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PVG 32

Proportional Valve

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Revisions, Literature Reference

Revision History Table of revisions

Date Page Changed Rev
Jun 2010 69 Code numbers changed GD
Dec 2010 80 New back cover GE
Sep 2012 All Major update HA
Oct 2012 15,23,24,51,63 New images, notes HB

Literature Reference Literature reference for PVG products

Title Type Order number
PVG 32 Metric ports Technical Information 11051935
PVG 100 Technical Information 520L0720
PVG 120 Proportional Valve Technical Information 520L0356
Basic Module for PVBZ Technical Information 520L0721
PVSK Module with Integrated Diverter Valve and P-disconnect
Technical Information 520L0556
PVED-CC Electrohydraulic actuator Technical Information 520L0665
PVED-CX Electrohydraulic actuator, Series 4 Technical Information 11070179
PVE Series 4 Technical Information 520L0553
PVPV / PVPVM Pump Side Module Technical Information 520L0222
Electrohydraulic Actuator Type PVHC for PVG 32 and PVG 100 Technical Information 11064912
Combination Module PVGI Technical Information 520L0405
PVSP/M Priority Module Technical Information 520L0291
PVBM Meter-in Meter-out Module Datasheet L1117392

This PVG 32 catalog lists modules without T0 facilities, for more information regarding T0 facilities please see
PVG 32 Metric port, 11051935 and Basic module PVBZ, 520L0721.

© 2012 Sauer-Danfoss. All rights reserved.

Sauer-Danfoss accepts no responsibility for possible errors in catalogs, brochures and other printed material.
Sauer -Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without prior notice. This also applies to products already
ordered provided that such alterations can be made without affecting agreed specifications. All trademarks
in this material are properties of their respective owners. Sauer-Danfoss, the Sauer-Danfoss logotype, the
Sauer-Danfoss S-icon, PLUS+1™, What really matters is inside® and Know-How in Motion™ are trademarks of the
Sauer-Danfoss Group.
 Frontpage: F301302, F301306, F301056, Drawing 157-195.

2 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

General Information General Description........................................................................................................................................ 6

Features of PVG 32.................................................................................................................................... 6
PVG Modules..................................................................................................................................................... 6
PVP, pump side modules......................................................................................................................... 6
PVB, basic modules................................................................................................................................... 6
Actuation modules.................................................................................................................................... 7
Remote control units................................................................................................................................ 7
Accessories........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Safety in Application...................................................................................................................................... 8
FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) IEC EN 61508............................................................... 8
Hazard and Risk Analysis ISO 12100-1 / 14121............................................................................... 8
Control System Examples....................................................................................................................... 9
PVG32 – Mainly used in system with fixed displacement pumps..........................................11
PVG100 – Alternative LS dump or pilot supply disconnect......................................................11
PVG120 – Pump disconnect/block for variable pumps.............................................................11
PVG 32 with Open Center PVP (fixed displacement pump) .........................................................12
PVG 32 with Closed Center PVP (variable displacement pump) . ...............................................13
PVG 32 Sectional View.................................................................................................................................14
Load Sensing for Variable Displacement Pump Supply..................................................................15

Function Load Sensing Controls.................................................................................................................................16

Remote Pressure Compensated Controls.............................................................................................17
Remote pressure compensated system characteristics:............................................................17
Typical applications for remote pressure compensated systems:.........................................17
PVG 32 Main Spool with Pressure Compensated Control..............................................................18
Pressure compensated system characteristics..............................................................................18
Typical applications for pressure compensated systems..........................................................18
PVPC Adapter for External Pilot Oil Supply..........................................................................................19
PVPC with check valve for open center PVP..................................................................................19
PVPC without check valve for open or closed center PVP........................................................20
PVMR, Friction Detent..................................................................................................................................21
PVMF, Mechanical Float Position Lock...................................................................................................21
PVBS, Main Spools for Flow Control (Standard).................................................................................22
PVBS, Main Spools for Pressure Control................................................................................................22
PVBS, Main Spools for Flow Control (with Linear Characteristic).................................................22
PVPX, Electrical LS Unloading Valve.......................................................................................................26

Technical Data PVG 32...............................................................................................................................................................27

PVH, Hydraulic Actuation...........................................................................................................................28
PVM, Mechanical Actuation.......................................................................................................................28
PVE Technical Data........................................................................................................................................29
PVPX, Electrical LS Unloading Valve.......................................................................................................32

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 3

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

Electrical Actuation Electrical control of PVG.............................................................................................................................33

Closed loop control.................................................................................................................................35
PVED-CC and PVED-CX................................................................................................................................38

Modules and Code PVP, Pump Side Modules............................................................................................................................40

Numbers PVP, Pump Side Modules............................................................................................................................41
PVB, Basic Modules – Without Adjustable LSA/B Pressure Limiting Valves................................42
PVB, Basic Modules - Without Adjustable LSA/B Pressure Limiting Valves................................43
PVB, Basic Modules - With Adjustable LSA/B Pressure Limiting Valves......................................44
PVLA, Suction Valve (fitted in PVB)..........................................................................................................45
PVLP, Shock and Suction Valve (Fitted in PVB)...................................................................................45
PVM, Mechanical Actuation.......................................................................................................................46
PVMD, Cover for Mechanical Actuation................................................................................................46
PVMR, Friction Detent..................................................................................................................................46
PVMF, Mechanical Float Position.............................................................................................................46
PVH, Hydraulic Actuation...........................................................................................................................46
PVS, End Plate.................................................................................................................................................47
PVAS, Assembly Kit.......................................................................................................................................47
PVPX, Electrical LS Unloaded Valve.........................................................................................................48
PVPC, Plug for External Pilot Oil Supply................................................................................................48

Technical Characteristics General..............................................................................................................................................................49

PVP, Pump Side Module..............................................................................................................................49
Oil flow characteristics . ........................................................................................................................50
Pressure-compensated PVB, open or closed center PVP .........................................................50
PVB, Basic Modules.......................................................................................................................................51
PVB without pressure compensation, open center PVP............................................................52
PVB without pressure compensation, closed center PVP.........................................................54
PVLP, Shock and Suction Valve................................................................................................................57
PVLA, Suction Valve......................................................................................................................................57
Pressure Control Spool Flow Characteristics in Various Positions...............................................58
Pressure Build-up for Pressure Controlled Spools.............................................................................59
Examples of How To Use the Characteristics for Pressure Control Spools................................59
Characteristics for Float Position Main Spools....................................................................................60

4 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

Dimensions Dimensions......................................................................................................................................................62
Control Lever Positions...............................................................................................................................64
Surface Treatment.........................................................................................................................................64

Hydraulic Systems Manually Actuated PVG 32 – Fixed Displacement Pump...............................................................65

Electrically Actuated PVG 32 – Variable Displacement Pump.......................................................66

Other Operating Oil........................................................................................................................................................................67

Conditions Filtration...........................................................................................................................................................68

Module Selection Chart Standard FC Spools.......................................................................................................................................69

FC Spools for Mechanical Float Position PVMF..................................................................................71
Standard FC Spools, Hydraulic Actuation.............................................................................................72
PVMR, FC Spools for Friction Detent......................................................................................................72
FC Spools with Linear Flow Characteristic ..........................................................................................73
Standard PC Spools .....................................................................................................................................74
Standard PC Spools, Hydraulic Actuation............................................................................................76
PVB, basic valves............................................................................................................................................77
PVPC, plugs......................................................................................................................................................77
PVM, mechanical actuation.......................................................................................................................77
PVAS, assembly kit........................................................................................................................................77
PVP, pump side module..............................................................................................................................78
PVLP, shock/ and anti-cavitation valves................................................................................................78
PVPX, electrical LS pressure relief valves..............................................................................................78
PVS and PVSI, End plate..............................................................................................................................78
PVE, electrical actuation.............................................................................................................................79
PVMD, PVMR, PVMF, PVH covers..............................................................................................................79
PVLA, anti-cavitation valve........................................................................................................................79

Order Specification Order Specification.......................................................................................................................................80

Order Specification Forms..........................................................................................................................82

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 5

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

General Description PVG 32 is a hydraulic load sensing valve designed to give maximum flexibility. From
a simple load sensing directional valve, to an advanced electrically controlled load-
independent proportional valve.

The PVG 32 modular system makes it possible to build up a valve group to meet
requirements precisely. The compact external dimensions of the valve remain
unchanged whatever combination is specified.

Features of PVG 32 • Load-independent flow control:

–– Oil flow to an individual function is independent of the load pressure of this function
–– Oil flow to one function is independent of the load pressure of other functions
• Good regulation characteristics
• Energy-saving
• Up to 12 basic modules per valve group
• Several types of connection threads
• Low weight
• Compact design and installation

PVG Modules PVP, pump side modules

• Built-in pressure relief valve
• Pressure gauge connection
• Versions:
–– Open center version for systems with fixed displacement pumps
–– Closed center version for systems with variable displacement pumps
–– Pilot oil supply for electrical actuator built into the pump side module
–– Pilot oil supply for hydraulic actuation built into the pump side module
–– Versions prepared for electrical LS unloading valve PVPX

PVB, basic modules

• Interchangeable spools
• Depending on requirements the basic module can be supplied with:
–– Integrated pressure compensator in channel P
–– Load holding check valve in channel P
–– Shock/suction valves for A and B ports
–– LS pressure limiting valves individually adjustable for ports A and B
–– Different interchangeable spool variants
–– All versions suitable for mechanical, hydraulic and electrical actuation

6 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

PVG Modules (continued) Actuation modules

The basic module is always fitted with mechanical actuator PVM and PVMD, which can
be combined with the following as required:
• Electrical actuator (11 - 32 V --- ):
–– PVES – proportional, Super
–– PVEH – proportional, High performance
–– PVEH-F – proportional high performance, Float
–– PVEA – proportional low hysteresis
–– PVEM – proportional, Medium performance
–– PVEU – proportional, voltage control, 0-10 V
–– PVED-CC – Digital CAN controlled J1939/ISOBUS
–– PVED-CX – Digital CAN controlled CANopen X-tra safety
–– PVEP – PWM voltage controlled (11-32V)
–– PVHC – High Current actuator for PVG
• PVMR, cover for Mechanical detent
• PVMF, cover for Mechanical Float
• PVH, cover for Hydraulic actuation

Accessories Remote control units

• Electrical remote control units:
–– Prof 1
–– Prof 1 CIP
–– JS120
–– JS1000 Ball grip
–– JS1000 PROgrip
–– JS2000
–– JS6000
–– JS7000
• Hydraulic remote control unit:

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 7

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

Safety in Application All makes and all types of control valves (incl. proportional valves) can fail, thus the
necessary protection against the serious consequences of function failure should
always be built into the system. For each application an assessment should be made for
the consequences of pressure failure and uncontrolled or blocked movements.

To determine the degree of protection that is required to be built into the application,
system tools such an FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and Hazard and Risk
Analysis can be used.

