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Engineering Mathematics-Iii: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

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B.E.SYLLABUS FOR 2017-2021


(Common to all Branches)

Course Code : 17MAT31 CIE Marks : 40

Contact Hours/Week : 04 SEE Marks: 60
Total Hours: 50 Exam Hours:03
Semester: III Credits: 04(4:0:0)

Course Objectives:

The objectives of this course is to introduce students to the mostly used analytical and
numerical methods in the different engineering fields by making them to learn Fourier series,
Fourier transforms and Z-transforms, statistical methods, numerical methods to solve algebraic and
transcendental equations, vector integration and calculus of variations.


Levels of Hrs

Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Dirichlet’s condition, Fourier Series of

periodic functions with period 2π and with arbitrary period 2c. Fourier series of L1 & L2 10

even and odd functions. Half range Fourier Series, practical harmonic

analysis-Illustrative examples from engineering field.


Fourier Transforms: Infinite Fourier transforms, Fourier sine and cosine

transforms. Inverse Fourier transform.
L1 & L2
Z-transform: Difference equations, basic definition, z-transform-definition,

Standard z-transforms, Damping rule, Shifting rule, Initial value and final value

theorems (without proof) and problems, Inverse z-transform. Applications of z-

transforms to solve difference equations.

Statistical Methods: Review of measures of central tendency and dispersion.

Correlation-Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation-problems. Regression
analysis- lines of regression (without proof) –problems
L1 & L2
Curve Fitting: Curve fitting by the method of least squares- fitting of the curves
2 bx
of the form, y = ax + b, y = ax + bx + c and y = ae .
Numerical Methods: Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental
equations by Regula- Falsi Method and Newton-Raphson method.
Finite differences: Forward and backward differences, Newton’s forward

and backward interpolation formulae. Divided differences- Newton’s

L1 & L2 10
divided difference formula. Lagrange’s interpolation formula and inverse
interpolation formula (all formulae without proof)-Problems.
th th
Numerical integration: : Simpson’s (1/3) and (3/8) rules, Weddle’s rule
(without proof ) –Problems.
Vector integration:

Line integrals-definition and problems, surface and volume integrals-

L2 & L3
definition, Green’s theorem in a plane, Stokes and Gauss-divergence
theorem(without proof) and problems.
Calculus of Variations: Variation of function and Functional, variational
problems. Euler’s equation, Geodesics, hanging chain, problems.
L2 & L3
Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to:

1. Know the use of periodic signals and Fourier series to analyze circuits and system

2. Explain the general linear system theory for continuous-time signals and digital signal
processing using the Fourier Transform and z-transform.

3. Employ appropriate numerical methods to solve algebraic and transcendental equations.

4. Αpply Green's Theorem, Divergence Theorem and Stokes' theorem in various

applications in the field of electro-magnetic and gravitational fields and fluid flow

5. Determine the extremals of functionals and solve the simple problems of the calculus of

Question Paper Pattern:

Note:- The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks
will be proportionately reduced to 60.


B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU32 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to:
• Identify different material crystal structures, arrangement of atoms and
mechanical properties.
• Classify different types of fractures and their importance.
• Draw TTT curves and Iron carbon diagrams
• Select various non-ferrous metals and alloys based on composition and
properties for a given application
• Describe various types of composite materials, explain various
manufacturing methods of composites and identify the engineering
Crystal Structure:
BCC, FCC and HCP Structures, coordination number and atomic packing
factors, crystal imperfections –point, line and surface imperfections. Atomic
Diffusion: Phenomenon, Flick's laws of diffusion, factors affecting diffusion.
Mechanical Behavior:
Stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle materials, True stress and true
strain, linear and non-linear elastic behavior and properties, mechanical
properties in plastic range, yield strength, offset yield strength, ductility,
ultimate tensile strength, and toughness. Plastic deformation of single crystal
by slip and twinning. L1,L2
Type I, Type II and Type III.
Description of the creep phenomenonwith examples, three stages of creep,
creep properties, stress relaxation.
Types of fatigue loading with examples, Mechanism of fatigue, fatigue
properties, fatigue testing and S-N diagram.
Solidification and Solid Solutions:
Mechanism of solidification, Homogenous and Heterogeneous nucleation,
crystal growth, cast metal structures, solid solutions- types and rules
governing the formation of solid solutions.
Phase Diagram:
Basic terms, phase rule, lever rule, cooling curves, construction and
interpretation of different phase diagrams ( eutectic, eutectoid, peritectic and
Heat Treatment of Metals:
TTT curves, continuous cooling curves, annealing and its types. Normalizing,
hardening, tempering, martempering, austempering, hardenability, surface
hardening methods like carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, flarne hardening and
induction hardening, age hardening of Aluminium-copper alloys.
Ferrous Materials:
Properties, Composition and uses of Grey cast iron, malleable iron, S.G iron
and steel.
Non Ferrous Metals:
Copper alloys-brasses and bronzes. Aluminum alloys-Al-Cu, Al-Si, Al-Zn
Composite Materials:
Definition, classification, types of matrix materials & reinforcements,
fundamentals of production of FRP' and MMC's advantages and application of
Other Materials:
Brief description of other materials such as optical and thermal materials
Smart materials – fiber optic materials, piezo-electrics, shape memory alloys
Shape Memory Alloys – Nitinol, superelasticity, Biological applications of smart
materials - materials used as implants in human Body, Selection of Materials,
Performance of materials in service Residual life assessment – use of non-
destructive testing, Economics, Environment and Sustainability.

Course outcomes:After completion of above course, the student will be able

• Explain different types of material crystal structures and
arrangement of atoms.
• Describe various mechanical properties of materials.
• Describe about different types of fractures and their importance in
engg. applications.
• Explain the concept of equilibrium diagram.
• Plot cooling curves and phase diagrams for pure metals and alloys.
• Draw and Interpret TTT curves and Iron carbon diagram.
• Explain various heat treatment processes and their importance in
engineering field.
• Identify various ferrous metals and nonferrous metals and alloys
based on composition and properties.
• Describe about different types of composite materials and their
production and application in engineering field.
Text Books:
1. Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering- Smith, 3rd
Edition McGraw Hill, 2009
2. Materials Science, Shackleford. & M. K. Muralidhara, Pearson
Publication – 2007.
Reference Books:
1. An introduction to Metallurgy- Alan Cottrell, University Press India
Oriental Longman Pvt. Ltd., 1974.
2. Materials Science and Engineering - V. Raghavan, PHI, 2002
3. Elements of Materials Science and Engineering- H. VanVlack , Addison-
Wesley Edn., 1998
4. William D. Callister Jr., “Materials Science and Engineering”, John Wiley
& Sons. Inc, 5th Edition, 2001.
5. Donald R. Askland and Pradeep.P. Phule, “The Science and Engineering
of Materials”, Thompson Learning, 4lh Ed., 2003.
B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU33 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to:
• Define work, heat, and laws of thermodynamics.
• Calculate performance characteristics of I. C. engines.
• Evaluate thermal performance of refrigeration cycles.
• Demonstrate the calculation of efficiency of gas power and vapor power
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics:
Thermodynamic definition and scope, Microscopic and Macroscopic
approaches. Thermodynamic properties; definition and units, intensive,
extensive properties, specific properties, pressure, specific volume,
Thermodynamic state, state point, state diagram, path and process, quasi-
static process, cyclic and non-cyclic; processes; Thermodynamic equilibrium;
definition, mechanical equilibrium; diathermic wall, thermal equilibrium,
chemical equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature; concepts,
scales, international fixed points and measurement of temperature. Constant
volume gas thermometer, constant pressure gas thermometer, mercury in
glass thermometer
Work and Heat:
Thermodynamic definition of work; examples, sign convention, Shaft work;
Electrical work. Other types of work. Heat; definition, units and sign
convention. L1, L2, L3
Laws of Thermodynamics and Entropy:
Joules experiments, Statement of the First law of thermodynamics, steady
state-steady flow energy equation, important applications, analysis of
unsteady processes such as filling and evacuation of vessels with and without
heat transfer.
Keivin –Planck &Clasius statement of Second law of Thermodynamics, PMM II
and PMM I.
Clasius Theorem & inequality, Entropy; definition, a property, Available and
unavailable energy, Numericals. L1, L2, L3
Combustion Thermodynamics, Gas power cycles and Testing of I. C.
Air Fuel (A/F) ratio, Excess air, Theoretical (Stoichiometeric) air for
combustion of fuels, Exhaust gas analysis , Otto, Diesel, Dual Cycles,
efficiencies and mean effective pressures, Testing of two stroke and four stroke
SI and CI engines for performance Related numerical problems, heat balance
sheet, Morse test, Willian line test and Motoring Test.L3,L4
Refrigeration and Psychrometry:
Vapor absorption refrigeration system, steam jet refrigeration, vapor
compression refrigeration system; description, analysis, refrigerating effect,
capacity, power required, units of refrigeration, COP, Refrigerants and their
desirable properties. Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point
temperature; specific and relative humidifies Construction and use of
psychrometric chart Analysis of various processes; heating, cooling,
dehumidifying and humidifying. Adiabatic mixing of moist air. Summer and
winter air conditioning. Numericals. L3,L4
Reciprocating Air Compressors, Gas Turbine and Jet Propulsion:
Operation of a single stage reciprocating compressor, work input through P-V
diagram, steady state and steady flow analysis, adiabatic, isothermal and
mechanical efficiencies minimum work for compression, multistage
Classification of Gas turbines, Analysis of open cycle gas turbine cycle.
Advantages and disadvantages of closed cycle, numericals. Principle of Jet
propulsion and Rocket propulsion L2,L3,L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, student will be able to:
• Define and explain fundamental thermodynamic laws and concepts,
work, various types of works and heat and its applications, entropy
and its relations, Zeroth, First & Second law of thermodynamics and
its applications.
• Explain various thermodynamic relations, constants of gas and
basics of ideal gas & its mixtures.
• Calculate load and IP, BP and other performance characteristics of
I.C. engines.
• Explain the selection of air conditioning system; evaluate thermal
performance of refrigeration cycles.
• Calculate efficiency and MEP of various gas power & vapor power
• Explain the principles of gas turbine & jet propulsion system and
their fuels.
Text Books:
1. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics- P. K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hul Pub.
2. Applied Thermodynamics - B. K. Venkanna , PHI New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Thermodynamics, An engineering approach- Yunus, A. Cenegal and
Michael A.Boies, Tata Mac- Graw Hill Publishing Company, 2002,
2. Fundamental of Classical Thermodynamics- G. J. Van Wylen and R. E.
Sontang, Wiley eastern.

B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU34 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Explain the basic concepts of stress, strain
• Explain the behavior of different engineering materials subjected to
different types of loading
• Demonstrate calculation of principal stresses using analytical and
graphical methods
• Calculate and plot shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams
carrying different types of loads, and various support conditions
• Determine deflection and slope of beams subjected to various type of
• Determine the diameter of solid and hollow shafts subjected to torques
• Calculate critical loads for different type of columns using euler’s,
rankine’s equations
Stress and Strain:
Introduction, Hooke’s law, Calculation of stresses in straight, Stepped and
tapered sections, Composite sections, Stresses due to temperature change,
Shear stress and strain, Lateral strain and Poisson’s ratio, Generalized
Hooke’s law, Bulk modulus, Relationship between elastic constants. L1,L2,L3
Analysis of Stress and Strain:
Plane stress, Stresses on inclined planes, Principal stresses and maximum
shear stress, Principal angles, Shear stresses on principal planes, Maximum
shear tress, Mohr circle for plane stress conditions.
Thin cylinder: Hoop’s stress, maximum shear stress, circumferential and
longitudinal strains, thick cylinders: Lames equations. L1,L2,L3
Shear Forces and Bending Moments:
Type of beams, Loads and reactions, Relationship between loads, shear forces
and bending moments, Shear force and bending moments of cantilever beams,
Pin support and roller supported beams subjected to concentrated loads and
uniformly distributed constant / varying loads.
Stresses in Beams:
Pure bending, Curvature of a beam, Longitudinal strains in beams, Normal
stresses in Beams with rectangular, circular,‘I’ and ‘T’ cross sections, Flexure
Formula, Bending Stresses, Deflection of beams (Curvature). L1,L2,L3
Circular solid and hallow shafts, Torsional moment of resistance, Power
transmission of straight and stepped shafts, Twist in shaft sections, Thin
tubular sections, Thin walled sections.
Buckling and stability, Critical load, Columns with pinned ends, Columns with
other support conditions, Effective length of columns and Secant formula for
columns. L1,L2,L3, L4
Strain Energy:
Castigliano’s theorem I and II, Load deformation diagram, Strain energy due to
normal stresses, Shear stresses, Modulus of resilience, Strain energy due to
bending and torsion.
Theories of Failure:
Maximum Principal stress theory, Maximum shear stress theory. L1,L2,L3
Course outcomes::After completion of above course, student will be able to:
• Explain the concepts of stress, strain; material properties.
• Explain the behavior of materials under different loading conditions
• Calculate principal stresses using analytical and graphical methods;
estimate the stresses in thick and thin cylinders.
• Calculate SF and BM and draw the SF and BM diagrams types of
beams carrying different types loads.
• Calculate the deflection & slope of beams under subjected to various
types of loads
• Explain the concepts of torque and calculate the diameter of hollow
and solid shafts subjected to twisting moment.
• Stresses & angle of twist induced in to the shaft due to twisting.
• Calculate Critical load for different types columns using Euler’s,
Rankine’s equations & limitations of these equations and explain the
Text Books:
1. Strength of Materials, Indian Edition- James M Gere, Barry J Goodno,
Cengage Learning, 2009.
2. Strength of Materials- S. S. Bhavikatti,,Vikas publications House -1 Pvt.
Ltd., 2nd Ed., 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Strength of Materials- S. S. Rattan, , Tata McGraw Hill, 2009
2. Mechanics of Materials- K.V. Rao, G.C. Raju, First Edition, 2007.
3. Strength of Materials- R Subramanian, Oxford, 2005.


B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU35 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• To explain significance of mechanical measurements, elements of a
generalized measuring system
• To explain the theory and working principle of measuring instruments
for the measurement of force, torque, flow, temperature, pressure and
• To define Metrology, appreciate the objectives of Metrology, and explain
the importance of standards.
• To interpret the limits specified, identify fits and explain the concept of
• To provide the knowledge of working principle of comparators, screw
and gear metrology
Measurements, Measurement Systems and Standards of Measurement:
Definition, significance of measurement, generalized measurement system,
definition and concept of accuracy, precision, sensitivity, Calibration,
threshold, hysteresis, repeatability, linearity, loading effect, system response,
time delay, errors in measurement, classification of errors. Definition and
objectives of metrology, Standard of length- International prototype meter,
Imperial standard yard, Wave length standard, Subdivision of standards, line
and end standard, comparison, Transfer from line standard to end standard,
calibration of end bars (Numerical) L1,L2
Comparators and Angular Measurements:
Introduction to Comparator, Characteristics, Classification of Comparators,
Sigma comparators, dial indicators, optical comparators, principles, ziess ultra
optimeter, Electric and electronic comparators –principles, LVDT, pneumatic
comparators, back pressure gauges, solex comparators. Bevel protractor. Sine
principle, use of sine bars, sine centre, angle gauges (numerical on building of
angles) L1,L2,L3
Transducers, Intermediate Modifying Devices and Interferometer:
Transfer efficiency, primary and secondary transducers, Mechanical, electrical,
electronic transducers, advantages of each type of transducers. Mechanical
systems, inherent problems, electrical intermediate modifying devices, input
circuitry, signal transmission (hydraulic transmission, magnetic transmission,
electrical transmission) Clinometers. Principle of inter-ferometry,
autocollimator, optical flats. L1,L2
Measurement of Force, Torque and Display Devices:
Principle, analytical balance, platform balance proving ring, torque
measurement, types of dynamometers prony brake, Hydraulic dynamometer,
Eddy current dynamometer. Mechanical, digital read out devices, ultra-
violet recorders, servo-recorders cathode ray oscilloscope, Oscillographs, X-Y
plotters. L1,L2,L3
System of Limits, Fits, Tolerance and Gauging:
Definition of tolerance, Specification in assembly, Principle of
interchangeability and selective assembly, limits of size, Indian standards,
concept of limits of size and tolerances, definition of fits, hole basis system,
shaft basis system, types of fits and their designation (IS 919-1963), geometric
tolerance, position-tolerances.
Strain, Pressure and Temperature Measurement: Strain gauge, preparation
and mounting of strain gauges, gauge factor, Methods of strain measurement
Principle, use of elastic members, bridge man gauge, Mcleod gauge, thermal
conductivity gauge, (pirani gauge and thermocouple vacuum gauge) ionization
gauge, Resistance thermometers, thermocouple, law of thermocouple,
thermocouple circuits, thermocouple materials, pyrometers, optical pyrometer.
L1,L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, student will be able to:
• Explain the significance of mechanical measurements and
components of a generalized measurement system.
• Classify and explain principles of various types of transducers,
modifying devices and terminating devices.
• Explain the working principle of instruments used for measurement
of Force, Torque, Pressure, Temperature, Strain and Vibration.
• Explain the objectives of metrology and explain various standards of
length such as line and end standards.
• Classify the comparators and explain their working principles.
• Explain the usage of instruments used for the measurement of screw
thread and gear parameters.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Metrology - R. K. Jain, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Mechanical Measurements and Control - D. S. Kumar, Metropolitan
Book Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. ASTME- Hand book of Industrial Metrology - PHI
2. Engineering Metrology- K. J. Hume, Third (metric) Edition - Kalyani

B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU36 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Define various terms associated with casting processes
• Explain methods of construction of moulds.
• Select molding machine and molding process based on material type
• Select appropriate joining process, type of joints.
• Explain different non-destructive testing methods
Concept of Manufacturing process, its importance. Classification of
Manufacturing processes. Introduction to Casting process & steps involved.
Varieties of components produced by casting process. Advantages &
Limitations of casting process.
Definition, functions, Materials used for pattern, various pattern allowances
and their importance. Classification of patterns.
Binder: Definition, Types of binder used in molding sand.
Need, Types of additives used. Types of base sand, requirement of base sand.
Molding sand mixture ingredients (base sand, binder & additives) for different
sand mixtures. Method used for sand molding, such as Green sand, dry sand
and skin dried moulds.
Definition, Need, Types. Method of making cores, Binders used, core sand
Gates & Risers. Principle and types.
Fettling and cleaning of castings.
Basic steps, Casting defects, Causes, features and remedies. L1,L2
Special Moulding Process & Furnaces:
Moulding Machines :
Jolt type, Squeeze type, Jolt & Squeeze type and Sand slinger.
Study of important molding processes, No bake moulds, Flasklessmoulds,
Sweep mould, CO2 mould, Shell mould, Investment mould.
Metal moulds:
Gravity die-casting, Pressure die casting, Centrifugal casting, Squeeze Casting,
Slush casting, and Thixocasting processes.
Constructional features & working principle of coke fired, oil fired and Gas
fired pit furnace, Resistance furnace, Electric Arc Furnace, Cupola
Welding Process:
Definition, Principles, Classification, Application, Advantages & limitations of
Arc Welding:
Principle, Metal Arc welding (MAW), Flux Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Gas Welding:
Principle, Oxy – Acetylene welding, Chemical Reaction in Gas welding, Flame
characteristics. Gas torch construction & working. Forward and backward
Inert Gas Welding (TIG & MIG) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) and Atomic
Hydrogen Welding processes. (AHW) L1,L2
Resistance welding: Principles, Seam welding, Butt welding, Spot welding
and projection welding.
Friction welding, Explosive welding, Thermit welding, Laser welding and
Electron beam welding.
Structure of welds, Formation of different zones during welding. Heat affected
zone (HAZ). Parameters affecting HAZ. Effect of carbon content on structure
and properties of steel. Shrinkage in welds & Residual stresses. Concept of
electrodes, Filler rod and fluxes. Welding defects – Detection causes & remedy.
Soldering, Brazing:
Parameters involved & Mechanism. Different Types of Soldering & Brazing
Inspection Methods:
Methods used for Inspection of casting and welding. Visual, Magnetic particle,
Fluorescent particle, Ultrasonic, Radiography, Eddy current, Holography
methods of Inspection. L1,L2,L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, student will be able to:
• Define various terminologies used in casting process.
• Explain basic concepts used in construction of various moulds.
• Analyze the working of various moulding machines.
• Select the appropriate moulding machine and moulding process
depending on the type of raw material required to produce the
desired product.
• Select the appropriate joining process depending on the type of joint
required to produce the desired product.
• Select the Non-Destructive Testing method for particular application
Text Books:
1. Manufacturing Process-I- Dr. K. Radhakrishna, Sapna Book House, 5th
Revised Edition 2009.
2. Manufacturing & Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding- P. N. Rao,
2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Manufacturing Technology- SeropeKalpakjain, Steuen. R. Sechmid,
Pearson Education Asia, 5th Ed. 2006.
2. Process and Materials of Manufacturing- Roy A Lindberg, 4th Ed.
Pearson Edu. 2006.
Metallography and Material Testing Laboratory
B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AUL37 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03=(1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to
• Conduct experiments in Metallography and Material Testing Laboratory
using the principles of material science and mechanics of materials
• Use different material testing machines
• Tabulate the data, plot the graphs and make thorough analysis of
1.Preparation of specimen for Metallographic examination of different
engineering materials. Identification of microstructures of plain carbon steel,
tool steel, gray CI, SG iron, Brass, Bronze & composites.
2.Heat treatment: Annealing, normalizing, hardening and tempering of steel.
Hardness studies of heat treated samples.
3.To study the wear characteristics of ferrous, non-ferrous and composite
materials for different parameters.
4. Non-destructive test experiments like,
a. Ultrasonic flaw detection
b. Magnetic crack detection
c. Dye penetration testing. To study the defects of Cast and Welded specimens
5.Brinell, Rockwell and Vickers’s Hardness test.
1. Tensile, Shear and Compression tests of metallic and non-metallic
specimens using Universal Testing Machine
2.Torsion Test
3.Bending Test on metallic and nonmetallic specimens.
4.Izod and Charpy Tests on M.S, and CI specimen.
5.Fatigue Test.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Conduct experiments in Metallography and Material Testing
Laboratory using the principles of material science and mechanics of
• Use different material testing machines
• Tabulate the data, plot the graphs and make thorough analysis of
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from part -A : 20 Marks
ONE questions from part -B : 30 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks


B.E., III Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AUL38 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• To apply knowledge of foundry and forging for the conduct of
experiments in Foundry and Forging laboratory using standard test
• To explain various foundry and forging tools and demonstrate their
Testing of Moulding Sand and Core Sand:
Preparation of sand specimens and conduction of the following tests:
a. Compression, Shear and Tensile tests on Universal Sand Testing
b. Permeability test
c. Core hardness & Mould hardness tests.
d. Sieve Analysis to find Grain Finest number of Base Sand
e. Clay content determination in Base Sand
Foundry Practice:
a. Use of foundry tools and other equipment.
b. Preparation of molds using two molding boxes using patterns or without
patterns. (Split pattern, Match plate)
c. Preparation of one casting (Aluminum or cast iron-Demonstration only)
Forging Operations:
a. Calculation of length of the raw material required to prepare the model.
b. Preparing minimum three forged models involving upsetting, drawing
and bending operations.
Out of above models, at least one model is to be prepared by using
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Apply the basic knowledge of Foundry and Forging to demonstrate
the conduct of experiments in Foundry and Forging Laboratory.
• Explain the working principle of all the laboratory equipment and
• Explain the standard test procedures
• Explain the significance of the various tests conducted in practice,
research works etc.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from part -A :20 Marks
ONE question from either Part-B or Part-C : 30 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks
(Common to all Branches)

Course Code : 17MAT41 CIE Marks : 40

Contact Hours/Week : 04 SEE Marks: 60
Total Hours: 50 Exam Hours:03
Semester: IV Credits: 04(4:0:0)
Course Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to make students well conversant with numerical methods to
solve ordinary differential equations, complex analysis, sampling theory and joint probability
distribution and stochastic processes arising in science and engineering.

