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Dungeon Saga Synthesis v1.0 Eng

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Types Depending on their side, a model is part of one of these types

Heroes Models that team-up to combat an Overlord
Minions Models used by the Overlord
Models that are Overlord's Hero version
They follow the same rules as Heroes
A model faces one of the 4 orthogonal adjacent squares
Facing The squares adjacent to a model are divided into a front arc and a rear arc, based on the direction the
model is facing
A model can only attack from its front arc
Normal models 1x1 square base : the 3 squares behind the model form its rear arc, the remaining 5 are its front arc
2x2 square base : the 4 squares behind the model form its rear arc, the remaining 8 are its front arc
Large models A Large model can be in an enemy’s front and rear arcs at the same time : they will only get the bonus for
attacking from behind if it is fully within its enemy’s rear arc
3x3 square base (or more) : the 5 squares behind the model form its rear arc, the remaining 13 are its front
Huge models arc
Huge models follow same rules as Large models
Whenever the text refers to something being adjacent it means in any one of the squares next to the
model in question, orthogonally and diagonally
Outnumbered The model is in the front arc of more than one enemy model are considered outnumbered
Large models always count as outnumbering single square models even if they are the only model in
Large models contact, and even if they are in contact with multiple enemy models (in this case they will also be
outnumbered themselves)
Huge models always outnumber both single square models and Large models, regardless of how many
Huge models are in contact
Huge models are only outnumbered if they are in contact with at least 2 Huge enemy models

Shared Stats A model cannot have a spell, song, stat improvement or ability more than once
Movement The model may move up to this value in squares during its turn
Combat Dice The model rolls as many dice as its value in combat situation (hand-to-hand attack and defence)
Shoot The model may shoot at short or long range, depending on what stat is given
The value attacker dice must overtake to harm the defender
Regardless of modifiers for spells, items or anything else, Armour values never go above 5
Level Model's experience level
Abilities The various abilities a model owns are described in the table "ABILITIES"
Abilities that have a (x-y) written are available in several levels : x is the basic value and y the maximal
Ranked abilities
value of the ability
Stuff Only Heroes and Bosses can use items
Heroes Each Hero has a Hero card that lists his parameters
Feats The number of Feats for a Hero is limited by his level : see table GLORY
Heach Hero owns a Wound Track of 5 Hearts
Wound Track Each time he suffers 1 Wound, place 1 Wound counter on the most left hand uncovered Heart of his
Wound Track
Normal state As long as there's at least 1 uncoveres blue Heart on the Wound Track, th Hero is in his normal state
Injured A Hero is Injured if all the remaining uncovered Wound spaces on their Hero card are red
Crippled A Hero that takes a 5th Wound becomes Crippled : he is removed from the board
Minions Minions are all listed in the Bestiary
By default, a Minion model suffers 1 Wound per hit it receives and are killed by a single Wound Specific
Wounds abilities listed on the appropriate Bestiary entry or Overlord panel change this rule : compare the number
of hits scored on the defender’s model type to the relevant damage table to find out the effect

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The board is made of tiles which are made of multiple squares
Some effects may affect a tile in particular
The map shows distinct tiles with a white line between each tile : what matters is the shape of each tile not
Map the art on it
Furniture are listed on the map
Walls The edges of each tile going outside the board is a wall
Squares containing models or furniutre are considered blocked
Squares with only counters are considered empty squares
Models Only models placed on zones that have been laid down take any part in the adventure
Placement Map lists which model appears where
Squares edged in red on the adventure map
Lava attacks are never modified
A model that moves onto a Lava square suffers a separate 3 dice Lava attack for each lava square it
Moving over lava
moves onto in its turn, each attack is rolled immediately
Large models ??
Fire ability Models with Fire ability don't have to roll 3 dice Lava attack when moving onto Lava
Stopping on lava Any model that ends its turn on a lava square suffers a 6 dice Lava attack
Stepping stones Squares placed onto Lava that prevent models from rolling Lava attacks
A model may move from a stepping stone to another by jumping if the gap between each stepping stone
Gaps in 1 square and only orthogonally
The jump is counted as a 1-square normal move
Cave-ins The map may show weak spots on some tiles, which may collapse
At the beginning of the game, place any Weak spot marker shown on the map and the Cave-in marker on
Setup the Weak spot marker pointed at
Each time a new zone is laid down, place 1 Weak spot marker on any tile stated on the map
At the end of each round, the Overlord and 1 player from the Heroes' side roll 1dice each and compare the
Substract the lowest from the highest roll and move the Cave-in marker that many spaces from Weak
Numbers rolled are
point to Weak point in a clockwise direction
If there's only 1 Weak spot marker left, the Cave-in marker doesn't move
The tile where the Cave-in marker stands on is removed from the game along with anything on it and any
tile that can no longer trace an unbroken route to either the starting heroes points or an exit point are also
Numbers rolled are removed from the game in the same way
equal The Cave-in marker now moves clockwise a number of times equal to the number rolled
The Cave-in marker is removed from the game if there are no more Weak spots markers
Any Hero on tiles that are removed are crippled

Furniture are counted as models only for the purpose of abilites or Feats
Furniture models
They do not make Free Strikes, attack other models or count towards outnumbering
Most furniture simply blocks the way for Movement
Blocking the way
Each piece occupies 1 or more squares based on its size : no model may Move into those squares
Bookcases block Shooting and block Magical attacks that require LOS
Shoot and Magical LOS can be drawn as normal over any other piece of furniture, but if the Shooter is not adjacent to the
attack piece of furniture they will suffer a -1 modifier to their attack dice on top of any others
Magical attacks don't suffer from this modifier
Doors occupy 1 or 2 squares depending on their size
Each door has a Lock counter placed next to it to show what kind of lock it has
Doors Doors may only be opened by the Heroes
When a door is unlocked it is removed from the game
Chests occupy a single square
Chests Each Chest has a counter placed next to it to show what kind of lock it has
Chests may only be opened by the Heroes unless a special rule says otherwise
Any item of furniture apart from a door can have a hidden compartment and will be marked on the
Hidden compartments adventure map
This piece of furniture follows the same rules as a Chest
These specific furniture have Item cards and are represented by immobile pieces of furniture rather than
Magical furniture
being carried around by Heroes
All Furniture can be attacked : it is destroyed by a single Hit
Destroying furniture Single square furniture : 3 Attack dice, 3 Armour
Multi square furniture : 4 Attack dice, 4 Armour

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Shown in red on the map
Mundane locks Mundane locks can be smashed open or picked
They have a Combat value and an Armour value and sometimes a Picking value
A Hero fights the Lock, following the Fight rules as if the lock were an enemy
The Overlord should consult the lock counter (noted on the Adventure Map) for Combat Dice and
Armour values
Getting at least 1 Hit will smash the lock open
Limitations Mundane locks cannot be smashed by Shooting or Magical Attacks
Each action a model with the Lockpicking ability spends trying to open a lock reduces its Picking value
Picking locks by 1
When this reaches 0 the lock has been opened
Chest Remove the lid from the Chest model to remind players that it has been opened
Shown in orange on the map
Wards cannot be opened by a fight attack or picked
Wards They have a Ward counter : the higher the value is, the longer it will take to break
Certain Spells reduce the power of a Ward : when a ward is reduced to 0, the door or chest it is protecting
has been successfully unlocked
Chest Remove the lid from the Chest model to remind players that it has been opened

Traps can be set in two places : on a lock or on the map
Trap layout The type of trap is listed on any adventure maps or chosen by the Overlord player before the game
A Hero can’t know for sure if there is a trap until he takes the risk of triggering it
Triggering a trap Triggering a trap ends that Hero’s turn, regardless of whether they manage to avoid the effects or not
Trap cards Each kind of trap has its own card which explains how to resolve what happens when it is triggered
Lock traps Lock traps are triggered the first time a Hero tries to open it whatever the way
When a new part of the dungeon is revealed : for each map trap, place 1 Trap counter of the appropriate
Map traps
type on the square in question and 1 Blank Trap counter anywhere on the newly revealed part of the map

