All components are updated using
System) OpenManage Server

Protocol Used for Protocol Used for Preferred System Update Credentials for Actual Update Mode
Server IP iDRAC IP Mode Selected in System Update
Discovery and Discovery and Advanced Settings
Inventory Inventory
WMI WS-Man Out-of-Band (iDRAC) iDRAC BIOS, firmware, and applications
are updated using iDRAC.

NOTE: When an iDRAC IP is

discovered using WS-Man,
the iDRAC software
inventory is retrieved and
the components are
updated using iDRAC.
However, if drivers are present in
addition to BIOS, firmware, and
applications, then all the
components are updated using
Server Administrator and not

WS-Man (ESXi- WS-Man (ESXi- In-Band (Operating iDRAC All components are updated using
based server) based server) System) iDRAC. For ESXi-based servers, all
components are updated using
WS-Man (ESXi- WS-Man (ESXi- Out-of-Band (iDRAC) iDRAC
iDRAC , irrespective of preferred
based server) based server)
system update mode selected.

Not applicable. The WS-MAN In-Band (Operating iDRAC All components are updated using
server IP is not System) iDRAC.

Not applicable. The WS-MAN Out-of-Band (iDRAC) iDRAC

server IP is not

Applying System Updates Using the Non-Compliant Systems Tab

NOTE: The following are some of the considerations when applying system updates:

• You can only update systems using iDRAC6 or later if they are discovered using the WS-Man protocol.
• If the iDRAC firmware version is 1.40.40 or earlier, applying system updates out-of-band (iDRAC) is supported only for 32-
bit Dell Update Packages (DUPs). If you select a catalog that has no 32-bit DUPs for applying an out-of-band system
update, OpenManage Essentials does not display any updates under Select Updates to Apply.
• Applying system updates in-band (Operating System) requires that the Windows Management Instrumentation service is
running on the selected targets.
• Applying system updates requires the availability of the default Temp folders (C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Users
\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp). Ensure that the Temp folders are not deleted or moved.
• For out-of-band system updates, it is recommended that system on which OpenManage Essentials is installed and the
iDRAC should be on the same network. If they are on different network, the system update task cannot be performed
successfully. If you are using Active Directory authentication for the iDRAC, it is recommended that system on which
OpenManage Essentials is installed and the iDRAC should be on the same network domain.
To apply system updates:

1. Click Manage → System Update.

2. In System Update, select the Non-Compliant Systems tab.

NOTE: You can also filter systems based on either the groups or the devices by clicking the Filtered by: link. Select
the devices in the Select System Update Target Devices and Device Groups window and click Apply.
3. In Non-Compliant systems, select the systems you want to update.
NOTE: You can update multiple systems at the same time.

NOTE: The following are the considerations when using 64-bit DUPs for system update:
• For in-band updates (Operating System) – If the selected target is a server running a Windows 64-bit operating
system, all applicable 64-bit packages are available for update. If the catalog does not contain 64-bit packages for a
component, the corresponding 32-bit package is available for update.
• For out-of-band updates (iDRAC) – If the selected target is an iDRAC of a 12th or 13th generation Dell PowerEdge
server and has iDRAC firmware version later than 1.40.40 installed, all applicable 64-bit packages are available for
update. If the catalog does not contain 64-bit packages for a component, the corresponding 32-bit package is
available for update.
• For in-band or out-of-band updates – If the selected 12th or 13th generation PowerEdge server is running a 32-bit
operating system and has iDRAC firmware version later than 1.40.40 installed, by default, only 32-bit packages are
available for update unless there is a package known only to iDRAC and not known to OMSA.
4. Click Apply Selected Updates.
A window is displayed to schedule updates.

NOTE: Chassis and blades are not associated for updates. They are treated as individual components and you must
manually select them.

NOTE: Chassis, blade server BIOS, and iDRAC version interdependency management is not available.
5. Provide a task name.
6. Review the selected updates.
7. Set the task schedule to Run Now or set a specific date and time.
8. If you want to apply the changes immediately, select After update, if required, reboot the target server.
The Out-of-band Reboot Type option is displayed.
Using the Out-of-band Reboot Type option, you can set the types of reboot methods available for the system update. The
reboot methods are:
• Power Cycle (Cold) — Select this option to power off and then restart the system.
• Graceful Reboot without forced shutdown (Warm) — Select this option to shut down and then reboot the operating
system without forcefully turning off the target system.
• Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown (Warm with forced) — Select this option to shut down and then reboot the
operating system by forcefully turning off the target system.

NOTE: By default, the Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown reboot method is selected.
9. If you want to skip the signature and hash check on the system update package, select Skip Signature and Hash Check.
10. For out-of-band update only — If you experience failures while performing updates using the iDRAC, select Before update,
reset the iDRAC.
CAUTION: If the Before update, rest the iDRAC option is selected, all iDRAC jobs that are currently in the queue will
be deleted before the update is applied. If required, you must create the jobs again.
11. Enter the administrator credentials of the operating system or iDRAC for the target device.

NOTE: For applying system updates on target systems running a Windows operating system with the User Account
Control (UAC) feature enabled:
• If the target system is part of a Domain, you must provide the credentials of either the Domain Administrator or a
member in the Administrators group. Do not provide the credentials of the local, non-domain account on the target
system, even if the account is in the Administrators group.
• If the target system is not part of a Domain, you must provide the Administrator credentials. If you want to provide
the credentials of a non-default Administrator account, ensure that the Remote WMI permissions are enabled for that
user account.

Examples: In a Windows domain environment, enter <Domain\Administrator> and password. In a Windows workgroup
environment, enter <LocalHost\Administrator> and the password

In a Linux environment, enter root and password. If you want to apply system updates using sudo, select Enable Sudo and
update the SSH port number.

NOTE: Before you apply system updates using sudo, create a new user account, edit the sudoers file using the
visudo command, and add the following:
For target systems running a 32-bit operating systems:

Cmnd_Alias OMEUPDATE = /bin/tar,/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/omexec,/tmp/


For target systems running a 64-bit operating systems:

Cmnd_Alias OMEUPDATE = /bin/tar,/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/omexec,/tmp/

invcol64.bin <sudo_username> ALL=OMEUPDATE,NOPASSWD:OMEUPDATE

NOTE: Applying system updates using sudo is not supported for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server targets.
12. Click Finish.
NOTE: You cannot schedule Windows and Linux updates to occur using the same task. Create a separate task for

Viewing Updated Status

To view and confirm that updates were applied successfully, click Manage → System Update → Summary. The Task Execution
History pane displays if the updates were applied successfully.

Applying System Updates Using the System Update Task Wizard

The system update task allows you to view and select non-compliant systems and their applicable updates.

NOTE: The following are some of the considerations when applying system updates:

• You can only update systems using iDRAC6 or later if they are discovered using the WS-Man protocol.
• If the iDRAC firmware version is 1.40.40 or earlier, applying system updates out-of-band (iDRAC) is supported only for 32-
bit Dell Update Packages (DUPs). If you select a catalog that has no 32-bit DUPs for applying an out-of-band system
update, OpenManage Essentials does not display any updates under Select Updates to Apply.
• Applying system updates in-band (Operating System) requires that the Windows Management Instrumentation service is
running on the selected targets.
• Applying system updates requires the availability of the default Temp folders (C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Users
\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp). Ensure that the Temp folders are not deleted or moved.
• For out-of-band system updates, it is recommended that system on which OpenManage Essentials is installed and the
iDRAC should be on the same network. If they are on different network, the system update task cannot be performed
successfully. If you are using Active Directory authentication for the iDRAC, it is recommended that system on which
OpenManage Essentials is installed and the iDRAC should be on the same network domain.

To create a system update task:

1. Click Manage → System Update.

The System Update portal is displayed.
2. In the Update Action section, click Create System Update Task.
The Non-Compliant Systems page of System Update wizard is displayed.
3. Select any non compliant systems that you want to update and click Next.
NOTE: You can update multiple systems at the same time.

NOTE: The following are the considerations when using 64-bit DUPs for system update:
• For in-band updates (Operating System) – If the selected target is a server running a Windows 64-bit operating
system, all applicable 64-bit packages are available for update. If the catalog does not contain 64-bit packages for a
component, the corresponding 32-bit package is available for update.
• For out-of-band updates (iDRAC) – If the selected target is an iDRAC of a 12th or 13th generation Dell PowerEdge
server and has iDRAC firmware version later than 1.40.40 installed, all applicable 64-bit packages are available for
update. If the catalog does not contain 64-bit packages for a component, the corresponding 32-bit package is
available for update.
• For in-band or out-of-band updates – If the selected 12th or 13th generation PowerEdge server is running a 32-bit
operating system and has iDRAC firmware version later than 1.40.40 installed, by default, only 32-bit packages are
available for update unless there is a package known only to iDRAC and not known to OMSA.

The Applicable Packages page is displayed.

4. Select the packages that you want to update and click Next.
The Summary and Credentials page is displayed.
5. Type a name for the task in the appropriate field.
6. In the Set the Task Schedule section:
a. Set the task schedule to Run Now or set a specific date and time.
b. If you want to apply the changes immediately, select After update, if required, reboot the target server.
The Out-of-band Reboot Type option is displayed.
Using the Out-of-band Reboot Type option, you can set the types of reboot methods available for the system update. The
reboot methods are:
• Power Cycle (Cold) — Select this option to power off and then restart the system.
• Graceful Reboot without forced shutdown (Warm) — Select this option to shut down and then reboot the operating
system without forcefully turning off the target system.

• Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown (Warm with forced) — Select this option to shut down and then reboot the
operating system by forcefully turning off the target system.

NOTE: By default, the Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown reboot method is selected.
c. If you want to skip the signature and hash check on the system update package, select Skip Signature and Hash Check.
d. For out-of-band update only — If you experience failures while performing updates using the iDRAC, select Before update,
reset the iDRAC.
CAUTION: If the Before update, reset the iDRAC option is selected, all pending jobs or activities scheduled on
the iDRAC will be cancelled before the update is applied. If required, you must create the iDRAC jobs again.
7. In the Enter Credentials for the task execution section, type the user name and password of the iDRAC (for out-of-band
updates) or operating system (for in-band updates).
NOTE: For applying system updates on target systems running a Windows operating system with the User Account
Control (UAC) feature enabled:
• If the target system is part of a Domain, you must provide the credentials of either the Domain Administrator or a
member in the Administrators group. Do not provide the credentials of the local, non-domain account on the target
system, even if the account is in the Administrators group.
• If the target system is not part of a Domain, you must provide the Administrator credentials. If you want to provide
the credentials of a non-default Administrator account, ensure that the Remote WMI permissions are enabled for that
user account.
Examples: In a Windows domain environment, enter <Domain\Administrator> and password. In a Windows workgroup
environment, enter <LocalHost\Administrator> and the password

In a Linux environment, enter root and password. If you want to apply system updates using sudo, select Enable Sudo and
update the SSH port number.

NOTE: Before you apply system updates using sudo, create a new user account, edit the sudoers file using the
visudo command, and add the following:
For target systems running a 32-bit operating systems:

Cmnd_Alias OMEUPDATE = /bin/tar,/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/omexec,/tmp/


For target systems running a 64-bit operating systems:

Cmnd_Alias OMEUPDATE = /bin/tar,/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/omexec,/tmp/

invcol64.bin <sudo_username> ALL=OMEUPDATE,NOPASSWD:OMEUPDATE

NOTE: Applying system updates using sudo is not supported for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server targets.
8. Click Finish.
NOTE: You cannot schedule Windows and Linux updates to occur using the same task. Create a separate task for

Updating Firmware, BIOS, and Drivers Without OMSA

To update the firmware, BIOS, and drivers on a system that does not have OMSA installed:

1. Collect the software inventory from the server. See Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory.
2. Update the system through the system update portal. See Applying System Updates Using the Non-Compliant Systems Tab or
Applying System Updates Using the System Update Task Wizard.

View Active Catalog
Select to view the catalog file that is currently in use for applying software updates.

Table 205. View Active Catalog

Field Description
Source Displays the source. The source is either Server Update Utility,
FTP, or Repository Manager.

Source Type The type for source from which the catalog file is taken. For
example, Dell ftp site.

Release ID The unique identification number assigned to the released

catalog file.

Release Date The date on which the catalog file was released.

Newer version available Displays if a newer version is available.

Issues and Resolutions Use Case Scenarios

The following table provides information about the issues that are displayed in the Issues and Resolutions for Updates tab.
Table 206. Issues and Resolutions Use Case Scenarios

Issue Resolution
PowerEdge VRTX was inventoried using either SNMP or IPMI. Perform discovery and inventory of PowerEdge VRTX using

iDRAC was inventoried using either SNMP or IPMI. Perform discovery and inventory of iDRAC using WS-Man.

iDRAC does not meet the minimum version requirements. Minimum supported iDRAC version for modular servers is 2.20
and for monolithic servers is 1.4. Manually install the required
iDRAC versions to proceed.

iDRAC does not have the required license. iDRAC requires license to perform system updates which can be
obtained using Dell License Manager.

The server does not have Server Administrator installed on it or Schedule Inventory Collection Task. Recommended to schedule
is discovered using SSH. This issue occurs if: Periodic Inventory Collection Task.
• A Windows-based server without Server Administrator is
discovered using WMI.
• A Linux-based server with or without Server Administrator
is discovered using SSH.

Configuring the Settings for Automatic Purging of Downloaded Files

To apply system updates and to perform remote tasks on target devices, OpenManage Essentials may download the appropriate
BIOS, firmware, driver, and application files. By default, the downloaded files are saved in the <install location>\Essentials\System
Update folder. You can configure OpenManage Essentials to automatically purge some of the downloaded files if the downloads
folder (<install location>\Essentials\System Update) reaches a defined size limit.
NOTE: By default, the purging of downloaded files is disabled.

To configure the settings for the automatic purging of downloaded files:

1. Click Settings → Purge Download Settings.

The Purge Download Settings page is displayed.
2. Select Enable purging of downloaded files to allow the automatic purging of the downloaded files using the default settings.
3. If required, set the size limit of the downloads folder based on your preference.
NOTE: Purging of the downloaded files is initiated when the downloads folder reaches the defined size limit.
4. If required, set the approximate size of the downloaded files to be purged based on your preference.
NOTE: Files in the downloads folder are purged until the total size of the purged files reaches or exceeds the
approximate size that you have defined.
5. Click Apply.

System Update — Reference
You can access the following:

• System Update page

– Summary

* Compliance Report
* System Update Tasks
* Tasks Execution History
– Compliant Systems
– Non Compliant Systems
– Non-Inventoried Systems
– All System Update Tasks
– Issues and resolutions for updates
• Catalog Section

– Select a Catalog Source

– View Active Catalog

Related links
Updating Server BIOS, Firmware, Drivers, and Applications
Viewing the System Update Page
Compliance Report
Non-Compliant Systems
System Update Task
Non-Inventoried Systems
All System Update Tasks
Issues and Resolutions

Filter Options
Table 207. Filter Options

Filter Option Description

Is equal to Select to create the same as logic.

Is not equal to Select to create the different from logic.

Starts with Select to filter search based on a text chunk’s initial

alphanumeric characters. Provide the starting alphanumeric
characters in the field.

Ends with Select to filter search based on a text chunk’s final

alphanumeric characters. Provide the ending alphanumeric
characters in the field.

Filter Option Description
Contains Select to filter search based on alphanumeric characters
present in a text chunk. Provide the alphanumeric characters in
the field.

Does not contain Select to include the not present logic in search based on
alphanumeric characters present in a text chunk.

Is contained in Select to include the is present logic in an alphanumeric

character string.

Is not contained in Select to include the not present logic in an alphanumeric

character string.

Is less than Select to find a value that is less than the value you provide.

Is less than or equal to Select to find a value that is less than or equal to the value you

Is greater than Select to find a value that is greater than the value you provide.

Is greater than or equal to Select to find a value that is greater than or equal to the value
you provide

System Update
This page provides the following information:

• Summary
• Compliant Systems
• Non Compliant Systems
• Non-Inventoried System
• All System Update Tasks
• Issues and Resolutions For Updates

Related links
Compliance Report
Non-Compliant Systems
Non-Inventoried Systems
All System Update Tasks

Compliance Report
The compliance report provides a pie chart distribution of software update tasks. Click a pie chart portion to view more information
on the systems.

Related links
System Update

Compliance Report Options
Table 208. Compliance Report Options

Field Description
Source Report source

Get the latest This option is disabled if the catalog version is the latest. Else, it
is active. Click this option to get the latest catalog version.

Advanced Settings Using these options you can set preferences for upgrading and
downgrade firmware, BIOS, driver, and application versions:

• Enable Downgrades — Select this option to install versions

of firmware, BIOS, drivers, and applications that are earlier
than the versions installed on the systems.
• Disable Downgrades — This option is set by default,
selecting this option enables you to install versions of
firmware, BIOS, drivers, and applications that are later than
the versions installed on the systems.

You can also set one of the following update modes as the
• In-Band (Operating System) — Allows you to update all
components on the systems.
• Out-of-Band (iDRAC) — Allows you to update only the
BIOS, certain firmware, and certain applications.

NOTE: You can set one of the update modes as the

default mode but the actual update mode depends on
the protocol used and the components that are being
updated. For more information, see System Update Use
Case Scenarios.
You can also set your preference to reboot the target server
after an update by selecting the After update, if required,
reboot the target server option. If this option is selected, the
After update, if required, reboot the target server is selected
in the System Update Task wizard.

NOTE: You can override this preference by selecting or

clearing the After update, if required, reboot the target
server option in the System Update Task wizard.
If After update, if required, reboot the target server option is
selected, the Out-of-band Reboot Type option is displayed.
This option is disabled by default. Using the Out-of-band
Reboot Type option, you can set the types of reboot methods
available for the system update. The reboot methods are:
• Power Cycle (Cold) — Select this option to power off and
then restart the system.
• Graceful Reboot without forced shutdown (Warm) —
Select this option to shut down and then reboot the
operating system without forcefully turning off the target
• Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown (Warm with
forced) — Select this option to shut down and then reboot
the operating system by forcefully turning off the target

Field Description

NOTE: By default, the Graceful Reboot with forced

shutdown reboot method is selected.

Systems information — pie chart format The pie chart lists the systems status compared with the
existing catalog file. The systems listed are as follows:
• Compliant Systems
• Non-Compliant Systems
• Non-Inventoried Systems
• Issues and Resolutions

Compliant Systems Systems with software that is up to date when compared with
versions available in the software updates active catalog. Click
compliant systems portion to view more information in the
Compliant Systems tab.

Non-Compliant Systems Systems with software that requires updates when compared
with versions available in the software updates active catalog.
Click the non-compliant systems portion to view more
information in the Non-Compliant Systems tab.

Non-Inventoried Systems Discovered systems pending inventory when compared with

available software in the active catalog. Click non-inventoried
portion to view more information in the Non-Inventoried
Systems tab.

Compliant Systems
The Compliant Systems tab provides this information:

Table 209. Compliant Systems

Field Description
System Name Domain name of the system.

Model Type Devices model information.

Operating System The operating system that is running on the server.

Service Tag A unique identifier, that provides the service lifecycle.

Discovered Time Time and date of discovery.

Inventory Time Time and date of inventory.

Server Subnet Location IP address range information.

Non-Compliant Systems
The Non-Compliant Systems tab provides this information:

Table 210. Non-Compliant Systems

Field Description
System Name Domain name of the system.

Model Type The systems model name. For example, Dell PowerEdge.

Operating System The operating system that is installed on the system.

Service Tag A unique identifier, that provides the service

lifecycle information.

Update Method Displays the update methods such as OpenManage Server

Administrator and iDRAC.

Discovered Time Time and date of discovery.

Inventory Time Time and date of inventory.

Select non-compliant systems to select updates to apply and click Apply Selected Updates.

Table 211. Apply Selected Updates

Field Description
System Name System’s domain name.

Importance The requirement of this software update for the system.

Update Method Displays the update methods such as OpenManage Server

Administrator and iDRAC.

Component The software information.

Type The type of software update.

Installed Version The installed version number.

Upgrade/Downgrade A green arrow indicates an upgrade.

Available Version The available version number.

Package Name The name of the software update.

Related links
System Update

System Update Task

Table 212. System Update Task

Field Description
Task Name Provide a name for the software update task.

Select System to Update Select the system that you want to update.

Field Description
System Name Domain name of the system.

Importance The requirement of this software update for the system.

Delivery Mode Displays the delivery methods such as OpenManage Server

Administrator and iDRAC.

Component The software information.

Type The type of software update.

Installed Version The installed version number.

Upgrade/Downgrade A green arrow indicates an upgrade.

Available Version The available version number.

Package Name The name of the software update.

Reboot required Indicates if the system must be rebooted after the update.

Set the Task Schedule

Run Now Select this option if you want to run the task when you click

Set Schedule Select to schedule a task at a required date and time. Click the
icon to set date and time.

After update, if required, reboot the target server Select to restart the system after the software update task is

Out-of-band Reboot Type Displays the types of reboot methods available for the system

NOTE: The Out-of-band Reboot Type option is available

only if you selected After update, if required, reboot the
target server option.
Select the reboot method from the following options:
• Power Cycle (Cold) — Select this option to power off and
then restart the system.
• Graceful Reboot without forced shutdown (Warm) —
Select this option to shut down and then reboot the
operating system without forcefully turning off the target
• Graceful Reboot with forced shutdown (Warm with
forced) — Select this option to shut down and then reboot
the operating system by forcefully turning off the target

NOTE: By default, the Graceful Reboot with forced

shutdown reboot method is selected.

Skip Signature and Hash Check Select this option to skip the signature and hash check on the
system update package.

Before update, reset the iDRAC Select this option if you experience failures while performing
updates using the iDRAC.

Field Description

CAUTION: Selecting this option may allow the update to

succeed, but may also cancel any pending jobs/
activities scheduled on the iDRAC.

Enter Credentials for the task execution

Enable Sudo Select this option to update the system using sudo.

