Wolkite University
Wolkite University
Wolkite University
Prepared by:
November 6, 2018
Table of Contents
1. Overview of Industrial Project ............................................................................................. 7
1.1. Industrial Project Guideline.............................................................................................. 7
1.2. Minimum Standards ......................................................................................................... 8
1.3. General Instruction to Prepare Document ...................................................................... 9
2. OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................... 10
3. DOCUMENT STYLE AND FORMATTING................................................................... 11
3.1. Language ........................................................................................................................ 11
3.2. Paper Size and Specification .......................................................................................... 11
3.3. Font ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.4. Spacing ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.5. Tables ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.6. Figures ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.7. Margins........................................................................................................................... 12
3.8. Page Numbers ................................................................................................................ 12
3.9. References ...................................................................................................................... 13
4. PRESENTATION SLIDE FORMATTING ...................................................................... 14
5. INDUSTRIAL PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................... 15
6. PRELIMINARY PAGE ..................................................................................................... 15
6.1. Cover Page...................................................................................................................... 15
6.2. Title Page ........................................................................................................................ 15
6.3. Declaration Page ............................................................................................................ 15
6.4. Approval Page ................................................................................................................ 15
6.5. Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................... 16
6.6. Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... 16
6.7. List Figures and Tables ................................................................................................... 16
6.8. List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 17
6.9. Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 17
7. MAIN BODY OF THE PROJECT WORK....................................................................... 18
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 19
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 19
1.1. Background of the Organization .................................................................................... 19
1.2. Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................. 19
1.3. Objectives of the Project ................................................................................................ 19
1.3.1. General Objective ................................................................................................... 19
1.3.2. Specific Objectives .................................................................................................. 19
1.4. Feasibility Analysis.......................................................................................................... 20
1.4.1. Technical Feasibility ................................................................................................ 20
1.4.2. Operational Feasibility ............................................................................................ 20
1.4.3. Economical Feasibility ............................................................................................. 20
1.5. Scope and Limitation of the Project ............................................................................... 20
1.5.1. Scope of the Project ................................................................................................ 20
1.5.2. Limitation of the Project ......................................................................................... 20
1.6. Significance of the Project .............................................................................................. 21
1.6.1. Beneficiary of the Project ....................................................................................... 21
1.7. Methodology of the Project ........................................................................................... 21
1.7.1. Data Collection Tools/Techniques .......................................................................... 21
1.7.2. System Analysis and Design .................................................................................... 21
1.7.3. System Development Model .................................................................................. 21
1.7.4. Testing Methodology .............................................................................................. 21
1.7.5. Development Tools and Technologies .................................................................... 21 Frontend Technologies .................................................................................... 21 Backend Technologies ..................................................................................... 21 Documentation and Modeling Tools ............................................................... 21 Deployment Environment ............................................................................... 21
1.8. Budget and Time Schedule of the Project...................................................................... 21
1.8.1. Budget of the Project .............................................................................................. 22
1.8.2. Time Schedule of the Project .................................................................................. 22
1.9. Team Composition ......................................................................................................... 22
1.10. Document Organization ............................................................................................. 22
CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................................... 23
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM .............................................................. 23
2.1. Introduction of Existing System ..................................................................................... 23
2.2. Users of Existing System................................................................................................. 23
2.3. Major Functions of the Existing System ......................................................................... 23
2.4. Forms and Other Documents of the Existing Systems (if any)....................................... 23
2.5. Drawbacks of the Existing System.................................................................................. 23
2.6. Business Rules of the Existing System ............................................................................ 23
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................... 24
3. PROPOSED SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 24
3.1. Functional Requirements ............................................................................................... 24
3.2. Nonfunctional Requirements ......................................................................................... 24
3.2.1. User Interface and Human Factors ......................................................................... 24
3.2.2. Hardware Consideration ......................................................................................... 24
3.2.3. Security Issues ......................................................................................................... 24
3.2.4. Performance Consideration .................................................................................... 24
