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ADP Pattern & Interview 24 OCT 2007: Paper

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Paper: ADP Pattern & Interview 24 OCT 2007

The pattern of the Interview is as follows:-

1.Written test
2.Two technical interviews and
3.One HR

It contained 4 sections

SECTION A: Verbal and Quantitative combined (40 questions 20 minutes) U should really
manage the time such that u can answer both quantitative and verbal

QUANTITATIVE :Questions on:-

1. profit and loss (around 3 to 4 questions)

2. boat and streams
3. Allegations or Mixtures
4. some on numbers … quotient and remainder problems etc… Please practise RS agarwal for
the quabtitative

VERBAL: It contains 10 analogies and 10 sentence completion questions

If u have practice for GRE or GMAT, then it will be easy for. its better to Study barrons and big

SECTION B: Technical section (20 questions 30 minutes)

Around 15 to 18 questions are from C or may C++, and other related to data base concepts
Practise “test ur c skills, pointers in C” Most of the questions are related pointers

SECTION C: (5 Questions, 20 minutes)

In this section a big programme of around 2 to 3 pages was given and related to the programme 5
questions are asked. Please don’t go through the entire programme just see the questions first and
observe what part of the programme is really needed to answer that question

SECTION D:(one passage, 10 minutes)

Here they asked to write a passage on the topic given My topic was “My few favourite things”
Chet anaS

After the written test they short listed 30 students


Don't think technical means only technical questions, the two technical interviews were like
technical cum HR

The questions asked in the first technical interview are

1. Tell me about urself

2. Write a programme for binary searching
3. What is a semaphore and where do we use them
4. What is meant by LRU(least recently used)
5. A puzzle
6. About ur family
7. About ur higher studies and plans for the future
8. Why adp
9. What is the diff between structures and unions
10. How we declare the variables in an union and so on…

It went on for about 30 minutes


1. Tell me about urself

2. About my family back ground
3. What is a linked list
4. What are the conditions that u put while traversing through a linked list
5. What is a computer, and what is internet. image that u are explaining this to a person who dint
even see or knew what a computer really is and some other questions….

It went on for about 20 minutes


Hr interview was very cool. this round was just a formality and the questions asked were

1. Tell me about urself

2. Ur EAMCET rank (its is competitive exam) and y so big rank
3. Ur family details
4. Y ADP?
5. Will u sign a bond of 3 yrs
6. Are u interested in further education and what are ur plans regarding that
7. What companies did u attend and y u lost in those and what r the companies U r planning to

After all these interviews they have short listed 7 students. they dint put further round but
depending on the performance they had selected 3 students

I got selected ie., I was one of those 3 students. This was my 8th company that i had attended and
at last i got the job.

Paper: ADP Pattern & Interview 18 AUG 2007

The selection process consists of 2 rounds:

1.WRITTEN TEST: It consists of three sections..

Quantitative analysis: This consists of 40 question. of which 20 r verbal and 20 r aptitude. Time
for this is 20 min. Time will not be sufficient for aptitude section and u have to be really quick,
Verbal will be of GRE level so Barrons will do.

Technical Section: In which 20 questions are given based on ‘C’. I felt this section is very tough
n this requires intense preparation from ur side and time for this section is 30 min.

The final section is writing skills test for 10 min. in which we have to write an essay on any
given topic. My topic is “Greatest Moment In My Life”. They evaluate u based on ur vocabulary
usage in this section. Don't neglect this section as this plays a lead role in ur final selection.

2. INTERVIEW: consists of three stages

1. Technical Interview: They will grill u like anything on ‘C’ language. For me it was a cake
walk as they asked only some basic programs to write, but for my friends it was very tough that
they asked even on ‘C’ Graphics.

2. Logical Interview: In this round they will test ur problem solving ability. For me they asked
me to design a system which counts the number of people coming to the office at different times
say before 9′0clock, in between 9 and 10, and after 10′clock using either an electrical,
electronics, mechanical systems or any computer language. I have solved this using a ‘C’
program and a card reader. 

3. Hr Interview: It was not actually a HR interview, but a stress interview. They really put u
under enormous stress and assess u based on ur behavior under stress.

From our college around 300 appeared of which 19 cleared the written test and finally 7 people
made through. I hope this may help you when u r going through the selection process of ADP.

Paper: ADP Pattern & Interview 12 OCT 2007

I am Ranjith from Aurora PG College. I have attended interview on 12 Oct at Srinidhi Engg
It has 4 rounds

1. Written test
2. Tech interview
3. Tech interview
4. HR

Written test has 4 parts. It is for 70 minutes

1. Aptitude consists of 20marks

2. Tech all C programs for 20 marks
3. 5 puzzles C h e ta naS
4. Essay Writing for 10mins topic is “India in Future”

For aptitude, time&work, time&distance, profit&loss & 2 puzzles each for 5marks ,technical
small programs on structures, unions, printf()

Technical 1:- In first tech they asked C, C++, SQL

1.C - structure, union, malloc, any one program

2.diff btw C & C++
3.normalization, sql queries
4.5 number series &2 puzzles

They had taken around 40mins for it

Technical 2:- 2nd tech is only for 10mins , 2 puzzles & logic for program them

HR:- HR is for 10mins

1.family background
2.educational background
3.role model & why
4.where will u be after 5yrs
5.what r u expecting from a company

Totally 81 members came for interview, 22 crossed written and finally they had taken only 2. I
am very happy being in that two members i have attended 6 interviews finally I was placed in a
good company..

Paper: ADP Pattern & Interview 18 June 2006

I’ve attended ADP WALK-IN (Consistent 70% is the cutoff) on 18th JUNE-2006. The reporting
time is 10am. I reached the center by 9:50am. But there are already 3000+ aspirants. So my
advice is to reach center (especially in case of Wilkins) 1-2hrs prior.

1st round they adopted to filter out such huge number of students is : English Fluency test in
which HR’s will asks you some questions like- Introduce ur self, What’s ur project is all about,
What's ur role in that project, Strengths & Weaknesses….etc In this round they selected 800
exactly out of those 4000+ .

All these 800 are sent to written test rooms ( 8rooms each of 100 seating). Written test is for 1:30
mints which comprises of

1) QUANTITATIVE (Arithmetic…mainly from RS.AGARWAL),

2) VERBAL (correct use of grammar, GRE words..etc),
3) Simple C programs and theory questions on C (for eg: Whats the specific use of EXTERN
INT in C )
4) Lengthy C Programmes (You need a serious preparation to attempt this section, that much
tough are those programs)

In this round they selected only 150-200 students out of those 800.

Third round I faced was HR. In this HR will asks some questions about ur family background,
and some metal testing questions like : “What will you do if ur higher authority person would do
SEX HARASSMENT with ur one of the colleague? ” And they will mainly see the discipline,
obedience …etc.

 Finally 100 people are sent for final interview (TR+HR). It is mainly Technical Round only
where in which you are going to face questions like :

1)How do you define CONSTANT in C?

2)Define VARIABLE?
3)Function calling procedures? and their differences? Why should one go for Call by Reference?
4)Difference between STRUCTURE and UNION?
5) What's the special use of UNIONS?
6)What is a pointer? What is meant by recursion?
7)Can you write a programme for FACTORIAL using recursion?
8)What is LINKED LIST? How can you access the last element in a linked list?

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