SSH Port Number Provide the SSH port number.

Server User name Provide the server user name for the selected target.

Server Password Provide the server password for the selected target.

iDRAC User name Provide the iDRAC user name for the selected target.

iDRAC Password Provide the iDRAC password for the selected target.

Non-Inventoried Systems
The Non-Inventoried Systems tab provides a list of systems that require inventory. To inventory the systems, select the systems
and click Inventory.

Table 213. Non-Inventoried Systems

Field Description
System Name Domain name of the system.

Discovered Time Time and date of discovery.

Inventory Time Time and date of inventory.

Server Subnet Location IP address range information.

Related links
Updating Server BIOS, Firmware, Drivers, and Applications
Viewing the System Update Page
System Update — Reference
System Update

Inventory Systems
To inventory systems, select Systems To Inventory and click Run Inventory.

All System Update Tasks

This page provides more information on the software update tasks.

Table 214. All System Update Tasks

Field Description
Task Name The name of the task.

Task Label Provides information on what the task does.

Field Description
Start Time Time and date of inventory.

Related links
System Update

Issues and Resolutions

Table 215. Issues and Resolutions

Field Description
System Name Displays the domain name of the system.

Reason Displays the issue associated with the server.

Recommendation Displays the resolution to resolve the issue.

Related links
Updating Server BIOS, Firmware, Drivers, and Applications
Viewing the System Update Page
System Update — Reference

Task Execution History

Lists the details of the system update tasks or remote tasks.

Table 216. Task Execution History

Field Description
Status Displays an icon representing the task status:

— Running or pending

— Completed

— Stopped

— Failed

— Warning

Task Name The name of the task.

Start Time Time and date at which the system update task started.

% Completed The task’s progress information.

Task State Provides these task states:

• Running
• Completed
• Stopped
• Failed

Field Description
• Warning

NOTE: The task status displays warning if the After

update if required, reboot the target server option was
not selected for the system update task.

Successful / Attempted Targets The number of target systems on which the task is successfully

End Time Time and date at which the system update task ends.

Executed by User The user information.

Select a Catalog Source

For updating software, select from these options to use a default catalog file present on the Dell FTP site or provide an alternate
software update package file.

Table 217. Select a Catalog Source

Field Description
Use file system source (SUU) Select to update software using Server Update Utility. Click
Browse to traverse to the file location. The catalog.cab file is
located in the repository folder.

Use repository manager file Select to update software using repository manager file. Click
Browse to traverse to file location. The catalog.cab file is
located in the repository folder.

Use an online source Select to update software using the software update package
present on the Dell FTP site.

NOTE: The path to the catalog file may be displayed on the screen while importing the catalog using either SUU or
repository manager. However, it is recommended that you manually select the catalog file, by clicking Browse.

Dell Update Package

A Dell Update Package (DUP) is a self-contained executable in a standard package format that updates a single software element
on the system. DUPs are software utilities provided by Dell to update specific software components on Dell PowerEdge systems,
Dell desktops, and Dell laptops. The customized bundles and repositories are made up of DUPs based on operating systems
supported, update types, form factor, and line of business.

Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility

Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility (SUU) is a DVD-based application for identifying and applying updates to the system. SUU
displays a comparison report of the versions and provides various options for updating the components.

Repository Manager
Repository Manager is an application that allows you to create repositories of customized bundles and updates, and groups of
related updates for systems running supported Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems. This facilitates generating
comparison reports and establishing update baselines of repositories. By using Repository Manager, you can ensure that the Dell
PowerEdge system, Dell desktop or Dell laptop is equipped with the latest BIOS, driver, firmware, and software updates.

View Active Catalog
Select to view the catalog file that is currently in use for applying software updates.

Table 218. View Active Catalog

Field Description
Source Displays the source. The source is either Server Update Utility,
FTP, or Repository Manager.

Source Type The type for source from which the catalog file is taken. For
example, Dell ftp site.

Release ID The unique identification number assigned to the released

catalog file.

Release Date The date on which the catalog file was released.

Newer version available Displays if a newer version is available.

Managing Remote Tasks
About Remote Tasks
With the Remote Tasks feature in OpenManage Essentials, you can:

• Run commands on local and remote systems, run batch files and executable files on the local systems, and schedule local and
remote tasks.
NOTE: The files must be located on the system with OpenManage Essentials installed and not on the remote system.

• Change power status for a system.

• Deploy OpenManage Server Administrator on systems.
• Deploy iDRAC Service Module on systems.
• Collect firmware and driver inventory information from a server that does not have Dell OpenManage Server Administrator
(OMSA) installed.
• View the remote tasks.
• Make changes to any task by right-clicking it.

NOTE: If you stop a running task, it may take 3-4 minutes for the task to stop gracefully and the updated task status to
get reflected in the console.
NOTE: The Task Execution History reflects the remote tasks that you created or deleted only after a few seconds.

NOTE: When providing system credentials, if the username has spaces or periods, the username must be provided within
quotation marks. For example, "localhost\johnny marr" or "us-domain\tim verlaine". Spaces and periods can be used in
usernames for OpenMange System Administrator Tasks, Generic Command Line Tasks (local system), OpenManage
Systems Administrator Deployment Tasks. System Updates (In Band, through OpenManage System Administrator) also
support spaces and periods. Out of Band patching (through RAC device) or commands such as RACADM do not support
space or period in the username.

Managing Command Line Task

You can create custom command line tasks to run CLI commands on local and remote systems, and run batch files and executables
on local systems.
For example, you can create a custom command line task to run a security audit and gather information on the systems’ security

NOTE: The Remote Server Administrator Command task requires that the Windows Management Instrumentation
service is running on the selected targets.
To create command line tasks:

1. From OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Remote Tasks → Common Tasks → Create Command Line Task..
2. On General, provide a task name.
3. Select one of the following options:
• Remote Server Administrator Command— Select to run the server administrator command on remote servers.
• Generic Command— Select to run the command, executable file, or batch file.
• IPMI Command— Select to run the IPMI commands on the remote system.
• RACADM Command Line— Select to run the RACADM commands on the remote system.
4. Based on your selection in the preceding step, provide the following:

• If you selected Remote Server Administrator Command, then provide command, SSH port number, and select Generate
Trusted Key for Linux if you want to generate a trusted key.
• If you selected Generic Command, RACADM Command Line, or IPMI Command then provide command and append
output information. Providing the append output information is optional.
5. On Task Target, do one of the following:
• Select a query from the drop-down list or create a new query by clicking the New button.
• Select server targets for running the commands. Only applicable targets are displayed by default. For more information, see
the Device Capability Matrix.
6. On Schedule and Credentials, provide user credentials, and set schedule for the tasks from available options, and then click
For information about the fields in the Create a Command Line Task wizard, see Command Line Task.

Related links
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix

Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks

RACADM command line tasks are used to run commands on remote DRACs and iDRACs. For example, run a RACADM task to
configure iDRAC through out of band (OOB) channel. To manage RACADM Command line tasks:

1. From OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Remote Tasks → Common Tasks → Create Command Line Task.
2. On General, choose RACADM Command Line and enter a name for the task.
3. Enter the RACADM sub-command (for example, getsysinfo.) For a list of RACADM commands, go to dell.com/support.
4. (Optional) Choose Output to file to capture task output from multiple targets. Enter path and file name.
• To log the information from all selected targets, select Append.
• To write all the detected errors to the log file, select Include errors.
5. On Task Target, do one of the following:
• Select a query from the drop-down list or create a new query by clicking the New button.
• Choose target servers or DRACs/iDRACs. Only applicable targets are displayed by default. For more information, see the
Device Capability Matrix.
6. On Schedule and Credentials, set the schedule parameters, provide target credentials and then click Finish.

Related links
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix

Managing Generic Command Line Task

Using Generic command line task, you can run different types of tasks such as, a batch file, a script file such as a Powershell or VBS
script, an executable, or a command, on the local OpenManage Essentials system. While the task always runs on the local
OpenManage Essentials system, you can structure the local task to interact with or act upon a variety of remote devices or servers.
You can enter tokens (substitution parameters) in the command line task to be passed to the script file, executable, command, or
batch file and execute local scripts on devices that are discovered in OpenManage Essentials.

To manage Generic command line tasks:

1. From OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Remote Tasks → Common Tasks → Create Command Line Task.
2. In the General tab, choose Generic Command.
3. If required, update the task name.
4. Enter the path and command (batch, script, or executable) to run on the local system.
5. (Optional) Enter any arguments for the command. If $USERNAME and $PASSWORD are used in Arguments, you can pass the
credentials to the command by the entering the credentials under Script Credentials. If $IP or $RAC_IP are used in
Arguments, you can run the command against the selected target(s) by passing the IP address of each target to the
NOTE: The tokens provided in the Arguments field must entirely be in either uppercase or lowercase. For example,
$HOSTNAME or $hostname.
NOTE: If you are running a command that does not require any tokens or arguments, the Script Credentials section
and the Task Target tab are not displayed.
6. (Optional) Choose Ping Device if you want to ping the device first.
7. (Optional) Choose Output to file to capture task output from multiple targets. Enter path and file name.
• To log the information from all selected targets, select Append.
• To write all the detected errors to the log file, select Include errors.
8. On Task Target, do one of the following:
• Select a query from the drop-down list or create a new query by clicking the New button.
• Select targets for running the commands.
9. On Schedule and Credentials, enter the local administrator credentials with rights to run commands on the OpenManage
Essentials system. Set schedule for the task(s) and then click Finish.

Related links
About Tokens
Generic Command

About Tokens
The following tokens can be used to pass values to the batch, script, or executable file:

• $IP and $RAC_IP — If these arguments are used, the Task Target tab appears in the Create a Command Link Task screen.
The Task Target tab allows you to select the targets to pass the arguments. $IP is used for a server IP and $RAC_IP is used for
a RAC (iDRAC) IP. From the Task Target tab, you can select either groups, a device or use dynamic queries.
• $USERNAME and $PASSWORD — In some instances, you must provide credentials for a remote system in your batch or
script file. If $USERNAME or $PASSWORD are used in arguments, the Script Credentials section appears for these values. The
credentials entered in the Script Credentials section is passed to the command line. You can pass either of these values or
NOTE: You must enter both values in the Script Credentials section. If you do not need to use one value, enter any
text in the field and it is ignored if the token is not in use.
• $NAME — This token passes the name of the system found in the OpenManage Essentials Device Tree. The name is most
often the host name of the system, but in some instances it might be either an IP address or a string such as Dell Rack
System – SVCTAG1.

Passing Tokens to a Script

If you are using a batch file or a script, use %1, %2, %3 , and so on to receive the values passed from OpenManage Essentials. The
values are passed in the order they are entered from left to right in the Arguments field.

For example, if you use $USERNAME $PASSWORD $IP $RAC_IP $NAME as arguments, a batch file with the following Echo %1
%2 %3 %4 %5 displays the following result:

C:\Windows\system32>echo scriptuser scriptpw M60505-W2K8x64

scriptuser scriptpw M60505-W2K8x64

NOTE: The credentials are passed in plain text to the command line. If you schedule a task to run later, the credentials
are encrypted and stored in the database. The credentials are decrypted when the task runs at the scheduled time.
However, if you use the RUN option on a previously created task, enter both administrator credentials for the system
and the script credentials.

Managing Server Power Options

You can create tasks to manage power on servers.
NOTE: The power task requires that the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running on the selected
To create a remote task:

1. From OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Remote Tasks → Common Tasks → Create Power Task.
2. In Create a Power Task, on General, do the following:
• Provide task name.
• Select power options. If required, select Shutdown OS first to shut the operating system down before starting the power
3. On Task Target, do one of the following:
• Select a query from the drop-down list or create a new query by clicking the New button.
• Select server targets for running the commands.
4. On Schedule and Credentials, set the schedule parameters, provide target credentials, and then click Finish.

For information about the fields in the Create a Power Task wizard, see Server Power Options.
Related links
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix

Deploying Server Administrator

The deploy OpenManage Server Administrator task requires the following on the selected targets:
• Windows Management Instrumentation service must be running.
• The default Temp folder (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp) must be available. Ensure that the Temp folder is not
deleted or moved.

You can create tasks to deploy OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) on servers running Windows or Linux operating
systems. You can also plan a date and time to schedule the OMSA deploy task.
To create an OpenManage Server Administrator deployment task:

1. Click Manage → Remote Tasks → Common Tasks → Create Deployment Task.

2. On General, select Server Administrator and provide a task name. If you want to deploy OpenManage Server Administrator on
Windows-based servers, then select Windows, provide installer path and, if required, provide arguments. If you want to deploy
OpenManage Server Administrator on Linux-based servers, select Linux and provide the installer path and, if required, provide
arguments. For the list of supported packages and arguments (for servers running Window and Linux), see Supported
Windows and Linux Packages and Arguments. Select Generate Trusted Key and select Allow reboot.
NOTE: Install Server Administrator prerequisites before deploying Server Administrator on Linux.
3. On Task Target, do one of the following:
• Select a query from the drop-down list or create a new query by clicking the New button.

• Select servers on which you want to run this task and click Next.
4. On Schedule and Credentials, set the schedule parameters, provide user credentials to enable the task.
5. If you want to deploy Server Administrator as a sudo user, select Enable Sudo and update the SSH port number.
NOTE: Before you deploy OMSA using sudo, create a new user account, edit the sudoers file using the visudo
command, and add the following:
• For target systems running a 32-bit operating systems: Cmnd_Alias OMEUPDATE = /bin/tar,/bin/
LinuxPreInstallPackage/omexec <sudo_username> ALL=OMEUPDATE, NOPASSWD:OMEUPDATE.
• For target systems running a 64-bit operating systems: Cmnd_Alias OMEUPDATE = /bin/tar,/bin/
LinuxPreInstallPackage64/omexec <sudo_username> ALL=OMEUPDATE, NOPASSWD:OMEUPDATE.
NOTE: If OMSA is uninstalled from a system by a root user, before deploying OMSA on that system using sudo,
make sure that all OMSA pre-installation package files are removed from the tmp folder.

NOTE: Deploying OMSA using sudo is not supported for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and ESX targets.
6. Click Finish.

For information about the fields in the Create a Deployment Task wizard, see Deployment Task.

Related links
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix

Supported Windows and Linux Packages

Windows Packages
Table 219. Windows Packages

Package Type Clean installation Major Version Upgrade (5.x Minor Version Upgrade (8.x
to 6.x to 7.x to 8.x) to 8.y)
.msi Supported Supported Supported

.msp Not supported Not supported Supported

.exe Not supported Supported Supported

deployment using
the .exe package is
supported only with Dell
Update Packages

Linux Packages
Table 220. Linux Packages

Operating System Package

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-6.5.0-2247.SLES10.x86_64_A01.6.tar.gz

Operating System Package

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-6.5.0-2247.SLES11.i386_A01.14.tar.gz

11 OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-6.5.0-2247.SLES11.i386_A01.14.tar.gz.sign

VMware ESX 4 OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-6.5.0-2247.ESX41.i386_A01.tar.gz


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-6.5.0-2247.RHEL5.x86_64_A01.4.tar.gz


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-6.5.0-2247.RHEL6.x86_64_A01.5.tar.gz


Clean Installation
Table 221. Clean Installation

Component Installation Linux Attribute Windows Attribute

Server Administrator Web Server only -w ADDLOCAL=IWS

Server Administrator Instrumentation only -d ADDLOCAL=SA

Server Administrator Web Server and -w –d ADDLOCAL=ALL

Server Instrumentation

• REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=VOMUS — This is a required argument for Server Administrator minor version upgrade
using .msi packages.
• /qn — This is an optional argument that is used for silent and unattended installation.

Deploying iDRAC Service Module

NOTE: The iDRAC Service Module can be deployed only on servers that meet the following criteria:

• Dell PowerEdge 12th generation or later servers running a 64-bit Windows or Linux operating system
• iDRAC firmware version 1.51.51 or later
• The server and iDRAC must be discovered in OpenManage Essentials
The deploy iDRAC Service Module task requires the following on the target servers:
• Windows Management Instrumentation service must be running.
• The default Temp folder (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp) must be available. Ensure that the Temp folder is not
deleted or moved.

You can create tasks to deploy the iDRAC Service Module on servers running Windows or Linux operating systems. You can also
plan a date and time to schedule the iDRAC Service Module deployment task.

To create an iDRAC Service Module deployment task:

1. Click Manage → Remote Tasks → Common Tasks → Create Deployment Task.

2. On General, select iDRAC Service Module and provide a task name. If you want to deploy the iDRAC Service Module on
Windows-based servers, then select Windows, provide installer path and, if required, provide arguments. If you want to deploy
the iDRAC Service Module on Linux-based servers, select Linux and provide the installer path, select Generate Trusted Key
and Allow reboot. If you are using a .rpm package to deploy the iDRAC Service Module, select Upload and Install GPG key.
NOTE: Install the iDRAC Service Module prerequisites before deploying the iDRAC Service Module on Linux.
3. On Task Target, do one of the following:
• Select a query from the drop-down list or create a new query by clicking the New button.
• Select servers on which you want to run this task and click Next.
NOTE: Devices that are not applicable for the iDRAC Service Module deployment are not available for selection
in the Task Target. Moving the mouse pointer over such a device in the Task Target displays a tool tip that
indicates why the iDRAC Service Module cannot be deployed. If you want to override the device capability and
allow all the available devices for selection as task targets, select Enable all.
4. On Schedule and Credentials, set the schedule parameters, provide user credentials to enable the task.
5. If you want to deploy the iDRAC Service Module as a sudo user, select Enable Sudo and update the SSH port number.
NOTE: Before you deploy the iDRAC Service Module using sudo, create a new user account, edit the sudoers file
using the visudo command, and add the following:
Cmnd_Alias OMEUPDATE = /bin/tar,/bin/cat,/bin/rpm,/opt/dell/srvadmin/bin/

NOTE: If the iDRAC Service Module is uninstalled from a system by a root user, before deploying the iDRAC Service
Module on that system using sudo, make sure that all the iDRAC Service Module pre-installation package files are
removed from the tmp folder.

NOTE: Deploying the iDRAC Service Module using sudo is not supported on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and ESX
6. Click Finish.

For information about the fields in the Create a Deployment Task wizard, see Deployment Task.

Related links
Deployment Task

Supported Windows and Linux Packages

Windows Packages
Table 222. Windows Packages

Package Type Clean installation Major Version Upgrade (1.x to 2.x)

.msi Supported Supported

NOTE: The .msi package is

applicable only for deploying
iDRAC Service Module version 2.0
or later.

.exe Not supported Supported

Package Type Clean installation Major Version Upgrade (1.x to 2.x)

NOTE: iDRAC Service Module

deployment using the .exe package
is supported only with Dell Update
Packages (DUPs).

Linux Packages
Table 223. Linux Packages

Operating System Package

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 OM-iSM-Dell-Web-LX-100-429.tar.gz
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 OM-iSM-Dell-Web-LX-100-429.tar.gz.sign
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
• Community Enterprise Operating
System (CentOS) 5.9
• CentOS 6.5

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 dcism-1.0.0-4.435.1.sles11.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 dcism-1.0.0-4.435.1.el5.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 dcism-1.0.0-4.435.1.el6.x86_64.rpm

Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory

The Create F/W & Driver Inventory Task allows you to collect firmware and driver inventory information from a server. The
collected inventory information serves as a baseline that is used by OpenManage Essentials to identify and apply updates on the
server. This task allows you to collect firmware and driver inventory information that is otherwise not be available to OpenManage
Essentials in the following scenarios:

• Servers discovered using WMI or SSH protocol that do not have Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) installed.
• Dell PowerEdge servers or Dell OEM servers that do not have OMSA installed.
• Servers running Linux that have OMSA installed, but the inventory collector component is uninstalled.

After the inventory information is collected, you can update the firmware, BIOS, or drivers of the server through the System
Update portal.
NOTE: The Create F/W & Driver Inventory Task utilizes the inventory collector component to collect firmware and
driver inventory from target servers. The inventory collector component is deployed on each target server for collecting
the inventory information. After the task is completed, the inventory collector component is automatically removed.
To collect firmware and driver inventory:

1. Perform one of the following:

• Click Manage → Remote Tasks → Create F/W & Driver Inventory Task.
• If the server was discovered using WMI/SSH protocol and OMSA is not installed, click Manage → System Update → Non-
Inventoried Systems.
1. Select the systems you want to inventory and click Inventory.
2. In the Systems to Inventory window, click Run Inventory.

The Create a Firmware & Driver Inventory Task window is displayed.

2. On General, provide a name for the task.
3. If you want to filter the devices to be displayed in the Task Target based on the operating system, select Filter devices based
on Operating System.

a. Select Windows or Linux.
b. If applicable, select 64-bit System.
NOTE: By default, target devices that have OMSA installed are not displayed on the Task Targets tab.
c. Select Show OMSA based targets to also view target devices that have OMSA installed in the Task Target tab.
d. If you selected Show OMSA based targets, perform one of the following in the Future Software Inventory Data
Collected by section:
NOTE: The Future Software Inventory Data Collected by options only determine the method OpenManage
Essentials utilizes to gather firmware and driver inventory information from target devices after an in-band
system update. If the F/W and Driver task based inventory option is selected, scheduled discovery and inventory
cycles will still gather the OMSA-based inventory from target devices, except the information in the Software
Inventory table.
• OMSA based inventory — Select to revert to gathering firmware and driver inventory information through OMSA on
target devices that have OMSA installed.
NOTE: To revert to gathering firmware and driver inventory information through OMSA, you must either run
the firmware and driver inventory task or delete and rediscover the device.
• F/W and Driver task based inventory — Select to gather firmware and driver inventory information through the
inventory collector component, even though OMSA may be installed on the device.
4. On Task Target, do one of the following:
• Select a query from the drop-down list or click New to create a new query.
• Select servers on which you want to run this task and click Next.
5. On Schedule and Credentials, set the schedule parameters, provide user credentials to enable the task.
6. Click Finish.
The status of the inventory collection is displayed in the Task Execution History of the Remote Tasks portal.

