Monotheisminc PDF
Monotheisminc PDF
Monotheisminc PDF
Gerald Rosenfeld is Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild Christians and Muslims cannot marry Jews in Israel, and if they
100 David-
North America. Prior to joining Rothschild he was President of are married elsewhere, the marriage is not recognized by the uni n Prof. Yasmin Hohenzollern, Prinzezin Von Lansleburg, président Union
Television Europeenne -EEC Communications. Princess Yasmin is of
Weill rabbinical court in Israel.(WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST cal
G Rosenfeld & Co LLC, an investment banking firm. Prior to eli M
AFFAIRS, June 1993, p.75) The organized Jewish community is the Imperial descent from Emperor Frederick 1 Barbarossa and the
founding GR Co in 1998 he was Head of Investment Banking European house of Hohenstaufen. HRH Prince Michael Stewart is now the chief
and a member of the Management Committee of Lazard M. M. Warburg only ethnic or religious community in the United States that continues ist
to attempt to limit outmarriage or discourage conversions and st Council international representative for 33 Euroepan dynastic Houses.
Freres & Co LLC. Mr. Rosenfeld joined Lazard in 1992 after & CO. KGaA intermarriage [between Jews and non-Jews].” (Kevin MacDonald, Protestant investment funds (USA) World Alliance of Princes
rmed C The Ahmanson family were
holding significant management positions at Bankers Trust of Reformed
SEPARATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS: TOWARD AN instrumental in getting at least
Company, Salomon Inc. and its Salomon Brothers subsidiary
EVOLUTIONARY THEORY OF ANTI-SEMITISM (Praeger,1988), Lutheran Brotherhood A Churches
and McKinsey & Company. Mr. Rosenfeld is a member of the Lutheran Brotherhood World 24 conservatives into the
p.266) ria California legislature; launching
Board of Directors of Case Corporation, of Continental Grain Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. yte n prop. 209, California's
Lazard LLC Company and of the Jewish Theological Seminary and also Ford Werke A.G. The Kirchentag convened for the fourth time in
Luxemburg S.A.
serves on the Board of Overseers of New York University's Sal. Oppenheim Chairman of the Board: "Edsel Ford and Robert Sorenson, high-ranking officials of Ford Frankfurt (the previous occasions being 1956, successful anti-affirmative
ho t
Stern School of Business. Motor Company, served as directors of Ford Werke A.G. 1975 and 1987). Due attention was given to HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE House action law; financing Prop. 22,
Freiherr von RUKAVINA
Ch h
Rosen- World Council of
jr. & Cie. throughout the Nazi Third Reich." 4 The lawsuit alleges that the ”The Power of Money” in this international nal OF OF OF of California's effort to ban gay
(source tio C
feld Hubertus Churches Windsor Wurttemberg Westminster Stewart marriages; financing efforts to
company made immense profits providing the German army with banking centre. The relationship between the
tracked vehicles and other trucks. This was because it worked at Kirchentag and banks is more relaxed now. remove evolution from school
peak capacity for many years, and did not have to pay wages to Back in 1987 the Kirchentag closed its account odox C curriculi; and financing the
urch C
at the Deutsche Bank because it maintained Jacques ` Chalcedon Institute, which
many of its workers. Unlike most American facilities in Germany, Stewart reportedly believes in the
Eurazéo Agency for Ford was not taken over by the German government during the business links with South Africa, but this time deutsche
Rothschild Israel an death penalty for
North war. Ford and Hitler seems to have had a friendly relationship. Bible studies were held at the Deutsche Bank. bank est t sta
(JAFI) eco l
Ch h
One of the numerous silver-coloured ”Christ homosexuality and other "sins."