Each Item’s card explains any special rules or restrictions that apply to the user
Unless otherwise mentioned, it is assumed that any Hero can use any magic item
A Hero must be of at least the level shown on the card to use an Item
Item level
If not, he may still carry this Item
Items can be used repeatedly
An item that has the "One Use" keyword is discarded after it's been used
Most Items have effects that apply at all times : they can be used at any point during the turn of the Hero
Continuous effect
or Boss carrying them, and this does not count as the model’s Move or Action for the turn
Items with the Cog symbol on their card must be triggered by their owner to be used
Triggered effect Some Items are triggered automatically in response to a game effect, in which case it will be detailed on
the card
The cost of an item is the value in the Coin symbol at the bottom the item card
Item cost Item cost is used during campaign to buy magical items at the listed cost
Items cannot be sold apart from other Heroes of the party
The number of Paraphernalia a Hero can carry is illimited
Other Items exist in 1 card : only 1 Hero may have it
Any Hero can use only 1 of each type at a time : all the weaponry they own and which they don't use is
put in a stack with the one that is being used on top : the rest are not used for this game
Weapons Crossed out axes icon
Armour Breastplate icon
Shields Shield icon
Purse icon, any Hero can have as much magical Paraphernalia as he can find
Paraphernalia are displayed side by side or on top of one anotherunless if thery they are identical
Magical furniture Chest icon, this magical furniture cannot be carried or moved
A Hero adjacent to a piece of Magical funriture it and not in the front arc of any enemy model may use it :
Use it costs the Hero’s Action for that turn
A Hero may only gain the effects of each piece of Magical furniture once per adventure
During a game, only Paraphernalia can be traded between Heroes
Trading items
Other types of Item must remain on the Hero they began that adventure with

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A spell can be used by more than 1 model : if this is the case, copy the card or use anything that can keep
Game pieces
the Spell's recharging state
Spell are spread in different Schools of Magic
Schools of magic
A School of Magic is made of 1 Spell of each from this particular School
Each Spell card explains the effects of thisr Spell, some use a counter to show that they are in effect
Casting Spells
Spells that don't require a dice roll have an automatic effect
At bottom of the Spell card is a Level value
Level limitation A Spellcaster must be at least this level to be able to use the spell, unless he boosts his power with
Energy Crystals
Types There are two types of spell : Major and Minor
Spells need to recharge between uses and will be unavailable to use again straight away
Recharging Rotate Minor spells 90° anti-clockwise when cast
Rotate Major spells 180º anti-clockwise when cast
By default, the Spellcaster can always target himself with his spells
By default, if a Spell affects more than 1 target at a time, roll 1 separate attack for each target
Tuile Each square of the tile the Spellcaster stands on is afflicted by the spell
Adjacent The target must be adjacent to the Spellcaster
Caster The Spellcaster can only target himself with that Spell
Some Spells need a short or long range : the target must be in the Spellcaster's range and in his LOS to be
Range targeted
If the LOS is blocked, the target is not valid
Spells with an eye icon need a LOS
LOS Spells with a crossed out eye icon don't need a LOS and can be cast behind the Spellcaster, through
walls, round corners, past other models or furniture, even when being in the front arc of an enemy

See the card for the effect of each song
Songs that don't require a dice roll have an automatic effect
Target Songs affect all models of the specified type within range
Some Spells need a short or long range : the target must be in the Singer's range to be targeted
If the LOS is blocked, the target is not valid
LOS Songs don't need a LOS

Choose 1 type of game : simple game (an adventure) or campaign
Choices Choose 1 scenario or Uncharted Dungeon game
Choose Human Overlord or Invisible Overorld
Overlord side Choose Overlord forces (Overlord Panel) if not predefined
Take aside the number of Minions defined (if any)
Create Bosses if needed
Human Overlord Create the Overlord deck by shuffling the 13 Generic Overlord Command cards and 9 Type specific
Overlord Command cards, then deal out the number of Command cards listed in the adventure to form the
Overlord deck, the remainder is discarded without looking at them
Invisible Overlord See table "SOLO PLAY - INVISIBLE OVERLORD"
Choose 4 Heroes : prewritten for the adventure or generated following the rules
Hero side If generated, the total of their levels cannot exceed the level required for this adventure
Each Hero gets a Hero counter and place it in front of him on the side the symbol is shown
Prewritten Create those Heroes by taking the Hero panel and approriate stuff listed in the adventure
Generated Take a blank Hero panel to write abilities and stuff each Hero owns
Weaponry A Hero can change which weaponry he uses at the beginning of an adventure
Components Place the card decks, counters and dice on the table
Game start Heroes define with which Weaponry the begin the adventure with
Storyline The Overlord tells the Hero players about any extra items
The Overlord sets up the tiles from the Heroes’ starting position to the first door(s)
In case of Invisible Overlord, Heroes will build the board
Locks Doors and Treasure Chests always start an adventure locked
Overlord deck the Overlord draws 3 cards from his Overlord deck, he can look at those and keep them secret
Scenario The Overlord reads out the story text, the victory conditions and any special rule needed
Victory conditions Each side get their goal
Timer By default, the Overlord wins if he must draw a Command card and he cannot
Fisrt turn Heroes take the first turn of the round

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Any counter on the board cannot move, do not have any arcs and cannot attack or be attacked
By default, there's no limitation in quantity about counters
Models Destroyed models go back to the Overlord pool
Each model can make a Free Strike against any enemy model that is placed on the board by any effect in
Free Strikes
his front arc
Effects that use dice are written xD where x is the number of dice to roll
Dice rolls Abilities that add dice work the same way as modifiers
After all modifiers have been taken into account, no dice roll can use more than 6D, any extra are lost
The specific ability will define the circumstances you may re-roll and how many dice
Each dice can only be re-rolled once
Results The result of the second roll replaces the first, even if it is worse
Whenever two opposing models both need to decide something at the same time, the model whose turn it
Order of play is must do so first
Completely resolve any associated dice rolls before his opponent makes their choice
Heroes can take their turn in the order they choose
If a player controls more than 1 Hero, he chooses when each Hero takes his turn
Hero turns
During a turn a Hero may move and/or perform 1 Action, in that order
A Hero can choose to do nothing in their turn if they wish
Movement The model moves according to its Move value and can be rotated in any direction
A Hero that moves adjacent to another Hero during his turn can give, receive or swap eligible
Trading items
Paraphernalia items with that Hero : both Hero players must agree to the trade
Timing This can be done in the middle of a Heroes movement, and does not count as performing an action
The Actions available to a model depend on their abilities and situation
Every model can Fight
Actions Models with Short range or Long range ability can Shoot
Models with Spellcaster ability can cast either 1 Major or up to 2 different Minor Cast spell
Models may execute a specific action if described in the adventure or from an effect
Instead of taking a normal turn, a Hero may instead decide to use 1 Feat they know which hasn't already
been played during this adventure
The Feat replaces the Hero’s entire turn : he cannot move, change facing or perform an Action when
using a Feat unless the Feat itself says so
When a hero opens a door may reveal an area of the dungeon which was not yet laid out
If that happens, the Overlord sets up the revealed area, but only as far as the next locked door(s) and has
Opening a door
to place Minions and chooses their facing, Lock counters next to the doors and chests and must tell
Heroes is a particular door is the exit for the adventure
Opening a chest The Hero who opened the Chest takes all the Items and gold that were inside
At the end of his turn, the Hero flips his Hero counter on the blank side
End of turn Any Hero that has not yet played may take his turn
If all heroes have played their turn, the Overlord plays his turn
Each adventure lists the number of Commands the Overlord gets in a turn
Overlord turn
Overlord's has no maximum hand size
With each Command, The Overlord may activate 1 of his models : move and/or perform 1 Action, in that
Instead of activating 1 model that is already on the board, a magic-using Overlord can use this command
Commands per turn
to cast 1 spell (this model counts asif it had acted)
None of the Overlord’s models may act more than once in a turn, but may act more than once in a Round
using Interrupts
The Overlord can play 1 Overlord Command card : this can be done at any point before or after Moving
Command cards
and Acting with a model, but not during
End of turn When the Overlord has played his turn, the end of the round begins
End of the round All Heroes get their Hero counter back on the side the symbol is shown
The Overlord draws 1 Command card
If the Overlord deck is exhausted then the Overlord cannot draw any more
Spells All spell cards that are not currently the right way up are rotated 90º clockwise

