Engineering Mathematics-Iii: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Engineering Mathematics-Iii: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Engineering Mathematics-Iii: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course is to introduce students to the mostly used analytical and
numerical methods in the different engineering fields by making them to learn Fourier series,
Fourier transforms and Z-transforms, statistical methods, numerical methods to solve algebraic and
transcendental equations, vector integration and calculus of variations.
Levels of Hrs
Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Dirichlet’s condition, Fourier Series of
periodic functions with period 2π and with arbitrary period 2c. Fourier series of L1 & L2 10
even and odd functions. Half range Fourier Series, practical harmonic
Standard z-transforms, Damping rule, Shifting rule, Initial value and final value
1. Know the use of periodic signals and Fourier series to analyze circuits and system
2. Explain the general linear system theory for continuous-time signals and digital signal
processing using the Fourier Transform and z-transform.
5. Determine the extremals of functionals and solve the simple problems of the calculus of
Note:- The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks
will be proportionately reduced to 60.
B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
The purpose of this course is to make students well conversant with numerical methods to
solve ordinary differential equations, complex analysis, sampling theory and joint probability
distribution and stochastic processes arising in science and engineering.
RBT No. of
Levels Hrs
Numerical Methods: Numerical solution of second order ordinary
goodness of fit. 10
Stochastic process:
Stochastic processes, probability vector, stochastic matrices, fixed points,
regular stochastic matrices, Markov chains, higher transition probability-
simple problems.
6. Solve first and second order ordinary differential equation arising in flow problems
using single step and multistep numerical methods.
8. Explain the concepts of analytic functions, residues, poles of complex potentials and
describe conformal and Bilinear transformation arising in field theory and signal
Note:- The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks will be
proportionately reduced to 60.
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions)
from each module.
• Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from
each module.
Text Books:
1. B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 43 Ed., 2015.
2. E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 10 Ed., 2015.
Reference books:
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Construction and Operation:
Engine classification, Constructional details of spark ignition (SI) and
compression ignition (CI) engines. Working principles. Two stroke SI and CI
engines – construction and working. Comparison of SI and CI engines and four
stroke and two stroke engines, theoretical and actual valve timing diagrams
for engines.
Engine Cycles: theoretical Otto, diesel and dual cycles, Fuel-air Cycles and
Actual cycle.L1, L2
Fuel Systems:
Air fuel ratio requirements of SI engines, Working of a simple fixed venturi
carburetor and limitations, gasoline injection system, types, Diesel fuel
injection systems-inline pumps, distributor pumps, Types of Nozzles, Unit
injector and common rail injection systems, Need and types of governor for
diesel engines and their comparison. L1, L2
Combustion in S. I. and C. I. engines:
Introduction to combustion in SI and CI engines and stages of combustion.
Factors effecting ignition lag and flame propagation in S.I. Engines, factors
effecting delay period and uncontrolled combustion in C.I. Engines.
Importance of Swirl, squish and turbulence in C.I. Engines. L1, L2
Supercharging, Turbocharging and Cooling systems:
Supercharging and Turbocharging, Different methods of turbocharging,
Intercooling, Turbocharger controls including, waster gate, variable geometry,
Need for cooling, types of cooling systems- air and liquid cooling systems.
Thermo-syphon and forced circulation and pressurized cooling systems.
Properties of coolants.L1, L2
Fuels and Lubricants:
Fuels for S.I and C. I engines and their requirements, Fuel ratings necessity of
lubrication systems. Types-mist, pressure feed, dry and wet sump systems.
Properties of lubricants. BIS standards for fuels and lubricants. L1,L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to:
• Explain the constructional details of SI and CI engines and classify
• Explain the construction and working of carburetors and fuel
injection pumps.
• Explain the combustion process in SI and CI engines.
• Suggest an efficient cooling system for IC engines.
• Select a proper lubricant to be used in an automobile used in various
environmental conditions.
Text Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engines- V. Ganesan 2007, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Internal Combustion Engines - Ramalingam K. K., Sci-Tech
Publications, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engine Technology- Heisler SAE Publication
2. Internal Combustion Engines- Edward F. Obert
3. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines- H. N. Gupta, PHI
4. Internal Combustion Engines- Mathur and Sharma, DhanpatRai and
Sons 2002
5. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines- John B. Heywood.
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Reference Books:
1. Automotive Air-Conditioning- Boyace H. Dwiggins.
2. HVAC Fundamentals- Sam Sugarman, Fairmont Press- IS BN0-88173-489-
3. Automotive Air Conditioning- Paul Weisler, Reston PublishingCo.Inc.1990.
4. Automotive Air Conditioning- Paul Lung, C. B. S. Publisher & Distributor,
5. Automotive Air Conditioning- MacDonald K. L., The odoreAudel series,
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU561 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain construction and working of internal combustion engine
• Explain different components of internal combustion engine
• Explain working of different parts of fuel system
• Describe construction of different automotive chassis components
• Describe emissions of pollutants from internal combustion engines and
methods of controlling
Engine Components and Auxiliary Systems:
Spark Ignition(SI) & Compression Ignition (CI) engines, cylinder –
arrangements and their relatives merits, Liners, Piston, connecting rod,
crankshaft, valves, valve actuating mechanisms, valve and port timing
diagrams, Types of combustion chambers for S. I. Engine and C. I. Engines,
Compression ratio, methods of a Swirl generation, choice of materials for
different engine components, engine positioning, cooling requirements,
methods of cooling, thermostat valves, different lubrication arrangements.
L1, L2
Fuels, Fuel Supply Systems For SI and CI Engines:
Conventional fuels, alternative fuels, cetane and octane numbers, Fuel
mixture requirements for SI engines, types of carburetors, multi point and
single point fuel injection systems, fuel transfer pumps, Fuel filters, fuel
injection pumps and injectors. L1, L2
Ignition Systems:
Battery Ignition systems, Magneto Ignition system, Transistor assist contacts.
Electronic Ignition, Automatic Ignition advance systems.
Power Trains:
General arrangement of clutch, Principle of friction clutches, Constructional
details, Single plate and multi-plate. Gear box: Necessity for gear ratios in
transmission, synchromesh gear boxes, planetary gears, over drives, principle
of automatic transmission, calculation of gear ratios, Numerical calculations
for torque transmission by clutches. L1, L2, L3
Drive to Wheels:
Propeller shaft and universal joints, differential, rear axle, , steering geometry,
camber, king pin inclination, included angle, castor, toe in & toe out, steering
gears, power steering, general arrangements of links and stub axle, types of
chassis frames.L1, L2
Suspension, Springs and Brakes:
Requirements, leaf spring, coil spring, independent suspension for front wheel
and rear wheel. Air suspension system. Types of brakes, mechanical and
hydraulic braking systems, brake shoe arrangements, Disk brakes, drum
brakes, Antilock –Braking systems, purpose and operation of antilock-braking
Automotive Emission Control Systems:
Sources of emission from engines, Automotive emission controls, Controlling
crankcase emissions, Controlling evaporative emissions, Exhaust gas
recirculation, Catalytic converter, Emission standards- Euro I, II, III and IV
norms, Bharat Stage II, III norms L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe construction and working of internal combustion engine
• Explain different components of internal combustion engine
• Explain working of different parts of fuel system
• Describe construction of different automotive chassis components
• Explain principle of emission of pollutants from internal combustion
engines and methods of controlling.
Text Books:
1. Automotive mechanics, William H Crouse & Donald L Anglin,10th
Edition Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2007
2. Automobile Engineering-R. B. Gupta, SatyaPrakashan, 4th edn.1984.
Reference Books:
1. Automotive mechanics: Principles and Practices- Joseph Heitner, D Van
Nostrand Company, Inc
2. Fundamentals of Automobile Engineering- K. K. Ramalingam, Scitech
Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd.
3. Automobile engineering-Kirpal Singh. Vol I and II 2002.
4. Automotive Mechanics, S. Srinivasan, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill2003.
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU562 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe need for alternative fuels for Internal combustion engine and
alternative drive systems for automobiles
• Describe principle of solar energy collection, construction of photo
voltaic cells
• Explain various properties, methods of production of Bio gas, methanol,
ethanol, SVO, Bio diesel
• Explain use of hydrogen for internal combustion engine application.
• Describe use of various gaseous fuels for internal combustion engine
• Explain various aspects of electrical and Hybrid vehicles
Types of energy sources, their availability, need of alternative energy sources,
Non-conventional energy sources, Classification of alternative fuels and drive
trains. Scenario of conventional auto fuels, oil reserves of the world. Fuel
quality aspects related to emissions. Technological up gradation required
business driving factors for alternative fuels. Implementation barriers for
alternative fuels. Stakeholders of alternative fuels,
Road map for alternative fuels.
