Vectra m3 User Guide

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User Guide

software version 6.2

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VECTRA, Face Sculptor, RBX, Mirror, and ViewMyConsult are registered trademarks of Canfield Scientific, Inc.

1802-35 Copyright © 2018 Canfield Scientific, Inc.

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Table of Contents



Description of Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Environmental Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Authorized Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Recycling and Disposal Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1 VECTRA M3 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 VECTRA M3 Technical Specifications & Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
System components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Power requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Optional consultation computer system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Starting the VECTRA System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Calibrating the VECTRA System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Troubleshooting calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Troubleshooting: Causes and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Replacement of components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Shutting Down the VECTRA System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Cleaning the VECTRA Camera System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 Changing the User Interface Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1 Finding a Patient Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 Creating a New Patient Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 Finding Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4 Using the Patient Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Top bar buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Side bar buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Thumbnails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Viewing and editing patient data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Changing the profile picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Deleting a patient chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Printing 2D images directly from the patient chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Exporting images to a PowerPoint presentation from the patient chart . . . . . . 21

4.1 Start the VECTRA System & Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Find or Create a Patient Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 Capture a 3D Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Before positioning the patient in front of the VECTRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Positioning the patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Capturing the 3D image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Using the wireless remote mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5.1 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Open a 3D image in Face Sculptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Face Sculptor overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2 Trim Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Using the Select By Points tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Using the Box Crop tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Using the Select By Lasso tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.3 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.4 Modeling Facial Contouring Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Alternate view modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
About the brush tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Using the Resurface tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Using the Clone tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Using the Wrinkle tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Using the Sculpt tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Using the Warp tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Using the Fill, Lipo, and Smooth tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.5 Modeling Rhinoplasty or Chin Augmentation Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Auto landmarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Adjusting landmarks (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Placing user-identified landmarks (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Adjusting the horizontal plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Adjustment tools for rhinoplasty and chin augmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Overview of constrained adjustment tools for rhinoplasty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Overview of constrained adjustment tools for chin augmentation . . . . . . . . . 45
Using constrained adjusting tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Using unconstrained adjusting tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.6 Viewing the Simulated Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.7 Using Markers and Adding Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.8 Creating a 3D Animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.9 Saving the Simulated Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Saving 2D images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.10 Printing Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.11 Uploading to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
To upload current simulation(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
To upload previously saved simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Uploading simulations to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.12 Reviewing Previously Captured Images and Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Performing Markerless Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Reviewing tracked images in Comparison Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.13 Customizing Face Sculptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
1  GENERAL tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2  FACE tab—workflow sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2  FACE tab—features & assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.14 Exiting Face Sculptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.1 The VECTRA Analysis Module Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Surface View Selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.2 Toolbars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Horizontal toolbar buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Viewport Extras toolbar buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Vertical toolbar buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Point-of-view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Spatial orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.3 About the Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.4 The File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6.5 The Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.6 The View Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.7 The Landmarks Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.8 The Loops Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.9 The Area Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.10 The Surface Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.11 The Measure Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.12 The Preferences Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.12 Navigating the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Dialog boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Clicking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Right-clicking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.13 The Filing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.14 Customizing VECTRA Analysis Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

7.1 The Mirror Patient Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Finding and opening an existing patient record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Opening image(s) from within the Mirror chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Saving data from VAM’s Log window into the Mirror patient chart . . . . . . . . . 92
Saving data from VAM’s Log window into a Word or other text file . . . . . . . . 93
7.2 Viewing, Saving and Closing Images in VAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Viewing multiple 3D images simultaneously in viewports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Comparing two 3D images side-by-side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Saving a modified 3D image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Closing a 3D image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.3 Removing Unneeded Features or Artifacts from an Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Method 1 (good for quickly cropping an image) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Method 2 (good for creating a smooth perimeter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Method 3 (good for removing discontinuous areas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.4 Registering a Baseline 3D Image to the Axis Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Establishing midline symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Correcting image rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Establishing front-to-back orientation for registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Saving the registered baseline image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.5 Registering Subsequent 3D Images to the Baseline Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Method 1:  Using anatomical landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Method 2:  Using image contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
7.6 Using Landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Moving the image while working with landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Creating auto-numbered landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Creating named landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Selecting landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Deleting landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Landmarks on multiple images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Viewing landmark coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.7 Creating a 3D Animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

8.1 Measure and Compare Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Measuring the straight line distance between two landmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Measuring the distance across a surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Measuring from a landmark to the nearest point on another image . . . . . . . 115
Measuring the perimeter of a selected area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Using “Color Surface by Distance…” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
8.2 Measure and Compare Circumferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
8.3 Measure and Compare Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
8.4 Measure and Compare Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
8.5 Measure and Compare Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Using Volume A to Interpolating Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Using Volume A of Closed Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Using Volume A Between Two Surfaces (difference object) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Using Volume A Between Two Surfaces (parallel projection) . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

DATA BACK-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Method 1.  Use Mirror Backup to create a backup copy
of the Mirror database on your local drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Method 2.  Advanced back up plan:  IT professional backs up
the data directly, without using Mirror’s backup utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

UPLOADING 3D IMAGES TO MIRROR ME 3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Keyboard and mouse shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Image viewing buttons at the top of the screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
View Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Technical support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Warranty/repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135




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3. Copyright:  The Program and its Documentation are copyrighted by Canfield Scientific, Inc.. The Licensee
or other users may not copy or otherwise reproduce any part of the Program or its documentation, except
that the Program may be loaded into a computer as an essential step in executing the Program on the com-
puter and copies made solely for back-up or archival purposes.

4. Restrictions, Use, and Transfer:

(a) The original and any back-up copies of the Program and its Documentation are to be used only in con-
nection with a single computer.
(b) The Program may be physically transferred from one computer to another, provided that the Program
is used in connection with only one computer at a time. This license may be transferred to others together
with the original and all back-up copies of the Program and its Documentation, provided that the transferee
agrees to be bound by the terms of this License Agreement.
(c) Neither the Program nor its Documentation may be modified or translated without written permission
from Canfield Scientific, Inc..
(d) The Program may not be used, copied, modified, adapted, transferred, or merged in whole—or in part—
into another program except as expressly provided for in the license.
(e) The Program may not be reverse engineered, disassembled, decompiled nor any attempts made to dis-
cover the source code of the Program.
(f) Neither the Program nor any portion of the Software or Documentation may be sub-licensed, rented,
leased, or loaned.

5. Exclusion of Warranty; Limitation Liability; Limited Media Warranty:

(a) The Program and its Documentation is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed
or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particu-
lar purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the program is assumed by the Licensee.
(b) Neither Canfield Scientific, Inc. nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production,
or delivery of this Program and its Documentation shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or
incidental damages arising out of the use of or inability to use such products, even if Canfield has been
advised of the possibility of such damages or claim.
(c) Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to the Licensee.
(d) Canfield Scientific, Inc. warrants the enclosed media (but not the Program contained thereon) to be free
of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 30 days after purchase. During the 30-day
period you may return a defective media to an Authorized Canfield Scientific, Inc. Dealer and it will be
replaced without charge unless the media is damaged by accident or misuse. Replacement of the media is
the sole remedy in the event of a defect. This warranty gives the Licensee specific legal rights, and other
rights which may vary from state to state.
(e) No employee, agent, dealer or distributor of Canfield Scientific, Inc. is authorized to modify this limited
warranty, or to make any additional warranties.

6. Product Improvements:  Canfield Scientific, Inc. reserves the right to make corrections or improvements to
the Program and its documentation and to the related media at any time without notice and with no respon-
sibility to provide these changes to purchasers of earlier versions of such products. All product upgrades are
covered under a separate Support and Upgrade Agreement.

7. Term and Termination:  This license is effective upon your use of the software and remains effective
until terminated. The license may be terminated by destroying the Program and its Documentation and all
copies thereof. This license will also terminate if the Licensee fails to comply with any term or Agreement.
The Licensee agrees upon such termination to destroy all copies of the Program and its Documentation.

8. Confidentiality:  The Software contains trade secrets and proprietary know-how that belongs to Canfield
Scientific, Inc. and it is being made available to you in strict confidence. Any use or disclosure of the software,
or of its algorithms, protocols, or interfaces, other than in strict accordance with this license agreement, may
be actionable as a violation of Canfield Scientific’s trade secret rights.

9. U.S. Government Restricted Rights:  The Program and related Documentation is provided with Restricted
Rights. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subpara-
graphs (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights In Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or
subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software—Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-
19 as applicable. The software manufacturer is Canfield Scientific, Inc. located at 4 Wood Hollow Road,
Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA.

10. Export Restriction:  This Software is subject to U.S. export jurisdiction and may not be shipped,
transferred or exported into any country or used in any manner prohibited by the United States Export
Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions or regulations.

11. Governing Law:  This license agreement is governed by the laws of the state of New Jersey.




A one-year warranty is provided by Canfield Scientific, Inc. (“Canfield”) on VECTRA 3D capture systems.
(For warranty information on the VECTRA software, please refer to the End User License Agreement in the
VECTRA User Guide.) During the one year period beginning on the date of delivery, Canfield warrants that
the VECTRA 3D capture system will be free from defects in material and workmanship. If the customer
discovers a defect, Canfield will, at its option, repair or replace the defective component(s) at no charge
to the customer, provided it is returned during the warranty period. The cost of shipping the replacement
parts both ways (less any applicable custom duties, taxes and any other costs associated with exporting or
importing goods) will be paid by Canfield for all warrantable repairs.
Canfield owns all parts removed from repaired products. If Canfield repairs or replaces a product, its ­warranty
term is not extended.
After the first year, VECTRA’s Warranty Service and Support can be extended by fee-based yearly service
agreements covering product hardware, technical support, and software upgrades.

State Law Rights: 

Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation
of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

This Warranty does not cover customer training, instruction, installation, set up adjustments, or LAN-network-
related problems. (For warranty information on the VECTRA software, please refer to the End User License
Agreement in the VECTRA User Guide.)
This Warranty does not cover damage due to external causes, including accident, abuse, misuse, problems
with electrical power, servicing not authorized by Canfield, usage not in accordance with product instructions,
failure to perform required preventive maintenance, and problems caused by use of parts and components
not supplied by Canfield.
This warranty does not cover computer systems, computer peripherals, or other equipment not manufac-
tured by Canfield. All such third-party equipment is covered by separate manufacturers’ warranties where
This warranty is expressly made in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including without
limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Our liability is limited to the repair or replacement, at our option, of any defective product and shall in no
event include incidental or consequential commercial or property damages of any kind.

To request warranty service: 

Customers located in the United States, Canada or Mexico, please phone Canfield technical support at 1-800-
815-4330. Other international customers please call 1-973-434-1201.
The e-mail support address is [email protected].
Should it be determined by Canfield technical support that a unit must be returned for service, a Return
Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number will be provided. This RMA number must be clearly marked on
the outside of all packaging. Information on packing and shipping will be included.
Shipping address: RMA # ______________ (to be provided by Canfield prior to shipment)
Canfield Scientific, Inc.
4 Wood Hollow Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA


One year of Canfield Care is included with your new VECTRA purchase. The initial
Canfield Care agreement provides a warranty on the VECTRA 3D capture system,
phone access to technical support1, and free software upgrades for one year from date
of delivery.
The most effective and efficient way to identify issues and upgrade software on your
system is via an internet connection. It is assumed that your VECTRA computer will be
connected to a land-based internet connection with the ability to connect to Canfield
Scientific, Inc. (“Canfield”) via the www. Should this not be the case, additional costs
may apply when providing support for your system.
Beyond this first year, Canfield Scientific, Inc. offers an extended Canfield Care service
agreement for an annual fee. This extended service agreement extends the warranty
for all VECTRA 3D capture system parts. All coverage and exclusion details for this
extended warranty are the same as those described in the VECTRA Limited One-Year
Warranty. In addition, the user continues to receive software upgrades and have phone
access to technical support1 for the term of the Canfield Care Agreement.
All renewal fees must be remitted to Canfield (or an authorized distributor where
applicable) at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current VECTRA 3D
Capture Service Agreement (initial or extended). Once a Canfield Care Agreement has
expired, the hardware warranty may not be renewed; although system repair, technical
support, and upgrades may still be obtained with individual service charges as noted
To enter into an Extended Canfield Care Service Agreement, please contact Canfield
by e-mail at [email protected] or by phoning 1-800-815-4330 toll-free in the US,
Canada or Mexico (other international customers phone 1-973-434-1201).

 ote that for international customers (outside of the U.S. and Canada), technical support is provided locally
through an authorized distributor where available.
 ut-of-warranty repairs to the VECTRA 3D capture system:  The customer will be charged a fixed diagnostic
fee of $350, plus any parts and labor required for repairs. The customer is responsible for prepaying all
transportation charges including insurance and any associated fees and any applicable custom duties and/
or export taxes. IMPORTANT:  A Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained from
Canfield prior to shipping any equipment.
 or customers without a current Agreement, technical support may be obtained at the rate in effect at the
time of service.
All pricing subject to change without notice.


read carefully to ensure safe use of this equipment.
DANGER/HIGH VOLTAGE — This symbol indicates “dangerous voltage” inside the
product that presents a risk of electric shock or personal injury.

• Not suitable for use in WET LOCATIONS.
• Not suitable for use in the presence of a FLAMMABLE ANAESTHETIC MIXTURE

This device complies with the following Standards:

  Safety of Information Technology Equipment

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Safety European Union

This device complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
• EN60950-1: 2005-2nd Ed, EN 60950-1:2006—Information Technology Equipment

United States of America

• UL60950-1:2003-1st Ed, Rev: 2006—Safety of Information and Technology Equipment

• CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1:2003—Standard for Safety for Information Technology

VECTRA M3 User Guide 1


Safety and Technical Information

EMC Standard European Union:  EMC Directive 89/336/EEC

• EN 55022:2006 + A1:2007—Information Technology Equipment—Radio Disturbance
• EN 55024:1998 + A1:2001 + A2:2003—Information Technology Equipment—
Immunity Characteristics
• EN 61000-3-2:2006—Harmonic Emissions
• EN 61000-3-3:1995 + A1:2001 + A2:2005—Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker
• EN 61000-4-2:1995 + A1:1998 + A2:2000—Electrostatic Discharge
• EN 61000-4-3:2006 + A1:2007—Radiated RF Susceptibility
• EN 61000-4-4:2004—Electrical Fast Transients
• EN 61000-4-5:2005—Power Line Surge
• EN 61000-4-6:2003 + A1:2004 + A2:2006—Line Conducted RF Susceptibility
• EN 61000-4-8:1993 + A1:2000—Power Frequency Magnetics
• EN 61000-4-11:2004—Voltage Dips and Dropouts

United States of America:

Federal Communications Commission (FCC):  This device complies with FCC CFR 47
Part 15 sub part B. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  1) This device
may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
WARNING:  Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Shielded cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class A FCC

Canada: This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment Regulations.

Compliance with other EU directives  Vectra M3 complies with the following European Union Directives
aimed at environmental protection as well as consumer health and safety.
• Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE 
• Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances
(RoHS Directive)
• Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste 94/62/EC

VECTRA M3 User Guide 2


Safety and Technical Information


In accordance with these directives, all non-electronic components removed for
replacement, and any related packaging material should be disposed of following your
country’s or local area’s legislation for recycling.
Any electronic components or modules removed for replacement should be returned to
Canfield or its local agent, using the packaging material supplied with the replacement
component or module received.

