Strategic Goods Control Act - List HS Concordance (16 Apr 2008)
Strategic Goods Control Act - List HS Concordance (16 Apr 2008)
Strategic Goods Control Act - List HS Concordance (16 Apr 2008)
Goods controlled under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act are listed in the Schedule to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order.
Divison 2 of Part I of the Schedule contains the military goods
Division 2 of Part II of the Schedule contains the dual-use goods
Category Code ML1.d.
does not include optical
weapon sights without
electronic image
processing, with a
magnification of 4 times or
less, provided they are not
specially designed or
modified for military use.
ML2 Smooth-bore weapons with a calibre a. Guns, howitzers, ML2A 93011100
of 20 mm or more, other weapons or cannon, mortars, anti- 93011900
armament with a calibre greater than tank weapons, projectile 93012000
12.7 mm (calibre 0.50 inches), launchers, military 93019000
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 2
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code ML2.a.
includes injectors, metering
devices, storage tanks and
other specially designed
components for use with
liquid propelling charges
for any of the equipment
under Category Code
b. Military smoke, gas and ML2B 36049010
pyrotechnic projectors 36049090
or generators;
Category Code ML2.b.
does not include signal
c. Weapons sights. ML2C 93059100
ML3 Ammunition and fuze setting devices, a. Ammunition for the ML3A 93062100
as follows, and specially designed weapons under Category 93062900
components therefor: Code ML1, ML2 or 93063010
ML12; 93063090
Note 93069000
Specially designed components Note 1
include: Category Code ML3.a.
a. Metal or plastic fabrications such as does not include
primer anvils, bullet cups, cartridge ammunition crimped
links, rotating bands and munitions without a projectile (blank
metal parts; star) and dummy
b. Safing and arming devices, fuses, ammunition with a pierced
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 3
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
1. Smoke grenades, fire
bombs, incendiary
bombs and explosive
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 4
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note
Hand-held devices, limited
by design solely to the
detection of metal objects
and incapable of
distinguishing between
mines and other metal
objects, are not considered
to be specially designed for
the detection of items under
Category Code ML4.a.
b. Equipment specially ML4B 36030020
designed for the 36030090
handling, control, 85439000
activation, powering 93012000
with one-time 93019000
operational output, 93059100
launching, laying,
sweeping, discharging,
decoying, jamming,
detonation or detection
of items under Category
Code ML4.a.
Category Code ML4.b.
1. Mobile gas liquefying
equipment capable of
producing 1,000 kg or
more per day of gas in
liquid form;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 5
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 6
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Under Category Code
ML6.a., modification of a
ground vehicle for military
use entails a structural,
electrical or mechanical
change involving one or
more specially designed
military components. Such
components include:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 7
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 8
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 9
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 10
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 11
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1
Category Code ML7.d.
does not include “riot
control agent” individually
packaged for personal self
defence purposes.
Note 2
Category Code ML7.d.
does not include active
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 14
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 3
Category Code ML7.b. and
Category Code ML7.d. do
not include:
a. Cyanogen chloride (506-
b. Hydrocyanic acid (74-
c. Chlorine (7782-50-5);
d. Carbonyl chloride
(phosgene) (75-44-5);
e. Diphosgene
chloroformate) (503-38-
f. Not used;
g. Xylyl bromide, ortho:
(89-92-9), meta: (620-
13-3), para: (104-81-4);
h. Benzyl bromide (100-
i. Benzyl iodide (620-05-
j. Bromo acetone (598-31-
k. Cyanogen bromide (506-
l. Bromo
methylethylketone (816-
m. Chloro acetone (78-95-
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 15
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 16
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code ML7.g.
does not include personal
radiation monitoring
The cultures of cells and
biological systems listed in
Category Code ML7.h. and
ML7.i.2. are exclusive and
these sub-items do not
include cells or biological
systems for civil purposes,
such as agricultural,
pharmaceutical, medical,
veterinary, environmental,
waste management, or in
the food industry.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 18
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
The cultures of cells and
biological systems listed
in Category Code
ML7.h. and Category
Code ML7.i.2. are
exclusive and these sub-
items do not include
cells or biological
systems for civil
purposes, such as
medical, veterinary,
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 19
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes
1. For the purposes of Category Code
ML8, mixture refers to a
composition of two or more
substances with at least one
substance being listed in the sub-
items under this Category Code.
2. Any substance listed in the sub-
items under Category Code ML8 is
treated as coming within the
description of that substance even
when utilized in an application
other than that indicated. (such as,
TAGN is predominantly used as an
explosive but can also be used
either as a fuel or an oxidizer.)
Note 1
For charges and devices, see
Category Code ML4.
Note 2
Category Code ML8 does not include
the following substances unless they
are compounded or mixed with the
“energetic material” mentioned in
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 20
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 23
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 24
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 27
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 30
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 31
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1
Category Code
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 32
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Explosives and fuels
containing the metals or
alloys listed in Category
Code ML8.c.5. are
treated as coming within
the descriptions of those
metals or alloys whether
or not the metals or
alloys are encapsulated
in aluminum,
magnesium, zirconium,
or beryllium.
6. Military materials ML8C6
containing thickeners
for hydrocarbon fuels
specially formulated
for use in flame
throwers or
incendiary munitions,
such as metal
stearates or palmates
(such as octal (637-
12-7)) and M1, M2,
and M3 thickeners;
7. Perchlorates, ML8C7 28291900
chlorates and 28299000
chromates composited
with powdered metal
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 33
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1
Category Code ML8.d.3
does not include chlorine
Note 2
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 34
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
ML8.d.10 does not
include non-inhibited
fuming nitric acid.
e. Binders, plasticizers, 1. AMMO ML8E1
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 35
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 36
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 37
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 38
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 42
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code ML9.f.
includes connectors for
vessels which are of the
single-conductor, multi-
conductor, coaxial or
waveguide type, and hull
penetrators for vessels,
both of which are capable
of remaining impervious to
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 45
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1
Category Code ML10.b.
does not include “aircraft”
or variants of those
“aircraft” specially
designed for military use
a. Are not configured for
military use and are not
fitted with equipment or
attachments specially
designed or modified for
military use; and
b. Have been certified for
civil use by the relevant
civil aviation authority.
Note 2
The references in Category
Codes ML10.b. and
ML10.d. on specially
designed components and
related equipment for non-
military “aircraft” or aero-
engines modified for
military use applies only
those military components
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 47
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
The references in Category
Codes ML10.b. and
ML10.d. on specially
designed components and
related equipment for non-
military “aircraft” or aero-
engines modified for
military use applies only
those military components
and military related
equipment required for the
modification to military
e. Airborne equipment, ML10E 88031000
including airborne 88032000
refuelling equipment, 88033000
specially designed for 88039090
use with the “aircraft”
under Category Code
ML10.a. or ML10.b. or
the aeroengines under
Category Code
ML10.d., and specially
designed components
f. Pressure refuellers, ML10F 84131910
pressure refuelling 84138110
equipment, equipment 84798930
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 49
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 50
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 52
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1
Category Code ML12 includes the
following when specially designed for
kinetic energy weapon systems:
a. Launch propulsion systems capable
of accelerating masses larger than
0.1 g to velocities in excess of 1.6
km/s, in single or rapid fire modes;
b. Prime power generation, electric
armour, energy storage, thermal
management, conditioning,
switching or fuel-handling
equipment; and electrical interfaces
between power supply, gun and
other turret electric drive functions;
c. Target acquisition, tracking, fire
control or damage assessment
d. Homing seeker, guidance or divert
propulsion (lateral acceleration)
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 54
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Category Code ML12 controls
weapon systems using any of the
following methods of propulsion:
a. Electromagnetic;
b. Electrothermal;
c. Plasma;
d. Light gas; or
e. Chemical (when used in
combination with any of the above).
b. Specially designed test ML12B 90318092
and evaluation facilities 90319019
and test models,
including diagnostic
instrumentation and
targets, for dynamic
testing of kinetic energy
projectiles and systems.
ML13 Armoured or protective equipment a. Armoured plate as ML13A
and constructions and follows:
components, as follows: 1. Manufactured to
comply with a
military standard or
specification; or
2. Suitable for military
b. Constructions of ML13B
metallic or non-metallic
materials or
combinations thereof
specially designed to
provide ballistic
protection for military
systems, and specially
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 55
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code ML13.b.
includes materials specially
designed to form explosive
reactive armour or to
construct military shelters.
c. Military helmets; ML13C 65061090
Note 65069990
Category Code ML13.c.
does not include
conventional steel helmets,
neither modified or
designed to accept, nor
equipped with any type of
accessory device.
d. Body armour and ML13D 39262060
protective garments 39262090
manufactured according
to military standards or
specifications, or
equivalent, and specially
designed components
Category Code ML13.d.
does not include body
armour or protective
garments when
accompanying their user
for the user’s own personal
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 56
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note
The term specialised equipment for
military training includes military
types of attack trainers, operational
flight trainers, radar target trainers,
radar target generators, gunnery
training devices, anti-submarine
warfare trainers, flight simulators
(including human-rated centrifuges
for pilot/astronaut training), radar
trainers, instrument flight trainers,
navigation trainers, missile launch
trainers, target equipment, drone
“aircraft”, armament trainers,
pilotless “aircraft” trainers, mobile
training units and training equipment
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 57
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1
Category Code ML14 includes image
generating and interactive
environment systems for simulators
when specially designed or modified
for military use.
Note 2
Category Code ML14 does not include
equipment specially designed for
training in the use of hunting or
sporting weapons.
ML15 Imaging or countermeasure a. Recorders and image ML15A 85211000
equipment, as follows, specially processing equipment; 85219019
designed for military use, and 85219099
specially designed components and
accessories therefor:
Note 1
The term specially designed
components includes the following
when specially designed for military
a. Infrared image converter tubes;
b. Image intensifier tubes (other than
first generation);
c. Microchannel plates;
d. Low-light-level television camera
e. Detector arrays (including
electronic interconnection or read
out systems);
f. Pyroelectric television camera
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 58
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Category Code ML15 does not include
“first generation image intensifier
tubes” or equipment specially
designed to incorporate “first
generation image intensifier tubes”.
Category Code ML15.f.
includes equipment
designed to degrade the
operation or effectiveness
of military imaging systems
or to minimize such
degrading effects.
ML16 Forgings, castings and other ML16
unfinished products the use of which
in any strategic goods is identifiable
by material composition, geometry or
function, and which are specially
designed for any item under Category
Code ML1, Category Code ML2,
Category Code ML3, Category Code
ML4, Category Code ML6, Category
Code ML9, Category Code ML10,
Category Code ML12 or Category
Code ML19.
ML17 Miscellaneous equipment, materials a. Self-contained diving 1. Closed or semi-closed ML17A1 90200000
and libraries, as follows, and specially and underwater circuit (rebreathing)
designed components therefor: swimming apparatus, as apparatus specially
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 60
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 63
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code ML18.a. and Category
Code ML18.b. include the following
a. Continuous nitrators;
b. Centrifugal testing apparatus or
equipment having any of the
following characteristics:
1. Driven by a motor or motors
having a total rated horsepower
of more than 298 kW (400 hp);
2. Capable of carrying a payload
of 113 kg or more; or
3. Capable of exerting a
centrifugal acceleration of 8 g
or more on a payload of 91 kg or
c. Dehydration presses;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 65
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 66
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Category Code ML19 includes the
following when specially designed for
directed energy weapon systems:
a. Prime power generation, energy
storage, switching, power
conditioning or fuel-handling
b. Target acquisition or tracking
c. Systems capable of assessing target
damage, destruction or mission-
d. Beam-handling, propagation or
pointing equipment;
e. Equipment with rapid beam slew
capability for rapid multiple target
f. Adaptive optics and phase
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 67
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 68
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code ML20.a.
includes mobile systems
incorporating or
employing accessories or
components manufactured
from non-metallic or non-
electrical conductive
materials, such as plastics
or epoxy-impregnated
b. “Superconductive” ML20B 85439090
electrical equipment
(rotating machinery and
transformers) specially
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 69
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code ML20.b.
does not include direct-
current hybrid homopolar
generators that have
single-pole normal metal
armatures which rotate in
a magnetic field produced
by superconducting
windings, provided those
windings are the only
component in the
ML21 Software, as follows: a. Software specially ML21A
designed or modified for
the “development”,
“production” or “use” of
equipment or materials
under this Divison;
b. Specific software, as 1. Software specially ML21B1
follows: designed for:
a. Modelling,
simulation or
evaluation of
military weapon
b. “Development”,
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 70
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 71
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Category Code ML22 does not include
technology for magnetic induction for
continuous propulsion of civil
transport devices.
b. Technology, as follows: 1. Technology ML22B1
“required” for the
design of, the
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 72
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 74
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 75
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 76
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code 0A001.h.,
‘nuclear reactor internals’
means any major structure
within a reactor vessel
which has one or more
functions such as
supporting the core,
maintaining fuel alignment,
directing primary coolant
flow, providing radiation
shields for the reactor
vessel and guiding in-core
i. Heat exchangers (steam DL0A001I 84014000
generators) specially 84195040
designed or prepared for 84195090
use in the primary
coolant circuit of a
“nuclear reactor”;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 77
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 78
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code 0B001.b.,
‘high strength-to-density
ratio material’ means any
of the following:
a. Maraging steel capable
of an ultimate tensile
strength of 2,050 MPa or
b. Aluminium alloys
capable of an ultimate
tensile strength of 460
MPa or more; or
c. “Fibrous or filamentary
materials” with a
“specific modulus” of
more than 3.18 x 106 m
and a “specific tensile
strength” greater than
76.2 x 103 m;
2. Complete rotor DL0B001B2 84012000
3. Rotor tube cylinders DL0B001B3 84012000
with a wall thickness
of 12 mm or less, a
diameter of between 75
mm and 400 mm,
made from ‘high
ratio materials’;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 79
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 80
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 81
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 82
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 83
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 84
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 85
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 86
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 87
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 88
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 89
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 90
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 91
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 92
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 93
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 94
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 95
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 96
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 97
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 98
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 99
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 100
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 102
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 103
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 104
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
A plant for the fabrication of “nuclear
reactor” fuel elements includes
equipment which:
a. Normally comes into direct contact
with or directly processes or
controls the production flow of
nuclear materials;
b. Seals the nuclear materials within
the cladding;
c. Checks the integrity of the cladding
or the seal; or
d. Checks the finish treatment of the
sealed fuel.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 105
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 0B006 includes:
a. Plant for the reprocessing of
irradiated “nuclear reactor” fuel
elements including equipment and
components which normally come
into direct contact with and directly
control the irradiated fuel and the
major nuclear material and fission
product processing streams;
b. Fuel element chopping or
shredding machines, i.e. remotely
operated equipment to cut, chop,
shred or shear irradiated “nuclear
reactor” fuel assemblies, bundles
or rods;
c. Dissolvers, critically safe tanks
(such as small diameter, annular or
slab tanks) specially designed or
prepared for the dissolution of
irradiated “nuclear reactor” fuel,
which are capable of withstanding
hot, highly corrosive liquids, and
which can be remotely loaded and
d. Counter-current solvent extractors
and ion-exchange processing
equipment specially designed or
prepared for use in a plant for the
reprocessing of irradiated “natural
uranium”, “depleted uranium” or
“special fissile materials”;
e. Holding or storage vessels
Please notedesigned
that thetocontrol is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 106
be critically
safe and
provided forresistant
referenceto the corrosive
only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
effects of nitric acid; up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Note: Holding or storage vessels Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
may have the following features:
1. Walls or internal structures
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 0C001 does not
include the following:
a. Four grammes or less of “natural
uranium” or “depleted uranium”
when contained in a sensing
component in instruments;
b. “Depleted uranium” specially
fabricated for the following civil
non-nuclear applications:
1. Shielding;
2. Packaging;
3. Ballasts having a mass not
greater than 100 kg;
4. Counter-weights having a mass
not greater than 100 kg;
c. Alloys containing less than 5%
d. Ceramic products containing
thorium, which have been
manufactured for non-nuclear use.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 107
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 108
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 0C004 does not
include the following:
a. Manufactures of graphite having a
mass less than 1 kg, other than
those specially designed or
prepared for use in a nuclear
b. Graphite powder.