Solar energy:
Solar energy geometry, solar radiation measurement devices. Solar energy
collectors, types of collectors. Direct application of solar energy, solar energy
storage system. P. V. effect solar cells and characteristics. Application of solar
energy for automobiles.L1, L2
History, properties and production of Biogas, classification of biogas plants,
biogas storage and dispensing system. Advantages of biogas, hazards and
emissions of biogas. Production, properties, Engine performance, advantages
and disadvantages of Methanol, Ethanol, Butanol, Straight vegetable oil,
Biodiesel for internal combustion engine application.L1, L2
Properties and production of hydrogen, Storage, Advantages and
disadvantages of hydrogen, use of Hydrogen in SI and CI engines. Hazards and
safety systems for hydrogen, hydrogen combustion. Emission from hydrogen.
Gaseous fuels:
Production, properties, Engine performance, advantages and disadvantages of
Reformulated Conventional Fuels:
Introduction. Production of coal water slurry, properties, as an engine fuel,
emissions of CWS. RFG, Emulsified fuels. Hydrogen-enriched gasoline.
Future Alternative Fuels:
Production, properties, Engine performance, advantages and disadvantages of
PMF, Ammonia, Liquid-Nitrogen, Boron, Compressed Air, Water as fuel for
Internal combustion Engine.L1, L2
Alternative Power Trains:
Components of an EV, EV batteries, chargers, drives, transmission and power
devices. Advantages and disadvantages of EVs. Hybrid electric vehicles, HEV
drive train components, advantages of HV. History of dual fuel technology,
Applications of DFT. Duel fuel engine operation. Advantages and
disadvantages of duel fuel technology.L1, L2,L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe need for alternative fuels for Internal combustion engine
and alternative drive systems for automobiles
• Describe principle of solar energy collection, construction of photo
voltaic cells
• Explain various properties, methods of production of Bio gas,
methanol, ethanol, SVO, Bio diesel
• Explain use of hydrogen for internal combustion engine application.
• Describe use of various gaseous fuels for internal combustion engine
• Explain various aspects of electrical and Hybrid vehicles
Text Books:
1. Alternative Fuels- S .S. Thipse. JAICO Publishing House.
2. Non-Conventional Energy Sources- G. D. RaiKhanna Publishing New
Reference Books:
1.Alternative fuels for Vehicle - M. Poulton
2. Alternative fuels guide - R. Bechtold.SAE
3. Alternative energy sources -T.N Veziroglu, McGraw Hill
4. A Primer on Hybrid Electric vehicles
5. Automotive Fuels Guide - Richard L. Bechtold, SAE Publications, 1997
Reference Books:
1Heat transfer, a practical approach-Yunus A, Cengel Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Principles of heat transfer - Kreith Thomas Learning 2001.
3. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer - Frenk P. Incropera and David
P. Dewitt, John Wileyand son’s.
4. Heat & Mass transfer- Tirumaleshwar, Pearson education 2006
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU63 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe the basic types of curved beams and springs.
• Analyze the stresses in the critical section of a curved beam.
• Illustrate the design procedure to arrive at the proper specifications of
• Select suitable size, module & type of gears for a required velocity ratio.
• Calculate the dimensions and suggest suitable materials for Gears.
• Define the terminology of gears and springs.
• Demonstrate the suitability of a type and class of lubricant for a specific
Bending stresses in curved beams:
Introduction, Analysis of stresses in curved beams, stresses in beams of
standard cross sections.
Introduction, types of springs, terminology, stresses and deflection in helical
coil springs of circular and non-circular cross sections, springs under
fluctuating loads, concentric springs. Leaf Springs: stresses in leaf springs,
equalized stresses and length of spring leaves.L1, L2, L3, L4
Spur & Helical gears:
Introduction, spur gears, standard proportions of gear systems, stresses in
gear tooth, Lewis equation and form factor, design for strength, dynamic load
and wear load. Helical Gears: definitions, formative number of teeth, design
based on strength, dynamic and wear loads.L1, L2, L3, L4
Bevel and Worm Gear:
Terminology, formative number of teeth, design based on strength, dynamic
and wear loads. Worm Gears: terminology, design based on strength, dynamic,
wear loads and efficiency of worm gear drives.L1, L2, L3, L4
Clutches & Brakes:
Introduction, types of clutches, design of Clutches (single plate, multi plate
clutches). Brakes, energy absorbed by a brake, heat dissipated during braking,
single block brakes and simple band brakes.L1, L2, L3
Sliding Bearings:
Introduction, principle of hydro dynamic lubrication, assumptions in
hydrodynamic lubrication, bearing characteristic number and modulus,
Sommerfeld number, coefficient of friction, power loss, heat Generated and
heat dissipated, selection of lubricant, grease, bearing failure- causes and
remedies, design of journal bearings.
Rolling contact bearings:
Types of bearings, Principle of self-aligning, static equivalent load, dynamic
load rating, bearing life, selection of ball and roller bearings, advantages and
disadvantages of ball, roller and needle bearings, lubrication of bearing.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Design the curved beams using the equations of stress.
• Design helical spring and leaf spring using the equations of stress
and deflection.
• Design the spur gears and helical gears using different parameters
and check the gears for dynamic and wear load.
• Design the various types of bevel gears and worm gears for dynamic
and wear load using various parameters.
• Design sliding contact and rolling contact bearings to find coefficient
of friction, heat generated, heat dissipated and average life of
• Analyze and design given machine components and present their
designs in the form of a Report.
Design Data Hand Books:
1. Design Data Hand Book - K. Mahadevan and K.Balaveera Reddy, CBS,
2. Design Data Hand Book – K. Lingaiah, McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed. 2003.
Text Books:
1. Mechanical Engineering Design- Joseph E Shigley and Charles R.
Mischke McGraw Hill International edition, 2003.
2. Design of Machine Elements- V. B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Edition 2007.
Reference Books:
1.Machine Design- Robert L. Norton, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
2. Mechanical Engineering Design- Joseph E Shigley and Charles R.
Mischke, McGraw Hill International edition, 6th Edition 2003.
3. Machine Design- Hall, Holowenko, and Laughlin (Schaum’s Outlines
series) Adapted by S. K. Somani, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
4. Machine Design-II-J. B. K. Das, Sapna Book House, Bangalore.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU64 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain the Constructional, design and working principles of different
types of clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
fluid flywheel, torque converter and one way clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
gear box.
• Determine the gear ratio, speed of vehicle and number of teeth on
driving and driven gears.
• Explain the constructional and principle of operation of different types
epicyclic gear box, Calculation of gear ratio for epicyclic gear box.
• Explain the necessity, advantages, constructional and principle of
operation of different types of automatic transmissions and hydraulic
Necessity of clutch in an automobile, requirements of a clutch, Clutch
materials, clutch lining, different types of clutches, friction clutches-Single
plate clutch, multi plate clutch, cone clutch, centrifugal clutch,
electromagnetic clutch, hydraulic clutches, Vacuum operated clutch, Clutch
adjustment, Clutch troubles and their causes, Numerical problems. L1, L2, L3
Fluid Coupling & One way clutches:
Constructional details of various types, percentage slip, one way clutches
(Over running clutch) like sprag clutch, ball and roller one way clutches,
necessity and field of application, working fluid requirements, fluid
requirements, fluid requirements and fluid coupling characteristics.
Hydrodynamic Torque converters:
Introduction to torque converters, comparisons characteristics, slip, principles
of torque multiplication, 3 and 4 phase torque converters, typical
hydrodynamic transmission. L1, L2, L3
Power Required for Propulsion:
Various Resistances to Motion of the Automobile, Traction, tractive effort
Performance curves, acceleration gradeability, drawbar pull, Numerical
The need for transmissions, Necessity of gear box, Calculation of gear ratios
for vehicles, Performance characteristics in different gears , Desirable ratios of
3 speed & 4 speed gear boxes, Constructional details of - Sliding-mesh gear
box, Constant-mesh gear box, Synchromesh gear box, auxiliary transmissions,
compound transmissions, numerical problems. L1, L2, L3
Epicyclic Transmission:
Principle of operation, types of planetary transmission, Calculation of gear
ratio in different speeds, Wilson planetary transmission, Ford-T model gear
box , Pre selective mechanism, Vacuum control, pneumatic control, hydraulic
control in the planetary gear system, Over drives, Numerical problems.