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) IEC EN 61508

FMEA is a tool used for analyzing potential risks. This analytical technique is utilized to
define, identify, and prioritize the elimination or reduction of known and/or potential
failures from a given system before it is released for production.
Please refer to IEC FMEA Standard 61508.

Hazard and Risk Analysis ISO 12100-1 / 14121

This analysis is a tool used in new applications as it will indicate whether there are
special safety considerations to be met according to the machine directives EN 13849.
Dependent on the determined levels conformity this analysis will detirmine if any extra
requirements for the product design, development process, production process or
maintenance, i.e. the complete product life cycle.

All makes/brands and types of directional control valves – inclusive proportional valves –
can fail and cause serious damage. It is therefore important to analyze all aspects of the
Because the proportional valves are used in many different operation conditions and
applications, the manufacturer of the application is alone responsible for making the
final selection of the products – and assuring that all performance, safety and warning
requirements of the application are met.
The process of choosing the control system – and safety levels – is governed by the
machine directives EN 13849 (Safety related requirements for control systems).

8 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

Safety in Application Control System Examples

(continued) Example of a control system for manlift using PVE Fault monitoring input signals and
signals from external sensors to ensure the PLUS+1™ main controllers correct function of
the manlift.
Emergency stop /
Man present switch

HMI / Joystick


detection sensors

Main controller
with safety logic

A Main power supply

B E mergency stop/man
present switch
C HMI/Joystick control
DM  ovement detection
G Hydraulic
sensors T P deactivation
E Main controller
F PVG 32 control valve
G Hydraulic deactivation

WWarning P301 316

It is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated
in the machine is declared as being in confirmity with the relevant machine directives.

Electrical block diagram for above illustration

Main power supply Emergency stop and Motion detection sensor
(battery) Man present switch

Supply Main control valve

Main controller
Neutral Supply Signal
HMI / Joystick Detection Control Conditioning
neutral switch
Signal Fault
Signal Conditioning PVE fault output

Detection Hydraulic deactivation
P301 317

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 9

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

Safety in Application Example of a typical wiring block diagram using PVEH with neutral power off switch and
(continued) fault monitoring output for hydraulic deactivation.

Emergency Man present

stop switch

PVE 1 Neutral detection / Supply control

1) with AMP
C signal connector
≠ Delay 1(US)
neutral 2(UDC2)
3( )
B 4(Error)

PVE 2 Neutral detection / Supply control

1) with AMP
C signal connector
≠ Delay 1(US)
neutral 2(UDC2)
3( )
B 4(Error)

E1 E2

A Emergency stop / man present switch
B PVE Faultmonitoring signals

C Neutral signal detection. low=off
D Hydraulic deactivation Hydraulic
Fault detection output D deactivation

P301 318

System Control Logic e.g. PLUS+1™ for signal monitoring and triggering signal for
deactivation of the hydraulic system.

It is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated
in the machine is declared as being in confirmity with the relevant machine directives.

10 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

Safety in Application Example of fault monitoring for deactivation of the hydraulic system with extra fault
(continued) inputs using the PVE’s with DI (Direction Indication) function.
Emergency Man present
Stop switch

PVE 1 Neutral detection / Supply control

1) AMP supply
signal connector
≠ Delay 1(US)
neutral 2(UDC2)
3( )

AMP connector
2) Fault detection 1(DI-A)
DI-B 3) 2(DI-B)
DI-A DI Output Delay Memory 3( )
US Logic 4(UDC)

PVE 2 Neutral detection / Supply control

1) AMP supply
signal connector
≠ Delay 1(US)
neutral 2(UDC2)
3( )

AMP connector
2) Fault detection
DI-B 2(DI-B)
3) 4)
DI-A DI Output 3( )
Delay Memory 4(UDC)
US Logic


System Control Logic e.g. PLUS+1™ for low=off

signal monitoring and triggering signal Hydraulic

Fault detection output
for deactivation of the hydraulic system.
P301 319

It is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated
in the machine is declared as being in confirmity with the relevant machine directives.

Other modules which can be used in connection with hydraulic deactivation at different

PVG32 – Mainly used in system with fixed displacement pumps

• PVSK, commonly used in crane application - full flow dump
• PVPX, LS dump to tank

PVG100 – Alternative LS dump or pilot supply disconnect

• PVPP, pilot oil supply shut off
• External cartridge valve connecting LS Pressure to Tank
• External cartridge valve connecting main Pressure to Tank

PVG120 – Pump disconnect/block for variable pumps

• PVPE, full flow dump for the PVG 120
• External cartridge valve connecting LS Pressure to Tank
520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 11
PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

PVG 32 with Open Center When the pump is started and the main spools in the individual basic modules (11) are in
PVP (fixed displacement the neutral position, oil flows from the pump, through connection P, across the pressure
pump) • PVB with Flow adjustment spool (6) to tank. The oil flow led across the pressure adjustment spool
Control Spool determines the pump pressure (stand-by pressure).

When one or more of the main spools are actuated, the highest load pressure is fed
through the shuttle valve circuit (10) to the spring chamber behind the pressure
adjustment spool (6), and completely or partially closes the connection to tank to
maintain pump pressure.

Pump pressure is applied to the right-hand side of the pressure adjustment spool (6).
The pressure relief valve (1) will open should the load pressure exceed the set value,
diverting pump flow back to tank.

In a pressure-compensated basic module the compensator (14) maintains a constant

pressure drop across the main spool – both when the load changes and when a module
with a higher load pressure is actuated.

With a non pressure-compensated basic module incorporating a load drop check valve
(18) in channel P, the check valve prevents return oil flow.

The basic module can be supplied without the load drop check valve in channel P for
functions with over-center valves.

The shock valves PVLP (13) with fixed setting and the suction valves PVLA (17) on ports
A and B are used for the protection of the individual working function against overload
and/or cavitation.

An adjustable LS pressure limiting valve (12) can be built into the A and B ports of
pressure-compensated basic modules to limit the pressure from the individual working

Please see The sectional drawing V310106.A on the next page for better understanding of
this example.

The LS pressure limiting valves save energy compared with the shock valves PVLP:
• with PVLP all the oil flow to the working function will be led across the combined
shock and suction valves to tank if the pressure exceeds the fixed setting.
• with LS pressure limiting valves an oil flow of about 2 l/min [0.5 US gal/min] will be led
across the LS pressure limiting valve to tank if the pressure exceeds the valve setting.

12 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

PVG 32 with Closed In the closed center version of PVP an orifice (5) and a plug (7) have been fitted instead
Center PVP (variable of the plug (4). This means that the pressure adjustment spool (6) will only open to tank
displacement pump) • when the pressure in channel P exceeds the set value of the pressure relief valve (1).
PVB with Flow Control
Spool In load sensing systems the load pressure is led to the pump control via the LS
connection (8).

In the neutral position the pump load sense control sets the displacement so that
leakage in the system is compensated, to maintain the set stand-by pressure.
When a main spool is actuated the pump load sense control will adjust the displacement
so that the set differential pressure (margin) between P and LS is maintained.

The pressure relief valve (1) in PVP should be set at a pressure of approx. 30 bar [435 psi]
above maximum system pressure (set on the pump or external pressure relief valve).

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 13

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

PVG 32 Sectional View PVG 32 Sectional Drawing

1 2



12 7 B A 6 13


PVB 10

14 16 B A 17 15



19 18 20

1. Pressure relief valve 11. Main spool

2. Pressure reduction valve for pilot oil supply 12. LS pressure limiting valve
3. Pressure gauge connection 13. Shock and suction valve, PVLP
4. Plug, open center 14. Pressure compensator
5. Orifice, closed center 15. LS connection, port A
6. Pressure adjustment spool 16. LS connection, port B
7. Plug, closed center 17. Suction valve, PVLA
8. LS connection 18. Load drop check valve
9. LS signal 19. Pilot oil supply for PVE
10. Shuttle valve 20. Max. oil flow adjustment screws for ports A and B

14 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
General Information

Load Sensing for Variable The pump receives fluid directly from the reservoir through the inlet line. A screen in the
Displacement Pump inlet line protects the pump from large contaminants. The pump outlet feeds directional
Supply control valves such as PVG-32, hydraulic integrated circuits (HIC), and other types of
control valves. The PVG valve directs and controls pump flow to cylinders, motors and
other work functions. A heat exchanger cools the fluid returning from the valve. A filter
cleans the fluid before it returns to the reservoir.

Flow in the circuit determines the speed of the actuators. The position of the PVG valve
spool determines the flow demand. A hydraulic pressure signal (LS signal) communicates
demand to the pump control. The pump control monitors the pressure differential
between pump outlet and the LS signal, and regulates servo pressure to control the
swashplate angle. Swashplate angle determines pump flow.

Actuator load determines system pressure. The pump control monitors system pressure
and will decrease the swashplate angle to reduce flow if system pressure reaches the
pump control setting. A secondary system relief valve in the PVG valve acts as a back-up
to control system pressure.

Pictorial circuit diagram

Double-acting cylinder
K/L Frame Series 45
open circuit axial
piston pump with
load sensing control
PVG 32

gear motor

System pressure

Servo pressure
Heat exchanger
Filter Actuator pressure
Load sense pressure

Actuator return

Suction / case drain /

P101 658E
system return

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 15

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

Load Sensing Controls The LS control matches system requirements for both pressure and flow in the circuit
regardless of the working pressure. Used with a closed center control valve, the pump
remains in low-pressure standby mode with zero flow until the valve is opened.
The LS setting determines standby pressure.

Typical operating curve Load sensing circuit

Q max

PC setting
0 Pressure
P101 968E

P101 967

Most load sensing systems use parallel, closed center, control valves with special porting that
allows the highest work function pressure (LS signal) to feed back to the LS control.

Margin pressure is the difference between system pressure and the LS signal pressure.
The LS control monitors margin pressure to read system demand. A drop in margin pressure
means the system needs more flow. A rise in margin pressure tells the LS control to decrease

LS control with bleed orifice (do not use with PVG valves)
The load sense signal line requires a bleed orifice to prevent high-pressure lockup of the
pump control. Most load-sensing control valves include this orifice. An optional internal
bleed orifice is available, for use with control valves that do not internally bleed the LS
signal to tank.

Integral PC function
The LS control also performs as a PC control, decreasing pump flow when system
pressure reaches the PC setting. The pressure compensating function has priority over
the load sensing function.

For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line.

Load sensing system characteristics:

• Variable pressure and flow
• Low pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
• System flow adjusted to meet system requirements
• Lower torque requirements during engine start-up
• Single pump can supply flow and regulate pressure for multiple circuits
• Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements

16 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

Remote Pressure The remote PC control is a two-stage control that allows multiple PC settings. Remote PC
Compensated Controls controls are commonly used in applications requiring low and high pressure PC operation.