Note 2:
In Category Code 0C004, ‘boron
equivalent’ (BE) means the sum of
BEZ for impurities (excluding BEcarbon
since carbon is not considered an
impurity) including boron, where:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 109
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 110
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 111
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code 1A001.c.,
‘missile’ means complete
rocket systems and
unmanned aerial vehicle
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 112
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 1A002 does not
include composite structures or
laminates made from epoxy resin
impregnated carbon “fibrous or
filamentary materials” for the repair
of aircraft structures or laminates,
provided the size does not exceed 1
Note 2:
Category Code 1A002 does not
include finished or semi-finished items
specially designed for purely civilian
applications as follows:
a. Sporting goods;
b. Automotive industry;
c. Machine tool industry;
that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 113
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1A003 does not
include manufactures when coated or
laminated with copper and designed
for the production of electronic
printed circuit boards.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 114
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 115
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 116
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 1A005 does not
include body armour or protective
garments when accompanying their
user for the user’s own personal
Note 2:
Category Code 1A005 does not
include body armour designed to
provide frontal protection only from
both fragment and blast from non-
military explosive devices.
1A102 Resaturated pyrolized carbon-carbon DL1A102 88032000
components designed for space launch 88039010
vehicles specified in Category Code 88039090
9A004 or sounding rockets specified
in Category Code 9A104.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 117
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 118
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Cold area’ means the viewing area of
the window exposed to the lowest level
of radiation in the design application.
1B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
1B001 Equipment for the production of a. Filament winding DL1B001A 84461010
fibres, prepregs, preforms or machines of which the 84461020
“composites” specified in Category motions for positioning, 84462100
Code 1A002 or Category Code wrapping and winding 84462900
1C010, as follows, and specially fibres are coordinated 84463000
designed components and accessories and programmed in three 84490010
therefor: or more axes, specially
designed for the
N.B.: See also Category Code 1B101 manufacture of
AND 1B201. “composite” structures
or laminates from
“fibrous or filamentary
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 119
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code 1B001.b.,
‘missile’ means complete
rocket systems and
unmanned aerial vehicle
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For the purposes of
Category Code 1B001.c. the
technique of interlacing
includes knitting.
Category Code 1B001.c.
does not include textile
machinery not modified for
the above end-uses.
d. Equipment specially 1. Equipment for DL1B001D1 84198913
designed or adapted for converting polymeric 84199012
the production of fibres (such as
reinforcement fibres, as polyacrylonitrile,
follows: rayon, pitch or
polycarbosilane) into
carbon fibres or silicon
carbide fibres,
including special
equipment to strain the
fibre during heating;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 121
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 122
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 123
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1B101.d.
includes rollers, tension
stretchers, coating
equipment, cutting
equipment and clicker dies.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2:
Category Code 1B115 does not
include equipment for the
“production”, handling and
acceptance testing of boron carbide.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 127
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
1B115.b. does not include
batch mixers, continuous
mixers or fluid energy mills.
For the control of batch
mixers, continuous mixers
and fluid energy mills see
1B117, 1B118 and 1B119.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 128
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 129
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1B226 includes
a. Capable of enriching stable
b. With the ion sources and collectors
both in the magnetic field and those
configurations in which they are
external to the field.
1B227 Ammonia synthesis converters or DL1B227 84199019
ammonia synthesis units, in which the 84199020
synthesis gas (nitrogen and hydrogen)
is withdrawn from an ammonia or
hydrogen high-pressure exchange
column and the synthesized ammonia
is returned to said column.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 131
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Internal contactors’ of the
columns are segmented
trays which have an
effective assembled
diameter of 1.8 m or grater,
are designed to facilitate
countercurrent contacting
and are constructed of
stainless steels with a
carbon content of 0.03% or
less. These may be sieve
trays, valve trays, bubble
cap trays, or turbogrid
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 133
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In this category, ‘crude forms’, in relation to materials, means anodes, balls, bars (including notched bars and wire bars), billets, blocks, blooms,
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 135
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
a. Wrought or worked materials fabricated by rolling, drawing, extruding, forging, impact extruding, pressing, graining, atomising, and grinding,
i.e.: angles, channels, circles, discs, dust, flakes, foils and leaf, forging, plate, powder, pressings and stampings, ribbons, rings, rods (including
bare welding rods, wire rods, and rolled wire), sections, shapes, sheets, strip, pipe and tubes (including tube rounds, squares, and hollows), drawn
or extruded wire;
b. Cast material produced by casting in sand, die, metal, plaster or other types of moulds, including high pressure castings, sintered forms, and forms
made by powder metallurgy. (whether or not coated, plated, drilled or punched)
Category 1C includes forms of those materials which are purportedly finished products but are in reality ‘crude forms’ or ‘semi-fabricated forms’.
1C001 Materials specially designed for use as a. Materials for absorbing DL1C001A
absorbers of electromagnetic waves, frequencies exceeding 2
or intrinsically conductive polymers, x 108 Hz but less than 3
as follows: x 1012 Hz;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 136
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 137
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2:
Nothing in Note 1 to
Category Code 1C001.a.
releases magnetic materials
to provide absorption when
contained in paint.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 138
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Bulk electrical
conductivity’ and ‘sheet
(surface) resistivity’ should
be determined using ASTM
D-257 or national
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 139
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. The metal alloys in Category Code
1C002 are those containing a
higher percentage by weight of the
stated metal than of any other
2. Stress-rupture life is measured in
accordance with ASTM standard E-
139 or national equivalents.
3. Low cycle fatigue life is measured
in accordance with ASTM standard
E-606 ‘Recommended Practice for
Constant-Amplitude Low-Cycle
Fatigue Testing’ or national
equivalents. Testing is axial with an
average stress ratio equal to 1 and
a stress-concentration factor (Kt)
equal to 1. The average stress is
defined as maximum stress minus
minimum stress divided by
maximum stress.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 140
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 141
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 142
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 143
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
X in the following equals
one or more alloying
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 144
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 145
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 146
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Measurement of initial permeability is
that performed on fully annealed
c. Amorphous or ‘nanocrystalline’
alloy strips, having all of the
following characteristics:
1. A composition having a
minimum of 75 weight percent of
iron, cobalt or nickel;
2. A saturation magnetic induction
(Bs) of 1.6 T or more; and
3. Any of the following:
a. A strip thickness of 0.02 mm
or less; or
b. An electrical resistivity of 2 x
10-4 ohm cm or more.
Technical Note:
‘Nanocrystalline’ materials in
Category Code 1C003.c. are those
materials having a crystal grain size
of 50 nm or less, as determined by X-
ray diffraction.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 147
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 148
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 149
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 150
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 151
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 152
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 153
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 154
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C007.b.
does not include abrasives.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 155
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 156
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 157
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C007.f.
does not include
“composites” containing
fibres from these systems
with a fibre tensile strength
of less than 700 MPa at
1,273 K (1,000 ºC) or fibre
tensile creep resistance of
more than 1% creep strain
at 100 MPa load and 1,273
K (1,000ºC) for 100 hours.
1C008 Non-fluorinated polymeric substances, a. 1. Bismaleimides; DL1C008A1 39111010
as follows: 39111090
Note: 39119000
Technical Note: Category Code 1C008.a.
The glass transition temperature (Tg) does not include non-fusible
for Category Code 1C008 materials is compression moulding
determined using the method powders or moulded forms.
described in ISO 11357-2 (1999) or
national equivalents.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 158
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C008.a.
does not include non-fusible
compression moulding
powders or moulded forms.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 159
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 160
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 161
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 162
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C010.b.
does not include fabric
made from “fibrous or
filamentary materials” for
the repair of aircraft
structures or laminates, in
which the size of individual
sheets does not exceed 50
cm x 90 cm.
Technical Note:
Properties for materials
described in Category Code
1C010.b. is determined
using SACMA
recommended methods SRM
12 to 17, or national
equivalent tow tests, such as
Japanese Industrial
Standard JIS-R-7601,
Paragraph 6.6.2., and
based on lot average.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 163
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C010.c.
does not include:
1. Discontinuous,
polycrystalline alumina
fibres in chopped fibre
or random mat form,
containing 3 weight
percent or more silica,
with a specific modulus
of less than 10 x 106 m;
2. Molybdenum and
molybdenum alloy
3. Boron fibres;
4. Discontinuous ceramic
fibres with a melting,
softening, decomposition
or sublimation point
lower than 2,043 K
(1,770ºC) in an inert
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 164
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 165
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C010.e.
does not include:
a. Epoxy resin “matrix”
impregnated carbon
“fibrous or filamentary
materials” (prepregs)
for the repair of aircraft
structures or laminates,
in which the size of
individual sheets of
prepreg does not exceed
50 cm x 90 cm;
b. Prepregs when
impregnated with
phenolic or epoxy resins
having a glass transition
temperature (Tg) less
than 433 K (160ºC) and
a cure temperature lower
than the glass transition
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 166
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 167
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The natural content of
hafnium in the zirconium
(typically 2% to 7%) is
counted with the zirconium.
Category Code 1C011.a.
includes metals or alloys
listed therein whether or not
they are encapsulated in
aluminium, magnesium,
zirconium or beryllium.
b. Boron or boron carbide DL1C011B 28045000
of 85% purity or higher 28499000
and a particle size of 60
µm or less;
Category Code 1C011.b.
includes metals or alloys
listed therein whether or not
they are encapsulated in
aluminium, magnesium,
zirconium or beryllium.
c. Guanidine nitrate; DL1C011C 29252900
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 168
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C012.a.
does not include:
a. Shipments with a
plutonium content of 1 g
or less;
b. Shipments of 3 “effective
grammes” or less when
contained in a sensing
component in
b. “Previously separated” DL1C012B 28444019
neptunium-237 in any 28444090
Category Code 1C012.b.
does not include shipments
with a neptunium-237
content of 1 g or less.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 169
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 1C101 includes:
a. Structural materials and coatings
specially designed for reduced
radar reflectivity;
b. Coatings, including paints,
specially designed for reduced or
tailored reflectivity or emissivity in
the microwave, infrared or
ultraviolet regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Note 2:
Category Code 1C101 does not
include coatings when specially used
for the thermal control of satellites.
Technical Note:
In Category Code 1C101 ‘missile’
means complete rocket systems and
unmanned aerial vehicle systems
capable of a range exceeding 300 km.
1C102 Resaturated pyrolized carbon-carbon DL1C102
materials designed for space launch
vehicles specified in Category Code
9A004 or sounding rockets specified
in Category Code 9A104.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 170
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 171
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 172
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
A particle size of 63 µm
(ISO R-565) corresponds
to 250 mesh (Tyler) or
230 mesh (ASTM
standard E-11).
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 173
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The natural content of
hafnium in the zirconium
(typically 2% to 7%) is
counted with the
3. Liquid oxidiser a. Dinitrogen trioxide; DL1C111A3A 28112990
substances as follows:
b. Nitrogen DL1C111A3B 28112990
c. Dinitrogen pentoxide; DL1C111A3C 28112990
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 174
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Mixed Oxides of
Nitrogen (MON) are
solutions of Nitric
Oxide (NO) in
Dinitrogen Tetroxide/
Nitrogen Dioxide
(N2O4/NO2) that can
be used in missile
systems. There are a
range of compositions
that can be denoted
as MONi or MONij,
where i and j are
integers representing
the percentage of
Nitric Oxide in the
mixture (such as,
MON3 contains 3%
Nitric Oxide, MON25
25% Nitric Oxide. An
upper limit is
MON40, 40% by
e. Inhibited Red Fuming DL1C111A3E 28080000
Nitric Acid (IRFNA),
also listed in
Category Code
ML8.d.10. of
Division 2 of Part I;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 175
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 176
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 177
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 178
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 179
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 180
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C210.a.
does not include aramid
‘fibrous or filamentary
materials’ having 0.25
percent or more by weight
of an ester based fibre
surface modifier.
b. Glass ‘fibrous or DL1C210B 70191100
filamentary materials’ 70191200
having both of the 70191910
following characteristics: 70191990
1. A “specific modulus” 70194000
of 3.18 x 106 m or 70195100
greater; and 70195200
2. A “specific tensile 70195900
strength” of 76.2 x
103 m or greater;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 181
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The resin forms the matrix
of the composite.
1C216 Maraging steel, other than that DL1C216
specified in Category Code 1C116,
‘capable of’ an ultimate tensile
strength of 2,050 MPa or more, at 293
K (20 ºC).
