CS4420 - TSU Introduction To Database Systems (Arteta)
CS4420 - TSU Introduction To Database Systems (Arteta)
CS4420 - TSU Introduction To Database Systems (Arteta)
Spring 2017
02:00 PM – 03:15 PM
MSCX 230
Class information
Instructor: Dr. Alberto Arteta
Class Days and Time: Tuesday, Thursdays 2:00PM – 03:15PM
Term of Course: Spring 2017, 01/11/2017 - 05/02/2017 -Lecture
Class Location: MSCX 112
Instructor Office Location and Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 3:30PM- 5:30PM
Or Friday by appointment
Instructor Contact: ph: 334-670-3409, e-mail: [email protected]
Course Information
Credit Hours: 3
Course Description and Objectives:
The fundamental concepts and structures necessary for the design and implementation of
a database management system. Students design, load, and query a database using tools
such as E-R diagrams and SQL. Also includes data normalization and file and index
Textbook: Database Systems. Introduction to database and Datawarehouse. Jukic,
Vebsky. Publisher: Pearson.
Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri and Navathe, 6th Edition, Addison Wesley,
Prerequisite: CS 3323 or 3330.
Grading Methods
Weighing Policy: Exam I 20%
Exam II 20%
Final Exam 30%
Quizzes 10%
Assignments and Projects 20%
Final Grades: The final letter grade will be determined based on the following criteria:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-59
Attendance Policy Any student missing a lesson is
responsible for any material assigned or covered in class during his or her
absence. If students miss more than 10% classes without excuse final grades
might be affected.
Missed Exam Policy: Exams are taken at the scheduled class time or at the scheduled
final period. In the rare case when this is not possible, a make-up exam may be
possible. However, this has to be approved by the instructor before the scheduled
exam time. Make-up exams are not guaranteed to be the same as the exam given
in class. If arrangements have not been made in advance, a missed exam will be
recorded as a zero. Family deaths and extreme medical emergencies are handled
specially (official proof is required). This policy is also used by quizzes.
Late Exam Policy
Dates and times for exams must be strictly respected. The student should be in
the classroom when the exam starts. If the student is late and has not a proper
written excuse
(doctor letter, police report…) might not be granted to take the test and might be
asked to leave.