Assessment of Occurrence of Enterocytozoon Hepatopenaei in South Tamil Nadu

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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2019; 7(1): 137-142

E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2019; 7(1): 137-142
Assessment of occurrence of Enterocytozoon
© 2019 JEZS
Received: 11-11-2018
hepatopenaei (EHP) in South Tamil Nadu
Accepted: 15-12-2018

R Prathisha R Prathisha, Dr. M Rosalind George and Dr. K Riji John

a) Department of Fish Pathology
and Health Management,
b) Fisheries College and Research
Institute, Thoothukudi, Tamil Disease surveillance work was carried out for the occurrence of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) in
Nadu, India South Tamil Nadu during the period of September 2017 to May 2018 covering the districts of
Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram and Thoothukudi. For the assessment of
Dr. M Rosalind George occurrence of EHP in South Tamil Nadu, samples of Penaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon were
a) Department of Fish Pathology collected. A total of 73 shrimp samples were collected from shrimp farms and were diagnosed for the
and Health Management, presence of EHP. Out of 73 shrimp samples collected, 27 (36.98%) samples were positive for EHP. The
b) Dr MGR, FCRI Thalainayeru average Vibrio sp count of water and soil collected from EHP infected ponds were 5.083×103 (CFU/ml)
at TNFU Campus, and 5.62×103 (CFU/g) respectively, whereas the average Vibrio sp count of water and soil collected from
Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, EHP uninfected ponds were 6.33×103 (CFU/ml) and 3.23×104 (CFU/g) respectively. The screening of
India EHP was done with primers that targets 18s rRNA of the EHP.
Dr. K Riji John
Keywords: Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei, hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis, prevalence, Tamil Nadu
a) Department of Fish Pathology
and Health Management,
b) Fisheries College and Research 1. Introduction
Institute, Thoothukudi, Tamil Indian aquaculture showed a tremendous growth during the past decade. This is mainly due to
Nadu, India the intensification in the aquaculture practices [24]. In shrimp aquaculture, P. monodon was the
major farmed species till 2009, when a non-native hardy shrimp species P. vannamei was
introduced during the year 2009-10 [24]. Culture of vannamei gained popularity due to its fast
growth and column feeding habit and was increasingly taken up by the Indian farmers and the
production showed an upward trend since 2009 [11]. Infectious diseases form the major
constraint to the shrimp aquaculture. Spread of diseases has been promoted by the use of live
or fresh broodstock feeds such as polychaetes and clams [21]. Also, shortages in the supply of
imported SPF broodstock led some entrepreneurs to employ post larvae (PL) of imported SPF
stocks to produce 2nd generation broodstock in open shrimp ponds where they became
contaminated and carried latent pathogens. These practices left the whole shrimp industry
vulnerable to rapid spread of the new emerging diseases and resulting in the current crisis in
Asian shrimp culture [22].
Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) is a recently emerging shrimp pathogen that causes
severe growth retardation in shrimps resulting in a disease condition known as hepatic
microsporidiosis [1, 4, 18, 20, 22]. The EHP is yeast like fungus belonging to a group called
microsporidia. The parasite is an obligate intracellular pathogen affecting highly valued
shrimps like tiger shrimp and the Pacific white shrimp resulting in growth retardation. The first
report for the slow growth in shrimps was reported at Malaysia in Penaeus monodon [1]. And
later similar slow growth syndrome was reported in Penaeus japonicas [9]. From these facts it
has been suggested that that EHP is not an exotic pathogen but that it is endemic to
Australasia. The first record of the emergence of EHP in Indian shrimp aquaculture was
reported in 2016 covering 3 farms at south east coast of India [14]. Molecular diagnostic assays
reported for screening of EHP includes single step PCR [22, 20], nested PCR [20, 10], Loop
Mediated Thermal Amplification (LAMP) [15, 17], Real time PCR [13] and insitu hybridization
. Recent outbreak of hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis in shrimp warrant the researchers to
Correspondence pay attention towards the parasitic infections [16]. The current study was therefore carried out to
R Prathisha
find the prevalence of this serious Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei pathogen in the coastal
a) Department of Fish Pathology
and Health Management, districts of South Tamil Nadu.
b) Fisheries College and Research
Institute, Thoothukudi, Tamil
Nadu, India
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2. Materials and Methods plate. The isolated colonies from the TCBS plate were then
2.1 Sources of samples stored in glycerol stock. The soil and water samples were
Shrimp samples which included Penaeus monodon and spread plated on the TCBS plate. Then the plates were
Penaeus vannamei, were collected from the shrimp farming incubated for 24 hrs at room temperature. And the total vibrio
ponds of South Tamil Nadu covering districts of count for the water and soil samples was calculated.
Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram, and
Thoothukudi. The sampling window ranged from September 2.3 DNA extraction from the samples
2017 to May 2018. A total of 73 samples along with the soil For the DNA isolation from animals, gills, pleopods, gut and
and water samples were collected. The animals were collected hepatopancreas were pooled and used. The pooled samples
in live condition in polyethylene bags kept in ice and were limited to not more than 50 mg. DNA express reagent
transported to the laboratory and were processed within 24 kit (HIMEDIA) was used for the isolation of DNA from the
hours. The soil and water samples were collected in 50 ml samples as per manufacturer’s instruction and was stored at 4˚
sterile centrifuge tubes. C (HIMEDIA DNA extraction kit method).
Primers (Lightner DV, University of Arizona) targetting 18s
2.2 Obtaining samples for microbiological diagnosis from rRNA of EHP were used for the screening the samples for the
shrimp presence of EHP (Table 1). The DNA was used for the
The animal and soil samples were taken for microbiological amplification of EHP DNA using primers (Table 1). The
analysis. The hepatopancreas from the animal samples were amplification products were analysed using agarose gel
streaked to the TCBS (selective agar for Vibrio species) agar electrophoresis (Fig 1).

