LNG en La Antartica
LNG en La Antartica
LNG en La Antartica
lV,••".^"C<^' c "
Regulatory parallel
framework engineering
Kimn.'i -
Attracting skilled Intermittent Commercial Lower Fluctuating
human resources delivery sustainability operating plant Population in agglomeratloiis
schedules at low efficiencies operating 400 000--?—,
gas prices ] O ( ) ' 0 0 O - { ^ ^ " " 200.000 NB; The small blue dots represent willages wit i less
20!ooo-^^""50,0OO than 20,000 inhabitants and very small communities.
FIG. 1 1 Challenges of exploiting Arctic Ocean natural gas resources The Arctic Ocean and its surrounding settlements. Spurce:
I with LNG supply chains. UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library, 20(15.^
£ 120 300 1
250 I
I 100
i 80
. | 60
Oii 50 Gb
= 1,0O0Tcf
200 I
150 !§ Forecast impacts of warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact
Assessment. Source: Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
I 40
" 20
—1 ^ 100 I
•2 "Til
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
of natural gas as a major global energy source, a more signifi-
cant challenge is advanced technologies that can cost-effectively
develop the numerous smaller-sized gas fields of the Arctic Region.
Trends in Arctic temperature, 1880-2006. Source: These methods, in addition, could be applied to the few giant gas
CRUTEIV13V dataset, Climate Research Unit, University of fields that remain undiscovered and could be developed using
East Anglia.'" existing technologies and resource approaches. In this case, the
technological focus should be on how to commercially develop and
in the deeper waters of this region and the ability to control stra- transports large portion of these gas resources to global markets,
tegic shipping routes, there is significant competition and political not just on how to develop a few giant fields-
maneuvering by these nations to optimize the size of their claims. It Changing Arctic climate opens new frontier. Although
is therefore unlikely that clearly defined and internationally agreed some debate remains over the causes of higher global temperatures,
borders covering the entire Arctic Ocean region will be available in the evidence and consequences of climate change are nowhere
the near future. Some resource development could be delayed due more evident than in the Arctic Ocean and its margins. The con-
to potential international disputes over such borders. sequences of a rising Arctic temperature trend (Fig. 4) according to
scientific models are likely to be quite rapid and cause substantial
How much petroleum exists in the Arctic? There is contraction of sea ice (Fig. 5). The continental margins of the Arc-
much uncertainty concerning the volumes of oil and gas thar exist tic Ocean are also likely to see environmental changes due to higher
and can be commercially recovered from Arctic regions. Some mean annual temperatures before the end of the century (Fig. 6).
speculate that between one quarter and one third of all remain-
ing oil and gas reserves to be found worldwide could possibly Contemporary conditions around the Arctic Ocean continen-
be located in the Arctic regions. A study by Wood Mackenzie tal shelf vary substantially. For instance, whereas che Barents Sea
reported a more conservative view that 233 billion barrels of oil remains ice-free even in winter (due to the influence from the Culf
equivalent (boe) of oil and natural gas combined has already been Stream), the Chukchi Sea is ice-locked in winter. Changing marine
discovered in Arctic basins.^ It is estimated that some 166 billion currents could have significant consequences for local ice condi-
boe remain undiscovered (yet-to-fmd).That report identified the tions, and these are more difficult to predict. Accordingly, there
South Kara-Yamal basin and the East Barents Sea in Russia, along is much uncertainty over which regions will become navigable in
with Greenland's Kronprins Christian basin to have yet-to-find winter by shipping, including LNG carriers. The Arctic Ocean
resources greater than 10 billion boe. However, only the South will, under all climatic scenarios, remain a challenging nautical
Kara-Yamal basin and the East Barents Sea were considered to environment to navigate and this will require special ship designs.
offer yet-to-find potential in pool sizes of over 1 billion boe. In terms of oil and gas operations, extreme cold and limited winter
An even more conservative view is expressed by the IHS data- daylight pose both operational and human endurance challenges.