Shipping address: Canfield Scientific, Inc., 4 Wood Hollow Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054  USA

To prevent electrical shock, use only the power Keep cables free and clear from traffic areas to
cable supplied with your system by Canfield prevent trip hazards.
Do not place food or liquid on the VECTRA
Connect equipment only to a properly grounded imaging system. If the VECTRA system gets wet,
electrical receptacle. The receptacle shall be contact Canfield Technical Support.
located near the equipment and shall be easily
Using flammable substances near the unit’s
high-voltage areas may result in a fire or electri-
Do not make conversions and/or changes to the cal shock.
equipment without express authorization from
If smoke or excessive heat is detected, turn the
the manufacturer. Unauthorized conversions
equipment off, unplug the power cord and con-
and/or changes could jeopardize the safety of
tact Canfield Technical Support. Do not resume
the system and will void the warranty.
use unless authorized by Canfield Technical
Operate the system only with original and/or Support to do so.
manufacturer authorized parts.
Always ensure that this device and any relevant
accessory equipment are placed on a dry, stable

VECTRA M3 User Guide 3


Overview of the VECTRA M3 3D Imaging System


Canfield’s VECTRA M3 3D Imaging System is designed

to accurately capture the surface shape, contour,
and color of the human face. VECTRA captures the
anatomical shape by capturing stereo images of the
subject, and then using photogrammetric algorithms to
generate a high-resolution three-dimensional computer
model of the subject.
These three-dimensional images are obtained
by capturing several carefully synchronized
two‑dimensional digital camera views of the subject.
VECTRA’s image processing software then uses
information from the multiple views to compute a
highly accurate map of three-dimensional shape and
color coordinates of the observed surface. The entire
capture process occurs in a few milliseconds making
the system immune to subject movement (e.g., infants).
The automatic 3D processing then takes a few minutes;
the resulting 3D model is stored as a file on the
computer, and is displayed on the screen.
The 3D data file contains precise sub-millimeter
measurement information, which makes it possible
to perform very accurate analyses, and to compare
multiple data sets of a subject over time, without having
to be concerned about the subject’s exact positioning
at capture time (unlike in traditional 2D photography,
3D computed image where this is a very important concern).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 4


Chapter 1 Overview of the VECTRA 3D Imaging System

Using specialized software, the 3D data can be

measured, analyzed, and manipulated. The typical work
flow is summarized below:

connect the main system components

power up the system

launch VECTRA software

look up the patient or create a new patient chart

click “new capture”

position the patient

capture an image

automatically process to create the 3D image

view on screen

analyze the data or

complete Sculptor session


System components
• VECTRA M3 capture system with
- computer
- c alibration kit
• VECTRA software for capturing and managing images
• VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) for analyzing
3D images
• Mirror® software for manipulating 2D images—
3 seats

VECTRA M3 User Guide 5


Chapter 1 Overview of the VECTRA 3D Imaging System

• Face Sculptor® 3D aesthetic simulation software

(if purchased) with RBX® image processing

48 inches (122 cm) wide 5 71 inches (180 cm) high 5
22 inches (56 cm) deep

Power requirements
• voltage: 100 to 240 Volts AC
• frequency: 50/60 Hz
• current 4.0A (rms), 100-240VAC

Optional consultation computer system requirements

• Microsoft Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate,
Windows 8.1 Professional, 64 bit, or Windows 10
Professional, 64 bit
• Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz or higher
• System memory (RAM): 8 GB or greater
• 1 GB connectivity (or higher)
• Graphics card:  1GB minimum
(see M3 Specifications & Requirements at for recommended
graphics cards)
• 3.0 or later Open GL
• Display: 1920 5 1080 minimum, 1920 5 1200
recommended (4K and 1600 5 900 monitors not
currently supported)
• Anti-virus software: Security Essentials recommended

For optional networking to view VECTRA images in

other rooms within your practice, find the current
minimum specifications and requirements prior to
purchasing/supplying optional consultation computers

VECTRA M3 User Guide 6


Initialization, Calibration, and Maintenance


1  Make sure that the VECTRA capture system and its

computer are both connected to a properly grounded,
easily accessible electrical receptacle.
2  Turn on the computer.


Calibration of the VECTRA 3D system ensures that the

relationship of the cameras and other components is
understood and recorded by the system. This is
critical to creating geometrically accurate 3D models.
Calibration should be performed daily, prior to patient
arrival, or whenever the system has been moved or
The whole calibration process takes a few minutes,
once you have become familiar with the process.
You will find it easier to calibrate with two people—
one to hold the calibration target, and the other at the
computer controls—although with practice you will
find that you can carry out all the calibration processes
on your own using a remote mouse.
1  Make sure the VECTRA system and computer are
powered on.
2  Double-click the VECTRA icon on the Windows
desktop to open the software.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 7


Chapter 2 Initialization, Calibration, and Maintenance

3  Click the set up button in the

lower right corner of the screen.
4  Select the Capture tab and make
sure VECTRA M3 is selected in the
drop‑down menu.
5 Click calibrate now.

6  Position the calibration target for first capture:

• Stand about a meter from the VECTRA and hold the
calibration target so that it is perpendicular to the
floor and the L is upright.
• First move closer or further from the
VECTRA until the long leg of the L
is between the vertical guides in the
lower preview windows on screen.
• Then move the calibration target up
or down until the short leg of the L
is between the horizontal guides
in the top preview window.

7  Click take picture on screen, or click the right

arrow button on the wireless mouse (see Using the
wireless remote mouse in section 4.3).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 8


Chapter 2 Initialization, Calibration, and Maintenance

8  Position the calibration target for the second capture:

• Stand about a meter from 30°
the VECTRA and hold the
calibration target so that the
L is upright and the short
leg of the L is between
the horizontal guides in
the top preview window.
• Tilt the calibration target
forward about 30 degrees.
• Move the target to achieve 1m
alignment as shown:
The short leg of the L is between the horizontal
guides in the top preview window.
The long leg of the L is between the
vertical guides in the lower preview

9  Click take picture (on screen or

on the wireless mouse).

10  After the calibration images are

processed, the calibration completed
successfully dialog box is displayed.
Click OK.

Troubleshooting calibration
• If the captured calibration images are dark, the
flashes may not have fired correctly.
• Make sure that there is no bright ambient light
reflecting off of the calibration target. This can cause
a glare on the surface and negatively affect the
calibration process.
• If the calibration process failed, the calibration target
may have been incorrectly positioned. Calibrate
again, taking care to ensure that the target is
positioned as shown in the illustrations.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 9


Chapter 2 Initialization, Calibration, and Maintenance

After calibrating, take care to avoid knocking the

system, as this may affect the quality of the resulting
3D data. If you think something might have affected the
position of any of the main system components, then it
is advisable to recalibrate before proceeding.


problem cause / solution
One side of processed There is a faulty flash on that side. Contact Canfield
image appears dark. Technical support.
3D object exhibits System calibration has been altered. Recalibrate the
geometric irregularities cameras.
including visible divisions
in object, dislocated image
components, and/or image
stitching flaws.
Surface color is inconsistent Reflective surfaces in the camera area are affecting
and/or patchy between surface lighting. Remove reflective objects, such as
right and left halves of mirrors or pictures, that may be reflecting light onto
3D surface. the subject.
error message cause / solution
“Expected 6 cameras, but USB camera cable is not properly connected to the
only found 0: giving up” computer. Verify USB connections.
• Click Cancel to all popup windows.
• On successful connection to VECTRA, open “My
Computer”. Under Scanners and Cameras you will
see six Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi cameras listed.
• Right-click on the first camera and open its properties.
• Open Event tab
• Click the Take no action option.
• Click Apply
• Click OK
• Repeat for each of the remaining five cameras.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 10


Chapter 2 Initialization, Calibration, and Maintenance

Replacement of components
If components of your VECTRA system need to be
replaced, please contact Canfield Scientific directly for
phone (USA):  1.800.815.4330
phone: +1.973.434.1201
[email protected]

All user-replaceable parts will be accompanied by



1 Click the home button (VECTRA logo) in the upper

left corner of the screen to return to the patient chart.
2  Click the VECTRA logo from a patient chart to return
to the home screen.
3  Click the exit button 
in the lower right corner
of the home screen.
4  Make sure no other
software is running, then
shut down the computer.


The exterior surfaces of the VECTRA camera system

(mounting structure only—not the glass surfaces or
monitors) should be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth
or sponge with a mild detergent with water.
Do not attempt to clean the VECTRA camera system
using alcohol, benzene, paint thinners or other
flammable substances. Repeated use of these flammable
substances near the unit’s high-voltage areas may result
in a fire or electrical shock.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 11


Chapter 2 Initialization, Calibration, and Maintenance

The glass covers may be cleaned with an optical glass

cleaner using a soft cloth. Do not rub this surface with
hard materials since these materials can scratch the
surface. Do not touch the glass surfaces with your bare
fingers. Finger prints may affect image capture.


1  Click setup from the VECTRA home screen and

select the General tab.
2  Click the arrow in the Language field and select the
desired language from the drop down menu.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 12


The VECTRA Patient Chart


1  Double-click the VECTRA icon on the Windows

desktop to open the software.
If VECTRA software is already open, click the
home button in the upper left corner of the screen
to return to the patient chart, then click the VECTRA
logo from a patient chart to return to the home

2  Click the look up patient button in the upper

right corner of the VECTRA home screen.
If you are certain that this is a new patient, see
3.2  Creating a New Patient Chart. Otherwise, start
by looking up the patient.

3  Enter search criteria such as the patient’s name, date

of birth, and/or ID number. Press the “Tab” key to
move among fields, or click in a field and type.

To hide names, select
the patient privacy

VECTRA M3 User Guide 13


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart

As you enter more

information, show matches
updates to display the
number of records found
that match the search
criteria. Continue adding
criteria if you wish to
show fewer matches.
  Leave all fields blank to view all records.

4 Click show matches (or press the “Enter” key)

to display matching records.
If the correct chart is not found, click the
create new patient tab to create a new patient
chart (see 3.2  Creating a New Patient Chart).

In this example, 4 records 

with a first name starting
with the letter “L” were
located. The first record is
automatically selected
(indicated by white type
on a blue background).

5  Click once on a row to select the patient.

•  To open the selected
chart, click open chart
(or double-click a row or
press the “Enter” key).
•  To take a picture of the
selected patient, click
M3 capture (see
Chapter 4).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 14


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart


1 Click the new patient button in the upper right

corner of the VECTRA home screen, or click the create
new patient tab from the Look Up Patients window.
  NOTE:  To avoid creating a duplicate chart, start by
looking up the patient (see 3.1  Finding a Patient Chart).

2  Click in a field to enter

patient information. Press
the “Tab” key to move
among fields. The more
information you enter, the
easier it will be to find
the patient next time.

Once you click in the date of birth field, the field
will remain pink until a valid date is entered.

3 Click M3 capture to create the patient chart

and take a picture (see Chapter 4), or click
open chart to view the new patient chart.


To locate images that fit
certain criteria:
1  Click the look up
images tab from the
Create New Patient or
Look Up Patients window.
2  Enter search criteria.
3  Click the search button.
4 Click show matches
to display matching images.
• To export images, click to select one or • Double-click an image
more thumbnails, then click export. to view its patient chart.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 15


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart


Top bar buttons

The buttons in the top bar are always available when a
patient chart is open:

look up patient to find a different patient chart

open patient data to edit patient information

i mport file to add an existing file (CR2, avi, bmp,

doc, docx, gif, jpg, jpeg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, tif,
tiff, tom, txt, or wmv) to the patient chart
M 3 capture to take a picture that will be
automatically added to the current chart

open patient data quantity of items click to toggle specify number of columns quantity
in the chart ascending or displayed (fewer columns = of items
descending order larger thumbnails) selected

VECTRA M3 User Guide 16


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart

Side bar buttons

The buttons in the side bar on the right of the patient
chart vary according to the type of item(s) selected.
If no thumbnail is selected, there are no buttons in the
side bar.
 pen in Sculptor to open a 3D image in the
appropriate Sculptor software
 pen in Analysis to open a 3D image in the
VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM)
m arkerless tracking to automatically register
and track 3D face images (see 5.12 Reviewing
Previously Captured Images and Simulations)
 pen in Comparison to compare two 3D images
in Sculptor
o pen to view a 2D image, movie, PowerPoint,
PDF, or other type of document

p rocess to finish processing a 3D capture

s titch images to automatically stitch multiple

captures into one image

move to move a file to a different patient chart

print to print 2D image(s) directly from the chart

e xport to make a file available outside of VECTRA

e xport to PowerPoint to export 2D image(s)

directly to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
 xtract 2D originals to extract 2-dimensional
images from the original 3D capture

delete to delete selected file(s)

 pload to 3D printing to obtain a 3D model of

an image from MirrorMe3D (see Appendix B)

VECTRA M3 User Guide 17


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart

•  Click on a thumbnail to select it.
•  Click on a selected thumbnail to deselect it.
•  Shift-click to select multiple thumbnails.
  • If a thumbnail is selected, its frame reverses
to light gray with dark type.
unselected selected

• Image type is noted in the corners of the thumbnail.

For example, in the upper left and 2D in the
lower left denotes a 2D image.

Viewing and editing patient data

To open the patient data drawer, click
OPEN PATIENT DATA or open patient data.

Patient information that was entered in the New Patient

fields is displayed in the top bar.

Click in a field to add or change information.

To close the patient data drawer and apply changes,

click CLOSE PATIENT DATA or close patient data.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 18


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart

Changing the profile picture

Each patient’s profile picture is displayed in the Look
Up Patient search results. The first captured or imported
image is the default “profile picture”.
1  To change the picture, open the patient data drawer.
2  Click to select the
desired thumbnail in
the patient chart.
3 Click use selected for
profile picture to replace
the current picture with
the selected thumbnail.

4 Click to close the patient data drawer.

Deleting a patient chart

Individual images and files may be deleted from a
patient chart by selecting the image(s) and clicking
delete in the bar on the right side of the screen.

1  To permanently remove a patient and all of the

associated data and images from your VECTRA
database, open the patient data drawer .

2 Click delete patient.

3 Click to close the patient data drawer.

Delete patient cannot be undone.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 19


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart

Printing 2D images directly from the patient chart

1  Click to select the image(s) you wish to print.
Shift-click to select multiple thumbnails, or Ctrl-click to
select multiple discontiguous thumbnails.

2  Click print. (The print button is only available if

a 2D image is selected.)
close print screen
page orientation:
landscape (horizontal)
portrait (vertical)
number of columns
number of rows
duplicate images per page
increase or decrease size
of the on-screen preview
reset preview size to fit screen
step through multiple
document pages 3  Select desired layout parameters, then click print
(to print) or save (to save as a PDF).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 20


Chapter 3 The VECTRA Patient Chart

Exporting images to a PowerPoint presentation from the patient chart

1  Click to select the image(s) you wish to include.
Shift-click to select multiple thumbnails, or Ctrl-click to
select multiple discontiguous thumbnails.

2  Click export to PowerPoint. (The export to

PowerPoint button is only available if a 2D image is
close export screen
save presentation
number of columns
number of rows
increase or decrease size
of the on-screen preview
reset preview size to fit screen
step through multiple
document pages

3  Select desired layout parameters, then click save.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 21


Capturing Images


1  Make sure that the VECTRA capture system and its

computer are both connected to a properly grounded,
easily accessible electrical receptacle.
2  Turn on the computer.
3  Double-click the VECTRA icon on the Windows
desktop to open the software.

Make sure the VECTRA system has been recently

calibrated (see 2.2 Calibrating the VECTRA System).
Calibration should be performed daily, prior to patient
arrival, or whenever the system has been moved or altered.

4.2  FIND OR CREATE A PATIENT CHART (see Chapter 3 for more details)

1  Click the look up patient button in the upper

right corner of the VECTRA home screen.
2  Enter search criteria such as the patient’s name, date
of birth, and/or ID number.
3 Click show matches (or press the “Enter” key)
to display matching records.
4 Click M3 capture. (If more than one matching
record is displayed, first click to select the correct
patient, then click M3 capture.)

VECTRA M3 User Guide 22


Chapter 4 Capturing Images

If the correct chart is not found, click the

create new patient tab to create a new patient chart.

To create a new patient chart without first searching for

an existing chart:
1  Click the new patient button in the upper right
corner of the VECTRA home screen.
2  Enter patient information.
3 Click M3 capture.


Before positioning the patient in front of the VECTRA

• All jewelry should be removed.
• Remove sweat, oils, or anything shiny from the skin.
• Remove all make-up.
• The patient’s hair should be secured away from the
face, ears and neck.

For follow-up images:  Review the baseline image

before initiating image capture, to assist in positioning
the patient correctly.

Consistent patient positioning is the most important

aspect of capturing medical images. Follow consistent
methods to ensure consistent patient positioning.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 23


Chapter 4 Capturing Images

Positioning the patient

1  Have the patient sit on a stool facing the VECTRA
system, centered side to side.
2  Move the patient and stool closer or farther from the
VECTRA until the patient’s eye is centered between
the vertical (|) lines in each of the two side preview
3  Make sure the position of the face in the right
preview window mirrors the position of the face in
the left preview window.

4  Raise or lower the stool until the patient’s eyes are

centered between the horizontal (—) lines in the center
preview image.

