Cereal 2
Cereal 2
Cereal 2
Chemical Tests
Moisture determination is an essential step in evaluating the quality of cereal grains and their products. The behavior of the grains in
both storage and milling depends to a great extent on their moisture content. Moisture content also influences the keeping quality of
flour and bakery products. The knowledge of moisture content is required for comparing production data at a uniform level of dry
solids and for compliance with government regulations. Similarly, since compositional percentages are inversely related to moisture
content in the analyzed material, results of chemical analyses have to be reported on a fixed-moisture basis. In North America, it has
become a common practice to report the results on the 14% basis, whereas in Europe the dry solids basis is often preferred, and 12%
is used in other countries for some products.
There are many methods for testing moisture content, and their results may vary considerably. It is therefore important that all tests
are made by the same method when the results are intended for the same purpose or different laboratories are involved. In reporting
the results, the method used should be indicated so that in comparing results of different methods, a proper correction factor can be
This work was co-authored by Dr. Walker while on leave from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
Disclaimer: It is common practice in the Cereal Technology field to refer to equipment by manufacturer and/or by brand names. Where company names
have been used in this article, it is for clarity and identification only. No endorsement of any particular company or its products in preference to other
similarly suited equipment is implied.
TABLE 1 Some of the Most Commonly Used AACC Approved Methods and ICC Official Standards for Testing Grains and
Tested property Principle AACC Methodsa ICC Standardb
Chemical constituent
Moisture Oven-drying 44-15A 109/1
44-16 110/1
Dielectric meter 44-11
Vacuum drying 44-40
Distillation with toluene 44-51
Protein Automated Kjel-Foss method 46-08
Automated colorimetric method 46-09
Improved Kjeldahl method 46-10 105/1
Micro-Kjeldahl method 46-13
Udy-dye method 46-14A
Biuret method 46-15
Combustion method 46-30
Gluten Hand washing 38-10
Machine washing 38-11 137
Mineral matter (ash) Incineration 08-01 104
Crude fiber Chemical digestion 32-10 105/1
Dietary fiber (insoluble) Enzymatic and chemical digestion 32-20
Crude fat Solvent extraction 30-10 30-25 136
Fat acidity Titration 02-01A
Starch Enzymatic 76-11 128
Polarimetric 76-20 122
Starch damage Enzymatic 76-30A
Enzymatic activity
-Amylase Colorimetric 22-01 108
Nephelometric 22-07
Amylography 22-10 126
Falling number 56-81B 107
Pressuremetric 22-11
Volumetric 22-14
Chemical (incubation in situ) 22-15
Rapid Viscometric 22-08
Proteases Chemical 22-60
Spectrophotometric 22-62
Colorimetric 22-63
Tested property Principle AACC Methodsa ICC Standardb
Physical properties
Farinography Dough mixing 54-21 115
Mixography Dough mixing 54-40
Extensigraphy Dough stretching 54-10 114
Alveography Dough stretching 54-30 121
Particle size Centrifugation 50-10
Sedimentation 127
Physicochemical properties
Sedimentation value Swelling and sedimentation 56-60 116
Oxidizing, bleaching, and maturing agents
Oxidizing agents Chemical 48-02
Acetone peroxides Chemical 48-05
Ascorbic acid Chemical 86-10
Benzoyl peroxide Chemical 46-06B
Chemical 48-07
Chlorine dioxide Chemical 48-30
Azodicarbonamide Chemical 48-42
Potassium bromate Chemical 50-10
Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, 9th ed., St. Paul, MN 1995.
Standard Methods of the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology.
When moisture is determined by drying, the measured value is defined as the percent loss in weight under the conditions of the
specific procedure. The loss includes both water and other volatiles. If the original moisture content in the sample exceeds 16%,
drying is usually carried out in two stages. The moisture content is first reduced to 16% or less (13% for rice) by keeping the sample
in a well-ventilated and warm place. Then the sample is dried at an elevated temperature: 103°C for 72 hours [1] (AACC Method 44-
15A) or at 135°C for 2 hours (AACC Method 44-19). An alternate procedure uses a partial vacuum equivalent to 25 mm mercury or
less at 98100°C for approximately 5 hours (AACC Method 44-32). Other techniques such as measuring the dielectric constant (AACC
Method 44-11), azeotropic distillation with toluene (AACC Method 44-51), and near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy are also
used. According to the ICC Basic Reference Method [22], sample moisture content is defined as the loss in weight sustained by the
material when equilibrated in an anhydrous atmosphere at a temperature between 45 and 56°C and a pressure of 1.32.7 kPa (1020
The protein quantity has historically been determined by the classical Kjeldahl analysis or one of its more recent modifications [1]
(AACC Methods 46-10, 46-1 1, 46-12, 46-13). Protein nitrogen is reduced and transformed to ammonium sulfate by hot digestion of
the dry sample with concentrated sulfuric acid in the presence of a catalyst. Ammonia is then liberated from the sulfate by distillation
in the presence of sodium hydroxide and driven into a known volume of standard acid solution. From the quantity of unreacted acid
determined by titration, the quantity of released nitrogen is established and converted to protein by multiplying the percentage of
nitrogen with the appropriate conversion factor (5.7 for wheat and wheat flour, 6.25 for most foods and feeds). Another method is
based on the dye-binding capacity of specific groups of amino acids in protein [1,47] (AACC Method 46-14A).
More recently, methods have been developed to determine protein by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy [1,31,54] (AACC
Method 39-10) and near-infrared transmission. NIR is a somewhat empirical method, however, and requires a set of previously
analyzed reference samples to calibrate the instrument. As a result of the expense, hazards, and environmental pollution characterizing
the Kjeldahl procedure, many laboratories now use methods that measure the nitrogen as a gas left after exhaustively combusting the
sample in a 99.9% pure oxygen atmosphere at 950°C [1] (AACC Method 46-30).
Protein determination is particularly significant when testing wheat or flour. Wheat protein quantity and quality have long been
recognized to have a decisive effect on the physicochemical properties of wheat flour dough and consequently on its handling
properties and baking potential.