Related links
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix
Firmware and Driver Inventory Collection Task

Updating the inventory collector component

The Create F/W & Driver Inventory Task utilizes the inventory collector component to collect software inventory information from
Dell servers. Occasionally, a newer version of the inventory collector component may be available. You can verify if OpenManage
Essentials has the latest version of the inventory collector component through the Dell Solutions portal. If a newer version of the
inventory collector component is available, the Update link is displayed on the Dell Solutions portal.
To update the inventory collector component:

1. Click Dell Solutions.

The Dell Solutions portal is displayed.
2. Click the Update link displayed in the Inventory collector component row.
3. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

The inventory collector component is downloaded in the background. You can view the status of the update in the Task Status grid
on the Home portal.

Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases
Sample remote tasks are available for Server Power Options, Deploy Server Administrator, and Command Line. Sample remote tasks
use cases are disabled by default. To enable a sample use case:

1. Right-click the use case and select Clone.

2. Enter the Cloned Task Name and click Ok.
3. Right-click the cloned task and select Edit.
4. Enter the required information and assign targets to the tasks. For information about the options, see Remote Tasks

Related links
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix

Use Cases in Remote Tasks

Server Power Options
Sample-Power On Device—Enable this use case to turn on the server. The system must have RAC/DRAC configured.

Deploy Server Administrator

Sample-OMSA Upgrade Windows—Enable this use case to upgrade OpenManage Server Administrator on a Windows-based

Command Line
• Sample - Windows OMSA Uninstall — Enable this use case to uninstall OMSA on a system running the Windows Server
operating system.
• Sample - Linux OMSA Uninstall — Enable this use case to uninstall OMSA on a system running the Linux operating system.
• Sample - Server XML Configuration — Enable this use case to apply a specific server configuration to multiple managed
nodes. For more information, see Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task.
• Sample-Generic Command Remote — Enable this use case to use tokens to receive the IP address or name of inventories
NOTE: To use this command, you must enter the local system credentials.

• Sample - Generic Command Local — Enable this use case to run a command or script on system with OpenManage Essentials.
NOTE: To use this command, you must enter the local system credentials.

• Sample - IPMI Command — Enable this use case to receive information about the power status of a server.
• Sample - Remote Command — Enable this use case to view the system summary through Server Administrator.
• Sample - RACADM - Clear SEL Log — Enable this use case to clear the SEL log of RAC.
• Sample - RACADM-Reset — Enable this use case to reset the RAC.

Firmware and Driver Inventory Task

Scheduled S/W Inventory Task — Enable this use case to collect firmware and driver inventory from a server.

Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task

The following are the prerequisites for using the Sample - Server XML Configuration command line task:

• Dell Lifecycle Controller 2 version 1.2 or later
• RACADM version 7.2 or later
• Firmware version 1.30.30 or later
• Express or Enterprise license
• iDRAC7

The Sample - Server XML Configuration command line task allows you to apply a specific server configuration to multiple managed
nodes. Using Dell Lifecycle Controller 2 version 1.2 or later, a server configuration summary can be exported from an iDRAC in XML
format through the “Export Server Configuration” operation.
NOTE: For information on exporting the server configuration summary using Lifecycle Controller 2, see the
Configuration XML Workflows white paper at DellTechCenter.com/LC.
The server configuration summary XML file can be applied to another iDRAC using the Sample - Server XML Configuration
command line task.
NOTE: To apply the server configuration summary from one iDRAC to another iDRAC, both the iDRACs must be of the
same generation, same license state, and so on. For more information on the requirements, see the Lifecycle Controller
(LC) XML Schema Guide, Server Configuration XML File, and Configuration XML Workflows white papers at
To use the Sample - Server XML Configuration command line task:

1. In the OpenManage Essentials Remote Tasks portal, right-click the Sample - Server XML Configuration, and click Clone.
The Input information for the newly cloned task dialog box is displayed.
2. Provide the Cloned Task Name and click OK.
3. Right-click the created cloned task and click Edit.
The Create a Command Line Task dialog box is displayed.
4. Edit the Command field, and provide the location of the server configuration summary xml file in the OpenManage Essentials
management station. For example, set –f c:\user1\server1.xml-t xml, where c:\user1\server1.xml is the
location of the server configuration summary xml file.
5. In the Targets tab, select the appropriate targets for applying the server configuration.
6. In the Schedule and Credentials tab, select to run or schedule the task, and provide the required credentials.
7. Click Finish.

Device Capability Matrix

The following device capability matrix provides information about the type of remote tasks supported on devices that are displayed
in the Task Target tab.

Table 224. Type Of Remote Tasks Supported On Devices That Are Displayed In The Task Target Tab

All Servers (except Windows-based Linux-based DRAC/iDRAC DRAC/iDRAC

ESXi) With Server Servers without Servers without discovered using discovered using
Administrator and Server Server IPMI SNMP/WS-Man
Discovered Using Administrator and Administrator and
Remote Task Type SNMP/WMI discovered using discovered using
DRAC/iDRAC is not discovered Server operating system is not
Reboot/power Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported
cycle operation

Power off operation Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported

Power on operation Not supported Not supported Not supported Supported Not supported

All Servers (except Windows-based Linux-based DRAC/iDRAC DRAC/iDRAC
ESXi) With Server Servers without Servers without discovered using discovered using
Administrator and Server Server IPMI SNMP/WS-Man
Discovered Using Administrator and Administrator and
Remote Task Type SNMP/WMI discovered using discovered using
DRAC/iDRAC is not discovered Server operating system is not
Remote Server Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported
command task

IPMI command task Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported

RACADM command Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Supported
line task

Create F/W & Not supported Supported Supported Not supported Not supported
Driver Inventory

The following table lists the device discovery requirements for the iDRAC Service Module deployment task. To deploy the iDRAC
Service Module, the server and the iDRAC must discovered using the appropriate protocols specified. For example, to deploy the
iDRAC Service Module on a Windows-based server running Server Administrator that is discovered using SNMP/WMI, the iDRAC
must be discovered using SNMP/WS-Man.

Table 225. Discovery Requirements for the iDRAC Service Module

Server/in-band discovery iDRAC/out-of-

band discovery
All Windows-based All Windows-based Linux-based Linux-based DRAC/iDRAC
Remote Task Type Servers With Servers With Servers With Servers With discovered using
Server Server Server Server SNMP/WS-Man
Administrator and Administrator and Administrator and Administrator and
Discovered Using Discovered Using discovered using discovered using
iDRAC Service N/A N/A N/A
Module deployment
task N/A N/A N/A



Device capabilities for a server or DRAC/iDRAC device are populated during discovery and is leveraged by remote tasks to
determine applicable targets for each task type. The capability is populated based on the following parameters:

• Protocol used to discover the server and DRAC/iDRAC. For example, IPMI, SNMP, and so on.
• If Server Administrator is installed on the server.
• Settings enabled on the DRAC/iDRAC.

Selecting the Enable All check box allows you to override device capability and allows all the available devices for selection as task

The following device capability matrix provides information about the type of remote tasks supported on devices when the device
capabilities are overridden.

Table 226. Type Of Remote Tasks Supported On Devices When The Device Capabilities Are Overridden

All Servers (except Windows-based Linux-based DRAC/iDRAC DRAC/iDRAC

ESXi) With Server Servers without Servers without discovered using discovered using
Administrator and Server Server IPMI SNMP/ WS-Man
Discovered Using Administrator and Administrator and
Remote Task Type SNMP/WMI discovered using discovered using
DRAC/iDRAC is not discovered Server operating system is not
Reboot/power Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported
cycle operation

Power off operation Supported Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported

Power on operation Supported if: Not supported Not supported Supported Supported if:
Remote Server Not supported Not supported Not supported
information is enabled on the
Administrator retrieved and DRAC/iDRAC
command task displayed in the device.
inventory page.
You select Enable
IPMI over LAN is All in the Tasks
enabled on the Target tab.

You select Enable

All in the Tasks
Target tab.

IPMI command task Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported

RACADM command Supported if: Not supported Not supported Not supported Supported
line task DRAC/iDRAC
information is
retrieved and
displayed in the
inventory page.

You select Enable

All in the Tasks
Target tab.

NOTE: In the Task Targets tab, if the Enable All option is selected, the iDRAC Service Module deployment is enabled for
all discovered servers or unknown devices.
Related links
Managing Command Line Task
Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks
Managing Server Power Options
Deploying Server Administrator
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory
Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task
Deploying iDRAC Service Module
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference

Remote Tasks — Reference
From Remote Tasks you can:

• Run commands on local and remote systems, batch files and executable files on the local systems, and schedule local and
remote tasks.
• Change power status for a system.
• Deploy OpenManage Server Administrator on systems.
• Deploy the iDRAC Service Module on systems.
• Collect firmware and driver inventory.
• View the remote tasks.

Remote Tasks:

• Common Tasks

– Create Command Line Task

– Create Deployment Task
– Create Power Task
– Create F/W & Driver Inventory Task
• Remote Tasks

– Server Power Options

– Deploy Server Administrator
– Command Line
• F/W & Driver Inventory Task

Related links
Managing Command Line Task
Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks
Managing Server Power Options
Deploying Server Administrator
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory
Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task
Deploying iDRAC Service Module
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix

Remote Tasks Home

To view Remote Tasks page, in OpenManage Essentials, click Manage → Remote Tasks.

Related links
Managing Command Line Task
Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks
Managing Server Power Options
Deploying Server Administrator
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory
Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task
Deploying iDRAC Service Module
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference

Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks page lists the following information:

• All Tasks
• Server Power Options
• Server Administrator Deployment
• Command Line
• Firmware & Driver Inventory

Related links
Managing Command Line Task
Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks
Managing Server Power Options
Deploying Server Administrator
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory
Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task
Deploying iDRAC Service Module
Remote Tasks Home
Command Line Task
All Tasks
Device Capability Matrix

All Tasks
Table 227. All Tasks

Field Description
Scheduled State Displays if the task is enabled.

Task Name Names of the task.

Task Label Type of task that is run, for example; for a command line task
the options displayed are Remote Server Administrator
Command, Generic Command, IPMI Command, and RACADM
Command Line.

Last Run The last time and date information when the task was run.

Created On The time and date on which the task was created.

Field Description
Updated On The time and date information when the task was run.

Updated By The name of the user.

Related links
Managing Command Line Task
Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks
Managing Server Power Options
Deploying Server Administrator
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory
Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task
Deploying iDRAC Service Module
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference

Task Execution History

Lists the details of the system update tasks or remote tasks.

Table 228. Task Execution History

Field Description
Status Displays an icon representing the task status:

— Running or pending

— Completed

— Stopped

— Failed

— Warning

Task Name The name of the task.

Start Time Time and date at which the system update task started.

% Completed The task’s progress information.

Task State Provides these task states:

• Running
• Completed
• Stopped
• Failed
• Warning

Field Description

NOTE: The task status displays warning if the After

update if required, reboot the target server option was
not selected for the system update task.

Successful / Attempted Targets The number of target systems on which the task is successfully

End Time Time and date at which the system update task ends.

Executed by User The user information.

Server Power Options

Select this option to change the power state or restart systems.

Table 229. Server Power Options

Field Description

Task Name Provide a name for this server power options task.

Select the type Select from the following options:

• Reboot — Restarts the system without powering off.

• Power Cycle — Powers off and then restarts the system.
NOTE: Make sure that the shutdown option is
configured for the operating system before you
perform a graceful shutdown using this option. If you
use this option without configuring it on the
operating system, it restarts the managed system
instead of performing a shutdown operation.
• Power Off — Powers off the system.
• Power On — Powers on the system. This option works only
on target systems that contain RAC.

Shutdown OS first Select to shut down the operating system before executing the
server power options task.

Task Target

Select a query Select a query from the drop-down list. To create a new query,
click New.

Select the device(s) for this task to target Select the devices to which you want to assign this task.

Enable All Select to override the device capability and allow all the
available devices for selection as task targets.

Schedule and Credentials

Set schedule Select from these options:

• Activate Schedule — Select this option to activate a
schedule for the task.
• Run now — Select this option to run the task immediately.

Field Description
• Set schedule — Select this option to set a date and time
for the task to run.
• Run Once — Select this option tot run the task on the
planned schedule only once.
• Periodic — Select this option to run the task frequently at
specified intervals:
– Hourly — Select this option to run the task once every
– Daily — To run the task once every day.
– Weekly — To run the task once every week.
– Monthly — To run the task once every month.

Range of Recurrence:
• Start — To specify the date and time at which the task
should begin.
• No End Date — To continuously run this task based on the
selected frequency. For example, if you selected Hourly,
then this task continuously runs every hour from the start
• End By — To stop the task at the specified date and time.

Enter User Name and Password User Name — Provide in the format domain\user name or local
host\user name.

Password — Provide the password.

Power On works only on target systems with iDRAC; use the

IPMI credentials to perform Power On task.

If you selected Power On, then provide the KG key.

KG Key — Enter the KG Key. DRAC also supports IPMI KG

Key. Each BMC is configured to require an access key in
addition to user credentials. The KG key is prompted only for
power-on task and not other power tasks because it is an IPMI

NOTE: The KG key is a public key that is used to

generate an encryption key for use between the
firmware and the application; and is available only on
Dell PowerEdge 9G and later systems. The KG key value
is an even number of hexadecimal characters. In the
format, yxxx, y denotes alphanumeric characters and x
denotes numbers.

Related links
Managing Server Power Options
Device Capability Matrix

Deployment Task
Select this option to create tasks to deploy either Server Administrator or iDRAC Service Module on selected servers.

Table 230. Deployment Task

Field Description

Deployment Type Select the type of deployment from the following options:
• Server Administrator
• iDRAC Service Module

Task Name Provide a name for the task.

Select the type Select from the target type from the following options:
• Windows
• Linux

Installer Path The location where the Server Administrator or iDRAC Service
Module installer is available.

For Windows, packages with.dup, .msi, and .msp. file

extensions are available. Msi packages enable Server
Administrator installation and upgrades while dup and msp
packages enable only Server Administrator upgrades.

• For Server Administrator deployment on Linux:

– Packages with the tar.gz file extensions are available.

– The.sign file is required for verification. The .sign file
must be available in the same folder as the tar.gz file.
• For the iDRAC Service Module deployment on Linux:

– Packages with the tar.gz, .rpm and .bin file extensions

are available.
– For deploying the .rpm file, the RPM-GPG-KEY file must
be available in the same folder as the .rpm file.

Install Arguments (Optional) Provide arguments.

NOTE: Applicable only for Server Administrator For example, in Windows, the parameters are as follows:
deployment task.
• ADDLOCAL = IWS — Server Administrator web server only
• ADDLOCAL = SSA — Server instrumentation only

For example, in Linux, the parameters are as follows:

• -w — Server administrator web server only
• -d — Server instrumentation only

See the Dell OpenManage Installation and Security User's

Guide at dell.com/support/manuals for a complete list of

Generate Trusted Key This option is available if you selected Linux. Select this option
to generate a trusted key.

64-bit System Select this option if you are deploying the 64-bit version of
Server Administrator on a managed node.

Allow reboot (if required) Select this option to restart the server once you deploy Server
Administrator on the server.

Field Description
Upload and Install GPG key (requires GPG key in same This option is available if you select a .rpm file for the iDRAC
folder) Service Module deployment. Select this option to validate
the .rpm file on the target device.
NOTE: Applicable only for the iDRAC Service Module
deployment task.

Task Target

Select a query Select a query from the drop-down list. To create a new query,
click New.

Select server(s) for this task to target Select the severs to which you want to assign this task.

Enable all Select to override the device capability and display all the
available devices for selection as task targets.
NOTE: Applicable only for the iDRAC Service Module
deployment task.

Schedule and Credentials

Set schedule Select from these options:

• Activate Schedule — Select this option to activate a
schedule for the task.
• Run now — Select this option to run the task immediately.
• Set schedule — Select this option to set a date and time
for the task to run.

Enter credentials of remote target(s)

User Name Provide in the format domain\user name or local host\user


Password Provide the password.

Enable Sudo Select this option to deploy Server Administrator or the iDRAC
Service Module using Sudo.

SSH Port Provide the SSH port number.

Related links
Deploying Server Administrator
Device Capability Matrix

Command Line Task

Select this option to create command line tasks.

Table 231. Command Line Task

Field Description
Task Name Provide name of the task.

Remote Server Administrator Command Select this option to run Remote Server Administrator
Command on selected servers.

Generic Command Select this option to run executable and commands on the
system with OpenManage Essentials.

IPMI Command Select this option to run IPMI commands on selected servers.

RACADM Command Line Select this option to run RACADM commands on selected

Related links
Managing Command Line Task
Managing RACADM Command Line Tasks
Managing Server Power Options
Deploying Server Administrator
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory
Working With Sample Remote Tasks Use Cases
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task
Deploying iDRAC Service Module
Remote Tasks
Remote Tasks — Reference
Remote Server Administrator Command
Generic Command
IPMI Command
RACADM Command Line

Remote Server Administrator Command

Table 232. Remote Server Administrator Command

Field Description
Command Provide command, for example, omereport system

Ping Device This option performs a ping test to verify if a device is reachable
before it runs a task against it. This option can be used when
using $IP or $RAC_IP and it decreases the time it takes to run
the task(s) as it skips unreachable devices.

Output to file Select to enable output to a log file. This option captures
standard output and writes it to the log file. If you select this
option, enter the path name and file name of the log file. This
option is disabled by default.

Append Select to append output from the completed command to the

specified file. If the file does not exist, it is created.

Field Description
Include errors Select to write all OpenManage Essentials-detected errors to
the log file. For example, if no response is received to a ping
request before the execution of the command, an error is
written to the log file.

SSH Port number Provide the Secure Shell (SSH) port number on the managed
Linux system. The default value for the port number is 22.

Generate Trusted Key for Linux Select this option to generate a trusted device key for
communicating with devices. This option is disabled by default.

NOTE: The first time that OpenManage Essentials

communicates with a managed device with Linux
operating system, a key is generated and stored on both
the devices. This key is generated per device and
enables a trust relationship with the managed device.

Task Target

Select a query Select a query from the drop-down list. To create a new query,
click New.

Select the server(s) for this task target Select the severs to which you want to assign this task.

Enable All Select to override the device capability and allow all the
available devices for selection as task targets.

Schedule and Credentials

Set schedule Select from these options:

• Activate Schedule—Select this option to activate a
schedule for the task.
• Run now—Select this option to run the task immediately.
• Set schedule—Select this option to set a date and time for
the task to run.
• Run Once—Select this option to run the task on the
planned schedule only once.
• Periodic—Select this option to run the task frequently at
specified intervals.

– Hourly—Select this option to run the task once every

– Daily—To run the task once every day.
– Weekly—To run the task once every week.
– Monthly—To run the task once every month.

Range of Recurrence:
• Start—To specify the date and time at which the task
should begin.
• No End Date—To continuously run this task based on the
selected frequency. For example, if you selected Hourly,
then this task continuously runs every hour from the start
• End By—To stop the task at the specified date and time.

Enter credentials of the remote target(s) User Name—Provide in the format domain\user name or local
host\user name.

Field Description
Password—Provide the password.

Related links
Command Line Task
Managing Command Line Task
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task

Generic Command
Table 233. Generic Command

Field Description
Task Name Enter a name for the task. By default, the task name is
populated in the format:
<task name>-<date and time>.

Command Provide the fully qualified path name and file name of the
executable, command, or script file that launches the application
program. For example:
• Tracert
• C:\scripts\trace.bat
• D:\exe\recite.exe

Arguments Enter command line switches to a command or executable or

pass values to a script or batch file. For example, -4 $IP. If this
argument is passed to tracert command, it executes IPV4 only
Traceroute against the IPs of servers selected in Task Target
tab. The command run would be tracert -4

For more information, see About Tokens.

Ping Device This option performs a ping test to verify if a device is reachable
before it runs a task against it. This option can be used when
using $IP or $RAC_IP and it decreases the time it takes to run
the task(s) as it skips unreachable devices.
Output to file Select to enable output to a log file. This option captures
standard output from the running application and writes it to
the log file. If you select this option, you must enter the path
name and file name of the log file. This option is disabled by

Append Select this option to continue writing to the same file if you run
a task multiple times.

Include errors Select to write all OpenManage Essentials-detected errors to

the log file. For example, if no response is received to a ping
request before the execution of the command, an error is
written to the log file.

Schedule and Credentials

Set schedule Select from these options:

• Activate Schedule — Select this option to activate a
schedule for the task.

Field Description
• Run now — Select this option to run the task immediately.
• Set schedule — Select this option to set a date and time
for the task to run.
• Run Once — Select this option to run the task on the
planned schedule only once.
• Periodic — Select this option to run the task frequently at
specified intervals.

– Hourly — Select this option to run the task once

every hour.
– Daily — To run the task once every day.
– Weekly — To run the task once every week.
– Monthly — To run the task once every month.

Range of Recurrence:
• Start — To specify the date and time at which the task
should begin.
• No End Date — To continuously run this task based on the
selected frequency. For example, if you selected Hourly,
then this task continuously runs every hour from the start
• End By — To stop the task at the specified date and time.

Enter the credentials with appropriate privileges to run this User Name — Provide OpenManage Essentials user credentials
task on this system in the format domain\user name or local host\user name.

Password — Provide the password.

Related links
Command Line Task
Managing Command Line Task
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task

IPMI Command
Table 234. IPMI Command

Field Description
Command Provide the IPMI command you want to run on selected targets.

Ping Device This option performs a ping test to verify if a device is reachable
before it runs a task against it. This option can be used when
using $IP or $RAC_IP and it decreases the time it takes to run
the task(s) as it skips unreachable devices.

Output to file Select to enable output to a log file. This option captures
standard output from the running application and writes it to the
log file. If you select this option, enter the path name and file
name of the log file. This option is disabled by default.

Append Select to append output from the completed command to the

specified file. If the file does not exist, it is created.