3.2.5. Error Handling and Validation ................................................................................ 25
3.2.6. Quality Issues .......................................................................................................... 25
3.2.7. Backup and Recovery .............................................................................................. 25
3.2.8. Physical Environment.............................................................................................. 25
3.2.9. Resource Issues ....................................................................................................... 25
3.2.10. Documentation ....................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER FOUR ...................................................................................................................... 26
4. SYSTEM ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 26
4.1. System Model................................................................................................................. 26
4.1.1. Use Case Model ...................................................................................................... 26 Use Case Diagram ............................................................................................ 26 Use Case Description ....................................................................................... 26 Use case Scenario ............................................................................................ 26
4.2. Object Model .................................................................................................................. 26
4.2.1. Class Diagram .......................................................................................................... 27
4.2.2. Data Dictionary ....................................................................................................... 27
4.3. Dynamic Model .............................................................................................................. 27
4.3.1. Sequence Diagram .................................................................................................. 27
4.3.2. Activity Diagram ...................................................................................................... 27
4.3.3. State Chart Diagram ................................................................................................ 27
CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................................... 28
5. SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 28
5.1. Design Goals ................................................................................................................... 28
5.1.1. Performance ........................................................................................................... 28
5.1.2. Dependability .......................................................................................................... 28
5.1.3. Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 28
5.1.4. End user .................................................................................................................. 28
5.1.5. Priorities of Design Goal ......................................................................................... 28
5.2. Current System Architecture (if any) ............................................................................. 28
5.3. Proposed System Architecture....................................................................................... 28
5.3.1. Subsystem Decomposition and Description ........................................................... 28
5.3.2. Hardware/Software Mapping ................................................................................. 28
5.3.3. Detailed Class Diagram ........................................................................................... 28
5.3.4. Persistent Data Management ................................................................................. 29
5.3.5. Access Control and Security .................................................................................... 29
5.4. Packages ......................................................................................................................... 29
5.5. Algorithm Design ............................................................................................................ 29
5.6. User Interface Design ..................................................................................................... 29
CHAPTER SIX .......................................................................................................................... 30
6. IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING ............................................................................ 30
6.1. Implementation of the Database ................................................................................... 30
6.2. Implementation of the Class Diagram ........................................................................... 30
6.3. Configuration of the Application Server ........................................................................ 30
6.4. Configuration of Application Security ............................................................................ 31
6.5. Implementation of User Interface ................................................................................. 31
6.6. Testing ............................................................................................................................ 31
6.6.1. Testing Tools and Environment .............................................................................. 31
6.6.2. Unit Testing ............................................................................................................. 31
6.6.3. System Testing ........................................................................................................ 31
6.6.4. Integration Testing .................................................................................................. 31
6.6.5. Acceptance Testing ................................................................................................. 31
CHAPTER SEVEN ................................................................................................................... 32
7. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................................. 32
7.1. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 32
7.2. Recommendation ........................................................................................................... 32
8. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 32
9. APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 33
9.1. Appendix A: Interview and Questionnaires (if any) ....................................................... 34
9.2. Appendix B: Existing System Forms and Reports ........................................................... 34
9.3. Appendix C: Sample Source Code .................................................................................. 34
1. Overview of Industrial Project
This Industrial project guideline aims to:
Help students to have a good insight on the rules and procedures that should be followed
in industrial project planning, design and implementation phases.
Assist students use consistent formatting throughout their documentation.
Inform Instructors and students about the evaluation and grading policies.
College of Computing and Informatics sets the minimum documentation preparation format for
the industrial project work, while issues like document content and length are decided by the group
and the advisor. Grammar, punctuation, spelling and other mechanical issues are the sole
responsibilities of the group members.
3.1. Language
• The industrial project document must be prepared in English.
3.2. Paper Size and Specification
• You have to use a standard A4 (8.27" X 11.69") paper size.
3.3. Font
The specifications below should be strictly followed throughout your document. For the title
• Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size: 12
Heading 1:
• Font type: Times New Roman [UPPER CASE]
• Font size: 16 [Bold]
Heading 2:
•Font type: Times New Roman
•Font size:14 [Bold]
Heading 3:
• Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size:12 [Bold]
Heading 4:
• Font type: Times New Roman
• Font size:12 [Bold]
Font Color: Black (Recommended unless and otherwise other colors carry some
sort of message) for all documents.