Category Code 1C216 does not
include forms in which all linear
dimensions are 75 mm or less.
Technical Note:
The phrase maraging steel ‘capable
of’ encompasses maraging steel
before or after heat treatment.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 182
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code 1C225 mixtures
containing boron include boron
loaded materials.
Technical Note:
The natural isotopic abundance of
boron-10 is approximately 18.5 weight
per cent (20 atom per cent).
1C226 Tungsten, tungsten carbide, and alloys DL1C226 28499000
containing more than 90% tungsten by 81019400
weight, having both of the following 81019900
a. In forms with a hollow cylindrical
symmetry (including cylinder
segments) with an inside diameter
between 100 mm and 300 mm; and
b. A mass greater than 20 kg.
Category Code 1C226 does not
include manufactures specially
designed as weights or gamma-ray
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 183
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 184
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C230 does not
include the following:
a. Metal windows for X-ray machines,
or for bore-hole logging devices;
b. Oxide shapes in fabricated or semi-
fabricated forms specially designed
for electronic component parts or
as substrates for electronic circuits;
c. Beryl (silicate of beryllium and
aluminium) in the form of emeralds
or aquamarines.
1C231 Hafnium metal, alloys containing DL1C231 81129200
more than 60% hafnium by weight, 81129900
hafnium compounds containing more
than 60% hafnium by weight,
manufactures thereof, and waste or
scrap of any of the foregoing.
1C232 Helium-3 (3He), mixtures containing DL1C232 28042900
helium-3, and products or devices 28459000
containing any of the foregoing.
Category Code 1C232 does not
include a product or device containing
less than 1 g of helium-3.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 185
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C233 does not
include thermoluminescent
Technical Note:
The natural isotopic abundance of
lithium-6 is approximately 6.5 weight
per cent (7.5 atom per cent).
1C234 Zirconium with a hafnium content of DL1C234 81092000
less than 1 part hafnium to 500 parts 81093000
zirconium by weight, as follows: 81099000
metal, alloys containing more than
50% zirconium by weight,
compounds, manufactures thereof,
waste or scrap of any of the foregoing.
Category Code 1C234 does not
include zirconium in the form of foil
having a thickness of 0.10 mm or less.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 186
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C235 does not
include a product or device containing
less than 1.48 x 103 GBq (40 Ci) of
1C236 Alpha-emitting radionuclides having DL1C236 28444019
an alpha half-life of 10 days or greater 28444090
but less than 200 years, in the
following forms:
a. Elemental;
b. Compounds having a total alpha
activity of 37 GBq/kg (1 Ci/kg) or
c. Mixtures having a total alpha
activity of 37 GBq/kg (1 Ci/kg) or
d. Products or devices containing any
of the foregoing.
Category Code 1C236 does not
include a product or device containing
less than 3.7 GBq (100 millicuries) of
alpha activity.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 187
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C237 does not
include the following:
a. Medical applicators;
b. A product or device containing less
than 0.37 GBq (10 millicuries) of
1C238 Chlorine trifluoride (CIF3). DL1C238 28129000
1C239 High explosives, other than those DL1C239 36020000
specified in Division 2 of Part I, or
substances or mixtures containing
more than 2% by weight thereof, with
a crystal density greater than 1.8 g/cm3
and having a detonation velocity
greater than 8,000 m/s.
1C240 Nickel powder and porous nickel a. Nickel powder having DL1C240A 75040000
metal, other than those specified in both of the following
Category Code 0C005, as follows: characteristics:
1. A nickel purity
Note: content of 99.0% or
Category Code 1C240 does not greater by weight;
include the following: and
a. Filamentary nickel powders; 2. A mean particle size
b. Single porous nickel sheets with an of less than 10
area of 1,000 cm2 per sheet or less. micrometres
measured by
American Society for
Testing and Materials
(ASTM) B330
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 188
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Category Code 1C240.b.
refers to porous metal
formed by compacting and
sintering the materials in
Category Code 1C240.a to
form a metal material with
fine pores interconnected
throughout the structure.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 189
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 1C350 does not
include “chemical mixtures”
containing one or more of the
chemicals specified in entries
1C350.2, .6, .7, .8, .9, .10, .14, .15, .16
, .19, .20, .24, .25, .30, .37, .38, .39, .4
0, .41, .42, .43, .44, .45, .46, .47, .48, .
49, .50, .51, .52, .53, .58, .59, .60, .61
and .62 in which no individually
specified chemical constitutes more
than 30% by the weight of the mixture.
Note 2:
Category Code 1C350 does not
include products identified as
consumer goods packaged for retail
sale for personal use or packaged for
individual use.
2. Phosphorus oxychloride DL1C3502 28121000
3. Dimethyl DL1C3503 29310090
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 190
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 191
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 194
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 196
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 197
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 198
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C351.d.
does not include botulinum
toxins or conotoxins in
product form meeting all of
the following criteria:
1. Are pharmaceutical
formulations designed
for human
administration in the
treatment of medical
2. Are pre-packaged for
distribution as medical
3. Are authorised by a State
authority to be marketed
as medical products.
2. Clostridium DL1C351D2 30029000
perfringens toxins;
3. Conotoxin; DL1C351D3 30029000
4. Ricin; DL1C351D4 30029000
5. Saxitoxin; DL1C351D5 30029000
6. Shiga toxin; DL1C351D6 30029000
7. Staphylococcus aureus DL1C351D7 30029000
8. Tetrodotoxin; DL1C351D8 30029000
9. Verotoxin; DL1C351D9 30029000
10. Microcystin DL1C351D10 30029000
11. Aflatoxins; DL1C351D11 30029000
12. Abrin; DL1C351D12 30029000
13. Cholera toxin; DL1C351D13 30029000
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 199
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 200
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C352 does not
include “vaccines”.
4. Foot and mouth DL1C352A4 30029000
disease virus;
5. Goat pox virus; DL1C352A5 30029000
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 201
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 202
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C353 does not apply
to nucleic acid sequences associated
with the pathogenicity of
enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli,
serotype O157 and other verotoxin
producing strains, other than those
coding for the verotoxin, or for its
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 203
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 204
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 205
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 206
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 1C450 does not
include “chemical mixtures”
containing one or more of the
chemicals specified in Category Code
1C450.a.4., .a.5., .a.6., .a.7. and .b.8.
in which no individually specified
chemical constitutes more than 30%
by weight of the mixture.
Note 2:
Category Code 1C450 does not
include products identified as
consumer goods packaged for retail
sale for personal use or packaged for
individual use.
2. PFIB: 1,1,3,3,3- DL1C450A2 29033900
propene (382-21-8);
3. BZ: 3-Quinuclidinyl DL1C450A3 29333990
benzilate (6581-06-2),
in Category Code
ML7.b.3.a. in Division
2 of Part I;
4. Phosgene: Carbonyl DL1C450A4 28121000
dichloride (75-44-5);
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 207
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1C450.b.1
does not include Fonofos:
O-Ethyl S- phenyl
nate (944-22-9);
2. N,N-Dialkyl [methyl, DL1C450B2 29211900
ethyl or propyl (normal
or iso)]
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 208
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 209
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
1C450.b.5. does not
include the following:
a. N,N-
(108-01-0) and
protonated salts;
b. Protonated salts of
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 210
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 212
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 214
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
1E002.c.2. does not
include technology for the
design or production of
d. Technology for the DL1E002D
“production” of aromatic
polyamide fibres;
e. Technology for the DL1E002E
installation, maintenance
or repair of materials
specified in Category
Code 1C001;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 215
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1E002.f.
does not include technology
for the repair of “civil
aircraft” structures using
carbon “fibrous or
filamentary materials” and
epoxy resins, contained in
aircraft manufacturers’
1E101 Technology according to the General DL1E101
Technology Note for the “use” of
goods specified in Category Code
1A102, 1B001, 1B101, 1B102, 1B115
to 1B119, 1C001, 1C101, 1C107,
1C111 to 1C117, 1D101 or 1D103.
1E102 Technology according to the General DL1E102
Technology Note for the
“development” of software specified
in Category Code 1D001, 1D101 or
1E103 Technology for the regulation of DL1E103
temperature, pressure or atmosphere in
autoclaves or hydroclaves, when used
for the “production” of “composites”
or partially processed “composites”.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 216
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 1E104 includes
technology for the composition of
precursor gases, flow-rates and
process control schedules and
1E201 Technology according to the General DL1E201
Technology Note for the “use” of
goods specified in Category Code
1A002, 1A202, 1A225 to 1A227,
1B201, 1B225 to 1B233, 1C002.b.3
or .b.4., 1C010.b., 1C202, 1C210,
1C216, 1C225 to 1C240 or 1D201.
1E202 Technology according to the General DL1E202
Technology Note for the
“development” or “production” of
goods specified in Category Code
1A202 or 1A225 to 1A227.
1E203 Technology according to the General DL1E203
Technology Note for the
“development” of software specified
in Category Code 1D201.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 217
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 2A001.a.
does not include tapered
roller bearings.
b. Other ball bearings and DL2A001B 84821000
solid roller bearings 84822000
having all tolerances 84823000
specified by the 84824000
manufacturer in 84825000
accordance with ISO 492 84828000
Tolerance Class 2 (or
Tolerance Class ABEC-9
or RBEC-9, or other
national equivalents) or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 218
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 219
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For valves with different inlet and
outlet diameters, the ‘nominal size’ in
Category Code 2A226 refers to the
smallest diameter.
2B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
Technical Notes
1. Secondary parallel contouring axes (such as the w-axis on horizontal boring mills or a secondary rotary axis the centre line of which is parallel to
the primary rotary axis) are not counted in the total number of contouring axes. Rotary axes need not rotate over 360°. A rotary axis can be driven
by a linear device (such as a screw or a rack-and-pinion).
2. For the purposes of Category 2B, the number of axes which can be co-ordinated simultaneously for “contouring control” is the number of axes
along or around which, during processing of the workpiece, simultaneous and interrelated motions are performed between the workpiece and a
tool. This does not include any additional axes along or around which other relative movement within the machine are performed such as:
a. Wheel-dressing systems in grinding machines;
b. Parallel rotary axes designed for mounting of separate workpieces;
c. Co-linear rotary axes designed for manipulating the same workpiece by holding it in a chuck from different ends.
3. Axis nomenclature shall be in accordance with International Standard ISO 841, ‘Numerical Control Machines — Axis and Motion Nomenclature’.
4. For the purposes of Category Code 2B001 to 2B009, a “tilting spindle” is counted as a rotary axis.
2B001 Machine tools and any combination a. Machine tools for DL2B001A 84581100
thereof, for removing (or cutting) turning, having all of the 84581900
metals, ceramics or “composites”, following characteristics: 84589100
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 221
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2: Note:
Category Code 2B001 does not Category Code 2B001.a.
include special purpose machine tools does not include turning
limited to the manufacture of any of machines specially designed
the following parts: for the production of
a. Crankshafts or camshafts; contact lenses.
b. Tools or cutters;
c. Extruder worms;
d. Engraved or faceted jewellery
Note 3:
A machine tool having at least two of
the three turning, milling or grinding
capabilities (such as a turning
machine with milling capability), shall
be treated as coming within those
entries in Category Code 2B001.a., b.
or c that are applicable to its
b. Machine tools for DL2B001B 84595100
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 222
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 223
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 2B001.c.
does not include grinding
machines, as follows:
1. Cylindrical external,
internal, and external-
internal grinding
machines having all the
a. Limited to cylindrical
grinding; and
b. Limited to a maximum
workpiece capacity of
150 mm outside
diameter or length.
2. Machines designed
specifically as jig
grinders that do not have
a z-axis or a w-axis, with
a positioning accuracy
with “all compensations
available” less (better)
than 4 µm according to
ISO 230/2 (1988) or
national equivalents.
3. Surface grinders.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 225
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 226
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For the purposes of Category Code
2B002, MRF is a material removal
process using an abrasive magnetic
fluid whose viscosity is controlled by a
magnetic field.
2B003 “Numerically controlled” or manual DL2B003 84614010
machine tools, and specially designed
components, controls and accessories
therefor, specially designed for the
shaving, finishing, grinding or honing
of hardened (Rc = 40 or more) spur,
helical and double-helical gears with a
pitch diameter exceeding 1,250 mm
and a face width of 15% of pitch
diameter or larger finished to a quality
of AGMA 14 or better (equivalent to
ISO 1328 class 3).
2B004 Hot “isostatic presses”, having all of DL2B004 84798930
the following, and specially designed
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 227
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The inside chamber dimension is that
of the chamber in which both the
working temperature and the working
pressure are achieved and does not
include fixtures. That dimension will
be the smaller of either the inside
diameter of the pressure chamber or
the inside diameter of the insulated
furnace chamber, depending on which
of the two chambers is located inside
the other.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 228
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 229
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 230
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 231
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 232
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For the purpose of
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 233
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
2B006.b.1. does not
include measuring
interferometer systems,
with an automatic control
system that is designed to
use no feedback
techniques, containing a
“laser” to measure slide
movement errors of
dimensional inspection
machines or similar
2. Angular displacement DL2B006B2
measuring instruments
having an “angular
position deviation”
equal to or less (better)
than 0.00025º;
2B006.b.2. does not
include optical
instruments, such as
autocollimators, using
collimated light (such as,
laser light) to detect
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 234
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The ‘scene analysis’
limitation does not include
approximation of the third
dimension by viewing at a
given angle, or limited grey
scale interpretation for the
perception of depth or
texture for the approved
tasks (2½ D).
b. Specially designed to DL2B007B 84795000
comply with national
safety standards
applicable to explosive
munitions environments
in the country of
c. Specially designed or DL2B007C 84795000
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 235
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The term Gy (silicon) refers
to the energy in Joules per
kilogram absorbed by an
unshielded silicon sample
when exposed to ionising
d. Specially designed to DL2B007D 84795000
operate at altitudes
exceeding 30,000 m.
2B008 Assemblies or units, specially a. Linear position feedback DL2B008A 90319019
designed for machine tools, or units (e.g., inductive type 90319020
dimensional inspection or measuring devices, graduated
systems and equipment, as follows: scales, infrared systems
or “laser” systems)
having an overall
“accuracy” less (better)
than (800 + (600 x L x
10-3)) nm (L equals the
effective length in mm);
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 236
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Machines combining the function of
spin-forming and flow- forming are
for the purpose of Category Code
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 237
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 238
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 239
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 240
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 2B119.a.
does not include balancing
machines designed or
modified for dental or other
medical equipment.
b. Indicator heads designed DL2B119B 90319019
or modified for use with 90319020
machines specified in
Technical Note:
Indicator heads are
sometimes known as
balancing instrumentation.