Include errors Select to write all OpenManage Essentials-detected errors to

the log file. For example, if no response is received to a ping

Field Description
request before the execution of the command, an error is
written to the log file.

Task Target

Select a query Select a query from the drop-down list. To create a new query,
click New.

Select server(s) for this task to target Select the severs to which you want to assign this task.

Enable All Select to override the device capability and allow all the available
devices for selection as task targets.

Schedule and Credentials

Set schedule Select from these options:

• Activate Schedule — Select this option to activate a
schedule for the task.
• Run now — Select this option to run the task immediately.
• Set schedule — Select this option to set a date and time for
the task to run.
• Run Once — Select this option to run the task on the
planned schedule only once.
• Periodic — Select this option to run the task frequently at
specified intervals.

– Hourly — Select this option to run the task once every

– Daily — To run the task once every day. Weekly — To
run the task once every week.
– Monthly — To run the task once every month.

Range of Recurrence:
• Start — To specify the date and time at which the task
should begin.
• No End Date — To continuously run this task based on the
selected frequency. For example, if you selected Hourly, then
this task continuously runs every hour from the start time.
• End By — To stop the task at the specified date and time.

Enter Remote Access Controller credentials for target(s)

User Name The RACADM task requires IPMI credentials. Provide IPMI
credentials to run the task.

Password Provide the password.

KG key Enter the KG key value. DRAC also supports IPMI KG key value.
Each BMC or DRAC is configured to require an access key in
addition to user credentials.

NOTE: The KG key is a public key that is used to

generate an encryption key for use between the
firmware and the application. The KG key value is an
even number of hexadecimal characters.

Related links
Command Line Task
Managing Command Line Task
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task

RACADM Command Line

Table 235. RACADM Command Line

Field Description
Command Provide the RACADM command you want to run on
the servers.

Ping Device This option performs a ping test to verify if a device is reachable
before it runs a task against it. This option can be used when
using $IP or $RAC_IP and it decreases the time it takes to run
the task(s) as it skips unreachable devices.

Output to file Select to enable output to a log file. This option captures
standard output from the running application and writes it to
the log file. If you select this option, you must enter the path
name and file name of the log file. This option is disabled by

Append Select to append output from the completed command to the

specified file. If the file does not exist, it is created.

Include errors Select to write all OpenManage Essentials-detected errors to

the log file. For example, if no response is received to a ping
request before the execution of the command, an error is
written to the log file.

Task Target

Select a query Select a query from the drop-down list. To create a new query,
click New.

Select the server(s) for this task to target Select the severs to which you want to assign this task.

Enable All Select to override the device capability and allow all the
available devices for selection as task targets.

Schedule and Credentials

Set schedule Select from these options:

• Activate Schedule — Select this option to activate a
schedule for the task.
• Run now — Select this option to run the task immediately.
• Set schedule — Select this option to set a date and time
for the task to run.
• Run Once — Select this option to run the task on the
planned schedule only once.
• Periodic — Select this option to run the task frequently at
specified intervals.

– Hourly — Select this option to run the task once every


Field Description
– Daily — To run the task once every day.
– Weekly — To run the task once every week.
– Monthly — To run the task once every month.

Range of Recurrence:
• Start — To specify the date and time at which the task
should begin.
• No End Date — To continuously run this task based on the
selected frequency. For example, if you selected Hourly,
then this task continuously runs every hour from the start
• End By — To stop the task at the specified date and time.

Enter Remote Access Controller credentials for target(s) User Name — The RACADM task requires IPMI credentials.
Provide IPMI credentials to run the task.

Password — Provide the password.

Related links
Command Line Task
Managing Command Line Task
Using the Sample - Server XML Configuration Command Line Task

Firmware and Driver Inventory Collection Task

Select this option to collect firmware and driver inventory information from a server that does not have Dell OpenManage Server
Administrator installed.

Table 236. Firmware and Driver Inventory Collection Task

Field Description

Task Name Provide a name for the inventory collection task.

Filter devices based on operating system Select to filter devices to be displayed in the Task Target based
on the selected operating system.

Select the Operating System Select from the following options:

• Windows
• Linux

64–bit System Select this option if the target server is running a 64-bit
operating system.

Show OMSA based targets Select to display devices from which inventory is currently
gathered through OMSA in the Task Target tab.

Future Software Inventory Data Controlled by: Select from the following options:
• OMSA based inventory — Select to use OMSA to gather
inventory information from the target devices.
• F/W and Driver task based inventory — Select to use the
inventory collector component to gather inventory
information from the target devices.

Field Description
Task Target

Select a query Select a query from the drop-down list. To create a new query,
click New.

Select the servers(s) for this task to target Select the servers you want to assign the task.

Schedule and Credentials

Set schedule Select from these options:

• Activate Schedule — Select this option to activate a
schedule for the task.
• Run now — Select this option to run the task immediately.
• Set schedule — Select this option to set a date and time to
run the task.
• Run Once — Select this option tot run the task on the
planned schedule only once.
• Periodic — Select this option to run the task frequently at
specified intervals:

– Hourly — Select this option to run the task once every

– Daily — Select this option to run the task once every
– Weekly — Select this option to run the task once every
– Monthly — Select this option to run the task once
every month.

Range of Recurrence:
• Start — To specify the date and time at which the task
should begin.
• No End Date — To continuously run this task based on the
selected frequency. For example, if you selected Hourly,
then this task continuously runs every hour from the start
• End By — To stop the task at the specified date and time.

Enter credentials of the remote targets User Name — Provide in the format domain\user name or local
host\user name.

Password — Provide the password.

Related links
Collecting Firmware and Driver Inventory

Managing Security Settings
Using Security Roles and Permissions
OpenManage Essentials provides security through role-based access control (RBAC), authentication, and encryption. RBAC
manages security by determining the operations run by persons in particular roles. Each user is assigned one or more roles, and each
role is assigned one or more user rights that are permitted to users in that role. With RBAC, security administration corresponds
closely to an organization's structure.

OpenManage Essentials roles and associated permissions are as follows:

• OmeUsers have limited access and rights and can perform read-only operations in OpenManage Essentials. They can log in to
the console, run discovery and inventory tasks, view settings, and acknowledge events. The Windows Users group is a member
of this group.
• OmeAdministrators have full access to all the operations within OpenManage Essentials. Windows Administrators group is
member of this group.
• OmeSiteAdministrators have full access to all the operations within OpenManage Essentials with the following rights and

– Can only create custom device groups under All Devices in the device tree. They can create remote or system update tasks
on the custom device groups only after the custom device groups are assigned to them by the OmeAdministrators.

* Cannot edit custom device groups.

* Can delete custom device groups.
– Can create remote and system update tasks on only the device groups assigned to them by the OmeAdministrators.
– Can only run and delete remote and system update tasks that they have created.

* Cannot edit remote tasks, including activating or deactivating the task schedule.
* Cannot clone remote or system update tasks.
* Can delete tasks they have created.
– Can delete devices.
– Cannot edit or target device queries.
– Cannot edit or access the Device Group Permissions portal.
– Cannot create remote and system update tasks based on a device query.
– Can create compute pools with devices to which they have permissions.
– Can perform bare metal and stateless deployments with devices to which they have permissions.
– Can only edit, rename, unlock, and delete compute pools to which they have permissions.
– Can only replace a server within a compute pool to which they have permission.
– Can only reclaim identities from devices included in the compute pool to which they have permission.

NOTE: Any changes made to the role or device group permissions of a user are effective only after the user logs out
and logs in again.
• OmePowerUsers have the same rights as OmeAdministraors except that they cannot edit preferences.

Microsoft Windows Authentication
For supported Windows operating systems, OpenManage Essentials authentication is based on the operating system's user
authentication system using Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM v1 and NTLM v2) modules. For the network, this underlying
authentication system allows you to incorporate OpenManage Essentials security in an overall security scheme.

Assigning User Rights

You do not have to assign user rights to OpenManage Essentials users before installing OpenManage Essentials. The following
procedures provide step-by-step instructions for creating OpenManage Essentials users and assigning user rights for Windows
operating system.
NOTE: Log in with administrator rights to perform these procedures.

NOTE: For questions about creating users and assigning user group rights or for more detailed instructions, see the
operating system documentation.

1. From Windows desktop, click Start → All Programs → Administrative Tools → Computer Management.
2. In the console tree, expand Local Users and Groups, and click Groups.
3. Double-click either the OmeAdministrators, OMEPowerUsers, or OmeUsers group to add the new user.
4. Click Add and type the user name that you are adding. Click Check Names to validate and then click OK.
New users can log on to OpenManage Essentials with the user rights for their assigned group.

Using Custom SSL Certificates (Optional)

OpenManage Essentials default settings ensure that a secure communication is established within your environment. However,
some users may prefer to utilize their own SSL certificate for encryption.
To create a new domain certificate:

1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager by clicking Start → All Programs → Administrative Tools → Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Expand the <server name> and click Server Certificates → Sites.
3. Click Create Domain Certificate and enter the required information.
NOTE: All systems display a certificate error until the domain administrator has published the certificate to the

Configuring IIS Services

To use a custom SSL certificate, you must configure IIS Services on the system where OpenManage Essentials is installed.

1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager by clicking Start → All Programs → Administrative Tools → Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Expand the <server name> → Sites.
3. Right-click DellSystemEssentials and select Edit Bindings.
4. In Site Bindings, select the https binding and click Edit.
5. In Edit Site Binding, from the SSL certificate drop-down list select your custom SSL certificate and click OK.

Supported Protocols and Ports in OpenManage Essentials

NOTE: For more information about ports and protocols, visit DellTechCenter.com/OME.

Supported Protocols and Ports on Management Stations
Table 237. Supported Protocols and Ports on Management Stations

Port Number Protocol Port Type Maximum Direction Usage

Encryption Level
21 FTP TCP None In/Out Access ftp.dell.com
25 SMTP TCP None In/Out Optional e-mail alert action
162 SNMP UDP None In Event reception through SNMP
445 SMB TCP None In/Out Server configuration and deployment
1278 HTTP TCP None In/Out Web GUI; downloading packages to Dell
Lifecycle Controller
1279 Proprietary TCP None In/Out Scheduling tasks
1433 Proprietary TCP None In/Out Optional remote SQL Server access
2606 Proprietary TCP None In/Out Network monitoring
2607 HTTPS TCP 128-bit SSL In/Out Web GUI

Supported Protocols and Ports on Managed Nodes

Table 238. Supported Protocols and Ports on Managed Nodes

Port Protocol Port Maximum Direction Usage

Number Type Encryption Level
22 SSH TCP 128 bit In/Out Contextual application launch — SSH client
Remote software updates to Server
Administrator—for systems supporting Linux
operating systems Performance monitoring in
Linux systems.
80 HTTP TCP None In/Out Contextual application launch — Dell Networking
135 RPC TCP None In/Out Event reception through CIM from Server
Administrator — for systems supporting
Windows operating systems.
Remote software update transfer to Server
Administrator—for systems supporting Windows
operating systems Remote Command Line— for
systems supporting Windows operating systems.

161 SNMP UDP None In/Out SNMP query management.

623 RMCP UDP None In/Out IPMI access through LAN.
1311 HTTPS TCP In/Out Contextual application launch — OMSA.
1443 Proprietary TCP None In/Out Optional remote SQL Server access.
443 Proprietary/ TCP None In/Out EMC storage, iDRAC6, iDRAC7, and iDRAC8
WSMAN discovery and inventory.
2463 Proprietary TCP None From Discovery and inventory of PowerVault MD
OpenManage storage array
Essentials to the
managed node

Port Protocol Port Maximum Direction Usage
Number Type Encryption Level
3389 RDP TCP 128-bit SSL In/Out Contextual application launch — Remote desktop
to Windows terminal services.
5900–5901 Proprietary TCP None In/Out iDRAC virtual media service.
5900–5901 Proprietary TCP None In/Out iDRAC console redirection.
6389 Proprietary TCP None In/Out Enables communication between a host system
(through NaviCLI/NaviSec CLI or Navisphere
host agent) and a Navisphere Array Agent on a
Storage system.

Firewall Rules
The following sections provide information about the protocols and ports used in communication between various components.

NOTE: For more information on the restricted network access, see the OpenManage Essentials ports white paper at

Dell OpenManage Essentials

Table 239. Dell OpenManage Essentials

To Protocol Port Port Number Description

ftp.dell.com FTP TCP 20, 21 OpenManage Essentials or Dell Repository
Manager — BIOS or firmware bundles
UDP 20


api.dell.com HTTPS_REST_SSL TCP 443 OpenManage Essentials or Dell SupportAssist

— Support case integration

SMTP server SMTP TCP 25 Email notification

DNS SERVER DNS TCP 53 Domain name resolution

UDP 53

CMC HTTPS_WSMAN TCP 443 Web service management of CMC

CMC HTTP TCP 80 Web access to CMC

CMC SSH TCP 22 Remote CLI to CMC


CMC SNMP UDP 161 SNMP management

DRAC or Lifecycle HTTPS_WSMAN TCP 443 Web service management of DRAC and
Controller Lifecycle Controller

DRAC or Lifecycle HTTP TCP 80 Web access to DRAC


DRAC or Lifecycle SSH TCP 22 Remote CLI to DRAC


To Protocol Port Port Number Description
DRAC or Lifecycle SNMP UDP 161 SNMP management

DRAC or Lifecycle IPMI UDP 623 IPMI access through LAN


OMSA HTTPS_OMSA TCP 1311 Management integration with OMSA

OMSA (ESXi) HTTPS_WSMAN TCP 443 Web service management of ESXi (OMSA)

OMSA (ESXi) HTTP TCP 80 ESXi web management

OMSA (ESXi) SSH TCP 22 ESXi SSH management (CLI)

OMSA (ESXi) SNMP UDP 161 SNMP management

OMSA (Linux) SNMP UDP 161 SNMP management

OMSA (Windows) SNMP UDP 161 SNMP management

OMSA (Windows) RPC_CIM TCP 135 Remote Procedure Call — Common

Information Model

Administrator Management Station

Table 240. Administrator Management Station

To Protocol Port Port Number Description

OpenManage Essentials OME_WEB_GUI_HTTP TCP 1278 Access the OpenManage Essentials web GUI

OpenManage Essentials OME_WEB_GUI_HTTPS TCP 2607 Access the OpenManage Essentials web GUI

OpenManage Essentials RDP TCP 3389 Access to OpenManage Essentials remote


OMSA HTTPS_OMSA TCP 1311 Access to OMSA web management

CMC HTTPS_WSMAN TCP 443 Access to web service management of CMC

CMC HTTP TCP 80 Access to web management of CMC

CMC SSH TCP 22 Remote CLI to CMC


DRAC HTTPS_WSMAN TCP 443 Access to web service management of DRAC

DRAC HTTP TCP 80 Access to web of DRAC



DRAC IPMI UDP 623 IPMI access through LAN

OMSA (ESXi) HTTPS_WSMAN TCP 443 Access to web service management of ESXi

OMSA (ESXi) HTTP TCP 80 ESXi web management

To Protocol Port Port Number Description
OMSA (ESXi) SSH TCP 22 ESXi SSH management (CLI)

DNS SERVER DNS TCP 53 Domain Name Resolution

UDP 53

DRAC VIRTUAL_MEDIA TCP 5900-5901 TCP 5900-5901

DRAC VIRTUAL_CONSOLE TCP 5900-5901 TCP 5900-5901

Dell Chassis Management Controller

Table 241. Dell Chassis Management Controller

To Protocol Port Port Number Description

DNS SERVER DNS TCP 53 Domain name resolution

UDP 53

SYSLOG SERVER SYSLOG UDP 514 Central log into syslog

SMTP SERVER SMTP TCP 25 Email notification

OpenManage Essentials SNMP_TRAPS UDP 162 SNMP notification

Dell Remote Access Controller

Table 242. Dell Remote Access Controller

To Protocol Port Port Number Description

DNS SERVER DNS TCP 53 Domain Name Resolution

UDP 53

SYSLOG SERVER SYSLOG UDP 514 Central log into syslog

SMTP SERVER SMTP TCP 25 Email Notification

OpenManage Essentials SNMP_TRAPS UDP 162 SNMP Notifications

OpenManage Essentials OME_PACKAGE_SRV_H TCP 1278 Download firmware package from

TTP OpenManage Essentials to Lifecycle Controller

Dell OpenManage Server Administrator

Table 243. Dell OpenManage Server Administrator

To Protocol Port Port Number Description

DNS SERVER DNS TCP 53 Domain Name Resolution

UDP 53

SMTP SERVER SMTP TCP 25 Email notification

OpenManage SNMP_TRAPS UDP 162 SNMP notifications


Dell OpenManage Framework
The following illustration provides an overview of the network connections between various components.

Figure 35. Network Connections

OpenManage Essentials Troubleshooting Tool
The OpenManage Essentials troubleshooting tool is a standalone tool that installs along with OpenManage Essentials. You can use
the troubleshooting tool for a wide array of protocol related problems that are often at the root of discovery and alert issues.

This tool provides the following protocol-specific diagnostics to identify the problem with the remote node:

• Database—Fetches all the user defined databases present on the remote box.
• Dell|EMC—Verifies the connection to the Dell|EMC storage devices.
• ICMP—Verifies whether you can ping the remote device from the local box.
• IPMI—Verifies the IPMI protocol to connect to BMC/iDRAC.
• Name Resolution—Verifies whether you can get the resolved name from the local box.
• OpenManage Server Administrator Remote Enablement—This test helps you to verify that Dell OpenManage Server
Administrator's remote enablement feature is working on the managed node (Dell OpenManage Server administrator installed
with the remote enablement component). This tool behaves like a Server Administrator Distributed Web server (DWS) and
connects to Server Administrator managed node instrumentation agent using the WSMAN protocol.
To connect successfully, the Managed Node must have OpenManage Server Administrator installed with the Remote
Enablement feature working.
• Port—Verifies whether managed node is listening to the specified port. You can specify 1-65,535 port numbers.
• PowerVault Modular Disk Arrays—Verifies that PowerVault modular disk storage array protocol is used to connect to
PowerVault Storage devices.
• Services—Uses SNMP protocol to fetch the running services on the managed node.
• SNMP—Verifies SNMP connection to the remote node, using the required SNMP community string, retries, and time out. First
it tries to connect to MIB-II agent and then various other agents to find out the type of device. Troubleshooting Tool also
gathers other agent specific information from that device.
• SSH—Verifies that the SSH protocol is used to connect to managed node.
• WMI—Verifies WMI/CIM connection to the remote node. Default retries and time out values are used internally.
• WSMAN—Attempts to connect to WSMAN client on the remote node. Use this test to verify connectivity problems with
iDRAC, ESX, and other devices, which support WSMAN specification. This test will connect to such devices and will also list the
exposed WSMAN profiles enabled on the remote device.

Troubleshooting Procedures
Troubleshooting Inventory
Inventoried Linux servers are listed under Non-Inventoried systems, numerous retries does not resolve this.
To resolve this issue for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 10 and version 11 installed servers:

1. Mount the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD (version 6.5 or later) on the Linux server.
2. Install srvadmin-cm rpm.
3. Restart OpenManage Server Administrator 6.5.
4. Make sure the OpenManage Server Administrator inventory collector is working from the location /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/
invcol, run /invcol -outc=/home/inv.xml.
5. Perform server inventory.

Troubleshooting Device Discovery
If a device discovery is not successful, perform the following steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem:

1. If the device assigned for discovery is a Dell PowerEdge system, ensure that Dell OpenManage Server Administrator is installed
on it.
2. To discover Windows devices successfully, configure the SNMP services appropriately. For detailed information on configuring
SNMP services on Windows, see Configuring SNMP Services on Windows.
3. To discover Linux devices successfully, configure the SNMP services appropriately. For detailed information on configuring
SNMP services on Linux, see Configuring SNMP Services on Linux.
4. After configuring the SNMP services, verify whether the SNMP services are responding correctly.
5. If the device assigned for discovery is Microsoft Windows and you want to use WMI, ensure that the user name and password
used in the WMI credentials has the local administrator permissions on the machine that you want to discover. You can use the
Microsoft wbemtest utility to ensure that WMI connectivity to the Windows Server is correct.
6. If the device assigned for discovery is a non-server network device, such as a printer, Dell Networking Ethernet switch, and so
on, ensure that SNMP is enabled on the device. You can do this by accessing the Web interface for a device.

Configuring SNMP Services on Windows

1. Open a command run prompt and type services.msc to open the Services MMC.
2. Right-click SNMP Service and select Properties. If you cannot locate SNMP Service, you need to install it using Add/Remove
Windows Components.
3. Click Security and ensure that Accept SNMP packets from any host is selected.
4. Under Accepted Community Names, ensure that public (or a community string of your choice) is set. If not set by default,
click Add, and type a community string in Community Name. Also select community rights as READ ONLY or READ WRITE.
5. Click Traps and ensure that the community string field has a valid name.
6. In Trap destination, click Add and enter the Open Manage Essential Console IP address.
7. Start the service.

Configuring SNMP Services on Linux

1. Run the command rpm -qa | grep snmp, and ensure that the net-snmp package is installed.
2. Run cd /etc/snmp to navigate to the snmp directory.
3. Open snmpd.conf in the VI editor (vi snmpd.conf).
4. Search snmpd.conf for # group context sec.model sec.level prefix read write notif and ensure that the values for fields read,
write, and notif are set to all.
5. At the end of the snmpd.conf file, just before Further Information, enter the Open Manage Essentials Console IP address in the
following format:trapsink <OPEN MANAGE ESSENTIALS CONSOLE IP> <community string> For example,
trapsink public.
6. Start the SNMP services (service snmpd restart).

Troubleshooting Receiving SNMP Traps

If you encounter a problem receiving SNMP traps, perform the following steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem:

1. Check for network connectivity between the two systems. You can do this by pinging one system from another using the ping
<IP address> command.
2. Check the SNMP configuration on the managed node. Ensure that you have specified the OpenManage Essential console IP
address and the community string name in the SNMP services of the managed node.
For information on setting SNMP on a Windows system, see Configuring SNMP Services on Windows.