Typical operating curve Closed center circuit with remote PC

Q max


Remote PC setting

PC setting
0 Pressure P101 969E

P101 966

The remote PC control uses a pilot line connected to an external hydraulic valve.
The external valve changes pressure in the pilot line, causing the PC control to operate at
a lower pressure. When the pilot line is vented to reservoir, the pump maintains pressure
at the load sense setting. When pilot flow is blocked, the pump maintains pressure at the
PC setting. An on-off solenoid valve can be used in the pilot line to create a low-pressure
standby mode. A proportional solenoid valve, coupled with a microprocessor control,
can produce an infinite range of operating pressures between the low pressure standby
setting and the PC setting.

Size the external valve and plumbing for a pilot flow of 3.8 l/min [1 US gal/min].
For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line.

Remote pressure compensated system characteristics:

• Constant pressure and variable flow
• High or low pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
• System flow adjusts to meet system requirements
• Single pump can provide flow to multiple work functions
• Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements

Typical applications for remote pressure compensated systems:

• Modulating fan drives
• Anti-stall control with engine speed feedback
• Front wheel assist
• Road rollers
• Combine harvesters
• Wood chippers

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 17

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVG 32 Main Spool with The PC control maintains constant system pressure in the hydraulic circuit by varying the
Pressure Compensated output flow of the pump. Used with a closed center control valve, the pump remains in
Control high pressure standby mode at the PC setting with zero flow until the function is actuated.

Typical operating curve Simple closed-center circuit

Q max

PC setting

0 Pressure P101 166E

P101 965

Once the closed center valve is opened, the PC control senses the immediate drop in
system pressure and increases pump flow by increasing the swashplate angle.
The pump continues to increase flow until system pressure reaches the PC setting.
If system pressure exceeds the PC setting, the PC control reduces the swashplate angle
to maintain system pressure by reducing flow. The PC control continues to monitor
system pressure and changes swashplate angle to match the output flow with the work
function pressure requirements. If the demand for flow exceeds the capacity of the
pump, the PC control directs the pump to maximum displacement. In this condition,
actual system pressure depends on the actuator load.

For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line.
* Do not use the PVG 32 with LB control

Pressure compensated system characteristics

• Constant pressure and variable flow
• High pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
• System flow adjusts to meet system requirements
• Single pump can provide flow to multiple work functions
• Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements

Typical applications for pressure compensated systems

• Constant force cylinders (bailers, compactors, refuse trucks)
• On/off fan drives
• Drill rigs
• Sweepers
• Trenchers

18 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVPC Adapter for PVPC with check valve for open center PVP
External Pilot Oil Supply PVPC with check valve is used in systems
where it is necessary to operate the PVG 32
valve by means of the electrical remote
control without pump flow.

When the external solenoid valve is

opened, oil from the pressure side of
the cylinder is fed via the PVPC through
the pressure reducing valve to act as the
pilot supply for the electrical actuators.
This means that a load can be lowered by
means of the remote control lever without
starting the pump.

The built-in check valve prevents the oil from flowing via the pressure adjustment spool
to tank.

With the pump functioning normally the external solenoid valve is closed to ensure that
the load is not lowered due to the pilot supply oil flow requirement of approximately
1 l/min [0.25 US gal/min].

With closed center PVP the external pilot oil supply can be connected to the pressure
gauge connection without the use of a PVPC plug.

Hydraulic diagram

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 19

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVPC Adapter for PVPC without check valve for open or closed center PVP
External Pilot Oil Supply PVPC without check valve is used in
(continued) systems where it is necessary to supply
the PVG 32 valve with oil from a manually
operated emergency pump without
directing oil flow to the pilot oil supply
(oil consumption about 0,5 l/min) [0.13
US gal/min].

When the main pump is working normally,

the oil is directed through the PVPC plug
via the pressure reduction valve to the
electrical actuators.

When the main pump flow fails, the external shuttle valve ensures that the oil flow from
the manually operated emergency pump is used to pilot open the over center valve and
lower the load. The load can only be lowered using the mechanical operating lever of the
PVG 32 valve.

Hydraulic diagram

20 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVMR, Friction Detent The friction detent PVMR allows the PVMR
directional spool to be held in any
position, resulting in infinitely variable,
reversible, pressure compensated flow.

This can be sustained indefinitely

without having to continue to hold the
mechanical lever.

PVMR should only be used together

with PVB basic modules with pressure

PVMF, Mechanical Float Allows the float spool to be held in the float position after release of the
Position Lock mechanical handle.



(Standard assembly) (Standard assembly)

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 21

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVBS, Main Spools for When using standard flow control spools, the pump pressure is determined by the
Flow Control (Standard) highest load pressure. This is done either via the pressure adjustment spool in open center
PVP (fixed displacement pumps) or via the pump control (variable displacement pumps).

In this way the pump pressure will always correspond to the load pressure plus the stand-by
pressure of the pressure adjustment spool or the pump control. This will normally give
optimum and stable adjustment of the oil flow.

PVBS, Main Spools PVBS main spools with linear characteristic have less dead band than standard spools
for Flow Control (with and a proportional ratio between control signal and oil flow in the range beyond the
Linear Characteristic) dead band. PVBS with linear characteristic must never be used together with PVEM
electrical actuators.

The interaction between the small dead band of the spools and the hysteresis of the
PVEM actuator of 20% involves a risk of building up a LS pressure in neutral position.

In a few systems load sensing pump pressure may result in unstable adjustment of the
oil flow and a tendency towards system hunting.

This may be the case with working functions that have a large moment of inertia or over-
center valves. In such systems main spools for pressure control can be advantageous.

PVBS, Main Spools for The spools are designed in such a way that the pump pressure is controlled by the spool
Pressure Control travel. The main spool must be displaced until the pump pressure just exceeds the load
pressure before the working function is applied. If the main spool is held in this position,
the pump pressure will remain constant – even if the load pressure changes – giving a
stable system.
The use of pressure control spools, however, also means that:
• the oil flow is load dependent
• the dead band is load dependent
• the pump pressure can exceed the load pressure by more than is usual
• the pressure drop across main spool varies (energy consumption)

Due to these factors it is recommended that pressure control spools are only used when
it is known for certain that problems with stability will arise or already have arisen, and in
applications where constant pressure is needed e.g. drill holding.

22 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVG 32 Main Spool Background

with Pressure Control Instability in load sense control systems in certain applications with oscillations in
(continued) the range of 1/2 - 2 Hz. can cause severe instability problems while trying to control
functions in an application.

Critical applications are usually related to functions with an important inertia torque
and/or functions with secondarily fitted pressure controlled components e.g. over-center

Examples; a slewing function and main lifting/lowering function of a crane.

The problem usually manifests itself in prolonged oscillation phenomena (Fig. 1), in a
relatively constant sequence of oscillations (Fig. 2) or in the worst case in an amplified
sequence of oscillations (Fig. 3).

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3

P Prolonged sequence P Constant sequence P Amplified sequence

time time time

P005 627E

To control the oscillation phenomena the "pressure control spool" was developed and is
a patented system which can minimize most of the oscillation issues described above.

The idea was to create a system operating independently of a constantly changing
load pressure. Therefore, we changed the well-known LS principle (Fig. 4), so that
compensated pump pressure is part of the LS system (Fig. 5) after the pressure
compensator and before the metering range of the main spool. Upon actuation of the
spool, it will be led via a fixed and a variable orifice.

The opening area of the variable orifice is at maximum at initial actuation and 0 at full
stroke of the spool and then the pressure created between the two orifices is led into the
LS system in the usual way.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 23

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVG 32 Main Spool with Fig. 4 Flow Controlled Spool

Pressure Compensated
Control (continued) A

P005 625

Fig. 5 Pressure Controlled Spool

P005 626

In this way the pump pressure is built The pump pressure vs. the spool travel curve
up depending on the spool travel, i.e.
the spool will then have to be stroked
to a position that the pump pressure is
higher than the actual load pressure to
make the oil flow from P➝A/B.

When the load changes for a fixed spool

position the flow to for the function will
also change.

The valve section is now a load-dependent valve, but ensuring a constant pump
pressure which is important in obtaining a stable function.

24 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVG 32 Main Spool with Application

Pressure Compensated Pressure controlled spools should in principle only be used when you have stability
Control (continued) issues. Typical applications on a crane:
• Lifting/lowering movement
• Slewing movement with cylinders
• For the main lifting/lowering function on a crane it is recommended to fit a "half"
pressure control spool. This means that the spool is designed with a normal flow
control on the lifting port and pressure control connected to the port where the pilot
signal to the over-center valve is acting. You will thus maintain a load-independent
lifting movement and achieve a stable but load-depending lowering movement.
• As the load pressure on slewing movements is usually steady - irrespective of the
crane being loaded or not – it will be advantageous to use a "full" pressure control
spool for A and B port.

In both cases we recommend the use of a basic valve, PVB, with pressure compensator.
The pressure compensator will ensure the individual load-independency between the
basic valves.
It is further recommended to use the LS pressure relief valves as not only will they ensure
individual pressure limitation but also make it possible to adjust the maximum oil flow to
the function.
It is not recommended to use shock valves as pressure limiting valves in connection with
pressure control spools.

The size of "half" (e.g: P - A = flow control P - B pressure control) pressure control spools
is determined on basis of max. flow demand on the lifting port. If e.g. a max. pressure
compensated flow of 65 l/min for the lifting movement, you choose a 65 L/min spool
(size D). The metering characteristic has then a given size. As it is often requested to
limit the use of the crane boom for downward push/force mode and the LS pressure
limitation can be used. It will appear from the characteristics enclosed what effect a
pressure limitation, PLS will have on max. flow on the lowering port.

The size for a "full" pressure control spool is determined on basis of known load pressure,
PLS max, and requested max. flow.
It will appear from the characteristics enclosed that if the load PLS is low and the pump
pressure, Pp, is high as a result of max. stroked spool you will get a large flow.

If PLS is approaching PLS max. the flow will be reduced and the dead band increased.
Max. oil flow can be reduced by approx. 50% without limiting max. pressure.
The reduction is made by limiting the spool travel from 7 mm to 5.5 mm.

If a pressure controlled spool is chosen for stability reasons consideration should be
made to features related to the pressure control principle.

Deadband will change according to the load conditions and the valve section will
become load-dependent and that the pump pressure may exceed the load pressure.
With all of the above in mind, a “pressure controlled spool” will minimize oscillation and
obtain a stable function that can be controlled smooth and precise.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 25

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

PVPX, Electrical LS PVPX is a solenoid LS unloading valve. PVPX is fitted into the pump side module
Unloading Valve enabling a connection to be made between the LS and the tank lines. Thus the LS signal
can be relieved to tank by means of an electric signal.

For a PVP pump side module in open center version the relief to tank of the LS signal
means that the pressure in the system is reduced to the sum of the tank port pressure
plus the neutral flow pressure for the pump side module.

For a PVP pump side module in closed center version the relief to tank of the LS signal
means that the pressure is reduced to the sum of the tank port pressure for the pump
side module plus the stand-by pressure of the pump.


26 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Data

PVG 32 The characteristics in this catalog are typical measured values. During measuring a
mineral based hydraulic oil with a viscosity of 21 mm2/s [102 SUS] at a temperature of
50 °C [122 °F] was used.