Page 508
TABLE 2 Procedures for Testing Baking Quality of Wheat Flour and Ingredients
Tested property Principle Source
Standard procedures
Bread flour quality Straight-dough baking test with long fermentation; size: pup loaf 10-09a
Bread flour quality Straight-dough baking test with optimized conditions; also suitable for evaluation of effects of 10-
environment, variety, dough ingredients, protein content, flour components; used for 10100 g 10Ba
flour and on 1-lb loaves; also used for blends of wheat and nonwheat flours
Bread flour quality Sponge and dough baking tests; 800 g flour, 1-lb loaves 10-11a
Baking test of flour 10-20a
quality for sweet yeast
products Preparation of coffee cakes using 100 g of mix
Baking property of self- Preparation of biscuits 10-31a
rising biscuit flour
Baking quality of cookie Baking sugar snap cookies and measuring cookie spread; 225 g flour 10-
flour 50Da
Baking quality of cookie Same as above; 40 g flour 10-52a
Baking quality of cake Preparation of white layer cakes; 200 g flour 10-90a
Baking quality of angel Preparation of angel food cakes 10-15a
food cake flour
Baking quality of pie flour Preparation of pie shells; 1000 g flour 10-60a
Baking quality of rye flour Straight-dough process for rye bread; 100 g wheat (clear) and 100 g rye flour 10-70a
Baking quality of nonfat Straight-dough bread process with 6% NFDM 10-85a
dry milk (NFDM)
Nonstandardized procedures
Bread flour quality Sponge dough method under optimized conditions, see Table 6 AIBb
Cake flour quality Yellow layer cake, see Table 7 AIBb
Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, 8th Edition, St. Paul, MN, 1983.
American Institute of Baking, Manhattan, KS.
Since these relevant functions of wheat protein have been attributed primarily to gluten-forming proteins, protein determination in
wheat or wheat flour is very often supplemented by a quantitative estimation of wet and dry gluten, especially in Europe. Gluten is
prepared by washing out most of the starch and solubles from a piece of dough developed from flour and water [1] (AACC Method
38-10). This tedious and poorly reproducible procedure has been made easier by the introduction of automatic gluten washers (Fig. 1)
[1] (AACC Method 38-11). The wet gluten can be examined visually for its color and elasticity. The difference between gluten
weight before and after drying can be taken as a rough estimate of its hydration capacity. Some other tests used for evaluating gluten
quality are mentioned in Section IV.
Mineral Content
Mineral content, more commonly known as ash, has always been considered an important criterion in flour quality. Although not
directly related to the baking performance of flour, it serves as an indicator of the degree of separation of starchy endosperm from the
bran during the milling process because the aleurone and bran layers are higher in mineral matter than the endosperm. Thus, ash
content determination not only provides a useful criterion for classifying flours, but is a tool for controlling the entire milling
operation. Ash content may vary from less than 0.4% for high-quality, low-extraction flours to more than 2.0% for whole wheat
flours. The conditions of the determination may vary with the type of the tested material and procedure used. According to AACC
Method 08-01, ash is determined as a residue after incinerating the sample at 550°C (for soft wheat flour) or 575590°C (for hard
wheat flour) until a light gray ash is obtained [1]. Using an accelerated method, applicable only to flour, the sample is wetted with
magnesium oxalate solution and incinerated for 3045 minutes at 700°C [1] (AACC Method 08-02). The ICC Standard No. 104 (18)
for ash determination in cereal materials prescribes incineration at ~900°C until the residue is white or nearly white.
For a rapid determination of ash without any incineration involved, NIR spectroscopy can be applied [53]. Most NIR instruments now
used in mills can have this calibration included.
Mineral content correlates very closely to fiber content. They are both related to the amount of bran in the kernel or in the flour. In
cereal testing, fiber was traditionally determined as crude fiber in the form of a residue remaining af-
TABLE 3 Generally Used Criteria for Measuring Quality of Flour for Yeast Breads
Pan bread
Wholesale, Continuous Hearth Variety breads, cracked wheat
Quality criterion conventional dough breads bread, rye bread Soft rolls Sweet goods
Wheat class HS, HW, or blend HS, HW, or HS HS HS, HW, or HS, HW, or blend
blend blend
Flour absorption (% by farinograph) Medium to high Medium 5964 High 6368 High 6575 High 5964 Medium to high 6064
Ash (%) 0.440.50 0.440.50 0.440.55 0.450.55 0.440.5 0.450.50
Alk. water retention NS NS NS NS NS NS
Baking test Pan; straight or Pan; sponge Hearth; Pan; straight Pan; sponge Pan; straight
sponge straight
Color Creamy white Creamy white Creamy NS Creamy white to Creamy white
white white
Enzyme activity
Amylograph (BU) 475625 525600 400600 350550 475625 475625
Maltose (mg) 290350 280330 300360 300375 290350 290350
Pressuremeter 5th-hour (mm) 500550 475550 500550 500550 500550 500550
Falling number 200300 200300 175275 200300 200300 200300
Amylase analyzer 300600 300600 350600 300600 300600 300600
Lipase NS NS NS NS NS Low for prepared mixes
Protease NS NS NS NS NS NS
Particle size
Range (SED)c = (m) 0150 0150 0150 0150 0150 0150
Quantity (%) 11.013.0 11.013.0 13.514.5
Quality (Farinograph recording
mixer values)
Hydration Medium Short to Medium to Medium to long Medium Short to medium
medium long
Peak development (min) 68 57 79 79 68 58
Stability (min) 7.5 minimum 8 minimum 10 minimum 10 minimum 8 minimum 8 minimum
Extensibilityd Medium Medium Medium to Medium to long Medium to long Long
Resistance to extension Medium Medium Maximum Maximum Medium to low Medium to low
Starch damage (%) 5.57.7 5.57.8 7.08.5 Low as possible 5.57.8 5.57.8
HS = Hard spring, HW = hard winter.
NS = Not significant at present, or significance not known.
Stokes equivalent diameter.
Descriptive terms in each instance refer to relative values for wheat variety involved.
Source: Ref. 15.
TABLE 4 Generally Used Criteria for Measuring Quality of Flour for Chemically Leavened Breads and Biscuits
Quality criterion Home baking Biscuits Sponge Dough Pastry
Wheat classa HW or HW-SW blend HW-SW blend or SW or SW-HW SW SW
Flour absorption Medium low Low Low Low Low 4852
(% by farinograph) 5258 5054 4852 4852
Ash (%) 0.440.48 0.440.40 0.400.48 0.400.48 0.400.48
Alk. water retention NSb NS 5868 5868 5056
Baking test Biscuits; kitchen layer Biscuits AACC cookie; W/T AACC cookie; W/T AACC cookie; W/T
cakes 6.07.5 7.58.5 7.58.5
Color Creamy white White Creamy Creamy Creamy
Enzyme activity
Amylograph (BU) 450600 NS 700800 NS NS
Maltose (mg) 290320 NS 200250 NS NS
Pressuremeter 5th-hr 400450 NS 300350 NS NS
Falling number 200300 250 minimum 250 minimum 250 minimum 250 minimum
Protease NS NS NS NS NS
Particle size
Range (SED)c = (m) 0125 090 0125 0125 0125
Quantity (%) 9.511.0 9.010.0 9.010.0 8.09.0 8.09.0
Quality (recording mixer
Hydration Short Short Short Short Short
Peak development (min) 35 23 13 13 13
Stability 36 13 13 12 12
Extensibilityd Medium Medium short Medium Medium Medium
Resistance to extensiond Medium to low Low Low Low Low
Starch damage Low as possible Low as possible Moderate Low as possible Low as possible
MacMichael 90120° 6090° 6590° 4560° 4560°
HW = Hard winter, SW = soft winter.
