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DLL For GenMath - Q1, W2

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School: Sta.

Catalina National High School Grade Level: 11

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Engr. Diego Jay G. Vasquez Learning Areas: General Mathematics
Teaching Dates/Time: June 11-15, 2018 Quarter: 1st


(June 11) (June 12) (June 14) (June 15)
I. OBJECTIVES The learners demonstrate an understanding The learners demonstrate an understanding
of…. of….
A. Content Standard the key concepts of functions the key concepts of functions
The learner's shall be able to accurately construct The learner's shall be able to accurately construct
mathematical models to represent real-life situations mathematical models to represent real-life
B. Performance Standards
using functions. situations using functions.

The learner s ... The learner s ...

C. Learning Competencies
1.2 evaluates a function. 1.3 performs addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, and composition of functions
II. CONTENT Operations on Functions Composition of Functions
A. Main References
General Mathematics Teacher’s Guide General Mathematics Teacher’s Guide

General Mathematics Curriculum Guide General Mathematics. Rex Books Store 2016
B. Other Learning References


Holiday Holiday
A. Reviewing previous Review of Previous Lesson Do a quick review of the rules of adding,
lesson/ Presenting New subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and
Lesson algebraic expressions.

Independence Day Eid al-Fitr 2018

Evaluating a function means replacing the variable in The important concept that the students need to
the function and computing for the result. understand in this lesson is that adding,
subtracting and multiplying two or more functions
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson together will result in another function. Dividing two
functions together will also result in another
function if the denominator or divisor is not the zero
1. Evaluate a number (integers, fractions & 1. Writing new rule: addition, subtraction,
decimals) on different functions. multiplication and division.
C. Presenting examples/ 2. Evaluate an expression (integers, fractions 2. Evaluate a number: addition, subtraction,
instances of the new lesson & decimals) on different functions. multiplication and division.
3. Evaluate an expression: addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
D. Discussing new concepts Answer the guide questions. Answer the guide questions.
and practicing new skills
E. Developing mastery Group Work Exercises Group Work Exercises

SCNHS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: “K to 12 Children: Career and College ready; Globally ready!.”
STA. CATALINA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Sta. Catalina Sur Candelaria, Quezon @ Philippines 4323 School Year 2016-2017
School: Sta. Catalina National High School Grade Level: 11
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Engr. Diego Jay G. Vasquez Learning Areas: General Mathematics
Teaching Dates/Time: June 11-15, 2018 Quarter: 1st

F. Finding Practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
1. Which of the two variables is dependent?
Which is the independent variable? Why Like numbers functions can be added, subtracted,
G. Making generalizations do you say so? multiplied or divided. Ask students to enumerate
and abstractions about the definitions for operations on functions.
the lesson

Seat Work Board Work

H. Evaluating Learning
(Summative Assessment)

I. Additional activities for More Exercises More Exercises

application or
V. REMARKS General Mathematics subject is taken only for four (4) times a week with one (1) hour per meeting. There is a non-meeting day with the class and Worksheets can be given as an assignment
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal

SCNHS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: “K to 12 Children: Career and College ready; Globally ready!.”
STA. CATALINA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Sta. Catalina Sur Candelaria, Quezon @ Philippines 4323 School Year 2016-2017
School: Sta. Catalina National High School Grade Level: 11
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Engr. Diego Jay G. Vasquez Learning Areas: General Mathematics
Teaching Dates/Time: June 11-15, 2018 Quarter: 1st

or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Remarks:______________________________________________________

Engr. Diego Jay G. Vasquez Checked:

SHS Mathematics Teacher Dr. Filipina R. Vasquez
Teacher II Principal III

SCNHS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: “K to 12 Children: Career and College ready; Globally ready!.”
STA. CATALINA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Sta. Catalina Sur Candelaria, Quezon @ Philippines 4323 School Year 2016-2017

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