Technical data
Port P continuous 350 bar 1) [5075 psi]
Port P intermittent 400 bar 5) [5800 psi]
Max. pressure Port A/B continous 350 bar [5075 psi]
Port A/B intermittent 420 bar 5) [6090 psi]
Port T, static/dynamic 25/40 bar [365/580 psi]
Port P 140/230 l/min 3) 4) [37/61 US gal/min] 3) 4)
Oil flow rated Port A/B, with press.comp. 100 l/min 2) [26.4 US gal/min] 2)
Port A/B witout press.comp. 125 l/min [33 US gal/min]
Spool travel, standard ± 7 mm [± 0.28 in]
Spool travel, Proportional range ± 4.8 mm ± 0.19 in]
float position Float position ± 8 mm [± 0.32 in]
Dead band, Standard ±1.5 mm [± 0.06 in]
flow control spools Linear characteristic ± 0.8 mm [± 0.03 in]
Max. internal leakage A/B → T without shock valve 20 cm3/min [1.85 in3/min]
at 100 bar [1450 psi] and
21 mm2/s [102 SUS] A/B → T with shock valve 25 cm3/min [2.15 in3/min]
Recommended temperature 30 → 60 °C [86 → 140°F]
Oil temperature
Min. temperature -30 °C [-22 °F]
(inlet temperature)
Max. temperature +90 °C [194 °F]
Ambient temperature -30 → 60 °C [-22 → 140 °F]
Operating range 12 - 75 mm2/s [65 - 347 SUS]
Oil viscosity Min. viscosity 4 mm2/s [39 SUS]
Max. viscosity 460 mm2/s [2128 SUS]
Filtration Max. contamination
23/19/16 23/19/16
(See chapter Filtration) (ISO 4406)
Oil consumtion in pilot oil pressure reduction valve 0.5 l/min [0.13 US gal/min]
1) With PVSI end plate. With PVS end plate max. 300 bar [4351 psi].
2) For 130 l/min contact Product Application Engineering Sauer-Danfoss.
3) In open circuit systems with short P-hoses/tubes, attention should be paid to pressure peaks at flows
>100 l/min [26.4 US gal/min] .
4) For system with mid inlet PVPVM.
5) Intermittent pressure at max. 250,000 cycles of full PVG life time cycles, with PVSI end plate. The maximum
intermittent pressure at max. 250,000 cycles stresses the need to confirm application duty cycle before
proceeding with specification. For further information contact Product Application Engineering Sauer-Danfoss.

Rated Pressure
Product Rated pressure
PVG 32 with PVS 300 bar [4351 psi]
PVG 32 with PVSI 350 bar [5076 psi]
PVG 32 with PVBZ 250 bar [3626 psi]
PVG 32 with HIC steel 350 bar [5076 psi]
PVG 32 with HIC aluminium 210 bar [3046 psi]
PVG 120/32 with PVS 300 bar [4351 psi]
PVG 120/32 with PVSI 350 bar [5076 psi]
PVG 100/32 with PVS 300 bar [4351 psi]
PVG 100/32 with PVSI 350 bar [5076 psi]
Maximum continuous P-port pressure.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 27

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Data

PVH, Hydraulic Actuation Technical data for PVH

Control range pressure 5 – 15 bar [75 – 220 psi]
Max. pilot pressure 30 bar [435 psi]
Max. pressure on port T* 10 bar [145 psi]
* The hydraulic remote control lever should be connected directly to tank.

PVM, Mechanical Technical data for PVM

Actuation Operating Torque N•m [lbf•in]
Spool displacement
2.2 ±0.2 2.2 ±0.2 2.5 ±0.2 17 22
from neutral position
[19.5 ±1.8] [19.5 ±1.8] [22.1 ±1.8] [3.8] [5.0]
2.8 ±0.2 2.8 ±0.2 6.9 ±0.2
max. spool travel – –
[24.8 ±1.8] [24.8 ±1.8] [61.0 ±1.8]
into float position – – – – 60 [13.5]
away from float position – – – – 28 [6.3]
from any other position – – – 8.5 [73.3] –

Control lever position No 2x6

control lever ±19.5°
Control range proportional ±13.4°
float position 22.3°

For PVE please see the PVE-Series 4 for PVG 32, PVG 100 and PVG 120 Technical Information, 520L0553.

28 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Data

PVE Technical Data Technical data for PVEO and PVEM

rated 12 V DC 24 V DC
Supply voltage UDC range 11 V to 15 V 22 V to 30 V
max. ripple 5%
Current consumption at rated voltage 0.65 A @ 12 V 0.33 A @ 24 V
neutral 0.5 x UDC
Signal voltage (PVEM)
A-port ↔ B-port 0.25 • UDC to 0.75 • UDC
Signal current at rated voltage (PVEM) 0.25 mA 0.50 mA
Input impedance in relation to 0.5 • UDC 12 KΩ
Power consumption 8W

Reaction time for PVEO and PVEM

Supply voltage Function ON/OFF ON/OFF Prop. medium
s s s
max. 0.235 0.410 0.700
Disconnected by means Reaction time from neutral rated 0.180 0.350 0.450
of neutral switch position to max. spool travel
min. 0.120 0.250 0.230

max. 0.175 0.330 0.175

Disconnected by means Reaction time from max. spool rated 0.090 0.270 0.090
of neutral switch travel to neutral position
min. 0.065 0.250 0.065
max. - - 0.700
Reaction time from neutral
Constant voltage rated - - 0.450
position to max. spool position
min. - - 0.230
max. - - 0.700
Reaction time from max. spool
Constant voltage rated - - 0.450
travel to neutral position
min. - - 0.230
Hysteresis * rated - - 20%
* Hysteresis (control signal/spool travel) is indicated at rated voltage and f = 0.02 Hz for one cycle.
(one cycle = neutral → full A → full B → neutral)

Technical data for PVEA, PVEH and PVES

rated 11 V to 32 V
Supply voltage UDC range 11 V to 32 V
max. ripple 5%
Current consumption at rated voltage PVEH/PVES (PVEA) 0.57 (0.33) A @ 12 V 0.3 (0.17) A @ 24 V
neutral 0.5 x UDC
Signal voltage
A-port ↔ B-port 0.25 • UDC to 0.75 • UDC
Signal current at rated voltage 0.25 mA to 0.70 mA
Input impedance in relation to 0.5 • UDC 12 KΩ
Input capacitor 100 ηF
Power consumption PVEH/PVES (PVEA) 7 (3.5) W
Max. load 100 mA 60 mA
(PVEH/PVES) Active Reaction time at fault 500 ms (PVEA: 750 ms)
Passive Reaction time at fault 250 ms (PVEA: 750 ms)

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 29

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Data

PVE Technical Data Reaction time for PVEA, PVEH and PVES
(continued) PVEA PVEH PVES
Supply voltage Function Prop. fine Prop. high Prop. super
s s s
Disconnected by max. 0.50 0.23 0.23
Reaction time from neutral
means of neutral rated 0.32 0.15 0.15
position to max. spool travel
switch min. 0.25 0.12 0.12
Disconnected by max. 0.55 0.175 0.175
Reaction time from max. spool
means of neutral rated 0.40 0.09 0.09
travel to neutral position
switch min. 0.30 0.065 0.065
max. 0.50 0.20 0.20
Reaction time from neutral
Constant voltage rated 0.32 0.12 0.12
position to max. spool travel
min. 0.25 0.05 0.05
max. 0.25 0.10 0.10
Reaction time from max. spool
Constant voltage rated 0.20 0.09 0.09
travel to neutral position
min. 0.15 0.065 0.065
Hysteresis * rated 2% 4% ∼ 0%

Typical hysteresis characteristics for control signal vs spool travel af different PVE types*
Spool position

* Hysteresis (control signal/spool travel) is indicated at rated voltage and f = 0.02 Hz.
(one cycle = neutral → full A → full B → neutral)

The following technical data are from typical test results. For the hydraulic system a
mineral based hydraulic oil with a viscosity of 21 mm2/s [102 SUS] and a temperature of
50 °C [122 °F] were used.

30 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Data

PVE Technical Data Pilot oil consumption PVEA, PVEH, PVES, PVEO and PVEM
Prop. fine Prop. high Prop. super ON/OFF Prop. medium
Neutral without 0.3 l/min
0 0 0 0
supply voltage [0.079 US gal/min]
Locked with 0.4 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.1 l/min 0.1 l/min
supply voltage [0.106 US gal/min] [0.026 US gal/min] [0.026 US gal/min] [0.026 US gal/min] [0.026 US gal/min]
One actuation
(neutral → max)
2 cm3 [0,12 in3]
with supply
1 l/min 0.7 l/min 0.8 l/min 0.7 l/min 0.5 l/min
actuations with
[0.26 US gal/min] [0.185 US gal/min] [0.211 US gal/min] [0.185 US gal/min] [0.132 US gal/min]
supply voltage

recommended range 12 - 75 mm2/s [65 - 347 SUS]

Oil viscosity * minimum 4 mm2/s [39 SUS]
maximum 460 mm2/s [2128 SUS]
recommended range 30 - 60˚C [86 -140˚F]
Oil temperature minimum -30˚C [-22˚F]
maximum 90˚C [194˚F]
Ambient temperature recommended range -30° → 60°C [-22° → 140°F]
Max. allowed degree of contamination: 23/19/16
Filtering in the hydraulic system
(ISO 4406, 1999 version)
* Max. start up viscosity 2500 mm2/s.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 31

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Data

PVPX, Electrical LS Technical data for PVPX

Unloading Valve Max. operating pressure 350 bar [5075 psi]
Enclosure to IEC 529 IP65
Max. pressure drop at an oil flow of 0.1 l/min [2.6 US gal/min] 2 bar [30 psi]
Recommended temperature 30°C to 60°C [86°F to 140°F]
Oil temperature
Min. temperature -30°C [-22°F]
Max. temperature 90°C [194°F]
Max. coil surface temperature 155°C [311°F]
Ambient temperature -30°C to 60°C [-22°F to 140°F]
Operating range 12 to 75 mm2/s [65 to 347 SUS]
Oil viscosity Min. viscosity 4 mm2/s [39 SUS]
Max. viscosity 460 mm2/s [2128 SUS]
Response time for LS pressure relief 300 ms
Rated voltage 12 V 24 V
Max. premissible deviation from rated supply voltage ± 10%
Current consumption at 22°C [72°F] coil temperature 1.55 A 0.78 A
at rated voltage at 110°C [230°F] coil temperature 1A 0.5 A
at 22°C [72°F] coil temperature 19 W
Power consumption
at 110°C [230°F] coil temperature 12 W

32 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Electrical Actuation

Electrical control of PVG Valve actuation with electrical actuators PVG with PVE
has been supported by Sauer-Danfoss
for a long time. The actuation can be
controlled directly by joystick, by a
PLUS+1 controller or by a broad range of
third part controllers.