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Playing a Command card When a Command card is used, it is discarded
Generic Overlord Base cards used bay all of the Overlords
Extra commands card Allow to move and act with that many additional models this turn
These allow the Overlord to give double the base number of commands allowed in the adventure for that
Double commands card
These are played in between two Hero turns, after one Hero has completed their turn and before the next
begins, this is outisde the Overlord’s turn
Interrupt cards
The Overlord immediately gets to move and act with the number of models listed on the card, as he does
during his turn
The Overlord cannot play an Interrupt card before the first Hero’s turn, or after the last Hero’s Turn in
Limitations that round
The Overlord cannot play 2 Interrupt cards in a row without a Hero taking their Turn between them
Necromancer Overlord This kind of Overlord can change Pile of Bones into Minions, but has some limitations
When the Overlord lays down a new part of the dungeon and he cannot add some Minions because his
Newly placed zones
pool is empty for these models, he places 1 Pile of Bones in their starting position instead
This Command card works like the Raise Dead spell but doesn't need to rotate the Raise Dead spell and
Raise Dead Command
has not range limit
When the Overlord cast the Raise Dead spell, he replaces 1 Pile of Bones counter with 1 miniature of his
choice from the adventure’s list into either Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, or Revenants, the range
Raise Dead Spell will determine which types of Minion can be raised, he chooses their facing (consider Free Strikes)
A Minion that is raised from a Pile of Bones counts as having made its action for that turn
Any model that cannot be raised is lost
The Overlord cannot cast Raise Dead on a Pile of Bones if any model is standing on top of it or another
Piles of Bones
When the Overlord must draw a Command card and this deck is empty he instead places 1 Orc Minion or
2 Goblin Minion on the Hero starting points of his choice (if they are empty), he 's still limited by the
Overlord Orc
number of Minions he has in his pool
Each of these newly arrived models may move up to 3 squares but do not fight or shoot in any way
Infernal Overlord -
Dragon Overlord -

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A model may move a number of empty squares up to its Movement value in any direction
The model is moved 1 square at a time to show the intended path
Models may move diagonally as long as movement into 1 of the squares either side of the diagonal would
be permitted
A model cannot enter or end its movement on a square containing another model or a piece of furniture
The whole of a model’s base must remain on the dungeon tiles at any moment
If a model moves into the front arc of an enemy model it must immediately end its movement, choosing its
final facing
Large models They may only move straight forward, diagonally forward, or straight backward
A model may change its facing freely and only during movement
(a move can be 0 square to change facing)
Large models They must spend 1 point of movement for each quarter turn (90º) they wish to make to change facing
If a model starts its turn in an enemy's front arc, it cannot move freely and has 2 options :
Enemy front arc - remain in the same square and may change its facing
- try to Break Away
The Overlord’s models never set off map traps
Traps If a Hero moves onto a Trap counter, then pause their turn while it is flipped over :
- if it is a blank then the Hero can continue with the rest of their turn as normal
- if it is a Trap, then resolve it as described on the matching trap card

Range is measured from any part of the attacker’s square to any part of the target’s square
As long as the ruler can reach from base to base the target is in range
Short range Use the short ruler to define if target is in short range
Long range Use the long ruler to define if target is in long range

A model can only attack things from its front arc, the LOS cannot cross its rear arc
Use the straight edge of the used ruler to see if there is anything blocking the LOS between any part of
Line Of Sight (LOS)
the attacker’s base and any part of the target’s base : LOS is blocked by any square that contains a model,
a bookcase or a wall

When each side has rolled their dice, follow these steps in order
Only attacker deals damage
The attacker discards any dice that are less than or equal to the defender’s armour
Step 1 If this leaves the attacker with no dice, the attack has bounced off and has no further effect
6 are automatic hits
Pair up attack and defence dice highest with highest, the second highest with the second highest and so
Step 2 on
Each attack dice with no defence dice paired up is an automatic 1 Hit
Step 3 Each pair in which the attacker’s result is higher than the defender’s result counts as 1 Hit
Step 4 Total up all Hits to see inflicted damages
Heroes only suffer 1 wound per attack, regardless of how many times they are Hit
Heroes Wounds on them are cumulative : when a Hero suffers 1 Wound, place 1 Wound counter on the first
space on the Wound track of his Hero card

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When a model starts its turn with an enemy model in its front arc or moves so that this is the case during
its turn, it may fight
No model can ever roll fewer than 2 dice : if a model is reduced to 2 dice, further reductions reduce Armour
Basic stats
score instead (to a minimum of 1, extra penalties are ignored)
Attacker Roll dice equal to his Combat Dice value taking into account his Items and the following modifiers
-1 dice if injured
-1 dice if outnumbered
Defender Roll dice equal to his Combat Dice value taking into account his Items and the following modifiers
-1 dice if defender is injured
Modifiers -1 dice if outnumbered 
-1 dice if attacker is in its rear arc (no part of its base if the front arc of the defender)
Resolution When each side has rolled his dice follow the table "Attack resolution"

A model starting its Movement in an enemy model’s front arc must try to Break Away to move
To Break Away a model must first survive a Free Strike from its foes
Restrictions The first square it moves may not be in the front arc of any enemy models
Each enemy model that has the Breaking Away model in its front arc gets to make a separate Free Strike,
each resolved in the order chosen by the player making the Free Strikes
Success The model may continue its Movement normally if it survives to Free Strikes

This is a normal Fight action which is free and does not count as the model's turn
Reaction to Breaking Away A model gains a Free Strike only when a rule specifically mentions it
A models that gains a Free Strike is the attacker

To shoot, a model needs to have a target in its range and in its LOS
A model that is in the front arc of an enemy model cannot shoot
If the target is out of range, it cannot be shot at
If the LOS is blocked, the target cannot be shot at
No model can ever roll fewer than 2 dice : if a model is reduced to 2 dice, further reductions reduce Armour
Basic stats
score instead (to a minimum of 1, extra penalties are ignored)
Attacker Roll dice equal to his Shooting Dice value taking into account his Items and the following modifiers
-1 dice if attacker is injured
-1 dice if the LOS crosses a piece of furniture that is not adjacent to the shooter
Defender Roll dice equal to his Combat Dice value taking into account his Items and the following modifiers
-1 dice if defender is injured
-1 dice if attacker is completely its his rear arc
Resolution When each side has rolled his dice follow the table Attack resolution

Magical Attacks require the players to roll for an attacker and defender
Magical attack
Some Magical Attacks have elemental ablilities : the attack is treated with taking it into account
Magical attacks are never modified by any standard modifiers
Some game effects or Items may affect the roll
Attacker The Spell will list the number of Attack dice to use
Defender The defender’s Combat Dice and Armour values are used as normal
Réeolution When each side has rolled his dice follow the table Attack resolution

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Setup Game setup is done as normal
Invisible Overlord deck Choose 1 type of Overlord and put his panel next to the board, take the corresponding Bestiary
(IO) Shuffle the 24 generic IO cards and the 6 specific IO cards linked to the chosen type of Overlord
The Invisible Overlord wins if he cripples 1 Hero
Victory conditions
The Heroes win following the scenario prerequisites
Heroes take the first turn
After each Hero turn, draw the top card of the IO deck to check if there is an interrupt
After all the Heroes have played their turn, the Overlod takes his turn :
Game flow 1) draw the top cards of the IO deck and resolve it entirely using the number of activations defined for the
2) draw the top cards of the IO deck and resolve it entirely using the number, Threat and Order shown on
this card
Interrupt When a IO card is drawn to check if there's a Interrupt, check the last line on the card
Discard this IO card
The next Hero takes his turn or the Overlord if all Heroes have played
YES Resolve this card entirely using the number, Threat and Order shown on it
Overlord actions The Overlord makes act a number of models up to the number used
Overlord cards Whenever a specific IO card is drawn, it is resolved entirely, then it is discarded
Invisible Overlord actions
Order Orders are commands given by the Overlord to combat the Hero that gets the most Threat level
An individual model will attack the Heroes with the stat they have the most dice for
The model tries to do as much damage to the Hero as possible
Order Minions who can cast a Spell act first, then those who can Shoot and finally those who can Fight
Where there is a choice of Minion within a type of attack, choose the one with the highest Minion level
In case of a tie use the one that needs to Move furthest to perform the action
Support Move Minions that are more than a single Move From any Hero towards the action
Minions who can cast a Spell may cast Spells that are not Attacks
For the Undead, this includes casting Raise Dead on Piles of Bones that are not adjacent to Heroes
Surround Minions are moved to block all exits for the Heroes, but without moving adjacent to them
Minions are placed physically in front of a door or by having a front arc Heroes cannot move through
Blocking exits
without stopping
Minions are moved so that as many Minions as possible can Fight the same Hero
Gang Up
If there is no more room, the next Hero becomes the target
Minions are moved so that as many Heroes as possible are in the front arc of one or more of the Minions,
Pin Heroes must be pinned as evenly as possible in Fights
When all the Heroes are in at least one front arc, start doubling up

