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Sustainable Integration of Renewable Energy Sources (Solar PV) With SEC Distribution Network Low Voltage and Medium Voltage

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Sustainable Integration of Renewable Energy

Sources (Solar PV) with SEC Distribution Network

Low Voltage and Medium Voltage

Specifications of the solar PV inverter, requirements according to

reference international standards

Version 1.0

Table of contents

1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2 FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 4
3 REQUIREMENTS ACCORDING TO REFERENCE STANDARDS......................................................... 5
4 INVERTERS ............................................................................................................................... 6

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The specifications for PV Inverter provided in this document are aimed to ensure that Inverter used in
Small-Scale Solar PV systems fit with a minimum set of technical characteristics that give the necessary
quality and avoid the use of unfit or unreliable material in PV projects.
Specifications are mainly based on the use of international standards IEC and CENELEC (EN), although
IEC standards have been adopted by SASO. SASO may adopt IEC standards without or with
amendments and in this latter case the version issued by SASO prevail on the IEC original standards.
SASO has been working on the adoption of several IEC standards that regard the Solar PV components.
The present deliverable has been updated according to the list of IEC standards adopted by SASO, in
particular the most updated list that was provided on the 20th March 2018.
Additionally, the PV Inverter connected to the Saudi grid shall specifically comply to Technical
Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks
of SEC.
Various considerations on PV Inverter available on the market suggested to choose those standards
whose compliance is deemed as necessary. These are thus prescribed as mandatory.
Conversely, there are further standards whose compliance is considered less important or addressed
to specific applications. These are generically indicated as recommended and their compliance is left
to the designer’s choice.
Another important issue is the validity of the new standards, included those that replace the older
ones. In most cases it is necessary to leave a sufficient time to manufacturer to adapt their products to
the news standards. Moreover, certifications have a validity that may go well beyond the release of the
new standards. For these reasons a time of 24 month is left from the date of release of each new
standard before asking a full compliance.

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2.1 Reference documents

[1] Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC
[2] Small-Scale Solar PV Systems Regulations - Electricity & Cogeneration Regulatory Authority
(ECRA) – ERD-TA-012 (v.01/17)

2.2 Terms and definitions

Data sheet – Basic product description and specification (Note: Typically one or two pages, not a full
product manual)
Interface Protection (IP) - The electrical protection required to ensure that either the Solar PV System
and/or any Solar PV Unit is disconnected for any event that could impair the integrity or degrade the
safety and reliability of the distribution network.
PV Array – Assembly of electrically interconnected PV modules, PV strings or PV sub-arrays. For the
purposes of these Technical Standards a PV array is all components up to the DC input terminals of the
PV cell – Most elementary device that exhibits the photovoltaic effect, i.e. the direct non-thermal
conversion of radiant energy into electrical energy
PV module – Smallest complete environmentally protected assembly of interconnected PV cells
PV string – Circuit of one or more series-connected PV modules
PV string combiner box – Junction box where PV strings are connected which may also contain
overcurrent protection devices, electronics and/or switch-disconnectors
PV sub-array – A subset of a PV array formed by parallel-connected PV strings.
Standard test conditions (STC) – Reference values of in-plane irradiance (1 000 W/m2), PV cell junction
temperature (25 °C), and the reference spectral irradiance defined in IEC 60904-3
Switch – Mechanical device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents in normal circuit
conditions and, when specified, in given operating overload conditions. In addition, it is able to carry,
for a specified time, currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions, such as short-circuit

2.3 Glossary
The following acronyms and symbols are used throughout the document:

ECRA Electricity and Co-Generation Regulatory Authority

EN European Standard
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP (or I.P.) Interface Protection
LV Low Voltage (namely 220/127 V or 380/220 V or 400/230 V)
MV Medium Voltage (namely 13.8kV or 33 kV)
PV (Solar) PhotoVoltaic
SASO Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization
SEC Saudi Electricity Company
V Voltage

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All the Inverter used in the PV system shall comply with applicable international and local standards
and laws in force in the KSA. In particular, any PV Inverter that may introduce harmful or hazardous
conditions shall be rejected.

For sake of clarity, international standards (IEC or EN) will be indicated without the suffix SASO because
if they have been adopted by SASO without change, it is possible to use and refer to both versions
indifferently. This choice will make easier to check product’s compliance and helps to avoid confusion
when an international standard has not yet been adopted by SASO (especially EN standards).