base (February 2007) for existing Arctic fields and New Field The longer-term global consequences of such dramatic changes
Wildcats (NFW) for Russia, Europe (Norway and Svalbard) and in the Arctic Ocean (e.g., rising sea levels and less predictable weather
North America (US and Canada) north of 66''33'39".^ Fig. 3 patterns) are more difficult to forecast and may have significant overall
tbat are largely the challenges for LNG facilities and operating
equipment. Winterization technologies are required to restrict icing
at tbe air and gas inlets and initial cbiliing plants, but tbese units
can require frequent adjustments as weather conditions var^^ widely
leading to inefficiencies.^ The propane refrigerant cycle prov ides the
initial chilling in the most commonly licensed liquefaction processes
and is responsible for taking temperatures down to tbe -35''C to
—40"G. Tbe cycle is also used to liquefy and separate substantial
volumes of gas liquids from the feed gas. To improve initial cooling
cycle efficiencies under Arctic conditions may require replacing
Impacts of a warming Arctic. Source: Arctic Climate impact
propane as a refrigerant witb a lowet boiling point gas (e.g.. ethane
Assessment (ACIA), 2004, and UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps or ethylene) or a multi-component mixed refrigerant.
and Graphics Library.^'-' Tbe ability of liquefaction plants to benefit From theoretical
higher efficiencies at cold temperatures depends upon the design
negative sustainability consequences. However, the medium-term temperatures for tbese Arctic plants and their design operating
implications of such scenarios are: a greater number of Arctic sea ports strategies. If the average annual temperature is used as a fixed-
will be ice free during the winter; a greater area of the Arctic Ocean design temperature, losses due to higher than average tempera-
will be navigable for shipping; and easier access lo oil and gas resources tures (assuming a rate of 1.8%/°C) significantly outweigh gains
beneath the Arctic continental shelf. It is likely that countries and cor- attributable to more efficient condenser performance at lower
porations will make efforts to exploit such opportunities. tban average temperatures, as plant capacities are varied to acbíeve
The potential of access to additional petroleum resources and annual production quotas.*" Conversely, fixing the design through-
the opening of a new exploration and development frontier are put capacity and raising design temperatures (above average ambi-
stimulating many in the petroleum industry. The e n e t ^ industry is ent conditions) to achieve tbat capacity can lead to higher total
becoming excited about these opportunities and is seriously consid- efficiency, but at higher capital costs.^
ering the technological challenges associated with exploiting Arctic If liquefaction plants are to be operated at varying throughput
resources. One of the first indications of institutional cooperation capacities dependent on changing ambient temperatures, then the
is the agreement reached in April 2008 between the American feed gas and LNG shipping logistics must be adjusted to cope with
Bureau of Shipping and the Russian Maritime Register of Ship- sucb variations. "ITiis may not always be possible. For instanc<'. colder
ping to jointly develop classification rtiles for Arctic LNG carriers.'' weather conditions may lead to shipping delays at a time when the
Tbis agreement came in tbe wake of tbe Shtokman Development plant is aipable of maximum output. Tbe liquefaction plant opera-
Co. preparing plans for the giant Shtokman gas field (> 100 Tcf of tors will have to balance the economic benefits of larger-capacity train
reserves) in the Barents Sea. Russia, following Norway's Snohvit installations, optimum design configuration from an operating per-
LNG project (onstream September 2007). is known to be plan- spective, and the challenges of constnicting and operating the plant
ning substantial gas liquefaction facilities along its northern coast at remote sites under adverse and variable weather conditions.
to enable worldwide exports of its gas resources. Among the Rus- Limited winter daylight hotirs, more cosdy human resources and
sian oil industrys plans under consideration is an LNG plant in difficult construction logistics also have to be acknowledged i.s major
Teriberka on the Barents Sea coast, along with a plant in the Yamal contributions to greater capital and operating costs and extended
Peninsula. Russian state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom and its project schedules. The very large cost overrtins vs. the originally sanc-
subsidiary Sevmorneftegaz expect that 25 new LNG tankers will tioned budgets experienced by tbe Statoil Hydro-operated Snohvit
be required in connection with the Shtokman project. No surprise LNG plant, and tbe Shell-oj^erated Sakhalin LNG plant during their
that tbe LNG shipping industry is showing interest. construction phases, and the significant and costly teething problems
experienced by tbe former testify that installing liquefaction plants at
Liquefaction at high latitudes. Cold average annual tem- high latitudes has substantial associated cost penalties.
peratures aie actually lieneficial for operating efficiencies and energy Modular and oflsite construction of major components offer a
consumption by cryogenic facilities, regardless of the technology partial .solution tosomeof these problems. Bur cai^frj upfro it plan-
applied. For example, cold ambient temperatures enhance gas- ning, extensive front-end engineering and design ev;duations and
turbine power outputs. In the Arctic region, it is not, therefore, the parallel engineering, procurement and construction methotlologies
average annual temperature, which is low (close to O^C, the point at would be necessary to effectively execute such projects. Multi-site
wbich fresh water freezes), that poses tbe challenge to gas liquefac- operations themselves pose challenges due to resource procu.-^ment,
tion. Rather, it isthe seasonal temperature and weather variations integrated planning, control, regulatory and fiscal complexity.