RBT No. of
Levels Hrs


Numerical Methods: Numerical solution of ordinary differential

equations of first order and first degree, Taylor’s series method,

L1 & L2 10
modified Euler’s method. Runge - Kutta method of fourth order,
Milne’s and Adams-Bashforth predictor and corrector methods (No
derivations of formulae-single step computation only).

Numerical Methods: Numerical solution of second order ordinary

differential equations, Runge-Kutta method and Milne’s method. (No

derivations of formulae-single step computation only).

L3 10
Special Functions: Series solution of Bessel’s differential equation

leading to Jn(x)-Bessel’s function of first kind. Basic properties and

orthogonality. Series solution of Legendre’s differential equation leading

to Pn(x)-Legendre polynomials. Rodrigue’s formula, problems

Complex Variables: Review of a function of a complex variable, limits,

continuity, differentiability. Analytic functions-Cauchy-Riemann

L1 & L3
equations in cartesian and polar forms. Properties and construction of

analytic functions. Complex line integrals-Cauchy’s theorem and

Cauchy’s integral formula, Residue, poles, Cauchy’s Residue theorem

( without proof) and problems.

Transformations: Conformal transformations-Discussion of

transformations: w = z , w =e , w = z + (1 z )(z ≠ 0). Bilinear

2 z


Probability Distributions: Random variables (discrete and continuous),

probability mass/density functions. Binomial distribution, Poisson
L3 10
distribution. Exponential and normal distributions, problems.

Joint probability distribution: Joint Probability distribution for two

discrete random variables, expectation, covariance, correlation coefficient.


Sampling Theory: Sampling, Sampling distributions, standard error, test

of hypothesis for means and proportions, confidence limits for

means, student’s t-distribution, Chi-square distribution as a test of

goodness of fit. 10
Stochastic process:
Stochastic processes, probability vector, stochastic matrices, fixed points,
regular stochastic matrices, Markov chains, higher transition probability-

simple problems.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to:

6. Solve first and second order ordinary differential equation arising in flow problems
using single step and multistep numerical methods.

7. Illustrate problems of potential theory, quantum mechanics and heat conduction by

employing notions and properties of Bessel’s functions and Legendre’s polynomials.

8. Explain the concepts of analytic functions, residues, poles of complex potentials and
describe conformal and Bilinear transformation arising in field theory and signal

9. Develop probability distribution of discrete, continuous random variables and joint

probability distribution occurring in digital signal processing, information theory and
design engineering.

10. Demonstrate testing of hypothesis of sampling distributions and illustrate examples of

Markov chains related to discrete parameter stochastic process.

Question Paper Pattern:

Note:- The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks will be
proportionately reduced to 60.
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.

• Each full question consisting of 20 marks.

• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions)
from each module.

• Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.

• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from
each module.

Text Books:

1. B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 43 Ed., 2015.
2. E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 10 Ed., 2015.
Reference books:

1. N.P.Bali and Manish Goyal: A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi

Publishers,7 Ed., 2010.
2. B.V.Ramana: "Higher Engineering M athematics" Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.

3. H. K. Dass and Er. RajnishVerma: "Higher Engineerig Mathematics", S. Chand

publishing, 1 edition, 2011.
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU42 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• To define fluid properties, describe Pascal’s law, Hydrostatic law.
• To calculate pressure given point and difference in pressure between
sections of pipe, Buoyancy and Stability of floating objects.
• To apply Bernoulli’s principle to solve fluid flow problems.
• To make dimensional analysis of fluid mechanics problems.
• To analyze various forces acting on submerged bodies.
Properties of fluids:
Introduction, Properties of fluids, viscosity, thermodynamic properties, surface
tension, capillarity, vapor pressure and cavitation.
Fluid Statics:
Fluid pressure at a point, Pascal’s law, pressure variation in a static fluid,
absolute, gauge, atmospheric and vacuum pressures, simple manometers and
differential manometers. Total pressure and center of pressure on submerged
plane surfaces; horizontal, vertical and inclined plane surfaces, curved surface
submerged in liquid.L1,L2,L3
Buoyancy, center of buoyancy, meta centre and metacentric height, conditions
of equilibrium of floating and submerged bodies, determination of Metacentric
height experimentally and theoretically.
Fluid Kinematics:
Types of fluid flow, continuity equation in 2D and 3D (Cartesian Co-ordinates
only), velocity and acceleration, velocity potential function and stream
Fluid dynamics:
Introduction, equation of motion, Euler’s equation of motion, Bernoulli’s
equation from first principles and also from Euler’s equation, limitations of
Bernoulli’s equation.
Fluid Flow Measurements:
Venturimeter, orifice meter, pitot-tube, vertical orifice, V-Notch and
rectangular notches.L1,L2,L3
Dimensional analysis:
Introduction, derived quantities, dimensions of physical quantities,
dimensional homogeneity, Rayleigh’s method, Buckingham π theorem,
dimensionless numbers, similitude, types of similtudes.
Flow through pipes:
Minor losses through pipes. Darey’s and Chezy’s equation for loss of head due
to friction in pipes. HGL and TEL. L1,L2,L3
Laminar flow and viscous effects:
Reyonold’s number, critical Reynold’s number, laminar flow through circular
pipe-Hagen Poiseille’s equation, laminar flow between parallel and stationary
Flow past immersed bodies :
Drag, Lift, expression for lift and drag, boundary layer concept, displacement,
momentum and energy thickness.
Introduction to compressible flow:
Velocity of sound in a fluid, Mach number, Mach cone, propagation of
pressure waves in a compressible fluid.L1,L2,L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, student will be able to:
• Define fluid properties and distinguish between types of fluids.
• Describe Pascal’s law, Hydrostatic law & their application to solve
engineering static fluid problems.
• Explain the concepts of Buoyancy and stability of floating objects.
• Explain the types of flows, application of continuity equations.
• Explain the forces acting when fluid is under motion & application of
Bernoulli’s equation for solving flow problems.
• Explain the different methods of measurement of flows.
• Use dimensional analysis methods for fluid mechanics problems.
• Estimate the various types of losses in pipes.
• Explain the concepts of laminar flow & viscous flow through the pipe
and plates.
• Analyze various forces acting on submerged bodies in engineering
flow problems.
Text Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics - Pijush. K. Kundu, Ira M. Cohen, ELSEVIER, 3rd Ed.
2. Fluid Mechanics - Dr. Bansal, R. K., Lakshmi Publications, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and hydraulics- Dr. Jagadishlal, Metropolitan Book
Co-Ltd., 1997.
2. Fluid Mechanics (SI Units) - Yunus A. Cengel John M.Cimbala, TMH,
3. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering- Kumar. D. S., Kataria
and Sons., 2004.
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU43 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Define the basic terms such as kinematic chain, kinematic pair, degree
of freedom etc. associated with kinematics of machinery
• Determine the mobility of given mechanisms.
• Sketch and explain inversions of four bar mechanism, single slider
crank mechanism and double slider crank mechanism.
• Determine the velocity and acceleration of links using graphical
ansanalytical methods.
• Plot cam profiles using displacement diagram for various types of
• Define gear terminology and determine the velocity ratio in different gear
Introduction, kinematic chains, inversions & mechanisms:
Definitions Link or element, kinematic pairs, Degrees of freedom, Grubler's
criterion (without derivation), Kinematic chain, Mechanism, Structure,
Mobility of Mechanism, Inversion, Machine. Inversions of Four bar chain;
Single slider crank chain and Double slider crank chain. Quick return motion
mechanisms-Drag link mechanism, Whitworth mechanism and Crank and
slotted lever Mechanism.
Straight-line motion mechanisms, Peaucellier's mechanism and Robert's
mechanism. Intermittent Motion mechanisms -Geneva wheel mechanism and
Ratchet and Pawl mechanism. Toggle mechanism, Pantograph, Ackerman
steering gear mechanism. L1, L2, L3
Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms:
Velocity and acceleration analysis of Four Bar mechanism, slider crank
mechanism and Simple Mechanisms by vector polygons: Relative velocity and
acceleration of particles .in a common link, relative velocity and accelerations
of coincident Particles on separate links- Coriolis component of acceleration.
Angular velocity and angular acceleration of links, velocity of
rubbing.Definition, Kennedy's Theorem, Determination of linear and angular
velocity using instantaneous center method. L1,
L2, L3
Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms, klein's construction:
Analysis of velocity and acceleration of single slider crank mechanism.
Analysis of four bar chain and slider crank chain using analytical expressions.
(Use of complex algebra and vector algebra).
Analysis of velocity and acceleration of single slider crank mechanism by
Kleins’s construction.L1, L2, L3
Gears & gear trains:
Gear terminology, Law of gearing, Characteristics of involute action, Path of
contact, Arc of contact, Contact ratio of Spur, Helical, Bevel and Worm gears,
Interference in involute gears. Methods of avoiding interference, Back lash.
Comparison of involute and cycloidal teeth. Profile Modification.
Types of Gear trains, velocity ratio, Train value, Algebraic and tabular methods
of finding velocity ratio of epicyclic gear trains. Tooth load and torque
calculations in epicyclic gear trains. L1, L2
Types of cams, Types of followers. Displacement, Velocity and, Acceleration
time curves for cam profiles. Disc cam with reciprocating follower having knife-
edge, roller and flat-face follower, Disc cam with oscillating roller follower.
Follower motions including SHM, Uniform velocity, uniform acceleration and
retardation and Cycloidal motion. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:On completion above course, students will be able to:
• Define and explain the terms such as Link, Kinematic chain,
Kinematic pair, types of pairs, degree freedom, Mechanism, Machine
• Sketch and explain various types of mechanisms, and their
• Draw Velocity and Acceleration of simple mechanisms using
Instantaneous centre method, Analytical and Graphical methods.
• Explain the Gear terminology, Law of gearing, gear tooth systems
• Determine the velocity ratio of different types of gear trains using
tabular and algebraic methods
• To draw cam profile and calculate the velocity and acceleration of
cams at any given instant.
Text Books:
1. Theory of Machines- Rattan S. S., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, and 3rd edition -2009.
2. Theory of Machines- Sadhu Singh, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt.
Ltd, Indian Branch New Delhi, 2nd Edi. 2006
Reference Books:
1. Theory of Machines & Mechanisms- J. J. Uicker, , G.R. Pennock, J.E.
Shigley. OXFORD 3rd Ed. 2009.
2. Mechanism and Machine theory- Ambekar, PHI.

B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU44 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course ObjectivesAt the end of the course, students will be able to
• Differentiate between the constructions details of spark ignition and
compression ignition engines and to classify engines.
• Explain the construction and working principle of fuel systems
• Explain combustion process in SI and CI engines and identify the
abnormal combustion
• Explain supercharging and turbo charging and apply the same to IC
• Choose cooling and lubrication systems for automotive engines

Construction and Operation:
Engine classification, Constructional details of spark ignition (SI) and
compression ignition (CI) engines. Working principles. Two stroke SI and CI
engines – construction and working. Comparison of SI and CI engines and four
stroke and two stroke engines, theoretical and actual valve timing diagrams
for engines.
Engine Cycles: theoretical Otto, diesel and dual cycles, Fuel-air Cycles and
Actual cycle.L1, L2
Fuel Systems:
Air fuel ratio requirements of SI engines, Working of a simple fixed venturi
carburetor and limitations, gasoline injection system, types, Diesel fuel
injection systems-inline pumps, distributor pumps, Types of Nozzles, Unit
injector and common rail injection systems, Need and types of governor for
diesel engines and their comparison. L1, L2
Combustion in S. I. and C. I. engines:
Introduction to combustion in SI and CI engines and stages of combustion.
Factors effecting ignition lag and flame propagation in S.I. Engines, factors
effecting delay period and uncontrolled combustion in C.I. Engines.
Importance of Swirl, squish and turbulence in C.I. Engines. L1, L2
Supercharging, Turbocharging and Cooling systems:
Supercharging and Turbocharging, Different methods of turbocharging,
Intercooling, Turbocharger controls including, waster gate, variable geometry,
Need for cooling, types of cooling systems- air and liquid cooling systems.
Thermo-syphon and forced circulation and pressurized cooling systems.
Properties of coolants.L1, L2
Fuels and Lubricants:
Fuels for S.I and C. I engines and their requirements, Fuel ratings necessity of
lubrication systems. Types-mist, pressure feed, dry and wet sump systems.
Properties of lubricants. BIS standards for fuels and lubricants. L1,L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to:
• Explain the constructional details of SI and CI engines and classify
• Explain the construction and working of carburetors and fuel
injection pumps.
• Explain the combustion process in SI and CI engines.
• Suggest an efficient cooling system for IC engines.
• Select a proper lubricant to be used in an automobile used in various
environmental conditions.
Text Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engines- V. Ganesan 2007, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Internal Combustion Engines - Ramalingam K. K., Sci-Tech
Publications, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engine Technology- Heisler SAE Publication
2. Internal Combustion Engines- Edward F. Obert
3. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines- H. N. Gupta, PHI
4. Internal Combustion Engines- Mathur and Sharma, DhanpatRai and
Sons 2002
5. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines- John B. Heywood.
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU45 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Use tools of drafting and modeling software
• Draw the solutions to sections of solids, draw orthographic views of
simple machine parts using software
• Sketch and explain various thread forms and their application
• Calculate parameters related to riveted joints and sketch them
• Prepare assembly drawing from the list of components
• Create solid models and draw the sectional views of automotive systems
Review of graphic interface of the software. Basic sketching commands and
navigational commands. Starting a new drawing sheet. Sheet sizes. Naming a
drawing. Drawing units, grid and snap.
Sections of Solids:
Sections of Pyramids, Prisms, Cubes, Tetrahedrons, Cones and Cylinders
resting only on their bases (No problems on, axis inclinations, spheres and
hollow solids). True shape of sections.
Orthographic views:
Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic projections of simple machine
parts with or without section. (Bureau of Indian Standards conventions are to
be followed for the drawings) Hidden line conventions. Precedence of lines.
L1, L2
Thread forms:
Thread terminology, forms of threads – BSW Thread, Sellers thread, ISO
Metric thread, square and Acme thread. Conventional representation of
Hexagonal headed bolt and nut with washer (assembly), square-headed bolt
and nut with washer (assembly). Types of Bolt heads, special types of nuts,
locking of nuts, Studs, set screws, grub screws.L1, L2
Keys, cotter and knuckle joints:
Types of Keys, Cotter and knuckle Joints
Riveted Joints: lap joints- single and double riveted lap joints, butt joints
with single/double cover straps (Chain and Zigzag, using snap head rivets).
L1, L2
Automotive components:
Spark plug, IC Engine valve, Rocker arm, Cylinder liner, Stub-axle, Oldham’s
coupling and universal coupling (Hooks’ Joint)
Split Muff coupling, Protected type flanged coupling. L1, L2
Assembly drawing of following machine parts (3D parts to be created and
assembled and then getting 2D drawing with required views, along with 3D
part drawings).
1. Plummer block (Pedestal Bearing)
2. Petrol Engine piston
3. I.C. Engine connecting rod
4. Screw Jack
5. Single cylinder crank shaft
6. Machine vice L1,L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to:
• Use the Solid Edge software for drawing and solid modeling.
• Sketch the solutions of the sections of solids, determine the
inclination of the cutting plane when true shape of section of an
object is given.
• Sketch and draw the orthographic views of simple machine parts (top
view, front view, side view) using first angle projection.
• Sketch and draw the sectional views of simple machine parts.
• Sketch and draw ISO metric threads, Square, ACME & BSW forms of
threads using conventional representation.
• Distinguish between temporary and permanent joints and sketch and
draw the different types of keys.
• Sketch and draw two views of different types of riveted joints
• Sketch and draw two views of different automotive components,
couplings and joints
• Create solid models of different parts and assemble them and draw
their sectional views using Solid Edge software.
• Prepare assembly drawings along with their bill of material.
Text Books:
1. Machine Drawing-, K. R. Gopala Krishna, Subhash Publication.
2. A Primer on Computer Aided Machine Drawing- Published by VTU,
3. Machine Drawing- N. D. Bhat& V. M. Panchal
4. Automobile Engineering Drawing- R. B. Gupta, SatyaPrakashan, New
Reference Books:
1. A Text Book of Computer Aided Machine Drawing-S. Trymbaka Murthy,
CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2007
2. Machine Drawing with Auto CAD- GoutamPurohit&GouthamGhosh, 1st
Indian print Pearson Education, 2005
3. Machine Drawing- N. Siddeshwar, P. Kanniah, V. V. S. Sastri, Tata
McGrawHill, 2006.
Internal assessment: 40 Marks
All the sheets should be drawn in the class using software. Sheet sizes should
be A3/A4. All sheets must be submitted at the end of the class by taking
Scheme of Examination: Two questions to be set from each Part.
Student has to answer one question from each Part.
PART-A: 1x15 = 10Marks
PART-B: 1x15 = 10Marks
PART-C: 1x30 = 40 Marks
Total = 60 Marks
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU46 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain the nomenclature of single point cutting tool, mechanics of chip
formation, tool failure criteria and to solve problems on evaluation of
tool life
• Explain the construction and working of various systems in a Lathe,
Shaper, Planeing and Drilling machine
• Classify grinding and milling machines and explain their construction
• Explain the principles of broaching
• Select non-traditional machining process for given application.
Theory Of Metal Cutting & Cutting Tool Materials:
Single point cutting tool nomenclature, geometry, Mechanics of Chip
Formation, Types of Chips. Merchants circle diagram and analysis, Ernst
Merchant’s solution, shear angle relationship, problems on Merchant’s circle
diagram analysis. Tool Wear and Tool failure, tool life. Effects of cutting
parameters on tool life. Tool Failure Criteria, Taylor’s Tool Life equation,
Problems on tool life evaluation. Desired properties and types of cutting tool
materials – HSS, carbides coated carbides, ceramics. Cutting fluids - Desired
properties, types and selection. Heat generation in metal cutting, factors
affecting heat generation. Heat distribution in tool and work piece and chip.
Measurement of tool tip temperature.L1, L2
Turing, Shaping and Planing:
Classification of Lathe, constructional features of Turret and Capstan Lathe.
Tool Layout, Different operations on lathe, machining.
Classification of Shaping Machine, Planing Machine, shaping and planing
machines, construction and working principle of planning and shaping
machine. Machining time calculation on above machining operations.L1, L2
Milling & Grinding Machines:
Classification, constructional features, milling cutters nomenclature, milling
operations, up milling and down milling concepts. Various milling operations.
Indexing: Simple, compound, differential and angular indexing calculations.
Simple problems on simple compound indexing.
Grinding Machines:
Types of abrasives, Grain size, bonding process, grade and structure of
grinding wheels, grinding wheel types. Classification, constructional features
of grinding machines (Centre-less, cylindrical and surface grinding). Selection
of grinding wheel. Grinding process parameters. Dressing and truing of
grinding wheels.L1, L2, L3
Drilling, Broaching Process and Finishing Operations:
Drilling Machine:
Classification, constructional features, drilling & related operations. Types of
drill & drill bit nomenclature, materials.
Broaching Machine:
Principle of broaching. Details of a broach. Types of broaching machines-
constructional details. Applications. Advantages and Limitations.
Finishing and other Processes:
Lapping and Honing operations – Principles, arrangement of set up and
application. Super finishing process, polishing, buffing operation and
application. L1, L2
Non-Traditional Machining Processes:
Need for nontraditional machining, Principle, equipment & operation of Laser
Beam, Plasma Arc Machining, Electro Chemical Machining, Ultrasonic
Machining, Abrasive Jet Machining, Water Jet Machining, Electron Beam
Machining, Electron Discharge Machining and Plasma Arc Machining. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to:
• Define various terminologies used in production technology.
• Explain basic concepts used in construction of various machine
• Analyze the various mechanisms underlying the working of various
machine tools.
• Select the appropriate machining process depending on the
properties of the raw material required to produce the desired
• Select non-traditional machining process for given application.
Text Books:
1. Workshop Technology- HazaraChoudhry, Vol-II, Media Promoters &
Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2004
2. Production Technology-R. K. Jain, Khanna Publications, 2003.
3. Production Technology- HMT, Tata MacGraw Hill, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Manufacturing Science- Amitabh Ghosh and Mallik, affiliated East West
Press, 2003.
2. Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools- G. Boothroyd,
McGraw Hill, 2000.
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUL47 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Identify the measuring instrument and demonstrate its usage
• Calibrate pressure sensor, thermocouple, LVDT and load cell
• Explain the usage of slip gauges for calibration of vernier caliper, height
gauge and micrometer
• Determine the form tolerance (cylindricity and circularity)
• Determine thread and gear parameters using standard tests
1. Calibration of Pressure Gauge (Bourdon tube pressure gauge)
2. Calibration of Thermocouple
3. Calibration of LVDT
4. Calibration of Load cell
5. Determination of modulus of elasticity of a mild steel specimen using
Strain gauges.
6. Speed measurement-using Stroboscope
1. Calibration of Micrometer, Vernier caliper, Height gauge using slip
2. Measurements using Optical Projector / Toolmaker Microscope.
3. Measurement of Angle using Sine Center / Sine bar / bevel protractor
4. Measurement of Cylindricity and Circularity of Automobile Components
5. Measurement of Straightness and Flatness
6. Calibration of Bore gauge, inside micrometer and component
7. Measurement of Screw threads parameters using Two wire or Three-wire
8. Measurements of Surface roughness using Tally Surf/Mechanical
9. Measurement of gear tooth profile using Gear Tooth Vernier/Gear Tooth
10. Measurement using Optical Flats
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Identify the measuring instruments, explain their parts and
demonstrate its usage
• Calibrate pressure sensor, thermocouple, LVDT, load cell.
• Demonstrate the determination of modulus of elasticity of MS
specimen experimentally using strain gauges.
• Demonstrate the usage of slip gauges for the calibration of
micrometer, vernier caliper, height gauge.
• Determine the unknown angle using sine bars, bevel protractor
• Demonstrate the measurement of Cylindricity and circularity of given
• Measure thread parameters using three wire/two wire methods and
gear parameters using gear tooth vernier.
• Demonstrate the usage of tally surf to measure the surface rough
parameters of a machined component.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from Part -A: 25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B :25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks
B.E., IV Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUL48 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Apply the basic concepts/knowledge gained in the course
“Manufacturing Process-II” for preparing 4 to 6 models using various
machining operations on machine tools like milling, drilling, lathe and
shaper and grinding.
Preparation of three models on Lathe involving Plain turning, Taper turning,
Step turning, Thread cutting, Facing, Knurling, Drilling, Boring, Internal
Thread cutting and Eccentric turning.
Cutting of V- Groove/ Dovetail / Rectangular groove using a shaper.Cutting of
Gear Teeth using Milling Machine.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Demonstrate the knowledge and the skills required with respect to
the operation of machine tools, carry out various machining
• Prepare the models using the above machines.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from part -A : 25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B :25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU51 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain management functions of a manager. Also explain planning and
decision making processes.
• Explain the organizational structure, staffing and leadership processes.
• Describe the understanding of motivation and different control systems
in management.
• Understanding of Entrepreneurships and Entrepreneurship
development process.
• Identify various types of supporting agencies and financing available for
an entrepreneur.
• Prepare project report and will be able to decide selection of industrial
Introduction - Meaning - nature and characteristics of Management, Scope
and Functional areas of management - Management as art or science, art or
profession - Management & Administration - Roles of Management, Levels of
Management, Development of Management Thought - early management
approaches - Modem management approaches.
Nature, importance and purpose of planning process objectives - Types of
plans (meaning only) - Decision making, Importance of planning - steps in
planning & planning premises - Hierarchy of plans. L1, L2, L3
Organizing and Staffing:
Nature and purpose of organization, Principles of organization – Types of
organization-Departmentation Committees-Centralization Vs Decentralization
of authority and responsibility - Span of control - MBO and MBE (Meaning
only) Nature and importance of staffing :Process of Selection & Recruitment (in
Meaning and nature of directing Leadership styles, Motivation, Theories,
Communication - Meaning and importance - coordination, meaning and
importance and Techniques of coordination.
Meaning and steps in controlling - Essentials of a sound control system -
Methods of establishing control (in brief).L1, L2
Meaning of Entrepreneur; Evolution of .the Concept; Functions of an
Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur - an emerging. Class.
Concept of Entrepreneurship - Evolution of Entrepreneurship, Development of
Entrepreneurship; Stages in entrepreneurial process; Role of entrepreneurs in
Economic Development; Entrepreneurship in India; Entrepreneurship - its
Barriers. L1, L2
Small Scale Industries:
Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale; Objectives; Scope; roleof SSI in
Economic Development. Advantages of SSI, Steps to start and SSI -
Government policy towards SSI; Different Policies of SSI; Government Support
for SSI during 5 year plans. Impact of Liberalization, Privatization,
Globalization on SSI Effect of WTO/GA TT Supporting Agencies of Government
for SSI, Meaning, Nature of support; Objectives; Functions; Types of Help;
Ancillary Industry and Tiny Industry (Definition Only).
Institutional support:
Different Schemes; TECKSOK; KIADB; KSSIDC; KSIMC; DIC Single Window
Preparation of Project:
Meaning of Project; Project Identification; Project Selection; Project Report;
Need and Significance of Report; Contents; formulation; Guidelines by
Planning Commission for Project report; Network Analysis; Errors of Project
Report; Project Appraisal. Identification of. Business Opportunities: Market
Feasibility Study; Technical Feasibility Study; Financial Feasibility Study &
Social Feasibility Study.
Industrial ownership:
Definition and meaning of Partnership, Characteristics of Partnership, Kinds
of Partners, Partnership Agreement or Partnership Deed, Registration of
Partnership Firm, Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Partners, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Partnership, Sole proprietorship, Features, Scope
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain management functions of a manager. Also explain planning and
decision making processes.
• Explain the organizational structure, staffing and leadership processes.
• Describe the understanding of motivation and different control systems
in management.
• Understanding of Entrepreneurships and Entrepreneurship
development process.
• Identify various types of supporting agencies and financing available for
an entrepreneur.
• Prepare project report and will be able to decide selection of
industrial ownership.
Text Books:
1. Principles of Management – P. C. Tripathi, P.N. Reddy – Tata McGraw
2. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development & Management- Vasant
Desai, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Entrepreneurship Development – Poornima. M. Charantimath, Small
Business Enterprises –Pearson Education - 2006 (2 & 4).
Reference Books:
1. Management Fundamentals - Concepts, Application, Skill Development
– RobersLusier, Thomson.
2. Entrepreneurship Development - S. S. Khanka, S. Chand & Co. New
3. Management - Stephen Robbins, Pearson Education/PHI - 17thEdition,
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU52 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain static and dynamic forces at various points in different types of
• Explain balancing of rotating masses and reciprocating masses.
• Describe fluctuation of energy in flywheel and calculation of flywheel
• Describe the various types of governors and to understand method of
finding controlling force.
• Describe gyroscopic couple and to understand effect of gyroscopic
• Analyze cams for follower motions.
Static Force Analysis:
Introduction, Static equilibrium, Equilibrium of two force, three force and four
force members, Members with two forces and torque, Free body diagrams,
Static force analysis (graphical) of four bar mechanism and slider-crank
mechanism without and without friction.
Dynamic/Inertia Force Analysis:
Introduction, D’Alembert’s principle, Inertia force , inertia torque, dynamically
equivalent systems, correction couple, line of action of inertia force in a link,
inertia force analysis (graphical) of a four bar mechanism, inertia force
analysis (analytical) of slider crank mechanism [(i) neglecting the mass of the
connecting rod; (ii) considering the mass of the connecting rod]. L1, L2, L3
Balancing of Rotating Masses:
Introduction, Static and dynamic balancing, balancing of single revolving mass
by balancing masses in same plane and in different planes, Balancing of
several masses revolving in the same plane, balancing of several masses
revolving in different planes.
Balancing of Reciprocating Masses:
Introduction, primary balancing, secondary balancing, Inertia effect of crank
and connecting rod, balancing of single cylinder engine, balancing of multi
cylinder-inline engine, balancing of V - engines. L1, L2, L3
Introduction, Turning moment diagrams, Fluctuation of Energy and speed,
energy stored in a flywheel, determination of size of flywheels.
Introduction, Types of governors; force analysis of Porter and Hartnell
governors. Controlling force, stability, condition for stability, sensitiveness,
iso-chronisms, hunting, effort and power of governor. L1, L2, L3
Types friction, law of friction, force analysis of sliding body, screw friction,
screw jack, flat pivot bearing, flat collar bearing.
Belt and Chain drives:
Types of belts and chains, flat belts; angular velocity, law of belting, length of
open and cross belts, centrifugal tension, condition for maximum power. V-
belts, ratio of tensions, chain drives, chain pits and chain length.L1, L2, L3
Introduction, Vectorial representation of angular motion, gyroscopic couple,
effect of gyroscopic couple on bearings, aircraft, ship, stability of two wheelers
and four wheelers.
Analysis of cams:
Introduction, Analysis of (i) tangent cam with roller follower (ii) Circular arc
cam with flat faced follower. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Calculate static forces at various points in different types of
• Calculate fluctuation of energy in flywheel and dimensions of
• Balance rotating masses and of reciprocating masses in internal
combustion engine, V engine, radial engine and to solve analytically
and graphically to balance the systems.
• Calculate gyroscopic effect on stability of vehicles, ship, aircraft etc.
• Analyze effect of profile of cam on motion of followers.
Text Books:
1. Theory of Machines- Rattan S. S., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd
2. Theory of Machines- Sadhu Singh, Pearson Publications, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms- Joseph E. Shigley, Jr. Uicker
John, McGraw Hill publications.
2. Dynamics of Machinery- A. R. Holowenko, John Wiley & sons.
3. Kinematics & Dynamics of Machinery- R L. Norton, Tata - McGraw Hill.
4. Theory of Machines- R. S. Khurmi and J. K. Gupta, S. Chand and Co.