America HOUSE "On Henry Ford's 75th birthday in 1938, Hitler awarded Ford the
Institute for Jewish
OF 'Great Cross of the German Order of the Eagle' for Henry Ford's figures” created by artist Manfred Stumpf
Akiva in Eu Policy Research stood on the roof of the Deutsche Bank’s All Africa Christian Ahmanson
ai r ROTHSCHILD organization dedicated to publication of the notorious anti-Semitic pamphlet, 'The International
skyscraper. Ernst Welteke, President of the
Conference of
Conference of
Asia family
R. Stewart
Jew, a Worldwide Problem' [Berlin, 1921]." (1998 Bulldog
advice, and dealing in Gold Bullion. controle Evangelical Synod of Syria and
second Baron Edmond de Rothschild institutions. "However, a German television station is about to Moravian Church in Jamaica, Moravian
(SOURCE: onal O Lebanon [Lebanon], Synod of the
Church in Surinam, Presbyterian Church
Refor actively participated in the creation De Beers broadcast allegations that forced laborers from Poland and Ukraine Evangelical Church of Iran, Synod of Co.
and initial development of a modern Rothschild Freres were sent to work at a Catholic monastery and a theological the Nile of the Evangelical Church in Trinidad & Tobago, Presbyterian
Israel Corporation and financing Evangelical Churches in the Near Council**, United Church in Jamaica
cil of Fre
and Aix-les-Bains. Most French universities Banco Two funds, Iberfondo 2000, created in sect
Anti- offer courses in Judaic studies, including Essenians Santander December 1994, and Iberfondo 2020
Defamation courses in Yiddish, Ladino, and Hebrew. The Internacional, created in October 1997,
League Thabor Mount is the heretics after
Mercaz Rashi, which contains the University Center Nicaea in which specialise mainly in investing assets
World Jewish for Jewish Studies, provides courses for academics place where Jesus 325 CE for Catholic religious institutions. The
received a vision. Orphisme Gnosticism
Congress (WJC) and students. The Rabbinical Seminary ordains same group (Banco Santander Central
Sephar rabbis to serve in French-speaking countries. About Hispano, BSCH) has another fund,
Élie The Conference of
4% of the school-age children are enrolled in Gnosticism had its roots in Persia, in the European Churches (CEC) Horizons, registered in Luxembourg and
Jewish day schools. The Alliance Israelite Thabor Mount Opus Dei is an organization officially created Opus specialising in investments for Latin
The ADL operates 28 religious/philosophical crucible known as in 1924, during the Spanish Republic, in Dei
offices domestically Universelle supervises an international network of Zoroastrianism and Mithraism. In these American religious institutions. Moreover,
and 3 offices abroad. French-oriented schools in other countries. Horeb Mount order to fight against the Republic in Banco Santander (also of the BSCH
They bring in nearly religions, Ahura Mazda was the good god, favor of a return to a monarchy on the Angra Mainyu was the bad god. Group) has the Santander ONG Fund,
$60 million a year. Antwerp has some 30 synagogues, all Paul principle of divine right. The designed to place the investments of
Current ADL National tions Juives Orthodox. A number of these also serve Evangile Jesus founder, Escriva de Balaguer,
Director is Abraham isa NGOs and other not-for-profit
as houses of study for the ultra- Latin America
400 million Catholics organisations.
OJBC dinat
)oor becoming the spiritual
Orthodox Jews in the Diaspora-it guide of Franco and
includes Chassidic Jews who follow the
his wife.
traditions of Belz, Ger, Czortkow, Lubavitch,
B'nai Satmar, and Vishnitz.
Commission oecuménique Europe America Africa Asie
B'rith Antwerp, with its concentration of Chassidic Ebionism The council of Ephèse (431) européenne pour Église et Société (EECCS) Concilium CELAM CAMECEA F.A.B.C.