NS = Not significant at present, or significance not known.
Stokes equivalent diameter.
Descriptive terms in each instance refer to relative values for wheat variety involved.
Source: Ref. 15.
TABLE 5 Criteria for Evaluating Flours for Cookies, Cakes, Soups, and Gravies
Soups and gravies
Quality criterion Cookies Layer Foam (thickeners)
Wheat classa SW SW SW SW
Flour absorption
(% by farinograph) Low; 4852 Low; 4852 Very low; 4448 NSb
Ash (%) 0.420.50 0.340.40 0.290.33 0.400.58
Alk. water retention 5054 5462 5256 4855
Baking test AACC cookie; W/T White layer cake Angel food cake None
Color Creamy White White NS
Enzyme activity
Amylograph (BU) NSb NS NS 700+, high as possible
Maltose (mg) NS NS NS 200, low as possible
Pressuremeter 5th-hr (mm) NS NS NS NS
Falling number 250 minimum 250 minimum 250 minimum 250 minimum
Lipase NS Low for prepared Low for prepared NS
mixes mixes
Protease NS NS NS NS
Particle size
Range (SED)c = (m) 0125 0125 2060 0150
Quantity (%) 7.09.5 7.09.5 5.57.5 9.010.5
Quality (recording mixer
Hydration Short Short Short NS
Peak development (min) 13 12 11.5 NS
Stability (min) 12 11.5 11.5 NS
Extensibilityd Medium Short Short NS
Starch damage Low as possible High Low Low as possible
MacMichael 4065° 3565° 3045° NS
SW = Soft winter.
NS = Not significant at present, or significance not known.
Stokes equivalent diameter.
Descriptive terms in each instance refer to relative values for wheat variety involved.
Source: Ref. 15.
ter treating the sample successively with hot concentrated acid and hot concentrated alkali [1] (AACC Method 32-10). In wheat grain,
the crude fiber content ranges from 2 to 2.5% (14% m.b.). Flour crude fiber is directly related to the milling extraction and averages
around 0.5% (14% m.b.) in white flour. Recently, fiber content in cereals and cereal products has more frequently been reported as
''dietary fiber." This term designates a residue indigestible by human digestive enzymes. A method based on a combined action of
amylase and neutral detergent was designed to simulate the digestive process in vitro for the determination of insoluble dietary fiber
[1] (AACC Method 32-20). For the determination of total dietary fiber, consisting of both soluble and insoluble fractions, the
enzymatic method uses amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes as proposed by Prosky et al. [36]. Like crude fiber, total dietary fiber in
flour will increase with higher milling extraction rates. It may range from approximately 3% in white wheat flour to over 9% in whole
meal. In wheat bran, it accounts for more than 40% of the solids.
Starch constitutes the main chemical component of the cereal grains and their products. However, when quality testing wheat flours,
more attention is usually given to the physical condition of the starch granule rather than the actual quantity of this component. It is
the degree of physical
Figure 1
Gluten washers: (A) Glutomatic 2200.
(Courtesy of Falling Number A.B. Stockholm, Sweden.)
(B) Glutinex MLI 500.
(Courtesy of Bühler Brothers Ltd. Uzwil,
damage to the granule inflicted by milling that is more important. Some positive contribution to the quality of some types of wheat
flour can be expected from a limited amount of damaged granules. Cake flours often benefit by a high batter viscosity resulting from
high starch damage. However, distinctly adverse effects will be noticed if the amount becomes excessive. The first attempt to measure
the extent of starch damage involved microscopic examination of wheat flour after staining with Congo red. Physical damage
enhances the absorption of dyes by the starch granule. Congo red was later replaced with 0.2% solution of crystal violet or
chlorzinciodide [56]. Several methods exploit the higher susceptibility of damaged starch granules to amylolytic degradation and
quantitatively estimate the level of products of this degradation [1,11] (AACC Method 76-30A). Other methods depend upon the
development of color formed when iodine reagent is added to an extract of flour that contains amylose leached out from the damaged
granules by a solution of ammonium sulfate, formamide, and sulfosalicylic acid [16,55].
An amperometric technique [29] measures the rate of iodine absorption by starch granules. The rate increases with higher degrees of
damage. This principle is now used by the Chopin Starch Damage Analyzer (Fig. 2).
Specific methods are used in analyzing flours for added bleaching and maturing agents. The Approved Methods of the AACC [1]
include procedures for the determination of acetone peroxide (Method 48-05), benzoyl peroxide (Method 48-07), chlorine dioxide
(Method 48-30), potassium bromate (Method 48-42), ammonium persulfate (Method 48-62), and azodicarbonamide (Method 48-
Enzyme Activity
In testing cereal grains and their milling products for enzymatic activity, amylolytic activity, i.e., the activity of starch-hydrolyzing
enzymes, is considered of primary importance. While only small amounts of -amylase are present in sound grain, the activity of this
enzyme increases markedly during pre- or postharvest germination (sprouting). Some level of this activity is needed for sufficient gas
development during fermentation in the early stages of baking yeasted doughs such as pan breads. If the -amylase concentration is
insufficient, the flour can be supplemented with preparations from wheat or barley malt, fungi, or bacteria. Excessively high levels,
however, impair the quality of both the dough and the final baked product because -amylase cleaves the starch molecules, reducing
the paste viscosity, and can lead to sticky doughs. Unlike -amylase, -amylase is present even in sound (not field-sprouted) grain,
but the quantity remains practically unchanged during germination. For that reason, the assays for amylolytic activity deal primarily
with -amylase.
The AACC Method 22-07 [1] is a colorimetric assay based on the reaction of -amylase with a buffered solution of potato amylose
dyed with Cibachrom blue F3GA. Another AACC method (Method 22-07) measures the rate of decrease in light-scattering ability of
a dilute suspension of a -limit dextrin substrate treated with enzyme extracted from the tested flour. The ICC Standard No. 108 [19]
is a similar colorimetric method. Other chemical procedures are based on quantitatively estimating the reducing sugars produced in
situ in a buffered flour suspension after a standard incubation period [1] (AACC Method 22-15). Such methods measure the effects of
the combined activity of -
Figure 2
Chopin Rapid FT starch damage analyzer.
(Courtesy of Chopin SA, Villeneuve la Garenne, France.)
and -amylase, as well as the damaged starch granules' susceptibility to amylolytic activity. In that respect, the results are more a
reflection of the total gas production ability of the tested flour than the actual amylolytic activity. A number of methods evaluate this
combined effect by measuring the quantity of gas produced by the flour under the specific test conditions (see Section IV). Methods
for indirectly estimating amylolytic activity from viscometric measurements on starch pastes are found in Section III.