2B120 Motion simulators or rate tables DL2B120 84211990
having all of the following
a. Two axes or more;
b. Slip rings capable of transmitting
electrical power and/or signal
information; and
c. Having any of the following
1. For any single axis having all of
the following:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 241
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 2B120 does not
include rotary tables designed or
modified for machine tools or for
medical equipment. For controls on
machine tool rotary tables see
Category Code 2B008.
2B121 Positioning tables (equipment capable DL2B121
of precise rotary positioning in any
axes), other than those specified in
Category Code 2B120, having all the
following characteristics:
a. Two axes or more; and
b. A positioning accuracy equal to or
better than 5 arc second.
Category Code 2B121 does not
include rotary tables designed or
modified for machine tools or for
medical equipment. For controls on
machine tool rotary tables see 2B008.
2B122 Centrifuges capable of imparting DL2B122 84211990
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 242
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 243
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 2B201.b.
does not include the
following grinding
a. Cylindrical external,
internal, and external-
internal grinding
machines having all of
the following
1. Limited to a maximum
workpiece capacity of
150 mm outside
diameter or length;
2. Axes limited to x, z
and c;
b. Jig grinders that do not
have a z-axis or a w-axis
with an overall
positioning accuracy less
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 244
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 245
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 246
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 2B209.a.
includes machines which
have only a single roller
designed to deform metal
plus two auxiliary rollers
which support the mandrel,
but do not participate
directly in the deformation
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 247
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 248
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Remote manipulators provide
translation of human operator actions
to a remote operating arm and
terminal fixture. They may be of
‘master/slave’ type or operated by
joystick or keypad.
2B226 Controlled atmosphere (vacuum or a. Furnaces having all of DL2B226A 85142090
inert gas) induction furnaces, and the following
power supplies therefor, as follows: characteristics:
1. Capable of operation
N.B: See also Category 3B. above 1,123 K (850
2. Induction coils 600
mm or less in
diameter; and
3. Designed for power
inputs of 5 kW or
Category Code 2B226.a.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 249
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 250
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 2B228.a.
includes precision
mandrels, clamps, and
shrink fit machines.
b. Rotor straightening DL2B228B
equipment for alignment
of gas centrifuge rotor
tube sections to a
common axis;
Technical Note:
Equipment specified in
Category Code 2B228.b.
normally consists of
precision measuring probes
linked to a computer that
subsequently controls the
action of, for example,
pneumatic rams used for
aligning the rotor tube
c. Bellows-forming DL2B228C
mandrels and dies for
producing single-
convolution bellows.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 251
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
In Category Code 2B228.c.
the bellows have all of the
following characteristics:
1. Inside diameter between
75 mm and 400 mm;
2. Length equal to or
greater than 12.7 mm;
3. Single convolution depth
greater than 2 mm; and
4. Made of high-strength
aluminium alloys,
maraging steel or high
strength “fibrous or
filamentary materials”.
2B230 “Pressure transducers” capable of DL2B230 90262030
measuring absolute pressures at any 90262040
point in the range 0 to 13 kPa and
having both of the following
a. Pressure sensing elements made of
or protected by aluminium,
aluminium alloy, nickel or nickel
alloy with more than 60% nickel by
weight; and
b. Having either of the following
1. A full scale of less than 13 kPa
and an ‘accuracy’ of better than
±1% of full-scale; or
2. A full scale of 13 kPa or greater
and an ‘accuracy’ of better than
±130 Pa.
Technical Note:
For the purposes of Category Code
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 252
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. The pumping speed is determined
at the measurement point with
nitrogen gas or air.
2. The ultimate vacuum is determined
at the input of the pump with the
input of the pump blocked off.
2B232 Multistage light gas guns or other DL2B232 93040090
high-velocity gun systems (coil,
electromagnetic, and electrothermal
types, and other advanced systems)
capable of accelerating projectiles to 2
km/s or greater.
2B350 Chemical manufacturing facilities, a. Reaction vessels or DL2B350A 39251000
equipment and components, as reactors, with or without 70200090
follows: agitators, with total 75089090
internal (geometric) 81039000
Technical Note: volume greater than 0.1 81089000
‘Carbon graphite’ is a composition of m3 (100 litres) and less 81099000
amorphous carbon and graphite, in than 20 m3 (20,000 81122900
which the graphite content is 8% or litres), where all surfaces
more by weight. that come in direct
contact with the
chemical(s) being
processed or contained
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 253
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 255
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 256
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 257
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 258
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 259
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
P3 or P4 (BL3, BL4, L3,
L4) containment levels are
as specified in the WHO
Laboratory Biosafety
manual (2nd edition,
Geneva 1993).
b. Fermenters capable of DL2B352B 84193919
cultivation of pathogenic 84193920
viruses or capable of
toxin production, without
the propagation of
aerosols, and having a
total capacity of 20 litres
or more;
Technical Note:
Fermenters include
bioreactors, chemostats and
continuous-flow systems.
c. Centrifugal separators, DL2B352C 84211990
capable of continuous
separation without the
propagation of aerosols,
having all the following
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 262
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Centrifugal separators
include decanters.
d. Cross (tangential) flow 1. Cross (tangential) flow DL2B352D1 84212910
filtration equipment and filtration equipment 84212990
components as follows: capable of separation of 84213990
Note: microorganisms,
Category Code 2B352.d. viruses, toxins or cell
does not include reverse cultures, without the
osmosis equipment, as propagation of
specified by the aerosols, having both of
manufacturer. the following
a. A total filtration area
equal to or greater
than 1 m2; and
b. Capable of being
sterilised or
disinfected in-situ;
Technical Note:
In Category Code
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 263
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 264
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code
2B352.f.2., isolators
include flexible isolators,
dry boxes, anaerobic
chambers, glove boxes
and laminar flow hoods
(closed with vertical
g. Chambers designed for DL2B352G
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 265
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 2D002 does not
include software specially designed or
modified for the operation of machine
tools not specified in Category 2.
Note 2:
Category Code 2D002 does not
include software for items specified in
Category Code 2B002. See Category
Code 2D001 for control of “software”
for items specified in Category Code
2D101 Software specially designed or DL2D101
modified for the “use” of equipment
specified in Category Code 2B104,
2B105, 2B109, 2B116, 2B117 or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 266
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 268
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 269
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
The Table entitled
Deposition Techniques and
Technical Note appear after
Category Code 2E301.
2E101 Technology according to the General DL2E101
Technology Note for the “use” of
equipment or software specified in
Category Code 2B004, 2B009, 2B104,
2B109, 2B116, 2B119 to 2B122 or
2E201 Technology according to the General DL2E201
Technology Note for the “use” of
equipment or software specified in
Category Code 2A225, 2A226,
2B001, 2B006, 2B007.b., 2B007.c.,
2B008, 2B009, 2B201, 2B204, 2B206,
2B207, 2B209, 2B225 to 2B232,
2D201, or 2D202.
2E301 Technology according to the General DL2E301
Technology Note for the “use” of
goods specified in Category Code
2B350 to 2B352.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 270
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 271
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 272
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
3A001.a.2. does not apply
to integrated circuits for
civil automobiles or
railway train
3. “Microprocessor DL3A001A3 85423100
microcircuits”, 85423900
microcircuits” and
manufactured from a
semiconductor and
operating at a clock
frequency exceeding
40 MHz;
Category Code
3A001.a.3. includes
digital signal processors,
digital array processors
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 273
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 274
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 275
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
3A001.a.7. includes:
- Simple Programmable
Logic Devices (SPLDs)
- Complex
Programmable Logic
Devices (CPLDs)
- Field Programmable
Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
- Field Programmable
Logic Arrays (FPLAs)
- Field Programmable
Interconnects (FPICs)
N.B.: Field
programmable logic
devices are also known as
field programmable gate
or field programmable
logic arrays.
9. Neural network DL3A001A9 85423100
integrated circuits; 85423900
10. Custom integrated DL3A001A10 85423100
circuits for which the 85423900
function is unknown,
having any of the
a. More than 1,000
b. A typical “basic
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 276
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
When N is equal to 1,024
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 277
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 278
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 279
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 280
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code
3A001.b.2. does not
include broadcast satellite
equipment designed or
rated to operate in the
frequency range of 40.5
GHz to 42.5 GHz.
Note 2:
Whether any MMIC
whose rated operating
frequency includes
frequencies listed in more
than one frequency range,
as defined by Category
Code 3A001.b.2.a. to
3A001.b.2.f., is included
in that Category is
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 281
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 3:
Notes 1 and 2 in the
chapeau to Category 3
mean than 3A001.b.2.
does not include MMICs
if they are specially
designed for other
applications, such as,
radar, automobiles.
3. Discrete microwave DL3A001B3 85412100
transistors having any 85412900
of the following:
a. Rated for operation
at frequencies
exceeding 3.2 GHz
up to and including
6 GHz and having
an average output
power greater than
60 W (47.8 dBm);
b. Rated for operation
at frequencies
exceeding 6 GHz up
to and including
31.8 GHz and
having an average
output power
greater than 20 W
(43 dBm);
c. Rated for operation
at frequencies
exceeding 31.8 GHz
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 282
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Whether a transistor
whose rated operating
frequency includes
frequencies listed in more
than one frequency range,
as defined by Category
Code 3A001.b.3.a. to
3A001.b.3.e., is included
under that Category is
determined by the lowest
average output power
control threshold.
4. Microwave solid state DL3A001B4 85423300
amplifiers and 85423900
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 283
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 284
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 285
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
3.2 GHz is to be used as
the lowest operating
frequency (fGHz) in the
formula in 3A001.b.4.f.3.,
for amplifiers that have a
rated operating range
extending downward to
3.2 GHz and below
Note 1:
Category Code
3A001.b.4. does not
include broadcast satellite
equipment designed or
rated to operate in the
frequency range of 40.5 to
42.5 GHz.
Note 2:
Whether an item whose
rated operating frequency
includes frequencies listed
in more than one
frequency range, as
defined by Category Code
3A001.b.4.a. to
3A001.b.4.e., is included
in that Category is
determined by the lowest
average output power
control threshold.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 286
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 287
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
3A001.b.8. does not
include equipment
designed or rated for
operation in any
frequency band which is
“allocated by the ITU”
for radio-communications
services, but not for
c. Acoustic wave devices, 1. Surface acoustic wave DL3A001C1 85423100
as follows, and specially and surface skimming 85423900
designed components (shallow bulk) acoustic
therefor: wave devices (i.e.,
“signal processing”
devices employing
elastic waves in
materials), having any
of the following:
a. A carrier frequency
exceeding 2.5 GHz;
b. A carrier frequency
exceeding 1 GHz,
but not exceeding
2.5 GHz, and
having any of the
1. A frequency
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 288
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 289
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 290
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 291
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Energy density’ is
obtained by multiplying
the average power in
watts (average voltage
in volts times average
current in amperes) by
the duration of the
discharge in hours to
75% of the open circuit
voltage divided by the
total mass of the cell
(or battery) in kg.
c. “Space qualified” DL3A001E1C 85414020
and radiation 85414090
photovoltaic arrays
with a specific power
exceeding 160 W/m2
at an operating
temperature of 301 K
(28 ºC) under a
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 292
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 293
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
a. Energy delivered
during the discharge
exceeding 10 kJ in
the first second;
b. Inner diameter of
the current carrying
windings of more
than 250 mm; and
c. Rated for a
magnetic induction
of more than 8 T or
“overall current
density” in the
winding of more
than 300 A/mm2;
Category Code
3A001.e.3. does not
electromagnets or
solenoids specially
designed for Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 294
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 295
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Analogue magnetic tape
recorders specially
designed for civilian
video purposes are not
considered to be
instrumentation tape
2. Digital video magnetic DL3A002A2 84719090
tape recorders having a
maximum digital
interface transfer rate
exceeding 360 Mbit/s;
Category Code
3A002.a.2. does not
include digital video
magnetic tape recorders
specially designed for
television recording using
a signal format, which
may include a compressed
signal format,
standardised or
recommended by the ITU,
the IEC, the SMPTE, the
EBU, the ETSI or the
IEEE for civil television
3. Digital instrumentation DL3A002A3 84719090
magnetic tape data
recorders employing
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 296
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
3A002.a.3. does not
include analogue
magnetic tape recorders
equipped with HDDR
conversion electronics
and configured to record
only digital data.
4. Equipment, having a DL3A002A4 84719090
maximum digital
interface transfer rate
exceeding 175 Mbit/s,
designed to convert
digital video magnetic
tape recorders for use
as digital
instrumentation data
5. Waveform digitisers DL3A002A5 84719090
and transient recorders
having all of the
a. Digitising rate equal
to or more than 200
million samples per
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 297
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For those instruments
with a parallel bus
architecture, the
continuous throughput
rate is the highest word
rate multiplied by the
number of bits in a word.
Continuous throughput is
the fastest data rate the
instrument can output to
mass storage without the
loss of any information
whilst sustaining the
sampling rate and
6. Digital instrumentation DL3A002A6 84719090
data recorders, using
magnetic disk storage
technique, having all
of the following:
a. Digitising rate equal
to or more than 100
million samples per
second and a
resolution of 8 bit
or more; and
b. A continuous
throughput of 1
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 298
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
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Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
3A002.c.3. does not
include those “dynamic
signal analysers” using
only constant percentage
bandwidth filters (also
known as octave or
fractional octave filters).
d. Frequency synthesised DL3A002D 85432000
signal generators 85437090
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 299
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Technical Note:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 300
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A002.d.
does not include equipment
in which the output
frequency is either
produced by the addition or
subtraction of two or more
crystal oscillator
frequencies, or by an
addition or subtraction
followed by a multiplication
of the result.
e. Network analysers with a DL3A002E 85437090
maximum operating
frequency exceeding
43.5 GHz;
f. Microwave test receivers DL3A002F 85437090
having all of the
1. A maximum
operating frequency
exceeding 43.5 GHz;
2. Being capable of
measuring amplitude
and phase
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 301
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A002.g.1.
does not include non-
”space qualified” rubidium
3A003 Spray cooling thermal management DL3A003
systems employing closed loop fluid
handling and reconditioning
equipment in a sealed enclosure where
a dielectric fluid is sprayed onto
electronic components using specially
designed spray nozzles that are
designed to maintain electronic
components within their operating
temperature range, and specially
designed components therefor.
