Quadrilateral Relay Based Distance Protection Scheme For Transmission Lines Under Varying System Conditions

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2015 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy

Quadrilateral Relay Based Distance Protection

Scheme for Transmission Lines under Varying
System Conditions
Aneesh S Angel T S
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Kollam, India Kollam, India
email:[email protected] email:[email protected]

Abstract—Quadrilateral relay provides flexible protection of distance relays helps overcome associated problems in real
during high fault resistance of ground and phase faults. This is time, which ultimately increase the overall reliability index of
advantageous for protection of phase-to-earth faults on short the protection scheme [5].
lines, non-effectively earthed systems and feeders with extremely Today, trend is towards the use of quadrilateral
high tower footing resistance. It also provides fault impedance
coverage for both phase to phase and phase to ground faults. The
characteristics based distance protection for all types of line
proposed work intends the development of a numerical faults to coordinate high fault resistance with ground faults.
quadrilateral distance relay that can retain its function even They provide higher resistive reach when compared to a
under a major change in system configuration. The proposed standard mho circle having same maximum sensitivity angle
relaying scheme is analyzed by coding the relay logic and and forward reach [2]. The proposed work intends the
simulating the system with transmission network in development of a quadrilateral distance relay that can retain its
MATLAB/Simulink. Different factors influencing the function even under major changes in system configuration.
performance of quadrilateral relay are studied and verified. It is The scheme is adaptive to changing conditions like change in
observed that the scheme is adaptive to the system variations and loading level, voltage amplitude ratio, frequency, source
mal trips are reduced.
impedance and grid impedance[1]. The proposed relaying
Index Terms—Distance relaying, quadrilateral relays, relay scheme is simulated and tested to verify its effectiveness.
mal operation, fault resistance, adaptive protection.
VA , VB – Voltage at source end and grid end In this form of polygonal characteristic is shown in Fig 1
LA , LB –Length of line before and after fault point forward reach and resistive reach settings can be adjusted
independently [2]. Therefore it provides better resistive
ThetaA, ThetaB – Power transfer angle at source and coverage than any mho-type characteristic for short lines. This
grid end is significant in the case of earth fault impedance measurement,
where the arc resistances and fault resistance to earth
N-Total line length contribute to the highest values of fault resistance. It is
RF – Fault resistance. common to impose a maximum resistive reach in terms of the
zone impedance reach to reduce errors in the zone reach
δ – Power transfer angle accuracy.
ρ – Voltage amplitude ratio If system conditions are fixed and RF and fault location
I. INTRODUCTION varied accordingly, four boundary lines defined below are
obtained by computer simulation.
Relays perform a vital role in the operation of the power Case A: Faults at a relay-reach end (80% of line) with
system by minimizing damage to equipments with minimal different fault resistance up to 200 Ω
disturbance to system. Distance relays are widely used for Case B: Faults at different points with a 200 Ω fault
transmission line protection as it has an additional advantage of resistance;
back up protection also. Their digital version provides better Case C: Faults at the relaying point with different fault
monitoring, communication, and adaptation to the system resistance up to 200 Ω;
conditions[3]. In a fixed setting approach, the boundary of the Case D: Solid faults at different locations in line with 0.1 Ω
relay characteristic is predefined based on overall system
study. Whereas, by incorporating an adaptive feature in a The four lines and the included area shown in Fig. 1
distance relay, the boundary is set online in accordance with constitute an ideal trip region under the prevailing system
the prevailing system conditions [4]. Proposed adaptive forms conditions. But the system configuration and its operating

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2015 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy

conditions affect the measured reactance and resistance; i.e. Behaviour of the system under various conditions are plotted
these four lines and the included area will vary as the system by changing the system parameters in Simulink file.
conditions and configuration varies.

Distance Relay Operating region

Reactance in ohms

50 Fig.3 . Process Flow Diagram

Case A Flow chart for plotting quadrilateral characteristics is as
30 shown in Fig. 4. All the variables are initialized and total line
Case B length is set as 200 km. LA is set as either 160 km (Relay reach
Case D
20 end, 80% of line length) or 0 km (Relaying end) for plotting
0% case A/C respectively and the fault resistance is incremented in
Case C steps of 5Ω. Similarly for plotting Case B/D fault resistance RF
0% is held constant as 200Ω/0.1Ω and fault location is varied from
0 50 100 150 200 250 0-160km (increment LA in steps of 5km).
Resistance in ohms

Fig.1 . Quadrilateral characteristics


For simulation, a power system model is designed in
MATLAB\Simulink with 400Kv, 50Hz source and grid
connected through a 200km transmission line. A fault block is
used to inject fault at different locations of the line. Model used
for simulation is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. System Model.