Some amylase preparations used for adjusting wheat flour's amylolytic activity contain appreciable quantities of proteolytic enzymes.
In flour unsupplemented with such preparations, higher levels of proteolytic activity indicate sprouted grain. In order to assay this
activity, the nitrogen released from a buffered hemoglobin substrate when it is incubating with the enzyme-containing flour extract is
estimated quantitatively by Kjeldahl analysis [1] (AACC Method 22-60). Solubilized hemoglobin can also be measured
spectrophotometrically (Method 22-62) or colorimetrically (Method 62-63).
Unfavorable storage conditions may enhance the lipase action, especially in materials high in fat. Since higher lipase activity leads to
an increase in fat acidity, the extent of the lipase action can be expressed in terms of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to
neutralize the free fatty acids extracted from a 100-g sample [1] (AACC Methods 62-01A, 62-02A, and 62-03A). Fat acidity may
range from about 20 for sound wheat to over 100 if the grain was stored under adverse conditions.
Physical Testing
Physical Grain Testing
Test Weight
Test weight, measured as weight of grain per unit volume, is the simplest and most widely used predictor for a grain's milling quality.
Although many factors may influence the relationship between test weight and milling yield, the latter usually increases with
increasing test weight unless the weight value exceeds 75 lb per bushel (96 kg/hl) [15].
In countries using Imperial units, test weight is expressed in terms of lb per bu. In the United States,
the Winchester bushel (2150.42 in3) is used, which differs slightly from the Imperial bushel (2219.36
in3). In countries using the metric system, test weight is defined in terms of kilo-
grams per hectoliter. For
conversion, the following
factors can be used:
From To Multiply by
lb/Imperial bu kg/hectoliter 1.247
Grain hardness constitutes a comparative measure for distinguishing between soft and hard wheats. The criterion is widely used in
testing corn (maize) for hardness and breakage susceptibility [33]. Methods used for testing hardness employ either a single grain or a
bulk sample [34]. The single grain tests involve abrasion, cutting, crushing, or penetration. In bulk tests hardness is estimated from the
power or time required to grind a given quantity of grain, from the quantity of abraded material, or from the particle size of the ground
material. The latter is determined by sieving [59], sedimentation [23] (ICC Standard No. 127), centrifugation [1] (AACC Method 50-
10), light-diffraction technique [2], Coulter counter, or NIR spectroscopy [54]. Many laboratories now use a single kernel
characterization system to simultaneously measure several factors including hardness [32].
When grading wheat, other physical criteria are considered. Kernel weight, which is usually expressed in g per 1000 kernels, is a
function of kernel size and density. It may be a reliable predictor of milling yields, because large, dense kernels usually have a higher
ratio of endosperm to nonendosperm components than smaller, less dense kernels. U.S. hard red winter and spring wheats range in
kernel weight from 20 to 32 g/1000 kernels. Soft red winter, white, and durum wheats average approximately 35 g/1000 kernels [15].
Milling yield can also be predicted from kernel size and shape [43]. Based on bran pigmentation, wheats are classed as either red or
white. These two colors are varietal characteristics but may be influenced by environmental factors. Inspection of grain for damaged
kernels and impurities is also part of the grading procedure. The ICC system adopted for the evaluation of wheat intended for milling
includes testing for extraneous material referred to as ''Besatz" [20]. "Besatz" includes dockage, foreign material, damaged kernels,
shrunken and broken kernels, and wheat of other classes.
Experimental Milling
Experimental milling provides the miller with advance information on the probable performance of a grain in a commercial scale
process. In breeding programs, it serves as a useful tool to evaluate the milling potential of the tested lines and helps to predict their
end-use quality.
Prior to any experimental milling, the grain must be cleaned and conditioned (tempered) [1] (AACC Method 26-10). Numerous
milling devices exist for the actual milling operation. They all work on the principle of grinding and sifting and differ only in the
extent of these operations. The Bühler Laboratory Mill (Bühler Bros, Inc., Uzwil, Switzerland) is a continuous automatic mill with
pneumatic conveying and a milling system consisting of three breaks and three reductions (Fig. 3). It can produce straight-grade flour
comparable in quality to commercially milled flour. Some modifications such as the addition of a bran finisher are required to achieve
typical commercial extraction rates, however [5].
Another automatic mill is the Brabender Quadrumat Senior (Fig. 4) with two four-roll system units, one for breaking and one for
reduction, and a two-section plansifter. The Brabender Quadrumat Junior (Fig. 5), a compact unit with four 3-inch-diameter
corrugated rolls, is well suited for milling small quantities of wheat, down to about 20 g. It is often used in early-generation testing
Figure 3
The Bühler experimental mill MLU 202.
(Courtesy of Bühler Brothers Ltd., Uzwil,
when only limited sample sizes are available from the plant breeder.
Some millers prefer batch-operated experimental mills such as the Allis-Chalmers or Ross Mill Stands because the milling procedure
can be adjusted at each stage on the basis of a visual examination, the yields, and stock quality throughout the mill flow. When
evaluating the results of experimental milling, two factors are usually considered: flour extraction (the percentage of the wheat
recovered as flour) and flour ash. The lower the flour ash and the brighter the flour color, the more desirable the wheat for milling.
The following two formulas are used to evaluate wheat milling quality from experimental milling data [40]:
Figure 4
The Brabender Quadrumat Senior laboratory mill.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
Figure 5
The Brabender Quadrumat Junior laboratory mill.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
Higher milling ratings and milling values are preferred. The milling quality of different wheats can also be judged by comparing their cumulative
ash curves [28]. Cumulative ash curves are constructed by arranging mill streams in ascending order of ash on a constant moisture basis and by
plotting cumulative ash against cumulative extraction for each successive blend of millstreams. Wheats that exhibit the lowest initial flour ash
and the slowest rate of ash increase with increasing flour extraction are preferred. The results of this comparison can be expressed in terms of a
single numerical score, the curve index. A line is drawn from the 30% extraction point on the cumulative curve to the 70% extraction point (Fig.
6). The distance on the 50% extraction level from the curve to the drawn line, when measured at right angle to the line, is called depth, D. It is
used in the calculation of the curve index:
where L is the length of the line between the 30% and 70%
extraction points. A lower curve index indicates better milling quality.