B.E.,V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU53 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Define and explain basic terms related to the design of machine
• Design various machine elements.
Designation and Mechanical properties of Engineering Materials, design
considerations, basic design concept (strength consideration), Failure of brittle
materials, Failure of ductile materials, factor of safety, criteria for selection of
factor of safety, design of simple machine members subjected to static loading
(including eccentric load) [limited to biaxial stresses (normal, shear, bending,
torsional, crushing/bearing, principal stresses)].
Theories of Failure:
Maximum normal stress theory, Maximum shear stress theory, Distortion
energy theory. L1, L2, L3
Stress Concentration:
Stress concentration factor, design of simple elements with stress raisers.
Impact Strength:
Introduction, Impact stresses due to axial, bending and torsional loads, effect
of inertia.
Design for fatigue strength:
Introduction, types of fluctuating stresses, fatigue and endurance limit, S-N
Diagram, Low cycle fatigue, High cycle fatigue, endurance limit modifying
factors: load, size and surface factors, Stress concentration effects; notch
sensitivity, design for infinite life, combined steady and variable stress,
Soderberg and Goodman relationship, stresses due to combined loading,
cumulative fatigue damage – Miner’s equation. L1, L2, L3
Design of Simple Machine Elements:
Design of Cotter and Knuckle joints. Keys: Types of keys, Design of keys,
Couplings, types of couplings, design of flange type of rigid coupling, design of
Bush and Pin type of flexible couplings.
Design of Shaft:Introduction, types of shafts, shafts subjected to combined
bending and twisting, shaft design (including hollow shafts) based on strength,
shaft design based on torsional rigidity, ASME code for shaft design. L1, L2, L3
Riveted Joints:
Introduction, methods of riveting, Types of rivets, rivet materials, types of
riveted joints, failures of riveted joints, joint efficiency.
Welded Joints:
Introduction, types of welded joints, design of welded joints (butt joints, fillet
welds, axially loaded unsymmetrical welded joints, eccentrically loaded welded
joints). L1, L2, L3
Threaded Joints:
Introduction, basic terminology of screw threads, types of screw threads, types
of screw fastenings, designations of screw threads, Stresses in threaded
fasteners due to static loading, Effect of initial tension, threaded joints for
cylinder covers, design of eccentrically loaded bolted joints.
Power Screws:
Introduction, Types of screw threads used for power screws, Design of Power
Screws, efficiency, self-locking and over hauling. Design of screw jack.
L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain the importance of Standards in Design, Selection of materials
• Analyze the various modes of failure of machine components under
different static load conditions and use appropriate theories of
failures to design machine components.
• Compute the dimensions of simple machine components.
• Design shafts for transmission of power under various conditions.
• Design of welded joints, riveted joints and power screws
Text Books:
1.Design of Machine Elements- V. B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Edition 2007.
2 A text book of Machine Design- R. S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta, S. Chand
& Co.
3 Mechanical Engineering Design- Joseph E shigley and Charles R. G.
Budynas, McGraw hill international edition- 6 , 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Theory and problems of Machine Design, Hall, Holowenko, Laughlin
(Schaum’s Outlines series), Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. Machine design-I: J. B. K. Das, Sapna Book House, Bangalore.
3. Machine design: Robert L Norton, Prentice Hall.
Design Data Hand Books:
1. Design Data Hand Book- K. Mahadevan and Balaveera Reddy, CBS
2. Design Data Hand Book- K. Lingaiah, McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed.2003.
B.E.,V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU54 CIE Marks 40

Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Introduce understanding about available energy sources for ICE.
• Distinguish between properties of difference fuels.
• Explain fuel refining process.
• Determine the A/F ratio for complete combustion.
• Explain requirements of combustion chambers for S.I. and C.I.
• Define & differentiate between multi fuel& duel fuel engines.
• Discuss the performance characteristics of multi fuel& duel fuel
Energy Sources:
Exhaustible sources - crude oil, Natural gas, Inexhaustible sources - Solar
energy, Wind power, Tidal Power, Geo-thermal power. Energy from Bio-gas,
Synthetic fuels-Fuel Cells, Hydrogen-only a brief introduction.
Liquid Fuels:
Origin of petroleum, its chemistry, normal paraffin’s, iso-paraffins, olefins,
naphthalene and aromatics. Refining of petroleum: Fractional distillation,
Cracking, Reforming process, Thermal reforming, polymerization, alkylation,
and isomerisation. Properties and tests : Specific Gravity, viscosity, flash and
fire points, calorific value, rating of fuels, vapour pressure, cloud and pour
point, annealing point, diesel index, carbon residue and ash content
Petrol and Diesel Fuels:
Properties and rating of fuels, chemical energy of fuels, Reaction Equation,
Properties of A/F mixture, combustion temp, combustion charts, Lead free
gasoline’s, low and ultra – low sulphur diesels, LPG, CNG, Alcohols,
Biodiesels, Gaseous Fuel Injections, Dual Fueling and Controls – CNG and
Gasoline, Hydrogen and Diesel, Alcohols and Diesels etc.
Combustion Equations:
Combustion equation, conversion of gravimetric to volumetric analysis.
Determination of theoretical minimum quantity of air for complete
combustion. Determination of air fuel ratio for a given fuel. Numerical
problems, flue gas analysis, gas Chromatograph. L1, L2, L3
Combustion in S. I. Engines:
Initiation of combustion, flame velocities, effect of variables on flame
propagation, normal and abnormal combustion, pre-ignition, surface ignition,
detonation, theories of detonation, effects of engine variables on detonation,
effects of detonation, control of detonation, features and design consideration
of combustion chambers, types of combustion chambers.
Combustion in C. I. Engines:
Various stages of combustion, vaporization of fuel droplets and spray
formation, air motion, swirl, squish, tumble flow, velocities, diesel knock and
its effect, methods of controlling diesel knock, features and design
considerations of combustion chambers, types of combustion chambers.
L1, L2
Engine Testing and Performance:
Performance parameters, Basic measurements, Measurements of Speed, Fuel
consumption, air consumption, brake power and different types of
dynamometers, frictional power measurement by willam’s line method, Morse
test and other methods, indicated power, blow by measurement, performance
maps, and heat balance and related numerical.L1, L2, L3
Dual fuel and Multi-fuel Engines:
Combustion in dual fuel engines, Factor affecting combustion. Main types of
gaseous fuels, Supercharge knock control & Performance of diesel fuel
engines. Characteristics of multi fuel engines, Modification of fuel system,
suitability of various engines as multi fuel unit, performance of multi fuel
engines.L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain available energy sources for internal combustion engine.
• Determine correct A/F ratio for a given fuel.
• Explain stages of combustion in S.I. & C.I. engines.
• Design SI & CI engine combustion chambers.
• Explain and differentiate between multi fuel and duel fuel engines.
Text Books:
1. I. C. Engines-Mathur& Sharma, DhanpatRai& Sons, New Delhi, 1994
2. Fuels & Combustion- S. P. Sharma & Chandra Mohan, Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi,1987
Reference Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engines- Ganesan, V, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co.,
2. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals- John B. Heywood, McGraw
Hill Book, 1998.
3. Internal Combustion Engine and Air Pollution- Obert, E. F.,
International Text Book Publishers, 1983.
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU551 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe the fundamental theory and concepts of the CAD/CAM.
• Explain the Basic hardware structure and components used in CAD
• Develop transformations for 2D geometric modeling.
• Describe the principles of Computer Aided Designing systems and the
concepts of Geometric Modeling, solid modeling, and feature-based
design modeling.
• Explain the concepts of NC and CNC programming and machining.
• Compare and distinguish the difference between the operation and
programming of a CNC machine tool using manual programming and
the operation and programming of CNC machine tool using CAM
• Apply both practices (manually and CAM) to develop the G-code
program. And explain the basics of FEA and Robotics.
Role of computers in design and manufacturing. Influence of computers in
manufacturing environment. Product cycle in conventional and computerized
manufacturing environment. Introduction to CAD, Introduction to CAM.
Advantages and disadvantages of CAD and CAM.
Hardware for CAD:
Basic Hardware structure, Working principles, usage and types of hardware
for CAD – Input devices, output devices, memory, CPU, hardcopy and storage
devices.L1, L2
Computer graphics:
Software configuration of a graphic system, function of graphics package,
construction of geometry, wire frame and solid modeling, Geometry
transformation – two dimensional and three dimensional transformation,
translation, scaling, reflection, rotation, CAD/CAM integration. Desirable
modeling facilities. Introduction to exchange of modeling data- Basic features
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis:
Introduction, basic concepts, discretization, element types, nodes and degrees
of freedom mesh generation, constraints, loads, preprocessing, and application
to static analysis.L1, L2
Numerical Control (NC) and CNC Machine Tools:
Basic components of an NC Systems , NC procedure , NC co-ordinate systems,
open loop & closed loop system ( position controlled NC ) NC motion control
systems, application of NC. Advantage & limitations of NC. Functions of CNC,
CNC machining centers, CNC turning centers, high speed CNC machine
tools.L1, L2
NC, CNC, DNC Technologies:
NC, CNC, DNC, modes, NC elements, advantages and limitations of NC, CNC.
Functions of computer in DNC
CNC tooling:
Turning tool geometry, milling tooling system, tool presetting, ATC, work
CAM Programming:
Overview of different CNC machining centers, CNC turning centers,
highnspeed machine tools. L1, L2,
CNC Programming:
Part program fundamentals-steps involved in development of a part program.
Manual part programming, milling, turning, turning center programming.
Introduction to Robotics:
Introduction, robot configuration, robot motion, programming of robots, end
effectors work cell, control and interlock, robot sensor, robot applications.
L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe the fundamental theory and concepts of the CAD/CAM.
Explain the Basic hardware structure and components used in CAD
• Compare the different types of modeling techniques and explain the
central role solid models.
• Describe the principles of Computer Aided Designing systems and
the concepts of Geometric Modeling, solid modeling, and feature-
based design modeling.
• Explain the basic concepts of NC and CNC programming and
• Compare and distinguish the difference between the operation and
programming of a CNC machine tool using manual programming and
the operation and programming of CNC machine tool using CAM
• Apply both practices (manually and CAM) to develop the G-code
program, and explain the basics of FEA and Robotics.
Text Books:
1. CAD/CAM Principles and Application- P. N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. CAD/CAM- Groover, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms - S. E. Goodman,
S. T. Headetmiemi, McGraw Hill Book Company – 1988.
2. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics-Newman and Sproull, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1995.
3. NC Machine Programming and Software Design- Chno-H wachang,
Michel. A. Melkanoff, Prentice Hall, 1989.
4. Numerical control and CAM- Pressman RS and Williams JE, John
5. CAD-CAM- Chris McMahon & Jimmie Browne – Pearson Education Asia
6. CAD/CAM – Ibrahim Zeid, Tat McGraw Hill, 1999.
7. Computer Aided Manufacturing- P. N. Rao, N.K. Tewari and T. K.
Kundra Tata McGraw Hill 1999.
8. Introduction to FEM- T. ChandraPatLtala and Ashok D. Bebgundu.
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU552 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Introduce infrastructure required for Fleet operation and maintenance.
• Understand organizational structure and importance and methods of
route planning.
• Analyze different methods of fare collection systems.
• Calculate fleet operating costs.
• Formulate different methods of accident prevention.
Historical background, the growth of a network, trams, trolley buses, buses,
private cars, subsidies. Motor vehicle act 1988.
The Infrastructure:
Road, Highway network, traffic control, Bus priorities, pedestrianization, out
town shopping centers, Bus-stops, shelters, Bus stations-drive through type,
head on type, facilities for passengers, bus garages, requirement, layout of
premises, size, function, , location, design, equipment, use of machinery,
garage organization, large scale overhaul conveyance of staff, requirement of
facilities at depot., legal provisions for depot. Layouts.
Preventive, breakdown, overhauling - major, minor, repair schedules &
workshop, facilities, documentation, analysis & corrective maintenance
schedules.L1, L2
Organization and Management:
Forms of ownership, municipal undertaking, company undertaking, traffic,
secretarial and engineering department, management, principle of transport, -
internal organization-centralized control, de-centralized control, staff
administration: industrial relation, administration, recruitment and training,
drivers and conductors duties, training of drivers and conductors, factors
affecting punctuality, welfare, health and safety.
Route planning:
Source of traffic, town planning, turning points, stopping places, shelters,
survey of route, preliminary schedule test runs, elimination of hazards, factors
affecting frequency, direction of traffic flow, community of interest, estimating,
traffic volume, probable weekday travelers, passengers during various periods
of the day, estimated number of passengers, estimated traffic, possibility of
single verses double deck and frequency. L1, L2
Fare collections & Fare structure:
Need, Principles of collection, tickets, the way bill, stage by stage, bell punch
system, bell-graphic system, reduced ticket stocks will brew system,
mechanical ticket machines, T.I.M and straight machines, Vero meter, one-
man operation, two stream boarding, pre paid tickets, lensonparason coach
tickets exchanges, the fare box, electronic ticket machines, box system
personal and common stock flat fare platform control. Fare structure: Basis of
fares, historical background, effects of competition and control, calculating
average zone system, concession fares, straight and tapered scale elastic and
inelastic demand co-ordination of fares concessions fares changes for
workman, standard layout of fare table, anomalies double booking inter
availability through booking and summation, private hire charges. L1, L2, L3
Operating cost and types of vehicles:
Classification of costs, average speed, running costs, supplementary costs,
depreciation obsolescence, life of vehicles, sinking fund, factor affecting cost
per vehicles mile incidence of wages and overheads, 100 seats miles basis,
average seating capacity, vehicles size and spread over, types of vehicle
economic considerations authorization of trolley, bus services, statuary for
hire car.
Public relations divisions:
Dissemination of information, maintaining goodwill- handling complaints,
traffic advisory committees- local contractors co-operation with the press news
and articles- facilities for visitors- forms of publicity - importance of quality -
inter departmental liaison advertisements, sings, notice and directions general
appearance of premises, specialized publicity.L1, L2, L3
Prevention of accidents:
Emphasis of safe driving, annual awards, bonus encouragement, vehicle
design, platform layout, location of stops, scheduled speed, route hazards,
records, elimination of accident prone drivers.
Timing, Bus working and Schedules:
Time table layout, uses of flat graph method of presentation, preparation of
vehicle and crew schedule preparation of the duty roster, co-operation with
employers, use of the vehicle running numbering determination of vehicle
efficiency checking efficiency of crew, duty arrangements.
Vehicle design:
Buses & coaches, types & capacities, basic features, entrances & exits,
comfort & capacity, steps & staircases, miscellaneous arrangements &
fitments, articulated buses, standardization. The future: a projection from the
past, future demand, environmental and social issues, the energy situation,
new technology, hybrid ,battery/trolley bus, other types of hybrid, lead acid
battery bus, advanced battery bus. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Determine infrastructure required for Fleet maintenance.
• Plan routes for fleet.
• Analyze fare collection system.
• Calculate fleet operating costs.
Text Books:
1. Bus operation- L. D. Kitchen, Iliffe&Sons , London.
2. Bus & coach operation - Rex W. Faulks, Butterworth Version Of 1987,
Reference Books:
1.Compendium of transport terms - CIRT, Pune.
2. M. V. Act 1988 - Central Law Agency, Allahabad.
3. The elements of transportation - R.J. Eaton.
4. Goods vehicle operation - C. S. Dubbar.
3. Road transport law - L. D. Kitchen, Iliffe& Sons, London.
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU553 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Introduce basic concepts of air conditioning and refrigeration.
• Analyze various gas cycles for refrigeration.
• Describe layouts and construction of central and unitary air
conditioning system.
• Analyze refrigeration, heating and air conditioning load calculations and
effect of air conditioning on engine performance.
• Design air distribution, air routing and temperature control.
• Explain basic concepts of air conditioning servicing
Air Conditioning Fundamentals:
Basic air conditioning system,- Air conditioning principles, Air-conditioning
types, temperature and pressure fundamentals, types of compressors and
Gas Cycle Refrigeration:
Introduction, reverse cornot cycle, bell coleman cycle, advantages and
disadvantages of gas refrigeration system. Analysis of gas refrigeration, related
numerical.L1, L2, l3
Air Conditioning Systems:
Classification, layouts, central /unitary air conditioning systems, components
like compressors, evaporators, condensers, expansion devices, fan blowers,
heating systems, Automotive heaters, Types, Heater Systems, Air conditioning
protection, Engine protection. L1, L2
Load Analysis:
Outside & inside design consideration, factors forming the load on
refrigeration & air conditioning systems, cooling & heating load calculations,
load calculations for automobiles, effect of air conditioning load on engine
performance.L1, L2, L3, L4
Air Distribution Systems:
Distribution duct system, sizing, supply /return ducts, type of grills, diffusers,
ventilation, air noise level, layout of duct systems for automobiles and their
impact on load calculations.
Air Routing & Temperature Control:
Objectives, evaporator air flow, through the re-circulating unit, automatic
temperature control, duct system, controlling flow, vacuum reserve, testing the
air control of air handling systems. L1, L2
Air Conditioning Service:
Air conditioner maintenance & service- causes of air conditioner failure, leak
testing guide, discharging the system, Evacuating the system, charging the
system, servicing heater system, removing & replacing components, trouble
shooting of air conditioning system, compressor service, methods of
dehydration, charging & testing.
Air Conditioning Control:
Common control such as thermostats, humidistat, control dampers, pressure
cut outs, relays. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain basic concepts of air conditioning and refrigeration.
• Analyze various gas cycles for refrigeration.
• To design required layouts of central and unitary air conditioning
• Analyze refrigeration, heating and air conditioning load and effect of
air conditioning on engine performance.
• Design air distribution, air routing and temperature control in air
conditioning system.
• Explain basic concepts of air conditioning servicing.
Text Books:
1. Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning- Mark Schnubel, Thomson
Delmar Learning, 3rd edition, NY.
2. Automotive Air Conditioning- William H. Crouse & Donald L. Anglin,
Mc. GrawHill, Inc., 1990.
3. Refrigeration and Air conditioning- C. P. Arora, TMH.