Table 1: Primers used for the screening of EHP.

Target gene Primer sequence 5’- 3’ Size of PCR product (bp) Annealing conditions
517 70˚C/15 sec
191 70˚C/15 sec

Fig 1: Detection of EHP using primers. Agarose gel electrophoretic analysis of the PCR products obtained from the EHP positive samples with
primers targeting SSU rRNA of the EHP microsporidian. Lane 1: single step EHP positive control (517bp); Lane 2: negative control; Lane 3:
100bp marker (Gene Direx, Inc.); Lane 4: nested step EHP positive control (191bp); Lane 5: negative control

2.4 PCR screening of samples for EHP EDTA buffer (TBE buffer) containing 0.2 μg of ethidium
An aliquot (2μl) of the DNA was analysed by PCR in a bromide/ ml. For electrophoresis, the apparatus was
reaction mixture of 25 μl contained, 2 μl of DNA, 2 μl of each assembled with comb and the mixture was loaded on casting
forward and reverse primer, 12.5 μl of master mix (Smart tray and allowed to solidify. After setting, the comb was
prime; 2X PCR Mastermix) and 6.5 μl of deionised water. removed carefully so as the wells are not damaged. The gel
The PCR step was carried out in eppendorf Mastercycler was placed on horizontal gel electrophoresis apparatus and
gradient and BIO-RAD T100 Thermal cycler. Pure agarose running buffer was added to just immerse the gel surface.
procured from Lonza, USA was used for separation of the About 7 μl of PCR product were loaded alongside the 100 bp
PCR amplicons by gel electrophoresis. The amplified DNA ladder (5 μl). The loaded products were electrophoresed
products were resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis. at 90 v for 40 min, viewed and documented in UV gel
Agarose gel of 1.5% were prepared by using 1X Tris-Borate- documentation system (Biorad, USA).