Flour Color Testing
Flour is tested for color for evaluating either its whiteness, which primarily determines the extent of the oxidation of carotenoid
pigments by bleaching compounds, or the presence of bran particles, indicating milling performance. Testing flour for whiteness may
be based on measuring light reflectance of the sample within the blue range of the light spectrum. Since improvement in flour color
results from the oxidation of the pigments by the bleaching agents as well as natural oxidation during storage, the measured values
vary not only with the extent of bleaching but the age of the flour. Correlation between color measured in the blue range of light
spectrum and ash content in flour is rather limited. If color is to be taken as a measure of contamination with bran particles,
reflectance meters with a light source in the green band of the light spectrum should be used. Among them, the Kent-Jones Grader
[25] and the Agtron Color Meter set on ''green mode" [1,12,44] (AACC Method 1430) are the most common. NIR analyzers have also
been employed for this purpose, though tri-stimulus reflected color instruments such as the Minolta or Hunter devices using the
L*a*b* system are now more routinely used.
Color must be used rather than ash content when the flour is fortified with calcium because the calcium salt contributes more ash than
does the naturally occurring mineral material.
Figure 6
Measurement of the curve index.
(From Ref. 28.)
The "slick" (Pekar) test is a rough but simple guide for assessing flour color visually [1] (AACC Method 14-10). Flour is placed on a
flat piece of wood or metal, pressed down, trimmed, and immersed in water. The color may be judged at several stages: (1) before
immersion in water (dry), (2) shortly after immersion, and (3) after the flour has been dried. Bran shows up as fine brown flecks more
obviously when it is wet. It is common to "slick" several flours immediately beside each other.
More recently, image analysis has been used, in which computer software examines the brightness of the pixels in a digitized image.
The more sophisticated instruments use a low-power microscope and illuminate the sample with UV light. Since bran and aleurone
fragments fluoresce differently under UV light, producing different colors, it is possible to obtain rather accurate estimates of the
fraction of each component in the flour sample [51].
Simple systems can also be based on a small TV camera using visible light or on an inexpensive flatbed scanner. The Branscan
equipment (Fig. 7) is an example of such an application. It can measure "speckyness" directly rather than mineral ash content. Models
are available for use in either a laboratory situation or for on-line quality monitoring and control purposes. An automatic sampler
compresses a flour sample against a flat glass window and a series of fields are digitally analyzed. Visible range light is used, and the
gray scale threshold can be set to select the size and darkness of the pixels that are to be denoted as "specs." The number and total area
of the specs can be determined and used as indicators of milling efficiency or flour baking quality [52].
The procedure can also be used to identify flour specks in noodles, for example.
Physical Dough Testing
Dough physical properties not only determine performance at the various stages in the manufacturing process but also have a
pronounced effect on finished product qualities. Since the physical condition of dough depends to a large extent on the quality of the
flour used, testing doughs for their physical properties has become an essential part of the quality evaluation of wheats and their
flours. The methodology can be considered in three phases that reflect the relevance of the individual physical qualities of dough at
different stages in the baking process (Fig. 8).
Recording Mixers
The first phase is concerned with the behavior of dough when it is developed from flour and water and subsequently subjected to
overmixing. Recording mixers are used to measure and record the changes in the resistance to mixing
Figure 7
The Branscan image analysis system for determining bran
specks in flour.
(Courtesy of Parascan Technologies, Ltd., Redditch,
Worc., UK.)
with time. The mixing curves are characterized by an ascending part that indicates changes during the dough-development process,
while the subsequent decline in resistance is taken as a sign of a steady breakdown of the dough structure upon mixing beyond the
point of optimum development. Optimum development from the standpoint of bread quality may occur slightly past the ''mixing
peak," depending upon what equipment follows.
The Brabender farinograph (Fig. 9) is one of the most widely used recording dough mixers [7]. The two Z-shaped blades of the
farinograph mixer rotate at constant but different speeds and subject the dough to a relatively gentle mixing at constant temperature. A
representative farinograph record, or farinogram, with the commonly measured indices as defined by ICC method [21] is shown in
Figure 10. Dough-development time and stability increase with increasing strength of flour, whereas mixing tolerance index and
degree of softening are inversely related to increasing strength. The AACC method [1] (AACC Method 54-21) uses additional indices.
Arrival time is defined as the elapsed time required for the top of the curve to reach the 500 FU (farinograph units) line on the
recording chart and serves as a measurement of the rate at which water is taken up by the flour. Departure time equals the sum of the
arrival time plus the stability. Longer arrival and departure times indicate stronger flour. The 20-minute drop is measured as the
difference between the height of the center of the curve at its peak and 20 minutes after the first addition of water. The larger the
value, the weaker the flour. To express the strength of the tested flour as a single score, the valorimeter value may be determined from
the dough-development time and the descending slope of the curve by means of a special nomograph known as the valorimeter. The
higher the value, the stronger the flour.
Water absorption by flour is another relevant property that can be determined by means of a farinograph. It is defined as the amount of
water required for dough to reach a definite consistency (normally 500 FU) at the point of optimum development. Stronger flours with
higher protein content and better gluten quality are characterized by higher absorptions. Figure 11 presents an example of how the
farinograms and water absorption values change with increasing flour strength.
More information about the dough-mixing characteristics may be obtained if the standard farinograph mixing bowl is replaced with
the resistograph mixer. The resistograph combines mixing with stretching, pressing, and kneading, thus imparting high shear and high
work input to the dough. The resistograms have two maxima, which become more pronounced with medium and weak flours (Fig.
12). The first maximum is related to binding water; the second one measures the stickiness and extensibility at breakdown of the
dough. Another variant of the farinograph, the Brabender Do-Corder mixer (Fig. 13), was designed to simulate conditions of
mechanical dough development [30]. It has a nearly closed mixer in which dough can be subjected to mixing at variable speeds and
with work-input levels higher than in an ordinary farinograph mixer (Fig. 14). This variant was developed in response to the
implementation of short-time, high-speed bread processes and the new mixer designs they required.
The mixograph (TMCO, Lincoln, Nebraska), originally designed by Swanson and Working [46], is another widely used recording
mixer (Fig. 15). The mixing action is provided by four planetary pins revolving about three stationary pins attached to the bottom of
the mixing bowl. The mixing can be described as a pull, fold, and repull action, which is more severe than that produced by the
farinograph. As a result, the main advantage of the mixograph is the speed with which a test can be conducted [26]. The mixograph is
especially popular with hard wheat plant breeders and in mill and bakery quality-control laboratories, and in laboratories doing
research on the proteins that control mixing quality. It is available in several sizes, including 35 g, 10 g, and a computerized model
Figure 8
Three-phase system of physical flour testing.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South Hackensack, NJ.)
only 2 g of flour. However, in comparison with the farinograph, the mixograph is more difficult to standardize and requires more
operator skill to determine the ''proper" flour water absorption [49].
The shape of a mixogram (Fig. 16) can be characterized by indices similar to those defined for the farinogram [1] (AACC Method 54-
40). Peak time is similar to farinograph dough development time. Peak height provides information about flour strength and
absorption. Height of curve at a specified time past the peak is similar to the farinograph tolerance index. Higher values indicate a
greater tolerance to overmixing. The same applies to the values of the angle between the ascending and descending portions of the
curve at the peak. A higher tolerance to overmixing and overall flour strength can also be judged from the area under the curve.