L1, L2, L3
Hydrostatic Drives:
Principles of hydrostatic drives, different systems of hydrostatic drives,
constant displacement pump and constant displacement motor, variable
displacement pump and constant displacement motor and variable
displacement motor, variable displacement pump and variable displacement
motor, applications, plunger type pump and plunger type motor, advantages
and limitations, typical hydrostatic drives, hydrostatic shunt drives.
Automatic Transmission:
Principle, general description and Working of representative types like Borge -
warner, 4-speed and 6-speed automatic transmission longitudinally mounted
four speed automatic transmission, hydramatic transmission, the
fundamentals of a hydraulic control system, basic four speed hydraulic control
system. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain the Constructional, design and working principles of different
types of clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
fluid flywheel, torque converter and one way clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
gear box.
• Determine the gear ratio, speed of vehicle and number of teeth on
driving and driven gears.
• Explain the constructional and principle of operation of different
types epicyclic gear box, Calculate gear ratio for epicyclic gear box .
• Explain the necessity and advantages of automatic transmission.
• Explain the constructional and principle of operation of different
types of automatic transmissions and hydraulic control
Text Books:
1.Automotive Mechanics- N.K. Giri, Khanna Publication, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Advanced Vehicle Technology- Heinz Heisler, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Automotive Transmissions and Power trains- Crouse W.H., McGraw Hill
Co. 5thedn, 1976.
2. Motor Vehicle - Newton K and Steeds. W., Butter Worth’s & Co.
Publishers Ltd, 1997.
3. Automobile Engineering –. Vol.1- Kirpal Singh, Standard Pub. 2011.
4. Automobile Engineering- G. B. S. Narang, Khanna publication, New
5. Automotive mechanics - Joseph I Heitner, Affiliated East West Press,
New Delhi
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU651 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain basics of robots.
• Analyze motions of robotic manipulator.
• Analyze dynamics of robotic arm.
• Describe different types of sensors and actuators.
• Explain controls of robots.
Introduction and Mathematical Representation of Robots:
History of Robots, Types of Robots, Notation, Position and Orientation of a
Rigid Body, Some Properties of Rotation Matrices, Successive Rotations, Euler
Angles For fixed frames X-Y-Z and moving frame ZYZ, Transformation between
coordinate system, Homogeneous coordinates, Properties of A/BT, Types of
Joints: Rotary, Prismatic joint, Cylindrical joint, Spherical joint,
Representation of Links using Denvit-Hartenberg Parameters: Link parameters
for intermediate, first and last links, Link transformation matrices,
Transformation matrices of 3R manipulator, PUMA560 manipulator, SCARA
manipulator.L1, L2
Kinematics of Serial Manipulators:
Direct kinematics of 2R, 3R, RRP, RPR manipulator, puma560 manipulator,
SCARA manipulator, Stanford arm, Inverse kinematics of 2R, 3R manipulator,
puma 560 manipulator.
Velocity and Statics of Manipulators:
Differential relationships, jacobian, Differential motions of a frame (
translation and rotation), Linear and angular velocity of a rigid body, Linear
and angular velocities of links in serial manipulators, 2R, 3R manipulators,
Jacobian of serial manipulator, Velocity ellipse of 2R manipulator,
Singularities of 2R manipulators, Statics of serial manipulators, Static force
and torque analysis of 3R manipulator, Singularity in force domain. L1, L2, L3
Dynamics of Manipulators:
Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Equation of motion using Lagrangian,
Equation of motions of one and two degree freedom spring mass damper
systems using Lagrangian formulation, Inertia of a link, Recursive formulation
of Dynamics using Newton Euler equation, Equation of motion of 2R
manipulator using Lagrangian, Newton-Euler formulation. L1, L2, L3, L4
Trajectory Planning:
Joint space schemes, cubic trajectory, Joint space schemes with via points,
Cubic trajectory with a via point, Third order polynomial trajectory planning,
Linear segments with parabolic blends, Cartesian space schemes, Cartesian
straight line and circular motion planning.
Robot Control:
Feedback control of a single link manipulator- first order, second order
system, PID control, PID control of multi-link manipulator, Force control of
manipulator, force control of single mass, Partitioning a task for force and
position control- lever, peg in hole Hybrid force and position controller.
L1, L2, L3
Robot Actuators:
Types, Characteristics of actuating system: weight, power-to-weight ratio,
operating pressure, stiffness vs. compliance, Use of reduction gears,
comparison of hydraulic, electric, pneumatic, actuators, Hydraulic actuators,
proportional feedback control, Electric motors: DC motors, Reversible AC
motors, Brushles DC motors, Stepper motors- structure and principle of
operation, stepper motor speed-torque characteristics.
Robot Sensor:
Position sensors- potentiometers, Encoders, LVDT, Resolvers, Displacement
sensor, Velocity sensor- encoders, tachometers, Acceleration sensors, Force
and Pressure sensors – piezoelectric, force sensing resistor, Torque sensors,
Touch and tactile sensor, Proximity sensors-magnetic, optical, ultrasonic,
inductive, capacitive, eddy-current proximity sensors. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain basics of robots.
• Analyze motions of robotic manipulator.
• Analyze dynamics of robotic arm.
• Choose different types of sensors and actuators.
• Explain robot control
Text Books:
1. Fundamental concepts and analysis of robots- Ghosal A., Oxford, 2006.
2. Introduction to Robotics Analysis, Systems, Applications- Niku, S. B.,
Pearson education, 2008.
Reference Books:
1 Introduction to Robotics- Mechanics and Control, Craig, J.J., 2nd
edition, Addison-Welsey, 1989.
2 Fundamentals of Robotics, Analysis and Control- Schilling R.J., PHI,
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU652 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain different types of stain gauges and performance characteristics
of stain gauge circuits.
• Describe application of photo elasticity.
• Explain different separation methods.
• Analyze coating stresses.
• Analyze brittle coating stresses and explain calibration of coating.
Electrical Resistance Strain Gages:
Strain sensitivity in metallic alloys, Gage construction, Adhesives and
mounting techniques, Gage sensitivity and gage factor, Performance
Characteristics, Environmental effects, Strain Gage circuits.
Strain Analysis Methods:
Two element, three element rectangular and delta rosettes, Correction for
transverse strain effects, Stress gage, Plane shear gage, Stress intensity factor
gage. L1, L2
Nature of light, Wave theory of light - optical interference ,Stress optic law –
effect of stressed model in plane and circular polariscopes,
Isoclinics&Isochromatics, Fringe order determination Fringe multiplication
techniques, Calibration photo elastic model materials. L1, L2
Two Dimensional Photo-elasticity:
Separation methods: Shear difference method, Analytical separation methods,
Model to prototype scaling, Properties of 2D photo-elastic model materials
Three Dimensional Photo elasticity:
Stress freezing method, Scatteredlight photo-elasticity, Scattered light as an
interior analyzer and polarizer, Scattered light polariscope.L1, L2
Photo elastic (Birefringent) Coatings:
Birefringence coating stresses, Effects of coating thickness: Reinforcing effects,
Poisson's, Stress separation techniques: Oblique incidence, Strip coatings.
L1, L2
Brittle Coatings:
Coatings stresses, Crack patterns, Refrigeration techniques, Load relaxation
techniques, Crack detection methods, Types of brittle coatings, Calibration of
coating. Advantages and brittle coating applications.
Moire Methods:
Moire fringes produced by mechanical interference. Geometrical approach,
Displacement field approach to Moire fringe analysis, out of plane
displacement measurements, Out of plane slope measurements, applications
and advantages. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain different types of stain gauges and performance
characteristics of stain gauge circuits.
• Describe application of photo elasticity.
• Explain different separation methods.
• Analyze coating stresses.
• Analyze brittle coating stresses and explain calibration of coating.
Text Books:
1Experimental Stress Analysis- Dally and Riley, McGraw Hill.
2. Experimental Stress Analysis- Sadhu Singh, Khanna publisher.
3. Experimental stress Analysis- Srinath L.S, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1 Photo elasticity- Vol. I and Vol. II- M. M. Frocht, John Wiley &sons.
2 Strain Gauge Primer- Perry and Lissner.
3 Photo Elastic Stress Analysis- Kuske, Albrecht &Robertson, John Wiley
& Sons.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU653 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain basic concepts of composite materials and application of
composite material in various engineering fields.
• Describe various FRP processing.
• Describe selection, requirements for production and application of MMC.
