Earthquake Lateral Force Analysis: by by Dr. Jagadish. G. Kori
Earthquake Lateral Force Analysis: by by Dr. Jagadish. G. Kori
Earthquake Lateral Force Analysis: by by Dr. Jagadish. G. Kori
Dr. Jagadish. G. Kori
Professor & Head Civil Engineering Department
Govt. Engineering College, Haveri-581110
Earthquake Lateral Force Analysis
• The design lateral force shall first be computed for
the building as a whole.
• This design lateral force shall then be distributed to
the various floor levels.
• There are two commonly used procedures for
seismic design lateral forces:
1. Equivalent static force analysis
2. Dynamic analysis
Equivalent static force analysis
• The concept is a dynamic analysis into partly dynamic and partly
static analyses for finding the maximum displacement.
• Is restricted only to a single mode of vibration of the structure.
Equivalent static lateral force analysis is based on the following
1) Assume that structure is rigid.
2) Assume perfect fixity between structure and foundation.
3) During ground motion every point on the structure experience
same accelerations
4)Dominant effect of earthquake is equivalent to horizontal force of
varying magnitude over the height.
5) Approximately determines the total horizontal force (Base shear)
on the structure.
The limitations of equivalent static lateral
force analysis
• In the equivalent static force procedure, empirical
relationships are used to specify dynamic inertial forces as
static forces.
• These empirical formulas do not explicitly account for the
dynamic characteristics of the particular structure being
designed or analyzed.
• These formulas were developed to approximately represent
the dynamic behavior of
what are called regular structures (Structures which have a
reasonably uniform distribution of mass and stiffness).
• Structures that are classified as irregular violate the
assumptions on which the empirical formulas, used in the
equivalent static force procedure.
Step by step procedure for Equivalent
static force analysis
Step-1: Depending on the location of the building site, identify the
seismic zone and assign Zone factor (Z)
Use Table 2 along with Seismic zones map or Annex of IS-1893 (2002)
Step-2: Compute the seismic weight of the building (W)
• As per Clause 7.4.2, IS-1893 (2002) – Seismic weight of floors
• As per Clause 7.4.3, IS-1893 (2002) – Seismic weight of the
:Step-3 Compute the natural period of the building (Ta)
• As per Clause 7.6.1 or Clause 7.6.2, IS-1893 (2002), as the case
may be.
Step-4: Obtain the data pertaining to type of soil conditions of
foundation of the building
• Assign type, I for hard soil, II for medium soil & III for soft soil
Step by step procedure for Equivalent
static force analysis
Step-5: Using Ta and soil type (I / II / III), compute the average
spectral acceleration ( Sa/g)
• Use Figure 2 or corresponding table of IS-1893 (2002),
to compute (Sa/g)
Step-6: Assign the value of importance factor (I) depending on
occupancy and/or functionality of structure
• As per Clause 7.2 and Table 6 of IS-1893 (2002),
Step-7: Assign the values of response reduction factor (R)
depending on type of structure
• As per Clause 7.2 and Table 7 of IS-1893 (2002)
Step-8: Knowing Z, Sa/g, R and I compute design horizontal
acceleration coefficient (Ah)
using the relationship,
Step by step procedure for Equivalent
static force analysis
Step-9: Using Ah and W compute design seismic
base shear (VB), from VB = AhW [Clause
7.5.3, IS-1893 (2002)]
Step-10: Compute design lateral force (Qi) of ith
floor by distributing the design seismic base
shear (VB) as per the expression,
Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic analysis is classified into two types, namely,
• Response spectrum method and Time history method
Time History Method: Time history method of analysis,
when used, shall be based on an appropriate ground
motion and shall be performed using accepted
principles of dynamics.
Response Spectrum Method: Response spectrum method
of analysis shall be performed using the design
spectrum specified in Clause 6.4.2 or by a site specific
design, spectrum mentioned in Clause 6.4.6 of IS 1893
Step by step procedure for Response
spectrum method
Step-1: Depending on the location of the building site, identify
the seismic zone and assign Zone factor (Z)
• Use Table 2 along with Seismic zones map or Annex of IS-
1893 (2002)
Step-2: Compute the seismic weight of the building (W)
• As per Clause 7.4.2, IS-1893 (2002) – Seismic weight of floors
Step-3: Establish mass [M] and stiffness [K] matrices of the
building using system of masses lumped at the floor levels
with each mass having one degree of freedom.
Step-4: Using [M] and [K] of previous step and employing the
principles of dynamics compute the modal frequencies, {w}
and corresponding mode shapes, [Φ] .
Step by step procedure for Response
spectrum method
Step-5: Compute modal mass Mk of mode k using the following
relationship with n being number of modes considered