3.4. Spacing
Document line spacing should be 1.5 with the exceptions of captions, lists, graphs,
charts, items with tables and lists in the appendices.
The alignment of each paragraph should be justified.
Lengthy tables may be 1 line spaced.
Format paragraphs with 6-point spacing after paragraph end. New paragraphs to start
on next line (that is, there is no need of an extra line between paragraphs if paragraphs
are formatted as suggested). No paragraph indents necessary.
Each chapter must start on a new page. Chapter title should be centered and a
Heading 1.
3.5. Tables
Tables should be consecutively numbered and labeled. Table numbering should
indicate the chapter where it resides in. The table label should be above the tables.
3.6. Figures
Figures should be consecutively numbered and labeled. Figure numbering should
indicate the chapter where it resides in. The figure label should be below the figures.
3.7. Margins
Use the custom margins bellow for your document
o Top : 1
o Bottom : 1
o Left : 1.25
o Right : 1
6.1. Cover Page
The cover page should be informative and consist of the names of the university (Wolkite University),
college name (College of Computing and Informatics), department name (the academic degree
sought), project title, the name and identification Number of students, advisor name, the location
followed by the month and year are the last items on the cover page. For more detail information
about cover page please refer Appendix I.
6.2. Title Page
The title page of a project must include the following information:
1. The title of the project work is in capitalize each first word font sized 16 and centered 2″ below
the top of the page.
2. Project member names, centered 1″ below the title. Do not include titles, degrees, or identifiers.
3. The following statement, centered, 1″ below your name: “A [project] submitted to Wolkite
University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of [insert degree] in the
[insert department or program name] in the [named College].” End this statement with a period,
for more detail refer sample title page on Appendix II.
6.3. Declaration Page
This page should declare that the project comprises one’s own work. In compliance with
internationally accepted practices, it should acknowledge and refer all materials used in the work,
refer sample declaration page on Appendix III.
6.4. Approval Page
Before submission the project work you should be approved by an advisor, department heads, and
examiners; use Appendix IV.
6.5. Acknowledgement
Acknowledgement is the project work member’s statement of gratitude to and recognition of the
people and institutions that helped in project work.
6.6. Table of Contents
Include a table of contents following these guidelines:
Include the heading 1 “TABLE OF CONTENTS” in all capital letters, and center it 2″
below the top of the page.
Include one double-spaced line between the heading and the first entry.
The table of contents must list all parts of the industrial project work that follow it.
If relevant, be sure to list all appendices and a references section in your table of contents.
Include page numbers for these items but do not assign separate chapter numbers.
Page numbers listed in the table of contents must be located just inside the right page
margin with leaders (lines of periods) filling out the space between the end of the entry and
the page number. The last digit of each number must line up on the right margin.
Information included in the table of contents must match the headings, subheadings, and
numbering used in the body of the industrial project.
Subdivisions of headings should not exceed four levels.
The Table of Contents page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman
numerals. Refer Appendix V.
6.7. List Figures and Tables
If applicable, include a list of table and list of figures, following these guidelines:
Include the heading 1 “LIST OF FIGURES” and “LIST OF TABLES” in all capital letters,
centered 1″ below the top of the page.
Include one double-spaced line between the heading and the first entry.
Each entry must include a number, title, and page number.
Page numbers must be located just inside the right page margin with leaders (lines of periods)
filling out the space between the end of the entry and the page number.
Numbers, titles, and page numbers must each match the corresponding numbers, titles, and
page numbers appearing in the project.
All Lists of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower
case Roman numerals. Refer Appendix VI.
6.8. List of Abbreviations
Include the heading “LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS” in all capital letters, and center it 1″
below the top of the page.
Arrange your abbreviations alphabetically.
Abbreviations must align with the document's left margin or be indented to the right of the
left page margin using consistent tabs.
If an entry takes up more than one line, single-space between the two lines.
The List of Abbreviations page(s) must be numbered with consecutive lower case Roman
numerals centered with a 1/2″ margin from the bottom edge.