5  Just before image capture:

• Have the patient gently close his/her mouth to a
natural, soft bite.
• Expression should be in repose or neutral—not

VECTRA M3 User Guide 24


Chapter 4 Capturing Images

Capturing the 3D image

Click take picture on screen, or click the right
arrow button on the wireless mouse (see below).
When processing is complete, the 3D image is
automatically displayed.
If you wish to interrupt the processing and retake the
image (if, for example, the subject blinked or was in
the wrong position) click discard & retake.
If you wish to save the unprocessed image in the
patient’s chart and capture a new image of the same
patient, click keep & retake.

Using the wireless remote mouse

The wireless remote mouse enables you to accomplish
button “clicks” during image capture without being
near the computer keyboard.

select button:  equivalent to left-click take picture button: 

of the mouse after positioning the clicking the right arrow on the remote
arrow cursor on the screen mouse is equivalent to clicking the
take picture button on screen
cursor control:  press and
move slightly to control height control:  press and hold up to raise
the position of the or down to lower; equivalent to clicking the
arrow cursor on height control buttons on the right side of
the screen the screen to raise or lower the VECTRA

wireless remote power on/off

VECTRA M3 User Guide 25


Face Sculptor®


Face Sculptor 3D aesthetic simulation software

assists the surgeon during consultations enabling
prospective patients to visualize the possibilities of
their anticipated facial aesthetic procedures. This
software module provides tools to assess the patient’s
face and enables the user to quickly make realistic
surface and three-dimensional changes to the facial
features of the patient’s own 3D image. The results can
then be reviewed with the patient to ensure mutually
understood expectations between the surgeon and the
patient. The pre-op and post-simulated images can also
be used as references during surgery.

Open a 3D image in Face Sculptor

A newly captured 3D image of your patient’s face
is automatically displayed in Face Sculptor software
after processing is complete (see Chapter 4: Capturing
To open a previously captured image, open the patient
chart and double-click a 3D face image (see Chapter 3:
The VECTRA Patient Chart).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 26


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Face Sculptor overview

To get started, select the Rhinoplasty, Chin Augmentation,
or Contouring module by clicking the corresponding
tab at the top of the screen. You may select a different
module or Print by clicking its tab at any time.

undo redo
adjust viewpoint buttons
view in VECTRA
Analysis Module keyboard shortcuts
in brackets [ ]
save 2D image [z]  zoom
save 3D [r] roll
[p] pan
exit to VECTRA
Patient Chart [y]  spin on Y-axis
[s] spin

To automatically rotate an image

to a preset viewpoint, click one of
the rotate-to-view buttons.

Click one of the navigation buttons

on the left side of the screen to
select what you wish to do next.

To see the image(s) from any viewpoint at any

magnification, select one of the adjust viewpoint buttons
, then click within the image and drag.
• Change the magnification by rotating the scroll wheel
on your mouse.
• Temporarily change to the Spin tool by holding
down the Alt key on the keyboard.
• Press Ctrl-Z on your keyboard to undo the most
recent action.
• Right-click in a viewport to open the rotate-to-view
button set.
See Appendix C: Sculptor Software Tips for more
keyboard and mouse shortcuts.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 27


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor


If you wish to remove unwanted parts of the image,

click the trim image navigation button on the left
side of the screen.
• The box crop tool enables you to draw a
rectangular boundary box, adjust it, and delete
everything outside of the box.
• The select by lasso tool enables you to circle
unwanted parts of the image and delete them.
• The select by points tool enables you to define
the area you wish to keep by clicking multiple
points on the image, then delete the unwanted areas
leaving a clean, smooth perimeter.
• Click invert selection to reverse what is and
is not selected.
• Click to clear your selection without applying
or to undo crop.
• Click to apply the cropping or delete the
selected area.
• To remove all cropping/trimming, click reset.

Using the Select By Points tool

1  Click select by points.
2  Place the cursor over the edge of the area you wish
to preserve, then click to place a point.
3  Continue to place points in a clockwise order around
the perimeter of the area you wish to preserve.
To temporarily enable the Spin tool, hold down the
Alt key on the keyboard while you rotate the image.
4  Right-click the mouse after placing the last point.
The area outside of the perimeter is painted green.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 28


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

5  Click delete to remove the highlighted area.

Using the Box Crop tool

1  Click box crop.
2  Click and drag out a rectangle to define the area you
wish to keep. The boundary box you have drawn is
projected onto the three-dimensional surface.
To adjust the size or position of the boundary box,
click an edge or corner of the box and drag to the
desired location.
3  Click crop (or right-click the mouse) to delete
everything outside of the box. If you wish to cancel this
operation, you may click cancel.

Using the Select By Lasso tool

1  Click select by lasso.
2  Place the cursor over the edge of an area you wish
to define, then click and drag around its perimeter.
3  Click delete (or right-click) to remove the
highlighted area.

To delete everything outside of the highlighted area,

first click invert selection, then click delete.

You may click deselect if you wish to start over.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 29


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor


Click the assessment navigation button on the

left side of the screen to access the Face Sculptor
assessments that are relevant for the current module
(Rhinoplasty [Rh], Chin Augmentation [Ch], or
Contouring [Co]).

To display another assessment, click its name on the

left side of the screen.

To view assessments for a different module, click its tab

at the top of the screen, then click the assessment
navigation button.

Symmetry [Rh, Ch, Co] helps to visualize asymmetries

in the face.
• The first viewport shows two right sides:
The right side of the face is flipped and
joined to the normal right side.
• The center viewport shows the normal face.
• The third viewport shows two left sides:
The left side of the face is flipped and
joined to the normal left side.

Reflection [Rh, Ch, Co] displays the view one sees in

the mirror: The image is flipped (reflected) to further
help visualize asymmetry.

Oblique [Co] displays three viewing perspectives of the

same image: right oblique, front, and left oblique.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 30


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Horizontal proportions [Rh, Ch] displays both

straight-line distance measurements and proportions
(%) for the lower segment of the face (menton to
subnasale) and the middle segment of the face
(subnasale to radix).

Vertical proportions [Rh] displays both straight-line

distance measurements and proportions (%) for the
right and left segments of the face (lateral to medial
canthi) and the middle segment of the face (right to left
medial canthi). The alar width (right alar rim to left alar
rim) is also measured and compared.

Tip projection [Rh] displays the ratio of the tip

projection divided by the dorsal length. Tip projection
is measured by drawing a perpendicular line to the
nasal tip from a second line drawn from the radix to
the alar rim. The dorsal length is measured from the
nasal tip to the radix.

Columella-labial angle [Rh] displays the angle

formed by lines drawn from the labrale superius to the
subnasale and the subnasale to the columellar point.

Nasofrontal angle [Rh] displays the angle formed

by lines drawn from the nasal tip to the radix and the
radix to the glabella.

Nasofacial angle [Rh, Ch] displays the angle formed

by lines drawn from the pogonion to the glabella and
the nasal tip to the radix.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 31


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Nasomental angle [Rh, Ch] displays the angle formed

by lines drawn from the pogonion to the nasal tip and
the nasal tip to the radix. The horizontal distances from
the labrale superius and inferius to the line drawn from
the pogonion to the nasal tip is also provided.

Facial angle [Rh, Ch] displays the angle formed by

lines drawn from the glabella to the subnasale and the
subnasale to the pogonion.

Tip deviation [Rh] displays the angle formed by the

facial midline to the line drawn from the radix to the
nasal tip. The horizontal distance from the nasal tip to
the midline is also provided.

Dorsal height [Rh] displays the maximum point of

projection from the line drawn from the nasal tip to the

Color [Rh, Ch, Co] displays normal skin tone and


Gray [Co] removes the distraction of complexion details

for superior visualization of facial contours.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 32


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Click Brown Spots [Co] for enhanced visualization of


Click Red Areas [Co] for enhanced visualization of


Red | Brown [Co] shows Red Areas and

Brown Spots side by side. To view the
image(s) in an alternative lighting mode
click . Click again to toggle off.

To record your notes and recommendations, click
in the marker palette (upper right corner of screen).
Type in the box, then click OK. Content that you enter
in the notes box will appear on notes-enabled versions
of the printed report (see 5.10  Printing Reports).
 otes are not saved to the patient chart. If you wish
to save your notes, save a notes-enabled report as a
PDF: Click the Print tab at the top of the screen,
select desired template(s), and click save PDF.
The PDF with notes is saved to the patient chart.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 33


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor


Click the Contouring tab at the top of the screen,

then make sure the contouring navigation button
on the left side of the screen is selected (blue).

Sculptor’s facial 
module opens
with its array of
tools displayed
on the left side
of the screen.

Tool-specific options appear only when the relevant tool

is selected:

• The brush size selector is displayed when

resurface, clone, wrinkle or
sculpt is selected.

• When fill, lipo, or

smooth is selected (blue)
and a region of the face has
been circled, the slider bar is

• Help text for the current tool

appears at the bottom of the

VECTRA M3 User Guide 34


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Alternate view modes

• Click one of the shading mode buttons
(located at the top of the screen) to view the image
with alternate shading modes.
 Natural photo mode (the default view). The
image retains all of its photographic detail for a
pleasing visual representation. Use to show skin
resurfacing procedures.
 Dynamic photo mode. The image is skin
colored, but with reduced detail. This helps to
show shape and anatomical features under
raked lighting.
 Shape (gray) mode. This solid colored image
helps to visualize shape and volume changes
without the distraction of skin tones.

• Click the 2-viewports 

button in the navigation
sidebar to see two
independent views of
the same image.

• To automatically rotate the image on the left to a

preset viewpoint, click on the left side of one of the
rotate-to-view buttons.
Click on the right side of 
one of the rotate-to-view
buttons to automatically
rotate the image on the right to a preset viewpoint.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 35


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

About the brush tools

• The cursor changes to when you mouse over the
viewport and is surrounded by a translucent round
shape when it’s over the image. The translucent
shape indicates the area affected by the tool.
• Brushing over a region twice doubles the effect.
• Selecting a different brush size does not affect the
changes you have already made.
• It’s okay to stop and start again.

Using the Resurface tool

The Resurface tool smooths the skin’s texture and
is ideal for showing the effects of skin resurfacing
procedures such as fractional laser and IPL treatments.
1  Click Resurface.
2  Optional: Select a brush size.
3  Click and drag over the region to be treated.

Using the Clone tool

With the Clone tool, you can select the desired skin
appearance and apply it to areas that you wish to
change, such as brown spots, blemishes and tattoos.
1  Click Clone.
2  Optional: Select a brush size.
3  Click the eyedropper cursor in the section
of skin you wish to replicate.
4  Click and drag where you wish to apply
the selected sample. The characteristics of the
sampled skin are copied to the brushed area in a
context-sensitive manner.
To select a different source, click Clone again and
then click the eyedropper cursor in the desired area.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 36


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Using the Wrinkle tool

The Wrinkle tool is used for removing or softening
wrinkles and demonstrating the results of procedures
such as toxin and dermafiller injections.
1  Click Wrinkle.
2  Optional: Select a brush size.
3  Click the eyedropper cursor in the section of skin
you wish to replicate.
4  Click and drag over the region to be treated. The
texture of the sampled skin is copied to the brushed

Using the Sculpt tool

The Sculpt tool is ideal for changing the shape of small,
irregular-shaped regions of the face, such as pre-jowls
and nasolabial folds.
maximum maximum 1 Click a section of the Sculpt button to
volume smooth volume select volume increase, decrease, or smooth and degree
decrease increase
of change.
moderate moderate
volume volume 2  Optional: Select a brush size.
decrease increase
3  Click and drag or use a series of clicks over the
region to be treated. The color of the translucent round
shape indicates your tool selection: red for decrease,
green for increase, and yellow for smoothing.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 37


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Using the Warp tool

The versatile free hand Warp tool can be used for
shape adjustments to almost any part of the face.
1  Orient the image(s) so that the area you wish to
warp is visible. Usually frontal view is best, but lateral
view is better for defining some warp areas, such as the
bridge of the nose.
2  Click Warp.
3  Place the cursor ( ) over the image, then click
and drag to define the region to be adjusted. Release
the mouse button when you are satisfied with the

4  Position the cursor near the part that you wish to

warp (the cursor changes to an open hand), then
click and drag in the desired direction (the cursor
changes to a grabbing hand). Release the mouse
button when you are satisfied with the adjustment.
For a stronger effect, click inside the defined area and
drag. For a more subtle effect, click outside the defined
area and drag.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 38


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Using the Fill, Lipo, and Smooth tools

The Fill, Lipo, and Smooth tools are ideal for reshaping
larger regions of the face, such as cheeks, or regions
that are not easy to correct using the Warp tool, such as
nasolabial folds.
1  Orient the image(s) so that the area you wish to treat
is visible for circling (for example, oblique view for the
2  Click Fill to add volume, Lipo to remove
volume, or Smooth to flatten unwanted contours.
3  Place the cursor ( ) over the image, then click and
drag to define the region to be adjusted. Release the
mouse button when you are
satisfied with the boundary.
4  Position the cursor within
the circled region; the cursor
changes to an arrow ( ).
Click once to automatically
apply a calculated adjustment.
The change in volume added/
removed is displayed below
the slider bar.
  If you wish to change
the amount of adjustment,
click and drag the bubble
in the slider bar. To reset,
click the triangle near the
base of the slider bar.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 39


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor


With the patient’s image open in Face Sculptor, click
the Rhinoplasty or Chin Augmentation tab at the
top of the screen.

Auto landmarking
Face Sculptor software automatically identifies and
places the landmarks needed for modeling outcomes
in the selected module. The identified landmarks are
displayed as green dots for review and adjustment, if
needed. The landmark adjustment tool is selected.

Adjusting landmarks (optional)

1  Position the tip of the cursor arrow over a landmark.
The cursor changes to an open hand when it’s close
enough to the landmark.
2 Click and drag (the cursor changes to a grabbing
hand). Release the mouse button when the landmark is
in the correct position.
If you make a mistake, click undo to move the
landmark to its previous position.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 40


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

In some cases the anatomy may be more distinct in

Shape (gray) mode. To see the image in Shape mode,
click (located at the top of the screen). To see the
image in Natural photo mode (with normal skin color),
click .

Rotating the image to inspect landmarks

• To automatically rotate an image to a preset viewpoint,
click one of the rotate-to-view buttons on the left
side of the screen.
• To see the image from any viewpoint at any
magnification, select one of the adjust viewpoint
buttons at the top of the screen,
then click within the image and drag. Click the
landmark adjustment button to resume moving
• With the adjustment tool selected, press and
hold the Alt key (on your keyboard) to temporarily
switch to Spin, then click within the image and
drag to rotate. Release the Alt key to resume using
the adjustment tool.

Resetting auto landmarks

To delete all of the previously set landmarks and have
Face Sculptor software automatically identify and place
landmarks, click auto landmarks on the left side
of the screen.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 41


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Placing user-identified landmarks (optional)

1 Click delete landmarks (on the left side of the
screen) if you wish to delete all of the previously set
landmarks and have the software guide you through
each landmark location with instructions (words and
picture) on the left side of the screen.

• A green dot shows that

the landmark is placed.
• Updated instructions
show the next
location to place a

2  Position the tip of the cursor arrow over the

appropriate anatomical location as described on the left
side of the screen. Click once to place the landmark. As
each location is clicked, the image rotates automatically
to facilitate placement of the next landmark.
3  Repeat until each of the requested landmarks has
been placed. When the final landmark has been placed,
the image automatically rotates to frontal view.
4  Review landmark placement. If you wish to change
the position of a landmark, see Adjusting Landmarks
(previous pages).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 42


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Adjusting the horizontal plane

1 Click alignment (on the left side of the screen)
if you wish to adjust a face image to the horizontal
plane. A grid is displayed to guide the adjustment.

2  Position the cursor over the image, then click and

drag clockwise or counter-clockwise to align the image
to the horizontal or vertical grid lines.
3  Once set, click auto landmarks to reset the
landmarks to the corrected alignment.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 43


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Adjustment tools for rhinoplasty and chin augmentation

Click the or
navigation button on the left side of the screen to
access the appropriate actions (tools) for the selected
• The caption below the tool palette identifies the
currently selected tool.
• The diagram next to the slider bar illustrates the
function of the currently selected tool.
• Help text for the current tool appears at the bottom
of the screen. 
• Click the show
diagram check box
to display the
assessment diagram.