Operations and maintenance issues. Wintedzation of tban for ice-free supply chains. Shuttle-tanker methodologies may
gas processing and liquefaction plants is necessary to prevent fluid make sense in some cases, i.e., ice-classed tankers to move cargoes
freezing, liquid drop-out, and wax and hydrate formation. Elements past the ice edge either to trans-shipment ports or for sbip-to-sbip
of gas-processing plants, pre-cooling refrigeration cycles and air- transfer may make commercial sense in some cases, lbe reality is
cooling systems are most likely to experience such problems. Sys- that each port and shipping route will probably pose its own chal-
tems that facilitate rapid responses to short-term changes in weather lenges and require tailored vessel design solutions (Fig. 7).
conditions are required. Rotating equipment such as pumps, power Exploiting NG reserves using LNG technologies in high lati-
generators, and refrigerant gas turbine and compressor units will tudes is commercially viable today at some locations. However, in
require heated and ventilated buildings to house them. Plant layouts more extreme Arctic conditions, new technologies and plant con-
should facilitate easy access to equipment by maintenance staff so figurations must be developed for field development, liquefaction
that both routine maintenance and emergency responses can be and shipping segments of the supply chain. These solutions will
conducted in a safe and timely manner. In fact, plant and equip- be more cosdy to develop, construct, install and operate tban for
ment access under extreme weather conditions need careful con- lower-latitude routes. The LNG industry has tbe optimism and
sideration. Compressors, pumps, valves, air coolers, wellheads, etc., track record for innovation to justify tbat acceptable technologi-
require sheltered containment that facilitates easy access and enables cal solutions can be found. Questions, bowever, remain over the
both staff and equipment to withstand extreme conditions. magnitude of gas reserves yet-to-be discovered and the long-term
sustainabiiity of sucb high-cost supply chains of natural gas. HP
Arctic LNG s h i p p i n g . The first ice-class LNG vessels are about LITERATURE CITED
to enter service for the Sakhalin-II project in eastern Russia. Five ' "United Nations Conveniion on chc Law of the Sea," Dec. 10, 1982, Annex
new LNG ships will service the liquefaction terminal at Prigorod- 2; Article 4.
noye in Aniva Bay. 1 hree were buiit in Japan with the Moss-type ^ Latham, A., "Arctic has less oil than earlier estimated," OH & Gas Journal,
independent tank and hulls designed to Finnish-Swedish ice-class Nov. 13,2006.
* Laherrere, J., "Arctic Oil and Cías Ultimates," The OH Drum. March 11.
1B standard; two ships were built in South Korea, each with dif- 2008, http://europe.theoildnini.com/nodi-/3666.
ferent membrane tank designs. All five ships bave their propeller ^ ABS, press release: "First Joint Rules for l,NC~i Class Socteries ABS and RS
and line shafting built to the Russian Maritime Register of Ship- Jointly Develop Rults for Arctic Gas Carriers," April 10, 2008
ping ice-class LLJ2 standard and membrane containment ships ^ Martinez, B., S., Huang, C. McMullcn and P Shah, "Meeting (Challenges of
I^rge LNC Projects in Arctic Regions," 86th Annual GPA Convcniion, San
also have their ice-strengthened hulls buiit to that standard/ Tbe
Amonio, March 11-14,2007.
performance of these vessels will provide an indication of the *• Oniori, H., H. Konishi, S. A. Ray. F. P. de la Vega and C. A. Durr. "A new
standards required for a more extensive Arctic LNG carrier fleet lool—efficient and accurate for LNG plant design and debotiknecking,"
to withstand sea ice seasons of 100 days and more. LNG, 13, Seoul. 2001.