6.9. Abstract
Include an abstract page according to the following guidelines:
Include the heading 1 “ABSTRACT” in all capital letters, and center it 2″ below the top
of the page.
Your abstract should contain introduction (2-3 lines), statement of the problem (2-4
lines), general objective, methodology of the project (3-5 lines), proposed solutions (3-6
lines), testing result and discussion (at least 2 lines) and conclusion and recommendation
(2-4 lines).
The text of your abstract must be similar fonts with the body of the text and aligned with
the document's left margin with the exception of indenting new paragraphs. Do not center
or right-justify the abstract.
Abstracts cannot exceed one page for a project work.
Abstract page number should be with the lower case Roman numeral.
Avoid mathematical formulas, diagrams, references and other illustrative materials in the
In the main body of the project work, the group member presents the narrative argument. The text
is divided into major divisions (Chapters), each presenting a main point in the argument. Each
major chapter usually contains subdivisions that will aid the reader in understanding the given
information. Main body of the industrial project work contains seven chapters with its description
you can refer below:
Reasons for studying the problem selected should be listed. Project works already done in that area
should be mentioned. In here, you need to discuss about the significance of your focus area.
Besides, the problem area and motivation to the need for your project work is described. Moreover,
if your focus area leans on a specific organization you need to say so about the organization.
1.1. Background of the Organization
Here you are expected to describe mission, vision and objective of the organization for which
you are going to develop the new system, organization structure.
1.2. Statement of the Problem
Here you are expected to describe specifically what the problem is and the problem that you intend
to solve. Describe how the existing system functions (manual, semi –automated, automated) and
then list and describe the problems in the existing system.
2.4. Forms and Other Documents of the Existing Systems (if any)
Here the includes sample scan image of reports, forms and other related documents that used in
the existing system and the remaining forms and reports should be included in Appendix section.
Here you are expected to mention what your system should do. Functional requirements specify a
function that a system or system component must be able to perform. Mention product features or
functions that developers must implement to enable users to accomplish their tasks.
3.2. Nonfunctional Requirements
In this section describe nonfunctional requirements place constraints on how the system will do
so. Depend on your project the nonfunctional requirement may be vary. So, list all the
nonfunctional requirements which are relevant to your system like:
3.2.1. User Interface and Human Factors
What kind of interface should the system provide? What is the level of expertise of the users?
3.2.2. Hardware Consideration
Are there hardware compatibility requirements? Will the system interact with other hardware
3.2.3. Security Issues
Should the system be protected against internal and external intrusions or against an authorized
user? To what level? What security algorithm applied for your system?
3.2.4. Performance Consideration
How responsive should the system be? How many concurrent users should it support? What is a
typical or extreme load?
3.2.5. Error Handling and Validation
How should the system handle exceptions? Which exceptions should the system handle? What is
the worse environment in which the system is expected to perform?
3.2.6. Quality Issues
How reliable/available/robust should the system be? What is the client’s involvement in assessing
the quality of the system or the development process?
3.2.7. Backup and Recovery
How, when and where to take backup? How to recover the system when your system fail?
3.2.8. Physical Environment
Where will the system be deployed? Are there external factors such as weather conditions that the
system should withstand?
3.2.9. Resource Issues
What level of document is required? Should only user documentation be provided? Should there
be technical documentation for maintainers? Should the development process be documented?
In this chapter, you should have discussed about use case model, object model and dynamic
4.1. System Model
In this section, you are expected to model comprised use case diagram, use case definitions, and
actor definitions to document the functional requirements of a system. Also, you should have to
identify each actor and use cases of the system based on the functional requirement. Use Case Diagram
Here draws a diagram that shows system boundary, use cases, actors and their relationships by
using <<include>> or <<extend>>. Also, you should have to illustrate the interaction of each actor
with each use case using modelling tools like E-Draw max, Visio and others.
Actor: Someone interacts with use case (system function), and named by noun.
Use Case: System function, and named by verb + Noun (or Noun Phrase). Use Case Description
Here you are expected to write the description of each use case in tabular form by using narrative
style or action response style. Use case Scenario
Scenarios are an instance (example) of a use case explaining a concrete major set of action.