Fault current and voltage values are measured using current

and voltage measurement blocks and send to script file for
processing and plotting of graph.


The whole simulation process goes as shown in Fig. 3. First
step is to simulate system designed in MATLAB/Simulink.
After simulation current and voltage values from the simulation
are stored in an array. These values are called to the script file
Fig. 4. Flow chart for plotting quadrilateral characteristics
and processed for plotting the quadrilateral characteristics.

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2015 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy

After simulation of the model, current and voltage values substantially larger. Significant error in protection decisions
from Simulink file is loaded to a script file. A window of 200 will happen if a fixed setting approach is followed in such an
values is taken at a time and average voltage and current values environment.
are found out. From these values magnitude and phase angle of
voltage and current are found for each instant. Impedance of Load Angle Variation
the line is calculated with above values and quadrilateral
characteristics is plotted accordingly. Quadrilateral Plot for 10 Degree
LLL-G Fault and L-G Fault are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 200
30 Degree

Reactance in ohms
Distance Relay Operating region
A 80% 100
60 B
Reactance in ohms

50 50
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
30 Resistance in ohms

20 Fig. 7. Trip boundaries for different loading levels

A. Varying Voltage Level
0 50 100 150 200 250
Resistance in ohms
Several factors like number of units connected at a time,
reactive power support, etc. determines the voltage at the
Fig. 5. Quadrilateral Plot for LLL-G Fault coupling points. Grid-side or local voltage variation will cause
voltage amplitude ratio ρ change. Three situations at ρ = 0.9,
Distance Relay Operating region 1.0, and 1.1 are simulated at δ = 30◦ and the results are shown
80% A
in Fig. 8. It is observed that there is a significant change in
B characteristics corresponding to voltage variation.
Reactance in ohms

50 D Voltage Amplitude Ratio Variation

Reactance in ohms

20 40
10 20
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
Resistance in ohms -20

Fig. 6. Quadrilateral Plot for L-G Fault -40 1

0 50 100 150 200 250
Resistance in ohms
A. Varying Loading Level
Fig. 8. Trip boundaries for different voltage amplitude ratio

Expected power transfer angle δ will be around 30 when B. Varying Source Impedance
full capacity of the source is harnessed at an instant[1].
However, there will be a drastic decrease in the value of δ also
In case of generating stations with multiple units a group
if the power transferred through the network is decreased due
small/medium rated units collectively harness bulk power. The
to some reason like when most of the units are out of service in
number of such units functioning at a time will vary due to
the case of a generating station with multiple generating units.
withdrawal of number of units. The equivalent source
Trip boundaries are plotted for δ = 30◦ and 1◦ with the voltage
impedance of the generators will change depending on the
amplitude ratio maintained at ρ = 1. From Fig. 7, it is clear that
number of unit connected to the bus. Results shown in Fig. 9
with reduced generation, the trip boundary should be set

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2015 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy

are plotted with Z=1Ω and Z=10Ω for case1 and case2 the system are simulated at frequencies 48, 50, and 52 Hz. The
respectively. It is clear that the trip characteristic needs to be variations of boundaries are plotted in Fig. 11.
updated in accordance with the number of units participating in
power generation. Frequency Variation

Source Impedance Variation 52Hz

70 50Hz
Case 1 60 48Hz

Reactance in ohms
Case 2 50
Reactance in ohms

0 50 100 150 200 250
Resistance in ohms
0 50 100 150 200 250 Fig. 11. Trip boundaries for different frequencies
Resistance in ohms

Fig. 9. Trip boundaries for different source impedance

From Fig. 7 to Fig. 11, it is clear that the operating
condition of the power system significantly influences the trip
D. Varying Grid Impedance boundary. A conventional fixed-setting distance relay will
malfunction at many situations in such an environment. An
The grid being sufficiently stronger than the source, it is adaptive relay setting scheme should be provided where trip
assumed that its equivalent impedance will not vary widely. boundaries are updated with system conditions.
Grid-side source impedance has little influence on trip
boundaries as the measurements are taken from source side. VI. VALIDATION OF SCHEME
Variation of trip characteristics to variation in grid impedance
from Z=0.001Ω and Z=1Ω for case1 and case2 is shown in The proposed scheme is validated by injecting fault at
Fig. 10. different locations in transmission line. Two methods are
followed for validating the scheme.
Grid impedance Variation i. Keeping the resistance constant and changing the fault
90 location
80 Case 1
ii. Keeping the fault location constant and changing the
resistance value
70 Case 2 Simulation results show that fault is getting plotted inside
Reactance in ohms

60 the quadrilateral characteristics for faults inside the reach end

50 and vice versa for both methods, thus validating the proposed
scheme. A fault with RF =50Ω is injected at 30km and 170km
of and results are shown in Fig. 12(a) & (b) respectively.