When you hover over an 

unselected button in the
palette, the caption and
diagram update to show
the function of that tool.
• Click on a button
to select the action

Tools that have been

applied are highlighted
with a blue box.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 44


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Overview of constrained adjustment tools for rhinoplasty

Move the slider up to add or increase; move the slider down to subtract or decrease.

Overview of constrained adjustment tools for chin augmentation

Move the slider up to add or increase; move the slider down to subtract or decrease.

Using constrained adjusting tools

Constrained, single adjusting tools are for bidirectional
adjustment to a single aspect of the face, such as the
bridge of the nose or the tip of the chin.
1  (Optional) Click the two viewports button to see two
views of the 3D image as you’re working on it.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 45


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

2  Click an adjusting tool in the palette, for example,

“dorsal height”. The caption, diagram and help text
update to reflect the currently selected tool. The image
in the left viewport automatically rotates to the optimal
orientation for monitoring the selected adjustment.
If you wish, you may change the orientation
and/or magnification in one or both viewports
(see Face Sculptor overview).

3  Position the cursor on the bubble at the center of

the slider bar. Click and drag the slider up or down to
make the adjustment.

Move the slider up to add or increase; move the slider
down to subtract or decrease.
If you wish to reset a particular 
adjustment, click the small triangle
to the right of the slider bar.

4  Click to select additional tools as needed.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 46


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Using unconstrained adjusting tools

The profile warp tool is for fine 
tuning, or non-standard
Recommended:  Use the
constrained tools first.
1  Click the profile line tool.
The image in the left viewport
automatically rotates to profile
view and a green line outlines the
nose and upper lip (rhinoplasty)
or the chin and neck (chin
2  Mark the outermost boundaries
of the area you wish to warp:
• Position the cursor over the green line at the
uppermost point of the area to be warped. (The
green line brightens when the cursor is over it.)
• Click once to place a marker (a blue dot which turns
yellow when you release the mouse button).
• Position the cursor over the green line at the
lowermost point of the area to be warped. Click
once to place a marker.
3  Position the cursor at
roughly the midpoint
between the two edge
markers. Click and drag
the green line to move the
edge of the face to the
desired point.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 to make additional adjustments,

if necessary.
To remove a marker, right-click on it.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 47


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

The free hand warp tool can be used for shape

adjustments to almost any part of the face. Unlike the
profile warp tool, a profile view is not required for free
hand warp.
1  Orient the image(s) so that the
area you wish to warp is visible.
2  Click the free hand warp tool.
3  Place the cursor ( ) over the image, then click and
drag to define the region to be adjusted. Release the
mouse button when you are satisfied with the
4  Position the cursor near the part that you wish to
warp (the cursor changes to an open hand), then
click and drag in the desired direction (the cursor
changes to a grabbing hand). Release the mouse
button when you are satisfied with the adjustment.
For a stronger effect, click inside the defined area
and drag. For a more subtle effect, click outside the
defined area and drag.


Click the view results navigation button on the left

side of the screen to review the simulated outcome in
various view modes.

• The initial viewing option displays a side-by-side

comparison of the pre-op image (on the left) and
the simulated outcome (on the right.) To view in 3
viewports click . Click to return to two.
To change the image in one of the viewports, click
its name in the bottom bar and select the desired
image from the pop-up menu.
To return to this side-by-side view at any time,
click .

VECTRA M3 User Guide 48


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

• To display a single image with a slider for morphing

between pre-op and simulated outcome, click .
Drag the slider bubble to display the original image,
the simulated outcome, or any point in between:

  To quickly toggle
between the original
image and the simulated
outcome, click the
 toggle button to the
right of the slider, or
click  to auto-animate
the morph.

• Click to view the

pre-op image overlaid
with a semi-transparent
simulated outcome.
Click to toggle
between showing the
pre-op or simulated
image opaque.

• Click to generate a color-coded view of the

volume differences between the original image and
the simulated image. Gray represents unchanged
areas, blue represents the greatest increased volume,
and yellow represents the greatest decreased volume
in the simulated image. Intermediate values are
represented by corresponding intermediate colors.
A scale along the left edge Click and hover the 
of the viewport shows cursor over modified
the amount of change areas to display the
associated with each color. volume difference
between the pre-op
image and the simulated

VECTRA M3 User Guide 49


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Click texture to show 

normal skin tone and
texture; click again to
toggle off.
Click contours
to reveal contour lines;
click again to toggle off.

• To automatically rotate an image to a preset viewpoint,

click one of the rotate-to-view buttons on the left
side of the screen.
• To see the image from any viewpoint at any
magnification, select one of the adjust viewpoint
buttons at the top of the screen,
then click within the image and drag.
• To toggle automatic rotation on or off click at
the top of the screen.


Sculptor’s color markers enable you draw colored lines

on the 3D image, useful for communicating with your
patient or adding treatment planning notes for future
reference. The marker palette is displayed in the upper
right corner of the screen.

1  Click a marker button ( ) to

select its color (pink, red, purple, blue, green, or black).
The button becomes highlighted ( ) and the cursor
changes to the selected color marker ( ).

2  Position the cursor over the desired start point for the
line, click and drag to draw a line on the surface of the
3D image, then release the mouse button.
• To draw with a different color, select one of the
other marker buttons.
• To erase the most recent stroke, click undo or
press Ctrl-Z on your keyboard.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 50


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

• To clear all recently drawn marker lines at once,

click . (To toggle visibility, click , then .)

Erase all mark-ups before applying Sculptor’s

texture tools (resurface, clone or wrinkle).

The marked up image may be saved as a 3D or 2D

image and/or printed or saved in a Sculptor report.

To record your notes and recommendations, click

in the marker palette (upper right corner of screen).
Type in the box, then click OK. Content that you enter
in the notes box will appear on notes-enabled versions
of the printed report (see 5.10  Printing Reports).
 otes are only saved to the patient chart if you save
a notes-enabled report as a PDF.


1 Click (bottom of the screen) to open Animator.

 lick the Animator title bar and drag to reposition
the floating dialog box as needed.

2  Use adjust viewpoint buttons to

orient the image to the rotation and zoom desired for
the first frame of the animation.

3 Click CAPTURE New Key Frame to save this

view as Key Frame 1.
• A thumbnail of the key frame appears in the
Animator dialog. If you wish to return the image to
this orientation and zoom, click the thumbnail.
• Click the trash icon if you wish to delete this key
Optional: Adjust the amount of time the animation
should pause at this key frame.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 51


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

4 Rotate and/or zoom the image to the next position,

and then click CAPTURE New Key Frame to save
this view as Key Frame 2.
• A second thumbnail appears in the Animator dialog.
Optional: Adjust the interval between key frames.
• Notice that the GENERATE animation button is
no longer disabled. A minimum of two key frames
must be specified to generate an animation.
Repeat step 4 until you have specified all the key frames
you wish to include in your animation. Animator will
automatically insert the in between frames (“tweens”)
to make smooth transitions between the key frames.
If you would like the animation to loop back to
Key Frame 1 at the end, click the first thumbnail,
then click CAPTURE New Key Frame.

Saving key frames (optional)

If you plan to reuse a particular sequence, click save
after you have specified all the key frames you wish
to include in the template. Click clear if you wish to
delete all of the key frames and start over. Click load
to automatically generate the saved sequence.

Changing the pixel dimensions (optional)

Pixel dimensions determine how large the animation
appears on screen during playback. Increasing the pixel
dimensions also increases the size of the file. Smaller
file sizes are recommended for web or e-mail.
To change the pixel dimensions, select a preset size
by clicking the radio button next to small, medium
or large, or modify the values in the width and/or
height fields.
preset 1 viewport 2 viewports*
small 180 x 240 pixels 360 x 240 pixels
medium 360 x 480 pixels 720 x 480 pixels
large 720 x 960 pixels 1440 x 960 pixels
*The preset pixel width is doubled for 2 viewports.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 52


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

When link is selected, changing one dimension will

automatically change the other dimension to maintain
the aspect ratio. When link is unselected, the aspect
ratio may be modified.

Changing the number of frames per second (optional)

To define the number of frames Animator will insert
for each second of playback, modify the value in the
frames per sec. field. More frames per second will
result in smoother transitions, but increase the file size.
8 FPS is the default, recommended value.

Changing the looping option (optional)

If the loop check box is selected ( ), the animation
will loop continuously. If the loop check box is
unselected, the animation will play once and then stop.

5  Click GENERATE animation to view the

animation in a floating Preview dialog box.
Clicking the ✕ in the upper right corner
of the Preview or Animator dialog
closes the box.
Click to pause playback.
The icon changes to .
Click to resume playback.
Click to stop playback. The
animation starts at the first frame when

6  Click to save the animation into

the patient chart as an Animated GIF
Image with the file extension, “.gif”.
The generated animation is not retained
if you close the Preview dialog box
without saving the animation.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 53


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

The Animator dialog box retains your specified

key frames and settings until you close the image.
You may change, for example, the number of open
viewports or the view mode from color (textured) to
gray (untextured), then generate a new animation.

 Pre-op and simulated images in

synchronized 2-viewport animation.


1  Click save (top left corner of the screen) or

press Ctrl-S on your keyboard.

2  The Save dialog opens with automatically generated

names for the pre-op image with trimming and/or
landmarks and the simulated outcome image.
• To preserve trimming and/or landmarks that have
been applied to the pre-op image, make sure the
first checkbox is checked.
• To preserve the simulated outcome as a 3D image
(.tom file), make sure the second checkbox is
• If you wish to change a file name, highlight the
name and type a new name in the field.

3 Click save to save the pre-op (if checked) and

simulated 3D images into the patient chart.

You will be prompted to save the simulated outcome

before you exit Face Sculptor.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 54


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Saving 2D images
Sculptor enables you to save a 2D version of any image
that appears on the screen into the patient chart.
When the patient chart is opened in Mirror software,
2D images may be exported into PowerPoint
presentations or be printed for use during surgery.
(For more on printing and exporting 2D images, see
your Mirror User Guide.)

1  Make sure the orientation, zoom, and framing of the

images(s) on screen reflect the desired 2D image(s).

2  Click 2D (top left corner of the screen).

3 Select desired image parameters:

• Constrain aspect ratio is recommended to avoid
image distortion.
• Lossless image compression: 
Unchecked will produce a compressed
JPEG image with smaller file size and loss
of quality.
Checked will produce a PNG with larger
file size and sharper edges.

• Single image:  If two or three views are displayed

on screen, and single image is unchecked, a
2D image of each view will be saved. If checked,
a single image of all views will be saved.
• Solid blue background color:  Check to save
2D image with blue background; uncheck to save
with the viewport background color selected in
Settings (dark gray/light gray/gradient/solid).

4 Click OK.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 55


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor


1  Click the print tab at the top of the screen to open

Sculptor’s print dialog.
• Thumbnail representations of Face Sculptor’s report
templates are displayed in the left column. Click on a
thumbnail to view a full size preview of that report.
• If the single print 
button is selected when
print or save
PDF is clicked, only
the “current” report
template—the one that
is shown in the full size
preview—is printed/
saved. It doesn’t matter
whether the thumbnail
is checked or not.
• If the multiple print button is selected when
print or save PDF is clicked, only the
checked thumbnails are printed/saved. It doesn’t
matter which report is being currently previewed.
 The single/multiple selectors enable you to
identify certain report templates as your standard
set for Face Sculptor consultations while keeping
the standard set intact if a different template, or
only one of the templates, is occasionally used.
• Click the checkbox ( ) in the upper right corner
of a thumbnail to add that template to the report
set. Click a selected checkbox ( ) to remove that
template from the report set.
• The most recently viewed simulated outcome is
represented in the print reports by default. To print/
save a different simulation or post-op image, click
the arrow next to the image name at the top of the
screen and select the desired image from the drop
down menu.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 56


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

• If you wish your notes and recommendations to

appear on the printed report, select a notes-enabled
report template (e.g., 2 images, preop & sim, oblique,
notes). Click notes to add or edit your notes and
personalized recommendations for treatment.

click zoom in click zoom out

to see a magnified to reduce the magnification
view of the preview of the preview

2  Click print to open the OS Print dialog and

print a paper report, or click save PDF to save
an electronic version of the selected report(s).

3  To exit Sculptor’s print dialog and return to the

review screen, click close (top right of screen).


Facial simulations can be uploaded to Canfield’s

secure patient portal, Licensed
educational materials can also be made available for
your patient to review while logged onto the portal.
You may upload current scenarios (up to two) at the
end of the consultation, or select a previously saved
simulation from a patient chart.

To upload current simulation(s)

1  Click the upload tab at the top of
the screen.
2  Complete the steps in Uploading simulations to below.

*Not available in every country. Only available to users with current

Support & Upgrade contract.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 57


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

To upload previously saved simulations

1  Open the patient chart that includes the images
you wish to upload to
(see 3.1  Finding a Patient Chart).

2  Click to select the thumbnail for the first time point,

then Shift-click to select the corresponding simulation
(or Ctrl-click to select a discontiguous thumbnail).

3 Click open in Comparison.

4  Click the upload tab at the top of
the screen.

5  Complete the steps in Uploading simulations to below.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 58


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Uploading simulations to

1  Verify practitioner name and patient email address

• Make sure the correct practitioner is selected.
(Click to refresh list, if needed.)
• Make sure the patient’s email address is correct.
• Re-enter the patient’s email address.

The “Select availability of

patient education materials” 2  Select availability of patient education materials
pane appears only if you are
licensed to use Electronic • If you are licensed to use Electronic Procedural
Procedural Brochures from Brochures from ASAPS, a selection form appears
The American Society of
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
beneath the Patient Details pane. Check the
materials you wish to make available to this
patient while logged into

3  Select images to upload (if 2 scenarios are available)

• Both scenarios are selected by default. Uncheck a
simulation if you do not wish to make it available.
• Select the simulation to be displayed when the
portal is first opened. Simulation 1 is selected
by default.

4  Click Next (upper right corner of screen).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 59


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

5 Authenticate
• Make sure the correct Username is selected.
(Click to refresh list, if needed.)
• Enter the password for the selected Username,
if requested.

6  Review upload summary

• Review the upload summary information. If a
change is needed, click back (upper right
corner of screen), make adjustments as needed,
then click next.

7  Obtain patient consent

• After the patient has signed the patient consent
form, click the check box next to Consent form
has been signed by patient.

8 Click upload (upper right corner

of screen).

9  Click OK in the confirmation

message. The previous consultation
screen is displayed.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 60


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor


Markerless Tracking  provides a dynamic assessment of skin surface changes.

After automatically aligning a pair of 3D images, the skin surfaces are tracked and
mapped. Colored vector arrows provide a precise indication of the direction and
magnitude of skin movement, which is ideal for encouraging future treatments
by showing patients their personal improvement results, confirming patient
improvements with detailed evidence of treatment results, and educating
through the review of outcomes and technique refinement.

Performing Markerless Tracking

1  Open the patient chart that includes the images you
wish to review (see 3.1  Finding a Patient Chart).
2  Click to select two thumbnails for automated
markerless tracking. Select the earlier time point first,
then Shift‑click to select the second thumbnail (or
Ctrl‑click to select a discontiguous thumbnail).

3 Click markerless tracking.

A progress bar is displayed as VECTRA performs
automated markerless tracking on the selected images.

A new thumbnail representing the tracked images is

created in the patient chart.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 61


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Reviewing tracked images in Comparison Mode

1  Click to select the tracked images thumbnail.

2 Click open in Comparison.

The initial viewing option displays a side-by-side

comparison of the tracked images. To return to this
side-by-side view at any time, click .

See 5.6  Viewing the Simulated Outcome for Face

Sculptor view modes. This section covers viewing
options that are only available with tracked images.

To display the tracked 

images superimposed with
a slider for morphing
between the two, click .

To display the colored vector arrows, click

 vector analysis. To select analysis zone(s),
click icon for desired zone; click again to deselect.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 62


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Drag the slider bubble to display the image and vector arrows for the earlier time
point, later time point, or any point in between.

Click  to auto-animate the morph.

Click to quickly switch between time points.

Click one of the  buttons to decrease or increase the

size of the vector arrows.

Click to generate a color-coded view of the

volume differences between the images. Blue
represents the greatest increased volume and yellow
represents the greatest decreased volume between the
two images. Intermediate values are represented by
corresponding intermediate colors.
A scale along the left edge To select analysis zone(s), click
of the viewport shows icon(s) in the lower left corner of the
the amount of change screen; click again to deselect.
associated with each color.