3A101 Electronic equipment, devices and a. Analogue-to-digital DL3A101A 85423900
components, other than those specified converters, usable in 85437090
in Category Code 3A001, as follows: “missiles”, designed to
meet military
specifications for
ruggedized equipment;
b. Accelerators capable of DL3A101B 85431000
delivering 90222900
electromagnetic radiation
produced by
bremsstrahlung from
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 302
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A101.b.
above does not specify
equipment specially
designed for medical
3A201 Electronic components, other than a. Capacitors having either DL3A201A 85321000
those specified in Category Code of the following sets of 85322100
3A001, as follows; characteristics: 85322200
1. a. Voltage rating 85322300
greater than 1.4 kV; 85322400
b. Energy storage 85322500
greater than 10 J; 85322900
c. Capacitance greater 85323000
than 0.5 µF; and 85329000
d. Series inductance
less than 50 nH; or
2. a. Voltage rating
greater than 750 V;
b. Capacitance greater
than 0.25 µF; and
c. Series inductance
less than 10 nH;
b. Superconducting DL3A201B 85059090
electromagnets having
all of the following
1. Capable of creating
magnetic fields
greater than 2 T;
2. A ratio of length to
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 303
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A201.b.
does not include magnets
specially designed for and
exported ‘as parts of’
medical nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) imaging
systems. For this purpose,
the magnets and NMR
imaging systems may be
part of the same shipment
or in separate shipments
from different sources,
provided the related export
documents clearly specify
that the shipments are
dispatched ‘as part of’ the
imaging systems.
c. Flash X-ray generators DL3A201C 85431000
or pulsed electron 90221300
accelerators having 90221400
either of the following 90221990
sets of characteristics:
1. a. An accelerator peak
electron energy of
500 keV or greater
but less than 25 MeV;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 304
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A201.c.
does not include
accelerators that are
component parts of devices
designed for purposes other
than electron beam or X-ray
radiation (electron
microscopy, for example)
nor those designed for
medical purposes:
Technical Notes:
1. The ‘figure of merit’ K is
defined as:
K = 1.7 x 103V2.65Q
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 305
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
3. In machines based on
microwave accelerating
cavities, the time duration
of the beam pulse is the
lesser of 1 µs or the
duration of the bunched
beam packet resulting from
one microwave modulator
4. In machines based on
microwave accelerating
cavities, the peak beam
current is the average
current in the time duration
of a bunched beam packet.
3A225 Frequency changers or generators, DL3A225 85044030
other than those specified in Category 85044040
Code 0B001.b.13., having all of the 85044090
following characteristics:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 306
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Frequency changers in Category Code
3A225 are also known as converters
or inverters.
3A226 High-power direct current power DL3A226 85013200
supplies, other than those specified in 85013300
Category Code 0B001.j.6., having 85013400
both of the following characteristics:
a. Capable of continuously producing,
over a time period of 8 hours, 100
V or greater with current output of
500 A or greater; and
b. Current or voltage stability better
than 0.1% over a time period of 8
3A227 High-voltage direct current power DL3A227 85013200
supplies, other than those specified in 85013300
Category Code 0B001.j.5., having 85013400
both of the following characteristics:
a. Capable of continuously producing,
over a time period of 8 hours, 20 kV
or greater with current output of 1 A
or greater; and
b. Current or voltage stability better
than 0.1% over a time period of 8
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 307
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A228
includes gas krytron tubes
and vacuum sprytron tubes.
b. Triggered spark-gaps DL3A228B 85359090
having both of the
following characteristics:
1. An anode delay time
of 15 µs or less; and
2. Rated for a peak
current of 500 A or
c. Modules or assemblies DL3A228C 85359090
with a fast switching
function having all of the
following characteristics:
1. Anode peak voltage
rating greater than 2
2. Anode peak current
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 308
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 309
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A229.b.
includes xenon flash-lamp
Technical Note:
In Category Code
3A229.b.5. ‘rise time’ is
defined as the time interval
from 10% to 90% current
amplitude when driving a
resistive load.
3A230 High-speed pulse generators having DL3A230 85432000
both of the following characteristics:
a. Output voltage greater than 6 V into
a resistive load of less than 55
ohms, and
b. ‘Pulse transition time’ less than 500
Technical Note:
In Category Code 3A230, ‘pulse
transition time’ is defined as the time
interval between 10% and 90%
voltage amplitude.
3A231 Neutron generator systems, including DL3A231 85431000
tubes, having both of the following
a. Designed for operation without an
external vacuum system; and
b. Utilising electrostatic acceleration
to induce a tritium-deuterium
nuclear reaction.
3A232 Detonators and multipoint initiation a. Electrically driven 1. Exploding bridge DL3A232A1 36030090
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 310
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3A232 does not
include detonators using only primary
explosives, such as lead azide.
Technical Note:
In Category Code 3A232 the
detonators of concern all utilise a
small electrical conductor (bridge,
bridge wire or foil) that explosively
vaporises when a fast, high-current
electrical pulse is passed through it. In
nonslapper types, the exploding
conductor starts a chemical
detonation in a contacting high-
explosive material such as PETN
(Pentaerythritoltetranitrate). In
slapper detonators, the explosive
vaporisation of the electrical
conductor drives a flyer or slapper
across a gap and the impact of the
slapper on an explosive starts a
chemical detonation. The slapper in
some designs is driven by a magnetic
force. The term exploding foil
detonator may refer to either an EB or
a slapper-type detonator. Also, the
word initiator is sometimes used in
place of the word detonator.
2. Exploding bridge wire DL3A232A2 36030090
3. Slapper; DL3A232A3 36030090
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 311
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 312
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 314
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 315
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3B001.e.
does not include automatic
robotic wafer handling
systems not designed to
operate in a vacuum
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 316
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The ‘minimum resolvable
feature’ size is calculated
by the following formula:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 317
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 3B001.h.
does not include multi-layer
masks with a phase shift
layer designed for the
fabrication of memory
devices not specified in
Category Code 3A001.
3B002 Test equipment, specially designed for a. For testing S-parameters DL3B002A
testing finished or unfinished of transistor devices at
semiconductor devices, as follows, frequencies exceeding
and specially designed components 31.8 GHz;
and accessories therefor:
c. For testing microwave DL3B002C 90308210
integrated circuits 90308290
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 318
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
III/V compounds are polycrystalline
or binary or complex monocrystalline
products consisting of elements of
groups IIIA and VA of Mendeleyev’s
periodic classification table (e.g.,
gallium arsenide, gallium-aluminium
arsenide, indium phosphide).
3C002 Resist materials, as follows, and a. Positive resists designed DL3C002A 38180000
“substrates” coated with controlled for semiconductor
resists: lithography specially
adjusted (optimised) for
use at wavelengths
below 350 nm;
b. All resists designed for DL3C002B 38180000
use with electron beams
or ion beams, with a
sensitivity of 0.01
µcoulomb/mm2 or better;
c. All resists designed for DL3C002C 38180000
use with X-rays, with a
sensitivity of 2.5
mJ/mm2 or better;
d. All resists optimised for DL3C002D 38180000
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 319
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Silylation’ techniques are
defined as processes
incorporating oxidation of
the resist surface to
enhance performance for
both wet and dry
3C003 Organo-inorganic compounds, as a. Organo-metallic DL3C003A 29310090
follows: compounds of
aluminium, gallium or
Note: indium having a purity
Category Code 3C003 only controls (metal basis) better than
compounds whose metallic, partly 99.999%;
metallic or non-metallic element is
directly linked to carbon in the
organic part of the molecule.
b. Organo-arsenic, organo- DL3C003B 29310090
antimony and organo-
phosphorus compounds
having a purity
(inorganic element basis)
better than 99.999%.
3C004 Hydrides of phosphorus, arsenic or DL3C004 28500000
antimony, having a purity better than
99.999%, even diluted in inert gases
or hydrogen.
Category Code 3C004 does not
include hydrides containing 20%
molar or more of inert gases or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 320
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Physics-based’ in Category Code
3D003 means using computations to
determine a sequence of physical
cause and effect events based on
physical properties (e.g., temperature,
pressure, diffusion constants and
semiconductor materials properties).
Libraries, design attributes or
associated data for the design of
semiconductor devices or integrated
circuits are considered as
3D004 Software specially designed for the DL3D004
“development” of the equipment
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 321
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
3E001 does not include technology for
the “production” of equipment or
components specified in 3A003.
Note 2:
Category Code 3E001 does not
include technology for the
“development” or “production” of
integrated circuits specified in
Category Code 3A001.a.3. to
3A001.a.12., having all of the
1. Using technology of 0.5 µm or
more, and
2. Not incorporating ‘multi-layer
Technical Note:
The term ‘multi-layer structures’ does
not include devices incorporating a
maximum of three metal layers and
three polysilicon layers.
3E002 Technology according to the General DL3E002
Technology Note other than that
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 322
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2 to Category Code 3E001 also
applies to Category Code 3E002.
3E003 Other technology for the DL3E003
“development” or “production” of:
a. Vacuum microelectronic devices;
b. Hetero-structure semiconductor
devices such as high electron
mobility transistors (HEMT),
hetero-bipolar transistors (HBT),
quantum well and super lattice
c. “Superconductive” electronic
d. Substrates of films of diamond for
electronic components;
e. Substrates of silicon-on-insulator
(SOI) for integrated circuits in
which the insulator is silicon
f. Substrates of silicon carbide for
electronic components;
g. Electronic vacuum tubes operating
at frequencies of 31.8 GHz or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 323
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 324
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Control units which directly interconnect the buses or channels of central processing units, “main storage” or disk controllers are not regarded as
telecommunications equipment described in Category 5, Part 1 (Telecommunications).
N.B. For software specially designed for packet switching, see Category Code 5D001.
Note 3
Computers, related equipment and software performing cryptographic, cryptanalytic, certifiable multi-level security or certifiable user isolation
functions, or which limit electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), with the performance characteristics in Category 5, Part 2 (“Information Security”)
shall also be treated as coming within that Category.
4A Systems, Equipment and Components
4A001 Electronic computers and related a. Specially designed to DL4A001A 84713090
equipment, as follows, and “electronic have any of the following 84714190
assemblies” and specially designed characteristics: 84714990
components therefor: 1. Rated for operation at 84715090
an ambient
N.B.: See also Category Code temperature below
4A101. 228 K (-45 ºC) or
above 358 K (85 ºC);
2. Radiation hardened to
exceed any of the
a. Total Dose 5 x 103
Gy (silicon);
b. Dose Rate Upset 5
x 106 Gy (silicon)/s;
c. Single Event Upset
1 x 10-7
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 325
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 4A001.a.1.
does not apply to computers
specially designed for civil
automobile or railway train
b. Having characteristics or DL4A001B 84713090
performing functions 84714190
exceeding the limits in 84714990
Category 5, Part 2 84715090
(“Information Security”).
Category Code 4A001.b.
does not include electronic
computers and related
equipment when
accompanying their user for
the user’s personal use.
4A003 “Digital computers”, “electronic a. Designed or modified for DL4A003A 84713090
assemblies”, and related equipment “fault tolerance”; 84714190
therefor, as follows, and specially 84714990
designed components therefor: Note: 84715090
For the purposes of
Note 1: Category Code 4A003.a.,
Category Code 4A003 includes the “digital computers” and
following: related equipment are not
a. Vector processors; considered to be designed
b. Array processors; or modified for “fault
c. Digital signal processors; tolerance” if they utilise
d. Logic processors; any of the following:
e. Equipment designed for “image 1. Error detection or
enhancement”; correction algorithms in
f. Equipment designed for “signal “main storage”;
processing”. 2. The interconnection of
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 326
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 327
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 4A003.c.
applies only to “electronic
assemblies” and
interconnections not
exceeding the limit in
Category Code 4A003.b.
when shipped as
unintegrated “electronic
assemblies”. It does not
apply to “electronic
assemblies” inherently
limited by nature of their
design for use as related
equipment specified in
Category Code 4A003.e.
Note 2:
Category Code 4A003.c.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 328
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 4A003.g.
does not include internal
interconnection equipment
(such as backplanes, buses),
passive interconnection
equipment, “network access
controllers” or
“communications channel
4A004 Computers, as follows, and specially a. “Systolic array DL4A004A 84713090
designed related equipment, computers”; 84714190
“electronic assemblies” and 84714990
components therefor: 84715090
b. “Neural computers”; DL4A004B 84713090
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 329
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 4A102 only extends to
equipment is supplied with software
specified in Category Code 7D103 or
4D Software
4D001 a. Software specially designed or DL4D001A
modified for the “development”,
“production” or “use” of equipment
or “software” specified in 4A001 to
4A004, or 4D.
4D001 b. Software, other than that specified DL4D001B
in 4D001.a., specially designed or
modified for the “development” or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 330
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 4D003.c.
does not include software
when accompanying its user
for the user’s personal use.
4E Technology
4E001 a. Technology according to the DL4E001A
General Technology Note, for the
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 331
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 332
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
“Digital computer”, related equipment or software, when essential for operation and support of telecommunications equipment described in this
Category, are regarded as specially designed components for the purposes of this Category, provided they are the standard models customarily
supplied by the manufacturer. This includes operation, administration, maintenance, engineering or billing computer systems.
5A1 Systems, Equipment and Components
5A001 a. Any type of telecommunications DL5A001A
equipment having any of the
following characteristics, functions
or features:
1. Specially designed to withstand
transitory electronic effects or
electromagnetic pulse effects,
both arising from a nuclear
2. Specially hardened to withstand
gamma, neutron or ion radiation;
3. Specially designed to operate
outside the temperature range
from 218 K (-55 ºC) to 397 K
(124 ºC),
Note 1:
Category Code 5A001.a.3. applies
only to electronic equipment.
Note 2:
Category Code 5A001.a.2. and
5A001.a.3. do not include equipment
designed or modified for use on board
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 333
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 334
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 335
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code
5A001.b.3.b. does not
include radio equipment
specially designed for use
with civil cellular radio-
communications systems.