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Each Hero has a Threat level equal to his level
Threat level
This value is modified by the 3 following informations, resolved in order
1. IO Threat Any Heroes matching any of the Threat types listed on the IO card add +3 per type they match
Spellcaster Any Hero that has the Spellcaster ability
Marksman Any Hero that has a Shooting Dice value
Armoured Any Hero with 4 or 5 Armour
Unarmoured Any Hero with 1 or 2 Armour
The Heroes that currently hasvethe most wounds have their Threat modified
There is no modifier if all the Heroes are uninjured
Any Hero that has suffered any number of wounds
There is no modifier if all the Heroes are uninjured
Quest Any Hero that is either the object of the quest or is carrying something required by it
2. Acting Minion's Minion's character types modify Threat of each Hero and react to it differently
character These characters are listed for each Minion in the Bestiary tables
Brutal The Minion always attacks the closest model, regardless of what it says on the card
Count Wounded and Weakest Heroe as +3 Threat
(cumulative and in addition to any modifier from the card)
Count Quest Heroes as +6 Threat
(cumulative, and in addition to any modifier from the card)
Warrior No modifier
Undead If there is a draw when deciding which Minion to act with, all concerned Minions act
3. Proximity Heroes adjacent to Minions have their Threat doubled for theses Minions
When an IO card is resolved, players have to determine which Minions follow the Order
Models acting
Select Minions 1 at a time and resolve their actions, in order
Step 1 Choose Minions that can do the Order without moving
Exception Ignore this step for a Pin order
Choose Minions that can do the Order if moving by starting with those who are the furthest from their
Step 2
Choose any other Minion : if the Number has not been reached and are no models left who can perform
the Order drawn, then do a Support Order with the remainder
Step 3
If the Number has still not been reached then do an Attack Order
If any still remain after all these Orders then they are ignored and the card is considered complete
If not defined under the section on Orders, when you need to decide between 2 or more Minions to act
then choose the one with the highest Level
In case of a tie : roll a dice to choose at random
Attack and Gang Up Orders need a specific target which must be determined for each of the Overlord’s
acting models separately
Target Unless otherwise specified, the target will always be the Hero with the highest Threat
If that Hero is not a possible target (usually because it cannot be reached) then go to the next highest
Threat Hero, and so on down until one can be targeted
If there is a tie for highest Hero Threat, then choose the nearest Hero as the target
If there is still a tie then roll a dice to choose at random

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Shuffle the Event cards to create the Event deck
Shuffle the Trap cards to create the Traps deck
Cards Sort Uncharted Dungeon cards (UD cards) by letter into piles and shuffle each pile
Draw the top card of each pile and shuffle them into 1 deck
Draw x cards from this deck to form the Dungeon deck for this adventure (the remainder is discarded)
Default values By default : x=4, it can be changed to have a shorter or longer game
The Overlord selects a type of Minions in the Bestiary
Overlord side
If the type of Minions doesn't fit aspecifi Overlord, use only Generic Overlord cards
The Overlord can use up to 6 models of each type for single square models, and up to 2 of each type of
larger model
Before the adventure begins, the Overlord selects or creates 2 Bosses
These should match the set of models he has selected
Command cards The Overlord gets 3 Overlord Command cards per UD card used
Balance If Heroes are inexperienced,the Overlord gets 4 Command cards per UD card used
The number of Commands the Overlord gets per turn depends on the total number of levels among the
Commands per turn
Total Level 0-8 2 Commands per turn
Total Level 9-16 3 Commands per turn
Total Level 17+ 4 Commands per turn
Draw 1 Event card to determine victory conditions and keep this secret until the end of the game
Hero side
Place a 2x2 tile on the table with the 4 Heroes on it (they choose their facing)
When the Overlord places the final UD card worth of tiles, the Heroes have reached the end of the
Victory conditions
dungeon : continue playing until one side wins
The Overlord wins by either crippling 1 of the Heroes or stalling them long enough to run the Heroes out
of time, measured by his Overlord cards
Heroes The bottom line of the Event card drawn at the start of the adventure states the victory condition
If the victory condition cannot be fulfilled because they rely on the Overlord having a particular type or
Exception number of models to kill : the Heroes win if they get to the end of the dungeon and kill all of the
inhabitants before they run out of time

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At the start of the game and each time the Heroes open a door to a new set of tiles, turn over the top card
Dungeon discovery
of the Dungeon deck and the top card of the Event deck
Create the map showed on the UD card by linking the side pointed at by the red arrow to the exit taken by
the Heroes
Always try to place the new tiles so that as many doors as possible go somewhere
Doors that do not connect to tiles are dummies that open onto a blank wall
After placing these tiles, roll 1 dice : place a door beside each green arrow on the side the dice result
Creating the dungeon matches
If there doesn’t look like enough room for a set of tiles beyond the side you’ve rolled, go clockwise
around the options on the card until you find one that will work : this is the way through to the next zone
of the dungeon
If this puts a door on top of a model placement square, or a piece of furniture, the door takes precedence
and any underlying model placement square or furniture is ignored
If the tiles do not fit with what has already been placed, 3 options :
Placement - you can either miss out one or more tiles from the new set, giving you a slightly different shape
exceptions - you can leave a small gap between areas or place them at a different angle
- you can remove some of the older tiles
After laying the tiles, turn over the top Event card to see whether there are any map traps : if the card
Random map traps says yes, shuffle the Trap counters face down and place 3 of them on the map in some of the locations
marked for models without looking at those counters until they are triggered
The Event cards tells how many levels of Minions can be placed and where they can go
Placing Overlord All of the Minions placed must be the same line in the Bestiary and the Overlord cannot place more than 4
models from a single Event card
Choose models from your available pool up to a total value listed on the Event card
The UD card maps all show a number of placement sites for models (red dots)
Once the Overlord has chosen his models he then places them on the board in some of the positions
shown on the UD card : he may leave some empty, but cannot place models in other parts of the dungeon
If he runs out of places to put the models then he must save those models for the next zone : they will be
added to those he can place with his first card (they need not be the same type)
Large models must be placed so that at least one of the squares they cover is a placement site (they can
Placement sites
stand on a map trap counter)
Exception : if you cannot place more than a single model with this first card and you have no choice about
placing only a single (or no) models, you may take a second Event card and place models up to that level
as well
Models placed by a second card follow the same rules as those for the first and can be a different type
from the first
Bosses are never in the first zone of the adventure
The Overlord gets to choose which Boss appears first
Whenever an Event card is turned to see how many models are in a new zone, a Boss may turn up if the
Placing Bosses
number of levels on the card is 3 or 6, roll 1 dice : if the dice roll is equal to or greater than the number of
levels on the card, a Boss is added in addition to any other models
If the Heroes reach the final zone before either Boss turns up, then 1 of them is always waiting there
Open Doors and Chests
Locks on doors and The first time a Hero moves adjacent to a door or chest, draw 1 Event card to see what type of lock it has
chests on it and if it is trapped
Lock Trap If trapped, when trying to open the door or the chest : draw 1 Trap card
Treasure Once a treasure chest is opened, draw 1 Event card to see what treasure is inside

