Transkrip Percakapan Dokter Pasien Kelompok 3.3
Transkrip Percakapan Dokter Pasien Kelompok 3.3
Transkrip Percakapan Dokter Pasien Kelompok 3.3
P: I live in Jl kaliurang
P: Im 24 yo
P: I think no.
P: Yes, doctor. But this time is worst I guess. So painful I cant even walk perfectly and I cant
sleep last night.
D: Okay Ms Suzan, If I have number 1 that describes you are not feeling the pain, and number
10 is the most painful feeling. From range 1 until 10, what’s the number that describes your
P: I think it is around 8.
D: Have you taken any medicine so far?
P: No doctor, usually I still can handle it with just taking a rest like sleeping, but this time it is
not working.
P: Yes Doctor, usually if I heard the very loud noise.And last night I went to Malioboro with my
friends, and there was a lot of loud noise from the crowd, and it just triggered my headache I
P: No doctor.
D: Does your family have the same problem to you? I mean the headache
D: Alright Ms.Suzan to confirm the diagnosis we need to do some physical examination, like the
vital sign and the other exam around your head, is it okay?
D: Okay Ms Suzan we will do the physical examination. First of all is the vital sign (Doing the
vital sign exam) ... Okay and we’ll check your pulse on your head. (doing the pulsation
checking) .. then we’ll do the cranial nerve exam (doing the nystagmus exam)
D: Okay Ms Suzan after we do the exam, the diagnosis of your disease is a migraine. From the
characteristic is one sided only, and usually triggered by loud noises, and accompanied by
nausea or willing to vomit.
D: We will write the prescription of your medicine that you need. And you need to take the
medicine at the pharmacy. Okay Ms Suzan, because your dx is migraine you need to avoid
distress, you need to avoid a loud sound around you because you said this is the trigger for your
headache, and the last one you need to stay away from the unhealthy lifestyle and eat the healthy
food. Is there any question Ms Suzan ?