Click texture to show 

normal skin tone and
texture; click again to
toggle off.
Click contours
to reveal contour lines;
click again to toggle off.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 63


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

Measuring the volume difference

1 Click in the top bar.

2  Click in the image area and drag the brush to

define the area you wish to measure.
3  Release the mouse button to view the measurement.

Click and drag again to add to the defined area.

Each time the mouse button is released the
measurement is updated.
Right-click within the defined area to select
• Reset (remove defined areas) or
• Surface Area (display change in surface area,
instead of volume difference).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 64


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor


Click preferences (top left corner of the screen)

to open the preferences dialog box or click setup
from the VECTRA home screen.

1  GENERAL tab
Enter your name or the name of your
practice as you wish for it to appear at
the top of every printed report.
Enter your contact information, such as
address, phone number, website. This
will appear at the top of every printed
report, below your practice name.
 Each of the two customizable fields
can contain one line of text. Print a
test to make sure your information
fits the template.

If desired, modify or delete If desired, change the

the disclaimer that is displayed viewport background.
over simulations.

2  FACE tab—workflow sequence

Select or deselect the modules you

wish to be displayed. These changes
take effect after you close and reopen

VECTRA M3 User Guide 65


Chapter 5 Face Sculptor

2  FACE tab—features & assessments

• Uncheck “place landmarks” if you
wish to turn off automatic placement
of landmarks.
• Uncheck “rotate to optimal . . .”
to disable automatic rotation to
optimal orientation when you select
a constrained rhinoplasty or chin
augmentation adjustment tool.
• show/hide  Uncheck to disable
some or all of Face Sculptor’s
assessment diagrams and modes
(see 5.3 Assessment).

After you have made your selections, click the close button to apply.


• To close Face Sculptor and display the VECTRA

patient chart, click the VECTRA logo in the upper left
corner of the screen or click the in the upper
right corner of the screen.

• To close Face Sculptor and display the current image

in VECTRA Analysis Module, click in the upper
left corner of the screen.

• To exit VECTRA software completely, click the

VECTRA logo from a patient chart to return to the
home screen, then 
click exit in the
lower right corner
of the screen.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 66


VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

The VECTRA Analysis Module may be accessed from

the VECTRA Patient Chart (see Chapter 3: The VECTRA
Patient Chart) or it may run as a module within Mirror®
imaging software (see 7.1  The Mirror Patient Chart).
NOTE:  The term “surface” refers to any 3D object,
image, or part of an image displayed in a viewport.


toolbars menus viewport Surface View Selectors master Surface View Selectors
(see section 6.2) (see 6.3–6.12) (see below) (see below)

Log window (data display) viewports

VECTRA M3 User Guide 67


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Surface View Selector

The Surface View Selector controls the selection
(whether the image is active) and visibility of the
open image. Each open image is controlled by its own
Surface View Selector.
A master Surface View Selector for each open image is
located at the top of the screen on the toolbar. Changes
in a master Surface View Selector will affect its image in
all viewports.
The visibility of the master Surface View Selector(s) is
controlled by checking or unchecking Preferences A
Show A Surface View Selector.
The master Surface View Selector(s) may display the
name of the image (“surface”) next to or below the
image icon (see 6.11 The Preferences Menu, Surface
View Selector for more on hiding/displaying Surface
View Selector features).
A viewport Surface View Selector for each open image
is located in the upper left corner of each viewport if
show selector in each viewport is checked
(Preferences A Surface View Selector A show
selector in each viewport). Changes in a viewport
Surface View Selector will affect only its image in that
viewport. When “show selector in each viewport” is
checked, the viewport selector(s) may be retracted or
extended by clicking the arrow next to the selector(s).

The left side of the Surface View Selector contains an

iconic representation of the image that it controls.
When it appears selected (pressed), the image is active.
When it appears deselected, the image is inactive and
active image inactive image appears translucent in the viewport (if it is visible).

The right side of the Surface View Selector controls the

visibility of its image. When the eye appears selected
(pressed), the image is visible. When the eye appears
deselected, the image is hidden.
visible image hidden image

VECTRA M3 User Guide 68


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

(Note: An image cannot

selected/active image inactive visible image inactive hidden image be active if it is hidden.)

click to make the click to hide

image inactive the image

Horizontal toolbar buttons
import import 3D object from directory location
snap view snap grid to nearest 90° alignment
rock view rotate viewport 1 back and forth continuously
smooth shading view image with smooth shading
flat shading view image with flat shading
wireframe view image in wireframe
outline view view image outline only
textured view image with texture (looks like skin)
textured + lit view image with texture + artificial light
untextured view image only—no texture (looks like clay)
color by distance view false color map (if created)
perspective perspective (with depth) view
orthographic orthographic (flat) view
1 viewport show 1 viewport
2 viewports (vertical split) show 2 viewports with vertical split
2 viewports (horizontal split) show 2 viewports with horizontal split
4 viewports show 4 viewports
6 standard views generate 6 standard + 2 custom views
show axis grid turn on all axis grids (x, y, z)

VECTRA M3 User Guide 69


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

highlight selected views outline selected images

  brush size selector choose size of Area Selection brush
Face Sculptor® switch to Face Sculptor 3D aesthetic simulation
Body Sculptor® switch to Body Sculptor 3D aesthetic simulation
Breast Sculptor® switch to Breast Sculptor 3D aesthetic simulation
Viewport Extras toolbar buttons  This set of buttons becomes available by
selecting Preferences A Show A Viewport Extras.
side-by-side show one image in each of two viewports
synchronize viewports lock/unlock synchronization between viewports
spin X spin point-of-view around X axis only
spin Y spin point-of-view around Y axis only
spin Z spin point-of-view around Z axis only
Vertical toolbar buttons
select views select image in viewport
spin spin point-of-view
pan pan point-of-view right, left, up, or down
zoom zoom point-of-view (increase/decrease magnification)
roll roll point-of-view
dolly zoom move closer to image
contra zoom zoom with perspective distortion
paint area selection select area by painting over the image
erase area selection subtract from selection by painting over selected area
open loop points draw a curved line by clicking a series of points
closed loop points select area by clicking points around its perimeter
select area by lasso select area by drawing a line around its perimeter
erase area by lasso draw over selected area to subtract from selection
box crop draw a box and delete everything outside of it

VECTRA M3 User Guide 70


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

spin active surfaces spin image spatial orientation

pan active surfaces pan image spatial orientation
roll active surfaces roll image spatial orientation
place landmarks place landmarks on image
select landmarks select placed landmarks (hold shift key for multiple)
circumference measure the circumference of a surface

The direction from which the image is viewed.
The image retains its spatial orientation relative to the
axis grid as the point of view moves (see 6.10 The
Surface Menu). Tools of this type move the axis grid
and the image, and are identified by an eye:

Spatial orientation
The viewing direction remains the same and the image
moves relative to the axis grid (see 6.10 The Surface
Menu). This action changes the spatial orientation of the
image and will nullify registration of images if the change
is saved. Use only as directed and in the manner
described. Tools of this type are identified with a cube:

VECTRA M3 User Guide 71


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview


The following sections briefly describe all of the

commands that may appear in the main menus.
Many of the functions provided in the menus are also
available in the toolbars. Available keyboard shortcuts
are noted [in brackets].


Open Patient Chart… View the current 

[Ctrl + O] patient’s chart in Mirror
(only if opened from Mirror) (see Mirror User Guide,
Chapter 7). Click
arrow in upper right
corner of the screen to
return to VAM.

Search for Patient… Locate a patient record

[Ctrl + Q] in Mirror’s Patient
(only if opened from Mirror) Search tab (see Mirror
User Guide, Chapter 7).
Click arrow in
upper right corner of
the screen to return to VAM.
Search for Images… Locate an image in Mirror’s Image Search tab (see
(only if opened from Mirror) Mirror User Guide, Chapter 7). Click arrow in upper
right corner of the screen to return to VAM.
Import… Import 3D files (with suffixes .obj, .stl, .tsb, or .tom):
Browse to the desired file, select it, and click Open.
The image opens in VAM.
Close [Ctrl + W] Close active image(s).
Save… Opens a dialog box that enables the user to enter
a new name for an image that has been captured,
imported, or altered. A thumbnail with the new name
will be added to the open Patient Chart.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 72


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Export… Exports the active image as a .tom file to the selected

directory location.

Export PDF… Exports the active image(s) as a 3D PDF file to the

selected directory location.

Save 2D Image(s) The current view in each viewport is saved as a two-

dimensional image in the currently open Patient Chart.

Create Animation… Opens the Animator dialog for creating an Animated

GIF Image with the file extension, “.gif”.

Open Image as Opens a two-dimensional image (.png, .jpg, or .jpeg) as

a Flat Surface… a flat surface in the plane selected.

Open Background Opens a two-dimensional image (.png, .jpg, or .jpeg) as

Image… the background/wallpaper for the viewport.

Run Script… Enables the user to run pre-configured scripts.

Exit Closes VECTRA Analysis Module and returns the user to

the patient chart.


Undo [Ctrl + Z] Undoes the last action 

(in this example, undo
Viewpoint Zoom).

Redo [Ctrl + Y] Enables the user to redo the last action that was
undone (in this example, redo Viewpoint).

Delete Selected Area Deletes the area of the image that has been selected.

Delete Selected Deletes landmarks that have been selected.


Delete All Landmarks Deletes all landmarks, regardless of whether they are
selected or not selected.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 73


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview


Spin, Pan, and Roll enable the user 
to change the point of view without
moving the image in relation to the
axis grid.
These tools move the image and the
grid; the image is locked in its spatial
orientation relative to the axis grid.
This operation is different from the
Spin (Pan or Roll) Active Surfaces
operation which moves the spatial
orientation of the image in relation
to the axis grid (see 6.10 The Surface

Spin [S] Rotates the image freely in any plane.

[Alt + left mouse button temporarily
enables the Spin tool.]

Zoom [Z] Increases or decreases the magnification of the image:

Click in the image and drag up (to decrease) or down
(to increase), or rotate the scroll wheel on the mouse
(if your mouse has this feature).

Pan [P] Moves the image left, right, up, or down within the
viewport—x and y axes only. [Alt + right mouse
button temporarily enables the Pan tool.]

Roll Rotates the image in the XY plane.

Fit View Changes the magnification of the image to the

maximum size that will fit within the Viewport.

Snap View Automatically moves/rotates the image to the nearest

90-degree alignment.

Rock View The image(s) in viewport 1 continuously rotate back

and forth (side to side) by approximately 45 degrees in
each direction. Click Rock View (in the toolbar or
menu selection) to stop the rotation.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 74


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Shading A Smooth Shading—This is the default view. When

viewed in this mode, the image geometry is smoothed
to create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Flat Shading—Displays the image as flat-sided
polygons representative of raw capture data.
Wire Frame—Displays the image as the geometric
triangles that comprise the image. This view may be
used to understand the image in greater detail.
Show Outline Only—Only the outline of the image is
displayed (to demonstrate contour lines).

Texture A Textured—This is the normal view, the image as

originally captured or imported. Skin color and texture
are visible.
Textured + Lit—Adds artificial lighting, such as
shadows or highlights, for a clearer view of targeted
areas. To change the lighting, use the Lighting options
explained in the next section.
Untextured—Removes color texture detail leaving an
image that visually represents the geometric data.
Color by Distance—Displays the results of the Color
Surface by Distance tool (see Using “Color Surface by
Distance” in section 8.1) if it has been previously
executed for the selected image(s).

Lighting A This feature works in conjunction with Textured + Lit

(see above). Four Lighting options are available.*
classic—Adds artificial lighting as if one light is shining
on the image from the front, top, left side.
front 2 top light—Adds artificial lighting as if two
lights are shining on the image from the top. This is the
default light setting.
front light—Adds artificial lighting as if one light is
shining on the image from the front.

*Additional Lighting sources and/or Specularity options may be defined as needed—

contact Canfield Scientific, Inc..

VECTRA M3 User Guide 75


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

front top light—Adds artificial lighting as if one light

is shining on the image from the top.
vectra3face—Lighting used in Face Sculptor.
vectra3torso—Lighting used in Body/Breast Sculptor.
capture lighting—Lighting used when image was

Specularity A This feature works in conjunction with Untextured

and Lighting (see above). Four Specularity options are
Matt—Displays the image in a matte finish. This is the
default specularity setting.
Slightly Shiny—Displays the image in a slightly shiny
Medium Shiny—Displays the image in a moderately
shiny finish.
Shiny—Displays the image in the maximum shiny

Projection A The image may be viewed with or without depth.

Perspective—Provides depth to the image.
Orthographic—Displays the image as if it were flat.

Distance A Two ways to zoom the user’s point of view in relation

to the image.
Dolly Zoom—Gives the effect of the viewer moving
closer to or farther from the image. To dolly zoom,
click in the image and drag up to move farther from the
image or drag down to move closer to the image.
Contra Zoom—Zooms the point-of-view with perspec­
tive distortion (the rear of the image remains in place
while the front of the image moves toward the viewer).

*Additional Lighting sources and/or Specularity options may be defined as needed—

contact Canfield Scientific, Inc..

VECTRA M3 User Guide 76


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Axis Grid A Show Axis Grids [G]—Display (or hide) the

three-dimensional axis grids for all planes.
Show XY Plane—Show/hide the grid in the XY plane.
Show YZ Plane—Show/hide the grid in the YZ plane.
Show ZX Plane—Show/hide the grid in the ZX plane.

Viewports A Five presets enable simultaneous display of different

images, or different views of the same image.
1 Viewport—A single viewport is displayed.
2 Viewports—Two viewports are displayed side-by-side
2 Viewports—Two viewports are displayed side-by-side
4 Viewports—Four viewports within a 2 x 2 grid.
6 Standard Views—Eight viewports within a 2 x 4 grid
(six standard views and two custom views).


Measurements are based on 

landmarks: significant user-
defined points on the image.

Select A All—Select all landmarks.

None—Deselect all landmarks.

Tools A Place Landmarks—Create auto-numbered landmarks.

Select Landmarks—Select previously created
landmarks. To select multiple landmarks, press and
hold the Shift key after the first landmark selection.
[Ctrl] toggles between selection and deselection
of landmarks, as well as between the placement of
landmarks and the deselection of landmarks.
For example, press the Ctrl key while using Place
Landmarks to deselect a previously placed landmark.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 77


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Create Named Opens the Named Landmarks window for placing

Landmarks… landmarks that are assigned and named according to a
preset list and are then used to generate a pre-defined
set of calculations.

Delete Selected Deletes landmarks that have been selected. (The same
Landmarks command is available from the Edit menu.)

Delete All Landmarks Deletes all landmarks, regardless of whether they are
selected or not selected.

Project Selected Project selected landmarks onto a different image.

Landmarks Landmarks can be properly projected only onto an
image that has already been registered to the image on
which the landmarks were created.

Display Coordinates The values for the X, Y, and Z coordinates for all
selected landmarks are displayed in the Log window.

Show Show all previously hidden landmarks.

Hide Hide all landmarks.


Tools A Pick Multiple Points for Open Loop—

Draw a smooth curved line by clicking
a series of points.
Pick Multiple Points for Closed Loop—Select a
smooth curved area by clicking points around its
perimeter. Click counter-clockwise to select area inside,
clockwise to select area outside of the perimeter. Then
right-click and choose “add to selected area” to create
a marked area, or “subtract from selected area” to erase
this area from an existing marked area.
Show All Show all loops that have been saved with names.
Hide All Hide all loops that have been saved with names.
Delete All Delete all loops that have been saved with names.

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Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview


Select A All—Select all active image 

Clear—Deselect all image
Inverse—Inverse the selected areas: The areas of the
image that were not selected become selected and vice
Extend Using Landmarks—A selection method:
Click place landmarks and then click at several
points around the perimeter of the area you wish
to select. Select Area A Select A Extend Using
Landmarks. The landmark dots are connected and
filled in as a selection.
Reduce Using Landmarks—Subtract from the selected
area by defining a series of landmarks to create the
shape that should be deselected.
If the landmarks are placed in a clockwise order, the
area outside of the shape will be selected/deselected. If
the landmarks are placed in a counter-clockwise order,
the area inside of the shape will be selected/deselected.