For information on setting SNMP on a Linux system, see Configuring SNMP Services on Linux.
3. Ensure that the SNMP Trap service services are running in the Open Manage Essentials system.
4. Check firewall settings to allow UDP 161, 162 ports.

Troubleshooting Discovery of Windows Server 2008–Based Servers
You also have to allow the server discovery. By default, the option is disabled in Windows Server 2008.

1. Click Start → Control Panel → Network and Internet → Network and Sharing Center → Advanced Sharing Setting.
2. Choose the drop-down arrow for the applicable network profile (Home or Work / Public) and under Network Discovery, select
Turn on network discovery.

Troubleshooting SNMP Traps for ESX or ESXi Versions 3.5, 4.x, or 5.0
Details: To generate virtual machine and environmental traps from ESX or ESXi 3.5 or 4.x hosts, configure and enable the
embedded SNMP agent. You cannot use the Net-SNMP-based agent to generate these traps, although it can receive GET
transactions and generate other types of traps.

This represents a change in behavior from ESX 3.0.x, in which the configuration file for the Net-SNMP-based agent controlled the
generation of virtual machine traps

Solution: Use the vicfg-snmp command from the Remote CLI or vSphere CLI to enable the SNMP agent and configure trap
destinations. Each time you specify a target with the vicfg-snmp command, the settings you specify overwrite all previously
specified settings. To specify multiple targets, specify them in a single command, separated by commas.

Troubleshooting Problems With Microsoft Internet Explorer

Follow the instructions in this section if you are experiencing any of the following:

• Unable to open OpenManage Essentials using Internet Explorer.

• Internet Explorer displays certificate errors.
• Internet Explorer displays a message to approve the certificate.
• Unable to browse the file system to deploy Server Administrator and system update.
• Unable to display the Device tree for devices.
• Unable to install active components.

1. Open OpenManage Essentials on the client server using Internet Explorer.

2. Click Tools → Internet Options → Security.
3. Select Local intranet and click Sites.
4. Click Advanced.
5. Type the fully qualified name of the server where OpenManage Essentials is installed.
6. Click Add.
If the issue persists, there may be an issue with the DNS server resolving the name of the OpenManage Essentials server. See
Resolving DNS Server Issues.
If a certificate error is displayed:
• Contact your system administrator to add the OpenManage Essentials certificate published to the ‘Trusted Root Certificate
Authorities’ and Trusted Publishers’ on domain systems.
• Add the OpenManage Essentials certificate to your ‘Trusted Root Certificate Authorities’ and ‘Trusted Publishers’
certificate stores using Internet Explorer.

Resolving DNS Server Issues

To resolve DNS server issues:

1. Contact your system administrator and add the name of the system running OpenManage Essentials to the DNS server.
2. Edit your host file to resolve the IP of the system running OpenManage Essentials. The host file is located at %windir%
3. Add the IP of the system running OpenManage Essentials to the Local intranet sites in Internet Explorer.

NOTE: You cannot remove the certificate errors unless you use the fully qualified name of the server running
OpenManage Essentials.

Troubleshooting Map View

Question: Why is the Map View feature not available?

Answer: The Map View feature is available only if you have discovered any Dell PowerEdge VRTX CMC or PowerEdge FX2/FX2s
devices with an Enterprise license, using the WS-Man protocol. If the device with an Enterprise license is discovered using the
SNMP protocol, the Map View feature is not available. Rediscovering the device using the WS-Man protocol is required, if the Map
View tab is not displayed in the device details portal for a licensed device.

Question: Why am I unable to add a particular device on the map?

Answer: Only PowerEdge VRTX and PowerEdge FX2/FX2s devices with an Enterprise license can be added to the map.

Question: The map does not load with the MapQuest or Bing map provider. What should I do?

Answer: This indicates a problem with the Internet connectivity.

• Verify if you are able to connect to the Internet through the browser.
• If the system connects to the Internet through the proxy:

– For MapQuest map provider — Configure the proxy settings in the OpenManage Essentials Settings → General Settings
– For Bing map provider — Verify if you configured the proxy server settings in Internet Explorer.
• Verify if you are able to access the MapQuest website.

Question: Why is the map loading slowly?

Answer: The map may load slowly as it requires more network bandwidth and graphic processing capability compared to normal
browsing. Constant zooming and panning on the map may also slow the loading of the map.

Question: Why I am unable to locate an address using the search bar or Edit Device Locations dialog box?

Answer: There may be a problem with your Internet connection or the map provider may not be able to resolve the address.

• Verify if the valid map provider key is entered in the Map Settings.
• Verify if you are able to connect to the Internet through the browser.
• If the system connects to the Internet through the proxy:

– For MapQuest map provider — Configure the proxy settings in the OpenManage Essentials Settings → General Settings
– For Bing map provider — Verify if you configured the proxy server settings in Internet Explorer.
• Try to provide a variation of the address you provided. You can try providing a complete address. Abbreviations such as state,
country, airport code, may have an unexpected result.

Question: Why cannot I use one map provider on the Home portal and another on the Devices portal?

Answer: The Map View available through the Home portal and the Devices portal are synchronized. Changes to the Settings or
device locations on the Map View are affected on both the portals.

Question: How can I enhance the Map View experience?

Answer: Improving the network bandwidth accelerates the loading of the map. A more powerful graphic card enables faster
zooming and panning capability. When using the MapQuest provider, the map is rendered better if OpenManage Essentials is
launched on the management server.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How do I install OpenManage Essentials using a remote SQL database named instance?

Answer: To connect remotely, the SQL Server with named instances requires a running SQL Server Browser service.

Question: Will OpenManage Essentials support Microsoft SQL Server Evaluation edition?

Answer: No, SQL Server Evaluation edition is not supported.

Question: What are the minimum login roles for SQL Server?

Answer: See Minimum Login Roles for Microsoft SQL Server and Terms and Conditions for Using Relational Database Management

Question: When launching the OpenManage Essentials installer, an error message is displayed, stating a failure to load a specific
library (for example, failed to load OMIL32.DLL), a denial of access, or an initialization error. What do I do?

Answer: This issue is most likely due to insufficient Component Object Model (COM) permissions on the system. To remedy this
situation, see support.installshield.com/kb/view.asp?articleid=Q104986. The OpenManage Essentials installer may also fail if a
previous installation of systems management software or some other software product was unsuccessful. Delete the following
temporary windows installer registry, if present: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress.

Question: What troubleshooting can I do for the following error message:

Https error 503. The service is unavailable ?

Answer: To resolve this issue, perform an IIS reset and launch OpenManage Essentials. To perform an IIS reset, launch the
command prompt and type iisreset. When an iisreset is done, all connections to the web server are reset. It also resets any
website hosted on the same OpenManage Essentials server.

Question: Why does an upgrade to the latest version of OpenManage Essentials fail in a large deployment scenario?

Answer: To resolve this issue, ensure that the system meets the minimum hardware requirements. For more information, see the
“Minimum Recommended Hardware” section in the Dell OpenManage Essentials User’s Guide at dell.com/openmanagemanuals.

Question: How do I upgrade to OpenManage Essentials version 2.1, when OpenManage Essentials version 1.1 is installed on a remote
database with SQL Server 2005?

Answer: Installation or upgrade of OpenManage Essentials version 2.1 is not supported on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (all editions)
either on a local or remote database. While upgrading from OpenManage Essentials version 1.1 installed with remote SQL Server
2005 to OpenManage Essentials version 2.1, the following message is displayed:

Dell OpenManage Essentials cannot be installed or upgraded on SQL Server versions prior to
SQL Server 2008. Refer to the FAQ for information on possible migration and additional

In this case, you can manually migrate the data from SQL Server 2005 and then upgrade to OpenManage Essentials version 2.1 as

1. Create a backup of the OpenManage Essentials version 1.1 database.

2. Migrate the OpenManage Essentials version 1.1 data from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, or 2012. For more
information, see the OpenManage Essentials Database re-target process instructions at http://en.community.dell.com/
3. Ensure that OpenManage Essentials version 1.1 can connect to migrated database and works as expected.
4. Launch the OpenManage Essentials version 2.1 installer to complete the upgrade.

NOTE: After upgrading to OpenManage Essentials version 2.1 with SQL Server 2012, the SQLEXPRESSOME instance is
created and data from OpenManage Essentials version 1.1 is migrated to OpenManage Essentials Version 2.1.

Question: After upgrading from OpenManage Essentials version 2.1 to version 2.2, duplication of the PowerVault MD Series storage
arrays is observed in the device tree. What should I do?

Answer: To eliminate the duplicate entries, ensure that you delete and rediscover the PowerVault MD Series storage arrays.

Question: What troubleshooting can I do if a software update task or remote task fails to create or run?

Answer: Ensure that the DSM Essentials Task Manager service is running in Windows services.

Question: When accessing OpenManage Essentials from a remote system, is it possible to create a remote task to deploy OMSA/
iDRAC Service Module on a target device using an OMSA/iDRAC Service Module package that is available on that particular remote

Answer: No. The remote task to deploy OMSA/iDRAC Service Module on a target device should be created by accessing
OpenManage Essentials from the server where OpenManage Essentials is installed/running.

Question: How do I use command line features while deploying OpenManage Server Administrator?

Answer: Unattended installation provides the following features:

• A set of optional command line settings to customize an unattended installation.

• Customization parameters to designate specific software features for installation.

Question: The ‘chassis power on’ IPMI command line task is unsuccessful. The following error is displayed: Unable to establish IPMI
v2/ RMCP+ session, Unable to set Chassis Power Control to Up/On. What can I do to resolve the error?

Answer: The error may occur if the iDRAC has either an issue or several tasks in queue. Try resetting the iDRAC and run the task

Optional Command Line Settings

The following table shows the optional settings available for the msiexec.exe MSI installer. Type the optional settings on the
command line after msiexec.exe with a space between each setting.

NOTE: See support.microsoft.com for full details about all the command line switches for the Windows Installer Tool.

Table 244. Command Line Settings for MSI Installer

Setting Result
/i <Package|Product Code> This command installs or configures a product.

Setting Result
/i SysMgmt.msi – Installs the Server Administrator software.

/i SysMgmt.msi /qn This command carries out a fresh installation of version 6.1.

/x <Package|Product Code> This command uninstalls a product.

/x SysMgmt.msi – Uninstalls the Server Administrator


/q[n|b|r|f] This command sets the user interface (UI) level.

/q or /qn – no UI. This option is used for silent and

unattended installation. /qb – basic UI. This option is used for
unattended but not silent installation. /qr – reduced UI. This
option is used for unattended installation while displaying a
modal dialog box showing install progress. /qf – full UI. This
option is used for standard attended installation.

/f[p|o|e|d|c|a|u|m|s|v]<Package|ProductCode> This command repairs a product.

/fp – This option reinstalls a product only if a file is missing.

/fo – This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or if an

older version of a file is installed.

/fe – This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or an

equal or older version of a file is installed.

/fd – This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or a

different version of a file is installed.

/fc – This option reinstalls a product if a file is missing or the

stored checksum value does not match the calculated value.

/fa – This option forces all files to reinstall.

/fu – This option rewrites all required user-specific registry


/fm – This option rewrites all required system-specific registry


/fs – This option overwrites all existing shortcuts.

/fv – This option runs from the source and re-caches the local
package. Do not use the /fv reinstall option for the first
installation of an application or feature.

INSTALLDIR=<path> This command installs a product to a specific location. If you

specify an install directory with this switch, it must be created
manually prior to executing the CLI install commands or they fail
with no error or message.

/i SysMgmt.msi INSTALLDIR=c:\OpenManage /qn – installs

a product to a specific location using c:\OpenManage as the
install location.

For example, running msiexec.exe /i SysMgmt.msi /qn installs Server Administrator features on each remote system based on the
system's hardware configuration. This installation is done silently and unattended.

Customization Parameters
REINSTALL and REMOVE customization CLI parameters provide a way to customize the exact software features to install,
reinstall, or uninstall when running silently or unattended. With the customization parameters, you can selectively install, reinstall, or
uninstall software features for different systems using the same unattended installation package. For example, you can choose to
install Server Administrator, but not Remote Access Controller service on a specific group of servers, and choose to install Server
Administrator, but not Storage Management Service, on another group of servers. You can also choose to uninstall one or multiple
features on a specific group of servers.

NOTE: Type the REINSTALL, and REMOVE CLI parameters in upper case, as they are case-sensitive.

NOTE: The software feature IDs mentioned in the following table are case-sensitive.

Table 245. Software Feature IDs

Feature ID Description
ALL All features

BRCM Broadcom NIC Agent

INTEL Intel NIC Agent

IWS Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Web Server

OMSM Server Administrator Storage Management Service

RmtMgmt Remote Enablement

RAC4 Remote Access Controller (DRAC 4)

RAC5 Remote Access Controller (DRAC 5)

iDRAC Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller

SA Server Administrator

NOTE: Only iDRAC6 is supported on xx1x systems.

You can include the REINSTALL customization parameter on the command line and assign the feature ID (or IDs) of the software
feature that you would like to reinstall. An example is:

msiexec.exe /i SysMgmt.msi REINSTALL=BRCM /qb.

This command runs the installation for Dell OpenManage Systems Management and reinstall only the Broadcom agent, in an
unattended but not silent mode.

You can include the REMOVE customization parameter on the command line and assign the feature ID (or IDs) of the software
feature that you would like to uninstall. For example:

msiexec.exe /i SysMgmt.msi REMOVE=BRCM /qb.

This command runs the installation for Dell OpenManage Systems Management and uninstalls only the Broadcom agent, in an
unattended but not silent mode.

You can also choose to install, reinstall, and uninstall features with one execution of the msiexec.exe program. For example:
msiexec.exe /i SysMgmt.msi REMOVE=BRCM /qb

This command runs the installation for managed system software, and uninstalls the Broadcom agent. This execution is in an
unattended but not silent mode.

NOTE: A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is 128 bits long, and the algorithm used to generate a GUID guarantees each
GUID to be unique. The product GUID uniquely identifies the application. In this case, the product GUID for Server
Administrator is {54C04D53-C3C3-46EA-A75F-7AFF4BEB727C}.

MSI Return Code

An application event log entry is recorded in the SysMgmt.log file. Table 3 shows some of the error codes returned by the
msiexec.exe Windows Installer Engine.

Table 246. Windows Installer Return Codes

Error Code Value Description

ERROR_SUCCESS 0 The action is completed successfully.

ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 87 One of the parameters was invalid.

ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT 1602 The user canceled the installation.

ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIR 3010 A restart is required to complete the

ED installation. This message is indicative of a
successful installation.

NOTE: See support.microsoft.com for full details on all the error codes returned by the msiexec.exe and InstMsi.exe
Windows installer functions.

E-mail Alert Action

Question: Why am I not receiving e-mails after setting up e-mail alert action?

Answer: If you have an Antivirus Client installed on the system, then configure it to allow e-mails.

Question: Why are SUSE Linux Enterprise and Red Hat Enterprise Linux based-servers not displayed in the Server category after I
have discovered it using SSH protocol?

Answer: The OpenManage Essentials SSH plugin uses sshlib2. sshlib2 fails to authenticate Linux servers which have disabled the
Authentication by password option. To enable the option:
1. Open the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config in edit mode and search for the key PasswordAuthentication.
2. Set the value to yes, and save the file.
3. Restart the sshd service /etc/init.d/sshd restart.
The servers are now displayed under the Server category in the Device tree.

Question: What troubleshooting can I do if a discovery task fails to create or run?

Answer: Ensure that the DSM Essentials Task Manager service is running in Windows services.

Question: Why are my ESX virtual machines not correlated with their ESX host server?

Answer: You must discover the ESXi host server using SNMP and WSMan or the guest virtual machine will not correlate correctly
when discovered using SNMP.

Question: Why are devices discovered with WMI getting classified as Unknown?

Answer: WMI discovery classifies a device as unknown when the credential for a user account in the Administrators group (not
Administrator) is supplied for the discovery range in some cases.

If you are seeing this issue, read the KB article at support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;951016 and apply the registry work as
described. This resolution applies to managed nodes with Windows Server 2008 R2.

Question: Why are Dell devices discovered using WS-Man with root CA certificate getting classified as Unknown?

Answer: There may be a problem with the root certificate you are using to discover the WS-Man target(s). For instructions to
discover and inventory WS-Man target(s) using a root CA certificate, see Discovering and Inventorying Dell Devices Using WS-Man
Protocol With a Root Certificate.

Question: What are SNMP authentication traps?

Answer: An authentication trap is sent when an SNMP agent is hit with an enquiry that contains a community name it does not
recognize. The community names are case-sensitive.

The traps are useful to find if someone is probing a system, although its better nowadays to just sniff packets and find out the
community name.

If you use multiple community names on the network, and some management might overlap, users may want to turn these off as
they become false positives (annoyances).

For more information, see technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc959663.aspx.

When an SNMP agent receives a request that does not contain a valid community name or the host that is sending the message is
not on the list of acceptable hosts, the agent can send an authentication trap message to one or more trap destinations
(management systems). The trap message indicates that the SNMP request failed authentication. This is a default setting.

Question: Why does OpenManage Essentials not support entering host names with underscore in the discovery wizard?

Answer: Per RFC 952, underscores are not valid in DNS names. A name (net, host, gateway, or domain name) is a text string up to
24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.). Periods are only allowed when they serve
to delimit components of domain style names.

For more information see,ietf.org/rfc/rfc952.txt and zytrax.com/books/dns/apa/names.html .

Question: What is On-demand?

Answer: On-demand is an operation where a managed system is checked for status/health by OpenManage Essentials when an
SNMP trap is received. There are no settings to be changed to enable the on-demand feature. However, the IP address of the
management system must be available in the trap destination of SNMP service. An SNMP trap is received from the managed
system when there is an issue or failure of a server component. These traps can be viewed under the alert logs.

Question: I have discovered the server with the SNMP protocol, but the RAC name of the iDRAC is not displayed in the device tree,
portals, and wizards.

Answer: RAC name is displayed only if you have discovered the iDRAC with the WS-Man protocol. Otherwise, the system name is
displayed instead of the RAC name.

Question: Why do devices that are already discovered disappear from the device tree during discovery?

Answer: This issue occurs when there are duplicate MAC addresses, which are typically observed with virtual devices that may have
MAC addresses that contain only 16 zeroes.

To resolve this issue:

1. Ensure that you are logged in to the operating system with administrative privileges.
NOTE: Ensure that you create a backup copy of the dconfig.ini file before you make any changes.

2. Open the dconfig.ini file available at SysMgt\Essentials\configuration.

3. Edit the PRIVATE_MAC_EXCLUDE_LIST line as follows:
4. Save the dconfig.ini file, and restart the OpenManage Essentials services.
Question: I discovered a PowerEdge FN IO Aggregator (IOA) with SNMP protocol. Why is the Service Tag of the FN IOA displayed
as N/A in the device inventory?

Answer: FN IOAs that were manufactured prior to February 1, 2016 do not have a Service Tag. Therefore, the Service Tag is
displayed as N/A.

Question: When trying to discover the Dell devices using WS-Man protocol, an error message is displayed, stating a failure to
connect with basic authentication. What do I do?

Answer: This issue is because, the authentication type Basic was not enabled on the OpenManage Essentials system. To enable the
Basic authentication type on OpenManage Essentials system, see the Authentication for Remote Connections knowledge base
article at Microsoft.com.

Below is the expected configuration for winrm to work:

>winrm get winrm/config/client


NetworkDelayms = 5000

URLPrefix = wsman

AllowUnencrypted = false


Basic = true

Digest = true

Kerberos = true

Negotiate = true

Certificate = true

CredSSP = false


HTTP = 5985

HTTPS = 5986


Question: I have discovered a Dell PowerEdge R830 server by using in-band method. OMSA version 8.3 is also installed on the
server. Why am I unable to view the software inventory information of the iDRAC and network cards such as Mellanox, QLogic, and

Answer: To get the software inventory information of the network cards, you must either discover the PowerEdge R830 server by
using out-of-band method or run the Firmware and Driver Inventory task for the server.

Question: Why is OpenManage Essentials unable to run discovery, inventory or status polling tasks for iDRACs or CMCs with the
WS-Man protocol?


1. Open the Troubleshooting Tool, and run the WS-Man test for the target devices.
2. If the test results specify that TLS 1.1 or 1.2 is enabled on the device, perform the following steps on the system where
OpenManage Essentials is installed:

a. Install the update available in KB3140245 at Microsoft.com to enable TLS protocols in winrm.
b. Set the default protocol as TLS 1.2 with a DWORD registry entry DefaultSecureProtocols in:
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet
• Set the value to 0x00000A00 for enabling TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.
c. Restart the system, and then retry the tasks in OpenManage Essentials.

Question: Why do the create template or apply template tasks fail for CMC?


1. Open the Troubleshooting Tool, and run the WS-Man test for the target devices.
2. If the test results specify that TLS 1.1 or 1.2 is enabled on the device, perform the following steps on the system where
OpenManage Essentials is installed:

a. To enable TLS in the web browser:

1. Click Start → Run, type inetcpl.cpl and press Enter.

2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. In the Security section, select Use TLS 1.0, Use TLS 1.1, and Use TLS 1.2.
b. To enable TLS for all user accounts:

1. Create a DWORD registry entry SecureProtocols in [HKLM]\Software\Microsoft\Windows

\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.
2. Set the value to 0xA80 to enable support for TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2.
c. Restart the system, and then retry the tasks in OpenManage Essentials.

Question: Why does the RACADM Command Line task fail on iDRACs or CMCs?


1. Open the Troubleshooting Tool, and run the WS-Man test for the target devices.
2. If the test results specify that TLS 1.1 or 1.2 is enabled on the device, perform the following steps on the system where
OpenManage Essentials is installed:

a. To enable TLS in the web browser:

1. Click Start → Run, type inetcpl.cpl and press Enter.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. In the Security section, select Use TLS 1.0, Use TLS 1.1, and Use TLS 1.2.
b. To enable TLS for all user accounts:

1. Create a DWORD registry entry SecureProtocols in [HKLM]\Software\Microsoft\Windows

\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.
2. Set the value to 0xA80 to enable support for TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2.
c. Restart the system, and then retry the tasks in OpenManage Essentials.