Scenario or use case realizations are just a sequential narrative description of events or an instance
of a use case.
4.2. Object Model
In this section you are expected to illustrate (diagrammatically) the conceptual relationship among
objects/classes without including visibility of data and members, association, generalization,
cardinality etc.
4.2.2. Data Dictionary
In this section mention attributes, data type, data size, key constraints and constraints of the
identified entities or classes by using tabular form.
4.3. Dynamic Model
The dynamic model represents the time–dependent aspects of a system. It is concerned with the
temporal changes in the states of the objects in a system. In this section you are expected to
document the behavior of the object model, in terms of sequence, activity and state chart diagrams.
4.3.1. Sequence Diagram
In this section, you should have to illustrate (diagrammatically) a sequential logic, in effect, and
the time ordering of messages. From business process perspective. How the business model is
4.3.2. Activity Diagram
In this section you are expected to illustrate graphical representations of workflows of stepwise
activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency.
4.3.3. State Chart Diagram
Here you are expected to define different states of an object during its lifetime and these states are
changed by events.
In this chapter provide a brief overview of the design goals, current and proposed software
architecture, Hardware/software mapping, Persistent data management and Access control and
5.1. Design Goals
The Design Goals specify the qualities of the system that should be achieved and addressed during
the design of the system like:
5.1.1. Performance
5.1.2. Dependability
5.1.3. Maintenance
5.1.4. End user
5.1.5. Priorities of Design Goal
5.2. Current System Architecture (if any)
Current system architecture describes the architecture of the system being replaced.
5.3. Proposed System Architecture
This section presents a general view of your system architecture and briefly describes the
assignment of functionality to each subsystem.
5.3.1. Subsystem Decomposition and Description
Subsystem decomposition draw and describes the decomposition into subsystems and the
responsibilities of each. This is the main product of system design. Here, use UML component
diagram to diagrammatically illustrate your components.
5.3.2. Hardware/Software Mapping
Hardware/software mapping describes how subsystems are assigned to hardware and customized
components (if any). Here, use UML deployment diagram to diagrammatically illustrate the
hardware/software mapping.
5.3.3. Detailed Class Diagram
In this section show, classes, attributes, methods, attribute data types, visibility ((Public (+), Private
(-), Protected (#)) of attributes and methods), inheritance, association, aggregation, composition,
dependency, and municipality (cardinality and optimality). Here, uses the UML class diagram to
specify attributes and operations with their visibility information.
5.3.4. Persistent Data Management
Persistent data management describes the persistent data stored by the system and the data
management infrastructure required for it. This section typically includes the description of data
schemes, the selection of database, and the description of the encapsulation of the database. Here,
use relational database or Object diagram if you are using object database. In this section, map
class diagram to table.
5.3.5. Access Control and Security
Access control and security describes the user model of the system in terms of an access privilege.
Utilize global access table, describing the access relation between the actors, objects and
operations in the system. You can use tables to show the privilege assigned to each users of the
system. This section also describes security issues, such as the selection of an authentication
mechanism, the use of encryption, and the management of keys.
5.4. Packages
This section describes the decomposition of subsystems into packages and the file organization of
the code. This includes an overview of each package, its dependencies with other packages, and
its expected usage. Here, use UML package diagram to diagrammatically depict your packages.
5.5. Algorithm Design
For the elements found in architectural design define the algorithm required for each element to
accomplish its tasks.
5.6. User Interface Design
Describe the logical characteristics of each interface between the software product and the users.
This may include sample screen images, any GUI standards or product family style guides that are
to be followed, screen layout constraints, standard buttons and functions (e.g., help) that will
appear on every screen, keyboard shortcuts, error message display standards, and so on. Define
the software components for which a user interface is needed.
In this chapter, discuss about implementation of database, detailed class diagram, application
server, application security,
6.1. Implementation of the Database
You should choose appropriate database management system, with justified reason and should
perform the following activities:
All tables which were identified and shown as persistent model in the design document should
be created with their primary keys, foreign keys, check constraints and unique constraints.
