Assessment of Occurrence of Enterocytozoon Hepatopenaei in South Tamil Nadu
Assessment of Occurrence of Enterocytozoon Hepatopenaei in South Tamil Nadu
Assessment of Occurrence of Enterocytozoon Hepatopenaei in South Tamil Nadu
E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2019; 7(1): 137-142
Assessment of occurrence of Enterocytozoon
© 2019 JEZS
Received: 11-11-2018
hepatopenaei (EHP) in South Tamil Nadu
Accepted: 15-12-2018
2. Materials and Methods plate. The isolated colonies from the TCBS plate were then
2.1 Sources of samples stored in glycerol stock. The soil and water samples were
Shrimp samples which included Penaeus monodon and spread plated on the TCBS plate. Then the plates were
Penaeus vannamei, were collected from the shrimp farming incubated for 24 hrs at room temperature. And the total vibrio
ponds of South Tamil Nadu covering districts of count for the water and soil samples was calculated.
Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram, and
Thoothukudi. The sampling window ranged from September 2.3 DNA extraction from the samples
2017 to May 2018. A total of 73 samples along with the soil For the DNA isolation from animals, gills, pleopods, gut and
and water samples were collected. The animals were collected hepatopancreas were pooled and used. The pooled samples
in live condition in polyethylene bags kept in ice and were limited to not more than 50 mg. DNA express reagent
transported to the laboratory and were processed within 24 kit (HIMEDIA) was used for the isolation of DNA from the
hours. The soil and water samples were collected in 50 ml samples as per manufacturer’s instruction and was stored at 4˚
sterile centrifuge tubes. C (HIMEDIA DNA extraction kit method).
Primers (Lightner DV, University of Arizona) targetting 18s
2.2 Obtaining samples for microbiological diagnosis from rRNA of EHP were used for the screening the samples for the
shrimp presence of EHP (Table 1). The DNA was used for the
The animal and soil samples were taken for microbiological amplification of EHP DNA using primers (Table 1). The
analysis. The hepatopancreas from the animal samples were amplification products were analysed using agarose gel
streaked to the TCBS (selective agar for Vibrio species) agar electrophoresis (Fig 1).
Fig 1: Detection of EHP using primers. Agarose gel electrophoretic analysis of the PCR products obtained from the EHP positive samples with
primers targeting SSU rRNA of the EHP microsporidian. Lane 1: single step EHP positive control (517bp); Lane 2: negative control; Lane 3:
100bp marker (Gene Direx, Inc.); Lane 4: nested step EHP positive control (191bp); Lane 5: negative control
2.4 PCR screening of samples for EHP EDTA buffer (TBE buffer) containing 0.2 μg of ethidium
An aliquot (2μl) of the DNA was analysed by PCR in a bromide/ ml. For electrophoresis, the apparatus was
reaction mixture of 25 μl contained, 2 μl of DNA, 2 μl of each assembled with comb and the mixture was loaded on casting
forward and reverse primer, 12.5 μl of master mix (Smart tray and allowed to solidify. After setting, the comb was
prime; 2X PCR Mastermix) and 6.5 μl of deionised water. removed carefully so as the wells are not damaged. The gel
The PCR step was carried out in eppendorf Mastercycler was placed on horizontal gel electrophoresis apparatus and
gradient and BIO-RAD T100 Thermal cycler. Pure agarose running buffer was added to just immerse the gel surface.
procured from Lonza, USA was used for separation of the About 7 μl of PCR product were loaded alongside the 100 bp
PCR amplicons by gel electrophoresis. The amplified DNA ladder (5 μl). The loaded products were electrophoresed
products were resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis. at 90 v for 40 min, viewed and documented in UV gel
Agarose gel of 1.5% were prepared by using 1X Tris-Borate- documentation system (Biorad, USA).
3. Results data indicate that the EHP infects shrimps irrespective of their
3.1 Prevalence of EHP size and weight. The maximum range of infection with EHP
From the sampling study it was observed that the overall with respect to DOC was found between 31 to 60 DOC of the
prevalence of EHP was36.98% from the 73 samples collected. shrimp samples (Fig 4). However, the infection range was
Prevalence of EHP was found more in Nagapattinam (29.6%) minimum between 10 to 20 DOC. This DOC data indicates
and Thoothukudi (29.62%) followed by Pudukottai (25.92%) that the nursery phase samples are less prone to EHP infection
and Thanjavur (14.81%) districts (Figure 2). There is no than the grow out phase samples of shrimp.
prevalence of EHP from the samples collected from
Ramanathapuram district. The temporal analysis for
prevalence of EHP showed that summer crops were mostly
infected (Figure 3). During the sampling study, the combined
infection of both WSSV and EHP were not predominant and
only one sample collected from Nagapattinam at 120 DOC
showed combined infection of both EHP and WSSV. The
details of the samples collected is given in the Table 2.
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