• Explain students to various techniques used for MMC production.
• Describe concepts of nano-materials, nano technology and use of nano
• Analyze micro mechanical properties of lamina using various
Introduction to Composite Materials:
Definition, classification and characteristics of composite materials -fibrous
composites, laminated composites, particulate composites. Properties and
types of Reinforcement and Matrix materials.
Application of Composites:
Automobile, Aircrafts, missiles, Space hardware, Electrical and electronics,
marine, recreational and Sports equipment, future potential of composites.
L1, L2
FibreReinforced Plastic processing:
Layup and curing, fabricating process – open and closed mould process –
hand layup techniques – structural laminate bag molding, production
procedures for bag molding – filament winding, pultrusion, pulforming, thermo
– forming, injection, injection molding, liquid molding, blow molding.L1, L2
Metal Matrix Composites:
Reinforcement materials, types, characteristics and selection base metals,
Need for production, MMC’s and its application.
Fabrication Process for MMCs:
Powder metallurgy technique and its application, liquid metallurgy technique
and its application and secondary processing, special fabrication.L1, L2, L3
Properties of MMCs:
Physical, mechanical, wear, machinability and other properties. Effect of size,
shape and distribution of particulate on properties.
Introduction, types of Nano materials, synthesis nanomaterial using Chemical
vapor depositions, physical vapor deposition, phase transformation of
nanoparticles, magnetic, optical, electrical and mechanical properties of
nanoparticles.L1, L2
Micromechanical Analysis of a Lamina:
Introduction, evolution of four elastic moduli by strength of material approach,
rule of mixture, Numericals.
Mechanics of Lamina:
Hooks law for different types of materials, number elastic constants, two
dimensional relationship of compliance and stiffness matrix.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe basic concepts of composite materials and application of
composite materials in various engineering fields.
• Describe various FRP processing.
• Describe selection, requirements for production and application of
• Describe concepts of nano materials, nano technology and use of
nano materials.
• Use various techniques used for MMCs production.
• Analyze micro mechanical properties of lamina using various
Text Books:
1. Composites Science and Engineering - K. K. Chawla, Springer Verlag.
2. Introduction to composite materials - Hull and Clyne, Cambridge
University Press , 2nd edition , 1990.
3. Nano-materials- An introduction to synthesis, properties and
applications- Dieter vollath Wiley VCH , 2nd edition, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Composite materials Hand Book- 1984- MeingSchwaitz, McGraw Hill
Book Company.
2. Mechanics of Composite Materials- Robert M. Jones, McGraw Hill
Kogakusha Ltd.
3. Forming Metal hand book, 9th edition, ASM handbook, V15. 1988,
P327- 338.
4. Mechanics of composites- Artar Kaw, CRC Press. 2002.
5. Composite Materials - S. C. Sharma, Narosa publishing House, New
Delhi 2000.
6. Principles of Composite Material mechanics- Ronald .F. Gibron, McGraw
Hill. International, 1994.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU654 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain air pollution and pollutants, their sources & their effects.
• Describe different parameters responsible for pollutant formation.
• Choose instruments for pollution measurements.
• Analyze measurement of pollutants.
Laws and Regulations:
Historical background, regulatory test procedure (European cycles), Exhaust
gas pollutants (European rail road limits), particulate pollutants, European
statutory values, inspection of vehicle in circulation (influence of actual traffic
conditions and influence of vehicle maintenance).
Effect of Air Pollution:
Effect of air pollution on Human Health, Effect of air pollution on animals,
Effect of air pollution on plants.L1, L2
Mechanism of pollutant formation in Engines:
Nitrogen Oxides:
Formation of nitrogen oxides, kinetics of NO formation, formation of NO2, NO
formation in spark ignition engines, NOx formation, in compression ignition
Carbon Monoxide:
Formation of carbon monoxide in SI and CI Engines.
Unburned Hydrocarbons:
Back ground, flame quenching and oxidation fundamentals, HC emissions
from spark ignition engines, HC emission mechanisms in diesel engines.
Particulate emissions:
Spark ignition engine particulates, characteristics of diesel particulates, soot
formation fundamentals, soot oxidation.
Crankcase emissions, piston ring blow by, evaporative emissions.
L1, L2, L3
Pollution Control Techniques:
Pollution control measures inside SI Engines & lean burn strategies, measures
in engines to control Diesel Emissions
Pollution control in SI & CI Engines, Design changes, optimization of operating
factors and Exhaust gas recirculation, fuel additives to reduce smoke &
particulates, Road draught crankcase ventilation system, positive crankcase
ventilation system, fuel evaporation control.
Influence of Fuel Properties:
Effect of petrol, Diesel Fuel, Alternative Fuels and lubricants on emissions.
L1, L2
Post combustion Treatments:
Available options, physical conditions & exhaust gas compositions before
treatment, Catalytic mechanism, Thermal Reactions, Installation of catalyst in
exhaust lines, catalyst poisoning, catalyst light-off, NOx treatment in Diesel
Engines, particulate traps, Diesel Trap oxidizer. L1, L2
Sampling procedures:
Combustion gas sampling: continuous combustion, combustion in a cylinder
Particulate sampling: soot particles in a cylinder, soot in exhaust tube,
Sampling Methods-sedimentations, and filtration, and impinge methods-
electrostatic precipitation thermal precipitation, centrifugal methods,
determination of mass concentration, analytical methods- volumetric-
gravimetric-calorimetric methods etc.
Instrumentation for Pollution Measurements:
NDIR analyzers, Gas chromatograph, Thermal conductivity and flame
ionization detectors, Analyzers for NOx, Orsat apparatus, Smoke
measurement, comparison method, obscuration method, ringelmann chart,
Continuous filter type smoke meter, Bosch smoke meter, Hart ridge smoke
meter.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain air pollution and pollutants, their sources & their effects.
• Describe different parameters responsible for pollutant formation.
• Choose instruments for air pollution measurement.
• Analyze measurement of pollutants.
Text Books:
1. Automobiles and pollution - Paul degobert (SAE)
2. Internal combustion engine fundamentals-John B. Heywood, McGraw
Hill Book publications, 1998.
Reference Books:
1. Internal combustion engines-V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw Hill Book
Company, 1995.
2. Automotive Emission Control- Crouse William, Gregg Division
/McGraw-Hill. 1980.
3. Engine emissions, Pollutant Formation and Measurement- George,
Springer and Donald J. Patterson,, Plenum press, 1972.
5. Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution- Obert, E.F., Intext
Educational Publishers, 1980.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU661 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain method to Perform and evaluate present worth, future worth
and annual worth analyses on one of more economic alternatives.
• Calculate payback period and capitalized cost on one or more economic
• Describe method to carry out and evaluate benefit/cost, life cycle and
breakeven analyses on one or more economic alternatives
• Discuss Preparation of cost estimation report for any project.
• Describe cost accounting, replacement analysis.
Definition of various economic terms such as economic goods, utility, value,
price, wealth, wants capital, rent and profit, Laws of returns
Demand and supply & wages:
Law of diminishing utility and total utility. Demand Schedule, Law of demand.
Elasticity of demand, Law of substitution, Law of supply, supply schedule,
elasticity of supply. Nominal and real wages, Factors affecting real wages,
theory of wages, Difference in wages, methods of wage payment L1,L2,L3
Money and Exchange:
Theory of exchange, Barter, stock exchange, Speculation money qualities of a
good money, function of a money, classification of money, value of money,
index number, appreciation and depreciation of money value, Gresham’s Law
and its limitations
Taxation and Insurance:
Principle of taxation, characteristics of a good taxation system, kinds of taxes,
and their merits and demerits, Vehicle Insurance, Loss Assessment. L1,L2,L3
Interest and Depreciation:
Introduction, theory of interest, interest rate, interest from lender’s and
borrower’s view point, simple and compound interest. Nominal and effective
interest rates, interest formulae annual compounding, annual payments and
continuous compounding annual payment, simplenumerical problems. Need
for depreciation, causes of depreciation life and salvage value methods of
depreciation, simple numerical problems. L1,L2,L3
Standard costs estimated cost, First cost, Fixed cost, Variable costs,
Incremental cost, Differential cost, Sunk and marginal cost, Breakeven and
minimum cost analysis, simple numerical problems.