The actuator controls the spool by

building up pilot oil pressure on the
end of the spool. For the PVE a pilot oil
pressure between 10 and 15 bar is used.
For the PVHC a pilot oil pressure between F500113

20 and 25 bar is used.

Valve section with naming - standard mounted - seen from PVP

P -> A

Pilot oil supply Oil

B port A port

Neutral spring

NC Solenoid valves
NO solenoid valves

A detailed description of the variants is presented in the PVE-Series 4 for PVG 32, PVG 100
and PVG 120 Technical Information, 520L0553, covers all analogue PVE – PVEO, PVEH,
PVES, PVEA, PVEM, PVEU, PVEP – and the current controlled PVHC.

Electrohydraulic Actuator – PVED-CC Series 4 Technical Information, 520L0665, covers the

ISOBUS/SAE J1939 CAN controlled PVED-CC.

Electrohydraulic Actuator – PVED-CX Series 4 Technical Information, 11070179, covers the

IEC61508 SIL2 certified CANopen controlled PVED-CX.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 33

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Electrical Actuation

Electrical control of PVG PVE characteristic – control by voltage


control range
2.5V 5V 7.5V fixed

34 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Electrical Actuation

Closed loop control

The PVE variants PVEA/H/M/S/U/P and the PVED-CC/-CX has a closed loop control
supported by a spool position sensor that ensures integrity towards flow forces and oil

Hysteresis for PVE variants*

Spool position

Hysteresis (Control signal /spool travel) is indicated at rated voltage and f = 0.02 Hz for
one cycle (one cycle = neutral → full A → full B → neutral).

The values are typical test data for exact ranges, see PVE Technical Information, 520L0553.
• PVEU is available with PVEH and PVES hysteresis
• PVEP, PVED-CC and PVED-CX are available with PVES hysteresis

The standard PVE’s are proportional activated actuator except PVEO which is on/off.
The PVE’s have fault-monitoring.

Fault monitoring overview

Error Fault Memory
Fault Delay before
Type Error mode output output on LED light (reset
monitoring error out
status PVE 1) needed)
PVEO No fault
– – – – – –
PVEM monitoring
No fault Low <2V Green –
500 ms Input signal faults Flashing red
PVEA Active
(PVEA: 750 ms) Transducer (LVDT) High ∼UDC Yes
PVEH Constant red
Close loop fault
No fault Low <2V Green –
PVEU 250 ms Input signal faults Flashing red
(PVEA: 750 ms) Transducer (LVDT) High ~UDC No
Constant red
Close loop fault
PVE 500 ms Float not active
Float Active High ~UD Constant red Yes
750 ms Float still active
six pin

1) Measured between fault output pin and ground.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 35

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Electrical Actuation

PVEO The PVEO is an on/off activated actuator. AMP version of PVEO/PVEO–R

The PVEO has not fault-monitoring.

Variants: A port
• PVEO-R with a ramp delayed actuation B port
• PVEO-DI with direction indication
• Anodized aluminum block
• ATEX certified

Power supply: Hirschmann/DINPVEO/PVEO-R

version of PVEO / PVEO–R
• 12V
• 24V

Connectors: 3

• Deutsch U DC A port
B port U DC

• DIN/Hirshmann

Deutsch version of PVEO

B port A port

PVEM The PVEM is a proportional activated actuator. The PVEM has not fault-monitoring.

• PVEM -R with a ramp delayed actuation
• PVEM for float in B-direction and max flow B at 4.8mm

Hirschmann/DIN version of PVEO / PVEO–R

Power supply:
• 12V
• 24V
Connectors: B port U DC
U DC A port

• DIN/Hirshmann


36 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Electrical Actuation

PVEA/H/S/U Variants:
• -F for float in B-direction and max flow B at 4.8 mm
• -F for float in A-direction and max flow A at 5.5 mm
• PVES-SP with spool position feedback
• Anodized aluminum block
• ATEX certified

Power supply: AMP version PVEA/PVEH/PVES/PVEU/PVEH-Float A

• 11-32V

• Deutsch
• DIN/Hirshmann

Hirschmann/DIN version PVEH/PVEM/ Deutsch version PVEA/PVEH/PVES/PVEU/

PVES/PVEH float B/PVEM float B PVEH-Float B


PVEP The PVEP is controlled with separate PVES-SP

Deutsch version PVEP
PWM control signals for A and B
direction. The PVEP has hysteresis and
fault monitoring like the PVES.
Not Spool position
Power supply: connected
3 4
• 11-32V Error 2 5
1 6
Connectors: Us UDC
• Deutsch

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 37

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Electrical Actuation

PVED-CC and PVED-CX The CAN controlled PVE embedded microcontrollers support the same high spool
controllability as the PVES and additional has high quality feedbacks, safety monitoring
and detailed diagnostics.

PVED has digital communication, that allows a wide range of feedback, setpoint and
highly costumized settings. CAN-Bus serial communication makes wiring much easier.
Only one cable per PVG group.

Power supply:
• 11-32V

• Deutsch
• AMP (PVED-CX only AMP)

PVE with Deutsch connector incl. female connector

For more information on PVED please see the Electrohydraulic Actuator - PVED-CC Series 4
Technical Information, 520L0665.

38 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Electrical Actuation

PVHC The PVHC is controlled with separate PWM control signals for A and B direction.
The PVHC has not fault-monitoring nor closed loop spool control.

Spool stroke vs current

Spool stroke, mm

Ideal curve


Current in mA








@ 12V

@ 24V







500/1000 mA 280/560 mA 280/560 mA 500/1000 mA V310 000.A

The ideal curve is determined by the main spool neutral spring. The hysteresis is affected
by viscosity, friction, flow forces, dither frequency and modulation frequency.

Power supply: Connectors:

• 12V • Deutsch
• 24V • AMP

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 39

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVP, Pump Side Modules

Symbol Description Code number
Open center pump side module for P = 7�8–14
pumps with fixed displacement. 157B5200
T = 11�16–12

For purely machanically actuated P, T = G ¾ 157B5100

valve groups
P, T = 11�16–12 157B5300

Closed center pump side module for pumps T=G¾
with vaiable displacement. P = 7�8–14
T = 11�16–12

P, T = G ¾ 157B5101
For purely mechanically actuated
valve groups
P, T = 11�16–12 157B5301

Open center pump side module for pumps P = 7�8–14
with fixed displacement. 157B5210
T = 11�16–12

With pilot oil supply for electrically P, T = G ¾ 157B5110

actuated valves
P, T = 11�16–12 157B5310

Closed center pump side module P = 7�8–14
pumps with variable displacement. 157B5211
T = 11�16–12

With pilot oil supply for electrically P, T = G ¾ 157B5111

actuated valves
P, T = 11�16–12 157B5311

Open center pump side module for 157B5012
pumps with fixed displacement.
P = 7�8–14
With pilot oil supply for electrically T = 11�16–12
actuated valves
P, T = G ¾ 157B5112
Connection for electrical
LS unloading valve, PVPX (not incl) P, T = 11�16–12 157B5312

Closed center pump side module T=G¾
pumps with variable displacement P = 7�8–14
T = 11�16–12
With pilot oil supply
P, T = G ¾ 157B5113
Connection for electrical
LS unloading valve, PVPX (not incl)
P, T = 11�16–12 157B5313

P = G ½ in; 14 mm deep or G ¾ in; 16 mm deep / LS, M = G ¼ in; 12 mm deep / T = G ¾ in; 16 mm deep.
P = 7�8–14; 0.65 in deep or 11�16–12; 0.75 in deep / LS, M = ½–20; 0.47 in deep / T = 11�16–12; 0.75 in deep.
40 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012
PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVP, Pump Side Modules

Symbol Description Code number

Open center pump side module for pumps

with fixed displacement.
P, T = G ¾ 157B5102
For mechanical actuated valves.

Connection for LS unloading valve, PVPX (not incl)

Closed center pump side module for pumps

with vaiable displacement.
P, T = G ¾ 157B5103
For mechanical actuated valves.

Connection for LS unloading valve, PVPX (not incl)

Open center pump side module for pumps P, T = G ¾ 157B5180

with fixed displacement.

With pilot oil supply for electrical actuation

and connection for pilot oil pressure P, T = 11�16–12
Incl. check valve LS connection = 157B5380

Closed center pump side module for pumps P, T = G ¾ 157B5181

with variable displacement.

With pilot oil supply for electrical actuation

and connection for pilot oil pressure P, T = 11�16–12
Incl. check valve LS connection = 157B5381

P, T = G ¾ 157B5190
Open center pump side module for pumps
with fixed displacement.

With pilot oil supply for hydraulic actuation

P, T = 11�16–12
and connection for pilot oil pressure
LS connection = 157B5390

Closed center pump side module pumps P, T = G ¾ 157B5191

with variable displacement

With pilot oil supply for hydraulic actuation P, T = 11�16–12

and connection for pilot oil pressure LS connection = 157B5391

P, T = G ¾ in; 16 mm deep / LS, M = G ¼ in; 12 mm deep
P, T = 11�16–12; 0.75 in deep / LS, M = ½–20; 0.47 in deep.
520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 41
PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVB, Basic Modules – Without Adjustable LSA/B Pressure Limiting Valves

Code number
Symbol Description No facilities for Facilities for
shock valves A/B shock valves A/B

157B6000 157B6030
Without load drop check valve 14 mm deep
and pressure compensator.

Can be used where load holding

valves prevent oil from flowing
back through channel P. 7�8–14
157B6400 157B6430
0.65 in deep

157B6100 157B6130
14 mm deep

Load drop check valve.

157B6500 157B6530
0.65 in deep

— 157B6136
Load drop check valve. 14 mm deep

LSA/B shuttle valve.

To be used with float position

spools. 7�8–14
— 157B6536
0.65 in deep

157B6200 157B6230
14 mm deep

Non-damped compensator valve

157B6600 157B6630
0.65 in deep

42 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVB, Basic Modules - Without Adjustable LSA/B Pressure Limiting Valves

Symbol Description Code number
No facilities for Facilities for
shock valves A/B shock valves A/B

— 11071832
14 mm deep

compensator valve

LSA/B shuttle valve

— —
0.65 in deep


157B6206 157B6236
14 mm deep

With damped
compensator valve

11036629 11036630
0.65 in deep

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 43

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVB, Basic Modules - With Adjustable LSA/B Pressure Limiting Valves

Symbol Description Code number
No facilities for Facilities for
shock valves A/B shock valves A/B

With non-damped 14 mm 157B6203 157B6233
compensator valve deep

Adjustable LSA/B pressure

limiting valves

External LS connection
port A/B. Also used for 7�8–14
float position spools 0.65 in 157B6603 157B6633

14 mm 157B6208 157B6238
Damped compensator valve deep

Adjustable LSA/B pressure

limiting valves

External LS connection
port A/B 7�8–14
0.65 in - 11036631

44 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVLA, Suction Valve (fitted in PVB)

Symbol Description Code number

Suction valve for

port A and/orB.

Plug for connecting the nonactive port to tank, when

using a single acting spool.