Tools A Paint Area Selection—Select area by painting over

the image.
Erase Area Selection—Subtract from selection by
painting over selected area.
Select Area By Boundary—Select area by drawing its
boundary. Drawing in a counter-clockwise direction
selects the area inside of the shape. Drawing in a clock­
wise direction selects the area outside of the shape.
Erase Area By Boundary—Draw boundary of an area
to subtract from selection. Drawing in a counter-clockwise
direction subtracts the area inside of the shape.
Drawing in a clock­wise direction subtracts the area
outside of the shape.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 79


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

[Ctrl] toggles between the Paint and Erase functions of

Area Selection, as well as between the Select and Erase
functions of Area By Boundary. For example, press the
Ctrl key while using Paint Area Selection to temporarily
switch to Erase Area Selection.

Copy Selected Area Create a new image from the selected area.

Delete Selected Area Remove the image within the selected area.

Project Selected Area Project a selected area onto a different image.

An area can be properly projected only onto an image
that has already been registered to the image on which
the area was created.

Show Show all previously hidden image area selections.

Hide Hide all image area selections.


Tools A Select Views of Surfaces—

Click within an inactive
image to make it active; all
other open images become
The next three tools (Spin
Active Surfaces, Pan Active
Surfaces, and Roll Active
Surfaces) move the image
relative to the axis grid while the point of view remains
the same.
This action changes the spatial orientation of the image
and will nullify registration of images if the change is saved.
(See section 6.6 The View Menu for tools that move the
point of view and not the image.)
The difference between View menu tools and Surface
menu tools becomes more apparent when the Axis
Grid is visible (View A Axis Grid A Show Axis Grid):

VECTRA M3 User Guide 80


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

View / Spin:
The point of view
moves while the
image retains its
spatial orientation
relative to the grid.

Spin Active
The image moves
relative to the axis
grid while the point
of view is fixed.

Spin Active Surfaces—Rotates the image freely in any

plane, independent of the axis grid.
Pan Active Surfaces—Moves the image left, right, up,
or down within the viewport—x and y axes only—
independent of the axis grid.
Roll Active Surfaces—Rotates the image in the XY
plane, independent of the axis grid.

Register Surfaces… Enables the user to register two or more images so that
they are aligned as closely as possible. This is useful
for visual image comparison and necessary for some
analytical processes.

Find Symmetry Enables the user to establish midline symmetry—useful

for evaluation and for registering two images.

Flip Orientation Enables the user to change the orientation of a surface

view from outside to inside, or from inside to outside.
The result is discernible only if Show Reverse in
Different Color is selected from the Preferences menu.

Stitch Surfaces Enables the user to create a volumetric shape by joining

(stitching) two surfaces together. This is useful for
measuring difference in volume between two registered
images, such as pre- and post-op.

Fill Smallest Hole Enables the user to fill gaps in the surface. The software
will identify the smallest hole in the surface and fill it.

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Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Selecting this option a second time will cause the second

smallest hole to be filled. This process can be repeated
as many times as necessary to fill the holes in a surface.
NOTE: The filled surface will be untextured.

+/– Volumes Allows the positive and negative volume components

to be separated from any closed, or solid model,
surface that has been generated using the Volume
Between Two Surfaces (difference model) tool, created
using advanced stitching techniques, or imported from
a directory location. This will result in the creation of
two surface models, one representing positive volumes
and one representing negative volumes.

Split at Plane A Divides the image based on the selected plane and
reports the volume for each half in the Log window.
3 Landmarks—The plane is based on three
user-placed landmarks.
The order in which landmarks are placed determines
the values of the measurements.
X = 0—The plane is based on the zero-point of
the X-axis of the grid.
Y = 0—The plane is based on the zero-point of
the Y-axis of the grid.
Z = 0—The plane is based on the zero-point of
the Z-axis of the grid.
The term “In front of split” refers to positive values in
relation to the axis grid, and the term “Behind split”
refers to negative values in relation to the axis grid.

Reflect in Plane A Reflects the image around the X, Y, or Z axis. The

result is a mirror image of the original.

Copy and Reflect A copy of the image is created and reflected around the
in Plane A X, Y, or Z axis or a user-defined plane. The result is a
mirrored copy of the original image. The user may then
overlay the original with its reflection, or display the
two views side by side.

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Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Reset Orientation Restores the original orientation and position of the

and Position image as it was captured or last saved. If Spin, Pan,
and/or Roll Active Surfaces has been applied to
change the spatial orientation of the image, the image
will be reset to its original captured orientation and
position. (Selecting this menu item will have no effect
on Viewpoint Spin, Pan, or Roll.)


Distance A Straight Line Between 

Landmarks—Measures the
straight-line distance between
two landmarks regardless of the
surface topography.
Across Surface Between Landmarks—Measures
the shortest surface distance along a path defined by
Landmark to Surface—Measures the distance
between selected landmark(s) on one image and the
nearest point on a second active image.
Perimeter of Selected Area—Measures the perimeter
of a selected area, such as the perimeter of a lesion on
a patient’s skin.
Color Surface by Distance…—Calculates the
distances between two images and colors the images
according to the measurement data for visual feedback.
Numerical data for min., max., RMS, mean, and
standard deviation is also displayed. Useful for
measuring accuracy of registration and identifying
regions of dimensional difference. These regions can be
selected and then separated and further analyzed.

Circumference at Plane A Circumference is measured at the cross-section of

a user-selected plane and selected image. Each
measurement is displayed in the Log window.

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Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

3 Landmarks—The plane is defined by three

user-selected landmarks.
x, y, or z = n—The plane is 
defined by a user-selected point
(n) along the selected axis
(x, y, or z).
The orientation of the image to
the grid will determine where
the cross-section will be created.

Angle A from 3 Landmarks—Measures the angle formed at

landmark 2 by landmarks 1 and 3 on the selected

Area A of selection—Measures the area of the selected region.

of surface—Measures the area of active image(s).
Values are displayed in the Log window.

Volume A to Interpolating Surface—Uses a mathematical

algorithm to generate an independent interpolating
surface based on the selected area. The volume
between the interpolating surface and the original
surface is then calculated and reported in the
Log window.
of Closed Surface—Measures the volume of an object
that is completely enclosed.
Between Two Surfaces (difference object)—
Measures the volume between two registered images
by calculating the volume between a selected area on
one image and the corresponding area on the other
(registered) image. A closed model of the difference
volume is created as a new image. The volume
difference (or closed model) volume is reported in the
Log window.
Between Two Surfaces (parallel projection)—
Measures the difference in volume between similar
areas on two different images, the second image being
projected parallel to a plane on the first.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 84


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Color A Measures and displays color for the Textured

(normal skin-tone) view of the image.
Display RGB Values for Landmarks—Displays the
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values at each landmark (dot).
Display Average RGB Values for Selected Area—
Displays the average of the values for each color (Red,
Green, Blue) for the selected area, as well as the size
of the selection (in pixels) and the standard deviation
within the sample.
Set White Point for CIE Measurements—Enables the
user to set the white point for CIE measurements .
Display Average CIE L*a*b* Value for Selected
Area—Displays the average of the values for each
aspect of the Lab color space for the selected area,
as well as the size of the selection (in pixels) and the
standard deviation within the sample.


Background Color…—
Opens the Select color
dialog box for changing
the background color of
the Viewport.

Surface Color…—Opens
the Select color dialog
box for changing the image color.

The image color is visible only when Untextured

view is selected.

Show Reverse in Different Color—Displays the

reverse (inside or rear) of a surface in a different color
from the outside (front).

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Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Reverse Surface Color—Opens the Select color

dialog box for changing the color of the reverse
(inside) surface.

Show Reverse in Wireframe—Displays the reverse

(inside) of a surface in Wireframe view.

Highlight Selected Views—Displays an outline

around the edge of the image.

Surface View Selector A Enables the user to customize the display of surface
view indicators on screen.

show surface names displays the image name to the

right of the icon (rather than the icon only).
surface names below icons displays the image name
centered below its icon (rather than next to it).
horizontal layout displays the surface view
information horizontally across the top of the screen
(rather than stacked vertically). This option makes a
difference only if more than one image is open.
show selector in each viewport displays a separate
Surface View Selector in the upper left corner of each
viewport, enabling the user to show or hide images
separately for each viewport. This option makes a
difference only if more than one viewport is displayed.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 86


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview

Show A Enables the user to customize availability of tools and

information on screen.

Color Surface by Distance makes the Color Surface

by Distance dialog box visible.
Log makes the list of measurements and data visible.
Landmark List makes the Landmark List dialog box
Tools makes the toolbar at the top of the screen
Mouse Tools makes the vertical toolbar visible.
Draw Area Selection makes additional selection tools
available in the vertical toolbar: select area by
boundary and erase area by boundary.
Brush Sizes makes the brush sizes drop down menu
visible at the top of the screen.
Viewport Extras makes additional toolbar buttons
available at the top of the screen: .
Surface View Selector makes the Surface View
Selector visible.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 87


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview


Software features are accessed by selecting commands

from the main menus or by clicking buttons on the
toolbars. Which commands are available depends upon
the current state of the program (whether any images
are open/selected, etc.).

Dialog boxes
Some commands (Open Patient Chart, for example)
cause a dialog box to appear. A dialog box allows you
to enter information, make selections or choose settings
for the current operation.
When settings and data in a dialog box appear as you
wish, you can execute the command by clicking a
button that is typically marked with a descriptive label
(Save, Import, etc.) or simply OK.
Most dialog boxes also contain a Cancel button.
Clicking Cancel closes the dialog box without
executing the command. Any data entered prior to
clicking Cancel is discarded.

Moving the mouse will cause the cursor (pointer) to
move on the screen.

To “click”, move the mouse to position the cursor over
the desired area, then press and release the left mouse

To “right-click” press and release the right mouse button.
A right-click is used to select from a contextual pop-up

VECTRA M3 User Guide 88


Chapter 6 VECTRA Analysis Module (VAM) Overview


File management occurs within a database that is

made up of individual patient records. Each patient
record contains data pertaining to that patient (name,
ID number, date of birth, etc.) along with images that
have been saved for that patient. Each image may
have additional data associated with it (image date,
procedure, etc.).
A SQL database is used to store the data. The images
and associated capture data are stored in individual
image directories. The system may be configured to
store the database and/or images on the local computer
or on a network server. The number of patient records
and images you can store in the database is primarily
dependent upon the capacity of the hard drive or


You can move or close toolbars and sub-windows in

VECTRA Analysis Module. For example, you can detach
the Log window from the bottom of the frame and
make it float in front of the viewport anywhere on the
The viewport background color is customizable:
Select Preferences A Background Color… to open
the Select color dialog box. Select desired color and
click OK.
The color of Untextured images is also
customizable: Select Preferences A Surface Color…
to open the Select color dialog box. Select desired
color and click OK.
Changes to toolbar or sub-window size or position,
background color, or image color will be retained
when you restart VECTRA Analysis Module.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 89


Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM


Finding and opening an existing patient record

1  Double-click the Mirror icon on the Windows

desktop to open Mirror software.
2  Select File A Search for Patient, or click
the Patient Search tab on the right edge
of the screen.
3  If the fields are not empty,
click Clear Search.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 90


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

4  Enter search criteria such as the

patient’s name, date of birth, or
social security number. Thumbnail
images for patient(s) who fit the
criteria will be displayed.
5  Click once on a thumbnail
to select the associated patient
chart. The background changes to
blue, confirming that the chart is
selected. To deselect a chart,
click on the thumbnail again.
6  To open the selected patient chart, select
File A Open Patient Chart or click , or just
double-click on the highlighted thumbnail.

Opening image(s) from within the Mirror chart

1  Click once on a thumbnail to select the associated
3D image. The frame color changes, confirming that the
image is selected.
Multiple images may be selected and opened at the
same time: To select an additional image, click on its
thumbnail. To deselect an image, click on the
thumbnail again.

2  To open the selected image(s), click

or double-click on a highlighted thumbnail.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 91


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into the Mirror patient chart

1  Select File A Save…, enter a unique file name, and

click OK.

2  Click once inside the Log window (at the bottom of

the screen).

3  Right-click and select Select All from the pop-up

menu (or drag over data to select it).

4  Right-click and select Copy from the pop-up menu.

5  Select File A Open Patient Chart….

6  Click once on the corresponding thumbnail to select

it (the border turns blue to show that it’s highlighted.)

7  Right-click on the highlighted thumbnail and select

Edit Data to open the Edit Image Data window.

8  Select Notes from the Attribute drop-down menu.

9  Click in the Notes field.

Type a descriptor for the
data that you are adding,
such as “Rhinoplasty
measurements” or “Area =”.
Right-click and select Paste
from the pop-up menu.
The data that was copied
from VAM’s Log window
populates the Notes field.

10  Click .
The Notes attribute is added to Applied Image Data.

11 Click .

VECTRA M3 User Guide 92


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

The data that you pasted

into Notes appears in the
Mirror Patient Chart.

Float cursor over

thumbnail to
display data.

12  Repeat for each open


Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into a Word or other text file
1  Select File A Save…, enter a unique file name, and
click OK.
2  Click once inside the Log window (at the bottom of
the screen).
3  Right-click and select Select All from the pop-up
menu (or drag over data to select it).
4  Right-click and select Copy from the pop-up menu.
5  Click within the destination document and press the
Ctrl and V keys to paste.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 93


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM


Viewing multiple 3D images simultaneously in viewports

Five viewport presets (see Viewports in section 6.6)
enable simultaneous display of different images, or
different views of the same image. Multiple images will
initially open in a single viewport ( ), superimposed.
To display images in more than one viewport, click a
viewport button in the toolbar ( , , , )
or select the desired preset from the View menu
(View  A  Viewports A).
All open images will 
initially be active, visible,
and superimposed in
every viewport. Use the
viewport-specific Surface
View Selectors to
Select “show selector in each
activate/deactivate and viewport” from Preferences
show/hide images as
needed (see Surface View Selector in section 6.1).

Comparing two 3D images side-by-side

This viewing method allows you to apply the
point‑of‑view tools to two viewports simultaneously to
review images side‑by‑side.
1  Select Preferences A Show A Viewport Extras to
make the Viewport Extras toolbar available.
2  Click the Side-By-Side button in the Viewport
Extras toolbar. This will open two viewports with one
image active in the left viewport and the second image
active in the right viewport.
3  Click the Synchronize button in the Viewport
Extras toolbar to lock synchronization between the two
4  Use the point-of-view and texture tools to review the
images in tandem.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 94


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

Saving a modified 3D image

IMPORTANT:  Changes, edits, landmarks will not be
retained unless the image is saved.
1  Select File A Save….

2 Enter a unique and descriptive file name in the

Surface name dialog box.
 he file name should describe the session
number, the patient, and the status of the image.
For example, in the filename TP0.GGJ.reg, “TP0”
identifies the session number (TP0 = time point
zero, or baseline; TP1 = time point one, or first
follow up; etc.), “GGJ” are the patient’s initials, and
“reg” indicates that the image is registered to the
grid (if baseline) or to the baseline image
(follow up visits).
3  Click . The modified image is saved as a
separate 3D image in the patient’s chart and the original
3D image is preserved unchanged.

Closing a 3D image
1  Using the Surface View Selector (see Surface
View Selector in section 6.1), make sure the image you
wish to close is active and any other open images are
2  Select File A Close [Ctrl + W].
If the image has been modified and the changes have
not been saved, a prompt appears allowing
you to discard the changes and close the
image (click OK) or keep the image open
so that you may save the changes (click

VECTRA M3 User Guide 95


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM


Method 1 (good for quickly cropping an image)

1  Click the box crop button in the vertical toolbar.

2  Place the cursor at a corner of the area you wish

to keep, then click and continue to hold down the
mouse button.

3 Drag out a rectangle to

the opposite corner of the
area you wish to keep and
release the mouse button.
The boundary box you
have drawn is displayed.

4  If you wish to adjust

the size or position of
the boundary box, click
an edge or corner of the
boundary box. The cursor
changes to (edge) or
(corner). Drag to the
desired location.

5  Right-click the mouse to

delete everything outside
of the box.

6  Save the changes (see

Saving a modified 3D
image in section 7.2).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 96


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

Method 2 (good for creating a smooth perimeter)

1  Click the Closed Loop Points button in the
vertical toolbar.

2  Click to place a series 

of points defining the
perimeter of the area place points in a
you wish to preserve. clockwise order

If the points are placed

in a clockwise order, the
area outside of the shape
will be selected. If the
points are placed in a
counter-clockwise order,
the area inside of the
shape will be selected.
3  After placing the last point, move the cursor away
from the point and right-click within the defined area.
Select “add to selected area” from the pop-up menu.
The selected area is painted green.