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Heroes' Level Heroes begin the campaign at Level 0
Give the Heroes x campaign tries to get through all the adventures
Campaign balance The easiest way to balance a campaign is to change the number of campaign hours available. You can
either do this by simply picking what you think will work better for your group, or you can bid
Dwarf King's Quest 8 adventures : 15 tries
Other expansions 6 adventures : 10 tries
Choose 1 side to bid for : Heroes or Overlord
Bidding for the Overlord means offering higher numbers and for Heroes lower numbers of tries
Bidding Choose 1 player at random : he declares if he can win with a particular number of campaign tries
Then one of the other players who would like that role declares that he can do it in less/more
Continue until all players bar one have dropped out : the last player then plays through the campaign
with this load of tries
Pre-written Compare the total levels of the 4 Heroes to the limits listed in the expansion’s Quest Book : as long as
adventures they have not exceeded it they’re ready to play
After an adventure, each Hero will have Downtime, apart from the cases where adventures are tied in the
Heroes Downtime campaign and doesn't provide Downtime
Step are done in order
Recover Remove all the Wound counters from the Hero card
Trade between Heroes can be done any time during Downtime : only Gold and Items can be traded
Trade between Heroes
Heroes must be clear about which Hero begins each adventure with each Item
Heroes can swap Items between themselves as much as they like : these swaps can be free gifts,
Swapping Items
exchanges for Gold and/or other Items, pricing being their concern
Collect Gold Gain 1 Gold, then following who's the winner :
Gain 1 Glory
if winning Keep 1 Item you found in the dungeon, the other ones are discarded
If the Hero found no Items , he gets 1 Gold instead
if losing The Hero does not keep any Items and gets no extra Gold
Visit Each Hero has the choice between learning a Feat and going to some Locations
A Hero that has enough Glory to advance 1 level during this Downtime is allowed to learn 1 new feat if he
hasn’t already reached his current limit : it counts as his experience boost for that level and is done
Feat instead of visiting the Locations, this ends immediately his Downtime
The Hero chooses his new feat freely from either his racial Feat or the general Feats
Place the Market and Tavern Locations on the table, they are always available for Downtimes
Remove any Boss-location from the Location deck and shuffle it
Deal 1 Location for each Hero (not Boss) that took part in the adventure
A single location can be visited by some, all, or none of the Heroes in any given Downtime
Each Hero may visit Market, the Tavern and another single Location in any order
Each Location is represented by its own card and offers its own combination of benefits and risks
Calculate each Hero’s experience : if the total Glory of a Hero is sufficient he rises to a new level
Experience Heroes can rise to a maximum of level 10
Each new level that a Hero gains gives him a boost or Gold as he chooses
Take the Money The Hero gains Gold equal to the level he just reached
Choose 1 Boost between the Race table and the Profession table for the level the Hero just reached and
Learn from the potenially an Boost offered or modified by a Location
Master A Hero can only get each game value increase once through experience
Ranked abilities are a special case because each numbered rank works like a separate ability
Crossed blades : ranked abilities, followed by (*)
When a Hero gains a new ranked ability it will be at the lowest level listed
If the Hero already owns this ability and hasn't reached the maximum level, he adds +1 to the ability
Crystal : get 1 new Spell
separate out the Spell cards for the schools of magic the Hero knows, shuffle the ones he doesn't know
Boost icons and deal 6 at random, face up
Choose 1 Spell from this group of 6
Star : choose a new school of magic
Guitar : get 1 new Song
Shuffle the Song cards the Hero doesn't know and deal 3 at random
Choose 1 Song from this group of 3
End of Downtime Heroes are ready to start the next adventure
Bosses’ Downtime works in exactly the same way as those of the Heroes, either a campaign where Heroes
Overlord Downtime explore an Overlord's dungeon or where Bosses explore a Heroes' dungeon
The Overlord he may choose to run his Bosses through the Downtime even if he loses the adventure

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Use a Hero sheet to create a Hero panel
Choose 1 Race, 1 Profession, 1 Bonus and a name : this is the starting Hero
Races Race gives the basic stat line of the Hero and sometimes an ability
Professions Profession modifies the stat line of the Hero and gives him some abilities and starting equipment
When choosing a profession that requires to draw spells, do the following
Separate out the spell cards for the schools of magic the Hero knows, remove the Spells he already
Spellcaster knows, shuffle the remaining cards, and deal 6 at random, face up
The Hero must choose the first 2 spells from this group of 6
Put the 4 cards he didn’t take back in the pile : he chooses 1 Spell among these cards
Bonus Chosse 1 Bonus from the following
+1 Move
+3 Gold
1 Item at random from the deck (mix 1 card of each Item other than Paraphernalia and Magical furniture
that is still available and not used by any Boss in the whole campaign)
If the Hero draws an Item he cannot use, he still keeps it
1 spell drawn at random from a deck of cards that includes 1 of each of the spells the Hero doesn't know
from all the schools of magic that he does
1 Song at random, chosen from those the Hero doesn’t know
Boss creation follows the same rules
Bosses It is possible to pick from all the spells instead of a random selection, but keep to the numbers that they
would normally be allowed.
Experience Then the Boss can benefit from experience


Dwarf Human
Starting values Starting values
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
6 2 1 2 7 2 1 1
Starting ability : none Starting ability : none
Level 1 Teller of Tales Level 1 Dubious Character
Level 2 Stalwart Level 2 Teller of Tales
Level 3 Slam Level 3 Stalwart
Level 4 Tough Level 4 Teller of Tales
Level 5 Frenzy Level 5 Dubious Character
Level 6 +1D Combat Level 6 Sure Shot
Level 7 Speed of a Bullet Level 7 Nimble
Level 8 Stalwart Level 8 +1 Move
Level 9 Slam Level 9 Frenzy
Level 10 Teller of Tales Level 10 Tough

Elf Halfling
Starting values Starting values
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
8 2 1 1 6 2 1 1
Starting ability : none Starting ability : none
Level 1 Nimble Level 1 Dubious Character
Level 2 +1 Move Level 2 Teller of Tales
Level 3 Sure Shot Level 3 Stealth
Level 4 +1 Shooting Dice (Long) Level 4 Dubious Character
Level 5 Nimble Level 5 Stalwart
Level 6 Speed of a Bullet Level 6 +1 Move
Level 7 Sure Shot Level 7 Sure Shot
Level 8 +1 Move Level 8 Lockpicking
Level 9 Speed of a Bullet Level 9 +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 10 +1 Shooting Dice (Long) Level 10 Stealth

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Gladewalker Naiad
Starting values Starting values
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
8 2 1 2 8 2 1 1
Starting ability : Earth Starting ability : Water
Level 1 Stalwart Level 1 Stealth
Level 2 Tough Level 2 Nimble
Level 3 +1 Shooting Dice (Short) Level 3 +1 Move
Level 4 +1 Move Level 4 Sure Shot
Level 5 Nimble Level 5 Nimble
Level 6 Stalwart Level 6 +1 Move
Level 7 Tough Level 7 +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 8 Slam Level 8 +1 Move
Level 9 Teller of Tales Level 9 Relentless
Level 10 Slam Level 10 Nimble

Salamander Sylph
Starting values Starting values
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
6 3 1 1 8 2 1 1
Starting ability : Fire Starting ability : Air
Level 1 Tough Level 1 +1 Move
Level 2 Stalwart Level 2 Nimble
Level 3 Relentless Level 3 +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 4 Frenzy Level 4 Sure Shot
Level 5 Teller of Tales Level 5 Stalwart
Level 6 Slam Level 6 Nimble
Level 7 +1D Combat Level 7 +1 Move
Level 8 Stalwart Level 8 +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 9 Smash ! Level 9 Stealth
Level 10 Slam Level 10 Nimble

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Lord of the Abyss Abyssal Dwarf

Starting values Starting values
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
6 2 1 2 6 2 1 2
Starting ability : Fire, Essence of Fire Starting ability : none

Level 1 Tough Level 1 Slam

Level 2 Relentless Level 2 Tough
Level 3 Frenzy Level 3 Frenzy
Level 4 Tough Level 4 Stalwart
Level 5 Frenzy Level 5 Slam
Level 6 Smash! Level 6 Teller of Tales
Level 7 Slam Level 7 Stalwart
Level 8 Stalwart Level 8 Frenzy
Level 9 Frenzy Level 9 +1D Combat
Level 10 Relentless Level 10 Tough

Ogre Goblin
Starting values Starting values
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
6 3 1 2 7 2 1 1
Starting ability : Large Starting ability : none