PVLP, Shock and Suction Valve (Fitted in PVB)

Symbol / Description

Shock and suction valve for port A and/or B. (Not adjustable). Lifetime 200.000 actuations.

Code no. 157B2032 157B2050 157B2063 157B2080 157B2100 157B2125 157B2140 157B2150 157B2160 157B2175 157B2190
bar 32 50 63 80 100 125 140 150 160 175 190
[psi] 460 725 914 1160 1450 1813 2031 2175 2320 2538 2755
Code no. 157B2210 157B2230 157B2240 157B2250 157B2265 157B2280 157B2300 157B2320 157B2350 157B2380 157B2400
bar 210 230 240 250 265 280 300 320 350 380 400
[psi] 3045 3335 3480 3625 3845 4061 4351 4641 5075 5511 5801

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 45

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVM, Mechanical Actuation

Code number
Symbol Description
with stop screws w/o stop screws
PVM, Standard, spring centered
157B3171 157B3191
Individual oil flow adjustment to ports A and B
Without actuation lever and base.
157B3173 157B3193
Shaft for mounting of actuation lever
PVM, as standard, witout actuation lever.
157B3174 157B3194
With base for mounting of actuation lever
PVM, Standard, spring. Individual oil flow
157B3184 -
adjustment to ports A and B. (Anodized)

PVMD, Cover for Mechanical Actuation

Symbol Description Material Code No. Anodized
aluminium 157B0001 no
— PVMD, Cover for purely mechanically operated valve aluminium 157B0009 yes
cast iron 157B0021 no

PVMR, Friction Detent

Symbol Description Material Code number Anodized
aluminium 157B0004 no

PVMR, Friction detent aluminium 157B0012 yes

cast iron 157B0024 -

PVMF, Mechanical Float Position

Symbol Description Material Code number Anodized

aluminium 157B0005 no
Mechanical float position lock

PVH, Hydraulic Actuation

Symbol Description Material Code number Anodized
aluminium 157B0007 no
PVH, Cover for Hydraulic actuation
aluminium 157B0010 yes
PVH 9/16-18 UNF
cast iron 157B0014 no
aluminium 157B0008 no
PVH, Cover for Hydraulic actuation
aluminium 157B0011 yes
PVH G1/4
cast iron 157B0016 no

46 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVS, End Plate

Symbol Description Code number

BSP 157B2000
PVS, without active elements.
No connections
V310062.A SAE 157B2020

PVS, without active elements. G 1/8 10 mm deep BSP 157B2011

Max. intermittend LX
LX V310063.A pressure 250 bar [3625 psi] 3/8 in - 24; 0,39 in deep SAE 157B2021

BSP 157B2014
PVSI, without active elements
Without connections.
V310062.A SAE 157B2004

PVSI, without active elements G 1/4 10 mm deep BSP 157B2015

LX connections.
Max. intermittend LX
LX V310063.A 1/2 in - 20; 0,47 in deep SAE 157B2005
pressure: 350 bar [5075 psi]

For mounting threats please see chapter "dimensions".

PVAS, Assembly Kit

Code no,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
PVB’s 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8061 8062
PVB + PVPVM - 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8081 8082

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 47

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Modules and Code Numbers

PVPX, Electrical LS Unloaded Valve

Symbol Description Code number

PVPX, Normally open: 12 V 157B4236

LS pressure relieved with no signal to PVPX 24 V 157B4238

PVPX, Normally closed: 12 V 157B4246

LS pressure relieved with no signal to PVPX 24 V 157B4248
PVPX, Normally open with manual override: 12 V 157B4256
LS pressure relieved with no signal to PVPX
Manual override DE-selects LS-pump 24 V 157B4258

- Plug 157B5601

PVPC, Plug for External Pilot Oil Supply

Symbol Description Code number

G 1/2, 157B5400
12 mm deep
Plug without check valve for open
or closed center
1/2 in - 20;
0.47 in deep -

G 1/2, 157B5600
12 mm deep
Plug with check valve for
open center

1/2 in - 20;
0.47 in deep 157B5700

48 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

General The characteristics in this catalog are typical measured values. During measuring a
mineral based hydraulic oil with a viscosity of 21 mm2/s [102 SUS] at a temperature of
50°C [122°F] was used.

PVP, Pump Side Module Pressure relief valve characteristic in PVP

The pressure relief valve is set at an oil flow of 15 l/min [4.0 US gal/min].
Setting range:
• 30 to 350 bar [435 to 5075 psi] with PVSI end plate
• 30 to 300 bar [435 to 4351 psi] with PVS end plate

Pressure relief valve characteristic

Neutral by-pass pressure drop charastic (open center)

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 49

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVB Oil flow characteristics

The oil flow for the individual spool depends on:
• type of basic module (with/without compensation)
• type of pump (fixed or variable displacement).

Pressure-compensated PVB, open or closed center PVP

The oil flow is dependent on the supplied pump oil flow. The characteristics are plotted
for a pump oil flow, QP, corresponding to the rated max. spool oil flow, QN. Increasing the
pump oil flow to 1,4 × QN will give the same oil flow on the eighth as on the first basic

Please note, the letters AA, A, B, etc. denote spool types. The characteristic below is shown
for spool travel in both directions. All other characteristics are shown for spool travel
in one direction only.

Progressive oil flow characteristic depending on spool type





control range

US = Signal voltage
UDC = Supply voltage
1 = First PVB after PVP
8 = Eighth PVB after PVP

50 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVB, Basic Modules Linear oil flow depending on spool type

US = Signal voltage
UDC = Supply voltage
1 = First PVB after PVP
8 = Eighth PVB after PVP

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 51

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVB, Basic Modules PVB without pressure compensation, open center PVP
Oil flow as a function of spool travel
The spool flow is dependent on the supplied oil flow, QP.

The characteristics apply to supply oil flow of 130 l/min [34.3 US gal/min] with the
actuation of one basic module and the supply flow level.

If several basic modules are activated at the same time, the characteristic depends on
the load pressure of the actuated basic modules.

Oil flow as a function of spool travel characteristic

52 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVB, Basic Module Oil flow QA/B as a function of supplied pump oil flow (QP)
(continued) The pressure drop of any oil flowing back to tank (QP - QA/B) is read on the curve for
neutral flow pressure in PVP.

Characteristic for fully displaced flow control spools

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 53

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVB, Basic Module PVB without pressure compensation, closed center PVP

Set pressure difference between pump

pressure and LS signal = 10 bar [145 psi].

Set pressure difference between pump

pressure and LS signal = 20 bar [290 psi].

The oil flow is dependent on the pressure difference between the pump pressure and
the LS signal. Normally the pressure difference is set at the LS pump regulator. Also
take into consideration pressure drop from the pump to the PVG valve group. e.x. long

54 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVB, Basic Module Characteristic for pressure drop PVB at max. main spool travel

Characteristic for pressure drop PVB for open spool in neutral position

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 55

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVB, Basic Module Load-independent oil flow characteristic, pressure-compensated PVB


Oil flow characteristic at LS pressure limiting, pressure-compensated PVB

56 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

PVLP, Shock and Suction PVLP, shock valve

Valve PVLP is set at an oil flow of 10 l/min [2.6 US gal/min]. The shock valve PVLP is designed to
absorb shock effects. Consequently, it should not be used as a pressure relief valve.

If the working function requires the use of a pressure relief valve, a PVB basic module
with built-in LSA/B pressure limiting valve should be used.

PVLP, shock valve characteristic

PVLA, Suction Valve PVLA, suction valve characteristic

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 57

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

Pressure Control Spool Flow Characteristics in Various Positions

Size A: Size B:

Example 1

Size C: Size D:

Example 2

Size E:

58 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

Pressure Build-up for Max. oil flow can be reduced by about

Pressure Controlled 50% without limitation of maximum
Spools pressure by limiting the main spool
travel from 7 mm [0.28 in] to 5.5 mm
[0.22 in]

Examples of How To Use Example 1: Determining the oil flow

the Characteristics for • Given:
Pressure Control Spools –– Spool type B
–– Pressure setting PP: 160 bar [2320 psi]
–– Load pressure, LSA/B: 100 bar [1450 psi]
• Result:
–– Oil flow = 75 l/min [19.8 US gal/min]

Example 2: Determining the spool size

• Given:
–– Max. oil flow, QA/B: 90 l/min [23.8 US gal/min]
–– Pressure setting PP: 150 bar [2175 psi]
–– Load pressure, PLSA: 125 bar [1810 psi]
• Result:
–– D spool (see previous page, size D)

Normally a smaller spool can be chosen with pressure control. It is our experience that
the spool can be one size smaller than with normal flow control.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 59

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

Characteristics for Float Characteristic of oil flow, spool travel and voltage
Position Main Spools

• 4.8 mm [0.19 in] spool displacement in direction A gives max. oil flow to port A
• 4.8 mm [0.19 in] spool displacement in direction B gives max. oil flow to port B
• 8 mm [0.32 in] spool displacement in direction B gives completely open float position
A/B → T.

The spools have 4,8 mm spool travel in direction A and 8 mm travel in direction B:

For more information regarding electrical actuation of float spools please see PVE series 4
Technical Information, 520L0553.

60 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Technical Characteristics

Characteristics for Float Pressure drop A/B → T at max. spool travel within the proportional range (4.8 mm) [0.19 in]
Position Main Spools

Spools D and E have the same opening area for forward flow and return flow.
Spool E can give 100 l/min [26.4 US gal/min] pressure compensated oil flow due to a
higher pressure drop across spool E. This occurs during spool actuation only.

Pressure drop A/B → T in float position

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 61

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information


PVG 32 Dimensions F G H





F: Shock and suction valve, PVLP M: LX connection: P  VS; G 1/8, 10 mm [3/8 –24; 0.39 in] deep and
G: Pressure gauge connection: G¼, 12 mm [9/16-18, 0.5 in] deep PVSI; G¼, 12 mm [½ -20; 0.47 in] deep
H: Plug for external pilot oil supply, PVPC: G½, 12 mm N: LS pressure limiting valve
[½ –20, 0.47 in] deep O: Tank connection; G¾, 16 mm [11/16-12; 0.75 in] deep
I: Electrical LS unloading valve, PVPX P: Pressure relief valve
J: LS connection: G¼, 12 mm [½–20; 0.47 in or 9/16-18, 0.5 in] Q: Pump connection; G½, 14 mm [7/8-14; 0.65 in] deep or
deep G¾, 16 mm [11/16-12; 0.75 in] deep
K: Fixing holes: M8 × min. 10 [5/16–18; 0.39 in] deep R: LSA and LSB connections; G¼, 12 mm deep [9/16-18, 0.5 in] deep
L: Port A and B: G½, 14 mm [7/8 –14; 0.65 in] deep S : Pp, pilot pressure connection G¼

PVB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
mm 82 130 178 226 274 322 370 418 466 514 562 610
[in] [3.23] [5.12] [7.01] [8.90] [10.79] [12.68] [14.57] [16.46] [18.35] [20.24] [562] [610]
mm 140 189 238 287 336 385 434 483 527 576 622 670
in] [5.51] [7.44] [9.37] [11.30] [13.23] [15.16] [17.09] [19.02] [20.95] [22.87] [622] [670]

62 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

Dimensions (continued)





44 [





49.5[1.949] 33[1.30] 110[4.33] 60[2.36]








107[4.21] 110[4.33] 60[2.36]






107[4.21] 110[4.33] 60[2.36]




F : G 1/4, 12 mm deep [1/2 in - 20, 0.47 in deep]

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 63

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

Control Lever Positions Mounted with an angle of 22.5° Mounted with an angle of 37.5°

19 5˚

. 5˚
37.5 67
22.5˚ 52 ˚ .5˚
.5˚ 82







The angle of the handle is determined by which side of the handle that is mount towards
the base. If a 22.5° angle is needed the "dot" on the handle is not visible. If 37.5° is
needed the dot should be visible.