The next sections define the set of standards for the compliance of the PV Inverters allowed within the
KSA for installation in Small-scale Solar PV systems.

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4.1 International and SASO standards in force

4.1.1 SASO IEC 62109-1
SASO IEC 62109-1:2017 – Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 1:
General requirements. Issued on April 2010. Adopted in 2017.
SASO IEC 62109-1:2017 applies to the power conversion equipment (PCE) for use in photovoltaic
systems where a uniform technical level with respect to safety is necessary. Defines the minimum
requirements for the design and manufacture of PCE for protection against electric shock, energy, fire,
mechanical and other hazards. Provides general requirements applicable to all types of PV PCE.

4.1.2 SASO IEC 62109-2

SASO IEC 62109-2:2012 – Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 2:
Particular requirements for inverters. Issued on June 2011. Adopted in 2012.
SASO IEC 62109-2:2012 covers the particular safety requirements relevant to d.c. to a.c. inverter
products as well as products that have or perform inverter functions in addition to other functions,
where the inverter is intended for use in photovoltaic power systems. Inverters covered by this
standard may be grid-interactive, stand-alone, or multiple mode inverters, may be supplied by single or
multiple photovoltaic modules grouped in various array configurations, and may be intended for use in
conjunction with batteries or other forms of energy storage. This standard must be used jointly with
SASO IEC 62109-1.

4.1.3 EN 50530
EN 50530:2010 – Overall efficiency of grid connected photovoltaic inverters . Issued on April 2010.
This European Standard provides a procedure for the measurement of the efficiency of the maximum
power point tracking (MPPT) of inverters, which are used in grid-connected photovoltaic systems. In
that case the inverter energizes a low voltage grid with rated AC voltage and rated frequency.
Both the static and dynamic MPPT efficiency is considered. Based on the static MPPT efficiency and
conversion efficiency the overall inverter efficiency is calculated. The dynamic MPPT efficiency is
indicated separately.

4.1.4 EN 50524
EN 50524:2009 – Data sheet and name plate for photovoltaic inverters. Issued on July 2009.
This European Standard describes data sheet and name plate information for photovoltaic inverters in
grid parallel operation.
The intent of this document is to provide minimum information required to configure a safe and
optimal system with photovoltaic inverters.
In this context, data sheet information is a technical description separate from the photovoltaic
inverter. The name plate is a sign of durable construction at or in the photovoltaic inverter. The name
plate may be inside the photovoltaic inverter only if the name plate is visible once a door is opened in
normal use.

4.1.5 SASO IEC 62116

SASO IEC 62116:2017 – Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters - Test procedure of islanding
prevention measures. Issued on February 2014. Adopted in 2017.
SASO IEC 62116:2017 provides a test procedure to evaluate the performance of islanding prevention
measures used with utility-interconnected PV systems. This standard describes a guideline for testing
the performance of automatic islanding prevention measures installed in or with single or multi-phase

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utility interactive PV inverters connected to the utility grid. The test procedure and criteria described
are minimum requirements that will allow repeatability. Major changes with respect to the previous
edition concern the DC power source and test conditions.

4.1.6 SASO IEC TS 62910

SASO IEC TS 62910:2017 – Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters - Test procedure for low
voltage ride-through measurements. Issued on October 2015. Adopted in 2017.
SASO IEC TS 62910:2017 provides a test procedure for evaluating the performance of Low Voltage
Ride-Through (LVRT) functions in inverters used in utility-interconnected PV systems. The technical
specification is most applicable to large systems where PV inverters are connected to utility HV
distribution systems. However, the applicable procedures may also be used for LV installations in
locations where evolving LVRT requirements include such installations, e.g. single-phase or 3-phase
systems. The measurement procedures are designed to be as non-site-specific as possible, so that LVRT
characteristics measured at one test site, for example, can also be considered valid at other sites. This
technical specification is for testing of PV inverters, though it contains information that may also be
useful for testing of a complete PV power plant consisting of multiple inverters connected at a single
point to the utility grid. It further provides a basis for utility-interconnected PV inverter numerical
simulation and model validation.

4.1.7 SASO IEC 62920

SASO IEC 62920:2018 – Photovoltaic power generating systems - EMC requirements and test methods
for power conversion equipment. Issued on July 2017. Adopted in 2018.
SASO IEC 62920:2018 specifies electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements for DC to AC power
conversion equipment (PCE) for use in photovoltaic (PV) power systems. The PCE covered by this
document can be grid-interactive or stand-alone. It can be supplied by single or multiple photovoltaic
modules grouped in various array configurations, and can be intended for use in conjunction with
batteries or other forms of energy storage. This document covers not only PCE connected to a public
low voltage AC mains network or other low voltage AC mains installation, but also PCE connected to a
medium or high voltage AC network with or without step-down power transformers.