All tables should satisfy at least third normal form
Whenever you found appropriate, implement the following: Indexes, Views, Triggers, Stored
Configure a schedule of database backup.
Configure database level security
6.2. Implementation of the Class Diagram
Implement all the classes on the design of your class diagram by your target programming
language. Define attributes with the appropriate data type and access visibilities (private, protected,
public) and implement according to the business logic. Define all methods with appropriate return
type, parameters and the corresponding data types and access visibility and implement with
specified logic. Document all your object code with standard comments and implement all the
reports as shown on your design document.
6.3. Configuration of the Application Server
Here uses an appropriate application server for their development and clearly justified the reasons
about their application server selection. Also, perform the following activities:
Properly start and shutdown the application server.
Organize folders and files on the server properly.
Configure the server to work on the same machine: Able to access contents from the same
Configure the server to work on from remote machine: Able to access contents from
another/remote machine.
Separation of application server and database: E.g. Not using web development
environments like WampServer.
Configure the server to work on different port number.
6.4. Configuration of Application Security
From the security aspect of any system, students should take in to account the following tasks.
Implement all input validations properly
Implement encryption/deception
Roles must be defined clearly
User accounts must be assigned with necessary access privileges
Sessions should be implemented.
All none functional requirements as described in the system feature part must be checked.
6.5. Implementation of User Interface
Regarding to the user interface, students are expected to apply the following.
The user interface must be user centered design (Place users in control of the interface)
Reduce users’ memory load
Make the user interface consistent.
6.6. Testing
In this section and subsections, you are expected to describe which kind of testing technique you
are going to apply and also should mention the test results.
6.6.1. Testing Tools and Environment
6.6.2. Unit Testing
6.6.3. System Testing
6.6.4. Integration Testing
6.6.5. Acceptance Testing
7.1. Conclusion
7.2. Recommendation
List all papers, books, book sections, web sites, monographs, URLs of Internet archives or of
permanent information sources, strictly as per the specific format. The references should be
ordered in a convenient way. You should use consistent referencing style such as (IEEE, APA
You are required to list all the references you consulted. Your reference pages must be prepared
following these guidelines:
Always begin references on a separate page either immediately following at the end of your
entire document.
Select an appropriate heading for this section based on the style manual you are using
The heading in all capital letters, and center it 1″ below the top of the page.
References must be single-spaced within each entry.
If your industrial project has appendices, they must be prepared following these guidelines:
Appendices must appear at the end of the document and not the chapter to which they pertain.
When there is more than one appendix, assign each appendix a number or a letter heading (e.g.,
“APPENDIX 1” or “APPENDIX A”) and a descriptive title. You may number consecutively
throughout the entire work (e.g., 1, 2 or A, B), or you may assign a two-part Arabic numeral
with the first number designating the chapter in which it appears, separated by a period,
followed by a second number or letter to indicate its consecutive placement (e.g., “APPENDIX
3.2” is the second appendix referred to in Chapter Three).
Include the chosen headings in all capital letters, and center them 1″ below the top of the page.
All appendix headings and titles must be included in the table of contents.
9.1. Appendix A: Interview and Questionnaires (if any)
<<Times New Roman, 18>>
<Title of the Project>
<<Times New Roman, 16 [Bold]>>
<<Times New Roman, 12>>
<<Times New Roman, 18>>
<Title of the Project>
<<Times New Roman, 16 [Bold]>>
<<Times New Roman, 14 >>
<<Times New Roman, 12>>
No part of the project work has been reproduced illegally (copy and paste) which can be considered
as Plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and have been cited properly.
We will be responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of this declaration is proven.
Date: _____________________
Group Members:
_____________________________________ ____________________
_____________________________________ ____________________
_____________________________________ ____________________
_____________________________________ ____________________
_____________________________________ ____________________
_____________________________________ ____________________
_____________________________________ ____________________
Approval Form
This is to confirm that the project report entitled <<Your Project title here>> submitted to
Wolkite University, College of Computing and Informatics Department of (Your
Department Name) by: <<list group members name here>> is approved for submission.