Surface Treatment The PVG valve has as standard, an untreated surface. In certain applications, depend on
different factors, such as: salty environment, large temperature changes, high humidity,
rust can develope on the surface. This will not affect the performance of the PVG valve

To prevent/reduce rust development, Sauer-Danfoss recommend, the PVG valve group

to be painted.

Rust on the surface is not seen as a valid complaint issue, neither on painted or
unpainted PVG valve groups.

64 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Hydraulic Systems

Manually Actuated PVG 32 – Fixed Displacement Pump

Example of manually actuated PVG 32 – fixed displacement pump schematic

C: Over-center valve

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 65

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Hydraulic Systems

Electrically Actuated PVG 32 – Variable Displacement Pump

Example of electrically actuated PVG 32 – variable displacement pump (electrical actuator, shock valves, relief valve) schematic

66 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Other Operating Conditions

Oil The main duty of the oil in a hydraulic system is to transfer energy. It must also lubricate
the moving parts in hydraulic components, protect them against corrosion, and transport
dirt particles and heat out of the system. It is therefore important to choose the correct oil
with the correct additives. This gives normal operation and long working life.

Mineral oil
For systems with PVG 32 valves Sauer-Danfoss recommends the use of mineral-based
hydraulic oil containing additives: Type HLP (DIN 51524) or HM (ISO 6743/4).

Non-flammable fluids
Phosphate-esters (HFDR fluids) can be used without special precautions. However,
dynamic seals must be replaced with FPM (Viton) seals.
Please contact the Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization if the PVG 32 valve is to be used
with phosphate-esters.
The following fluids should only be used according to agreement with the Sales
Organization for Sauer-Danfoss:
• Water-glycol mixtures (HFC fluids)
• Water-oil emulsions (HFB fluids)
• Oil-water emulsions (HFAE fluids)

Particle Content, Degree Biodegradable oils

of Contamination PVG 32 valves can be used in systems with rapeseed oil. The use of rapeseed oil is
conditioned by:
• complying with the demands on viscosity, water content, temperature and filtering
etc. (see chapters below and technical data).
• adapting the operating conditions to the directions of the oil supplier.

Before using other biodegradable fluids, please consult the Sauer-Danfoss Organization.

Oil filtration must prevent particle content from exceeding an acceptable level, i.e.,
an acceptable degree of contamination.

Maximum contamination for PVG 32 is 23/19/16 (see ISO 4406. Calibration in accordance
with the ACFTD method).

In our experience a degree of contamination of 23/19/16 can be maintained by using a

filter fineness as described in the next section.

For more information, please see the Sauer-Danfoss literature:

• Design Guidelines for Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Technical Information, 520L0467
• Hydraulic Fluids and Lubricants Technical Information, 521L0463
• Experience with Bio-Hydraulic Fluids Technical Information, 521L0465.

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 67

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Other Operating Conditions

Filtration Effective filtration is the most important precondition in ensuring that a hydraulic system
performs reliably and has a long working life. Filter manufacturers issue instructions and
recommendations. It is advisable to follow these.

System filters
Where demands on safety and reliability are very high a pressure filter with bypass and
indicator is recommended. Experience shows that a 10 µm nominal filter (or finer) or
a 20 µm absolute filter (or finer) is suitable.

It is our experience that a return filter is adequate in a purely mechanically operated

valve system.

The fineness of a pressure filter must be selected as described by the filter manufacturer
so that a particle level of 23/19/16 is not exceeded.

The filter must be fitted with pressure gauge or dirt indicator to make it possible to check
the condition of the filter.

In systems with differential cylinders or accumulators the return filter must be sized to
suit the max. return oil flow. Pressure filters must be fitted to suit max. pump oil flow.

Internal filters
The filters built into PVG 32 are not intended to filter the system but to protect important
components against large particles. Such particles can appear in the system as a result
of pump damage, hose fracture, use of quick-couplings, filter damage, starting up,
contamination, etc.

The filter in the electrical actuator PVE protecting the solenoid valves has a mesh of
150 µm.

Bursting pressure drop for internal filters is 25 bar [360 psi].

68 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

Standard FC Spools
To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
F E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E F
130 100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100 130
[34.3] [26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4] [34.3]

7026 7024 7023 7022 7021 7020 7025 7005 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7006

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position

7126 7124 7123 7122 7121 7120 7125 7105 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7106

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, open neutral position

- - - - - - - - 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 -

3-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, P → A

- - - - - - - - - 7301 7302 7303 7304 -

3-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, P → B

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 69

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

Standard FC Spools
To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
F E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E F
130 100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100 130
[34.3] [26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4] [34.3]

- 7424 7423 7422 7421 - - - - 7401 7402 7403 7404 7406

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, A → T in neutral position

- 7524 7523 7522 7521 - - - - 7501 7502 7503 7504 -

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, B → T in neutral position

- 7624 7623 7622 7621 7620 - 157-139.10

- - - - - - -

4-way, 4-position 157-140.10

Closed neutral position
Float P → B → F

70 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

FC Spools for Mechanical Float Position PVMF

To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
F E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E F
130 100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100 130
[34.3] [26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4] [34.3]

- 9824 9823 9822 9821 9820 9825 - - - - - - -

4-way, 4 position
Closed neutral position

- 9624 623 9622 9621 - - 157-139.10 - - - - - - -

4-way, 4-position 157-140.10

Closed neutral position
Float P → B → F

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 71

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

Standard FC Spools, Hydraulic Actuation

To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E
100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100
[26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4]

9024 9023 9022 9021 9020 9025 9005 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004

4-way, 3-position
closed neutral position

9124 9123 9122 9121 9120 9125 9105 9100 9101 9102 9103 9104

4-way, 3-position
Throttled open neutral position

PVMR, FC Spools for Friction Detent

To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E
100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100
[26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4]

9724 9723 9722 9721 9720 - - 9700 9701 9702 9703 9704

4-way, 3-position
closed neutral position

9734 9733 9732 9731 9730 - - 9710 9711 9712 9713 9714

4-way, 3-position
Throttled open neutral position

72 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

FC Spools with Linear Flow Characteristic

To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
F E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E F
130 100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100 130
[34.3] [26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4] [34.3]

- 9774 9773 9772 9771 - - - 9750 9751 9752 9753 9754 -

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position

- 9784 9783 9782 9781 - - - 9760 9761 9762 9763 9764 -

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, open neutral position

- - - - - - - - - - - - 9794 -

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, A → T in neutral position

- - - - - - - - - - - - 9804 -

4-way, 3-position
B → T in neutral position

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 73

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

Standard PC Spools
To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
is with LSA/B shuttle valve Code number is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E
100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100
[26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4]

- 7033 7032 7031 7030 7035 7015 7010 7011 7012 7013 -

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, PC → A and B

7134 7133 7132 7131 7130 7135 7115 7110 7111 7112 7113 -

4-way, 3-position Throttled, open neutral

position, PC → A and B

7064 7063 7062 7061 - - - 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, PC → A

7074 7073 7072 7071 - - - 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, PC → B

7164 7163 7162 7161 - - - 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, open neutral position, PC → A

7174 7173 7172 7171 - - - 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, open neutral position, PC → B

74 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

Standard PC Spools
To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E
100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100
[26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4]

- 7473 7472 7471 7470 - - - - 7452 7453 -

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, A → T neutral position, PC → B

- 7563 7562 - - - - - 7541 7542 7543 -

4-way, 3-position
Throttled, B→ T neutral position , PC → A

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 75

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

Standard PC Spools, Hydraulic Actuation

To be used when PVB To be used when PVB
Code number
is with LSA/B shuttle valve is without LSA/B shuttle valve
Size Size
Press. compensated flow Press. compensated flow
l/min [US gal/min] l/min [US gal/min]
E D C B A AA ISO symbol Symbol AA A B C D E
100 65 40 25 10 5 5 10 25 40 65 100
[26.4] [17.2] [10.6] [6.6] [2.6] [1.3] [1.3] [2.6] [6.6] [10.6] [17.2] [26.4]

- - - - - - 9015 9010 9011 9012 - -

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, PC → A and B

- - - - - - - - - 9042 9043 9044

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, PC → A

- - - - - - - - - 9052 9053 9054

4-way, 3-position
Closed neutral position, PC → B

76 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

PVB, basic valves

Description No facilities for shock Facilities for shock
valves A and B valves A and B
G½ 7∕8 - 14 UNF G½ 7∕8 - 14 UNF
Without compensator /check valve 157B6000 157B6400 157B6030 157B6430
With check valve 157B6100 157B6500 157B6130 157B6530
With check valve and LSA/B shuttle valve - - 157B6136 157B6536
With compensator valve 157B6200 157B6600 157B6230 157B6630
With damped compensator valve 157B6206 - 157B6236 -
With compensator valve, LSA/B relief 0
157B6203 157B6603 157B6233 157B6633
valve and LSA/B shuttle valve
With damped compensator valve,
157B6208 - 157B6238 -
LSA/B relief valve and LSA/B shuttle valve
Weight kg [lb] 3.1 [6.8] 3.0 [6.6]
0 c

PVPC, plugs
Description G½ ½ in - 20
kg [lb] 16
External pilot supply 157B5400 — 0.05 0.1
External pilot supply
157B5600 157B5700 0.05 0.1 14
incl. check valve

15 c

PVM, mechanical actuation

Alu Cast iron
Description Angle
with stop without with stop with stop
screws stop screws screws screws
Standard 157B3171 157B3191 157B3184 157B3161 22,5°/37,5°
Standard with base,
157B3174 157B3194 — — 22,5°/37,5° b
without arm and button
Standard without base,
157B3173 157B3193 157B3186 — —
without arm and button
Weight kg [lb] 0.4 [0.9] 0.8 [1.8]


PVAS, assembly kit

Code no. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
PVB’s 157B8000 157B8001 157B8002 157B8003 157B8004 157B8005 157B8006 157B8007 157B8008 157B8009 157B8010 157B8061 157B8062
- 157B8021 157B8022 157B8023 157B8024 157B8025 157B8026 157B8027 157B8028 157B8029 157B8030 157B8081 157B8082
0.1[0.2] 0.15 [0.3] 0.25 [0.6] 0.30 [0.7] 0.40 [0.9] 0.45 [1.0] 0.50 [1.1] 0.60 [1.3] 0.65 [1.4] 0.70 [1.6] 0.80 [1.7] 0.85 [1.8] 0.9 [2.0]
kg [lb]