' Tustln, R,, "From Russia with LNG," Ice l-ocus (Lloyd's Ri^ister), April 2006.
As LNG supply chains develop, it is not just at the liquefaction ter- " Scheri, D. B., "Arctic LNG: Keys to Development," 6th Annual LNG
minals where sea ice will be encountered. Plans to build rcgasification Economics and'lechnology Conference, Houston, Jan. 30-31, 2006.
terminals along the St. Lawrence River in Canada suggest that the '' UNEP/GRID-Arenda! Maps and (Iraphics Library, 200"), http://maps.grida.
ships may have to operate in ice at botb ends of their routes. Tbe no/go/graphic/major-aiid-minor-settlenien[s-in-thc-circumpolar-;irctic.
'" CRLrrEM3v daiasec. Climate Research Unit. University of East Anjçtia, June
power installed and the ice class of tbe vessels apply to tbe more chal- 2007, hlip;//www.cru.ucM.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature. In UNEIVGRID-
lenging Arctic routes, sucb as to the Western Arctic coasdine of Rus- Arendal Maps and Graphics Lihrary, http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/trends-
sia. They will need to be bi^er unless dedicated ice-breaker vessels are in-arctic-teni|.xTature-1880-2006.
commissioned to assist these vessels. With winterization features, such " Cambridge, UK: ('ambridge University Press, "Projected chanjjes in Arctic
pack ice (sea ice miniiiiuni extent)," In UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and
as low-temperature-proof materials to the deck equipment on tbe Graphics Library, http://niaps.grida.no/go/graphic/projecred-changcs-in-arc-
vessels and on loading and unloading facilities, tbe sbips will bave to tic-pack-ice-SL-a-ice-mininiuni-exteni, 2007.
withstand severe wave conditions and persistent cold environments. '- Arctic Climate Impaci Assessment (ACIA), 2004, "Shift in climatic /ones,
Carriers using membrane-containment designs will need reinforced Arctic scenario," In UNEP/GRJD Arendal Maps and Graphics Library, hrtp://
iiiaps.grida.no/go/graphic/shift-in-dimatic-zones-arctic-sccnario, 2007.
tank supports to avoid cargo-sloshing damage, hideed, membrane
designs will need to prove their reliability under such challenging con-
ditions before operators will order them for Arctic service. LNG ships D a v i d W o o d is an international energy consultant specializing
built for dedicated service to the Snobvit LNG facility in Northern in the integration of technical, economic, risk and strategic infor-
Norway (ice-free all year) are all of the Moss-type design. mation to aid portfolio evaluation and management decisions. He
holds a PhD from Imperial College, London. Research and training
The challenges associated with First-year ice navigation and concerning a wide range of energy-related topics, including project
those with multi-year ice navigation are very different. Multi-year contracts, economics, gai/LNG/gas-to-liquids. portfolio and risk analysis are key parts
of his work. He is based in Lincoln, UK, and operates worldwide.
ice is prevalent in the Kara Sea and for year-round navigation with
icebreaker assistance. Typical hull-structure design values over ice-
sheet thicknesses vary from 120 cm to 170 cm in tbe summer and I M o k h a t a b is a consultant for XGAS Ltd, Canada. Mis
autumn seasons and 170-cm to 320-cm thickness (with hummocks) nopal interests include gas engineering, with particular empha-
in tbe winter and spring seasons/ Movement in such winter condi- sis on natural gas transportation, LNG, CNG and processing. He
tions requires very powerful engines (85 MW to 1 20 MW), nar- has participated in several international gas-engineering projects
and published over 180 technical papers and magazine articles
rower beams and strong propulsion equipment to push ice-breaking as well as the Elsevier' Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission & Processing, which
bulls that are moving slowly (2 nm/hr).*^ Although the highest ice- has been well received by the industry and academia. He is the co-editor-in-chief of
classed LNG vessels do need to have ice-breaker assistance at times, the Elsevier' Journal of Natural Gas 5dence & Engineering as well as a member of
the vessels and support services will not only be expensive, but the the editorial boards for most of professional oil and gas engineering journals, and
sen/es on various SPE and ASME technical committees. He served on the Board of SPE
periodic slow speeds along the most challenging parts of their routes
London Section during 2003-5, and was a recipient of the 2006 SPE Editorial Review
will require more tankers to transport similar contract quantities Committee' Technical Editor Awards.