Examples of mixograms milled from different classes of wheat are shown in Figure 17.
Like other empirical dough-testing instruments, the mixograph has been modernized by redesigning it and by incorporating
computerized data acquisition and interpretation. A particularly challenging feature was the development and introduction of the 2-g
model [17,38].
The Chopin Consistograph is a new recording dough mixer (Fig. 18). It consists of two parts: a mixer equipped with a pressure sensor
in the mixing bowl, along with a special double arm mixing blade, and the Alveolink NG recorder-calculator, fitted with a color
printer and dedicated software for data collection, graphing, and analysis. The consistograph can (1) record in real time the pressure in
the mixing bowl during mixing, (2) determine the water-absorption capacity of a flour with a mixing test at constant absorption, and
(3) characterize the behavior of a dough with a mixing test at varying absorption. A consistograph testing method achieved AACC
First Approval status in September 1998.
Commercial Implementation
Unlike many of the procedures used in cereal quality evaluations, mixing properties can be easily related to commercial practice, and
the principles have been directly transported. Equipment is available from several sources to monitor the electrical power demand by
large-scale mixers [37]. A power draw transducer produces a signal that may be interpreted by appropriate software, often producing a
mixing curve resembling that from a farinograph or a mixograph. Furthermore, some systems are sufficiently automated that they can
actually stop the mixer at the appropriate time, usually shortly after the dough has reached maximum resistance to mixing (just past
the peak on the mixing curve) and direct it to automatically empty and to begin the next mixing cycle. An example of the graphical
output from such sensing equipment and software is shown from the Easy Mix system available from BRI-Australia (Fig. 19).
Figure 9
The Brabender Farinograph/Resistograph.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
Stress-Strain Instruments
Techniques constituting the second phase of the three-phase testing system provide information on the potential behavior of dough
during its rise due to the development and expansion of gas during the fermentation and early baking stages. Load-extension
instruments are applied to measure the resistance of dough to extension.
The Brabender extensigraph (Fig. 20) stretches a cylindrically shaped dough piece until it ruptures while the resulting force on the test
piece is transmitted through a balanced lever system to a recorder. The dough (with 2% salt based on flour weight) is prepared in a
farinograph mixer, usually at 2% less than its optimum absorption to compensate for the salt addition. According to the AACC
procedure [1] (AACC Method 54-10), the dough is developed until its consistency reaches its maximum, whereas the ICC method
(ICC Standard No. 114) uses mixing for a fixed 5-minutes period. When the dough test piece is stretched, a curve of force versus
time, an extensigram, is recorded (Fig. 21). Several extensigram indices provide a practical guide to general dough strength. They
1. The maximum resistance, Rm, or the resistance at a fixed extension usually corresponding to 50 mm transposition on the chart paper,
R5. The latter has the advantage of measuring the resistance at the same extension for all tested doughs.
2. The dough extensibility, E, which is the distance it stretched before rupture.
Figure 10
Representative farinogram showing some commonly measured indices.
(From Ref. 3.)
Figure 11
Farinograms of flours with different strengths. Farinograph absorptions:
flour A54%, flour B57%, flour C64.5%, flour D62.7%.
(From Ref. 35.)
Figure 12
Comparison of farinograms and resistograms for identical flours: (B) farinogram of soft flour, (C) farinogram of strong flour,
(D) resistogram of soft flour, (E) esistogram of strong flour.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South Hackensack, NJ.)
qualities. For example, Figure
Figure 13
The Brabender Do-Corder.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
23 shows how the extensigram changes after the addition of ascorbic acid to the dough, when it is allowed to react for different times.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is often added to commercial bread dough to produce a finer crumb grain and larger loaf volume.
The Halton (or Simon ''Research") extensometer of the Association of British Flour Millers [14] is similar to the Brabender
extensigraph. The extensometer is part of a three-unit device that also includes a water absorption meter and a mixer-shaper unit. The
absorption meter determines the optimum absorption of the dough (generally yeasted) from the extrusion time values measured on
several doughs prepared from the same flour sample with varying amounts of water. Optimum absorption has been empirically linked
to an extrusion time of 50 seconds. After the doughs are shaped in the mixer-shaper unit, they are stretched between two pegs. The
force exerted on the stationary peg is transmitted and recorded in the form of a curve that resembles the Brabender extensigram.
Another load-extension apparatus, until recently more popular in several European countries than in North America, is the Chopin
alveograph. Unlike the Brabender extensigraph or Halton extensometer, which both stretch the test dough piece in only one direction,
Figure 14
Two views of the developer head for the Brabender
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
alveograph subjects dough to extension in two dimensions by blowing a molded and rested sheet into a bubble [1,10,24] (AACC
Method 54-30). From the physical viewpoint, such an extension mode is well linked with the gas cell expansion in rising dough. The
instrument records the air pressure in the bubble as a function of inflation time. A typical alveograph record, an alveogram, is shown
in Figure 24. Its interpretation is similar to that of the extensigram. The maximum height of the curve is taken as a measure of
resistance to extension, and its length as a measure
Figure 15
The National Mixograph.
(Courtesy TMCO, Lincoln, NE.)
of extensibility. The area under the curve is usually converted into a W value, referred to as deformation energy, which represents the
total work input in blowing up the test piece into a bubble. The W value is the most commonly used alveogram index, much like the
area under the extensigram. Alveograms for flours with distinctly different properties are shown in Figure 25.
Alveograph flour tests have traditionally been conducted on doughs prepared with a constant water addition to the flour (51.4%). Now
it is possible to carry out Alveograph tests at varying absorptions, better reflecting actual baking absorptions. This is done by utilizing
water absorptions previously determined with the recently developed recording dough mixer, the Chopin Consistograph (see above).
A new alveograph modification is the Alveograph NG (Fig. 26). This unit has three components: a mixer for dough preparation, the
alveograph for deformation of the dough sample, and a recorder-calculator for data acquisition, visualization, analysis, and printout of
data functions. Yet another alveograph version is the Alveo-Consistograph, which combines capabilities of the Alveograph NG and
the Consistograph.
Dobraszczyk/Roberts Attachment
Many instruments can be modified to provide a stress-strain type record. For example, a recent attachment developed for the Stable
Microsystems TA-XT2 Texture Analyzer mimics the bubble-blowing action of the alveograph (Fig. 27). The crosshead movement is
proportional to the bubble volume, and the resisting force encountered is related to the pressure in the bubble. The area under the
resulting curve that is produced is a measure of the total work input [9].
Figure 16
Representative mixogram showing the commonly measured
indices: peak time = line CD; maximum height = line CH.