Cost Accounting:
Introduction, objectives of cost accounting, elements of cost material cost,
labour cost, and expenses, allocation of overheads by different methods,
simple numerical problems. L1,L2,L3
Book Keeping and Accounts:
Introduction, Necessity of book keeping, single entry and double entry system,
Classification of assets, Journal, Ledger, Trial balance, Final accounts,
trading, profit and loss account, Balance sheet, Numerical
Cost Estimation:
Introduction, importance, objectives and functions of estimating, principle
factors in estimating, Functions and qualities of an estimator, estimating
procedure. Estimation of material cost and manufacturing cost of simple
automotive components, Estimation of cost of overhauling and servicing of
automotive components - cylinder, valves, valve seats, crankshaft, FIP, Brake
drum, body building, different types of repairs. L1,L2,L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Perform and evaluate present worth, future worth and annual worth
analyses on one of more economic alternatives.
• Evaluate payback period and capitalized cost on one or more
economic alternatives.
• Carry out and evaluate benefit/cost, life cycle and breakeven
analyses on one or more economic alternatives
• Prepare a cost estimate for any project.
• Perform and evaluate cost accounting, replacement analysis
Text Books:
1. Engineering Economics, Tara Chand, Nem Chand and Brothers, Roorkee
2. Engineering Economy, Thuesen, G. J. and Fabrycky, W. J., Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Mechanical Estimating and Costing, T. R. Banga and S. C. Sharma,
Khanna Publishers, Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Industrial Organization and Engineering Economics- T. R. Banga and S.
C. Sharma, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. Mechanical Estimating and Costing- D. Kannappan et al., Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing CompanyLtd., New Delhi
3. A Text Book of Mechanical Estimating and Costing-O.P. Khanna,
DhanpatRai Publications Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi
4. Industrial Engineering and Management- O. P. Khanna, DhanpatRai
and Sons, New Delhi
5. Financial Management-I. M. Pandey, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi
6. Engineering Economics- James L. Riggs, David D. Bedworth and Sabah
U. Randhawa, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU662 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain how a hybrid vehicle works and describe its main components
and their function.
• Analyze the performance of a hybrid vehicle.
• Evaluate the environmental impact of road vehicles.
• Describe the operating principle and properties for the most common
types of electrical motors in hybrid technology.
Performance characteristics of road vehicles, calculation of road load,
predicting fuel economy, Grid connected hybrids
DC motors:
Series wound, shunt wound. Compound wound and separately excited. L1,L2
AC motors:
Induction, synchronous, brushless DC motor, switched reluctance motors.
Hybrid Architecture:
Series configuration- locomotive drives, series parallel switching, load tracking
architecture. Pre transmission parallel and combined configurations-Mild
hybrid, power assist, dual mode, power split, power split with shift,
Continuously Variable transmission (CVT). Wheel motor. L1, L2
Hybrid Power Plant specifications:
Grade and cruise targets. Launching and boosting, braking and energy
recuperation drive cycle implications, engine fraction-engine downsizing and
range and performance, usage requirements. L1,L2
Sizing the Drive System:
Matching electric drive and ICE, sizing the propulsion motor, sizing power
Energy Storage Technology:
Battery basics, different types of batteries (lead-acid battery / Lithium /
Alkaline), High discharge capacitors, flywheels, battery parametersL1,L2
Fuel cells
Fuel cell characteristics, fuel cell types - alkaline fuel cell, proton exchange
membrane, direct methanol fuel cell, phosphoric acid fuel cell, molten
carbonate fuel cell, solid oxide fuel cell, hydrogen storage systems, reformers,
fuel cell EV. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain how a hybrid vehicle works and describe its main
components and their function.
• Analyze the performance of a hybrid vehicle.
• Evaluate the environmental impact of road vehicles.
• Describe the operating principle and properties for the most common
types of electrical motors in hybrid technology
Text Books:
1.The Electric Car: Development & Future of Battery, Hybrid &Fuel-Cell
Cars - Dr Mike Westbrook, M H Westbrook, British library Cataloguing
in Publication Data, UK, ISBN0 85296 0131.
2. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Robin Hardy, Iqbal Husain, CRC Press,
ISBN 0-8493-1466-6.
3. Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles - John M. Miller, Institute of
Electrical Engineers, London, ISBN0 863413366.
Reference Books:
1. Energy Technology Analysis Prospects for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells,
International Energy Agency, France.
2. Hand Book of Electric Motors - Hamid A Taliyat, Gerald B Kliman,
Mercel Dekker Inc., US, ISBN0-8247-4105-6
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU663 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain Principles of selection of non destructive Evaluation method (
• Describe various inspection methods like Magnetic particle,
Radiographic Inspection their Principle, general procedure, advantages
and limitations
• Explain Verification of proper assembly and Inspect for in-service
Selection of NDE methods
Flaw detection & evaluation, leak detection & evaluation, metrology &
evaluation, structure / microstructure characterization, visual inspection.
Replication microscopy techniques for NDE
Specimen preparation, replication techniques, and micro structural analysis.
Liquid Penetrant Inspection:
Principles penetrate methods, procedure, materials used, equipment,
parameters, and applications. L1,L2,L3
Magnetic Particle Inspection:
Principle, general procedure, advantages & limitation, applications, magnetic
field generation, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic particles & suspending liquid
Radiographic inspection:
Principles, X-ray radiography, equipment, Gamma - Ray radiography, real time
radiography & film radiography, application examples. L1, L2, L3
Computed Tomography (CT):
Principles, capabilities, comparison to other NDE methods, CT equipment,
industrial computed tomography applications.
Thermal Inspection:
Principles, equipment, inspection methods applications. L1, L2, L3
Optical Holography:
Basics of Holography, recording and reconstruction-info metric techniques of
inspection, procedures of inspection, typical applications. Acoustical
Holography: systems and techniques applications.
Eddy Current Inspection:
Principles of operation, procedure, advantages & limitations, operating
variables, inspection coils, eddy current instruments, application examples.
L1, L2, L3
Ultrasonic Inspection:
Principles basic equipment, advantages & limitations, applicability, major
variables in ultrasonic inspection, basic inspection methods- pulse echo
method, transducers and couplants.
Acoustic Emission Inspection:
Principles comparison with other NDE methods, applicability, Acoustic
emission waves & propagation, instrumentation principles.L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain Principles of selection of NDE
• Describe various inspection methods like Magnetic particle,
Radiographic Inspection their Principle, general procedure,
advantages and limitations
• Monitor, improve or control manufacturing processes.
• Verify proper assembly and Inspect for in-service damage
Text Books:
1Metals hand book, Vol-17,9th Edition, Nondestructive evaluation & quality
control, American society of metals.
2. Handbooks of American Society for Nondestructive testing.
Reference Books:
1. Non Destructive testing - McGonnagle J.J. – Garden and reach New
2. Non-destructive Evolution and quality control volume 17 of metals hand
book 9 edition Asia internal 1989
3. the Testing instruction of Engineering materials- Davis H.E Troxel G.E
Wiskovil C.T McGraw Hill.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AUL67 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Explain how to identify the various chassis frames of cars, bus (front
engine & rear engine), truck and articulated vehicles.
• List specifications of different two and four wheeled vehicles.
• Describe procedure for Disassemble / assemble, cleaning, inspection
and servicing of chassis sub-systems like suspension, clutch / gear
box, final drive / differential, brake, steering and tyres / wheels.
1. Writing technical specification of two wheeled and four wheeled vehicles
(at least 10 vehicles)
2. Drawing the layouts of chassis frames of cars, bus (front engine & rear
engine), truck and articulated vehicles
3. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of single plate clutch and multi plate clutch. Checking the
clutch springs and Clutch adjustments.
4. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of different types of gear box and calculation of gear
ratios.Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing
and assembling of propeller shaft assembly including universal joint
and slip joint.
1. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of final drive and differential.
2. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of steering system and steering gears.
3. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of braking system, bleeding in hydraulic brakes
4. Removing the wheels from the vehicle, inspection for wear of tyre tread,
inspection of tube, vulcanizing the tube, refitting of wheel on vehicle
Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of front independent suspension, shock absorber and leaf
spring suspension system.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Identify the various chassis frames of cars, bus (front engine & rear
engine), truck and articulated vehicles.
• List specifications of different two and four wheeled vehicles.
• Disassemble / assemble, clean, inspect and service chassis sub-
systems like suspension, clutch / gear box, final drive / differential,
brake, steering and tyres / wheels.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from part -A :25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B : 25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Reference Books:
1.Auto Design – R. B. Gupta, SatyaPrakash, New Delhi 1999.