Question: After discovering two Fibre Channel switches that have the same device name and the Service Tag as none, only one
switch is displayed in the device tree. What should I do to ensure that both devices are displayed in the device tree?

Answer: Assign a unique name to both the switches and discover them again.

Question: What troubleshooting can I do if an inventory task fails to create or run?

Answer: Ensure that DSM Essentials Task Manager service is running in Windows services.

Question: The Software Inventory Information table displays multiple entries of "Base System Device Driver" after the Firmware &
Driver Inventory collection task or Discovery/Inventory. What should I do?

Answer: To resolve the issue, verify if the chipset driver is installed on the server. If the chipset driver is not installed, install the
latest chipset driver and then reboot the server. After rebooting the server, rediscover the server in OpenManage Essentials.

Question: I discovered a PowerEdge FX or FX2s chassis with firmware version 1.1 using the WS-Man protocol. The device is not
displayed in the System Update → Non-Compliant Systems tab. However, the Software Inventory table is not displayed. What
should I do?

Answer: Manually (outside of OpenManage Essentials) upgrade the PowerEdge FX or FX2s firmware to version 1.2 or later.

Question: An ESXi server is displayed under the System Update → Non-Inventoried Systems tab. I ran the inventory task from
the Non-Inventoried Systems tab, however, the device is still displayed under the Non-Inventoried Systems tab.

Answer: Inventory information of an ESXi server may not be retrieved if the host name of the server cannot be resolved to its IP
address. To resolve the issue:

1. Ping the host name of the server and verify the resulting IP address.
2. If the IP address is not the same as the IP address of the ESXi server, configure the IP address of the ESXi server correctly in
the DNS server.
3. Run the inventory again.

Question: A modular server with iDRAC6 discovered using WS-Man protocol with the default WS-Man Timeout and Retries values
is classified under the RAC device group. However, no inventory information is displayed. What should I do?

Answer: Verify the WS-Man Timeout setting used for discovery and ensure that the timeout value is within the 4 to 99 range.

Question: I discovered a few blade servers hosted within a chassis using the SNMP protocol. Later, I discovered the Dell chassis
and its components using the Chassis (CMC) Discovery – All Components filter of the Guided Wizard. I notice that the discovery
range group of the previously discovered blade servers has moved within the discovery range group of the chassis. However, the
blade servers that I had discovered earlier are still inventoried using the SNMP protocol. What should I do?

Answer: It is recommended that you either discover each blade server individually or discover the chassis and its components using
the Chassis (CMC) Discovery – All Components filter of the Guided Wizard. If you had discovered a few blade servers prior to
discovering the chassis using the Chassis (CMC) Discovery – All Components filter of the Guided Wizard, perform the following:

1. Edit the chassis discovery range group.

2. Select the Chassis (CMC) Discovery – All Components filter.
3. Provide the credentials of the chassis and the blade servers (iDRACs).
NOTE: Provide the iDRAC credentials only if the iDRAC credentials are not the same as the chassis credentials.

4. Save the changes.

5. Right-click the chassis range group and click Perform Discovery and Inventory Now.

The blade servers will use the WS-Man credentials during the next inventory cycle.

System Update
Question: As an OpenManage Essentials administrator (OMEAdmin), what do I do if I am unable to perform system updates on

Answer: To resolve this issue, perform one of the following steps:

• Add the OMEAdmin to the server administrator group.

• Reduce the user control settings by clicking Start → Control Panel → User Accounts → Change User Account Control

Question: What do I do if iDRAC does not download packages?

Answer: To resolve this issue, ensure that:

• The default website is enabled in IIS.

• The virtual folder (install_packages) is present and is pointing to the SystemUpdate folder.

The default website is enabled in IIS.

Question: What order are packages installed on a system?

Answer: Packages are applied in the following order:

1. Driver
2. Firmware
3. Firmware ES

Question: How do I configure Internet Explorer with Enhanced Security Configuration to ensure that OpenManage Essentials can
utilize all features that use resources from Dell online?

Answer: To ensure that these features work in the Dell Open Manage Essentials console on an environment with Internet Explorer
Enhanced Security Configuration enabled. The user needs to add *.dell.com to the Trusted sites zone.

Import Catalog and System Update require internet access when the user selects Dell Online as the source.

The warranty report also uses Dell online resources to retrieve information and also will not return data without it.

Question: What if IPMI is disabled after installing BMC Utility?

Answer: Try restarting DSM Essentials Network Monitor Service, DSM Essentials Task Manager service, and restart IIS.

Question: What is Omremote?

Answer: Omremote enables you to execute remote Server Administrator command line tasks (inband) and also helps you to deploy
Server Administrator on remote Dell servers. Omremote is an executable file that is located at C:\Program Files\Dell\SystMgt
\Essentials\bin folder. It uses WMI connection for the Windows-based devices and SSH for the Linux-based devices. Ensure that
the required ports are opened. Omremote commands require a Server Administrator supported operating system with the Server
administrator installed. To install/update Server administrator on the remote system, you must use an operating system preinstall

Question: A system update task for applying a firmware update on a hard drive that is inaccessible or degraded results in an error.
What can I do?

Answer: Follow the troubleshooting instructions in the "Physical Disk Failures and Rebuilds" section of the How to troubleshoot hard
drive and RAID controller errors on Dell PowerEdge 12G servers Dell Knowledge Base article, and then retry the system update task.

Question: When I applied an applicable Dell Update Package (DUP) on a device running a 32-bit Linux operating system, the
following message is displayed: This package does not support running on 32-bit operating systems. What could be the reason?

Answer: DUPs for Linux may include packages that are applicable for both 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems. OpenManage
Essentials displays both 64-bit and 32-bit packages as applicable packages, irrespective of the operating system of the target
device. Therefore, you may notice the message while applying 64-bit Linux update packages on devices running 32-bit Linux
operating systems.

Question: How do I load a Dell catalog for software update? Or What do I do when I get errors when trying to run software update


1. Download the catalog to the OpenManage Essentials system directly or use a System Update Utility DVD in the local system
2. Browse for catalog.xml file on the local system or DVD (not on a file share, it is possible to use a file share, but for
troubleshooting, do not use file share).
3. Now, create software update tasks. If tasks fail, more information is found in the task details.
4. Try setting all internet explorer security settings to LOW if tasks do not run.

Managing Device Configurations

Question: Why are unsupported device groups shown in the Device Configuration wizard?
Answer: All user created visible custom groups are shown in the device selection screen. A custom group may contain invalid
system groups for the given wizard. The invalid system groups can be ignored.

Question: If I filter the attributes and then save the device configuration template, will the template include only the filtered
Answer: No, the template will include all the attributes. Filtering the attributes does not have any effect on the attributes that are
saved. To remove the attributes from a template, clear the Deploy check boxes for the attributes, and then save the template.

Question: Why is a device that is already associate to the current template displayed in the device selection page?
Answer: The device selection page displays the all applicable devices including the device that is currently associated with the
template. You can ignore the currently associated device and select another device, if required.

Question: Why does the Data Sources table in the device inventory displays additional or duplicate information with an Unknown
health status for the same agent?

Answer: This issue may occur in the following scenarios:

• The Data Source information of the agent is no longer in use while connecting to OpenManage Essentials.
• The agent is unable to determine the health and connection status of the device.

• The agent is unreachable or unresponsive.

To resolve this issue, delete the device and discover the device again.

Device Group Permissions

Device Group Permissions Portal
Question: Can I add a user group to the OmeSiteAdministrators role?

Answer: Yes, you can add a user group to the OmeSiteAdministrators role.

Question: Can I add an OmeAdministrator to the OmeSiteAdministrators role?

Answer: Yes, you can add an OmeAdministrator to the OmeSiteAdministrators role. The user will have all the rights of the
OmeAdministrator. However, to effectively manage device group permissions, it is recommended that a member of the
OmeSiteAdministrators role is removed from the OmeAdministrators and OmePowerUsers roles.

Question: Can I add a user who has not logged on to OpenManage Essentials to the OmeSiteAdministrators role?

Answer: Yes, you can use the Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators wizard to add a user who has not logged on to
OpenManage Essentials to the OmeSiteAdministrators role.

Question: What happens if a OmePowerUser is added to the OmeSiteAdministrators role?

Answer: Roles and permissions are additive. The user will not have all of (but retain some of) the restrictions of a
OmeSiteAdministrator. The user will be able to perform edit actions that the OmeSiteAdministrator was not able to perform. Target
security cannot be guaranteed for this type of user (they can edit device groups assigned to them).

Question: Can I promote an OmeSiteAdministrator to an OmeAdministrator?

Answer: Yes, the user will have all rights and will be able to target all devices. It is suggested, but not required, to remove the user
from the OmeSiteAdministrators role before adding the user to the OmeAdministrators role.

Question: How do I add a current OmeAdministrator to the OmeSiteAdministrators role?


1. Remove the user from the OmeAdministrators Windows user group.

2. In the Device Group Permissions portal, use the Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators option to select and add the user
to the OmeSiteAdministrators role.
3. When the user logs in again, the user will be an OmeSiteAdministrator.

Question: A user is removed from the OmeAdministrators role and then added to the OmeSiteAdministrators role. What happens
to the tasks that were created while the user was an OmeAdministrator?

Answer: The task created when the user was an OmeAdministrator can still be executed on the targets selected at the time of task

Remote and System Update Tasks

Question: What happens to the task target for a remote task if the OmeSiteAdministrators device group permissions change?

Answer: The task targets of a remote task are not affected by changes to device group permissions. Remote tasks that were
created earlier may have task targets that the OmeSiteAdministrator is not assigned to.

Question: What must an OmeSiteAdministrator do to edit a task?

Answer: If the OmeSiteAdministrator is the owner of the task, the OmeSiteAdministrator must delete the existing task and create a
new task.

Question: Can an OmeSiteAdministrator re-run a task?

Answer: Yes, A task can be re-run if the task was created earlier by the OmeSiteAdministrator.

Question: Can an OmeSiteAdministrator re-run a task after the user name of the OmeSiteAdministrator is changed?

Answer: No, the OmeSiteAdministrator must re-create the tasks if the user name is changed.

Question: Can two OmeSiteAdministrators assigned to the same custom device group, use the tasks created by each other?

Answer: No, the OmeSiteAdministrators can only use the tasks they have created.

Custom Device Groups

Question: Can an OmeSiteAdministrator delete devices in any group?

Answer: Yes, the OmeSiteAdministrator can delete devices in any group, similar to the OmePowerUser or OmeAdministrator.

Question: Can OmeSiteAdministrators edit the device groups they created?

Answer: No, the OmeSiteAdministrators cannot edit device groups or queries.

Question: Can OmeSiteAdministrators delete queries and custom groups?

Answer: Yes, the OmeSiteAdministrators can delete queries and custom groups.

Question: Can OmeSiteAdministrators add devices to a custom device group?

Answer: No, the OmeSiteAdministrators cannot edit a custom device group.

Deployment and Configuration Compliance

Question: Can an OmeSiteAdministrator perform the right-click actions available on device configuration templates in the
Deployment and Device Compliance portals?

Answer: Yes, the OmeSiteAdministrator can perform all right-click actions available on device configuration templates in the
Deployment and Device Compliance portals.

Deployment and Configuration Compliance

Question: What is FQDD?

Answer: A Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) is used to identify a specific component in a system. Typically, a device
configuration template contains FQDDs for the various components of a system and their corresponding setting values. For
example, the FQDD for the iDRAC may be represented as iDRAC.embedded.1. For components such as the network cards (NICs)
that have more than one port or partition, the FQDD may be represented as:

• NIC.Integrated.1-2-2, which represents partition 2 of port 2 of a NIC that is integrated on the system board.
• NIC.Slot-3.1.2, which represents partition 2 of port 1 that is available on an NIC adapter that is inserted in slot 3 on the system

Question: After a deployment task is completed, the results section on the task Execution Details window displays the same FQQD
for all partitions of a NIC. How do I verify if the correct values are deployed?

Answer: In some cases, when attribute values are deployed to multiple partitions, the FQDD values shown in the results tab may be
incorrect (specifically, the same FQDD may be repeated for different partitions). However, correct values are stored in the
database. You can view the device configuration inventory to see the actual values.

Question: I replaced a server (source) with another server (target) from a compute pool. Will the existing alerts and tasks be
associated to the target server?

Answer: The following are the expected behaviors after replacing the server (where source refers to the source operating system):

• Alerts and tasks that were created before replacing the server are associated only with source server.
• Alerts and tasks that are created after the replacing the server are associated only with the target server.

Question: When OpenManage Essentials performs deployment in QLogic CNA cards, sometimes the value of second octet for
virtual WWPN and WWNN gets set to 08 and 07, instead of 01 and 00. How do I resolve this issue?

Answer: Perform the following steps:

1. Clear all NIC partitions.

2. Reboot the server.
3. Partition the NIC again.
4. Deploy the server again with virtual I/O attributes.

Question: I deployed a configuration template on a server. What must I do if I want to edit some attributes of the same
configuration template and then deploy it on another server?

Answer: It is recommended that you clone the configuration template, edit the attributes, and then deploy the cloned template on
another server.

Question: How do I enable logging in OpenManage Essentials?
Answer: To enable logging:

1. Go to C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\Essentials\configuration or the path where OpenManage Essentials is installed.

2. Open the dconfig.ini file using notepad.
3. In the [Logging] section, modify the following:

• Set LOG_ENABLED=true to enable logging.

• Set LOG_TO_FILE=true to write logs to a file.
• Type a path for LOG_FILE_PREFIX. For example, LOG_FILE_PREFIX=C:\windows\temp.
• If required, change the suffix of the file for LOG_FILE_SUFFIX=ome_log.txt.
• Set the log level for LOG_LEVEL_MIN. For example, LOG_LEVEL_MIN=debug.
NOTE: Setting the minimum log level (LOG_LEVEL_MIN) to debug or trace reduces the performance of
OpenManage Essentials.
• Set the log level for LOG_LEVEL_MAX. For example, LOG_LEVEL_MAX=output.
NOTE: The maximum log level (LOG_LEVEL_MAX) must always be set to output.

NOTE: For more information about log severity levels, see the “Log Levels” section.

4. Close the file and restart all DSM services in the Services Microsoft Management Console.

Log Levels
Setting the log levels determines the range of message severity type you want to log. The following table describes the log message
severity levels that you can assign to LOG_LEVEL_MIN and LOG_LEVEL_MAX.

Table 247. Log Levels
Severity Level Description
Trace Detailed information related to code flow.

NOTE: It is not recommended to set the minimum log

level to trace unless instructed to do so by technical

Debug Detailed information that may be useful when diagnosing


Info Information related to operational events.

Warning An indicator that something unexpected happened or an

indication of some problem in the near future. The software is
still working as expected. Typically, related to configuration or
network issues (time outs, retries, and so on).

Error A problem resulting in the software being unable to perform

some function.

Fatal A serious error, indicating that the software may not be able to
continue running.

Output Information that needs to be output in situations where the

logging system is not initialized.

By default, the minimum and maximum log message severity level are set to:
• LOG_LEVEL_MAX=output
The default settings ensure that all messages with a severity of at least ‘info’ and at most ‘output’ are logged.

Backup and Restore

Question: After a backup and restore of the OpenManage Essentials database, I am unable to use the sample tasks and also the
tasks that I created. What could be the reason?

Answer: The task configuration data is saved in the OpenManage Essentials database in an encrypted format. When a backup and
restore is performed, the encrypted data becomes unusable. Therefore, you will have to recreate all tasks that you had created.
Sample tasks will continue to remain unusable.

Question: What do I need to do if all SNMP traps from an ESXi 5 host show up in OpenManage Essentials as unknown?

Answer: You must change the hardware event source in the SNMP config on the ESXi 5 host from CIM to IPMI. Run the following

vicfg-snmp.pl --username root --password <yourpassword> --server <yourserver> --hwsrc


The output of the --show command would display the following:

Current SNMP agent settings:

Enabled : 1

UDP port : 161

Communities : public

Notification targets :


Options :


Managing Device Group Permissions
The Device Group Permissions portal allows OmeAdministrators to grant users the permission to perform system updates and run
remote tasks on select device groups.

Using the Device Group Permissions portal, OmeAdministrators can:

• Add users to the OmeSiteAdministrators role.

• Assign device groups to each user in the OmeSiteAdministrators role, allowing the user to perform system updates and run
remote tasks on only the assigned device groups.

NOTE: To effectively manage device group permissions, it is recommended that a member of the
OmeSiteAdministrators role is removed from the OmeAdministrators and OmePowerUsers roles.
NOTE: If a device group is not assigned to a user, it only restricts the user from performing system updates or running
remote tasks on that device group. It does not hide or remove that device group from the device tree in the Devices
The Common Tasks pane displays the Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators option that can be used to add or remove users
from the OmeSiteAdministrators role.

The Manage Device Group Permissions pane displays the OmeSiteAdministrators in a tree-view format. If you select
OmeSiteAdministrators at the root of the tree-view, the User Overviews are displayed in the right-side pane. If you select a user in
the OmeSiteAdministrators tree-view, the right-side pane displays the user name and the Device Groups for Tasks and Patch
Targeting section.

NOTE: An OmeSiteAdministrators task target remains ‘as is’ when the task was created. If the OmeAdministrators
change the OmeSiteAdministrators device group permissions, the task targets are not modified. Changing an
OmeSiteAdministrators device group permissions does not change tasks the OmeSiteAdministrators created earlier.
NOTE: Only Server, RAC, or custom device groups that are assigned to OmeSiteAdministrators are available to
OmeSiteAdministrators for remote or system update tasks. To make any other device groups available to the
OmeSiteAdministrators for remote or system update tasks, you must create a custom device group which includes other
device groups and assign it to the OmeSiteAdministrators.
NOTE: If a user in the OmeSiteAdministrators role is removed from the Windows user groups, the user is not removed
from the OmeSiteAdministrators role automatically. You must remove the user from the OmeSiteAdministrators role
manually through the Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators option.

Related links

Adding Users to the OmeSiteAdministrators Role

NOTE: Only OmeAdministrators are allowed to add users to the OmeSiteAdministrators role.

NOTE: To effectively manage device group permissions, it is recommended that a member of the
OmeSiteAdministrators role is removed from the OmeAdministrators and OmePowerUsers roles.
To add users to the OmeSiteAdministrators role:

1. Click Settings → Permissions.

The device group Permissions portal is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:

• In the Common Tasks pane, click Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators.
• In the Manage Device Group Permissions pane, right-click OmeSiteAdministrators, and click Edit Members of

The Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators dialog box is displayed.

3. Type or select the domain name and user name in the appropriate fields, and click Add.
4. Select the user from the list and click OK.
The user is displayed in the OmeSiteAdministrators tree view in the Manage Device Group Permissions pane.

NOTE: Once a user is added to the OmeSiteAdministrators role, by default, all the devices groups are available to
the user. To restrict the user to perform system updates and remote tasks on specific device groups, you must
assign the device groups to the user. See Assigning Device Groups to a User.

Related links

Assigning Device Groups to a User

NOTE: Only OmeAdministrators are allowed to assign device groups to a user. Device groups can only be assigned to
users who are members of the OmeSiteAdministrators role.
NOTE: If a device group is not assigned to a user, it only restricts the user from performing system updates or running
remote tasks on that device group. It does not hide or remove that device group from the device tree in the Devices
To assign device groups to a user:

1. Click Settings → Permissions.

The device group Permissions portal page is displayed.
2. In the Manage Device Group Permissions pane, select the user to whom you want to assign device groups.
The Device Groups for Tasks and Patch Targeting section is displayed in the right-side panel.
3. In the device groups tree-view, select the check boxes appropriate to the device group(s) you want to assign to the selected
user. If you want to remove a device group assignment that you made previously, clear the check boxes of the appropriate
device groups.
4. Click Apply.
NOTE: An OmeSiteAdministrators task target remains ‘as is’ when the task was created. If the OmeAdministrators
change the OmeSiteAdministrators device group permissions, the task targets are not modified. Changing an
OmeSiteAdministrators device group permissions does not change tasks the OmeSiteAdministrators created earlier.
NOTE: Only Server, RAC, or custom device groups that are assigned to OmeSiteAdministrators are available to
OmeSiteAdministrators for remote or system update tasks. To make any other device groups available to the
OmeSiteAdministrators for remote or system update tasks, you must create a custom device group which includes
other device groups and assign it to the OmeSiteAdministrators.

Related links

Removing Users From the OmeSiteAdministrators Role

NOTE: Only OmeAdministrators are allowed to remove users from the OmeSiteAdministrators role.

To remove users from the OmeSiteAdministrators role:

1. Click Settings → Permissions.

The device group Permissions portal page is displayed.
2. Perform one of the following:

• In the Common Tasks pane , click Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators.
• In the Manage Device Group Permissions pane, right-click OmeASitedministrators, and click Edit Members of

The Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators dialog box is displayed.

3. Clear the check box beside the user who you want to remove from the OmeSiteAdministrators role.
4. Click OK.
The user is removed from the OmeSiteAdministrators tree view in the Manage Device Group Permissions pane.

Related links

OpenManage Mobile Settings
Dell OpenManage Mobile is a systems management application that allows you to securely perform a subset of data-center
monitoring and remediation tasks on one or more OpenManage Essentials consoles and/or integrated Dell Remote Access
Controllers (iDRACs) using your Android or iOS device. Using OpenManage Mobile you can:

• Receive alert notifications from the OpenManage Essentials management system/server.

• View group, device, alert, and log information.
• Power on/off or restart a server.

This chapter provides information about the OpenManage Mobile settings that you can configure through the OpenManage
Essentials console. It also provides information required to troubleshoot OpenManage Mobile.