Angle between ascending and descending portion of curve
at peak (lines BC and CE, angle 1). Alternately, angles
formed by lines with horizontal lines (angles 2 and 3) have
been used to describe curves.
(From Ref. 26.)
Dynamic Rheometry
Conventional applied dough-stressing systems are destructive. They extend the structure to failure, and the extension is usually far
greater than occurs during normal dough rising and oven spring. Such instruments cannot be easily characterized in terms of
fundamental rheological properties. An alternative approach is to apply a much smaller strain of the order of a few percent, repeating
the strain several times per second in a regular vibratory or oscillatory manner. By measuring the stress transmitted through the dough
piece and its phase angle lag, it is possible to measure both the elastic and viscous components. Unfortunately, though this approach is
important to someone studying fundamental rheological properties, the results are often difficult to relate to the dough's actual
behavior in practical situations [27] (Fig. 28).
Figure 17
Mixograms of flours milled from different wheat
classes (using farinograph optimimum absorption).
(From Ref. 26.)
Pasting Tests
The third phase of the three-phase testing system concentrates on changes in physical properties taking place during the baking stage,
the most striking of which result from the gelatinizing of starch and its degradation by amylolytic enzymes either inherent in or added
to flour. Continuously measuring the sample's viscosity while it is being heated in a controlled manner is well suited for this purpose.
The Brabender amylograph (Fig. 29) is a torsion viscometer, which provides a continuous record of the changes in the viscosity of a
buffered flour suspension during a uniform temperature increase (fixed at 1.5°C/min) under constant stirring [1,45] (AACC Method
22-10). The starch granules swell upon reaching the gelatinization temperature and, together with the increased solubles concentration
in the surrounding liquid due to the amylose starch molecules leaching out from the swollen granules, cause the suspension viscosity
to rise.
Gelatinized (pasted) starch becomes highly susceptible to the action of thermostable amylases that are activated by the higher
temperatures. They hydrolyze and liquefy part of the total starch, thus reducing its viscosity. The recorded maximum viscosity is
therefore a result of two simultaneous processes (Fig. 30). Since there is little variability in the viscosity of gelatinizing wheat starch
in the absence of amylases, the height of the viscosity curve is primarily a reflection of the amylolytic activity in the flour being
tested. The higher the activity of the starch-liquefying enzymic system, the lower is the peak viscosity. Although both -amylase and
-amylase contribute to this reduction in viscosity, the -amylase is predominantly responsible for the final viscosity. Because it is
more heat sensitive, -amylase is largely inactivated before the starch substrate becomes sufficiently susceptible to its action.
Similarly, the lower heat stability of fungal -amylases renders the test unsuitable for testing flours supplemented with such enzymes.
A modified amylographic procedure had to be designed for these flours. Using a pregelatinized substrate eliminates the need for test
temperatures above the optimum performance range of the enzyme [1] (AACC Method 22-12).
The classical amylograph typically requires about 4060 g to conduct a test. Brabender has recently introduced a new model, the visco-
amylo-graph R, which requires only about one-tenth that amount, and it can be programmed to heat at different rates (Fig. 31).
Falling Number
The principle of viscometry in determining the amylolytic activity of wheat flour is applied in the Falling Number test [1] (AACC
Method 56-81B) (Fig. 32). The test is based on measuring the time required to stir and to allow a specified viscometer-stirrer to fall a
standard distance. Only a single value is obtained, not a complete pasting curve as provided by the amylograph or the RVA (below). It
is intended to rapidly screen small-sized wheat samples for sprout damage. Whole grain samples that have lower than 250 s FN are
generally considered to be damaged, with too much -amylase present. On the other hand, samples above 400 s FN may need malt or
some other -amylase preparation added to them for satisfactory bread fermentation (Fig. 33).
Rapid Visco Analyzer
The Newport Scientific Rapid Visco Analyser is a stirring, temperature-controlled viscometer. It was originally developed to be a fast
and robust field-use replacement for the Falling Number test, yielding a single number to indicate the extent of -amylase activity
induced by preharvest sprouting in wheats. It still serves that purpose but has rapidly developed into a versatile instrument that can
perform complete heating and cooling pasting curves as well. The device typically uses 35 g of starch, flour, or whole meal,
suspended in 25 mL of water, held in a thin aluminum cup that is clamped in a temperature-controlled split copper block. The solution
is stirred with a plastic paddle and heated at a programmable rate while its viscosity is being measured as the torque required to
maintain the paddle's speed at a constant 160 rpm. The data is collected and analyzed by the computer that controls the instrument. Its
uses now extend beyond wheat meal to modified starches, rice, maize, breakfast ce-
Figure 18
The Chopin Consistograph.
(Courtesy of Chopin SA, Villeneuve la Garenne, France.)
real manufacture, etc. (AACC Methods 22-08, 61-02) [1,8,48,50,57] (Fig. 34).
Physicochemical Tests
A number of tests were designed for predicting a flour's potential bread-baking strength from its gluten behavior. The Berliner and
Koopman method [4] measures the swelling ability of wet gluten when immersed in a 0.1 N lactic acid solution. Higher ''specific
swelling factors" can be obtained with stronger glutens. A modification to this method measures the turbidity of the suspension, which
is inversely related to gluten strength.
The Pelschenke test (or dough-ball test) uses a small ball of yeasted dough that is prepared from whole wheat meal and then immersed
in water at constant temperature [1] (AACC Method 56-50). The length of time before it starts to disintegrate is called the "test
number." It is a measure of both gluten quantity and quality. It varies from less than 30 minutes for soft wheats to more than 6 hours
for very strong wheats. By dividing the "test number" by the wheat protein content, an index to gluten quality, separated from
quantity, may be obtained. The higher the index, the higher is the gluten strength.
The sedimentation test [1] (AACC Methods 56-60, 56-61A, 56-63) originally developed by Zeleny [60], measures the volume of
sediment (predominantly swollen protein and occluded starch) from a crude white flour suspended in dilute acetic acid. Like the "test
number," the "sedimentation value" is a reflection of both gluten quantity and quality but can be turned into an index of gluten quality
alone if divided by sample protein content. It is then referred to as "specific sedimentation value."
The alkaline water-retention test [58] has been useful in predicting performance of wheat flours in cookie (biscuit) manufacture.
Another widely used test to evaluate soft wheat flour quality is the MacMichael viscosity test. The special MacMichael viscometer
measures the increase in viscosity of acidulated soft flourwater suspensions due to swelling of gluten proteins and, to some extent, of
starch [1] (AACC Method 56-80). Starch swelling becomes more pronounced if the granules are damaged. Thus, if the range in
protein content is relatively narrow, the measurements reflect primarily the condition of the starch. On the other
Figure 19
Mixing curve obtained from a spiral mixer by the Easy-Mix system.
(Courtesy of BRI-Australia Ltd., North Ryde, NSW, Australia.)