Reference Books:
1. Automotive Air-Conditioning- Boyace H. Dwiggins.
2. HVAC Fundamentals- Sam Sugarman, Fairmont Press- IS BN0-88173-489-
3. Automotive Air Conditioning- Paul Weisler, Reston PublishingCo.Inc.1990.
4. Automotive Air Conditioning- Paul Lung, C. B. S. Publisher & Distributor,
5. Automotive Air Conditioning- MacDonald K. L., The odoreAudel series,


B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU554 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Introduce basics of Hydraulics and pneumatics.
• Describe Various components of hydraulic system and maintenance of
hydraulic system
• Design hydraulic system.
• Describe layout and details of pneumatic systems.
Introduction to Hydraulic Power:
Pascal’s law, The Source of Hydraulic Power: Pumps Pumping theory, pump
classification, gear pumps, vane pumps, piston pumps, pump performance,
variable displacement pumps.
Hydraulic Actuators and Motors:
Linear Hydraulic Actuators [cylinders], Mechanics of Hydraulic Cylinder
loading, Hydraulic Rotary Actuators, Gear motors, vane motors and piston
motors.L1, L2
Control Components in Hydraulic Systems:
Directional Control Valves – Symbolic representation, Constructional features,
pressure control valves – direct and pilot operated types, flow control valves.
Maintenance of Hydraulic systems:
Hydraulic oils – Desirable properties, general type of fluids, sealing devices,
reservoir system, filters and strainers, problem caused by gases in hydraulic
fluids, wear of moving parts due to solid particle contamination, temperature
control, trouble shooting.L1, L2, L3
Hydraulic Circuit Design and Analysis:
Control of single and Double – acting Hydraulic cylinder, regenerative circuit,
pump unloading circuit, Double pump Hydraulic system, Counter Balance
Valve application, Hydraulic cylinder sequencing circuits. Locked cylinder
using pilot check valve, cylinder synchronizing circuits, speed control of
hydraulic cylinder, speed control of hydraulic motors, accumulators and
accumulator circuits.L1, L2, L3
Pneumatic Controls:
Choice of working medium, characteristics of compressed air. Pneumatic
Actuators: Linear cylinders – Types, conventional type of cylinder working, end
position cushioning, seals. Rod – less cylinders – types, working advantages.
Rotary cylinder types construction.
Directional Control valves:
Design and constructional aspects, poppet valves, slide valves spool valve,
suspended seat type slide valve.
Simple Pneumatic Control:
Direct and indirect actuation pneumatic cylinders. Flow control valves and
speed control of cylinders supply air throttling and exhaust air throttling use
of quick exhaust valve.L1, L2
Multi-cylinder Applications:
Coordinated and sequential motion control. Motion and control diagrams –
Signal elimination methods. Cascading method – principle. Practical
application examples (up to two cylinders) using cascading method (using
reversing valves).
Electro-Pneumatic control:
Principles-signal input and output pilot assisted solenoid control of directional
control valves, use of relay and contactors. Control circuitry for simple single
cylinder applications.
Compressed air:
Production of compressed air – compressors, preparation of compressed air-
Driers, Filters, Regulators, Lubricators, Distribution of compressed air- Piping
layout. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe various components of hydraulic system and maintenance
of hydraulic system.
• Design hydraulic system.
• Describe layout and details of pneumatic systems.
Text Books:
1. Fluid Power with applications- Anthony Esposito, Fifth edition
Pearson education, Inc. 2000.
2. Pneumatics and Hydraulics- Andrew Parr, Jaico Publishing Co.
Reference Books:
1. Oil Hydraulic Systems – Principles and Maintenance- S. R. 2002
Majumdar, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd. 2001.
2. Pneumatic systems - S. R. Majumdar, Tata McGraw Hill publishing
Co., 1995.
3. Industrial Hydraulics - Pippenger Hicks, McGraw Hill, New York.

B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU561 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain construction and working of internal combustion engine
• Explain different components of internal combustion engine
• Explain working of different parts of fuel system
• Describe construction of different automotive chassis components
• Describe emissions of pollutants from internal combustion engines and
methods of controlling
Engine Components and Auxiliary Systems:
Spark Ignition(SI) & Compression Ignition (CI) engines, cylinder –
arrangements and their relatives merits, Liners, Piston, connecting rod,
crankshaft, valves, valve actuating mechanisms, valve and port timing
diagrams, Types of combustion chambers for S. I. Engine and C. I. Engines,
Compression ratio, methods of a Swirl generation, choice of materials for
different engine components, engine positioning, cooling requirements,
methods of cooling, thermostat valves, different lubrication arrangements.
L1, L2
Fuels, Fuel Supply Systems For SI and CI Engines:
Conventional fuels, alternative fuels, cetane and octane numbers, Fuel
mixture requirements for SI engines, types of carburetors, multi point and
single point fuel injection systems, fuel transfer pumps, Fuel filters, fuel
injection pumps and injectors. L1, L2
Ignition Systems:
Battery Ignition systems, Magneto Ignition system, Transistor assist contacts.
Electronic Ignition, Automatic Ignition advance systems.
Power Trains:
General arrangement of clutch, Principle of friction clutches, Constructional
details, Single plate and multi-plate. Gear box: Necessity for gear ratios in
transmission, synchromesh gear boxes, planetary gears, over drives, principle
of automatic transmission, calculation of gear ratios, Numerical calculations
for torque transmission by clutches. L1, L2, L3
Drive to Wheels:
Propeller shaft and universal joints, differential, rear axle, , steering geometry,
camber, king pin inclination, included angle, castor, toe in & toe out, steering
gears, power steering, general arrangements of links and stub axle, types of
chassis frames.L1, L2
Suspension, Springs and Brakes:
Requirements, leaf spring, coil spring, independent suspension for front wheel
and rear wheel. Air suspension system. Types of brakes, mechanical and
hydraulic braking systems, brake shoe arrangements, Disk brakes, drum
brakes, Antilock –Braking systems, purpose and operation of antilock-braking
Automotive Emission Control Systems:
Sources of emission from engines, Automotive emission controls, Controlling
crankcase emissions, Controlling evaporative emissions, Exhaust gas
recirculation, Catalytic converter, Emission standards- Euro I, II, III and IV
norms, Bharat Stage II, III norms L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe construction and working of internal combustion engine
• Explain different components of internal combustion engine
• Explain working of different parts of fuel system
• Describe construction of different automotive chassis components
• Explain principle of emission of pollutants from internal combustion
engines and methods of controlling.
Text Books:
1. Automotive mechanics, William H Crouse & Donald L Anglin,10th
Edition Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2007
2. Automobile Engineering-R. B. Gupta, SatyaPrakashan, 4th edn.1984.
Reference Books:
1. Automotive mechanics: Principles and Practices- Joseph Heitner, D Van
Nostrand Company, Inc
2. Fundamentals of Automobile Engineering- K. K. Ramalingam, Scitech
Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd.
3. Automobile engineering-Kirpal Singh. Vol I and II 2002.
4. Automotive Mechanics, S. Srinivasan, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill2003.
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU562 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe need for alternative fuels for Internal combustion engine and
alternative drive systems for automobiles
• Describe principle of solar energy collection, construction of photo
voltaic cells
• Explain various properties, methods of production of Bio gas, methanol,
ethanol, SVO, Bio diesel
• Explain use of hydrogen for internal combustion engine application.
• Describe use of various gaseous fuels for internal combustion engine
• Explain various aspects of electrical and Hybrid vehicles
Types of energy sources, their availability, need of alternative energy sources,
Non-conventional energy sources, Classification of alternative fuels and drive
trains. Scenario of conventional auto fuels, oil reserves of the world. Fuel
quality aspects related to emissions. Technological up gradation required
business driving factors for alternative fuels. Implementation barriers for
alternative fuels. Stakeholders of alternative fuels,
Road map for alternative fuels.
Solar energy:
Solar energy geometry, solar radiation measurement devices. Solar energy
collectors, types of collectors. Direct application of solar energy, solar energy
storage system. P. V. effect solar cells and characteristics. Application of solar
energy for automobiles.L1, L2
History, properties and production of Biogas, classification of biogas plants,
biogas storage and dispensing system. Advantages of biogas, hazards and
emissions of biogas. Production, properties, Engine performance, advantages
and disadvantages of Methanol, Ethanol, Butanol, Straight vegetable oil,
Biodiesel for internal combustion engine application.L1, L2
Properties and production of hydrogen, Storage, Advantages and
disadvantages of hydrogen, use of Hydrogen in SI and CI engines. Hazards and
safety systems for hydrogen, hydrogen combustion. Emission from hydrogen.
Gaseous fuels:
Production, properties, Engine performance, advantages and disadvantages of
Reformulated Conventional Fuels:
Introduction. Production of coal water slurry, properties, as an engine fuel,
emissions of CWS. RFG, Emulsified fuels. Hydrogen-enriched gasoline.
Future Alternative Fuels:
Production, properties, Engine performance, advantages and disadvantages of
PMF, Ammonia, Liquid-Nitrogen, Boron, Compressed Air, Water as fuel for
Internal combustion Engine.L1, L2
Alternative Power Trains:
Components of an EV, EV batteries, chargers, drives, transmission and power
devices. Advantages and disadvantages of EVs. Hybrid electric vehicles, HEV
drive train components, advantages of HV. History of dual fuel technology,
Applications of DFT. Duel fuel engine operation. Advantages and
disadvantages of duel fuel technology.L1, L2,L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe need for alternative fuels for Internal combustion engine
and alternative drive systems for automobiles
• Describe principle of solar energy collection, construction of photo
voltaic cells
• Explain various properties, methods of production of Bio gas,
methanol, ethanol, SVO, Bio diesel
• Explain use of hydrogen for internal combustion engine application.
• Describe use of various gaseous fuels for internal combustion engine
• Explain various aspects of electrical and Hybrid vehicles

Text Books:
1. Alternative Fuels- S .S. Thipse. JAICO Publishing House.
2. Non-Conventional Energy Sources- G. D. RaiKhanna Publishing New
Reference Books:
1.Alternative fuels for Vehicle - M. Poulton
2. Alternative fuels guide - R. Bechtold.SAE
3. Alternative energy sources -T.N Veziroglu, McGraw Hill
4. A Primer on Hybrid Electric vehicles
5. Automotive Fuels Guide - Richard L. Bechtold, SAE Publications, 1997


B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU563 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Discuss the difference between conventional and non conventional
machining process.
• Characterize the USM and AJM with the effect of parameters and
process characteristics
• Explain the working principle ECM and CHM with the effect of
parameters and process characteristics.
• Discuss about the working principle of EDM with the effect of
parameters and process characteristics
• Describe the working principle PAM and LBM with the effect of
parameters and process characteristics.
Need for non-traditional machining, History, Classification, comparison
between conventional and Non-conventional machining process selection.
Ultra Sonic Machining (USM):
Introduction, equipment, cutting tool system design, Effect of various
parameters on USM process characteristics: Material removal rate, tool wear,
Accuracy, surface finish, applications, advantages & Disadvantages of
USM.L1, L2
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM):
Introduction, Equipment, Variables in AJM: Carrier Gas, Type of abrasive, size
of abrasive grain, velocity of the abrasive jet, mean No. abrasive particles per
unit volume of the carrier gas, work material, standoff distance (SOD), nozzle
design, shape of cut. Process characteristics-Material removal rate, Nozzle
wear, Accuracy & surface finish. Applications, advantages & Disadvantages of
Water Jet Machining :
Principle, Equipment, Operation, Application, Advantages and limitations of
water Jet machinery
Electron Beam Machining (EBM):
Principles, equipment, operations, applications, advantages and limitation of
EBM. L1, L2
Electrochemical Machining (ECM)
Introduction, study of ECM machine, elements of ECM process classification
of ECM process: Cathode tool, Anode work piece, source of DC power,
Electrolyte, chemistry of the process, ECM Process characteristics - Material
removal rate, Accuracy, surface finish, ECM Tooling: ECM tooling technique &
example, Tool & insulation materials, Tool size Electrolyte flow arrangement,
Handling of slug, Economics of ECM, Applications such as Electrochemical
turning, Electrochemical Grinding, Electrochemical Honing, de-burring,
Advantages, Limitations.
Chemical Machining (CHM) :
Introduction, elements of process, chemical blanking process: Preparation of
work piece, preparation of masters, masking with photo resists, etching for
blanking, accuracy of chemical blanking, applications of chemical blanking,
chemical milling (contour machining): process steps –masking, Etching,
process characteristics of CHM: material removal rate accuracy, surface finish,
Hydrogen embrittlement. L1, L2, L3
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM):
Introduction, machine, mechanism of metal removal, dielectric fluid, spark
generator, EDM tools (electrodes) Electrode feed control, Electrode
manufacture, Electrode wear , EDM tool design choice of machining operation
electrode material selection, under sizing and length of electrode , machining
time. Flushing pressure flushing suction flushing, side flushing, pulsed
flushing synchronized with electrode movement, EDM process characteristics:
metal removal rate, accuracy surface finish, Heat affected Zone. Machine tool
selection, Application EDM, electrical discharge grinding, Traveling wire EDM.
L1, L2, L3
Plasma Arc Machining (PAM):
Introduction, equipment non-thermal generation of plasma, selection of gas,
Mechanism of metal removal, PAM parameters, process characteristics. Safety
precautions, Applications, Advantages and limitations.
Laser Beam Machining (LBM):
Introduction, equipment of LBM mechanism of metal removal, LBM
parameters, Process characteristics, Applications, Advantages & limitations.
L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Discuss the difference between conventional and non-conventional
machining process.
• Characterize the USM and AJM with the effect of parameters and
process characteristics.
• Explain the working principle ECM and CHM with the effect of
parameters and process characteristics.
• Discuss working principle of EDM with the effect of parameters and
process characteristics
• Describe the working principle PAM and LBM with the effect of
parameters and process characteristics.
Text Books:
1.Modern Machining Process- Pandey and Shah, Tata McGraw Hill 2000
2. New technology - Bhattacharaya 2000.
Reference Books:
1.Production Technology- HMT TATA McGraw Hill. 2001
2. Modern Machining Process -ADITYA. 2002
3. Non-Conventional Machining - P. K. Mishra, The Institution of
Engineers (India) Test book series, Narosa Publishing House – 2005.
4. Metals Handbook: Machining(Hardcover) - Joseph R. Davis (Editor),
American Society of Metals (ASM) volume 16
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUL57 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• To write technical specifications of different types of engines
• To dismantle and assemble the S. I and C.I Engines and to inspect the
engine parts for wear, cracks, etc.
• Perform vacuum and compression test on diesel and Petrol engine.
• To dismantle and assemble different units of fuel system, cooling
system, lubricating system.
1. Study of Hand tools- sketching , material and their application
2. Writing Technical specifications and description of all types of engines
3. Dismantling and assembly of engines (SI and CI), identification of major
components, and inspection of different components for wear, cracks,
measurement and comparison of dimensions of major components with
4. Compression and vaccum test on diesel and petrol engines.
Dismantling & assembly and inspection of :
1. Carburetors, Fuel injection pumps, Injectors, Fuel filters, Fuel pumps
2. CRDI system
3. Turbo-chargers
4. Cooling systems and Lubricating systems.
Identification of location of above components in a vehicle and note their
functions along with the brand names.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Write technical specifications of different types of engines.
• Dismantle and assemble the S. I and C.I Engines and to inspect the
engine parts for wear, cracks, etc.
• Perform vaccum and compression test on diesel and Petrol engine.
• To dismantle and assemble different units of fuel system, cooling
system, lubricating system.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from part -A :25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B : 25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks
B.E., V Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUL58 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• To apply the basic concepts/knowledge gained in Fluid mechanics and
Fuel testing for verifying basic laws governing flow of fluids and to
determine various properties of fuels used for automotive internal
combustion engines.
Fluid Mechanics
1. Determination of coefficient of discharge of venturi meter and orifice
2. Determination of major and minor losses in pipe flow (sudden
enlargement, contraction, bend, entry and exit).
3. Performance testing of fluid pumps(Centrifugal, reciprocating and gear
4. Performance testing of air blowers.
1. Determination of flash and fire point of fuels.
2. Determination of calorific value of solid, liquid and gaseous fuel.
3. Determination of viscosity of oils using redwood, saybolt and Torsion
4. Determination of carbon residue and moisture content in a fuel.
5. Determination of cloud and pour point of oils.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Determine coefficient of discharge of venturimeter and orifice meter.
• Determine major and minor losses in flow through pipes.
• Investigate performance characteristics of various fluid pumps.
• Determine flash point, fire point, calorific value, viscosity, cloud
point, moisture content of fuel and lubricants.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from part -A : 25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B : 25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU61 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain different chassis layouts and frames solve for stability and
weight distribution and suitability of frames.
• Describe, about various Front Axles, factors of wheel alignment Steering
Systems and Calculate dimensions of Front Axle.
• Discuss about various types Propeller Shaft, Differential and Rear Axles
and to solve numericals.
• Compare various types of Brakes and solve numerical.
• Describe Various Types of Suspensions, Wheels and Tyres.
• Calculate dimensions of different suspensions.
General consideration relating to chassis layout, power location, types of
automobiles, layout of an automobile with reference to power plant, weight
distribution, stability, Numerical problems.
Types of frames ,general form & dimensions, materials, frame stresses, frame
sections, cross members, proportions of channel sections, constructional
details, loading points, sub frames, passenger car frames, X member type
frame, Box section type frame, testing of frames, bending and torsion test,
effect of brake application of frame stresses, truck frames, defects, Numerical
problems.L1, L2,L3
Front Axle and Steering Systems:
Axle parts and materials, loads and stresses, center sections, section near
steering head, spring pads, front axle loads, steering heads, factors of wheel
alignment, wheel balancing, center point steering, correct steering angle,
steering mechanisms, cornering force, self righting torque, under steer and
over steer, Steering linkages, steering gears, special steering columns, power
steering, trouble shooting, Numerical problems.L1, L2, L3
Propeller Shaft:
Construction & types of propeller shafts, whirling of propeller shaft, universal
joints, analysis of Hooke’s joint- ratio of shafts velocities, maximum &
minimum speeds of driven shaft, condition for equal speeds of thee driving
&driven shafts, angular acceleration of the driven shaft, maximum fluctuation
of speed, double Hooke’s joint, Numerical problems.
Final drive:
Construction details, types.
Principle, types of differential gears, conventional and non-slip differentials,
backlash, differential lock, inter-axle differential, transaxle types.
Rear axle:
Torque reaction, driving thrust, Hotchkiss drive, torque tube drive,
construction of rear axle shaft supporting- fully floating and semi floating
arrangements axle housings, trouble shooting, numerical problems.
L1, L2,L3, L4
Necessity, stopping distance and time, brake efficiency, weight transfer, brake
shoe theory, determination of braking torque, classification of brakes, types,
construction, function, operation, braking systems - mechanical, hydraulic,
disc, drum, details of hydraulic system, mechanical system and components,
types of master & wheel cylinders, bleeding of brakes, brake drums, brake
linings, brake fluid, factors influencing operation of brakes such as operating
temperature, lining, brake clearance, pedal pressure, linkages etc, Brake
compensation, Parking and emergency brakes, hill holder, automatic
adjustment, servo brakes, Power brakes-Air brakes, vacuum brakes and
electric brakes and components brake valve, unloaded valve, diaphragm, air-
hydraulic brakes, vacuum boosted hydraulic brakes, trouble shooting,
Numerical problems.L1, L2, L3, L4
Objects, basic considerations, Types of suspension springs, construction,
operation & materials, leaf springs, coil springs, torsion bar, rubber springs,
plastic springs, air bellows or pneumatic suspension, hydraulic suspension,
constructional details of telescopic shock absorbers, independent suspension,
front wheel independent suspension, rear wheel independent suspension,
types, stabilizer, trouble shooting, Numerical problems.
Wheels and Tyres:
Types of wheels, construction, structure and function, wheel dimensions,
structure and function of tyres, static and dynamic properties of pneumatic
tyres, types of tyres, materials, tyre section & designation, factors affecting
tyre life, quick change wheels, special wheels, trouble shooting.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain different chassis layouts and frames and solve for stability
and weight distribution and suitability cross sections for frames.
• Describe various Front Axles, factors of wheel alignment Steering
Systems and Calculate dimensions of Front Axle.
• Describe various types Propeller Shaft, Differential and Rear axles
and can find dimensions of these components.
• Select type of brake required to given application and will be able to
calculate basic dimension of brakes.
• Describe, About Various Types of Suspensions, Wheels and Tyres.
Text Books:
1. Automobile Engineering Vol. I- Kirpal Singh, 12th edition, Standard
publications, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Automotive Chassis- Heldt P. M, Chilton Co., (Nyack, N.Y., P.M. Heldt,
1945) Literary Licensing, LLC, 2012.
3. Automotive Mechanics- N. K. Giri, 8th Edition , Khanna Publications,
New Delhi,2008.
Reference Books:
1. Automobile Engineering - K. K. Ramalingam, Scitech Publication,
Chennai – 2011.
2. Automotive chassis and body- P. L. Kohli, TMH.
3. Steering, Suspension and Tyres- Giles. J. G., Iiiffe Book Co., London-
4. Automotive Chassis and Body- Crouse W. H., McGraw-Hill, New York-
5. Automobile Engineering -T.R. Banga&Nathu Singh, Khanna
Publications, 1993.
6. Introduction to Automobile Engineering - N. R. Khatawate, Khanna pub.
New Delhi.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU62 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain fundamental principles and laws of conduction, convection and
radiation modes of heat transfer.
• Analyze one dimensional steady state heat transfer.
• Analyze one dimensional one dimensional unsteady state heat transfer.
• Analyze one dimensional forced convection heat transfer problems.
• Analyze one dimensional free convection heat transfer problems.
• Analyze one dimensional application like flow over flat plate etc.
• Introduce basic principle of heat exchanger analysis and thermal design.
• Apply laws of radiation heat transfer to solve engineering problems.
Introductory concepts:
Modes of heat transfer: Basic laws governing conduction, convection, and
radiation heat transfer; Thermal conductivity; convective heat transfer
coefficient; radiation heat transfer; combined heat transfer mechanism.
Boundary conditions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kind, Conduction: Derivation of
general three dimensional conduction equation in Cartesian coordinate,
special cases, discussion on 3-D conduction in cylindrical and spherical
coordinate systems. (No derivation). One dimensional conduction equations in
rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates for plane and composite
walls. Overall heat transfer coefficient. Thermal contact resistance, Numerical
problems and Mathematical formulation. L1, L2, L3
Variable Thermal Conductivity:
Derivation for heat flow and temperature distribution in plane wall. Critical
thickness of insulation without heat generation, Heat transfer in extended
surfaces of uniform cross-section without heat generation, Long fin, and short
fin with insulated tip and without insulated tip and fin connected between two
heat sources. Fin efficiency and effectiveness. Numerical problems.
One-dimensional Transient Conduction:
Conduction in solids with negligible internal temperature gradient (Lumped
system analysis), Use of Transient temperature charts (Heisler’s charts) for
transient conduction in slab, long cylinder and sphere; use of transient
temperature charts for transient conduction in semi-infinite solids. Numerical
Problems. L1, L2, L3, L4
Concepts and Basic Relations in Boundary Layers:
Flow over a body velocity boundary layer; critical Reynolds number; general
expressions for drag coefficient and drag force; thermal boundary layer;
general expression for local heat transfer coefficient; Average heat transfer
coefficient; Nusselt number. Flow inside a duct- velocity boundary layer,
hydrodynamic entrance length and hydro dynamically developed flow; flow
through tubes (internal flow) (discussion only). Numericals based on empirical
relation given in data handbook.
Free or Natural Convection:
Application of dimensional analysis for free convection- physical significance of
Grashoff number; use of correlations free convection from or to vertical,
horizontal and inclined flat plates, vertical and horizontal cylinders and
spheres, Numerical problems.
Forced Convections:
Applications of dimensional analysis for forced convection. Physical
significance of Reynolds, Prandtl, Nusselt and Stanton numbers. Use of
various correlations for hydro dynamically and thermally developed flows
inside a duct use of correlations for flow over a flat plate, over a cylinder and
sphere. Numericals.L1, L2, L3, L4
Heat Exchangers:
Classification of heat exchangers; overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling and
fouling factor; LMTD, Effectiveness-NTU methods of analysis of heat
exchangers. Numerical problems.
Condensation and Boiling:
Types of condensation (discussion only) Nusselt’s theory for laminar
condensation on a vertical flat surface; use of correlations for condensation on
vertical flat surfaces, horizontal tube and horizontal tube banks; Reynolds
number for condensate flow; regimes of pool boiling pool boiling correlations,
Numericals.L1, L2, L3, L4
Thermal radiation:
Definitions of various terms used in radiation heat transfer; Stefan-Boltzman
law, Kirchoff’s law, Planck’s law and Wein’s displacement t law. Radiation
heat exchange between two parallel infinite black surfaces, between two
parallel infinite gray surfaces; effect of radiation shield; intensity of radiation
and solid angle; Lambert’s law; radiation heat exchange between two finite
surfaces-configuration factor or view factor. Numerical problems. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Demonstrate fundamental principles and laws of conduction,
convection and radiation modes of heat transfer.
• Analyze one dimensional steady state heat transfer.
• Analyze one dimensional one dimensional unsteady state heat
• Analyze one dimensional forced convection heat transfer problems.
• Analyze one dimensional free convection heat transfer problems.
• Analyze one dimensional application like flow over flat plate etc.
• Introduce basic principle of heat exchanger analysis and thermal
• Apply laws of radiation heat transfer to solve engineering problems.
Text Books:
1.Heat transfer- P. K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hill 2002.
2. Heat transfer-A basic approach- Ozisik, Tata McGraw Hill 2002.