Level 1 Tough Level 1 Dubious Character

Level 2 +1D Combat Level 2 Stealth
Level 3 Slam Level 3 +1 Move
Level 4 Dubious Character Level 4 +1 Shooting Dice (Long)
Level 5 Frenzy Level 5 Lockpicking
Level 6 Slam Level 6 Dubious Character
Level 7 Smash! Level 7 Sure Shot
Level 8 Stalwart Level 8 Stealth
Level 9 Slam Level 9 +1 Shooting Dice (Long)
Level 10 Teller of Tales Level 10 Dubious Character

Starting values
Movement Combat Armour Wounds
5 2 1 2
Starting ability : none

Level 1 Tough
Level 2 Frenzy
Level 3 Slam
Level 4 Stalwart
Level 5 Frenzy
Level 6 Dubious Character
Level 7 +1D Combat
Level 8 Stalwart
Level 9 Frenzy
Level 10 Tough

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Barbarian Bard
Value modifications Value modifications
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
+0 +3 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1
Starting abilities : none Starting abilities : Singer of Songs
Starting equipment : none Starting equipment : 2 Songs
Option 1 Option 2 Option 1 Option 2
Level 1 Stalwart Hammer Time Level 1 Dubious Character New song
Level 2 Relentless Freny Level 2 Stealth +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 3 +1 Déplacement Slam Level 3 New song Nimble
Level 4 Hammer Time Freny Level 4 Teller of Tales +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 5 Smash! Stalwart Level 5 New song Projecting
Level 6 Slam +1 Combat Dice Level 6 Nimble Stealth
Level 7 +1 Déplacement +1D Tir (Long) Level 7 Projecting +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 8 Freny Relentless Level 8 New song Sure Shot
Level 9 Sure Shot Freny Level 9 Stalwart +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 10 Tough +1D Tir (Long) Level 10 New song Sure Shot

Demon Hunter Fighter – Warrior

Value modifications Value modifications
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
+0 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +3 +2
Starting abilities : Null Starting abilities : none
Starting equipment : none Starting equipment : none
Option 1 Option 2 Option 1 Option 2
Level 1 Relentless Dubious character Level 1 Stalwart Slam
Level 2 Stalwart Tough Level 2 Hammer Time Sure Shot
Level 3 Speed of a Bullet +1 Shooting Dice (Short) Level 3 Slam Freny
Level 4 Teller of Tales Relentless Level 4 Speed of a Bullet +1 Combat Dice
Level 5 Stealth +1D Tir (Long) Level 5 Smash! +1D Tir (Long)
Level 6 Slam +1 Déplacement Level 6 Freny +1 Déplacement
Level 7 Smash! +1 Shooting Dice (Short) Level 7 Sure Shot Hammer Time
Level 8 Sure Shot Hammer Time Level 8 Stalwart +1D Tir (Long)
Level 9 +1 Combat Dice +1 Shooting Dice (Short) Level 9 +1D Tir (Long) Freny
Level 10 Sure Shot Hammer Time Level 10 Speed of a Bullet Stalwart

Fighter – Ranger Fighter – Dervish

Value modifications Value modifications
Movement Combat Shooting Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
+0 +1 +3 (long) +1 +1 +0 +1 +2 +2
Starting abilities : none Starting abilities : Frenzy
Starting equipment : none Starting equipment : none
Option 1 Option 2 Option 1 Option 2
Level 1 Stalwart Slam Level 1 Stalwart Slam
Level 2 Hammer Time Sure Shot Level 2 Hammer Time Sure Shot
Level 3 Slam Freny Level 3 Slam Freny
Level 4 Speed of a Bullet +1 Combat Dice Level 4 Speed of a Bullet +1 Combat Dice
Level 5 Smash! +1D Tir (Long) Level 5 Smash! +1D Tir (Long)
Level 6 Freny +1 Déplacement Level 6 Freny +1 Déplacement
Level 7 Sure Shot Hammer Time Level 7 Sure Shot Hammer Time
Level 8 Stalwart +1D Tir (Long) Level 8 Stalwart +1D Tir (Long)
Level 9 +1D Tir (Long) Freny Level 9 +1D Tir (Long) Freny
Level 10 Speed of a Bullet Stalwart Level 10 Speed of a Bullet Stalwart

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Cleric Paladin
Value modifications Value modifications
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
+0 +1 +1 +1 -1 +2 +3 +2
Starting abilities : Holy, Spellcaster, Divinity Starting abilities : Holy, Spellcaster, Divinity
Starting equipment : Draw 3 Divinity spells Starting equipment : Healing (minor spell)
Option 1 Option 2 Option 1 Option 2
Level 1 Stalwart New spell Level 1 Hammer Time Stalwart
Level 2 Nimble Stealth Level 2 New spell Tough
Level 3 New spell Stalwart Level 3 Hammer Time Relentless
Level 4 Magister Tough Level 4 +1 Combat Dice Smash!
Level 5 Nimble New spell Level 5 New spell Relentless
Level 6 Magister Stalwart Level 6 Stalwart Slam
Level 7 New spell Magus Level 7 Tough New spell
Level 8 Relentless +1 Shooting Dice (Short) Level 8 Stalwart Slam
Level 9 Magus New spell Level 9 Smash! New spell
Level 10 Smash! New spell Level 10 Tough New spell

Druid Wizard
Value modifications Value modifications
Movement Combat Armour Wounds Movement Combat Armour Wounds
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Spellcaster, Petty Magic
Choose 1 School of magic from
Starting abilities : Spellcaster, Druidism Starting abilities : Sorcery, Geomancy, Pyromancy,
Aeromancy, Hydromancy or
Necromancy (Bosses only)
Crystallise (minor spell)
Piocher 3 Druidism spells
Starting equipment : Starting equipment : Draw 3 additionnal spells
2x Power 1 Energy crystal
2x Power 1 Energy crystal
Option 1 Option 2 Option 1 Option 2
Level 1 Stalwart Hammer Time Level 1 New school New spell
Level 2 Relentless Freny Level 2 Stealth Dubious character
Level 3 +1 Déplacement Slam Level 3 Magister New spell
Level 4 Hammer Time Freny Level 4 Magister +1 Déplacement
Level 5 Smash! Stalwart Level 5 Magus New spell
Level 6 Slam +1 Combat Dice Level 6 New school Stalwart
Level 7 +1 Déplacement +1D Tir (Long) Level 7 Magus New spell
Level 8 Freny Relentless Level 8 New school New spell
Level 9 Sure Shot Freny Level 9 New school New spell
Level 10 Tough +1D Tir (Long) Level 10 Magus New spell

Value modifications
Movement Combat Shooting Armour Wounds
+0 +1 +2 (short) +1 +1
Starting abilities : Lockpicking
Starting equipment : none
Option 1 Option 2
Level 1 Dubious Character +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
Level 2 Nimble Disaem Traps
Level 3 Stealth Dubious character
Level 4 +1 Déplacement Nimble
Level 5 Disarm Traps Relentless
Level 6 +1 Shooting Dice (Short) Nimble
Level 7 Tough +1 Déplacement
Level 8 +1 Shooting Dice (Short) Master Locksmith
Level 9 Tough Stalwart
Level 10 Master Locksmith +1 Shooting Dice (Short)
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Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Lower Abyssal 7 3 - 1 2 Warrior Fire, Wounds (2)
Abyssal guard 7 3 - 3 3 Warrior Fire, Wounds (2)
Lower Abyssal
7 3 - 1 3 Warrior Fire, Wounds (2), Flamespitter
Succubus 8 4 - 2 5 Cunning Fire, Wounds (2), Hypnotic Gaze
Hellhound 8 3 - 2 4 Brutal Fire, Frenzy (1)
Tortured Soul 5 2 - 1 4 Brutal Fire, Soul Drain
Fire, Halo of Flame, Essence of Fire,
Efreet 6 4 - 2 5 Warrior
Wounds (2)
Fire, Large, Wounds (6), Tough,
Moloch 5 5 - 3 10 Brutal
Hammer Time, Slam
Boss : Lord of the Abyss

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Decimator 6 4 3 (Long) 3 5 Warrior Wounds (2)
Blacksoul 6 4 - 3 5 Cunning Slam, Wounds (2)
Gargoyle 8 4 - 2 5 Warrior Swoop, Wounds (2)
Obsidian Golem 5 4 - 4 8 Brutal Large, Wounds (6)
Boss : Abyssal Dwarf

