E381 17
E381 17
E381 17
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E381 − 17
Standard Method of
Macroetch Testing Steel Bars, Billets, Blooms, and
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E381; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
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This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E04 on Metallog- For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
raphy and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E04.01 on Specimen contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Preparation. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved June 1, 2017. Published June 2017. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1968. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as E381 – 01(2012). DOI: Available from ASTM Headquarters. Order Adjunct: ADJE038101 (Plate I),
10.1520/E0381-17. ADJE038102 (Plate II), and ADJE038103 (Plate III).
E381 − 17 chill zone crack—any crack which is located par- the product to the center of the product, depending on the
tially or completely in the chill zone and may extend to the source and severity of the condition.
surface of the product. dendritic—a “tree-like” pattern with branches diagonal crack—a crack which lies completely or (primary, secondary, and tertiary arms) due to compositional
partially in the diagonal regions of a non-round product where differences that arise during solidification. For a specific
adjacent columnar or dendritic growth patterns intersect. composition, a weak dendritic structure is associated with a subsurface crack—a crack perpendicular to and just low superheat while a strong dendritic structure is associated
beneath the chill zone. with a high superheat during casting. Compositional differ- mid-radius crack—a crack perpendicular to the sur- ences also influence the clarity of the dendrites.
face of the product located approximately halfway between the refilled crack—A defect formed during the solidi-
surface and center of the product. fication of continuously cast steel, either external (bulging) or center crack—a crack with an aspect ratio (length/ internal (shrinkage) forces result in the separation of crystal-
width) of approximately 3 or greater located at, or near, the lites so as to permit solute rich liquid to refill the gap as it
center of the product. forms. star crack—a star-shaped or multi-rayed crack at the
center of the product. 4. Significance and Use scattered porosity—multiple round or irregularly-
shaped pores uniformly distributed about the central portion of 4.1 Macroetching is used in the steel industry because it is
the product. a simple test that will provide information about the relative white band—a light etching continuous band(s) par- homogeneity of the sample. The method employs the action of
allel to the surface of the product usually located between the an acid or other corrosive agent to develop the macrostructural
one-quarter and three-quarter radius position, normally associ- characteristics of a suitably prepared specimen. The name
ated with electromagnetic stirring. implies that the etched surface is examined visually, or at low columnar grains—a coarse structure of parallel, magnifications (usually <10×).
elongated grains formed by unidirectional growth during 4.2 Macroetching will show: (1) variations in structure such
solidification. as grain size, dendrites, and columnar structure; (2) variations
3.2.3 Conditions Applicable to Both Ingot and Continuously in chemical composition such as segregation, coring, and
Cast Product: banding; and, (3) the presence of discontinuities such as laps, nonmetallic inclusions—nonmetallic particles seams, cracks, porosity, bursts, pipe. and flakes.
trapped in the steel or the voids resulting when inclusions are
dissolved by the macroetchant. 4.3 When, in accordance with the requirements of the pattern—a dark etching band, usually rectangular or inquiry, contract, order or specifications, forgings, billets,
square, enclosing the central portion of the cross section, blooms, etc., are to be produced subject to macroetch testing
normally visible only in wrought product. In ingot cast product, and inspection, the manufacturer and the purchaser should be
it is sometimes called ingotism or ingot pattern. in agreement concerning the following: (1) the stage of pipe or center void—a single large cavity located at, manufacture at which the test shall be conducted; (2) the
or near, the center of the product. number and locations of the sections to be examined; (3) the center unsoundness—multiple round or irregularly- necessary surface preparation prior to etching of the specimen;
shaped voids concentrated at the center of the product. (4) the etching reagent, temperature, and time of etching; and, dark center—a dark etching area at the center of the (5) the type, size, number, location, and orientation of condi-
product. Dark center is solid material and should not be tions that are to be considered injurious.