Reference Books:
1Heat transfer, a practical approach-Yunus A, Cengel Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Principles of heat transfer - Kreith Thomas Learning 2001.
3. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer - Frenk P. Incropera and David
P. Dewitt, John Wileyand son’s.
4. Heat & Mass transfer- Tirumaleshwar, Pearson education 2006
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU63 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe the basic types of curved beams and springs.
• Analyze the stresses in the critical section of a curved beam.
• Illustrate the design procedure to arrive at the proper specifications of
• Select suitable size, module & type of gears for a required velocity ratio.
• Calculate the dimensions and suggest suitable materials for Gears.
• Define the terminology of gears and springs.
• Demonstrate the suitability of a type and class of lubricant for a specific
Bending stresses in curved beams:
Introduction, Analysis of stresses in curved beams, stresses in beams of
standard cross sections.
Introduction, types of springs, terminology, stresses and deflection in helical
coil springs of circular and non-circular cross sections, springs under
fluctuating loads, concentric springs. Leaf Springs: stresses in leaf springs,
equalized stresses and length of spring leaves.L1, L2, L3, L4
Spur & Helical gears:
Introduction, spur gears, standard proportions of gear systems, stresses in
gear tooth, Lewis equation and form factor, design for strength, dynamic load
and wear load. Helical Gears: definitions, formative number of teeth, design
based on strength, dynamic and wear loads.L1, L2, L3, L4
Bevel and Worm Gear:
Terminology, formative number of teeth, design based on strength, dynamic
and wear loads. Worm Gears: terminology, design based on strength, dynamic,
wear loads and efficiency of worm gear drives.L1, L2, L3, L4
Clutches & Brakes:
Introduction, types of clutches, design of Clutches (single plate, multi plate
clutches). Brakes, energy absorbed by a brake, heat dissipated during braking,
single block brakes and simple band brakes.L1, L2, L3
Sliding Bearings:
Introduction, principle of hydro dynamic lubrication, assumptions in
hydrodynamic lubrication, bearing characteristic number and modulus,
Sommerfeld number, coefficient of friction, power loss, heat Generated and
heat dissipated, selection of lubricant, grease, bearing failure- causes and
remedies, design of journal bearings.
Rolling contact bearings:
Types of bearings, Principle of self-aligning, static equivalent load, dynamic
load rating, bearing life, selection of ball and roller bearings, advantages and
disadvantages of ball, roller and needle bearings, lubrication of bearing.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Design the curved beams using the equations of stress.
• Design helical spring and leaf spring using the equations of stress
and deflection.
• Design the spur gears and helical gears using different parameters
and check the gears for dynamic and wear load.
• Design the various types of bevel gears and worm gears for dynamic
and wear load using various parameters.
• Design sliding contact and rolling contact bearings to find coefficient
of friction, heat generated, heat dissipated and average life of
• Analyze and design given machine components and present their
designs in the form of a Report.
Design Data Hand Books:
1. Design Data Hand Book - K. Mahadevan and K.Balaveera Reddy, CBS,
2. Design Data Hand Book – K. Lingaiah, McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed. 2003.
Text Books:
1. Mechanical Engineering Design- Joseph E Shigley and Charles R.
Mischke McGraw Hill International edition, 2003.
2. Design of Machine Elements- V. B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Edition 2007.
Reference Books:
1.Machine Design- Robert L. Norton, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
2. Mechanical Engineering Design- Joseph E Shigley and Charles R.
Mischke, McGraw Hill International edition, 6th Edition 2003.
3. Machine Design- Hall, Holowenko, and Laughlin (Schaum’s Outlines
series) Adapted by S. K. Somani, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
4. Machine Design-II-J. B. K. Das, Sapna Book House, Bangalore.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU64 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain the Constructional, design and working principles of different
types of clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
fluid flywheel, torque converter and one way clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
gear box.
• Determine the gear ratio, speed of vehicle and number of teeth on
driving and driven gears.
• Explain the constructional and principle of operation of different types
epicyclic gear box, Calculation of gear ratio for epicyclic gear box.
• Explain the necessity, advantages, constructional and principle of
operation of different types of automatic transmissions and hydraulic
Necessity of clutch in an automobile, requirements of a clutch, Clutch
materials, clutch lining, different types of clutches, friction clutches-Single
plate clutch, multi plate clutch, cone clutch, centrifugal clutch,
electromagnetic clutch, hydraulic clutches, Vacuum operated clutch, Clutch
adjustment, Clutch troubles and their causes, Numerical problems. L1, L2, L3
Fluid Coupling & One way clutches:
Constructional details of various types, percentage slip, one way clutches
(Over running clutch) like sprag clutch, ball and roller one way clutches,
necessity and field of application, working fluid requirements, fluid
requirements, fluid requirements and fluid coupling characteristics.
Hydrodynamic Torque converters:
Introduction to torque converters, comparisons characteristics, slip, principles
of torque multiplication, 3 and 4 phase torque converters, typical
hydrodynamic transmission. L1, L2, L3
Power Required for Propulsion:
Various Resistances to Motion of the Automobile, Traction, tractive effort
Performance curves, acceleration gradeability, drawbar pull, Numerical
The need for transmissions, Necessity of gear box, Calculation of gear ratios
for vehicles, Performance characteristics in different gears , Desirable ratios of
3 speed & 4 speed gear boxes, Constructional details of - Sliding-mesh gear
box, Constant-mesh gear box, Synchromesh gear box, auxiliary transmissions,
compound transmissions, numerical problems. L1, L2, L3
Epicyclic Transmission:
Principle of operation, types of planetary transmission, Calculation of gear
ratio in different speeds, Wilson planetary transmission, Ford-T model gear
box , Pre selective mechanism, Vacuum control, pneumatic control, hydraulic
control in the planetary gear system, Over drives, Numerical problems.
L1, L2, L3
Hydrostatic Drives:
Principles of hydrostatic drives, different systems of hydrostatic drives,
constant displacement pump and constant displacement motor, variable
displacement pump and constant displacement motor and variable
displacement motor, variable displacement pump and variable displacement
motor, applications, plunger type pump and plunger type motor, advantages
and limitations, typical hydrostatic drives, hydrostatic shunt drives.
Automatic Transmission:
Principle, general description and Working of representative types like Borge -
warner, 4-speed and 6-speed automatic transmission longitudinally mounted
four speed automatic transmission, hydramatic transmission, the
fundamentals of a hydraulic control system, basic four speed hydraulic control
system. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain the Constructional, design and working principles of different
types of clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
fluid flywheel, torque converter and one way clutches.
• Explain the constructional and working principle of different types of
gear box.
• Determine the gear ratio, speed of vehicle and number of teeth on
driving and driven gears.
• Explain the constructional and principle of operation of different
types epicyclic gear box, Calculate gear ratio for epicyclic gear box .
• Explain the necessity and advantages of automatic transmission.
• Explain the constructional and principle of operation of different
types of automatic transmissions and hydraulic control
Text Books:
1.Automotive Mechanics- N.K. Giri, Khanna Publication, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Advanced Vehicle Technology- Heinz Heisler, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Automotive Transmissions and Power trains- Crouse W.H., McGraw Hill
Co. 5thedn, 1976.
2. Motor Vehicle - Newton K and Steeds. W., Butter Worth’s & Co.
Publishers Ltd, 1997.
3. Automobile Engineering –. Vol.1- Kirpal Singh, Standard Pub. 2011.
4. Automobile Engineering- G. B. S. Narang, Khanna publication, New
5. Automotive mechanics - Joseph I Heitner, Affiliated East West Press,
New Delhi
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU651 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain basics of robots.
• Analyze motions of robotic manipulator.
• Analyze dynamics of robotic arm.
• Describe different types of sensors and actuators.
• Explain controls of robots.
Introduction and Mathematical Representation of Robots:
History of Robots, Types of Robots, Notation, Position and Orientation of a
Rigid Body, Some Properties of Rotation Matrices, Successive Rotations, Euler
Angles For fixed frames X-Y-Z and moving frame ZYZ, Transformation between
coordinate system, Homogeneous coordinates, Properties of A/BT, Types of
Joints: Rotary, Prismatic joint, Cylindrical joint, Spherical joint,
Representation of Links using Denvit-Hartenberg Parameters: Link parameters
for intermediate, first and last links, Link transformation matrices,
Transformation matrices of 3R manipulator, PUMA560 manipulator, SCARA
manipulator.L1, L2
Kinematics of Serial Manipulators:
Direct kinematics of 2R, 3R, RRP, RPR manipulator, puma560 manipulator,
SCARA manipulator, Stanford arm, Inverse kinematics of 2R, 3R manipulator,
puma 560 manipulator.
Velocity and Statics of Manipulators:
Differential relationships, jacobian, Differential motions of a frame (
translation and rotation), Linear and angular velocity of a rigid body, Linear
and angular velocities of links in serial manipulators, 2R, 3R manipulators,
Jacobian of serial manipulator, Velocity ellipse of 2R manipulator,
Singularities of 2R manipulators, Statics of serial manipulators, Static force
and torque analysis of 3R manipulator, Singularity in force domain. L1, L2, L3
Dynamics of Manipulators:
Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Equation of motion using Lagrangian,
Equation of motions of one and two degree freedom spring mass damper
systems using Lagrangian formulation, Inertia of a link, Recursive formulation
of Dynamics using Newton Euler equation, Equation of motion of 2R
manipulator using Lagrangian, Newton-Euler formulation. L1, L2, L3, L4
Trajectory Planning:
Joint space schemes, cubic trajectory, Joint space schemes with via points,
Cubic trajectory with a via point, Third order polynomial trajectory planning,
Linear segments with parabolic blends, Cartesian space schemes, Cartesian
straight line and circular motion planning.
Robot Control:
Feedback control of a single link manipulator- first order, second order
system, PID control, PID control of multi-link manipulator, Force control of
manipulator, force control of single mass, Partitioning a task for force and
position control- lever, peg in hole Hybrid force and position controller.
L1, L2, L3
Robot Actuators:
Types, Characteristics of actuating system: weight, power-to-weight ratio,
operating pressure, stiffness vs. compliance, Use of reduction gears,
comparison of hydraulic, electric, pneumatic, actuators, Hydraulic actuators,
proportional feedback control, Electric motors: DC motors, Reversible AC
motors, Brushles DC motors, Stepper motors- structure and principle of
operation, stepper motor speed-torque characteristics.
Robot Sensor:
Position sensors- potentiometers, Encoders, LVDT, Resolvers, Displacement
sensor, Velocity sensor- encoders, tachometers, Acceleration sensors, Force
and Pressure sensors – piezoelectric, force sensing resistor, Torque sensors,
Touch and tactile sensor, Proximity sensors-magnetic, optical, ultrasonic,
inductive, capacitive, eddy-current proximity sensors. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain basics of robots.
• Analyze motions of robotic manipulator.
• Analyze dynamics of robotic arm.
• Choose different types of sensors and actuators.
• Explain robot control
Text Books:
1. Fundamental concepts and analysis of robots- Ghosal A., Oxford, 2006.
2. Introduction to Robotics Analysis, Systems, Applications- Niku, S. B.,
Pearson education, 2008.
Reference Books:
1 Introduction to Robotics- Mechanics and Control, Craig, J.J., 2nd
edition, Addison-Welsey, 1989.
2 Fundamentals of Robotics, Analysis and Control- Schilling R.J., PHI,
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU652 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain different types of stain gauges and performance characteristics
of stain gauge circuits.
• Describe application of photo elasticity.
• Explain different separation methods.
• Analyze coating stresses.
• Analyze brittle coating stresses and explain calibration of coating.
Electrical Resistance Strain Gages:
Strain sensitivity in metallic alloys, Gage construction, Adhesives and
mounting techniques, Gage sensitivity and gage factor, Performance
Characteristics, Environmental effects, Strain Gage circuits.
Strain Analysis Methods:
Two element, three element rectangular and delta rosettes, Correction for
transverse strain effects, Stress gage, Plane shear gage, Stress intensity factor
gage. L1, L2
Nature of light, Wave theory of light - optical interference ,Stress optic law –
effect of stressed model in plane and circular polariscopes,
Isoclinics&Isochromatics, Fringe order determination Fringe multiplication
techniques, Calibration photo elastic model materials. L1, L2
Two Dimensional Photo-elasticity:
Separation methods: Shear difference method, Analytical separation methods,
Model to prototype scaling, Properties of 2D photo-elastic model materials
Three Dimensional Photo elasticity:
Stress freezing method, Scatteredlight photo-elasticity, Scattered light as an
interior analyzer and polarizer, Scattered light polariscope.L1, L2
Photo elastic (Birefringent) Coatings:
Birefringence coating stresses, Effects of coating thickness: Reinforcing effects,
Poisson's, Stress separation techniques: Oblique incidence, Strip coatings.
L1, L2
Brittle Coatings:
Coatings stresses, Crack patterns, Refrigeration techniques, Load relaxation
techniques, Crack detection methods, Types of brittle coatings, Calibration of
coating. Advantages and brittle coating applications.
Moire Methods:
Moire fringes produced by mechanical interference. Geometrical approach,
Displacement field approach to Moire fringe analysis, out of plane
displacement measurements, Out of plane slope measurements, applications
and advantages. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain different types of stain gauges and performance
characteristics of stain gauge circuits.
• Describe application of photo elasticity.
• Explain different separation methods.
• Analyze coating stresses.
• Analyze brittle coating stresses and explain calibration of coating.
Text Books:
1Experimental Stress Analysis- Dally and Riley, McGraw Hill.
2. Experimental Stress Analysis- Sadhu Singh, Khanna publisher.
3. Experimental stress Analysis- Srinath L.S, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1 Photo elasticity- Vol. I and Vol. II- M. M. Frocht, John Wiley &sons.
2 Strain Gauge Primer- Perry and Lissner.
3 Photo Elastic Stress Analysis- Kuske, Albrecht &Robertson, John Wiley
& Sons.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU653 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain basic concepts of composite materials and application of
composite material in various engineering fields.
• Describe various FRP processing.
• Describe selection, requirements for production and application of MMC.
• Explain students to various techniques used for MMC production.
• Describe concepts of nano-materials, nano technology and use of nano
• Analyze micro mechanical properties of lamina using various
Introduction to Composite Materials:
Definition, classification and characteristics of composite materials -fibrous
composites, laminated composites, particulate composites. Properties and
types of Reinforcement and Matrix materials.
Application of Composites:
Automobile, Aircrafts, missiles, Space hardware, Electrical and electronics,
marine, recreational and Sports equipment, future potential of composites.
L1, L2
FibreReinforced Plastic processing:
Layup and curing, fabricating process – open and closed mould process –
hand layup techniques – structural laminate bag molding, production
procedures for bag molding – filament winding, pultrusion, pulforming, thermo
– forming, injection, injection molding, liquid molding, blow molding.L1, L2
Metal Matrix Composites:
Reinforcement materials, types, characteristics and selection base metals,
Need for production, MMC’s and its application.
Fabrication Process for MMCs:
Powder metallurgy technique and its application, liquid metallurgy technique
and its application and secondary processing, special fabrication.L1, L2, L3
Properties of MMCs:
Physical, mechanical, wear, machinability and other properties. Effect of size,
shape and distribution of particulate on properties.
Introduction, types of Nano materials, synthesis nanomaterial using Chemical
vapor depositions, physical vapor deposition, phase transformation of
nanoparticles, magnetic, optical, electrical and mechanical properties of
nanoparticles.L1, L2
Micromechanical Analysis of a Lamina:
Introduction, evolution of four elastic moduli by strength of material approach,
rule of mixture, Numericals.
Mechanics of Lamina:
Hooks law for different types of materials, number elastic constants, two
dimensional relationship of compliance and stiffness matrix.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe basic concepts of composite materials and application of
composite materials in various engineering fields.
• Describe various FRP processing.
• Describe selection, requirements for production and application of
• Describe concepts of nano materials, nano technology and use of
nano materials.
• Use various techniques used for MMCs production.
• Analyze micro mechanical properties of lamina using various
Text Books:
1. Composites Science and Engineering - K. K. Chawla, Springer Verlag.
2. Introduction to composite materials - Hull and Clyne, Cambridge
University Press , 2nd edition , 1990.
3. Nano-materials- An introduction to synthesis, properties and
applications- Dieter vollath Wiley VCH , 2nd edition, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Composite materials Hand Book- 1984- MeingSchwaitz, McGraw Hill
Book Company.
2. Mechanics of Composite Materials- Robert M. Jones, McGraw Hill
Kogakusha Ltd.
3. Forming Metal hand book, 9th edition, ASM handbook, V15. 1988,
P327- 338.
4. Mechanics of composites- Artar Kaw, CRC Press. 2002.
5. Composite Materials - S. C. Sharma, Narosa publishing House, New
Delhi 2000.
6. Principles of Composite Material mechanics- Ronald .F. Gibron, McGraw
Hill. International, 1994.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU654 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain air pollution and pollutants, their sources & their effects.
• Describe different parameters responsible for pollutant formation.
• Choose instruments for pollution measurements.
• Analyze measurement of pollutants.
Laws and Regulations:
Historical background, regulatory test procedure (European cycles), Exhaust
gas pollutants (European rail road limits), particulate pollutants, European
statutory values, inspection of vehicle in circulation (influence of actual traffic
conditions and influence of vehicle maintenance).
Effect of Air Pollution:
Effect of air pollution on Human Health, Effect of air pollution on animals,
Effect of air pollution on plants.L1, L2
Mechanism of pollutant formation in Engines:
Nitrogen Oxides:
Formation of nitrogen oxides, kinetics of NO formation, formation of NO2, NO
formation in spark ignition engines, NOx formation, in compression ignition
Carbon Monoxide:
Formation of carbon monoxide in SI and CI Engines.
Unburned Hydrocarbons:
Back ground, flame quenching and oxidation fundamentals, HC emissions
from spark ignition engines, HC emission mechanisms in diesel engines.
Particulate emissions:
Spark ignition engine particulates, characteristics of diesel particulates, soot
formation fundamentals, soot oxidation.
Crankcase emissions, piston ring blow by, evaporative emissions.
L1, L2, L3
Pollution Control Techniques:
Pollution control measures inside SI Engines & lean burn strategies, measures
in engines to control Diesel Emissions
Pollution control in SI & CI Engines, Design changes, optimization of operating
factors and Exhaust gas recirculation, fuel additives to reduce smoke &
particulates, Road draught crankcase ventilation system, positive crankcase
ventilation system, fuel evaporation control.
Influence of Fuel Properties:
Effect of petrol, Diesel Fuel, Alternative Fuels and lubricants on emissions.
L1, L2
Post combustion Treatments:
Available options, physical conditions & exhaust gas compositions before
treatment, Catalytic mechanism, Thermal Reactions, Installation of catalyst in
exhaust lines, catalyst poisoning, catalyst light-off, NOx treatment in Diesel
Engines, particulate traps, Diesel Trap oxidizer. L1, L2
Sampling procedures:
Combustion gas sampling: continuous combustion, combustion in a cylinder
Particulate sampling: soot particles in a cylinder, soot in exhaust tube,
Sampling Methods-sedimentations, and filtration, and impinge methods-
electrostatic precipitation thermal precipitation, centrifugal methods,
determination of mass concentration, analytical methods- volumetric-
gravimetric-calorimetric methods etc.
Instrumentation for Pollution Measurements:
NDIR analyzers, Gas chromatograph, Thermal conductivity and flame
ionization detectors, Analyzers for NOx, Orsat apparatus, Smoke
measurement, comparison method, obscuration method, ringelmann chart,
Continuous filter type smoke meter, Bosch smoke meter, Hart ridge smoke
meter.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain air pollution and pollutants, their sources & their effects.
• Describe different parameters responsible for pollutant formation.
• Choose instruments for air pollution measurement.
• Analyze measurement of pollutants.
Text Books:
1. Automobiles and pollution - Paul degobert (SAE)
2. Internal combustion engine fundamentals-John B. Heywood, McGraw
Hill Book publications, 1998.
Reference Books:
1. Internal combustion engines-V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw Hill Book
Company, 1995.
2. Automotive Emission Control- Crouse William, Gregg Division
/McGraw-Hill. 1980.
3. Engine emissions, Pollutant Formation and Measurement- George,
Springer and Donald J. Patterson,, Plenum press, 1972.
5. Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution- Obert, E.F., Intext
Educational Publishers, 1980.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU661 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain method to Perform and evaluate present worth, future worth
