ST Peters N
ST Peters N
ST Peters N
18th December 2018
We have had a wonderful first term here in St. Peter’s National School. There have been lots of new
beginnings, new learning and new friendships formed.
It has been an extremely busy term with lots achieved, all of which is a credit to the hard-working,
enthusiastic and dedicated staff here at St. Peter’s National School. Everyone has a fantastic ‘can-do’
attitude and this along with the incredible teamwork has made this term such a success. I would like to
extend a sincere thank you to all the staff for welcoming me so warmly into the school. It is really wonderful
to feel so much part of a team so quickly. Have a look below to see all that has been achieved this term!
Policy Development/Review
We have been working really hard this term to update our policies. So far, the following administrative and
curricular policies have been developed/reviewed and ratified by the Board of Management. All
developed/reviewed policies have been uploaded to the website for everyone to see.
Administrative: Curricular:
• Child Safeguarding Statement • English Oral Language Policy
• EPV Policy
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers for working so hard on the development of
these policies. This scale of policy development, in such a short term, really would not have been possible
without the collaborative and positive approach and input from all.
The PTA have been working overtime this term and have done extremely well in raising much needed funds
for our school. On behalf of us all, I would like to extend a big thank you to them all for volunteering their
time to organise the wonderful events that have taken place during this first school term. Each event has
been hugely successful. It is as a result of the dedication and enthusiasm the PTA demonstrates that the
following has been achieved!
Cash for Clobber was the first PTA arranged event and resulted in raising €247 for the school.
Spooky Walk was a fantastic event for the children. A special mention must be made to Ms. McGovern and
all of 6th class who made the whole event extra spooky. Their wonderful pumpkins and decorating of the
church grounds really added to the event, which raised €607.50 for the school.
Bag Packing in Dunnes Stores Ongar was an excellent fundraiser, raising a huge €1420.18 for the school.
We must extend a big thank you to everyone who donated their time on the Friday and Saturday – without
your support this amazing fundraiser would not have been possible so thank you! We are hoping to bag pack
again next term, so if you weren’t able to volunteer last time, don’t worry there will be further opportunities!
Christmas Fair – well what can I say? The Christmas Fair was a truly wonderful event for all. It was full of
joy, camaraderie and a real sense of working together. The sheer dedication from everyone involved made
the Christmas Fair a huge success, raising a fantastic €5752.43 for the school.
Thank you to all the parents who donated their time and volunteered their services to the PTA this term. As
a result of these four fundraising events the PTA have raised a fantastic total of €8027.11. A great
Attendance and Time Keeping
We have been working really hard on promoting the importance of good attendance here in St. Peter’s
National School. Many children received certificates for full attendance on the Friday before Midterm. This
Friday in Assembly we will be awarding certificates for full attendance since Midterm. Congratulations to
all those who have been working really hard on their attendance.
There are still a small number of children arriving late to school. All children should be arriving to school as
close to 8.30 as possible. The first 20 minutes is vital organisational time for the children and therefore it is
important all children are in school on time. Hopefully we can improve this next term.
Active Flag
We are working towards renewing our Active Flag and a new Active Flag Committee has been set up for
this school year. The committee works really hard to motivate all the children to take part in ‘Active line up’
at the end of the school break. Have a look at the great pictures on the website.
Our new playground markings are complete! A BIG thank you to John for completing all the markings (I
have a sneaky suspicion he may in fact be Banksy!) and to the PTA who donated the paint. The yard looks
brilliant and the children love them!
Orienteering League
5th and 6th class attended their first Leinster Schools Orienteering League on the 10th of October in
Malahide Castle. These events are extremely competitive and to place in the top 10 is a great achievement.
St. Peter’s performed very well for their first ever event.
4 children placed in the top 10 in their category. These achievements were celebrated and the children were
presented with certificates in assembly. We are all very proud of you!
• Josh Whitley-Halvey 5th out of 55 6th class boys
• Aisling O’Neill 4th out of 56 6th class girls
It was a super event and we are very grateful to the PTA who paid for Bus. We are looking forward to the
next league event, which will take place sometime next term.
Credit Union Art Competition
The theme was ‘The Force of Nature’. All the children created beautiful pieces. The Credit Union said that
the standard this year was at an all time high so all the children did really well. See below the final results!
11-13 8-10 7 and under
§ 1st Josh Whitley • 1st Hamish Crothers § 1st Kate Doheny
Final note
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being so supportive and encouraging during my first
term in St. Peter’s N.S. I feel very lucky to be part of such a wonderful school with such a fantastic positive
ethos that resonates in all aspects of school life. It has been a great start to this school year and I just know
this will continue next term. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Miss Blennerhassett