confused with center unsoundness. 4.4 When not specified, the procedures of the test may be pinholes—small pores which lie at, or just beneath, selected by the manufacturer to satisfy the requirements of the
the surface of the product. governing specification. mold slag—inclusions which are normally associ-
ated with entrapped fused mold powder and are normally 4.5 When agreed upon by purchaser and producer, sulfur
located at, or just beneath, the surface of the product. They are printing of as cast-sections, if continuously cast, is an accept-
usually found in continuously cast or bottom poured products. able alternative to macroetching. Sulfur printing shall be
performed in accordance with Practice E1180. Examination flakes—short discontinuous internal cracks attrib-
and rating of specimens shall be in accordance with Sections
uted to stresses produced by localized transformation and
10 and 11 of this (E381) standard.
hydrogen solubility effects during cooling after hot working. In
an etched transverse section, they appear as short, tight 4.6 Steel from ingots, in the wrought condition, shall be
discontinuities which are usually located in the midway to examined according to procedures described in Section 9.
center location of the section. They are also known as shatter Continuously cast steel blooms and billets, in the as cast
cracks or hairline cracks. condition, shall be examined according to the procedures gassy—irregularly-shaped voids which may, or may described in Sections 10 and 11. With reductions over a 3:1
not, be uniformly distributed throughout the cross section. area ratio, wrought product from continuously cast steel may
These may be located anywhere from the near surface region of be examined according to Section 9.
E381 − 17
5. Reagents pling of the finished product may be performed if the locations
5.1 The most common reagent for macroetching iron and within the cast are not known.
steel is a 1:1 mixture, by volume, of concentrated hydrochloric 6.2 Normally, the specimens are disks cut from the ends of
acid (HCl) and water. The hydrochloric acid need not be bars, billets or blooms. Enough material should be discarded
reagent grade. Commercial quality hydrochloric acid (also before taking the specimen to eliminate any extraneous effects
known as muriatic acid) is satisfactory. The etching solution of rolling such as “fish tails.” Specimens may be cut cold by
should be clear and free from scum. It should be hot, 70 to any convenient means; saws and abrasive cut-off wheels are
80°C (160 to 180°F). The reagent should be used under a fume particularly effective. Torch cutting or other hot cutting will
hood, or some other means of carrying off the corrosive fumes materially affect the structure of the specimen and may be used
must be provided. The solution may be heated without serious only when necessary to remove a larger piece prior to cutting
change in concentration. The etching solution may be reused if to size by cold methods. Sufficient torch cut material should be
it has not become excessively contaminated or weakened. removed by cold cutting to eliminate the thermal effects of
torch cutting.
NOTE 1—The addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) may be necessary
in order to provide sufficient reaction to properly etch some types of 6.3 The macroetch test, as applied to the inspection of steel
product. This should be added to an etching bath that is operating at room products of this specification, is carried out on slices, usually
temperature. 13 to 25 mm (1⁄2 to 1 in.) in thickness. Disks or specimens are
5.2 A second macroetching solution, favored by some as usually cut to reveal a transverse surface, but the requirements
producing a clearer structure, is composed of concentrated HCl of the specification, contract, or order may include the prepa-
(38 volume %), sulfuric acid, H2SO4 (12 volume %) and water, ration and examination of a longitudinal surface.
H2O (50 volume %). (See 5.1 with respect to acid quality, 6.4 When the test is conducted on single pieces (bar, billet,
heating, and ventilation.) bloom, etc.), the purchaser may specify that the specimen disks
5.3 Observe caution in mixing macroetch solutions. The be cut to represent both ends, or only one end, of the piece.
acids are strong and they can cause serious chemical burns. 6.5 When the test is conducted on a number of pieces made
Add acid slowly to water with stirring. This is especially true from a heat of steel, the purchaser may require that each piece
for sulfuric acid. Mix solutions and macroetch under a fume be individually tested; or, a representative method of sampling
hood. may be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser.
5.4 An ammonium persulfate solution, a 10 to 20 % aque- 6.6 For the indication of certain internal types of
ous solution, is used primarily on longitudinal sections to discontinuities, such as thermal cracks or flakes, the purchaser
detect certain types of ghost lines, segregation, flow lines, etc. may specify that disks for macroetch inspection be taken a
A freshly made solution is necessary for best results. The certain minimum distance from the ends of the specimen. In
solution should be swabbed on the finished surface at room the case of forgings, depending upon prior agreement, this may
temperature. Inspection is most effective when done while the be accomplished by adding excess metal for discard on the
piece is still wet. ends or ends of the forging; or, by forging in multiple lengths
5.5 A nitric acid solution, 5 % or 10 % nitric acid in alcohol and removing the test disk between individual pieces when
or water, is used to detect local overstraining, grinding cracks, cutting up the multiple forging.