If the area you wish to 4 Select Edit A Delete Selected Area or press
preserve (rather than the Delete on your keyboard. The green area is
area you wish to remove) deleted, leaving a smooth perimeter.
is painted green, select
5  Save the changes (see Saving a modified 3D image in
Area A Select A Inverse.
section 7.2).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 97


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

Method 3 (good for removing discontinuous areas)

1  Select Area A Tools A  Paint Area Selection
or click the Paint 
Area Selection button
in the vertical toolbar.

2  Drag the brush over the

image (hold down the left
mouse button while
moving the mouse) to
select the areas you wish
to remove. The selected
areas will be painted a
contrasting blue-green
To change the size
of the brush, click on
a brush size in the
horizontal toolbar.

3  Select Edit A Delete Selected Area or press Delete

on your keyboard.

4  Save the changes (see Saving a modified 3D image in

section 7.2).

NOTE:  Closed Loop Points or Lasso Select

may be used instead of the Paint Area Selection
tool throughout the examples in this user guide.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 98


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM


It is essential to register a baseline 3D image to the axis

grid. This establishes the permanent reference to which
all of the patient’s future images will be registered.

Establishing midline symmetry

1  With a baseline 3D image open in a single viewport,
select View A Axis Grids A  Show Axis Grids (or
type G). The X, Y, and Z planes will be displayed
in the viewport.
2  Select View A Snap View or click the
Snap View button in the horizontal toolbar.
This will square the grid to the nearest 90° increment.
3  Select Surface A Tools A  Spin Active Surfaces
or click the Spin Active Surfaces button in the
vertical toolbar.
4  Spin the image until 
it is bisected by the
vertical (Y) axis.
5  Click the Paint Area
Selection button in the
vertical toolbar.
6 Drag the brush over the image (hold down the left
mouse button while moving the mouse) to select the
entire front of the image.
7  Select Surface A 
Find Symmetry.
This will cause the image
to be automatically
oriented to the vertical
axis through its center.
8 Select Area A Select A Clear to
deselect the image area.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 99


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

Correcting image rotation

1  Select View A Viewports A  2 Viewports (vertical
split) or click the 2 Viewports button in the
horizontal toolbar.
2  Click the Spin button in the vertical toolbar
(or select View A Spin, or press the S key).
3  In the viewport on the right, rotate the grid and
image to obtain a lateral view.
4  Select View A Snap
5  Click the Roll Active
Surfaces button in the
vertical toolbar.
6  Roll the image in the
right viewport so that it
is oriented to the vertical
grid lines.

Establishing front-to-back orientation for registration

1  Click the Pan Active Surfaces button in the
vertical toolbar.
2  Move the image in the right viewport until it is
centered on the main vertical axis line.

Saving the registered baseline image

1  Select File A Save… to open the Surface name
dialog box.
2  Enter a filename that includes “reg”, indicating that
the image has been registered (see Saving a modified
3D image in section 7.2).
3  Click OK. The registered baseline image is saved as a
separate 3D image in the patient’s chart.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 100


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM


When comparing images (e.g., pre-op and post-op),

it is important to ensure that the images are registered
to each other. Typically, the original (first) image is
aligned to the grid and serves as the baseline image
(see 7.4  Registering a Baseline 3D Image to the Axis
Grid). All subsequent images are then registered to the
There are two methods that may be used to register
follow-up images to a baseline image. It is possible,
and sometimes even desirable, to employ both
registration methods. This will help ensure precise

Method 1:  Using anatomical landmarks

1  Open a patient chart and select an image that needs

to be registered and the baseline image that has been
previously registered to the axis grid.

2  Open the two images in VECTRA Analysis Module:

• VECTRA chart: click open in VAM
• Mirror chart: click (or double-click
one of the thumbnails)
VECTRA Analysis will be launched and both images
will open, superimposed in one viewport.

Work with only two images at a time to ensure optimal

computer performance and simplify the process.

3  Click the Side-By-Side button in the Viewport

Extras toolbar to put each image in its own viewport.
(If you don’t see , select Preferences A Show A
Viewport Extras.)

4  Use the Synchronize button in the Viewport

Extras toolbar to toggle synchronization off.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 101


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

5  Use viewpoint Spin [S] to rotate the follow-up

image until its orientation is similar to the
baseline image.

Place landmarks.
Identify and mark anatomical landmarks outside of the
treatment area which are common to both images, such
as canthi, moles, or permanent scars.
For more on landmarks see the next section, 7.6 Using

1 Select Landmarks A Tools A Place Landmarks,

or click the Place Landmarks button in the vertical

2  Click once at an anatomical landmark on the

baseline image in the left viewport, then click at the
corresponding point on the follow-up image in the
right viewport. A numbered green dot appears at each
click, indicating that the landmark has been placed.
• Corresponding landmarks on each image must have
the same identifying number. The software will auto­
matically assign “1” for the first click in each viewport,
“2” for the second click in each viewport, etc.
Use viewpoint Spin, Pan, Roll, and Zoom
to help you find and place appropriate landmarks.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 102


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

3  Repeat step 2 until four or more landmarks have

been identified and placed.

Register the images.

1 Once the landmarks have been placed, select
Surface A Register Surfaces.
2 In the Register Surfaces dialog box make the
following selections:
Move this surface: [follow-up image]
to fit this surface: [baseline image]
Calculate alignment   landmarks with
  using:     corresponding names
3  Click . The follow-up image is registered to
the baseline image.

Save the registered follow-up image.

1  Select View A Viewports A  1 Viewport or click
the 1 Viewport button in the horizontal toolbar.
2  Use Surface View Selector (see Surface View
Selector in section 6.1) to hide the baseline image and
make sure the follow-up image is active.
3  Select File A Save… to open the Surface name
dialog box.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 103


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

4  Modify the filename to include “reg”, indicating that

the image has been registered (see Saving a modified
3D image in section 7.2).
5  Click . The registered follow-up image is
saved as a separate 3D image in the patient’s chart.

Verify registration.
Perform Color Surface by Distance to verify the
registration. See Using “Color Surface by Distance” in
section 8.1.

Method 2:  Using image contour

1  Open a patient chart and select an image that needs
to be registered and the baseline image that has been
previously registered to the axis grid.
2  Open the two images in VECTRA Analysis Module:
• VECTRA chart: click open in VAM
• Mirror chart: click (or double-click
one of the thumbnails)
VECTRA Analysis will be launched and both images
will open, superimposed in one viewport.
Work with only two images at a time to ensure optimal
computer performance and simplify the process.
3  Use Surface View Selector (see Surface View
Selector in section 6.1) to deactivate the baseline image
(it remains visible, but is displayed with low opacity)
and make sure the follow-up image is active (displayed
with full opacity).
4  Select Surface A Tools A  Spin Active Surfaces
or click the Spin Active Surfaces button in the
vertical toolbar.
5  Rotate the follow-up image so that its orientation is
similar to the baseline image.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 104


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

6  Use Surface View Selector to hide the follow-up

image and activate the baseline image.
7  Click the Paint Area Selection button in the
vertical toolbar.
8  Drag the brush over the image (hold down the left
mouse button while moving the mouse) to select the
desired areas: bony or anatomically consistent areas
outside the treatment area.
It is important to avoid areas impacted by treatment.

Register the images.

1  Select Surface A Register Surfaces.
2 In the Register Surfaces dialog box make the
following selections:
Move this surface: [follow-up image]
to fit this surface: [baseline image]
Calculate alignment   selected area on
  using:     second surface
3  Click .
The follow-up image is
registered to the baseline

Save the registered

follow-up image.
1  Use Surface View
Selector (see Surface
View Selector in section 6.1) to hide the baseline image
and activate the follow-up image.
2  Select File A Save… to open the Surface name
dialog box.
3  Modify the filename to include “reg”, indicating that
the image has been registered (see Saving a modified
3D image in section 7.2).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 105


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

4  Click . The registered follow-up image is

saved as a separate 3D image in the patient’s chart.

Verify registration.
Perform Color Surface by Distance to verify the
registration. See Using “Color Surface by Distance” in
section 8.1.


Landmarks are used for annotation, registration, and as

markers for taking measurements such as the distance
between two points over the image.

Moving the image while working with landmarks

As you place landmarks you may need to spin the
image to view previously hidden areas. To temporarily
access Viewpoint Spin, press and hold the ALT
key. The cursor changes to , allowing you to rotate
the image. Release the ALT key, and the previous tool
( Place Landmarks or Select Landmarks)
becomes active again.

Creating auto-numbered landmarks

1 With at least one image open and
active, select Landmarks A Tools A 
Place Landmarks (or click
the Place Landmarks button in
the vertical toolbar).

2  Click once on an active image to place a landmark.

• Each new landmark on the image is automatically
assigned a numeric label: “1”, “2”, etc.
• The new landmark is displayed in a bright green
color indicating that it is selected. (Deselected
landmarks are displayed in a dark green color).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 106


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

Creating named landmarks

A named landmark is identified by a label that
describes it’s location on the body. Named landmarks
are placed and named according to a preset list and are
then used to generate a pre-defined set of calculations.

1  With a 3D image open and active in VAM, select

Landmarks A Create Named Landmarks. The Named
Landmarks window opens on the right side of the

2  Select Landmarks A Tools A  Place Landmarks

or click the Place Landmarks button in the vertical

3  Click to select the Name new landmarks check box.

4  Select the desired landmark set from the drop down

menu. The abbreviation and full name for each of the
landmarks in the set is displayed. The first landmark is
highlighted, ready to be placed.

5  Position the tip of the cursor arrow over the

appropriate anatomical location and click once to place
the landmark.
• The corresponding landmark abbreviation
appears next to the placed landmark dot.
• A checkmark appears next to the abbreviation
in the landmark list.
• The next landmark in the list becomes highlighted.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 107


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

6  Once all of the landmarks in the set have been

placed, click Show Report to display the resulting
measurement data (mm) in the Log window at the
bottom of the screen.

7  See section 7.1, Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into the Mirror patient chart, or Saving data from VAM’s
Log window into a Word or other text file for how to
save the data from the Log window.

Selecting landmarks
A landmark needs to be selected (bright green) in
order to use it for measuring or for any other purpose
(deselected landmarks are dark green).
1  Select Landmarks A Tools A  Select Landmarks
or click the Select Landmarks button in the vertical
2  Click once on a dark green landmark to select it.
The color will change to bright green, indicating that it
is selected.
• If you click on a different landmark, it will become
selected and all others will become deselected.
To select multiple landmarks press and hold the
Shift key as you click landmarks.
• To deselect a landmark press the Ctrl key as you
click a selected landmark.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 108


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

Deleting landmarks
1 Select the landmark(s) you wish to delete (see
previous page).
2  Select Landmarks A Delete Selected Landmarks.
To remove both selected and unselected landmarks,
select Landmarks A Delete All Landmarks.

Landmarks on multiple images

• If more than one image is open, landmarks will be
placed on whichever image is currently active.
• If more than one image is active, landmarks may be
placed on either image.
• If active images overlap, landmarks will be placed
on the uppermost active image (the one in the
• Each image has its own list of landmarks, numbered
from 1 onward.

Viewing landmark coordinates

Select Landmarks A Display Coordinates to display
the x, y and z values for landmarks. The Log window
at the bottom of the screen displays the label and
x, y, z coordinates for each landmark (whether
or not it is selected).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 109


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM


1  Select File A Create Animation… to open Animator.

Click the Animator title bar and drag to reposition the
floating dialog box as needed.

2  Use viewpoint Spin, Pan, Roll, and/or

Zoom to orient the image to the rotation and zoom
desired for the first frame of the animation.

3 Click CAPTURE New Key Frame to save this

view as Key Frame 1.
• A thumbnail of the key frame appears in the
Animator dialog. If you wish to return the image to
this orientation and zoom, click the thumbnail.
• Click the trash icon if you wish to delete this key
Optional: Adjust the amount of time the animation
should pause at this key frame.

4 Rotate and/or zoom the image to the next position,

and then click CAPTURE New Key Frame to save
this view as Key Frame 2.
• A second thumbnail appears in the Animator dialog.
• Notice that the GENERATE animation button is
no longer disabled. A minimum of two key frames
must be specified to generate an animation.
Optional: Adjust the interval between key frames.

Repeat step 4 until you have specified all the key frames
you wish to include in your animation. Animator will
automatically insert the in between frames (“tweens”)
to make smooth transitions between the key frames.

If you would like the animation to loop back to

Key Frame 1 at the end, click the first thumbnail, then
click CAPTURE New Key Frame.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 110


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

saving key frames (optional)

If you plan to reuse a particular sequence, click save
after you have specified all the key frames you wish
to include in the template. Click load to automatically
generate the saved sequence. Click clear if you wish to
delete all of the key frames and start over.

changing the pixel dimensions (optional)

Pixel dimensions determine how large the animation
appears on screen during playback. Increasing the pixel
dimensions also increases the size of the file. Smaller
file sizes are recommended for web or e-mail.
To change the pixel dimensions, select a preset size
by clicking the radio button next to small, medium
or large, or modify the values in the width and/or
height fields.
preset 1 viewport 2 viewports*
small 180 x 240 pixels 360 x 240 pixels
medium 360 x 480 pixels 720 x 480 pixels
large 720 x 960 pixels 1440 x 960 pixels
*The preset pixel width is doubled for 2 viewports.

When link is selected, changing one dimension will

automatically change the other dimension to maintain
the aspect ratio. When link is unselected, the aspect
ratio may be modified.

changing the number of frames per second (optional)

To define the number of frames Animator will insert
for each second of playback, modify the value in the
frames per sec. field. More frames per second will
result in smoother transitions, but increase the file size.
8 FPS is the default, recommended value.

changing the looping option (optional)

If the loop check box is selected ( ), the animation
will loop continuously. If the loop check box is
unselected, the animation will play once and then stop.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 111


Chapter 7 Viewing and Manipulating Images in VAM

5  Click GENERATE animation to view the

animation in a floating Preview dialog box.
Clicking the ✕ in the upper right corner
of the Preview or Animator dialog
closes the box.
Click to pause playback.
The icon changes to .
Click to resume playback.
Click to stop playback. The
animation starts at the first frame when

6  Click to save the animation into

the patient chart as an Animated GIF
Image with the file extension, “.gif”.
The generated animation is not retained
if you close the Preview dialog box
without saving the animation.

The Animator dialog box retains your specified

key frames and settings until you close the image.
You may change, for example, the number of open
viewports or the view mode from color (textured) to
gray (untextured), then generate a new animation.

 Pre-op and simulated images in

synchronized 2-viewport animation.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 112


Image Analysis


Measuring the straight line distance

between two landmarks

1  Select two landmarks.

1 2 1 2

2  Select Measure A Distance A Straight Line Between


The straight line distance between the selected landmarks

(in millimeters) is displayed in the Log window at the
bottom of the screen.

Exactly two landmarks must be selected, but they don’t

have to be on the same image. You may use Straight
Line Between Landmarks to measure the straight line
distance from a landmark on one image to a landmark
on a different image.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 113


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

Measuring the distance across a surface

This tool measures the shortest surface distance along a

1 2 1 2
path defined by landmarks.

1  Select two or more landmarks.

2  Select Measure A Distance A Across Surface

Between Landmarks.

This generates a path

along the shortest surface
distance between the
landmarks (in the order
that they were selected).

The path length (mm) is displayed in the Log window.

The path may be deleted or saved in the same way as
an image.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 114


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

Measuring from a landmark to the

nearest point on another image

1  Place (or select ) a landmark on one image.

2  Select another image.

Ensure there is one selected image with one or more
selected landmarks, and one selected image with
no selected landmarks. Any other open images should
be deselected.

3  Select Measure A Distance A Landmark to Surface.

The distance between the selected landmark(s) on the
first image and the nearest point on the second image
is displayed in the Log window.