Table: Statistical data

S. Sample Date of Name of the Days of Result for EHP
Farm location District
No. code sampling species cultured culture Single step Nested step
1 P-1 26.09.2017 Manamelkudi Pudukkottai P. vannamei 58 positive positive
2 P-2 26.09.2017 Manamelkudi Pudukkottai P. vannamei 32 positive positive
3 P-3 26.09.2017 Manamelkudi Pudukkottai P. vannamei 27 positive positive
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4 P-4 26.09.2017 Manamelkudi Pudukkottai P. vannamei 39 positive positive

5 P-5 16.10.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 66 positive positive
6 P-6 16.10.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 66 positive positive
7 P-7 16.10.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 33 positive positive
8 P-8 16.10.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 135 positive positive
9 P-9 25.10.2017 Thethakudi south Nagapattinam P. vannamei 120 negative negative
10 P-10 25.10.2017 Thethakudi south Nagapattinam P. vannamei 120 negative negative
11 P-11 25.10.2017 Periyakuthagai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 60 negative negative
12 P-12 25.10.2017 Periyakuthagai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 60 negative negative
13 P-13 07.11.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 51 negative negative
14 P-14 07.11.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 51 negative negative
15 P-15 10.11.2017 Periyakuthagai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 75 negative negative
16 P-16 10.11.2017 Periyakuthagai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 75 negative negative
17 P-17 10.11.2017 Thethakudi south Nagapattinam P. vannamei 79 negative Positive
18 P-18 10.11.2017 Thethakudi south Nagapattinam P. vannamei 79 negative negative
19 P-19 10.11.2017 Thoputhurai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 26 negative Positive
20 P-20 21.11.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 65 negative negative
21 P-21 21.11.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 65 negative negative
22 P-22 5.12.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 79 Negative Negative
23 P-23 5.12.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 79 Negative Negative
24 P-24 11.12.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 120 Negative Negative
25 P-25 11.12.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 96 Negative Negative
26 P-26 11.12.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 96 positive positive
27 P-27 11.12.2017 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 96 positive positive
28 P-28 22.12.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 94 positive positive
29 P-29 22.12.2017 Kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 94 Negative Negative
30 P-30 22.12.2017 Peravurani Thanjavur P. vannamei 67 Negative Negative
31 P-31 22.12.2017 Karayankadu Thanjavur P. vannamei 67 Negative positive
32 P-32 04.01.2018 Pushpavanam Nagapattinam P. vannamei 120 positive positive
33 P-33 01.02.2018 Thethakudi north Nagapattinam P. vannamei 90 Negative Negative
34 P-34 01.02.2018 Thethakudi north Nagapattinam P. vannamei 94 Negative positive
35 P-35 01.02.2018 Thoputhurai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 35 Negative Negative
36 P-36 13.03.2018 Mimisal Pudukkottai P. vannamei 15 Negative Negative
37 P-37 13.03.2018 Mimisal Pudukkottai P. vannamei 15 Negative Negative
38 P-38 13.03.2018 Mumpalai Pudukkottai P. vannamei 39 Negative Negative
39 P-39 13.03.2018 Mumpalai Pudukkottai P. vannamei 31 Negative Negative
40 P-40 13.03.2018 Mumpalai Pudukkottai P. vannamei 47 Negative Negative
41 P-41 03.04.2018 Thoothukudi Thoothukudi P. vannamei 21 Negative Negative
42 P-42 04.04.18 Paravai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 25 Negative Negative
43 P-43 04.04.18 Paravai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 25 Negative Negative
44 P-44 04.04.18 Paravai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 31 Negative Negative
45 P-45 04.04.18 Paravai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 31 Negative Negative
46 P-46 04.04.18 Paravai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 34 Negative Negative
47 P-47 04.04.18 Paravai Nagapattinam P. vannamei 34 Negative Positive
48 P-48 04.04.18 Vanjore Nagapattinam P. vannamei 34 Negative Negative
49 P-49 04.04.18 Vanjore Nagapattinam P. vannamei 34 Negative Negative
50 P-50 04.04.18 Vanjore Nagapattinam P. vannamei 34 Negative Negative
51 P-51 04.04.18 Vanjore Nagapattinam P. vannamei 34 Negative Negative
52 P-52 19.04.18 kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 50 Negative Negative
53 P-53 19.04.18 kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 50 Negative Positive
54 P-54 19.04.18 kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 50 Negative Positive
55 P-55 19.04.18 kottaipattinam Pudukkottai P. vannamei 50 Negative Negative
56 P-56 19.04.18 sambaipattinam Thanjore P. vannamei 40 Negative Negative
57 P-57 19.04.18 sambaipattinam Thanjore P. vannamei 40 Negative Positive
58 P-58 19.04.18 sambaipattinam Thanjore P. vannamei 18 Negative Negative
59 P-59 19.04.18 sambaipattinam Thanjore P. vannamei 18 Negative Negative
60 P-60 26.04.18 thethakudi north Nagapattinam P. vannamei 40 Negative Positive
61 P-61 26.04.18 thethakudi north Nagapattinam P. vannamei 40 Negative Positive
62 P-62 26.04.18 thethakudi north Nagapattinam P. vannamei 40 Negative Negative
63 P-63 26.04.18 thethakudi north Nagapattinam P. vannamei 37 Negative Positive
64 P-64 26.04.18 avarikadu Nagapattinam P. vannamei 36 Negative Negative
65 P-65 26.04.18 avarikadu Nagapattinam P. Monodon 36 Negative Negative
66 P-66 26.04.18 avarikadu Nagapattinam P. Monodon 39 Negative Negative
67 P-67 26.04.18 pushpavanam Tanjore P. vannamei 70 Positive Positive
68 P-68 26.04.18 pushpavanam Tanjore P. vannamei 45 Positive Positive
69 P-69 26.04.18 pushpavanam Tanjore P. vannamei 45 Negative Negative
70 P-70 09.05.18 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 60 Negative Positive
71 P-71 09.05.18 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 60 Negative Negative
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72 P-72 09.05.18 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 59 Positive Positive