overheated areas, and depth of carburized or decarburized
surface zones. The use of this reagent necessitates a smooth 7. Preparation
surface. The reagent is used at room temperature by immersion 7.1 Specimen preparation need not be elaborate. Any
or swabbing. method of preparing smooth surfaces with a minimum amount
5.6 Many other reagents have been used for special appli- of cold work should be satisfactory. Disks may be faced on a
cations. When the use of a reagent other than those described lathe or a shaper. The usual procedure is to take a roughing cut,
in 5.2 – 5.5 is desired, it should be by agreement between the then a finishing cut. This will generate a smooth surface and
purchaser and the manufacturer. (See Test Method E340 for remove cold work from prior operations. Sharp tools are
other etching solutions.) necessary to produce a good specimen. Grinding, which also
may be used, is usually conducted in the same manner, using
6. Sampling free-cutting wheels and light feeds. When fine detail must be
revealed, the specimen should be prepared with metallographic
6.1 When macroetching is used as an inspection procedure, grinding papers, or even with a metallographic polish.
sampling should be done at an early stage of manufacture so
that, if the material is inadequate, the minimum amount of 7.2 After specimen preparation, the surface to be etched
unnecessary processing is done (or the processing can be should be cleaned. Any grease, oil, or other residue will
modified to salvage the material). For ingot cast product, the produce an uneven attack and must be removed. It may be
specimen is usually taken after ingot breakdown. Billets or necessary to use solvents to clean the surface. Once cleaned,
blooms going into small sizes are sampled after the initial care should be taken to avoid touching or otherwise contami-
breakdown. Sampling of continuously cast product is usually nating the surface.
done in the as-cast condition, or after intermediate or final 7.3 Large cross sections may be cut into smaller pieces to
processing, depending on size and preference. Random sam- facilitate handling and to comply with safety requirements. The
E381 − 17
sectioning of the large specimens should be done so as not to 9.2.1 Plate I—Graded series for three conditions: (1) sub-
disturb the central portion of the section. surface conditions; (2) random conditions; and, (3) center
8. Procedure 9.2.2 Plate II—Ungraded series showing various other con-
8.1 Macroetching is carried out in containers which must be
resistant to the attack of the etching reagent. Small pieces may
10. Examination of Continuously Cast Product
be etched in glass or porcelain vessels of the types commonly
available in laboratories. Larger disks are etched in corrosion-
resistant alloy vessels, various types of ceramic pots, rubber- 10.1 Specimens are examined after etching and drying
lined kettles or wooden tanks. If metal tanks are used, lead is (except when using the ammonium persulfate etchant de-
most common for containing sulfuric acid solutions while scribed in 5.4). The type of condition present may be identified
high-nickel iron or high-silicon iron are preferred to contain by comparison with Plate III. Rating of each condition is
hydrochloric acid solutions. A nickel-molybdenum alloy can be accomplished by measurement. Some conditions related to the
used for containing solutions of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, cast structure (for example, chill zone and columnar structure)
or both. If the tank is metallic, the disks being etched should may not be discernible in product which has been reduced by
not be in contact with each other or with the vessel. Such rolling and forging while pattern is only discernible in a
contact will set up electrolytic (galvanic) couples and will wrought specimen.
produce an uneven and misleading etch attack. Resins in wood 10.2 Plate III consists of photographs of macroetched speci-
used to make tanks sometimes act as uncertain and uneven mens showing the typical location and general appearance of
inhibitors resulting in unsatisfactorily etched disks. conditions found in continuously cast product. Some of the
8.2 Mix the solution and place it in a suitable tray, dish or conditions are represented by sketches drawn on the photo-
tank and bring the solution to the desired operating temperature macrographs. Plate III is used to identify the type of condition
before commencing etching. Do not place specimens in a cold observed on the macroetch specimens.
solution and then heat it to the desired temperature. The
specimens may be placed directly into the solution, but the best 11. Rating Methods for Continuously Cast Product
practice is to place the specimen in corrosion-resistant baskets Conditions
or on corrosion-resistant supports, such as glass rods under- 11.1 This section describes methods for rating conditions in
neath the specimen to raise it off the bottom of the dish. continuously cast product. Conditions to be rated and their
Maintain a sufficient volume of solution in the vessel to cover level may be established by agreement between the purchaser
the specimen with a layer of at least 25 mm (1 in.) of liquid. and producer.
