Cabeq 2015 01 Za Web 2115 7 CL
Cabeq 2015 01 Za Web 2115 7 CL
Cabeq 2015 01 Za Web 2115 7 CL
Activated carbon of dende coconut mesocarp was used to investigate the removal
of paracetamol from water by adsorption. The results indicated that the retention of
paracetamol was favored in activated carbon with neutral surface properties. The textural
features and presence of a transport pores network contributed to ensuring the accessibil-
ity to the inner porosity, and the microporosity must be large enough to accommodate the
paracetamol molecule. Chemisorption and mainly physisorption are important in the
paracetamol removal. Pseudo-second order equation and Langmuir model were chosen
to best present the experimental data. The a dsorption process was non-spontaneous and
endothermic with increase in system disorder.
Key words
paracetamol, adsorption, activated carbon, dende coconut
The samples were previously washed with hot The mechanism of adsorption and kinetic pa-
deionized water (50 °C), dried in an incubator for rameters sorption data were analyzed using pseu-
24 h at 60 °C, ground and sieved with average do-first-order20 and pseudo-second order models21.
diameter of 0.180 mm (70–100 mesh ASTM). No The pseudo-first-order rate equation of Lager-
previous chemical or physical treatment was done. gren based on solid capacity is expressed as follows:
Nanotextural and chemical characterization dqt
k1 ( qe qt ) (2)
of the carbon samples dt
The activated carbon was characterized by N2 where k1 is the constant rate of pseudo-first-order
adsorption in ASAP 2000 Micromeritics equipment adsorption (min–1), qe (mg g–1) is the amount of
at –196 ºC and 0 ºC with liquid N2. paracetamol at equilibrium, and qt (mg g–1) is the
Prior to the experiments, the samples were out- amount of paracetamol at time t (min).
gassed for 2 h at 300 ºC, under vacuum (10–2 Pa). Integration of Eq. (2) for the initial conditions
The isotherms were used to calculate the specific t = 0 and qt = 0 gives:
surface area (SBET), total pore volume, micropore
volume and pore size distribution. Apparent specific qt qe (1 ek1t ) (3)
surface area was assessed applying the BET equa-
tion (in the range 0.05 < P/P0 < 0.30). The point of The pseudo-second-order kinetic model equa-
zero charge (pHPZC) was estimated using the mass tion is expressed as follows:
titration procedure18.
Adsorbate k2 ( qe qt ) 2 (4)
Paracetamol or acetaminophen (N-(4-hydroxy- where k2 is the constant rate of pseudo-second-order
phenyl)ethanamide), the common name of N-ace- adsorption (g mg–1 min–1), qe (mg g–1) is the amount
til-p-aminophenol, was bought by Sigma-Aldrich of paracetamol at equilibrium, and qt (mg g–1) is the
(purity 98 %). All paracetamol solutions contained amount of paracetamol at time t (min).
10 % v/v of methanol and concentration of 50 mg
dm–3. They were prepared with ultra-pure water ob- Integration of Eq. (4) for the initial conditions
tained from Milli-Q water purification systems. The t = 0 and qt = 0 gives:
pH solutions of paracetamol were adjusted to 2, qe2 k2t
pHPZC and 11 adding 0.1 mol dm–3 of HCl or NaOH. qt (5)
1 k2 qet
A volume of 20 cm3 of the paracetamol solutions
was used in all adsorption studies.
Equilibrium modeling
Kinetic of adsorption
Equilibrium adsorption studies were carried out
Kinetic adsorption studies were carried out in varying the adsorbent doses (0.07–60 mg), keeping
finite bath (Dubnoff, Nova Ética) systems at 25 ºC constant the solution volume (20 cm3), and the tem-
and 150 rpm, where the paracetamol solution was perature (25 ºC).
mixed with 10 mg of activated carbon in glass vials. Adsorption isotherms are the equilibrium rela-
Time-recording started when the stirring began, and tionships between the concentrations of the ad-
samples were collected between 5 minutes and 8 sorbed paracetamol and the paracetamol ion in the
hours. After filtration, paracetamol concentration solution at a given temperature. Langmuir and Fre-
was determined for analysis by UV-VIS spectro- undlich isotherm models were used to investigate
photometry technique using Hach DR 5000 equip- the adsorption equilibrium between the paracetamol
ment (lmax = 240 nm). Paracetamol removal was solution and the activated carbon phase.
