Music Theory For Songwriters - Part 12
Music Theory For Songwriters - Part 12
Music Theory For Songwriters - Part 12
Part Twelve
Part Twelve
Minor Keys - II
Having discussed the minor scales, let's talk about which chords
are available when writing songs in minor keys.
The i chord is minor. The iv chord is minor. But the V chord is major.
This will be easy if you already know your major scales. Let's take
an example: the key of D. Because we've written songs in D major
(where D, G, and A are the I, IV and V chords), we simply shift our
thinking a little, change the D major chord to D minor, change the G
major chord to G minor, and keep the A major chord just like it is.
Then playing the Dm chord as the "home chord," we begin creating
phrases that include Gm and A.
Dm - A - Dm
Dm - Gm - Dm
Dm - Gm - A - Dm
Dm - Gm - Dm - A - Dm
Gm - Dm - Gm - A - Dm
In major keys, if the bass note is note 2, there's a fairly good When the Bass note is note 1
probability the chord is chord ii. The same can be said for notes 3 (In the key of C minor, this note is C.)
and 6. If the bass note is note 3 (or 6), the chord is quite often chord
iii (or vi). It's not always true, but more often than not it is. (And The most common chord would be Cm.
when you are first beginning, it's a good place to start.)
Other possibilities:
The iv chord with its fifth in the bass (Fm/C)
But, in minor, it's a little different story. So we'll need to talk about
The VI chord with its third in the bass (Ab/C)
each bass note. Let’s choose the key of Cm, and we’ll list some of
the chord possibilities in the right column.
When the Bass note is note 2
The main idea here is this: in major keys there's a strong tendency (In the key of C minor, this note is D.)
to allow the bass note to be the root of the chord (especially when
first learning to write songs). But in minor keys, even when you are When the bass note is note 2 (D), the scale suggests the chord D dim,
beginning, certain bass notes tend not to be the root. When the made up of the notes D, F, and Ab. However, when you begin writing and
bass note is 2, 3, 6, or 7, quite often that bass note is the third of the playing songs in minor keys, this chord is not necessarily the most
chord. Knowing this right from the beginning may help you as you common when the bass note is 2.
explore progressions in minor keys.
Other possibilities:
The vii dim chord with its third in the bass (Bdim/D)
Minor Keys - Concept #7 The V7 chord with its fifth in the bass (G7/D)
There are two things to notice about this. First, when you look at a When the Bass note is note 5
piece of written music, the key signature won’t necessarily tell you (In the key of C minor, this note is G.)
which key the song is in. It might be major, or it might be in the
relative minor. We’ll have to look at the notes and chords to tell When the bass note is note 5 (G),
the most common chord is G or G7.
which it is. (It could also be in one of the modes, but for now we'll
limit our discussion to major and minor.) Other possibilities:
The i chord with its fifth in the bass (Cm/G)
Secondly, if the piece is written in minor, there will very likely be a This chord is quite often used to set up the progression V - i,
number of "accidentals" (notes with a sharp, flat or natural sign in as in (Cm/G - G - Cm).
front of them). This is because the minor scale that uses the same
key signature is what we call "natural minor," and harmonic minor
(the minor scale that allows the V chord to be major) requires that When the Bass note is note 6
we raise note 7 a half step. This raised note 7 has to be written into (In the key of C minor, this note is Ab.)
the music as it happens. For example, if you see one flat in the key
When the bass note is note 6 (Ab), the VI chord (Ab) is a good option.
signature, the song may be in F major, or it may be in Dm. But if it is
Another good choice is the iv chord with its third in the bass (Fm/Ab).
in Dm, there's a good chance you'll see a number of C# notes in the
score, because C# is the raised seven note which gives us the A
major chord as the V chord.
When the Bass note is note 7
(In the key of C minor, this note is B.)
Here is a list of the major keys and their relative minors.
When the bass note is note 7 (B), the vii dim7 chord (Bdim7) is a good
C major (no sharps or flats) is related to A minor. choice. So is the V or V7 chord with its third in the bass (G/B or G7/B).
G major (1 sharp) is related to E minor.
You might ask, “If this happens in minor keys, does it also happen
when writing in major keys? Do we switch over to the relative minor
and back?” The answer is you could if you wanted to, but it doesn't
seem to happen nearly as often. For some reason, writing in minor
lends itself to jumping across to the relative major and then back.
What really happened was you played a chord that could be "either
or.” It would be one thing in the key of A minor; it's something else in
the key of C major.
There are other chords that work also. The Am chord is chord i, but
it's also vi in C major. Then there's the F chord. It's chord VI in A
minor, but it's also IV in C major. With so many options, it's easy to
step back and forth.
Am - Dm - Am - G - C
Am - E - Am - Dm - Am/E - FM7 - G - C
Dm - Am - Dm - E - Am - F - Dm - G - C
Getting back to the key of A minor is also easy, especially if you use
an E chord, or an E7 chord. The E chord has the note G# in it, which
isn't part of the C major scale, so it tells the listener right away that
something is happening. When you introduce the E chord or one of
its variations (E7, or E7/B, or E7sus4 followed by E7, etc.), everyone
can hear A minor coming back. You can also get back to A minor
using shared chords like Dm and F.
Let’s Review
In this section we discussed four ideas.
First, when exploring minor keys, begin with i, iv, and V. This is the
sound you will want to hear clearly before going any deeper.
Second, we allowed the bass note to play each note in the harmonic
minor scale, and asked which chords would likely be played for
each of these bass notes. We noticed that when the bass note is
note 2, 3, 6, or 7, one of the common chord options is whichever
chord has that bass note as its third.