Note 2:
Category Code 5A001.b.3
does not include equipment
designed to operate at an
output power of 1 Watt or
4. Being radio equipment DL5A001B4
employing ultra-
wideband modulation
techniques, having user
channelising codes,
scrambling codes or
network identification
codes, having any of the
following characteristics:
a. A bandwidth
exceeding 500 MHz;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 336
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 5A001.b.5.
does not include radio
equipment specially
designed for use with civil
cellular radio-
communications systems.
6. Employing functions of DL5A001B6
digital “signal
processing” to provide
voice coding output at
rates of less than 2,400
Technical Notes:
1. For variable rate voice
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 337
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Proof Test: on-line or off-
line production screen
testing that dynamically
applies a prescribed tensile
stress over a 0.5 to 3 m
length of fibre at a running
rate of 2 to 5 m/s while
passing between capstans
approximately 150 mm in
diameter. The ambient
temperature is a nominal
293 K (20 ºC) and relative
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 338
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 339
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
In Category Code 5A101 ‘missile’
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 340
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 5A101 does not
a. Equipment designed or modified for
manned aircraft or satellites;
b. Ground based equipment designed
or modified for terrestrial or
marine applications;
c. Equipment designed for
commercial, civil or ‘Safety of Life’
(such as data integrity, flight
safety) GNSS services.
5B1 Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
5B001 a. Equipment and specially designed DL5B001A
components or accessories therefor,
specially designed for the
“development”, “production” or
“use” of equipment, functions or
features specified in Category Code
5A001, 5B001, 5D001 or 5E001.
Category Code 5B001.a. does not
include optical fibre characterisation
5B001 b. Equipment and specially designed 1. Equipment employing DL5B001B1
components or accessories therefor, digital techniques
specially designed for the designed to operate at a
“development” of any of the “total digital transfer
following telecommunication rate” exceeding 15
transmission or switching Gbit/s;
Technical Note:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 341
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
5B001.b.2.d. does not
include equipment specially
designed for the
“development” of
commercial TV systems.
3. Equipment employing DL5B001B3
“optical switching”;
4. Radio equipment DL5B001B4
employing quadrature-
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 342
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For switching equipment
the “total digital transfer
rate” is measured at the
highest speed port or line.
2. Equipment employing a DL5D001D2
“laser” and having any
of the following:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 343
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
5D001.d.2.b. does not
include software specially
designed or modified for the
“development” of
commercial TV systems.
3. Equipment employing DL5D001D3
“optical switching”; or
4. Radio equipment DL5D001D4
employing quadrature-
(QAM) techniques above
level 256.
5D101 Software specially designed or DL5D101
modified for the “use” of equipment
specified in Category Code 5A101
5E1 Technology
5E001 a. Technology according to the DL5E001A
General Technology Note for the
“development”, “production” or
“use” (excluding operation) of
equipment, functions or features or
software specified in Category
Code 5A001, 5B001 or 5D001.
5E001 b. Specific technologies, as follows: 1. “Required” technology DL5E001B1
for the “development” or
“production” of
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 344
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 345
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 346
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
5E001.c.2.e. does not
include technology for the
“development” or
“production” of
commercial TV systems
3. Equipment employing DL5E001C3
“optical switching”;
4. Radio equipment having DL5E001C4
any of the following:
a. Quadrature-
(QAM) techniques
above level 256; or
b. Operating at input or
output frequencies
exceeding 31.8 GHz;
Category Code 5E001.c.4.b.
does not include technology
for the “development” or
“production” of equipment
designed or modified for
operation in any frequency
band which is “allocated by
the ITU” for radio-
communications services,
but not for radio-
5. Equipment employing DL5E001C5
“common channel
signalling” operating in
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 347
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 348
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2
Category 5 — Part 2 does not include products when accompanying their user for the user’s personal use.
Note 3
Cryptography Note
Category Codes 5A002 and 5D002 do not include goods that meet all of the following:
a. Generally available to the public by being sold, without restriction, from stock at retail selling points by means of any of the following:
1. Over-the-counter transactions;
2. Mail order transactions;
3. Electronic transactions; or
4. Telephone call transactions;
b. The cryptographic functionality cannot easily be changed by the user;
c. Designed for installation by the user without further substantial support by the supplier.
Technical Note
In Category 5 — Part 2, parity bits are not included in the key length.
5A2 Systems, Equipment and Components
5A002 a. Systems, equipment, application 1. Designed or modified to a. A “symmetric DL5A002A1A
specific “electronic assemblies”, use “cryptography” algorithm” employing
modules and integrated circuits for employing digital a key length in excess
“information security”, as follows, techniques performing of 56 bits; or
and other specially designed any cryptographic
components therefor: function other than
authentication or digital
N.B.: For global navigation satellite signature having any of
systems receiving equipment the following:
containing or employing decryption
(i.e. GPS or GLONASS), see Category Technical Notes:
Code 7A005. 1. Authentication and
digital signature
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 349
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 350
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Money transactions’ in Category
Code 5A002 Note d. includes the
collection and settlement of fares or
credit functions.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 351
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 352
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 353
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note
“Quantum cryptography” is
also known as quantum key
distribution (QKD).
5B2 Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
5B002 a. Equipment specially designed for: 1. The “development” of DL5B002A1
equipment or functions
specified in Category
Code 5A002, 5B002,
5D002 or 5E002
including measuring or
test equipment;
2. The “production” of DL5B002A2
equipment or functions
specified in Category
Code 5A002, 5B002,
5D002 or 5E002,
including measuring,
test, repair or production
5B002 b. Measuring equipment specially DL5B002B
designed to evaluate and validate
the “information security”
functions specified in Category
Code 5A002 or 5D002.
5D2 Software
5D002 a. Software specially designed or DL5D002A
modified for the “development”,
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 354
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 5D002 does not
a. Software required for the “use” of
equipment excluded from control
under the Note to Category Code
b. Software providing any of the
functions of equipment excluded
from control under the Note to
Category Code 5A002.
5D002 b. Software specially designed or DL5D002B
modified to support technology
specified in Category Code 5E002;
Category Code 5D002 does not
a. Software required for the “use” of
equipment excluded from control
under the Note to Category Code
b. Software providing any of the
functions of equipment excluded
from control under the Note to
Category Code 5A002.
5D002 c. Specific software, as follows: 1. Software having the DL5D002C1
characteristics, or
Note: performing or simulating
Category Code 5D002 does not the functions of the
include: equipment specified in
a. Software required for the “use” of Category Code 5A002 or
equipment excluded from control 5B002;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 355
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 356
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 357
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 358
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 359
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note
‘Acoustic power
density’ is obtained
by dividing the
output acoustic
power by the
product of the area
of the radiating
surface and the
frequency of
2. A continuously
radiated ‘acoustic
power density’
exceeding 0.001
mW/mm2/Hz for
devices operating
at frequencies
below 10 kHz; or
Technical Note
‘Acoustic power
density’ is obtained
by dividing the
output acoustic
power by the
product of the area
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 360
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
3. Side-lobe
exceeding 22 dB;
Note 1:
Whether acoustic
projectors, including
transducers, specially
designed for other
equipment is included
in Category Code
6A001.c is determined
by whether the other
equipment is included
in that Category Code.
Note 2:
Category Code
6A001.a.1.c. does not
include electronic
sources which direct
the sound vertically
only, or mechanical
(such as, air gun or
vapour-shock gun) or
chemical (such as,
explosive) sources.
d. Acoustic systems, DL6A001A1D
equipment and
specially designed
components for
determining the
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 361
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
6A001.a.1.d. includes:
a. Equipment using
coherent “signal
processing” between
two or more beacons
and the hydrophone
unit carried by the
surface vessel or
underwater vehicle;
b. Equipment capable
of automatically
correcting speed-of-
sound propagation
errors for
calculation of a
2. Passive (receiving, a. Hydrophones having DL6A001A2A 90158090
whether or not related any of the following
in normal application characteristics:
to separate active
equipment) systems, Note:
equipment and Whether hydrophones
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 362
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
1. Incorporating
flexible sensing
2. Incorporating
assemblies of
discrete sensing
elements with
either a diameter
or length less
than 20 mm and
with a separation
between elements
of less than 20
3. Having any of the
following sensing
a. Optical fibres;
b. ‘Piezoelectric
polymer films’
other than
(PVDF) and its
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 363
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. ‘Piezoelectric
polymer film’
sensing elements
consist of polarised
polymer film that is
stretched over and
attached to a
supporting frame or
spool (mandrel).
2. ‘Flexible
composite’ sensing
elements consist of
piezoelectric ceramic
particles or fibres
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 364
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 365
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Able to be modified’
in Category Codes
6A001.a.2.b.1. and
2. means having
provisions to allow a
change of the wiring
or interconnections
to alter hydrophone
group spacing or
operating depth
limits. These
provisions are:
spare wiring
exceeding 10% of
the number of wires,
hydrophone group
spacing adjustment
blocks or internal
depth limiting
devices that are
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 366
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
3. Heading sensors
specified in
Category Code
4. Longitudinally
reinforced array
5. An assembled
array of less than
40 mm in
6. Multiplexed
hydrophone group
signals designed
to operate at
depths exceeding
35 m or having an
adjustable or
removable depth
sensing device in
order to operate at
depths exceeding
35 m; or
7. Hydrophone
specified in
Category Code
c. Processing DL6A001A2C 90158090
equipment, specially
designed for towed
acoustic hydrophone
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 367
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 368
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 369
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 370
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 371
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
6A002.a.2.a.3.c. does
not extend to compound
photocathodes with a
maximum radiant
sensitivity of 10 mA/W
or less.
b. Specially designed 1. Microchannel DL6A002A2B1 90138090
components, as plates having a 90139030
follows: hole pitch (centre- 90139090
to-centre spacing)
of 12 µm or less;
2. GaAs or GaInAs DL6A002A2B2 85402000
3. Other III-V DL6A002A2B3 85402000
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 372
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
6A002.a.2.b.3. does
not include
photocathodes with
a maximum radiant
sensitivity of 10
mA/W or less.
3. Non-“space-qualified” a. Non-“space- DL6A002A3A 85414020
“focal plane arrays”, as qualified” “focal 85414090
follows: plane arrays”, having
all of the following:
N.B.: Silicon and other 1. Individual
material based elements with a
microbolometer non- peak response
”space-qualified” “focal within the
plane arrays” are only wavelength range
specified in Category exceeding 900 nm
Code 6A002.a.3.f. but not exceeding
1,050 nm; and
Technical Notes: 2. A response “time
1. Linear or two- constant” of less
dimensional multi- than 0.5 ns;
element detector arrays
are referred to as
“focal plane arrays”;
2. For the purposes of
Category Code
6A002.a.3. ‘cross scan
direction’ is defined as
the axis parallel to the
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 373
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code
6A002.a.3. includes
photoconductive arrays
and photovoltaic arrays.
Note 2:
Category Code
6A002.a.3. does not
a. Multi-element (not to
exceed 16 elements)
photoconductive cells
using either lead
sulphide or lead
b. Pyroelectric detectors
using any of the
1. Triglycine sulphate
and variants;
2. Lead-lanthanum-
zirconium titanate
and variants;
3. Lithium tantalate;
4. Polyvinylidene
fluoride and
variants; or
5. Strontium barium
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 374
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note :
Silicon and other
material based
microbolometer non-
”space qualified”
“focal plane arrays”
are only specified in
Category Code
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 375
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 376
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note
For the purposes of
Category Code
‘microbolometer’ is
defined as a thermal
imaging detector that,
as a result of a
temperature change in
the detector caused by
the absorption of
infrared radiation, is
used to generate any
usable signal.
b. “Monospectral imaging DL6A002B 85414020
sensors” and 85414090
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 377
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 378
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Direct view’ refers to
imaging equipment,
operating in the visible or
infrared spectrum, that
presents a visual image to a
human observer without
converting the image into
an electronic signal for
television display, and that
cannot record or store the
image photographically,
electronically or by any
other means.
Category Code 6A002.c.
does not include the
following equipment
incorporating other than
GaAs or GaInAs
a. Industrial or civilian
intrusion alarm, traffic
or industrial movement
control or counting
b. Medical equipment;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 379
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 380
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 381
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 382
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 383
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
1. For the purpose of
Category Code
6A003.b, digital video
cameras should be
evaluated by the
maximum number of
“active pixels” used
for capturing moving
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 384
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 385
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
‘Imaging cameras’
described in Category
Code 6A003.b.4 include
“focal place arrays”
combined with sufficient
signal processing
electronics, beyond the
read out integrated
circuit, to enable as a
minimum the output of an
analogue or digital signal
once power is supplied.
Note 2:
Category Code
6A003.b.4.a does not
include imaging cameras
incorporating linear
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 386
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 3:
Category Code
6A003.b.4.b. does not
include imaging cameras
having any of the
following characteristics:
a. A maximum frame rate
equal to or less than 9
b. Having all of the
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 387
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 388
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. Instantaneous Field of
View (IFOV) specified
in Category Code
6A003.b.4. Note 3.b. is
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 389
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 390
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 391
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 393
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. An ‘aspheric optical
element’ is any element
used in an optical system
whose imaging surface
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 394
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 6A004.e.
does not include aspheric
optical elements having any
of the following:
a. A largest optical-
aperture dimension less
than 1 m and a focal
length to aperture ratio
equal to or greater than
b. A largest optical-
aperture dimension equal
to or greater than 1 m
and a focal length to
aperture ratio equal to or
greater than 7:1;
c. Being designed as
Fresnel, flyeye, stripe,
prism or diffractive
optical elements;
d. Being fabricated from
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 395
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 396
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 397
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 398
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 400
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
6A005.a.7. does not
include nitrogen “lasers”.
b. Semiconductor “lasers”, 1. Individual single- DL6A005B1 90132000
as follows: transverse mode
Technical Notes: “lasers”, having any of
1. Semiconductor “lasers” the following:
are commonly called a. A wavelength equal
“laser” diodes. to or less than 1,510
2. An ‘array’ consists of nm, and having an
multiple semiconductor average or CW
“laser” emitters output power
fabricated as a single exceeding 1.5 W; or
chip so that the centres of b. A wavelength
the emitted light beams greater than 1,510
are on parallel paths. nm, and having an
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 401
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 6A005.b.
includes semiconductor
“lasers” having optical
output connectors (e.g. fibre
optic pigtails).