2. A course in I.C. Engine – Mathur& Sharma , DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi,
3. Internal Combustion Engines- V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi,
4. Automobile Engineering Vol. II - Kirpal Singh, Standard publications,
New Delhi, 2005
5. Modern Petrol Engine - A.W. Judge, B.I. Publications. 1983
6. Fundamentals of I. C. Engines - J. B. Heywood, McGraw Hill
International Edition.
7. Machine design - P.C. Sharma & D. K. Aggarwal, S.K. Kataria& sons,
8. I. C. Engine - Maleev&Litchy, McGraw Hill.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU73 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe the fundamentals of structural mechanics and finite element
• Develop element stiffness matrix for different elements using various
• Illustrate different methods of deriving shape functions for various
• Analyze one dimensional structural and thermal problem.
Equilibrium equations in elasticity subjected to body force, traction forces, and
stress-strain relations for plane stress and plane strains. Boundary
conditions, Matrix algebra, Gaussian elimination method, Eigen values and
Eigen vectors.
Basic Procedure:
Euler - Lagrange equation for bar, beam (cantilever /simply supported fixed)
Principle of virtual work, principle of minimum potential energy, Raleigh’s Ritz
method. L1, L2, L3
Basic Procedure:
Direct approach for stiffness matrix formulation of bar element. Galerkin’s
Discretization of Structure:
Steps in FEM, discritization process, element types-one, two, three and
axisymmetric elements, Interpolation polynomials, shape functions: for one
dimensional linear element, quadratic and cubic elements, shape functions in
natural coordinates, Convergence requirements, selection of the order of the
interpolation polynomial, Pascal triangle. Application and limitations of FEM.
L1, L2, L3
Solution of 1D Bar:
Solutions of bars and stepped bars for displacements, reactions and stresses
by using penalty approach and elimination approach. Guass-elimination
Stiffness matrix of Truss element, Numerical problems. L1, L2, L3
Higher order and Iso-parametric Elements:
Lagrangian interpolation, Higher order one dimensional elements- quadratic,
cubic elements and their shape functions, properties of shape functions,
shape functions for 2D quadratic triangular element in natural coordinates,
2D quadrilateral element shape functions- linear, quadratic, shape function of
beam element. Hermiteshape function of beam element.
L1, L2, L3
Hermite shape functions for beam element, Derivation of stiffness matrix.
Numerical problems of beams carrying concentrated, UDL and linearly varying
Heat Transfer:
Steady state heat transfer, 1D heat conduction governing equations.
Functional approach for heat conduction. Galerkin’s approach for heat
conduction. 1D heat transfer in thin fins.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe the fundamentals of structural mechanics and finite
element method.
• Develop element stiffness matrix for different elements using various
• Illustrate different methods of deriving shape functions for various
• Analyze one dimensional structural and thermal problem.
Text Books:
1Finite Elements in Engineering - T. R. Chandrupatla, A.D. Belegunde,3rd
2. Finite Element Method in Engineering - S. S. Rao, 4th Edition, Elsevier,
Reference Books:
1Finite Element Methods for Engineers - U. S. Dixit, Cengage Learning,
2. Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis -R. D. Cook, D. S
Maltus, M.E Plesha, R. J. Witt, Wiley 4th Ed, 2009
3. Finite Element Methods - Daryl. L. Logon, Thomson Learning 3rdedition,
4. Finite Element Method - J. N. Reddy, McGraw -Hill International
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU741 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain about various basic operations and applications of earth moving
• Select under carriage, hydraulics, steering systems of tractors.
• Select suitable machine depending on type of land, haul distance,
climate, etc.
Equipment and Operation:
Different types, working principles and applications of bull Dozers, Loaders,
Shovels, Excavators, Scrapers, Motor graders, Rollers, Compactors, Tractors
and Attachments. L1, L2
Engine, Under Carriage and Suspension Systems:
All systems of engine and special features like Automatic injection timer,
turbochargers, after coolers etc., Tyre and tracked vehicles, advantages and
disadvantages under carriage components like, tracks, roller frames, drive
sprockets, track rollers, track chains and track shoes. Rubber spring
suspension and air spring suspension. L1, L2
Transmissions and Final Drives:
Basic types of transmissions, auxiliary transmission, compound transmission,
twin triple countershaft, transmissions and planetary, transmission,
constructional and working principles, hydro shift automatic Transmission
and retarders.
Final Drives:
Types of reductions like, single reduction, double reduction final drives and
planetary final drives PTO shaft. L1, L2
Basic components of hydraulic systems like pumps (types of pumps), control
valves like flow control valves, directional control valves and pressure control
valves, hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. Depth & draft control
systems. L1, L2
Criterion for Selection of Equipment:
Selection of machines based on type of soil, haul distance, weather condition,
calculation Of Operating Capacity and calculation of productivity of a bull
Earth Moving Equipment Maintenance & Safety:
Types of maintenance schedules, purpose and advantages, organization set
ups, documentation. Safety methods for earth moving equipment.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain about various basic operations and applications of earth
moving equipment.
• Select under carriage, hydraulics, steering systems of tractors.
• Select suitable machine depending on type of land, haul distance,
climate, etc.
Text Books:
1. Diesel equipment- volume I and II by Erich J.schulz
2. Construction equipment and its management - S. C. Sharma
Reference Books:
1. Farm machinery and mechanism - Donald R. hunt and L. W. Garner
2. Theory of ground vehicles - by J. Y. Wong john Wiley and sons
3. Moving the earth - Herbert Nicholas
4. On and with the earth - Jagman Singh, W. Newman and Co. Kalkata
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU742 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain need for computer integrated manufacturing.
• Calculate WIP, TIP ratios using mathematical modeling.
• Explain various drives and mechanisms used in CIM.
• Analyze Automated Flow line & Line balancing.
• Analyze AGV’s.
• Develop part programming for milling and turning processes.
• Programme the robots for given application.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems:
Introduction, Automation definition, Types of automation, CIM, processing in
manufacturing, Production concepts, Mathematical Models-Manufacturing
lead time, production rate, components of operation time, capacity, Utilization
and availability, Work-in-process, WIP ratio, TIP ratio, Problems using
mathematical model equations.
High Volume Production System:
Introduction Automated flow line-symbols, objectives, Work part transport-
continuous, Intermittent, synchronous, Pallet fixtures, Transfer Mechanism-
Linear-Walking beam, roller chain drive, Rotary-rack and pinion, Rachet&
Pawl, Geneva wheel, Buffer storage, control functions-sequence, safety,
Quality.L1, L2, L3
Analysis of Automated Flow line & Line Balancing :
General terminology and analysis, Analysis of Transfer Line with Out storage-
upper bound approach, lower bound approach and problems, Analysis of
Transfer lines with storage buffer, Effect of storage, buffer capacity with
example problem, Partial automation-with numerical problem example, flow
lines with more than two stage, Manual Assembly lines balancing numerical
problems. L1, L2, L3
Automated Assembly Systems:
Design for automated assembly systems, types of automated assembly system,
Parts feeding devices-elements of parts delivery system-hopper, part feeder,
Selectors, feedback, escapement and placement analysis of Multi station
Assembly machine analysis of single station assembly.
Automated Guided Vehicle System:
Introduction, Vehicle guidance and routing, System management, Quantitative
analysis of AGV’s with numerical problems and application.L1, L2, L3, L4
Minimum Rational Work Element:
Work station process time, Cycle time, precedence constraints. Precedence
diagram, balance delay methods of line balancing-largest candidate rule,
Kilbridge and Westers method, Ranked positional weight method, Numerical
problems covering above methods and computerized line balancing.
Computerized Manufacturing Planning System:
Introduction, Computer Aided process planning, Retrieval types of process
planning, Generative type of process planning, Material requirement planning,
Fundamental concepts of MRP inputs to MRP, Capacity planning.L1, L2, L3
CNC Machining Centers:
Introduction to CNC, elements of CNC, CNC machining centers, part
programming, and fundamental steps involved in development of part
programming for milling and turning.
Introduction to Robot configuration, Robot motion, and programming of
Robots end effectors, Robot sensors and Robot applications. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain need for computer integrated manufacturing.
• Calculate WIP, TIP ratios using mathematical modeling.
• Explain various drives and mechanisms used in CIM.
• Analyze Automated Flow line & Line balancing.
• Analyze AGV’s.
• Develop part programming for milling and turning processes.
• Programme the robots for given application.
Text Books:
1. Automation, Production system & Computer Integrated
manufacturing- M. P. Grover Person India, 2007, 2nd edition.
2. Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing-S. Kant Vajpayee,
Prentice Hall India
Reference Books:
1Computer Integrated Manufacturing- J. A. Rehg& Henry. W. Kraebber.
2. CAD/CAM - Zeid, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Introduction to Robotics - Mechanica and Control, Craig, J. J., 2nd
Edition, Addison-Welsey, 1989.
4. Fundamentals of Robotics - Analysis and Control, Schilling R. J.,
PHI, 2006.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU743 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Calculate viscous force developed in oil between parallel plates.
• Develop mathematical models for tribological processes
• Design journal bearings.
• Design hydrostatic bearings for optimal performance.
• Select bearing materials
• Explain different aspects of tribological properties.
Properties of oils and equation of flow: Viscosity, Newton’s Law of viscosity,
Hagen-Poiseuille Law, Flow between parallel stationary planes, viscosity
measuring apparatus. Lubrication principles, classification of lubricants.
L1, L2, L3
Hydrodynamic Lubrication:
Friction forces and power loss in lightly loaded bearing, Petroff’s law, Tower’s
experiments, mechanism of pressure development in an oil film, Reynold’s
investigation and Reynold’s equation in 2D, numerical problems.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Idealized Journal Bearing:
Introduction to idealized journal bearing, load carrying capacity, condition for
equilibrium, Sommerfeld’s numbers and significance of it; Partial bearings,
end leakages in journal bearing, numerical problems. L1, L2, L3, L4
Oil Flow and Thermal Equilibrium of Journal Bearing:
Oil flow through bearings, self-contained journal bearings, bearings lubricated
under pressure, thermal equilibrium of journal bearings.
Hydrostatic Lubrication:
Introduction to hydrostatic lubrication, hydrostatic step bearings, load
carrying capacity and oil flow through the hydrostatic step bearing. L1, L2, L3
Bearing Materials:
Commonly used bearings materials, properties of typical bearing materials,
advantages and disadvantages of bearing materials.
Behavior of Tribological Components:
Selection, friction, Wear of ceramic materials, wear measurements, effects of
speed, temperature and pressure. Tribological measures, Material selection,
improved design, surface engineering. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Calculate viscous force developed in oil between parallel plates.
• Develop mathematical models for tribological processes
• Design journal bearings.
• Design hydrostatic bearings for optimal performance.
• Select bearing materials
• Explain different aspects of tribological properties.
Text Books:
1Fundamentals of Tribology - Basu S. K., Sengupta A N., Ahuja B.B., PHI
2. Introduction to Tribology Bearings - Mujumdar B. C., S. Chand
company Pvt. Ltd. 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Theory and Practice of Lubrication for Engineers - Fuller, D., New
York company 1998
2. Principles and Applications of Tribology -Moore, Pergamaon press
3. Tribology in Industries - Srivastava S., S Chand and Company
limited, Delhi 2002.
4. Lubrication of bearings – Theoretical Principles and Design -
Redzimovskay E I., Oxford press company 2000.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU744 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Develop an understanding of the Systems Engineering Process and the
range of factors that influence the design, planning, production,
evaluation and use of a system.
• Understand the concepts of and develop skills in the design,
construction, fault-finding, diagnosis, performance analysis,
maintenance, modification, and control of technological systems.
• Acquire knowledge of new developments and innovations in
technological systems.
• Develop an understanding of how technologies have transformed
people’s lives and can be used to solve challenges associated with
climate change, efficient energy use, security, health, education and
• Gain an awareness of quality and standards, including systems
reliability, safety and fitness for the intended purpose
Definition of designing, Man as a designer: Design by evolution, inadequacies
of traditional design method: System approach of engineering problems: Need
models: design history of large scale existing system.
Morphology of Design:
The three phases of design projects, the structure of design process, decision
making and iteration. L1, L2, L3
Identification and Analysis of Need:
Preliminary need statement, analysis of need, specifications, and standards of
performance and constraints.
Origination of Design Concept:
Process of idealization, mental fixity, and some design methods like
morphological analysis, AIDA, brain storming etc. L1, L2, L3, L4
Preliminary Design:
Mathematical modeling for functional design: concept of sensitivity,
compatibility and stability analysis.
Reliability Considerations in Design:
Bath tub curve, exponential reliability function, system reliability concept.
(Numericals). L1, L2, L3
Evaluation of Alternatives and Design Decisions:
Physical realisability, Design Tree: Quality of design, Concept of utility, multi
criteria decisions, decisions under uncertainty and risk (Numericals).
Economics and Optimization in Engineering Design:
Economics in Engineering Design, Fixed and variable costs, break-even
analysis. (Numericals). L1, L2, L3, L4
Optimization: Introduction to LPP, formulation and graphical solutions.
Man - Machine Interaction:
Designing for use and maintenance, Man-Machine Cycle, Design of displays
and controls. Factors influencing displays and controls. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Develop an understanding of the Systems Engineering Process and
the range of factors that influence the design, planning, production,
evaluation and use of a system.
• Understand the concepts of and develop skills in the design,
construction, fault-finding, diagnosis, performance analysis,
maintenance, modification, and control of technological systems.
• Acquire knowledge of new developments and innovations in
technological systems.
• Develop an understanding of how technologies have transformed
people’s lives and can be used to solve challenges associated with
climate change, efficient energy use, security, health, education and
• Gain an awareness of quality and standards, including systems
reliability, safety and fitness for the intended purpose.
Text Books:
1. An Introduction to Engineering Design Method - by V. Gupta and P.
Murthy, Tata McGraw Hill. 2000
2. Introduction of Engineering Design by T. Woodson, McGraw
Reference Books:
1. Design & Planning of Engineering systems - D. D. Meredith, K.W.
Wong, R.W. Wood head & K. K. Worthman. 2000.
2. Introduction to Design - M. A. Asimov-Prentice Hall. 1996.
3. Design Methods - Seeds of Human Futures-Wiley Inter
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU751 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Differentiate between open loop and closed loop control systems with
practical examples.
• Solve a complex control system to simple form using block diagrams and
signal flow graph.
• Evaluate the response of a control system for step & ramp inputs using
differential equations.
• Analyze stability of a given system by using polar, Nyquist, bode plots
and root locus concepts.
• Explain need for system compensations.
Classifications of control systems open and closed loop systems, concepts of
feedback and feed forward control systems, requirement of an ideal control
system, types of controllers.
Mathematical models:
Transfer function models, models of mechanical systems, models of electrical
circuits, models of thermal systems, models of hydraulic systems, Pneumatic
system, DC and AC servomotors in control systems. Error detectors.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Block diagrams and signal flow graphs:
Transfer Functions: definition, blocks representation of system elements,
reduction of block diagrams, Signal flow graphs: Mason’s gain formula.
L1, L2, L3
Transient and steady state response analysis:
Introduction, Analysis of first order and second order system response to step,
ramp and impulse inputs, Transient response and time domain specifications.
System stability: Routh’s-Hurwitz Criterion. L1, L2, L3, L4
Frequency Response Analysis:
Polar plots, Nyquist stability criterion, Stability analysis, Relative stability
concepts, Gain margin and phase margin. Bode attenuation diagrams, Stability
analysis using Bode plots, Simplified Bode Diagrams. L1, L2, L3, L4
Root Locus Plots:
Definition of root loci, General rules for constructing root loci, Analysis using
root locus plots.
System Compensation and State Variable Characteristics of Linear
Systems: Series and feedback compensation, Introduction to state concepts,
state equation of linear continuous data system. Matrix representation of state
equations, controllability and observability, Kalman and Gilberts test.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Differentiate between open loop and closed loop control systems with
practical examples.
• Solve a complex control system to simple form using block diagrams
and signal flow graph.
• Evaluate the response of a control system for step & ramp inputs
using differential equations.
• Analyze stability of a given system by using polar, Nyquist, bode plots
and root locus concepts.
• Explain need for system compensations.
Text Books:
1. Modern Control Engineering - Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson Education,
2. Control Systems Principles and Design - M. Gopal, 3rd Ed., TMH,
Reference Books:
1. Modern Control Systems - Richard. C. Dorf and Robert. H. Bishop,
Addison Wesley,1999
2.System Dynamics & Control - Eronini, Umez, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Singapore, 2002.
3. Feedback Control System - Schaum’s series. 2001.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU752 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Solve the problem related to decision making regarding supply and
• Understand the concept of interest and time value of money.
• Make the decision based on present worth, future worth of the
• Understand the financial statements for making suitable decisions.