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Crossbowman 7 4 3 (Long) 2 4 Warrior Wounds (2)
Man-at-Arms 7 3 - 3 4 Warrior Slam, Wounds (2)
Sisterhood 8 4 - 4 5 Warrior Hammer Time, Wounds (2)
Paladin 7 4 - 4 6 Cunning Hammer Time, Wounds (2)
Hammer Time, Tough, Swoop, Wounds
Elohi 8 5 - 4 10 Warrior

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Ironclad 6 4 - 3 5 Warrior Slam, Wounds (2)
Shield Breaker 6 4 - 3 5 Brutal Hammer Time, Wounds (3)
Berserker 6 5 - 1 6 Brutal Frenzy (2), Wounds (2)
Crossbowman 6 4 3 (Long) 3 5 Warrior Wounds (2)
Rifleman 6 4 3 (Long) 3 6 Warrior Speed of a Bullet, Wounds (2)
Dwarf Mastiff 4 2 1 1 2 Warrior Small

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Spearman 8 4 - 3 5 Warrior Nimble, Slam, Wounds (2)
Archer 8 4 3 (Long) 3 6 Cunning Nimble, Wounds (2)
Scout 8 4 3 (Long) 2 7 Cunning Nimble, Sure Shot, Wounds (2)
Palace Guard 7 5 - 4 9 Warrior Nimble, Frenzy (1), Wounds (2)
Sabre-toothed Cat 10 3 - 2 2 Cunning Nimble, Stealth

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Warrior 5 4 - 2 6 Warrior Nimble, Slam, Wounds (2)
Smasher 5 4 - 2 8 Brutal -
Shooter 5 4 3 (Long) 2 7 Brutal -
Boomer 5 4 3 (Long) 2 8 Brutal -
Boss : Ogre

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Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Warrior 7 3 - 2 2 Cowardly Wounds (2)
Archer 7 2 3 (Long) 1 2 Cowardly Wounds (2)
Mawbeast 8 4 - 2 7 Brutal Frenzy (2)
Goblin Mincer 4 4 - 5 9 Cowardly Large, Frenzy (3), Smash!
Troll 4 5 - 4 10 Brutal Large, Wounds (5), Regenerate
Goblin War Trombone 4 2 4 (Long) 2 7 Cowardly Large, Speed of a Bullet, Wounds (2)
Boss : Goblin

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Ax 5 5 - 3 5 Warrior Green Rage, Slam
Greatax 5 5 - 3 6 Brutal Green Rage, Hammer Time
Morax 5 5 - 3 6 Brutal Green Rage, Frenzy (1)
Orc Archer 5 4 3 (Long) 2 7 Warrior Green Rage
Orclings 4 4 - 3 2 Cowardly Pesky, Small, Wounds (2)
Boss : Orc

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Pile of Bones counter - - - - 0,5 - -
Skeleton Warrior 4 2 - 2 1 Undead Skeletal
Skeleton Archer 4 2 3 (Long) 1 2 Undead Skeletal
Revenant 4 4 - 3 3 Undead Skeletal
Wraith 4 2 - 5 2 Undead Walk Trough Walls
Mummy 4 4 - 3 5 Undead Wounds (2)
Zombie 4 2 - 1 1 Undead Mob Rule, Zombified
Armoured Zombie 4 2 - 3 2 Undead Mob Rule, Zombified
Large, Mob Rule, Regenerate, Wounds
Zombie Troll 4 4 - 4 9 Undead
Ghoul 7 3 - 2 2 Cowardly -
Werewolf 8 5 - 3 7 Brutal Large, Slam, Wounds (3)
Wounds (3), Spellcaster (Spell :
Vampire 7 5 - 2 8 Cunning
Transfix), Swoop
Skeletal Hound 6 2 - 1 2 Undead Small

Model Movement Combat Shooting Armour Level Character Notes
Giant Rat 5 2 - 1 1 Cunning Stealth
Giant Spider 5 3 - 1 2 Cunning Wounds (2)
Bat Swarm 6 2 - 1 2 Cunning Swoop, Wounds (3)

The Dwarf King's Quest GLORY

Number of
Adventure Heroes Total Level Total Glory Level
1 0 0 0 0
2 3 1 1
3 6 2-3 2
4 9 4-6 3
5 12 7-10 4
6 15 11-15 5
7 18 16-21 6
8 20 22-28 7
29-36 8
37-45 9
46-55 10

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When defending against an Aeromancy spell the model may re-roll up to 3 dice that fail to beat its own
Any Geomancy spells, or Fight attacks from a model with Earth, modify the model’s Armour by -1 while
Air resolving that attack
Any Hero with this ability can cast a Short-ranged 2 dice Magical attack in his LOS
This attack counts as a minor Aeromancy spell and can be cast even if the model is not a Spellcaster This
attack requires Line of Sight and is Short-ranged
Disarm traps Effects depend on the kind of Trap
Before attempting to open a lock (by any means) a model with this ability spends its action try to disarm
any trap that may be hidden on it
(the Heroes don't know the item is actually trapped or not at this point, unless in solo game)
Lock Traps
When a Hero subsequently tries to open the lock, roll 1 dice :
- on a 2 or better any trap has been disarmed and can be ignored
- on a 1 you should roll to see if it goes off as usual
Map traps can be disarmed by a model with this ability moving adjacent to the map trap counter and
spending an action to try disarming it
Map Traps When a Hero subsequently steps on the trapped square, roll a1dice to see if the disarming worked :
- on a 2 or better the map trap is removed
- on a 1 it is triggered as normal
During Downtime : if the model chooses the Thieves’ Den they may roll 1 dice more than normal and keep
Dubious Character
the preferred result
When defending against an Geomancy spell the model may re-roll up to 3 dice that fail to beat its own
Any Aeromancy spells, or Fight attacks from a model with Air, modify the model’s Armour by -1 while
Earth resolving that attack
Any Hero with this ability can cast a Short-ranged 2 dice Magical attack in his LOS
This attack counts as a minor Geomancy spell and can be cast even if the model is not a Spellcaster This
attack requires Line of Sight and is Short-ranged
Essence of Fire The model gains Regenerate as long as it is standing on a Lava square
Flamespitter The model may Shoot at Long Range, with the effect of a 4 dice Magical attack
When defending against an Pyromancy spell the model may re-roll up to 3 dice that fail to beat its own
Any Hydromancy spells, or Fight attacks from a model with Earth, modify the model’s Armour by -1 while
Fire resolving that attack
Any Hero with this ability can cast a Short-ranged 2 dice Magical attack in his LOS
This attack counts as a minor Pyromancy spell and can be cast even if the model is not a Spellcaster This
attack requires Line of Sight and is Short-ranged
When the model is the attacker in a Fight he may re-roll a number of dice that fail to beat the defender’s
Frenzy (1-3)
The first time a model with this ability suffers at least 1 Wound it gets 1 Green Rage counter regardless of
the amount of damage it suffers (whatever the number of Wounds it suffers)
Green Rage
Any model with a Green Rage gets +1 Combat dice and +2 Movement and is killed by any Wound it
Any enemy model that makes a Fight attack against this model suffers a 3 dice Pyromancy Magical attack
Halo of Flame
after the Fight has been resolved
Hammer Time When the model uses a Fight attack, the target gets -1 Armour for this roll
During Downtime : if the model chooses the Temple Location they may roll 1 dice more than normal and
keep the preferred result
Huge The model is a Huge Creature
The model may cast a Petty Magic spell with Long range that requires line of sight
Hypnotic Gaze
The target gets a Hypnotic Gaze counter
The Hypnotic Gaze counter is removed if either the caster or target is attacked
The Hypnotic Gaze counter is removed if the caster moves, Fights or casts another spell
A friendly model adjacent to the hypnotised model can use their action to remove the Hypnotic Gaze
Large The model is a Large Creature
Lockpicking Each time a model with this ability spends their turn trying to open a lock its value is reduced by 1
Long range/Marksman Shooting Dice (Long)
Magister When the model casts Minor spells, they may cast 3 in a single turn instead of 2
Magus When the model casts Major spells,they may cast 2 in a single turn instead of 1
Master Locksmith Each time a model with this ability spends their turn trying to open a lock its value is reduced by 2
When a model with this rule is attacking, each other model that has the defender in its front arc gives the
Mob rule
attacker an extra dice