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 77

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

PVP, pump side module

Description Without pilot supply With pilot supply
for PVE for PVE with for PVE for PVE and for PVE and pilot oil for PVH and pilot oil
facilit. for PVPX facilit. for PVPX pressure take-off pressure take-off
P = G1/2, T = G3/4 157B5000 - 157B5010 157B5012 - -
Open P = 7/8 -14, T = 11/16 -12 157B5200 - 157B5210 157B5212 - -
center P = G3/4, T = G3/4 157B5100 157B5102 157B5110 157B5112 157B5180 157B5190
P = 1 1/16 -12, T = 11/16 -12 157B5300 - 157B5310 157B5312 157B5380 157B5390
P = G1/2 , T = G3/4, 157B5001 - 157B5011 157B5013 - -
Closed P = 7/8 -14, T = 11/16 -12 157B5201 - 157B5211 157B5213 - -
center P = G3/4, T = G3/4, 157B5101 157B5103 157B5111 157B5113 157B5181 157B5191
P = 11/16 -12, T = 1 1/16 -12 157B5301 - 157B5311 157B5313 157B5381 157B5391
Weight kg [lb] 3 [6.6]

PVPX, electrical LS pressure relief valves

0 c
Description/ Code No. Code No. Weight
Supply voltage Hirsch. AMP kg [lb]
0 12 V 157B4236 157B4981
Normally open
24 V 157B4238 157B4982
12 V 157B4246 157B4983
1-13 Normally closed 0.3 [0.7]
24 V 157B4248 157B4984
Normally open with 12 V 157B4256 157B4985
manual override 24 V 157B4258 157B4986
14 Plug 157B5601 0.06 [.13]

15 PVS and PVSI, End plate

Description BSP SAE
kg [lb]
PVS, without connections 157B2000 157B2020
PVS, with LX connection 0.5 [1.1]
157B2011 157B2021
G 1/8 [3/8 -24 UNF]
PVSI, without connections 157B2014 157B2004
PVSI, with LX connections 1.7 [3.6]
157B2015 157B2005
G 1/4 [1/2 -20 UNF]


PVLP, shock/ and anti-cavitation valves

Code no. 157B2032 157B2050 157B2063 157B2080 157B2100 157B2125 157B2140 157B2150 157B2160 157B2175 157B2190
bar 32 50 63 80 100 125 140 150 160 175 190
[psi] 460 725 914 1160 1450 1813 2031 2175 2320 2538 2755
Weight for all 0.05 kg [0.17 lb]
Code no. 157B2210 157B2230 157B2240 157B2250 157B2265 157B2280 157B2300 157B2320 157B2350 157B2380 157B2400
bar 210 230 240 250 265 280 300 320 350 380 400
[psi] 3045 3335 3480 3625 3845 4061 4351 4641 5075 5511 5801

78 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Module Selection Chart

PVE, electrical actuation

Description Code No. Weight
Hirsch AMP Deut. kg [lb]
12 V 157B4216 157B4901 157B4291
PVEO, on-off
24 V 157B4228 157B4902 157B4292 0.6
12 V 157B4217 157B4903 - [1.3]
PVEO-R, on/off
24 V 157B4229 157B4904 -
0 c
PVEM, prop. medium 12 V 157B4116 - - 0.9
– Standard 24 V 157B4128 - - [2.0]
PVEM, prop. medium 12 V 157B4416 - - 1.0
– Float -> B 24 V 157B4428 - - [2.2]
1-13 PVEA, active fault mon. - 157B4734 157B4792
PVEA, passive fault mon. - 157B4735 - 0.9
PVEA-DI, active fault mon. - 157B4736 157B4796 [2.0]
PVEA-DI, passive fault mon. - 157B4737 -
14 PVEH active fault mon. 157B4032 157B4034 157B4092
PVEH passive fault mon. 157B4033 157B4035 157B4093
PVEH float -> B, act. fault 157B4332 - 157B4392
PVEH float -> A, act. fault - 157B4338 -
1.0 [2.2]
15 c PVEH- DI active fault mon. - 157B4036 157B4096
PVEH - DI passive fault mon. - 157B4037 -
PVES, active fault mon. 157B4832 157B4834 157B4892
PVES, passive fault mon. 157B4833 157B4835 -


Description Code No. Material Anodized
kg [lb]
b 157B0001 no
PVMD aluminium 0.1 [0.2]
157B0009 yes
Cover for PVB
157B0021 cast iron N/A 0.9 [2.0]
157B0004 no
PVMR aluminium
157B0012 yes
(Frict. Detent)
V310168.A 157B0024 cast iron N/A 0.3 [0.6]
157B0005 aluminium no
(Mech. float position)
157B0007 no
Hydraulic actuation PVH aluminium
157B0010 yes
9/16-18 UNF
157B0014 cast iron N/A 0.2 [0.4]
157B0008 no
Hydraulic actuation PVH aluminium
157B0011 yes
157B0016 cast iron N/A 0.9 [2.0]

PVLA, anti-cavitation valve

Description Code No.
kg [lb]
Plug A or B 157B2002 0.04 0.09
Valve A or B 157B2001 0.05 0.1

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 79

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Order Specification

Order Specification An order form for Sauer-Danfoss PVG 32 hydraulic valve is shown on the next page.
The form can be obtained from the Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization.

Both the module selection chart on the previous pages and the order form are divided
into fields 0, 1-1-12, 13, 14, 15, a, b, and c.

Each module has its own field:

–– Pump side module PVP
–– Plug for external pilot oil supply PVPC
–– Electrical LS unloading valve PVPX
1-12: Basic valves PVB
13: Main spool PVBS
a: Mechanical actuator PVM (or PVE when option mounted)
–– Cover for mechanical actuation PVMD
–– Cover for hydraulic actuation PVH
–– Electrical actuators PVE (or PVM when option mounted)
–– Shock and suction valve PVLP
–– Suction valve PVLA
14: End plate PVS
15: Assembly kit PVAS

Please state
–– Code numbers of all modules required
–– Required setting (P) for pump side module
–– Required setting of LSA/B pressure limiting valves,
see pressure setting guidance below.

Standard and option assembly

The PVG 32 valve group is assembled the way the module selection chart shows if the
code number for PVM is written in field 'a', and the code number for PVMD, PVE or PVH in
field 'c'.

The valve group is assembled so that the mechanical actuator is mounted on the
opposite end of the basic module, if the code number for PVM is written in field 'c' of the
order form and the code numbers for PVMD, PVE or PVH in field 'a'.

The space at the top right-hand corner of the form is for Sauer-Danfoss to fill in.
The code number for the whole of the specified valve group (PVG No.) is entered here.
In the event of a repeat order all you have to do is enter the number Sauer-Danfoss has
given on the initial confirmation of order.

80 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Order Specification

Order Specification Pressure setting limits

(continued) The maximum setting pressure for the pressure limiting valves LSA or LSB depends on
the chosen pressure setting for shock valve PVLP. The maximum values recommended to
avoid interaction can be read in the following table.

The figures in the table have been calculated according to the following expressions:
–– PVLP ≤150 bar: LSA/B ≤ 0.8 × PPVLP
–– PVLP >150 bar: PPVLP - LSA/B ≥ 30 bar.

Max. pressure setting of LSA and LSB valves relative to PVLP shock valve
Setting bar 32 50 63 80 100 125 140 150 160 175 190 210 230 240 250 265 280 300 320 350 380 400
for PVLP [psi] 460 725 914 1160 1450 1813 2031 2175 2320 2838 2755 3045 3335 3480 3625 3843 4061 4351 4641 5075 5511 5801

Max. setting bar - 40 50 64 80 100 112 120 130 145 160 180 200 210 220 235 250 270 290 320 350 370
pressure for
LSA/B [psi] - 580 720 930 1160 1450 1625 1740 1885 2100 2320 2610 2900 3045 3190 3408 3625 3915 4205 4641 5075 5366

Min. setting bar 30

pressure for
LSA/B [psi] 435

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 81

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
Order Specification

Order Specification
Subsidiary/Dealer PVG No.
Customer Customer Part No.
Application Revision No.
Section A-Port B-Port
v Function v Extra Features v
157B 157B
157B p= bar 157B
a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c
1 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

2 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

3 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

4 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

5 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

6 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

7 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

8 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

9 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

10 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

11 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c

12 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b
157B 157B
a 157B 157B 157B 16 157B c
13 b 157B LSA bar LSB bar 157B b

14 End section 157B

15 PVAS section 157B
"Reserved for Painting" 157B

Filled in by: Date:

Separate specification pads are available under the literature no. 520L0515.

82 520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012

PVG 32 Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012 83

Products we offer: Sauer-Danfoss is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-
quality hydraulic and electronic components. We specialize in
• Bent Axis Motors providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that excel in
the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market.
• Closed Circuit Axial Piston Pumps
Building on our extensive applications expertise, we work closely
and Motors
with our customers to ensure exceptional performance for a broad
• Displays range of off-highway vehicles.
• Electrohydraulic Power Steering
We help OEMs around the world speed up system development,
• Electrohydraulics reduce costs and bring vehicles to market faster.
Sauer-Danfoss – Your Strongest Partner in Mobile Hydraulics.
• Hydraulic Power Steering
• Integrated Systems
• Joysticks and Control Handles
Go to www.sauer-danfoss.com for further product information.
• Microcontrollers and Software
• Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps
• Orbital Motors Wherever off-highway vehicles are at work, so is Sauer-Danfoss.
We offer expert worldwide support for our customers, ensuring
• Proportional Valves the best possible solutions for outstanding performance. And with
an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide
• Sensors
comprehensive global service for all of our components.
• Steering
• Transit Mixer Drives
Please contact the Sauer-Danfoss representative nearest you.

Members of the Sauer-Danfoss Group: Local address:



www.turollaocg.com Sauer-Danfoss (US) Company Sauer-Danfoss ApS
2800 East 13th Street DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark
Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +45 7488 4444
Phone: +1 515 239 6000 Fax: +45 7488 4400
www.valmova.com Fax: +1 515 239 6618

Hydro-Gear Sauer-Danfoss GmbH & Co. OHG Sauer-Danfoss-Daikin LTD.

www.hydro-gear.com Postfach 2460, D-24531 Neumünster Shin-Osaka TERASAKI 3rd Bldg. 6F
Krokamp 35, D-24539 Neumünster, Germany 1-5-28 Nishimiyahara, Yodogawa-ku
Phone: +49 4321 871 0 Osaka 532-0004, Japan
Sauer-Danfoss-Daikin Fax: +49 4321 871 122 Phone: +81 6 6395 6066
www.sauer-danfoss-daikin.com Fax: +81 6 6395 8585

520L0344 • Rev HB • Oct 2012


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