4.1.8 IEC 61000-3-2

IEC 61000-3-2:2014 – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic
current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase). Issued on May 2015.
IEC 61000-3-2:2014 deals with the limitation of harmonic currents injected into the public supply
system. It specifies limits of harmonic components of the input current which may be produced by
equipment tested under specified conditions. It is applicable to electrical and electronic equipment
having an input current up to and including 16 A per phase, and intended to be connected to public
low voltage distribution systems. Arc welding equipment which is not professional equipment, with
input current up to and including 16 A per phase, is included in this standard. Arc welding equipment
intended for professional use, as specified in IEC 60974-1, is excluded from this standard and may be
subject to installation restrictions as indicated in IEC/TR 61000-3-4 or IEC 61000-3-12. The tests
according to this standard are type tests.

4.1.9 IEC 61000-3-12

IEC 61000-3-12:2011 – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic
currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with input current >16 A
and ≤ 75 A per phase. Issued on May 2011.
IEC 61000-3-12:2011 deals with the limitation of harmonic currents injected into the public supply
system. The limits given in this International Standard are applicable to electrical and electronic

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equipment with a rated input current exceeding 16 A and up to and including 75 A per phase, intended
to be connected to public low-voltage a.c. distribution systems of the following types:
 nominal voltage up to 240 V, single-phase, two or three wires;
 nominal voltage up to 690 V, three-phase, three or four wires;
 nominal frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
Other distribution systems are excluded.
This standard applies to equipment intended to be connected to low-voltage systems interfacing with
the public supply at the low-voltage level. It does not apply to equipment intended to be connected
only to private low-voltage systems interfacing with the public supply only at the medium- or high-
voltage level. This standard defines:
a) requirements and emission limits for equipment;
b) methods for type tests and simulations. Tests according to this International Standard are type
tests of complete pieces of equipment. Conformity with this standard can also be determined
by validated simulations.

4.2 Compliance and certification required

Table 1 lists all mandatory standards for inverters.

Table 1 – Mandatory standards

Standard Requirements Beginning Temporary Notes
validity standard
SASO IEC 62109-1 Test certificate Valid -
SASO IEC 62109-2 Test certificate Valid -
SASO IEC 62116 Test certificate Valid - In case of internal
Interface Protection
IEC 61000-3-2 Test certificate Valid - Required only for LV
IEC 61000-3-12 Test certificate Valid - connections.
IEC 61000-3-2 up to
600 W.
IEC 61000-3-12

Table 2 lists the standard that are recommended, but not mandatory, or that are to be required when
deemed necessary.

Table 2 – Facultative standards

Standard Requirements Beginning Temporary Notes
validity standard
EN 50530 Test certificate Valid - Recommended
EN 50524 Test certificate Valid - Recommended
SASO IEC TS 62910 Test certificate March 2019 - Recommended
SASO IEC 62920 Test certificate August 2019 - Recommended

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4.3 Internal Interface Protection

Each inverter has integrated protection & control system for its own internal protection. Grid
protection functions in the form of passive anti-islanding and at least one active anti-islanding
protection function are also incorporated in all recently developed inverters. The protection & control
devices within the inverters shall suitable to detect and response on any electrical/mechanical/thermal
faults inside the solar plant. This protection up to certain rating shall also capable of detect and
response on external faults/abnormal conditions (e.g. loss of mains) and prevent islanding conditions.
The Interface Protection mounted inside the inverters is a possible configuration in the cases specified
by the “Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC”.
Further to the above compliance, when applicable, the Interface Protection shall be tested according
to the following:
 SASO IEC 62116:2017 – Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters – Test procedure of
islanding prevention measures
It shall be anyway noted that, since a reference to SASO IEC 62116:2017 had been explicitly introduced
within the “Technical Standards for the Connection of Small-Scale Solar PV Systems to the LV and MV
Distribution Networks of SEC” for the testing method of the LOM function, the compliance to the
above mentioned SEC technical standards of a solar PV inverter automatically indicates the compliance
to SASO IEC 62116 of its internal Interface Protection.

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