and annual worth analyses on one of more economic alternatives.
• Calculate payback period and capitalized cost on one or more economic
• Describe method to carry out and evaluate benefit/cost, life cycle and
breakeven analyses on one or more economic alternatives
• Discuss Preparation of cost estimation report for any project.
• Describe cost accounting, replacement analysis.
Definition of various economic terms such as economic goods, utility, value,
price, wealth, wants capital, rent and profit, Laws of returns
Demand and supply & wages:
Law of diminishing utility and total utility. Demand Schedule, Law of demand.
Elasticity of demand, Law of substitution, Law of supply, supply schedule,
elasticity of supply. Nominal and real wages, Factors affecting real wages,
theory of wages, Difference in wages, methods of wage payment L1,L2,L3
Money and Exchange:
Theory of exchange, Barter, stock exchange, Speculation money qualities of a
good money, function of a money, classification of money, value of money,
index number, appreciation and depreciation of money value, Gresham’s Law
and its limitations
Taxation and Insurance:
Principle of taxation, characteristics of a good taxation system, kinds of taxes,
and their merits and demerits, Vehicle Insurance, Loss Assessment. L1,L2,L3
Interest and Depreciation:
Introduction, theory of interest, interest rate, interest from lender’s and
borrower’s view point, simple and compound interest. Nominal and effective
interest rates, interest formulae annual compounding, annual payments and
continuous compounding annual payment, simplenumerical problems. Need
for depreciation, causes of depreciation life and salvage value methods of
depreciation, simple numerical problems. L1,L2,L3
Standard costs estimated cost, First cost, Fixed cost, Variable costs,
Incremental cost, Differential cost, Sunk and marginal cost, Breakeven and
minimum cost analysis, simple numerical problems.
Cost Accounting:
Introduction, objectives of cost accounting, elements of cost material cost,
labour cost, and expenses, allocation of overheads by different methods,
simple numerical problems. L1,L2,L3
Book Keeping and Accounts:
Introduction, Necessity of book keeping, single entry and double entry system,
Classification of assets, Journal, Ledger, Trial balance, Final accounts,
trading, profit and loss account, Balance sheet, Numerical
Cost Estimation:
Introduction, importance, objectives and functions of estimating, principle
factors in estimating, Functions and qualities of an estimator, estimating
procedure. Estimation of material cost and manufacturing cost of simple
automotive components, Estimation of cost of overhauling and servicing of
automotive components - cylinder, valves, valve seats, crankshaft, FIP, Brake
drum, body building, different types of repairs. L1,L2,L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Perform and evaluate present worth, future worth and annual worth
analyses on one of more economic alternatives.
• Evaluate payback period and capitalized cost on one or more
economic alternatives.
• Carry out and evaluate benefit/cost, life cycle and breakeven
analyses on one or more economic alternatives
• Prepare a cost estimate for any project.
• Perform and evaluate cost accounting, replacement analysis
Text Books:
1. Engineering Economics, Tara Chand, Nem Chand and Brothers, Roorkee
2. Engineering Economy, Thuesen, G. J. and Fabrycky, W. J., Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Mechanical Estimating and Costing, T. R. Banga and S. C. Sharma,
Khanna Publishers, Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Industrial Organization and Engineering Economics- T. R. Banga and S.
C. Sharma, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. Mechanical Estimating and Costing- D. Kannappan et al., Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing CompanyLtd., New Delhi
3. A Text Book of Mechanical Estimating and Costing-O.P. Khanna,
DhanpatRai Publications Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi
4. Industrial Engineering and Management- O. P. Khanna, DhanpatRai
and Sons, New Delhi
5. Financial Management-I. M. Pandey, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi
6. Engineering Economics- James L. Riggs, David D. Bedworth and Sabah
U. Randhawa, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU662 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain how a hybrid vehicle works and describe its main components
and their function.
• Analyze the performance of a hybrid vehicle.
• Evaluate the environmental impact of road vehicles.
• Describe the operating principle and properties for the most common
types of electrical motors in hybrid technology.
Performance characteristics of road vehicles, calculation of road load,
predicting fuel economy, Grid connected hybrids
DC motors:
Series wound, shunt wound. Compound wound and separately excited. L1,L2
AC motors:
Induction, synchronous, brushless DC motor, switched reluctance motors.
Hybrid Architecture:
Series configuration- locomotive drives, series parallel switching, load tracking
architecture. Pre transmission parallel and combined configurations-Mild
hybrid, power assist, dual mode, power split, power split with shift,
Continuously Variable transmission (CVT). Wheel motor. L1, L2
Hybrid Power Plant specifications:
Grade and cruise targets. Launching and boosting, braking and energy
recuperation drive cycle implications, engine fraction-engine downsizing and
range and performance, usage requirements. L1,L2
Sizing the Drive System:
Matching electric drive and ICE, sizing the propulsion motor, sizing power
Energy Storage Technology:
Battery basics, different types of batteries (lead-acid battery / Lithium /
Alkaline), High discharge capacitors, flywheels, battery parametersL1,L2
Fuel cells
Fuel cell characteristics, fuel cell types - alkaline fuel cell, proton exchange
membrane, direct methanol fuel cell, phosphoric acid fuel cell, molten
carbonate fuel cell, solid oxide fuel cell, hydrogen storage systems, reformers,
fuel cell EV. L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain how a hybrid vehicle works and describe its main
components and their function.
• Analyze the performance of a hybrid vehicle.
• Evaluate the environmental impact of road vehicles.
• Describe the operating principle and properties for the most common
types of electrical motors in hybrid technology
Text Books:
1.The Electric Car: Development & Future of Battery, Hybrid &Fuel-Cell
Cars - Dr Mike Westbrook, M H Westbrook, British library Cataloguing
in Publication Data, UK, ISBN0 85296 0131.
2. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Robin Hardy, Iqbal Husain, CRC Press,
ISBN 0-8493-1466-6.
3. Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles - John M. Miller, Institute of
Electrical Engineers, London, ISBN0 863413366.
Reference Books:
1. Energy Technology Analysis Prospects for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells,
International Energy Agency, France.
2. Hand Book of Electric Motors - Hamid A Taliyat, Gerald B Kliman,
Mercel Dekker Inc., US, ISBN0-8247-4105-6
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU663 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain Principles of selection of non destructive Evaluation method (
• Describe various inspection methods like Magnetic particle,
Radiographic Inspection their Principle, general procedure, advantages
and limitations
• Explain Verification of proper assembly and Inspect for in-service
Selection of NDE methods
Flaw detection & evaluation, leak detection & evaluation, metrology &
evaluation, structure / microstructure characterization, visual inspection.
Replication microscopy techniques for NDE
Specimen preparation, replication techniques, and micro structural analysis.
Liquid Penetrant Inspection:
Principles penetrate methods, procedure, materials used, equipment,
parameters, and applications. L1,L2,L3
Magnetic Particle Inspection:
Principle, general procedure, advantages & limitation, applications, magnetic
field generation, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic particles & suspending liquid
Radiographic inspection:
Principles, X-ray radiography, equipment, Gamma - Ray radiography, real time
radiography & film radiography, application examples. L1, L2, L3
Computed Tomography (CT):
Principles, capabilities, comparison to other NDE methods, CT equipment,
industrial computed tomography applications.
Thermal Inspection:
Principles, equipment, inspection methods applications. L1, L2, L3
Optical Holography:
Basics of Holography, recording and reconstruction-info metric techniques of
inspection, procedures of inspection, typical applications. Acoustical
Holography: systems and techniques applications.
Eddy Current Inspection:
Principles of operation, procedure, advantages & limitations, operating
variables, inspection coils, eddy current instruments, application examples.
L1, L2, L3
Ultrasonic Inspection:
Principles basic equipment, advantages & limitations, applicability, major
variables in ultrasonic inspection, basic inspection methods- pulse echo
method, transducers and couplants.
Acoustic Emission Inspection:
Principles comparison with other NDE methods, applicability, Acoustic
emission waves & propagation, instrumentation principles.L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain Principles of selection of NDE
• Describe various inspection methods like Magnetic particle,
Radiographic Inspection their Principle, general procedure,
advantages and limitations
• Monitor, improve or control manufacturing processes.
• Verify proper assembly and Inspect for in-service damage
Text Books:
1Metals hand book, Vol-17,9th Edition, Nondestructive evaluation & quality
control, American society of metals.
2. Handbooks of American Society for Nondestructive testing.
Reference Books:
1. Non Destructive testing - McGonnagle J.J. – Garden and reach New
2. Non-destructive Evolution and quality control volume 17 of metals hand
book 9 edition Asia internal 1989
3. the Testing instruction of Engineering materials- Davis H.E Troxel G.E
Wiskovil C.T McGraw Hill.
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AUL67 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Explain how to identify the various chassis frames of cars, bus (front
engine & rear engine), truck and articulated vehicles.
• List specifications of different two and four wheeled vehicles.
• Describe procedure for Disassemble / assemble, cleaning, inspection
and servicing of chassis sub-systems like suspension, clutch / gear
box, final drive / differential, brake, steering and tyres / wheels.
1. Writing technical specification of two wheeled and four wheeled vehicles
(at least 10 vehicles)
2. Drawing the layouts of chassis frames of cars, bus (front engine & rear
engine), truck and articulated vehicles
3. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of single plate clutch and multi plate clutch. Checking the
clutch springs and Clutch adjustments.
4. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of different types of gear box and calculation of gear
ratios.Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing
and assembling of propeller shaft assembly including universal joint
and slip joint.
1. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of final drive and differential.
2. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of steering system and steering gears.
3. Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of braking system, bleeding in hydraulic brakes
4. Removing the wheels from the vehicle, inspection for wear of tyre tread,
inspection of tube, vulcanizing the tube, refitting of wheel on vehicle
Disassembling, cleaning, inspection for wear and tear, servicing and
assembling of front independent suspension, shock absorber and leaf
spring suspension system.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Identify the various chassis frames of cars, bus (front engine & rear
engine), truck and articulated vehicles.
• List specifications of different two and four wheeled vehicles.
• Disassemble / assemble, clean, inspect and service chassis sub-
systems like suspension, clutch / gear box, final drive / differential,
brake, steering and tyres / wheels.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from part -A :25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B : 25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total: : 60 Marks
B.E., VI Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUL68 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Explain and hands on experience for conduction of tests on various
engines for determination of performance characteristics.
• Describe procedure to conduct Morse test on multi cylinder engine for
finding FP, IP, BP.
• Conduct of tests on various engines with alternative fuels like alcohols,
bio diesel for verifying their suitability for Internal combustion engines
• Conduct emission tests on various engines.
1. Performance test on Single Cylinder and multi cylinder SI / CI engines
2. Study on SI and CI engines performance by changing parameters like
valve timing, ignition timing, compression ratio, etc
3. Morse test on multi cylinder engine for finding FP, IP, Indicated thermal
efficiency and Mechanical efficiency.
4. Study of engine performance using alternate fuels like alcohol blends/ bio
diesel / LPG.
1. Study and testing on MPFI Engine and Variable compression ratio
2. Tuning of engines using computerized engine analyzer.
3. Exhaust Emission test of S. I. Automotive engine.
4. Exhaust Emission test of C. I. Automotive engine.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Determination of performance characteristics of various types of
• Determine finding FP, IP, BP of multi Cylinder engines by conducting
Morse test.
• Verify suitability of various alternative fuels for internal combustion
• Conduct emission tests on various engines.
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from Part -A: 25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B : 25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total : 60 Marks
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU71 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain the construction of battery used in automotive vehicles.
• Describe the construction and working of D.C. generator, alternator,
cranking motor, ignition systems along with trouble shooting.
• Discuss the faults arising in automotive wiring and lighting system.
• Explain various chassis electrical systems.
• Describe transducers and sensors.
• Understand various aspects of electrical and Hybrid vehicles.
Earth return and insulated systems, 6 volts and 12 volts system, fusing of
circuits, low and high voltage automobile cables, cable specifications,
diagram of typical wiring system, and symbols used in automobile electrical
Storage Battery:
Principle of lead acid cells, plates and their characteristics containers and
separators, electrolyte and their preparation, effect of temperature on specific
gravity of electrolyte, battery capacity and efficiency, battery rating, battery
testing, methods of charging from D.C. mains, defects and remedies of
batteries, care of idle and new batteries, different types of batteries and their
principles like alkaline, lithium and zinc air etc.,L1,L2
Generator/ Alternator:
Principle of generation of direct current, generator details, shunt dynamos,
armature reaction, action of three brush generator and battery in parallel,
setting of third brush, voltage and current regulators, cutout relay -
construction, working and adjustment. Construction and working of alternator
and output control.
Starter Motor & Drives:
Battery motor starting system, condition at starting, behavior of starter during
starting, series motor and its characteristics, considerations affecting size of
motor, types of drives, starting circuit. L1,L2
Ignition Systems:
Ignition fundamentals, working of battery and magneto ignition systems,
comparison of battery and magneto ignition system, advantages and
disadvantages of conventional ignition systems, Types of solid state ignition
systems, components, construction and working, high energy ignition
distributors, Electronic spark timing control.
Lighting System and Dashboard Instruments:
Principle of automobile illumination, head lamp mounting and construction,
sealed beam auxiliary lightings, horn, windscreen-wipers, signaling devices,
electrical fuel pump, fuel, oil and temperature gauge, speedometer, odometer,
etc. (Dash board instruments) L1, L2
Engine Management Systems:
Combined ignition and fuel management systems. Exhaust emission control,
Digital control techniques – Dwell angle calculation, Ignition timing calculation
and Injection duration calculation. Complete vehicle control systems, Artificial
intelligence and engine management. Hybrid vehicles and fuel cells.
Chassis Electrical Systems:
Antilock brakes (ABS), Active suspension, Traction control, Electronic control
of automatic transmission, other chassis electrical systems, Central locking,
Air bags and seat belt tensioners, seat heaters.L1, L2
Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles:
Components of an EV, EV batteries, chargers, drives, transmission and
power devices. Advantages and disadvantages of EVs. Hybrid electric vehicles,
HEV drive train components, advantages of HV.
Transduces And Sensors:
Definition and classification, principle of working and application of various
light sensors, proximity sensors and Hall effect sensors.L1, L2
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain the construction of battery used in automotive vehicles.
• Describe the construction and working of cranking motor, D. C.
generator, alternator, ignition systems along with trouble shooting.
• Discuss the faults arising in automotive wiring and lighting system.
• Explain various chassis electrical systems.
• Describe transducers and sensors.
• Explain various aspects of electrical and Hybrid vehicles.
Text Books:
1.Automobile Electrical and Electronic systems - Tom Denton, SAE
publication, 2000.
2. Automotive Electrical Equipment - P. M. Kohli, Tata McGraw Hill, New
3. Alternative Fuels- S .S. Thipse, JAICO Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Mechatronics – W. Bolton, Longman, 2Ed, Pearson publications, 2007.
Reference Books:
1.Advanced Engine Technology - Heinz Heisler, SAE Publications, 1995.
2. Automotive Electronic Systems - Ulrich Adler, Robert Bosch, GMBH,
3 Bosch Technical Instruction Booklets.
4. Automobile Electrical Equipment - A.P. Young & Griffiths, ELBS
&NewnesButterworths, London.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU72 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Calculate major dimensions of engine components like cylinder, piston,
connecting rod, crankshaft, valve and valve operating mechanisms.
• Analyze working of two stroke engine.
• Select suitable scavenging process for two stroke engine.
• Select suitable lubricant and lubrication system for given engine.
• Calculate amount coolant required and select suitable cooling system for
given engine. Explain need for supercharger and modifications required
in engine for supercharging.
Cylinder Heads & Cylinder Block:
Cylinder heads, Gaskets, cylinder wear, water jacket, Cylinder liners, and
valve seats. Production of engine block – casting, cleaning, treatment,
machining operations and transfer machines, calculation of major dimensions.
Piston, Piston Rings and Piston Pin:
Piston Temperatures, piston slap, compensation of thermal expansion in
pistons. Piston Rings, forms of gap, stresses in piston rings, ring collapse, heat
treatment, piston ring selection, shape. Piston pin, locking of piston pins,
length of piston, calculation of major dimensions. L1, L2, L3
Connecting Rod:
Length of rod, Cross section, Buckling, Drilled connecting rods, piston pin
bearing, offset connecting rods, effects of whipping, bearing materials and
lubrication, calculation of major dimensions.
Crank Shaft:
Balance weights, local balance, Crankshaft proportions, oil holes drilled in
crank shafts, balancing, vibration dampers, firing order, bearings and
lubrication Types of crank shafts, design of centre crank shaft, moments on
crank shafts, centre crank shaft at tdc, centre crank shaft at angle of
maximum torque. Design of side crankshaft (over hang), side crank shaft at
tdc, side crank shaft at angle of maximum torque, calculation of major
dimensions.L1, L2, L3
Valve and Valve Mechanism:
Number of Valves per cylinder, Angle of seat, Operating Conditions, operating
temperatures, valve cooling, Sodium cooled valves, Valve rotators, valve seats,
valve guides, , valve springs, valve clearance, valve timing, OHV, OHC, dual
valves, types of valve operating mechanisms. Valve train component details,
Camshaft,-drives of cams, cam types, tappets,-automatic zero clearance
tappets, push rods, rocker arms & rocker Shaft, calculation of major
Two Stroke Engines:
Principles and working of two stroke engine (SI & CI), Port timing diagrams.
Types - Three port engine, Separate pumps or blowers, Symmetrical &
unsymmetrical timing, Cross flow, loop flow &uniflow type Scavenging
systems. Scavenging Process – Pre blow down, Blow down, Scavenging,
Additional Charging. Theoretical Scavenging processes, Scavenging
parameters, Comparison of Different Scavenging Systems; port design,
scavenging pumps. L1, L2, L3
Manifolds and Mixture Distribution:
Intake system components, Discharge coefficient, Pressure drop, Air filter,
Intake manifold, Connecting pipe, Exhaust system components, Exhaust
manifold and exhaust pipe, Spark arresters, Waste heat recovery, Exhaust
mufflers, Type of mufflers, exhaust manifold expansion.
Cooling System:
Necessity, variation of gas temperature, Areas of heat flow, heat transfer,
piston and cylinder temperature, Heat rejected to coolant, quantity of water
required, air cooling, water cooling, thermodynamics of forced circulation,
thermostats, pressurized water cooling, regenerative cooling, comparison of air
and water cooling, radiators – types, cooling fan – power requirement,
antifreeze solution, types of coolant. L1, L2
Lubrication System:
Lubricants, lubricating systems, Lubrication of piston rings, bearings, oil
consumption, additives and lubricity improvers, concept of adiabatic engines,
oil filters, pumps, and crankcase ventilation – types.
Supercharging and Turbocharging:
Purpose, thermodynamic cycle, effect on the performance, turbo charging,
limits of supercharging for petrol and diesel engines. Modifications of an
engine for super charging - methods of super charging – super charging and
turbo charging of two stroke and four stroke engines. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Calculate major dimensions of engine components like cylinder,
piston, connecting rod,
• Crankshaft, valve and valve operating mechanisms.
• Analyze working of two stroke engine.
• Select suitable scavenging process for two stroke engine.
• Select suitable lubricant and lubrication system for given engine.
• Calculate amount coolant required and select suitable cooling system
for given engine.
• Explain need for supercharger and modifications required in engine
for supercharging.
Text Books:
1High Speed Engines - P. M. Heldt, Oxford & IBH, 1965
2. Machine design exercises - S. N. Trikha, Khanna publications, Delhi