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If the model suffers at least 1 Hit in a Fight, roll 1 dice before working out any damage
Nimble On a 6 the model is not hurt and makes an immediate Break Away move with no Free Strikes
If there is nowhere for the model to Break Away to then the model is damaged as normal
Any model that is within Short range of the Null model must roll 1 dice for each spell they wish to cast :
- on a 1 : the spell is disrupted and cannot be cast again that Round
- on a 2 : the spell works, but the caster’s turn ends once it has been resolved
- on a 3-6 : the spell works as normal
Pesky The model cannot trigger Fight attacks
Projecting Any song that is listed as short range may be sung as long range instead
When the model suffers any damage it rolls a single dice : on a 5 or 6 it reduces the number of wounds
Regenerate suffered by 1, down to a minimum of 0
At the end of each round roll a single dice : on the a 5 or 6 the model heals 1 wound
Precision If the model has Regenerate as well as Tough then it only rolls for Regenerate
If the model’s first Fight attack in a turn results in any damage to the defender then they may immediately
make a second Fight attack against the same or different enemy model
Short range/Deft Throw Shooting Dice (Short)
Singer of Songs The model can sing songs
The model ignores the first Hit that it takes every time it is attacked
Skeletal If the model suffers 2 Hits in a single attack, it is replaced by a Pile of Bones counter
If the model suffers 3 Hits in a single attack, it is removed from the Board
When the model is the attacker, he may choose to make a Slam instead of a normal Fight attack if the
defender has a base size that is not larger than his
Slam / Shield Bash This causes no damage, the defender is pushed into one of three possible squares, chosen by the
attacker, the direction the defender is facing remains the same (there must be an empty square on the
board for the model to be pushed into)
Small The model is so short that it does not block Shoot attacks
Smash! When the model uses a Fight attack, the target gets -1 Armour for this roll
The model may use Soul Drain as an action : the model itself, plus all adjacent models (friend and foe)
Soul Drain
immediately suffer 1 Hit each., this bypasses all Armour and other protections
Speed of a Bullet When the model uses a Shoot attack, the target gets -1 Armour for this roll
Spellcaster The model can use magic to cast spells
Stalwart (1-3) When the model is the defender he may re-roll a number of dice that fail to beat his own Armour
Stealth The model cannot be targeted beyond Short range if a LOS is required
A model with this ability that is not adjacent to an enemy model counts as half the Threat it would
IO game
When the model shoots at an enemy he may re-roll a number of dice that fail to beat the defender’s
Sure Shot (1-3)
The model can glide for small distances : treat their move as if they are not touching the floor
The model can freely move over map traps without triggering them
The model can move over lava, water or furniture that a model can Shoot over
The model cannot end its movement on any square which would normally be prohibited
During Downtime : if the model chooses the Tavern Location they may roll 1 dice more than normal and
Teller of tales
keep the preferred result
Tough At the end of each round : the model rolls 1 dice : on a 6 the model heals 1 wound
During Downtime : the model may roll 1 dice more than normal in their chosen Location and keep the
preferred result
The model can move through solid walls : the square immediately before and after a wall must lie in a
Walk through Walls straight line from each other and it cannot end its turn inside a wall
A wall counts as 1 space regardless of its actual size
When defending against an Hydromancy spell the model may re-roll up to 3 dice that fail to beat its own
Any Pyromancy spells, or Fight attacks from a model with Earth, modify the model’s Armour by -1 while
Water resolving that attack
Any Hero with this ability can cast a Short-ranged 2 dice Magical attack in his LOS
This attack counts as a minor Hydromancy spell and can be cast even if the model is not a Spellcaster
Every hit the model suffers counts as 1 wound
Wounds (1-10)
The model can take the specified number of wounds, and when it takes the last one it dies
A zombified model will ignore the first two hits that it takes every time it is attacked
Only with a third hit in a single attack will a zombified model be killed and removed from the Board

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Blessed Aura All adjacent friendly models heal 1 wound
Blessing All friendly Heroes in Short range heal 1 wound
Dead Zone For the rest of this Round, no spell can be cast within Short range of the Hero
The Hero must be a Spellcaster to use this feat
The Hero can cast a single spell at a greater distance than usual: adjacent becomes short, short becomes
long, long becomes twice as far
The effects of the spell remain the same
The Hero must be a Spellcaster to use this feat
Roll 1 dice :
Essence - on 1-2 : the Hero gets 4 Power 1 Energy crystals
- on 3-4 : the Hero gets 2 Power 2 Energy crystals
- on 5-6 : the Hero gets 2 Power 3 Energy crystals
The Hero must be a Spellcaster to use this feat
Focus The Hero can cast up to 3 Major spells, they may be cast even if they are currently Recharging, these
spells are not rotated if they are recharging
The Hero must have a Shooting Dice value to use this feat
Hail of Arrows
The Hero may Shoot 3 times in the same turn, resolve each one before deciding on the next target
The Hero must be a Spellcaster to use this feat
In Tune with Nature
The Hero can cast up to 4 Minor spells
All enemy models within Short range that have an elemental ability (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) are stunned
Nature's Withering
and cannot move or act for the remainder of this round
All enemy models adjacent to the Hero must move away 1 square if there is room
Now I'm Angry
If there is a choice, the Hero decides which square they move into
The Hero must know Singer of Songs to use this feat
Sing Me Another
The Hero can sing two songs this Turn
The Hero fights as normal
Then, if the defender is removed from the board, he may immediately fight again
If there are no models to fight, he may move 1 square : if he can now Fight then he must do so Continue
until the Hero can no longer fight or fails to remove his target in 1 attack
The Hero makes a separate 4 dice attack against every enemy model adjacent to him, even in his rear arc
The Hero’s attacks are not modified, but the defender’s are modified as normal

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The Hero cannot be injured for the remainder of this round
In addition, all adjacent, non-Hero enemy models cannot make Free Strikes, move, or perform any action
None Shall Pass!
for the rest of this round
They make all defence rolls at -1 dice
The Hero can use the feat of any friendly Hero as if it was his own
This does not count as a use of the feat for the other Hero
The Hero must have a Shooting Dice value to use this feat
Trick Shot
The Hero may Shoot any model on the board, at up to twice the distance of long range
The Hero must know Lockpicking to use this feat
Make it Look Easy The Hero can move up to 3 squares using the normal rules, and then open a single, adjacent, mundane
lock, regardless of its difficulty
The Hero cannot move or be moved for the rest of this round
Take Root
In addition, the Hero gains +3 Armour (up to a maximum of 5)
For the rest of this Round, no enemy model may move adjacent to a friendly Hero if they are not already
Cool Waters there
Enemies are also prohibited from making a Free Strike or breaking away
All adjacent models are attacked with a 3 dice magical attack, those two squares away with 2 dice, and
Firestorm those 3 squares away with 1 dice
The Hero himself cannot be wounded by this fire
The Hero can select up to 3 enemy models within 3 squares of him
He may then move each of them up to 2 squares, ignoring all arcs and Free Strikes and choosing their
Sudden Storm
direction of facing at the end (they may not be moved off the board)
They do not Fight if they are moved adjacent to an enemy
For the rest of this Round and all of next Round, an enemy that makes a Fight attack against this model
Halo of Flame
suffers a 3 dice magical Pyromancy attack after the Fight has been resolved
The Hero can move up to 3 squares ignoring enemy arcs and Free Strikes
Rolling Stone He may move into squares containing other models : the model is pushed out of the way into an adjacent
square of the moving model’s choice, facing is decided by the owner of the pushed model
Limitation The Hero cannot move into a square containing another model if there is no empty square to push it into

The Hero may make a Fight attack against up to 3 separate models in his front arc (he may only attack
Grind their Bones each model once) Each attack is resolved as normal, with the additional penalty of -2 to the target’s
Sneak Off The Hero can make a move of his normal distance, ignoring enemy arcs and Free Strikes
Any friendly Orc models within long range may be changed to their Green Rage state immediately
In addition, the Hero may Fight as normal

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