NOTE: For information on installing and using OpenManage Mobile, see the OpenManage Mobile User’s Guide at

Related links
Enabling or Disabling Alert Notifications For OpenManage Mobile
Enabling or Disabling OpenManage Mobile Subscribers
Deleting an OpenManage Mobile Subscriber
Viewing the Alert Notification Service Status
Viewing the OpenManage Mobile Subscriber Information
Troubleshooting OpenManage Mobile

Enabling or Disabling Alert Notifications For OpenManage Mobile

By default, OpenManage Essentials is configured to send alert notifications to the OpenManage Mobile application. However, alert
notifications are sent from OpenManage Essentials only when a OpenManage Mobile user adds the OpenManage Essentials console
to the OpenManage Mobile application. The Enable Push Notifications option in the Settings → Mobile Settings page allows you
to enable or disable the OpenManage Essentials console from sending alert notifications to OpenManage Mobile subscribers.
NOTE: omeAdministrator rights are required for enabling or disabling alert notifications for OpenManage Mobile.

NOTE: For OpenManage Essentials to send alert notifications to OpenManage Mobile, make sure that the OpenManage
Essentials server has outbound (HTTPS) Internet access. For more information, see “Proxy Settings” in General
To enable or disable alert notifications for OpenManage Mobile:

1. In OpenManage Essentials, click Settings → Mobile Settings.

The Mobile Settings page is displayed.
2. Select or clear Enable Push Notifications to enable or disable sending alert notifications to OpenManage Mobile subscribers.
3. Click Apply.

Related links
OpenManage Mobile Settings

Enabling or Disabling OpenManage Mobile Subscribers

The check boxes in the Enabled column in the Mobile Subscribers list allow you to enable or disable transmission of alert
notifications to OpenManage Mobile subscribers.

NOTE: omeAdministrator rights are required for enabling or disabling OpenManage Mobile subscribers.

NOTE: OpenManage Mobile subscribers may be automatically disabled by OpenManage Essentials if their mobile service
provider push notification service indicates that the device is permanently unreachable.
NOTE: Even if an OpenManage Mobile subscriber is enabled in the Mobile Subscribers list, they can disable receiving
alert notifications in their OpenManage Mobile application settings.
To enable or disable alert notifications to OpenManage Mobile subscribers:

1. In OpenManage Essentials, click Settings → Mobile Settings.

The Mobile Settings page is displayed.
2. In the Mobile Subscribers list, select or clear the Enabled check box to enable or disable alert notifications to the appropriate
OpenManage Mobile subscribers.
3. Click Apply.

Related links
OpenManage Mobile Settings

Deleting an OpenManage Mobile Subscriber

Deleting an OpenManage Mobile subscriber removes the user from the Mobile Subscribers list, preventing the user from receiving
alert notifications from the OpenManage Essentials console. However, the OpenManage Mobile user can re-subscribe to alert
notifications from the OpenManage Mobile application at a later time.
NOTE: omeAdministrator rights are required for deleting an OpenManage Mobile subscriber.

To delete an OpenManage Mobile subscriber:

1. In OpenManage Essentials, click Settings → Mobile Settings.

The Mobile Settings page is displayed.
2. In the Mobile Subscribers list, click the delete icon appropriate to the subscriber you want to delete.
The Delete Subscription Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
3. Click Yes.

Related links
OpenManage Mobile Settings

Viewing the Alert Notification Service Status

OpenManage Essentials forwards alert notifications to OpenManage Mobile subscribers through their respective device platform
alert notification service. If the OpenManage Mobile subscriber has failed to receive alert notifications, you can check the
Notification Service Status to troubleshoot alert notification delivery.
To view the status of the alert notification service, click Settings → Mobile Settings.

Related links
OpenManage Mobile Settings
Notification Service Status

Notification Service Status

The following table provides information about the Notification Service Status displayed in the Settings → Mobile Settings page.

Table 248. Notification Service Status

Status Icon Status Description

The service is running and operating normally.

NOTE: This service status only reflects successful

communication with the platform notification service. If the
device of the subscriber is not connected to the Internet or a
cellular data service, notifications will not be delivered until
the connection is restored.

The service experienced an error delivering a message which may be

of a temporary nature. If the problem persists, follow troubleshooting
procedures or contact technical support.

The service experienced an error delivering a message. Follow

troubleshooting procedures or contact support as needed.

Viewing the OpenManage Mobile Subscriber Information

After an OpenManage Mobile user successfully adds an OpenManage Essentials console, the user is added to the Mobile
Subscribers table in the OpenManage Essentials console. The Mobile Subscribers table provides information about each
OpenManage Mobile subscriber.
To view the mobile subscriber information, in OpenManage Essentials, click Settings → Mobile Settings.

Related links
OpenManage Mobile Settings
Mobile Subscriber Information

Mobile Subscriber Information

The following table provides information about the Mobile Subscribers table displayed in the Settings → Mobile Settings page.

Table 249. Mobile Subscriber Information

Field Description
Enabled Displays a check box you can select or clear to enable or disable
alert notifications to an OpenManage Mobile subscriber.

Status Displays the status of the subscriber, indicating whether the

OpenManage Essentials console is able to send alert
notifications successfully to the Dell Alert Forwarding Service.

Status Message Displays the status of the mobile device.

Username Displays the name of the OpenManage Mobile user.

Device Id Displays the unique identifier of the mobile device.

Description Displays the description of the mobile device.

Filter Displays the name of the filter the subscriber has configured for
alert notifications.

Last Error Displays the date and time the last error occurred when sending
an alert notification to the OpenManage Mobile user.

Field Description
Last Push Displays the date and time the last alert notification was sent
successfully from OpenManage Essentials to the Dell Alert
Forwarding Service.

Last Connection Displays the date and time the user last accessed the
OpenManage Essentials console through OpenManage Mobile.

Registration Displays the date and time the user added the OpenManage
Essentials console in OpenManage Mobile.

Delete Displays a delete icon that you can click to remove a

subscriber from the Mobile Subscribers list.

Troubleshooting OpenManage Mobile

If OpenManage Essentials is unable to register with the Dell Message Forwarding Service or successfully forward notifications, the
following resolutions are available:
Table 250. Troubleshooting OpenManage Mobile

Problem Reason Resolution

OpenManage Essentials is unable to Outbound Internet (HTTPS) connectivity Using a web browser, determine if
connect to the Dell Message Forwarding is lost. outbound Internet connectivity is
Service. [Code 1001/1002]
If connectivity is lost, perform standard
network troubleshooting steps:
• Verify if the network cables are
• Verify the IP address and DNS server
• Verify if the firewall is configured to
allow outbound traffic.
• Verify if the ISP network is operating

Proxy settings are incorrect. Set proxy host, port, username, and
password as required. For more
information, see “Proxy Settings” in
General Settings.

Dell Message Forwarding Service is Wait for the service to become available.
temporarily unavailable.

The Dell Message Forwarding Service is The platform provider service is Wait for the service to become available.
unable to connect to a device platform temporarily unavailable to the Dell
notification service. [Code 100-105, Message Forwarding Service.
200-202, 211-212]

The device communication token is no The OpenManage Mobile application has Reinstall OpenManage Mobile on the
longer registered with the platform been updated, restored, uninstalled, or device or follow the OpenManage Mobile
troubleshooting procedures specified in
provider service. [Code 203] the device operating system has been
the OpenManage Mobile User’s Guide
upgraded or restored. and reconnect the device to
OpenManage Essentials.

Problem Reason Resolution
If the device is no longer connected to
OpenManage Essentials, remove the

The OpenManage Essentials registration An obsolete version of OpenManage Upgrade to a newer version of
is being rejected by the Dell Message Essentials is being used. OpenManage Essentials.
Forwarding Service. [Code 154]

Related links
OpenManage Mobile Settings

Settings — Reference
In the Settings page, you can configure the OpenManage Essentials console. You can set the SMTP and proxy server information,
adjust session timeout, database maintenance schedules, restart services, create custom URL menu items, enable or disable internal
alerts, observe daylight savings time, and enable or disable the ActiveX features.

NOTE: After modifying the general settings, click Apply to save the changes. Navigating to another portion of the
console without clicking Apply resets the settings to the previously saved preferences.

Related links
Alert Settings
Custom URL Settings
Deployment Settings
Device Tree Settings
Discovery Settings
Email Settings
General Settings
OpenManage Mobile Settings
Task Settings
Warranty Notification Settings
Purge Download Settings

Alert Settings
Table 251. Alert Settings

Field Description
Enable Internal Health Alerts Select the check box to enable internal health alerts. When
enabled, OpenManage Essentials generates internal alerts when
the global health status of the device changes.

Enable Internal Connection Status Alerts Select the check box to enable internal connection status alerts.
When enabled, OpenManage Essentials generates internal alerts
when the connection status of the device changes.

Alert Popup Notification Settings

Enable Alert Popup Notifications Select the check box to enable pop-up notifications to be
displayed when an alert is received.

Seconds between popup notifications Select the time interval between each alert pop-up notification.

Custom URL Settings
Table 252. Custom URL Settings

Field Description
Name Displays the name assigned to the URL.

Device Group Displays the device group associated with the URL.

Custom URL Displays the URL.

Description Displays the description provided for the custom URL.

Date Created Displays the date the URL was created.

Date Updated Displays the date the URL was updated.

Related links
Creating a Custom URL
Launching the Custom URL

Deployment Settings
The fields displayed in the Deployment Settings page are described in the following table.
Table 253. Deployment Settings

Field Description
File Share Settings

Domain \ Username User name to access the file share.

Password Password to access the file share.

File Share Status Indicates the status of the deployment file share configuration.

Auto Deployment Settings

Enable auto deployment for recently discovered devices Select to allow OpenManage Essentials to deploy a
configuration template to devices that will be discovered later.

Run auto deployment every xx minutes Set the time interval at which you want to attempt the
configuration deployment on devices that will be discovered

Device Tree Settings

Table 254. Device Tree Settings

Field Description
Always display RAC device name under RAC group Select the check box to display the RAC name (RAC DNS name
or instrumentation name) of the iDRAC in the device tree,
portals, and wizards.

Field Description

NOTE: The RAC name is displayed only if you have

discovered the iDRAC with the WS-Man protocol.
Otherwise, the system name is displayed instead of the
RAC name.

Identify devices with lost connection in device tree

Select the check box to display the icon in the device tree
and portals for devices that are not reachable.

Discovery Settings
The Discovery Settings page enables you to configure the type of wizard you want to use for discovering devices. The fields
displayed in the Discovery Settings page are described in the following table.
Table 255. Discovery Settings

Field Description
Standard Wizard If selected, the Discover Devices wizard displays a list of
protocols for discovering devices.

Guided Wizard If selected, the Discover Devices wizard displays a list of device
types and the required protocols for discovering and managing
the selected devices. After the required protocol configurations
are completed, by default, this wizard runs both discovery and

NOTE: Discovery of Dell EMC storage arrays is not

supported by the Guided Wizard.

Email Settings
Table 256. Email Settings

Field Description
SMTP Server Name or IP Address Enter the SMTP server name or IP address.

Use Credentials Enable the user credentials.

Domain \ User name Enter the domain and user name.

Password Enter the user password.

Port Check Use Default to use the default port number or manually
add the port number.

Use SSL Enable this check box to use SSL.

Logging Select to enable or disable logging based on your preference.

General Settings
Table 257. General Settings

Field Description
Console Session Timeout Amount of user-inactive time that passes before the console
automatically logs the user out.

Database Maintenance Execution Schedule The date and time when the database maintenance activity will

NOTE: It is recommended not to run or schedule any

task (discovery, inventory, status polling, and so on)
during database maintenance, as the console is less
responsive during database maintenance.

Restart All OpenManage Essentials Services Restarts the services associated with OpenManage Essentials.

Security Settings (ActiveX)

Allow MIB Import Utility Launch Installs and runs an ActiveX component on the client machine to
launch the MIB Import Utility.

Allow Remote Desktop Launch Installs and runs an ActiveX component on the client machine to
launch remote desktop sessions.

Allow Troubleshooting Tool Launch Installs and runs an ActiveX component on the client machine to
launch the Dell Troubleshooting Tool.

ActiveX Status Displays the ActiveX status. Click Refresh Status to refresh the
ActiveX status.

Time Zone Settings

Observe Daylight Savings Time for Server Selected Region Click this check box to enable adjusting the scheduled date and
time values based on the server's time zone. Adjusting the
server's time zone setting changes the settings in OpenManage
Essentials. Enabling this option adjusts the date and time values
of scheduled items when daylight savings begins or ends.

Client Time Zone Displays the time zone and UTC offset of the client’s time zone.

OME Server Time Zone Displays the time zone and UTC offset of the server's time

OME Server Daylight Savings Status Displays the current daylight savings time status of the server's
time zone and offset of daylight savings time. It also displays
whether the server's time zone is observing daylight savings or
is in standard time zone time.

Proxy Settings (used for System Update and Warranty)

Use Proxy Settings Enable the use of proxy settings for internet access for System
Update and Warranty.

Field Description
Proxy Server Address or Name The IP address or server name of the proxy server. Check the
browser's proxy LAN settings or ask your network administrator
if unsure.

Domain \ User name The domain and user name of the proxy user.

Password User's proxy password.

Proxy Port Number The port number to access the proxy server. Check the
browser's proxy LAN settings or ask your network administrator
if unsure.

Test Connection Click to test connection to the internet with the proxy

KACE Appliance Settings

KACE Appliance URL The URL of the KACE appliance.

Test URL Click to test connectivity to the KACE appliance.

Task Settings
Table 258. Task Settings

Field Description
Task Execution History Settings Select the number of records to load in the Task Execution

Enable Task Popup Notifications Select the check box to enable pop-up notifications to be
displayed when a task is completed.

Seconds between popup notifications Select the time interval between each task pop-up notification.

Warranty Notification Settings

The following table provides information about the fields displayed in the Settings → Warranty Notification Settings page.
Table 259. Warranty Notification Settings

Field Description
Warranty Email Notifications

Enable Warranty Email Notifications Enables or disables the sending of warranty email notifications.

To The email addresses of the recipients of the warranty

notification email. Each email address must be a valid email
address. Multiple email addresses must be separated using a

From The email address from which the warranty notification email is
to be sent. Only one email address must be provided. The email
address must be a valid email address.

Field Description
All Devices with x days or less of warranty Determines which devices to include in the warranty notification
email. Devices with warranty less than or equal to the specified
days are included in the warranty notification email.

Include Devices with Expired Warranties Specifies if devices with expired warranty (0 days) or no
warranty information should be included in the warranty email

Send email every x days The duration between successive warranty email notifications.
An update to this field takes effect only after the next warranty
email notification is sent.

Next Email Will Send On The date and time at which the next warranty notification email
is to be sent. You can configure this field to set when the next
warranty notification email is to be sent. After an email
notification is successfully sent, this field is updated
automatically based on the setting in the Send email every x
days field.

Email Settings Opens the E-mail Settings page where you can configure the
SMTP email server.

Warranty Scoreboard Notifications

Enable Warranty Scoreboard Notifications Enables or disables the display of the warranty notifications icon
in the OpenManage Essentials heading banner. The warranty
notification icon is displayed only if a device has warranty less
than or equal to the days specified in All Devices with x Days or
less of warranty .

All Devices with x Days or less of warranty Determines which devices to include in the warranty notification
email. Devices with warranty less than or equal to the specified
days are included in the warranty notification email.

Include Devices with Expired Warranties Specifies if devices with expired warranty (0 days) or no
warranty information should be included in the Device
Warranty Report.

Warranty Popup Notification Settings

Enable Warranty Popup Notification Enables or disables the display of the warranty popup
notifications in the console. The warranty popup notification is
displayed only if a device has warranty less than or equal to the
days specified in All Devices with x Days or less of warranty .

Related links
Configuring Warranty Email Notifications
Configuring Warranty Scoreboard Notifications

The following is the description of the panels and fields displayed in the Device Group Permissions portal.

Common Tasks
The Common Tasks pane displays the Edit Members of OmeSiteAdministrators option that you can use to add or remove a user
from the OmeSiteAdministrators role.

Manage Device Group Permissions
The Manage Device Group Permissions pane displays the OmeSiteAdministrators in a tree-view format. The User Overviews are
displayed in the right-side pane when you click OmeSiteAdministrators in the Manage Device Group Permissions pane. The
following are the fields in User Overviews:
Table 260. Manage Device Group Permissions

Field Description
User Type Displays if the member is a user or user group.

Domain Displays the domain of the user.

Name Displays the name of the user.

Device Groups for Tasks and Patch Targeting

The Device Groups for Tasks and Patch Targeting section is displayed in the right-side pane when you click a user name in the
Manage Device Group Permissions pane. This section displays the device groups in a tree-view format.
Related links
Managing Device Group Permissions
Adding Users to the OmeSiteAdministrators Role
Assigning Device Groups to a User
Removing Users From the OmeSiteAdministrators Role

Purge Download Settings

The Purge Download Settings page allows you to configure the settings for automatic purging of downloaded BIOS, firmware,
driver, and application files.
The following table provides information about the fields displayed in the Settings → Purge Download Settings page.
Table 261. Purge Download Settings

Field Description
Enable purging of downloaded files Select to allow purging of the BIOS, firmware, drivers, or
application files that are downloaded by OpenManage

Size limit of the downloads folder (GB) Select the size limit of the folder to which OpenManage
Essentials downloads the files that are required for applying
system updates or remote tasks. By default, the downloaded
files are saved in the <install location>\Essentials\System
Update folder. Files will be automatically purged from the
downloads folder (<install location>\Essentials\System Update)
when the folder size reaches the defined size limit. (Range: 5
GB to 20 GB; Default: 20 GB)

Approximate size of the downloaded files to be purged Select the approximate size of the downloaded files that you
want to purge. Files will be purged until the total size of the
purged files reaches or exceeds the approximate size that you
have defined. (Range: 1 GB to 4 GB; Default: 4 GB)

Related links
Configuring the Settings for Automatic Purging of Downloaded Files

Logs — Reference
From tools you can:

• View User Interface Logs

• View Application Logs

Figure 36. Toolbar — Export

Export Discovery Logs to File System — Export the logs that were generated while discovering devices.

User Interface Logs

Table 262. User Interface Logs

Field Description
Enabled Enable or disable logging of User Interface. Disable to increase

Log Asynchronous Calls Enable or disable logging for threading and asynchronous
update method calls. Turn on both Log Asynchronous Calls and
Informational to view update calls.

Informational Enable or disable logging of behaviors that are marked with a

severity of General Information.

Warning Enable or disable logging of behaviors that are marked with a

severity of Warning.

Critical Enable or disable logging of behaviors that are marked with a

severity of Critical.

Clear Clear the user interface log grid.

Export Export the user interface log to file (.CSV, .HTML, .TXT,
and .XML supported).

Severity The severity of the recorded deviation in user

interface behavior.

Start Time The time at which this behavior occurred.

Source The source of the behavior.

Description More information on the behavior.

Application Logs
Table 263. Application Logs

Field Description
Severity The severity of the recorded deviation in application’s behavior.

Time The time at which this behavior occurred.

Message Information on the behavior.

Dell Solutions
The Dell Solutions portal provides a list of links to other tools associated with OpenManage Essentials. This page provides
information about the tool, detects if the tool is installed, and allows you to launch the tool if it is installed.

NOTE: You may require ActiveX to detect some extensions. To enable ActiveX, see General Settings in the Settings
Table 264. Dell Solutions

Field Description
Name Displays the name of the tool.

Description Displays the description of the tool.

Action If the tool is installed and ActiveX is enabled, a link is displayed.

You can click the link to launch the tool.

NOTE: For the inventory collector component, the

Action column may display the following:
• Up-to-date — Indicates that OpenManage Essentials
has the latest version of inventory collector
• Update — Indicates that a newer version of the
inventory collector component is available. Click to
download the inventory collector component for both
Windows and Linux in the background.

Version Displays the version of the tool.

NOTE: For the inventory collector component, the

Version column may display the following:

• Up-to-date icon — Indicates that OpenManage

Essentials has the latest version of the inventory

• Warning icon — Indicates that OpenManage

Essentials does not have the latest version of the
inventory collector.

Additional Information Click the ? icon to see more information about the product.

Related links
Updating the inventory collector component

Right-Click Actions
The following tables lists all the right-click actions that are available in OpenManage Essentials.

NOTE: The right-click options displayed in OpenManage Essentials are dependent on your access privilege. You must
have administrator access to see all the options.

Schedule View
Table 265. Schedule View

Action Description
Create New Task Displays the following options:
• Server Power Options
• Deploy Server Administrator Task
• Command Line Task

Export Calendar Allows you to export the calendar in an .ics file format. You can
import the ics file into Microsoft Outlook.

After you create a task, you can right-click the task to display the following options:
Table 266. Action Items

Actions Description
Edit Allows you to edit the task.
Delete Allows you to delete the task.
Run Now Allows you to run the task immediately.
View Allows you to view the details of the task.
Deactivate Task Schedule Deactivates a task’s schedule. This flag determines if the task
runs or not in the future.
NOTE: If you right-click a deactivated task, an Activate
Task Schedule option is displayed.

Clone Allows you to clone the task with the same details.
Export Calendar Allows you to export the calendar in an ics file format. You can
import the ics file into Microsoft Outlook.

Device Status
Table 267. Device Status

Action Description
IP address or device name Displays the IP address or name of the device.

Application Launch Select to launch an associated application.

Device Configuration • Refresh Device Configuration Inventory — Refresh the

configuration inventory of the device.
• Add Devices to Repurpose and Bare Metal Device Group
— Add the device to the Repurpose and Bare Metal Device
• Associate to Template — Associate the device to a device
configuration template.
• Create Template — Create a device configuration template
from the device.
• Deploy Template — Deploy a device configuration template
on the device.
• Reclaim Identities — Reclaim deployed virtual I/O identity
attributes from the device.