Jews, is sometimes regarded as the last shetl BIBLE condamned Nestorianism. Conferentiarum Conférences Ass. des Conférences Fed. des Conférences
e of Am European Council Abraham Episcoporum Episcopales Latino- épiscopales de l'Est Episcopales D'ASIE
nc uden in in Europe. The Jewish involvment in the
rJ Europae (CCEE) Américaines de l'Afrique
l Confere
of Jewish
ican abb
tralrat de
diamond trade there is such the lingua franca Waraqa said to Khadidja
Americ (source : Nestorianism husband is the
Cen Z Moise prophet"(Tabari, chronicles
idades Israe The continual presence of a
nita Ebr
u Jewish community in Rome The Holy
on de Com
om ai
cil of Am Rome
ione delle
See économiques
un du patrimoine
e ri
Sinaï Mohammad
tradition of prayer-
ca (RCA
e a)
comparable to the Sephardi Pacific
Ra n Conférence épiscopale
1 132 541500 Catholics
Co 20 173 600 Jews 1 200 653 muslims Malankara Malankara IOR
(source: World Christian Encyclopedia) Great Synagogue, follow this Pharan mount Jacobite instituto per
(source: World Christian Encyclopedia) Orthodox Syrian
tradition. The nusach has its own Syrian Orthodox Church l'opere di Vatican
d Syna USA order of prayer and tunes. Most Church religione
ite A Forest of Organizations: It is easy to synagogues in Italy are Sephardi. Qur'an Pharan Mount is the
U place where the
gog e C
locate more than 2,000 organizations The Italian chief rabbi officiates at
Prophet received a
Abou n of Europ
and 700 federations in many cities, the Great Synagogue of Rome tio e
oun towns, and neighborhoods, and of and heads the country's rabbinical
Sco ut s
cil course, thousands of synagogues. council. Mâlik
Since 1985 American aid to Israel has (source :
amounted to $3 billion per annum, of ibn
which $1.8 billion represents military imâm Annas Timothy Plan
assistance and $1.2 billion is used for Alî Ahmad Châféi Aggressive
the repayment of Israel's debts to (first ibn Growth fund
Washington. ( Taymiyya
Imâm) International A
lic F MILY
CARITAS Red Cross & ho
Hanafite Internationalis
Fed. of Cat
Red Crescent
Organization The Zionist Organization of America is Jewish Bagdad Catholic investment funds (USA)
of America the oldest, and one of the largest, pro- Telegraphic Pakistan Caritas Internationalis is a The International A handful of Catholic investment funds have entered the horizon over the past decade. They include Ave Maria
Israel organizations in the United States. Agency Jamaat confederation of 154 Federation of Red Catholic Values Fund, Aquinas Funds Inc., The Catholic Funds and the Catholic Values Investment Trust, as well as the
The ZOA was instrumental in mobilizing
Malekite Islami
Catholic relief, development Cross and Red Crescent Carlisle Catholic Indexes and Christian Brothers Investment Services (the country's first Catholic investment company
Middle East Media the support of the U.S. government, and social service Societies is the world's and one of the largest with nearly $3 billion in institutional assets), which are open only to Catholic institutions.
Research Institute Congress, and the American public for Jewish Telegraphic
Medina Châféite organisations present in largest humanitarian Carlisle Social Investments, more than 70% of socially responsible investing portfolios in the United States in 2001
the creation of Israel in 1948. National
Hanbalite 198 countries and organisation, with 178 were not in compliance with the investment guidelines adopted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops due to
Agency: Global News Mekke
membership of over 50,000 Service of the Jewish Mecque Hamad territories.Headquartered in member National their failure to employ abortion and/or birth control screens. Catholic Values Investment Trust, one of the first
the fidelity foundation
Zionist P e o p l e bin Vatican city Societies. Catholic funds available to individuals, started in 1997 and screens out companies related to abortion and birth M AT C H I N G G I F T S
Federation MEMRI's headquarters is located in Washington, DC with branch ( Khalifa control, those that belittle human dignity and those that produce weapons of mass destruction. T O E D U C AT I O N
The Ave Maria Catholic Values Fund employs additional screens, choosing not to invest in companies that support Cathedral High School - Springfield
offices in Berlin, London, and Jerusalem, where MEMRI also With correspondents in Al Thani Cathedral High School - Boston
maintains its Media Center. "… the excellent Middle East Media New York, Washington, Al Thani the American Civil Liberties Union and corporations that offer benefits for same-sex couples. This prevents them from Catholic Memorial High School
Research Institute" -Former CIA director James Woolsey, June 10, Jerusalem, Moscow investing in corporations such as Intel and Microsoft. Catholic University of America
"That opposes the law in many states," noted Miller, whose funds do not take this issue into consideration. "Thirty- Central Catholic High School of
2002 Canton
salafiy nine states have laws mandating same-sex benefits." Christian Brothers Investment Services and the Dallas-based Central Catholic High School of
ahhab Aquinas Funds use a different method. In addition to screening, they take a proactive approach. "We will invest in Lawrence, Inc.