Measuring the perimeter of a selected area

1  Select the area to be measured:  Click paint area

selection or lasso select (in the vertical toolbar).
Drag over the area you wish to select with , or drag
around the perimeter of the desired area with .
[Ctrl] toggles between the Paint and Erase functions of
Area Selection, as well as between the Select and Erase
functions of Area By Boundary. For example, press the
Ctrl key while using Paint Area Selection to temporarily
switch to Erase Area Selection.
Another method to select the area: Click place
landmarks and then click at several points around the
perimeter of the selection area. Select Area A Select
A Extend Using Landmarks. The landmark dots are
connected and filled in as a selection.
The accuracy of the selection determines the accuracy
of the perimeter measurement. To increase selection
accuracy, increase magnification: Click zoom, click
in the image, and then drag downward while holding
the left mouse button, or rotate the scroll wheel on
your mouse.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 115


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

2  Select Measure A Distance A Perimeter of Selected

Area. The length of the perimeter of the selected area
is displayed in the Log window.

Using “Color Surface by Distance…”

Color Surface by Distance… provides visual feedback
and numerical data about the distance between two
images, enabling the user to verify image registration
and also identify regions of difference/change
(e.g., pre- and post-op) for comparison and analysis.

1  Open two registered images.

2  Use Surface View Selector (see Surface View

Selector in section 6.1) to hide the image that will be
compared to the baseline image and make sure the
baseline is active.

3  Select Measure A Distance A Color Surface by


4  Make the following selections in the Color Surface

by Distance window:
• Colour:    whole of
• this surface:  select the .tom for the baseline
• by the distance to this surface:  select the .tom
for the comparison image

5  Click the Calculate distances button.

VECTRA Analysis software calculates the distances

between the two images and colors them according to
the color scale parameters.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 116


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

distance scale

Treated areas
are colored in the
extremes of the
Untreated, anatomically distance scale.
consistent areas are gray,
same as the 0mm point on
the scale.

Log window

• Numerical data is displayed in the Distance statistics

section of the Color Surface by Distance window
and also in the Log window. Review the false color
map to determine accuracy of the registration. The
distance scale is located on the left side.

• The color in untreated, anatomically consistent areas

should reflect the 0mm point on the scale with only
slight variation. The color in treated area(s) should
indicate a clear +/– change in image projection.

The color scale parameters may be adjusted to

demonstrate image differences more clearly: 
1  Enter the desired min/max (in mm) in the
Optional Color Scale Adjustment fields.
2  Click the Adjust Color Scale button to apply.
Standard recommended values are min = –7, max = 7.
Adjust as necessary to demonstrate image differences.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 117


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

• Untreated, anatomically consistent areas that are

not close to the 0mm point on the scale indicate
poor registration. This could result from selecting
imprecise landmarks, numbering landmarks
incorrectly, or a change in physical anatomy due to
treatment or patient positioning.

• To return to the standard image view select View A

Texture A Textured or click Textured in the
top toolbar.

• To view the false color map again select View A

Texture A Colored by Distance or click
Colored by Distance in the top toolbar.

To compare two regions of interest, first select the

region in the baseline image, then select “selected
region of” instead of “whole of”.


1  Open a patient chart and select the images to be

analyzed in VECTRA Analysis (including registered
• VECTRA chart: click open in VAM
• Mirror chart: click (or double-click
one of the thumbnails)
VECTRA Analysis will be launched and both images
will open, superimposed in one viewport.

2  Use Surface View Selector (see Surface View

Selector in section 6.1) to deactivate the follow-up
image and make sure the baseline is active.

3  Select Landmarks A Tools A  Place Landmarks

(or click the Place Landmarks button in the
vertical toolbar).

VECTRA M3 User Guide 118


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

4  Place 3 landmarks (see 7.6  Using Landmarks)

to define the plane or course of the circumferential

5  Use Surface View Selector to activate the follow-up

image (keep the baseline active).

6  Select Landmarks A Project Selected Landmarks.

The landmarks on the baseline image are projected
onto the follow-up image.

7  Select Landmarks A Select A All.

8  Select Measure A Circumference At Plane A

3 Landmarks. The circumference of each image is
calculated and displayed in the Log window (bottom
of screen).

9  With the baseline as the only active image, select

File A Save… and click OK to retain the landmarks for
analysis of future time-points.

10  See section 7.1, Saving data from VAM’s Log

window into the Mirror patient chart, or Saving data
from VAM’s Log window into a Word or other text file
for how to save the data from the Log window.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 119


Chapter 8 Image Analysis


1 Place three landmarks on an active image to identify

the angle that will be measured, or select three
previously placed landmarks.
• The angle formed at landmark 2 by landmarks 1 and
3 will be measured.
• Exactly three landmarks must be selected.
• See 7.6  Using Landmarks for more on placing and
selecting landmarks.

2  Select Measure A Angle A from 3 Landmarks.

• The value for the specified angle is calculated and
displayed in the Log window.


1  Open two registered images.

2  Use Surface View Selector to deactivate one image

(see Surface View Selector in section 6.1).

3  Select the area to be measured:  Click lasso select

(in the vertical toolbar) and drag (hold down the left
mouse button) around the perimeter(s) of the area(s)
to be measured. Alternatively, click paint area
selection and drag over the area you wish to select.
[Ctrl] toggles between the Paint and Erase functions of
Area Selection, as well as between the Select and Erase
functions of Lasso Select. For example, press the Ctrl
key while using Lasso Select to temporarily switch to
Lasso Erase.
Another method to select the area: Click place
landmarks and then click at several points around the
perimeter of the selection area. Select Area A Select A
Extend Using Landmarks. The landmark dots are
connected and filled in as a selection.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 120


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

4  Use Surface View Selector to activate the other


5  Select Area A Project Selected Area.

The corresponding area on the second image will
become selected

6  Select Measure A Area A of Selection.

• The value for the specified area is calculated for each

of the images and displayed in the Log window.
To calculate the area of each entire image, select
Measure A Area A of Surface—useful for comparing
selected area to total area.

7  Select File A Save… and click OK if you wish to

retain the selection(s) for future analysis.

8  See section 7.1, Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into the Mirror patient chart, or Saving data from VAM’s
Log window into a Word or other text file for how to
save the data from the Log window.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 121


Chapter 8 Image Analysis


Using Volume A to Interpolating Surface

Allows the image to be measured against a system-
generated reference image. This is useful for obtaining
a general reference volume from a single time point
(e.g., pre-operative breast patient) when a second
image (post-treatment) is not yet available.
NOTE:  The calculated volume does not represent
the actual volume as measured against the actual
subsurface anatomical structure but may serve as a
useful planning tool.

1  Open a single image.

2  Identify the area for which you wish to determine the

volume:  Click paint area selection or lasso
select (in the vertical toolbar). Drag over the area you
wish to select with , or drag around the perimeter of
the desired area with .
Include area slightly beyond the boundaries of the
target when making the selection.

3  Select Measure A Volume A to Interpolating

Surface. A new reference image is generated (with its
own Surface View Selector and the name, “Interpolating
Surface”). The volume difference between the original
and interpolating surfaces is reported in the Log window.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 122


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

4  To save the interpolating surface to the patient chart

for future analysis deactivate the original image and
select File A Save… and click OK.

5  See section 7.1, Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into the Mirror patient chart, or Saving data from VAM’s
Log window into a Word or other text file for how to
save the data from the Log window.

Using Volume A of Closed Surface

Allows the volume measurement of any closed surface
(solid model) that has been generated using Volume A
Between Two Surfaces (difference object), created
using advanced stitching techniques, or imported from
a directory location.

1  Open or import a closed surface.

2  Select Measure A Volume A of Closed Surface.

The volume of the closed surface is calculated and
reported in the Log window.

3  See section 7.1, Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into the Mirror patient chart, or Saving data from VAM’s
Log window into a Word or other text file for how to
save the data from the Log window.

Using Volume A Between Two Surfaces (difference object)

1  Open two registered images.

2  Use Surface View Selector to make sure the only

active image is the baseline (see Surface View Selector
in section 6.1).

3  Identify the area for which you wish to determine

volume difference:  Click paint area selection or
lasso select (in the vertical toolbar). Drag over the
area you wish to select with , or drag around the
perimeter of the desired area with .

VECTRA M3 User Guide 123


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

4  Use Surface View Selector to activate the other


5  Select Measure A Volume A Between Two Surfaces

(difference object). A new closed surface (with its
own Surface View Selector and the name “volume”) is
created depicting the difference in volume. The volume
difference (volume of the difference object) is reported
in the Log window.

The difference object may be viewed in isolation or in

multiple viewports, and manipulated in the same ways
as any other image.

6  Deselect the original images and select File A Save…

and click OK if you wish to save the difference object to
the patient’s chart.

7  Repeat step 6 for the image with the area selection

(typically pre-treatment image) if you wish to retain the
defined area for analysis against future images.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 124


Chapter 8 Image Analysis

8  See section 7.1, Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into the Mirror patient chart, or Saving data from VAM’s
Log window into a Word or other text file for how to
save the data from the Log window.

Using Volume A Between Two Surfaces (parallel projection)

1  Open two registered images.

2  Use Surface View Selector to make sure the only

active image is the baseline (see Surface View Selector
in section 6.1).

3  Select the area to be measured:  Click lasso select

and drag (hold down the left mouse button) around the
area to be measured.

4  Use Surface View Selector to activate the other


5  Select Area A Project Selected Area.

The corresponding area on the second image will
become selected.

6  Select Measure A Volume A Between Two Surfaces

(parallel projection). The volume difference between
the areas selected on the two images will be calculated
and reported in the Log window at the bottom of the

7  Select File A Save… and click OK if you wish to

retain the selection(s) for future analysis.

8  See section 7.1, Saving data from VAM’s Log window

into the Mirror patient chart, or Saving data from VAM’s
Log window into a Word or other text file for how to
save the data from the Log window.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 125


Data Back-up
IMPORTANT:  Failure to properly back up your digital
images and client records subjects you to potential loss
of data. Canfield Scientific accepts no responsibility or
liability for lost or damaged data.
Canfield recommends you consult a qualified IT
professional to assist you in developing a back-up plan.
An IT professional should install and configure the
necessary equipment and software, and train the staff
member designated to perform back-ups.
Canfield’s VECTRA software is a highly reliable
program that will function predictably under ordinary
circumstances. However, problems may occur as a
result of power surges, disk failure, viruses or other
damaging events that could render your database
inaccessible or unstable. For this reason, it is essential
that you regularly create back-up copies of your data
and images so that you can restore the database if you
experience a problem.

Method 1.  Use Mirror Backup to create a backup copy of the

Mirror database on your local drive.

1  Right-click the Mirror icon on the Windows

desktop and select Run as administrator to open
Mirror software in Administrator mode.
2  Select Options A
Set Database Options…
from the top menu tabs.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 126


Appendix A Data Back-up

3  In the Database List tab, select the desired database

and click the Backup button.

Mirror’s utility proceeds to back up the Mirror database

to an easy-to-access location on your local drive.
4  When the Mirror backup
process is finished, a
dialog box provides the
paths to database backup
and image files locations.
Note the locations, then
click OK.

Default database backup and image file locations:

Database backup: C:\ProgramData\Canfield\Databases\Backup\
Image files: C:\ProgramData\Canfield\Databases\MirrorDatabase\

5  Use your backup solution to copy the files from

both locations (database backup and image files) to
external backup storage. Include the directories and all
associated subdirectories.

IMPORTANT:  The back up process is not complete until

the database backup and image files have been copied
to external backup storage. Make sure the image files
are copied in addition to the database backup.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 127


Appendix A Data Back-up

See Mirror User Guide, Appendix A for more

information on Data Back-up.

Method 2.  Advanced back up plan:  IT professional backs

up the data directly, without using Mirror’s backup utility.
The practice IT resource should be directed to include
the directories (and all associated subdirectories) listed
below as part of the established back up procedures or
as a separate, regularly scheduled procedure.

The default database and image file locations are:

Database: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.CANFIELD

Image files: C:\ProgramData\Canfield\Databases\MirrorDatabase\

To determine the location of the Mirror database and

Mirror image files, complete the following steps.

1  Right-click the Mirror icon on the Windows

desktop and select Run as administrator to open
Mirror software in Administrator mode.

2  Select Options A Set Database Options… from the

top menu tabs.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 128


Appendix A Data Back-up

3  In the Database List tab, select the desired database

and click the Edit button.

4  The Database Information dialog displays the name

of the server where the database is located. Find and
access the displayed server.

5  Open File Explorer on this server and navigate to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.CANFIELD
Select this directory to back up Mirror database files.
6  The Database Information dialog also displays the
directory path for the Mirror image files.

Select this directory to back up Mirror image files.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 129


Appendix A Data Back-up

IMPORTANT:  Image files are crucial for complete


• If the image data is stored on the network, that directory

location must also be included in the back‑up process.
• If there more than one database, all operations above
should be performed for each database.
• If VECTRA was installed in client server configuration,
the backup process should include all machines where
VECTRA software is installed.

See Mirror User Guide, Appendix A for more

information on Data Back-up.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 130


Uploading 3D Images to MirrorMe3D
VECTRA 3D images can be uploaded directly to MirrorMe3D for printing color
3D models of the images. 3D images are uploaded using a secure FTP site.
To add this capability to your VECTRA software, please contact Canfield or your
Canfield representative.
1  Click to select the 3D image(s) you wish to upload
for 3D printing. Shift-click to select multiple thumbnails,
or Ctrl-click to select multiple discontiguous thumbnails.

2  Click upload to 3D printing. (This button is

only available if a 3D image is selected.)
3  Complete the the Vectra Uploader form. (Physician
and practice information is auto-filled for subsequent
uploads until modified or removed. Patient ID is
required each time.)
4 Click OK. A progress bar is displayed as the image(s)
are uploaded to MirrorMe3D.
5  When the “Upload successful” message is displayed,
click OK, Alt-Tab to bring your browser window to the
front, and log into the MirrorMe3D portal.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 131


Sculptor Software Tips

Keyboard and mouse shortcuts

Quickly change between preset views  Right-click in a

viewport to open the rotate-to-view button set at the
point of click. These mimic the views in the top left
corner of the screen.

Undo  Press Ctrl-Z on your keyboard to undo the most

recent action.

Change magnification by rotating the scroll wheel on

your mouse. To zoom in, move the wheel towards you.
To zoom out, move the wheel away from you.

Double-click zoom  Double-clicking anywhere on an

image will zoom into that spot.

Temporarily change to the Spin tool  Press and

hold the Alt key on the keyboard while you click and
drag the image using the left button on the mouse.

Temporarily change to the Pan tool  Press and

hold the Alt key on the keyboard while you click and
drag the image using the right button on the mouse.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 132


Appendix C Sculptor Software Tips

Image viewing buttons at the top of the screen

(These buttons are context sensitive, not always available.)

Rotate the image around the Y (vertical) axis  Click the

Y-spin tool to spin the image left and right while
maintaining the X and Z axes.

Auto-rotate the image around the Y (vertical) axis  Click

the Auto-spin tool to spin the image from side to
side without using the mouse to drag.

Alternate shading modes 

 Natural photo mode (the default view). The
image retains all of its photographic detail for a
pleasing visual representation. Use to show skin
resurfacing procedures.
 Dynamic photo mode. The image is skin
colored, but with reduced detail. This helps
to show shape and anatomical features under
raked lighting.
 Shape (gray) mode. This solid colored image
helps to visualize shape and volume changes
without the distraction of skin tones.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 133


Appendix C Sculptor Software Tips

View Results

Superimposed view mode 

View the pre-op image overlaid with a semi-transparent

simulated outcome. Click (center, bottom of the
screen) to toggle between showing the pre-op or
simulated image opaque.

Morph view mode 

View a single image with a slider for morphing

between the original image, the simulated outcome, or
any point in between.
To snap back and forth between the original image and
the simulated outcome, click the  toggle button to
the right of the slider.
To auto-animate the morph from original to simulated
outcome, click .
Combine the auto-animate morph and  auto‑spin
features to show the total simulation while continuing
the consultation discussion.

VECTRA M3 User Guide 134


Support Information

Technical support
Technical support is available at 1-800-815-4330. Hours
of support are from 6:00 a.m. EST to 8:00 p.m. EST

A one-year warranty is provided on VECTRA parts.
Your warranty is automatically extended for one year
if you have purchased our annual support and upgrade
Should our technical support technicians determine
that a part must be returned for service, a Return
Merchandise Authorization number will be provided
to you. In addition, a replacement part and a shipping
carton will be mailed to you within two business days.
Information on packing and shipping will be included.
Our shipping address is: Canfield Scientific, Inc.
4 Wood Hollow Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054 USA

VECTRA M3 User Guide 135

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