Reference Books:
1.Auto Design – R. B. Gupta, SatyaPrakash, New Delhi 1999.
2. A course in I.C. Engine – Mathur& Sharma , DhanpatRai& Sons, Delhi,
3. Internal Combustion Engines- V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi,
4. Automobile Engineering Vol. II - Kirpal Singh, Standard publications,
New Delhi, 2005
5. Modern Petrol Engine - A.W. Judge, B.I. Publications. 1983
6. Fundamentals of I. C. Engines - J. B. Heywood, McGraw Hill
International Edition.
7. Machine design - P.C. Sharma & D. K. Aggarwal, S.K. Kataria& sons,
8. I. C. Engine - Maleev&Litchy, McGraw Hill.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU73 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe the fundamentals of structural mechanics and finite element
• Develop element stiffness matrix for different elements using various
• Illustrate different methods of deriving shape functions for various
• Analyze one dimensional structural and thermal problem.
Equilibrium equations in elasticity subjected to body force, traction forces, and
stress-strain relations for plane stress and plane strains. Boundary
conditions, Matrix algebra, Gaussian elimination method, Eigen values and
Eigen vectors.
Basic Procedure:
Euler - Lagrange equation for bar, beam (cantilever /simply supported fixed)
Principle of virtual work, principle of minimum potential energy, Raleigh’s Ritz
method. L1, L2, L3
Basic Procedure:
Direct approach for stiffness matrix formulation of bar element. Galerkin’s
Discretization of Structure:
Steps in FEM, discritization process, element types-one, two, three and
axisymmetric elements, Interpolation polynomials, shape functions: for one
dimensional linear element, quadratic and cubic elements, shape functions in
natural coordinates, Convergence requirements, selection of the order of the
interpolation polynomial, Pascal triangle. Application and limitations of FEM.
L1, L2, L3
Solution of 1D Bar:
Solutions of bars and stepped bars for displacements, reactions and stresses
by using penalty approach and elimination approach. Guass-elimination
Stiffness matrix of Truss element, Numerical problems. L1, L2, L3
Higher order and Iso-parametric Elements:
Lagrangian interpolation, Higher order one dimensional elements- quadratic,
cubic elements and their shape functions, properties of shape functions,
shape functions for 2D quadratic triangular element in natural coordinates,
2D quadrilateral element shape functions- linear, quadratic, shape function of
beam element. Hermiteshape function of beam element.
L1, L2, L3
Hermite shape functions for beam element, Derivation of stiffness matrix.
Numerical problems of beams carrying concentrated, UDL and linearly varying
Heat Transfer:
Steady state heat transfer, 1D heat conduction governing equations.
Functional approach for heat conduction. Galerkin’s approach for heat
conduction. 1D heat transfer in thin fins.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe the fundamentals of structural mechanics and finite
element method.
• Develop element stiffness matrix for different elements using various
• Illustrate different methods of deriving shape functions for various
• Analyze one dimensional structural and thermal problem.
Text Books:
1Finite Elements in Engineering - T. R. Chandrupatla, A.D. Belegunde,3rd
2. Finite Element Method in Engineering - S. S. Rao, 4th Edition, Elsevier,
Reference Books:
1Finite Element Methods for Engineers - U. S. Dixit, Cengage Learning,
2. Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis -R. D. Cook, D. S
Maltus, M.E Plesha, R. J. Witt, Wiley 4th Ed, 2009
3. Finite Element Methods - Daryl. L. Logon, Thomson Learning 3rdedition,
4. Finite Element Method - J. N. Reddy, McGraw -Hill International
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU741 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain about various basic operations and applications of earth moving
• Select under carriage, hydraulics, steering systems of tractors.
• Select suitable machine depending on type of land, haul distance,
climate, etc.
Equipment and Operation:
Different types, working principles and applications of bull Dozers, Loaders,
Shovels, Excavators, Scrapers, Motor graders, Rollers, Compactors, Tractors
and Attachments. L1, L2
Engine, Under Carriage and Suspension Systems:
All systems of engine and special features like Automatic injection timer,
turbochargers, after coolers etc., Tyre and tracked vehicles, advantages and
disadvantages under carriage components like, tracks, roller frames, drive
sprockets, track rollers, track chains and track shoes. Rubber spring
suspension and air spring suspension. L1, L2
Transmissions and Final Drives:
Basic types of transmissions, auxiliary transmission, compound transmission,
twin triple countershaft, transmissions and planetary, transmission,
constructional and working principles, hydro shift automatic Transmission
and retarders.
Final Drives:
Types of reductions like, single reduction, double reduction final drives and
planetary final drives PTO shaft. L1, L2
Basic components of hydraulic systems like pumps (types of pumps), control
valves like flow control valves, directional control valves and pressure control
valves, hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. Depth & draft control
systems. L1, L2
Criterion for Selection of Equipment:
Selection of machines based on type of soil, haul distance, weather condition,
calculation Of Operating Capacity and calculation of productivity of a bull
Earth Moving Equipment Maintenance & Safety:
Types of maintenance schedules, purpose and advantages, organization set
ups, documentation. Safety methods for earth moving equipment.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain about various basic operations and applications of earth
moving equipment.
• Select under carriage, hydraulics, steering systems of tractors.
• Select suitable machine depending on type of land, haul distance,
climate, etc.
Text Books:
1. Diesel equipment- volume I and II by Erich J.schulz
2. Construction equipment and its management - S. C. Sharma
Reference Books:
1. Farm machinery and mechanism - Donald R. hunt and L. W. Garner
2. Theory of ground vehicles - by J. Y. Wong john Wiley and sons
3. Moving the earth - Herbert Nicholas
4. On and with the earth - Jagman Singh, W. Newman and Co. Kalkata
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU742 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain need for computer integrated manufacturing.
• Calculate WIP, TIP ratios using mathematical modeling.
• Explain various drives and mechanisms used in CIM.
• Analyze Automated Flow line & Line balancing.
• Analyze AGV’s.
• Develop part programming for milling and turning processes.
• Programme the robots for given application.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems:
Introduction, Automation definition, Types of automation, CIM, processing in
manufacturing, Production concepts, Mathematical Models-Manufacturing
lead time, production rate, components of operation time, capacity, Utilization
and availability, Work-in-process, WIP ratio, TIP ratio, Problems using
mathematical model equations.
High Volume Production System:
Introduction Automated flow line-symbols, objectives, Work part transport-
continuous, Intermittent, synchronous, Pallet fixtures, Transfer Mechanism-
Linear-Walking beam, roller chain drive, Rotary-rack and pinion, Rachet&
Pawl, Geneva wheel, Buffer storage, control functions-sequence, safety,
Quality.L1, L2, L3
Analysis of Automated Flow line & Line Balancing :
General terminology and analysis, Analysis of Transfer Line with Out storage-
upper bound approach, lower bound approach and problems, Analysis of
Transfer lines with storage buffer, Effect of storage, buffer capacity with
example problem, Partial automation-with numerical problem example, flow
lines with more than two stage, Manual Assembly lines balancing numerical
problems. L1, L2, L3
Automated Assembly Systems:
Design for automated assembly systems, types of automated assembly system,
Parts feeding devices-elements of parts delivery system-hopper, part feeder,
Selectors, feedback, escapement and placement analysis of Multi station
Assembly machine analysis of single station assembly.
Automated Guided Vehicle System:
Introduction, Vehicle guidance and routing, System management, Quantitative
analysis of AGV’s with numerical problems and application.L1, L2, L3, L4
Minimum Rational Work Element:
Work station process time, Cycle time, precedence constraints. Precedence
diagram, balance delay methods of line balancing-largest candidate rule,
Kilbridge and Westers method, Ranked positional weight method, Numerical
problems covering above methods and computerized line balancing.
Computerized Manufacturing Planning System:
Introduction, Computer Aided process planning, Retrieval types of process
planning, Generative type of process planning, Material requirement planning,
Fundamental concepts of MRP inputs to MRP, Capacity planning.L1, L2, L3
CNC Machining Centers:
Introduction to CNC, elements of CNC, CNC machining centers, part
programming, and fundamental steps involved in development of part
programming for milling and turning.
Introduction to Robot configuration, Robot motion, and programming of
Robots end effectors, Robot sensors and Robot applications. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain need for computer integrated manufacturing.
• Calculate WIP, TIP ratios using mathematical modeling.
• Explain various drives and mechanisms used in CIM.
• Analyze Automated Flow line & Line balancing.
• Analyze AGV’s.
• Develop part programming for milling and turning processes.
• Programme the robots for given application.
Text Books:
1. Automation, Production system & Computer Integrated
manufacturing- M. P. Grover Person India, 2007, 2nd edition.
2. Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing-S. Kant Vajpayee,
Prentice Hall India
Reference Books:
1Computer Integrated Manufacturing- J. A. Rehg& Henry. W. Kraebber.
2. CAD/CAM - Zeid, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Introduction to Robotics - Mechanica and Control, Craig, J. J., 2nd
Edition, Addison-Welsey, 1989.
4. Fundamentals of Robotics - Analysis and Control, Schilling R. J.,
PHI, 2006.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU743 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Calculate viscous force developed in oil between parallel plates.
• Develop mathematical models for tribological processes
• Design journal bearings.
• Design hydrostatic bearings for optimal performance.
• Select bearing materials
• Explain different aspects of tribological properties.
Properties of oils and equation of flow: Viscosity, Newton’s Law of viscosity,
Hagen-Poiseuille Law, Flow between parallel stationary planes, viscosity
measuring apparatus. Lubrication principles, classification of lubricants.
L1, L2, L3
Hydrodynamic Lubrication:
Friction forces and power loss in lightly loaded bearing, Petroff’s law, Tower’s
experiments, mechanism of pressure development in an oil film, Reynold’s
investigation and Reynold’s equation in 2D, numerical problems.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Idealized Journal Bearing:
Introduction to idealized journal bearing, load carrying capacity, condition for
equilibrium, Sommerfeld’s numbers and significance of it; Partial bearings,
end leakages in journal bearing, numerical problems. L1, L2, L3, L4
Oil Flow and Thermal Equilibrium of Journal Bearing:
Oil flow through bearings, self-contained journal bearings, bearings lubricated
under pressure, thermal equilibrium of journal bearings.
Hydrostatic Lubrication:
Introduction to hydrostatic lubrication, hydrostatic step bearings, load
carrying capacity and oil flow through the hydrostatic step bearing. L1, L2, L3
Bearing Materials:
Commonly used bearings materials, properties of typical bearing materials,
advantages and disadvantages of bearing materials.
Behavior of Tribological Components:
Selection, friction, Wear of ceramic materials, wear measurements, effects of
speed, temperature and pressure. Tribological measures, Material selection,
improved design, surface engineering. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Calculate viscous force developed in oil between parallel plates.
• Develop mathematical models for tribological processes
• Design journal bearings.
• Design hydrostatic bearings for optimal performance.
• Select bearing materials
• Explain different aspects of tribological properties.
Text Books:
1Fundamentals of Tribology - Basu S. K., Sengupta A N., Ahuja B.B., PHI
2. Introduction to Tribology Bearings - Mujumdar B. C., S. Chand
company Pvt. Ltd. 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Theory and Practice of Lubrication for Engineers - Fuller, D., New
York company 1998
2. Principles and Applications of Tribology -Moore, Pergamaon press
3. Tribology in Industries - Srivastava S., S Chand and Company
limited, Delhi 2002.
4. Lubrication of bearings – Theoretical Principles and Design -
Redzimovskay E I., Oxford press company 2000.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU744 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Develop an understanding of the Systems Engineering Process and the
range of factors that influence the design, planning, production,
evaluation and use of a system.
• Understand the concepts of and develop skills in the design,
construction, fault-finding, diagnosis, performance analysis,
maintenance, modification, and control of technological systems.
• Acquire knowledge of new developments and innovations in
technological systems.
• Develop an understanding of how technologies have transformed
people’s lives and can be used to solve challenges associated with
climate change, efficient energy use, security, health, education and
• Gain an awareness of quality and standards, including systems
reliability, safety and fitness for the intended purpose
Definition of designing, Man as a designer: Design by evolution, inadequacies
of traditional design method: System approach of engineering problems: Need
models: design history of large scale existing system.
Morphology of Design:
The three phases of design projects, the structure of design process, decision
making and iteration. L1, L2, L3
Identification and Analysis of Need:
Preliminary need statement, analysis of need, specifications, and standards of
performance and constraints.
Origination of Design Concept:
Process of idealization, mental fixity, and some design methods like
morphological analysis, AIDA, brain storming etc. L1, L2, L3, L4
Preliminary Design:
Mathematical modeling for functional design: concept of sensitivity,
compatibility and stability analysis.
Reliability Considerations in Design:
Bath tub curve, exponential reliability function, system reliability concept.
(Numericals). L1, L2, L3
Evaluation of Alternatives and Design Decisions:
Physical realisability, Design Tree: Quality of design, Concept of utility, multi
criteria decisions, decisions under uncertainty and risk (Numericals).
Economics and Optimization in Engineering Design:
Economics in Engineering Design, Fixed and variable costs, break-even
analysis. (Numericals). L1, L2, L3, L4
Optimization: Introduction to LPP, formulation and graphical solutions.
Man - Machine Interaction:
Designing for use and maintenance, Man-Machine Cycle, Design of displays
and controls. Factors influencing displays and controls. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Develop an understanding of the Systems Engineering Process and
the range of factors that influence the design, planning, production,
evaluation and use of a system.
• Understand the concepts of and develop skills in the design,
construction, fault-finding, diagnosis, performance analysis,
maintenance, modification, and control of technological systems.
• Acquire knowledge of new developments and innovations in
technological systems.
• Develop an understanding of how technologies have transformed
people’s lives and can be used to solve challenges associated with
climate change, efficient energy use, security, health, education and
• Gain an awareness of quality and standards, including systems
reliability, safety and fitness for the intended purpose.
Text Books:
1. An Introduction to Engineering Design Method - by V. Gupta and P.
Murthy, Tata McGraw Hill. 2000
2. Introduction of Engineering Design by T. Woodson, McGraw
Reference Books:
1. Design & Planning of Engineering systems - D. D. Meredith, K.W.
Wong, R.W. Wood head & K. K. Worthman. 2000.
2. Introduction to Design - M. A. Asimov-Prentice Hall. 1996.
3. Design Methods - Seeds of Human Futures-Wiley Inter
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU751 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Differentiate between open loop and closed loop control systems with
practical examples.
• Solve a complex control system to simple form using block diagrams and
signal flow graph.
• Evaluate the response of a control system for step & ramp inputs using
differential equations.
• Analyze stability of a given system by using polar, Nyquist, bode plots
and root locus concepts.
• Explain need for system compensations.
Classifications of control systems open and closed loop systems, concepts of
feedback and feed forward control systems, requirement of an ideal control
system, types of controllers.
Mathematical models:
Transfer function models, models of mechanical systems, models of electrical
circuits, models of thermal systems, models of hydraulic systems, Pneumatic
system, DC and AC servomotors in control systems. Error detectors.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Block diagrams and signal flow graphs:
Transfer Functions: definition, blocks representation of system elements,
reduction of block diagrams, Signal flow graphs: Mason’s gain formula.
L1, L2, L3
Transient and steady state response analysis:
Introduction, Analysis of first order and second order system response to step,
ramp and impulse inputs, Transient response and time domain specifications.
System stability: Routh’s-Hurwitz Criterion. L1, L2, L3, L4
Frequency Response Analysis:
Polar plots, Nyquist stability criterion, Stability analysis, Relative stability
concepts, Gain margin and phase margin. Bode attenuation diagrams, Stability
analysis using Bode plots, Simplified Bode Diagrams. L1, L2, L3, L4
Root Locus Plots:
Definition of root loci, General rules for constructing root loci, Analysis using
root locus plots.
System Compensation and State Variable Characteristics of Linear
Systems: Series and feedback compensation, Introduction to state concepts,
state equation of linear continuous data system. Matrix representation of state
equations, controllability and observability, Kalman and Gilberts test.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Differentiate between open loop and closed loop control systems with
practical examples.
• Solve a complex control system to simple form using block diagrams
and signal flow graph.
• Evaluate the response of a control system for step & ramp inputs
using differential equations.
• Analyze stability of a given system by using polar, Nyquist, bode plots
and root locus concepts.
• Explain need for system compensations.
Text Books:
1. Modern Control Engineering - Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson Education,
2. Control Systems Principles and Design - M. Gopal, 3rd Ed., TMH,
Reference Books:
1. Modern Control Systems - Richard. C. Dorf and Robert. H. Bishop,
Addison Wesley,1999
2.System Dynamics & Control - Eronini, Umez, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Singapore, 2002.
3. Feedback Control System - Schaum’s series. 2001.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU752 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Solve the problem related to decision making regarding supply and
• Understand the concept of interest and time value of money.
• Make the decision based on present worth, future worth of the
• Understand the financial statements for making suitable decisions.
Engineering Decision-Makers, Engineering and Economics, Problem solving and
Decision making, Intuition and Analysis, Tactics and Strategy. Engineering
Economic Decision Maize, Law of demand and supply, Law of returns, Interest
and Interest factors: Interest rate, Simple interest, Compound interest, Cash -
flow diagrams, Personal loans and EMI Payment, Exercises and Discussion.
L1, L2, L3
Present-Worth Comparisons:
Conditions for present worth comparisons, Basic Present worth comparisons,
Present-worth equivalence, Net Present worth, Assets with unequal lives,
infinite lives, Future-worth comparison, Pay-back comparison, Exercises,
Discussions and problems.L1, L2, L3
Rate-of-Return Calculations and Depreciation:
Rate of return, Minimum acceptable rate of return, IRR, IRR misconceptions,
Cost of capital concepts, Causes of Depreciation, Basic methods of computing
depreciation charges, Tax concepts, and corporate income tax. L1, L2, L3
Estimating and Costing:
Components of costs such as Direct Material Costs, Direct Labor Costs, Fixed
Over-Heads, and Factory cost, Administrative Over-Heads, First cost, Marginal
cost, Selling price, Estimation for simple components.L1, L2, L3, L4
Introduction, Scope of Finance, Finance Functions:
Statements of Financial Information: Introduction, Source of financial
information, Financial statements, Balance sheet, Profit and Loss account,
relation between Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account. Simple
Financial and Profit Planning:
Introduction, Financial planning, Profit planning, Objectives of profit planning,
Essentials of profit planning, Budget administration, type of budgets,
preparation of budgets, advantages, problems and dangers of budgeting.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Solve the problem related to decision making regarding supply and
• Understand the concept of interest and time value of money.
• Make the decision based on present worth, future worth of the
• Understand the financial statements for making suitable decisions.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Economy - Riggs J. L., 4TH ed. , McGraw Hill, 2002
2. Engineering Economy - Thuesen H.G. PHI , 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Economy - Tarachand, TMH, 2000.
2. Industrial Engineering and Management - O. P. Khanna,
DhanpatRai& Sons. 2000.
3. Financial Mangement- Prasanna Chandra, 7th Ed., TMH, 2004.
4. Finacial Management - I. M. Pandey, Vikas Pub. House, 2002.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU753 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Formulate a problem as LPP.
• Solve LPP of different models using suitable method.
• Plan and execute the projects using CPM and PERT techniques.
• Decide the optimum sequence of the processes/ machines.
Evolution of OR, definition of OR, scope of OR, application areas of OR, steps
(phases) in OR study, characteristics and limitations of OR, models used in OR,
linear programming (LP) problem-formulation and solution by graphical
Solution of Linear Programming Problems:
The simplex method canonical and standard form of an LP problem, slack,
surplus and artificial variables, big M method and concept of duality, dual
simplex method.L1, L2, L3
Transportation Problem:
Formulation of transportation problem, types, initial basic feasible solution
using different methods, optimal solution by MODI method, degeneracy in
transportation problems, application of transportation problem concept for
maximization cases.
Assignment Problem:
Formulation, types, application to maximization cases and travelling salesman
problem.L1, L2, L3, L4
Integer Programming:
Pure and mixed integer programming problems, solution of Integer
programming problems-Gomory’s all integer cutting plane method and mixed
integer method, branch and bound method, Zero- One programming.
Queuing Theory:
Queuing systems and their characteristics, Pure-birth and Pure-death models
(only equations), empirical queuing models – M/M/1 and M/M/C models and
their steady state performance analysis. L1, L2, L3, L4
PERT-CPM Techniques:
Introduction, network construction – rules, Fulkerson’s rule for numbering the
events, AON and AOA diagrams; Critical path method to find the expected
completion time of a project, floats; PERT for finding expected duration of an
activity and project, determining the probability of completing a project,
predicting the completion time of project; crashing of simple projects.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Game Theory:
Formulation of games, types, solution of games with saddle point, graphical
method of solving mixed strategy games, dominance rule for solving mixed
strategy games.
Basic assumptions, sequencing ‘n’ jobs on single machine using priority rules,
sequencing using Johnson’s rule-‘n’ jobs on 2 machines, ‘n’ jobs on 3
machines, ‘n’ jobs on ‘m’ machines. Sequencing 2 jobs on ‘m’ machines using
graphical method. L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Formulate a problem as LPP.
• Solve LPP of different models using suitable method.
• Plan and execute the projects using CPM and PERT techniques.
• Decide the optimum sequence of the processes/ machines.
Text Books:
1. Operations Research – P. K. Gupta and D S Hira, Chand Publications,
New Delhi – 2007.
2. Operations Research - Taha H A, Pearson Education.
3. Operations Research - S. D. Sharma, LedarnathRamanath& Co, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research - A. P. Verma, S K Kataria&Sons, 2008.
2. Operations Research - Paneerselvan, PHI.
3. Operations Research – A. M. Natarajan, P Balasubramani, Pearson
Education, 2005.
4. Introduction to Operations Research - Hillier and Liberman, 8th Ed.,
McGraw Hill.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU754 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Describe construction and working of different type of internal
combustion engines for two and three wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown wiring diagram for two wheeler and three wheeled vehicles.
• Explain types of clutches, transmission and final drives used for two and
three wheeled vehicles.
• Describe types of frames, brakes and tyres used for two and three
wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown maintenance schedule for two and three wheeled vehicles.
The Power Unit:
Types of engines for two wheelers, advantages and disadvantages of two stroke
and four stroke engines, engine components, constructional details, materials,
symmetrical and unsymmetrical port timing diagrams, valve actuating
mechanisms, valve timing diagrams. Rotary valve engine, Advantages and
disadvantages of diesel engines for two wheelers, power plant for electric bikes,
exhaust systems. L1, L2
Fuel, Lubrication And Cooling System:
Layout of fuel supply system, fuel tank construction, carburetor types,
construction, working and adjustments. Types of cooling systems, advantages
of air cooling system. Lubrication types, Lubrication of parts, grades of
lubricating oils.
Electrical System:
Types of ignition system, their working principles, wiring diagram for Indian
vehicles, spark plug construction, indicators and gauges used in two wheelers,
lighting systems. L1, L2
Transmission System:
Primary drive and Clutch:
Motor cycle power train, Primary drives, Types of primary drives, Chain drive,
Gear drive, Construction and operation of motorcycle clutches, Clutch release
mechanism. Gear boxes.
Introduction to motorcycle transmission, Sprockets and chain, Gears and Dogs
in motor cycle transmission, Gear and Gear ratios, Sliding gear transmissions,
Shifting fork mechanisms, Constant mesh transmissions, lubrication.
Final Drive:
Introduction to motorcycle final drives, Fundamentals of chain drive, Chain
lubrication and lubricators, Shaft drives, Drive shaft couplings, Final drive gear
case. L1, L2
Frames And Suspension:
Types and constructional details of frames, advantages and limitations, frame
materials, frame stresses, frame building problems, frame components, Front
and Rear suspension systems, shock absorber construction and working, Panel
meters and controls on handle bar, body manufacture and painting.
Brakes and Wheels:
Front and rear braking systems, disc and drum brakes, merits and demerits,
Types of wheels, loads on wheels, construction and materials for wheels, wheels
designation, tyre designation, inflation, types of tyres, construction details.
L1, L2
Two wheelers and Three Wheelers:
Case study of major Indian models of major motor cycles, scooters, scooteretts
and mopeds. Case study of Indian models of three wheelers, Front mounted
engine and rear mounted engine types, Auto rickshaws, pick up van, delivery
van and trailer, Bijili electric vehicles.
Importance of maintenance, Decarburizing procedure for engine and silencer,
periodic inspection, maintenance schedules, trouble diagnosis charts, safety
precautions, Lubrication charts. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Describe construction and working of different type of internal
combustion engines for two and three wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown wiring diagram for two wheeler and three wheeled vehicles.
• Explain types of clutches, transmission and final drives used for two
and three wheeled vehicles.
• Describe types of frames, brakes and tyres used for two and three
wheeled vehicles.
• Laydown maintenance schedule for two and three wheeled vehicles.
Text Books:
1. Motor cycle engines - P. E. Irving, Temple Press Book, London, 1992
2. Motor cycles -Michel M. Griffin
3. Motor cycle Mechanics - William H. Crouse and Donald L. Anglin, TMH
Reference Books:
1. The cycle Motor manual - Temple Press Ltd, 1990
2. Vespa maintenance and repair series - Bryaut R. V.
3. Encyclopedia of Motor Cycling 20 volumes - Marshall Cavendish, New
York., 1989.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUL76 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Check and adjust ignition timing and tappet clearance
• Align the given connecting rod
• Re-bore the given engine cylinders
• Service the FIP and calibrate
• Repair the vehicle body and paint it
1. Inspection of vehicles and preparation of test charts.
2. Tuning of Engines: Check for ignition timing, valve tappet clearance,
Radiator flushing and check for leaks etc.,
3. Study and practice on
a. Connecting rod alignment
b. Cylinder reboring machine
c. Valve refacing machine
d. Nozzle grinding machine.
e. Brake drum skimming machine
1. Servicing of FIP, Calibration and phasing of FIP.
2. Study and practice of wheel balancing and wheel alignment.
3. Testing of Two wheeled vehicles on chassis dynamometer.
4. Study of tyre retreading and vulcanizing.
5. Study and practice on body repairs – tinkering and painting.
6. Head light focusing test and visibility test.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Check and adjust ignition timing and tappet clearance
• Align the given connecting rod
• Rebore the given engine cylinders
• Service the FIP and calibrate
• Repair the vehicle body and paint it
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from Part -A: 25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B : 25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total : 60 Marks
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUL77 CIE Marks 40