0 50 100 150 200 250
Resistance in ohms

Fig. 10. Trip boundaries for different grid impedances

E. Varying System Frequency

The system frequency may deviate from nominal value

during contingencies and the deviation may be substantial for Fig. 12. 50 Ω fault at (a) 30 km & (b) 170 km
abnormal situations of smaller duration. The frequency change
proportionately affects the line impedance. Trip boundaries for

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2015 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy

i. Quadrilateral characteristics is less affected by change

in grid impedance but significantly affected by the
change in source impedance.
ii. Small change in frequency also will affect the
iii. Loading level of the system affects the characteristics
significantly. The size of the characteristics is small if
the loading level is less.
iv. Variation in voltage amplitude ratio shifts the
characteristics upwards from original characteristics
for higher ratio and shifts downwards for lower ratio.
Fig. 13. Fault at 160 km with (a) 200Ω & (b) 220Ω fault resistance
Results obtained for fault injected at 160km of line with
fault resistance 200Ω & 220Ω are shown in Fig. 13(a) & (b). To take into account the changing condition in the system,
an adaptive setting method for the distance relay is proposed.
With the proposed method it is seen that mal-trips due to
VII. VALIDATION OF ADAPTABILITY OF SCHEME changing system conditions can be avoided to a greater extend
in comparison to the fixed setting approach. Simulations results
In a fixed setting approach, the trip boundary is fixed and
for a system demonstrate the potential of the approach to be
will not change according to the system conditions. Under this
applied in power system.
circumstance there are possibilities for mal-trip. From the
simulation results it is clear that trip boundaries change
significantly for different types of fault. If we set the boundary
for one type of fault (eg. LLL-G fault) and if the actual fault is
a different one (eg. L-G fault) then it need not fall inside the [1] K. Pradhan and G´eza Jo´os, “Adaptive distance relay
trip boundary even if the fault is within the relay reach. But setting for lines connecting wind Farms,” IEEE
with the proposed adaptive scheme, the trip boundary will Trans Energy Conv., vol. 22, no. 1, pp.206-213, Mar.
change adaptively with the type of faults and changing system 2007.
conditions. This is evident from Fig. 14. A 10Ω L-G fault at
160 km plotted on a LLL-G Quadrilateral plot in Fig. 15(a) and [2] Manuj Shukla, “Comparative analysis of different
in Fig. 15(b), same fault is plotted on a L-G Quadrilateral plot. types of distance Relays for a 220kv Transmission
line,” International Conference on Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science(EECS),

[3] S. I. Jang, J. H. Choi, J.W. Kim, and D. M. Choi, “An

adaptive relaying for the protection of a wind farm
interconnected with distribution networks,” in Proc.
IEEE PES Transmiss. Distrib. Conf. Expo., vol. 1,
no. 1, pp. 296–302, Sep. 7–12, 2003.

[4] S. M. Brahma and A. A. Girgis, “Development of

adaptive protection schemes for distribution systems
Fig. 15. 10 Ω L-G fault at 160 km plotted on (a) LLL-G Quad plot (b) L-G
with high penetration of distribution generation,”
Quad plot IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 56–63,

VIII. CONCLUSION [5] Y. Q. Xia, K. K. Li, and A. K. David, “Adaptive relay

The simulation of numerical Quadrilateral distance relay setting for standalone digital distance protection,”
using MATLAB/Simulink is reported and the behaviour of the IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 480–491,
developed relay model was tested under different system Jan. 1994.
conditions. A 400 kV, 50 Hz system with a source connected to
the grid is simulated. With the data obtained from
MATLAB/Simulink file, quadrilateral characteristic is plotted
for ground and phase faults. Behaviour of the quadrilateral
characteristics under various conditions are also studied. It is
found that several factors, including the number of generating
units, affect the trip boundary of the distance relay
significantly. Major conclusions of the simulation are:

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