Note 2:
Whether semiconductor
“lasers” specially designed
for other equipment,
included in Category Code
6A005.b is determined by
whether the other
equipment is included in
this Category.
b. Semiconductor “lasers”, 2. Individual, multiple- DL6A005B2 90132000
as follows: transverse mode
Technical Notes: “lasers”, having any of
1. Semiconductor “lasers” the following:
are commonly called a. A wavelength of less
“laser” diodes. than 1,400 nm, and
2. An ‘array’ consists of having an average or
multiple semiconductor CW output power
“laser” emitters exceeding 10 W;
fabricated as a single b. A wavelength equal
chip so that the centres of to or greater than
the emitted light beams 1,400 nm and less
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 402
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 2:
The control status of
semiconductor “lasers”
specially designed for other
equipment is determined by
the control status of the
other equipment.
3. Individual DL6A005B3 90132000
semiconductor “laser”
arrays, having any of
the following:
a. A wavelength of less
than 1,400 nm, and
having an average or
CW output power
exceeding 80 W;
b. A wavelength equal
to or greater than
1,400 nm and less
than 1,900 nm, and
having an average or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 403
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 404
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
6A005.c.1. includes
(Ti:Al2O3), thulium-YAG
(Tm:YAG), thulium-YSGG
(Tm:YSGG), alexandrite
(Cr:BeAl2O4) and colour
centre “lasers”.
2. Non-”tunable” a. Neodymium glass 1. “Q-switched DL6A005C2A1 90132000
“lasers”, as follows: “lasers”, as follows: lasers” having any
of the following:
Note: a. An output
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 405
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 406
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 407
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 408
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 409
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 410
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 411
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 412
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 413
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Active cooling’ is a
cooling technique for
optical components using
flowing fluids within the
subsurface (nominally
less than 1 mm below the
optical surface) of the
optical component to
remove heat from the
2. Optical mirrors or DL6A005E2 90019090
transmissive or 90029030
partially transmissive 90029090
optical or electro-
optical components
specially designed for
use with controlled
f. Optical equipment, as 1. Dynamic wavefront DL6A005F1
follows: (phase) measuring
equipment capable of
N.B. For shared aperture mapping at least 50
optical elements, capable positions on a beam
of operating in “Super- wavefront having any
High Power Laser” of the following:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 414
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 415
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 416
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 417
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 418
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 6A007.a.
does not include ground
gravity meters of the quartz
element (Worden) type.
b. Gravity meters designed DL6A007B 90158090
for mobile platforms, 90318092
having all of the 90318099
1. A static accuracy of
less (better) than 0.7
mgal; and
2. An in-service
(operational) accuracy
of less (better) than
0.7 mgal having a
registration of less
than 2 minutes under
any combination of
attendant corrective
compensations and
motional influences;
c. Gravity gradiometers. DL6A007C 90158090
6A008 Radar systems, equipment and a. Operating at frequencies DL6A008A 85261010
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 419
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
6A008 does not include:
a. Secondary surveillance radar
b. Car radar designed for collision
c. Displays or monitors used for air
traffic control (ATC) having no
more than 12 resolvable elements
per mm;
d. Meteorological (weather) radar.
b. Having a tunable DL6A008B 85261010
bandwidth exceeding 85261090
±6.25% of the ‘centre
operating frequency’;
Technical Note:
The ‘centre operating
frequency’ equals one half
of the sum of the highest
plus the lowest specified
operating frequencies.
c. Capable of operating DL6A008C 85261010
simultaneously on more 85261090
than two carrier
d. Capable of operating in DL6A008D 85261010
synthetic aperture (SAR), 85261090
inverse synthetic aperture
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 420
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
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Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
6A008.f. does not include
precision approach radar
(PAR) equipment
conforming to ICAO
g. Specially designed for DL6A008G 85261010
airborne (balloon or 85261090
airframe mounted)
operation and having
Doppler “signal
processing” for the
detection of moving
h. Employing processing of DL6A008H 85261010
radar signals using any of 85261090
the following:
1. “Radar spread
spectrum” techniques;
2. “Radar frequency
agility” techniques;
i. Providing ground-based DL6A008I 85261010
operation with a 85261090
maximum “instrumented
range” exceeding 185
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 421
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 422
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 6A008.j.
does not include LIDAR
equipment specially
designed for surveying or
for meteorological
k. Having “signal DL6A008K 85261010
processing” subsystems 85261090
using “pulse
compression”, with any
of the following:
1. A “pulse
compression” ratio
exceeding 150; or
2. A pulse width of less
than 200 ns; or
l. Having data processing DL6A008L 85261010
subsystems with any of 85261090
the following:
1. “Automatic target
tracking” providing, at
any antenna rotation,
the predicted target
position beyond the
time of the next
antenna beam passage;
2. Calculation of target
velocity from primary
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 423
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Category Code 6A008.l.1.
does not include conflict
alert capability in ATC
systems, or marine or
harbour radar.
Note 2:
Category Code 6A008.l.4.
does not include systems,
equipment and assemblies
used for marine traffic
6A102 Radiation hardened ‘detectors’, other DL6A102 90258020
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 424
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
In 6A102, a ‘detector’ is defined as a
mechanical, electrical, optical or
chemical device that automatically
identifies and records, or registers a
stimulus such as an environmental
change in pressure or temperature, an
electrical or electromagnetic signal or
radiation from a radioactive material.
This includes devices that sense by
one time operation or failure.
6A107 Gravity meters (gravimeters) and a. Gravity meters, other DL6A107A 90158090
components for gravity meters and than those specified in
gravity gradiometers, as follows: Category Code 6A007.b.,
designed or modified for
airborne or marine use,
and having a static or
operational accuracy of 7
x 10-6 m/s2 (0.7 milligal)
or less (better), and
having a time-to-steady-
state registration of two
minutes or less;
b. Specially designed DL6A107B 90158090
components for gravity 90159000
meters specified in
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 425
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 6A108.a.
includes the following:
a. Terrain contour mapping
b. Imaging sensor
c. Scene mapping and
correlation (both digital
and analogue)
d. Doppler navigation
radar equipment;
b. Precision tracking 1. Tracking systems DL6A108B1 85291099
systems, usable for which use a code 85299099
‘missiles’, as follows: translator in
conjunction with either
Technical Note: surface or airborne
In Category Code 6A108.b. references or
‘missile’ means complete navigation satellite
rocket systems and systems to provide
unmanned aerial vehicle real-time
systems capable of a range measurements of in-
exceeding 300 km. flight position and
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 426
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code 6A203.a.
components of such
cameras include their
synchronising electronics
units and rotor assemblies
consisting of turbines,
mirrors and bearings.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 427
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The term Gy (silicon) refers
to the energy in Joules per
kilogram absorbed by an
unshielded silicon sample
when exposed to ionising
6A205 “Lasers”, “laser” amplifiers and a. Argon ion “lasers” DL6A205A 90132000
oscillators, other than those specified having both of the
in Category Code 0B001.g.5., following characteristics:
Category Codes 0B001.h.6. and 1. Operating at
6A005; as follows: wavelengths between
400 nm and 515 nm;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 429
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 430
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 431
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 6A225 includes
velocity interferometers such as
VISARs (Velocity interferometer
systems for any reflector) and DLIs
(Doppler laser interferometers).
6A226 Pressure sensors, as follows: a. Manganin gauges for DL6A226A 90262030
pressures greater than 10 90262040
b. Quartz pressure DL6A226B 90262030
transducers for pressures 90262040
greater than 10 GPa.
6B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
6B004 Optical equipment, as follows: a. Equipment for measuring DL6B004A 90275010
absolute reflectance to an 90275020
Note: accuracy of ±0.1% of the 90314990
Category Code 6B004 does not reflectance value;
include microscopes.
b. Equipment other than DL6B004B 90275010
optical surface scattering 90275020
measurement equipment, 90314990
having an unobscured
aperture of more than 10
cm, specially designed
for the non-contact
optical measurement of a
non-planar optical
surface figure (profile) to
an “accuracy” of 2 nm or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 432
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 433
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 434
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 437
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Average side lobe level’ in
Category Code
6D003.d.2.b. is measured
over the entire array
excluding the angular extent
of the main beam and the
first two side lobes on either
side of the main beam.
6D102 Software specially designed or DL6D102
modified for the “use” of goods
specified in Category Code 6A108.
6D103 Software which processes post-flight, DL6D103
recorded data, enabling determination
of vehicle position throughout its
flight path, specially designed or
modified for ‘missiles’.
Technical Note:
In Category Code 6D103 ‘missile’
means complete rocket systems and
unmanned aerial vehicle systems
capable of a range exceeding 300 km.
6E Technology
6E001 Technology according to the General DL6E001
Technology Note for the
“development” of equipment,
materials or software specified in
Category 6A, 6B, 6C or 6D.
6E002 Technology according to the General DL6E002
Technology Note for the “production”
of equipment or materials specified in
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 438
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 439
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 6E101 only specifies
technology for equipment specified in
Category Code 6A008 when it is
designed for airborne applications
and is usable in “missiles”.
6E201 Technology according to the General DL6E201
Technology Note for the “use” of
equipment specified in Category Code
6A003, 6A005.a.1.c., 6A005.a.2.a.,
6A005.c.1.b., 6A005.c.2.c.2.,
6A005.c.2.d.2.b., 6A202, 6A203,
6A205, 6A225 or 6A226.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 440
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 441
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 7A002.b. does not
include spinning mass gyros (spinning
mass gyros are gyros which use a
continually rotating mass to sense
angular motion).
Technical Note:
For the purposes of Category Code
7A002.b., ‘angle random walk’ is the
angular error buildup with time that is
due to white noise in angular rate.
(IEEE STD 528-2001)
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 442
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 443
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. 7A003.b. refers to
systems in which an INS
and other independent
navigation aids are built
into a single unit
(embedded) in order to
achieve improved
2. ‘Circular Error
Probable’ (CEP) means,
in a circular normal
distribution, the radius of
the circle containing 50
percent of the individual
measurements being
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 444
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 445
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
a. Employing decryption; or
b. A null-steerable antenna.
7A006 Airborne altimeters operating at DL7A006 90142000
frequencies other than 4.2 to 4.4 GHz 90148090
inclusive, having any of the following 90149090
a. “Power management”; or
b. Using phase shift key modulation.
7A101 Accelerometers, other than those a. Linear accelerometers, DL7A101A 90142000
specified in Category Code 7A001, as designed for use in 90148090
follows, and with specially designed inertial navigation 90149090
components therefor: systems or in guidance
systems of all types,
usable in ‘missiles’,
having all of the
following characteristics,
and specially designed
components therefor;
1. A “bias”
‘repeatability’ of less
(better) than 1,250
micro g; and
2. A “scale factor”
‘repeatability’ of less
(better) than 1,250
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 446
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. In Category Code
7A101.a. ‘missile’ means
complete rocket systems
and unmanned aerial
vehicle systems capable
of a range exceeding 300
2. In Category Code
7A101.a. the
measurement of “bias”
and “scale factor” refers
to a one sigma standard
deviation with respect to
a fixed calibration over a
period of one year;
3. In Category Code
7A101.a. ‘repeatability’
is defined according to
IEEE standard 528-201
as the closeness of
agreement among
repeated measurements
of the same variable
under the same operating
conditions when changes
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 447
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
In Category Code 7A102 ‘missile’
means complete rocket systems and
unmanned aerial vehicle systems
capable of a range exceeding 300 km.
7A103 Instrumentation, navigation equipment a. Inertial or other DL7A103A 90142000
and systems, other than those equipment using 90148090
specified in Category Code 7A003, as accelerometers specified 90149090
follows; and specially designed in Category Code 7A001
components therefor: or 7A101 or gyros
specified in Category
Code 7A002 or 7A102
and systems
incorporating such
Category Code 7A103.a.
does not include equipment
containing accelerometers
specified in Category Code
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 448
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. An ‘integrated navigation
system’ typically
incorporates the
following components:
a. An inertial
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 449
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 450
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Codes 7A105.b.2.
and 7A105.b.3. do not
include equipment designed
for commercial, civil or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 451
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 7A115 includes
sensors for the following equipment:
a. Terrain contour mapping
b. Imaging sensor equipment (both
active and passive);
c. Passive interferometer equipment.
7A116 Flight control systems and servo a. Hydraulic, mechanical, DL7A116A 88033000
valves, as follows, designed or electro-optical, or 88039090
modified for use in space launch electro-mechanical flight
vehicles specified in Category Code control systems
9A004 or sounding rockets specified (including fly-by-wire
in Category Code 9A104. types);
b. Attitude control DL7A116B
c. Flight control servo DL7A116C 88033000
valves designed or 88039090
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 452
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 7B001 does not
include test, calibration or alignment
equipment for Maintenance Level I or
Maintenance Level II.
Technical Notes:
1. Maintenance Level I
The failure of an inertial navigation
unit is detected on the aircraft by
indications from the control and
display unit (CDU) or by the status
message from the corresponding
subsystem. By following the
manufacturer’s manual, the cause of
the failure may be localised at the
level of the malfunctioning line
replaceable unit (LRU). The operator
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 453
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
2. Maintenance Level II
The defective LRU is sent to the
maintenance workshop (the
manufacturer’s or that of the operator
responsible for Level II maintenance).
At the maintenance workshop, the
malfunctioning LRU is tested by
various appropriate means to verify
and localise the defective shop
replaceable assembly (SRA) module
responsible for the failure. This SRA is
removed and replaced by an operative
spare. The defective SRA (or possibly
the complete LRU) is then shipped to
the manufacturer.
Maintenance Level II does not include
the removal of controlled
accelerometers or gyro sensors from
the SRA.
7B002 Equipment, as follows, specially a. Scatterometers having a DL7B002A 90318092
designed to characterise mirrors for measurement accuracy of 90318099
ring “laser” gyros: 10 ppm or less (better);
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 454
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 7D002 does not
include “source code” for the “use”
of gimballed AHRS.
Technical Note:
AHRS generally differ from inertial
navigation systems (INS) in that an
AHRS provides attitude and heading
information and normally does not
provide the acceleration, velocity and
position information associated with
an INS.