pment Bank Charleston Catholic School
Alwaleed Muslim companies with the intent of changing corporate policy," said Aquinas President Frank Rauscher. As an example, he
Brotherhood Qatar elo université cites Aquinas' success in getting companies such as Whirlpool, Harley-Davidson Motor Co. and Dayton Hudson Corp.
Charlestown Catholic Elementary
Iran islamique
Islamic De
Talal bin internationale (owner of Target stores) to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Friends of Caritas House
(source: National Catholic Register, Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 2002, Our Lady of Lourdes Regional High
(kuala lumpur)
Jews anti-muslim practice Muslim anti-jewish laws Abdulaziz
international The tiny, $13 million Noah fund, which appeals to conservative Christians, opts for a bolder approach. A message
Our Lady of Lourdes School (Cin.,
Christians and Muslims cannot marry Jews in Omar II ibn Abdal Aziz (717-720CE), influenced by his association on its Web site announces, "Hallelujah, we believe the Noah Fund is a gift from God that could be your answer to OH)
Our Lady of Nazareth Academy
Israel, and if they are married elsewhere, the interpretation of the verse in the Koran (9:29 "Fight...until Former BCCI executive and
of islamic Biblically-based investing." ( Our Lady of the Assumption School
marriage is not recognized by the rabbinical banks
they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and The King is the
Carlyle Group investor Khalid Owensboro Catholic High School
court in Israel.(WASHINGTON REPORT ON they are in a state of subjection") and the anti-Jewish bin Mahfouz is the banker for Loyola Academy
Guardian of the Saudi Corral the Saudi royal family, and Loyola College, MD
MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS, June 1993, p.75) laws of the Byzantine emperors. The exact format of the bin Aramco Petroleum Khalid connected to both the Bush Loyola School
Holy Cities, Medina
"original" is not known, but it is known that he ordered the Saudi (the Radiant) and Abdulaziz bin and bin Laden families. A Loyola University of Chicago
In Israel, racial discrimination begins at birth. governor of Khurassan "not to authorize" the building of business association with Pope John XXIII High School
The law is set up in such a manner that a Arabia Mecca (the ibn seoud Al- Mahfouz Amana Funds company Pope John XXIII National Seminary
new synagogues or churches, and to compel "them to Texas investment banker and
Jewish infant is registered as having Israeli Blessed), which are Amoudi CIA-connected James Bath Lexington Christian Academy
wear special hats and mantles" and to prohibit them from both in Arabia. ties George W. Bush directly Amana Funds, which launched its first fund in 1986 and Madonna High School (IL)
citizenship at birth, whereas an Arab newborn using a saddle, and to prohibit them from employing a Dow Jones Madonna High School (WV)
is stateless at birth, his citizenship status being King 100 to Osama bin Laden and was for a while one of the only U.S. mutual funds to According to Rachid Nekkaz, spokesman for the Forum Citoyen des Cultures Marist College
Moslem. These rules were expounded until they took their BCCI. manage money according to Islamic principles. The
indefinite. (Uri Davis, ISRAEL: AN APARTHEID Fahd Islamic Index Musulmanes, a major organisation defending the French Muslim community Mary Institute
"final" form in the 14th century. The sources for these rules Amana and the Azzad Dow Jones funds are similar in interests, if only a dozen cases of attacks against Muslim places of worship were Mary, Queen of Heaven School
STATE) bin McQuaid Jesuit High School
include the "kitab al-Umm" of Muhammad ibn Idris al- the Saudi royal family gave the Abdulaziz that they invest based on Islamic principles, which reported in recent weeks, whereas the true number (which were not reported), he Monsignor Bonner High School
Non-Jews, first and foremost Palestinian Arabs, Shafii (767-820CE) to Ibn Khaldun (1322-1406CE) and bin Laden family-and group--
National require investors to share in profit and loss, receive no emphasied, was more significantfor a number of reasons. French Muslims don't yet Monsignor McClancy Memorial
were (until the March 2000 Supreme Court Qalqashaudi of 15th century Egypt. cheikh High School
decision) excluded by law from leasing or exclusive rights to all Commercial usury or interest or invest in companies that are involved have a representative institution to register their complaints and actively Most Holy Rosary School
