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Ebook How I Made 5k Per Month Using Properties Faizul Ridzuan PDF

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Salam and hello there!

My name is Faizul Ridzuan, and I have been investing in real estates and properties since

I have enjoyed the benefits of investing in my early twenties and this has given me
certain advantage. Today, I would like to share them with you.

Hopefully, once you are done reading this ebook, you will gain insights on how you
could potentially:

Get a car for free

through properties

Use properties to buy

small luxuries like a
nice handbag or a
Use properties to sponsor
your overseas trip, every

Use properties to grow

your child’s university

Use properties to obtain

financial freedom and
allows you to ‘fire’ your
Use properties to raise
capital to migrate

Use properties to raise

capital to start your
own business

Use the cash to

accomplish a more
meaningful purpose
like building a
charitable foundation

I have done almost a thousand of 1-ON-1 consulting sessions with my clients in the last
24 months, and I have spoken to many more during my educational programs such as
Millionaire Employee Blueprint (MEB), Sarjana Hartanah, Value Investing in Properties
(VIP) and webinars.

Amazingly, I found that people are still very sceptical that they can actually live very
decently if they invest wisely in properties. They often told me that I can do what I do
and I’m making the kind of money that I make today because I was special, and I have a

So I hope this e-book will be

able to explain to you that I am
just a regular person, and that
if I can do this, then so can
As you can see, my background was very average.

The not-so-average thing about me was that I learnt the

skill set and knowledge to invest in properties early when
my peers were busy clubbing or dating.

I used what I learnt early to my advantage and now, I am able to do the following :

● I purchased over 30 properties while working as an

● I was able to quit my RM 14,000 monthly salary job using

● I was able to raise business capital by selling some of my

properties to start my business and then, quit my 9-5 job,

● Got married at 28 without taking any form of loan to get


● I was able to own two BMW cars and a RM 800,000 worth of

Porsche Cayenne S using my properties,

● I was able to travel to London, Paris, Melbourne, Qatar,

Dubai, Istanbul, Cappadocia and Northern Ireland on holiday
for free using my properties,

● I will be able to send my daughters to good universities that

will maybe costs over RM2 million when they grow up, all
thanks to the properties I have bought in the past,

● I should be able to retire at 55 years old with RM 100,000

monthly income.

So why do I bother sharing my past?

Because some of you are still sceptical despite what I have shared with you today. Look,
its normal to be sceptical especially when it is something completely new and alien to

Any decent person should not believe everything they see and read on the Internet, right?
And given that you might be new in the subject of properties...
You might have heard some very popular misconceptions
about property investing such as the followings :
I believe that when there’s a will, there’s always a way.

In the words of Jordan Belfort:

So how exactly did I use my properties to get a free
Porsche and more?

I will illustrate this using real life properties that I have purchased in the past. I am going
to use an example of 4 properties to show what you can potentially achieve if you invest
with the right knowledge by using just 4 properties.

Unit 1: Titiwangsa Sentral Unit 2: Summer Suites

What did I gain from these 4 properties?

1. Purchased for only RM 1.15 million a few years ago. Today it is valued at
RM2.26 mil. These 4 properties have nearly doubled in value in over 6
years. So, these 4 properties basically doubled in value just in over 6 years.

2. If I were to sell all these properties today, I will make clean pro it of over RM1
million in just 6 years. RM1 million net profit in over 6 years.

3. I get RM4,400 worth of monthly nett rental income OR RM52,800 worth

of nett rental income every year.
So, how do I use these properties to fund my financial
goals or objectives?

Option A:

What I can do with RM4,400 per month (RM52,800 rental income per

● Fund my overseas vacation – With RM50,000 annual budget for holiday, I

should be able to visit three to four foreign countries every year. Yay!

● Buy a RM400,000 worth of car – A second hand Porsche and a brand new
BMW 5 series should cost me less than RM4,400 per month.