Figure 20
The Brabender Extensigraph.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
hand, if the changes in viscosity due to starch are more or less constant, the increase in viscosity is in direct relation to the swelling
properties and quantity of gluten present. (The Brookfield viscometer is now often used for a similar test because the MacMichael
viscometer is no longer manufactured and the torsion wires are no longer available.) A rapid lactic acid swelling procedure has also
been developed, using the RVA [6].
Physicochemical testing also includes tests evaluating a dough's gas production and retention capacity. The National pressuremeter
method [1] (AACC Method 22-11) measures the pressure of gas produced by a yeasted suspension of flour in an airtight and pressure
gaugeequipped container after a 5-hour fermentation at 30°C. National has computerized the instrument so that up to eight pressure
cells can be monitored simultaneously and the pressure changes are continuously graphed (Fig. 35). Other methods for measuring gas
production and/or gas retention use special instruments such as the Demaray gasograph [39] or the Chopin rheofermentometer (Fig.
36). The latter, apart from measuring the total and retained gas, also monitors the changes in dough volume during fermentation (Fig.
37). The Brabender maturograph (Fig. 38) measures the net results of gas production and gas loss by recording the changes in height
of fermenting dough subjected to periodic punching at 2-minute intervals (Fig. 39). From the shape of the curve, optimum proofing
conditions and fermentation tolerance can be established. The difference between top and bottom envelopes of the curve band reflects
the changes in the height of the dough due to peri-
Figure 21
Representative extensigram with the most commonly measured indices.
(From Ref. 3.)
BakingThe Ultimate Test
Flour and ingredient qualities are generally determined in industrial practice by experimental baking tests. The standard procedures
developed by the American Association of Cereal Chemists are listed in Table 2. They are used to evaluate flour quality and may be
adopted for determining the influence on quality of other bread ingredients and treatments. The same approach is used to evaluate soft
wheat flours for cookies, cakes, pies, etc. The standard methods do not always produce results that correlate with industrial practice in
a particular application. Therefore, many modifications to the formulas and procedures have been made in various laboratories. The
baking methods for bread and cake testing used at the American Institute of Baking are given as examples in Tables 6 and 7. The
baked products are scored for various quality parameters as specified by the respective methods (see Table 2).
Test baking can be done on several scales. For example, routine flour mill and plant bakery quality-control laboratories often bake
one-pound bread loaves, whereas new wheat variety screening laboratories often bake ''pup" loaves requiring 100 g of flour each.
When the flour is even more limited, a mini-pup size can be baked, requiring only 35 g of flour. Even smaller 10-g loaves have been
developed to help the plant breeder make decisions at an even earlier generation [42].
An especially interesting system has been developed to evaluate the bread-baking quality of individual gluten protein components
following their extraction and recombination. Two grams of flour are mixed in a 2-g mixograph, then baked in small metal thimbles
[13] (Fig. 40).
Figure 22
Extensigrams of different types of flour and their relation
to the baking behavior of their doughs.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
Intermediate proof10 min at room temperature.
MoulderStraight grain. Head roll 0.87 cm, sheeter roll 0.67
cm. Pressure plate 3.1 cm, width 22.9 cm.
Pan size10.8 cm × 25.4 top inside, 9.5 cm × 24.1 bottom outside
dimensions; 7.0 cm depth.
ProofTo 1.6 cm above pan top at 43.0°C ± 0.5°C and 81.5%
relative humidify.
Bake22 minutes at 216°C.
CoolOne hour at ambient temperature.
MeasureWeight and volume by rapeseed displacement.
ScorePackage loaves in polyethylene bags for evaluation of
internal and external characteristics on following morning.
Procedure of the American Institute of Baking, Manhattan, KS.
Hobart A-200 or A-120 mixer with McDuffee bowl and 2-prong
fork agitator.
Figure 23
The effect of ascorbic acid on extensigrams recorded after different resting periods.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South Hackensack, NJ.)
Figure 24
Representative alveogram showing the commonly used
indices, where P is overpressure (mm), L is abscise at
rupture mm), G is swelling index (ml), V is volume of air
(ml), and W is deformation energy (10-4) (J).
(Courtesy of Chopin SA, Villeneuve la Garenne, France.)
Figure 25
Alveograms of different flour types.
(A) Normal dough,
(B) Short dough with little stretching properties,
(C) Soft dough with excess stretching properties.
(Courtesy of Chopin SA, Villeneuve la Garenne, France.)
Figure 26
The Chopin Alveograph NG.
(Courtesy of Chopin SA, Villeneuve la Garenne, France.)
Figure 27
The Dobraszczyk/Roberts Dough Inflation system for the
stable Microsystem TA-XT2.
(Courtesy Texture Technologies, Scarsdale, NY.)
Figure 28
A dynamic stress rheometer.
(Courtesy Rheometric Scientific, Piscataway, NJ.)
Figure 29
The Brabender Viscograph-E.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South Hackensack, NJ.)
Procedure of the American Institute of Baking, Manhattan, KS.
Hobart N-50 mixer with 5-qt bowl and paddle beater.
Figure 30
Regular amylogram of malted wheat flour by AACC method. Peak viscosity is 600 A.U. (amylograph units).
(From Ref. 45.)
Figure 31
Brabender Visco-Amylograph-R.
(Courtesy of C.W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
Figure 32
The Hagberg Falling Number apparatus.
(Courtesy of Falling Number A.B., Stockholm, Sweden.)
Figure 33
The falling number procedure: (1) sample preparation; (2) weighing; (3) dispensing; (4) shaking;
(5) stirring; (6) measuring; (7) result.
(Courtesy of Falling Number A.B., Stockholm, Sweden.)
Figure 34
The Rapid Visco Analyzer.
(Courtesy of Newport Scientific, Warriewood, NSW, Australia.)
Figure 35
National Pressuremeter for AACC Method 22-11.
(Courtesy of National Manufacturing Div., TMCO, Lincoln, NE.)
Figure 36
The Chopin Rheofermentometer.
(Courtesy of Chopin SA, Villeneuve la Garenne, France.)
Figure 37
Standard rheofermentograms indicating the changes in dough volume and gas production (line 1) and retention (line 2).
(A and A) Dough with good fermentation power and good tolerance. (B and B) Dough with good fermentation
power but poor tolerance. (C and C) Dough with poor fermentation power and poor tolerance.
(Courtesy of Chopin SA, Villeneuve la Garenne, France.)
Figure 38
The Brabender Maturograph.
(Courtesy of C. W. Brabender Instruments Co., South
Hackensack, NJ.)
Figure 39
A maturogram.
(From Ref. 3.)
Figure 40
Thimble-sized bread loaves being checked for volume.
(Courtesy Dr. Peter Gras, CSIRO Grain Quality Lab., North Ryde, NSW, Australia.)