Troubleshoot If the Troubleshooting Tool is installed, then select this option to

launch the Troubleshooting Tool. The Troubleshooting Tool is
disabled by default. To enable the Troubleshooting Tool, see
Settings — Reference.

Refresh Inventory Select to run inventory on the device.

Refresh Status Select to run a status check on the device.

Add to New Group Select to add the device to a group.

Add to Existing Group Select to add the device to an existing group.

Ignore All Alerts from Device Select to ignore all alerts from the device.

Exclude Range Select to remove the device from the discovery and inventory

Delete Select to remove the device information.

Discovery Range Summary

Managing Include Ranges
Right-click the IP address or group to view the following options:
Table 268. Managing Include Ranges

Action Description
Edit Select to edit discovery range configuration.

Rename Select to rename the range.

NOTE: This option is only displayed if you right-click an

IP address.

Action Description
Add Discovery Ranges to <Group Name> Select this option to add additional ranges to an existing group.

NOTE: This option is only displayed if you right-click a


Delete Select to delete a range.

Disable Select to disable a range.

Perform Discovery Now Select to do the discovery.

Perform Discovery and Inventory Now Select to do the discovery and inventory.

Perform Status Polling Now Select to start the status polling task for the discovered server
or device.

Perform Inventory Now Select to perform the inventory.

View Filters
Table 269. View Filters

Action Description
Edit Select to edit the alert action or alert filter.

View Summary Select to view all the systems that are critical.

Rename Select to rename action or alert filter.

Clone Select to create a copy of an action or alert filter.

Delete Select the alert to delete the alerts.

Table 270. Alerts

Action Description
Details Select to view the details of alerts.

Device Details Select to view the device details.

Device Application Launch Select to launch the console associated with the device.

Acknowledge Select to set or clear alerts.

Delete Select to delete alerts.

Ignore Select to ignore alert filter action on the selected device or all
devices. You can also use this option to ignore all alerts from the
selected device.

Export Select to export alert information in a CSV or HTML format.

Remote Tasks
Table 271. Remote Tasks

Action Description
Edit Select to edit the task.

Delete Select to delete the task.

Run Select to run the task immediately.

View Select to view the task.

Activate Task Schedule Select to activate the task schedule.

Clone Select to create a copy of a task.

Custom URL
Table 272. Custom URL

Action Description
Edit Select to edit the URL.
Delete Select to delete the URL.
Export Select to export the information about the URL

System Update Tasks

Table 273. System Update Tasks

Action Description
Delete Select to delete the task.

Run Select to re-run a task that is already complete, but did not
update some of the components.

View Select to view the task.

Export Select to export the system update task information.

Stop Select to stop the task.

Attributes Tab
Table 274. Attributes Tab

Action Description
Check Select the selected attributes.

Uncheck Clear the selected attributes.

Export Export all the attributes displayed in the Attributes tab.

Table 275. Templates

Action Description
Deploy Deploy the selected device configuration template.

Clone Clone the selected device configuration template.

Rename Rename the selected device configuration template.

Delete Delete the selected device configuration template.

Export Template Export the selected device configuration template.

Compute Pools
Repurpose and Bare Metal
Table 276. Repurpose and Bare Metal

Action Description
Create Compute Pool Create a compute pool.

Compute Pool
Table 277. Compute Pool

Action Description
Deploy Deploy a device configuration template.

Edit Edit the compute pool.

Unlock Unlock the compute pool.

View View the compute pool wizard.

Rename Rename the compute pool.

Delete Delete the compute pool.

Replace Server Replace a server with another server from within the same
compute pool.

Table 278. Devices

Action Description
Refresh Device Configuration Inventory Refresh the configuration inventory of the device.

Remove Devices from Repurpose and Bare Metal Devices Remove devices that are currently in the Repurpose and Bare
Group Metal device group.

Create Template Create a device configuration template from the server.

Action Description
Reclaim Identities Reclaim the virtual I/O identities of the server.

Remove from Pool Remove a server from the compute pool.

Replace Server Replace a server with another server from within the same
compute pool.

Virtual I/O Pools

Virtual I/O Pool
Table 279. Virtual I/O Pool

Action Description
Create Virtual I/O Pool Create a virtual I/O pool.

Edit Edit the virtual I/O pool.

View View the virtual I/O pool wizard.

Rename Rename the virtual I/O pool.

Delete Delete the virtual I/O pool.

Devices with Identities

Table 280. Device with Identities

Action Description
View Identities View the deployed and assigned virtual I/O identities of a

Reclaim the Assigned Identities Reclaim the assigned virtual I/O identities of a device.

Reclaim the Deployed Identities Reclaim the deployed virtual I/O identities of a device.

Export Export the details in an HTML, CSV, Text, or XML format.

Compliance by Template
Table 281. Compliance by Template

Action Description
Associate Devices Deploy the selected device configuration template.

Edit Displays the attributes of the selected device configuration

template in the right pane for editing.

Clone Clone the selected device configuration template.

Rename Rename the selected device configuration template.

Delete Delete the selected device configuration template.

Export Template Export the selected device configuration template.

Device Compliance
Table 282. Device Compliance

Action Description
View Compliance Details View the compliance details for the selected device.

Associate to Different Template Associate the selected device to another configuration


Run Inventory Now Run the device configuration inventory for the selected device.

Export Export the device compliance report as an HTML file.

You can use the tutorials for the setup options you need to complete when configuring OpenManage Essentials for the first time.

In Tutorials click First Time Setup to view the configuration information for the following:

• SNMP Configuration
• SNMP - Open Services Console
• SNMP - Open SNMP Properties
• Install SNMP Tools (Windows Server 2012 and later)
• SNMP Security Settings
• SNMP Trap Settings
• Install OpenManage Server Administrator
• Enable Network Discovery (Windows Server 2008 and later)
• Firewall Configuration
• Protocol Support Matrix
• Discover Devices

You can view tutorials for the following:

• Upgrade to OpenManage Essentials 2.2

• Discover and Monitor 12G Servers without OpenManage Server Administrator
• Linux Configuration for SNMP and OpenManage Server Administrator
• SNMP Configuration using Group Policies
• Configuring ESX 4.x for Discovery and Inventory
• Configuring ESXi 4.x and 5.0 for Discovery and Inventory
• Device Group Permissions Tutorial

Using OpenManage Essentials Command Line
Launching the OpenManage Essentials Command Line Interface
Click Start → All Programs → OpenManage Applications → Essentials → Essentials Command Line Interface.

Creating a Discovery Profile Input File

CLI commands that create discovery ranges or discovery groups require an XML-based file that defines the parameters for
discovery protocols such as SNMP, WMI, Storage, WS-Man, SSH, and IPMI. This file defines which protocols are used and the
parameters for each of the protocols. The file can be modified using an XML editor or a text editor. A sample XML file
(DiscoveryProfile.xml) is included in the samples folder at C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\Essentials\Tools\CLI\Samples. Edit the
xml file and rename it to create multiple discovery profiles. You cannot store passwords for WMI, IPMI, WS-Man, EMC and SSH
protocols in the XML file. The OpenManage Essentials CLI commands allow you to specify passwords in the command line argument
using the following commands:
• -wmiPassword<secure password>
• -ipmiPassword<secure password>
• -wsmanPassword<secure password>
• -emcPassword<secure password>
• -sshPassword<secure password>

NOTE: Passwords are not allowed in clear text. If you attempt to use clear text for the password values, the CLI
command will not be successful.
The <secure password> argument must be a secure password. To generate a secure password that can be re-used in PowerShell
scripts, run the following (or a similar command) from within a PowerShell window:
To prompt the user for a password; read in and convert it to a secure string:
PS> $password = Read-Host ‘Enter password:’ –AsSecureString

To save the password, as a secure string, to the file system:

PS> $password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content c:\tmp\password.txt

The two earlier PowerShell commands convert a password to a secure string that is then saved in a file. This secure password can
subsequently be used in other PowerShell scripts that involve OpenManage Essentials CLI commands. For example:

To read the secure password from the file and assign it to a variable:
PS> $passwordFile = convert-path c:\tmp\password.txt
PS> $wsmanpassword = Get-Content $passwordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString

To use the secure string in all the password variables in the OpenManage Essentials CLI commands:
PS> Add-DiscoveryRange -Range -Profile samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -
WSManPassword $wsmanpassword

An example of the profile.xml file is outlined as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<SNMPConfig Enable="True">
<WMIConfig Enable="False">
<StoragePowerVaultConfig Enable="False"></StoragePowerVaultConfig>
<StorageEMCConfig Enable="False">
<WSManConfig Enable="False">
<SecureMode Enable="False" SkipNameCheck="False" TrustedSite="False">
<IPMIConfig Enable="False">
<SSHConfig Enabled="True">

NOTE: If you discovered iDRAC using WS-Man and if you are using secure mode where a certificate file is required to be
on the local system, specify the entire path to the certificate file. For example, c:\

Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files

You must specify ranges during discovery, inventory, and status tasks. A range in this instance is defined either as an individual IP
address, a host name, or an actual range of IPs such as or 10.35.0.*. Add ranges, IPs, or host names either to an xml
or csv-based input file and then read the file by specifying it on the command line using the –RangeList or –RangeListCSV
argument. A sample XML file (RangeList.xml) and CSV file (RangeList.csv) are included in the samples folder at C:\Program Files
\Dell\SysMgt\Essentials\Tools\CLI\Samples. To create multiple input files, edit and rename either the xml or csv file.
NOTE: If you are creating discovery range groups, then each group can only have one corresponding subnet. The subnet
for a group is read from the DiscoveryProfile.xml file and not from the RangeList.xml or RangeList.csv file. If required,
you can create multiple groups for each subnet.
An example of theRangeList.xml file is outlined as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Range Name="10.35.0.*"/>
<Range Name=""/>
<Range Name="PE2850-WebServer1A"/>

An example of the RangeList.csv is outlined as follows:

Table 283. Examples of RangeList.csv

Name SubnetMask



Specifying Input Files in PowerShell

To use input files in PowerShell, specify the location of the file in the command line. By default, OpenManage Essentials CLI starts at
the following directory:
PS C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\Essentials\Tools\CLI>
If you are running commands from the default CLI directory, with commands located in the directory one level from it (\samples),
you can use either of the following methods of specifying the path to the input files:

• Type the entire path name in quotes. For example, Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile “C:\Program Files\Dell
• Use a period (.) to retrieve the file located in the current directory, or .\directory to retrieve the file located one level from the
current directory. For example, Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile .\samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml.

Command Line Interface Commands

Access to CLI commands in the OpenManage Essentials is dependent on your access privilege. If your user id belongs to the
OMEAdministrators group, you can access all the CLI commands. If your user id belongs to the OMEUsers group, then you cannot
delete or modify any data using the CLI and a warning message is displayed.

Creating a Discovery Range

Description: The Add-DiscoveryRange command allows you to create a new discovery range. The command references an xml
file (DiscoveryProfile.xml) which is a protocol definition associated with the discovery range. Enter the ranges either using an xml
file, csv file, or by specifying the range. For more information about DiscoveryProfile.xml, RangeList.xml, and RangeList.csv files, see
Creating a Discovery Profile Input File and Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host Names Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -Range <range>

• PS> Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -RangeList <RangeList.xml>
• PS> Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -RangeListCSV <RangeList.csv>


• PS> Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -Range

• PS> Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -RangeList .\Samples

• PS> Add-DiscoveryRange –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -RangeListCSV .\Samples

Removing a Discovery Range

Description: The Remove-DiscoveryRange command allows you to remove a discovery range. Enter the ranges either using an
xml file or by specifying the range. For more information about the RangeList.xml file, see Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host Names
Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Remove-DiscoveryRange -Range <range>

• PS> Remove-DiscoveryRange -RangeList <rangelist.xml>


• PS> Remove-DiscoveryRange-Range,

• PS> Remove-DiscoveryRange -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml

Creating a Discovery Range Group

Description: The Add-DiscoveryRangeGroup command allows you to create a discovery range group. A discovery range group
can either contain a range of IPs, individual IPs, or host names under it. This enables you to modify protocols settings for the group
and all the ranges it contains. You can maintain different sets of protocols for different types of devices in your network. With
ranges not in a group, you have to edit each range individually to change the protocols which are active, the time out or retry values,
or credentials used with each protocol. Each discovery range group can only have one corresponding subnet. The subnet for a
group is read from the DiscoveryProfile.xml file and not from the Rangelist.xml or RangeList.csv file. If required, create multiple
groups for each subnet. For more information about DiscoveryProfile.xml, Rangelist.xml, and RangeList.csv files, see Creating a
Discovery Profile Input File and Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Add-DiscoveryRangeGroup –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -GroupName <group name> -

RangeList <Rangelist.xml>
• PS> Add-DiscoveryRangeGroup –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -GroupName <group name> -
RangeListCSV <Rangelist.csv>


• PS> Add-DiscoveryRangeGroup –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -GroupName Group1 -

RangeList .\Samples\rangelist.xml
• PS> Add-DiscoveryRangeGroup –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -GroupName Group1 -
RangeListCSV .\Samples\rangelist.csv

Removing a Discovery Range Group

Description: The Remove-DiscoveryRangeGroup command allows to you to remove a discovery range group.

PS>Remove-DiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName <groupname>

PS>Remove-DiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName Group1

Editing a Discovery Range

Description: The Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange command allows to edit existing discovery ranges. This command targets the
existing specified discovery range(s) and replaces the protocol information with the information specified in the DiscoveryProfile.xml

file. For more information about the DiscoveryProfile.xml and RangeList.xml files, see Creating a Discovery Profile Input File and
Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -Range <range>

• PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -RangeList <RangeList.xml>


• PS>Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -Range

• PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRange –Profile .\Samples\DiscoveryProfile.xml -RangeList .

Editing a Discovery Range Group

Description: The Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup command allows you to edit an existing discovery range group. You can
change the protocols for the discovery range group by specifying a DiscoveryProfile.xml file which changes the current protocol
settings for the specified group. For information about the DiscoveryProfile.xml file, see Creating a Discovery Profile Input File.

PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName <groupname> –Profile <DiscoveryProfile.xml> -
AddRangeList <rangelist .xml or .csv file>


• Change a discovery range group’s discovery profile and add new ranges to the discovery range group using a .xml file:
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -Profile .\samples
\snmp_only.xml -AddRangeList .\samples\new_ranges.xml
• Change a discovery range group’s discovery profile and add new ranges to the discovery range group using a .csv file:
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -Profile .\samples
\snmp_only.xml -AddRangeListCSV .\samples\new_ranges.csv
• Add new ranges to a discovery range group using a .xml file (retaining the previously discovered profile):
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -AddRangeList .\samples
• Add new ranges to a discovery range group using .csv (retaining the previously discovered profile):
PS> Set-ModifyDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName WebServers-TX -AddRangeListCSV .\samples

Enabling a Discovery Range or Discovery Range Group

Description: The Set-EnableDiscoveryRange command allows you to enable a discovery range or a discovery range group.
Enter the ranges either using an xml file or by specifying the range. For information about the RangeList.xml file, see Specifying IPs,
Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRange -Range <range>

• PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRange -RangeList <RangeList.xml>
• PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName <groupname>


• PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRange -Range,

• PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRange -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml
• PS> Set-EnableDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName Group1

Disabling a Discovery Range or Discovery Range Group
Description: The Set-DisableDiscoveryRange command allows you to disable a discovery range or a discovery range group.
Enter the ranges either using an xml file or by specifying the range. For information about the RangeList.xml file, see Specifying IPs,
Ranges, or Host names Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Set-DisableDiscoveryRange -Range <range>

• PS> Set-DisableDiscoveryRange -RangeList <RangeList.xml>
• PS> Set-DisableDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName <groupname>


• PS> Set-DisableDiscoveryRange -Range

• PS> Set-DisableDiscoveryRange -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml
• PS> Set-DisableDiscoveryRangeGroup -GroupName Group1

Creating a Discovery Exclude Range

Description: The Add-DiscoveryExcludeRange command allows you to add an exclude range. Enter the ranges either using
an xml file or by specifying the range. For information about the RangeList.xml file, see Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host Names Using
XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Add-DiscoveryExcludeRange -Range <range>

• PS> Add-DiscoveryExcludeRange -RangeList <RangeList.xml>


• PS> Add-DiscoveryExcludeRange -Range

• PS> Add-DiscoveryExcludeRange -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml

Removing a Discovery Exclude Range

Description: The Remove-DiscoveryExcludeRange command allows you to remove an exclude range. Enter the ranges either
using an xml file or by specifying the range. For information about the RangeList.xml file, see Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host Names
Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Remove-DiscoveryExcludeRange -Range <range>

• PS> Remove-DiscoveryExcludeRange -RangeList <RangeList.xml>


• PS> Remove-DiscoveryExcludeRange -Range

• PS> Remove-DiscoveryExcludeRange -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml

Running Discovery, Inventory, and Status Polling Tasks

Description: The Set-RunDiscovery, Set-RunInventory, Set-RunDiscoveryInventory, and Set-RunStatusPoll
commands allows you to perform discovery, inventory, and status polling on a discovery range, discovery range group, or devices.
For range and range groups, enter the ranges either using an xml file or by specifying the range. For more information about the

RangeList.xml file, see Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host Names Using XML or CSV Files. For devices, enter the name of the device as
displayed in the device tree. Multiple device names must be separated by a comma.


• PS> Set-RunDiscovery -DeviceName <device 1>,<device 2>,...,<device N>

• PS> Set-RunDiscovery -Range <rangename>
• PS> Set-RunDiscovery -GroupName <rangeGroupName>
• PS> Set-RunDiscovery -RangeList <rangelist.xml>
• PS> Set-RunInventory -DeviceName <device 1>,<device 2>,...,<device N>
• PS> Set-RunInventory -Range <rangename>
• PS> Set-RunInventory -GroupName <rangeGroupName>
• PS> Set-RunInventory -RangeList <rangelist.xml>
• PS> Set-RunDiscoveryInventory -DeviceName <device 1>,<device 2>,...,<device N>
• PS> Set-RunDiscoveryInventory -Range <rangename>
• PS> Set-RunDiscoveryInventory -GroupName <rangeGroupName>
• PS> Set-RunDiscoveryInventory -RangeList <rangelist.xml>
• Set-RunStatusPoll -DeviceName <device 1>,<device 2>,...,<device N>
• PS> Set-RunStatusPoll -Range <rangename>
• PS> Set-RunStatusPoll -GroupName <rangeGroupName>
• PS> Set-RunStatusPoll -RangeList <rangelist.xml>


• PS> Set-RunDiscovery -Range

• PS> Set-RunInventory -GroupName MyServers
• PS> Set-RunDiscoveryInventory -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml
• PS> Set-RunStatusPoll -DeviceName MyZen

Removing a Device
Description: The Remove-Device command allows you to remove devices from the device tree.


• PS> Remove-Device -DeviceName <device 1>,<device 2>,...,<device N>


• PS> Remove-Device -DeviceName Server1,RAC1

Retrieving the Status Execution Progress of a Discovery Range

Description: The Get-DiscoveryStatus command allows you to get the progress of a discovery range. Enter the ranges either
using an xml file or by specifying the range. For information about the RangeList.xml file, see Specifying IPs, Ranges, or Host Names
Using XML or CSV Files.


• PS> Get-DiscoveryStatus —Range <rangeName>

• PS> Get-Discovery -RangeList <RangeList.xml>
• PS> Get-Discovery -GroupName <group name>


• PS> Get-DiscoveryStatus —Range
• PS> Get-Discovery -RangeList .\Samples\RangeList.xml
• PS> Get-Discovery -GroupName Group1

Stopping a Running Discovery Range or Group

Description: For any range, only one type of task, such as discovery, discovery and inventory, or status polling, can run at a given
time. The Set-StopTask command allows you to stop a task associated with a discovery range or the tasks associated with the
ranges belonging to a discovery range group.


• PS> Set-StopTask -Range <rangename>

• PS> Set-StopTask -GroupName <groupname>


• PS> Set-StopTask -Range

• PS> Set-StopTask -GroupName Group1

Creating a Custom Device Group

Description: The Add-CustomGroup command allows you to create a custom device group in the device tree. If required, you can
add devices to the group after it is created.

NOTE: Using OpenManage Essentials CLI, you can only create static groups which contain a finite list of servers. You
can create dynamic groups based on queries using the OpenManage Essentials console. For more information, see
Creating a New Group.


• PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName <groupName>

• PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName <groupName> –DeviceList <DeviceList.xml>
• PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName <groupName> -Devices <comma separated list of devices>


• PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName MyServers –DeviceList .\Samples\devicelist.xml

• PS> Add-CustomGroup –GroupName MyServers –Devices PE2900-WK28-ZMD, PWR-CODE.US.DELL.COM,

Example of a DeviceList.xml file:

<Device Name="PE2900-WK28-ZMD"/>
<Device Name="PWR-CODE.US.DELL.COM"/>
<Device Name="HYPERVISOR"/>
<Device Name="M80504-W2K8"/>

Adding Devices to a Custom Group

Description: The Add-DevicesToCustomGroup command allows you to add devices to an existing group. To add the devices to
the group, either use an xml file or list the devices and separate them using a comma.


• PS> Add-DevicesToCustomGroup –GroupName <groupName> -DeviceList <devicelist.xml>

• PS> Add-DevicesToCustomGroup –GroupName <groupName> -Devices <comma separated list of

PS> Add-DevicesToCustomGroup –GroupName MyServers –DeviceList .\Samples\DeviceList.xml

PS> Add-DevicesToCustomGroup –GroupName MyServers –Devices PE2900-WK28-ZMD, PWR-

Example of a DeviceList.xml file:

<Device Name="PE2900-WK28-ZMD"/>
<Device Name="PWR-CODE.US.DELL.COM"/>
<Device Name="HYPERVISOR"/>
<Device Name="M80504-W2K8"/>

Deleting a Group
Description: The Remove-CustomGroup command allows you to remove a group from the root node.

PS> Remove-CustomGroup –GroupName <groupName>

PS> Remove-CustomGroup –GroupName MyServers


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