7D003 Other software, as follows: a. Software specially DL7D003A
designed or modified to
improve the operational
performance or reduce
the navigational error of
systems to the levels
specified in Category
Code 7A003 or 7A004;
b. “Source code” for hybrid DL7D003B
integrated systems which
improves the operational
performance or reduces
the navigational error of
systems to the level
specified in Category
Code 7A003 by
continuously combining
inertial data with any of
the following:
1. Doppler radar velocity
2. Global navigation
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 456
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 457
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Software specified in Category Code
7D103 remains within the description
in that Category when combined with
specially designed hardware specified
in Category Code 4A102.
7E Technology
7E001 Technology according to the General DL7E001
Technology Note for the
“development” of equipment or
software specified in Category 7A, 7B
or 7D.
7E002 Technology according to the General DL7E002
Technology Note for the “production”
of equipment specified in Category 7A
or 7B.
7E003 Technology according to the General DL7E003
Technology Note for the repair,
refurbishing or overhaul of equipment
specified in Category Code 7A001 to
Category Code 7E003 does not
include maintenance technology
directly associated with calibration,
removal or replacement of damaged
or unserviceable LRUs and SRAs of a
“civil aircraft” as described in
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 459
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
7E004.b.3. does not
include technology for the
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 461
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code
7E004.b.5. does not
a. “Development”
technology for
integration of digital
flight control,
navigation and
propulsion control
data into a digital
flight management
system for “flight path
b. “Development”
technology for
“aircraft” flight
instrument systems
integrated solely for
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 462
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
2. Designed to operate at
depths exceeding
1,000 m; or
3. Having all of the
a. Designed to carry a
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 465
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up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. For the purposes of
Category Code 8A001.b.,
‘operate autonomously’
means fully submerged,
without snorkel, all
systems working and
cruising at minimum
speed at which the
submersible can safely
control its depth
dynamically by using its
depth planes only, with
no need for a support
vessel or support base on
the surface, sea-bed or
shore, and containing a
propulsion system for
submerged or surface
2. For the purposes of
Category Code 8A001.b.,
‘range’ means half the
maximum distance a
submersible vehicle can
c. Unmanned, tethered DL8A001C 89069010
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 466
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 467
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 468
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
A ‘small waterplane area
vessel’ is defined by the
following formula:
waterplane area at an
operational design draught
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 469
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 470
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 471
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 8A002.f.
does not include digital
cameras specially designed
for consumer purposes,
other than those employing
electronic image
multiplication images.
g. Light systems, as 1. Stroboscopic light DL8A002G1 85122020
follows, specially systems capable of a 85122090
designed or modified for light output energy of
underwater use: more than 300 J per
flash and a flash rate of
more than 5 flashes per
2. Argon arc light systems DL8A002G2 85122020
specially designed for 85122090
use below 1,000 m;
h. “Robots” specially DL8A002H 84289090
designed for underwater
use, controlled by using a
dedicated computer,
having any of the
1. Systems that control
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 473
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Only functions having
proportional control using
positional feedback or by
using a dedicated computer
are counted when
determining the number of
degrees of freedom of
j. Air independent power 1. Brayton or Rankine DL8A002J1 84128000
systems, specially cycle engine air
designed for underwater independent power
use, as follows: systems having any of
the following:
a. Chemical scrubber or
absorber systems
specially designed to
remove carbon
dioxide, carbon
monoxide and
particulates from
recirculated engine
b. Systems specially
designed to use a
monoatomic gas;
c. Devices or
enclosures specially
designed for
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 475
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 476
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 477
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 478
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 479
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 481
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
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Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 482
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 8A002.q.
does not include an
individual apparatus for
personal use when
accompanying its user.
8B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
8B001 Water tunnels, having a background DL8B001 90318092
noise of less than 100 dB (reference 1 90318099
µPa, 1 Hz), in the frequency range
from 0 to 500 Hz, designed for
measuring acoustic fields generated by
a hydro-flow around propulsion
system models.
8C Materials
8C001 ‘Syntactic foam’ designed for DL8C001
underwater use, having all of the
a. Designed for marine depths
exceeding 1,000 m; and
b. A density less than 561 kg/m3.
Technical Note:
‘Syntactic foam’ consists of hollow
spheres of plastic or glass embedded
in a resin matrix.
8D Software
8D001 Software specially designed or DL8D001
modified for the “development”,
“production” or “use” of equipment or
materials specified in Category Code
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 483
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 484
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
9A001.a. does not include aero gas
turbine engines which meet all of the
a. Certified by the civil aviation
authority in a “participating state”;
b. Intended to power non-military
manned aircraft for which one of
the following has been issued by a
“participating state” for the
aircraft with this specific engine
1. A civil Type Certificate; or
2. An equivalent document
recognised by the International
Civil Aviation Organisation
9A002 Marine gas turbine engines’ with an DL9A002 84118100
ISO standard continuous power rating 84118200
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 485
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
The term ‘marine gas turbine engines’
includes those industrial, or aero-
derivative, gas turbine engines
adapted for a ship’s electric power
generation or propulsion.
9A003 Specially designed assemblies and DL9A003 84119100
components, incorporating any of the 84119900
technologies specified in 9E003.a., for
the following gas turbine engine
propulsion systems:
a. Specified in 9A001;
b. Whose design or production origins
are either non-”participating states”
or unknown.
9A004 Space launch vehicles and DL9A004 88026000
Category Code 9A004 does not
include payloads.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 486
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 488
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For the purposes of Category Code
9A007.e., a ‘strong mechanical bond’
means bond strength equal to or more
than propellant strength.
9A008 Components, as follows, specially a. Insulation and propellant DL9A008A
designed for solid rocket propulsion bonding systems using
systems: liners to provide a
‘strong mechanical bond’
N.B.: See also Category Code or a barrier to chemical
9A108. migration between the
solid propellant and case
insulation material;
Technical Note:
For the purposes of
Category Code 9A008.a., a
‘strong mechanical bond’
means bond strength equal
to or more than propellant
b. Filament-wound DL9A008B 84129010
“composite” motor cases
exceeding 0.61 m in
diameter or having
‘structural efficiency
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 489
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
The ‘structural efficiency
ratio (PV/W)’ is the burst
pressure (P) multiplied by
the vessel volume (V)
divided by the total pressure
vessel weight (W).
c. Nozzles with thrust DL9A008C 84129010
levels exceeding 45 kN
or nozzle throat erosion
rates of less than 0.075
d. Movable nozzle or DL9A008D 84129010
secondary fluid injection
thrust vector control
systems capable of any
of the following:
1. Omni-axial movement
exceeding ±5º;
2. Angular vector
rotations of 20º/s or
more; or
3. Angular vector
accelerations of 40º/s2
or more.
9A009 Hybrid rocket propulsion systems DL9A009 84121000
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 490
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
The weight cut-off is not
relevant for nose cones.
b. Components and DL9A010B
structures specially
designed for launch
vehicle propulsion
systems specified in
Category Code 9A005 to
9A009 manufactured
using metal matrix,
composite, organic
composite, ceramic
matrix or intermetallic
reinforced materials
specified in Category
Code 1C007 or 1C010;
c. Structural components DL9A010C
and isolation systems
specially designed to
control actively the
dynamic response or
distortion of “spacecraft”
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 491
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 492
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 493
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 494
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
The only servo valves and
pumps specified in Category
Code 9A106.d., are the
a. Servo valves designed for
flow rates equal to or
greater than 24 litres per
minute, at an absolute
pressure equal to or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 495
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
Examples of methods of
achieving thrust vector
control specified in
Category Code 9A108.c.
1. Flexible nozzle;
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 496
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
In Category Code 9A109 ‘missile’
means complete rocket systems and
unmanned aerial vehicle systems
capable of a range exceeding 300 km.
9A110 Composite structures, laminates and DL9A110
manufactures thereof, other than those
specified in Category Code 9A010,
specially designed for use in space
launch vehicles specified in Category
Code 9A004 or sounding rockets
specified in Category Code 9A104 or
the subsystems specified in Category
Code 9A005, 9A007, 9A105.a.,
9A106 to 9A108, 9A116 or 9A119.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 497
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
In Category Code 9A120 ‘other liquid
propellants’ includes, but is not
limited to, propellants specified in
Category Code ML8.b. in Division 2
of Part I.
9A350 Spraying or fogging systems, specially a. Complete spraying or DL9A350A 84248120
designed or modified for fitting to fogging systems capable 84248140
aircraft, “lighter-than-air vehicles”, or of delivering, from a 84248950
unmanned aerial vehicles, and liquid suspension, an 84248990
specially designed components initial droplet ‘VMD’ of
therefor, as follows: less than 50 µm at a flow
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 499
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. Droplet size for spray equipment or
nozzles specially designed or
modified for fitting to aircraft ,
“lighter-than-air vehicles” or
unmanned aerial vehicles should
be measured using either of the
a. Doppler laser method;
b. Forward laser diffraction
2. In 9A350 ‘VMD’ means Volume
Mean Diameter and for water-
based systems this equates to Mass
Median Diameter (MMD).
b. Spray booms or arrays of DL9A350B 84248120
aerosol generating units 84248140
capable of delivering, 84248950
from a liquid suspension, 84248990
an initial droplet ‘VMD’
of less than 50 µm at a
flow rate of greater than
two litres per minute;
Spraying or fogging systems, specially c. Aerosol generating units DL9A350C 84248120
designed or modified for fitting to specially designed for 84248140
aircraft, “lighter-than-air vehicles”, or fitting to systems 84248950
unmanned aerial vehicles, and specified in Category 84248990
specially designed components Codes 9A350.a. and b.
therefor, as follows:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 500
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note: Note:
9A350 does not include spraying of Aerosol generating units
fogging systems and components that are devices specially
are demonstrated not to be capable of designed or modified for
delivering biological agents in the fitting to aircraft such as
form of infectious aerosols. nozzles, rotary drum
atomisers and similar
Technical Notes: devices.
1. Droplet size for spray equipment or
nozzles specially designed for use
on aircraft, “lighter-than-air
vehicles” or unmanned aerial
vehicles should be measured using
either of the following:
a. Doppler laser method;
b. Forward laser diffraction
2. In 9A350 ‘VMD’ means Volume
Mean Diameter and for water-
based systems this equates to Mass
Median Diameter (MMD).
9B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
9B001 Specially designed equipment, tooling a. Directional solidification DL9B001A
and fixtures, as follows, for or single crystal casting
manufacturing gas turbine blades, equipment;
vanes or tip shroud castings:
b. Ceramic cores or shells; DL9B001B
9B002 On-line (real time) control systems, DL9B002
instrumentation (including sensors) or
automated data acquisition and
processing equipment, specially
designed for the “development” of gas
turbine engines, assemblies or
components incorporating
technologies specified in Category
Code 9E003.a.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 501
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 502
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Notes:
1. Category Code 9B106.a.
describes systems that
are capable of
generating a vibration
environment with a
single wave (such as, a
sine wave) and systems
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 504
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 505
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
In Category Code 9C108 ‘missile’
means complete rocket systems and
unmanned aerial vehicle systems
capable of a range exceeding 300 km.
9C110 Resin impregnated fibre prepregs and DL9C110
metal coated fibre preforms therefor,
for composite structures, laminates
and manufactures specified in
Category Code 9A110, made either
with organic matrix or metal matrix
utilising fibrous or filamentary
reinforcements having a “specific
tensile strength” greater than 7.62 x
104 m and a “specific modulus”
greater than 3.18 x 106 m.
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 506
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
The only resin impregnated fibre
prepregs specified in Category Code
9C110 are those using resins with a
glass transition temperature (Tg), after
cure, exceeding 418K (145 ºC) as
determined by ASTM D4065 or
9D Software
9D001 Software specially designed or DL9D001
modified for the “development” of
equipment or technology specified in
Category Code 9A001 to 9A119,
Category 9B or Category Code 9E003.
9D002 Software specially designed or DL9D002
modified for the “production” of
equipment specified in Category Code
9A001 to 9A119 or 9B.
9D003 Software specially designed or a. Software in digital DL9D003A
modified for the “use” of “full electronic controls for
authority digital electronic engine propulsion systems,
controls” (“FADEC”) for propulsion aerospace test facilities
systems specified in 9A or equipment or air breathing aero-
specified in 9B, as follows: engine test facilities;
b. Fault-tolerant software DL9D003B
used in “FADEC”
systems for propulsion
systems and associated
test facilities.
9D004 Other software, as follows: a. 2D or 3D viscous DL9D004A
software validated with
wind tunnel or flight test
data required for detailed
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 507
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Category Code 9D004.d.
does not include software
embedded in uncontrolled
equipment or required for
maintenance activities
associated with the
calibration or repair or
updates to the active
compensating clearance
control system.
e. Software specially DL9D004E
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 508
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Software specified in Category Code
9D103 remains within the description
of the Category when combined with
specially designed hardware specified
in Category Code 4A102.
9D104 Software specially designed or DL9D104
modified for the “use” of goods
specified in Category Code 9A001,
9A005, 9A006.d., 9A006.g.,
9A007.a., 9A008.d., 9A009.a.,
9A010.d., 9A011, 9A101, 9A105,
9A106.c., 9A106.d., 9A107, 9A108.c.,
9A109, 9A111, 9A115.a., 9A116.d.,
9A117 or 9A118.
9D105 Software which coordinates the DL9D105
function of more than one subsystem,
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 509
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 511
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Note 1:
Adjustable flow path
geometry and associated
control systems in
Category Code
9E003.a.10. do not
include inlet guide vanes,
variable pitch fans,
variable stators or bleed
valves for compressors.
Note 2:
Category Code
9E003.a.10. does not
include “development” or
“production” technology
for adjustable flow path
geometry for reverse
11. Hollow fan blades; DL9E003A11
b. Technology “required” 1. Wind tunnel aero- DL9E003B1
for the “development” or models equipped with
“production” of any of non-intrusive sensors
the following: capable of transmitting
data from the sensors
to the data acquisition
system; or
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 513
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
For the purposes of
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 514
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
‘Box volume’ in 9E003.e. is
the product of three
perpendicular dimensions
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 515
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 516
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 517
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Technical Note:
High output diesel engines:
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 518
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008
HS Codes Concordance List for items subject to control under the Strategic Goods (Control) Act
Please note that the control is based on the actual product description and technical specifications, and not by the HS Codes. The HS Codes are 519
provided for reference only and may be subject to changes from time to time. Traders are advised to refer to the Strategic Goods (Control) Order for
up-to-date information in relation to the definitions and scope of goods subject to controls.
Version Date: 16 Apr 2008