Beno K Pradekso - Solusi247 - In40ai
Beno K Pradekso - Solusi247 - In40ai
Beno K Pradekso - Solusi247 - In40ai
– Henry Ford
What’s the secret to Google’s success? “We don’t have better algorithms than
anyone else; we just have more data,” admitted Google’s Chief Scientist Peter
Norvig recently at Google’s Zeitgeist.
INDUSTRY 4.0 Are we Ready ?
• Cost
• Priority
Capacity Ratio Manual Processes • Too few engineers
Limited • # of Medical practitioner
Historical Data • Etc
Medical Systems
2400 slices
512^2 pixels 20GB 0r 800 books Now
100 slices
515^2 pixels = 50MB or 50 books Yesterday
Sometime ago
1 visit, 1 Patient, 110 pages 4MB
250 patients, 1 visit = 1TB
250K patients , 1 visit = 1PB
Whole Indonesians = 1EB
Hadoop + AI + Deep Learning
s ta n d i ty
n d e r u n
U e L o c a l m m
Mak C o
Innovate as need D e l i v e r
ed e
r a s tr u c tu r
p p o r t In f
“What used to be proprietary becomes open source. This is a trend across every
single category: databases, operating systems, middleware. Think about it:
JBoss for middleware, Linux for operating system, MySQL, Postgres and Hadoop
for Data Management.”
BIG Spending
Computer, Storage, OS, Database, Proc. Engines,
Development Tools, Applications,
Stampede Slides
It’s a Movement
Demanding more Analytics
Big Data is a broad term for data sets so large
or complex, that traditional data processing
applications are inadequate.
Additional functions can be easily and simply
added as UDF in Java, no need to learn any new
language or script.
No coding
Instead of writing Java programs, MapReduce jobs
and scripts, HGrid247 empowers developers to
design and develop big data jobs using visual tools
resulting in greater team productivity and reducing
the need for specialised skills.
B R A J A i s B I G D ATA H a d o o p A p p l i a n c e w h i c h r u n n i n g YAVA H a d o o p , H G r i d 2 4 7 o n t o p o f I n t e l H a r d w a r e w i t h U G O S O S
idBigData MeetUp
Routine activities held by Big Data Indonesia Community. At “SOLUSI247 become a contributor,
idBigData MeetUp, we bring together experts and professionals
for sharing knowledge and experience in Big Data technology supporter, and part of idBigData.”
idBigData Hub
An online discussion forum for the Big Data Indonesia Universities partners
Community. All about Big Data technology is here, from the basic
level to the expert level built by experts from academia and
idBigData Channel
An online channel provided for multimedia sharing. IdBigData
Channel contains videos produced by idBigData multimedia
team. Http://
idBigData Workshop
Trainings and seminars, that give opportunity to learn more from
YAVA Data Engineering Course Apache Spark Course YAVA Cluster Administration
(with R, Scala, or Python) Course
Designed to provide the essential knowledge and Specifically designed to provide the knowledge Gives participants the expertise in all the steps
skill needed to support data-driven decision and skills needed to become a data analyst. This necessary to operate and maintain Hadoop
making by collecting, transforming, and visualizing course covers the concept of data preparation, clusters, from planning, installation, configuration,
data with Hadoop cluster and its ecosystem. The data manipulation, data exploration and data monitoring to troubleshooting. This training
course covers designs, builds, maintains, and visualization. provides hands-on preparation for the real-world
troubleshoots data processing systems. challenges faced by Hadoop Administrators.
Target Audience:
Target Audience: Developer, ETL Engineer, Data Analyst Target Audience:
Developer, ETL Engineer, Data Analyst Unix/Linux administrator, Database administrator,
System administrator, People who want to develop
careers become administrator hadoop.
Voice to Text
Hand Writing
Clinical Text
Media Analytics
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
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