Number of 03 = (1 Hour Instruction + 2 Hrs. SEE Marks 60
Lecture Laboratory)
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Describe procedure for FEA
• Model and analyze bar, beam and trusses subjected to various types of
• Analyze heat transfer and flow processes
Study of FEA packages, Modeling, Static and Dynamic analysis
1. Bars subjected to axial loads for constant cross section, tapered cross
section and stepped bar.
2. Trusses – Simple trusses
3. Beams – Cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to point load,
UDL, UVL and moments.
1. Beams subjected to axial and bending loads.
2. Thermal analysis – 2D problems with conduction and convection.
3. Fluid flow analysis- simple and 2 D problems.
Course outcomes:At the end of this laboratory, students will be able to:
• Describe procedure for FEA
• Model and analyze bar, beam and trusses subjected to various types of
• Analyze heat transfer and flow processes
Scheme of Examination:
ONE question from Part -A: 25 Marks
ONE question from Part-B : 25 Marks
Viva -Voice :10 Marks
Total : 60 Marks
Project Phase- I + Project work seminar
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUP78 CIE Marks 100

Number of 03 SEE Marks -
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours -
Credits – 02
During project Phase – I , students are expected to

• Identify the project domain and topic

• Carryout necessary literature survey
• Define the problem for consideration
• Finalizing the methodology to carry out the project work in Phase- II.
• Present seminar on topic selected for project

B.E., VIII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU81 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Classify the vehicles and define basic terms.
• Select appropriate body material.
• Calculate various aerodynamic forces and moments acting on vehicle.
• Calculate load distribution in vehicle body.
• Explain the ergonomics, stability the vehicle.
• Identify the various safety aspects in a given vehicle.
• Identify various sources of noise and methods of noise separation.
Classification of Coachwork:
Styling forms, coach and bus body style, layout of cars, buses and coach with
different seating and loading capacity, commercial vehicle types, vans and pick
ups. Terms used in body building construction, angle of approach, Angle of
departure, ground clearance, Cross bearers, floor longitudes, posts, seat rail,
waist rail, cant rail, Roof stick, Roof longitude, Rub rail, skirt rail, truss panel,
wheel arch structure, wheel arch, post diagonals, gussets.L1, L2
Vehicle Body Materials:
Aluminum alloys, Steel, alloy steels, plastics, Metal matrix composites, structural
timbers - properties, glass reinforced plastics and high strength composites,
thermoplastics, ABS and styrenes, load bearing plastics, semi rigid PUR foams
and sandwich panel construction. Paints adhesives and their properties,
corrosion and their prevention.L1, L2, L3
Basics, Vehicle drag and types, Various types of forces and moments, effects of
forces and moments, various body optimization techniques for minimum drag,
Principle of wind tunnel technology, flow visualization techniques, tests with
scale models, aerodynamic study for heavy vehicles.
Load Distribution:
Type of body structures, Vehicle body stress analysis, vehicle weight distribution,
Calculation of loading for static loading, symmetrical, longitudinal loads, side
loads, stress analysis of bus body structure under bending and torsion.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Interior Ergonomics:
Introduction, Seating dimensions, Interior ergonomics, ergonomics system
design, seat comfort, suspension seats, split frame seating, back passion
reducers, dash board instruments, electronic displays, commercial vehicle cabin
ergonomics, mechanical package layout, goods vehicle layout. Visibility,
regulations, drivers visibility, methods of improving visibility, Window winding
and seat adjustment mechanisms.
Vehicle Stability:
Introduction, Longitudinal, lateral stability, vehicle on a curvilinear path, critical
speed for toppling and skidding. Effect of operating factors on lateral stability,
steering geometry and stabilization of steerable wheels, mass distribution and
engine location on stability. L1, L2, L3
Noise and Vibration:
Noise characteristics, Sources of noise, noise level measurement techniques,
Body structural vibrations, chassis bearing vibration, designing against fatigue,
methods of noise suppression.
Impact protection:
Basics, physics of impact between deformable bodies, design for crash
worthiness, occupant and cargo restraint, passive restraint systems, side impact
analysis, bumper system, energy absorbent foams, laws of mechanisms applied
to safety L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Classify the vehicles and define basic terms.
• Select appropriate body material.
• Calculate various aerodynamic forces and moments acting on vehicle.
• Calculate load distribution in vehicle body.
• Explain the ergonomics, stability the vehicle.
• Identify the various safety aspects in a given vehicle.
• Identify various sources of noise and methods of noise separation
Text Books:
1. Body Engineering - Sydney F page, Chapman & Hall Ltd, London, 1956
2. Vehicle body engineering - Giles J Pawlowsky, Business books limited,
3. Vehicle body layout and analysis - John Fenton, Mechanical Engg.
Publication ltd, London.
Reference Books:
1. Hand book on vehicle body design – SAE publication.
2. Automotive chassis - P.M. Heldt, Chilton & Co, 1970
3. Vehicle Safety 2002 -Cornwell press, Town bridge, UK, ISBN 1356 -
4. Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles - Ed W.H. Hucho, 4th Edition, Butter
worth’s 1987
5. Road Vehicle Aerodynamics - Scibor-Rylski A. J., Pentech press,
London 2nd Edition 1984.
B.E., VIII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU82 CIE Marks 40
Number of 04 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 50 (10 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 04
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Classify different types of vibration / damping associated with systems
and vibration measuring instruments.
• Calculate natural frequency, damping, logarithmic decrement and other
parameters of single degree of freedom un-damped / damped free
vibrating systems.
• Compute the response of single degree of freedom damped vibrating
systems to different excitation forces.
• Determine the natural frequencies and the modes of two degree of
freedom free vibrating systems.
• Compare the natural frequencies / modes of multi-degree of freedom free
vibrating systems using numerical methods.
Types of vibration, Simple harmonic motion and definition of some terms of
vibration, Vector method and complex form of representing harmonic motions,
addition of simple harmonic motions.
Un-damped free vibration:
Introduction, Newton’s second law of motion method, D’Alembert’s principle,
Energy method, Single degree of freedom systems, Natural frequency of free
vibration, equivalent stiffness of springs, effect of spring mass.L1, L2, L3, L4
Damped free vibration:
Single degree of freedom systems, types of damping, concept of critical damping
and its importance, study of viscous damped systems - under damping, critical
damping and over damping, logarithmic decrement, structural and coulomb
Whirling of shafts:
Whirling of shafts with and without air damping, discussion of speeds above
and below critical speeds. L1, L2, L3, L4
Forced vibration:
Single degree of freedom systems, steady state solution with viscous damping
due to harmonic force, concept of frequency response, reciprocating and
rotating unbalance, vibration isolation and transmissibility, energy dissipated
by damping, equivalent viscous damping, Structural damping, sharpness of
resonance, base excitation. L1, L2, L3, L4
Two degree of freedom systems:
Introduction, principle and normal modes of vibration, co-ordinate coupling,
generalized and principal co-ordinates, orthogonality principle, Lagrange’s
equation, semi-definite systems, forced vibrations, harmonic excitation.
Applications: Vehicle suspension, Dynamic vibration absorber, dynamics of
reciprocating engines.
Vibration measuring instruments:
Vibrometer, Accelerometer and frequency measuring instruments.L1, L2, L3, L4
Multi degree of freedom systems:
Introduction, influence coefficients, Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem, orthogonality
principle, Dunker ley’s equation, determination of natural frequencies using
matrix iteration method, Holzer’s method for systems with free, fixed free and
fixed ends, stodola method, Rayleigh’s method for beam vibration.
L1, L2, L3, L4
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Classify different types of vibration / damping associated with systems
and vibration measuring instruments.
• Calculate natural frequency, damping, logarithmic decrement and
other parameters of single degree of freedom un-damped / damped
free vibrating systems
• Compute the response of single degree of freedom damped vibrating
systems to different excitation forces.
• Determine the natural frequencies and the modes of two degree of
freedom free vibrating systems
• Compare the natural frequencies / modes of multi-degree of freedom
free vibrating systems using numerical methods
Text Books:
1. Mechanical Vibrations, G. K. Grover and S. P. Nigam, Nemchand and
Brothers, Roorkee.
2. Mechanical Vibrations: V. P. Singh, DhanpatRai and Sons, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Theory and Problems of Mechanical Vibrations - William W. Seto,
McGraw Hill International Book Co., Singapore (Schaum’s outline
2. Mechanical Vibrations - S. S. Rao, Pearson Education Inc.,
3. Mechanical Vibrations - S. Graham Kelly, Schaum’s Outline Series,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Theory and Practice of Mechanical vibrations - J. S. Rao and K.
Gupta, New Age International Publications, New Delhi
5. Elements of Vibrations Analysis - Leonard Meirovitch, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi
B.E., VIII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU831 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain basic concepts of TQM
• Describe leader ship qualities, different factors of customer satisfaction
and benefits of involvement of employee in quality management
• Describe various techniques for continuous process improvement and to
understands its benefits
• Apply various tools and techniques in industries to achieve the higher
• Describe importance of HR dept. recruitment process, importance of
training of employees
• Understand use of various graphical representation of process behavior
in TQM
Introduction to TQM:
Introduction-Definition, Basic Approach, and Contribution of Gurus - TQM
framework, Historical Review, Benefits of TQM, TQM organization.
Leadership, Customer Satisfaction and Employee Involvement:
Characteristics of quality leaders, Customers satisfaction, Customer perception
of quality, Feedback, Using customer’s complaints, Employee involvement -
Introduction, Teams, Cross functional teams, Quality circles, Suggestion
system, Benefits of employee involvement.L1, L2
Continuous Process Improvement and Tools Techniques:
The juran trilogy, improvement strategies, types of problems, the PDSA cycle,
problem solving methods, Kaizen, reengineering, six sigma, Process of
benchmarking, quality function deployment, quality by design, failure mode
and FME analysis, case studies. L1, L2, L3, L4
Quality ManagementTools:
Why- why forced filed analysis, nominal group techniques, affinity diagram,
interrelationship diagram, Tree diagram, matrix diagram, process decision
programme chart, activity network diagram, prioritization matrices.
L1, L2, L3
Human Resource Practices:
Scope of Human Resources Management, leading practices, designing high
performance work systems-work and job design, Recruitment and career
development, Training and education, Compensation and recognition, Health,
safety and employee well-being, performance appraisal.L1, L2
Statistical Process Control:
Paratodigram, process flow diagram, fishbone diagram, histograms, check
sheets, statistical fundamentals. Control charts, types of control charts,
scattered diagrams case studies and numerical problems.L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain basic concepts of TQM.
• Describe leader ship qualities, different factors of customer
satisfaction and benefits of involvement of employee in quality
• Describe various techniques for continuous process improvement and
to understands its benefits
• Apply various tools and techniques in industries to achieve the higher
• Describe importance of HR dept. recruitment process, importance of
training of employees
• Understand use of various graphical representation of process
behavior in TQM
Text Books:
1. Total Quality Management - Dale H. Bester field, Pearson Education
India, ISBN: 8129702606, Edition 03/e Paperback (Special Indian
2. The management and control of Quality - James R. Evans and William
M. Lindsay, ISBN: 981-243-552-0 , Publisher - Thomson South-
Western, Edition-6.
Reference Books:
1. 1. Total Quality Management for Engineers - M. Zairi, ISBN:
1855730243, Wood head Publishing.
2. 100 Methods for Total Quality Management - Gopal K. Kanji and Mike
Asher, ISBN: 0803977476, Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc.; Edition
– 1.
B.E., VIII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU832 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain the advantages of using DBMS as an approach to bookkeeping
• Discuss entity-relationship model as the basis for the design of DBMS
• Describe relational model and relational algebra as the basis for the
design of DBMS languages like SQL
• Apply SQL statements against an existing DBMS
• Develop a specimen database using SQL in conformance with the rules of
• Describe transactional management and its intricacies.
Introduction; Characteristics of Database approach; Advantages of using DBMS
approach; Data models, schemas and instances; Three-schema architecture
and data independence, The database system environment; Centralized and
client-server architectures; Classification of Database Management systems.
Entity-Relationship Model:
Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An Example
Database Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys;
Relationship types, Relationship Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints; Weak
Entity Types; Refining the ER Design; ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions and
Design Issues; Relationship types of degree higher than two.L1, L2, L3
Relational Model and Relational Algebra:
Relational Model Concepts; Relational Model Constraints and Relational
Database Schemas; Update Operations, Transactions and dealing with
constraint violations; Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT;
Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory; Binary Relational Operations:
JOIN and DIVISION; Additional Relational Operations; Examples of Queries in
Relational Algebra; Relational Database Design Using ER- to-Relational
Mapping.L1, L2, L3
SQL – 1:
SQL Data Definition and Data Types; Specifying basic constraints in SQL,
Schema change statements in SQL, Basic queries in SQL, More complex SQL
SQL – 2 :
Insert, Delete and Update statements in SQL, Specifying constraints as
Assertion and Trigger; Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL, Additional features of SQL,
Database programming issues and techniques.L1, L2, L3
Database Design:
Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas; Functional Dependencies;
Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys; General Definitions of Second and Third
Normal Forms; Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Properties of Relational
Decompositions; Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design;
Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form; Join Dependencies and
Fifth Normal Form; Inclusion Dependencies; Other Dependencies and Normal
Forms. L1, L2, L3
Transaction Management:
The ACID Properties; Transactions and Schedules; Concurrent Execution of
Transactions; Lock- Based Concurrency Control; Performance of locking;
Transaction support in SQL; Introduction to crash recovery; 2PL,
Serialiazability and Recoverability; Lock Management; Introduction to ARIES;
The log; Other recovery-related structures; The write-ahead log protocol; Check
pointing; Recovering from a System Crash; Media Recovery; Other approaches
and interaction with concurrency control. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain the advantages of using DBMS as an approach to bookkeeping
• Discuss entity-relationship model as the basis for the design of DBMS
• Describe relational model and relational algebra as the basis for the
design of DBMS languages like SQL
• Apply SQL statements against an existing DBMS
• Develop a specimen database using SQL in conformance with the
rules of normalization.
• Describe transactional management and its intricacies.
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems- RamezElmasri and Shanmkanth
B. Navathe, 3rd Edition, Addison Pearson.
2. Database Management System Use - by Raghu Ramakrishnan, Tata
McGraw Hill, 3rd Edn. 2002.
Reference Books:
1. Database Management and design - by Gray W. Hansen and James V.
Hansen, 2nd Edn. Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
2. Database Management Systems- Designing and Building business
applications, Gerald V. Post, 3rd Edition, Tata Mc. Graw Hill
Publishing company Ltd., - 2005
3. Project Management with PERT and CPM, Moder Joseph J and Phillips
Cerel, R., VAN Noserand,
4. Reinhold, 2nd Edn, 1976.
B.E., VIII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU833 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain combustion phenomenon in SI and CI Engines also factors
effecting combustion variations in these engines
• Calculate mixture requirement and pollutants produced in internal
combustion engines.
• Determine efficiency and power output from brayton cycle
• Explain basic concepts of lean burn engine, sterling engine, cam less
engine, multi valve engine etc.
• Explain working of modern engines.
Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines:
Thermodynamic analysis of SI engine Combustion: Burned and unburned
mixture states. Analysis of cylinder pressure data, Combustion process
characterization, Flame structure and speed; flame structure, laminar burning
speeds, flame propagation relations, Cyclic variations in combustion, partial
burning and misfire: definitions, causes of cycle – by – cycle and cylinder to
cylinder variations, partial burning, misfire and engine stability. Spark Ignition:
Ignition fundamentals, conventional ignition systems, alternative ignition
systems, alternative ignition approaches, Abnormal Combustion: knock and
surface ignition, knock fundamentals, fuel factors.L1, L2, L3
Combustion in Compression Ignition Engines:
Types of diesel combustion systems: Direct injection systems, indirect injection
systems, comparison of different combustion systems, Analysis cylinder
pressure data; combustion efficiency, DI engines, IDI engines, Fuel spray
behaviour: Fuel injection, overall spray structure, atomization, spray
penetration, droplet size distribution and spray evaporation, Ignition delay:
definitions and discussion, fuel ignition quality, auto ignition fundamentals,
physical properties affecting delay, effect of fuel properties. L1, L2, L3
Equilibrium charts:
Charts for burnt mixture, charts for unburned Mixture, transmission from
unburned to burnt mixture, non- equilibrium Problems.
Gas Turbine combustion:
Simple brayton cycle, working of a gas turbine, modification of the simple cycle,
intercooling reheat and regeneration, determination of efficiency and power
output, numerical problems. L1, L2, L3, L4
Modern Developments in I. C. Engines:
Lean burn engines, ceramic and adiabatic engines, Multi-valving, Tuned
manifolding, camless valve gearing, variable valve timing, Turbo and
supercharging – Waste gating, EGR, Part-load charge stratification in GDI
systems. Sports vehicle engines, Stirling engines, MPFI engines – operation and
performance. L1, L2
Special types of Engines:
Introduction to working of startified charged engines, Wankel engine, variable
compression engine, Surface ignition engines, free piston engines, Current
engines and future trends (e.g. Convergence of SI and CI engine technology,
Control developments, fuel quality), Effect of air cleaners and silencers on
engine performance. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain combustion phenomenon in SI and CI Engines also factors
effecting combustion variations in these engines
• Calculate mixture requirement and pollutants produced in internal
combustion engines.
• Determine efficiency and power output from brayton cycle
• Explain basic concepts of lean burn engine, sterling engine, cam less
engine, multi valve engine etc.
• Explain working of modern engines.
Text Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engines Fundamentals - John B. Heywood,
McGraw Hill International Edition,
2. A course in I. C. Engines - Mathur& Sharma, DhanpatRai& sons, New
Reference Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engines- Ganesan, V, Tata McGraw Hill Book
Co., 1995.
2. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals- John B. Heywood,
McGraw Hill Book, 1998.
3. Internal Combustion Engine and Air Pollution- Obert, E. F.,
International Text Book Publishers, 1983.
4. I. C. Engines by Maleev- CBS Publications, New Delhi.
B.E., VIII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Course Code 17AU834 CIE Marks 40
Number of 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Explain maintenance strategies.
• Plan maintenance schedule and methods for preventive and bre4ak down
• Find most optimal maintenance frequency.
• Explain use of computers in maintenance of machinery.
• Analysis of accident records and accident Safety standards for
Mechanical equipment.
• Explain safety standards for mechanical, electrical and chemical systems.
Introduction to Maintenance System:
Definition, Scope, Objective, functions and Importance of maintenance system,
Type of maintenance system, Break down maintenance system. Preventive
maintenance, Predictive maintenance, design out maintenance, corrective
maintenance, planned maintenance, total productive maintenance, condition
monitoring. Problems on selection of methods like preventive or breakdown
maintenance. L1, L2
Maintenance of Machinery:
Causes of machine failure, performance evaluation, complete overhauling of
Machines tools. Maintenance planning and scheduling. Repair order control
manpower requirement, Maintenance job analysis spare parts control.
L1, L2, L3
Economics in Maintenance:
Repair, replacement, Repair complexity, Finding out most optimal preventive
maintenance frequency. Numerical treatment required.
Maintenance Planning:
Planning of maintenance junctures manpower allocation, long range planning,
short range planning. Planning techniques and procedures. Estimation of
maintenance work. Maintenance control. L1, L2, L3, L4
Computers in Maintenance:
Features and benefits of Computer aided maintenance. Application of
computers to maintenance work.
Industrial Safety:
Economic importance of accidents, Types of safety organizations, Analysis of
accident records, accident investigations, Analysis of accident Safety standards
for Mechanical equipment.L1, L2, L3
Safety standards:
Safety standards for Electrical equipment and systems. Chemical hazards,
material handling, exhaust systems, welding, Plant housekeeping-building,
Aisles, passages, floors, tool cribs, washrooms, canteens.
Industrial Pollution Control:
Dust control -Fibre collectors, mechanical dust collectors, wet type collectors,
Electro static precipitators, Noise pollution Control - Noise measurement and
control. Industrial vibration and its control. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes:After completion of above course, students will be able to
• Explain maintenance strategies.
• Plan maintenance schedule and methods for preventive and bre4ak
down maintenance.
• Find most optimal maintenance frequency.
• Explain use of computers in maintenance of machinery.
• Analysis of accident records and accident Safety standards for
Mechanical equipment.
• Explain safety standards for mechanical, electrical and chemical
Text Books:
3. Maintenance Engineering and Management - R. C. Mishra and K.
Pathak, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
4. Maintenance Engineering Hand book - Morrow.
Reference Books:
5. Hand book of Maintenance Management - Frank Herbaty
6. Hand book of Industrial Engg& Management - W. Grant Lreson&
Eugene L-Grant.
7. Industrial Pollution Control Handbook - LUND A.
8. Industrial Maintenance – H. P. Garg
9. Maintenance Engineering Hand book- Lindrey Higgins, McGraw Hill,
5th edition, 2003.
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AU84 CIE Marks 50

Number of 03 SEE Marks 50
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3, L4 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 02
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Apply classroom and laboratory concepts and principles in an industry
work environment.
• To demonstrate the ability to work as a team member to successfully
complete the assigned work.
The duration and modalities for internship will be as per VTU rules and


B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUP85 CIE Marks 100

Number of 06 SEE Marks 100
RBT Levels L1, L2,L3, L4, L5 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 06
Course Objectives:At the end of this course, students will be able to
• Identify the practical problem, finalize the methodology to solve it and
practically implement it.
The duration and modalities for internship will be as per VTU rules and
B.E., VII Semester, Automobile Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 17AUP85 CIE Marks 100

Number of 04 SEE Marks -
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 01
The topic for seminar should be relevant to the current trends/ recent
developments in Automotive Technology.

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