Paper48 PDF
Paper48 PDF
Paper48 PDF
S.R. Gandhi
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, INDIA
Email: [email protected]
ABSTRACT: In recent years stone columns have been increasingly used for improvement of soft soils to increase the
load bearing capacity and to reduce the settlements. This ground improvement technique has been successfully applied
for the foundations of structures like oil storage tanks, earthen embankments, raft foundations etc where large settlement
is possible. Despite the wide spread use of stone columns, present design methods are largely empirical. No codes have
been developed. In the present work experimental studies are carried out to evaluate the behaviour of stone column by
varying spacing, shear strength of soft clay, moisture content etc. The results obtained are analysed using the finite
element package PLAXIS. The paper describes literature review on the subject, details of experimental works carried
out, numerical analysis using finite element package, comparison of results and discussion.
India has large coastline exceeding 6000kms. In view of Several researchers have worked on theoretical,
the developments on coastal areas in the recent past, large experimental and field study on behavior of stone
number of ports and industries are being built. In addition, columns. However very little information is available on
the availability of land for the development of design procedure that can be used for a given situation.
commercial, housing, industrial and transportation, Semi empirical design approach based on the allowable
infrastructure etc. are scarce particularly in urban areas. stress on stone columns and the undrained shear strength
This necessitated the use of land, which has weak strata, of clay have been proposed by Greenwood (1970),
wherein the geotechnical engineers are challenged by Hughes and Withers (1974), Saha (1992,1999). Semi-
presence of different problematic soils with varied empirical design approach based on pressuremeter theory
engineering characteristics. Many of these areas are was proposed by Hughes et al (1975). Cavity expansion
covered with thick soft marine clay deposit, with very low approach proposed by Vesic (1972) have been used by
shear strength and high compressibility. Ranjan and Rao(1986) and Datye and Nagaraju(1981)
Out of several techniques available for improving the In experimental approach, Hughes and Withers
weak strata, stone columns have been used to a large (1974) carried out series of model tests in normally
extend for several applications. The design of stone consolidated clay. The test results indicated that ultimate
column is still empirical, based on past experience and capacity of stone column was governed primarily by the
needs field trials before execution. No well-defined maximum radial reaction of the soil against the bulging
guidelines or codes are available. and the extend of vertical movement in the stone column
To study the stiffness and deformation behaviour of the was limited to about 4 times the diameter. Shankar and
improved ground for various column spacing, Shroff (1997) conducted experimental studies to study the
experimental study has been carried out in a cylindrical effect of pattern of installation of stone columns and
tank representing one stone column and surrounding soft showed that triangular pattern seems to be optimum and
clay equivalent to the effective area of a column (unit rational. Mitra and Chatopadhyay (1999) studied the
cell). Ten tests have been carried out for three different effect of different factors influencing the capacity of stone
spacing and moisture content. The experimental results column improved ground from the available literature and
are compared with finite element analysis using PLAXIS showed that in the case of columns failing by bulging the
and found to be comparable. critical length is about 3 to 5 times the stone column
Typical test arrangement is shown in fig 1. Two basic materials are used for this study: Clay and
(a) Properties of clay weight of the gravel placed was weighed and the dry
density of material as placed considering diameter of
The clay used is natural clay from IIT Madras campus. 100mm is 16 kN/m3. A sand layer of 30mm height is
Surface clay was excavated after removal of vegetation, placed over the prepared stone column and clay bed.
air-dried and pulverized. Properties of clay used are:
3.3 Preparation of Soft Clay Bed Finite element package (PLAXIS) is validated by
analyzing the load test result published based on the work
Oil is applied in the tank wall to reduce any friction done by Narasimha rao et al (1992). The test tank is 650
between clay and tank wall. Required quantity of clay is mm diameter and height of clay bed prepared is 350mm.
mixed with different moisture content of 25%, 30% and A stone column of diameter 25mm and height 225mm
35%. Thoroughly mixed paste is filled in the tank in was made at the center of the clay bed and loaded with a
layers of 50mm each giving uniform compaction to plate of diameter equal to two times diameter of stone
achieve a uniform dry density of 15.4kN/m3, 14kN/m3 and column. Properties of clay and stones are given below
13kN/m3 respectively. Care was taken to ensure that no
significant air voids are formed in the test bed. At the (a) Properties of clay:
center of clay bed prepared, vane Shear test is carried out Modulus of elasticity : 2000kPa
to measure the shear strength of the clay bed. The results Poissons ratio : 0.45
are shown in table 1. Shear strength : 20kPa
3.4 Construction of Stone Column (b) Properties of stones
The column is constructed by replacement method. A Modulus of elasticity : 40000kPa
100mm outer diameter thin open-ended seamless pipe is Poissonns ratio : 0.3
pushed into the clay at its center up to bottom of tank. The Angle of internal friction : 380
clay within the pipe is scooped out using a helical auger.
Gravels of size 2 – 10mm are charged into the hole in Figure 2 compares the results obtained from model test
layers of 50mm each giving uniform compaction to each and finite element analysis. Load settlement curve, and
layer. Casing pipe is raised in stages ensuring minimum ultimate load obtained from finite element analysis
5mm penetration below the gravel placed. The total matches well with experimental result.
Load (N)
Center line of stone column
0 100 200 300 400 500
Settlement (mm)
15 Stone
20 model test n Tank wall (radial
deformation) = 0
when entire area loaded. No bulging of the column is seen
10 su = 12kPa
as in the case of model test.
from the curves, which can be adopted for settlement
15 analysis. Table 3 compares the stiffness values obtained
20 from model test and finite element analysis.
12kPa Load intensity (kN/sq.m)
0 50 100 150 200 250
30 Model teat 0
35 FEM 30kPa
2 Model test
Fig. 5. Load – settlement curves at different shear
strength 6
s/d = 2
Figure 6 compares the load settlement curve from model
test and finite element analysis for different spacing to 10
diameter ratio with same shear strength of 12kPa. The 30kPa
12 6.5kPa
curves obtained from the finite element analysis compares
well with that from model test. Table 2 compares the
ultimate load capacities obtained from model test and Fig. 7. Load – settlement curves for different shear
finite element analysis strength
s/d su (kPa) Ultimate load capacity (kPa) s/d su (kPa) Stiffness (kPa)
Model test FEM Model test FEM
2 30 780 725 2 30 16070 16200
2 12 365 345 2 12 9640 9000
2 6.5 195 185 2 6.5 8020 8090
3 12 325 305 3 12 7230 7740
4 12 255 225 4 12 3870 3620