Engineering Decision-Makers, Engineering and Economics, Problem solving and
Decision making, Intuition and Analysis, Tactics and Strategy. Engineering
Economic Decision Maize, Law of demand and supply, Law of returns, Interest
and Interest factors: Interest rate, Simple interest, Compound interest, Cash -
flow diagrams, Personal loans and EMI Payment, Exercises and Discussion.
L1, L2, L3
Present-Worth Comparisons:
Conditions for present worth comparisons, Basic Present worth comparisons,
Present-worth equivalence, Net Present worth, Assets with unequal lives,
infinite lives, Future-worth comparison, Pay-back comparison, Exercises,
Discussions and problems.L1, L2, L3
Rate-of-Return Calculations and Depreciation:
Rate of return, Minimum acceptable rate of return, IRR, IRR misconceptions,
Cost of capital concepts, Causes of Depreciation, Basic methods of computing
depreciation charges, Tax concepts, and corporate income tax. L1, L2, L3
Estimating and Costing:
Components of costs such as Direct Material Costs, Direct Labor Costs, Fixed
Over-Heads, and Factory cost, Administrative Over-Heads, First cost, Marginal
cost, Selling price, Estimation for simple components.L1, L2, L3, L4
Introduction, Scope of Finance, Finance Functions:
Statements of Financial Information: Introduction, Source of financial
information, Financial statements, Balance sheet, Profit and Loss account,
relation between Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account. Simple
Financial and Profit Planning:
Introduction, Financial planning, Profit planning, Objectives of profit planning,
Essentials of profit planning, Budget administration, type of budgets,
preparation of budgets, advantages, problems and dangers of budgeting.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Solve the problem related to decision making regarding supply and
• Understand the concept of interest and time value of money.
• Make the decision based on present worth, future worth of the
• Understand the financial statements for making suitable decisions.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Economy - Riggs J. L., 4TH ed. , McGraw Hill, 2002
2. Engineering Economy - Thuesen H.G. PHI , 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Economy - Tarachand, TMH, 2000.
2. Industrial Engineering and Management - O. P. Khanna,
DhanpatRai& Sons. 2000.
3. Financial Mangement- Prasanna Chandra, 7th Ed., TMH, 2004.
4. Finacial Management - I. M. Pandey, Vikas Pub. House, 2002.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU753 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Formulate a problem as LPP.
• Solve LPP of different models using suitable method.
• Plan and execute the projects using CPM and PERT techniques.
• Decide the optimum sequence of the processes/ machines.
Evolution of OR, definition of OR, scope of OR, application areas of OR, steps
(phases) in OR study, characteristics and limitations of OR, models used in OR,
linear programming (LP) problem-formulation and solution by graphical
Solution of Linear Programming Problems:
The simplex method canonical and standard form of an LP problem, slack,
surplus and artificial variables, big M method and concept of duality, dual
simplex method.L1, L2, L3
Transportation Problem:
Formulation of transportation problem, types, initial basic feasible solution
using different methods, optimal solution by MODI method, degeneracy in
transportation problems, application of transportation problem concept for
maximization cases.
Assignment Problem:
Formulation, types, application to maximization cases and travelling salesman
problem.L1, L2, L3, L4
Integer Programming:
Pure and mixed integer programming problems, solution of Integer
programming problems-Gomory’s all integer cutting plane method and mixed
integer method, branch and bound method, Zero- One programming.
Queuing Theory:
Queuing systems and their characteristics, Pure-birth and Pure-death models
(only equations), empirical queuing models – M/M/1 and M/M/C models and
their steady state performance analysis. L1, L2, L3, L4
PERT-CPM Techniques:
Introduction, network construction – rules, Fulkerson’s rule for numbering the
events, AON and AOA diagrams; Critical path method to find the expected
completion time of a project, floats; PERT for finding expected duration of an
activity and project, determining the probability of completing a project,
predicting the completion time of project; crashing of simple projects.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Game Theory:
Formulation of games, types, solution of games with saddle point, graphical
method of solving mixed strategy games, dominance rule for solving mixed
strategy games.
Basic assumptions, sequencing ‘n’ jobs on single machine using priority rules,
sequencing using Johnson’s rule-‘n’ jobs on 2 machines, ‘n’ jobs on 3
machines, ‘n’ jobs on ‘m’ machines. Sequencing 2 jobs on ‘m’ machines using
graphical method. L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Formulate a problem as LPP.
• Solve LPP of different models using suitable method.
• Plan and execute the projects using CPM and PERT techniques.
• Decide the optimum sequence of the processes/ machines.
Text Books:
1. Operations Research – P. K. Gupta and D S Hira, Chand Publications,
New Delhi – 2007.
2. Operations Research - Taha H A, Pearson Education.
3. Operations Research - S. D. Sharma, LedarnathRamanath& Co, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research - A. P. Verma, S K Kataria&Sons, 2008.
2. Operations Research - Paneerselvan, PHI.
3. Operations Research – A. M. Natarajan, P Balasubramani, Pearson
Education, 2005.
4. Introduction to Operations Research - Hillier and Liberman, 8th Ed.,
McGraw Hill.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU754 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe construction and working of different type of internal
combustion engines for two and three wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown wiring diagram for two wheeler and three wheeled vehicles.
• Explain types of clutches, transmission and final drives used for two and
three wheeled vehicles.
• Describe types of frames, brakes and tyres used for two and three
wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown maintenance schedule for two and three wheeled vehicles.
The Power Unit:
Types of engines for two wheelers, advantages and disadvantages of two stroke
and four stroke engines, engine components, constructional details, materials,
symmetrical and unsymmetrical port timing diagrams, valve actuating
mechanisms, valve timing diagrams. Rotary valve engine, Advantages and
disadvantages of diesel engines for two wheelers, power plant for electric bikes,
exhaust systems. L1, L2
Fuel, Lubrication And Cooling System:
Layout of fuel supply system, fuel tank construction, carburetor types,
construction, working and adjustments. Types of cooling systems, advantages
of air cooling system. Lubrication types, Lubrication of parts, grades of
lubricating oils.
Electrical System:
Types of ignition system, their working principles, wiring diagram for Indian
vehicles, spark plug construction, indicators and gauges used in two wheelers,
lighting systems. L1, L2
Transmission System:
Primary drive and Clutch:
Motor cycle power train, Primary drives, Types of primary drives, Chain drive,
Gear drive, Construction and operation of motorcycle clutches, Clutch release
mechanism. Gear boxes.
Introduction to motorcycle transmission, Sprockets and chain, Gears and Dogs
in motor cycle transmission, Gear and Gear ratios, Sliding gear transmissions,
Shifting fork mechanisms, Constant mesh transmissions, lubrication.
Final Drive:
Introduction to motorcycle final drives, Fundamentals of chain drive, Chain
lubrication and lubricators, Shaft drives, Drive shaft couplings, Final drive gear
case. L1, L2
Frames And Suspension:
Types and constructional details of frames, advantages and limitations, frame
materials, frame stresses, frame building problems, frame components, Front
and Rear suspension systems, shock absorber construction and working, Panel
meters and controls on handle bar, body manufacture and painting.
Brakes and Wheels:
Front and rear braking systems, disc and drum brakes, merits and demerits,
Types of wheels, loads on wheels, construction and materials for wheels, wheels
designation, tyre designation, inflation, types of tyres, construction details.
L1, L2
Two wheelers and Three Wheelers:
Case study of major Indian models of major motor cycles, scooters, scooteretts
and mopeds. Case study of Indian models of three wheelers, Front mounted
engine and rear mounted engine types, Auto rickshaws, pick up van, delivery
van and trailer, Bijili electric vehicles.
Importance of maintenance, Decarburizing procedure for engine and silencer,
periodic inspection, maintenance schedules, trouble diagnosis charts, safety
precautions, Lubrication charts. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe construction and working of different type of internal
combustion engines for two and three wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown wiring diagram for two wheeler and three wheeled vehicles.
• Explain types of clutches, transmission and final drives used for two
and three wheeled vehicles.
• Describe types of frames, brakes and tyres used for two and three
wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown maintenance schedule for two and three wheeled vehicles.
Text Books:
1. Motor cycle engines - P. E. Irving, Temple Press Book, London, 1992
2. Motor cycles -Michel M. Griffin
3. Motor cycle Mechanics - William H. Crouse and Donald L. Anglin, TMH
Reference Books:
1. The cycle Motor manual - Temple Press Ltd, 1990
2. Vespa maintenance and repair series - Bryaut R. V.
3. Encyclopedia of Motor Cycling 20 volumes - Marshall Cavendish, New
York., 1989.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]