73 P-73 09.05.18 Vepalodai Thoothukudi P. vannamei 59 Negative Negative

3. Results data indicate that the EHP infects shrimps irrespective of their
3.1 Prevalence of EHP size and weight. The maximum range of infection with EHP
From the sampling study it was observed that the overall with respect to DOC was found between 31 to 60 DOC of the
prevalence of EHP was36.98% from the 73 samples collected. shrimp samples (Fig 4). However, the infection range was
Prevalence of EHP was found more in Nagapattinam (29.6%) minimum between 10 to 20 DOC. This DOC data indicates
and Thoothukudi (29.62%) followed by Pudukottai (25.92%) that the nursery phase samples are less prone to EHP infection
and Thanjavur (14.81%) districts (Figure 2). There is no than the grow out phase samples of shrimp.
prevalence of EHP from the samples collected from
Ramanathapuram district. The temporal analysis for
prevalence of EHP showed that summer crops were mostly
infected (Figure 3). During the sampling study, the combined
infection of both WSSV and EHP were not predominant and
only one sample collected from Nagapattinam at 120 DOC
showed combined infection of both EHP and WSSV. The
details of the samples collected is given in the Table 2.

Table 2: Details of the samples analysed for EHP

1 Total number of samples collected 73
2 Total number of single step positive samples 14 Fig 4: DOC wise prevalence of EHP
3 Total number of nested step positive samples 13
4 Total number of positive samples 27 4. Discussion
The occurrence of hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis
associated with EHP infection has been reported in various
shrimp farming countries like Malaysia, Australia, Thailand,
Vietnam, China, and Venezuela [1, 9, 4, 7, 12, 19]. The first report
on prevalence of EHP causing hepatopancreatic
microsporidiosis (HPM) in India was reported in 2016 [14].
Thus EHP might be an endemic pathogen in the Australasian
region [22]. The first report on ultrastructural features and a
partial SSU rRNA gene sequence of a microsporidian
infecting hepatopancreatic tubule epithelial cells of the black
tiger shrimp P. monodon was reported in the year 2009 [22].
Agmasoma penaei is the only other microsporidian described
from penaeid shrimp in Thailand [13] that causes infections in
muscle and connective tissue. A. penaei is distantly related to
EHP since SSU rRNA sequence of A. penaei shared only 71%
identity with that of E. hepatopenaei [13]. In India, EHP
Fig 2: District wise prevalence of EHP. The above figure shows that associated with white faeces (WFS) has caused severe
the highest positive samples were obtained from Nagapattinam and production losses to the shrimp farmers. Although the shrimp
Thoothukudi followed by Pudukottai and Thanjavur, and with no
positive samples at Ramanathapuram.
farmers are well focused on the occurrence of WSSV in
shrimp farms, only less importance was given to parasitic
diseases due to less incidence of the parasitic disease. Recent
outbreak of hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis in shrimp
warrants the researchers to pay attention towards the parasitic
In 2016 a sampling study has been carried out covering 3
farms at south east coast of India. The sampling showed
relatively high prevalence of EHP infection (63.5%), as
revealed by the nested PCR result [14]. A subsequent sampling
study has been carried out in the states of Tamil Nadu,
Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The samping study covered about
235 ponds which has reported growth retardation in shrimps.
Among the samples collected 59 (25%) were identified to be
PCR-positive for EHP, and 155 (66%) were identified to be
Fig 3: Month wise EHP positive samples (Sep 2017- May 2018).
The above graph shows that the summer crops are mostly infected
nested PCR-positive for EHP. This report confirmed the
than the winter crops. prevalence of EHP in the states of Tamil Nadu (North),
Andhra Pradesh and Orissa [3]. In our study, sampling was
3.2 Correlation of the EHP infection with DOC carried out to assess the occurrence of EHP in South Tamil
From the samples collected, the DOC of the infected samples Nadu. The study indicated the occurrence of EHP in almost
started from a minimum of 27 to a maximum of 135. This every district except Ramanathapuram where sampling was
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carried out. Further, EHP infected samples showed growth 5. Conclusion

variation in size and weight. The current study showed high The current study determined the prevalence of EHP in one
prevalence of EHP in South Tamil Nadu accounting 36.98% third of the shrimp farming ponds in South Tamil Nadu
of the shrimp farm in the district covered Nagapattinam, (Nagapattinam (29.6%) and Thoothukudi (29.62%) followed
Ramanathapuram, Thanjavur, Pudukkottai and Thoothukudi. by Pudukottai (25.92%) and Thanjavur (14.81%)). Growth
Even though hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis does not retardation caused by EHP is highly economically limiting
cause mortality, it is seriously associated with growth and therefore merit more attention for early detection and
retardation in P. vannamei [21] there by affecting the control. Although the shrimp farmers are well focused on the
production and profits in commercial shrimp farming. occurrence of WSSV in shrimp farms, only less importance
The diagnosis of EHP is difficult since even the mature spores was given to parasitic diseases due to less incidence of the
may not be visible in histology [20]. Hence molecular parasitic disease so far. Therefore this study indicates the need
diagnostic assay proves to be the reliable tool for the of strong biosecurity measures and chemotheraupaeutic
diagnosis of EHP in shrimp samples. The molecular measures that need to be seriously undertaken to keep this
diagnostic assay developed earlier targeted only the 18s r microsporidian disease EHP under control.
RNA of EHP. However it was reported that 18s rRNA
primers of EHP may have cross reactivity with other closely 6. Acknowledgements
related microsporidia such as Enterospora canceri infecting We acknowledge DBT-BBSRC Indo – UK Project on Novel
crabs. Hence there is a need for more specific diagnostic Molecular Approaches for Advancing Prediction and
assay for the screening of EHP. A more specific primer that Mitigation of Disease Outbreaks in Aquaculture for Small –
targets the spore wall protein gene of EHP was developed [10]. scale Farmers” (Sc. No. 14- 120-01) for providing fund for
This method was more specific and 100 times more sensitive this study.
than other 18s rRNA primers and did not produce any false
positive results as in the case of 18s rRNA primers [10]. We 7. References
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