A summary of these laws: Yassin in activities that run counter to Islamic principles. That
cultivating land in 92.6% of the territory of construction of a religious Qadi investigate the incidents, as do French Jews with their Consistoire Centrale Mount Saint Joseph Academy (PA)
Israel. (Uri Davis, ISRAEL: AN APARTHEID
(a) erection of new non-Moslem places of worship is nature, whether in Mecca, Bank includes businesses that are involved in pornography, Israelite, which is in regular and direct contact with the French Interior Ministry, Mount Saint Mary’s College
forbidden Medina or--until 1967--the Ben
Faisal Finances gambling, pork processing and interest-based banks or which in recent weeks has assigned several hundred policeman to protect Jewish fidelity manag. Mt. St. Charles Academy
STATE) (b) the Koran may not be taught to a "protected subject"
Newport Central Catholic High
Holy Places in Jerusalem. Laden financial institutions. Although the amount of money places of worship on a full-time basis - a protection, incidentally, that is not School
Regarding the allotment of agricultural land in (not even allowed to touch a Koran) the "protected This enabled the bin Ladens to invested in Islamic mutual funds in the United States has provided, at least on a 24-hour basis, to mosques in France. Only last March, the & res. co. Newton Country Day School of the
Israel, Knesset Member Shulamit Almi summed Family Sacred Heart
subject" may not: establish an industrial and been limited so far — Amana’s two funds, the Amana official governmental Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) revealed
up the situation: “…any person who is non- (c) buy a slave or maidservant owned by a Moslem (this Agence islamique Notre Dame Education Center, Inc.
Jewish, even if he (or she) is the spouse of a financial empire which now internationale
Mutual Funds Trust Income combined with the Amana in its annual report a larger-than-expected increase in the number of anti-Muslim Paraclete Center
prevented Jews from doing what they often did in both extends far beyond religious de presse (IINA) Mutual Funds Trust Growth, command only $50 million in and anti-Arab racist acts in France, largely as a reaction after Sept 11. sexually abusive priests Notre Dame Academy Hingham, MA
Jew, cannot be a farmer here in this country, Roman times and in pre-civil war times: "buy" slaves in BC graduates and Notre Dame Academy, Park Hills
even if he (or she) is a citizen.” construction projects. $ $ Oussama assets. Azzad fund manager Valpey hopes to have The report also took note of the conclusions of the European Observatory of Notre Dame School (IL)
order to free them) Al-Taqwa $100 million in assets under management in the next 12 trustees Peter S. Lynch,
Ben Laden Racist and Xenophobic Phenomena which also indicated an important rise in the Presentation of Mary Academy
Moshavim and kibbutzim land is legally (d) sell to a Moslem either alcoholic substances or animal months. The Azzad fund, which tracks companies number of post-Sept 11 racist acts against Muslim and Arabs residing in the 15- vice chairman of Fidelity Sacred Heart Academy(Hamden,
International CT)
defined as land that is under the sole carcasses which were not ritualy slaughtered SAUDI BINLADIN Islamic represented in the Dow Jones Islamic Market Extra member nations of the European Union. As for the CCHR report, it noted that of Management, and John Sacred Heart High School
ownership of the “Jewish people.” Moshavim (e) "prevent" (i.e. talk to or rescue from forced conversion) $ Relief Liquid Index, lists blue chip heavyweights such as Exxon 163 acts "of intimidation and of a racist and xenophobic character," reported for A. McNiece Jr., retired Sacred Heart-Griffin High School
Organisation CEO
and kibbutzim membership require anyone converting to Islam SAUDI INVESTMENT GROUP (SBG) Mobil and Cisco among its top 10 holdings. That index last year, fully 115 of them were made against persons originating from the Saint Ann School
Saint Anselm College
endorsement of NIR: COOPERATIVE COMPANY (f) use Moslem name is down almost 14 percent year-to-date. (source: Maghreb countries of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. The figure, said the report, of the Colonial Group, Saint Francis Preparatory School
FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF HEBREW WORKERS (g) own or carry weapons GROUP funds) represents a "sharp rise" over the three previous years. The CCHR also last year each gave the Saint John’s Seminary Corp.