● A few luxury watches or handbags – Luxury watches and handbags can be

expensive, but RM50,000 every year should be suf icient to purchase one or
two of those every year.
Option B:

What I can do if I were to sell these properties and get RM1.1 million in

● Capital to start my own business – How much capital I need depends on

what kind of business I plan to do, but RM1 million should be more than
enough to start a small business, right? If I was a doctor, RM1 million is more
than enough to start my own private clinic.

● Buy a luxury car in cash – I can buy a Ferrari, Porsche cash with RM 1
million, right?

● Migrate to another country – If I want to migrate and live overseas, this

RM1.1 million will be suf icient to move and start living in other countries
such as Canada, Singapore or Australia.

● Travel the world – With RM1.1million cash, I can choose not to work for 1
whole year and travel to 50 to 60 countries instead, if that is what I want to
do. Come to think of it, it is not bad if one can accomplish visiting over ifty
countries before one reaches 35 years old, right?

● Children’s education – With this RM1 million worth of cash, will I be able to
send my children to a decent university in Australia or the UK? For most
courses, it should be more than suf icient.

Who knew owning only 4 good properties can be this

impactful, right?
Hang on Faizul, you mentioned that you can build a property portfolio
with very limited cash in hand? Can you give us proof then?

Yes, you can. Let me illustrate how you can accomplish this using other examples of
properties that I have purchased using little to no money in the past.

There you go.

Using limited or zero capital, you can still accomplish

your financial objectives if you buy the right properties
and sell them when these properties have reached its’
maturity stage.

Best of all, these properties were rented at a price more than the monthly repayment with
positive cash flow, and it has allowed me to enjoy very minimal holding cost.
Faizul, I heard property market might be crashing soon.
Is now a good time to buy or should I wait?

The honest answer to this question is I do not know what the future might hold for any of
us, but, I like to look at history to give us an indication of what will happen.

To summarize the price index above :

● We tracked Malaysia’s property price index for the past 26 years.

● Out of which, property value goes up 24 years out of 26 years.

● 2 years out of 26 years, property value registered negative growth. And that
happened during one of the worst economic recession Malaysia has faced.

● Your chance of catching a property down turn in the next 30 years is less than
If you ask me, anytime is a good time to buy, when you buy the right property. To further
illustrate my point on why property investment is safe, ask yourselves the following
question :

“Can I buy a property today at a cheaper

price compared to 5, 10 or 15 years ago?”

It is very unlikely that you will be able to buy property at prices such as 5, 10 or 15 years
ago. The best thing you can do today is to buy one as soon as you are skilled enough to

There is no reason to wait especially knowing that you will most likely have to pay more
in 2019 or 2020.
Faizul, can everyone do this?

It is not difficult to accomplish this, as long as you have the following 3 foundation and
advantages :


● Understand how to buy properties using as little cash as possible and learn
how to buy properties without using cash or zero down!

● Can you imagine owning a RM 500,000 worth of property and you get
paid to buy that property instead of paying to buy it?

● Making sure you do not overpay when buying properties and only buy
grade A, B or C properties only.

● Making sure you do not buy dragon head properties and you understand
area’s tier and glass ceiling.

● Able to get 100% loan for properties at 100% success rate.

● Buy properties that pays for itself, rather than you having to make extra
payment for it.

● Know the best rental strategies to maximize returns from your properties.

Be part of a network that:

● Continues to hunt for the best & safest properties available today (Shorten the
time required for you to do your own research in properties)

● Get maximum discount by buying properties in bulk.

● Get classified information that is not disclosed to the public.


● You will never overpay for properties anymore, instead, you will only underpay
every time you buy properties.

● Get lower prices for house renovations, furnishings and interior designs.

● Get lower prices when outsourcing your property management.

● Buy cheaper than what the public gets as part of a group or bulk purchase..

● Get better rental prices than most people as you apply the best rental strategy.
So, do you want to join me and gain yourself the advantage of having
above average knowledge in property, access to better network and able to
buy properties at a better price?

Register at the link below and start your journey today!


“Don’t wait to buy properties, buy good properties and

wait instead”

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