When etching is completed, remove the specimen from the 11.1.1 Linear conditions shown on Plate III are rated as the
solution, taking care not to mar the specimen surface. Remove length of the maximum individual condition present and are
the smut that forms on the specimen surface by scrubbing the expressed as a percentage of the square root of the transverse
surface with a stiff brush under hot running water. This brush cross-sectional area of the specimen.
may have natural vegetable or synthetic fibers but not metal 11.1.2 Circular conditions shown on Plate III are rated as
fibers. After the smut is removed, rinse the specimen under hot the diameter of a circle which circumscribes the maximum
running water and blow it dry with compressed air. The individual condition and are expressed as a percentage of the
specimen should not be blotted dry. The best time for exami- square root of the transverse cross-sectional area of the
nation is immediately after drying. Dried surfaces may be specimen. In highly rectangular product, circular conditions
protected with oil or a transparent lacquer. may not be compatible with this rating method. In those cases,
8.3 Etching time will vary depending on composition, size, circular conditions shall be rated as the average of the
whether preheated, or not, etc. Etch the specimens to reveal the maximum length and maximum width of the condition and
structure clearly and then remove it from the etch bath. expressed as a percentage of the square root of the transverse
Overetching can lead to misinterpretation. In most cases, 15 to area of the specimen.
30 min will be sufficient for hot-acid etching. Etching times 11.1.3 Pinholes are to be rated by counting the number of
with cold solutions (see 5.4 and 5.5) are shorter. pinholes present and expressing the frequency either as pin-
holes per unit length or as the total number.
9. Examination of Ingot Cast Product Specimens 11.1.4 White band is to be rated as either present or not
9.1 After drying (except when using the ammonium persul- 11.1.5 Chill zone is to be rated as either present or not
fate etchant described in 5.4), compare the appearance of the present in a continuous layer around the circumference of the
specimen to the photographs in Plate I and report the photo- product.
graph most nearly representing the appearance of the specimen
11.1.6 The equiaxed zone is to be rated as the minimum
in each of the series. Also report the presence of any of the
dimension of the equiaxed zone divided by the minimum
conditions in Plate II.
section dimension.
9.2 Several series of photographs of etched specimens are 11.1.7 If nonmetallic inclusions are observed during mac-
presented in two groups. roetch inspection, their size, location and quantity may be
E381 − 17
noted on the inspection report. Other rating methods may be (see Section 11) of the measured macrostructural conditions in
established per agreement between the user and producer. continuously cast specimens.
11.1.8 Mold slag is rated as either present or not present. 12.3 List any specific purchaser-producer agreements re-
11.1.9 Flakes are rated as either present or not present. garding either the test method or the rating.
12. Report 12.4 If sulfur printing was employed, list the details of the
12.1 Report the following information: test procedure, as defined in Practice E1180.
12.1.1 Date of the test,
12.1.2 Name(s) of the personnel performing the test, 13. Precision and Bias
12.1.3 Identity of the material (heat number, grade, order 13.1 No statement is made about either the precision or the
number, etc.), bias of this method for macroetch testing of steel bars, billets,
12.1.4 Location, orientation and identifying numbers of the blooms, and forgings since the result merely states whether
test specimens, there is conformance to the criteria for success specified in the
12.1.5 Nature of the disk surface preparation, procedure.
12.1.6 Etching reagent used, and its temperature,
12.1.7 Duration of etching, and 14. Keywords
12.1.8 Any specifications governing the testing. 14.1 bars; billets; blooms; bottom-poured ingots; continu-
12.2 Document the type, number, location and orientation of ous casting; forgings; homogeneity; ingots; macroetch; macro-
the observed conditions (see Sections 9 and 10) and the ratings structure; quality control; steel; sulfur printing
Committee F16 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(E381 – 01(2012)) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved June 1, 2017.)
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