LTD. All kibbutzim and moshavim agricultural (h) ride on a horse or mule (and if riding on an ass, archdiocese $10 million, Saint Joseph’s College (Maine)
Organization suggested, as does the Le Monde special report, that such figures are severely Saint Mary’s College
settlements in Israel are incorporated as saddle was forbidden, and riding was only allowed side- understated. And, as with the several recent incidents of 'Islamophobia' that took its biggest publicly Saint Raphael Academy
daughter companies of NIR. NIR is saddle) of Islamic acknowledged donations. Saint Rita School Endowment
Conference place in France, but went unreported in the national press, the CCHR report
constitutionally restricted to the promotion of (i) have a structure (house or tomb) "higher" than a Lynch San Miguel Education Center
received virtually no press coverage when it was published, the only major media School of the Holy Child
the settlement of Hebrew workers only. (Uri Moslem's (…) (source : ABID (Al Baraka account of its publication taking place on public television channel France 3, which has raised tens of St. Agatha School
Davis, ISRAEL: AN APARTHEID STATE) Investment and has an important audience in the suburbs of Paris, Lyons and Marseilles where millions for the St. Alcuin Montessori School
archdiocese's inner-city St. Anastasia School
Development), live a good part of the country's Muslim population. (13 May 2002) St. Andrew’s School of Boca
Al Baraka founded in 1982, Anti-Muslim Incidents on the Rise
parochial schools. Raton,Incorporated
Islamic Bank is one of the Report documents more than 360 incidents this year
(source: Boston Globe on St. Andrew’s School of Delaware,Inc.
St. Ann’s School
world's largest 5/28/2002) St. Brendan Elementary School
This past week, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued its 6th-
Islamic financial St. Brigid School (CT)
world assembly annual report on the status of Muslim civil rights in the United States. CAIR began St. Clement’s School
institutions, with of muslim youth documenting anti-Muslim incidents following the 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City, St. Domitilla School
operations in 29 which was initially blamed on Muslims. In the first few days following that attack, (+ 41 others schools)
countries. Samaritans, Inc.
American Muslims reported more than 220 acts of violence, threats, and Tabor Academy
arassment against them. The Oratory Catholic Preparatory
Six years later, Muslims in the United States are still victims of ignorance. School
Bank of Bank of Al Watany According to CAIR's 53-page report, anti-Muslim incidents rose 15 percent in the
Trinity College
Trinity High School
Kuwait and Kuwait and Bank of Egypt past year (March 2000-March 2001). Incidents reported include: denial of Trinity University
religious accommodation in schools or the workplace physical assault, including a Trinity Valley School
the Middle East the Middle East Trinity-Pawling School Corporation
gun attack at a Tennessee mosque verbal abuse discrimination based on University of Notre Dame
religious attire or appearance Ursuline Academy - OH
Muslim Ursuline Academy, St. Louis
Ursuline Academy - Dedham