calculated according to the following equation:
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation, ex-
0 pressed as follows, requires for its applicability a mo-
qt V (1) no-layered coverage on the surface of adsorbent22:
q k
qe max L e (6)
where qt is the amount (mg g–1) of paracetamol ad- 1 k L e
sorbed at time t, 0 is the paracetamol initial con-
centration (mg dm–3), is the paracetamol concen- where qe, kL, qmax and e are the paracetamol uptake
tration at time t (mg dm–3), V is the volume (dm3) of at equilibrium (mg g–1), the Langmuir constant
the adsorbate solution, and m is the mass (g) of (dm3 mg–1), the monolayer adsorption capacity
dried activated carbon of dende coconut mesocarp. (mg g–1) and the solution concentration at equilibri-
R. C. FERREIRA et al., Effect of Solution pH on the Removal of Paracetamol by Activated…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 29 (1) 47–53 (2015) 49
qe k F 1/n
e (7)
Thermodynamic parameters
F i g . 1 – N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms at 77 K of the
It is well known that thermodynamic parame- dende (●) adsorption and (○) desorption
ters can evaluate the orientation and feasibility of
the physicochemical adsorptive reaction. The three liquid nitrogen was condensed in slit-shaped meso-
thermodynamic parameters considered were stan- pores24.
dard enthalpy (∆H°), standard free energy (∆G°), The SBET surface area of activated carbon was
and standard entropy (∆S°). The value of ∆H° and 672 m2 g–1. Total pore volume obtained was
∆S° was obtained from the following equation: 0.369 cm3 g–1, 0.287 cm3 g–1 related to micropores
and 0.082 cm3 g–1 related to mesopores. Fig. 2 de-
S H picts the pore diameter distribution. The average
ln (8)
R RT pore diameter of 34.5 Å indicated that the activated
carbon was in the micropores (region < 20 Å) and
where K is called the adsorption affinity and corre- mesopores (region between 20 to 500 Å). Regard-
sponds to the ratio of qe, related to the amount adsorbed ing the surface chemistry, the value of pHPZC re-
per unit mass (mg g−1), and e, the equilibrium concen- vealed that the activated carbon presented predomi-
tration (mg dm−3) of the solute (K = qe/γe), R is the uni- nantly neutral nature with value of 6.5.
versal gas constant (8.314 J mol–1 K–1), T is the absolute
solution temperature (K). The values of ΔH° and ΔS°
were determined from the slope and the intercept of the
linear plot of ln K versus 1/T, and from these values
Gibbs free energy (ΔG°) was calculated as follows:
G H T S (9)
The experimental adsorption isotherms were is in accordance with the fact that chemisorption
fitted to the classic Langmuir22 and Freundlich mod- played an important role in the global adsorption.
els23 (equations (6) – (7)).
Adsorption thermodynamics
The maximum experimental retention of parac-
etamol (qt) was 64.75 mg g–1 for pH 2.0, 74.31 mg g–1 The isotherms at different temperatures were
for pH 6.5, and 42.75 mg g–1 for pH 11.0. It is pos- used to estimate the adsorption parameters.
sible to verify (Table 2) that Langmuir adjustment Values of ∆Hº, ∆Sº and ∆Gº are shown in Table
obtained the best fitting with higher R2 and lower 3. The ∆Gº values for all temperatures were posi-
parameter deviation. Then, such model was chosen tive, which reflected the non-spontaneous nature of
as one that best represents experimental data. Com- the adsorption processes. The positive ∆Hº value
parison of maximum experimental retention of indicated that the adsorption process was endo
paracetamol and the qmax from Langmuir verified thermic in nature. Possibly an increase in tem
that the maximum amount was not experimentally perature is needed for better accommodation of
reached. It can be noted that the highest removal paracetamol molecules previously attracted by the
was obtained for pH 2.0 and 6.5, which is in agree- superficial positive charge in the micropores. The
ment with the kinetic data and can be explained
through pKa and surface pH. Moreover, samples Ta b l e 3 – Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of
with pH 2.0 and 6.5 presented the highest adsorp- activated carbon of dende coconut mesocarp
tion affinity (kL values) to paracetamol molecules,
according to data quoted in Table 2. T ∆G° ∆H° ∆S°
(K) (kJ mol–1) (kJ mol–1) (kJ mol–1)
Isotherms at 298 K, 308 K and 318 K were ob-
tained in neutral (pH 6.5). As most wastewaters 298 4.434
have this characteristic. Figure 5 shows such exper- 308 5.366 16.666 71 0.945
imental data where it can be seen that increase tem-
318 5.845
peratures provide higher paracetamol removal. This
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